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"I'm not even sure he loves me anymore," Jennifer said with just a hint of moisture building in her eyes.

Vicki's long time friend sat across the coffee table from her with cup in hand. Small ripples disturbed the milky java as Jennifer's hand shook slightly with emotion. Vicki felt so helpless. She knew darn well her best friend's husband loved her, he was just so damn busy all the time he just forgot how to show it, that's all.

"Shit Vicki," she continued, "remember a few years ago, I told you all about the fun we used to have in the bedroom? We did some role playing, a little bondage here and there; don't ever tell him I told you, but he was even considering letting me screw him with strap-on at one time." Vicki's face registered the shock she felt from Jennifer's admission. She tried to visualize Andrew bending over the bed with Jennifer behind him wearing a big strap-on. She grinned. No, she knew Andrew better than that. They had all been friends for a long time. Andrew was all man. He would never agree to that, neither would her own husband. Still ... it was fun to fantasize.

"That's just between you and me though, okay?" Jennifer looked at Vicki.

"Of course."

"He never did let me do it to him anyway. I knew he wouldn't, but just the fact that he was thinking about it was kind of fun for me," admitted Jennifer.

"Honey," said Vicki with a soothing voice, "you know darn well Andrew still loves you as much as he ever did. He's just so damn busy with the studio all the time. Maybe you could just remind him how much he loves you."

"Remind him? How?"

"Well, I don't know, get him to take you out some night, or better yet, make a nice romantic dinner for him at home, complete with candles and wine ... something like that."

"That's not a bad idea," Jennifer said with a big smile, "I'll cook his favorite dinner and have a nice romantic evening planned."

You could almost see the wheels turning in her mind. "Maybe I'll even get some porn for the night, what do you think?"

"Well, hopefully you don't need the porn but I suppose it's not a bad idea, just in case."

"I'll do it," said Jennifer enthusiastically. "I'll plan it for this Friday, that gives me five days to get everything ready and that way we don't have to worry about how late it gets. He doesn't have to work Saturday so he'll have all night to fuck my brains out."

Both girls looked at each other with big wide grins on their faces and giggled like school girls.

Vicky told her excited friend, "Hey, if you need any help getting things ready just let me know."

"Thanks Vick, I might just do that," said Jennifer already dreaming of the big night.

"And if that doesn't work," Vicki said with a smile, "you can always take a lover."

"Yeah," chuckled Jennifer, "that'll be the day."

Vicki was absolutely correct when she said Andrew still loved his wife. The problem was, right now he had a lot on his mind. Slowly but surely he was losing business and was actually in fear of losing his studio entirely.

Andrew opened his own commercial photography studio a little over fifteen years ago, about two years after he and Jennifer were married. Since then the studio had been doing very well. About ten years ago he and Jennifer bought a nice house in a ritzy area northwest of Chicago.

That's when they met Vicky and Robert. They lived next door and were the first to welcome them to the neighborhood. They had been best friends ever since.

All this time Andrew's reputation as a photographer was instrumental in bringing in clients and expanding his business. About three years ago he took on an assistant. Her name was Audrey. She was young, about twenty-two and was studying for her own Masters degree in photography. She not only helped out with locations shoots but she helped in the every day tasks of running the studio.

Since marrying Jennifer, and opening his studio, Andrew simply couldn't have been happier. Lately, however, things were changing. It was called the digital era. It had already taken over the wedding photography industry and now it was encroaching into his territory.

It had taken years for Andrew to build up his studio. Professional equipment was very expensive. Piece by piece he added more and more equipment for shooting, lighting, processing, and enlarging his work.

Now, after years of acquiring everything he needed, it was all quickly becoming obsolete. Film was being replace by a digital flash card, the computer was replacing chemistry for processing and developing, and laser printers were replacing enlargers. And the cameras! The digital cameras he needed for his work were running eight thousand dollars each and he needed three of them to start with, not to mention all the newer lens made for them and all this was just the barest of necessities.

In the mean time he was already seeing an erosion of his clientele. Andrew's target customer was the smaller company, too small to be able to afford the outrageous prices of the large studios but who still needed quality work, the kind of work he provided.

The digital age, however, was making it much easier for the big studios to offer their work now at a lower cost, and on top of it, they could offer amazing computer graphics that he couldn't.

For the last several months now Andrew did his research and new what he needed. The approximate cost to bring his studio completely up to date digitally, came to just under a hundred thousand dollars. In addition, if he was to stay competitive he would have to go back to school and learn graphic design and computer graphics. In the mean time he would have to hire someone already skilled in those fields. It literally meant starting over and it was risky. Andrew just didn't know if he still had it in him to start over. The alternative was to close and get a job with one of the larger studios.

All this, of course, was weighing very heavily on Andrew's mind, so much so in fact, he hadn't even realized he was neglecting the most important person in his life.

Jennifer spent the rest of Monday making plans. Everything had to be perfect for their special night, the house, the meal, and her, especially her. She called the beauty shop and got the first appointment available for Friday morning.

The next call she made was to a florist who specialized in freeze dried rose pedals. She learned of the place when she and Andrew had attended a wedding where they were used. The florist was almost an hours drive but it didn't matter, the pedals would lay a pink and burgundy trail right up the stairs to their love nest. It was well worth two hours on the road.

Wednesday she picked up Vicki and they went to the mall. First thing on their list was romantic music. They had a CD player in the basement that took eight CD's at once. Speakers were all through the house so what ever she picked would play quietly through out every room, including the bedroom.

Next stop was Victoria's Secret. It took the girls almost two hours before picking out Friday night's ensemble.

Jennifer's romantic evening was working out perfectly. So far, she was able to get everything she needed. Now came the dinner itself. It would be Andrew's favorite Italian cuisine consisting of roast lamb with hurb crust and wild rice stuffed with raisins and pine nuts. She had to go to two specialty stores to find all the ingredients but she now had it all. Now, just add to that a chilled bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and this, as she told Vicki, would be a night to remember.

Jennifer, not wanting to spoil the surprise, found it difficult not to show her excitement as the days and nights passed. On Friday morning she felt, down right, giddy on her way to the beauty shop. On the agenda was a sexy new hair cut she had seen in a magazine, a facial, pedicure, a manicure, and last but certainly not least, she would have her pussy waxed.

Because her husband sometimes worked with beautiful models, Jennifer always worked hard to make sure she kept her figure and looked as pretty as she could. As she walked out of the beauty shop Friday morning, the wolf whistles from everyone in the shop told her, she looked stunning!

By the time she returned home it was almost noon. Vicki was due to come over for lunch, after which she would help out with the preparations. "Oh my gosh," Vicki said as Jennifer open the front door for her, "you look absolutely breath taking." Jennifer smiled and said thank you as she stepped aside to give her friend access to her home.

By four o'clock everything was ready. The lamb with dressing was ready for the oven, and the Cabernet Sauvignon was chilling to just the recommended serving temperature. The CD player was filled with three hours of Sinatra's most romantic songs and candles were strategically placed to supply the most intimate atmosphere imaginable. Scented rose pedals led the way to the up stairs bedroom where the flickering candle light would soon be dancing across satin sheets.

"I want all the juicy details," said Vicki as she left with a smile.

"Oh you'll get them," said Jennifer. "Thanks again for all your help, Vicki. I couldn't have done this without you."

"That's okay, hon," she said. "Good luck tonight although I doubt you're going to need luck. Don't forget to call Andrew before you put the lamb in the oven just to make sure he isn't working late."

"I will," Jennifer answered as her friend left to return home. Next, thought Jennifer, comes a nice relaxing soak in the tub complete with her husbands favorite bath oil fragrance.

As her body slipped beneath the warm, perfumed water her eyes closed and she allowed her mind to slip away into fantasy. She could see his ruggedly handsome face looking down on her. She saw the love in his eyes, the tenderness of his touch. She could feel the white hot passion with every stroke of his steel like cock as it slid in and out of the fiery walls of her love canal.

Her hand slipped beneath surface. It's intent aimed at bringing physical pleasure to her erotic dreams. She stopped. No, she thought. It took all the restraint she could conjure up but she would wait. She wanted only her lover, her husband, her night in shining armor to be the one to satisfy her hunger tonight.

Time was closing in. Jennifer sat dress only in her robe. Time to call Andrew and make sure he will be home on time.

Her special ring tone told Andrew his wife was on the other end. "Hi honey, how's my gorgeous wife doing today?"

"Hi honey." He sounded up beat, he must be having a good day she thought. She smiled with anticipation. "I was just wondering what time I should have dinner ready, I know you're going to like what I'm cooking."

"I should be home on time, hon. I'll be walking out of here in about half an hour but you know Friday traffic. It'll probably take me almost an hour to get home."

"Okay, honey," Jennifer said trying to keep her excitement from coming through the phone, "I'll figure dinner about six o'clock then. Don't be late."

"That should be fine, honey. I'll see you when I get I home. Love you."

Jennifer was almost floating above the floor by the time she put everything in the oven. She ran upstairs to put the finishing touches to her make up.

Now for the peace-de-resistance, she thought, as she slipped into the flowing, black, see through, chiffon night gown that she and Vicki had picked out at Victoria's Secret. She looked at the clock, Almost time to start lighting the candles, she thought.

Andrew was just about to lock the front door to the studio when a man he recognized approached.

"Mr. Sutton, " the man addressed Andrew.

"Yes," Andrew answered back.

"My name is Harold Baker, I'm the VP at Hubbard Studios," he said while handing Andrew his card.

"Yes Mr. Baker, I know who you are. Please come in," Andrew said while opening the door. "How can I help you?"

"Mr. Sutton,"...

"Just call me Andrew, please."

"Okay Andrew, thank you. Listen it looks like you're just about to close up here, could you join me in a drink? I'd like to talk over a business proposition with you."

"Sure. Plato's is right around the corner, is that alright?"

"That would be great," said Mr. Baker already reaching for the door.

The two men found a table in an isolated corner of the room where they could have some privacy and ordered.

"I'm going to lay it on the line, Andrew, I know you have to be hurting. Hell, most of the studios the size of yours have already gone under. The fact that you haven't is a testimony to the quality of work that put out. It's excellent."

"Thank you, Mr. Baker."

"That's no bull shit, you do good work. That's we I want to make you an offer. Our senior production manager will be retiring at the end of the year. He's a good man, excellent at his work, we're going to be sorry to see him go."

Andrew was starting to wonder what all this had to do with him.

"I would like to offer you his job, Andrew," Mr. Baker said.

Andrew's eyes widened. Hubbard Studios was the biggest in town. By being the senior production manager he would be leapfrogging over people who had already been there for years.

"Andrew," Mr. Baker continued, "if you take the job I figured the six month lead time would give you time to do what you had to do with your studio. I won't lie, I'm hoping your clients will come with us if they know you're working with us and I can even put you in charge of overseeing the accounts."

The two men sat and talked. Without actually accepting the position, Andrew negotiated his salary and bonuses. He wanted to knew how much actual control he would have over his projects. He had a million questions for Mr. Baker who seemed to have all the answers at his fingertips.

It was a good offer, there was no doubt about it. By the time they were done talking Andrew had a thorough understanding of every aspect of the position and what his duties and responsibilities would be.

"Well," said Mr. Baker, "I've given you a lot to think about. I've got to get going and I don't expect an answer right now. Why don't you think about it, talk it over with your wife...

"WIFE!" Andrew almost yelled loud enough for the whole place to hear him. He reached for his phone and realized he left it in the pocket of his overcoat, the one hanging across the room, near the door. Damn, he thought, if she tried to call me I would have never heard the phone. "What time..." He looked at his watch. It was almost eight-thirty.

"Damn it," he said raising from his seat. "Thank you very much, Mr. Baker. Yes, you have given me a lot to think about. When do you need an answer?"

Raising up from his own seat and a little astonished over Andrew's sudden need to get out of there in a hurry, "Well, to tell you the truth, Andrew, we have several more applicants in the wings so there is really no hurry. Would two months be okay with you?"

"Mr. Baker, two months is very generous, thank you. I will call you with my answer with in that time. Now I've got to get home. I just remembered, my wife called earlier and I told her I would be home on time. She had a special dinner cooking. Damn, I got so engrossed with our conversation I didn't even call her to let her know I would be late."

"I hope I haven't created a problem for you, Andrew?"

"No, Mr. Baker, it'll be okay. She'll be pissed but I'll make it up to her. Thanks again and I will call you and let you know."

As Andrew walked back to his car he looked at his phone, sure enough, there were two missed calls form Jennifer. He immediately hit the call button but it went right to voicemail. Damn, he thought, she must have her cell phone off. He tried the house phone but it too went to the answering machine.

Andrew jumped in his car and headed for home. Mr. Baker's offer was going around in his head. As jobs go, this wasn't a bad offer, even so, the money would be a little more than half of what he was making with his own studio. But for how long, that's the question; how long before he had to start cutting his own salary to pay expenses? If he did take the job would they still be able to live in the same place, would he be able to make the mortgage every month? Would he be able to do that anyway?

Although the money was certainly a factor, the thing that he hated most about losing his studio was the pride. He produced work to his own satisfaction. He was proud to put his name on it. If he took this job there would be others over him that would be able to yea or nay the work and force him to do it their way. That's going to kill him, he knew it up front.

As he pulled into his drive, Andrew was surprised to see no lights on in the house. Did she get pissed and leave the house, he thought, but when he pulled into the garage her car was there.

He really didn't know what to expect as he walked up the stairs from the garage into the mud room and then into the kitchen. He hit the light switch and, with one look, realized how much trouble he was really in. The candles on the table had been extinguished for some time. The unopened bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon swam in a carafe of warm water where ice had kept it at the proper temperature just a few hours previous. He looked in the oven and found the charcoal briquette that was once his favorite dinner.

Tears formed in his eyes as he started to understand the trouble his beautiful wife had gone through to make this night special. He looked around at the dark house and wondered where she could be. He walked through the living and stopped at the stairs. Wilted rose pedals adorned each step. My God, he thought, she'll never forgive me for this.

He looked up to the second floor and into more darkness. His heart was pounding in his chest. Had she left him? As he topped the stairs he looked toward the bedroom door. It too was dark. He couldn't approach, his feet wouldn't move, he was terrified she wouldn't be there.

Each foot felt as if it were made of lead as he slowly walked toward the door. He looked into the bedroom. He thought he could see someone in the bed. He tiptoed into the room. Relief didn't describe his feelings as he walked quietly around the bed to see his lovely wife lying there. He got down on one knee to kiss her. She was either asleep or pretending to be, he wasn't sure which. As his eyes adjusted more to the darkness he saw the streaks on her cheeks, stains from tears as she had cried herself to sleep. He saw the gorgeous chiffon gown she wore.

Andrew could not have felt worse. Not only was he losing his business but he is letting his wife down as well. He gently placed his lips on her cheek and kissed her. "I'm so sorry my darling, somehow I will make this up to you, I promise," he whispered. He wiped more tears from his own eyes as he rose and walked back down stairs.

As quietly as possible, Andrew cleaned up the kitchen. He threw the scorched lamb in the garbage, and cleaned up the table. It was still early but Andrew was wiped out, physically as well as emotionally. He didn't know if he should sleep up stairs or just on the couch in the living room. He decided Jennifer might even be more angry if slept on the couch so he walked softly into the bedroom and laid down gently next to wife.

As tired as he was sleep was not to be his friend, his studio, the job offer, the way he had let down his wife, they all played a tune in his head, and not a happy tune.

He watched the window curtains get brighter with the light from the morning sun. He reached for the alarm and turned it off before it disturbed his wife. He really didn't want to face her today. He could only imagine how angry she was going to be.

Andrew got up and went down stairs to make coffee. He sat at the kitchen table contemplating his future. After a while he heard Jennifer coming down the stairs. He jumped up and immediately started breakfast. She was still wearing the nightgown; even wrinkled from sleeping in it, she looked ravishing.

"Have a seat, honey," he said while cracking a couple eggs, "I'll get you a cup of coffee and breakfast will be ready in a couple of minutes." Jennifer sat down without saying a word.

"Honey, I'm so sorry for last night, I swear I'll find someway to make it up to you, honest babe, I'll find a way. I know all the trouble you went through and I just can't tell you how sorry I am."

Andrew set a cup of fresh coffee in front of her and went back to the stove to finish making her breakfast. He laid the eggs and sausage on the table in front of her and sat on the opposite end. She still hadn't said a word, just looked at him as she took a sip of the morning brew.

"Are you having an affair?" asked Jennifer in a monotone voice.

"No, oh honey, no," he adamantly denied. "Honey, believe me, I would never, ever do that. I love you, honey, with all my heart."

"You have a strange way of showing it," she said.

"I know, honey. Again, I'm sorry for last night. A client came in just as I was locking up. We started to talk and I lost track of time, honey, honest."

Jennifer took another sip of coffee then got up without even touching her eggs. "I'm going up stairs to take a shower then I'm going over to Vicki's, I'm not sure when I'll be back," she said walking out of the kitchen.

"Honey, aren't you going to eat your breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry," she said without turning around.

"So," Vicki inquired as she opened the front door for her friend, "how was your night?"

"It never happened," said Jennifer.

Vicki just stood there staring at her for a second, "What do mean it never happened?"

"He stood me up."

Vicki's jaw dropped in shock. "Oh honey," she said, "oh honey, I'm so sorry. What happened? Here, come on in. Have you had breakfast yet, I was just going to fix some for myself."

"Thanks Vick, I'd love some. Andrew fixed some for me earlier but I didn't feel like sitting in the same room with him so I took and shower and came over here. Where's Robert?"

"It's Saturday morning, he's on the golf course with his regular foursome. After they're done they always have lunch there so he won't be back till around three o'clock," said Vicki while pulling two more eggs from the refrigerator. "Now," she continued, "tell me about last night, what happened?"

"He didn't come home until nine-thirty."

"Did you remember to call him to see if he was going to be home time?"

"Yes, I did," Jennifer said with tears appearing in her eyes again. "He said he was going to be home on time. I had everything set for six o'clock. When he wasn't there by six-thirty I tried to call him but he didn't answer. I tried again around seven-thirty but still no answer. I waited until eight o'clock, by that time dinner was ruined anyway. I just sat at the kitchen table and cried till about nine then went to bed."

"Oh honey," Vicki said walking over and putting her arms around her friend, "I am so sorry. What did he say? Did you talk to him this morning?"

"He tried to apologize but I'm not in the mood. He said a client came in just as he was locking up but that doesn't explain why he didn't answer his phone. I looked him straight in the eye this morning and ask him if he was having an affair."

"Oh Jen, what did he say?"

"He denied it of course, but I'm not so sure."

"Jen I can almost guaranty you he's not having an affair. When would he have time? Think about it, he's always at the studio."

"You're forgetting about Audrey," said Jennifer. "She young, pretty, smart, and as far as I know, available."

"Andrew would never cheat on you, you know it and I know it. For one thing, I doubt he'd be able to keep it from Robert."

"Well Robert would probably protect him anyway. Isn't that some kind of a man's code or something."

"Jen," Vicki said while placing Jennifer's eggs in front of her, "let me tell you something about Robert. He is a fanatic when it comes to fidelity. He puts it right up there with, thou shalt not kill. If he thought, for one minute, Andrew was cheating on you, he immediately would disown him as a friend and he would tell you."


"Yes really," Vicki assured her.

"Well I don't know what it is, Vicki, but I'm losing my husband and I don't know what to do about it." Jennifer finally let go with the tears she had been holding back for the last ten minutes and cried like a child. Vicki scooted her chair up, put her arms around her good friend, and tried to console Jennifer as much as she could.

Andrew had gone up stairs to take a shower and get dressed. He didn't think he could feel any worse or more guilty until he looked in the waste basket next to their dresser. There, rolled in a ball, was the beautiful black chiffon nightgown that was to be the crowning touch of last night's demonstration of Jennifer's love.

Andrew sat on the bed. He couldn't feel worse if had just shot some kid's dog. How am I ever going to make this up to her, he thought. He walked around the house. He was going to do all the housework but the place was already immaculate.

He sat and waited for Jennifer to come home. When she finally walked through the door a little before two in the afternoon, he started to get up. He wanted to throw his arms around her and give her a big hug but she raised her in a stopping motion.

"Don't even bother," she said coldly.

"Honey you can't really believe I'm having an affair?"

"I don't know what to believe anymore," she said, "why didn't you answer your phone when I called?"

"I had already put it in the pocket of my overcoat, honey. I had laid it over the chair in the outer office and didn't hear it ring from the studio." He thought it was best not to tell her he was actually in a bar. "I tried to call you back later, but I guess you had already gone to bed."

She thought the explanation sounded plausible and she didn't really think he was having an affair but something was wrong, that much she knew.

For the rest of the week-end Jennifer offered him no assistance with trying to make him feel better. Monday was pretty much the same. She wasn't quite sure how long she was going to make him suffer, but she was still too pissed to even accept his apology yet.

Tuesdays and Thursdays Jennifer worked part time as a teller at a local bank. Tuesday afternoon she looked up to see a very good looking gentleman standing in line at her window. She wondered why he would wait in line when Tony's window was open next door to hers.

"May I help you?" she asked as he stepped up. He flashed his baby blue eyes and gave her a bright smile.

"Yeah," he said, "I'd like to make a deposit, but until I get to know you better, I guess I'll just settle for putting this check into my account."

She knew she shouldn't encourage him but she couldn't help give a small smile at this brashness.

Wednesday morning Vicki was over for coffee and some girl talk. "Vicki I've decided to take your advice," Jennifer told her.

"My advice? What advice was that?"

"I'm going to have an affair," she said blatantly.

"What? When the hell did I tell you to have an affair?" obviously upset with Jennifer's suggestion.

"The other day, remember? When we were talking about that romantic dinner and everything. You said, if it didn't work, I could always take a lover."

"Oh come on, Jen, you know damn well I was just joking," Vicki was getting more agitated by the minute, "if you really did something like that ... well, I'm sorry, but I would no longer be your friend."

"Not only am I planning to take a lover, I need your help to pull it off," said Jennifer.

Vicki was just about to get up and walk out. "Hold on just a second," Jennifer said pleadingly, "please listen to me."

Jennifer explained what she needed to do and she needed Vicki's help. After hearing what Jennifer had to say she was still apprehensive but she could see how Jennifer needed to do this.

"I still don't feel right, Jen," she told her, "but I guess I'll go along with it."

"Thank you, Vick, I wouldn't be able to do this without your help."

When Andrew came home later that night he got the best greeting he'd had since Friday night. She didn't throw her arms around him and give him a big kiss at the door like normal, but at least she was starting to talk to him again. As they sat eating dinner Jennifer made her announcement.

"I was talking to Vicki today. We're going to start going out with a couple of the other girls on Friday nights for a girls night out," she said.

"Girls night out?" he inquired. "Am I invited?" he said with a smile.

"Do you think you could pass the physical?" she joked back.

"So what do girls do on girls night out?" asked Andrew. He had no reason to be suspicious, it was just that now, since his wife was talking to him again, he wanted to keep the discussion going.

"Why?" asked Jennifer a little curtly, "don't you want me to go?"

Andrew looked at the scowl on her face. "No, no honey, it's not that, of course you should go. I was just trying to make conversation, that's all."

Jennifer never did answer his question and the conversation died down for the rest of the dinner.

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When Harry picked me up the following Saturday afternoon, he seemed downright jolly, and even more animated than usual. He told me he was excited to have his niece Rachel for the weekend, after not seeing her for two years. I interrupted him at that point to tell him I had permission to sleep over night at a friend’s house, so he could have me until Sunday night if he wanted. This seemed to please him, and he smiled widely, nodded his head, and winked at me.Harry went on to explain that...

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Water Slide Hi Jinks

Large elements of factuality in this story. I'll let you guess which is which. Hi, I'm Jeff, a single father with a 14 year old daughter named Trina; Catrina but it always got shortened. We'd been together full time since she was seven when her mum up and moved to Australia and asked me to take Trina which is what I'd been fighting for for a few years. Anyway being a single dad is pretty tough at times financially but we made it through the rough patches and I always managed a few...

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Robert is your run of the mill hot sexy I am better then you kind of man on the outside but I have started seeing sides of him I never would have guessed at I do not even think he himself knows his bonds , he is about to have one of the wildest days of his life …The day starts out as any other day , up at 6 am shower shave and get out the door by 7 am , But today I have a surprise waiting for him as he gets out of bed mm he stretch and walks over to the bathroom he is naked …

1 year ago
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Sounds Like My Sister

All involved in this story is over 18 I awoke from a barely restful sleep and reached over to caress my wife. Damn she has already gotten up oh well guess I should too. My name is Thomas Johnson jr better known as TJ. My wife Rona and I had arrived at my Parents house late last night Tuesday for my parents anniversary Saturday. It had been a long drive and we both went out as soon as our heads had hit the pillows. I am 5' 9” tall and weigh 165lbs. I am not a weight lifter nor do I...

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Vom Regen in die Traufe German

Vom Regen in die TraufeDie Leiden eines Kriegsgefangenen Roman von ?Masostud?? 2011 by Masostud Erstes KapitelDie Ostfront des ?1000-j?hrigen Reiches? war im Winter 1943 auf 1944 de-facto am Zusammenbrechen. Immer mehr Bataillone l?sten sich entweder durch Fahnenflucht oder durch die K?lte und den Verpflegungsmangel oder schlicht und einfach durch Einwirkungen der russischen Armee auf. Ich ahnte den Zusammenbruch des 3. Reiches und wollte nicht zu den Verlierern geh?ren, daf?r war mir mein erst 20 j...

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You never noticed

A neighborhood couple recently started the cuckold lifestyle. The k**§ had moved out and her sexual appetite had outgrown his. It started at parties and bars with friends. Kissing, feeling up, and fingering. The first time they said it was a swinger 3way, although all he mainly did was watched his wife satisfied for the first time in years. It got more frequent with him getting sloppy seconds. It was a good relationship. She is way younger than him, with an increasing sex drive. His was waning,...

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Troi Times Two

Disclaimer: This story is by no means an infringement of the license held between Paramount and Star Trek. It is just a dedication to all of the reincarnations of Star Trek. Star Trek and anything to do with it in this story, is a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures Corp. Any copyright infringement on these pages is not intended, and will be removed immediately upon notice. Fair Use Notice: This document contains copyrighted material whose use has not been...

2 years ago
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Lifegaurds Having Fun

I t was a long day of lifeguarding at the at the lake. I was working with a new hire. His name was Luke. He was about 23. Same age as me. We had made a few team saves during the day and he was totally grounded in his technique. At about five o'clock, we blew our whistles and everyone came out and drove away. We did the menial tasks of closing the umbrellas, bringing in equipment and lowering the chairs. Our lake had a nice hut for the workers. Couches, chairs and even a shower/locker area. I...

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Bev was leaving her daughter Lily at her own fathers house so she could spend time with her grandfather. He had raised Bev and she knew what would be in store for Lily. He loves young girls and even his own daughter. He had fucked her all her teen years and shared her with his friends. When she took Lily in he looked at Bev and smiled and said "Are you staying for some of my cock too? I know you must miss me fucking you." He then sat Lily in a chair and took Bev to his bedroom and pulled her...

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dgged Mother In Law

d**gged Mother in Law"Goodnight Christopher!" I watched my mother in law as she climbed the stairs to her bedroom and I heard the door close behind her as she went off to bed, carrying the mug of hot milk her considerate son in law had made her as a nightcap. She always said coffee kept her awake. I smiled to myself - this particular mug of milk was intended to have the opposite effect. If my contact with the chemistry degree was telling the truth my old bitch of a mother in law was soon to be...

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How I Became The CulDeSac Cock Sucker

Knoxville is a great city to raise a family, with conservative, religious values, and I was fortunate to have lived there all my life. My name is Jason, and my life was typical I suppose, having met Emily, the girl who would become my wife, when we were juniors in high school. We dated for the rest of high school and then through college at the University of Tennessee.We got married right after graduation, and both worked, living in an apartment for four years while we saved for a down payment...

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Me and My Sisters Friend Part 2 My Sisters a Slut

I plunged my cock straight into Melissa's Pussy And was greater by moans of pleasure she began begging for more and was sticking her finger in her ass screaming"FUCK YES JESUS CHRIST I FUCKING LOVE COCK!!" I Was going at her really fast my cock going harder and harder by the second and Melissa's screams getting louder! "FUCK ME RIGHT IN THAT PUSSY OH FUCK YES!" I felt her cum and felt her juices I could handle it and told her I was about to cum. I removed my cock and she opened her...

3 years ago
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Fucking White Pussy Blacken

Garrett Jacobs knew he was going to be a success in life by his freshman year in college. At 6 feet 2 inches tall and 200 pounds, he was a natural outside linebacker, capable of sealing the corners to stop the run, dropping back into pass coverage, or blitzing the quarterback. His defensive coach took Garrett's athletic ability in stride. As a scholar-athlete, it was a given that Garrett could play the position for which he'd been recruited. But his coach also saw how quickly his young player...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 8

Ron woke up before Brenda and was fixing a meal when she slid out of the shelter. She dressed in front of the shelter and walked over to the fire. She did not recognize what Ron was cooking. He saw her trying to see what was in the pot. "Chickweed and blueberries," he said, "We are going to have to start living off of the land a bit. I don't want to use the last of our MRE's. If we get to a place where the land won't feed us we'll use the MRE's." They both ate in silence. Brenda...

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My Best Friends Fiance

I never wanted to hurt Thomas, my boss and friend since c***dhood, in any way, so i never told him our secret. I knew who his 4 k**s father really happened to be. 2 boys, 2 girls, all beautiful and all my k**s.Melissa was one of the sexiest white chicks i had ever seen, she always told Thomas that on their wedding night he was gonna be her first. She went looking for bridesmaid dresses but because the maids were all at work, she had them give her their measurements and called for Thomas's limo...

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Omake Devilla and Lucy in the woods Not Demon Queened 61 a softfork

Omake - Devilla and Lucy in the woods - (Not) Demon Queened 6.1 =============================================================== not written by Princess Kay, but posted "somewhere" with Princess Kay's permission (c) B.Lowe License: If you can imagine a use for this text, I allow it. If you are Princess Kay and can imagine a use for, I would feel honoured :-) This story is inspired by Demon Queened written by Princess Kay. It is not written by Princess Kay, nor is it cannon. It...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Neighbor Pushpa

Hi friends, I am writing back my story since i got amazing response over my first story “Sex with friends wife Neha”. Thank-you so much for adoring it. I am a bachelor and I stay in Bangalore in a 2 floor individual house. I stay on 1st floor and my neighbor Pushpa stays at ground floor with her mother. I work with an MNC in IT and Pushpa also works with IT with some other company. Since I park my vehicle in front of her house we both wave “Hi” to each other whenever our eyes connect. Pusha is...

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Witch Chronicles 006 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3

WITCH CHRONICLES 006 I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 by JRD Author's Note: Here's the sixth part of the Witch Chronicles. The previous installments of this story line were originally published under different names. Here are their original titles: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage...

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FUCKING MY FIRST TRANNYIn the early to mid 90's my wife and I were living in south central L.A. The wife wasn't necessarily a sexual creature nor was she very good at it. This lead me to a lot porn watching and going outside of the house for hot, kinky sex. She doesn't know I'm Bi and still doesn't to this day. I would frequent various adult bookstores to get/give blowjobs, handjobs and visit the occasional gloryhole to get my freak on. I would also travel up and down Figueroa or more commonly...

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I hired a Black Pool Boy Blacken

I have been married to a great woman for 25 years now. Katie is my high school sweetheart and we spent 7 years together before we got married. She teaches 12th grade at the local high school and I am a self employed contractor.Katie looks very good for a 48 year old woman. Dark hair and eyes, 5'-1" tall, 130 pounds, full 34B cup boobs with the right amount of sag, voluptuous curves and just the right amount of age lines. She tries to stay fit and does regular cardio workouts. That also helps...

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A good day at work

You go door to door to every house in the nieghborhood asking if you could do yard work for a profit. Many people accept and get to know you around the nieghborhood. As you are carrying huge amounts of stones and your muscels are showing, a Cougarish woman walks by. She asks you your name and takes out a pen and a paper and starts writing. The mature yet gorgous woman slips the paper in you pants brushing your hard cock. She then says "I am totally seeing you later cutie pie!" The woman walks...

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L017 Lizzys story Lizzys vacation 6

My Daddy and Maggie, Timmy’s Mommy, arrange for us to go to Babyland’s amusement park tomorrow before we leave the pool.  Timmy and I are so excited to hear this and jump and hug and squeal, then my arms are around your neck kissing you so hard.  My Daddy is so good to me.(Timmy and Maggie, his Mommy, are a caretaker/adult baby couple we had met and are getting to know).The Babyland’s amusement park is based on the children’s area of regular amusement parks but scaled to be the right size for...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 35 Melbourne

As we reached the dining car, one of the attendants told us that the meal service wouldn’t be starting until seven; but we were welcome to wait in the lounge car, and enjoy a drink or two before dinner. We made our way down to the lounge car, and took our seats at a table near the bar. I ordered gin and tonics for the girls, while I asked for a half strength bourbon and coke. We sipped our drinks, and talked about the upcoming week in Melbourne; wondering how the new songs might work out,...

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Young Generation

Mein ek girls college mein Professor hoon. Aaj mein apni jindgi ka sabse khubsurat lamha aaplogo ko battle jar aha hoon. Muje wo din aaj bhi yaad hai Jab mein B.A part II ka Pahla pahla class lene class mein gaya. Ek ladki first bench per baithi hui thi. Uski umar ka aap lok andaj laga hi liye honge lagbhag 20-21 sal ki. First day maine jayda uski tarabh dhyan nahin diya. Lekin agle din wo mere se milne mere department mein kuch dosoton ke sath aaye. Usne us din pink colour ka salwar suit pahna...

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Meeting Laura Liza and Steven

It was a warm Friday night, and I was keen to go out and party. I had just completed a stint for my country in a land that was a God-forsaken shit-hole. The only woman I had seen were covered in their khimars, hijabs, jilbabs and abayas. Fuck at least in other countries there would have been some whores. I knew of a few guys in the unit that had forced themselves on a few of the locals, but I didn't want to pursue that route. So like most of the rest I lay in our barracks beating off to digital...

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The Best SistersChapter 16

Melissa did not mourn too long for Charles. It was the summer of 1939 as she went shopping for groceries at her regular small Ma & Pa store. She was now fifty-two years of age but looked much younger. The man watching the beautiful woman took her for being in her mid-thirties. He had seen Mrs. May in the store many times in the past. "Good afternoon," he tipped his hat to her. "Good afternoon," she smiled at the good looking man in a nice blue suit. "A nice day this afternoon,"...

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The Backyard Rapist

There she lay, all alone in the back yard on a hot summer’s day without a care in the world save for her tan. Dozing on one of the long, adjustable lawn chairs that allowed one to lie reasonably comfortably in the sun, the dark haired girl gave little thought to the fact that her parents wouldn’t be home for several more hours. In fact, as far as she was concerned, that brought several benefits. Even without being able to sunbathe topless with impunity, the fourteen-year-old felt a deep...

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Youre Gonna Have to Get Out There Footmen

This is just some chronicles from my mind I'm laying down here. I get tons of questions asking: "How you meet these women?" , "What do you say to them?" , "How did you get them to accept your foot fetish?"First thing's first. When you watch majority of the vids online and you see these hot women: giving footjobs, getting their feet worshiped, letting guys indulge in foot fetish fantasies. How does that happen? Money. Its that simple. If you go on IG and you see them glorious foot models but...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 2 Katies Sexual Awakening

The day after Katherine Jackson had given her first blowjob and allowed her husband to shoot his cum all over her beautiful freckled face she had spent the day at work in a daze. The professional business woman's head was in her hands as she couldn't concentrate during her meetings or on any simple task. She and her husband hadn't had a chance to talk after what she had done. When Fred left to go pick up their children from daycare she took a shower and her breasts were full, her nipples...

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Caught in the Storm

I was given a day off from work one random Thursday and decided to go for a morning jog. It was a beautiful, late spring day outside and I hadn't gone for a run in a while. The sun was shining brightly but there was still a slight coolness in the air. There was a nice jogging trail through the woods near the edge of the suburbs where I lived, not too far from my apartment at the time. The trail was flat and wide enough for jogging and wound through beautiful, quiet woods and around a quiet,...

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Ooooh ice cream

My God, it’s hot today! Unusually hot for this time of year and I’ll be glad to get home and get out of my boring, stuffy office clothes. I pull into the drive and park next to Richard.  He’s had the day off – lucky sod! As I go in the front door, I hear him shout ‘I’m in the kitchen!’. ‘Hi there. How was your day?’ I ask as I walk through.  He’s standing there with a beer in his hand, smirking. ‘Good.  I’ve had a very lazy day – just lounging around waiting for my wife to come home.’ he...

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You Wont Believe What Happened During the Bathroom Remodel Project

After I retired I started doing small remodeling projects. One of my neighbors asked me if I'd help him remodel his bathroom. His wife wanted to do a complete "gut job"; removing everything and starting over. So, it was a fairly big project and would likely take a few weeks to complete. They figured they could save a few bucks by doing some of the work themselves and then hire me to help out with the heavy part that Dan couldn't do on his own. Dan asked me to stop by the house to work up an...

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Girlfriends Doing It Together

Chapter 1 Ann and Honey had been friends for several years. They did a lot of things together and they both trusted each other completely. Both of them had boyfriends but they found on occasion that they each had a need for sexual intimacy and physical fulfillment different from what their horny boyfriends could give them in a girl/guy event in bed. Finally, one evening when Ann and Honey were together, just enjoying some quality girlfriend time, they suddenly realized that they could achieve...

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Brian was a good find. A good phuk. A one in a thousand.He was in his late 40s when I met him - me in my late teens. For quite a while he was a sugar daddy - best years of my life.He had a big cock (over 8”) which was quite intimidating at first but the money was good and his expert-level experience in the bedroom was a huge advantage. I was not too sure when he requested (at our 2nd meeting no less) anal. I refused and all was good but by the time we met 5 times he was practically insisting...

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Black VelvetChapter 16 Intoxicated

Zuki licked the grease from the fur around her mouth with her prehensile tongue, washing down the mouthful of chicken with another generous swig of beer. Fried chicken was messy at the best of times, but fortunately, Zuki was keeping it all clear of her pristine new suit. Jules had to keep reminding her not to eat the bones, her powerful jaws could certainly have handled them. She dropped another clean drumstick down onto the veritable mountain that littered her plate, the fries long since...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 32

We hit the floor and had been wandering from game to game when I saw dad and Deana walk by holding hands. I smiled and waved to them and they came over. But after a bit she said that she had to cover a presentation in the main hall so they headed off again.Keith had been wanting to run an adventure, but was unsure of himself. So the girls and I all pulled out some character sheets and he was using the Cities book to run through a series of random encounters. And since this was basically just a...

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Act of War SOS Book 2Chapter 17

Proxima Centauri The human fleet had been destroyed, they had put up a strong fight, using all its resources it had taken 2 days of fighting but in the end the alien fleet had only been reduced to 1400 ships, they were beginning to move in to attack and destroy the colony, at fleet HQ it was chaos, no one knew what to do, the colony was about to fall. There was no other alarm that could go off as all were already blaring, in the streets of the colony the citizens watched the sky as the...

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new life 2

Age:18 yrs this is the continuation of my story new life ........ I was sitting on the schools balcony talking to cris she was standing just beside me. I was talking about how jake and my father had been a jerk to me.That day i didnt attend any class as i was broken from within both mentally and physically ,i was just wandering around the school campus thinking about all the bad things that happened to me in the last few days before i went to the balcony to meet cris.She sat down beside...

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انا شاب تونسي عمري 28 سنة كنت منذ ايام دراستي في الإعدادي و عمري 14 سنة أتحرش بزميلتي في الدراسة أثناء الوقوف في الصف لتحية العلم أو اثناء انتظار الأستاذ امام القسم كانت لحظات التحرش تستمر لمدة 15 دقيقة احيانا كنت منذ أن أراها قادمة تلبس الطبلية(زي البنات) و هي ملتصقة بترمتها الكبيرة اترك لها مكانها امامي فتأتي طواعية و أبدأ بالتقرب منها رويدا رويدا حتى يلمس زبي مؤخرتها و يدخل في فلقة ترمتها كان شعورا رائعا يجعلني اكمل يومي الدراسي الذي يبدأ 8 صباحا و انا سعيد و كنت اتحسس ترمتها بيدي و انزل...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 3 The Meeting

June came down the stairs to find her sister sitting on the living room sifting through pictures and her stomach turned with worry. “That was quick.” Autumn said when saw June enter. “Did you bring your panties?” “Yes’.” June uttered as she held them out for Autumn to see. “You’re not wearing any, are you? Lift your dress and show me.” June lifted her dress and held it open.” “What are you doing?” June asked “You can put your dress back down and come sit next to me. I want you to pick...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 12

Bryant was on an airplane, headed to Columbia when the reality of the situation hit him. The young woman had overheard his conversation with the bartender and set up Mayfield. A guy like Mayfield could probably take a lot of ribbing but to have an attractive female question his sexuality would provoke a response. Her companion obviously knew how to take care of himself. He had risked an assault conviction to help him put Mayfield in prison. Jan was incredulous when Bryant had phoned her. She...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 58 First Ever Aftermath

My heart was feeling like someone had poured lead into it as I walked to the exit to the bridge. This had been a simply training exercise and one of my crew was seriously injured. To add to that, it seemed like half of the ship was suffering from minor glitches. I exited the bridge and nearly ran over Private Ripa. The older man was standing there looking uncertain. “Sorry,” he said. “Nothing to be sorry about, but why aren’t you at your post?” I asked. “My medical pod is still down,” he...

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First time anal

In my last story I told of the young guy I met while walking my dog, the following week I kept an eye out for him in the hope we could repeat our fun, but to no avail. I'd given up thinking it was a one off however on the Thursday the week after I once again spotted him this time a little deeper off the track. I wasted no time heading towards him from twenty meters away I could see that beautifull rock hard cock, this time I tied my dog to a low tree branch. Unlike last time he had a travel rug...

4 years ago
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Pattaya Fun Again

This follows on from my first Pattaya story a few days later - if you haven’t read it do so before reading this as the events there set up what happened next.Midweek Aum had a family crisis, she and Dave had to go up country to help. I was left alone to work and stay in their bungalow.Late afternoon there was a knock on the door, it was Sunisa. “Would you like to eat out with me this evening?”, of course I was pleased and agreed. A couple of hours later she came back, looking absolutely...

2 years ago
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Only a ShoeChapter 4

It was actually a disappointment to Jeff to receive the letter from the University appointing him to the faculty as an associate professor of Anthropology with the opportunity to advance to full professor and the ultimate shot at the ever-elusive "Tenure" that would assure him of life-long employment with satisfying compensation. In all honesty, it was the culmination of his dreams to be so honored but he was so caught up in his labors at the women's shoe store that he was reluctant to...

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Uncle Petey was my mother's younger brother. He was 31 years old, and had the mind capacity of a c***d. After my Grandmother died my mom took Uncle Petey in to live with us. Uncle Petey was built like a Lumberjack, he was over 6 ft tall and was a solid 240 lbs. He was a gentle giant indeed. Uncle Petey attended a Day program for Adults like him . His bus dropped him off at 5pm and I met the bus everyday. As I was 18 and finished High School, I attended school in our local...

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395 kays second usage

Day 1The next part is in the ladies own words, as I was not present [or ever likely to be] and she alone knows what she endured and in some strange way enjoyed as you will see. I arrived at Jack's house 15 minutes early, parked in front, and sat waiting in my car for the time to pass. my body odour was noticeable in the confined space of the car but was overpowered by the heavy fumes rising from between my legs. I looked in the rear-view mirror, my hair was matted, dirty, and straggly, -for two...

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Sushmita Ki Chudai Train Pe

Hii friends this is bapi.I am from bhubaneswar studying b.Tech and a play boy .Aj apko apni ek real story share karne ja raha hu .Meh call boy ka kam karta hu islye meh sex mein bohot experience hu nd ladki patake sex karne ka tarika bhi pata hai . Yeh bat undino ki hai jab mein 2nd yr mein tha.Nd mere colg se studytour ja rahe the sambalpur .3 days ka trip tha aur hum rat ko train mein chadhe .Meh apnebare mein thda bta du .Mera hieght-6ft athetic figure with 6 pack abs h toh ldkiyon mein...

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My Grandma 6

The next morning we didn't even spend time together. I couldn't get the night on the beach out of my head. God I love fucking my grandmother. I love her cumming on me. But I went out all day with my brother and cousin all day. We spent most of the day at the beach, then we went around the town checking out stores and women. But I couldn't get my grandmother out of my head. She was really hot in bed. It was like she liked it but didn't want to admit it. But then she loses control and just goes...

4 years ago
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My Place in Life

The lift had been broken again, that was how it had all started, many years ago, when I was just nineteen My Place in Life 01The lift had broken, that was how it all started again, many years ago, when I was just nineteen. My first job had been with a builder?s merchant, shifting bags of cement, packs of bricks and timber, nothing that could be purchased there was lightweight it seemed. At nineteen I was a wimp, no doubt about it, skinny, almost to the point of emaciation, by twenty-one I...

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