Deceptions free porn video

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Deceptions by Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams, 1997 Two men enter a home office on the second floor of a large farm house. They are both carrying glasses of liquor. Roger reaches over and turns on the light. They each sit in over stuffed chairs. Keith says. " Rog man, I don't know how you did it, but this is great." He shakes his head in amazement. Keith and Roger had been friends since junior high school when Roger befriended Keith on his first day at a new school. They were now in their early thirties. After high school. Keith, always one for the easy way out, got a job in a factory. He wanted no part of anymore schooling. Roger on the other hand, went on to college and try as he might, he couldn't convince Keith to join him. Keith was married by his twentieth birthday and had Roger as his reluctant best man. Roger had tried to tell him that she wasn't the one, but once again, Keith wouldn't hear of it. He and his wife Shelly had two girls and he despised them. They were divorced soon after the birth of their second daughter. Then Keith got laid off when the market turned sour. He bounced around from job to job never liking any one enough to care and would eventually get let go. Roger on the other hand, had gotten a go job with a major company as an electronics engineer. They had lost touch after that. Keith couldn't stand how well Roger was doing and Roger couldn't handle Keith's bad attitude. Then after nearly five years, Roger called him out of the blue. Keith went for dinner and was very impressed with all Roger had attained. He had a hard time keeping his envy at bay, but somehow managed it. The converted farm house, in a small town outside of Chicago, was spectacular. It had a all the yuppie conveniences. Big screen TV, a Jacuzzi, a large swimming pool. The barn had been converted to store Roger's classic muscle cars. The whole place reeked of over spending. At least it did to Keith. Roger broke Keith's thoughts by saying. " So? You like it?" Keith's held envy reared it's ugly head and he said. " Is that why you invited me here? To rub my nose in this? You're living in the lap of luxury and I'm scrounging to live from day to day." Roger was shocked. " You mean all this?" He waved his hand. " These are just things. No, I didn't invite you to rub your nose in it. I think I may have found a way to help you and help me in the process." " Oh, I'm all ears." Keith said sarcastically. " Look man! I'm trying to help you out and all your doing is making snide remarks. I know that your in over your head with this child support shit and I have found a way that I can help you while you help me." Roger said defensively. Keith's attitude softened. " Okay, I'm sorry." He paused a moment. Roger was right. He was in over his head. He had ducked and hid out from them for so long that he'd amassed quite a balance. He figured that since Shelly kept him from seeing the kids, why should he give her a single cent when he needed all he made just to pay his bills. Now the child support enforcement agency was after him in a big way. " How did you know I was in trouble with child support?" " Someone contacted me in regards to your whereabouts." Roger stated. Keith got a little nervous. Was that what this was all about? A ploy to get information on him for child support? Nah, he knew how to find Keith if he wanted to turn him in. He did need help and figured that he had better listen to Roger, for now. " What did you have in mind?" " Well, we know about your problem, let me tell you mine... When I got hired for my job, I was just out of college and I had no practical experience. It was hard to get an interview let alone a job. I got in here on an apprenticeship program for family persons. In order to get into the program I had to lie a little. I said that I was married and that my wife was going to have a baby. I also said that I had a daughter that was three years old." " Okay? What's the problem? That was seven year's ago. I'm sure that if no one checked by now, that their not going to. I mean, you have to have proved yourself by now?" Keith asked. " Well... it's not that simple. Now I have to go to Jamaica with the company president for two months." " So?" " I'm expected to bring my family with me." Roger was visibly upset. " And your point would be?" " He is the one who started the program. He will remember and if I don't have a family I will lose my job for falsifying documents. Do you know how impossible it will be to find a job after that?!" Roger questioned. " What could I do?" Keith shrugged. " Let me tell you. I need people to pose as my family:" He said, almost sulking. " Again I ask, what can I do? I'm a man, I can't pretend to be your wife." " Well, no. I have a wife." Roger stated and Keith got confused. " Oh then what, prey tell, do you want me to do about it?" Keith said. " Well... I have some one to be my wife and I have someone to by my 8 year old son..." " Will you quit beating around the bush?" " Okay, I need you to be my daughter." He finally revealed. " What? Your daughter? How can I be your daughter?" Keith asked. " It's quite simple really. Since you brain is made up of electronic type functions, all I have to do is tell your brain that you are a girl and since your brain controls your body, it will tell your body and your body will conform to being a girl." He said. " Your going to make me think I'm a girl?" " No, we can't affect one's mind, only the physical brain." Roger explained. " How are you going to do this?" Keith said skeptically. " That's what we've been researching in the department I work in. A way to reverse aging, or rather a way to stop it. By using special hook ups, I can connect you to my computer and with a program I can re program your brain. You will still be you, you'll just have the body of a young girl. That's why I need for you to cooperate with me. In exchange for your becoming my daughter for a while. I will pay off your back child support and make your current payments. I will then deduct $200 a week from your loan until you have worked off your debt. Plus take care of your needs as my daughter. Those won't be charged to you. After all, a father is responsible to pay for his children." Roger concluded. " That's crazy. Even if you can make me a girl, and I highly doubt it, then I would be like that for four years." Keith said aghast. " four years and two months." Roger amended. " Get fucked!" Keith said and stormed out of the room, down the steps and was headed for the door when he heard Roger from upstairs. " Come back and let me know if you change your mind. Don't wait too long, though. I need to find someone quickly." Keith never answered, he just slammed the door on his way out. He got in his car and squealed out of the driveway. He took off down the road like a bat out of hell. About 2 miles from Roger's house, Keith saw flashing lights in his rearview mirror. " Shit!" He exclaimed and pulled over. The cruiser slowed down and was pulling up behind him, when suddenly, it pulled back onto the road and took off. Keith could see the officer talking on his radio. It was only by shear luck that he wasn't sitting in the back of that car right now. He just sat there a moment with his heart in his throat. Slowly, he turned the car around and drove back to Roger's house. Nervously, Keith knocked on the door. Roger answered it and let him in. Keith, obviously shaken, said. " Damn! I almost got busted." He paused. " I'll do it. How old will I be? Never mind, I don't want to know. Just do it! How long will it take?" Roger smiled. " Not long. Come on, I have everything set up in the basement." The two men went into the basement. Keith undressed and sat in the chair as Roger had instructed. Roger went about hooking up electrodes to Keith in various places. When he was finished he went to a computer terminal and began typing on the keyboard. Then he turned to Keith and said. " All set. Ready or not here it comes." Before Keith had a chance to refuse, he hit enter. There weren't any lights or whirring noises. Just the soft hum of computer processor. " It'll only take a few minutes." Roger told him. Keith tried to answer and found that he could not move his mouth or any other part of his body. He just sat and let it happen. What choice did he have? As Roger watched the process he'd seen a few times before, two right here in his own basement. He thought about how easy it had been to get his friend into the chair. He didn't like lying to his friends but he was desperate. He had to produce a family and fast. He smiled as he thought about the look on Keith's face when he came back. It had only cost him $100 for that look. The officer was more than willing to attempt to pull Keith over for the money. He chuckled softly. He noticed that things were beginning to happen and came out of his thoughts. Keith sat silently and looked at the mirror that Roger had set up in front of the chair. He saw himself, the body he'd seen in the mirror all of his adult life. His legs were slightly spread and he could see his manhood in all its glory. The entire front of his body was exposed to the mirror. A chill raced through him as he looked at himself. If this thing worked like Roger said, it would be a long time before he saw this image in the mirror again. He began to feel an odd sensation all over his body. He had never felt anything like it and could find no way to describe it if he had to. As he watched in the mirror he, noticed that his hair was getting lighter and his bald spots were filling in. His skin was getting softer and all his body hair fell out to be replaced with soft fine hair. Then he began to shrink, his manhood shrinking faster than the rest of him. His hair had become honey blonde with a reddish tint and was now growing past his shoulders which were visibly smaller. He guessed that he was about the right size for a petite woman at the moment. It had been about ten minutes since he first felt the changes. His genitals continued to shrink and even though he knew they would, he was still a little shocked at their quick retreat. He saw that his nipples were expanding slightly, then they too, began to shrink. After twenty minutes all that was left of his manhood was the head of his penis that barely stuck out of the top of a defined slit. Below it he could see more of the slit. It appeared to be slightly opened but not enough to see anything inside. His arms and legs were not very thin and he could see a slight flair to his hips. Not what one would see on a woman, but then he wasn't going to be a woman now, was he? His feet had left the floor and only his toes touched, now after thirty minutes and his shoulders were now level with the back of the chair. His face was pretty and his hair now reached his small shoulder blades. He looked at the over all form in the mirror and realized that no matter what he used to be, he was now, without a doubt, a little girl. He or she was a little shocked at how young she was now. It wasn't evident on her pretty face since she couldn't move the muscles in it. She thought that she was going to be a young teen age girl. She hadn't even reached puberty and looked like she couldn't be more than ten years old. She finally felt her mobility returning. She looked over at Roger and saw that he appeared to be enjoying the whole thing. She even noticed a slight bulge in his pants. Roger began taking all the electrodes off of the girl that now sat where Keith had. " You'll be able to move better in a few minutes." He told her as he took the last one off. " You turned out to be very pretty." After working with the computer for a few minutes and taking a diskette out of the drive, Roger turned back to the girl and helped her up. The first thing she noticed, was that she was only as tall as his chest. Her feet and hands looked so small to her now. Roger led her to a cot that set up in the corner and laid her down. He began to touch and feel her body to make sure that everything was as it should be. Then he lifted her legs and spread them. He gently spread her vagina open and looked inside with the indifference of a doctor. He was only looking to see that everything was okay or if he had to hook her back up and re-work her. Satisfied, he put her legs down and helped her up. By now she was better able to move on her own, but was still a little wobbly. " How do you feel?" He asked her. " I feel..." She stopped at the sound of her new voice. " I feel a little dizzy, but I feel fine otherwise." She replied. " How old am I?" " I'll explain everything in a few minutes. First, let's get you upstairs and get you dressed." He took her hand and helped her up the basement steps. She couldn't believe that she was actually a little girl. Oh, she knew that she had become a little girl, but she still didn't want to believe it. Her body moved differently then she was used to. She could feel her hips sway back as forth as she walked and her hair bush against her bare back. At least she didn't have to deal with breasts. The vacancy in his crotch was making him a little frantic. He knew that he would get used to it, but in the mean time... They climbed the stairs and she had to exert more effort to get up each step. The distance had grown since the last time she had climbed them and she had to step up higher. Finally, they crested the top step, with Roger still holding her hand. He led her to a room just past the office they had been in earlier that evening. That door had stretched to her as well. Roger opened the next door and led her into her new bedroom. It was decorated in pink and white. The walls were white and the curtains were pink. There was a canopy bed with a pink chiffon canopy and comforter. The frame and posts were white with gold trim and the dressers and vanity matched. There was also a full length mirror on the wall with a frame that matched the furniture. Roger released her hand and opened the top drawer of a dresser. He took out a pair of cotton panties with Friday embossed on them in pale pink and the had pink lace trim around the waist and legs. He tossed them to her. " You mean I have to wear girls clothes?" She asked. " Well, you are a girl, are you not?" was the reply. She looked down at herself and shrugged. " Yeah, I guess so." She put them on. She looked at them and shuddered a little because they fit so perfectly. Like they were made for her. He opened the next drawer down and handed her what she thought was a T-shirt, but turned out to be a night shirt when she opened it to put it on. It had a picture of a piece of cake on it and across the top it read: Sugar and Spice... The bottom said: And Everything Nice. She blushed thinking that was what she was made of. She put it on. Roger handed her a pair of bunny slippers and she slid them on her feet. She looked at herself and thought she looked ridicules and then walked over and looked in the mirror and thought she was going to die. She looked like the cutest little girl she'd ever seen. Roger took a brush off the vanity and bushed her hair. Then he told her to sit on the bed. He smiled at his new daughter and said. " You are adorable." she blushed then he continued. " Okay, I lied to you about the process a little. I want to test something. What is your name?" " You know that my name is Gayle... No it's Gayle." She was trying to say Keith. A confused look crossed her pretty face. " How old are you?" " I'm really ten years old... No wait. I'm really ten?" " I programmed some things into your mind. Gender?" " Girl..." She had less reaction now. " Who am I?" " My daddy." A little more sure of herself, but still a little nervous about having her mind messed with. " Don't worry. You still know who you really are... or who you used to be. Who did you used to be?" " Keith Richard Wiebush." " Who are you?" " Gayle Marie Kirksey." She was now slightly amazed. " Of course, I'm the only one you can tell about having been Keith. You'll forget when you try to tell anyone else." He stated flatly. " I can't risk you telling anyone what happened here tonight. Okay honey, stand up." She did. " Now Stand on one foot." She did. She was standing in front of the window and looked out. Her car was gone. Panicked, she said. " Daddy! My car is gone!" " I took care of it, Dear. Your not going to need it now. When you are, I'll get you another one." He said. " Okay." She said noticing that she was still standing on one foot and it was beginning to hurt. She just kept standing like that. Finally, she asked. " Daddy, can I put my foot down?" He laughed a little. " Yes you may sweety. You see, you will obey me in everything?" She nodded. " Come on let's go meet your mother and your brother." He took her hand and led her down stairs. In the living room Gayle saw a woman sitting on the couch with her legs crossed at the knees her breasts looked huge, then she realized that she was small. She seemed oddly nervous. There was a smaller boy sitting next to her and looking equally nervous. The woman spoke. " Hello, you must be Gayle. I guess I'm your mother and this is your little brother Markie." Timidly she said. " Hi, Mommy, Markie" She looked up at Roger and he was beaming. He said. " Okay, we all have a week to get used to this new arrangement and it's off to Jamaica!" Everyone just looked at each other. " Oh, Let's not get all excited, you might give yourselves heart attacks." They all brightened up a little, but it was obvious that it was just an act. " That's better. It won't be that bad. You'll see. I'm sure that you'll actually come to enjoy the way you are." They looked nervously at each other. " Oh come on! If you don't cheer up I could order erase you memories so you'll be happy not knowing that you were anything other than who you are." They all pretend to be happy. " Children, Go into the den so your mother and I can talk. You can turn on the television. Gayle followed Markie into the den. Markie turned the TV on and turned up the volume. He turned to Gayle and said. " Now we can talk for a few minutes." He sat on the couch next to her and touched her arm. " Wow Keith, you're so soft now." She was taken aback that he knew who she was and that he could say her real name. He noticed and replied to unspoken question. " I know I couldn't say that outside this house. I know who you are because I know what he was planning. Keith I'm going to tell you something that's going to be hard for you to deal with... I am Roger." She looked at him confused. " No R...Daddy is in the living room with mommy." Then it dawned on her. She said, still self-conscious of her voice. " If You are Roger? Who is Daddy?" " That's Shelly and Mom used to be my research partner and Shelly's boyfriend. She transferred enough of my memories to her so that she could impersonate me." He concluded. Gayle was stunned. " When did she turn you into a boy?" " A couple days ago. I'm real sorry. At least I'm still a guy. She wanted to humiliate you more than me. All though, I did lie to get my job and I did say I had a daughter and a son. I didn't need to create one. She found out about all that from Rick, my partner. I'll bet he wishes he wasn't so loose lipped now that he lost his manhood." " You keep talking like it's permanent. She is going to turn us all back, right?" She said with her eyes wide. " She told us that at first, too. We knew that she did it in a way that would make it permanent. You're going to be a female for the rest of your life." She sat back in shock. Softly she began to cry. " That's what I did when I realized it. Look on the bright side, at least we're going through it together." She looked at him and smiled. That was some comfort. They heard a man clear his throat and looked at the door in horror, to find their new father standing there. He said. " It's okay, Markie, I wanted her to know and would have told her sooner or later. You see, Keith, you adorable little creme puff. I wanted to get even for you leaving me and Roger for urging you to do so. I gave custody of the girls to my mother and you will finally get to spend time with them... When you go back to school. Going to Jamaica with my boss is a way for me to climb another rung on the latter, so the raise I'll get will be your way of paying me the back child support you owe me. Besides I made sure that you will never get a woman pregnant and leave her with children." The girl was aghast. " Oh come on. Look on the bright side. You got what you've wanted for a long time. You finally don't have any of a man's responsibilities and never will." She laughed. " Now it's time for you two to go to bed." He winked at Gayle. " After all, a girl needs her beauty sleep if she's ever going to grow up and get a man to marry her." He laughed as the "children" got up and walked past him. " Give me a kiss good night and don't forget to kiss your mother. She's still a little upset, but she'll get used to it as you will." Markie said " Good night Dad," and gave Roger a hug and a kiss and walked towards the living room to kiss his "mother" good night. Gayle said, " Good night Daddy." She hugged him and he squeezed her tight. Then she obediently followed her "brother" Markie into the living room. Then she and Markie went to bed and got the sleep the would need to begin their new lives as brother and sister. The End

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Time stop

Your name is Alex Thomson, age 20. You have recently come into contact with your long lost uncle who was an inventor and after three years of you knowing him ha had passed away leaving some of his most prized inventions to you some of which don’t work, others that are complete junk but one caught your attention. An old stop watch that he said could stop time, you however don’t believe home so you grab the watch and head upstairs to test it out and you see your mother doing dishes and you older...

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GloryHole Ryan Riesling 09262016

Ryan Reisling’s on a mission. A mission for excitement! She’s terribly bored being married and being a housewife. She’s had it with hubby’s tiny white dinky and lights-off missionary sex. She’s tired of his work hours. She’s tired of cooking and cleaning. So today Ryan’s taken it upon herself to check out the adult bookstore she passes whenever she’s going to the grocery store. The thought of a thick, black cock has always excited her, so why not...

4 years ago
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An Uninvited Wedding Guest

Becky Hamilton was upset she had gotten stuck working a double shift on such a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon. She was a front desk attendant at the River Star Plaza hotel, and the person who was supposed to be working the desk tonight had called in "sick". Becky tried calling backups from the list, but oddly enough not one of the people on the list seemed to want to answer their phone on a beautiful summer's day. This had forced Becky to work a double. Of course, Becky had...

3 years ago
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Bystander blowjob

Sitting here watching porn with my cock in my hand, I have the shades and windows open as it's a nice day. Not really paying attention as I am too focused on the vids I am watching, a woman is standing at the window watching the same video I am. She is a good looking woman. "That's hot" she saysI am startled as I didn't see her. "Yeah it is" I say"I was talking about your cock" she told me"Want a better look?" I ask her"Of course" she saysI go out and let her in. She is about 5'6, black hair to...

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Aftermath fantasy

Donna came to Dave's office door, "Your wife is on Line One."Dave laughed, "Which one?""Oh, yeah. Alice."Dave picked up the phone and hit the right button to connect. "Hi darling. What's up?"Alice was laughing, "You ruined our temporary nanny.""Whoa! How'd I do that? I made love to her.""Ah, that's the problem. You not only made love to her, you sent her to heaven. She really thinks you are a god, and that you took her on a fabulous journey all through the stars and the universe, showing her...

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I Watched My Wife Go From Wife to Slut to Whore Part 3

After the New Year's Eve party I didn’t witness anything for some time; however Terri had to work late a lot and was often gone on Saturdays supposedly shopping with friends. I never said anything but she often returned from the shopping trips without having bought anything. About the middle of May that spring, I got a call from Mr. Bartlett who had hosted the New Year's Eve party. He called on a Wednesday morning before I left for work (Terri had left early that day). He said, “Bob, can you...

Wife Lovers
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Wrapped Around Your Finger

June Willis was going against conventional wisdom and looking a gift horse in its mouth. She was wise and remembered what happened to Troy when they just accepted that token of friendship from the Greeks. She also knew in life if it seemed too good to be true, question it. Even with the lady who was about to get her greatest desire to come true being cautious, her wants blinded her to any warning signs her instincts were right. Even with it not all adding up and not feeling right, June...

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Sarah Carerra 214 Wake Up Redux

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: November 1, 2010) Chapter 14 - Wake Up! Redux I stepped into The Treble with Music with a large smile on my face. In two weeks I would be signing CD's in this store. Dad had confirmed the details earlier this morning before he took...

3 years ago
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Family Night with Tommy and Tasha

Mom had always insisted on them having one night a week as a Family Night, where they were all in, and would enjoy being with each other, watching television, or maybe playing a game of some kind. Sometimes just talking. Things looked like they would be different though now.For one thing, Tommy had asked if Nicky could be there, Nicky being his sister Natasha's best friend and in the same class as her at school, and since recently, Tommy's girlfriend. A sexy petite sixteen-year-old, Nicky had...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 138 Girl Talk

Azaka spared yet another glance the direction of his long time companion. Covertly imparting a subtle, if sad shake to his head at how unkind recent events had dealt with the younger knight. From the indignity of nearly having both eyes torn from his skull by that amazing little girl. To the hasty cut and restyling of his hair to cover portions Mayuka had managed to actually pull out during the fray! Were they visiting during lighter times, even Sasami no doubt would have difficulties not...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 21

Saturday This morning, I used the smaller, upstairs study bathroom to perform my morning ablutions so I didn’t wake the others. After I dressed, I acquired two canine followers on my way downstairs and three more once I got downstairs. I’d seen the handlers turn the dogs loose to run and do their business, and I did the same, although I stayed near the back door with the door open. The barking as they frolicked drew three more dogs outside. Juwanna and Mabel just laughed at me as I watched...

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ExxxtraSmall Karlie Brooks The Auto Erotic Spinner

The sweet and petite Karlie was relaxing by the pool, until she heard a knock at the door. She answered in her bikini, only to greet one of her dads mechanic buddies. He was there to fix the car, and Karlie took the liberty of escorting him to the garage. She leaves him be, and the mechanic gets right to work. Karlie goes to check on him, and turns out her timing was great! He asked her to start the car to see if it was fixed. As soon as Karlie revs the engine, she sees smoke under the car and...

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Mamichi Gulabi Pucchi Aani Mamacha Lund

Namskar majya priya mitranno aani maitrinino.mi aahe tumcha aavdta sex story writer pratik mi aaj tumhala majya aayusyatil 1 atishay sukhad anubhav denari 1 satya ghatna sangnar aahe ti aahe majya zavadya ashya Savita mamichi sarv pratham mi tumhala majyabadal thodi mahiti sangto. maje naav pratik asun maje age 19 varsh itke aahe.disayala mi gora pan asun mi six pack abjs banvalele aahet aani majya lundachi lambi 7” itki asun Jadi 1.5” itki aahe tar aata mi mazya story la survat karto mi punya...

2 years ago
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Crush Ko Girlfriend Bana Kar Choda

Hello kamukta story loving friends. Mera name rohit h or ye meri pehli storie h. Meri hight 6.2 feet h or fit hu. Me iss ko bahut saalo se padta aa rha hu isliye socha ki me bhi likh du Baat aaj se 3 month pehle ki h meri colony me ek pariwar rehne aaya jisme 2 ladki or ek bhai tha mujhe ek ladki psnd aa gyi jo mujhse 1 saal badi bhi thi or uska name riya tha lekin bhot hi cute thi or uska figure hoga 34-28-36 use dekh kar hi mera lund khada ho gya ab to mene deside kr liya tha ki isi ko chodna...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 18 Deceived

I decided to head back for Mrs. Snyder's welcoming bed and managed to get thoroughly lost within a hour after sunset. I spotted a campfire ahead and walked my tired horse in that direction. It proved to be two more Redcoats, obviously guarding a crossroads and very unhappy with their cold duties. They had a pretty good fire going and were grilling slabs of ham on their spike bayonets when I walked into the circle of light. One put down his meat carefully and lifted his musket in my...

2 years ago
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“Are you thinking about it?”Delicate nose cocked, ingénue eyes, the curl on her lips grew.  Such playful insolence expected an answer.  There was only one ‘it’ in our private lexicon.I grinned, raised an eyebrow, “I like what you have done with your hair.”It did not deter her.Sheltered from the winds of change, we basked in the diminished warmth.  Inside, the open kitchen, its copper pans on the wall, hummed with industry.  Happy chitchat competed with café music.  Imbued with a homely...

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Swiss Girls Finishing School Part 2

John has been used by the girls' teacher to demonstrate how to arouse and ejaculate a man. After class, one of the girls slips him a note to meet them later. John arrived at the school just after 7pm. He approached the west entrance, just as the note had instructed, but all was dark. He waited a few minutes, then turned to leave. Just then, there was a quiet creak from the door and a soft voice whispered, “This way!” The door was open just wide enough for him to slip inside into the darkness of...

Group Sex
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The Girl

Pam was forty five years old but still had a great figure and her looks. She also was a lesbian and preferred young girls. She taught sex ed at an all girls school where she found many of her lovers. She had been the lover of the school director for a couple years. Most of the female teachers were lesbians so it was never hard to find a nice pussy when sex was a must. Many days she had gone to the director's office and shut and locked the door and undressed her and feasted on her delicious...

1 year ago
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Laundry Day

My wife, being a kind and generous person, offered to look after our neighbors pet during their vacation, however the pet was to remain in their house. Not only was my wife a generous person, but she was also a petite knock-out with firm round breasts; standing only 5 feet tall at 100 lbs. At different times of the day, she would disappear to feed the animal, however I began to notice that her departures seemed to take longer periods of time. This of course tweaked my curiosity, as our...

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The Italian Sugar Daddy

I had been on the hunt for the perfect sugar daddy since my birthday back in January. I’ve dated a couple of men but no one I found intriguing enough to want to keep going with. I wanted what I had at one time, a daddy who was everything to me. A lover, a best friend, someone confident in me and himself. But with the changing of times and of course ageing twelve years, I was having a hard time finding ‘the one.’ I was ready to give up when I started getting messages from a man who was local to...

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Making the RevolutionChapter 8

It was late in the afternoon when they returned to boobook’s house. He was talking to the gathered children, telling them about Galaru. He stopped to address Patrick and Jos. “The schoolteacher told the children that the dam had failed and that the water had flooded the Ord valley. I had told them of the Rainbow Serpent and now I talk of Galeru.” “Galaru is the sky-snake personage associated with the more dangerous aspects of cyclonic rain and lightning,” said Patrick. “You know much,”...

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Sex With Rahul

Hi I am Rani 26 I like to share my experience to you all. I got married to arun 1 years back .I am a housewife and he worked in a company .As the house rent was high we shifted to outer of the city. We found a new house where the house owner stayed in one portion and we stayed in the side portion. As we were only two of us we occupied with 1BHK. The house owner were a nice and a friendly person. They were only 3 of them father mother and their son Rahul. I used to call them uncle and aunty...

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My Awakeining1

Recap: I was raised by my grandma who is an ultra-conservative woman. At this point in life I was still a virgin with little knowledge of sex. Because of a family death my grandma had to leave town and left me in the care of her longtime friend Jennifer who lived with her son Frank. During the evening i had spilled drink all over my self. Because of the rush to leave I failed to pack anything other than my baseball uniform. Thus, I was forced to wear Jennifer’s daughter’s panties as they were...

1 year ago
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The gym teacher part one

"Samantha, would you please step into my office, I have something I would like to discuss with you!?!" "Uh, yes, Miss Denton," Stephanie replied, "I'll be right in!!!" "Please be seated," Alicia Denton said while motioning Samantha to the chair, "I'll come right to the point, I don't get too many senior girls in gym class, and I was wondering why you waited until your last semester to complete this requirement!?!" Samantha squirmed uncomfortably in her chair before replying, "Well, us, I hate...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 649

A luxurious hotel suite in a small country. Tanaka and his primary attorney sat in the living room of an ultra-expensive resort hotel suite in a small country that did not have an extradition treaty with the United States. Neither man was intoxicated — far from it — but for what the barely touched bottle of Louis Xiii Legacy Cognac on the table cost, a family of four could have lived for several months, and very well, indeed. Ostensibly, the two men were there for the final negotiating...

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Good Girl in Vegas

A Good Girl in Vegas By My-bi I am happily married to my high school sweetheart for 20 plus years. She was a virgin when we met, and has never been with anyone else. We have always enjoyed a busy, but conventional sex life. Unknown to my wife, I was bisexual, with a few experiences in which I sucked cock and was fucked by another man, while wearing panties. My professional life requires me to be tough, and competitive, and I wanted my sex life to include me in the role as the woman,...

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Maya Us

Yeh ek story hai jo mein kafi time se likhna mang raha tha. It’s about my dirty, sweet slut of a wife, Maya, and her appetite for thick, juicy, meaty cocks. This is the second marriage for both of us. How we met was because of her sluttish lifestyle. I had recently divorced and was making the rounds on the ‘Net looking for someone to flirt with. Of course, I found Maya, now 45 years old, there in one of the forums. We struck up a convo and I found out she was also in Delhi. She was stuck in a...

4 years ago
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Caught Crossdressing by my wife

Caught cross-dressing by my wifeI have always been a cross dresser and enjoyed it. When I got married I put all my special clothes in the basement and lived a normal life. One day I was home from a trip early and found my wife was doing the laundry. There on the top of the pile were her pink knickers. I remembered I loved the feel of silk on my body. She left the room and I picked them up and I was running my hand across them and soon I was feeling and rubbing my cock which quickly became...

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The Bloody Faithful

The Bloody Faithful Chapter One -Hunger- Drip... Drip... Drip... I awoke to impenetrable darkness. I lay naked on my back with an incredible thirst burning inside me. Somewhere nearby water drops struck something solid, a sink bottom or maybe the floor. The sound magnified my need to drink. In the silence surrounding them, each splat boomed like a small explosion. I was amazed how sensitive my ears seemed to be. I...

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The Debt0

"To what do I owe the honor of a personal visit from the Big Man's boys?" Bernie asked as he was shoved roughly into the smoke darkened room. He glanced across the room at the figure hidden behind a cloud of pungent cigar smoke and back at his two burly escorts, pulling at his collar uncomfortably. The large shadow behind the desk made a small motion with one hand and the two goons in leisure suits vanished through the door they had just entered by. The 'Big Man' leaned back...

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Stranger Danger

It had been a difficult few months at work. The 'too hard' basket on my desk was reaching maximum capacity - a hundred little complicated tasks that everyone else seemed to think was MY job to solve. Every single time I found a moment to myself to reach for the to do list, the phone would blare its nagging ring, only to convey some disgruntled customer who felt the need  to vent their dissatisfaction on whomever it was that responded - which was always myself! The stress was atrocious and took...

Straight Sex
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Confessions Sofi Ryan Who I8217m Secretly Fucking

Sofi Ryan has always been shy and she was worried that she was going to be a disappointment to her mom who was a known wild girl. But she confesses that even though she tries to get more experienced, there is only one guy she has her eyes on. But it isn’t some guy from her class or school, its actually her step brother! She first saw him nude in the shower and couldn’t help but play with herself to the thought of getting intimate with him. One day they were just studying and she...

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The Bradley BunchChapter 2 The Kids

Christopher Taylor was uncertain about his new, blended family. Before, he had been the only boy in the house, now there were two others, plus a new dad. It was hard enough to be sixteen years old and gay, but to be suddenly thrust into a home with three hot guys—two new step-brothers and a step-father—was frustrating. He knew his new step-brothers from high school and they were straight jocks, always dogging after the girls. At least Michael Bradley, the older one, was. Evan, a couple years...

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The Hitchhiker Cookie

We stopped for dinner and gas at a truck stop just outside of Wichita. We had been visiting Cookie's folks in Mulvane and we were headed back home to Denver. I was looking forward to getting home to my own bed and not just because I wanted to sleep. Cookie's parents live in a house with paper-thin walls and Cookie wouldn't let me make love to her there. I had slept next to her, but had gone without sex for the whole nine days we were there and I was hurting. I had pulled into a rest stop and...

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Sexy Stilettos

I was working at my girlfriend's house. She had to go the the store to pick up some stuff so I could finish the job. I knew she would be gone for at least 30 minutes. The second she left, I ran for her bedroom and into her closet.There I searched for her shoes. I had seen them on her before, and now I had a chance to really get on with them. I found both pairs, the blue boots and the black shoes. I stood up and pulled my pants down. Already, I had a very stiff boner. I took the black one and...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 4 The Monsters Lusts

Chapter Four: The Monster's Lust By mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare My heart beat with excitement as we crossed the Merchant's Bridge over the Melkith River that flowed through the sprawling city of Shesax. Behind us, the Lone Mountain thrust up like a rock spire to pierce the fluffy, white clouds drifting across the sun. Ahead, the sun rose, shining golden light in our eyes. The Merchant's...

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Mellanie Monroe 250 213000

Melanie Monroe was born in Florida on September 14th, 1976. She spent her young adult life working various retail gigs until, in 2009, at the age of thirty-two, Mel was faced with a difficult breakup.From Break-Up to Great FuckMel was living in Miami, Florida, at the time of the breakup, which isn't a bad city to be single in. While recovering and repairing her heart, Mel ran into and became friends with Adriana DeVille.Adriana DeVille worked for both Reality Kings and Bang Bros at the time....

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