An Indigo Bunting free porn video

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This is a copyrighted original work of fiction. All rights reserved.

All characters featured herein are at least eighteen years of age, even if not expressly stated. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Many thanks to Jim K for the fine editing work.

Song lyrics contained herein remain the exclusive property of the original artist.

This work may not be copied or distributed without the exclusive written permission of this author.


The lady standing next to me heard my knees crackle as I squatted down in the bookstore.

There were three different field guides for North American birds east of the Rockies. She watched me in amusement as I struggled to stand up with a copy of each in my hands.

Two had drawings of birds, the third, by the Audubon Society, had photos of birds and the book was narrower, more suited to slip into a pocket.

‘If you’re looking for a field guide, you should pick that one,’ she said pointing to the one by Roger Tory Peterson.

I must have had a puzzled look on my face as I regarded the woman. She was fiftyish, maybe a year or two younger than me. Slender, good looking but dressed like a school teacher with knee length plaid skirt and button up sweater. I liked her stylish glasses, not so sure though about the chain around the neck holding her glasses on.

‘Oh?’ I said flipping through the book. It seemed to me that photographs would give a more accurate portrayal of the bird than a colour drawing.

She seemed to read my mind. ‘Bring all three and come with me. I’ll show you,’ she smiled and walked off towards a table with chairs around it.

Yes ma’am. I followed her silently.

‘Sit down and give your knees a rest,’ she said motioning to a chair. I sat down. She sat in the chair next to me at the end of the table.

She opened up the Audubon book and flipped through a few pages, then turned the book to me. There were four photos of ‘Duck-like Birds’ shown.

‘What are the differences between the two on the left?’

They looked the same. White ducks with brown heads and brown tails. Even the eyes were the same color. One was labeled Redhead the other Canvasback.

‘I don’t know,’ I answered.

‘Take the book and keep the page,’ she instructed. She opened the Peterson book and flipped through a couple of pages, then turned the book to me.

There were ducks all over the right side page and written descriptions on the left page.

‘Here are your two birds, right here,’ she pointed with manicured pink fingernails to the top two entries on the page ‘Bay Ducks (Divers).’ Each entry showed a male and female. Sure enough one was Canvasback the other Redhead. They looked like completely different birds.

‘Wow,’ I said. She smiled at me.

‘You see, they even show them in flight.’ Her slender finger pointed to smaller drawings next to the main ones. ‘And the description is on the opposite page.’

‘Cool,’ I said. I then opened the Audubon photo style book back up. I still couldn’t see a difference between the two photographs.

‘The Peterson guide is the standard used by birdwatchers,’ she said with just a hint of authority.

‘You’re a birdwatcher then?’ I asked. I noted a lack of wedding or engagement rings.

‘Used to be. I used to be a lister. Now I just enjoy being outdoors occasionally. And I love birds. Do you?’

‘I do, but what’s a lister?’ It sounded like a boat with too much water in it.

There was a little bit of surprise in her face, as if everyone should know what it means.

‘A lister is a birdwatcher that keeps a personal list of every species of bird they’ve seen.’

‘Oh. How many different birds have you seen?’

‘Oh gosh. I don’t know. Hundreds I’m sure.’ She sat herself upright.

‘So have you seen every different type of bird in this book?’ I asked holding the Peterson guide.

‘Oh heaven’s no,’ she waved her hand, then with a curled finger in the air said, ‘but there are some that will make that effort. It’s a sport to them.’

‘Really?’ I like sports. I flipped through the Peterson book. Northern Shrike, Loggerhead Shrike even in the drawings they looked the same. There were colour coded maps at the back of the book.

‘It’s a hunt for some. Many take photographs as proof.’

‘Do you take photos too?’ I asked, my nose still nuzzled in the field guide.

‘I did, but gave it up. It’s too cumbersome to lug all that equipment around. Then in the end you are missing the beauty of the bird in its natural environment because you’re fiddling with the camera. No, for me the satisfaction is simply knowing that I’ve found the bird.’ She smiled very warmly.

She really was a good looking woman. She had shoulder length, straight, light brown hair, high cheekbones, perfect skin, the lines of age were there but there was no wrinkling. Her face was feminine, straight teeth over thin but emotional lips. Her jaw and neck were very feminine. Her nose was straight.

I guessed that the glasses were reading glasses. They had a bright blue plastic frame with different little squiggles of colour built in. Her glasses were attached to a chain which hung like jowls giving her the instant impression of an older lady. Did she realize?

She must have caught me daydreaming. She startled me a little when she asked, ‘Do you get out often to see birds?’

‘Ah…Lovie and I like to go for a walk through the woods. Sometimes I see birds and they’re different from anything I’ve ever seen before. And I always wondered what kind of bird they are. Hence the field guide interest.’

She smiled at me. I saw her eyes were blue through her reading glasses.

‘So do you go bird watching often?’ I asked.

Her demeanor changed a little as she answered, ‘Not anymore really, I used to go with my husband.’

‘Oh,’ I said. But no wedding ring. ‘What happened?’ I soon as I asked that I wished that I didn’t.

‘He passed away three years ago,’ she said softly.

That’s why I knew I shouldn’t have asked the question. How do I fucking do that all the time? ‘I’m…gosh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bring that up. Please forgive me.’

She half grinned at me and said, ‘That’s alright, you weren’t to know.’ She took a deep breath and then added, ‘Traipsing through the woods alone is not what a single girl should do.’

There was something in the tone of her voice when she said that gave me the impression it was a deliberate opening. Her expression was blank.

She took off her glasses letting them hang on top of her breasts and gazed in my eyes. Her eyes were indeed blue. Beautiful eyes. Beautiful face. Beautiful woman.

‘So, let me ask. Bird watching is a bit like hunting?’

She smiled softly, the left upper lip curled in the cutest way. ‘It can be, you have to make up your own rules, or simply enjoy the birds and being outdoors in the fresh air.’

I was intrigued, ‘So you track down a particular species?’

‘I did.’

‘Sorry,’ I flipped my palm up,’ I didn’t mean it as a personal question.’

Her eyes widened and she sat up just an inch. ‘Well I didn’t find any offence in your question.’

‘Sorry…ppff…I..I was wondering about the bird watching part. Hunting?’ I knew I was making a fool of myself. ‘It sounds like fun.’

She smiled again, with that curled upper lip and just looked at me.

‘Is there a particular bird that you’ve been hunting for?’ I asked, recovering.

Her expression had changed while she listened to my question as if every word I said was important and then she smiled again, ‘There is actually. An Indigo Bunting.’ She paused for a moment to gauge my reaction. I guess I didn’t have one. ‘Look it up,’ she said sliding the Peterson book to me.

I flipped to the index at the back. I couldn’t find it. There
were hundreds of birds listed.

‘Under Bunting,’ she said as she opened up the Audubon book.

‘Page 274. There it is. It’s a blue bird.’ I said.

‘No, it’s a bird that is blue,’ she paused, smiling, ‘A Bluebird is different,’ she corrected me. I wondered if she really was a school teacher as she handed me the Audubon book. Sure enough there was the Indigo Bunting and the photograph opposite was a Mountain Bluebird. They looked virtually identical.

‘The funny thing is,’ she continued, ‘that the Indigo Bunting is a fairly common bird. I’ve just never seen one.’

I sat up straight, took a deep breath and asked her, ‘Perhaps you would like to accompany me and Lovie next time we go for a walk?’ I smiled.

She paused then smiled sweetly, ‘Is Lovie your wife?’

The question startled me, ‘Kind of I suppose, she’s the only female in the house. I just never thought of an English Bulldog as my wife. But…she can be a little demanding…and sometimes a down-right bitch.’ I said grinning to her.

She sat in her chair staring at me without an expression on her face. Her back was straight. I wasn’t sure if she was reacting to me saying ‘bitch’ or to the sudden realization that I was single, or why exactly. Then I watched her eyes move up and down as she took me in.

A smile washed across her face and she pushed out her manicured hand, dusty pink fingernails hanging down, ‘Sophie, I’m so pleased to meet you.’

I put my hand around hers and kissed the back of her hand, ‘Frank Proulx and I’m so pleased to meet you too.’ I let go of her slender fingers.

‘Oh, that’s so sweet,’ she said smiling.

We grinned at each other.

‘So, where and when do you and Lovie go for walks?’

‘On the weekends I like to go for a hike. Bruce Trail usually. It’s not far from where I live. Where does one have to go to find an Indigo Bunting?’

She chuckled, ‘I wish I knew. On the edges of mixed forests, I’ve been led to believe.’

‘The Bruce Trail certainly goes through mixed forests. Even just within the area near here. How about Saturday morning?’ I asked.

‘Sure,’ she answered, ‘bird watching it is, then. Saturday morning. Bring your binoculars.’

We both immediately pulled out our cell phones and giggled as we recognized how we both have changed with the times. The game plan was that we would watch the weather and exchange emails as Saturday approached. I was to pick a place and time to meet and send details to Sophie.

I bought the Peterson book and the Audubon book. As I stood in the check-out line, I couldn’t help but think ‘what the hell just happened?’

As I drove home I contemplated my life. I hadn’t been on a date or had sex, aside from self-administered, in almost three years. Had I completely given up? Sophie shook me up. Of that there was no doubt. Although it was ostensibly just bird watching, I knew it was potentially more. She was a widow. Was I ready to admit that I wanted more? There was a time when I felt that I needed to. But did I need more now? For the first time in my life I felt that I was actually at peace with myself. I was content where I was. And then Sophie was in my face. Did I really need this?

On my way home I bought a pair of binoculars.

That night I had a dream. I dreamt that it was sunny and warm and I was walking down a forest path, holding hands with someone. I don’t know who, but there was a feeling of warmth. We watched bright yellow birds flit through the sunlit branches. The leaves were glistening in the sun. One bird stood out from the rest. It was bright blue.

The next morning I received an email.


I had a most peculiar dream last night. I dreamt I saw an Indigo Bunting in sunlit branches.
Looking forward to Saturday, let me know where and when.

Sophie Cumberland

How bizarre.

Lovie and I met Sophie the following Saturday at the location I indicated to her in an email during the week. It was warm but not that sunny. She was dressed in blue jeans a yellow cotton long sleeve shirt and a thin sweater. She wore hiking boots and a Tilly hat. I really hadn’t noticed her figure in the bookstore. She was slender, smallish boobs and had a very nice bum. Maybe five-five tall. Probably a little less. Her straight light brown hair was in a pony tail. She wore just a hint of make-up.

No glasses.

Binoculars hung from her neck and a little brown leather satchel sat on her left hip with the matching brown leather strap around her neck.

She looked delicious, but also a bit nerdy. A delicious nerdy I decided.

‘So this is Lovie,’ she said as the dog approached her with her little tail wagging. They immediately took to each other. ‘How old is she?’

‘Eight?’ I said, not quite sure, ‘just don’t let her breathe on you.’

‘What a fine dog,’ she scrunched down in her knees and scratched Lovie behind the ears, ‘You’re a good doggie aren’t you?’ She asked in a silly half-octave higher cutsie voice.

Lovie will befriend an axe murderer if she gets a scratch behind the ears out of it. But then, one sharp word from me and Lovie will sink that powerful jaw into someone and not let go.

‘So are we hunting for an Indigo Bunting?’ I asked.

She stood up, ‘We’re always hunting for Bunting.’

I laughed, ‘You couldn’t wait to say that, could you?’

‘Ah..ha..haa…’ she laughed out loud in a strange musical voice.

‘Come on Lovie, let’s go.’

And off we went through the gate and down the worn trail. The two of us walked through the woods, sometimes side by side and sometimes there was only one thin path and she insisted that I lead the way.

Lovie trundled along behind, tongue hanging out.

Sophie would all of a sudden stop and look into the trees. She would announce the name of the bird then say, ‘There it is,’ pointing. Sure enough, there would be a bird there. It would take me a while but I would eventually find it. I would take a good look at it through my binoculars and then I would look it up in the Peterson guide. She got it right every time. She did it five times.

She never looked through her own binoculars. The protective safety caps were still on.

She, being right into bird watching I gathered, was honed into the movements in the trees. I on the other hand was naturally inclined to look at the rocks, the various tree species, the various shrubs and plants along the way. Maybe that’s how she did it. She must be watching for movement in the trees. I made a conscious effort to look for birds, for movement in my peripheral vision.

We stepped out onto a little clearing. The tallest trees and shrubs were maximum twenty foot high.

‘See those up there?’ she said pointing high above us in the air, ‘Turkey Vultures. You can tell by their feather fingers and two-toned wings.’

No fair she’s checking the sky too.

I looked up, there were two birds just soaring in the air, not flapping their wings at all. ‘Check, Turkey Vultures.’ I said. I knew I had seen them before.

I flipped open my Peterson guide and looked it up. Ugly birds, no feathers on their heads.

‘Some people think it’s an ugly bird just because it hasn’t feathers on their heads,’ she said.

Did I say that out loud? Am I losing my mind?

‘I think they are majestic, especially in flight.’

I looked up again. They weren’t exactly where they were a few moments ago, but not too far away to appreciate their flight.

‘Pass me your book,’ she said, ‘I think there’s another page.’ I handed her the book. She pulled out and put on a pair red framed reading glasses and flipped through the book. In an instant handed it back to me, opened at a page depicting Dark Birds of Prey Overhead. Sure enough, Turkey Vulture compared with similar birds.

She smiled as she pulled her glasses off and tucked them into her pocket.

Off we went again
along the clearing.

‘So we’ve seen,’ I said, ‘in order, a Robin which I already knew, a Chickadee, which I also knew, both Hairy and a Downy Woodpeckers which I admit were new…’

‘Which one was which?’ she interjected. ‘One is larger than other, otherwise they are identical.’

‘The first one was the larger,’ I answered confidently.

‘Okay, but which one was that? The Downy or the Hairy?’

I lifted my arms, ‘Okay, you got me,’ palms up.

‘The Hairy is the larger bird.’


‘And we saw,’ I had to get this just right, ‘a Rose Breasted Grosbeak, a really cool bird. Huge beak on it. Really cool.’

‘Very good, so are you making a list?’

‘I guess.’

She stopped and pulled out of her satchel a well worn copy the Peterson Guide book. It kind of just opened to page 18-19 and she handed me her book. Systematic Checklist, it was a checklist of bird names that went on for several pages. She had drawn in a tiny male and/or female symbol on the left side and then added a little date or in many cases dates on the right side next to each entry. She had maybe a third filled out. Sometimes there would be five or six names in a row missing.

‘So this is your list?’


‘Cool, you’ve seen a lot of birds.’ I was reading some of the names randomly, ‘Purple Martin, Mourning Dove, Red-Br Nuthatch…Red Brah?…’



I paused.

She turned a little pink.

‘You’re turning pink. Why? Because of the word breasted?’

She turned even deeper colour and started to giggle. ‘Now you’re turning red.’ I laughed.

We both just stood there giggling. ‘I’m really liking this bird watching.’

‘Ah!’ she covered her tits with her hands.

Laughing I said, ‘I wasn’t looking at your breasts!’

She was laughing out loud in that odd musical voice. I loved that laugh.

‘You are quite the rare bird though,’ I added still laughing.

She was clutching her sides. I loved watching her laugh.

‘Oh my,’ she said, a moment later while drawing in a deep breath. She wiped under her right eye with the tip of her index finger, carefully not scratching herself with her perfectly manicured dusty pink fingernails.

I still had her list in my hand.

We walked on, ‘Come on Lovie.’ She had already lain down. ‘What a lazy animal.’

‘You will note, on the last page of the list, Indigo Bunting is not checked off. Near the bottom, under Finches.’

I stopped to take a look. Indeed it was not.

‘But neither is Lazuli Bunting or Painted Bunting?’ I didn’t get it.

She had a bit of a shock on her face, ‘Those birds aren’t in our area. The Indigo Bunting is. It would be a fluke to see one of the other two. An accidental bird, a stray. The Indigo Bunting is a fairly common bird. They come to bird feeders all through southern Ontario. Just not mine. Or when I had one. Nor have I ever seen one while on a hike.’

‘So the hunt is on.’

‘Absolutely,’ she said with a smile, ‘we are hunting for Bunting.’

Within about three paces she said, ‘Oh look, Goldfinch.’

She did it again.

What I couldn’t figure out was how she would see the birds before I could. I was watching too. Actively trying. It was weird. It was as if she was conjuring up the birds.

‘You can tell by their song,’ she said smiling.

I didn’t even ask a question. I didn’t even formulate one in my mind.

There was something very weird with that lady.

‘Every species has a song which is as unique as their feathers,’ she said and then she added, ‘your Peterson guide will give you at least a clue of what that song is. And I believe there’s an i-phone app for that too.’

She could identify the birds by their song alone? Suddenly I tuned myself into the sounds of the forest as we walked along. She was right. There were all kinds of different songs.

We had a wonderful time, Lovie did too. We saw all kinds of birds. Some were familiar like a Crow, Robin, Blue Jay and so forth, but others I had never even heard of before. Brown Headed Cowbird, Flicker, House Finch, there were several types of sparrows and of course Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers. I still couldn’t remember which was the larger. There were lots of Chickadees and lots and lots of Goldfinch.

I asked her about her dream, if there was anyone else in it. ‘I don’t know,’ she said, ‘I can’t remember.’

We never did see an Indigo Bunting that morning.

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Myself Sandy age 29 yrs height 5’7″ looking normal not very handsome nor disgusting.Now coming to the sex story most of the person know Hindi very well than English and also emotion come in Hindi so I narrate me story in Hindi. Ye bat 2015 ki h meri ek gf thi jise me bahut pyar karta tha vo v mujhe karti h esa me sochta tha.Me ek marketting ki job karta tha jisse auchi income ho jati thi.Par kuch problem ki vajah se co. band ho gai aur me berojgar ho gaya tab meri gf ne rang dikhaya karib 2...

2 years ago
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Hell Have to Go

Copyright© "He'll Have to Go" Words and music: Joe Allison & Audrey Allison Copyright: 1959 Central Songs/Beechwood Music Corp. Author's note: This has always been one of my favorite songs, a sad song. I particularly like the version by Jim Reeves. This will be a relatively short story and complete in this submission. Thanks for reading, please vote. YOUR SWEET LIPS Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone. Let's pretend that we're together, all alone. I'll tell...

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Reginalds FamilyChapter 7

When at last she ceased crying for a moment, Reg asked, “What’s wrong, my sweet? What can we do to help?” She lifted her face to look him in the eye. “I am so HAPPY, Reg, that’s why I am crying. Daddy has said it is okay to be with you; the girls are okay with me joining them, and you are a marvellous lover for me. Life couldn’t be sweeter.” “Oh. I don’t think I am properly conversant with sociology yet, as I had no idea why you were crying. It worried me, Fiona.” “Reg, I didn’t know...

4 years ago
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Cosplay Con Problems

(I actually never knew how much my couple stories here gained traction - I never checked them for months on end until I stumbled on someone mentioning it in an ENF thread - coming back, I see a bombardment of notifications. I wish I had better ways of calling out to all of you who read this, but if you ever want, don't be afraid to send me a message, suggestions, or anything else of the sort. This started as a way to keep me writing in between my actual writing job, and I never really intended...

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Looking for Love and Foucault

"Remember, you have type 3 hair, so promise me you'll use a good conditioner, and don't borrow some other girl's," she said. "Okay, Mother, you can leave now, my hair and I will be fine." "And sweetie, the most important part of this year is rush. So start researching the sororities early, and focus on a few superior ones that you think you really have a good shot at." "Yes, Mama--" "And don't fall into the habit of snacking. The 'freshman 15' has doomed more girls' chances...

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Chrissie and TomChapter 11

Chrissie half woke in the wee small hours, reached for Tom and whimpered when her hand found empty space. Surfacing a little further, she remembered Tom saying he was going; she clasped her hands together in front of her face ... and prayed, feeling as she did so the ring on her finger; comforted, she dropped off to sleep again, fingers of her right hand on the ring. At about the same time, Tom was piloting a barge with about six hundred tons of aggregate on board down the Colne from...

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Chapter 3 FemDom pt2

on my knees, still very near the door to Mistress's place, and having just cum in a dish for Mistress, i awaited any further instruction, or demands.Mistress made her way behind me. when she was there she pushed me over so that i was on my hands and knees. Mistress reached between my legs with one hand grabbing the dish, the other finding its way to the base of my balls. Mistress worked a finger in between the ring she had ordered me to wear and my balls. Mistress gave the ring (and my cock...

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Outwardly BoundChapter 3

Their clothes all off; she moved her bare pussy lips to his hard penis, the first penis she had ever felt. The touch was unlike anything she had felt before. She was scared, excited, and unsure of herself. She let her body and what her sister had taught her to guide her. No more cloth between them, only bare skin. She felt him against her. His body warm, muscled, his blue eyes comforting her, loving her. She wanted him inside her now! Push! Do this! Her mouth opened, lusting, desiring, as...

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group fucking with co workers

This happened after a month of the first story when my job had started in a company with my co workers Shweta Tiwari and Ragini Khanna. They were both rolling their eyes at me after that wonderful fuck fest a month ago. After that I had been busy and had not been able to meet them. On the set on a Saturday, they both came to me and said," rupesh we are having a party at Shweta's place to celebrate our new show. You are invited too". I accepted the invitation and at night I went to Shweta's...

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MIL In Love 8211 Part 1

This is a story about me, my wife, my mother-in-law and my wife’s sister, where I fucked all of them I am Rahul living in Pune now and age 29. My wife Nisha is also 29 years. We got married 3 years back and ours was a love marriage. I met Nisha during college days (engineering) and were in the same class. In the 2 years, we become very good friends. I was attracted to her due to her sweet smile, shy type and soft-spoken. I also felt she liked me and in 3rd year, I proposed to her. She...

4 years ago
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Jamaica Surprise

Work takes me to the Caribbean occasionally and one time I had a small team with me in Jamaica implementing a new computer system. There were four guys and Sally – blonde, mid-thirties, always showing her ample cleavage, full luscious lips and blue eyes. I’d often fantasised about her whilst stroking my cock in my lonely bed. There was one other girl, Sherry (real name Sherezada) who was of Indo-South American extraction, younger than Sally – perhaps late 20s, with a gorgeous nubile,...

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Swinging Spa

This is a true story about a journey I made recently with my partner into the swinging scene. This is the first time I have ever written a story of any description, so please feel free to feedback! It was nearly a year ago when my partner Jake and I were discussing fantasies. He was not particularly forthcoming with regards to his fantasy, saying that he loved everything we do and would be willing to try anything. I on the other hand, had a reason for starting this conversation, I had always...

Group Sex
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Captain GoldChapter 12 Conflict

"Thousands of these specks?" Captain Jeryth glared down at Berniss as though he could change her report by the sheer force of his will. "All through Skryben? That can't be possible!" "It's possible, all right. It's just highly unlikely," she responded. "All through her flesh, in all parts of her body. There are millions of them, but only a very small percentage are of the right size and shape to cause trouble. Those particular metal flecks just happen to be of just the right size...

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Latin Inferno

I was bored, not just bored but mind-rottenly fed up. I like Cuban music, I like the irony of its optimism and its innate rhythm. This was grating on me like fingernails down a blackboard. The bar was packed out, the lights low, the vibe was hot and heavy. Any other night, I would be having the time of my life. There were almost wall-to-wall women all looking for a man, any man that could dance Salsa. I couldn’t dance Salsa. The bar was located in a salubrious and picturesque commuter town...

3 years ago
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We all picked something out, and when Kevin did come back, we were ready. We got some Gumbo as an appetizer, everybody ordered something different and Tracy ordered her drink. Kevin brought her cocktail and left a large glass carafe of water for the rest of us. A few minutes later we got our hot plates with our entrées on them. After we each had a bite of our own dinner, we started exchanging bites with whoever was next to us. Princess even tried Tracy’s Calamari, not realizing she was...

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Dont Judge a Book Ch 15

Monday 13th November 2017Re-connecting with Gemma had been wonderful. It seemed a lifetime ago that we’d first made love, in reality only ten days ago which seemed a much simpler and less complicated time. As we lay recovering from our shared orgasm, I couldn’t help but gawk slightly at the lovely Gemma. A few years older than Jill, her buxom figure and dyed red hair suited her bubbly personality, the whole package reminding me so much of Ruby Wax in her younger years.Gemma seemed to enjoy my...

Wife Lovers
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 33 The Stranger in the Black TShirt

The three weeks that followed Vanessa Benson’s and Janine Carlyle’s meeting with the Principal of Pahrump Elementary school were very busy weeks indeed - particularly for the school. And of course the two girls had said yes unreservedly by the Friday following that meeting to be the celebration’s guests of honor. They both felt just so proud and honored by such a request and set to work immediately preparing their own speeches for the forth coming event. What also soon became very evident...

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Lovely Pizza Delivery Boy

Lovely Pizza Delivery BoyBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was a cold, dark, drizzling night when Ike heard a knock on the door. He went to answer and found that it was the cute pizza delivery boy at the door. He was totally soaked and it was obvious that he had been out in the rain for quite a while. Ike’s eyes shifted from the pizza warmer he carried, to his face. Ike asked him why he was so wet and he told that he had trouble with his car and all evening he had been making his rounds on a motorcycle....

2 years ago
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Parte 4 Después de mi muestra de sumisión, mi Dueño se alejó ordenando a su sumisa “Hecha a este a****l al porche”. Aquella, con una sonrisa burlona, se agachó y cogiéndome por el tobillo de una pata trasera, me arrastró sin miramientos por el suelo, hasta el rincón donde tenía el colchón. Allí, me tiró sobre él, sujetó la cadena al collar y a la anilla de la pared y dándome una patada en el culo, se marchó dejándome sucio y dolorido. El dolor de los pezones, me estaba pasando, pero los...

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My Wife My Hooker

Introduction: How my wife turned into my Hooker Let me start off my saying my wife Aimee is absolutely stunning. She is 58, 105 pounds, dark brown hair, full C and a complete slut in bed. Aimee will do anything I can possible think of and she has a most twisted mind then I. Like last week I came home and she was in her old catholic school girl uniform (which she still fits in from 7 years ago) with a ruler in one hand and and a 12 inch dildo in the other. She said to me, Which one do you want...

3 years ago
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Prurient ParishionersChapter 27 Caught Cheating

Mon Oct 1 Deacon Robert Ramsay was losing sleep with business worries... girl business worries and when he left for work on Monday he was so tired that he forgot his laptop computer that had the contact information for all of his employees and most importantly, the names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for the girls that he and George Smart sponsored in their free enterprise businesses that had moved them into comfortable income brackets. And those damned do-good women were...

3 years ago
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Evidence against TinaPart 3

Mark,was suckling on Tina's nipple.His dick snug,in her tight cunt.She,felt her,stepdad Robert,lube her puckered anus down.Tina astride,Mark,riding his delicious cock,placed her hands firmly on his chest.Awaiting the pending onslaught on her ass! Robert,eased his uncircumcised prick into her butt.As the knob sunk home.Tina, mewed and clenched it with her spincter muscle.Robert,looked up at the ceiling and opened his mouth,groaning with appreciation!He sunk his dick into his...

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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 4 No Worries Were Good to Go I Think

So I'm at the Dinner table, taking in everything my Mom is saying ... and though I am nodding in agreement, my mind is still downstairs in that Basement. I had just been with a Girl for the first time – I didn't know that at 15, whether I was running behind, or getting in there about average age ... but if the stories all my Guys told in the school yard were true, I knew I couldn't be ahead of anybody in the Sex Department. No, I didn't Fuck her, but I still felt GREAT ... I saw her...

1 year ago
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War victim

It has been almost twenty five years since Doug Mitchell came home from Viet Nam, a war he never understood, but one in which fought, because his country called. Some of the things he saw sickened him, and to this day have made a lasting impression on him. He would like to forget it all, but a decision he made back in l973 makes that impossible. In 1971, Saigon was a wide open city with more than the normal number vices to lure the young american soldiers. From gambling casinos to opium dens to...

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Falling Down the Rabbit Hole

Betsy was so nervous. She had rarely left her small town and, when she did, it was only to go over to the next small town. She was happy living in the same place she had been born 24 years ago, knowing all her neighbors and having them know her. It was extremely difficult for her to accept her uncle’s offer of an internship in his company. Not that it wasn’t a great offer. It was kind and generous and very possibly the best experience she could acquire. It was just that all her friends were...

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The Penis Study

Did I ever tell you about the time I measured 5000 penises? And met my wife? My Ph.D. thesis in physiology wasn't exactly Nobel Prize material, and I was growing desperate for a job when my thesis adviser at MU called me in. "Mark," he said, "I have a research program for you. Fully funded. It might last indefinitely." There had to be something wrong with it, of course. And there was. I looked a question at him. "It's funded by Sir Lance-A-Lot. You know, the condom manufacturers,"...

2 years ago
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Nicole had this thing for public sex,and so did I. The chance of getting caught and a pair of extra eyes was an enormous turn-on.We would meet in a bar and after a few drinks I would feel her hand in my crotch, rubbing my dick. She was always dressed for the occasion in a way I would have easy acces: short flimsy skirt and a wide shirt. This time it was a summer night and we standing at the bar of this grand café and she was really in the mood rubbing her crotch against my leg"I'm already wet,"...

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The CockSucking Transformation

Up until I was about 22, I was just a normal, straight guy. I had had several girlfriends and had sex with most of them. It wasn’t until one summer when I was living on my own because my parents were on a vacation for two months that everything changed. I had gotten in the habit of watching porn every night, and one night I stumbled across some sissy hypno videos. For some reason, these really caught my attention and turned me on. Each one of these videos said they were training me to become...

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Day Two

Day TwoThe night after Anna had pretty much ravished me, my head was spinning with the erotic day I’d had. At dinner Dad was his usual preoccupied attorney self, and Mom was quiet. She’d made several salads, light and sweet with fruits from the valley. She seemed unaware that I had been on “faucet” detail nearly the whole day. I excused myself and headed to bed early. I really needed to think about what had happened. As soon as I laid down I was out like a light. The next morning I woke to a...

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Seated on the train, Erich stared out the window at the passing countryside and caught himself thinking back on the changes the past year had brought. He felt older. He was moving further and further away from the past and he knew it. Though he was not yet a man, he could no longer identify with the boy he had once been. Pulling himself back to the present moment, his focus shifted to the person seated across from him. The one friend he had in the world absentmindedly chewed on the nail of his...

Gay Male
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My Sisters Sissy

My Sister's Sissy By: Missy Satinpanties Note: This isn't one of my usual stories of sexual degradation, but what I think of as "my autobiography that should-have-been." The make- up of my family is the same as it was, my sister's names are the same, but that's about it. This is how I wish things would have gone when my little secret got "out of the bag." I guess I've always been a sissy. I remember playing dress-up with my sister when I was very young, and can vividly remember...

3 years ago
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Becoming Samantha A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Becoming Samantha - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop He was mesmerized by her youthful beauty, but not as you may think. He didn't want to possess Samantha as a lover might, he wanted to become her, stepping into her life completely....

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The Drive Home

My commute to and from work is about 40 minutes each way. I enjoy the ride home the most as I use that time to undress from the waist down and enjoy some de-stressing. I always enjoy wearing stockings under my work day clothes and love nothing better than to get in the truck, hop on the highway and set the cruise control so that I can get naked. My office is about three quarters of a mile from the highway and in that short distance I usually have removed my shoes, socks and sometimes my pants,...

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Kamla Ke Puri Chuadi 8211 Part 6

Hello dosto story ka agala bhag kamla kamla ko ab mai bahut chodta tha raat bhar ke chuadi k baad subha kamla aur mai office janay k liya ready hona lagay kamla boli ke wo ek saadi kab se phan rahi hu.Mai bola kamla ya saadi ab phanay ke kaya jarurt hai tum lagging aur kurti pahan lo komal boli par mai bola come on kamla ab tumko job karni hai mai packet lekar aaya kamla ko ek lagging aur kurti diya kamla n wo lagging aur kurti pahan lee kurti kamla ko tight fit thi jis se kamla ke badi chuchi...

3 years ago
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Meeting Sarah Part1

It was the end of March when I finally moved to a new neighborhood after my divorce became final. Since I work nights as an ER doctor at a local hospital, I have a hard time meeting and interacting with most people as they are going to work as I'm coming home. One morning I came home to find an invite on my door to a block party that was happening that Saturday night. Since I had the weekend off, I figured what the heck.Saturday rolled around, and I was fashionably late to the party. Several of...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 78

Tamara looked like a queen on a throne with all her subjects around her. She looked up when I came back in, then held her hand out for me to come to her side. Sally was telling everyone about when Tamara had her tonsils out as a child. I looked in her eyes and she smiled up at me. We didn't say anything but just held hands while all the others chatted. "I need to go back to the house this morning. Does anyone need anything?" I asked. Sally said she and Harry were going to stay with...

2 years ago
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BondageFemdom funfestPart 1

This is a true storyI had an affair with a co oworker named Janet while we worked together in New Jersey. We were both married but had similar, non rewarding sex lives with our spouses. It didn't last long as I was transferred to the West Coast shortly thereafter. We kept in touch but things cooled as we went our separate ways. Two years later, I got an email from Janet saying that she was coming to LA from the East Coast for a week long training class. She left me her cell phone number and...

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