FREEDOM: Deception free porn video

FREEDOM: Deception
By Razor7826 (Copyright 2009)
Thoughts? Encouragement? Hate? Email me at [email protected]. I’m always interested in hearing from my readers.
This story in no way reflects the views of the author. It is intended for the eyes of legal adults only.
?Won’t somebody please think of the mothers? They can be victims of this horrific law, too.?
-William Aikins, local pastor
?Come here, Mia,? beckoned the young man as he tugged on the chain that dangled from his wrist and around the corner. He grinned subtly, but tilted his head just enough for the witnesses to see his satisfaction.
A young woman on all fours stumbled around into the room, her flesh exposed except for the minimum coverage of her tits and bottom as required by law. The eyes of mother and daughter locked. Though the bit gag prevented words, the daughter’s tears spoke everything that needed to be heard.
Please, Mom. Save me.
Juliette Meadows closed her eyes and breathed heavily. She had seen enough. It was exactly as she had feared since seeing the tapes two weeks prior.
How could Richard have done this to her? He was always the boy next door, best friends with Mia since they were four. Juliette thought the two might even get married, a dream she would have been thrilled to see come true.
However, somewhere along the way their relationship had soured, leading to the horrifying predicament that her daughter now faced.
So here they sat, in a meeting room at the local courthouse with all of the required parties: The drug-addicted slave, Mia Meadows; Her owner and childhood friend, Richard James; The slave’s mother, Juliette Meadows; and a court appointed witness and arbiter, whose name is irrelevant to the fates of the other women.
?How could you do this to her?? asked Juliette, her voice still strained with stress.
?Why do you keep asking such stupid questions? She wanted another high, and I gave it to her in exchange for the only thing she had.?
?You should be in prison for this,? she snarled.
?I’ve committed no crimes.?
?Drug dealing? Enslavement??
?Both perfectly legal, with the right paperwork.?
Juliette’s face twisted in disapproval. She thought Richard was going to go far in his life, but the man before her now was just a lowlife piece of scum. ?That doesn’t make it right.?
?If you’re going to be so mean about it, perhaps I’ll take your daughter and leave. You know, there are plenty of other people out there that would love to ravage her body.? He tugged hard on the leash, and Mia whimpered in pain. ?She could be quite the profitable call girl. Or maybe just chained to a bed in a brothel.? He turned to Juliette and smiled. ?You’d love to see that, wouldn’t you??
Juliette gasped out. ?No?? That wasn’t the plan. This would be her only chance to offer her daughter a life of freedom. ?I’ll do it.?
?It’s nice to see that you care about your daughter, for once.?
?I’ve always cared about her!?
?She never thought so. I mean, just look at her.? He turned to Mia and tugged on her leash. She whimpered quietly, stumbled forward, and looked away, tears glistening down her cheeks. ?Do you think she would have done this if she thought she could return to you??
Juliette choked back her tears. She couldn’t know how much her daughter had suffered, but her situation was almost incomprehensible. Over the years, Mia had grown into a beautiful young woman, her five-foot-seven figure having filled out years before she was allowed to date, but she never really got her life on the right track. For all of her mother’s admonitions and efforts, Mia Meadows graduated high school without any intentions for her life.
?You need to get a job. It’s for your own good.?
?You’re kicking me out of the house??
?I won’t let you fall into the same trap I did. Wealth like this is poisonous, and I demand that you make your own way through life.? She had believed Jacob’s wealth was the root of her sadness. Knocked up at only seventeen years old, Juliette married her high school sweetheart, who just happened to be the richest boy in her class. It seemed like a blissful existence for the first few years, her only responsibilities being the upbringing of her only daughter. It did not last.
Jacob died when Mia was seven years old, leaving his family fortune to his young wife. At first she thought it a blessing, free to do whatever she wanted for the sake of her and her daughter.
But time was not kind to her life.
When Mia disappeared to school each day, a void consumed Juliette’s life. Without her daughter, she had nothing. No job, no ambition, and no true friends. The wealth paralyzed her, offering its false comfort and crippling her motivation to do anything with her life except be an overprotective and reclusive parent.
She had to prevent the same from happening to her daughter, no matter the cost.
He leered over her figure. She was wearing the same light green pants suit that she wore to every PTA meeting and frameless glasses she had worn for years.
?I’ve wanted your body for as long back as I can remember, Mrs. Meadows. Or should I not call you that anymore? It sounds so formal? you know, like I had had to look up to you in deference. This will be quite the reversal, won’t it??
She looked back down at her daughter and imagined herself in the same position, naked and gagged. ?Disgusting,? she uttered. ?Absolutely disgusting.?
?What, are you having second thoughts??
She shook her head. ?I’ll give you everything I own for her freedom.?
?She’s worth so much more than that, Mrs. Meadows. You should know that.?
Juliette’s eyes fell back down onto the contract in front of her. It was a standard contract of lifelong servitude. Her powers of consent would be handed over to Richard James until the day she died, or to whomever he saw fit to sell her rights to. However, at Juliette’s request, it was modified with a few extra stipulations to manage the transfer of assets to Mia, as well as two months of mandatory drug rehab. Juliette believed it would be the only way to ensure that Mia could escape the despair of drugs that had already stolen her freedom once before.
?Can I have some last words with her before I sign it??
?The gag stays in.?
?I’ll be short.?
She walked over to her daughter and knelt beside her. Mia too reared backwards until she sat kneeling.
?I’m sorry for cutting you off. I wanted you to make your own wealth in the world, to build your own strength as a person? to avoid the mistakes I made to fall into wealth. It’s an empty, unsatisfying life, but I’ve always been too weak to cast it away and do my own thing. But not anymore. Mia? don’t make the same mistake I did. Don’t let the money consume you. Please, live a productive and happy life. For my sake.?
Tears streamed down each of their cheeks as they embraced each other for one last time.
?I’m sorry, Mia. I’m so sorry.?
Juliette stood, leaned over the table, and signed her name on the dotted line. Richard took the pen from her hand, signed where required, then tugged on Mia’s leash, handing her the pen so that she too could sign the contract.
The arbiter looked over the paperwork and addressed the signees. ?Everything looks complete. Effective immediately, Juliette Meadows has entered a contract of servitude to Richard James, and Mia Meadows is now a free woman on her way to rehab.? She gathered the documents into a neat stack and slid them into a portfolio. ?I’ll get these processed and registered right away, and leave you three to do what you have to do.?
The deed was done. Juliette took a deep breath and unzipped the dark blue duffel bag that she had brought with her. She set it down in front of her daughter. ?Here are some of your old clothes. A taxi is waiting for you, and I’ve arranged for Rebecca to pick you up and give you the house keys once you’re clean.?
Richard grabbed a tuft of Juliette’s long black hair and pulled. ?I didn’t say you could talk, Mrs. Meadows.?
?Ow!? She stood up and reared backwards slackening his pull. ?I’m allowed to see to her arrangements. It’s in the contract.?
He let her locks slip from his finger. ?Fine. But I know it won’t take more than a few minutes.?
Choking back tears, Juliette loosened the clasps on Mia’s gag and leash. ?Your mother loves you. Remember that, always.?
Juliette gave Mia a quick kiss on the cheek, then hurried from the meeting room. She could not turn back to face her daughter’s apologies.
Richard followed her into the hall. ?Now get going. There’s a lot of work for you to do back home.?
They spoke not a word to each other the entire drive back to his apartment. She sat silently in the passenger’s seat, her hands folded on her lap. With the contract, her very existence had changed, but weeks of contemplation and planning had solidified her will. It was for her daughter’s sake, and for that, any amount of suffering would be worthwhile.
His apartment was a mess. Pizza boxes and cartons of old Chinese food littered the tabletops, and clothes were strewn. Among them were Mia’s bras and panties.
?Excuse me??
The flesh of his palm slapped against her cheek. ?Don’t question my commands.?
She knew what he was allowed to do, justified by the contract of servitude. ?Fine.? One by one, she undid the buttons on her green suit white shirt, letting each half sway to the side, revealing her black bra beneath it. It seemed ridiculous now, but she had regarded the contract signing as any other formal event, wearing the same outfit she wore for any formal affair.
?That’s good. Keep going.?
She slid the blouse of her arms and dropped it to the floor, then unfastened the button that held her pants around her waist. She worked them down off her legs and kicked them to the side.
?Hmm, pretty good. Not quite the figure I had been hoping for all these years, but still impressive.?
Pervert, she thought to himself. All those years living side by side, and not once had she imagined that little Richard James was a sex fiend in the making. Perhaps she could have done something to change his path in life, to prevent him from getting Mia addicted to drugs, to prevent him from enslaving her.
She shook the thought from her mind. No, by the time there were any signs, it was too late. There was nothing she could do now but do everything within her power to undo the disastrous effects on her daughter’s life.
?So now what??
?Now what? You haven’t stripped yet.?
Next her bra, and at last her panties. With that, she was fully naked in front of a man for the first time since her husband’s death, over a decade earlier.
?Good, good. Now get on your hands and knees.?
She looked at him in the eyes and responded with fierce determination, ?No.? She knew what was coming next, but had already accepted that it was the way things had to be.
His voice grew deep. ?Yes, you do.?
?I know what I can and can’t do.?
He was on her in an instant, tackling her at midriff and knocking her onto her carpet. ?You have no right to refuse, Mrs. Meadows.?
?Get of me, you perverted freak!?
?Why are you acting so surprised? You must have known you’d end up on your back.?
She bucked, but it was not enough to shake the nineteen year old boy off her torso. Within seconds, her wrists were bound together with a pair of sleek metal handcuffs.
?Settle down, unless you want to damage your wrists.?
Juliette Meadows continued to fight, swinging her arms together to bat at her own, but she lacked the strength or leverage to do any harm. He sat atop her, laughing, as he quickly tired herself out.
?Is that all??
?You’re an asshole,? she quipped between breaths.
?You signed up for it, remember. Now, if I get off of you, are you going to behave??
?No.? Hatred and contempt burned in her eyes. Though she did what was necessary to free her daughter, that was where her cooperation would end.
?Fine, then. Though I always wanted you as a willing slave, I’ll take a broken you if I have to.? With his left hand pressed against her neck, he used his right to unzip the button of his khakis and push them down to his thighs.
There, on the floor of his filthy apartment, it happened. He shoved his cock inside of her and smiled gleefully at her contorted response.
She wanted to claw off his face and send him fleeing, but despite her pain she resisted the urge. It would serve no purpose. He held a contract, and the stories over the last few decades had made it perfectly clear what happens to slaves in rebellion. There were laws for the safety of slaves, but they held little importance for those that willingly refused their end of the contract. Obey, and be safe from mortal danger, well-fed, and given basic medical care. Fight, and should would likely be beaten down and starved until her body was broken and her will shattered.
He squeezed her tits between his hands and humped fierce and deep. He was longer than her husband was, and harder. It hurt, but she winced and took it, hoping for the moment where it would be over and she would take a rest.
As the assault continued, he loosened his grip on her tits and grasped her thighs, lifting her lower body off the ground so he had more leverage.
?Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!? she screamed, the pain and ferocity of the violation worse than she had ever imagined.
He came with a grunt, and collapsed atop her chest. She was bigger than him slightly in both height and build, but with his thin and young frame, it wasn’t difficult.
Perhaps that is why she never thought of him as a threat, to either her daughter or herself. He always looked so innocent, inoffensive, and weak. Nothing could have prepared her for what he had become. Nothing.
But it wasn’t really rape. Not in the eyes of the law. The contract gave Richard the right to speak for almost all of Juliette’s decisions, including sexual consent. Or, more specifically, the contract was consent. Forever.
After a moments rest, he stood back up.
?Now get yourself cleaned up. I don’t want you going to bed filthy.?
He led her to the shower and turned it far to the hot side.
?There’s some soap and shampoo that Mia used. Fuck me if I know what any of it’s for, but she seemed to like it.?
Thoughts of her daughter filled her mind as she cleaned every inch and crevice of her body. The water sprayed out, hot and fast, much better than she expected from an apartment shower. She had heard jokes about typical lukewarm trickles, but never showered in one before. And why would she?
The shower and lotions soothed her skin and gave her pleasure, nearly wiping away the pain and embarrassment of her forcible degradation.
It angered her, but she had nobody to blame but herself. She pushed her daughter into the sorrowful plight through overbearing guidance. It was a non-decision to sacrifice her own freedom for Mia’s. An aging, emotionally broken and chronically lazy widower had no right to freedom over a mostly bright nineteen year old beauty.
She dried herself with the fluffy pink towels that hung from the rack then wrapped it around her chest before stepping into the hall.
He was waiting for her. ?It’s time for dinner, Mrs. Meadows.? he said, tilting his head towards the kitchen.
She did not ask what it would be. He followed a few steps behind her as she entered the kitchen.
?So what do you have??
?There’s some beef in the fridge. I’m thinking tacos? you know, like you used to make for Mia and me all the time.?
Making dinner was easy. Even when he was alive, Jacob never cooked. In the two decades since their marriage, cooking had become the one skill that Juliette had confidence in. Not that there was anyone to judge her food. The only ones she ever cooked for were Mia and her friends, and all were too polite and respectful to criticize a proper meal. She finished cooking the meat, placed it in a serving bowl, and carried it out to the table.
A pill bottle waited for her. Prescription birth control, made out to Mia.
?Make sure you take one of those every day.?
She opened the bottle and popped one into her mouth. The idea of needing it disgusted her, but the consequences of her refusal would be clear.
?Delicious. You’re a way better cook than Mia ever was.?
It didn’t surprise her. Mia never took well to her mother’s household lessons, which played some role in Juliette’s judgment. She tried to teach everything she knew, to prepare her daughter for a productive. But she resisted at each turn, and Juliette believed there to be no other way than the outright rejection and exile until she came back self-sufficient.
By the looks of it, the weeks in Richard’s grasp had not done much good either.
?Now, how about cleaning the apartment??
?Can I get some clothes??
?Oh, right. Wait a minute.? He returned a minute later carrying a few boxes. He set them on clear spot of the kitchen table. ?Go ahead, open them. They’re yours.?
She followed his orders, believing there could be nothing offensive or degrading with his gifts. She was wrong. ?What the hell is this?? It looked like a bra, but lacked fully formed cups.
?To help prevent sagging. Mia thought it would be useful. I don’t really agree? yet, but it’s good to be proactive.?
Juliette slid it on. It fit it into place, but she still supported them with her hands and covered her nipples.
?Now, one more thing.? He opened the smaller box and pulled out a slim band of white leather. ?This is for you, too.?
?Oh, come on, you know what it is.?
She did. Collars had become iconic of Fitzgerald v. Oregon since the decision nearly a decade earlier. She picked it up from the box and inspected it closer. A mettle tag hung from the center, with a simple inscription:
?It’s true though, isn’t it? You’re only here because of what you did to Mia.?
?I’m here because what you did to Mia.?
?Let’s not split hairs here.? He grabbed it from her hand and slid it tightly around her neck, latching it into place and securing it with a small key lock. ?There. Now its official, and don’t forget it, Mrs. Meadows.?
It bothered her that she still called her Mrs. Meadows like he grew up doing. But what should she call him? Was there a correct way to address one’s slave? She didn’t know.
?Now, clean the apartment. It needs it, badly.?
He was right. The apartment was a dump, and it surprised even her that Mia had failed to make a dent during her weeks of slavery.
Hours later, just as she was finishing cleaning the bathroom, Richard asked, ?You done yet??
?Not even close.?
?Looks good enough for now. It’s time for bed.?
?I’m not tired.?
?Who said anything about sleeping??
She closed her eyes and followed a few steps behind him, consumed by thoughts of what was yet to come. Her pussy still hurt from earlier in the day and she would do anything to spare herself more pain.
The bedroom surprised her, for it was a bedroom only in the most literal sense. The walls were unadorned white, as if the room had never been used since Richard moved in to the apartment. There was no furniture except for a king sized mattress in a metal frame, pressed against the center wall. Chains and straps of leather dangled from the four posts. The mattress shined slightly, and upon closer look Juliette could see that it was covered in plastic sheets.
?This is your room. There’s not much here right now, but if you do as you’re told, I’ll see that you get some things.?
?Like blankets??
?Yeah, like blankets.?
She looked over the barren room again and envisioned the lifetime she would spend there. It hurt, but not as much as the thought of her daughter doing the same.
?Is that all for the day, then??
Richard answered with a grin as his fingers found his zipper. He pulled down his pants and revealed his bulging cock.
Juliette winced at the sight.
?Did Mr. Meadows ever make you give him head??
?He didn’t make me do anything.?
?Well, he should of.?
She stared down at the cock. She knew what was expected of her, but could not bring herself to do it.
?Come on, Mrs. Meadows,? he growled.
?I? I can’t.? In her mind’s eye, she still saw Richard as the kind and gentle family friend, the one she always imagined would grow up to be a loving husband to her daughter. The monster before her scared Juliette to the bone, for despite his calm and clean demeanor, inside rested a cold-blooded sex fiend.
Once again he rushed at her and threw her to the bed. She tumbled across the plastic cover then turned towards him in defense, her arms raised in front of her.
?Come on, you know what my rights are.?
He pounced. Juliette clawed at his outstretched arms, drawing blood but breaking off two of her own nails.
?Gyah, you fucking bitch!? he screamed, backing off of her for a single second before surging at her again with renewed ferocity.
This time, he succeeded in wrestling her down to the bed. He straddled her with his legs on each side of her waist and his hands gripping her wrists tightly.
?What? Are you going to rape me again, you fucking little creep.?
?It isn’t rape. You signed the contract.? He wrestled her wrists to the bed posts and slipped them into the leather cuffs. He did the same to her legs.
She was bound, completely at his mercy. He showed her none.
Then and there, then just after midnight, then again just after dawn, Richard James claimed what was legally his with no regard for the physical or mental well-being of the pet he had pined after for so long.
Juliette cried out into the night. Cum pooled out from between her legs, only to be refilled hours later. With her arms and legs chained to the posts, she could do nothing but accept his attacks and cry out into the darkness.
?Please, Mia, live a happy life.?
She had thrown herself willingly into hell’s maw, and there were only three ways to end her suffering.
She fell asleep and dreamed of being once again with her daughter. They held each other tight, as if to protect themselves from the cold and dangerous world that surrounded them.
She awoke sometime later with Richard between her legs.
?Please, don’t do this to me?? Her voice was hoarse.
?I’m sorry, Mrs. Meadows, but it’s the only way you’ll learn.?
?You’re rejected my commands twice so far,? he replied as he thrust into her back and forth. ?This is your punishment.?
?I treated you so kindly for years,? she said, tears beginning to trickle down her cheeks. ?? and this is how you repay me??
A hand to slid to her cheek and caught the tear. ?I’m doing this because I love you, Mrs. Meadows. Your life will be a lot easier if you give up and obey. Not just the stress on your body, but on your mind.?
She tried to imagine what he meant. Would there be a day where the pain and humiliation were no more, where she gleefully accepted life as Richard’s sex slave? It was a long way down to such a pitiful state.
But, as his body chaffed against hers and tore at her unwilling cunt, she thought warmly of such an escape.
Weeks passed. Each day passed in much the same way.
Wakeup in the morning to Richard’s perversion
Somewhere along the years, Richard James had developed into a pure sex addict. Not a single day did he use her body less than six times. He did not seem to care how he used her, as long as he was allowed to cum. Her tits, hands, mouth, cunt, and ass were all valid targets. Though never fully willing, Juliette Meadows had no choice but to accept his advances.
One day, she awoke to find Richard gone, an unusual event. He did not work, nor did he have any friends or outside hobbies that tore away his attention from her.
Realizing she could finally have a morning’s rest, she drew herself a bath and submerged herself in its waters. The warmth against her skin brought a rare smile to her face.
However, that smile faded when she remembered what filthy deeds would consume the rest of her day. Richard would return, chain her to the bed, and fuck her hard, probably leaving her chained up until he was ready again in a few hours. It made her skin crawl with terror, unmitigated by time or repetition.
Looking at the water, a simple notion filled her head. If only she could disappear beneath the water, draw in a lungful of water, and end it all?
It felt so right, so poetic for her to give up her freedom for Mia’s life, then to deny her predator of his prize.
She slid down deeper into the tub until the water covered her head. Should she, or shouldn’t she?
Though she hated what had to be done to save her daughter, her instinct to survive pushed her too hard. She arose from the water, emptied the tub, and dried herself, just in time for Richard’s return and another round with the devil.
Two months passed. Days meant little to Juliette. Freed when Richard needed her services around the house, and chained to the bed when her body was needed, she lacked any anchorage to a daily schedule except the rise and set of the sun.
One morning, Richard brought her into the front room. A portable doggy kennel sat in the middle of the floor.
He handed her a few pieces of fabric loosely fashioned into a top and bottom. ?Get in the kennel, Mrs. Meadows?
?I can’t fit in there.?
?You will fit in there. I know you will. P.T.M. sold it to me based on your measurements.?
?Why? Where are you taking me??
?You should know better than to ask that.?
She complied, seeing no purpose in actively resisting what would eventually happen.
?Where are you taking me!? she screamed from her kennel.
Richard answered with an amused grunt.
She could see nothing from her backseat kennel and could not possibly imagine where she was being taken. But when Richard opened the car door, she recognized the location immediately.
It was her home. Or, more specifically, her daughter’s home.
?Are? are you letting me go??
He chuckled.
?Why did you bring me here??
?Mia wanted to see you, and I decided to oblige her wishes.?
Juliette could not imagine why Mia would choose to see her in such a state of suffering, unaware of the horrible truth that awaited her. She crawled out of the cage the moment that Richard slipped loose the latch and steadied herself onto her feet. The winter air was cold against her mostly bare skin, the light fabric covering her private regions of almost no protection against the chill air.
She shivered noticeably.
?Well, then, hurry up. He tugged on her leash, and she quickly followed two steps behind him. It was their first time outside together in public, and the only time she had left his apartment since signing away her life.
As they walked towards the front stoop, her eyes drifted to her right, to the James’ residence. ?How are your parents doing??
?How should I know? They won’t talk to me anymore.?
?Hmm, I wonder why.?
He yanked on her leash, hurting her neck. They walked up to the front step and rang the doorbell. Within seconds, Mia answered.
?Come on in,? said Mia, opening the storm door for Richard and her mother.
?Where should I lock her up??
?The mantle by the fireplace should be fine.?
But Juliette’s daughter did not address her mother, instead leading her two guests across the front hall and kitchen into the living room.
Juliette opened her mouth to ask again, but froze breathlessly as Mia and Richard pulled close to each other and kissed. They stared into each others eyes and smiled, as if forever the couple that Juliette had hoped they would be. Mia got down on her knees before him and lowered his pants, revealing his cock.
As her own mother watched, Mia Meadows leaned forward and licked the tip of Richard’s dick.
?What are you doing!? Juliette yelled, but the two participants continued their sinful act.
Mia grasped the cock tighter and licked its tip. Her tongue danced around its girth playfully. Her eyes turned to her mother for a moment before fully devouring the cock, its entire length disappearing into her mouth.
When she was done, she once again turned to her confused mother.
?Why??? asked Juliette.
?Because I love him.?
?No?? Something was off? wrong in a way that Juliette could barely grasp, but she could feel it. A great horror was awaiting her.
How could Mia still love him? After enslaving her, drugging her, and raping her? Juliette had sacrificed everything, only to see her daughter crawl back to the man that had ruined her life. It made no sense?.
?After all that he did to you??
?He didn’t do anything to me, mom.?
?It was all a lie. A scheme to take what was rightfully mine.?
In an instant, the world of Juliette Meadows collapsed.
?I was never addicted to drugs. It was a convincing act, though, wasn’t it?
A sense of horror struck Juliette’s blood cold. ?What did you do to me??
?I set you up.?
Absolutely dread filled Juliette’s soul. ?I loved you, Mia! I only ever wanted to do what was best for you.?
?You kicked me out of the house! How could you say that was what was best for me??
?Wealth is corrupting. You can’t live the same life as your father and me; you need to go out and explore on your own and??
?Shut up! That’s enough! You’re just a selfish bitch that wanted all of dad’s money for yourself!?
?Yes, I know that’s what you wanted. You were always a bitch to me, always selfish. This was the only way for me to get my inheritance.?
?By tricking me??
?And you fell for it, perfectly. I wasn’t positive it would work, but Richard did a good job of nudging you in the right direction.?
?I sure did,? chimed Richard, grinning like a fool.
?You have to let me go. You can take the house and the money, but why do you need me??
?Not everything was a lie, Mrs. Meadows. I was being completely honest when I said I wanted your body. You were my first love and my first wet dream.?
?You were always such a nice boy, Richard. What went wrong? What damaged you so badly??
?I saw how you treated your own daughter. It sickened me to see a woman so elegant and beautiful to be so rotten to the core.?
?I’m not rotten!?
?Oh yes you are.?
?I gave up everything for her.?
?Only after it was too late. She was no longer yours.?
?Please, Richard. Mia. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you, but you have to end this!?
?Sorry, Mrs. Meadows, but you’re staying with me.? He unlocked her leash from the mantle and yanked her to the couch. He forced her down and descended upon her body.
?Mia, you have to stop him!?
?Sorry, mom, but I owe him. We had a deal.?
?A deal??
?He helps me get my inheritance, and he gets a place to live? and you.?
She winced as his cock entered her. She rested against the couch, motionless save for pleas of help as he breathed deeply into her ear.
Mia watched her mother silently, with a grin of satisfaction across her face
?Mia, please!?
But her daughter did not say a word.
She had been raped hundreds of times in the two months since her enslavement, each time less painful than the last. However, the mental fortitude she had built up had been mercilessly torn down by the day’s revelations. Tears burst and slid freely down her cheeks, and the pain returned anew. Her body bucked, temporarily freeing herself from Richard’s grasp.
?What the fuck?? he yelled, and quickly pushed back against her shoulders. ?Sit still.?
The pain was a fire inside her. She wanted to crawl into a hole and die, ashamed amidst her daughter’s glare, Richard’s sadism, or her own foolishness, but she lacked the basic freedom to do so. Though she clenched every muscle in her body, it was not enough to protect her as her owner pierced her violently.
Their bodies writhed together, his clothes chaffing against her bare breasts as he laid into her with all his weight. He moaned and panted aloud as he forced himself into her deeper and harder than usual.
For all it hurt Juliette, something vital and base about their vigorous fucking felt pleasing. It was something she had never noticed before, but a man between her legs giving her his all felt good. Dirty and violent, yes, but also somehow intimate and fulfilling.
Richard came with a scream, dumping his load completely inside her. As he pulled his cock out, cum oozed out onto the leather couch.
?Do you want to take her for a spin?? he offered to Mia.
?I? I don’t know about that.?
?She has a fantastic tongue.?
?That’s? that’s incest.?
Something about Mia’s reluctance made little sense to Juliette, but it was nice that her daughter had retained some moral grounding despite her treachery.
?So? Did you think she would live here as a slave without you using her??
Mia answered timidly, ?I didn’t give it much thought.? She looked at her mother again.
Juliette looked back. ?Mia?? she pled.
Mia took one step forward, then another, and another, until she stood over her enslaved mother.
?I think I’ll take Rich up on his offer.
?Mia, what the hell are you doing??
The daughter sat on the couch beside her mother. ?He’s right, you know. It would be wrong to waste what I’m given, but I guess that is something you and I don’t see eye-to-eye on.? She grabbed her mother’s forearm and pushed her off the couch.
?This is wrong!? Juliette yelled as her daughter undressed.
?I’m your mother.?
?You’re nothing to me.?
?I gave birth to you, and this is how you repay me??
?You kicked me out of the house.?
Juliette stared at the shaved cunt in front of her. A chill ran down her spine. This is what it came down to. Incest. She looked up at her daughter. ?Mia, please. You have to let me go!?
?That isn’t something I can do. I’m not your owner.?
?But you don’t have to do to this! I don’t deserve it.?
Mia laughed. ?After dad died, you took everything from me. Why? What would make you think that a girl like me could go from having everything to having nothing and still be okay??
?Mia?I love you.?
?Well, I never loved you. You’re just a selfish bitch that wanted all of Dad’s money for yourself.?
?No, that’s not true.?
?You’ve always been stupid. You know that, right? There’s no way dad would have married you if you hadn’t get knocked up in high school.?
The words dug deep into her heart. In her darkest moments, those words were her truth. She was stupid, na?ve, and lucky to have landed a wealthy man. It wasn’t how she always was, but those words, coming from her own daughter, resonated with her soul. Tears erupted from her eyes, but still, she could not bring herself to go down on her daughter.
?Mrs. Meadows, there’s no point in backing away. Remember what happens when you disobey??
Mia taunted again. ?Do it, dear Mother. He’s your owner, and if you don’t do as he commands, we’ll have to take some more extreme measures.?
?Listen to your daughter. She’s a much smarter woman than you’ll ever be.?
Inside her mind, something cracked. The self-image of a young mother caring for her daughter with every action she made disappeared, and in its place formed an image of a dumb, selfish, and petty middle-aged woman. Everything in her life had been wrested from her grip. Her husband by disease. Her home by her daughter. And her daughter by her own arrogance.
With nothing else in her life worth holding out for, Juliette Meadows stuck out her tongue and tasted her daughter’s shaved cunt. First just barely touching, then deeper until her face was buried, she lapped and sucked at her daughter’s pussy.
?Mom?? muttered Mia as she grabbed Juliette’s head in both her hands and pushed it in deeper.
Juliette obliged, redoubling her efforts. She didn’t know what she was doing, but her vigor and abandon were enough. Mia pulled her mother’s head in deeper and squeezed her thighs together.
And the mother continued until she brought her daughter to climax.
?Looks like you aren’t useless after all.?
At least it was something.
They led her down the stairs and across the basement to the lower bathroom. The door was different then the one Juliette had installed years earlier. It was thicker, heavier, and sealed with several locks.
?This is your new room. We’ll get you a cot later, if you’re good.?
She stumbled into the room as the door slammed behind her, the metal grind of the locks echoing in the tiny bathroom. It had a sink, bathtub, and toilet, and a cabinet full of towels and cleaning supplies. It was everything she needed to take care of her body, but nothing more.
She curled up into a ball and closed her eyes. It was cold, but she knew her owners would not care.
Juliette Meadows had accomplished what she set out to do. Her daughter was free, and set to live a life of freedom, all in exchange for Juliette’s body and soul.
It was a hollow victory. The sense of righteous sacrifice that had filled the previous months had disappeared, replaced only with darkness and regret. Her life no longer had any purpose or meaning except to serve her cruel masters.

- 21.04.2022
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