Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 22 Fallout
- 3 years ago
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March 23, 1982, McKinley, Ohio
I had been extremely distracted during my drive from Circleville to McKinley, and was having real trouble concentrating on my review for O-Chem, and the guys noticed.
“What’s bugging you?” Jason asked. “You seem like you’re on another planet.”
“I know,” I agreed. “I’m having real trouble concentrating.”
“That must have been a hell of a concert!” Pete laughed. “Of course, seeing my girlfriend wrap her lips around a saxophone might distract me, too!”
“You’re just making it worse!” Bill objected. “Mike, go take a walk, clear your head and come back.”
“I think Bill has a point,” Kurtis said.
I nodded, “Back in fifteen minutes. Sorry, guys. I know we’ll be up later because of me.”
“Just go and come back in your right mind!” Pete said.
I got up and went to my room to grab my jacket and a baseball cap and walked to the elevators. When it arrived, I rode down to the ground floor, then walked out of the dorm. I decided on one lap around the campus and set out at a brisk pace, intending to do my best to clear my mind, but not sure that was possible.
I didn’t understand why Katy’s implication was having such an effect on me. As I walked, I mulled it over and about halfway around campus, an idea suddenly popped into my head. The step Katy had suggested would lead me to confess what I was doing with her, and in her mind, that made this a serious step. She was willing to have Father Nicholas put two and two together and come up with the fact that because she and I were dating, SHE was the one I was engaging in ‘inappropriate’ behavior with.
That led me to the BIGGER problem, in a way. I was having sex with Melody and confessing that would make Father Nicholas think I was with Katy, when I wasn’t. And the basic rule was that I couldn’t say anything that would identify my partner in sin, as it were. Add in the fact that Angie was coming to church with me regularly, and Father would be very uncomfortable.
I was right back where I’d been when I talked to my mom. My only real options were to marry or stop having sex, if I wanted to make things right with the church. And I was honest enough with myself to know I wasn’t going to stop having sex. I LIKED having sex. And even if I concluded I wasn’t going to go further with Katy and break things off with Melody, there was my promise to Jocelyn which I was NOT going to break for anyone or anything.
That left two options - avoid confession completely or omit an entire class of sin. The second option felt like lying and I didn’t think I could do it. Not going to confession was an evasion tactic, but it wouldn’t involve lying or deception. At some point Father Nicholas would ask about confession, and I’d have to decide what to say to him, but in the short term, I could kick the can down the street a fair distance.
I didn’t like that solution, but I didn’t have a viable alternative. I was going to violate the Church’s proscription on extra-marital sex and no amount of fasting or prayer was going to change that. My mom had made her points quite well, and I knew she was right, and I knew I had to adopt her attitude, or I’d totally mess things up, either with Katy or Melody or school, or with my luck, all three.
A resolution made, I returned to my study group ready to focus and review for the exam. The guys noticed the change and we completed our review at 12:45am. When I went to my room, I found Angie asleep on the couch. I wasn’t sure what to do, but decided she’d need to go back to her room no matter what, so I gently shook her shoulder. She woke up, sat up, and stretched.
“Sorry,” she said. “I guess I fell asleep.”
“It’s late. Shall we do abbreviated prayers and get to bed?”
We did a short version of the prayers, and then I walked Angie to the border and got my usual kiss on the cheek before turning back to get to bed.
March 24, 1982, McKinley, Ohio
“Did you do OK on our O-Chem test?” Angie asked.
“Yes. I probably shouldn’t have gone to Katy’s concert last night. That totally messed up my schedule.”
“You do like your routines, don’t you?”
“Yes. And when I get out of them, I get out of sorts.”
That wasn’t the only reason, but it certainly had contributed.
“Isn’t your job going to be fairly random?”
“Yes, but right up until then, it’s very regimented and ordered. That’s the crazy part. For the next seven years, I need to follow patterns of behavior that barely vary. Then, I’m thrown into a completely chaotic environment in an ER.”
“You don’t get to see that during medical school?”
“I’ll have two trauma clerkships, one each of the last two years, but pretty much all I’ll do is observe and learn minor procedures like suturing.”
“So how do you handle curveballs?”
“I do my best not to strike out while waiting for a fastball!”
“Life seems to throw way more curveballs than fastballs. Maybe you should learn to hit them instead of trying to foul them off and protect the plate.”
“I probably should because from everything I’ve heard and read, the ER is pretty much non-stop curveballs, knuckleballs, sliders, and screwballs.”
“Than you’ll fit right in!” Angie laughed.
“Thank you VERY much!” I said with feigned indignation.
“Hey, you said it, not me! Want to take a walk before the Vesperal Divine Liturgy?”
Angie went back to her room to get her jacket and met me at the elevators. We rode down, then walked out of the dorm. When we’d gone a short way, I felt Angie’s hand brush mine and when it happened a second time, I decided to take it in mine. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her smile, and we walked quietly hand-in-hand around the campus. It was a very simple first step, but it was also a big one. I wondered if the change in my relationship with Melody, or going to Katy’s concert, had prompted Angie to make the gesture. Whatever the reason, I wasn’t going to object at all.
“I think it’s nice enough we can probably start running outside instead of in the field house.”
“I think so, too,” I agreed. “It’ll be nice to get back outside.”
“I checked with my parents about you visiting this Summer, and they said it would be OK to come visit for a weekend. We have a spare room you could use.”
“Where exactly do you live?”
“Just off Beechmont Avenue in Cherry Grove. If you take Route 50, you get on I-275 in Milford, then go south a few exits to Beechmont.”
“So about an hour and a half from my house, roughly. Almost the same as if I take Route 50 into downtown Cincinnati. That makes it easy to drive down on a Friday night after work or first thing on Saturday morning and then back on Sunday evening so I can be at work on Monday.”
“Do you work the Monday after Fourth of July?”
“That might be a good weekend. The fireworks in Cincinnati are really good, and then we’d have an extra day.”
“OK. Let’s plan on that one. It’s basically right in the middle of the Summer, too.”
“Would you be able to call me sometimes, too?”
“Of course. Maybe every two weeks? So we keep in good touch?”
“I’d like that,” Angie said, squeezing my hand.
We arrived back at the dorm with just enough time to change for church, meeting once again at the elevator. Twenty-five minutes later, we walked into the nave, and took our places on the left side of the church near the chanter’s stand so I could easily step over to chant the Psalms when the service began. About ten minutes later, I saw that Father Nicholas was ready to begin, so I moved to the chanter’s stand.
After I chanted, I went back to stand with Angie until it was time to read the Old Testament lesson. As with the Psalms, it was proper to chant the lesson, which I did from the center of the church, after receiving a blessing from Father Nicholas. After Deacon Grigory read the Gospel, came my second favorite hymn of the Lenten season - Let my prayer arise in Thy sight as the incense...
When the service ended, Angie and I went to the church hall for the pot luck supper. I was grateful that as college students, we weren’t expected to cook, as that would have been very difficult. Instead, we brought lemonade and orange juice which we had picked up on the way to church. We ate with the rest of the congregation, then headed back to the dorms.
We spent an hour listening to music before we did our evening prayers. When we finished, I walked her to the border. She turned gave me a light hug in addition to her usual kiss on my cheek. I smiled and watched her walk down the hall, then went back to my room so I could get ready for bed. When I came back from brushing my teeth, Melody was waiting on the couch. I took her hand and led her into my bedroom.
March 25, 1982, McKinley, Ohio
“There was something different about last night,” Melody said as we listened to Picture This by Huey Lewis and the News after lunch on Thursday.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“It was like your heart wasn’t in it. Like you were somewhere else.”
I nodded slowly, “I guess I was.”
“Angie? Katy?”
“Both, I think.”
“If you don’t talk to me, this will never work. First, I’m not jealous. If you and Katy got it on, or you and Angie had a make-out session, or whatever, I’m not going to lose my mind and act like some psycho High School girl whose boyfriend dumped her after getting her cherry. You didn’t commit anything to me, at least not yet. When and if you do commit, THEN I’ll cut your balls off with a rusty spoon if you cheat on me. But you didn’t cheat. So, talk to me.”
“Angie held my hand when we walked yesterday, then she hugged me after we prayed.”
“God, Mike, what do you SEE in that girl who she has you tied up in knots by holding your hand and hugging you?”
I ignored her and continued, “Katy wants to escalate things, too.”
“And that has you completely discombobulated. Now I get it. An embarrassment of riches.”
“I don’t know that phrase.”
“Too much of a good thing. You’re freaked out about having sex with two different girls. Three, I guess, if you count Jocelyn, but for some reason that one doesn’t bother you. But me and Katy? Or worse, me, Katy, and Angie? Your head is about to explode. Just relax and go with the flow.”
“You seem cavalier about this,” I said carefully.
Melody smiled, “Because I’m not worried about a High School Junior or a frigid college girl?”
“You are REALLY sure of yourself.”
“When we started hanging out, we got along really well except for me pushing too hard about sex and you pushing too hard about church. It’s gotten better since then, and the sex is awesome to boot. You are nowhere near ready to commit to anyone in any way. If you try now, you’ll either mess yourself up, or mess up your relationship, or both. If it’s meant to be, we’ll get there in due time. Rushing it, or demanding it in exchange for fucking, would make a complete mess of things.”
“And how do you know that?”
“Because you and Jocelyn are still playing house. When you decide to stop, THEN I’ll worry about you committing to someone. Before that? No. So, if Katy wants to give it up without a promise, go for it. If she’s expecting a wedding ring like your girl during your Senior Year, don’t do it. That’s my advice.”
“And Angie?”
Melody laughed, “She hugged you and held your hand? Whoo boy! If we weren’t screwing, I’d say you were desperate and hard up, but you’re getting it regularly. And even without your heart in it you made me cum hard. And you seemed to enjoy it!”
“It wasn’t just ‘seem to’, but you’re right, I was preoccupied.”
“A free clue - when a girl has your dick in her mouth, your mind should ONLY be on her.”
“The same is true when you have your dick in her pussy.”
“I got it. I said I was sorry.”
“I’m trying to make a point here, and I don’t think you understand it.”
“I don’t think I do, either,” I said.
“You have supreme focus in every instance of your life, except one.”
“Actually, sex, specifically. I think it’s related to Jocelyn. You still have feelings for her, Mike. Deep feelings. Unresolved feelings. Until you fix that, you’re going to have trouble with every other relationship.”
“So why don’t we have trouble?”
“Asks the man who was distracted by a High School girl while he was cumming in my mouth?”
“So now what?”
“Well, it all depends on what you want. Do you want the unvarnished truth?”
“I think so.”
“You need to develop self-confidence. You stress way too much about things, even things you’re good at. Since you’ve come to McKinley, have you asked a girl out? Any girl? I bet not.”
I shook my head, “No, I haven’t. But I’ve been dating a lot.”
“Compared to whom? And, honestly, what are you doing with High School girls at this point? You’re in college. OK, maybe I get Nancy because she’s a Senior? But the girl back home is a Sophomore and Katy is a Junior. Why?”
“The girls at church because of traditional Russian Orthodox matchmaking. Nancy because we worked together and hit it off.”
“You told me you missed all the warning signs.”
“No, I didn’t miss them, I ignored them.”
“Which you were doing with Angie, too. Why? You could have banged your guitar teacher’s daughter into next week. Why pass on that? Because you lack self-confidence. I think you prefer High School girls because you feel safe and you know they’ll be happy to have attention from a college guy.”
“I’m confused,” I said.
“Obviously. But about what?”
“You clearly want me, but you’re telling me to ask someone out? Saying it’s OK to have sex with other girls? Why?”
“Because I want a confident, intelligent, mature man. You aren’t there yet. Sure, you get good grades and I’m sure you’ll get into medical school. I’m pretty sure you’ll become a doctor, but if you want me, or anyone for that matter, to put up with that bullshit, you better have EVERYTHING else in order. And you don’t.”
“So now what?”
Melody shook her head, “You asked that before. I actually can’t answer that question. Only you can. Take charge of your life. I’m not just talking about your single-minded focus on getting into medical school, but everything. You don’t need some old Russian ladies telling you who to date. Heck, you don’t need girls asking you out and then dithering about what to do. Make up your mind, and do it.”
“Aren’t you worried about our relationship?”
“Have you listened to me AT ALL?” she asked, exasperated. “We’re spending time together, we’re working out our differences, and we’re having good sex. I’m nineteen, for heaven’s sake! If you asked me to commit right now, I’d say ‘no’. I’m not ready, and you sure as hell aren’t. But we can work towards it. Maybe it works; maybe it doesn’t. That’s what dating is all about. I’m confident in my ability to compete. You aren’t. Fix that.”
“And I fix that by asking some random girl on a date?”
“No, you fix it by having the CONFIDENCE to do that. Maybe you like what we have enough you don’t ask, but until you’re prepared to ask a girl out, I don’t see how you can ask a girl to go steady.”
“I got shot down a lot in High School.”
“So does almost every guy. You cast your net wide and see what you can catch. A lot of times, it’s nothing. But High School relationships are mostly for practice. I had mine. You had yours. But then you came to college and until me, you were only dating High School girls plus playing house with Jocelyn.”
“It sounds like you’re telling me to dump Katy,” I said.
“No, I’m not!” she growled in frustration. “I’m telling you to THINK about things. To have the confidence to make good decisions about relationships. Maybe that means you keep seeing Katy. Maybe it means you don’t. But you’re missing something very important. Do you know what it is?”
I nodded, “You’re in control and I’m letting you be in control. Well, minus withholding sex for a few months.”
“And even there, you let me control things. Be a man, Mike, not a little boy. I’m not saying you should be a male chauvinist pig, but you shouldn’t be a wimp or a doormat, either. And that’s part of what college relationships are about. Figuring that out. So, figure it out.”
“I think a good part of my problem is that my mom was in charge at home, and my dad modeled very submissive behavior. I mostly mimicked him.”
“A couple of times I was very forceful and took charge.”
“Something you’ll need to do in an ER, if I understand correctly. Which means having the confidence to do it. It’s up to you. If you can’t do that, well, we have no future. And you may not achieve your goals. Single-mindedness isn’t enough.”
“You’re right,” I said. “It’s not.”
“Good. Now that you know the problem, you can work on fixing it. And that means working things out with Jocelyn one way or the other.”
“You know, before her accident, she told me pretty much the same thing you have.”
“That you had to grow up to have a proper adult relationship?”
I nodded, “That’s a succinct way to put it, yes.”
“She’s right. I’m guessing that if I ask her, she’ll say you’ve grown, but not enough.”
“Probably, but once she had her accident, things changed.”
“Did they, now?” Melody asked, sounding disbelieving. “I don’t buy that for a second. Before the accident, you were screwing and working on your relationship. After the accident, you were screwing and working on your relationship. Nothing changed except perhaps you being in denial about what it all means.”
“Jocelyn and I talked about it,” I protested. “And decided we’re not suited to be a couple.”
“Tell me, smart guy, what the difference is between what you and Jocelyn are doing and what you and I are doing.”
“You and I are exploring a future as a couple. Jocelyn and I are not.”
“Bullshit, Mike. And until you admit that to yourself and actually deal with it, you won’t be ready to commit to anyone. That’s fine with me, obviously, because it creates a situation where I have all the time in the world to decide if you’re the right guy or not.”
“Didn’t you just spend fifteen minutes telling me I’m not?”
Melody laughed, “And yet?”
“You’re still here, because you think I might be the right guy, if I, for want of a better term, get my head out of my butt.”
October 17, 1981, McKinley, Ohio There was a knock at the door just before 6:00pm and I was sure it was the girls so I called out for them to come in. As expected, it was Jeannette and Marie. “Ready for hot meat between buns and slurping creamy white liquid?” Jeannette teased. “My bedroom is right there!” I grinned. “Should we leave you two the room?” Marie smirked. “Dinner first, then dessert!” Jeannette laughed. I took Angie’s hand and the four of us left the dorm and headed for the...
June 8, 1981, West Monroe and Rutherford, Ohio “This entire conversation is going to be ‘too much information’, isn’t it?” I said when Liz and I left the house on Monday evening. “Probably. Is there anything you don’t want to hear?” “Anything at all about my little sister’s sex life!” I laughed. “But I guess you want to talk.” “‘Cause you won’t judge me, Mikey. You’ll listen and give me good advice.” I pulled out of the driveway and headed towards Rutherford. The Rutherford Free Clinic...
September 14, 1981, McKinley, Ohio On Monday, after lunch, I did as Doctor Orosco had insisted, and met with a counselor from Student Health Services, who, amazingly, was available immediately. The problem was, as I’d argued, that I wasn’t going to repeat what I said, even to another counselor, under any circumstances. I spent ten minutes going around in circles with Doctor Ralph Hart, and made no progress. “I’m not sure what you’re doing here, if you won’t talk to me about what...
October 4, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “Let me guess, you’re sleeping on the couch again?” Mrs. Landers laughed. “Actually, I just came to talk to Nancy for a bit, then I have homework. I didn’t spend any time on it yesterday.” “Come on in. She’s in her room.” “Thanks.” I walked back through the house to Nancy’s room. She got up to greet me and we exchanged a hug and kiss. “Sorry for putting you off at work,” I said. “But I didn’t want to be interrupted.” “It’s OK. How is Jocelyn?” “I found...
October 6, 1981, McKinley, Ohio I met Pete and Jason for breakfast in the dining hall. As usual, Clark was just getting out of bed when I left our room. “You got in pretty late last night, I guess,” Pete said. “We didn’t break up the study group until about 11:30pm.” “I had a long talk with Jocelyn.” “How’s she doing?” “Better, but she has a long way to go, physically, emotionally, and mentally. But at least she’s talking to me.” “I heard you’re invited to the Wednesday biology...
October 9, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “You’re really going to cut back your hours to just the six-hour Saturday shift?” Nancy asked. “That’s what I told Mr. Sokolov yesterday, yes. And he can reduce the hours whenever he finds someone to take them.” “What happened?” “The Biology Department secured a grant for $1500 per semester for me. I explained my situation to Doctor Stanton, my advisor, and he talked to Doctor Norris. I’m starting in the honors program next semester, and there is a small...
The morning sun broke through a crack in the curtains, flooding her naked body that lay on the bed. The sunlight hit her back and ass; warming it from the early morning chill. Melody stirred, still half asleep reaching over hoping to find a warm body next to her in bed. She found that there was no one there. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the clock, it was already a little past nine thirty, she must have not heard the alarm go off. She rolled over on her back, and opened her eyes...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter Seventeen Much had happened in Melody’s life since her lead in the school play. She had seen her bestfriend’s relationship blossom into something quite special; had watched the so-called cool kids in her class become nothings almost overnight; and more importantly, had taken herself to Hollywood only to encounter a terrible reality, rather than the dream she had held on to for so long. After five auditions for B-grade movies, and five...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Chapter Five Meanwhile, two blocks from Melody’s massive home, having woken after a reoccurring nightmare, Travis turned his bedside light on. He lived in a less affluent street, in a small, somewhat rundown two-storey house. His attic room was barely big enough to contain a single bed, scant furniture, an old computer, and a small TV. What he did enjoy, however, as much as Melody, was privacy. He had only one parent—his mother—and she seldom ever...
IncestThis story is completely fictious! Chapter One From a distance Travis watched as a tall young woman walked the pavement outside a large college, with her shorter, less elegant, friend. Melody was considered by most on campus; too prim and proper; too out-of-touch; too rich; too untouchable for even the more popular of jocks. Still, she was undeniably beautiful, and no male failed to glance whenever she passed by. Travis didn’t careless what others thought about her character. To him she was the...
IncestMike slowly awoke the next morning, Melody still cradled in his arms. Lightly brushing her gorgeous red hair, he kissed her forehead tenderly. Slowly, she began to stir, kissing his bare chest and cuddling as close to him as she was able to. “Sleep ok?” Mike asked. “Mmm hmm. I always do when your arms are around me,” she lazily answered. Smiling, he drew her in for a slow, loving kiss. “I’m gonna go check on Darcy,” Mike said as they parted. “Is she ok?” Melody nodded,...
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“Melody, you almost finished packing?” Mike asked. “Yep! All set!” she replied, carrying a backpack and rolling suitcase. As they prepared to begin the long drive to Orange Beach, Mike was treated to the sight of Melody in a sexy, summer travel outfit. She wore a plain white tank top with spaghetti straps, her cleavage barely contained within it. As his eyes traveled further south, her cutoff daisy dukes and flip-flops were playful and tantalizing; she wore her shorts low on her...
Note : This story is completely fictional! From a distance Travis watched as a tall young woman walked the pavement outside a large college, with her shorter, less elegant, friend. Melody was considered by most on campus; too prim and proper; too out-of-touch; too rich; too untouchable for even the more popular of jocks. Still, she was undeniably beautiful, and no male failed to glance whenever she passed by. Travis didn’t careless what others thought about her character. To him she was the...
IncestThe Firebird, Finale (Stravinsky) Concerto for Trumpet in E-flat, Movement III (Hummel) The Trumpet Shall Sound (Handel) Petrushka, Ballerina Trumpet Solo (Stravinsky) Pictures at an Exhibition, Movement I (Mussorgsky) Symphony No. 5, Movement I opening (Mahler) Pines of Rome, Movement II trumpet solo (Respighi) Shut Up and Dance (Walk the Moon) Have You Ever Seen the Rain? (Creedence Clearwater Revival) An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 06 Melody awoke around 9:45 on...
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New World Symphony (Dvorak) Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin) Napoli for Cornet (Bellstedt) Fly Me to the Moon My Funny Valentine My Way (Sinatra) An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 08 The next several weeks were a whirlwind of activity for Mike and Melody. Mike first solidified his new contract with the ASO, giving him a substantial pay raise, with the potential for more if he managed to earn tenure. As rehearsals resumed in preparation for the last concert of the year, he worked...
Jake had been eyeing her all semester long -- the girl who always sat at the front of the class, eager to answer the professor's questions about literary allusions, metaphors and all of that other stuff that flew right over his head. If there was one good thing that came out of this boring, mind-numbing class, Jake thought, it was that he got to stare at her as she hunched over her notes, playing with her hair and biting her nails in concentration. How anyone could find this stuff interesting...
We took an Uber down to the museum, and we were having a great time socializing on the way. The Monet exhibit had been sold out for weeks and as we preceded toward the exhibit hall where the Monet exhibit was housed, we were all very excited as we waited in the museum lobby for our scheduled time. We were soon allowed to go in and as soon as we started to walk around the Monet exhibit, it was apparent just how packed it was. The museum kept the lighting low, probably so it wouldn’t damage...
Pines of Rome, Movement 2 trumpet solo (Respighi) Petrushka, Ballerina trumpet solo (Stravinsky) An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 05 Mike awoke first on Monday, which surprised him; Melody had promised to wake him up at 6:30. Glancing at his clock, he saw that it was only 6:05. Guess her genie alarm hasn’t gone off yet… Deciding to have a little fun, he rolled onto his side towards Melody, who was laying with her back to him. He gently spooned his body against hers, being careful...
Introduction: Again, sorry about the paragraphs. I dont care about the format, I just care about getting the story on here. I am gonna make a series of these two people so yes there will be a second episode. There are hints in this story as to what the second episode is about. Hope you enjoy! Ahhhhhhh! Shouts a young Mrs. Housened. Its just a spider, sweetie. Mr. Housened grabs a paper towel from the kitchen and stands up on the end table to get the creepy crawly. Mr. and Mrs. Housened are...
Melody pulled into the driveway of her home, a home she loved, a home that was given to her by her "adoptive" family when she was a young girl. She was lucky, having a best friend in Danielle; she was as close to her as a sister. When she was ten-years-old she came over after school to do homework and have dinner with her best friend's family. Her life was changed for the better. Better wasn't a strong enough word. There wasn't one.She parked her car and sat back in her seat listening to the...
“It’s just a spider, sweetie.” Mr. Housened grabs a paper towel from the kitchen and stands up on the end table to get the creepy crawly. Mr. and Mrs. Housened are high school sweethearts, married right out of high school. Married a few months after graduation. “Flush it!” Melody Housened demands. “No, I want to keep it as a pet.” Jake Housened jokes. He gets a glass jar from the recycling bin and sticks a piece of lettuce inside. “See, it won’t hurt us.” “NO! FLUSH IT! KILL IT!” she...
Mike awoke the next morning, Melody still cradled in his arms. Brushing her gorgeous red hair, he kissed her forehead. She began to stir, kissing his bare chest and cuddling as close to him as she was able to. “Sleep ok?” Mike asked. “Mmm hmm. I always do when your arms are around me,” she mumbled. Smiling, he drew her in for a slow, loving kiss. “I’m gonna go check on Darcy,” Mike said as they parted. “Is she ok?” Melody nodded, sliding out of bed with Mike. “After your wish to...
Ch. 10 song titles For Unto Us a Child is Born (Handel) An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 10 “NO!!!” Melody screamed, scaring herself awake. Gasping and panting, she immediately felt Mike’s arms around her. “Melody! What happened? What’s wrong?” Mike asked, flipping on the lamp. “Noth… Nothing. Just a bad dream… that’s all,” she said. Looking at her skeptically, he replied, “That was most definitely not nothing. You’re sweating. And running a fever,” he said, placing his...
“Hello, Mike,” she said with a smile. “Selena!?” He stood slack jawed for several seconds, unsure of if this was really happening or not. “Mike? Everything ok?” Melody called. Walking up behind him, she asked surprisingly, “Oh, who’s this? Do you two… know each other?” “Yeah…” Mike replied. “This is Selena. She’s… she’s the one who gave me the locket.” “May I come in?” Selena asked. “I brought your breakfast.” “Uh, sure,” Mike said, still working to comprehend the...
Ch. 06 song titles The Firebird, Finale (Stravinsky) Concerto for Trumpet in E-flat, Movement III (Hummel) The Trumpet Shall Sound (Handel) Petrushka, Ballerina Trumpet Solo (Stravinsky) Pictures at an Exhibition, Movement I (Mussorgsky) Symphony No. 5, Movement I opening (Mahler) Pines of Rome, Movement II trumpet solo (Respighi) Shut Up and Dance (Walk the Moon) Have You Ever Seen the Rain? (Creedence Clearwater Revival) An Unforgettable Melody Ch....
Ch. 03 song titles Air on the G string (Bach) The Little Fugue in G minor (Bach) An Unforgettable Melody: Ch. 03 “You’ve always been a smart one. You give yourself too little credit, boy,” he said with his thick Texan drawl. Mike chuckled. “I know, Granddaddy.” Harry Weston adjusted his thick glasses. “After all, what have I always said about power? Men who seek power actively are destined to abuse it...” “ ... But men with power thrust on them unwittingly can be trusted...
Epilogue Song Titles I’ll Fly Away (Johnny Cash) An Unforgettable Melody - Epilogue To the entire world, they appeared to be a normal, if surprisingly healthy, elderly couple. To each other, however, Mike and Melody were still as young and energetic as the day they first met, over one hundred years ago. Still as in love as the day they married, nothing in the universe could ever hope to crack their undying dedication. Their two children, Harry and Maya, had grown into wonderful...
Ch. 08 Song Titles New World Symphony (Dvorak) Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin) Napoli for Cornet (Bellstedt) Fly Me to the Moon My Funny Valentine My Way (Sinatra) The next several weeks were a whirlwind of activity for Mike and Melody. Mike first solidified his new contract with the ASO, giving him a substantial pay raise, with the potential for more if he managed to earn tenure. As rehearsals resumed in preparation for the last concert of the year, he worked to earn the...
I couldn't think. I had been royalty setup! The uncle of Melody Jones had fixed me good! I couldn't just return the girl, as she was known to be dead, identified by her uncle! The only people who could identify her were both dead; again I had to assume that her uncle had killed them too! The only question was why? I had to read the information that Bill had sent me! 'Melody Jones; Age 11; (picture attached) Parents John and Martha Jones both deceased — cause motor accident — police...
Ch. 02 Song Titles Buy Me a Boat (Chris Janson) The Devil Went Down to Georgia (The Charlie Daniels Band) When I Fall in Love (Chris Botti) Mike awoke on the sofa, Melody still wrapped in his arms. Stroking her deep red hair, he recalled the events of the last twenty-four hours. The art sale, that mysterious locket, the puzzle opening it, all had led to this girl lying on his chest. She had told him she was a genie, bound to be a sexual servant to whoever released her from her...
She was still sitting alone on a bench inside the covered walkway where Lydon had left her four hours earlier. Her bemused thoughts could no longer grasp the situation; and this particular town centre had become a very lonely place. So how had this situation arisen? What was this girl with a strong American accent doing alone in an English town; and why was she acting so strangely? Perhaps Lydon should explain; after all it was he who had instigated this episode. Let me say from...
As sad as it is to admit, some days I feel two or three times my age. That's pretty rough to say when you're only in your thirties, but with all the things I've had to do to make sure I hit each and every month's deadlines at work, I sometimes feel like I never shut off. I always seem to be worried about the things I have to deal with in the morning and trying to keep up with the next day's new batch of craziness.When I first started working I never took much time off. I didn't see the point to...
Oral SexCh. 11 song titles Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach) Prince of Denmark’s March (Clarke) Wedding March (Mendelssohn) Heartbeat (Carrie Underwood) Ashley’s words of wisdom turned out to be some of the best advice Mike and Melody could have ever received. Though they made little progress in learning more about Melody’s dreams, they took the mindset of not letting it take over their lives. Rather, they enjoyed every moment of their engagement and savored it as the once-in-a-lifetime...
Ch. 05 song titles Pines of Rome, Movement 2 trumpet solo (Respighi) Petrushka, Ballerina trumpet solo (Stravinsky) An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 05 Mike awoke first on Monday, which surprised him; Melody had promised to wake him up at 6:30. Glancing at his clock, he saw that it was only 6:05. Guess her genie alarm hasn’t gone off yet... Deciding to have a little fun, he rolled onto his side towards Melody, who was laying with her back to him. He spooned his body against...
What Melody had said was, "It's not so bad, Dawn; you'll get used to the taste. Meanwhile, let me clean off both of you." Two heads whiplashed toward the doorway. There stood the mistress of the household, casually leaning against the door frame. I haven't described Melody Dean for you, have I? She stood a lithe five foot four, the extra few inches above some of her friends serving her to good advantage on the tennis courts. Without a moment's thought, Dawn could see that her blonde...
I know that everybody wondered why one entire wall of my office was a mirror. I know there were people who proposed all sorts of silly reasons, chief among them the idea that I was so full of myself that I loved to sit at my desk and admire myself. But no one had ever guessed the real reason. Oh if they could only see me now. When Melody came to work for me as a secretary and receptionist she was just a young newly married woman who looked fresh and wholesome and had pretty much the look of...
“I'm so glad you've come along to see what we have here in our city. We're very proud of it, its extremely innovative and very, very popular. I'll tell you about the concept and then show you around. The concept came from a group of us who have been in the sexual services industry for many years, we were looking for a way to tap into spare capacity in the market, and, of course, make ourselves a lot of money! We hit on the idea of quickie sex for men, without any problems of them having to...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter Nine Tom could not settle. It was Thursday night and he was seated in a leather armchair, watching one of his favorite shows on their huge widescreen Television. Patricia was by his side, sitting in the three-seater. As usual the kids were nowhere to be seen. “What’s wrong?” His wife felt compelled to finally ask. Like a bullet, “nothing.” “Don’t lie to me, Tom. You know how I hate that. Something’s been biting you on the bum all evening.”...
IncestGolden fingers of sunlight started reaching through the blinds to hit me in my sleepy eyes. I rubbed my eyes and let out a long, slow yawn. After a few quick blinks I looked over to see the musical auburn goddess, Melody, laying sweetly at my side. Her hair was tussled about a little from bed head and, if I'm honest, made her look even sexier than she was from the night before."Good morning, sleepyhead," Melody softly whispered in my ear, landing a kiss on my cheek."Mmmmmm... good morning,...
Love Stories1. When I was little my Gran gave me an elaborate little music box. I remember holding it my hands for a long time, looking at all of the ornate markings on the wooden case and then the tiny little dancer inside, that circled slowly. I felt sorry for the dancer. It looked like she was trying to escape, but that she was stuck in a never-ending rotation. "You're a lucky little girl April," Mum told me, "you can put all your jewellery and things in the compartments, isn't it...
Saturday, September 3 (After Chapter 10 of Triptych) MELODY: Melody Renee Anderson, age 19, born 23 January, sophomore, Student ID Number 9113507. aroslav: You're not a prisoner of war, Melody. I'm not going to interrogate you. MELODY: No sense of humor. Oh well. Whatcha wanna know? aroslav: Thanks. Are there any teens present who can hold a conversation without making me feel like an antiquated ass? MELODY: Aww. I'm sorry. I don't think you're an ass. aroslav: Oh? MELODY: Just...
Once I finished myself onto Tina's back. Melody asked that I wash up for her. I left Melody with a firm hand on the back of Tina's head buried between her legs. My mind was going crazy. I was imagining myself with Melody and putting my face between her amazing breasts. I recovered quickly in the shower. My cock hardened as I soaped it. The bathroom door opened and entered Tina. She stumbled over on her tippy toes, she looked worn out and her makeup had run down her cheeks from her sweat and...
Welcome back, readers! I know I left you with quite the cliffhanger in the last chapter, so I tried to get this one out pretty quickly. Just so you know, this chapter is very light on sex, being more focused on story development from the aforementioned cliffhanger. Please enjoy! Ch. 10 song titles For Unto Us a Child is Born (Handel) An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 10 “NO!!!” Melody screamed, scaring herself awake. Gasping and panting, she soon felt Mike’s arms around her. “Melody!...
Harmony and Melody By Cal Y. Pygia Harmony and Melody were lesbian lovers. Their real names weren't Harmony and Melody, but Gretchen Smart and Cynthia Howard. However, Harmony and Melody were a duet, and, as such, they thought, as did their agent, Mindy Swanson, that the duo needed stage names with more pizzazz. Like their same-sex orientation, their stage names added appeal to their cute faces and curvy figures. The fact that they actually could sing was almost an...
An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 04 Sand. Sand. Sand everywhere. Such was life for Burkateer Lark. Eighteen years ago, he had been a promising seven-year-old Padawan learner in the Jedi Order of the Old Republic. That, of course, was before the betrayal of Darth Vader and subsequent formation of the Galactic Empire. On that fateful day, his master, Cin Dralig, had gotten wind of the betrayal and impending attack on the Jedi Temple. Though his master had tried to send the boy away on...
A pain in my arm woke me; I was sitting at a table, feeling slightly disorientated, I went to look around my mind was fuzzy. Where the blazes was I? And where was Melody? I saw a group of people sitting on my right side, a large table to my left which was unoccupied and a group of people behind me. The sound of a gavel hitting wood brought my attention back to the front; a woman in black was walking to a dais in front of me. The sound of people sanding brought me to my feet as well,...
September 6, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “Mike!” Emmy squealed, launching herself into my arms when she opened the door. “Missed me?” I asked as I carefully spun around with her. “Yes! Let’s go! I’m STARVED!” I put her down and we walked to my car for the drive to Marie’s Diner. “How was your first week of school?” I asked. “Nothing changes. I mean, sure, I’m a Sophomore now, but otherwise it’s all the same. How about you?” “It’s a huge change, especially the amount of homework. I used to...
August 29, 1981, Columbus, Ohio “What are you talking about?” I asked. “Despite spending two days screwing like bunny rabbits,” Jocelyn said with a smile, “I think you’re STILL afraid of sex. May I ask another question?” “I guess,” I sighed. “Why haven’t you and Emmy done it? Because of her? Or because of you?” I could give her the answer that immediately popped into my mind - that Emmy wasn’t sixteen and was under the age of consent. But I knew there was some truth to what Jocelyn said....
December 3, 1981, Rutherford, Ohio “Well that went south pretty quickly,” I said. “They’re playing hardball with you,” Mr. Winston said. “It was always a possibility, but I didn’t think they’d go that route; they didn’t with your dad or sister.” “But they did with my mom?” “Yes, for the same basic reason. I believe they are under heavy pressure from someone to charge you with something; anything. And unless I miss my guess, it’s likely Mrs. Laramy from Family Services. She is certain...
March 15, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “Is it OK if I interrupt?” Clarissa asked on Monday evening. “Sure,” I replied. “What’s up?” “I wanted to check on class schedules for the Fall. I’d like to take the same classes. It’ll help with our study group.” “Sure. Pete, Kurtis, Jason, excuse me for a bit.” Clarissa and I went to my room and sat down with the course catalog. “We need O-Chem, the second semester of cellular biology with lab, a humanities course, and a language course,” I said. “Do...
An Unforgettable Melody: Ch. 01 Oh, God… what… the hell… happened? Mike slowly awoke in a haze, his head throbbing in pain. Forcing his eyes to blink open for a moment, he glanced at his bedside clock. 7:00 am? Dammit, that’s way to early for a Saturday. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to get any more sleep with his headache, Mike slowly sat up in bed. Gonna need some Tylenol… As his brain started to power up, he tried to recall what he had been doing yesterday that could have put...
4-14-2011 Jonathan It's early December and snow lightly falls, covering the bare trees and the grass. I have been dating Melody since that magical day in the summer at the waterfall. Things have been going amazingly and the sex just gets better every time. I invited Melody up to my cottage in New Hampshire for a weekend. She should be here soon. I do have to admit, I am a little nervous. I'm not quite sure why. My thoughts were interrupted by a light knock at the front door. I...
February 15, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “Mike!” Angie squealed when she opened the door to her room. “Hi, Ang!” She hugged me and kissed my cheek. “I missed you! How was home?” “Good,” I replied. “Have some time for me?” “Always! Your place?” “Sure.” She took my hand and we walked back to my room where I put on Shadows by Gordon Lightfoot, then grabbed a couple of Cokes from the fridge. “How was your weekend?” I asked. “Quiet. Yours?” “I spent some time talking to my dad. I haven’t...
March 27, 1982, McKinley, Ohio I was still thinking about Katy as I walked to the Quick Mart for my weekly shift on Saturday morning. There was no doubt in my mind that sooner, rather than later, Katy was going to ask me to ‘go all the way’ and I’d have a very big decision to make. When I’d mentioned going steady, she’d immediately thought about having sex. The linkage was just as clear as Tasha’s linkage between marital crowns and sex. If I decided to ‘go all the way’ with Katy, it would...
August 24, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “Whoa!” I gasped. “It fits, Mike. And it explains everything that happened afterwards.” “Mom, Abby exhibits the same behavior. She basically offered to have sex with me when she said hello the first day, and Becky implied Abby has been doing that since she was twelve.” “Stay out of that Mike. That’s an issue for the van Dorns.” “Is it? Emmy told me that Abby was here earlier and that Liz and Abby were acting crazy so she left and went home.” “You think...