The Prince s Momo
- 2 years ago
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I felt as if I’d won the lottery.
When my new bride said, “I do,” I thought I was the luckiest guy on the planet. Melinda was beautiful and rich and fifteen years younger than me. Best of all, she got along really well with my daughter, Kylie. The two of them hit it off from the instant they met, and I was so happy knowing my little girl would have a mother again.
We met Melinda a few weeks before Kylie’s freshman year of high school, when my daughter was trying out for the junior varsity cheerleading squad. I drove her to the high school for tryouts.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked when we were in the car. “You’ve never shown any interest in cheerleading before.”
“Yes, Daddy, I’m sure. Everybody knows cheerleaders are popular, and I want to be popular for a change.”
“Okay, honey,” I said. “If you’re sure that’s what you want. But all you really need to do is be yourself and everyone’s going to like you.”
Her response was a roll of her green eyes.
She insisted on going through with the tryout and I tried to be encouraging. But Kylie was sort of coltish and awkward, and she wore glasses. I didn’t have high hopes for her making the team.
When we got to the school, Kylie went into the gym while I took a seat near the main entrance. There were about twenty other parents there waiting for their kids to perform. And then there was Melinda. Once I saw her, all the other people faded into the background.
Melinda stood out from the others in lots of ways.
For one thing, there was her blonde hair, which looked natural yet sophisticated. Then there was her face, which might have graced the cover of Vogue. But it was her figure and the way she moved which really got my attention. She was very shapely, and wore a dress that hugged all her curves. The waiting parents in their shorts and T-shirts looked shabby and dull by comparison.
Melinda was introducing herself to everyone and shaking a lot of hands. I wondered what she was up to as I checked her out, trying not to stare. When she got closer I attempted to guess her age. She was not as young as I first thought, but she still looked damned good. I guessed mid-thirties.
“Hello,” she said, offering her hand. “Melinda Lunsford; pleased to meet you. I’m running for county council chairwoman.”
I told her my name, and explained that I was an English teacher at that very school.
“Oh, that’s wonderful!” she gushed. “Was that your daughter I saw with you? Is she trying out for the cheer squad?”
I told her my daughter Kylie was indeed trying out, and she took a seat next to me. She smelled heavenly.
“Kylie’s adorable,” Melinda said, and of course I agreed. The time passed quickly as we chatted. This lovely woman spoke to me as if no one else existed, and I was charmed. I found myself telling her all sorts of personal things, even the story of how I came to be a single father. She told me that she was recently single again as well.
Much too soon, girls began to stream out of the gym. Melinda stood and greeted them with smiles and high fives. I was surprised that she took such a keen interest in the J.V. cheer squad, but I supposed she did this with all the school teams. Politics, right?
When Kylie emerged, I introduced the two of them.
Melinda shook my daughter’s hand and gave her a dazzling smile. “Your dad’s been telling me lots of good things about you,” she said. “Don’t you worry about making the team. The cheer coach and I are old friends. I’ll put in a good word for you.”
Kylie seemed to be just as charmed by Melinda as I was. “She’s awesome, Dad,” my daughter said on the way home. “You should ask her out.”
“What? Why do you say that? And when did you start giving your father dating advice?”
“It’s obvious she likes you,” Kylie said. “And you haven’t been on a date in years. You should totally go for it.”
It was true that I hadn’t dated much since Kylie’s mom had run off. I was too busy trying to be a good parent to think much about dating or sex.
I took my kid’s advice and asked Melinda out to dinner the next Friday. To my amazement she accepted. Naturally, she lived in a fabulous house in the most exclusive neighborhood in the district, near the country club. When I complimented Melinda on her beautiful home, she explained that she got to keep the house when she and her husband divorced.
Melinda agreed to a second date, and a third. It wasn’t long before she invited both me and Kylie over to use her swimming pool.
“I’ll have to close it up for the winter in a few weeks,” she said. “It would please me very much for both of you to enjoy it before then.”
The first time we swam in Melinda’s pool I noticed that Kylie’s one-piece bathing suit was much too small for her. I guess I’d been remiss as a parent for not buying her a new one. But I hadn’t realized how much she’d grown in the last few months, and I wasn’t comfortable shopping for stuff like that.
Melinda made a big deal about Kylie’s figure, and I suppose she had developed quite a bit recently. She was still very slender, but her rump had filled out and she was starting to get boobs. My little girl was growing up.
We were invited back the very next day, though Kylie was not happy that she’d have to wear the same old bathing suit.
“I’m sorry, honey,” I told her. “It was too late to go to the mall when we got back yesterday. We can go shopping tomorrow.”
She pouted for the entire drive, but that changed in a hurry when we got to Melinda’s house. My new girlfriend had a surprise for her. Three surprises, actually. Melinda had bought three new bathing suits for my daughter, and they went inside to try them on while I lounged by the pool.
I got quite a shock when they came out. Looking rather pleased with herself, Kylie wore a very skimpy bikini which allowed me to see exactly how much she’d grown lately. The top was nothing more than some string and two small triangles. I got another shock when she lay down on her stomach. The bikini bottom was tiny, and my daughter’s newly rounded rump was almost completely exposed.
“Uh ... wow, you look nice honey,” I said. “But I’m not sure if that suit’s appropriate for a girl your age.”
“Daddy, stop! I think it looks really cute. You should just thank Melinda for buying it, since you couldn’t be bothered to take me shopping.”
“Yes, of course,” I mumbled. “Thank you, Melinda. That’s very generous of you.”
“Think nothing of it,” Melinda said. “Kylie is welcome in my home anytime. She’s such a lovely girl. I wish I had a daughter just like her.”
Melinda and I sat in deck chairs while Kylie lay on a towel by the pool. Seeing my little girl’s nearly naked body right in front of me all afternoon was a discomfiting state of affairs, let me tell you. It didn’t help that Melinda kept drawing my attention to it by making comments such as, “Her waist is so tiny,” or “What long legs she has!”
I thought it was a little strange that my girlfriend should buy my daughter such provocative swimwear, and even more strange that she would point out to me, her father, the various attractive features of my little girl’s figure.
But when Melinda and I went to bed together the first time, my misgivings were quickly forgotten. Sex with this beautiful woman was everything I hoped it would be. She often spent the night at my place because I didn’t want to leave Kylie alone. Melinda didn’t seem to mind, even though her house was three times the size of mine and way more luxurious.
It sometimes made me uncomfortable when we were having sex, knowing that Kylie was in the next room. Melinda could be pretty vocal, especially when I was eating her sweet pussy. She would cry, “Fuck yes! Keep licking me just like that! I’m going to cum...”and so on. I was sure Kylie could hear it.
Melinda said I should lighten up and not worry about it. “Kylie is a teenager now,” she told me. “I bet she knows a lot more than you think. Hearing her dad have a little fun is not going to hurt her.”
It didn’t feel quite right to me, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to refuse her. I was still dumbfounded that this smart, sexy woman had chosen me, and I took advantage of every opportunity to make love to her.
Just as my new girlfriend had predicted, Kylie made the cheer squad. Melinda was free most afternoons so she often picked up my daughter after practice. It was a big help to me since I usually had to stay late at school. While I graded papers in my classroom, they’d go to Starbucks for those expensive drinks with the whipped cream on top.
Sometimes when I got home, I’d find the two of them chatting away like the best of friends. I couldn’t imagine why a wealthy, sophisticated woman like Melinda would want to spend her time with a silly teenaged girl, but I was grateful just the same. It was obvious that Kylie adored her.
They went shopping a lot too, which was fine with me because I hated going to the mall. Kylie would come home with two or three big shopping bags, all thanks to Melinda. It didn’t seem right accepting so many gifts from a woman I’d only know a few weeks.
“What did you get at the mall, honey?” I asked my daughter after one of these trips.
“Oh, Daddy, you wouldn’t be interested. Pajamas and underwear, and other stuff you don’t like to buy for me.”
It’s true that I didn’t feel comfortable buying garments of an intimate nature for my baby girl now that she was an adolescent and her body was changing. I was indebted to Melinda for that reason, more so than for the money she spent. It didn’t worry me too much, at least not right away.
Kylie was all smiles when I got home from school one day in mid-September. She even kissed me on the cheek, which she hardly ever did. Melinda and I had been seeing each other about a month by then.
“Hi Daddy. How was your day?”
“It was fine, sweetheart. How was practice?”
“Good. Coach says I’m getting better all the time.” She smiled at me some more and batted her eyelashes.
“Do you notice anything different about me, Daddy?”
“Hmmm. Well, you are looking especially pretty today.”
“Really? Anything in particular?”
“Oh,” I said, finally catching on. “You’re not wearing your glasses.”
“Yes!” she said, jumping up and hugging me. “Melinda took me to the eye doctor and bought contact lenses for me.”
“But ... I thought we agreed to wait until you’re sixteen.”
“Daddy! Don’t ruin this for me. I’m old enough to be responsible. Besides, it won’t break your precious budget because Melinda’s paying for everything.”
I didn’t want to fight with her about it, so I let the matter drop. “I’m glad you’re happy about it, sweetheart. I can see your pretty green eyes much better now.”
She was all smiles again, and gave me another hug. “Thanks, Daddy. I knew you’d be cool about this.”
I confronted Melinda about it later, but she just brushed it off. “Relax,” she said. “Don’t you want Kylie to be happy? I like being able to do these little things for her, so you should just accept it and give me a kiss.”
“Thank you,” I said, kissing her. “It’s very sweet of you.”
It was about that same time that I started to get a little concerned about some of the clothes that my girlfriend was buying for my daughter. Kylie had always dressed pretty conservatively up until then.
But after shopping with Melinda one day, she came out of her room in very revealing pajamas. They were pink and silky-looking, and consisted of a camisole top and very short shorts with lace edges. So much skin was exposed that I hardly dared look at her. I couldn’t imagine why she’d want to wear something like that around the house, especially since Melinda was there at the time.
She started wearing different clothes to school, too. Nobody said anything to me, but I’m sure the staff was scandalized by some of Kylie’s new outfits. If her dad hadn’t been a senior member of the faculty, she probably would have been called down to the principal’s office and sent home.
Kylie began to wear makeup as well, which was a new thing for her. Melinda had taken her to one of those posh department store makeup counters where she was given a “makeover.” For goodness sakes, she was fourteen years old! She certainly didn’t need any makeup, in my opinion.
Anyway, all these changes didn’t trouble me much at the time. I was too much in love with my sexy new girlfriend to consider how my daughter was being influenced. It was only in retrospect that I gave them much thought.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this narrative, I was thrilled when Melinda accepted my marriage proposal. Thrilled, but not surprised. I knew she would say “Yes,” because she’d been hinting about it for weeks. I could hardly believe she was serious at first. After all, she was a wealthy socialite who spent most of her time at the country club. I was a lowly public school teacher who struggled to pay the bills.
Kylie and I agreed to sell our house and move in with Melinda right after the wedding. My daughter was excited about the impending nuptials, too. I didn’t see much of her during school hours, but it was obvious that my little girl had moved up several rungs on the social ladder of high school.
With her position on the cheerleading squad, her new clothes and contact lenses, my Kylie was no longer the sweet nerd she’d been her whole life. She seemed very happy, and naturally I was happy for her. It wasn’t until much later that I started to wonder about the sort of person she was becoming.
Melinda and I were married on the Saturday after Christmas. It was a small ceremony at the courthouse with just a few close friends and family members attending. The two of us flew to Cabo San Lucas the next day for a short honeymoon.
It was wonderful to have Melinda all to myself at the resort. The weather was perfect and we had a great time swimming, snorkeling, and soaking up the sun. The food was delicious and the tequila was strong. In bed, though, the first week of our married life was not all that I might have wished. My new bride seemed to have a headache every night, or was just too tired.
It was disappointing, certainly. But I chalked it up to the unfamiliar surroundings and the stress of travel. I was so deliriously happy about the marriage that I wasn’t going to let one week without sex spoil my good mood.
Sure enough, when we got home my wife’s libido revived. We had fantastic sex on the very night of our return. We fucked in several different positions and Melinda practically drenched my face when I ate her.
Earlier that evening, Kylie and Melinda sat together on the sofa and giggled as if both of them were teenagers. My wife sure has a way with kids, I thought. It did my heart good to see my little girl so happy. For the hundredth time I wondered how I got so lucky.
It concerned me a little that Kylie flaunted her developing body so shamelessly. She was wearing those skimpy pink pajamas Melinda had bought for her back in September. I had to look away a few times because her breasts were exposed, and I’m sure I gasped when I saw that Kylie wasn’t wearing any panties under the pajamas. The “girls” didn’t notice my reaction, though. They were too busy being silly and having fun.
When it was time for bed, Kylie gave her stepmom a goodnight kiss right on the lips. It wasn’t just a little peck, either. I couldn’t imagine what my daughter was thinking. Fortunately, Melinda didn’t let it bother her. And I soon forgot about it when we went to bed. The headache that plagued her on our honeymoon was gone, and my sexy wife was more passionate than ever.
My life went on in a state of bliss for several weeks after the wedding. It was incredible, really. My little girl and I now lived in a large, beautiful house in the best neighborhood. I had almost no bills to pay, so I traded in my ten-year-old car and bought a new Jaguar. Best of all, I got to sleep with a smart, sexy, gorgeous woman every night. It was a dream come true.
We’d been married only a couple of months when the dream took an alarming turn.
One Friday in early spring, I decided to celebrate the end of the school week by making a nice dinner for the three of us. I opened a good bottle of Montepulciano and had a glass or two while I was cooking. I drank a few more glasses with dinner and had no objections when Melinda opened a second bottle. We even let Kylie have a little wine.
Melinda encouraged me to have a drink after dinner, and poured me a snifter of my favorite cognac. It must have been that last drink which did me in, because I could hardly keep my eyes open long enough to finish it.
I kissed Kylie goodnight and Melinda helped me up the stairs to bed. I’ve never been so sleepy in my life. My wife had to undress me, and I was out cold the second my head hit the pillow.
During the night I had a strange dream which seemed to begin soon after I went to sleep. In the dream, my daughter was crying and moaning in the next room. I wanted to run to her, but I was paralyzed. I couldn’t manage to shake myself awake or move my limbs. The sounds went on for a long time and I was at my wit’s end. Something was happening to my baby girl and I couldn’t help her!
The next morning, I apologized to Melinda for passing out. I’d pretty much forgotten about the dream by then.
“Don’t worry about it, darling,” she said. “It was nice to see you loosen up a little for a change. You should have fun more often.”
She and Kylie were already at the breakfast table when I came down. They were both in high spirits, laughing and teasing each other. I noticed that Melinda had opened a bottle of champagne and was having a mimosa with breakfast. It seemed a little early in the day for a drink, but I could hardly object after my behavior the night before.
Kylie was especially lively and animated that morning. Her face was lit with happiness and her cheeks were flushed from laughing. It struck me that my daughter was blossoming into a beautiful young woman. Dressed in those skimpy pink pajamas, it was all too obvious that my little girl was developing quickly. I realized that other men might even think she looked sexy.
I certainly didn’t think of her in those terms. She was my daughter and she was only fourteen!
The nightmare was repeated several more times in the weeks that followed. It didn’t seem to matter what I drank or how much. My beautiful new wife would help me up the stairs, tuck me into bed, and kiss me goodnight.
The dream would recur each time I conked out. Poor Kylie would be moaning or even screaming, and I couldn’t move a muscle to save her. It was an awful feeling, let me tell you. I was beginning to think I was losing my mind, and I grew hesitant to drink anything at all after dinner.
This went on until something happened that shone through the fog of my stupidity. And eventually it caused me to doubt my worth as a father, and even my decency as a human being.
It started much like the previous nights when I’d passed out. I could hear my little girl moaning in what I thought was pain. I struggled mightily to free myself from the dream but it went on and on. The nightmare seemed even more real this time and it was agonizing to hear my daughter cry out and not be able to help. Her moaning built to a sort of crescendo and finally faded away.
I had almost settled back into a deep sleep when Melinda climbed into bed with me. Her warm body pressed against mine.
“Let’s make love,” she said. “You haven’t given me your cock in weeks.”
“Huh?” I muttered, half asleep. “What is it, honey?”
I felt her full breasts brushing my chest and her lips found mine in the dark. My wife’s tongue slipped into my mouth and I was instantly aroused. Her mouth had an intoxicating flavor that I’d never tasted before. It was exotic and yet somehow familiar.
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::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: woke up early the next morning, the sun was shining brightly...
I've been dating my mom I have received signals from her indicating her curiousness of me. A few weeks ago, I went on vacation with my girlfriends family, including her mom. One morning, I woke up with massive morning wood. I had only gym shorts on and nothing else. The blankets had barely just uncovered my erection. As I opened my eyes I caught her staring at it while she made breakfast and I could tell from the look on her face and her hard nipples showing through her thin pajama blouse that...
EroticWith my face buried in the pillow, muffling my voice as I scream, “I… ‘mmm… ccuuummmmiiinngg… Aaaahhhh.” A shattering shutter racks my body as I gush out my slightly viscous nectar into the fluffy towel waiting beneath me. Since the first time I came in my bed and had everyone except my sister, who knew the truth, thinking I had accidentally wet my bed in my sleep, a towel has been a part of my bedding. Like an earthquake with after shocks, the powerful orgasm gave way to ever...
It’s 3am and babygirl is asleep in her bedroom… her k**s and m***y asleep in their rooms. Daddy is awake and horny so he drives over to babygirl’s house and quietly walks over to her window… pushes the window up. Babygirl wakes up and wide-eyed looks at daddy with surprise… she whispers “No Daddy! You can’t come in! What if you wake the b**s?” Daddy just smiles and says “Well, baby… you just better be quiet!” as he climbs in the window. Baby is a good little girl and is nakk** so when daddy...
Girlfriend's MomMaverick1999I met my girlfriend Tina at a computer conference in Chicago. We were seated next to each other and there was a natural attraction between us. She had graduated from college recently and working in information technology. I was a divorced 35 year old male and managed a IT group. After talking to her, I found that she worked in Seattle , the very same city I lived in. We spent some time together in Chicago and when we got back to Seattle we started to date.Tina, a...
I closed and locked my bedroom door. You put his arm around me, pulled me close, and kissed me hard. I felt weak in the knees, God I wanted you with every part of my body. I hesitated, then placed my hand on his shoulder and uttered softly, "Daddy, I think we'd better stop and go someplace discrete, it's too risky here and that bitch might catch us." You nodded in agreement, and then asked where the bathroom was. I opened the door and told you it was the first door down the hall on the...
You will be controlling the story of Kara Zor-El from krypton when she was a young girl krypton exploded and she went to earth to live once she got there she was adopted by the Danvers family her new name is Kara Danvers. She just seemed like a weird girl to many but she was actually a supergirl hero called supergirl she now lIves in national city and protects it from alien threats but recently a new bad guy has show up and he’s been causing havok on the city and Kara knows nothing about him....
Supergirl - The Real Story Part 1 The future is not the bright, wondrous place everyone expects it to be. It is a place of darkness and overreaching government control. It's not the place of Star Trek that portrays humankind as being a benevolent, tolerant, evolutionarily evolved society. Sure, we figured out space travel and could travel throughout the galaxy, but we did so more to exploit natural resources and to spread the festering cancer which our society had become. You may...
This story will feature multiple threads featuring Supergirl getting tied up, and fucked. Sometimes she may be a willing participant, others not so much. Reader submissions are welcome. It had all gone to their plan, well almost. Kara Danvers, A.K.A. Kara Zor-El, A.K.A Supergirl with help from her friends had stopped the Obsidian device, and shut down Lex Luthor's satellites ensuring the twisted genius couldn't use them again. All that remained as Lex himself. The plan was for Kara to surrender...
I met my girlfriend Tina at a computer conference in Chicago. We were seated next to each other and there was a natural attraction between us. She had graduated from college recently and working in information technology. I was a divorced 35 year old male and managed a IT group. After talking to her, I found that she worked in Seattle , the very same city I lived in. We spent some time together in Chicago and when we got back to Seattle we started to date.Tina, a petite Asian woman , about 5'2"...
Ponygirl's for Christmas By: DonnerTie "What about this one Lizzy?" I held up the black latex corset. A look of utter embarrassment spread across my friends face. Her cheeks had turned crimson red, and she quickly averted her eyes. "No I don't think so Kelly" she managed to whisper. She tried to hide her discomfort by turning back to the rack of latex and rubber outfits that hung in front of her. I looked down at the shiny piece of material in my hands. It felt deliciously smooth to the...
BBW StepmombyFrank2002©It seems I always had this thing for bigger, full figure women. I don't know where is started but I seemed to fantasize about them all the time. My step mom was a bigger woman. My dad divorced and remarried when I was very young. He was away quite a lot with business so it was just me and Sally, that's my stepmom, at home most times. I always thought Sally was quite attractive even when I was young. As I grew older I started to notice her more. She had put on a few more...
Another hot but fictional story. I was sixteen, it was coming close to the end of the school year and one day I got sent home early from school and my dad was away on business for the week. I walked home wearing my short plaid skirt, white blouse, knee high socks and two inch heels, with no underwear. I arrived home, but before I got inside I heard some voices around back, so I decided to go check it out. As I made my way around, I noticed my stepmom, who was actually only 22, in her smallest...
Group SexAfter positive actions with my sexy stepmom, my hot sister, and Nisha, I jerked off my cock and had one of the best orgasms. I had cum in my underwear. So I went to sleep naked, leaving the dirty underwear on the floor. In excitement, I didn’t even realize I had left the door open. The next morning, I was still not fully awake when I heard the sound of the door opening. As always, my stepmom had come with a cup of coffee. I was half asleep and lying down on my back, exposing my semi-hard cock....
IncestPOV: PeteJoe and I suddenly bit down on our bottom lips and made eye contact just for a few seconds. Needless to say, my hard-on deflated just a tad. No one said a word for over a minute, but we both surely knew they wanted to see the sight, judging by the looks on their faces.Then both of them came to us, but they went to each other's sons, so I had London press the front of her body onto mine. "We fucked each other for you two, solely to please you," she admitted, wrapping her arms around...
IncestScott's had recently turned 18, for his birthday his father and his stepmom decided to get his own laptop so he didn't have to share the family computer no longer. Scott resented his stepmom, he hated the way she made him address as her as Mom or Mommy. Scott's real Mom ran out on him when he was little boy, so now he lives with his father (40), stepmom (52) and two half sisters both younger.Scott was a total nerd, top of all his classed, member of the chess team, and the AV club. He had never...
::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: was dark out and Kim had no idea what time it was. Her tail butt plug was still firmly in place and she was still locked in the the cage. A dim light in...
All my stories are based on my experiencesI’m sure most of you have read The Tgirl Hooker pt1 & pt2 with Emma who I found on a well known website. Pt 1 & pt2 was about my very first meeting with this Eastern European beauty who had a body to die for and a cock to match. I used to get the odd text from Emma every now and again asking when was I coming to see her, which then led to us chatting a bit and then as I got to know her, we then started to text or chat online nearly every day. ...
The list of Asian stereotypes includes a predilection for tourist photography, really bad driving, and eternally youthful appearance that makes MILFs look like teens. They also make fun of Asian dick sizes and the way Asian dudes can’t really grow mustaches. That latter trait actually helps them make for passable trannies, as you’ll see on is an Asian tranny site from the tgirl porn purveyors at Grooby Girls. If you spend any time at all beating off to shemale pornos,...
Premium Shemale Porn Sitesits late and Poppa and lbabygirl are enjoying a nice evening cuddled up on the couch after a dinner of garlic shrimp and fettucine. Poppa I want some candy babygirl whines. what have i told you about whining? Poppa says in a even tone. i want some candy and i want it now!!! She whines wiggling and crossing her arms in a bratty manner. Poppa doesnt even blink but a cold expression comes over his face. he lifts her off of his lap and strides toward the kitchen. he comes back with a fruit roll up...
Both Rose and I kissed each other's moms for about twenty minutes straight. I couldn't help, but to look at Rose and my mom from time to time. It all created the perfect storm of sexuality where the taboo aspect of it still made it quite hot. 'Even as I'm not actually related to Kate, it still feels like incest. Maybe it solely because she is my godmother or that my mom is making out with Rose right now. Who the hell knows? Kate has always been like a second mom to me, and she never had...
POV: Maria Both Rose and I kissed each other's moms for about twenty minutes straight. I couldn't help, but to look at Rose and my mom from time to time. It all created the perfect storm of sexuality where the taboo aspect of it still made it quite hot.'Even as I'm not actually related to Kate, it still feels like incest. Maybe it solely because she is my godmother or that my mom is making out with Rose right now. Who the hell knows? Kate has always been like a second mom to me, and she never...
IncestHello, my Dear Readers. I have been writing incest themed stories, focusing mainly on mom-son relationships, for some time now. I wanted to try something light-hearted, featuring a young & naive stepmom and her stepson, who is expecting nothing sexual from her. This is my humble attempt on the same. Happy Reading! Sidharth was both bothered and excited. He had just landed back in Mumbai, after completing his studies from a university in the UK. He was on his way home, and he was going to meet...
IncestShe'd only been talking to him about a week but they'd talked enough to know she wanted his cock inside her, HIS. She found it so easy to open up to him, to tell him the crazy things going on in her life. He made her feel at ease, relaxed, like things would be okay. They didn't verbally talk for awhile, but when she heard his voice, two pieces of the picture were in place. Now she needed his cock. She had been so stressed out. It had also been 7 months for a woman who was used to having sex...
HOUSEMAIDS KNEEDS BY HAJIM I had just come out of a long term relationship-she had gone off with anotherman. As she had not put in any money towards the purchase of the house, I wasthe sole owner & occupier. However it was too big for me to keep tidy bymyself so I decided to advertise for a housekeeper-I thought just for a larkI would advertise in one of the Alternative papers so I did in the followingway- "Man (30) very strict disciplinarian needs a housekeeper. Please submitdetails to...
We were renting a portion of a HIG villa in the posh South Delhi neighborhood of Vasant Vihar. Our housemaid, Yukta, lived not very far, in the modest dwellings of Yusuf Sarai. Ever since the curfew was declared in Delhi, the classes I was teaching at college became online classes. From then on, I’ve had a lot of spare time. That morning, I gazed at Yukta from the dining table, where I was sitting with my laptop. Initially, the ‘gaze’ was out of focus. I was looking in her general direction,...
My fingers longed to play with that brown hair. But I didn’t know the person it belonged to. Even if I did, it wouldn’t be appropriate by any means. She was standing with her back to me. It certainly wasn’t What differentiated her from the rest of the crowd was her trim schoolgirl-like figure and her above-average height. Although only a couple of inches taller than other ladies (5’6”), coupled with her narrow figure (34-26-36), she looked modelesque. The on-call chauffeur didn’t wait long...
Whenever people are thinking about the various places on Reddit that they can visit for porn, they rarely think of something that’s broad. Well, sometimes you just want to get a whole bunch of content at once, and that’s when you need to look into subs such as /r/AdultNeeds. This place has got everything you need for a different porn experience. Everything from pics and gifs to vids and tips is here for you. And when you have all this stuff in one place, it can be tempting to check this place...
Reddit NSFW List100% fiction! My name is Mike and I live with my 60 year old mom. I never knew my dad, and my mom had an endless string of men visiting her over the years. Mom was a drinker and a party girl and a slut that always tried to please the men in her life. She's a little woman with dark brown hair that she keeps short. She has nice tits for her size but her perfect bubble butt is her best feature. She wears granny glasses and looks sort of innocent. moms pussy and lower plump belly is now covered...
IncestHi everyone, my name is Pratyush, and I am from Nepal. I have been a regular reader of ISS (especially after meeting my sexy stepmom) for more than 7-8 years now. When I first came here, I was a virgin, and now, I do not even know how many girls I have slept with. Finally, I realized why not post my stories here in ISS, the same ISS that has taught me so many things. Before starting, I would like to thank every writer here in ISS who has shared their stories and helped people relieve their...
IncestHi everyone im Brandin. My mom name is Kisha and my other moms name is Latosha. Yes I have 2 black moms.Oh yea they are lesbos by the way. I dont even know my real parents are. any way ill let you read the story now.It was sunday after noon when my mom latosha walked in with the londry wearing a black spandex dress shirt and black spandex pants.she had huge watermelon tits and a big round nice hipo ass real thin abbs thick legs and strong arms when she bent I stared.I dont know why tho she my...