Deception free porn video

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I am writing this for Jezzi and the other who have worked hard posting their work on TG caps and TG Comics. This is based on 'Vain Girls' 1406. Jezzi asked for a story explaining what happened. So here it is. The Deception By Eric My sister Chloe was 2 years older than me and I had - unfortunately - got into the habit of doing what she told me. She was still a little mad at me as she resented it 2 years ago when Grandfather left me all his money and cut her off saying girls didn't need it and he was tired of her being so damn bossy. We were about the same size I was 5 eleven and she was 5 ten and athletic. But now she was sick, really sick and she told me and she needed my help. Chloe still looked beautiful but rather wan in the hospital bed. "Look, Mark if you don't do it dad will be ruined and so will I and mom. Ken and his dad, Mr. Randolph are not forgiving people." That I knew. Ken's family owned the city and dad and Chloe not only worked for them but dad owed them a LOT of money. "Chloe, I don't know what I can do, Ken is my friend, but will hardly do what I want. Besides he should listen more to you, sis as you two are getting married in a month." She smiled a sly smile. "Lots of that going around Mark, you're marrying my friend Susan in 2 months when she and her professor father get back from their dig in China." I smiled, my lovely, lovely Susan. She was not only Chloe's best friend. But her only female friend. She was the only female who was nice enough to be friends with my bitchy sister. "Look Ken and his dad wont bear the public humiliation of me being sick. You know how they are - they want their way or else. I should be better in a month the doctors tell me, but someone has to take my place for all the social stuff, the fittings, the parties the ass kissing and I can hardly get out of bed. The doctors told me if I don't get bed rest for a month it might be fatal. " I frowned. "I don't understand how am I supposed to help?" She grinned ruthlessly. "Simple for the next month you re going to be me - to be Ken's beautiful fianc?e Chloe." "What! You're even crazier than ever!" "You know I work for Randolph labs - cutting edge surgery and rapid healing break throughs have come a long way. One of the doctors is going to help." She smiled ruthlessly. "I have enough on him to get him disbarred and fired." That I could believe, Chloe was ruthless and clever. Nobody knew that better than me. She might look like an angel but more resembled a devil sometimes in the way she acted when she wanted her way. "How does that help?" "Look we look a lot alike. A LOT! So he will do some minor, easily reversal able plastic surgery and turn your face into mine - it's not very much of a change. Of course you'll have to lose your Errol Flynn mustache you're so proud of but you can grow it back." My hand went to the dashing mustache I loved so much. My sister laughed. "I wont do it!" "Of course you will. Stop your stupid struggling. You know you will. All that you will have to do is smile and go to parties. You'll save mom and dad and me and keep your friend Ken from looking like a fool with a no show bride. He'll be easily fooled. You know we don't love each other and its more a political match - his family's money allied with our 'great and honored name'." She smiled slyly. "I'll even give you my classic Ford Fairlane convertible. You've been drooling over it for years." Dad had restored and given the car to her to make up for his dad not leaving her anything except a book ' How to Have Friends.' I admit I was both tempted and weak. So as usual I gave in to my sister. So I went under and when I woke I was wearing bandages on my face. And I had tits. "I didn't agree to the tits!" I almost squeaked. "Relax! They'll come off easily. We can't do any permanent after all. You're getting married in 2 months." She smiled. "I don't think Susan would appreciate her husband having better knockers than her. Get real you idiot - You don' think you can wear my clothes without showing some tit." "And what about my beard! And shaving? We should have thought about it before." "Relax. I have thought about it you feeble mind insect." She handed me a jar. "Just put this on your face every morning and night. Not only is it a depilatory but also it stops a bread growing. It's something new from the lab." I felt like killing her. But I should have done it 15 years ago when I was 5 and she was 7. I felt the breasts and they felt all too real. This was getting out of hand fast! "You're sure he wont be expecting kisses and stuff the next month?" "Positive. He knows I'm sick and has no desire to catch anything from me. The doc has already told him and all you will have to do is kiss his cheek and hug. Just suck it up and do it." I reflected that instead of being' hen pecked' by a wife like most men, he was sister pecked. Most men reserved being a wimp to their wives. Thank god Susan was a sweetie. The doctor came in nervously. "Remember to take your healing medication three times a day or you'll scar and it will be hard to restore your normal features. I'll take the bandages off tomorrow." "So soon?" He nodded. "New advance I made." The next day when I looked in the mirror I was astounded. I looked exactly like Chloe! That called for a shudder. I almost frightened myself seeing her lovely face in the mirror instead of my handsome one. I felt like any moment I was going to bully myself. She gestured me over to her bed and we both looked in the mirror and except for the hair we looked identical. "Doc you are a genius," cried Chloe. The doctor smiled with satisfaction. God it was weird to see her face, I touched it - it seemed like my own - AND her tits - they even felt more real than yesterday. "What about the hair?" I asked Chloe. My new voice still surprised me the doc was right what ever he had done had given me her voice. "That's easy I've arranged for some extensions that will be woven it. You can wash the hair, blow-dry it - anything. Don't forget take the anti rejection meds three times a day. "And use the depilatory twice a day. Also wear the special whatever to keep your dick from showing." I sighed. I was very proud of my 8 inch dick. I smiled think how it made Susan scream with pleasure when we were in bed. Chloe would stay in the private hospital attached to the lab and I would live in her place and wear her clothes. At least I got to drive her car. I didn't have to worry about fooling her female friends, as she didn't have any but Susan. Also I was lucky enough not to need a job, as my inheritance was enough to live well on. Chloe had thought of everything - even replaced all her shoes with ones a size larger to fit my feet and giving me a schedule of grooming times (I shuddered thinking of the bikini waxes) and pre wedding events I would be expected to attend. To say it was creepy was understating it, to be treated like Chloe, to go to family functions, and social events as her. I was a popular person and used to it. Now I was treated coldly like Chloe - who no one liked. I also hated the clothes especially the heels, but soon got used to them being uncomfortable. It was weird to having men stare at my breasts. It was also weird to be treated like her even by mom and dad and Ken. It was too weird. To have to be on his arm and kiss and be kissed by him even on the cheek. Chloe had been right there was not any passion or sparks between them. But as usual I was a good boy as sis called me and did what I was told. Maybe it was the stress and the lack of my normal workouts (Chloe had made me use her exercise regime) but I was losing a little weight, felt weaker and my waist seemed smaller. I must admit I loved driving my new convertible with my long hair floating in the breeze. I didn't enjoy having to deal with breasts 24/7 though. They looked great, but wearing bras and them always being in the way when I was trying to move was a major pain. Anyway I hadn't seen Chloe since my bandages were taken off, but she called and told me that she was getting better and would be ready to be married on schedule. I would hate to do all this to have it to blow up in our faces. God I would never live it down - pretending to be her, wearing her clothes, going to dress fittings and kissing Ken. But I had to admit I looked spectacular in the wedding gown mom and I had picked out. I hope Chloe liked it. "I am glad you've calmed down and are more agreeable, Chloe. Getting married seems to agree with you/ I just hope it lasts," said Mom. I smiled to myself. Poor mom and Ken they would be surprised when the real Chloe returned in all her bitchy glory. I was anxiously waiting for Chloe on the wedding day. Where the hell was she? Then Ken stormed in looking furious. Mom tried to shoe him out but he dragged her out and shut the door in her face. I was frightened Ken was a huge guy and had always towered over me. In his muscular arms he waved a sheaf of papers. "You know what this is?" He seemed even bigger than usual and he had been an All American football player and stood 6'6" and still weighed a muscular 240 pounds. I shook my head and my long black haired swirled. "It's a nasty little letter from CHLOE! She's not coming back! She told me everything. I was wondering why you - Chloe - were so pleasant and agreeable the last few weeks. Now I know MARK. I must say your tits turned out well. Bye the way did you enjoy making a fool out of my dad and me?" "She made me do it!" I sobbed. "I will not be made a fool of. I will not! My family can't afford the disgrace It would kill dad's chance of ever being President. The bitch is gone. I can't find her - not in time anyway. Not that I want to anyway. What a monster! So I need a wife. It looks like it's going to be you 'Chloe'. I've talked to the doctor who did this; the little cowardly weasel fell all over himself after I 'reasoned ' with him. Threats of jail and being beaten to death worked wonders. So immediately after the ceremony you will be operated on and a working, and fertile womb and other female parts will be planted in you! You'll be my wife in everyway! EVERYWAY. Understand?" His huge and powerful hands hurt my arms. I started crying. "But I don't want to be a wife and a mother! And what about poor Susan - I am supposed to marry her in a month?" "You should have thought of that earlier you idiot!" The wedding was a nightmare. I was all in white in satin and lace and Dad walked me down the aisle and I found myself becoming Ken's wife. How could Chloe do this to me? I was kissed as a bride and I pretended to respond. I dreamed ways of escape, but was powerless. I couldn't reveal to the world what I had done either. I would die of shame. In away it was going to be better to be a total, a real woman rather than being caught in the middle in no man's land. I started crying again. Everyone thought I was such a happy bride. After the nightmarish reception in which I danced in very high heels with grabby men, Kern took me to the clinic. The nervous doctor looked sheepish and fearfully at Ken. Then he said reassuringly to me. "Don't worry, the donated organs are a good tissue match." Then I fainted. The next day when I woke up - my eight inch dick was gone. I wondered what had happened to it. Then I learned my evil sister had planned this from the beginning. Faking an illness, and setting the whole situation up I find the pills I have been faithfully taking a powerful new female hormone drugs as well as the 'depilatory' and the transplanted female stuff couldn't have been as successfully done with out them... The doc says the 'good news' is that I can stop taking them in a few weeks, as MY new organs should be producing enough female hormones naturally I do NOT find any of this good news. My body seems to be changing more rapidly now and I will never need to shave my face anymore I am told as if this was wonderful news. Shit! I also find that I will be 'ready' in a week to start my honeymoon. I doubt very much if there was a bride in the history of the world who was more dreading having sex with her husband than I am right now. Before we leave I take a last look in the mirror and see a naked Chloe looking out at me. Only Chloe never had such a sad expression in her lying life. I wipe away some tears and dress sexy for my husband in the clothes he has chosen. Ken is being nicer to me now feeling that I've been punished enough I guess. I am dreading that my new pussy will son be filled with his cum. God is it ever weird to be fucked as a woman. Ken is surprisingly gentle with me, which I appreciate and tell him so. After a few days I start to enjoy it a little. Hormones I guess. The honeymoon is on a private island. I am so damn use to being called Chloe now by my husband and his servants. We fly back home first class of course. My husband is so proud of his virility as I am already pregnant! Oh, my god! And he wants four more. Four More!! At the clinic that damn doctor tells me I should have no trouble having a healthy baby and more to follow. I will probably need a C-section because of my hips but that should prove no problem. I wonder if he would think it no problem if he were having the babies? Morning sickness is the pits. My husband leaves for an overdue business trip and gives me a nice goodbye kiss. I do some shopping to feel better. I know I dress better than Chloe did. When I get home my mom is waiting impatiently for me. Even she doesn't guess the truth and she thinks I aim Chloe. Well what else is she to think? "Come-on Chloe! We're going to be really late." I find myself in a church for a wedding. Then I remember its Susan's and mine wedding day. What will they do when I don't show? I can hardly get married to her now. Then I see the handsome bridegroom to be. He smiles nastily at me and proudly strokes his Errol Flynn mustache. It's me! It's Chloe's nasty smile on what use to be my face as 'he' stares at me and I suddenly realized whose womb and slit I have and who is now the proud processor of my 8 dick. Susan comes down the aisle and smiles lovingly at 'Mark'. I sob, now Chloe will make her scream tonight using my former powerful dick. My mom says to me, "Your brother's a lucky man to have such a wonderful wife, beautiful, sweet, loving and rich. I'm so glad you're happy for him. You used to be so jealous." Another though flashes across my mind and I cry harder. How my husband Ken will laugh when he hears the news. The End

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Hi guys mai sonia randi sharma ek baar phir hazir hai aap logo kai saath rangraliyaa manane kai liye aap logo ko bahut sara pyar dene kai liye aap logo kai bade bade lambe hot cocks ko apne hotho se gila karke apni chut or gaand ki pyas bhujane kai liye ohh guys aap log bahut ache hai or aap logo ke reviews or comments hi mujhe kahte hai or mai apni life ka ek sunahra hissa aapke saath share kar deti hu to guys is story kai pahle bhi maine bahut si stories likhi hai to please pahle un sari...

1 year ago
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Chanel No 19

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” - Coco Chanel The evening begins to descend upon me as the shadows shift closer and closer to my work space. I am aware of the inevitable event that is about to unfold and the irritating feelings of lust about to commence as my fingers shakily press my keys in efforts to finish my work. The warmth in my pussy scorches with intense desire and pulsates- hungry for fulfillment only obtainable by one woman.I exhale raggedly and focus...

2 years ago
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The Hermit

Yeah, this is it. The perfect evening. My feet are located higher than my hips, which, as everyone knows, is essential for a serious hanging-around position. A cold beer is strategically positioned in my right hand. My eBook reader is lying on the deck at my side, but switched off, just like it should be at such a moment. No input is necessary now, mental or otherwise. Apart from a little bit of beer, of course. This is a much needed moment of serenity. I need to just - be. And most of all - be...

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Mumbai bhabhi with milky big boobs leaked nude selfies

Hi to all our viewers who are here for some lovely and unseen Indian sex photos. Every time we try to give you the hottest imagery on internet and today is no different as we check out these nude selfies of a sexy Mumbai bhabhi. This beautiful bhabhi enjoys and gets a dirty kink by clicking her naked photos and sending it to her husband who is working abroad. The married woman is blessed with big milky boobs that will make any dick hard instantly! And her husband always sucks...

1 year ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 17

Charlie Tuesday was nuts! Just nuts. The four of us had breakfast together, an' Weena had to go an' ask Maddy what she wanted as a wedding present. Dumb ass Charlie had to say I hadn't said nothin' about a wedding. So I got the rest of Maddy's coffee over my head an' she started in with "What the hell was I thinkin'?" and that sort of stuff. An' I tried to explain that I'd said I wanted to git to a jewelry stare, an' I was plannin' to ask her, but she hadn't even told me what...

2 years ago
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Tainting The Couch

John grabs Kate by the waist and shoves his rock hard cock into her soaking wet pussy, while she is bent over the edge of the bed. He starts to pull out, when she shoves back on his cock. Still holding onto her hips, he pushes her back against the couch, pulls his cock out of her at the same time and tells her not to do that again. He puts just the tip in her and holds it there. She tries to push back but he holds her still. Just as she looks back at him, he shoves hard into her and holds it...

Straight Sex
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The Woman who hates me

We were neighbours, the street were all new houses built in the Mid 70’s. Most of us were younger with families and all had large mortgages and money was a bit tight. The Credit card era was just about to begin. Due to the common cash shortage we all used to meet up one day a month in some one elses house bring a bottle of wine or a few beers of a half bottle of spirits some food and have a fun time. Nothing really happened much other than a pleasant social evening. It was suggested that...

2 years ago
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Twin AngelsChapter 12

We went from NZ to Hawaii, and then to the west coast of the US. Nothing much changed, except that Sammie and I felt even hornier. Daddy started working out, and got more buff. It also seemed to make him get hornier too, so most days he was able to fuck each of us three times a day. Twice a day seemed like just barely enough, but once daddy could do each of us three times every day, we felt really content and satisfied again. Sammie and my breasts stayed B Cup size. I hated bras, and never...

2 years ago
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Polaroid Club Book IIChapter 3

The darkened room with the drawn blinds looked strangely unfamiliar to Cindy when she awoke. It was her own bedroom, no question about that; there was her dresser, her white ruffle-lined vanity, the cane-backed chair next to the full-length mirror... She stretched her hand along the bedcovers, feeling the soft material with her fingertips. Yes, it was her bed in her own bedroom in her own house--but in another sense, it wasn't. It wasn't because the love, the marital bond which had united...

3 years ago
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sister in heat chapter 3

It was late, and the minutes passed slowly. Midnight had been long ago, it seemed, and yet the night remained in that timeless hollow that are the wee morning hours. The lamp beside me was burning low and I flipped the page of my textbook, shifting ever so slightly. Against my chest, Monica stirred, and for a moment the words became gibberish and all I felt was her soft breast rolling against my skin, all I smelled was the vague fragrance of her shampoo. I watched her face as she blinked awake,...

1 year ago
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The Story Of Roger Part 6

Roger was up usual time and stood by the window just as Sam was about to start the school run, Ella looked up and smiled at the old man and never before had he looked forward to the afternoon more as Ella was coming to do some ‘cleaning’.He had his breakfast and decided to potter about in the garden for a while and once he was ready he stood by the patio door in just his shorts surveying his garden figuring out his plan for the morning, his phone went ‘ding’ as he received a text from Sam.She...

3 years ago
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The PiperChapter 4

“Whatever the two of you decide - YES - I want to be a part of it. Leslie, I would love to have my cock inside your pussy – and Deb’s too, before morning - but I’ll be happy a observer, if that’s what you and Deb decide.” Leslie told me, “I want more – I want it all and I can already tell, so does Debra.” Deb responded, “Yes, I want it all too, just as both of you. I don’t know anything about boy-girl sex, except the boy’s cock goes in the girl’s pussy. Will you help me learn?” “There’s...

4 years ago
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Some Notes On Glory Holes

1.) The thing I always associate with my earliest experiences with glory holes was the generally sleazy and grimy atmosphere of the adult bookstores I frequented back then. Whoever 'owned' those places weren't interested in 'aesthetics,' but in economic profit. You could see this from the crummy, and run-down condition of both the outside of these places, as well as their interiors. Very little money had been spent to fix them up! But, there was something decidedly exciting and thrilling in...

3 years ago
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Ciarra the ColdChapter 5 Fox Hunting

[WARNING: Ciarra isn’t an impossibly innocent and bland Isekai self-insert, or a brooding anti-hero. She’s a villain. She’s amoral and a sexual sadist, with her own twisted version of morality and honor. This story isn’t for children.] All the others had just ran away, with little thought and no planning. The foxkins trail led me directly to an old abandoned fort. Her lingering scent carries hope and resolve. Fading scents from many bandits covered the area, all of them were familiar from...

3 years ago
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Chloe 2 Suzy joins the family

Chloe sat in the middle holding her phone with one hand and her father’s cock with the other. Roy had his arm round his daughter’s shoulders, his hand resting on her breast as he gently tweaked her nipple. Ann had her hand between her daughter’s thighs, two fingers slowly stirring inside the girl’s cunt. “We’re so proud of you,” her father said, “you did so well having to think quickly when he changed the time, Suzy did a great job of filming it. Have you sent a copy to Grandad?” “Yes,”...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Liz Jordan Schoolgirl Liz Gets A Mouthful Of Holiday Treats

Adorable and ultra confident teen student Liz has no interest in any of the lessons her teacher Clark, or Mr. Kent is giving and Liz knows exactly what to do to get thru her exams much easier. Mr. Kent objects with that and informs her that this plan is not a good one. Liz goes ahead and starts showing off her cute little ass to prove how easy men are. But when she slips off her soaked white panties Clark has stopped thinking and his cock starts throbbing for her teen pussy and mouth falling...

1 year ago
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Drawn to YouChapter 11

Belle's cell phone rang causing Jeffrey to pull away from her and let go of his hold on her hips. Timing is everything, she thought. She frantically tried to pull the phone out of the pocket of her coat, that she had hung over the bedpost. The interruption was what she needed to regain some semblance of control. When she answered the phone she was surprised to hear that it was Richard Ericson, the P.I. He said that he would continue to tail David for the next day and a quarter but had...

3 years ago
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Poolside Ch 04 Pt 4

Author’s note: This story is a continuation of ‘Poolside: Ch. 04, Pt. 3’ which was intended to be the conclusion for Chapter 4. Immediately below are the final two paragraphs of Ch. 04, Pt. 3, showing how I planned to end this series a decade ago. ~~~~~~~~ Katrina grinned, then got into her car, backed out, waved, and drove away. I watched her car until it disappeared. ‘Farewell, Katrina! Good luck, my love!’ I whispered. My four-hour drive to campus went really fast. Every memory of Katrina...

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*10 days later* Dr. John Redmond took his place in front of the awaiting crowd. Sorting his papers, he gazed into the audience of cameras and microphones, the media ready to catch his every word and move. Never before had he been requested to do this. "Good afternoon, I am Dr. Johnathan Redmond of St. Rita's Medical Centre. I will be speaking to you today about the recent outbreak of the HS1F1 Virus, or Homovirus, as the media are referring it to." The young doctor turned the page, looking back...

1 year ago
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Laura And Ross And Their Children

NOTE: This is a stand-alone story. Don’t feel that you need to read “Laura And Ross” unless of course, you want too. Laura And Ross And Their Children Laura and Ross had been so excited after that week of train flashing that neither one of them wanted to stop. Their biggest concern was keeping their newfound hobby from their children. Terri and Gus were your average sexually inquisitive teenagers. Terri was thirteen and Gus was fourteen but actually they were about the same...

2 years ago
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Bobbie The Coed

Amy and I met in college, which was a time in my life that almost became my worst nightmare. It was saved by my freshman roommate, Alex.My freshman year, I lived in a dorm, as most do. I had been dreading it, since I really had no idea what living with a bunch of wild, unsupervised young men would be like, given my, um, physical non-conformities, so to speak. As a teenager, I’d been teased relentlessly. I wasn’t looking forward to more of the same.On move-in day, I got a lot of stares (leers),...

Gay Male
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My Aunt8217s Friend Is A Dominant One

Hi this is me again with another interesting story. Those who don’t know me I am Nithin from Kerala, 23 years of age, 5’7 in height and cock size of 5.5. My mail id is I always love and fantasize about those ladies who are elder than me and those ladies who are having huge and nice boobs and ass. So this story is also about a mature lady whom I had a crush on. Friends forgive me as my English wont be that perfect and there wil b some mistakes. The story is all about my aunts friend Sathya....

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 10 A new victim and preparing to go home

Joshua sat down the street from Reno High School, and watched the kids come out of summer school. They went by on their way home, as he watched as the young sluts chat with their friends. Some even made out with their punk boyfriends, who wouldn't know what to do with them, even if they got into their pants. He sat there and remembered the last girl he'd grabbed ... Jennifer Taylor. Her long brown hair and hazel eyes were the things that stood out about her. How the fear flashed in her eyes...

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The Anniversary

Reverend and Mrs. Lowell Cantcatch had been with the First Church of Abbentville for the past 10 years and were dearly loved by their congregation. As a token of their esteem for their attending to the spiritual and physical welfare of the community, the whole body had decided to give them an all expense paid anniversary trip where they would be able to celebrate both their 10th year with the Church and also their 15th wedding anniversary.The small South Georgia community of Abbentville had...

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Mrs Kentons Stable

Mrs Kenton's Stable Paula wondered out on the porch passing, Oscar and Robert. She walked to the rail. Leaned over, looking around. She wore a shirt denim skirt and a spaghetti strapped pull over. Oscar pointed down between her feet. A single drop would splatter, it was as clear as water and 30 seconds later another drip hit the floor. She said, “where's Little Jim”? Oscar said, “near by I'm sure”. Paula said, “I need to nurse him”. Oscar laughed “I see”. She looked down, saw her wet drops,...

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