Sisters free porn video

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Nick was startled awake by a douse of cold water. He found himself in a sparse yet homey room, like something you'd expect in a motel. There was a bed, a nightstand, a desk, and windows with frilly pink curtains. For that matter, everything was pink, or beige, or off-white. It looked like a girl's room, like something you'd find in a . . . oh, shit! The sorority! He'd snuck in last night on a dare, and now sunlight was streaming in through the window. And he was sitting with his back to the foot of a bed, dripping with cold water. How did that happen? He looked up and was surprised to see Vicki Plume standing over him, a metal bucket in her hands, a drop hanging tentatively from the rim. How had he not noticed her sooner? She looked pissed, too, with her lips set in a stern smile. "S-sorry," he stammered and stood up, hoping she'd let him get away. "I'll just be leaving now." He was wearing a hang-dog look and refused to meet her eyes as he shouldered by. Before he could get to the door, though, she shouted after him. "Hold on, sister! We've got to talk." And he froze there with his hand on the nob as a strange thrill ran through his body. He was suddenly and intensely aroused. Was Vicki coming onto him? He turned to look at her, a big lump in the crotch of his pants. She was beautiful in a traditional sort of way. Tall, curvaceous, big breasted. Hell, he'd fuck her. He couldn't help but grin at the thought. "Wipe that smile off your face, sister," Vicki growled, and once again he felt a wild rush of arousal. Was she trying to dominate him? Because she was doing a great job. Nobody had ever tried this before, and he was surprised by how turned on he's gotten. "What do you want, mistress?" he asked, not really sure how to play this game but willing to give it a shot. She was much less casual about it, though, and looked at him with open disgust. "I'm not your 'mistress'," she hissed. "If anything, I'm your sister." And then she paused, smiling wickedly, and with the clearest enunciation he had ever heard, she said, "Sister." His body started tingling again, like waves of warmth washing over him. It made his nipples rock hard, and his penis felt like it was about to explode. How could she tease him like that and not deliver. Was this his punishment for trespassing? "Come on, sister," he said, flinching at how incestuous that sounded. "Give a guy a break. What do you want from me?" She paused then, smiling. "I'm glad you asked." She put a hand on her hip and pointed authoritatively at the closet. "Go open that, sister." There was no arguing with the look on her face, which filled him with conflicting emotions. She made him hornier than he had ever been?even horner than when he was a thirteen-year-old discovering porn. But the look on her face was anything but encouraging. All he could do was play along, hoping that she'd drop him a bone at the end of the game. That, or a boner. (Ha!) So he shuffled over to the closet and opened the door, inside of which was a full wardrobe of sorority clothing. Formal wear, party wear, jogging shorts, high heels. The whole works. "Yes?" he finally asked, staring into the closet. "What now?" There was an exasperated sigh from behind him, and then Vicki snapped, "What do you think, sister? Put on your favorite outfit!" There was that rush again. It was such a strange feeling, both energizing and draining. He arms and legs felt unusually weak, even as raw sexual energy coursed through his veins. It aroused him enough to encourage strange thoughts, tempting him to put on those clothes out of sheer kinkiness. He could imagine himself, a big muscled dude in a tight sorority ballgown. It was ridiculous, but kind of sexy if he thought about Vicki pressing her warm body against him, those huge breasts flattening against his six-pack. Oh, how she would wail if she only let him touch her. But as sexy as she was, he wasn't wearing women's clothing. Not for anyone. "No way, Vicki!" he finally shouted, slamming the closet shut. He wheeled around and looked her straight in the eye. "If you want to do something kinky, just tell me. All this teasing is getting us no where." He stood there seething at her, but she remained as composed as ice. "What's wrong, sister?" she finally drawled, Nick's body flushing with excitement again. "Don't you want to be here, sister? In your home? This is your room, after all. Sister." And every time she said sister, his body exploded with pleasure and warmth and weakness. By the last one, he was doubled over on the floor, moaning softly. How the hell was she doing this to him? He knew she would never hurt him, that she loved him and had his best interest at heart?but still, something seemed wrong. His room seemed different, too. It was girlier than he liked with its pink walls and white trim, though it was really well painted. "Vicki," he finally moaned, catching his breath. The waves of arousal had passed, but he still felt woozy. He cradled his stomach, and looking down at his hands he was surprised to see that they had changed. They were tiny, like a boy's hands. And so were his arms. All the muscle had thinned away, leaving long, lanky limbs. Their hair had even changed, lightening from black to a downy yellow. And worst of all was his chest. It was once so brawny and big, the pride of his GYM workout. Now his t- shirt hung limply around a thin ribcage, as delicate as a girl's. It was enough to make him scream frantically, also embarrassingly like a girl, until he got off the floor and started running for the door. "Wait, sister!" Vicki called after him, but he kept running. He had to get out that door, even if his body, like, felt really good. "Are you leaving us? Do you not want to be part of the sorority anymore?" Of course he didn't want to be part of a sorority! He was fucking man! But at the same time?even as he reached for the door?he was shocked by the tenderness in her voice. It was as though she truly wanted him to be here. And as wrong as he knew it was, a part of him wanted to stay. She was such a lovely sorority president. A true friend even. He could feel it in his heart. And he loved the others, too. Patti, Laura, Ami. All of them! He loved all of them! And even though he was certain this was just another manipulation, he pulled his hand away from the door knob. He turned to look at Vicki, his eyes brimming with emotions he'd only felt for his family. He was terrified by how quickly he'd fallen in love with them. It was so fucking wrong! But at the same time, the thought of tearing himself away was heartbreaking. He was even starting to cry! Oh God! She was turning him into a sissy. A snot-nosed sissy! He wanted so badly to escape, but-- No, he couldn't bear life without his sorority sisters! His hand kept reaching for the doorknob and then cringing back. He had no idea what to do. He was, like, really, really confused right now! And nobody was helping him! Where were his frat brothers! He wanted them so badly! He wanted somebody to rescue him! Because Vicki was just a . . . a. . . . And then he looked up at her, her eyes twinkling with a stern love. And he knew. He wanted to stay here forever. He belonged here, with his sisters. And looking Vicki in the eye, he murmured the choice that would damn him but that he couldn't resist. "I'll stay here, Vicki." If they were going to turn him into a sissy, then so be it. He couldn't let them go. Vicki seemed to understand his choice, and for the first time all morning her tough facade melted and she smiled from the bottom of her heart. He wanted that moment to last forever, but she quickly put on her stern face again. "Well, sister. Does it feel good to be here?" And it did feel good! Warmth was coursing through his body again. Vicki's voice was a drug, a powerful aphrodisiac?especially when she called him sister. "I'm glad you like it here. Sister. And I want you to do another favor for me. Come stand in front of this mirror." Nick did as she asked, walking gingerly across the white carpet to stand before a simple dresser mirror. Vicki stood behind him, her hands on her hips, tapping one foot. And as Nick stared at himself, he was overcome with conflicting thoughts. On the one hand, he had withered away into a lanky, boyish frame. His face seemed younger, too, and he was shorter. It was like he was regressing through time, though he didn't look like his twelve-year-old self, either. His hair was getting shaggy and turning a lighter hue, a sandy blond. And as much as that worried him, he was also concerned about his clothes. There was something about their cut that seemed wrong. The shirt was too square and the pants were too baggy. His shoes suddenly seemed very boring, too. And dirty. "Do you see what I mean, sister? You've got to put on better clothes. Those don't suit you at all." Something in his mind was screaming as another wave of warmth washed over his body, settling luxuriously along his hips and thighs. He remembered opening the closet door just a moment ago and not liking what she found there. But at the same, she knew it had to contain clothes better than what she was wearing just then. So she walked over to the closet again and opened it. Inside was a veritable treasure trove of gowns and dresses, expensive shoes and sexy undergarments. It felt strange to enjoy the sight of them so much, but it also felt natural, like she had been doing so all her life. He was kind of confused by this. And why had she been disappointed with this selection before? Because these were, like, some really cute outfits! She sifted through them eagerly, feeling the silk on the back of her hand, rubbing a pair of cotton panties on her cheek. They were spotlessly clean, pure white. They delighted her. But she wanted something sexier, so she sifted around until she found some white lingerie with frills along the edges and transparent netting across the belly. She hastily tore off her other clothes, and then at a more sensuous pace pulled the silky lingerie up her thighs. It slid so creamily along her crotch and belly that she couldn't hold back a smile. But as she pulled the straps around her shoulders, she was disappointed to look down at two empty cups. Like, where were her tits? She struggled with this thought for a moment, before suddenly, terrifyingly remembering that he was a man. Of course he didn't have cleavage! He was about to shout something when Vicki preempted him: "Is something wrong, sister? Do you not like that, sister? Because we can always get you something else." He lurched with pleasure as Vicki said sister both times, nearly losing his balance in the process. He could feel the warmth twinkling beneath his nipples, pooling in his ass. It felt so fucking good! And in the next moment, Vicki made it even better, whispering from across the room, "Sister." His penis was still alive and kicking, but his balls were starting to feel weird. It was like they were engorging themselves on blood, tripling in size and growing intensely sensitive. At the same time, his stomach was rumbling. "Sister." A cavity was opening up inside of him, right beneath his crotch. "Sister, sister, sister! Sister!" And suddenly his penis was contracting and spasming, and right beneath his over-engorged testicles, a new musculature was coming to life. It grasped one of his balls with sensitive, gummy jaws. The feeling was incredible and he started moaning uncontrollably as it gobbled his testicle down. In the next moment, the organ grabbed his other testicle and swallowed it whole. He was, like, really, really fucking scared right now! Something weird was happening to him. . . . But. But it felt really, really GOOD, too! And that terriefied him the most. What was happening to him that he would, uhn, enjoy this so much? A new organ was pulling his testicles deep into his belly with tantalizing contractions, pushing them towards the curve of his hips. "Sister. Sister, sister, sister." He was wracked by another intense wave of pleasure, and when she blinked her eyes open again, she found herself lying sweaty on the bedroom floor. The warmth was settling heavily across her body, making her feel rounded and pretty. "Wha-what happened?" she finally squeaked, her voice that of a twelve year old girl. "Mmm," Vicki purred. "You blacked out. You were just in the process of choosing an outfit." She looked down at herself in her lingerie, feeling like a girl playing dress up. Her puffy nipples did nothing to fill the C-sized cups, and her butt was, like, looking really weird. It was definitely cute and everything, all curvy and smooth, but it was also really small. And, well, it didn't look like her butt. Her whole body looked kind of weird, actually . . . though she couldn't really put her finger on it. "Are you going to put on a dress, sister?" And she wriggled pleasantly on the carpet as a wave of pleasure spread across her body, swirling around her nipples like warm galaxies. When she blinked her eyes open again, she looked into her closet and thought about what she should wear. There was a cute pink halter top in front, and the sleeve of something silky and black further back. She stood up to look through her options when Vicki suddenly tackled her and pinned her small frame to the ground. "Wait a second. I changed my mind." And Vicki slipped her hand along the lingerie until it cupped her crotch. She fondled it gently, then said with a sinister smile. "You know you have a pussy." She looked at Vicki, kind of confused. That was, like, a really weird thing to say. "Of course I have one." But Vicki just shook her head. "Boys don't have pussies." And then it all rushed back to him. He was a boy! His name?his name was, like, Nick! He had snuck into a sorority last night and then blacked out. Now Vicki was on top of him, forcing him to wear lingerie, telling him that he had a pussy. "What the hell--" he started to yell, but then Vicki began fingering him. The shock of that feeling made him stop mid- sentence, not so much because it felt good as because it felt like he had a vagina. "You like that, huh, sister?" And Vicki smiled sinisterly as another wave of pleasure washed over him. He was terrified of his surroundings, of all the pink trim and girly clothes in the closet. But at the same time, he liked them so much. And he liked butterflies. And chocolates. And . . . what the hell was happening to her! She could feel all these girly thoughts percolating at the edge of his mind. He was drowning in them and enjoying them so, so much. If only it didn't feel so good to have Vicki fingering her! She wanted her to go even deeper, and so she started moaning needly. "Now, now, now, sister. Don't forget who you are." And then with her other hand she grabbed his cock, still throbbing strong beneath his lingerie. It was a really weird feeling because women, like, didn't have penises. But, like, was he a woman? He wasn't a woman, was he? Though he really wanted Vicki to take his cock into her mouth, to give her the best blowjob she had, like, ever gotten. "Blow me, Vicki," he moaned, his voice that of a thirteen-year-old girl's. "What's wrong with my voi. . . . Oh, shit." Vicki chuckled. "Now, now, now. That's no language for a member of our house. Unless it's me, of course." But after she got her word in, Vicki was uncharacteristically obliging. She unbuttoned his lingerie and pulled his rock hard cock out. She gripped it in a fist and squeezed it tightly. "Sister. Oh, oh, sister. Do you like it when I play with your penis? Sister?" And Peter's whole body shook with the excitement of each utterance, until he curled into a ball like a dying bee. He felt like she was going to explode, the warmth settling heavily in his ass, his thighs, his chest. Oh, and how his vagina was flushed with juices, Vicki's fingers exploring deeper and deeper into its folds. "Uhn-uh!" he gasped as her penis started contracting, like she was about to cum. "Uhn!" Vicki smiled, genuinely pleased with her power over him. "Oh, poor sister. Your wee-wee is trying to cum, but there's no more man-juice in it. All that's left for it is to shrivel into a nice, dainty clit. Don't you think, sister? Sister, sister, oh, sister." Each utterance of "sister" filled her body with coursing pleasure. Her face was flushed red, sweat pooling in her ears and along her hairline. Her body was filling out, warmth settling in her ass, her tits. She peeked down at her chest, two small breasts rolling heavily beneath the C-cup lingerie. They felt so good, and between mind-blowing orgasms, Vicki's predictions were coming true. Her cock was becoming a dainty little clit. It twitched uncontrollably as it shrank. And he was so pissed off about it. His fucking penis! His manhood! He could fucking rip her head off! "Stop!" he wailed, appalled and delighted by his voice. "Stop!" But she only brought his shriveling cock into her mouth and muttered around the edges, "Sister. Sister." He thrashed futily on the ground, feeling the warmth pooling in his body, settling lusciously along his thighs, his rear. He reached his hand up to massage a breast that was too big for his girly palms, and his other hand stroked the firm curve of her hips. He felt so earthy. Curvaceous. Fertile. Images of men, babies, birth, and motherhood were reeling through her mind. She wanted them all so badly! But he didn't want to be fertile! She didn't want to have babies, to have sex with men! Even if she was, like, so fucking hot. Even if she just really wanted to hold a cock in her hands, to wrap her lips around its throbbing flesh. But, ugh! That was so fucking gross. He didn't want that. He didn't want hot, sexy cocks. He didn't want men groping her breasts with big, strong hands, making her feel so warm inside, like the hottest fucking thing in town! And she spread her thighs wider, rearing up so Vicki could reach deeper into her. She wanted to tell Vicki to use her thumb, like he used to do to other women, but everything came out as a helpless moan. "Uhn! Uhn, Vicki!" Soon Vicki was licking her clit, bringing her closer and closer to the biggest organism of her life. But before she got there, Vicki suddenly pulled back and smiled at her. "I think we've gone far enough for now." "But," she said between pants, grasping for the words, "please. . . ." Vicki put on her stern face again, then looked her over. "First you need to do something for me. Look at yourself." But ohh. . . . She was sooooo close to cumming! She just wanted to get a little more touching. A little more. Please, Vicki, please. . . . But Vicki just stared at her all stern and mean, so she had to look down. It wasn't all that bad, though. She was hot, you know, and it kind of turned her on. Her chest was all heaving as she tried to catch her breath, and a small pool of sweat had gathered in her cleavage The lingerie held her boobs really snuggly, too, which felt great. And she could see her nipples peeking out the top of the fabric. Further down, she had, like, the trimmest hourglass ever! And they flared into hips and ass that strained her lingerie. They were, like, really fucking hot! She pushed her hands down along them, gripping the firm flesh. "You'll have such beautiful babies, sister. You're a regular fertility goddess." And she squirmed with the pleasure of the word sister again, the warmth filling her chest. She was, like, really, really happy just then! But at the same time, something felt kind of wrong. It was like the machinary in her head was grinding to a stop, and she was really having trouble concentr . . . concentra . . . thinking hard. But before this could worry her too much, Vicki murmured with a smile, "Sister." And she felt warmth circulating all throughout her body again. The cotton of her lingerie slid ever so slightly along her expanding curves. She could feel it, and it was really good! "Sister, my dear, dear sister." She squirmed with pleasure, thinking of how cute that pink halter top would look on her. And how fun it would be to dance to Brittany Spears, shaking her body beneath the strobe light. And how she really wanted to talk to that boy in her English Lit class, the one with the muscles. But these weren't her thoughts! She had to take control. She wanted to think about rock and roll and cumming all over Pamela Anderson's chest. He wanted to think about pickup trucks and dried cherries! About red stilettos and fur coats! And he wanted so badly for Vicki to put her fingers in her pussy! "Finger me," she moaned, her voice that of a young porn star, somebody fresh out of high school and too naive to say no. "Put your finger in me!" But Vicki instead leapt over to the nightstand and brought a mirror back with her, shoving it into her face. She had to blink a few times before she recognized it as herself, her hair hanging long around her neck, blond. And her eyes blue. And her nose pert and dainty. Her lips were thick, red, and ready to give a blow job. She felt like she was about to cry. . . . Vicki slowly put her fingers back into her pussy, and before she could figure out why her beautiful face made her so sad, she started moaning. "Tell me something, sister. What's your name?" And as a new wave of pleasure washed over her, overflowing her body with hormones she couldn't control, she struggled to remember. Ni-- Ni-something. Ni, Ni, Ni. . . . Nick! Nick! Her name was Nick! "Nick!" she gasped, but Vicki seemed displeased. "Sister." And there was another flood of warmth. "You've become such a fucking bimbo. I'm kind of disappointed. But let's try a little harder, shall we? Use every last muscle in that estrogen soaked brain of yours and think this through. Nick is a boy's name, right? And you're not a boy. You're a bimbo who loves cock. Aren't you, sister? Sister?" And the pleasure coursing through her body was so intense that she had to pull away from Vicki, to roll across the floor cradling herself. What the hell was going on! Her name was Nick! Nick! She wasn't a bimbo! She was a boy with a pussy, and she really loved cock! And she wanted one in her pussy! And she wanted somebody to massage her breasts! And since nobody was going to, she massaged them herself, even though they were, like, way too big for her hands. And all the while, Vicki sat there chanting, "Sister, sister," and she rolled around, gasping stupidly. "Fuck me," she finally breathed. "Fuck me." But nobody was touching her, so she rolled around, sitting on her thighs, her blond hair falling around her shoulders, her breasts overflowing from the tight C-cups. She saw all of this in the mirror. She saw a sorority girl, somebody any boy would want to fuck. But strangely, she wasn't sure if that was really her. She looked, somehow, different.

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John sat on his porch, smoking a joint as he watched the young girls walk by. Friday meant the teenage disco down the road and a bit of idle purving. He reckoned they were all around sixteen or s*******n, and the parade of tight asses and young tits was better than watching the news. He wondered why girls didn’t dress like that when he was young, but then everyone thinks that.He was really waiting for his sister Anna, who was going to the disco and planned to change in his house. His parents...

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Bikini sister It's tough having a sexy older sister. Growing up, she was always the center of everyone's attention. She was perfect at everything she did and everybody wanted to be around her. Even when my friends came over to our house, they could never stop gawking at her despite my objections. My sister never did me any favors either, as she loved to lounge around the house in shorts and a tshirt for them to drool over. Fast forward several years later; I was still living at home attending a...

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sister Once it happened that our relatives from another city came to visit our family. Because of this reason the parents asked my sister to give them place in her room and to sleep several nights on a sofa in my room. I was already a student of 19 years old but I was still virgin. My 16 year old sister was finishing the school (and she was virgin too, I suppose). Thus on the first night of guests’ stay my sister and me came to sleep in my room. When I entered the room, the sister...

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My Dad died unexpectedly. My mother went into a deep depression after he died and she never recovered. Only months later, I was an orphan. I am the youngest of four daughters. My parents both came from Sweden and so all of us girls got the blond hair blue eye look. I was 16 when my mom died. My older sisters were already out of the house and living on their own. So it was that I went to live with my oldest sister. With the consent of my other sisters and a maiden aunt, the court...

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Sister by Sandy Sullivan The story of SISTER Jeri # 1, as chronicled in volume 550 in the library of the Society of Sisters. Published by SISTERS,Inc. (It is suggested that the reader should first read a premanent for life to fully understand the term SISTER, and the purpose of the Society. Description. A young man is trapped into becoming a...

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Fucking sister in hotel Hello dear readers this is Jatin 26 writing this story about mine own sister whom I did and dare to fuck during the course of our living in a hotel. I was sixth member of my family eldest one was anu my sister and in between there were four other members who expired during infancy and I survived. so there was a difference of around 12 years in between us. After my birth in a years time our father expired and mother become mentally sick hence the duty of my was entrusted...

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D411 It began when my sister pushpa and her son ravi came to stay with my wife and me for a week. Although older than me at 39, pushpa was still an attractive woman who looked 10 years younger thanks in part to her slim figure (despite having three children). She was married to a successful businessman although they didn’t spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours...

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This is a recollection of what happened between my sister and me last year. As a forty year old man my sex life is regular but somewhat routine with my wife of 16 years. I secretly craved excitment but never really went looking for sexual adventure, so what happened with my sister was accidental.I had booked a holiday for my wife and I to relax after a hectic year, our plan was to go to the sun for 2 weeks chill out and do nothing spectacular, the one thing we do enjoy is nude sunbathing and...

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About a year ago my older sister Heather got divorced. When we were little girls we were always very close. Heather is 27 years old and that makes her two years older than me. Although her marriage lasted only 4 years their wasn't any children and therefore she has kept her figure. Me on the other hand, had two children and gained a few pounds. My husband is always saying the extra pounds went to all the right places. I'm a little bigger on the hips and a lot bigger in the chest department....

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I called Rose a few days after the last time we had sex. She told me to come over and she would introduce me to Sister. My wife had to visit with her mom so we went over at the prescribed time. Rose met me in the common area of the building and my wife went to her mom's apartment. Rose and I went to Sister’s apartment and Rose knocked on the door. Sister opened it and invited us in. As we entered I noticed one obvious thing right away. Sister is a black woman. The second thing was there were a...

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Just last week. I was at a friend's house, his sister was older than me. She turned me on nunerous times i spotted her. Anyway, he left to go to the store with his mom. I was just chilling watching tv when suddenly some hands covered my eyes. I knew it was his sister because they were soft. She was half naked. That body had me stiff in a hurry. She noticed my dick and began to rub hee hands on it. I was enjoying it so i didnt mind. She was so fucking aggressive. She yuck my dick out and began...

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My sister and I were just sitting around and talking as we often did. I had come to visit for the weekend. It was a hot sticky day and she was wearing a tight tank top that was cut off a bit above the waist. That kind of thing can make small boobs look big. It made her big ones look huge. I couldn't help staring and when I told her she looked great today she laughed and said, "Do you mean 'they' look great today"?I said, "Both."Darla was never what you would call 'conservative' in the way she...

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As soon as Keeko's car was turning the corner, my wife called out to me, "She'd gone, sweetheart. You can come out now!" My lovely mistress wasn't kidding when she said I could come out. I could change back into my everyday outfit and abandon the masquerade I'd been doing for the past week while her sister had stayed with us. I couldn't wait as I slipped the baggy khakis down my smooth, hairless legs and pulled the dress shirt and sweater vest off over my head. I pulled off my...

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Sister Mom. I can't wear Jamie's clothes Don't be silly Pete. Her clothes will fit you and if you look at the pop stars they all wear styles that are a lot like Jamie's clothes. Just look at bts I know mom but, She does not need all these clothes anymore while she is at varsity and seems a waste if you can't use them. I will sort out what I think you can use at home first. She really has some lovely clothes. I know mom, but Pete, I want you to move into Jamie`s room and...

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Father Gray loved these conferences, this one was on the churches attitude to unmarried mothers, all wrath and condemnation a throwback to the good old days of the church when it inspired real fear and the clergy had proper power.The day had gone well and Grey had been particularly s**thing in an address what went down very well with the audience of priests bishops and nuns.Now as he sat in his small room at the seminary the made some notes and wrote his diary followed by a few letters.There...

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Dream Girl

Here is a little story, You are free to archive this story at any no-fee website. Dream Girl By Rena So I've been given this gift. I have the ability to fulfill my own dreams. What do I mean? Everynight when I sleep my dreams are reality. Every touch, taste, sense, that I experience in dream world is just as real as going to work or eating breakfast. In my dreams I choose the plot and the natural laws. I have to formulate the rules before I go to bed and come up with an...

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Marrying a cuckodress

So it's my wedding day, i look at my future husband as i walk down the aisle and see his smile, then i look at his best man and wonder if i'm rally doing the right thing getting married. It wasn't that Alex wasn't a nice guy, he totally was and he was the sweetest guy i'd ever met, but i was just used to being with dickheads, a lot of dickheads , and didn't know if someone like Alex could handle a woman like me. I knew he was very inexperienced, although we hadn't actually done anything much...

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Last One StandingChapter 7

“So,” said Lisa, “Trap?” “Trap,” agreed Derrick. “Just making sure we’re clear on that. All right, I’ll tell her to meet me Thursday night” “Sounds good to me. Don’t want them getting cold feet.” “Hold on,” interrupted one of the men. Joe, she thought his name was, “What about the whole ‘trap’ part?” Lisa shrugged. “It’s the quickest way to find the place.” “But-” “She’s right,” said Derrick, “We’re running on borrowed time here, you all know that. This needs to end. Fast.” Around the...

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Teaching The Girls How To Camp1

Henry was Emily’s next door neighbor and he and her mother had almost raised the high school freshman, since her father had divorced and left. As a summertime surprise, he had volunteered to take the girl and her two best friends on a camping trip to land he owned up north. "Thanks so much for taking us, Mr. James," said Emily enthusiastically as she sat next to him as the van approached the expressway exit. "How long will it take till we get there?" "Tell you what girls . . . (he...

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Wish Shift A Whisper of Spring

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Incomplete ArchiveChapter 5 What a life

They say that confession is good for the soul so here I am about to confess to the black marks on my soul. At 15... I lost my virginity, not long after my 15th birthday, to my cousin Kelly. My parents, Kelly's parents and another aunt and uncle were at our house for a BBQ lunch. Kelly was 17 at the time and really filling out in the right places. I even noticed my dad and uncles checking her out as her bikini-clad body dove into our pool. Kelly's father, my uncle Ben, had been going on...

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Graduation orgy

If you don't want to read the introduction i can leave a big space between the intro and when the good things starts :*Me and my best mates from high school, Jennifer, Ingrid, Victoria, Anna, Linn, Clara, Sandra, Emma, Hanna and Malin were about to graduate in summer 2001.Jennifer: 19 year old blonde girl, not the biggest boobs but one of the best asses i have ever seen, she is really pretty aswell and most important, my best friend. body: 8/10 face: 9/10 Ingrid: 19 year old brunette short...

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In the Locker Room Chapter 2

Being sixteen, I was always the average teenage boy. Hell, a gust of wind would give me a boner. But ever since my experience with my best friend Chris, I've been thinking more and more about sex. I didn't just start looking at Chris in different ways. I started looking at everyone in different ways. True, I was a closeted bi. Chris was the only one that knew. But I know what was on every guy's mind. Sex. They would fuck anything with a hole. And in my experience, I was the hole. It was 4th...

Gay Male
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Young WarriorChapter 3

“Here they come,” someone warned nearly a mark later. Almost five hundred men stood ready on the catwalk, hidden behind the wall next to the crenellations. They readied their crossbows as the Kahjohngi troops, who were equipped with hastily built scaling ladders, formed into ranks. Their battle cry began quietly and quickly rose to a fever pitch before the front rank of their troops moved forward. They marched deliberately to and beyond the two-hundred-pace mark. Evidently, they thought...

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The Road Trip 6th in the Golden Series

Things eventually came to an end with Casey, but having her drink my piss also left a taste in my mouth and I wanted more. Experience surprisingly indicates that there may be more willing participants around than one would suspect. Still meeting someone again like Casey, while possible, didn’t realistically seem that likely. At least not if I were to limit my search to people I would meet in the normal course of life. To put it another way, if I were intent to meet someone organically to drink...

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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 12

In the girls' bedroom, just a wall away from the bathroom, Lindsey had definitely been affected by the sounds of Norma and Paul frolicking in the shower. She had just gotten in bed when the couple giggled their way into the bathroom. Just the fact that they might use the toilet with the other present was a jolt to the sheltered girl. When the shower started and it became obvious they were in it together, she could not suppress a gasp. Tomboy that she was, Becks was still imbued with her...

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Two In One Not Just A Cake For Indian Couple Part III

Dear Readers and this is my third story and believe me this is only a dramatic representation of true happenings. In between I have inserted narration by Anil of his thoughts, initiatives and emotions on the subject topic. All the names have been changed. This story has been written into five chapters to facilitate easy uploading. This is the third chapter. Please read the other chapters also. If you are unable to find the other chapters, please contact the author. Saturday evening: as narrated...

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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Chapter 3

Dorothy and Ku-Klip got up off the yellow brick road and held hands walking back to his cabin when they saw smoke. They started to run and Dorothy looked on shocked as she watched her clothes going up in flames. Ku-Klip ran up and grabbed her clothes and thew them to the ground stomping them out but it was too late. "I'm sorry Dorothy. It must have been one of the flames jumped up and caught a piece of your clothes".Dorothy just stood there naked. Shocked to see clothes her Aunt had made for...

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My Wife My Tormentor

My Wife, My Tormentor I am excited by the . One of the most humiliating experiences I sufferer was caused by my first wife. I had been a crossdresser since I was little. Actually my mother started me when she dressed me as a girl for Halloween. When at 7 I started to protest, She said she had no daughter and once a year I could let her have fun. I could never refuse her so I relented. I guess that is where my submissiveness to women began. When puberty started I equated dressing...

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TRANSFORMATION By Annie James Prologue, Allan's voice seemed to come out of a fog. The words, "It's a boy!" registered on my confused senses. Slowly the mist began to clear. A man's face, fuzzy at first, began to take shape. My eyes struggled to focus as the face moved closer. Lips touched mine, ---- gently, as a man kisses a new mother. The faint pressure of lips ceased and as the head drew back a second person spoke, crisply and clearly. "You will have to leave now, Mr....

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No Good DeedChapter 21

I was up and off to the office Wednesday before the girls were up, not that there was much for me to do at this point. We’d done several test runs of our presentation, and everything was in Douglass’ hands. “You’re here early,” I said when I walked into the cleared area of one of the factory floors which we’d set up for the presentation. “We notice a slight fluctuation on the last trial run yesterday. It wasn’t that noticeable, but I wanted to run some tests before we showed it off.” “Did...

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The Demon pt2

John was still in the living room reading the book. He hadn't heard a thing ofwhat has been going on in the bathroom for at least 30 minutes now. He's on the5th page due to there words being so hard to prenounce. As he continues to readEvan is upstairs lying in his bed asleep. He is awaken by the sound of his door slamming shut. He looks up. There's no one in the room but him. Or so he thinks.As he rolls back over, dismissing the door, he feel a tingling sensation on thebottom of his feet. Asif...

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Unexpected Evening

It had been years since Tim and Katie had enjoyed an evening together. After years of talkthey finally were able to meet up for a meal and a few drinks. As they sat and enjoyed theirmeal they reminisced about all their fun nights together and the things that they wish thatthey had done. The two of them enjoyed each other’s bodies to the fullest but there was stillso much left undone. They talked about the night they first met and Tim fucked her hard untilhe shot his load deep in her cunt. And...

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First Time Bi0

We sat down at her computer and began to work on her ad. It was written poorly and did not really share the real her. She was a very sensuous woman and it needed to be shared. I did mention I had experimented with being someones sexual slave and really got into it. I told her about a site where I had discovered I was what others called a sexual submissive. I like a person to take charge and command the act. She ask if I would do it with a woman. I told her I think I could for a man...

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Community TooChapter 41

Nikki’s turn: Right now, I don’t feel like “Dr. Nikki”. I just got up from puking in the toilet, and I’m hoping some crackers and ginger ale will help my tummy a little. Poor Dan, his knees were weak when he headed out the door from that OTHER treatment for morning sickness. Susan’s fault, you know. Yep! That little blue “plus” sign showed up on the tester, so I have a second visit with the doctor on the schedule this week. And I’m VERY happy, despite the upset tummy. Breakfast is at...

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Battlemage Book 1 Beginnings and DiscoveriesChapter 8

Daven leaned back and smiled. When he and his detachment reached the Western border, they went straight to the Field Marshal's tent and introduced themselves, and to get a report for his father. Daven didn't want to be here any longer than he had too. While playing it up for the Prince, and possibly thinking to get him out of their hair fast, they gave him what he wanted quickly. Aric was at first dismissed as a lackey of the Princes who was only given a field commission for show and to...

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Sir. We offer our condolences and our continued association. We will mourn our beloved sister, your beloved wife, and your children for one year. It is our custom. We will contact you in one year. That was the message transmitted to Gabriel MacAdams by his late wife’s sponsor, one week after his wife and both of their children had perished in a car accident, while on their way to meet him for a vacation. I knew very little about Theresa MacAdams, other than it seemed she was much loved by her...

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1 In the distance, Erin could hear the freshly turned girl moaning and grunting as the blonde, Lindsay, toyed with her. The sound simultaneously repulsed and aroused her. "She's going to be a beauty when she fully changes," Megan said. Erin turned to face her the arrogant brunette. "You're a freak. All of you are freaks," she said. Megan snorted. "As if you aren't?" Erin burned with shame and stared down at the floor. An image of the terrified girl Erin turned flashed through...

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Mountain Wolves of Passion MM Furry

My girl, coming right after Andrew, though her brown fur was lighter that it almost appeared red-fox brown. “Daddy!” Lily cried out hugging my leg tightly and I couldn’t help but giggle and ruffle her fur on her head. While my son, coming right after me with his dark lavender fur and hesitantly hugging my other leg. He got also a ruffle but made a playful pout about it, acting all tough and grown up. “Nothing wrong with love, Jacob.” I reminded him, finding Andrew in front of me who pressed...

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MommysBoy Natasha Nice To Those Who Wait

Natasha Nice is approached by her stepson, Alex Mack, who demands steak for dinner. Natasha already bought something else for dinner but she immediately caves anyway, saying she’ll go back to the grocery store to get steak. This pleases Alex, who flirtily says that he’ll have Natasha for dessert, and he leaves the room. Natasha realizes that she’s spoiling him way too much, giving him whatever he wants – including her pussy. She resolves to teach him a lesson about...


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