Freedom With Addiction free porn video

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Disclaimer: There is a lot of sex, but nothing to extreme or to long... So be prepared for it. Aside from that this is my intellectual property that has been submitted to "Fictionmania" and "Crystal's Story Site". I probably won't have a problem if anyone wants to post this elsewhere or continue the story, but ask first. And don't post on pay websites. Synopsis: Amy was transformed into a woman over a year ago, and then let out into the world. Tonight one of the people that were responsible is making a house call to determine her future. Freedom with Addiction By Ida N. Tidy ([email protected]) Amy was standing in the elevator naked. The elevator was almost disturbingly white and sterile. She watched the number slowly go down from 20 to 1 then B1 to B5. At B5 she came to a stop. The doors slid open to a large room. The room was square and had two exits on opposite sides. And the other two walls had two opposing elevators. So four elevators and two exits were the only way out. Each wall must have been close to 150 yards in both length and height. Amy stepped out of the elevator. And for the first time she noticed she wore only one item of clothing. She had 6 inch high heels padlocked to her feet. She walked forward. She started paying close attention to the surroundings. The walls had a shiny white and once again sterile appearance. The floors were black marble, highly glossed, probably from wax. The ceiling was one large illuminated surface. And then the people in the room, or more appropriately the men. She was the only woman in the room. They all sat in four large circles. Must have been close to 40 men in each circle. An elevator across from her opened and another naked woman stepped out. She stood just as still as Amy did. And within five minutes there was a woman standing in front of each elevator. Tiles on the floor moved and furniture rose. The men sat on the furniture which made Four "U" shapes. The open ends faced each of the women. Amy knew what to do instinctively. She stepped forward to the opening of the U shape and spoke, "Men, I would be very happy if each of you would take off all your clothes before we proceed." She heard an echo and realized that each or the other three women just said the exact same thing to their groups. Within a minute she stood before 38 naked men. She smiled and she started dancing slowly and seductively. She knew every curve the men wanted to see of her. She danced. She rotated. She moaned. She had a very sexual experience. And she looked up and saw that the men did as well. She looked around at them as she gently swayed back and forth. She spotted the one she wanted, a man with an obscenely large penis. She walked over to the man and turned around so that her butt was facing him. She bent over and looked between her legs at him and lowered her butt a little. She reached out and grabbed his penis between her fingers and slowly placed it to her pussy lips. She slowly lowered herself down onto it, well a couple inches. She lifted herself up half way and pushed down again. It took her about twelve repetitions of this behavior before she had enveloped it in its entirety. She started moaning as she straddled the man's lap. She felt pain from the stretching and pleasure from the filling. She felt like she was going to cum soon. She opened her eyes and saw a woman in a white lab coat. She looked at Amy and spoke, "Enjoying yourself Amy?" Amy smiled and between moans stammered out, "Yes Doctor Jenny. You know how I feel with a cock stuffed up my cunt." Amy had an orgasm for the first time, the man under her was coming close to his own. "Really?" "Oh yes Doctor Jenny. I love the feeling of being stuffed. I've told you this before." "No Amy, this morning you said that you would never be seen doing anything with a man." Amy had her second orgasm. "That wasn't me Dr. Jenny." "Sure it was Amy, remember this morning, about two hours ago? you were in my office, back when you were still a man." Amy's eyes bulged, and the memories flooded back. She immediately pulled herself off the near orgasmic male that was below her. "Uhh... What have you done to me?" "Turned you into a woman. Altered your mental status temporarily, but don't worry you're you from now on. But that was rather mean. You didn't finish him off." "I don't want to finish him off." Amy protested. Dr. Jenny just smiled and walked over to the man. She gripped the man's penis, "But Amy look how wonderfully hard it is, and can't you smell it? I'll tell you right now, that the body we gave you will need cum regularly in the first orifice it receives a load. Now doesn't this cock look wonderfully tasty to you? Amy stood trying not to be drawn. She licked her lips. 388 days later Amy woke up. She was lying in bed next to her girlfriend Sara. She was careful not to disturb Sara as she gently rose out of bed. She opened the door to the large room. It was a double door; she only needs to open one. She stepped out side the room and closed the door. Just to the side of the door and facing away the opposing wall, George, a butler, was holding a tray. Amy looked at him and took off her nightgown and threw it over his shoulder. She pulled the lid off the tray and wrapped her fingers around a giant pink rubber dildo. She stood naked before the butler and inserted deep within her pussy lips. Then she took a pair of fresh pink panties off the tray and put them on. "Thanks George, that will be all for now..." "Yes Ma'am, you do not want your cocktail?" he asked holding up a stainless steal cup. "Not right now hun." she paused thinking, "Tell James, that he will serve me breakfast. Twenty minutes in the TV room." "Very good Ma'am." he started to walk away, "which TV room?" "umm... The one with the beige couch and the white curtains." "Very good, I'll see to that immediately." Amy turned and walked down the long hall. She walked into her gym, and decided to workout in the afternoon. She continued through to the pool room, and past into her morning dressing room. She put on some light make up, mostly pinks. Then she put on a loose robe. And she put on some slippers. Amy was a slut and she knew it, she knew no shame, but she did well for herself she loved her home. She walked toward the TV room where James would be waiting for her; where he had been waiting for her for over an hour. As she walked by she saw Michael. "Michael, hun... Feel up my boobs. Make me horny." "Yes Mistress." Then he proceeded to touch and fondle Amy. Her nipples became ultra sensitive, and she smiled, "Good boy." And she walked away from him. She arrived in the Television room and found James waiting. "Do not say a word. Now Stand." James did as he was told... "Turn around and bend over." He once again did as he was told, knowing the ritual. Amy walked over to a case mounted on the wall; there was one in every room. She opened it up and took out a syringe. She grabbed James' balls and tugged them down slightly. And press the needle into his scrotum. She injected the contents in and threw the needle away. She sat on the couch and turned on the television. She watched idly finding nothing of real interest for about ten minutes. Then she looked over at James who was still standing in the same position. She walked behind him and looked. His balls had swelled up to the size of tennis balls. "Hmmm... great." She opened her own legs and pulled the dildo out. She pressed it to James' ass and slowly pressed it and eased it in. She watched with amusement as his penis grew hard. This was an automatic reaction, and had little to do with whether or not he was turned on. She wondered if she would have had the same reaction when she was a guy. James was fully hard now. Amy had him sit on the couch, with his straining member. She wrapped her fingers around and could feel his pulse intensely. "Hmmmm throbbing... Just the way I like'em." She stood over him and put her hands on his shoulders for balance and impaled herself lightly on his penis. "Nice hot thick cock." She straddled back and forth for a while, until she felt him rapidly growing tense and loose. She got off him and wrapped her lips around his cock and bobbed her head up and down. Finally he was at the point of orgasm and he flowed out. Amy started swallowing as fast as she could, but it kept flowing, it spilled out of her mouth and onto her robe. She was done, he was done, she leaned back and handed him a spoon. He used the spoon to scoop up the cum on her face and body and fed it to her. She smiled with each yummy bite. "James, you have my last dildo, why don't you go around and find any that I may have left around, clean them off and put them in my ground floor bedroom by noon. "Yes Mistress." She went to a bathroom and took a shower. She was just about to leave when she heard a noise. Someone was there, usually she was not shy about one of the servants or one of her slaves being in the room, but she knew who this was. The curtain backed opened and she heard the footsteps behind her. She watched the beautiful hands come from behind her and wrap around her waist and the gentle kiss on the back of her neck before the silent embrace. "Hello lover." And Amy smiled gently clutching the hands the voice belonged to, "Hello my love." a minute passed and Amy turned around and faced her lover... Sara. They kissed. Sara winked and said, "Just had breakfast I see." "Yes, I did." She kissed her lower lip gently, "I would have brushed my teeth before the shower had I known you would find me here." "That's okay, I've gotten used to it, as long as I'm the only girl you kiss." "More than that my love, your lips are the only lips my lips will ever touch." And they both slowly sank to their knees. She pulled the drain switch and turned oft the water as the tub slowly filled with warm water through the faucet. Sara smiled, "You know we could move around a bit if we moved to the Jacuzzi." "Well maybe I don't want you to have all that room, maybe I just like you here where I can kiss you... And while I'm doing that I can kiss you... Maybe a little kissing, and before I'm done I will kiss you." She speared her lips wide in a great big smile, and Sara did as well. They both closed their eyes and started pressing their lips slowly. Peck by peck their lips slowly parted and their tongues caressed. And that was only the beginning. After the shower Sara dressed Amy and then Amy dressed Sara. They wore identical style dresses. Both short tight and revealing, more appropriate for a night a club than a nice warm day at home. The only difference? Sara was in red and Amy was in Black. Their make up was identical pastel colors, they used purple for their eyes and pink on their lips, and used very little else, though Sara insisted on mascara, where as Amy felt happy with only the two. They left the mansion together and took a drive out to a nice picnic place. It was about five miles form the mansion, and still secluded on Amy's property. It was peaceful but neither of them were talking. There was a tension in the air over something, and they both knew what it was. Sara decided to bring it up and get it in the open. "Is she still coming tonight?" "Yeah." "What's going to happen?" "I don't know. If they keep their word? nothing. But Look what they did to me, without my consent, outright deceiving me. I don't know, but I'm not going to try and run or hide." Sara nodded and put her hand on Amy's hand, "I know we've been over this. But I want to be there, for you, and with you... At your side, not just in spirit." Amy looked down breaking their eye contact. "Look I love you Sara you know that. I'm saying that I'm scared of what they could do to me, and more afraid of what they could do to you to make me do something. I don't want you to be there tonight, I'm asking you not to be there. But I won't try to stop you. I know you too well to think that telling you not to be there, would do anything more than make you mad," Amy smiled, "plus you'd probably show up at that point just to spite me." and she stuck her tongue out at Sara. Sara jumped on top of Amy laughing, "You better watch it with that tongue missy or I just might bite it." She chomped her front teeth together twice quickly. "Promise?" "Yup? well maybe a little nibble." And she let the thought slide for a moment, "I want to be there, I'm thinking that I will be, but if I can talk myself out of it for your ease of mind, I won't come? Just don't be mad when I do show up." The day did not mention anymore about ?her' or the people that made Amy... Well... Uh Amy. But of course the tension was gone, and so was the food. Though there were still a couple edible things remaining, though something happened and Sara found herself with lines of rich silky thick whipped cream across various body parts. Luckily for her Amy was more than happy to clean up the mess. It was 5 o'clock. Sara had gone to another room, and Amy had some of her ?servants' prepare a 10 course meal. It could have been thanksgiving if one did not look at the calendar. At about five minutes past the hour the doorbell rang. The few visible servants watched a sight they had never seen before. Amy rose up and walked to the door and answered it herself. It was another woman dressed all in black. Expensive looking necklace. She looked like she might have had long hair, she wore it up. They smiled warmly and gave each other a small hug, "Hey Amy! Well look at you, I never thought I'd see you like this!" "See what, doctor Jenny?" "You? the self-made millionairess." "Well?" "We never picked you for the ambitious type." "I wasn't." There was an uncomfortable silence for a moment, "I had a meal cooked, I wasn't sure what you liked, so I had them prepare a few dishes." Doctor Jenny smiled, "well thank you for going to all this trouble, but you didn't have to." Amy lead Doctor Jenny to the kitchen, and sitting at the table was an extravagantly beautiful and made up Sara. Sara stood up and introduced herself, Doctor Jenny simply introduced herself as Jenny. The dinner was strangely casual, mostly talking small talk, fashion trends, and politics. There were, as one could imagine, a lot of leftovers. Amy simply told George to have it brought to the cellar. "This is kind of awkward" Amy said. "Yes it was quite awkward the first few times I met with some of the others who were let out." Sara jumped in, "Enough of this... please what exactly did you do to Amy? Who was she before this? Are you going to force her to go back?" They both looked at Sara, but it was Jenny who spoke, "No... we will not force her to go back, unless she decides at some point to go public with her experience... as for who she was, I don't actually know. She was a he, but I suspect Amy already told you that much. There is a file on him that I wrote. Mostly I wrote some brief notes on what happened a year ago and briefly reviewed it last week. A mildly successful business man. He had a passion for art, but decided not to pursue it on a professional level. He had problems with women; he seemed to go through periods of extreme sensitivity or extreme insensitivity. He came to us because one of our girls met him during one of his over- sensitive mood swings, and thought she had found someone with the right traits to become one of our girls..." "One of your girls..." Amy sighed "What exactly is one of your girls?" Sara asked. "Well," Jenny started, "After we decide that a man is qualified, we have some techniques that transform the body one hundred percent to our specifications... and we have some rather invasive methods for altering the mind..." Amy added, "and what you did to my body wasn't?'invasive?'" Jenny simply replied, "That's not for me to judge. I am a psyche technician." she paused and continued. "The girls after the transformation are placed in a room with several men... and the first orifice they have a man ejaculate into becomes an addiction, both physical and mental. Their libido is amplified, I honestly don't think in that first day they could say ?no' and after that first day, they most likely would not. We give all our girls official identities like we did with Amy." "You mean like a social security number?" "That and just about everything else. School records, class photos, we even arrange for random people to remember experiences with ?her' if they are ever questioned." She paused for a minute... "Then the girls are assigned to a group, the willing or the unwilling. Those that are willing are put to good use to make us money and in exchange we give them good lives... fulfilling socially, professionally, personally, and sexually. They are taken care of, and rewarded for their obedience. Those that do not cooperate are given a drivers license, a credit card with a thousand dollar limit, and 500 cash with one outfit of their choice. Most usually end up as whores or prostitutes within a month... They get their money and their sexual fix. Often caught up with drugs and/or abusive pimps. When we come back a year later they are most times eager to come back. Those that come back are just sold to other companies or individuals so that we make our money back on them and a tenfold bonus. Those few that don't come back barely make it by, or rely heavily on the men that have taken them in... but Amy is different... Amy is the first one of our girls to not only come out well in control, but successful. And I... Um I guess I should say we want to know why." Amy nodded, "Maybe we should take this beyond the dinner table, maybe to one of the lounging rooms." Sara nodded as well and added, "The velvet room." The three entered the room... It had no windows, and was sparsely decorated... The walls were painted a soft pink, while the floor was a soft, but dark red carpet. The ceiling was painted to the same color as were the kick plates that lined the bottoms of the walls. Aside from the case mounted on the wall with the syringes, there were only two pieces of furniture, a love seat and a big soft chair for one. The two pieces of furniture faced each other. Jenny, asked, "Is this where you have your company sit?" There was a spark of humor in her voice. Sara answered, "No no no... This is where we entertain the toys." Jenny nodded in understanding. "I see... So let me guess you two make out on that love seat while your boy-toys just sit and watch? Either tied up or not allowed to touch themselves?" Amy nodded shyly. "?yeah." "What about this case?" She asked fingering a case with a few needles in it. Amy responded calmly, "it's a drug one of my slaves came up with, it makes him produce sperm at an accelerated rate, gives me a big fix." "That I interesting, we might have to enter into negotiations." "Umm." Amy started to interject. Jenny caught on quickly, "But no worries, that's not for tonight." Sara changed the subject, "Maybe we should have one of the boy toys come up for some entertainment." Amy shook her head, "No now isn't really the time for that." Sara was obviously trying to push some of Amy's buttons but it wasn't working very well. Amy was too scared. Jenny could not have been unaware of that. Amy was usually very aggressive, toward evereyon4e except for Sara. Sara and Amy were equals and Amy was dominant to everyone else. But Amy was so shy so meek... It was starting to scare Sara. Sara had noticed that even the minor outbursts that Amy had made, were quickly quieted. At least here the two could sit together, and hold hands. Sara ordered James to bring in some drinks so that they could resume their talks. Sara and Amy sat down holding hands, while Jenny sat in the ?toy' chair. It worked well because by the time the drinks arrived, it seemed as though Amy had her confidence back, Jenny spoke, "So why don't you tell me about how you got to this point." Amy nodded. "Not much to it I'm afraid. After you let me go I stayed in a hotel room, I used the credit card. The next day I used the cash to put some money down on an apartment. Well my addiction problem came up, so I used it to my advantage, and the land lord let me in without paying my first and last or security fee. Just pay by the month. Apparently the last person who lived their left some stuff. Not much, a very old laptop. Well not that old, but it was running Windows 95." "Ugh." Jenny choked. "Oh my god Amy you never told me it was that bad... My poor baby." and Sara hugged Amy tightly... "Windows 95... That must have been horrible." Amy continued. "Yeah, well it worked better than I thought." I got AOL. Jenny and Sara once again both shuddered in concern, and gave sympathetic looks. "Well My addiction was getting to be a problem. There's only so many guys you can just randomly suck off before catching something... I lucked out. One night about a week after I moved into that place. I found a room about female domination. As soon as I logged into the room, everyone was so friendly. And many of them were willing to do anything I told tem... I tried to answer everybody, but it was so hard. Well on caught my attention. He said he wanted to be my slave. That in itself wasn't a big surprise, but the fact that he was a doctor and a very well off one did. He had recently been divorced so there was no other woman in his life. And he said he wanted to join my slaves and would even except being at the bottom of the totem pole so to speak... I told him that I was just starting out. And he offered to be my first slave, if I would have him, and that all that was his would be mine. Well I ordered him to get some medical test, and it turned out that by the end of the month I was moved out of that apartment and moved into his house as his owner." "And doctors have lots of money." Jenny added. "Yes. Although apparently not right away. I guess there is no magical ?once they're a doctor they have lots o money' spell or anything." Well as I found he was unable to completely satisfy my sexual urges, I told him I wanted more slaves, he accepted that without hesitation, no sadness or disappointment in is eyes, just a happy sparkle. So I put on my AOL profile that I was looking for some new live-ins. Well that was a mistake; I was overwhelmed with emails in a day. I took it off my profile. But I read through each one. And found a web designer that was local. I told him that I would meet with him, I had the good doctor have him run his tests, and he was clean... So he moved in. So he helped me create a website. In that every month I would accept any slave who could interest me, and any who weren't accepted could sign up for my private emails and I would send them weekly orders. I streamed some online dominations, and quickly found that the house was becoming too small for my tributes, and that my slaves were amassing a huge amount of money for me. Soon I got an investor, who I donated half my money to... And since he was my slave, that means that it was his... in name only." Sara jumped in, "and now tell her about me." "Yes yes, I'm getting to that." Jenny smiled. "Well later we got an IRS investigator Sara Kaiserman. She found that we were doing everything pretty much legally, there was no coercion. I had, after all reported everything, and she saw how my boy-toys were just giving me there money, and considered it a non-issue. However when the investigation was over, she came over, and I was having one of my addiction attacks. I know I know. How can I have 22 male slaves, and have none around to help? Well most work, I had two in the yard doing their house work? And my web designer out grocery shopping. Well as you know... My libido jacks up. When she came to tell me in person, I pretty much lost control of myself." Sara continued the story, "yeah she just pulled me in and started ravishing me right there. What was funny is that came to get one last glimpse of her, because I thought she was so beautiful. Yup I was a lesbian, and I wanted her so badly, but didn't think she would be interested as she had so many men around. We ended up licking each others pussies until I passed out from my umpteenth orgasm. When I woke up she was sucking some guy off. I didn't know what to say or think. The guy came in her mouth, and she seemed to calm down, I didn't know what had happened." Amy agreed, at first I thought she was either offended or confused. I was right. She was confused. I told her that sometimes, I had a slight nympho side to me, and I got attacks. During the attacks I would have an insatiable desire to take anyone near me. At first-" Sara again, "-At first I was hurt by that, I was a target of opportunity, but she quickly changed. She offered to take me out to dinner as an apology for just moving in on me like that. And now that she was herself again, she wanted to make it up... I accepted, but at the end she was getting ready to say goodbye, and she looked at my lips, and she seemed nervous." "And she kissed me before I could even make a decision on whether I wanted to make a move." Amy took over. "And who's telling this story? "You are." "Good, well anyway she came visiting. I tried not so suck any guys off while she was around. But after about two months she moved in, and she saw me in my daily rituals. At first she seemed weirded out by it. A few times I even saw her watch me. And then one night I walked in on her trying to play with one of my tied up slaves. She was red. And I simply told her that it was okay, they had been ordered to obey her, as if she were me." "I don't know what happened, I was just curious. I don't know what happened and it's no like I'm that bi right now, I'm still mostly lesbian, but every so often I get this urge to feel a man between my legs." Sara said with a blush. Jenny smiled, "No need to explain, if anything, I do believe in a woman's right to indulge herself." Amy nodded in agreement and squeezed Sara's hand. "Well about a month after that we decided on buying a new home, this one. The amassed bought it easily. We had both an interior decorator, and a carpenter, who wanted to be my slaves, and I already had an electrician... So room by room, we made this our dream house." Jenny nodded, "When exactly did you tell Sara about us and who you were and what was done to you?" "Two weeks ago." "Right after my phone call informing you that I would be visiting?" "Yes." "You don't want to go back and be a slave I gather." Jenny asked. "No I don't" Sara added, "And neither do I. I want Amy with me forever." "That's just fine, do you have a lawyer on your slave list?" "Yes." "Good, here a simple contract, it basically says that you agree to keep the going-ons of our corporation secret. It really wouldn't hold up in a court of law, since it asks you to break the law by not informing the authorities, but it's our way of feeling more secure in ourselves, and trying to make it so that you won't feel as though you are looking over your shoulder." Amy nodded and accepted it. "I'll be back a week from tonight to collect it." She added. Amy smiled, for the first time warmly to jenny, "Thank You." Sara asked, "Is that it?" "Well there is one other thing." jenny said. Both Sara and Amy frowned. "I want you to consider taking a job with us." We will pay you about 2 million a year, a significantly less than what you have made in this past year. However we will give you access to a number of our girls that are agreeable." "Why me?" "You have taken the possibilities of what our girls can do to a whole new direction. This is virgin... Ahem... This is new territory for us, but not for you. You get to be in charge of their training programs, and you will receive approximately 20% of the profits from each girl you train in quarterly bonuses. Depending on how many girls you train. Oh and all the men you cold possibly want to suck and/or fuck. You would have absolute power over their lives." "Look I'm not interested." Amy declared. "Well I didn't ask you if you would accept it. I just asked you to consider it." Jenny replied slowly. "Oh." "I hope you will honestly consider it, just give me you answer next week." Amy looked at Sara before answering. "I will, just don't expect me to take it." "I understand Amy; just remember ?absolute power corrupts absolutely.'" Jenny spoke as she started walking away. They said their good byes and Sara saw that spark in Amy's eyes, she was jetting lustful. She was wishing that jenny would hurry up and leave. Because she was feeling the lust as well. They started snuggling and Sara stopped resisting, and started nibbling on Amy's nipple through her dress. Amy spoke, "I love you." And Jenny interrupted their final moment. "You've had your addiction for some time now? You've had your freedom with addiction... Are you ready for absolute power with addiction?" and the door was closed. - [email protected] I always love feedback. Feel free to send it. ;)

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IntroductionThis hot tub feels amazing. The warm water, bubbling, gurgling all around my naked body. I close my eyes, lean my head back, hearing the sounds of my three beautiful daughters loving on a black man. They are sitting across from me, Angela, Alice, Jules, along with TJ.I hope my eyes, watching them run their hands over his huge black muscles, kiss at his face, shoulders, chest, and take turns sucking and stroking the monster cock poking out of the bubbling water. I moan, thinking...

3 years ago
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Kevins Addiction

"What are you doing? Are you masturbating again? What fucking porn are you watching now?" Liz demanded. Kevin, stuttering, said, "I... I... I thought you were asleep." Liz looked at him with a cold stare and arms folded. Sternly, she said, "You have a fucking problem and we need to talk about your porn addiction."  Kevin knew this wasn't going to be a good conversation. He had been looking at porn for years and didn't consider it a problem. Kevin turned his attention back to the computer and...

2 years ago
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Shes my sex addiction

I’m a 39 yrs old woman,married to a gorgeous woman.We have a perfect family. A sweet marriage. Beautiful and hot sex.But still ... Nevertheless, I regularly need something else. Someone else. Another sweet, soft, sweaty, beautiful and horny moaning body underneath mine. With which I can fuck for hours without question,thoughts or issues.Fuck it and leave it.However, there is not often someone on my path who wants that too.Sex without obligations. Until 2 months ago. When a very sexy and sweet...

2 years ago
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Kim Kardashians cock addiction

The first thing I thought of was k**napping Kendall and Kylie and threatening to torture them if she didn’t obey me. But three things were wrong with that: it would be much more difficult to k**nap three women than one; torturing the younger girls or r****g them didn’t really do much for me and I wanted her to want me to use her – I wanted her actions to be guided by lust and hunger and passion, not fear. What they say is true – Kourtney is the hottest one. But she hasn’t made a fortune out of...

3 years ago
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Velvet Crushs Cum Addiction

John went to a medical symposium on one of the days and luckily for me, he was gone when I got a text from Anthony. He wanted to give me the video that he and his friends had shot when they had gang fucked me. I agreed and hoped that we could meet and remain friends and even lovers, on occasions, if he could handle it and be civil. He handed me the cameras and even though there was no way I could verify that nothing had already been downloaded or even posted, I took his word and we had lunch at...

2 years ago
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Janes Addiction

Jane's Addiction I met Jane in the middle of 1991, just after my return from Desert Storm. My wife had contacted her for some information about a horse she saw in a newspaper ad, and during the initial phone call they got along so well that we were invited out to her place. She lived out in a rice- farming area of a mostly agricultural county, which meant lots of mosquitoes. We went to visit, and after introductions Jane and my wife started talking about horses, which led me to...

2 years ago
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FREEDOM Deception

FREEDOM: Deception By Razor7826 (Copyright 2009) Thoughts?  Encouragement? Hate? Email me at [email protected].  I’m always interested in hearing from my readers. This story in no way reflects the views of the author.  It is intended for the eyes of legal adults only.        ?Won’t somebody please think of the mothers?  They can be victims of this horrific law, too.?        -William Aikins, local pastor                ?Come here, Mia,? beckoned the young man as he tugged on the chain that...

1 year ago
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A Girls Addiction

Ellie's throat felt dry. Her mouth was watering but her mind was too far away to think to swallow. Her tongue idly rubbed at the roof of her mouth as she thought, staring blankly at a random spot on the floor. The thickness of it... how it drips... She was thinking about it, again... She always thought about it. She hardly even tried to stop the thoughts, anymore. Ellie blinked, coming back to reality. She looked down at the mug of tea in her hands and raised it to take a drink, relieving her...

3 years ago
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My Innocent Addiction

She was so flawless. So sweet, youthful, innocent. Watching her from afar for years, he knew he would do anything to own her. Some call it obsession; if he was ever obsessed with anything, he supposed it would be her. The only problem? She was just barely 13. He had yearned for her since they moved in across the street, when she was only 6. Her long, wispy platnum hair hung to her waist- never once had he seen it cut short- and her wide blue eyes were bright with naivety and tenderness. He...

1 year ago
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My Innocent Addiction

Introduction: Mr. Thomas has always wanted the youngest girl in the Evans family. His sights set on her for years, watching her growing. Now, he has her, and can do whatever he pleases… Chapter One: Capturing An Angel She was so flawless. So sweet, youthful, innocent. Watching her from afar for years, he knew he would do anything to own her. Some call it obsession, if he was ever obsessed with anything, he supposed it would be her. The only problem? She was just barely 13. He had yearned for...

3 years ago
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Daddys Addiction

Silently opening the bedroom door, he crept in and watched her as she slept. She was the object of his desire and his only focus. She was his vice and addiction. The moonlight lay bare the curve of her back and soft, slim waist. Her feet stuck out from under the sheets, slipping off her naked body making her look like a beautiful work of art. They'd played like this before, but this was different. He was looking at her with adoration and not just carnal lust. Pulling a pair of soft leather...

4 years ago
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My Addiction

My addictionIs the sweet syrupThat drips from your dickIt’s like honey,And the more I tasteThe more I wish I could shoot it in my veinsIt’s like my liquid cocaine,Daily doses required to keep me sane…And I will be your junkieJust tell me how you want meDown on my knees begging baby please,Just let me taste you.I would do almost anythingTo have that every so sweet nectarTrickle down the back of my throatAs I drain you dryNothing compares to the complete embraceOr look in your eyes when I am...

1 year ago
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I think that I may have an addiction and I say that with a chuckle because it's something that I enjoy to much to let go. I can't get enough of sex! I have to look at porn, I think about fucking, I jerk my cock several times a day, and not to mention I have a male and female fuck buddy. The female being a very hot teen whose pussy is so good that as soon as I sank my big man cock inside her any guilt that I may have had about doing so literally melted away. I'm 35 and she's 17, which in new...

1 year ago
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Bikini Beach Addiction

This story is copyright by the author, all rights reserved. This tale may be archived on Fictionmania; all others, ask. Bikini Beach: Addiction By Elrod W Calvin Lawson should have been overcome by lust as he and Fred walked toward the gate of Bikini Beach. All around him, luscious babes, most wearing next-to-nothing, streamed toward the gates. It should have been a man's paradise - a water park surrounded by hordes of beautiful shapely women. But there was something nagging in the...

4 years ago
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Sarika 8211 My Addiction

Rahul had not turned up to the gym for the last two days and was not answering his phone as well. So I drove over to his place. Found Sarika’s name in the flat owners list and took the elevator. Just the thought of Sarika made my dick hard and brought a smile on my face. Rang the doorbell. Took a while before Sarika opened the door. “Hey Sarika, how you doing?” I said with excitement. “Paul! Surprise baby!” she said and hugged me. I was in awe when she called me baby. “Hey I came to check on...

2 years ago
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Shawns Addiction

Shawn's Addiction by Starhawk Chapter 1 I awoke to the realization that I was not alone in my bed. My eyes looked down to his thickly muscled arm, which was wrapped around my chest and cupped my left breast with his right hand. I cannot say that the sensation was unpleasant. Quite the contrary, it was not only pleasant, but also, somehow, familiar. Then I remembered, and that memory brought a smile to my face, for that hand belonged to the love of my life . . . Kevin. ...

3 years ago
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Mesmerizing Sultry Addiction

The crowd was buzzing with people walking with their respective plates. I sat aimlessly at the table taking a peek at the crowd. That’s when I spot her. Black Stilettos, a designer saree draped on a perfect pear shaped body, saree tied low waist such a way you can drool at her cute tiny navel which was pierced, a steel belly chain, blouse covering those soft spongy globes, waist length hair, designer blouse, lip gloss and an angelic face. Surely yeah she was a heartthrob. Well, it was ethnic...

3 years ago
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8Oct/10 0Sexy Wife With ServantI am Ranjan aged 40. My wife Sheetal is 35. We are having a a son aged 8 years who stays in boarding school. Because of my job we need to change our location in every few years. Recently we are shifted to a small town having a servant quarter behind our house. When we reached to our new house Ishwar and his wife soma were staying in the servant quarter. Earlier they were working for the previous employee. They requested us to allow them to stay there. Because of...

4 years ago
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Eric and Lara had met on the internet while playing pogo. Pogo is a game site they met while playing a game. Both of them got to know each other's schedules so they would be online at the same time. After some time they got into heavy discussions and realized they lived near each other. Then the day finally arrived when they had admitted their desires. As Eric cock would get hard each time they talked. Eric finally scored Lara's number which pleased Eric. They had share pictures and both of...

3 years ago
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Freedom in the New World

"'S blood!" swore Enoch Evans, as he pushed his hard prick into Thasra's vagina. "You ain't getting any less tight, are you girl?" Thasra, or Molly as she'd been rechristened by her master, was not at all flattered by this observation. Any slackness in her down there was only ever caused by him. And it wouldn't be something she'd have ever chosen to have if she'd not been so frightened of the bull-whip he was so fond of applying whenever she showed any reluctance to accept his...

2 years ago
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Little Addictions

I floated on air. Hips moved and arms flexed. His cock thrust into me as my tongue drew circles on the side of his neck. My nails skimmed across his back. The crisp cotton sheets cool against my skin as I moaned. Our sweat-slick bodies moved to the beat of the music. Fingers slid into my mouth with the sweet taste of orange. "I'm fucking you next, Ashley. Make you scream my name." His breath was hot on my ear. His thumb rubbed my lips.My eyes moved between them. Naked skin and lustful gazes.I...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Freedom What The Hell Do I Do With It

Freedom? What to do with a large lottery win. So, I returned to the world of being a single man. A liberation of sorts, a return to uncertainty at a certain age. It is a scary place to be, ejected from the family home and to set up again.    Sure I have the comforts. Sure, I have all my books, the CD’s, plenty of DVDs. Ok, the furniture in the new place isn’t that good yet and I could do with a new mattress, but hey, a few weeks and that will be put right. I can get on and decorate the new...

4 years ago
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Freedom Day Eve

I consider myself a straight woman and love the diversity among my circle of friends. I enjoy fun. I enjoy freedom and justice and equality. It makes my heart swell to contemplate a perfect world. I enjoyed lots of equivalence and equality and that got me thinking, musing, and dreaming.Tomorrow was the Alan Ross Celebration of Freedom Day in Dallas, and my two very bestie favorite bisexual men were coming to spend the night.“What if,” I thought to myself, “I were to rent a big old, elaborate...

3 years ago
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Freedom(To Julie, the inspiration for this story…)(Listen to Angel by Massive Attack for an enhanced read!) She posted another set of pictures, or as he called it, frozen moments from her mysterious life. She was his new found curse, no… sickness… Do you compare someone so divine to such vile acronyms? She had somehow become a slow breath for his life, if you would call being submerged into the abyss of work six days out of the week, and the only one not surrounded by paperwork and misery,...

1 year ago
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FREEDOM Class Warfare

FREEDOM: Class Warfare Part One The Beginning of the End By Razor7826 (Copyright 2008) Thoughts?  Encouragement? Email me at [email protected].  I’m always interested in hearing from my readers. This story in no way reflects the views of the author.  It is intended for the eyes of legal adults only.?There is no such thing as a free society unless consenting adults have the right to manage their own lives, even towards actions widely agreed upon to have long-term, negative consequences.  The...

2 years ago
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M Wifes Black Addiction

Again as always my cock strains at my pants, precum wetting my underwear as it oozes from my tip at my excitement as I watch her hips hunching quickly, roughly, into his stallion of a cock, trying vainly to entice his balls to fill her with his seed as she herself nears orgasmic bliss. It is always like this, me mesmerized by her cries and moans of pained pleasure, her pleading for his cock, unable to stop orgasming as he stretches her in places and ways that I never have and will never...

2 years ago
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My Own Penis Addiction

Everything you do makes it worse. Rubbing your penis gives you pleasure. You are addicted to pleasure. You have been masturbating for years and years. You are addicted to it and you know it.
When you are not masturbating you miss the pleasure it gives you and you wish you were doing it. Your body is already addicted to the endorphins masturbating creates.
 You no longer have any choice. You are not able to refuse your addicted mind’s demands to give it pleasure. You must masturbate and it is...

4 years ago
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escorting Addiction

After my husband left me for a 22 year old I was lost and confused as to why! We are both in our mid to late twenties, me 26 and him 29, we’d had a lot of fun together since we hooked up eight years earlier and we were married for the last five. We were planning to start a family. I was scared that I would lose my petite figure and my firm 34D’s would begin to sag after giving birth to our first c***d but I didn’t care because I loved this man dearly. It was a bitter break up he couldn’t even...

3 years ago
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Adrianas Addictions

Adriana's Addictions by SissyKimmy1 Session One: The Doll The tall, beautiful woman dressed casually in jeans and a tight shirt smiled and accepted the cash from the mother and winked slyly towards the daughter. "So it's settled then, your stupid bully brother will become the perfect bullying victim, a huge sissy fag." The daughter, Aileen, smiled at her mother. She was a beautiful girl, thin and attractive with long brunette hair. "Oh, thank you so much. This will be so good...

2 years ago
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Freedom Question Mark

It's bumpy in here again. Fourth time today I'm being tossed around, bashing into Josh and Alfie and that new guy with the extra long tail. Ben, I think he's called. He's a strong swimmer. Gonna have to watch him; learn from him.I try to focus, throbbing headache, tumbling until I don't know which way I'm facing, crashing into the sides of the pink sphere. I try to latch onto its mottled surface, grappling with every molecule of strength to steady myself, catching a break as the movement...

1 year ago
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Freedom and risk in all directions

Freedom and risk in all directions By SG [email protected]        I had two timers in my hand. They were the standard twenty four hour timers used by people on vacation to make their lights come on and off. I plugged both timers in the power strip I had plugged into a third timer box which was plugged into the wall. The power was off on it for the moment. I plugged a cord into each of the timers then closed my eyes and spun the dials on the timers. I had used a number of pegs on each timer...

3 years ago
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Freedom Denied

Freedom Denied. By Niteowluk2003 for Freedom. Amanda was 5'6'' tall, with Auburn hair, 38 D bust set on a medium frame she considered to be fat rather than meaty. Her most striking feature were her piercing green hazel eyes, they had a habit of appearing to see right into your soul. Although she was only 26 years old, she already had a very responsible job as head of the typing pool for Stanton, Stanton and Wakefield attorneys at law. There were 8 legal secretary typists working...

2 years ago
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Fionas cum addiction

The first time Fiona and I had sex she said I could fuck her but musn't cum inside her. It wasn't for fear of pregnancy as she was past that and she said she would suck me off, which of course was wonderful with the added bonis of cumming in her mouth.After the same thing happened for the next three or four months I felt I needed to say something. After making lots of excuses she eventually confessed she was addicted to the taste of cum. With a lot of coaxing she told me how it all started....

4 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 3 Paradise Regained and LostChapter 15 Addiction

We met at 2pm on the first Monday after Christmas, in a car park in Celle. I was off duty on the day she had specified and I wondered how she knew I would be available for our tryst. Dead on time her BMW drew into the car park, she beckoned me over and I received the full tongue and face sucking treatment as soon as I had sat down in the car. She then drove, one handed, to an autobahn rest station about 15 miles towards Hanover. We booked into a room and I joined her in what can only be...

3 years ago
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Painful addiction

At the time I was young. So i finally got he courage to message the guy I met online through a gay chat site named Steve for another meet. Because the first meet was eye opening to say the least. I thought that since he had taken my anal virginity the first time, the second would be as bad. So i messaged Steve about 3 weeks later and asked him if he wanted to meet again. He said yes. After asking me why it took so long to reply. He thought he wasn't going to hear from me again. I just told...

2 years ago
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Cum Addiction

It happened a few years ago, some sort of illness came to. It lasted in people forever with no cure, well no long-lasting cure. These people need to ingest semen at least once a day, and even then once isn't exactly enough. If they don't they start to go through withdrawals and this eventually leads them to death. You, having a medical degree, put together a select team of scientists in your area where you study the disease and work on creating a cure. On top of this, you were personally given...

1 year ago
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Novembe the Beginning of my Addiction

November: now wanting cock more and more!I had just experienced incredible sexxing with AzassMaster two days prior to being admitted into the hospital for emergency surgury on my stomach, resulting in complications requiring a two and a half month stay at the hospital.  Wouldn't you know it? First time i have ever been fucked by a manly man weilding a rock hard beautiful cock, ramming me-i k** you not-for four hours straight before He marks me as His by releasing His cum way deep inside me! I...

3 years ago
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the journey to anal addiction

As of to date, I've only had my ex wife take me. Pegging if you will. She spent years getting me to the point of anal play. (but that's a different story) Everything had been set up for that night, planned out, prepared for. We both knew exactly what was going to take place. This was one of her fantasies and I was there to be rode. So as I laid there on my stomach, with a pillow folded and placed under my hips, forcing my ass up for easier access, spread eagle, tied up tightly so I couldn't...

3 years ago
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How One Experience Can Lead to an Addiction

When I was in college, I couldn't afford to fly home for the winter break. My friend "Mark" offered to bring me home for the holidays. Mark lived locally and said that his family wouldn't mind if I spent the holidays with them.I had only met his parents twice and they seemed like a nice enough couple until I spent more time with them. Mark's mom, "Kate", is white, blonde, and about 5'7". Kate is a stay at home mom with an artsy side and she looks amazing. I'm black with a shaved head and expect...

2 years ago
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If you want to be my friend and read rest of the stories, please leave a comment here. All friend requests are ignored otherwise.==================================================================I was in the kitchen. My egg white omelette was almost ready. As the sumptuous meal simmered, I turned around to get some tang. This morning was just like any other morning as our house and I saw no reason to change anything in the routine.I had made the same omelette for last 2 years, to be eaten with...

1 year ago
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The Chronicles of Krystal Sex Addiction

Hey guys it's Krystal again. Well I just recently told you about my . Well after my first time I kind of became a sex addict.I was having sex like crazy. I remember this one time I met this guy on the phone. His name was John. He called my phone and told me he was a friend of mine from middle school which I knew wasn't true because he was like 4 years older than me so that was not possible that we went to middle school together. But he kept on assisting that I knew him so we started talking....

2 years ago
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Freedom Fighter Ch 3

The child I carried was lost. By the time the bus reached Kinsarvik my pants were covered with blood. Dreng only managed to get me to Harald’s office in time because of the town’s people who made a litter and helped him carry me there. For three days Dreng, Harald and his wife, Marianne, tended to my body, ravaged by fever, and weak from the loss of blood. On the fourth day I was allowed out of bed and given my first solid food. When I was finally able to recount the events of my rape to them,...

3 years ago
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This is a true story describing my awakening to an unhappy marriage, finding love and sexual freedom in the arms of a man who was able to love me as I am. Seventeen was TRULY too young to get married, but let’s face it – at seventeen, no one was going to tell me how to run my life. I’d met William at the grocery store where I worked. He was 22, lived on his own and had a really fast car. I had a hot-head mother who loved to degrade me, a school where I was considered a nobody because my...

1 year ago
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Freedom is Being Out of Jail

CHAPTER 1 Released from prison after serving nineteen months of a twenty-four-month sentence, out early because of exemplary behavior, Ryan Bateman returned to Maxwell City, accepting his life was in tatters. He remembered the night well, as if it were yesterday. He’d been to a strip club and had drank too much and had become befuddled. Similarly intoxicated Merton Joyce, his employer, had come up to him and offered him a ride home. Merton had driven much too fast, lost control turning out...

3 years ago
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Freedom to Fuck

This is an interactive version of my existing series of Freedom to Fuck stories, which can be found online pretty easily. In this Utopian vision of the future, women have no rights whatsoever and cannot say no to anything a man wants them to do. Advanced technology allows quick and simple body and mental modification, used by men to improve the women in their lives. Men have no trouble making use of any women, including strangers and family members. Everyone is far happier than in the real...

1 year ago
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freedom below the belt

This is only the second time that I've tried to write for the Hamsters, - (sounds like a girls' hockey team), - but twice I've had a small problem in how to categorise it. Still , the choice is made, - so here is another short piece,(about the length of my cock these days as compared to your's anyway). When recently discovering that I was actually about to take up my total sexual freedom, something I'd been keeping down and holding back for 45 years,(and stayed sane), - I was faced with one of...

4 years ago
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Freedom Indeed

When I was 17 years old I fell in love for the first time. Her name was Saoirse, which is the Irish word for "freedom". She was a tall, well-spoken and elegant girl who was 2 months my younger. She had the most striking blue eyes I had ever seen; pale and wispy, but at the same time sharp and piercing. Her smile was always so wide and she wasn't stingy about showing it. We never got too far, at most managing a peck on the cheek and a hug goodbye, but I was more than delighted to simply hold her...

First Time
2 years ago
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Freedom Synopsis: When a corrupt anti-T.G. Empire succeeds in stranding the colony on the Prison Planet, the Empire loses a planet full of much needed resources. As the years go by, the colonists and prisoners unite to turn the Prison Planet Compound into a viable colony and in time, discover a way off of the planet. As they leave, the author of the message ends with a message of hope. [-][+][-] It is hard to believe that we are finally leaving this prison that the Empire tried to...

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