Unusual Treatment for My Porn Addiction
- 2 years ago
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I’ve touched on this theme before, i.e., sexual addiction. You won’t like Bill very much when you first meet him but give him a chance to grow, mature and become healthy. He’s not such a bad guy after all. He gets his wakeup call from an unexpected source and turns his life around. Writing about sexual addicts allows me to include lots of really nasty and perverted sex but also the opportunity to grow the character and guide him toward redemption.
‘Bill does that little cunt from the office you’ve been banging take it in the ass?’
‘Which one? I’ve fucked just about all of them. You must mean Belinda. She didn’t when I started going out with her but you know me, Fred, it’s something I expect…require. She screamed, bitched and complained the first time I popped her pooper but she’s actually starting to get into it or at least accept the fact that she’s going to get her rectum stretched. It takes time and patience but I’m never met one yet that wouldn’t give up the back door if she thought it was critical to her future prospects.’
‘You lucky bastard! God I’d like to tap that sweet little rump. I bet she’s one damn fine little cock sucker too.’
‘She just gets better and better. I swear to God it’s the ubiquitous slut gene…all women have it, you just have to dig for it. She’s turning into one delightfully nasty little piece of ass. Why don’t you come over tonight after work? She’s about ready to move on to the next phase in her development. As a guest you get first dibs…any fuckin’ hole you want.’
‘Fred’s coming over…you know the young guy from my office…you thought he was pretty cute. I told him what a hot little bitch you are…he wants to find out for himself.’
‘Bill? You want me to…’
‘Put a smile on his face Belinda….you know you want to fuck him… ‘seen you checking him out. Look, he’s been married for about a year and I gather his wife is for shit. I know she doesn’t blow him and her little brown eye is completely off limits. Let’s party…you me and Fred.’
‘I don’t know…’
‘Belinda you love cock and you know it! Here’s your chance to have two…at the same time…one in that sweet little pussy of yours and one up the butt. You’ve hinted before that you wanted to try it…don’t disappoint me. Make me proud.’
‘You treat me like such a slut…’
‘The best little slut this side of the Mississippi, Belinda. A very special little slut. My favorite little slut.’
*** ‘Belinda, go in there and suck him off while I fix some drinks. Just drop his pants and blow him…I’ll be in soon to join the party. And for God’s sake, get naked! When I come in there all I want to see is your pretty little head bobbing up and down in Fred’s lap…and your sweet little ass sticking up high in the air.’
‘Should I…’
‘I haven’t decided where I’m going to drill you first so yeah, you might just want to work a healthy dose of cocoa butter up your shitter….here.’ Bill got very hard as he watched Belinda remove her panties, raise her skirt, place on leg on the counter and work the creamy lube up her tender little hole. So pliant…so submissive…so fuckin’ easy!
Ah, what a pretty picture, Bill thought to himself as he came back to the great room…Fred’s eyes were glazed over…Belinda was on her knees in front of the sofa deep throating his over sized tool with her usual youthful abandon and that sweet little crinkle was just winking at him. Fuck the cocktails…I need some tail. He was naked in a flash.
‘Mind if I bone this little bitch up the ass while she sucks your nuts dry? ‘Didn’t think you would. Hold still you nasty little cunt…you know where its going…don’t stop slurping that cock…here it comes, honey, shut the fuck up and suck cock! You’ve got one fine, tight nasty little ass, baby…ready for your treat? Here it comes little cunt…yes!’
In Bill’s opinion there was no such thing as a bad ass fuck unless it was messy and stinky and he’d trained Belinda to be sure that was never an issue. Belinda might just be the best yet. She was still new enough at it that there was some pain, of that he was sure but certainly less with each ample stretching of her once rock tight anal orifice. She accepted the pain now…he was pretty fuckin’ sure she even got off on it…needed a man to show her who was in charge…make her do his bidding. She was one more in a long string of stupid little office cunts he’d drilled in the ass…and she would by no means be the last. Women…the best thing about them was that they had three delightful orifices in which he could stick his seemingly perpetually stiff dick.
An hour later with Fred’s rather oversized tool stroking that fine behind from the rear while she rode Bill’s pharmaceutically enhanced prick from below he marveled at the absolute depravity of the scene. What kind of woman lets two guys do her at once in both holes? A slut…dumb little bitch slut who thinks this is going somewhere…his kind of dumb little bitch fuck slut. Weren’t they all just sluts? A resounding yes from his experience. Woman existed to satisfy men…give them a tight warm place to dump their load…get their rocks off…little more.
By the time Fred went home to his pretty little wife after the ‘business meeting’, Belinda was a mess, cum covered from head to toe. They’d both cum on her face…in her hair…in her mouth and filled both holes at the other end with a healthy load of man juice. He’d kicked her ass out a little after midnight and sent her home. ‘Got to keep them in control…don’t let them get too comfortable.
Now Fred’s young wife was something else…unbelievably fine…hard little C cup titties standing up firm and proud, tight little bubble butt….beautiful face…pretty little pout of a mouth that according to Fred wasn’t particularly fond of cock. The hottest little blond Bill had ever met. Sure, she was the kind of woman you took home to meet the parents and strolled down the aisle with but she was for shit in the fucking department, or so Fred had told him and anyone else who would listen.
Bill didn’t need any of that shit. So now you’re married and you can get it any time you want but it’s…well…not for shit? Bill knew he’d love to tap that little piece of tail…maybe teach her a few things. Bill also knew a wife would never be in his future. He’d heard too many stories about guys who married some sweet young thing assuming the sex would get better after they were married and then… No, he’d learned one thing and that was a bitch does her best fucking when she’s trying to get the ring, not afterwards.
It wouldn’t have been the first time he’d seduced one of the young wives in his office. He’d tapped most of them, at least the ones that were worth his trouble. He had a way with woman… he’d never met one whose pants he couldn’t get into if he put his mind to it. Sweet young things that had never had a man treat them like whores…sluts…He might just go after that hot little babe. Fred wasn’t really his friend…just another dumb young fuck that worked in his office. He was fucking around on that little sweetheart and not just at Bill’s house with Belinda. What the fuck…why not give it a go?
He had never quite figured out why they’d come back after the first couple of times. He didn’t treat them like a princess the way their husbands did, he treated them like what they essentially were…fuck sluts. He’d coax them into doing things…nasty things that they hadn’t done before…wouldn’t do before. Come to think of it, he was performing a community service. Fred wouldn’t be the first young husband to come into work one Monday morning bragging about how hot his young wife had suddenly become…she’d finally swallowed…rimmed him…given up her pooper…He didn’t completely understand the situation between Fred and…what the fuck was her name? Oh, yeah, Jennifer…sweet little Jennifer. He’d noted that Fred certainly had no trouble getti
ng it up, stayed hard and had a big cock yet from the way he talked about it, his sweet little wife didn’t seem to ‘get into it’. What the fuck did they get married for, anyway? It just didn’t make sense.
*** ‘Hi Jennifer, nice to see you again! I’m real sorry I had to keep Fred at the business meeting so late the other night. We had a lot of stuff to go over before the big customer conference. How have you been?’
‘Oh, is that what it was, a business meeting?’ Bill had sidled over to lay the groundwork with Jennifer while Fred was off playing volleyball and rubbing up against as many young tits and asses as he possible could. It was the semi-annual company picnic. The office girls were reasonably competent employees even though Bill didn’t hire them for their clerical skills.
‘What do you mean, Jennifer?’
‘Look, I may be young but I’m not stupid. When a man comes home smelling like freshly fucked cunt—and it’s definitely not the scent of his wife’s cunt—not to mention dried pussy juice and cum all over his balls it’s pretty obvious what he’s been doing. So, Bill, is getting your young charges fucked and sucked on a regular basis a normal part of your company’s benefits package?’
‘Jennifer, I have no idea…’
‘Spare me, Bill! Frankly, I really don’t give a damn. Fucking Fred is a chore and a bore. He may have a big damn cock but he is a lousy fuck. Twelve months after the wedding I don’t have the slightest idea what I saw in him. So feel free to keep him well serviced with your stable of little sluts…it’s saved me the trouble of putting up with his excruciatingly clumsy ‘love-making’…love…what a fucking joke!’
‘My stable of…’
‘Cut the act, Bill. It’s none of my business what you do but if you think it’s a secret that you hire these little bimbos for their business acumen you are dumber than I thought.’
‘Jennifer, I…’
‘Came over to chat me up so you could notch my name on your bed post? Forget it…not in your wildest dreams. ‘Thought you might just ‘teach me the ropes’ like you’ve done with just about ever one of those little sluts rubbing their tits and asses up against my—soon to be—former husband on the volleyball court? Right this second your cock is as close as it ever will get to my pussy, mouth or…ass. I’m sure Fred’s told you what a lousy fuck I am but the truth is he’s got his roles reversed…he’s the one that sucks in the sack. He’s got less finesse than a damn gorilla at the zoo.’
Bill was speechless for one of the first times in his life.
‘I really don’t understand you, Bill. You are a good looking guy—bright, funny and successful. You stay in shape and when you’re not on the prowl you are an interesting man with a great personality. You’ve got a very profitable and respected business and at least when it comes to the way you treat your customers you’ve got rock solid integrity. But you’re not too many years from being little more than another lecherous, dirty old man, traipsing from one little bimbo to the next…getting your rocks off using the power you hold over them to get in their pants, pussies, mouths and I assume butt holes. Life’s too short, Bill. If you were still twenty-two, I guess I’d understand—but you’re not. You hire these barely qualified little twats so that you can fuck ’em. You pay most of them more than their skills would dictate. Let’s be honest here, Bill, you’re basically paying for sex…buying prostitutes…fucking whores. Grow up and accept it.’
And as quickly as she had appeared in front of him, she was gone. People respond predictably to that which they can’t accept, whether it be their own imminent death or the complete and absolute shattering of their own life style. Bill went through denial, anger, more denial and slid through the typical stages until much later when he finally accepted the fact that he was fucked up.
Fred was served with divorce papers as he arrived home Monday afternoon, Jennifer was gone along with everything she had owned and almost exactly one half of their joint accounts and possessions. She had named Belinda and several other young women as correspondents. Abstracts of depositions were attached. He signed the papers without hesitation the following morning after meeting with an attorney. In this particular state he would undoubtedly have lost more than half if it had gone to court. He also knew that Jennifer’s father was a lawyer and assumed that she would have pro bono legal counsel.
Bill finally bit the bullet, realized he had a problem and sought professional help. He got in a program not unlike AA and cleaned up his act. He quickly cut Belinda adrift and she ended up moving in with young Fred. Two years later to everyone’s amazement, they were married.
For a couple of years Bill’s love life and dating success were abysmal. He had zero success building any kind of meaningful relationships. He had to completely relearn how to deal with the opposite sex if he was to have any hope of having a real relationship. Thanks to the program and the counseling he finally understood why he had been the way he had and began to find a modicum of satisfaction in his dealings with women. It had been a painful transformation.
He had taken the short flight from his home city to the somewhat smaller urban center less than two hundred miles away. He was going to present his sales pitch to a new and potentially very profitable customer. He’d long since upgraded the business skills of his inside staff and with a lot more time on his hands paid more attention to growing his company. He was not remotely prepared for the decision maker sitting in the expansive office he was ushered into, the person who had sole authority to accept or reject his proposal. It had been almost five years but Jennifer looked as fine as ever…more so it occurred to him…and she wore her title of VP of Contracts and Purchasing with confidence. For the second time in memory a woman rendered him speechless.
‘Cat got your tongue Bill? It’s good to see you…what’s it been, five years? Have a seat.’
‘Jennifer, I…’
‘Bill! Let’s clear the air. You are here because I wanted you here. When my corporation decided to out source this particular activity yours was the first company that came to mind. I may not have respected your life style but I always respected your business acumen and integrity—and your customer focus. If we can settle on an acceptable price you will be the front runner. I’ll present it to the board but they haven’t declined my recommendations to date so I wouldn’t think they would in this matter. You probably need to bring me up to date on your company’s direction over the past five years but I don’t need the whole dog and pony show.’
Bill set up and went through his presentation, skipping over sections as either he sensed that she didn’t need to hear or see them or as she indicated so.
‘I liked the fact that you put the names and faces of the key customer contacts in your presentation. I’d have to say I didn’t recognize many of them though.’
‘I’ve made a conscious effort to ‘retool’ from a personnel perspective. I can assure you that in every respect our current customer service group is highly talented, well educated, well trained and focused on the customer. We’ve had virtually a 100% turnover in inside staff in the last five years.’
‘I noted both maturity and diversity—particularly age diversity—in those faces I saw, Bill, how ever do you manage?’ Jennifer said not attempting to hide her sarcasm.
Bill paused a moment to collect his thoughts and organize his response. ‘Jennifer, I’m not the Bill whose clock you cleaned five years ago at that office picnic. The fact that I’m not is…well… I owe you. You hit me where it hurt. You were right. It’s been a challenging five years, I was in a program for my particular form of addiction until very recently. I’ve sought professional help. Looking back, I’m not very fond of the Bill you knew and understa
nd completely why you found me so despicable.’
‘Well good for you, Bill! Good for you! I have to confess I wasn’t sure you had it in you. Let’s get back to the bottom line, show me some numbers.’ Bill did so.
‘I think we’re okay on the numbers, Bill and I have confidence that your company is head and shoulders above the competitors in meeting our requirements. I’ll get back to you by the end of the week after I put it all together and pitch it to the board. Fair enough?’
‘Thank you Jennifer. You’ve been more than fair and treated me better than I deserved.’
‘Water over the damn Bill, water over the damn. My ex doesn’t still work for you by any chance, does he?’
‘I’m probably off base her but a little background would be appreciated. For the record I’ve haven’t spoken to Fred in five years…not since the day after the picnic…the last morning I was living under the same roof with him. I was just curious.’
‘Okay, well, Fred ended up shacking up with Belinda and then they got married about three years ago. I guess in hind sight, addictive personalities don’t always stick to one addiction. Fred started drinking and doing recreational drugs. As you would expect he also started fooling around on Belinda and she on him, or so I gather. He beat her up pretty badly one night…ended up in jail. He got pretty badly abused in prison, he was repeatedly raped and sodomized. He got out after eighteen months. Belinda had moved on…no one ever heard from her again. He tried to rob a liquor store one night and the owner put two barrels of twelve gage double aught buck shot in his belly. He was pronounced dead at the scene. That’s pretty much the story.’
Jennifer was pensive for a moment. ‘Regardless of my unfavorable feelings about Fred, I wouldn’t have wished that death spiral on anybody.’ She paused. ‘What about you Bill, any of those other addictive pursuits exerting an influence over you now?’
‘I grew up with two addictive parents, their poison of choice was booze…they were drunks…alcoholics. I never developed a taste for it, probably because I watched what it did to their—and my—life. A beer at a picnic or a glass of wine with dinner but that’s it. Gambling? Never got it, never understood the attraction. Drugs scare the hell out of me, I’ve only tried pot once or twice and the almost instant feeling of loss of control terrified me. I smoke a decent cigar a few times a week and I’m pretty sure if I started smoking cigarettes I’d be hooked but I wouldn’t be happy with what it did to my stamina…I like to bike ride…do it every morning. I’ve learned to understand the roots of my addiction and channel my energy in other directions. I would guess that my particular addiction in retrospect didn’t appear to have the health hazards of other ones—even though that has changed in the last few years. Jennifer, it’s just like being an alcoholic. The root causes are there and the temptation is always there. Knowing it, accepting it and being determined not to ever again let it own you…all part of dealing with it successfully.’
‘So how is your love life, Bill? I would think you would have settled down with that one special someone by now.’
‘There’s been a lot of relearning to do, Jennifer. It’s been an uphill trek. I believe I’m capable today of a meaningful relationship but no real prospects on the horizon….you?’
‘I never remarried, Bill. My issues were different but also, ‘a product of my raisin’. Bad tapes from mommy…find a man with a future and get him to give you a ring…security…a woman needs a man to take care of her…all that happy horse shit.’ Jennifer paused to reflect. ‘I’ve endured quite a few of those over-priced hourly sessions over the last five years. I’ve worked through my own insecurities. Recognized that I don’t need a man to take care of me—far from it. I make a decent six figure income, I’m highly respected for the way I do my job. I own my own home and don’t need a man to pay the mortgage or for anything else for that matter.’
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8Oct/10 0Sexy Wife With ServantI am Ranjan aged 40. My wife Sheetal is 35. We are having a a son aged 8 years who stays in boarding school. Because of my job we need to change our location in every few years. Recently we are shifted to a small town having a servant quarter behind our house. When we reached to our new house Ishwar and his wife soma were staying in the servant quarter. Earlier they were working for the previous employee. They requested us to allow them to stay there. Because of...
Eric and Lara had met on the internet while playing pogo. Pogo is a game site they met while playing a game. Both of them got to know each other's schedules so they would be online at the same time. After some time they got into heavy discussions and realized they lived near each other. Then the day finally arrived when they had admitted their desires. As Eric cock would get hard each time they talked. Eric finally scored Lara's number which pleased Eric. They had share pictures and both of...
I floated on air. Hips moved and arms flexed. His cock thrust into me as my tongue drew circles on the side of his neck. My nails skimmed across his back. The crisp cotton sheets cool against my skin as I moaned. Our sweat-slick bodies moved to the beat of the music. Fingers slid into my mouth with the sweet taste of orange. "I'm fucking you next, Ashley. Make you scream my name." His breath was hot on my ear. His thumb rubbed my lips.My eyes moved between them. Naked skin and lustful gazes.I...
Group SexAgain as always my cock strains at my pants, precum wetting my underwear as it oozes from my tip at my excitement as I watch her hips hunching quickly, roughly, into his stallion of a cock, trying vainly to entice his balls to fill her with his seed as she herself nears orgasmic bliss. It is always like this, me mesmerized by her cries and moans of pained pleasure, her pleading for his cock, unable to stop orgasming as he stretches her in places and ways that I never have and will never...
Everything you do makes it worse. Rubbing your penis gives you pleasure. You are addicted to pleasure. You have been masturbating for years and years. You are addicted to it and you know it. When you are not masturbating you miss the pleasure it gives you and you wish you were doing it. Your body is already addicted to the endorphins masturbating creates. You no longer have any choice. You are not able to refuse your addicted mind’s demands to give it pleasure. You must masturbate and it is...
After my husband left me for a 22 year old I was lost and confused as to why! We are both in our mid to late twenties, me 26 and him 29, we’d had a lot of fun together since we hooked up eight years earlier and we were married for the last five. We were planning to start a family. I was scared that I would lose my petite figure and my firm 34D’s would begin to sag after giving birth to our first c***d but I didn’t care because I loved this man dearly. It was a bitter break up he couldn’t even...
Adriana's Addictions by SissyKimmy1 Session One: The Doll The tall, beautiful woman dressed casually in jeans and a tight shirt smiled and accepted the cash from the mother and winked slyly towards the daughter. "So it's settled then, your stupid bully brother will become the perfect bullying victim, a huge sissy fag." The daughter, Aileen, smiled at her mother. She was a beautiful girl, thin and attractive with long brunette hair. "Oh, thank you so much. This will be so good...
The first time Fiona and I had sex she said I could fuck her but musn't cum inside her. It wasn't for fear of pregnancy as she was past that and she said she would suck me off, which of course was wonderful with the added bonis of cumming in her mouth.After the same thing happened for the next three or four months I felt I needed to say something. After making lots of excuses she eventually confessed she was addicted to the taste of cum. With a lot of coaxing she told me how it all started....
We met at 2pm on the first Monday after Christmas, in a car park in Celle. I was off duty on the day she had specified and I wondered how she knew I would be available for our tryst. Dead on time her BMW drew into the car park, she beckoned me over and I received the full tongue and face sucking treatment as soon as I had sat down in the car. She then drove, one handed, to an autobahn rest station about 15 miles towards Hanover. We booked into a room and I joined her in what can only be...
At the time I was young. So i finally got he courage to message the guy I met online through a gay chat site named Steve for another meet. Because the first meet was eye opening to say the least. I thought that since he had taken my anal virginity the first time, the second would be as bad. So i messaged Steve about 3 weeks later and asked him if he wanted to meet again. He said yes. After asking me why it took so long to reply. He thought he wasn't going to hear from me again. I just told...
It happened a few years ago, some sort of illness came to. It lasted in people forever with no cure, well no long-lasting cure. These people need to ingest semen at least once a day, and even then once isn't exactly enough. If they don't they start to go through withdrawals and this eventually leads them to death. You, having a medical degree, put together a select team of scientists in your area where you study the disease and work on creating a cure. On top of this, you were personally given...
November: now wanting cock more and more!I had just experienced incredible sexxing with AzassMaster two days prior to being admitted into the hospital for emergency surgury on my stomach, resulting in complications requiring a two and a half month stay at the hospital. Wouldn't you know it? First time i have ever been fucked by a manly man weilding a rock hard beautiful cock, ramming me-i k** you not-for four hours straight before He marks me as His by releasing His cum way deep inside me! I...
As of to date, I've only had my ex wife take me. Pegging if you will. She spent years getting me to the point of anal play. (but that's a different story) Everything had been set up for that night, planned out, prepared for. We both knew exactly what was going to take place. This was one of her fantasies and I was there to be rode. So as I laid there on my stomach, with a pillow folded and placed under my hips, forcing my ass up for easier access, spread eagle, tied up tightly so I couldn't...
When I was in college, I couldn't afford to fly home for the winter break. My friend "Mark" offered to bring me home for the holidays. Mark lived locally and said that his family wouldn't mind if I spent the holidays with them.I had only met his parents twice and they seemed like a nice enough couple until I spent more time with them. Mark's mom, "Kate", is white, blonde, and about 5'7". Kate is a stay at home mom with an artsy side and she looks amazing. I'm black with a shaved head and expect...
If you want to be my friend and read rest of the stories, please leave a comment here. All friend requests are ignored otherwise.==================================================================I was in the kitchen. My egg white omelette was almost ready. As the sumptuous meal simmered, I turned around to get some tang. This morning was just like any other morning as our house and I saw no reason to change anything in the routine.I had made the same omelette for last 2 years, to be eaten with...
Hey guys it's Krystal again. Well I just recently told you about my . Well after my first time I kind of became a sex addict.I was having sex like crazy. I remember this one time I met this guy on the phone. His name was John. He called my phone and told me he was a friend of mine from middle school which I knew wasn't true because he was like 4 years older than me so that was not possible that we went to middle school together. But he kept on assisting that I knew him so we started talking....
EroticA Tale from The Painted Lady - by Beryl33 Hello, and welcome to The Painted Lady Bed and Breakfast, owned and operated by Mistress Anne. I'm Nikki, the chambermaid. Can I get your bags, Miss? Your room is right up these stairs- Oh! If you keep that up I'm going to drop your bags, Miss... Here's your room. Miss: Mistress Anne owns everything you see in The Painted Lady - yes, Miss, including me. I was a boy once, you see, now I'm her girl. Well, I tried to steal from Mistress...
Synopsis: Using her lethal skills, a young, beautiful slave rises to power in ancient Rome. Tales 2 is a character study of a complex and murderous femdom. 109 pgs. Tales of Ancient Rome 2: Salidia and Lydia by TG Chapter 1 Laying in Supplies "Oh, this feels so good," Salidia...
If you have ever played a turn-based RPG and thought to yourself, “this, but with chicks with dicks,” first of all, splash some cold fucking water on your face. After that, consider yourself a porn prophet of debauchery, because that’s exactly the kind of game you are going to find in Tales of Androgyny. You won’t find any teenage male heroes here like in your favorite animes. This is all about exploring a world full of androgynies people that are as horny as they are hung.Before you jump into...
Free Sex GamesI’m at the Celestial Energy Bar awaiting my trainee. I need a tall Liquid Sunshine before I tell the newbie the introductory tale. We Soul Saver (SS) Training Troopers (TT) own up to some professional failure at the first meeting with a new recruit. At induction, they hear all the good news—the personal satisfaction, the benefits, the camaraderie, the flexibility, the immortality. Before boot camp, the newbie hears a story of a failure. This is how we explain the numbers. Because humans have...
//(Announcer 1) Greetings from the Lightening Dome, in glorious Houston. This is the first time here at Fight Club – Houston where two contestants are battling for control of the same guild. (Announcer 2) No one is betting anything? Why are we even covering this? (Announcer 1) That’s a good question, let’s see, hmm, according to this note, it says ‘F minor Key’. (Announcer 2) Oh, so what you are saying is because the Gun Bunny Guild is the top ranked guild in Houston, and the number 2 over all,...
PART 2 ( reading Part 1 is a Must!) A TALE OF TWO ISLANDS Bobby built a very large bon fire for that evenings gathering not knowing if anyone would be in the mood for talking. His sisters Kay and Ariel, along with their friend Angelina (angel for short) were in the 36 foot Sea Ray cruiser tied up at the deep water dock of West Dollar Island. It was getting on toward evening and the sun was starting to set but the wind and water were very warm. Sweaters and coats were not necessary to...
THE TALE OF MONSTER JIMWhen we left my former Master we went down to Monster Jim’s extended limo. He got in first and laid On the bed. He talked into the mike and the car started. I took off his pants and started to take him in my mouth. He got raging hot and grew to his 14 inches. I then climbed on then he went into me up to his balls. I love it. I kept going up and down and he kept with me. We went that way for about 20 minutes when he said suck me. I got off and he came in my mouth....
First of all, a big hi to all of you, I am a long time reader of indian sex stories dot net readers. This writing is about me and my Teacher. This is my first story so please understand if any mistakes. Therefore, the Story rewinds it when I was pursuing my engineering in Mumbai. The heroine of this story is Shital (Name Changed) of how we got into some nasty things and then were in beautiful pleasure give and take agreement. I am a guy from Mumbai, 21 yrs old now, Nice Physique, not so tall...
THE TALE OF JET & QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter one: Changing Faces Daniel crouched low, and squared his shoulders. Across the line, he saw Samuel setting himself on the other side of the line. Always the same, but mirrored. That was him and Sam. He listened to the count. "Blue. "Eighteen. "Forty-one. "Hut. "Hut. "Hut." And the ball was snapped and the play was on. Daniel ran forward, juked left, dropped back, then blew past the man guarding him and snagged...
THE TALE OF JET & QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter two: Live Strong Dan and Sam walked down into their living room, and into a storm. A storm of confetti. There was a big sign up in the rafters, saying 'WELCOME BACK!' and Brian and Diane were standing on either side of the door with noisemakers, blowing them into the twins' ears. If they could have, they would have blushed. "Um, thanks?" Sam muttered, feeling suddenly and unaccountably self- conscious. If she could have...
THE TALE OF JET & QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter three: Going Postal Quartz was sleeping peacefully. Then there was a loud pop from directly in front of her and a splitting pain between her eyes brought her raging out of her dreams and into wakefulness. Her head was pressed down into her pillow, and there was a splitting pain between her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw the smoking barrel of a gun not 4 inches from her face. Without really thinking she reached out and...
THE TALE OF JET AND QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter Four: Blowing Town Sergeant Malcolm Stark was in a rather lot of pain. It has been several hours since the Carmichael twins had left. He was convinced now. The two of them had to have been the twins, not some kidnapping terrorists. What a load of bull. With something like two hours of observation, he knew that, and he was just a grunt. Well, maybe not just a grunt. You didn't get the kind of position he held if you were just...
TALE OF A BORED HOUSEWIFE It was a cool gray, November afternoon. I was walking down the quietupper middle class, suburban street I lived on, on the way to Gloria'shouse. It was fairly windy, a gust whipped up and I had to reach down tohold my skirt. I suppose my modesty wasn't really in jeopardy but theskirt was considerably shorter than what I was accustomed to wearing. Gloria had asked me to assist her with a party she was throwing forDave's boss. He had just started a new...
My stomach was rumbling with hunger now, and I realized that I’d told Kalpana aunty not to bring lunch today. Dialing the number of the local pizza joint, I ordered a pizza for lunch. As I settled down to wait for the pizza, I switched on the TV and started surfing through the channels. They were showing a re-run of the old Aamir Khan movie ‘Jo Jeeta Wahi Sikandar’ on the local cable channel, also featuring the pretty Ayesha Jhulka and the sultry Pooja Bedi. A song sequence was playing...
Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth4072: The YardsByEmily DanielsTales of the RAC: 4072: The Yards Chapter 1: The Verdict Chapter 2: The Yards The Yards is the second chapter in the 4072 saga of the Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth. The story begins with 4072: The Verdict. If you would like to know more about the setting of the Restored American Commonwealth you can learn about it, purchase previous chapters and interact with characters by going to...