Little Addictions
- 3 years ago
- 29
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White sails dotted the clear blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The sun, at it’s zenith, dripped heated rays across my tanned skin. I lay on my stomach, feeling the warmth of the sand radiating through the thin, cotton beach towel. The beach wasn’t overly crowded today so that I, at least, felt like I had breathing room. Laziness loosened my muscles and I enjoyed the calm, relaxed feeling. The air was tainted with laughter from the nearby eateries and bars that lay at the edge of the sand. The smells of food mingled with the aroma of the sea.
I had my head down and to one side, my eyes closed but something caused me to open them. A bronzed god in his mid-twenties moved towards me. His muscled body, glistening with some type of tanning oil, glided over the hot sand. I personally never learned how to walk on a beach without feeling clumsy but the man coming towards me, his black hair wet and slicked back, the royal blue swim trunks clinging to his lower body, made it look easy. And I’ll be damned if he didn’t have a glass of red wine with him.
I rolled onto my back, the white bikini I was wearing showing off my body. He flashed me a smile and I rewarded him with one of my own as I accepted the ruby liquid. ‘Merci,’ I said.
‘My pleasure,’ he answered in French accented English.
I let my sunglasses slide down the bridge of my nose and gave him my best lick-your-lips-come-and-get-me stare. ‘It could be.’
His dark eyes roamed over my breasts, across my stomach and down my legs. The smiled that curved his lips was not that of a man about to say no. I was about to ask if he’d like to accompany me back to my hotel when I felt a shift in the atmosphere.
A chill rushed towards me and I watched in disbelief as my wet dream dissolved into swirls of yellows, whites and blues. I climbed to my feet as the warm sand hardened to cold black stone. The sky, sea and surrounding horizon was replaced by silent darkness. The sexy man remained but he was frozen, like pushing pause on the DVD player. The bottom to my bikini lengthened into a full, clinging skirt. A tight frown creased my forehead.
Most people don’t know that their dreams can be used as doorways, as long as your powerful enough to open them. Your sleep worlds can be used to their advantage and you wouldn’t even be aware of it, thinking that what your experiencing was part of your dream. However, most of these intruders aren’t out to do any serious harm. If you yourself are strong enough to be aware of the takeover, most intruders will back off allowing you to regain control. Only the truly diabolical will use your dreams to cause damage or death.
Knowing this I tried to tweak my surroundings. Though the darkness had replaced the beach scene it wasn’t complete. We, my hunk and I, were standing in a spotlight of sorts. I tried to push at the light, to send it further out. Nothing happened. Okay, Sasha, don’t panic. I tried again, putting a little more will power into it. The light flickered but didn’t move. DAMN IT! I scanned the darkness, the realization that I wasn’t alone dawning on me. A thread of anger flared across my skin, leaving it feeling warm. ‘Come out you son of a bitch, I know you’re there!’ I shouted.
Male laughter was my only reward to my bravery, but I knew who it belonged to. My anger deepened and I breathed one word, ‘Tannon.’
Suddenly he was there, standing beside the mannequin of the other man. Where my French consort had been sculpted and tanned, Tannon was, though muscled, lanky with a creamy complexion. His skin rarely saw the sun. His own black hair was expertly manicured in a business like style. The blue suit, the color of sapphires, was tailored to his build.
His voice was deep and playful, ‘Hello, beautiful, did you miss me?’
‘Sure you did,’ he looked disdainful at the dream man. ‘Is this what you want, some French beach gigolo? Hell, Sasha, he probably can’t even spell his own name.’ His voice held no hint of an accent though I knew that he had been born French himself…of course that had been five hundred years ago.
‘Who cares?’ I retorted. ‘I didn’t create him for his intelligent conversations.’
Tannon waved his hand, banishing the other man away. He looked quite pleased with himself as he stepped closer to me. I stood my ground, spine stiff, a distrustful heated gaze pouring from my eyes. Tannon was a Death Dealer. He worked for the Powers That Be escorting those that passed over to whichever side they belonged to. He spent all most all of his existence in Limbo, the realm that is neither here nor there. In the scheme of things Tannon was neutral. I had…negotiated my way out of his clutches several years earlier.
I was in his debt, or more precisely, in the debt of those he worked for. They had seen me as an asset and had granted me a stay of execution, so to speak. That had been nearly five years ago and as time wore on I had almost convinced myself that it hadn’t happened, that I had been hallucinating from lack of oxygen due to being buried alive. But as I watched Tannon stride towards me I realized that I had been fooling myself. It had happened and by the looks of things my creditors wanted to be paid in full.
His hands came up to trail his fingers up and down my arms. I wanted to move back but didn’t, I had allowed him to touch more than just my shoulders to seal my fate. His fingers moved to play in the curls of my hair. I kept my face as blank as possible as I studied his expression. A mixture of pleasure and pain shadowed his handsome profile.
Tannon’s words came out low and breathy, ‘What if I told you that I had missed you?’
‘I’d call you a lair.’ Trying to keep my voice as void of emotion as possible.
He shook his head. ‘No,’ he said, almost sadly.
‘It’s been five years, Tannon. You couldn’t have missed me that much.’
His faced hardened. ‘I was forbidden from trying to contact you until it was time.’
‘And I take it the time has come?’
‘Maybe I broke the rules.’
At that I laughed. ‘I knew you for two days, Tannon. You’ve been a company man for hundreds of years. I’m good but not that good. Anyways, intimacy was initiated on your part, remember? It helped but wasn’t the deal clincher.’ That came out a lot bitchy-er than I had meant for it to.
Sadness flashed through his eyes making me sorry that I had said it. It was true that the sex, though terrific, had put Tannon in my corner, it was whatever the Powers That Be saw in me that had kept me from passing over. I wanted to chase the look in his eyes away and I did it the only way I knew how, I kissed him.
It was a mire brushing of lips but the sigh I earned made me glad I did it. I added, ‘Maybe I missed you a little.’
He moved his body more solidly into mine, clearly invading my personal space. I put a bite to my next words, ‘Not that much, I didn’t’
He backed up, his shoulders slumping in disappointment. ‘Fine, I’m evidently getting no play time’
I just shook my head.
‘Straight to business then, but first lets be a little more comfortable, shall we?’ A long black leather couch materialized beside us. Tannon flopped down on one end waiting for me to join him.
I stayed standing. ‘Give me back enough control to at least change what I’m wearing.’
‘I think you look ravishing,’ his heated eyes leering at my flimsy attire.
He gave a small growl of discontent but played the gentleman. My body was suddenly wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt. I let the fact that he hadn’t included undergarments go. Hey, at least I wasn’t naked.
‘Thank you,’ I said sitting on the other end from him.
His face shifted reflecting a serious scowl. ‘We’re calling in our debt.’
‘I figured as much.’
‘Something has occurred that threw Them for a loop.’
‘Nothing is always black and white, Tannon, little things can throw off wha
t will be.’
He gave a look that clearly said they all knew that. ‘This, however, can be used to our advantage, a chance to put you in a position that will help keep the balance. I can’t give you all the details, not yet.’
‘Why not? Details are always good.’
‘The Fates want you to have free choice when the time comes, to see how you’ll decide. I can tell you, though the ball is in motion the outcome isn’t set.’
I sat staring at him. ‘Tannon, your giving me a headache. Quit pussy-footing around and just tell me.’
‘I can’t, I’m sorry.’
‘That makes no fucking sense. Why would They send you to me if you can’t tell me shit?’ I was shouting at him, my voice being absorbed by the darkness so that it sounded like it stopped dead. Then it hit me, ‘They didn’t send you, did They? You really did break the rules, just enough to give me a heads up.’
‘I’ll be your liaison because we have history but our first meeting won’t happen until They feel you have enough information.’
I rubbed my hands over my face, confusion and irritation mingling in my mind. ‘When’s all this suppose to start?’ I asked.
A phone rang, the shrillness slicing through my body. It pulled me towards the surface, the darkness being broken by tiny beams of light. Dimly I heard Tannon’s reply. ‘It already has.’
I hit full reality with a jerk, my body coming off the bed. I felt disoriented, my bedroom was dark shadows, contorted light. I was already reaching for the phone when it rang again. ‘What?’ I demanded. The red digital numbers on the clock told me it was a few minutes after four in the morning, never a good time to receive a call.
‘Sasha?’ The confused voice belonged to my little brother, Tyler.
‘Yeah Ty, it’s me. What’s wrong?’ My stomach was in a tight knot, the reminisce of the ‘dream’ still clinging to my brain. I silently prayed to any deity that was listening: Not Tyler, please not Tyler.
‘Um, I know your busy but is there anyway you could come for a …um, visit?’
He sounded nervous and unsure of himself.
‘What is it Tyler? Do you need money? A lawyer? Did you get some girl pregnant?’ Even to myself I sounded hurried and scared but these were all easy things I could help fix. Please let it be door number one.
‘Jesus, Sasha, isn’t it a little early to be high? No, I need to talk to you about something and it’s to hard to say it over the phone, so please.’
‘Let me get this straight,’ I said, anger leaking into my voice. ‘It’s four in the fucking morning, you woke me up to tell me you need to talk but you won’t tell me about what. So now you expect me to wait patiently to hear whatever it is until we’re face to face. You do realize that by the time I get to Reno I’ll be having a coronary thinking up all sorts of horrific things your going to tell me?’ I was almost shouting the last part.
‘Um…yeah, I think. I mean, that was a question right?’ Tyler sounded calmer, confused but calmer. Nothing like having your big sister have a fit to brighten your mood.
I sighed. ‘Yes, it was a question.’ I closed my eyes and leaned back against the headboard. ‘Let me tie up any loose ends here and I’ll try to be there early this afternoon. I’ll make it so that I can stay for a few days without stressing about shit here. You do want me to stay a few days right?’
‘Yeah, that would be great, thanks Sasha. I really appreciate it…see you soon.’ I could still hear him breathing so I knew he hadn’t hung up. ‘I love you, Sasha.’ There was a touch of sadness to his voice that did nothing for my fears.
‘I love you too, baby brother, and remember I’m here for you. I always have been. There’s nothing that you and I can’t over come together, the Black’s can kick anything’s ass. Okay?’
Tyler gave a small snort, ‘Yeah, okay. Bye Sasha.’ The dial tone let me know he was no longer on the other end.
Terrific, just terrific. How was I suppose to concentrate on the business at hand when I would be stressing about Tyler. Until I saw him, touched him, I would be fretting uncontrollably. I glanced again at the clock on the night stand. There was no use trying to get back to sleep might as well get my day started. I swung out of bed and made my way towards the bathroom but a photo of Tyler and me stopped me in my tracks.
I was five when Tyler was born and the bond that I felt between us was strong and immediate, like a tether of sorts. I’ve been protecting him ever since. No matter how bad it’s gotten we’ve always had each other, and let me just say, it’s gotten pretty damn bad. To know the type of people that we are you have to understand where we came from, which unfortunately means starting with the people that created us.
Allen Brody was born into a wealthy family, the second son to a prominent banker and an old money debutant. He rebelled, going against everything they stood for: you know, education, work ethics, the finer things in life. His life was consumed by drugs, alcohol and sex. That’s how he met Vivien Black. My mother was middle-class average and she hated it. Hated not always having the best and then being expected to be okay with that. Most of all, she hated herself. Vivien was a sixth generation witch, first born daughter to the first born daughter, and so on. I never knew where her powers lay, she refused to speak of it. Viv used outside stimulants to dampen her magic, she stayed drunk or high, numbing herself.
I was born in the summer of 1980, and to be honest, I wasn’t well received. Vivien had hoped that by ignoring her powers the Fates wouldn’t pass any magic through her. She wanted her first born to be a boy, to break the cycle. Evidently no one informed my poor mother that you can’t out run your destiny and you sure as hell can’t out run the Fates. Allen, on the other hand, saw me as the end to his freedom. I was a hindrance to his partying, poor Daddy had to go out and get a job.
We’ll fast forward five years, trust me when I say nothing happened, to Tyler’s birth. Unlike my coming into the world, Ty’s was a joyous occurrence. Where Vivien had done as little as possible for me, with Tyler she was almost the perfect mother (at least in the beginning). I’ve never hated my mother, she made her choices as we all do and I, for one, have no right to criticize her for them. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if she’d been someone else. But let me say this, I may not have hated my mother but I do hate my father. I blame him for my childhood, or lack thereof. I was never a kid, I grew up in a hurry so that I could survive. I blame Allen for keeping Vivien hooked to the drugs and alcohol that her body almost seemed to crave. I never understood how anybody could look at her and not see the trouble she was in. I pitied her and she knew it, she could see it in my eyes and for Vivien, that was another sin against me.
It may be wrong but I don’t care, the best thing that could have happened for me and Tyler was the death of our mother. Her body couldn’t keep up with the poisons she took. The doctors said cancer, I said karma. I’m afraid to think of how we might have turned out if she hadn’t passed away when she did. She passed away two months before my fifteenth birthday, Allen stopped coming home two days before that date. He left a note that simply said he didn’t know what to do with us. That he couldn’t look at us and not see her. To me it was no big deal, but to a nine year old boy it was devastating. I became Ty’s everything, giving up any thought of myself having a life and devoting myself to him. That was eleven years ago and I’ve been keeping Tyler safe ever since.
I wandered into the bathroom, a sheen of depression clouding my mind. I hadn’t come up against any thing yet that I couldn’t handle, I just hoped I wasn’t about to meet my match.
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Cyndi and I lounged in the huge bathtub. Cyndi was turned on her side and lying half on top of me so that her firm tits rested on my shoulder. Her face was nuzzled against my neck. She kissed me every few minutes, touching my skin with her wet lips and sensuous tongue. Her hand lay in my lap, curved absentmindedly around my cock, which was quite hard despite the fact that I'd already cum twice. Cyndi was quite the tease, though--she just barely touched my cock, letting her thumb trail gently...
It was Friday night, but Cyndi and I stayed in. I got some expensive champagne at the liquor store on Mom and Dad's charge card. Cyndi stayed home and got ready for a long evening of subtle drinking and talking and afterwards, some incredible balling. She looked gorgeous. Cyndi had put on her best make-up, and she had a certain glow about her. She was very eager to spend some time with her older brother. We lay down on Mom and Dad's bed, stretched out sensuously with our champagne glasses....
Cyndi's eyes were wide with anticipation, and her tits jiggled quickly back and forth from her heavy breathing. I could tell she wanted it, bad. I helped her roll over and lie on her stomach with her bare ass facing up. She stared back at me, panting and horny. Her ass looked good and spreadable. I couldn't wait to slide my cock in between her cheeks. Megan and I had never fucked that way. I hadn't butt-fucked a woman in months. My first girlfriend, Cherry, had loved it that way and we'd...
"How do you think we should test it out?" giggled Cyndi, walking into my room where the camera was set up. She turned toward the camera and switched it on. It was pointed at the bed. She looked into it and reached for the bottom of her tight T- shirt. Smiling flirtatiously at the camera, she lifted her shirt off her body. Underneath she wore a lacy red pushup bra. Cyndi smiled as she played with her nipples, then got out of the bra by unfastening it between her tits. Her nipples were...
I leaned over the video camera and peered into the viewfinder. They were beginning to get down to business, though not the kind of business I was looking into. Doug had just poured Cyndi her first drink, a straight shot of vodka. Cyndi was a tough girl and she liked to get really drunk. They were all sitting on our parents' bed, but they all had their clothes on. Cyndi was wearing a red mini-dress that hung low around her tits and high around her ass. Under that she had on a push-up bra...
After my swim, I got a towel out of the closet by the pool and wrapped my nude body in it. I went up to Cyndi's room to wait for her. They were still at it, I saw through the viewfinder... I suspected they would be at it for some time. I lay down on the bed, feeling my cock get hard again. God damn! That little bitch was the hottest vixen I'd ever had wrapped around my cock. I never would have suspected that my own sister could be such a whore. But she was, and she did it quite admirably....
Megan showed up that Tuesday wearing a torn jean skirt and a garter belt with fishnet stockings. The skirt was practically nonexistent at this point, with huge gaps that allowed me to see the smooth lines of Megan's gorgeous legs. On her top half she had a tight white tank top and a black leather jacket. As she put her stuff into the spare drawer I'd cleared out for her, I lay on the bed and watched her luscious form moving. She was telling me about her affairs of the past week--whenever...
I stared down at Megan, panting heavily with my eyes wide. "You want that?" I was so astonished. I couldn't believe that Megan was finally begging me to fulfill my fondest desire between her smooth curved cheeks! Megan slowly climbed onto her knees, leaning very heavily against me. I was sitting back on my haunches, so my cock jutted out suggestively. She put her body against mine, pressing her pert breasts into my flesh, and took hold of my cock with her hand. "I said I want you to put...
Megan and I kept looking at each other and then back to the fucking forms at the entrance to the living room. Rod had Cyndi on her stomach, with her ass lifted in the air as he plunged his cock in and out of her cunt. Apparently Cyndi's vision of us butt-fucking had done the same thing to her that the videotape had done to Megan! Megan's eyes were wide and her mouth was open far. She just stared at the rutting bodies. Cyndi and Rod were completely oblivious to us as their bodies pounded...
It was going to be a quiet evening at home for the three of us, or rather a loud one. Me, Cyndi and Megan were going to bed. Mom and Dad had the biggest bed, so naturally we were on it. Megan and I had gone to bed and were kissing and cuddling. My skin was tingling with the anticipation of the fuck-fest to cum. Mostly I wanted to see and Cyndi and Megan make love some more. It was the most enticing sight I'd ever dreamed of. Cyndi's dildo sat on the nightstand, leather straps curving about...
We were having a nice family breakfast some weeks later. Dad was sitting across the table from me with Cyndi sitting next to him; they kept flashing flirtatious glances at each other and I knew quite well what they were thinking. I figured they'd go upstairs after breakfast and Dad would get a little of his daughter's sweet pussy before work. I was staring into my cereal, thinking about how much I was going to miss Cyndi's body when I went back to school--and I knew that Megan would miss...
100% fiction! As the young man, Steven, walked down the street he noticed a set of twins walking on the other side of the street. The twins names were Emily and Karen, both were wearing blue striped, skin tight, low cut shirts that revealed their 38D breast cleavage. Their shirts showed off their lean stomachs and they both wore blue jean miniskirts. Steven kept walking and looking over at the two smoking 18yo hot girls with long brown hair and blonde highlights flowing in the wind. Karen...
Erotic FictionSINFULL Lena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5’06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37, brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5’02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...
SINFULLLena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5'06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37; brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5'02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...
To say I had an average, normal childhood would be a lie. I never really knew my father, he left when I was pretty young. My mother, well, she wasn't much of a mom. By the time I was 10 I had ended up living with my Aunt and uncle. At the time I wasn't exactly clear on why I had to go live with them. Calling me a bratty little shit at the time I moved in with them was to be kind. I was a terror on two feet. I had met my aunt, uncle and their daughter, my cousin, a few times at family...
Sinful XXX! The anti-porn crusaders on TV would have you believe sex, smut, and whacking off are some of the most sinful evils of the world. Some might argue that depictions of procreational activities are only natural and good. Others, like SinfulXXX, go right ahead and embrace that sinful label and apply it to their refined brand of high-class pornography.The tagline at the top of sums up their offerings: Sinful Couples That Do Right To The Art Of Sex. It’s clear right from the...
Premium Porn For Women SitesCheyenne moved her beautiful body so seductively on the stage at the BBW club Oasis, her long blonde hair hung loosely to her waist as she began removing her top as the men were cheering and whistling at her. Cheyenne allowed the white sheer top drop to the floor exposing her large breast being held up in the gold push up bra, she slowly moved her hips in a sensual grind as she removed the bra and tossed it into the crowd of men who loved the BBW. Her fingers clasped the gold thong that matched...
Kathy and Jerry were your typical power couple. They both worked hard and played even harder. They were lucky because they had the most wonderful babysitter. Tara was her name and how the children loved her. Tara was very studious and seemed to be quiet and reserved, however, when she came to babysit, she seemed to become a different person. The children enjoyed when Tara babysat.Tara had been babysitting for the Winger's for about four years now. Recently, Tara had been accepted into an ivy...
Group Sex"Damn I look good!", Cindy said as she checked herself out in the mirror. "Yea, I'd fuck you, no beers, well maybe it'd take 2 or 3....", Her husband Jake said as he laughed. "Whatever, if it were up to you I'd be naked all the time, ready and in the bent over position!" "Not true, some times I like you on top. I mean you always tell me that's your favorite position.", he replied as he slapped her on the ass. Cindy really needed this night out, she had just lost her...
Sin My name is Michael and I am a servant of God. This was not how I imagined my life when I was a young man. Clara. Clara was her name. Beautiful Clara. We were like oil and water as children. As teenagers we were inseparable. By the time we hit twenty we had always felt like we were born to be together, forever. I scraped together what money I had and bought her the nicest ring I could afford. She thought it was beautiful. I put it on her finger and we kissed on the rooftop of my apartment...
TabooRowans parents think he’s strayed from God... Rowan thinks his brother should teach him a lesson... “Rowan, hurry up, we’re going to be late!” My bottom lip quivered as my mother dragged me into the church. As we went up the steps, I wondered if I was going to be disowned for the sins I had committed. My family were very religious people, and due to recent events my mother was taking me to a priest who specialized in extreme cases of lost faith so that I could confess and get...
IncestSin VR! Attention all gamers. Does 3D animated porn with game-like characteristics appeal to you? Then I introduce to you the forbidden world, Sin VR. This is an advanced 3D animated game that allows you to interact with sexy virtual avatars by providing you with a virtual 360° experience in which you will be fucking these virtual characters that have been made to look like your favorite movie stars. Expect to feel strange feelings of attraction to these babes, which is the whole point, to...
Best Porn GamesINTRODUCTION Welcome to the world of bimbo juice, a world very much like our own except that it contains a street drug that transforms its users (men or women) into beautiful bimbos for a few hours at a time. Bimbo juice is highly addictive, not least of which because it gives it users amazing orgasms (or "girl-gasms") that are much more intense than any sexual experience a non-user can have. But bimbo juice isn't just dangerous because it is addictive. It's also dangerous because...
Introduction: Sin, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder JackassTales…Tale # 58…Readers; here is another i****tuous brother/sister tale. I hope that the ages of the sexual participants are adequately sufficient to justify a story of undeniable hormonal rage and hunger for sex. brothers are male and sisters are female; so let nature run as wild as it will!Sins of my Country Girl s*s & Me***(Part one) The Truck: Awakening Lust & LoveThat meddlesome sister of mine just had to have...
I live in the Chicago area with my mother and older sister; my father went to prison on drug charges. He’d been in and out multiple times for possession and dealing, but this time he was found with enough to get him 15 years... He tried to cooperate and give up some information, but none of it played out well enough in his favor. Drugs, specifically heroin, were a real issue in my family… not for me so much, but my father sold regularly (but rarely used), while my mother and sister on the...
Hello to all who take a minute to read this. I AM A BIG BLACK COCK ADDICT! I think about it every single day and usually several times a day. I grew up in a town with almost no black men. Everyone around me in the past were racist, bigoted assholes who had no idea of my lust for the almighty BLACK COCK. As I got a little older I knew that at least some of those bigots had the same craving as mine. But they all wanted to fit in with a shitty crowd and just rolled with the punches. I distanced...
From all outward appearances, my family life in the Philadelphia suburbs with my wife, Megan, is ideal. I have a great job in the city, my beautiful wife keeps herself busy with our two elementary-school-aged kids and volunteer work, and we have a reasonably good sex life.My name is Dave, and Megan and I met in college in our junior year. We were married soon after graduation. I was the first man to fuck her, so she really couldn’t compare with others the feeling of my four-and-a-half-inch dick...
CuckoldContrary to what you might have been told, Purgatory is not a waiting room. You do not measure each sin in decades, serving a lonely sentence that’s proportionate to your crimes.If it were, she’d have left by now.Instead, in this place that is not about waiting, she relives her sins.It starts with theft – the kind that you’d think were forgiveable. A thick, purple lipstick that dazzled her five-year-old self. She reached out, smeared the test stick on her hand, then slipped it into Mum’s...
My third fur story posted here. If fur disgusts you read no further. This is not the same as the other ‘fetishes’ in so many ways. Indeed fetish or addiction? That is the question. A Psychiatrist’s fur seduction and Addiction. Melinda is fed up with George and his damned infidelity. She has done all she can but he is continuing his affair with his want-a-be-a-blond secretary only a few years younger than her young 26 years. Nothing she has done warrants this. She has been loving, faithful,...
On the way home a million things went through Jake's mind, he was sorta pissed about all the cheating and fucking around Cindy had been doing. However the part that bothered him the most, was how turned on he was about it. He use to be the real jealous type, but not anymore, in fact just the opposite. Nothing he found out tonight really bothered him deeply, in fact he was really looking forward to reliving a lot of Cindy's adventures with her sooner or later as she confessed what she...
I knew going into this trip that Sin City wasn't my cup of tea. "Sin" would be the last word anyone would use to describe me. The irony of it being the beginning of my given name is not lost on me or my friends. But when given the opportunity to go for a weekend and participate in a bachelor party, I didn't say no. Sinclair Reeves. Has an old-fashioned feel to it that I hated as a kid, but I've grown into it in the last few years. My life has been relatively tame, devoid of...
Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan? There was a temple in the basement. A simple enough place with a wooden altar, solid and sturdy, made by Adam the very day he'd purchased the house. It had been covered with a coarse linen sheet, woven by Eve, and dyed to a pleasant, golden hue. There was a chalice of red clay, also made by Eve, along with a platter and two candlestick holders. The candles had been made from the fat of a cow and Cain had learned the method from his father. One of the bones...
I’ve touched on this theme before, i.e., sexual addiction. You won’t like Bill very much when you first meet him but give him a chance to grow, mature and become healthy. He’s not such a bad guy after all. He gets his wakeup call from an unexpected source and turns his life around. Writing about sexual addicts allows me to include lots of really nasty and perverted sex but also the opportunity to grow the character and guide him toward redemption. * ‘Bill does that little cunt from the office...