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Sister-1 Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle. i Permission given to post on FictionMania and C-Sprite Please send comments to [email protected] -------- If anyone had told me a year ago I would be sitting here, letting my Mom braid my hair and fix my makeup for the senior honors ceremony, I would have laughed at them. So would Mom. I for the hair and makeup, she for both appearance and academics. But I really do want to look good in my new formal. I should still be mad at my sister, but since I'm stuck like this, we've called a truce. She says she feels really bad about it being permanent, and she's been a lot of help in my survival at school. It started as simple sibling rivalry, and slowly escalated. I was three years younger than Sherry, my sister. She claimed that younger brothers were created exclusively to bring misery to her life. So I tried as best I could to fulfill her claim. We were both super-smart, but not particularly wise. So the level of our pranks grew quickly. I guess what got me started into my current predicament was when she was running really late for a concert, and I filled the toes of her dress boots with Vaseline. The look on her face when she went "squish" was great. Especially since I caught it on film. Since she was late, she had to do two performances in the goo. I got grounded for two weeks, and had to clean out the boots. A month later I was wearing my favorite jeans, and when I squatted to pick up a pencil, the entire seam down the middle parted. And I wasn't wearing undies. I wound up wearing gym trunks and getting razzed for the rest of the day. It was no surprise when I checked the seam; it had been re-sewn with a special rip stitch. So she got a lecture and two sleep-overs canceled. And had to buy me new jeans. I put a virus on her computer, which wiped out four weeks of assignments and her term paper. She snuck into my room while I was dead asleep. She and a friend put blonde streaks in my hair, and gave me a permanent-makeup Barbie makeover. Which with my small stature and extra-long hair made me look like an oversize Kewpie doll for several weeks. I hated being called a girl, and there was little I could do until the makeup faded. I found an idea on the net, and the day before the spring dance, when she found she needed a tight panty-girdle to get into her dress, I knew the time had come. Mom bought her one of those long-leg shiny satin things that looked half her size. While she was in the shower, I snuck into her room, and put the powdered glue I had gotten through the Internet in her talcum powder shaker. What I didn't know was that she had just started her period, and was taking water pills. Or that she would not wear any other underwear. The dance was in a town nearly an hour away. When she left I emptied the shaker and refilled it with her powder alone. Five hours later she came home in tears, wrapped from the waist down in a plastic trash bag. Half-way through the dance she had started to leak, and went to change her protection when she found the girdle was firmly glued to her skin. Everywhere. So there was nothing she could do but borrow a super pad and tape it on the outside. This was bad enough. Then all the punch caught up with her. She tried to hold out, but when her boyfriend surprised her, she lost it right on the dance floor. Once Mom and Dad had her calmed down, and had dissolved the glue enough to cut and peel the girdle off, she claimed she would never be able to show her face in public again. It was a week before they got her to return to school, and the others gave her hell. I spent the week standing up. I'd never seen Mom get so mad. She broke two hairbrushes and sprained her wrist. Sherry told me she would get even. But soon she seemed to be treating me better. Little did I know what she was planning. Because Sherry was the first one up, she was in charge of getting breakfast on the table. In June she started serving herself and me these "energy shakes" made of milk and fresh fruit. They tasted a bit weird, but good. I quit bugging her as much, it was summer and I wanted to be out playing. In mid-August I noticed my chest was itching, and by the middle of September my nipples had gotten lots bigger and hurt. I also noticed that my face fuzz, which I was carefully cultivating, seemed to be disappearing. I was having a lot of mood swings, and would suddenly start crying without a real reason. It was early October, when I found I was losing muscle tone, and had been getting chubby in the chest and butt, I really started to worry. But I was afraid to find out what was happening. I figured that as soon as swimming started I would get some exercise. When it was time for the first day of swim class I was, as usual, late. So I was the only boy in the locker room. When I showed up in my trunks at poolside, the new girl's coach screamed, threw a towel around me and hauled me to her office. "What are you doing going topless young lady?" she stormed. I looked at her like she was nuts. "Hunh? Who are you talking to?" "You, you little hussy, that's who." I looked around, then it dawned on me that she must have thought I was a girl because of my super long and still blonde-streaked hair. I smiled, and said laughingly "Hey, cool it ma'am, I'm just a guy with long hair." She looked at me carefully. "I don't think so, miss." She hauled me to one of the big mirrors in the gymnastics room, which was full of girls. They were giggling and pointing. The air was cool, and when she removed the towel, I looked in the mirror and I almost died. With my nipples and wet skin tight in the cool air, I looked like an athletic, topless teeny-bopper. My chest wasn't getting fat. I was growing boobs. "Hey Sam." I looked and it was one of Shelly's cohorts. She was pointing and laughing "When did you decide to change locker rooms?" I stood there with my mouth open, gurgling. The gym teacher hauled me back to her office, and pulled a very tight tank suit out of a drawer. She shoved me into her private washroom, and told me to put it on immediately, or else. I was too numb to argue, and failed to notice how well it fit. It felt like I was stuffed into an elastic tube. I staggered back into her office. The boy's coach was there, and he stared at me, then her. "Well, that's Samuel all right, but he looks, well..." "I don't care if Sam's a he, a she, or whatever. If Sam, or whatever it is goes around looking like a topless girl it will give my students a bad reputation." She was hopping mad. I was confused. I wound up having to walk through the entire guy's team to change back to my regular clothes in the locker room. I was razzed beyond belief. I left the tank suit on. It was dry and kept my sore chest from jiggling. I was glad swimming was my last class. I managed to make it to the bus, and was immediately accosted by several of the girls from the gymnastics class that knew me. I tried to defend myself, but one of them shoved a hand down my shirt, and grabbed a nipple. When she pinched, I whimpered. She looked totally surprised. She started to palm and fondle my breast, and it caused a surge of electricity to zip through my overly compressed penis. I moaned. "Damn, they're like really real." She looked at me. "Sorry about the pinch, I know that had to hurt." Her voice had sympathy. I wondered who had pinched her. Soon they were asking me all kinds of questions I could not answer. I managed to make it inside my house before I collapsed in tears. Shelly found me curled up on the living room floor, still crying. I looked at her, and when she saw he straps of the suit, she just smiled, and went to her room. I was sitting at the table, holding my head in my hands when Mom and Dad came home. They looked really worried. "Sam, we got a call from the school, and..." I looked at them, stood up, and took off my shirt and pants, and stood there in the suit. Mom's "Oh my god, Sam, what's happened to you?" drowned out Dad's "Oh shit". She started babbling and wanting to take me to the emergency room. Dad was trying to ask me questions. I finally told them I was about to throw up, and got escorted to the bathroom. When my stomach decided it was just hunger, they agreed to get me something to eat. I, as usual, suggested Chinese, and pulled on my pants and shirt. They were staring at me. "Sam, do you want to go out like that..." I looked down at myself. The suit changed my whole appearance, and the straps were visible on my shoulders. "No, but I don't think it's gonna make a lot of difference what I want." Rather than arguing, we wound up in Dad's car heading for my favorite Chinese place. Mom looked at me with tears and pity in her eyes when we parked. She reached behind my head and pulled the band out of my hair, then brushed it out, leaving it free to cascade over my shoulders and cover the straps. Dad made strangling noises. We walked inside, and I saw the reflection of a pretty auburn-haired girl in the door. I managed to make it to the table before I broke down and started sobbing. Mom had dried my eyes when the waitress came by. She took their orders, and asked what their daughter wanted. Dad almost lost it then, but mom simply gave her the order, and when the waitress left, shook her head. Dinner was actually great. Mom and Dad avoided any reference to my appearance, and I was hungry. We made it back home without further incident. The next morning I was wearing my own clothes, and wishing for the support of the tank suit when Mom said I was not going to school. I looked at her like she was nuts. If there was one thing I was reliable at, it was attendance. "I am taking the day off and you are going to see Doctor Andrews." He was our new family physician. I tried to argue, but that ended as expected. I had to go back and take a shower, wash my hair, even brush my teeth twice. And put on all clean clothes and underwear. Again. Moms are weird like that. The appointment was at ten, and we were there early. When mom explained to the nurse why we were there, she gave me a strange look. I soon found myself in an exam room, with Mom. When the doctor asked if I wanted my Mom present during the examination, I shook my head. Mom looked hurt, but left. I was used to being without clothes around guys in the locker room, but felt really shy when I pulled off my T shirt and undies. Dr. Andrews eyes got really wide, but he carefully examined me from head to toe, asking all sorts of questions. When he had me lie down and began examining my chest, I started to whimper. He got really gentle, and carefully explained what each movement was for. I shortly knew how to do a breast exam. He told me that I would really not like the next part, and put some lube on his gloves. He then proceeded to massage my penis until I was hard, then measured me. I was bright red from embarrassment. When he explained what a sperm sample was, I tried to beg off, but he threatened to ask my Mom to help. I lay very still. He put a condom on me (yes, we had sex-ed in school) and continued the massage, adding a slippery finger in my butt that pressed on something inside that made me gasp and come. He carefully transferred the contents of the condom to a jar. Finally he gave me a towel to clean myself up, and told me to get dressed except for my shirt. Talk about embarrassed. The nurse was called in, and they took several blood samples. As usual, I quietly passed out. I hate needles. When I woke up I had my shirt on, and was lying between the rails of the examining table, covered with a blanket. Mom was looking at me. "Decided to rejoin us?" It was an in joke from a previous visit. I smiled. We were told to come back the next morning to get the results of the tests. Mom took me for some ice cream. And I was amazed that I didn't have a pile of homework waiting for me at home. I spent the rest of the afternoon in front of the television. It was just after nine the next day when Dr. Andrews asked us into his office. There was another, older man there who was introduced as Dr. Morton, an endocrinologist. He asked me a bunch of questions, and I was surprised to be able to give a firm answer to most. He asked if I was taking any pills or medications, or herbs, or anything like that, and I shook my head. I wound up back in the exam room, but it was quick and almost painless. When I rejoined them in the office, Mom was crying. My terrified "I'm not gonna die, am I?" caused both Doctors to laugh. "Samuel, you are in excellent health." I stared at them. "But what about..." I pointed at my chest. Dr. Morton spoke up. "Samuel, when a person goes through puberty, the body manufactures hormones that tell it whether to mature as a boy or a girl. In a few people, the body gets confused, and generates too much, or too little, of one or both hormones. In your case, it appears that your body is making too much estrogen, the hormone that causes breasts to grow and keeps you from growing a beard. It also prevents your voice from dropping." He paused. "From what you have told us, this has actually been going on for a long time. Your body has adapted to these levels, and changing them suddenly could hurt you." "You mean I'm gonna keep growing..." He nodded, a sad smile on his face. "Most likely. And you will also probably put more weight on your hips, thighs, and bottom. The really good news is that the semen sample Dr. Andrews collected is normal, so it appears you will be able to have children one day if you so desire." "But I'll look like a girl..." "At least until your body stops growing. Then, if you want, we can surgically remove your breasts and some of the fat off your hips and thighs to make you look more like a man. Sometimes it works well, sometimes not." The idea of being carved up like a turkey made me queasy. I sat there and cried for a while. Mom held me, and Dr. Morton asked her if I needed a shot to calm me down. My "NO!" ended that. Dr. Andrews explained about me and needles. When they suggested I see a psychiatrist about learning to handle my problem, I objected, but Mom immediately agreed. They gave Mom a bunch of paperwork they said would make the school treat me properly. I asked about gym and swimming. They said they could get me totally excused from PE if I wanted. When I said I really liked to exercise, Dr. Morton looked directly at me. "Samuel, you are going to have a hard time in either locker room. The boys will make fun of you and probably play rough with your breasts. To be blunt, you could be attacked and raped." Mom looked scared out of her wits. "The girls will be embarrassed by your male parts, and will also make fun of you. And the school will probably make you wear a girl's gym outfit either way." "So I've got to quit doing what I enjoy, even though you say I'm going to be stuck like this?" He nodded, then shook his head. "No, it is up to you. I can provide medical guidance for you to use either locker room, but once you decide to use one or the other, you will be stuck there for quite a while. And that applies to the bathrooms as well." I thought about some of the jocks that had roughed me up because of my small size and long hair, and shuddered. I had heard rumors of dropped soap. "Make it the girl's lockers and washrooms. I'll be safer there." I suddenly broke out laughing, with an undertone of bitterness. "It's the dream of every straight guy in the school. Get free access to the girl's locker room, and find the truth about girls you want to date." Mom slugged me. They laughed. I wilted. In a resigned voice I managed "And I guess I can forget about dates. No girl will be willing to go out with someone that looks like a sissy, or her sister" Dr. Morton's "Don't bet on that" surprised both the rest of us. But he refused to elaborate. Dad was horrified when he got home and Mom gave him the results. Shelly laughed her head off, and said she wished I would have to put up with having periods. That got her yelled at. When they told her the changes were permanent, she suddenly got really quiet, and ran to her room. I was lying in bed just after seven, wondering if life was still worth living, when Shelly came in. I figured she was going to tease me again. But she was crying. Real tears. She apologized again and again for making fun of my problems, and asked if she could help. I sat up and shrugged. My bitter "Well, maybe tomorrow I can borrow one of your old outfits and a bra," caused her to break down in tears. Suddenly she hopped up and ran out of the room. Moments later she returned with a tape measure. "I can do a hell of a lot more than that, little brother. She kicked the door shut. "Strip" Soon she was taking measurements from my neck to my toes. I knew she was really good at sewing, but what she was doing baffled me. When she measured around my breasts I whimpered at the contact, and the idea. "Get used to it." She then took a second set of measurements with the tank suit on. She told me to take a nap, because we would be busy when she got back. I heard her argue with Mom until she got the car keys, and I tried to relax as she drove off. She woke me just before ten. "Come on, sleepy head. You've got clothes to try on. When I looked at my floor, there were almost a dozen shopping bags full of clothes. "Where in the world..." she put her fingers to her lips. "Mom and Dad don't know about these, yet." She pulled out something that looked like a tight, long-legged swimsuit, but white. "Body shaper. Best I could buy. Put it on." It took both of us, as I had never done it, and she was trying not to put her hand in my crotch. When she adjusted the straps, I felt my chest being lifted, and my breasts suddenly being softly held in place. It felt really nice. She smiled, and looked me over. She made me put one of her super-maxi pads in the crotch, and re-tuck myself out of sight. She pulled my hair out of the pony tail and brushed it out like Mom had. The soft cotton dress she added felt light and cool on my skin, and the skirt brushing my legs was arousing. Five minutes later she took me to the mirror on my door. She was standing next to a cute girl almost her age. Me. I hugged her and cried. "Hey, you look good" she said. "I'm not a girl!" She pulled back and looked at me. "Well, little brother, or should I say little sister, you sure could fool me." I nodded painfully. "Tomorrow when you get up, shave your face, legs and armpits, and use my shampoo and conditioner on your hair." Before she had threatened me with death if I touched her stuff. "I don't know how to shave..." I had not seen my sister naked in many years. We were both in the bathroom, and she was busy removing what little hair I had on my legs, and the brush under my arms. I was busy staring at her figure. She was really cute, and her breasts were large, pointy cones with big, firm nipples. She had a small forest of fine dark hair covering her crotch. Which made me horny, and embarrassed, and caused her to laugh as I stuck straight out. When she hung the washcloth on my penis I groaned in embarrassment. "Hey, I know a lot of girls who would love to have that stuck in them." I turned beet red. "You will soon find out just what we girls talk about in the locker room, and think about the so-called studs at school." She told me to wash off the shaving cream. It had never felt my skin so smooth. "Yeah, It feels great. Wait till you put on your stockings tomorrow morning." We had finished rinsing, and she reached up and fondled my breasts lightly, then started sucking on one of my nipples. I almost came all over her leg. It was the most incredible feeling I had ever had. She put her thigh between my legs, and ground her bush against my hip. I lasted about thirty seconds, and came for about a minute. She carefully washed herself off. I was shaking. She was grinning. "Good reflexes. Sleep good." She wrapped herself in a towel and disappeared. I was out the moment I hit the bed. Mom drove us to school the next morning. She was still shaking her head at the way I was dressed. I was wearing the body shaper, which gave me quite a bit of cleavage. And made my boobs feel, well, comfortable. A belted, long cotton shirt-dress with several buttons undone. I had never realized how comfortable girls' clothes were. Some dreamy silky stockings that made me so aroused when I slid them on I had trouble walking, and a pair of what Shelly called "Mary Jane's". I looked better than most of the other girls my age. I realized I was using other to include me. The school office got in an uproar, especially when Mom said I was to use the girls' restrooms and lockers. But the doctor's paperwork included the legal references. Mom told them if they let me be harassed she would sue them out of their retirement. At their suggestion, Samuel was removed from the rolls, and Samantha added. There were a lot of rude and nasty comments, but Shelly had spread the word to her friends, who I found out had contributed most of my new wardrobe. They provided escort services, and probably ruined several insteps when people did not heed their warnings. The girls swimming coach blew a fuse when she saw me walk out of the girl's locker room in the tank suit and a new swim cap. But there were five "real" girls who made a wall between me and her. Her ranting about ever catching me looking at their private parts made me angrily pop up, "Then tell them to quit staring at mine." She looked like she had eaten a live toad. I can now guarantee the girls routinely checked each other over more thoroughly than they ever check me. Something about the competition. By late February I was a full B cup, like my sister. They were incredibly sensitive, and I began to feel sorry for the guys whose only erotic area was their crotch. At school the novelty had worn off, and aside from a few die-hard idiots, Samantha might as well have always been a girl. It really was not that different. I loved the soft and silky clothes, and developed a love-hate relationship with bras and girdles. My new four-inch heeled boots were fantastic. I had always been so short, and now I was tall enough to look people in the eye. Plus the way my nylon-clad thighs rubbed when I walked was really erotic. I was treated with more respect than before. I did not have to be as competitive or try to be macho. But I was still the same person inside. And most of my friends from before accepted me back. Oh yeah, there was one major difference. Before, the girls either laughed at me or ignored me. Now I was up to my, er, well, whatever in them. Believe someone when they say it takes one to know one. I had almost the same erogenous zones. Meaning all over. And I listened very carefully to the locker room talk about who liked what, and how. My first time was incredible. Cyndi was supposedly an ice queen. More like a dormant Volcano. Did you know that Moms can sense when you have lost your virginity? Or maybe it was the silly smile I came home wearing. I got a major lecture on birth control. And Dad quietly bought me two boxes of supplies. The lack of pressure showed in my grades. For the spring semester I had straight "A+'s, and that is why I'm getting ready for the honors banquet. Last month Sherry broke down and told me that she had been putting a small dose of hormones in my breakfast every day. I tried to get mad at her, but I was now comfortable as Samantha. And had every guy's dream. Well almost. Lots of beautiful girls trying to get into my skirts. Or at least borrow them. So, soon as Mom finishes my hair I'm joining up with Robert, who is my date and escort for the ceremony. A real hunk, with brains, all six feet three of him. And he's a dreamy dancer. He doesn't care if I'm a boy, and really knows how to make a girl feel light on her feet. And he cuddles so nice it gives me goosebumps, among other things. If I was all girl I would jump on him. Even as a boy it's tempting. After the ceremony, we'll meet Angela and Cyndi, then head for the new teen nightspot. Angela is a six-foot teen biker goddess. And she could vacuum the seeds out of an unripe cucumber. Yes, personal experience. Wow. She has been giving Cyndi lessons. Mmmmm. For months she has been trying to jump Robert's bones. But poor Robert was scared silly of her. I hope I've helped him over that. So does she. I'll hear all the juicy, I hope, details in the lockers at gym tomorrow. Cyndi is my Siamese twin. Most people say we are like two parts of the same puzzle. And both missing several pieces. She looks and acts like a ditzy Loni Anderson in a compact package. With straight-A grades. She is also really bi, which means I get to play sandwich on a regular basis. And no one gets left out when I get tired. She's already talking marriage and kids. Instead of being scared, I keep wondering if I can breast-feed? ---Finis

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When I saw them at the mall, I had to have them!I was making my weekly trip to the mall, camera in hand, to take pictures of young girls and try to ultimately get them into bed.I wasn't having much success until two gorgeous girls took a table not far away in the food court. The oldest one had blonde and the younger and most gorgeous one had long red hair and was probably the other one’s sister.So, I started taking pictures of them, trying to be inconspicuous. But the cute one did notice me and...

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Gotta love a bomb threat, it got us out of school at ten. If it hadn't been so cold outside I would have headed for the mall to hang out but instead I just went home figuring to play some video games. I hadn't seen Becky on the bus so I thought I'd be home all alone but I was wrong. Becky could be bossy sometimes and I didn't want to deal with her telling me what to do all day so I though I'd just sneak up to my room. Entering the back door I could hear her typing away on the computer. I...

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The darkness made it hard to find her but I got to the bed and felt her wet panties she had on. I slipped them off her and had her open her legs. Fingering her pussy with one then two fingers rubbing on the clit. Moaning softly and she said that Alyssa her little sister was in the bed with her. As I fingered her pussy and I licked and sucked her juices out of the hole between her legs. Shortly after that we slipped into the bathroom and got in the shower together. I took her cherry then and I...

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John sat on his porch, smoking a joint as he watched the young girls walk by. Friday meant the teenage disco down the road and a bit of idle purving. He reckoned they were all around sixteen or s*******n, and the parade of tight asses and young tits was better than watching the news. He wondered why girls didn’t dress like that when he was young, but then everyone thinks that.He was really waiting for his sister Anna, who was going to the disco and planned to change in his house. His parents...

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Bikini sister It's tough having a sexy older sister. Growing up, she was always the center of everyone's attention. She was perfect at everything she did and everybody wanted to be around her. Even when my friends came over to our house, they could never stop gawking at her despite my objections. My sister never did me any favors either, as she loved to lounge around the house in shorts and a tshirt for them to drool over. Fast forward several years later; I was still living at home attending a...

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sister Once it happened that our relatives from another city came to visit our family. Because of this reason the parents asked my sister to give them place in her room and to sleep several nights on a sofa in my room. I was already a student of 19 years old but I was still virgin. My 16 year old sister was finishing the school (and she was virgin too, I suppose). Thus on the first night of guests’ stay my sister and me came to sleep in my room. When I entered the room, the sister...

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My Dad died unexpectedly. My mother went into a deep depression after he died and she never recovered. Only months later, I was an orphan. I am the youngest of four daughters. My parents both came from Sweden and so all of us girls got the blond hair blue eye look. I was 16 when my mom died. My older sisters were already out of the house and living on their own. So it was that I went to live with my oldest sister. With the consent of my other sisters and a maiden aunt, the court...

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Sister by Sandy Sullivan The story of SISTER Jeri # 1, as chronicled in volume 550 in the library of the Society of Sisters. Published by SISTERS,Inc. (It is suggested that the reader should first read a premanent for life to fully understand the term SISTER, and the purpose of the Society. Description. A young man is trapped into becoming a...

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Fucking sister in hotel Hello dear readers this is Jatin 26 writing this story about mine own sister whom I did and dare to fuck during the course of our living in a hotel. I was sixth member of my family eldest one was anu my sister and in between there were four other members who expired during infancy and I survived. so there was a difference of around 12 years in between us. After my birth in a years time our father expired and mother become mentally sick hence the duty of my was entrusted...

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D411 It began when my sister pushpa and her son ravi came to stay with my wife and me for a week. Although older than me at 39, pushpa was still an attractive woman who looked 10 years younger thanks in part to her slim figure (despite having three children). She was married to a successful businessman although they didn’t spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours...

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This is a recollection of what happened between my sister and me last year. As a forty year old man my sex life is regular but somewhat routine with my wife of 16 years. I secretly craved excitment but never really went looking for sexual adventure, so what happened with my sister was accidental.I had booked a holiday for my wife and I to relax after a hectic year, our plan was to go to the sun for 2 weeks chill out and do nothing spectacular, the one thing we do enjoy is nude sunbathing and...

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About a year ago my older sister Heather got divorced. When we were little girls we were always very close. Heather is 27 years old and that makes her two years older than me. Although her marriage lasted only 4 years their wasn't any children and therefore she has kept her figure. Me on the other hand, had two children and gained a few pounds. My husband is always saying the extra pounds went to all the right places. I'm a little bigger on the hips and a lot bigger in the chest department....

4 years ago
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I called Rose a few days after the last time we had sex. She told me to come over and she would introduce me to Sister. My wife had to visit with her mom so we went over at the prescribed time. Rose met me in the common area of the building and my wife went to her mom's apartment. Rose and I went to Sister’s apartment and Rose knocked on the door. Sister opened it and invited us in. As we entered I noticed one obvious thing right away. Sister is a black woman. The second thing was there were a...

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Just last week. I was at a friend's house, his sister was older than me. She turned me on nunerous times i spotted her. Anyway, he left to go to the store with his mom. I was just chilling watching tv when suddenly some hands covered my eyes. I knew it was his sister because they were soft. She was half naked. That body had me stiff in a hurry. She noticed my dick and began to rub hee hands on it. I was enjoying it so i didnt mind. She was so fucking aggressive. She yuck my dick out and began...

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My sister and I were just sitting around and talking as we often did. I had come to visit for the weekend. It was a hot sticky day and she was wearing a tight tank top that was cut off a bit above the waist. That kind of thing can make small boobs look big. It made her big ones look huge. I couldn't help staring and when I told her she looked great today she laughed and said, "Do you mean 'they' look great today"?I said, "Both."Darla was never what you would call 'conservative' in the way she...

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As soon as Keeko's car was turning the corner, my wife called out to me, "She'd gone, sweetheart. You can come out now!" My lovely mistress wasn't kidding when she said I could come out. I could change back into my everyday outfit and abandon the masquerade I'd been doing for the past week while her sister had stayed with us. I couldn't wait as I slipped the baggy khakis down my smooth, hairless legs and pulled the dress shirt and sweater vest off over my head. I pulled off my...

2 years ago
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Sister Mom. I can't wear Jamie's clothes Don't be silly Pete. Her clothes will fit you and if you look at the pop stars they all wear styles that are a lot like Jamie's clothes. Just look at bts I know mom but, She does not need all these clothes anymore while she is at varsity and seems a waste if you can't use them. I will sort out what I think you can use at home first. She really has some lovely clothes. I know mom, but Pete, I want you to move into Jamie`s room and...

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Father Gray loved these conferences, this one was on the churches attitude to unmarried mothers, all wrath and condemnation a throwback to the good old days of the church when it inspired real fear and the clergy had proper power.The day had gone well and Grey had been particularly s**thing in an address what went down very well with the audience of priests bishops and nuns.Now as he sat in his small room at the seminary the made some notes and wrote his diary followed by a few letters.There...

2 years ago
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Lady in Red Ch 29

‘Did the President of The United States just call you?’ asked Naomi in disbelief. ‘That was the most frightening, amazing minute of my life! Dad said you could shoot, but I can’t believe what I just saw! I have to call Dad!’ The stage was filling up with concerned, and very relieved friends and relatives of the graduates. Naomi had used her long legs to vault onto the stage as soon as the handcuffs were removed from Steve. Jared strode across the now crowded stage and embraced Steve. ‘I don’t...

1 year ago
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Third and Final Courting of a Wife

The first time Madeleine and I looked at each other's eyes was in the hotel breakfast restaurant in a small Scandinavian town. She gave me a sweet smile, which I remembered the whole day. There was dance at the hotel bar in the evening and I got a happy feeling when I found her there. During our first and only dance I offered her a drink, which she accepted. But when the tune was over, the band took a break and the bar got very crowded why I offered her to chose something from the mini-bar in...

2 years ago
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My preuni days and dabbling with sex

'To much of anything, is not good for you'.Mr Sweeney owned the sweet shop, way across from the entrance of my finishing school, 'Queens Gate', an exclusive all Girls finishing school.We knew boys and men were keen on snaring one of us for sex, as rumours abounded about our insatiable lusting and d**g abuse, non of which were true, just 'Red Top', chitter-chatter to sell papers, with page three exposing three sixteen year old girls topless, who just happened to be a year ahead of me. The...

4 years ago
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Gangs Girls

GANG'S GIRLSby Mogollondog???????????????   ??????????????? It started when I was 15.? I lived with my mom because she'd divorced my dad.? To this day I thank my lucky stars that my dad didn't live with us.? If he had he would have fought them and we would probably all been killed.??????????????? My mom and I returned from shopping about 6 p.m. and when we got to the front door, it had been broken open.? My mother turned to run but both of us were grabbed and taken into the house.? In...

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Una Brava Mamma Per Ogni Occasione

Io sono la Mamma, il mio compito è rendere felice e contento mio figlio assecondando ogni sua richiesta e tenendomi sempre pronta a soddisfare ogni suo desiderio.Mio figlio vuole che io sia sempre una brava Mamma per ogni occasione, Provvedo alla pulizia e all’ordine della casa in cui viviamo e preparo da mangiare da brava casalinga quale sono.Mio figlio vuole che la sua Mamma sia sempre bella, in forma, ben curata e profumata, vuole che tenga le unghia di mani e piedi lunghe e sempre ben...

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A Close Call Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 28

Doug was absolutely flabbergasted. He had assumed that the enemy would run away from the exploding bombs, not toward them. Shit! This was a serious development which could result in a lot of unnecessary deaths. He definitely needed to find out the motivation of this horde of seemingly crazed people. Of course, it was also possible that they were not insane, just some sort of fanatics. Whatever the reason, they had to be stopped! Doug signaled for the others to follow Flower as he made for...

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The Encounter Specialist Episode 6

Priya was able to make her way in amongst the mobsters and was feeling sure of the fact that she would be able to get some more information about the murder and also be able to solve it soon as possible, get to the collars of the main person behind the murder and to make him pay for his deeds. Though she was a part of them now, she hadn’t still proved her worth to the boss. She stood in front of the mirror, dressing up and thinking of what all she can do if she is able to make a good impression...

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Pleasures of the Northern Sky1

It was now 3 months over Ty’s 6 month contract end date, and he was finally on a plane back to civilization after working in a remote northern mine in the Yukon, without a holiday. It was going to be a great break from living on the mine for the last 9 months, finally home to his own bed and even booked two weeks in California to get some extra sunshine and warmth. It was only a 30 passenger twin engine that carried employees in and out of the mine, but being on the last flight of the day,...

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Second ChanceChapter 18

August and September hurried by. The rosters returned to twenty-five players on October first. True to his word, Janacone used me often. The Royal s played thirty games in thirty-one days, and I pitched eighteen times. My longest outing was five outs. Several times I pitched to only one batter. On October first I was supposed to be optioned to Double A, to be forgotten until the next time they needed a 'killer' on the big club. That was the plan and I was fine with it, except for the...

4 years ago
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Dnde estn la llaves

Siempre he tenido mucho líbido y eso puede ser un problema. No es que yo sea un moralista que considera el sexo o la masturbación como negativos o sucios. Se trata más bien de que el sexo o la masturbación, aunque divertido, me hace perder mucho tiempo. En la época en la que todo esto pasó yo estaba muy ocupado, tenía un trabajo como camarero mal pagado en un bar por las tardes, en otro noches de fin de semana y aspiraba a un puesto de funcionario en la administración. Así que mi (escaso)...

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Bens Girl Harem by Auumaan chapter 25conclusion

By Auumaan 'to truly measure a man is to give him power and see what he does with it.' In the depths of the Abyssus castle there stood two battle ready teens each in their own super powered forms; Ben in DiamondHead form and Rex with two overly large metal versions of his hands clenched. The lone enemy; Skalamander looked back and forth between the two anxiously weighing his options of fighting or running. "You think I'm afraid of you? Come on!" the large reptilian mutant...

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Blonde hair blue eyes

I would always just be friends with everyone. Everyone called me "one of the guys". Mainly because I loved sports and I wasn't girly girly either. But I have huge tits and half the time, an ultra wet pussy. Seeing as how I never had a boyfriend, and I never experienced sexual activity. I would always go home and watch porno or chat online and cyber by turning on my webcam and finding another guy with a webcam. It gave me pleasure at the moment. But deep down, I wanted love more than...

2 years ago
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Usha aunty

Hello friends this is Rohit again for u telling u the facts happened to me during the dog show at mi home wherein mi sister Sneha become mi bed partner and Usha aunty was in waiting list for nice mating. That day it was around 6 .00 am in the morning when I was woken up by Sneha telling Get awaken Sun has come on the horizon. I got up and saw Sneha waiting former with a cup of tea I told her good morning but her smile was mysterious so her body was tips of her boobs were clearly visible which...

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He Was a Chicken Coming Out

The Presidio of Monterey is located on the hillside running up from the bay. It is the Army base for the Defense Language Institute, West Coast. In the city itself is the Naval Post-Graduate School for officers. But the institute has both enlisted and officer students of all services. It has a perfect setting for a school on Monterey Bay with the typical Mediterranean climate found on the coast of Southern California. Sent there to study Vietnamese during the war in the late 1960s Sal was...

Gay Male
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My sister My wife and me happy days

This is my 1 st story ever and I appreciate your feedback…   Let me begin by introducing myself, Fad, 28 years old, married since less than a year to my lovely wife Dana. I left my original country after receiving a good job offer outside and where I spent 3 years before I met my wife. We had a lovely relation for 2 years before getting married and here we are doing great together. It was very hard for me to leave my home country, not just because I spent there 5 amazing years at college...

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His Cock needs to be Locked Up PT2

Ray wasn't crazy about dancing, he was more of a sit down and have a beer kind of guy. However, he knew he had little choice in the matter. Amy jumped up from the chair causing her short dress to flap up, momentarily exposing her pussy and ass to anyone that might be looking her way. Ray's cock pulsed in its cage, and he stood up, too. Amy took him by the hand, leading him towards the door.Their route out of the bar took them past the stranger. Amy slowed to look the stranger up and down. He...

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Where the F am I

Aaaahhhh! Fuck! Where the hell am I?! What the fuck is happenning to me?!?!? Why can't I move? Something is on my head! It is covering my entire head!! Pressing in on my eyes. Hard. I can't hear anything!!!! GOD! I CAN'T MOVE MY HEAD! What ever is on my head is pulling it back to the extreme. It is being pulled back so tightly that I can't close my mouth. Ooh noo... I couldn't close my mouth anyway. Something is jacking my jaws apart. Ohmygod! Where am I?!?? Why can't I move...

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I lost my virginity to my best friend

Nikki was 2 years older than me and was my next door neighbour. We played together when we were kids and hung out together as we grew older. There wasn’t much I didn’t know about her and vice versa. But all good things come to an end and she moved away to a University in Spain whilst I remained and got a job locally. We would meet up whenever she returned home but those occasions were very rare. A couple of years after she moved away she was due to return home during the summer holiday and...

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From The App To Bed

Let me introduce myself. I am 22 year old student who is athletic. Slim but since I am marathon runner, so I have good stamina. My cock is between 7-7.5 inch. And I stay in Bangalore. The other character of the story is Mahi . She is a beauty. I can’t describe her beauty. She is 32 years old. Her figure is 36dd-34-38. I call her sexy legs because of her beauty from top to bottom. She stays in Noida. This is my first story so pardon me if I commit mistakes. It started in 2015 when my friend...

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Rani Become Randi

My name is Rani Khan. I belonged to a normal family. My Abbu Jabbir ran a meat shop. My Ammi Fatima was a maid. My elder brothers Irfan and Farhan were local Gunde. They caught so many times but still had not learned. My younger brother Jamal and Karim were Charsi. They took lot of loan for this. We were lived with Bade Mamu and Chote Mamu. Both hMamu had a meat shop too, they were too young when Nanu died, so Ammi and Abbu stayed there. Our family earning was so low. My Chachajaan got work in...

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It started as any other day with an uneventful drive to work. It was still dark when I started out but, even through the torn up paving in the construction area near my house, I was able to avoid all the major potholes and ruts on the drive. Once out on the highway, traffic flowed pretty much at the speed limit actually letting me get to work a bit early where I easily found a choice parking place close to the building. During the drive I watched the sun rise in my rear view mirror so by the...

1 year ago
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FullOfJOI Corinna Blake The Perfect Sexual Stroke

I did not know you were going to be home so early. Why do you look so sad? Your girlfriend broke up with you again? It is not your fault. She just does not recognize how special you are. Maybe you are scared to have sex with her, but we can teach you how to do it so you will have confidence next time. I want to see your cock. Wow, it looks great! Now, I want to see you stroke it for me. Use your hand that you write with. Before you got home, I was playing with a dildo. Watch me suck it. I would...

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Paige From Her Diary

Michael unlocked the door with a sigh, knowing that he had to go through with this, no matter how little he wanted to.The place still felt – even smelled – like home.  He’d grown up here, after all, and upgrading to new apartments every time a promotion made it possible meant that he had never really gotten attached to anywhere else.He had to let it go, though.  After much soul searching, he and his sister Paige had decided that it was ridiculous to keep paying property taxes on a house that...

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Sail The Seven SeasChapter 5

Swiss Alps one week later The men at the table were subdued. Their total lack of "real world" knowledge reverberated in their darkened moods. The latest failure was almost too much for the men who would rule the world. They were rethinking their future when their local contact/mentor showed up. The tall Arab looked around the table and snorted, "Will you listen to me the next time? This is two watchers you have let escape. My people had to kill a third one in this place called Cleveland....

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