RestorationChapter 2 free porn video

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The next day I drove the short distance to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. That’s my primary destination for the first leg of my trip. I’ve always wanted to visit there. It’s in that scenic, historic little town that my life would take a strange turn.

I checked into an RV park just outside of town and got the RV set up on a pleasant site with no problems. I spent the next two days exploring the town and taking pictures. Before leaving town on the morning of the third day I got up very early, unhooked the RV from all the park’s facilities and drove into town. Before I left the area I wanted to get some good pictures without tourists in them and I was hoping for a little light fog near the rivers to add a little atmosphere.

I parked near the junction of the rivers and walked around the quiet town taking lots of pictures. When the town started to wake up I figured it was time to leave. I headed back to the welcome center where I left the RV parked. As I passed a small general store I remembered that I need to pick up a few things and turned back to go inside.

I wasn’t quite to the door when it was jerked open from inside and a woman flew down the steps and right into my arms. In the fleeting glance I got of her I saw a look of absolute panic and total desperation on her face.

A very large man with a dark red face came running out after her and reached out to grab her. I didn’t know what was going on and jerked her out of his reach without even having to think about it.

He’s obviously furious. His face is almost purple with rage. I was afraid he was going to have a heart attack right then and there. He screamed, “SHE’S A THIEF! LOOK! THERE IN HER ARMS!”

She’s carrying a loaf of bread but it didn’t fare well when she ran into me. It’s bird food now. I looked down at the poor woman. It’s obvious at a glance that she’s starving, desperate for something to eat.

I turned to the storekeeper and sounding as reasonable as possible in the hope of calming him down I said, “I’ll pay you for the bread.”

He stood there fuming, not sure he could settle for that. I reached into my pocket and peeled off a twenty. I handed it to him and said, “Here, this should cover it.”

He glared at her and then at me as if I might somehow be involved in this criminal enterprise but he couldn’t complain about the profit on that squashed loaf of bread. He sullenly snatched the bill from my hand without a word, turned and stomped back inside, all the while mumbling obscenities under his breath.

The young woman didn’t start to relax and uncoil until he slammed the door behind him.

For the life of me I can’t say why I said what I did then. I can’t remember thinking it over and coming to a decision. It just happened. I smiled and said, “Hi. My name is Sean. You look like you could use a decent meal. I make a killer omelet. Would you care to join me for breakfast?”

She shivered and, obviously convinced that the situation hasn’t really been resolved, she replied, “Thank you. I really appreciate what you did. But that old bastard is going to call the sheriff. He won’t let it end here. And the sheriff in this town is the prototype for every redneck sheriff you’ve ever seen on television and in movies. I have to get out of this town. I suggest you do the same.”

I had that in mind anyway. I nodded and said, “I have a vehicle parked a couple of blocks from here. I’d still like to take you to breakfast. I’m on my way up to New England to do a little sightseeing. I could use a little company.

“I’m traveling in a motorhome. You won’t have your own room. You’ll have to sleep on a sleeper sofa. But I promise not to molest you.”

She looked into my eyes for a long moment. Then she said, “You don’t look like a serial killer.”

I grinned and responded, “I gather most of them don’t. But I’m not. Have I ever lied to you?”

She smiled wryly and shrugged. She said, “I haven’t caught you yet. I guess I won’t know until you slit my throat.”

I shuddered and said, “Please, I can’t even kill small animals for pleasure.”

She laughed, took my arm and started urging me away from there. She said, “I wasn’t kidding about the sheriff. We need to get out of here. That son of a bitch will arrest me even after you paid twenty times what a loaf of bread costs and probably charge you as an accessory.

“I should probably tell you that I’ve been arrested by him before. I always thought I was an honest person. But he has hounded me since I was a kid. He has seen to it that I lose every job I’ve ever had. Destroying my life has been his hobby for years.”

We were only about fifty feet from my RV when she realized it’s our destination. It’s the only vehicle in the parking lot. She came to a sudden stop and asked, “You’re kidding, right! Is that yours?! Shit! Are you rich?”

Before I could respond she added contritely, “That was rude. I’m sorry. I’m not known for my tact.”

I shrugged and said, “Me either. And yeah, I guess. I just settled a large claim I didn’t have for a lot of money, sold everything I owned and hit the road.”

I unlocked the RV and stepped back to let her in. She stepped inside and exclaimed, “Damn! This is beautiful. I’ve never been in a house this nice!”

I put my camera away in the back bedroom and I was half way to the front to get us the hell out of there when I saw a cop car coming down the road at a hell of a lot more than twice the speed limit.

I told my guest, it just occurred to me I don’t even know her name, to get down on her hands and knees, crawl into the bathroom and stay there.

She dropped to her knees instantly despite how strange my instructions were. I watched her cute little ass as she crawled away. Then I went about getting ready to leave as though I hadn’t a care in the world.

I watched the sheriff come to a screeching halt in front of my vehicle and get out of his car. He looked just exactly like I imagined he would. He’s a dead ringer for Sheriff Bufford T. Justice from “Smokey and the Bandit.”

He hiked his pants up as far as his huge belly would permit and swaggered to the door of my vehicle. He pounded on the door a couple of times and then loudly demanded, “Open up! I know you’re in there!”

In that brief moment I suffered a bit of a flashback. In the last few years I’ve been forced to deal with all too many prison guards like this ignorant asshole. I know just exactly how his little mind works.

I opened the door and smiled politely. I stood in the door and looked him up and down before calmly saying, “Yes, sheriff? What can I do for you?”

He glared at me, trying to intimidate me. He could tell it wasn’t working and that seemed to upset him even more. He loudly announced, “I’m looking for a thief. I understand you ran into her over at Phelps Market a little while ago.”

I’m not sure how he knew it was me. Maybe he assumes it was me because I’m the only one around. I nodded and replied, “Yeah, although it was more like she ran into me. I don’t know where she went, though. She thanked me for paying for the bread she was carrying and then she took off like a bat out of hell.”

It’s obvious from the skeptical look on his face he doesn’t believe me. He said, “Uh-huh. Well, the problem with that is, I drove around our little town looking for her and I didn’t see her. She hasn’t had time to get out of town. I need to come in and have a look around.”

I continued to smile and look friendly. I nodded and said, “Sure thing, sheriff. You let me see your search warrant and you can look at anything you want.”

He turned bright red. He obviously doesn’t like being denied. He growled, “What are you, some kinda lawyer? What are you trying to hide, boy?”

My expression never changed. But my tone did. I replied, “First of all, I’m not a boy. You can call me sir if you need to call me anything. And no, I’m not a lawyer. But anyone who has ever watched television knows that if you aren’t chasing someone and no one inside is screaming for help you need a warrant or permission. You have my permission to get a warrant.”

I probably could have avoided pissing him off like that. I could have told him to come on in. I don’t think he could have squeezed his fat ass through the door. But damn that was fun!

He glowered at me for a moment and then said, “You don’t move this rig from this spot, ya hear? I’m going to go see the judge and get me a warrant. If you ain’t here when I return I’m gonna put out an APB on you.”

I tried to look like I genuinely felt bad about not being able to help him out. I replied, “I’m sorry, sheriff. I need to get going. I’m already behind schedule. So if I’m not under arrest for paying for a loaf of bread then I’m afraid I can’t wait around. But you feel free to catch up with me when you get that warrant. I’m curious to see what you’re going to use for probable cause. You have a nice day now, ya hear.”

He stood there with his ham-like paw on the grip of his pistol and glared at me as I shut the door in his face and went forward. I sat down, buckled up and started the engine. He was still glaring at me as I backed up a couple of feet to clear his car and drove slowly away.

I headed west on Route 9. My original intention was to stay on the secondary roads for a while and do some sightseeing. But I thought it might be a good idea to put some miles between us and that redneck sheriff so I headed for I-81.

I heard the bathroom door open as I drove away from the sheriff. I called to ... damn! I still don’t know her name. I said, “You can come out. But you better stay low until we get out of town.”

She crawled across the floor on her hands and knees and sat on the plush carpeting beside me. She leaned back against the padded dash with her legs folded underneath her.

Harpers Ferry isn’t a big town and I wasn’t parked that far from the town limits. In about five minutes we thought it was probably safe. She poked her head up and looked around, then got up into the passenger’s seat. She said, “Thank you. I really appreciate this.”

I smiled and said, “You’re quite welcome. But it wasn’t an entirely selfless move on my part. I thought it would be nice to kidnap you so I’d have someone to talk to now and then.”

I felt her watching me. I guess she’s still trying to decide if she’s in any danger. We were ten miles out of town when I had a sudden thought and said, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. What about your things, your belongings?”

She shrugged and said, “I don’t have much.”

“Yeah, but you’ll need...”

“The only thing I left in that town was a small clutch purse with a worn out tooth brush and an almost empty tube of toothpaste. For the last three weeks I’ve been living in empty buildings and freezing my ass off at night. I’ve lost what little I owned, or had it taken from me. I don’t have a penny to my name and that asshole sheriff made damned sure I never got an opportunity to earn one. I guess I’m nothing but a vagrant. I must be a big disappointment as damsels in distress go.”

I shrugged and said, “That’s okay. I didn’t have any expectations. I haven’t met a lot of damsels in distress. We’ll stop for the night in Pennsylvania and do a little shopping. I’m new at this RVing but I met a nice couple who gave me a lot of advice. One of the things I learned is that Wal-Mart stores let RVs park in their lots overnight. We can stop at one of those and buy you some clothes and whatever toiletries you need. Then later we can get you something decent.”

There was a long silence before she quietly asked, “And how do you propose I repay you?”

I chuckled and answered, “Not that way. I told you, I’m not going to molest you. You can repay me by keeping me company.”

She stared at me for a few more minutes before she asked, “Are you for real?”

“I guess so. At least I have a name!”

She laughed and replied, “I’ve been called a lot of things lately. None of them were my name. Sorry. I forgot that we haven’t been formally introduced. My name is Kelly, Kelly Wilson.”

“Hello, Kelly Wilson. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

We didn’t talk very much. But I found I enjoy having her sitting there. I’ve been living a very solitary existence. I don’t think I realized how much I miss the company of another human being. It’s been a long time.

It wasn’t long before we crossed into Maryland and I felt comfortable stopping. I pulled into a rest stop and parked as far away from the eighteen wheelers as I could. I stood up and asked, “It’s mid morning. Would you prefer breakfast or lunch?”

Her eyes lit up at the mention of food. She replied, “Is the offer for one of your killer omelets still good?”

I got all the ingredients out and made bacon and my four cheese omelet. They’re pretty rich. But I’m a cheese freak and I love them. They’re one of the many things I missed when I was locked up and I’ve been making up for lost time.

I made coffee and set the table. She offered to help but I don’t really need any help. Besides, she’s company.

I served breakfast on the small kitchen table with a nice view of a busy parking lot through the large, tinted window. We sat across from each other and ate quietly. Everything seemed to be fine until she finished wrapping herself around breakfast and sat back. I glanced up, about to ask her how she liked my cooking. That was when I noticed the tears running down her cheeks.

She covered her face and quietly sobbed, “I’m sorry. I guess I’m not such good company after all.”

“What’s wrong?”

She didn’t respond at first. Then she moaned and sobbed, “Oh god! I must stink so bad! I haven’t had a shower or any clean clothes in ... shit! I don’t even know how long! You must think I’m a pig. I’m not. I swear I’m not. I just...”

I reached across the table and gently pulled her hands away from her face. I asked, “Do you really want to know what I think? I was just thinking how much I’ve missed the company of another human being. I’ve been alone since my wife was killed almost four years ago.”

She looked across at me and as if there were some way she could have known she exclaimed, “Oh god! I’m sorry! I’m such an idiot!”

I laughed and said, “If you don’t calm down and relax a little you’ll be claiming responsibility pretty soon. You don’t stink. You’re as pretty as can be. I like your spunk. And they caught the man who killed my wife so you’re off the hook for that.

“If it will make you feel any better you can take a shower. I can loan you a shirt and some running shorts to put on for now. But you’ll probably have to put what you’re wearing back on when we go into Wal-Mart.”

She wiped her eyes on her napkin and sat up straight. She looked at me, studying me again. After a minute or so she asked, “Are you really this good? All my life people have dumped on me. I don’t know how to act when someone is nice to me. I’ve never had to worry about how I can repay someone.”

“You still don’t. You don’t owe me anything. I told you, I enjoy your company.”

“Bull! I know me better than that. Most of the time I can’t stand me.”

I laughed and said, “I guess I’m just a better judge of character than you are.”

I got up and went into the back. I came back with a Harley t-shirt and a pair of running shorts with a string tie at the waist. I handed them to her and said, “Come on. I’ll show you how the shower works.”

I familiarized her with the shower and pointed out the body wash and shampoo. I put out a clean towel and a washcloth and dug out a spare tooth brush. I said, “Take your time but hurry. The water should still be pretty warm but once you use up what’s in that little hot water tank you’ll be taking a cold shower. You can take another shower tonight after we stop for the night. But I’m not in a hurry to get anywhere. I don’t have a schedule or reservations and no one is waiting for me anywhere. So don’t feel rushed.”

I went out and cleaned up the kitchen while she took her first shower in she doesn’t know how long.

She came out twenty minutes later looking like a new woman. She looks a little funny in my clothes. But I can see how much more relaxed she is.

She stood before me and struck a fashion model pose. She smiled and said, “I don’t think I’ve ever felt this sexy before!”

I laughed and replied, “And I’m sure that t-shirt has never been happier.”

She dropped her pose and put her arms around my waist. She held me close and said, “I can’t thank you enough. I wish there was something I could do to show my gratitude. You have to be the nicest man I’ve ever met.”

I put my arms around her shoulders and said, “Yeah, but there are a hell of a lot of people you haven’t met yet.”

She leaned back and said, “You don’t take compliments well, do you?”

“I suppose not. But you’re giving me much too much credit. I’m doing nothing extraordinary and I’m getting as much as you are from our little arrangement.”

Kelly shook her head and said, “No. You seem to have put far too great a value on my company. I just hope it takes you a long time to realize it.”

I stepped back and said, “Come on. Let’s get going. I’ll feel better when we get a little further away from Sheriff Justice.”

We took our seats and I pulled the motorhome out onto the interstate again. We took another break at the Pennsylvania welcome center. While we were there I looked up Wal-Mart stores in the Harrisburg area on the computer. I decided to drive through Harrisburg and stop in Lebanon. It’s about ten miles off the interstate and will hopefully be a little quieter. We can relax there, go shopping and plan our route for the next day.

We didn’t talk much at first. I’m curious about Kelly and I’m sure she’s curious about me. But I guess we’re both uncomfortable opening up to someone we just met. I’m certainly not anxious to tell anyone that I recently spent three years on death row.

Kelly finally began to open up a little after we left the Pennsylvania welcome center. We were just getting back on the road when she sighed and said, “I guess I owe you an explanation.”

“No. Not really. You don’t owe me anything. If you feel like talking I’m not going anywhere. But don’t feel obligated to tell me anything because you aren’t.”

“Once I get started you might try to climb out that window.”

I promised to pull over to the side of the road first. She sat back in her seat. When she started talking I got the impression she already knew what she was going to say. She must have been thinking about it all morning.

“I’ve lived in or around Harpers Ferry all my life. My mom died when I was fourteen. That pig of a sheriff was speeding to what he called a crime scene. Someone complained about all the noise at a birthday party. He ran a stop sign and t-boned my mom’s car. She didn’t live long enough to make it to the hospital.

“My dad went kind of crazy after that. He sued the sheriff and the town but he only got twenty thousand dollars. They said my mom wasn’t paying attention. She should have heard the siren so she was guilty of contributory negligence even though the only witness to the accident said that he didn’t hear the siren or see any flashing lights on the Sheriff’s car. That made dad even more furious.

“After that he went on a crusade against the sheriff. He spent every minute he could just following him around town and writing down everything he did. He’d report him to the town council every time he did the least little thing my dad thought he shouldn’t do. He would demand that they fire him on a weekly basis. He campaigned against him at every election. It got to the point that I was afraid the sheriff was going to see to it my dad had an accident.

“He started turning the tables on my father. He followed him and gave him tickets for things no one even knew were against the law or he made things up altogether. And he started hassling me, too. Sometimes he pulled me out of class to take me to the cop shop and question me about something he knew I didn’t know anything about.

“Even though I didn’t do anything wrong I started getting a really bad reputation at school because of all the time he spent questioning me. I was the sheriff’s “go to girl” every time anyone did anything wrong in that town. The teachers started watching me like a hawk. I couldn’t blink without getting a warning or detention.

“The A Team at school, you know, the cheerleaders and the jocks and their friends, they started picking on me, too. One day one of them sprayed what must have been a whole can of paint into my locker. Dad had to buy me all new books and replace my only winter coat.

“Dad started drinking heavily when I was a sophomore. He lost his job not long after that. We lived on his unemployment and the little bit that was left from his settlement with the town. By the time I was a senior he just stayed drunk. Sometimes he’d get an odd job somewhere and buy a little food. But generally if he had money it went for booze.

“He died just before I graduated from high school. It was almost a relief. There wasn’t much left of the man who had been my father by then.

“I can’t really explain what happened to me after that. I got a few jobs around town. It wasn’t easy. I had a pretty bad reputation by then. But the sheriff wouldn’t let it rest. He saw to it that I lost every job I ever had. He’d come around my job and ask me questions about things he knew I didn’t know anything about. Then he’d take my boss aside and hassle him, too. No employer is going to put up with that crap for long.

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May 1981 — Milford/Cincinnati, Ohio “Steve Adams, I promised to fuck you to within an inch of your life, and that’s what I’m going to do. If you can walk out of this hotel tomorrow morning, I’ve failed!” “I do need to be able to walk out, as well as drive home!” I protested with a laugh. “True. So maybe only to within two inches. Or is it just over six?” she giggled. “Cute, Bethany, cute!” I chuckled. “And,” she smirked, licking her lips with the tip of her tongue, “I have a very special...

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Young and well hung

During a football game between two of the finest sporting schools in the country, one of the players on the winning team, Jake, was trying immensely hard to keep his stiffening cock within his short little silk shorts. Everyone would notice if he got a boner on the field and he would never be able to live it down. He was aiming on tagging one guy, Scott, from the opposing team. Jake couldn't let him out of his sight, or from his side. Jake was watching Scott run when he first saw it - through...

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Cousin farm

In this story, you will follow Athena and Kyle as they awkwardly stumble around their sexual attraction to one another. This is my real first attempt at this so wish me luck. Notes are appreciated.

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Dream Came True With Anusha Bhabhi Part 8211 2

Thanks for each upvotes. I never knew that these many people like my story! But unfortunately no women have given feedback and I believe that I get a good response from female readers too! And Thank you so much for your valuable feedback. Overwhelmed by your appraise and honored to see your feedback. Thank you And new readers please read my previous part for clarity! So back to story Anusha Bhabhi!! Name itself has the Nasha in it. Her lusty looks, curvy body, a sexy structure was making me...

4 years ago
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Hot Indian bhabhis pussy gets licked by an imposter

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read Ashok and Savita were sitting on the couch discussing their weekend plans. Savita badly wanted to attend the superhero-themed party that they were invited to. Ashok, even though hesitant, accepted the invitation since Savita agreed to dress up as ‘The Scarlet Queen.’ It was an erotic comic character that made aroused Ashok always. But Ashok also against attending the party since his co-worker Vikram would be there....

3 years ago
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First orgasm and how lovely it is to have a good

Can you remember the first time you had an orgasm? The first time that a very strange thing happened to you- your cock got so very very excited but you rubbing it that you got a massive breathtaking ecstasy when your cock pulsates like never before Nd pumps out ribbons of sticky white fluid. Fantastic. Your first proper cum. At last you have done it. You want to do it again and again , for that lovely lovely feeling. I have just had a nice wank writing my last story and I am hard again now....

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Sex With Beautiful Maid In Pune House

Hi friends I am raju , I thought of writing my experience after reading a lot of stories in ISS . well I would like to say this is not at all my fantasy but it actually happened with me few days back , when I was doing my engineering near pune , but I went to do my engineering in pune . my college didn’t have a hostel so most of us stayed in some PGs near the college or had their own flat shared with another 2-3 students . I always preferred staying alone , since the area was not very urban so...

1 year ago
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A Surprising Start With Abby

Im still not sure why I agreed to it. A friend of mine who is a biker persuaded me to take a half day off work to go to a bike event and show. I can neither ride one, understand anything about them and nor do I wish too! The event was local and in fairness he agreed to drive so I could at least enjoy a pint at a noted local pub on the way home. That may go some way to compensating me for the loss of a few hours, never to be seen again!Somehow I managed to lose Karl though my suspicion is that...

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Ma premiegravere sodomie

Cette histoire m'est arrivée quand j'avais 19 ans. Elle a probablement contribué à influencer toute ma vie sexuelle.Je venais de passer mon bac et fatiguée par les révisions je m'étais invitée chez ma tante Jacquie, à Grenoble, pour passer des vacances. Comme j'avais besoin d'argent, elle m'avait dégotté un petit boulot de serveuse dans une brasserie du coin qui commençait quelques jours plus tard.Je pris donc mon billet de train, 8H de trajet entre Bordeaux et Grenoble, quelques bouquins et un...

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Gram Connie

Every time I thought about my Aunt Pat for the next couple of day's my Dick wouldget hard instantly. I wanted to call and ask her if I could meet her somewhere, but Iwas afraid. Perhaps she would come into the store this weekend.My maternal Grandmother Connie owns a small specialty supermarket opened byher immigrant father in 1927. My grandmother was born in 1938 and married mygrandfather in 1954 at the age of 16. My grandfather also worked in the store and in1960 the store was passed on to...

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Passionate Dalliance

I was pouring a fresh cup of coffee, listening to some Creed and thinking how they'd likely be a "two hit wonder", when I heard a knock on the door. I hurriedly threw on an old button-down and walked to the door, opened it, and was delighted to see her standing at my door. Mackenzie was a classmate of mine at the university, and she was majoring in sociology as I was. She was a pretty neat woman. She was as intelligent as all hell, but wasn't full of pretense as so many others like her...

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Maa Ke Sath Sex Fun

Hi readers, this is the first real experience of mine within my family circuit, which I am now going to tell you. Now I want to share very secret experience about my mother with you. I hope you will able to understand my feeling about my damn sexy mother. My mother name is Sandhya Mame change she is 42 years old we have 5 member in family my father, Brother, sister in law my hot mom and me friends my name is Anuj Name change and I’m from Mumbai. I’m 23 year olds. I have complicated my...

3 years ago
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Upsetting the apple cart Part 6

"Hi hun, you sound a lot better than you did this morning", Mark replied, adding, "did you manage to get a good couple of hours in bed ?". Lynn felt herself blushing as she recalled getting fucked in the arse as she spoke to him earlier. "Yes my love, it was a great few hours. I feel so much better for it". Lynn told him, dreamily thinking of the way Steve's magical cock had fucked her stupid for most of the day. "How are you darling, is it all going well? ". Lynn asked,...

2 years ago
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Housekeeper from Hell

UNTITLED   HOUSEKEEPER FROM HELL!ByAnne Gray Author?s note: This story is fiction; the author in no way condones or promotes any activity that is not entirely consensual.   I glanced to the left of my computer screen checking the monitor for the dungeon camera.? The hi-tech equipment picked up the slow, if somewhat strained, rise and fall of her chest against the tight leather of the straight jacket.? Her legs were encased in a double leg boot; a skintight kid leather helmet covered...

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Good cop bad cop

Welcome to Sun City. And now fuck off. The second sentence was written with graffiti under the first one. This sigh is the first thing people see when they enter Sun City. A large city in the southwest of the united states. A city with more then one and a half million people living there. And just like all big city's Sun City has people of all kinds. Rich, poor, worker, unemployed, honest and criminal. However, in the last ten years, the number of crimes has increased and is now two times as...

4 years ago
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Garibo Ki Randi Ki Akad Nikali 8211 Part 4

Agle din ki subah hoti hai. Ek rat mein char bar chud kar Puja ki haalat bohut kharaab hoti. Uski gaand ka ched chudai se fat gaya tha aur dard kar raha tha. Puja ko yad ata hai ki use aj bhi Birju ki biwi banke rahena tha. Puja uthakar bathroom jati hai aur nahane lagti hai. Bahar nikal kar jaise ki Birju ne kaha tha woh ek naya suit aur salwar pahenti hai aur tayar hone lagti. Nayi dulhan ki tarah tayar hokar Puja Birju ke liye chai-nasta bana kar bedroom mein le jati hai. Birju tab tak uth...

4 years ago
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After Dark Part 3

Bill awoke Tuesday morning with a hard-on, something which had become more rare as time passed. It wasn't a piss hard, either. It was a deep down hungry for Janie hard-on.That was pretty amazing too, as he and Janie had screwed each other ferociously the night before. After they had both enjoyed earthquake intense orgasms, they'd fallen asleep entwined in each other's arms and legs. Bill awoke with Janie spooned against him, her taut little round naked ass jammed against his cock. He kissed the...

2 years ago
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Happy Boy

I'm reasonable happy with myself, I've just turned twenty, my body has filled out ok and I'm not ugly. I don't date much, mostly because all the girls I know are silly, giggling and totally incomprehensible. My younger sister Rachel is a prime example. I don't understand half of what she talking about or any of her friends. The only thing good about Rachel was she's good to look at. I was relaxing in my room when Rachel knocked and came in. "Dan," she said, "can I ask you...

3 years ago
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Midnight There Morning Here

Midnight here, Morning there It's midnight. Teri Sampson has got nothing to do. She had been lying on her bed for three hours, eyes wide open. She had forced herself to sleep but she was not sleepy. There was nothing good on TV. Books just didn't interest her. She could have played music all night long. But this was not an option. If she picked up her guitar and play, it would awaken Mrs. Lynsdale, who lived next door. And after a brief conflict last week, when Jeremy, Teri's...

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Protect and Correct

  I met 43 year old Janet quite by chance. I am 28 years old and have always fancied older women so it felt really right. We met at a bar, one thing led to another, I went back to her house, had a few more drinks, played around a bit until Janet gave me a playful smack on my bottom.   It didn’t hurt as I was wearing jeans, but I didn’t object, in fact I just blushed, and she could tell from the look on my face that I might take more. She smiled, and then a stern word later and I had taken down...

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Cuckold in Training

I was a stunned by my discovery! My husband Tony was out of town for a few days on business and I needed a tool from his workroom. While digging through one of the tool drawers I found a small, portable hard drive. "Why would this be in here?" I thought, but then the little voice inside my head started to scream, "Put it back you fool! Don't look inside; you won't like what you'll find!" But I never listen to that little voice anyway, so I took it upstairs and plugged it into the computer.I...

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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 63

Over the next five days classes were the norm, but everybody seemed genuinely interested. We had some that were kind of skating along. I found other work for them until they begged me to let them go back to class. We had some really outstanding students. Some of them surprised me, like Valkerita and Cherrine, Mundoner, Teront, and Svendson, while others didn’t, like, Joulnar, Olnafot, Teague, Tovar, Tocla, and Outher. They did quite well and it was time for a break. Now the crisis was over...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 45 Then There Were Four

Wednesday Week 19 Continued As soon as Dave parked the 4WD, Jill got out and ran down to the jetty, as she could see Peter's yacht sailing in. Dave waited in the car, giving Jill a few moments alone with Peter. "Hi Dave. Gee it's great to see you again. Jill tells me you have been taking good care of her while I've been at sea. Thanks" Peter said as he and Jill got to the car. "Peter, it's good to see you too, but I assure you that you don't have to thank me for looking after Jill....

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A Prisoners Ties

The house was old, damp, and dark. I stumbled through it, bleary eyed and desperate for the toilet, fumbling along the walls for a door handle. I'd long lost the party but, insulated by the warmth of my liquid dinner, I didn't really feel like I cared. My hand eventually closed on a door handle and I pushed it open to be greeted with the oddest sight I could possibly imagine. A figure, clad in the most bizarre fetishistic outfit conceivable, stood hunched in the corner. It jumped as I...

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PornMegaLoad Minka Tight Tops Over Giant Tits

“Look at this,” Minka says, lowering her pink dress to unveil her 44KK tits, a pair of the biggest headlights on the planet. The fabric slips down to reveal 56 inches of living fantasy fun-pillows, the kind you typically only see in an Otis Sweat or Duncan Gutteridge painting. Encircling her dark areolae and erect nipples, Minka’s bikini-created pale skin is itself surrounded by the darker tanned flesh, a turn-on for many who love tan-lines. The Korean Princess tries on a...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 64

"Boss? This is Yeuhan." Juan gestured to a staggeringly beautiful Asian boy. "Yeuhan, this is John." We shook hands and Juan went on. "This is the candidate that Kathy said we might be interested in. Yeuhan just got his license last month, but he hasn't been able to find a position." "Is that a fact?" I could think of several positions I'd love to put the boy in. None of them had anything to do with his real estate license. "He did very well on our internal application." Juan...

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Building a Better PastChapter 14

Most of the rest of the summer was more relaxed. Jenny stayed over frequently that summer but instead of sharing our bedroom with Trish she took the guest room. We always did our best, even when she wasn’t staying over, to make sure she knew that we both loved her. We also found that Planned Parenthood would provide an exam, prescription and pills without parental notification and by early August Jenny was no longer a virgin. The best thing about that summer was how Jenny responded to our...

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My Stripper GF

I was 30 and had just divorced. MY life was in shambles and I started frequenting the nearby honky tonks.I ran into a girl that was only about 22 but very cute and eager to do almost anything.I was riding high. I had a cute little girl sucking my dick and riding my pole. My former wife never did anything for me.Eventually my new girl, Trish, asked me if I was ready for some different action?"What do you mean?"She played with my dick and held up my balls. she ran her finger around my anus."Have...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 10 A new victim and preparing to go home

Joshua sat down the street from Reno High School, and watched the kids come out of summer school. They went by on their way home, as he watched as the young sluts chat with their friends. Some even made out with their punk boyfriends, who wouldn't know what to do with them, even if they got into their pants. He sat there and remembered the last girl he'd grabbed ... Jennifer Taylor. Her long brown hair and hazel eyes were the things that stood out about her. How the fear flashed in her eyes...

3 years ago
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Back To Normal Part 2

“Can we smoke again daddy?” Lisa asked which I thought would relax Lindsay a little more, I fired it up and passed it around, I sat on the floor in front of them and we were all in a giggly mood. Lindsay took a big hit and her knees parted as her head went back enjoying the inhale, this gave me a perfect view up her little black skirt, her smooth thighs went up to her bunched-up panties which at first sight looked oversize.I was still naked and Lisa started playing with my cock with her feet as...

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The Farmer and the Traveling Salesmans DaughterChapter 2

I didnt say anything. My mind raced, considering all the possibilities good and bad, and there were some bad ones. My cock twitched, nonetheless. It was obviously considering only the good ones. "ermmmmmm..." I stammered. This cute little country girl was propositioning me in every way but coming right out and asking me to fuck her. She laughed again. This time with a sort of 'evil stage laugh' ... full of portent. She got up and began to clear the table, scraping the dishes and putting...

4 years ago
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A Weekend with my Sexy Colleague pt 2

"Oh my good god that was amazing!" Lauren says while we spoon. "Yes it was, thanks to you", I flirtingly replied. She adjusted herself so that my semi hard cock was nuzzled between her thick booty. She would shake it and twerk on my cock a little bit while I would kiss her shoulders and nibble on her earlobes. I was rock hard in no time, and she then started grinding a little harder. She turns her head as she keeps rubbing up on me, and we start kissing again. Very slow, sensual kissing. By now...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 4

Anna introduced Ethel to her father, Jonas Strong, when they met him in Wilsonville. Jonas was owner and manager of the bank and was a pillar of the community. He was surprised to see a woman dressed as Ethel was, but was completely taken by her when he found out that she had saved his daughter's life. He was impressed by any woman who had the gumption to be a gunfighter, and he was further impressed by the way she was armed. Jonas wanted to get to know Ethel better, so he and Anna stayed...

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Second Time Gangbang By Near By Society Member

Hello all, Mai Rucha Raval hu. Meri Age 19 hai. Mai Gujarat se hu aur mai gujarati hu. Mai mera ye first time incident ap sab se share karne ja rahi hu, please comments dena raval rucha at yahoo dot com pe. Mai mere bare me batati hu, meri height karib 5 feet 5 inch hai, weight 56Kgs hai, mai bohot fair hu, mai wealthy family se belong karti hu. Mei body size 34 29 38 hai. Mere hairs brown color ke hai aur sholder tak hai aur curly hair style hai. To ye mera second incident hai jo mai apse...

2 years ago
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Riya Rosy And Raj 8211 The Incestuous Threesome

This story is about a young girl named Riya. Riya was 9 years old when she lost her father in a flight crash. Since then, she was living with her mother in an apartment in Mumbai. Her father had left them enough savings for them to survive. Riya’s mother later started working at a beauty parlor after she completed a crash course. She was earning enough for them to survive. Growing up, Riya’s mother was very much protective of her. She would not let her go out alone and always be near her. As...

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What was it about my daughter's boyfriend that turned me on so much? No one characteristic comes to mind. I suppose it was a combination of things. And perhaps a certain time in my life also. I was 52, divorced, alone and quite bored.I had been divorced from my husband Jerry for 12 years and didn't really have a steady boyfriend. Jerry and I remained friends but he seemed to be turning into an old man. I was still young at heart, or so I felt. But the more men I met the more disappointed I...

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Life hasn’t been as fascinating as it used to be for Salma, a 38 year old housewife, more so after her mia (husband) found a job in Abu Dhabi and left in search of more prosperity. Married at the tender age of 18, it wasn’t as easy leading her life alone as one would imagine. She did manage to cope up with the emotional aspects of taking the mantle of being the head of the family but it wasn’t without those obstacles. She knew that the worst was at home, her 18 year old son Shabbir, whose eyes...

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Anita ravaged by some black cocks

I watched again as that black guy pushed my sweet wife to her hands and knees, and again sank his cock into her from behind. Setting up a slow but increasing tempo, Alfred fucked Anita truly relentlessly. After a while her arms collapsed and she lay with her face in the sheets, gasping and moaning, her little hands clutching the soaked cum and sweat bed sheets.After a while fucking like this, his black buddie Jerome asked Alfred to pull away and wait a minute. He then laid on his back and...

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Dont complain about your job part 2

I was standing in front of "L", as she was saying, "You've seen mine, show me yours."She was so sexy. Her grey hair, with just hints of the original blonde still showing. Sparkling blue eyes. Mouth opened in a very lust filled smile. It was enough to make my cock rock hard, even if I hadn't just given her the pussy eating that I had."Well, come on. Don't you want me to see it?", she purred, getting her breath back."Absolutely," I said, quickly unbucleing my belt. She sat forward in the recliner...

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With A Woman And Her Daughter 8211 Part I

Hi everybody I’m Rahul from Bangalore. This is my next story. Which I’m narrating for you guys which happened with my neighbor women. If you guys wish to give my suggestions & reviews please forward them to Let’s cuts the crap and start with the story. You guys know me very well. I’m working in IT Sector Bangalore, I’m average looking guy staying in inner parts of Bangalore. My daily routine was to get up early and go for jog to keep me fit and then come back and get ready to leave for office....

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