Sisters? free porn video

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Sisters? Warning : This story contains very bad French translations, apologies, languages were never my strong point. I struggle enough with English (Northern British) Gary and his one year older sister Jane still lived with their parents even though they had good jobs. They were in their early twenties and were enjoying the good life of hard work and hard partying and mum and dad were happy to have them although there were hints delivered regularly about the importance of savings and mortgages. Gary liked his beer, his mates were the same and he really didn't get enough exercise. As a result he was building up a beer belly and the beginnings of man boobs. He kept his hair long and had soft features, he had been mistaken for a girl on more than one occasion which Jane had found really amusing. However she did keep trying to get him to a gym and tone up, she cared about her brother and he was equally concerned about her, regularly picking her up from late night events so she wasn't exposed to danger. Jane had been seeing Geoff, a soldier, for a few months and was really upset when he was posted abroad for 6 months. Just before he left she realised she'd missed a period and soon confirmed that she was pregnant. The family were very happy with John and Gary had had a drink with him on several occasions when Jane was away on business. So despite the fact that this was to be a birth out of wedlock the family were pleased for Jane and Geoff and promised to support them both while he was away. Geoff left for his tour of duty, he would be returning just before the birth which was something and it's easier these days to share phone calls and e-mails than in days past. Jane managed to persuade Gary to join her at the gym as she wanted to be as fit as possible and she hoped that he would benefit as well. She even managed to get him to attend aerobics with her. He was reluctant at first but the fact that he was surrounded by Lycra clad young ladies who though her was wonderful for looking after his sister was a side benefit. They jokingly tried to get him to wear a leotard and leggings, eventually he did partially concede and wear running tights and a vest with a big t-shirt and his hair in a pony tail. This did mean he looked much the same as the girls when the class started until they shed their t-shirts when they got warm, which was definitely a plus point for Gary. After going twice a week for a few weeks he had to admit he was feeling a lot better his belly was not wobbling about and his legs and arms were looking better. What hadn't improved were his 'moobs', he mentioned this to the instructor and she told him the body isn't consistent in the way fat is lost but not to worry improvements would come. Why didn't he try swimming she asked? He replied that he felt uncomfortable with the way his chest looked and would give it a miss for now. You'll have to borrow one of Jane's cossies then, she'll be doing a lot of swimming once she gets larger and has to stop the high impact aerobics. He laughed and said he hoped he'd be in better shape by then as he didn't fancy that at all. He was actually suffering discomfort from the movement of his breasts but was too embarrassed to mention it to the instructor. He decided to talk to Jane about giving up the class. She was concerned for him and not wanting to let him give up said she'd sort something out as her own breasts were staring to develop as her pregnancy progressed. For herself she got a leotard with support bra built in and for Gary a crop top again with a sports bra built in. He wasn't at all sure but she persuaded him to try it and suggested they could go for a run in the evening when no one would notice, then they would see if they were both more comfortable. The top worked well for Gary it stopped his breasts moving and didn't show through the t-shirt, he felt a lot better, strange, but a lot better. Jane was comfortable now but she realised that this leotard would be too small soon. Time went by and although Gary shared Jane's fitness regime he didn't give up his regular beer sessions. So while his muscle tone improved he wasn't shifting much weight or his belly and chest fat. Jane's bump was now close in size to her brother's and they jokingly bumped bellies and she would ask him when he was due in a bid to shame him to slim down. It wasn't working though and he continued happily. Jane was now at the stage where she needed to consider a new wardrobe, her trousers were already too tight and skirts and dresses were not hanging right. Her godmothers had clubbed together to buy her a voucher for BeBe, a new maternity concept shop from France that had opened in the next town. It was a very well to do town and every shop was high quality and very expensive. The voucher was for ?1,000, it came with advice that the 'visit' should last a few hours. Jane needed to get some clothes urgently and wanted her mum to come with her but she was tied up during the mornings at weekends for the next few weeks, she then tried to get one of her girlfriends to come but none of them were free for the length of time required. In the end she only had her brother to ask to accompany her. Sorry, he said I'm off to the match with the lads and then there's a pint or two of Theakston's Old Peculier with my name on it afterwards. He realised as soon as he'd said it that she was upset, he understood he wasn't her first choice but everyone else had let her down. He also knew she cared for him despite himself and he should show her the same care and attention. He came up with a quick about turn. Of course sis I'm supposed to be laying off the ale aren't I, of course I'll accompany you. Her face brightened and she gave him a big hug. That was Wednesday, Jane phoned the shop to check opening times and they booked her in for 10:00am. Booking in to a shop, she thought, how odd. Then she read the leaflet accompanying the BeBe voucher. It described how they would help plan the customer's clothing and look for the pregnancy period along with supplying all the baby's needs, it was an experience not a shop. Well I wouldn't be able to afford this and it sounds a bit weird but my godmothers mean well and have been very generous so let's try it. Gary drove them down, he could see Jane was excited and it made him feel good to be helping her, he knew she missed Geoff despite talking to him regularly. Jane was wearing pair of leggings and a long sweatshirt, Gary his smartest jeans and sweatshirt, Jane had made him brush his hair and tie it back into a ponytail. They followed the map on the leaflet and found BeBe near the town centre, they knew it had it's own car park which was a big bonus, parking was expensive here. As Gary switch off the engine a concierge opened his door. Good morning Mademoiselle Jane, I am Phillipe, welcome to our store. No no, you mean my sister Jane, over there said Gary pointing to his passenger. Jane was laughing at the confusion, moments later another concierge opened her door. The first concierge called across to the other, Alain you have our guest Mademoiselle Jane. He turned back to Gary,et vous Mademoiselle? Gary looked confused. Pardon, your name is? enquired Phillipe. I'm her brother Gary, he said but as he did a car horn sounded and Phillipe was distracted. All Gary half heard after that was, Bon, Mademoiselle Gaye, mervailleux, soeur avec bebe. Gary locked the car and Phillipe and Alain guided them to reception (this is a shop? thought Gary)where a lady took their coats, Gary put his wallet and keys in Jane's handbag and it was locked away.They were guided through to a private room by a young lady who introduced herself as Florence. Coffee and croissants were already on the table as Florence sat them down and began to explain what the schedule was. This is not just a shop this is an experience, it is our first in the UK and just opened so we hope it will be a success. You have a voucher for our goods, all our other services are complimentary today as an opening offer so please use what you desire. We hope you will be our ambassadors and say good things about us. She went on to explain that they aimed to provide a whole look experience for women during and after pregnancy, there were the clothes and baby items of course but also a hairstylist, beautician, personal shopper/stylist even a maternity nurse for medical advice. It will help us if you can complete these forms, I have pre-prepared them from your booking, the more you fill in the less questions we need to ask later. She started with Jane asking for measurements, how many weeks the pregnancy had to go, what colours she liked, what styles she had considered, traditional or modern etc. While they were talking Gary served coffee and selected a pastry for them. He could hear them talking and Florence was always very polite referring to his sister as Mme Jane and occasionally he heard Mme Gaye, he thought nothing of it assuming it was Florence's accent. Florence noticed as Gary bent over to sort out the coffee the line of a bra across his back and shoulder, she had been confused that a brother would accompany his sister and 'Gaye's androgynous look had left her wondering . Now she was clear they were sisters, both equally pregnant, how wonderful! There would be some great photo opportunities here. What she didn't know was that Gary had taken to wearing the support top as it made him more comfortable, he was sure it couldn't be seen as he usually wore heavy sweatshirts, today however Jane had insisted he be smarter and this top was made of a lighter material. While talking to Jane, Florence referred to Gary as her 'soeur' which she assumed meant brother. She also asked if 'Gaye' was the same as her, Jane loved the way Florence mangled Gary's name, she assumed Florence meant measurements, and as she was wearing his jeans she said yes. They were approximately the same build now. When she asked Florence why she needed 'Gaye's details she said they would be giving them both a stylish makeover. It was a first for them to have 'soeurs' together. Jane was a bit puzzled but thought, well he needs a haircut so why not and he'll need some maternity jeans if he doesn't slim down that belly, it's all free so don't complain. She now moved on to Gary and asked him most of the same questions, he didn't know why she was asking him but when she asked about styles he thought these referred to his sister so said what he thought would suit her. Florence explained all their clothes used metric measures so although she would take their UK sizes and convert them they would be checked again later. Florence left the room and they finished their drinks and pastries. This is all very civilised thought Gary but what do I do now. Jane looked at him wondering what was going on. We get an assistant each, she said, do what she says and I'll see you in a short while. He looked reluctant. For me, please play along, she said. We get a haircut and a facial then we get a load of new clothes. Enjoy it! Florence returned first with a photographer who took pictures of them individually, as apair and then shaking hands with Florence. Then she brought in with two ladies in white tunics, they were very polite and very French, their English was not as good as the others. Isabelle led Jane away and Lucy took Gary, they went across the corridor to private rooms. Gary noticed a towelling robe and slippers and a locker, Lucy clearly wasn't leaving and she pointed at his feet, votre chasusseurs, si vouz plait, so he sat down and took off his shoes and socks. Lucy looked at them with slight disgust and placed them in a bag. She then motioned him to remove his sweatshirt, he knew this would be embarrassing but slipped off the top. There followed a lot of tutting from Lucy, un balconnet sportif non! non! Anglais! She helped him remove the top and then brought out her tape, she measured below and around his 'moobs' and standing behind him cupped them in her hands. She also checked his waist measurement. He was in such shock this didn't feel erotic just terrifying. Lucy went to a cupboard and selected a light pink bra beautifully detailed with lace, she wrapped it around Gary and fastened it then she adjusted the straps and checked the fit. Bon? She looked at Gary, he had to admit it was very comfortable, but whereas the sports bra flattened and controlled his chest this supported and emphasised it. He smiled weakly and nodded his head. "Bon, much better." She threw the crop top into a bag as if it were a rag. Gary was a bit slow but had finally realised that Lucy and everyone else at BeBe thought he was a girl and a pregnant one at that. There was nowhere to run, he didn't want to frighten Lucy so the easiest route was to go along with it. Next she produced some French cut panties in the same style to the bra. They had a stretch panel in the front to accommodate the bump and she motioned him to put them on, when he seemed reluctant she gave a gallic shrug and turned her back to him. He quickly removed his trousers and undies, fortunately he hadn't worn boxers or y-fronts today. The panties fitted beautifully but Mr happy was obvious, fortunately there was a gusset panel and he was able to tuck things away between his legs. Another secret he had was that he had first shaved then used hair remover on his legs, the running tights he wore to aerobics used to pull hairs out and he had heard a friend who cycled saying it was the only way to stay comfortable. Now when he saw himself in the mirror he didn't look too bad. The aerobic training had made his limbs look toned and his posture was good. Lucy turned around. Bon! Much, much, better. Good legs too. Gary smiled at the compliment. She handed him the robe and he slid his feet into the matching slippers. You come with me now. She took him to the beauty parlour where his sister was already having her hair washed. She could only see him out of the corner of her eye but his chest did seem a bit prominent and as he sat in the chair she thought she caught a glimpse of a lacy brassiere. Very odd! I must be mistaken, she thought. 'Just go along with the flow.' Thought Gary as a girl began to wash his hair, again there was much muttering in French which he took to be criticism of the state of his locks. He had to be honest it was a very long time since he'd had it done. The wash felt nice and the shampoo used had a pleasant smell so he settled down and began to enjoy himself. This didn't last very long though as first they applied a face pack and covered his eyes with moist pads then he felt hands working on his fingernails followed by his slippers being removed and work starting on his toes. Lucy saw them start to wash Gary's hair, 'good, he needs that, I wonder how they'll style it, not too girly I hope.' She thought. Her face pack was applied and eyes were covered first so she did not see what happened to Gary, she just assumed his makeover would be simpler than hers and he would be waiting for her. The hairdresser began working with her scissors, rollers and brushes to produce the style she had chosen. Lucy wondered what Gary had chosen. Unfortunately for Gary he thought they were suggesting styles for his sister when they made their selections, he of course could not see what was happening but was worried about the amount of work going on and then very confused and frightened when he felt the pull of the rollers being wound into his hair. Lucy's hairdresser finished and her eye pads were removed, a hair dryer was manoeuvred into place and she accepted an offer of a coffee and a magazine as the machine did it's work. As she held the magazine she admired the work the manicurist had done, she'd never achieved such an even glossy red finish before. She then looked across to her brother and although she had a suspicion what she would see was still shocked to see the rollers in his hair and his beautifully manicured nails. Also his robe had fallen open slightly and she could see the bra he was wearing. 'Oh my! What will he say? What will our parents say? He doesn't know, but they're meeting us for lunch!' A few minutes later Gary's head was also under the dryer and again coffee and a magazine were offered. He nearly spilt the drink when he saw his fingernails as they closed around the handle. He had to lay the magazine down as he stared in a fascinated horror at what they had done. The tips of his nails had been extended slightly and shaped, the polish was dark pink with a very glossy topcoat. For a woman they would be sophisticated yet practical. The problem was they were his hands, he could feel the rollers in his hair, he had no doubt makeup would be next. He glanced across at his sister and gave her a weak smile. "Hi sis," she called. "Your nails are lovely aren't they? You OK?" She tried to give him an encouraging smile. "They've never been this nice before, I'm fine thanks," he replied. 'And well and truly stuck' he thought. After cleansing and moisturising the makeup artists took over. A base foundation was applied that gave a flawless appearance and a healthy glow. The colours they used on the eyelids were light pastels that gave a very subtle effect, their lip colours were matched to their nails and finished with a glossy coating. Once this was finished their hair was combed out and finally styled with a light spray to hold it in place. They were then finally able to stand and appreciate the makeover, well Gary was able to see his sister looked really elegant, of course he knew that he looked almost the same before he looked in the mirror. Florence re-appeared with her camera and insisted on taking more photos of the sisters. "Bon, now for the couture, we will try several different looks and you get to choose what you would like to take away, we will finish with an elegant outfit suitable for the mid-day meal or shopping trip. Wait here I will see if the ladies are ready." "Sis, when you said you wanted me to accompany you here please tell me you didn't know that this would happen." Gary had gone beyond distress, he was fitted in underwear and painted to look like a girl now he was about to dress as one completely. "I had no idea, absolutely none. I wouldn't have done this to you. All we have in common is fat bellies don't we." "Well maybe not." Gary hesitated. "They must have seen my bra." "Your bra?!? What are you doing wearing a bra?" Jane was confused. "You know the sport bra I wear when we're exercising. It just made me more comfortable so I started wearing it all the time." "So I think we can forgive them thinking I'd brought my sister. So they fitted that lovely bra and you had enough to fill it?" "Maybe." "Gary, if there was a hint that you need to look after yourself I think this an extreme push in the right direction. You have managed to convince these people that you are as pregnant as me." "I know it's awful, and now they will put me in a dress." "Looking like you do that's probably best. It's like looking in the mirror seeing you there." Once again Florence swept into the room. "Mesdames, we are ready for you, follow me please." "Here we go dear sister," Jane whispered. Gary gave a weak smile and they followed Florence. The first dresses they were offered were conventional blousy loose fitting maternity dresses but finished with Belgian lace. They were given ballet style shoes and hold-up stockings in matching colours, Jane's were a pastel blue and Gary's a light green. While Jane found the dress very comfortable, and the quality extremely good, this was the look she had wanted to avoid. Gary however had never worn a dress before and found the feel of the lightweight cloth along with the stockings and shoes enticing. Jane looked at her brother and could see the pleasure he was getting from the clothes. To be continued...

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I called Rose a few days after the last time we had sex. She told me to come over and she would introduce me to Sister. My wife had to visit with her mom so we went over at the prescribed time. Rose met me in the common area of the building and my wife went to her mom's apartment. Rose and I went to Sister’s apartment and Rose knocked on the door. Sister opened it and invited us in. As we entered I noticed one obvious thing right away. Sister is a black woman. The second thing was there were a...

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Just last week. I was at a friend's house, his sister was older than me. She turned me on nunerous times i spotted her. Anyway, he left to go to the store with his mom. I was just chilling watching tv when suddenly some hands covered my eyes. I knew it was his sister because they were soft. She was half naked. That body had me stiff in a hurry. She noticed my dick and began to rub hee hands on it. I was enjoying it so i didnt mind. She was so fucking aggressive. She yuck my dick out and began...

3 years ago
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My sister and I were just sitting around and talking as we often did. I had come to visit for the weekend. It was a hot sticky day and she was wearing a tight tank top that was cut off a bit above the waist. That kind of thing can make small boobs look big. It made her big ones look huge. I couldn't help staring and when I told her she looked great today she laughed and said, "Do you mean 'they' look great today"?I said, "Both."Darla was never what you would call 'conservative' in the way she...

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As soon as Keeko's car was turning the corner, my wife called out to me, "She'd gone, sweetheart. You can come out now!" My lovely mistress wasn't kidding when she said I could come out. I could change back into my everyday outfit and abandon the masquerade I'd been doing for the past week while her sister had stayed with us. I couldn't wait as I slipped the baggy khakis down my smooth, hairless legs and pulled the dress shirt and sweater vest off over my head. I pulled off my...

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Sister Mom. I can't wear Jamie's clothes Don't be silly Pete. Her clothes will fit you and if you look at the pop stars they all wear styles that are a lot like Jamie's clothes. Just look at bts I know mom but, She does not need all these clothes anymore while she is at varsity and seems a waste if you can't use them. I will sort out what I think you can use at home first. She really has some lovely clothes. I know mom, but Pete, I want you to move into Jamie`s room and...

3 years ago
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Father Gray loved these conferences, this one was on the churches attitude to unmarried mothers, all wrath and condemnation a throwback to the good old days of the church when it inspired real fear and the clergy had proper power.The day had gone well and Grey had been particularly s**thing in an address what went down very well with the audience of priests bishops and nuns.Now as he sat in his small room at the seminary the made some notes and wrote his diary followed by a few letters.There...

4 years ago
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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 6

After breakfast, I contacted the medical bay and asked for a slot for Stacy. The technician on duty looked at the changes, and worked out that there was a suitable slot that very afternoon. When I asked for three ten-minute slots at the same time, he sounded puzzled though he found me two. So, that afternoon, while Stacy was having her main body changes, both Imogen and Branwyn had their hymens regrown. "Is this one for you?" asked Branwyn when she'd returned. I grinned, "Maybe. Could...

1 year ago
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BangBus Violet Jade Super Sexy Violet Gets Fucked In The Bus

GG Wicked was riding the bus and they were looking to pick up a girl on the beach. After a couple of minutes they found a beautiful young girl. Her name was Violet Jade. But her mama taught her well. She didn’t want to talk to strangers. She didn’t want to get into that white van. But money talks lauder than mama. For $500 she flashed the guys and for some more cash she got into the van. A little more green and she was but naked with GG’s dick in her mouth. Then he fucked her really well!!...

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Out of the Burlap Ch 03

Several months passed since Joe’s simultaneous first and last experience injecting heroin, months of a great deal more ease than usual and quite a lot less unease. He found that ease inevitably in his lovers’ arms. But he felt it in a new, unexpected place. Sitting on his dilapidated couch, listening to Yes and particularly Chris Squire its bassist and emulating those runs of notes on the Fender bass Maya had loaned to him (‘It’s yours, Joe,’ Maya told him when his skills improved and his...

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Afican Slave Queen bondage begins

In the last 24 hors since her all night humiliation with the two Arab VIPs she had been treated more as a valued possession than a captive. Pampered by two young women they had painted her face and manicured her nails. She had been bathed in scented oils and even her hair had been restored to its fabulous golden cascade. To look at her you may have believed she'd imagined the last eight weeks of indignity, however as she stretched her neck some things remained to bring her back to reality....

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The Best Breast Game Ever

My girlfriend and I sometimes play a game when we are out and about and — well — bored. Do you remember the old Michael Jordan commercial for Hanes underwear? It opened with two women sitting on a park bench and as guys walked by they would identify if they were wearing boxers or briefs. MJ himself comes walking by and before either of the women can say anything, he says, "They're Hanes!"Well, neither of us are interested in men's underwear, our little game involved whether or not we can tell...

Quickie Sex
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Der ehrenwerte Pastor German

Der ehrenwerte PastorDienstag Die 15-j?hrige Karola lag in der Badewanne und genoss das hei?e Wasser. Sie war mit ihren Freundinnen Eislaufen gewesen. Es gab einen kleinen See unweit des elterlichen Hauses. Etwa 250 m lang und 70 m breit war er nur. Im Sommer nutzen sie und ihre Freundinnen ihn zum Baden, im Winter zum Eislaufen.Karola ist eine wahre Augenweide. Lange schlanke Beine. Fester Po und stramme Schenkel. Und was f?r Br?ste. Mit den Ma?en 86-57-88, bei einer Gr??e von 1,65 m, ist sie schon ...

3 years ago
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Dark Roots

No Regular MotherSeattle, Oregon6:30 pmDeSanto Residence“My name is Albert DeSanto, I'm nineteen years old. You know, when I was younger, my mother, used to tell me that I was special. She told me I was different from every kid in my city, maybe even the whole world. In the beginning, I didn't know what the hell she was talking about. I had odd dreams when I was younger though. I never knew my father, not because he didn't wish to know me, but that he passed away after I was born. My mother...

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Moms art class

It was a Tuesday morning in the middle of my summer holidays just after my first year in high school. I had just woken up and could hear my mom down stairs, looking at my clock I guessed she’d be getting ready to go out, every Tuesday and Thursday she went to an art class, and lucky for me my bitch sister had decided to go too. That meant peace in the house and I wouldn’t have to listen to Julie going on all morning, she is only a year older than me but goes on all the time as if I was a...

2 years ago
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In Midst of Rain

This is super short. It was inspired by a dream. I apologize for it’s vagueness however it keeps the entire thing very mysterious and thought provoking. * I walked into the hospital room and immediately realized I wasn’t alone. Although the past week had been a blur, everything in this room was crystal clear in my memory. It was unreal in a way, like this room wasn’t supposed to be there. It was stark white and smelled like sanitizer. There was a constant humming and beeping from the numerous...

4 years ago
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I always hated being short; I'm eleven years old but I'm short for my age; actually, I'm short for several years younger than my age! When we play basketball in gym class, some of the guys like to joke around by lifting me up to make a shot. I laugh and pretend that it doesn't bother me but when I got home, I used to run to my room and cry. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't seem to fit in with the other boys. It wasn't too bad that I couldn't fit in at sports since I really...

3 years ago
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watching my mate play footie

I'm watching my mate playing footie. He plays for a Sunday League footballteam. I'm on the touchline with his Dad. Mr Shaw is well proud of hisson. Who could blame him? Aiden's the best player in the team. And thefittest lad by a mile. I have the greatest admiration for him."He gets better every game, doesn't he?"His Dad agrees."I'm well proud of him.""He gets better looking as well."I didn't mean to say it out loud. I'm proper embarrassed. His Dad gives mea funny look."What did you say?""I...

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What I Think About When I Masturbate Part 7 Sport For All

When I was in my final year of secondary school, year eleven, I became a Sports Prefect. Apart from being something good to add to my CV, the role brought extra responsibilities, such as helping the teachers with running sports events, setting up and putting away sports equipment before and after lessons, and assisting with coaching younger pupils during PE lessons.It was during that last year at school that an incident occurred which I have often thought about since, and which my fears and...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 19

At 6 AM I went in and woke sleeping beauty with kisses. We showered together, Jen to get rid of the smell from last night, me to keep me awake for a couple more hours. Jen left for Annapolis and I for Dover. Lawman's Supply was just putting final touches on the uniforms so I had a chance to look around. In the sandbox every soldier carried a knife of some kind as a last resort defensive weapon. I was experienced at hand to hand close combat and self defense and a knife was almost always...

4 years ago
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How to get better rates if your a woman

It was a busy nite ,phones busy and people checking into the hotel . It was late at nite when this hot looking lady with Big perky tits almost popping out of her blouse ( which she had no bra on ), came in and asked how much rooms were. I told her the rate, and she said all i had was 30 bucks, can u give it to me for that ? I explained policy and i could loose my job too. So she stood there and looked me up and down and started to smile. She asked , how bout you get a room for me , and i will...

3 years ago
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Me and My Brothers Discovery

I have always fantasized about being caught masturbating. It was always a thought that turned me on. No, I am not a slut. I am still a virgin, and I don't go around, fucking people. But, yes, I tend to leave the door open when I masturbate. My name is Abby, and I am 16 years old. I lived with my parents and my older brother and step-sister, though my step-sister was in college at the moment. My brother, Thomas, was 17, and we were always close, him being only a year older. He didn't mind if I...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 46

She was still laughing as we got in the house. I went to the kitchen and got a pot of coffee brewing and she grabbed a glass of orange juice. We sat down at the table and sipped our drinks. "I think I am going to fly to Columbus on Monday. I want to get those papers from that box. It's time for me to get some things done that need to be done. Those papers had to be checked by an attorney and certified as your mother's handwriting." "If you think I am going to stay behind then we need...

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Jeanne showing off

First of all, I think I must introduce myself, I am Jeanne, The CEO, and Omni. I think I can spare you all the details about how I obtained the source of reality and became one with it thus controlling what is and isn’t real. At that point multiple questions might be raised in the mind of someone inferior like you. Like what can I do, what can’t I do, and what will I do? What I can do? We can go with everything my dear little bug. Everything is right in my palm; the entire universe is...

2 years ago
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Kelli a Disobedient Young Wife

Kent came into my office at the church the other day to discuss his wife’s behavior. I had married them two years earlier. Kelli had been a relatively submissive 19 year-old at the time. I was surprised to hear that they were having problems. Kent explained, “The first 6 months were fine. She kept the house spotless. My meals were ready and waiting when I came home. And she was ready and waiting when I came to bed each evening. But as time passed, her behavior became more sporadic. The house...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt32

Chapter 36 Putting down her dress Marcy minced her way to the cabinet where there were indeed a pair of pink rubber gloves waiting for her, along with the products needed to do the wash. For a moment the thought of running crossed her mind. It was at least worth a shot right she decided as she instead of picking up the cleaning supplies she tried just how well attached her leash was to that chain and how well attached that chain was to the pipe. It didn't take all too long to figure...

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My Life as an Escort

My name is Jenny and this is my story on how I had sex with my father. This was truly accidental. I was only doing my job. I've been an escort since I was eighteen. I love my job. I meet lots of interesting people and have done lots of traveling. The money is really good and it's like just going on dates. Most men just want a pretty lady to accompany them. I've gone on a lot of interesting dates. I've dated men that were younger than me or men that are twice my age. It's been a very...

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Suzannes Slave

Suzanne's Slave By Maid2serveher Part I Madame Lesanne Benchcroft sipped her tea. "I summoned you here because my lovely niece Suzanne is extremely interested in your novels about damsels in distress." she said. "You seem to have an evil sense of the most wicked tortures a submissive young maiden might endure." I nodded graciously and leaned forward to sip my tea, maneuvering the best I could in my long white leather hobble skirt. "I presumed the novels were all...

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An evening drive

After driving home from work naked, I couldn’t get dressed in the car, so I just slipped on my shirt and went in the house. It was after midnight and I doubted any of my neighbors were up. This gave me a new idea. A few days later we had a rainy day. I decided it was time to put my new plan into action. This would be a little risky and the rain would give me at least a little cover. I went to work as usual. I wore a skirt, a white button front blouse, pantyhose, bra, etc. and an overcoat for...

1 year ago
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The Debt Pays Dividends

‘If they sacrifice you to the Dragon now, he’ll flame the village.’ Hello. It’s Patty again, continuing the hijacking of Vickie’s novel. I hope you don’t mind. I just didn’t really thank Vickie for all she’s done for Charlie and me during the first part of the hijack, so I wanted to make sure I did that here. And what better way than to tell the wedding story. But first, I have to fill in the gap. Patty’s Side 2 We were lying naked in Charlie’s bed, talking about all the things that changed...

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Having My WayPart3

I kissed and licked his balls, sucking them into my mouth one at a time. After planting a kiss on each one, my tongue went to the base of his cock. I worked my way slowly to the tip, rubbing his cord with my tongue as I went. I felt him squirm and I loved it. I used my lips and my tongue as I moved up and down on his shaft. His cock throbbed and seemed to dance for me. I ended at the tip and slipped my mouth over to capture the tip. I sucked just the tip for a few seconds, running my tongue...

3 years ago
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My Night

Late Night Fantasy             Chapter I As I lay there on the bed, half asleep and luxuriating in the soft feel of the sheets against my skin, I can hear you in the shower.   It is my birthday, and you have given me the best present ever, you!   I think back upon the months past, and how it seemed at times life threw everything it had at us.   It wasn’t always easy, and at times we were almost torn apart.   But through some miracle of fate and circumstance, we were still here and our love...


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