An Indigo Bunting free porn video

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This is a copyrighted original work of fiction. All rights reserved.

All characters featured herein are at least eighteen years of age, even if not expressly stated. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Many thanks to Jim K for the fine editing work.

Song lyrics contained herein remain the exclusive property of the original artist.

This work may not be copied or distributed without the exclusive written permission of this author.


The lady standing next to me heard my knees crackle as I squatted down in the bookstore.

There were three different field guides for North American birds east of the Rockies. She watched me in amusement as I struggled to stand up with a copy of each in my hands.

Two had drawings of birds, the third, by the Audubon Society, had photos of birds and the book was narrower, more suited to slip into a pocket.

‘If you’re looking for a field guide, you should pick that one,’ she said pointing to the one by Roger Tory Peterson.

I must have had a puzzled look on my face as I regarded the woman. She was fiftyish, maybe a year or two younger than me. Slender, good looking but dressed like a school teacher with knee length plaid skirt and button up sweater. I liked her stylish glasses, not so sure though about the chain around the neck holding her glasses on.

‘Oh?’ I said flipping through the book. It seemed to me that photographs would give a more accurate portrayal of the bird than a colour drawing.

She seemed to read my mind. ‘Bring all three and come with me. I’ll show you,’ she smiled and walked off towards a table with chairs around it.

Yes ma’am. I followed her silently.

‘Sit down and give your knees a rest,’ she said motioning to a chair. I sat down. She sat in the chair next to me at the end of the table.

She opened up the Audubon book and flipped through a few pages, then turned the book to me. There were four photos of ‘Duck-like Birds’ shown.

‘What are the differences between the two on the left?’

They looked the same. White ducks with brown heads and brown tails. Even the eyes were the same color. One was labeled Redhead the other Canvasback.

‘I don’t know,’ I answered.

‘Take the book and keep the page,’ she instructed. She opened the Peterson book and flipped through a couple of pages, then turned the book to me.

There were ducks all over the right side page and written descriptions on the left page.

‘Here are your two birds, right here,’ she pointed with manicured pink fingernails to the top two entries on the page ‘Bay Ducks (Divers).’ Each entry showed a male and female. Sure enough one was Canvasback the other Redhead. They looked like completely different birds.

‘Wow,’ I said. She smiled at me.

‘You see, they even show them in flight.’ Her slender finger pointed to smaller drawings next to the main ones. ‘And the description is on the opposite page.’

‘Cool,’ I said. I then opened the Audubon photo style book back up. I still couldn’t see a difference between the two photographs.

‘The Peterson guide is the standard used by birdwatchers,’ she said with just a hint of authority.

‘You’re a birdwatcher then?’ I asked. I noted a lack of wedding or engagement rings.

‘Used to be. I used to be a lister. Now I just enjoy being outdoors occasionally. And I love birds. Do you?’

‘I do, but what’s a lister?’ It sounded like a boat with too much water in it.

There was a little bit of surprise in her face, as if everyone should know what it means.

‘A lister is a birdwatcher that keeps a personal list of every species of bird they’ve seen.’

‘Oh. How many different birds have you seen?’

‘Oh gosh. I don’t know. Hundreds I’m sure.’ She sat herself upright.

‘So have you seen every different type of bird in this book?’ I asked holding the Peterson guide.

‘Oh heaven’s no,’ she waved her hand, then with a curled finger in the air said, ‘but there are some that will make that effort. It’s a sport to them.’

‘Really?’ I like sports. I flipped through the Peterson book. Northern Shrike, Loggerhead Shrike even in the drawings they looked the same. There were colour coded maps at the back of the book.

‘It’s a hunt for some. Many take photographs as proof.’

‘Do you take photos too?’ I asked, my nose still nuzzled in the field guide.

‘I did, but gave it up. It’s too cumbersome to lug all that equipment around. Then in the end you are missing the beauty of the bird in its natural environment because you’re fiddling with the camera. No, for me the satisfaction is simply knowing that I’ve found the bird.’ She smiled very warmly.

She really was a good looking woman. She had shoulder length, straight, light brown hair, high cheekbones, perfect skin, the lines of age were there but there was no wrinkling. Her face was feminine, straight teeth over thin but emotional lips. Her jaw and neck were very feminine. Her nose was straight.

I guessed that the glasses were reading glasses. They had a bright blue plastic frame with different little squiggles of colour built in. Her glasses were attached to a chain which hung like jowls giving her the instant impression of an older lady. Did she realize?

She must have caught me daydreaming. She startled me a little when she asked, ‘Do you get out often to see birds?’

‘Ah…Lovie and I like to go for a walk through the woods. Sometimes I see birds and they’re different from anything I’ve ever seen before. And I always wondered what kind of bird they are. Hence the field guide interest.’

She smiled at me. I saw her eyes were blue through her reading glasses.

‘So do you go bird watching often?’ I asked.

Her demeanor changed a little as she answered, ‘Not anymore really, I used to go with my husband.’

‘Oh,’ I said. But no wedding ring. ‘What happened?’ I soon as I asked that I wished that I didn’t.

‘He passed away three years ago,’ she said softly.

That’s why I knew I shouldn’t have asked the question. How do I fucking do that all the time? ‘I’m…gosh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bring that up. Please forgive me.’

She half grinned at me and said, ‘That’s alright, you weren’t to know.’ She took a deep breath and then added, ‘Traipsing through the woods alone is not what a single girl should do.’

There was something in the tone of her voice when she said that gave me the impression it was a deliberate opening. Her expression was blank.

She took off her glasses letting them hang on top of her breasts and gazed in my eyes. Her eyes were indeed blue. Beautiful eyes. Beautiful face. Beautiful woman.

‘So, let me ask. Bird watching is a bit like hunting?’

She smiled softly, the left upper lip curled in the cutest way. ‘It can be, you have to make up your own rules, or simply enjoy the birds and being outdoors in the fresh air.’

I was intrigued, ‘So you track down a particular species?’

‘I did.’

‘Sorry,’ I flipped my palm up,’ I didn’t mean it as a personal question.’

Her eyes widened and she sat up just an inch. ‘Well I didn’t find any offence in your question.’

‘Sorry…ppff…I..I was wondering about the bird watching part. Hunting?’ I knew I was making a fool of myself. ‘It sounds like fun.’

She smiled again, with that curled upper lip and just looked at me.

‘Is there a particular bird that you’ve been hunting for?’ I asked, recovering.

Her expression had changed while she listened to my question as if every word I said was important and then she smiled again, ‘There is actually. An Indigo Bunting.’ She paused for a moment to gauge my reaction. I guess I didn’t have one. ‘Look it up,’ she said sliding the Peterson book to me.

I flipped to the index at the back. I couldn’t find it. There
were hundreds of birds listed.

‘Under Bunting,’ she said as she opened up the Audubon book.

‘Page 274. There it is. It’s a blue bird.’ I said.

‘No, it’s a bird that is blue,’ she paused, smiling, ‘A Bluebird is different,’ she corrected me. I wondered if she really was a school teacher as she handed me the Audubon book. Sure enough there was the Indigo Bunting and the photograph opposite was a Mountain Bluebird. They looked virtually identical.

‘The funny thing is,’ she continued, ‘that the Indigo Bunting is a fairly common bird. I’ve just never seen one.’

I sat up straight, took a deep breath and asked her, ‘Perhaps you would like to accompany me and Lovie next time we go for a walk?’ I smiled.

She paused then smiled sweetly, ‘Is Lovie your wife?’

The question startled me, ‘Kind of I suppose, she’s the only female in the house. I just never thought of an English Bulldog as my wife. But…she can be a little demanding…and sometimes a down-right bitch.’ I said grinning to her.

She sat in her chair staring at me without an expression on her face. Her back was straight. I wasn’t sure if she was reacting to me saying ‘bitch’ or to the sudden realization that I was single, or why exactly. Then I watched her eyes move up and down as she took me in.

A smile washed across her face and she pushed out her manicured hand, dusty pink fingernails hanging down, ‘Sophie, I’m so pleased to meet you.’

I put my hand around hers and kissed the back of her hand, ‘Frank Proulx and I’m so pleased to meet you too.’ I let go of her slender fingers.

‘Oh, that’s so sweet,’ she said smiling.

We grinned at each other.

‘So, where and when do you and Lovie go for walks?’

‘On the weekends I like to go for a hike. Bruce Trail usually. It’s not far from where I live. Where does one have to go to find an Indigo Bunting?’

She chuckled, ‘I wish I knew. On the edges of mixed forests, I’ve been led to believe.’

‘The Bruce Trail certainly goes through mixed forests. Even just within the area near here. How about Saturday morning?’ I asked.

‘Sure,’ she answered, ‘bird watching it is, then. Saturday morning. Bring your binoculars.’

We both immediately pulled out our cell phones and giggled as we recognized how we both have changed with the times. The game plan was that we would watch the weather and exchange emails as Saturday approached. I was to pick a place and time to meet and send details to Sophie.

I bought the Peterson book and the Audubon book. As I stood in the check-out line, I couldn’t help but think ‘what the hell just happened?’

As I drove home I contemplated my life. I hadn’t been on a date or had sex, aside from self-administered, in almost three years. Had I completely given up? Sophie shook me up. Of that there was no doubt. Although it was ostensibly just bird watching, I knew it was potentially more. She was a widow. Was I ready to admit that I wanted more? There was a time when I felt that I needed to. But did I need more now? For the first time in my life I felt that I was actually at peace with myself. I was content where I was. And then Sophie was in my face. Did I really need this?

On my way home I bought a pair of binoculars.

That night I had a dream. I dreamt that it was sunny and warm and I was walking down a forest path, holding hands with someone. I don’t know who, but there was a feeling of warmth. We watched bright yellow birds flit through the sunlit branches. The leaves were glistening in the sun. One bird stood out from the rest. It was bright blue.

The next morning I received an email.


I had a most peculiar dream last night. I dreamt I saw an Indigo Bunting in sunlit branches.
Looking forward to Saturday, let me know where and when.

Sophie Cumberland

How bizarre.

Lovie and I met Sophie the following Saturday at the location I indicated to her in an email during the week. It was warm but not that sunny. She was dressed in blue jeans a yellow cotton long sleeve shirt and a thin sweater. She wore hiking boots and a Tilly hat. I really hadn’t noticed her figure in the bookstore. She was slender, smallish boobs and had a very nice bum. Maybe five-five tall. Probably a little less. Her straight light brown hair was in a pony tail. She wore just a hint of make-up.

No glasses.

Binoculars hung from her neck and a little brown leather satchel sat on her left hip with the matching brown leather strap around her neck.

She looked delicious, but also a bit nerdy. A delicious nerdy I decided.

‘So this is Lovie,’ she said as the dog approached her with her little tail wagging. They immediately took to each other. ‘How old is she?’

‘Eight?’ I said, not quite sure, ‘just don’t let her breathe on you.’

‘What a fine dog,’ she scrunched down in her knees and scratched Lovie behind the ears, ‘You’re a good doggie aren’t you?’ She asked in a silly half-octave higher cutsie voice.

Lovie will befriend an axe murderer if she gets a scratch behind the ears out of it. But then, one sharp word from me and Lovie will sink that powerful jaw into someone and not let go.

‘So are we hunting for an Indigo Bunting?’ I asked.

She stood up, ‘We’re always hunting for Bunting.’

I laughed, ‘You couldn’t wait to say that, could you?’

‘Ah..ha..haa…’ she laughed out loud in a strange musical voice.

‘Come on Lovie, let’s go.’

And off we went through the gate and down the worn trail. The two of us walked through the woods, sometimes side by side and sometimes there was only one thin path and she insisted that I lead the way.

Lovie trundled along behind, tongue hanging out.

Sophie would all of a sudden stop and look into the trees. She would announce the name of the bird then say, ‘There it is,’ pointing. Sure enough, there would be a bird there. It would take me a while but I would eventually find it. I would take a good look at it through my binoculars and then I would look it up in the Peterson guide. She got it right every time. She did it five times.

She never looked through her own binoculars. The protective safety caps were still on.

She, being right into bird watching I gathered, was honed into the movements in the trees. I on the other hand was naturally inclined to look at the rocks, the various tree species, the various shrubs and plants along the way. Maybe that’s how she did it. She must be watching for movement in the trees. I made a conscious effort to look for birds, for movement in my peripheral vision.

We stepped out onto a little clearing. The tallest trees and shrubs were maximum twenty foot high.

‘See those up there?’ she said pointing high above us in the air, ‘Turkey Vultures. You can tell by their feather fingers and two-toned wings.’

No fair she’s checking the sky too.

I looked up, there were two birds just soaring in the air, not flapping their wings at all. ‘Check, Turkey Vultures.’ I said. I knew I had seen them before.

I flipped open my Peterson guide and looked it up. Ugly birds, no feathers on their heads.

‘Some people think it’s an ugly bird just because it hasn’t feathers on their heads,’ she said.

Did I say that out loud? Am I losing my mind?

‘I think they are majestic, especially in flight.’

I looked up again. They weren’t exactly where they were a few moments ago, but not too far away to appreciate their flight.

‘Pass me your book,’ she said, ‘I think there’s another page.’ I handed her the book. She pulled out and put on a pair red framed reading glasses and flipped through the book. In an instant handed it back to me, opened at a page depicting Dark Birds of Prey Overhead. Sure enough, Turkey Vulture compared with similar birds.

She smiled as she pulled her glasses off and tucked them into her pocket.

Off we went again
along the clearing.

‘So we’ve seen,’ I said, ‘in order, a Robin which I already knew, a Chickadee, which I also knew, both Hairy and a Downy Woodpeckers which I admit were new…’

‘Which one was which?’ she interjected. ‘One is larger than other, otherwise they are identical.’

‘The first one was the larger,’ I answered confidently.

‘Okay, but which one was that? The Downy or the Hairy?’

I lifted my arms, ‘Okay, you got me,’ palms up.

‘The Hairy is the larger bird.’


‘And we saw,’ I had to get this just right, ‘a Rose Breasted Grosbeak, a really cool bird. Huge beak on it. Really cool.’

‘Very good, so are you making a list?’

‘I guess.’

She stopped and pulled out of her satchel a well worn copy the Peterson Guide book. It kind of just opened to page 18-19 and she handed me her book. Systematic Checklist, it was a checklist of bird names that went on for several pages. She had drawn in a tiny male and/or female symbol on the left side and then added a little date or in many cases dates on the right side next to each entry. She had maybe a third filled out. Sometimes there would be five or six names in a row missing.

‘So this is your list?’


‘Cool, you’ve seen a lot of birds.’ I was reading some of the names randomly, ‘Purple Martin, Mourning Dove, Red-Br Nuthatch…Red Brah?…’



I paused.

She turned a little pink.

‘You’re turning pink. Why? Because of the word breasted?’

She turned even deeper colour and started to giggle. ‘Now you’re turning red.’ I laughed.

We both just stood there giggling. ‘I’m really liking this bird watching.’

‘Ah!’ she covered her tits with her hands.

Laughing I said, ‘I wasn’t looking at your breasts!’

She was laughing out loud in that odd musical voice. I loved that laugh.

‘You are quite the rare bird though,’ I added still laughing.

She was clutching her sides. I loved watching her laugh.

‘Oh my,’ she said, a moment later while drawing in a deep breath. She wiped under her right eye with the tip of her index finger, carefully not scratching herself with her perfectly manicured dusty pink fingernails.

I still had her list in my hand.

We walked on, ‘Come on Lovie.’ She had already lain down. ‘What a lazy animal.’

‘You will note, on the last page of the list, Indigo Bunting is not checked off. Near the bottom, under Finches.’

I stopped to take a look. Indeed it was not.

‘But neither is Lazuli Bunting or Painted Bunting?’ I didn’t get it.

She had a bit of a shock on her face, ‘Those birds aren’t in our area. The Indigo Bunting is. It would be a fluke to see one of the other two. An accidental bird, a stray. The Indigo Bunting is a fairly common bird. They come to bird feeders all through southern Ontario. Just not mine. Or when I had one. Nor have I ever seen one while on a hike.’

‘So the hunt is on.’

‘Absolutely,’ she said with a smile, ‘we are hunting for Bunting.’

Within about three paces she said, ‘Oh look, Goldfinch.’

She did it again.

What I couldn’t figure out was how she would see the birds before I could. I was watching too. Actively trying. It was weird. It was as if she was conjuring up the birds.

‘You can tell by their song,’ she said smiling.

I didn’t even ask a question. I didn’t even formulate one in my mind.

There was something very weird with that lady.

‘Every species has a song which is as unique as their feathers,’ she said and then she added, ‘your Peterson guide will give you at least a clue of what that song is. And I believe there’s an i-phone app for that too.’

She could identify the birds by their song alone? Suddenly I tuned myself into the sounds of the forest as we walked along. She was right. There were all kinds of different songs.

We had a wonderful time, Lovie did too. We saw all kinds of birds. Some were familiar like a Crow, Robin, Blue Jay and so forth, but others I had never even heard of before. Brown Headed Cowbird, Flicker, House Finch, there were several types of sparrows and of course Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers. I still couldn’t remember which was the larger. There were lots of Chickadees and lots and lots of Goldfinch.

I asked her about her dream, if there was anyone else in it. ‘I don’t know,’ she said, ‘I can’t remember.’

We never did see an Indigo Bunting that morning.

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I was drawn to him as soon as he walked through the door. Tall, hunk with a big bulge in his pants. I would get him and he would get me. Moving to a new country is always hard. You leave behind friends, family and your old life for a new was my first weekend in Italy and I was at a male strip club as gay people do. That is when is when I met him. The one. My unknown lover. A hunk with a huge bulge in his jeans. I was a top but I knew that I was going to have to take bottom for this one....

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A Come BackChapter 36 Done is Done

Billy was clearly upset. What had begun? I opened my arms and he stepped in. "Not sure I did the right thing Kat." Billy shook his head. In a short time he sighed, straightened up, and his hat was tossed to the nearest table. I stepped back allowing him freer access to the house. Closing the door he walked directly to Cleo and waited for her to look up at him. It was all very somber. "I just handed over complete control to Dean. He's right now dealing out a torture that he'll call...

2 years ago
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Do Bahano ne ek sath choot Marwaee

Priyanka aur Pritee ki Chudai Main Priyanka hoon aur meri shadi Mohan ke saath huyi hai. Meri ek chhoti bahan jiska naam Pritee hai uski shaadi Karan ke saath huyi hai. Wo mujhse 1 saal chhoti hai. Hum dono ki shadi ek saath hi huyi thi. Hamari shadi huye abhi 6 months hi huye the ki Pritee 10 dino ke liye mere ghar aayi. Mere ghar mein mere alawa mere pati, Mohan aur mera ek dewar Raju hi hain. Raju 20 saal ka hai. Wo dikhne mein bahut hi smart hai. Wo bahut hi chanchal hai aur mujhe hmesha...

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When A Good Woman Goes Bad

Woman cheats, get caught, her lover pays the priceWhen a good woman goes bad.I wish when I got married that there was some sort of manual to tell me when a marriage goes bad. My name is Chris and I was always taught that when a man gets married he is expected to do whatever it takes to provide for his family. I know nowadays that has changed somewhat as I see many more working couples or the woman as the main bread winner. When Stacy and I got married I was the one with a good job and a bright...

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Road Trip Part Two

The Road Trip: Part Two As I slid into the drivers seat of my car, I couldn't help but notice my bottom was tender. I had been spanked, fucked and made to suck cocks for most of the night and even though I was sore, it felt wonderful. I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. I'll admit it, I am a sissy who loves wearing dresses, slips, petticoats, bras and panties, etc and being treated like a naughty little girl. I look forward to and dread at the same time,...

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Tatsu Builds a Better Mousetrap

TATSU BUILDS A BETTER MOUSETRAP (Tatsu Story II) By C Chapter I Hideo Tatsu, master of Tokairo , had recently addeda new twist to the shrinking game. As before, he'd reduce a lovely, unsuspectingvictim to insect size. But now, as the tiny beauty lay there, naked and unconscious,he would recite a spell he'd learned on the internet. Within moments, brightlycolored butterfly or moth wings would spring from his victim's back. When shereturned to groggy wakefulness, he'd call out: "Hey pretty...

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Dungeon Games 1

Dungeon Games/Saw part 1 The first thing that Amy noticed when she awoke in the dark, damp area was that her head was stinging. Her right arm rose to push softly against the top of her head, when she did this she winced. She drew her hand back, and looked at her fingers. A dark, red substance was smeared along her fingers. “Blood,” she thought, before she looked through the room, her voice rising “Where am I, Anybody here!?” She had been known for her bad temper, she tried to act like she...

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The Greatest Summer part one

little did I know how much my life would change this summer. It started out slow for the first week. Then my brother, Ross, and I went to the pool. Ross is about ten months younger than I and my twin sister. I am in my mid teens. At the pool we saw several of the hottest girls and a couple of milfs in the smallest bikinis. We stayed for as long as we could but we had to leave so we could get home and spank our monkeys. We had run into my room, we have always jacked off together, we always tried...

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Fucking A Virgin Librarian

Hello readers, I am 21 old average looking guy from Indore ,living in pune. I am a fun loving person, never miss any opportunity to enjoy sex. Though I have had sex with women of different age groups, I never revealed any data about them to my friends, since II always respect their privacy and confidentiality; after all they all gave their most valued assets to me :). It all started when I was back in my college during my teenage days… In my second year Priyanka (name changed) came to our...

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BethChapter 98

November 30, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written December 1] I was woken by Liya and Heather climbing into the Monstrosity with us. “How was it,” I asked quietly. “Wonderful. We got him crazy turned on. He came three times,” exclaimed Liya. “Yeah,” added Heather, “it was incredible. I got an idea that I want to try out at some point, as the idea didn’t come to me until we were nearly comatose. That was one of the most wonderful nights of my life. I’ve said this before, Beth, but I need to...

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The Cheetah Lives

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. This story is a very long version of the short one I sent to Gunslinger a week and a half ago for his Sept 15 Challenge. I was hesitant to post it because of the way I've written it in the first person, meaning it is me, myself going thru the changes in the story. This makes it very personal in...

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Its our secret buddy

Introduction: Another one of Tates misadventures Ahh…Fall, such a good season to watch the Cherry Blossom petals falling…generally, I go watch this with my friends since Kain would be in some kind of Date with Kim.So it was just me, Yaji, Tyson and Ben. Yajis full name is Yajirushi Solidor, his father, Mr.Takeda was the head of the Hospital, Yaji is about my height and he has silver straigth hair and green eyes, he is 13 as well.Quite an unusual look, but quite cool, he tended to be cold in...

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Too Hot for a title

We pull up in the car park by the reservoir, it's ten at night and everything seems really quiet. It's a hot night so I wind down the car windows to let in the moonlight.We'd been out drinking, but I got the driving job so I was perfectly sober, but my wife had had plenty to drink and was no doubt feeling a little horny.I put her hand on my lap as we kissed and without hesitation she had undone my flies and had my cock in her hand, starting to slowly wank it. After a few strokes I was really...

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Daddys Little Girl Part 7

The last day of school seemed to be dragging on forever as Lindsey sat in Math class. She just wanted to go to Ellie's hotel room and relax. Summer was going to be so great. She rubbed her abdomen. Jordan was sitting next to her. “So,” Jordan said, “I heard that Alex knocked you up.” “So it would seem,” Lindsey said with a smile. “I think it's sweet. You two are perfect together.” “Yeah. I just wish that my life wasn't so screwed up.” Jordan nodded. “Have you heard anything about...

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SistersChapter 9

I ducked my head through. Don't ask why I didn't just step through. Maybe it was because of the two guards. I don't know. But a quick look ... ahead of us was a stone wall with torches in the sconces. I'd heard moaning. "No lights?" Blair asked. I shook my head. "Just the torches." "Sounds like an adventure I was part of last year. We had to penetrate this castle, and the only way was through the storerooms down below the moat. Stone walls, torches, the whole thing." "I heard...

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Friend Ki Horny Mom Jyoti

Hi I am dhirraj 24 years old & presently stay in delhi If you like the story then please send your feedback to And any girl, milf, mom, aunty, bhabhi, of any age…(age no bar, size no bar, color no bar)…Contact me…I would like to meet new girls & fill their pussy with my cum (koi bhi girl, milf, aunty, bhabhi, widow, koi bhi age or koi bhi size ki agar mereh saih milna chati hain toh contact kare kyoki mujhe bahot acha lagehga apki chut main apni pichkari ki dhar marne main) This story is...

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Mother and her naughty boys

For a long time I’d suspected my 19 year old son Michael had been borrowing my used panties from the laundry basket and playing with them while he masturbated .... For a long time I'd suspected my 19 year old son Michael had been borrowing my used panties from my laundry basket and playing with them while he masturbated. I'd also noticed that while Michael was alone in our house the memory stick with my husband's naughty pictures of me on it moved from where we'd put it. Some of the pictures on...

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Kanpur Ki Kalpana Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hiiiii friends kese ho ap sab meri chooto ki raniyo ko mere kade lund ka chumma.Muje pta h ap sb ko meri  desi hot sex story ka wait rha hoga.To aa gya me. Me naveen phir se apke liye ek new story leker aaya hu phle me apne bare me bta me naveen singh kanpur (u.P.) se hu achi business or ghar h age 29 h or lund ka size bi kafi achi 8″ 3 inch jo sabh I females ko bahut kush krta h.Wese me call boy to ni but kam wahi krta hu or pese bi sb kushi se hi deti h me to pyar ko deta hu or leta hu. Meri...

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Garwyli 01

I drove up the track, worrying for the hundredth time about the state of it, the winter frosts had eroded great tracts of it, making the suspension work hard, I thought again of asking Da to arrange for a lorry load of tarmac and a couple of men to sort it. I was glad the skies had cleared. I could rescue part of my scheduled work at least, there were two sets of comparison shots I wanted to complete, half an hour shutter time each. I also had the next set of three to start. There, round the...

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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 11

“You’re right about that, sweetie,” replied Kari. “We got to do things I never thought either of us would experience.” “It was a lot of fun, wasn’t it?” Kari kissed Kevin and said, “Yes, it was. Yes, it was.” On Thursday, Kari and Kathy went to school together. The letter from the NIS coordinator said that they should come to dressed. When they arrived at the school, they went directly to the NIS coordinator’s office. Ms. Helen White greeted them and asked them to sit down. For a few...

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Sammy and Tammy

My name is Tammy, I'm eighteen years old and I share a mews cottage in London with Sammy who's the same age as I am.We met at boarding school two years ago when we shared a room, in case you're wondering about us being only sixteen, let me explain a few things about this wonderfully silly country of ours and it's equally silly laws.You see Sammy and I both come from rich families, well all right, mega rich families, our parents are what's commonly known as society people, that is to say that...

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my Uncles ex wife

where to start. how about the was 5 years ago when my mother asked if i could go to my uncles ex wifes to fix her dishwasher. her name is marion. she is incredibly hot for a woman of 52 at that time. well i went over and marion let me in but was busy on the computer with her grandc***d so i proceeeded to get to work on the dishwasher. well i found the problem the seal needed replacing. so i called for the part and sat with marion to talk about her unit and when i could come back to...

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Palangtod Chudai Se Mai Mard Bana 8211 Part 4

Hii dosto . Mai samar yaani sunaiz. Ab tak aaapne padha ki jannat bhi mujhe pasand karne lagi . Maine use lip kiss kiya uske hontho ko chuma kata. Uske bubbooo ko chuma chata . Jaise hi apna hath rakh k use daba raha tha wo sihar gyi aur uth khadi hui mai ab uski kamar ko chhuna chahta tha par wo aisa nhi karne de rhi thi . Achanak wo rone lagi . Mai pu6a kya hua. To wo ku6 nhi boli. Aur ja kar apne kamre me let gyi . Ku6 der baad lgbhg ek ghnte ke baad mai uske kamre me gya dekha to uski...

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Adventure Time1

It had been six months since we started dating, and he said he was going to take me out somewhere nice for dinner. I fumbled around on my bed, trying to uncover my phone that had been buried in the sheets when he had gotten up this morning. I pulled my contacts list up and clicked his name, calling him “Yes?” a voice answered. “Where are you?” I asked as I pulled my panties up. There was silence for a few seconds “Still there?” I asked impatiently “Yeah I am, sorry. Someone was saying...

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The Zethriel Project Chapters Seven Ten

The target's name was Gendoran Thriftwind, and Keria was close enough to smell the scent coming off his blonde hair. She'd found him in the loft above his shop--he'd foolishly left the window open. Keria had her legs hooked on one of the rafters and held her upper body out in midair, arms outstretched. She could drop ontop of Gendoran and break his neck, or stab him, or whatever suited her, whenever she wanted, but as eager as she was to get back to Zethriel, she felt as she usually did...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 122 Touring Again

Two weeks after Worlds, Sophia and Warren were on tour. Ellen came with them, to help with Betsy, but could only stay for a couple weeks. She urged them to let her bring Betsy back with her. Sophia and Warren resisted that-because they didn't want to be separated from Betsy for that long, and because Sophia didn't want to stop breastfeeding quite yet. With the rehearsals done at the beginning, while Ellen was there, they'd really only have to worry about Betsy for the few minutes they...

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Hawley BattleChapter 3

Hawley reached into his elastic waistband and pulled his swollen cock out, just as she pressed herself to him. His cock slipped between her thighs and she felt it push her silky running shorts all the way past her buttocks behind her. She had to feel back there to be sure it was his cock. No one has a cock this big! Do they? OMIGOD! “Hawley, you really do have a big cock. Have you ever put your cock inside a girl’s pussy?” “No Ma’am. I never knew girls would let me put my cock in their...

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The First Time a Woman Fucked Me

I was driving through a parking lot this evening when I saw a Jeep Grand Cherokee that reminded me of a story from way back in 1999. I was 22 at the time, and that November I met a 29 year old woman (who I shall call "M." for her anonymity) at a bar. M. was on a separate date but wasn't having too much fun so she kept coming over and talking to me. We kissed at the end of the evening and she gave me her number. M. was tall and thin with light blond hair. She looked older than me, but she...

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Hot For Teacher Chapter 6

CHAPTER 6 I set my alarm for 10am. Even though I was supposed to be up at 7am. Up at 7, showered, breakfast, drive to school, in homeroom by 8am. That was what I should be happening this Monday morning. But not this Monday. I thought if I set my alarm late, I would just over sleep having to be up early for school. Mom would just let me sleep and stay home. But that isn't what happen. "Charlie! Charlie!" yelled Vanessa from the bottom of the stairs. "You're going to be late for...

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Going Down on the FarmChapter 13

The morning routine changed. John and David each woke with a penis in front of his face and sucked a load of cum out of it before going to the bathroom for their morning piss and wash up. Then They did the chores and had a big farm style breakfast. They changed into their Sunday clothes and the family went to church. The twins had decided they wanted to get things moving so they were wearing short dresses and Ted got more than a glimpse of their panties when they climbed into the station...

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The Saxby Twins

It all started innocently enough. I was in my second year at a large southeastern university. I'm a regular kind of guy, about 5-10, 175, dark hair, decidedly average in the man parts. I was no ladies man, but I wasn't hopeless either. I was still sharing a small dorm room with Roger, who was a bit of a geek and kept mostly to himself. Roger was also a bit of a slob. Not dirty, just very messy. It more or less left my room off limits to visitors of the female persuasion. Around the second...

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Young Queen 01

From the king’s point of view: Jessie was still asleep when I woke up. I leaned over her and cupped her face. My beautiful queen was pregnant. She was having twins. In two years, it would be breeding time. since she was the only female in the village, she would be bred with every man in the village to have their sons. But for now, she was mine. All mine. Later, once she had woken up and eaten breakfast she came back upstairs. She had only been pregnant for two weeks, but she was so young and...

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The Commuter Days 1718

That was a close call I said to myself. That could have turned out so much worse I laughed. My emotions seemed trapped between revenge and relief. I rubbed the red marks on my wrists as I thought about my next move. The train jerking to a stop reminded me this was my stop. As I stood to exit the train, the slow moving parade of chattering Sisters moved ahead of me through the door. The beautiful young Sister that had helped me, lagged behind her group a few steps. She stepped directly in front...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 23

I untangled my shirt from the waistband and worked my skirt down, tossing it in the hamper. After taking off the shirt, I used it dab between my legs to clean what hadn't already dripped out. I threw it at Jack, who caught it one-handed. "You can clean up the carpet while I take a shower." Jack and I have this battle going on about whose mess it is. I say since he made it, it's his. He claims it's a gift to me and if I choose to drip it out, it's my problem. So far, neither of us has...

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Abbey the Pinay Sex SlaveChapter 5

“Abbey” Joe said in a quiet voice. “Don’t think that I have forgotten what you tried to do. You will have to be punished for attempting to steal my money.” Abbey jumped in surprise on hearing Joe’s voice behind her. “I ... I ... yes sir, I’m ... I really am sorry” Abbey was ashamed and embarrassed that Joe had seen her half undressed. “I understand, sir” she finally managed to reply to what Joe had said. Joe was delighted that he had caught Abbey wearing only her underwear because it gave...

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Womens sex wrestling Part 1

“Ten...more, nine...more, eight...more,” she counted down as she hit the bag, her hits becoming irregular and misplaced. As she counted a breathless “!” She punched the bag with all her might, sending it swinging and putting her off-balance. A smile played across her lips as she hung on the bag, sweating and breathless. She held the bag for a few minutes, regaining her composure. As she started to cool down, she started shivering due to the cold sweat dripping from her body. The...

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Amity 3 TempestChapter 5 Relatives

Raina found Zarka and DT in the dining area an hour or so later. “Where is KJ?” she asked as she helped herself to coffee. The other two grinned at her like Cheshire cats. “What did you do to him?” she asked. Zarka said while shaking her head slowly, “DT was very naughty.” DT blushed at Raina’s enquiring look. “Oh?” she said. Zarka nodded, “Yes, very, very naughty. I thought them Russians could be naughty, but DT is a bad boy. Poor KJ couldn’t decide if he was coming or going.” DT...

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