Outwardly BoundChapter 3 free porn video

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Their clothes all off; she moved her bare pussy lips to his hard penis, the first penis she had ever felt. The touch was unlike anything she had felt before. She was scared, excited, and unsure of herself. She let her body and what her sister had taught her to guide her. No more cloth between them, only bare skin. She felt him against her. His body warm, muscled, his blue eyes comforting her, loving her.

She wanted him inside her now! Push! Do this!

Her mouth opened, lusting, desiring, as she felt his tip push into her, “OH!” she felt a hurt, a tear, now too tense, too big? She didn’t want to stop, but he urged her to; “Baby, condom.” She heard his voice reminding needing protection. She lifted off his shaft, and she felt wanting, incomplete. She slid backward as he placed the condom on his penis. Big! Too Big?

He focused her back to his face, to his eyes. He held her, warmly, softly, she felt calm. Her desire being rekindled. She wanted him inside her. She moved down. His hard rod pressed against her slit again. She sucked in a breath at its touch, still so new to her. It felt so right, so good. Her rhythm began again.

She relaxed and felt him push at her entrance. She closed her eyes and pressed her body fully onto him. She could feel him enter her sliding up inside her, incredible pleasure with a twinge of pain. Big! Full! Wonderful feelings rushed through her young body. She was a woman. She felt love surge through her. Her rhythm began. Pull up. Pause. Push down. Repeat. The rhythm of biology, of sex. Faster! She wanted more. Her body cried. This is sex, lovemaking. Her mind burned, ‘I’m fucking!’

She rocked for many minutes as the light faded around them. Cool breezes flowed over the lovers as they continued their build-up. She wanted to come but didn’t want this to end. Her body ached for him. Filling her. She felt full, stuffed inside her belly. She felt an urgent need rising up from inside her.

“Come for me, honey. Come for me, Tiare!” he softly urged her.

“Come, my baby!” he whispered, between breaths.

Her eyes went wide. She lost rhythm as her body suddenly spasmed and jerked as her orgasm hit.

“OH...” she exclaimed, surprised by her reaction to his words, his touch, his stiff rod inside her.

“ ... Oh GAUD!!” her mind blanked with the wash of sex endorphins flooding her virginal brain.

Her body repeatedly convulsed, her pelvic muscles contracting, then releasing, and her legs shook as her orgasm washed over her. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and toes crimped.

Surprised by the intensity of her reaction and her pelvis milking him, he, too, exploded in a sudden burst of sperm into the condom.

“Ugh! Ah!” he moaned with each contraction of her muscles and each spurt of his cum as his mind was washed over by his own orgasm. Now every movement became torture to his overheated prick.

She finally calmed into her afterglow, lying her body down onto his. Her head on his chest as he slowly shrank and slid out of her now relaxed body. He lay there under her with the used condom still clinging to him. His mind briefly flittered over what would have happened had that glove not been there. He had already decided that if she had become pregnant, he would have married her if she would have accepted him. So to had it been Palila. His honor may have been in taters, but he would not shun responsibility. His mind quieted and returned to the here and now.

He felt her breathing slow as the very long day finally caught up to her after releasing her sexual tension. She was asleep on him, and he loved it.

Finally, after the stars had come out, he stirred her, knowing he needed to put her to bed. He quickly wiped himself with his shorts, gathering up her clothes as well. He picked her up like she was a little girl. She wrapped her legs around his waist and arms over his shoulders. His hands under her bare bottom, holding her up as he trudged back to the cabin.

Slowly up the steps, creaking as they went, he paused at his room, deciding whether to put her in his bed or hers. He lost the battle and took her into his room. He wanted her to wake up beside him in the morning. He laid her into his little bed and snuggled up against her under the warm covers and fell asleep with her in his arms.

That morning he woke with her back towards him and his again hardening pecker pressing her butt crack. His back was towards the door. It was still early. He moved her mussed hair and kissed her ear.

She stirred and turned around and said, “Hi!” with a giggle, but not to him. Suddenly, he heard bunches of giggling and laughing behind him; all three girls were standing in his room, laughing at the two of them together in bed.

“I’m jealous!” said Palila, suppressing her snickering.

“I’m NEXT!” said Mele.

Another wave of laughs flew across all the girls, including from Tiare, who was now sitting up, holding a sheet to cover her modesty.

William used his commanding voice again to get the three to leave. He watched as three pajama covered bottoms wiggled their way out of his room. “And, CLOSE the door!”

He and Tiare hurriedly dressed, as he apologized, flustered.

Tiare replied to him as she dressed, “Nothing to apologize! I loved waking beside you.”

Her smile was to die for. He was torn again inside, as he wanted to kiss her and make love to her again, but duty called, he had to rein in these girls ... and himself!

He hurried to get going to drive to pick up Lisa and all the equipment, kicking himself for his poor judgment he had been using with the girls. But at the same time, he really liked them, and, yes, ok, lusted for them. After a quick wash up and breakfast, he was debating how to handle the girls. There wasn’t enough room for all of them to come with him. Luckily, Tiare was still tired and wanted to stay and sleep. He made her go back to her own bed and forbid any of them from coming into his room while he was gone as if that would stop them. He also hid the remaining condom and made sure he disposed of the used one.

At the truck, Kalena and Mele wanted to go with him, but only had room for one, since Lisa would need a seat on the way back. He had them decide between themselves, and as expected, Mele won over her older sister. He also found that SHE was the one on the Pill, not Kalena. So Mele and Palila were the, well, already worldly ones.

On the two-hour-long drive, Mele talked almost non-stop about all four of them, which is how Will learned about who was doing what. Some of the things he heard from her were more than he really wanted to know. Particularly about their misadventures with sex and love, including a few encounters with “uncles” and “cousins” (by adoption, not by blood). He understood more about why their adoptive parents had such problems with them.

Mele sat right up against him the entire time, her long legs and bare feet wiggling about with her shorts pushed down to expose more that he wished. Finally, she grew tired and leaned against the passenger door looking out, her legs folded under her. She was still incredibly sexy no matter what she did.

When they arrived, she jumped out of the truck and ran to Lisa, hugging her and telling her how she missed her and how mean Will was to make them hike all those miles and how the girls had made it back to camp with blisters, sore feet, and tired muscles. No mention of the night time or morning “activities.” Lisa laughed and hugged her back and said that she missed them too, even if just one day.

They loaded the truck and piled back in, Mele making sure she sat in the middle between Will and Lisa. Again, she talked nearly non-stop about nothing in particular, sans any mention of various sexual adventures here or at home. Lisa just smiled at Will, knowing that he had his groupies.

When they arrived back, both Will and Lisa were surprised to find lunch was prepared, laundry done, and all their beds made. The girls were perfect angels ... making Lisa ... and Will, nervous as to what was going on that they didn’t know about.

The Mountain

The next day was spent going over climbing techniques and another round of rock climbing and handling ropes. The mountain climb wasn’t really that technical but did require training in proper methods of climbing in its snow. Will told them that it would take three days to climb and two to come back down. The length only because of extra gear and training time they would need. They groaned loudly when he told them that the first day would require two trips to haul gear to their first camp, which was actually about half of the way up the 9,000-foot mountain. He told them there would be two camps; “first camp” and “second camp.” Most of their supplies, tents, etc. would be at first camp. Their snow gear, extra food, and water would be then taken to the second camp.

The next day, they all set off with their loads, with the girls taking a real disliking to Will’s task mastering them. After hours of climbing the gradually steeping trail, they finally reached their area for the first camp, about 4,000 feet up the slope, but two miles of uphill hiking. The girls collapsed while Will disappeared, and Lisa pulled out the lunch they had prepared earlier. By the time they had finished lunch, Will had reappeared with another load of gear. Their eyes bugged out when they discovered he had gone all the way down and back in the time it took them to eat. This made them energized to not be outdone, but of course, Will led them back down again for yet his 3rd trip. They discovered it only took half an hour to go down with no load and all downhill. But then another two hours to march back up, loaded down again and all uphill.

Mele complained nearly the whole way, “I HATE IT! I HATE mountain climbing!”

She sat down to rest as the others continued their trudging with Lisa leading the way. Will came back to find her sitting, angry at him for making her do this. He took her pack, attached it to his front, and pulled her up by the arm, telling her she could do it. They started up, but soon she ran ahead of him, tears in her eyes and said that she was sorry and please let her have her pack back. He did so, and she continued up behind him, with no more complaints. She wasn’t going to let him beat her. She was Mele “Rebellious woman” after all!

At first camp, they set up their tents, moaning and groaning, except for Mele, who wordlessly set her and Kalena’s tent up while Kalena lay hardly able to move. Mele then went to help Lisa with setting up for cooking food while Will set out all the gear needed for the next day. Lisa thanked Mele for her help, and Mele gave her a long hug thanking Lisa for putting up with her. She was determined now to break herself of that habit of complaining.

At dinner, Will described the next day’s tasks; They would hike with minimum gear to just below the snow line, set up a camp, second camp, and then spend the afternoon doing snow climbing exercises, ice ax, arresting sliding, crampons, harnesses, and ropes. The morning after, they would do the climb, this time with only light packs since they would be back at second camp by that afternoon. They were surprised that they would only be a half-hour or less at the summit. “You’ll see why” was Will’s reply.

As night fell, Will warned them about doing any wandering at all, even to the potty. They must wake him if they needed anything at all. “Remember, mountains are unforgiving. A fall, even just a few feet, could spell broken limbs and disaster.”

They quickly all took turns at the little “groover” behind some rocks with no other cover and a trench for peeing. After that, deep darkness fell with moonless stars and the Milky Way from horizon to horizon. Will made sure all the girls were tucked in and doing ok. Earlier, he had to dress a few blistered feet and scraped knees and hands. Kalena had taken a bit of a spill and now had band-aids on her palms and knees. While he was looking into them in their tent, Mele apologized again and made him come closer to her, where she planted a kiss on his cheek as he laughed at her.

In Palila and Tiare’s tent, Palila whispered to him, offering to let him squeeze in between them to sleep, giggling as she did. He politely refused.

He had set his tent right between the girl’s tents, so they could find him easily. Lisa slept in the same tent with him, to save the weight.

She whispered to him, “The girls aren’t taking advantage of you, are they?”

He patted her hand, non-committal.

“You aren’t taking advantage of them, are you?”

This was tougher. He felt the sting of guilt. He knew he couldn’t tell her what he had done with Palila AND Tiare! SHIT! He shook his head, even though nearly invisible in the dark. He squeezed her hand and acted tired, almost asleep.

“Stinker. Be careful.”

‘Shit, she knew somehow. Damn women’s intuition.’ He thought to himself.

They heard tittering from one of the tents. “Hush, girls. Sleep,” he replied more loudly.

More giggles and a “goodnight” returned.

Late in the night, Will felt a poke. It was Kalena. She whispered she was sorry, but her knees hurt too much to let her sleep ... and she also needed to pee. Lisa stirred, but Will said he would handle it. He got up into the cold night air.

“Aren’t you cold, Kalena?” seeing her without a jacket on. She whimpered a bit.

He turned on his red headlamp and moved over to their supplies. He gave her some Tylenol and checked her knees. They were bruised now, as well as scraped. She might not be able to climb the next day. He led her by the hand over to their latrine area, and she pulled down her pants. He had to end up helping her balance as her bent knees were weak. He tried to look away but had to keep the light for her and both hands holding her. But he had seen her naked before anyway. When she stood, she was wobbly. Dehydration, too, so he gave her water and sat hugging her to keep her warm while she drank and recovered a little. She leaned against him, and he kissed her forehead. He could see she was getting sleepy and helped her back to her tent. Mele was quiet, totally zonked out asleep.

He crawled back into his sleeping bag and told Lisa that he thinks Kalena will need to stay here or go back down to the cabin tomorrow.

The next day was filled with another climb with more gear than they realized they needed. They left Kalena at the first camp, with Lisa planning to return and stay with her. Kalena felt terrible about not being able to make it, but Will talked with her for a while to help her accept not being able to complete the climb. He had let Lisa start the others up the next part of the climb. Before he left to catch up with them, he made sure Kalena was doing ok. She hugged him, crying a little and made him kiss her before she relented to his leaving her, even knowing that Lisa would be back soon.

Again, Will had to make an extra trip back to the first camp and back up to the snow line. He also checked on Kalena, who was smiling when she saw him. Another kiss was needed before she let him go again. He couldn’t resist her heart, even when he tried to be more professional. ‘Damn, these girls are ruining me!’

They were now only a little over a thousand feet from the summit and saw that the snow was significant, but not as deep as the girls had expected. Being from Southern California, they had only seen snow on trips, and their ideas of snowcapped mountains were glaciers and deep snowdrifts. Here it was only about a foot or two in most places.

After an early lunch, they spent the rest of the daylight learning to use crampons, self-arresting with ice axes, roping, etc. Most wouldn’t really be needed, just for training purposes; there were no crevasses or any avalanche danger, but there was the real danger of just simple slips and falls, which he drilled to them repeatedly. A twisted ankle with an incorrect step in a crampon could be serious up here. Already it had stopped Kalena from climbing, and that was with nothing more than bruised knees, showing that even small injuries were significant when mountaineering.

This entire exercise was as much a method of building self-confidence as anything. Though, Will was beginning to wonder if their self-esteem was ever the issue and whether it wasn’t just the environment of being in a well-to-do neighborhood with too much pampered and a boring lifestyle.

They were lightly equipped, food and water for a couple days and no heavy clothing as the sun temperatures were just above freezing, so a few layers would be fine, at least so he thought. The one variable was the weather. Even with good forecasts and excellent visibility, it could change very quickly.

Lisa had headed back to their first camp to stay with Kalena. They had walkie-talkies so did have communication, which he used to check on them. Lisa had decided to take Kalena and a load of extra gear back to the cabins, feeling Kalena needed the lower elevation as much as anything. Lisa said that Kalena was very sad she couldn’t do the climb. She actually had started looking forward to making it to the top. But her eyes lit when Lisa told her that she would heat up the hot tub for her down there.

“You didn’t TELL us there was a HOT TUB!” all the girls cried over the radio.

Will laughed, telling them that was supposed to be a surprise treat after their climb. Lisa just laughed.

After several stops, Kalena and Lisa made it to the bottom. Actually, Lisa left Kalena sitting at about the halfway point as her knees were hurting from all the downhill impacts.

“I’ll take our packs down and come back for you. That way, you can rest, and it will be easier without the load.”

Kalena didn’t disagree but felt like she was a burden now. Lisa just kidded her about pack mules and gave her a hug.

“I’ll be back in about an hour or so.” Lisa disappeared down the trail.

By the time Lisa returned, she had found Kalena had curled up asleep. At first, she was going to scare her by growling like a bear, but decided that would be cruel. She just tapped her and got her awake finally.

The two reached the bottom within an hour, Lisa leading Kalena by the hand. When Kalena saw the big wooden hot tub, she was all smiles.

“Oh, wow! It’s wood fire heated!?!”

Lisa laughed. No electricity here.

“Oh ... I don’t have my bathing suit ... It’s back at the cabin.”

Lisa looked around like she was looking for people and smiled, “Kalena, I don’t think anyone minds a little skinny dipping.”

Kalena giggled. “I don’t think I could walk another step anyway!” as she pulled off her shoes and socks.

Lisa had lit the fire earlier when she had come down an hour ago. It was well contained, so felt confident leaving it, though now added a few more pieces of wood as she tested the water with her hand.

“It’s ready!”

Lisa looked back to see Kalena had already taken her shirt off and was unbuttoning her shorts. As she stepped out of them, Lisa felt a tinge of jealousy at the young beauty before her. This quickly passed, and she smiled as Kalena turned away, acting sheepishly, trying to cover herself with her hands as she started climbing the steps to the tub.

Lisa laughed, “NOW you’ve become modest!” She heard Kalena laugh.

She helped Kalena as she climbed in, unable to ignore her perfectly shaped butt and puffy lips between her legs.

“Oh this feels GREAT! Lisa, PLEASE join me. Please?” as she put on a doe-eyed face.

Lisa almost felt relieved. Her own aches and pains starting to stiffen her muscles. She quickly disrobed, piling her clothes beside Kalena’s.

As Lisa climbed in, Kalena watched innocently at Lisa’s more filled out body. The rippled muscles of her arms, legs, and abdomen visible. Her breasts were full and much larger than any of the four girls. Her mons fur-trimmed though not shaved.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve done this,” Lisa remarked, “I mean...”

Kalena replied, “William? And you? In here?”

They both giggled.

“Lisa, thank you for helping me. I’m kind of glad I get to spend time with you...”

“You mean, without the others? Me too. I think you are great girls, not near what your parents seemed to think.”

Kalena looked sheepishly. “I’m kinda sorry about that. I see now that we weren’t very nice. I don’t know why.”

“Hey, it’s called growing up. And, well, being adopted can’t be easy either.”

Kalena held out her hand towards Lisa. Lisa moved around and took her hand.

“Will they be ok on the mountain?” Kalena asked quietly.

“Oh sure, Will has been up that thing dozens of times.” She said, reassuring her, even as she noticed the clouds starting to build.

For a while, the two just talked quietly about their lives, Lisa telling her about how she and Will met and how they formed the business together. Kalena thought this was a really cool job to have. She hoped she would have something as neat.

“Kalena, we probably need to drink some water. Lift that lid just outside the tub.”

Inside Kalena found canteens floating in cool river water. “Oh neat!” as she gave one to Lisa, and took one herself.

“Yes, water is piped from upstream and through there, then into the tub. If the tub gets too warm, we just open that valve.”

Kalena leaned against Lisa, again holding her hand. Their fingers interlaced.

“Lisa ... have you ever...”

As if reading Kalena’s mind, “In college. Just once, though.”

Kalena turned her head, facing Lisa. “I wish I had green eyes, yours are so beautiful.”

“Kalena, you are incredibly beautiful. Your brown eyes are gorgeous.”

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Outward Bound Book 2 of the Tufts Family SagaChapter 9 Tontos Tonto

Sandra's smile was so broad that she appeared to be beaming from ear to ear. Her pixie face was transformed by the great joy she was experiencing. She clung to Rob with one arm, her dad with the other and was calling for Katie to join them in a group hug. "I feel so wonderful, I cannot believe this can be real. Not only do I have my closest family in my arms, but I can sense Tonto and am able to feel and experience each of the three baby girls developing in my womb. Their little brains...

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Outward Bound Book 2 of the Tufts Family SagaChapter 10 Quality Control

After a brief lull Rob spoke up as if thinking aloud, "What would be created if the seven human brains that form the base network for a Tonto were the brains and minds of young men attending a terrorist Madras in a radical Islamic state? Or what if he should spring from the brain/minds of an Earth First terrorist cell? I can't even begin to wrap my thoughts around the evil that could result if a Tonto type organization's goals were bent on destruction." Tonto responded, "Now you begin...

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Outward Bound Book 2 of the Tufts Family SagaChapter 11 Divided We Stand

"Sara, are you awake yet?" Val asked. The young girl snuggled into Val's shoulder as they lay entwined in the big bed in Val's quarters. They had spent almost four hours in the 'getting to know you' process with Tonto. "Sweetheart, I now know why Jason took to you instantly and why Doctor Sandra had such a special interest in you too," Val said. "You are special, you are tougher than nails, and you are so filled with love. You are a beautiful addition to our family and my only regret...

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Outward BoundChapter 2

Tapping her spoon against the coffee cup, Grandmother raised her voice, “Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s bring this meeting to order.” Pausing for a moment, she turned to the burly man at the door. “Provost Marshall, is everybody here?” “Aye Grandmother all present. We’re swept sealed and shielded.” “Thank you, David,” turning back to the assembled group she started. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this meeting of the Seward’s Folly command group is called to order. We’ll start with the...

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Outward BoundChapter 3

The room was filled with women. Most were on the edges of the space, but the most important occupants were seated at the u-shaped table that took up the center of the room. The room grew quiet when a door opened to the side of the room next to the chair that occupied the head of the table. Agnes Seward came into the room. She was moving slowly but steadily. She stopped in front of the table and looked around. “Ladies, I call the meeting to order. Mary, do we have a quorum?” she slowly sat...

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Outward BoundChapter 4

After the end of the Earth-Mars war, many naval personnel, from both sides, ended up in the Martian system looking for work. Some of these ex-military people ended up mining the asteroid belt. If you listened to the corporate recruiters, everybody working for them had made fortunes in the belt. If you checked around, you would soon find that working for a corporation was a form of slow suicide. Better to take a walk outside without a suit. The corporations also hired their own “Security...

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Outward BoundChapter 5

Three days after my meeting with Agnes Seward, I took their shuttle over. I shared the ride with two very hungover contractors and a load of supplies for one of the many departments onboard a mining ship. When I arrived, I met a young lady who told me her name was Mary and she was Grandmother Seward’s secretary. I resolved that I would have to remember the Grandmother title. Mary led me to Grandmother Seward’s office. When I entered, Agnes stood and held her hand out. “Captain Sullivan, I’m...

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Outward BoundChapter 6

The Congressional meeting hall was filled. Both the ships Congress and the Mother’s Council were in attendance. While this hadn’t been a required meeting, if you didn’t have duties, you were expected to be there. There was a low rumble of conversation. From the door to the side of the stage, the provost marshal came in. “Ladies and gentlemen Grandmother Seward.” everyone stood and faced the door. Grandmother Seward came into the room. There was quiet applause that quickly ended when she took...

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Outward BoundChapter 7

Floyd’s dad Wayne Turner was a longtime member of the security division. His job was to do background checks on prospective new family members and contractors. Currently, he didn’t have much to do. The ship was in a refitting stage, and there were no requests for backgrounds. This meant that Wayne had plenty of free time it gave him time for his second job. Wayne was a respected member of his neighborhood. The folks that lived on his level respected him and his word. And not just because he...

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Outward BoundChapter 8

For the next hour, Susan was jumping on and off the express. She would walk around, reversing directions looking at the reflection in store windows. All the time worried that she was being followed. Sure that at any time, there would be a hand grabbing her shoulder. At one point, she considered heading to her quarters. But halfway there, she realized that would be the obvious place to be waiting for her. She felt that he was running out of time and was beginning to panic. She decided that...

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Outward BoundChapter 9

Standing in the doorway, the room looked like a disaster had struck. Access panels were open. Workers and technicians were involved in various mysterious jobs. There was a babble of voices, each seeming to be louder than the others. A loud voice, not yelling, but carrying over the chatter of various repairmen and technicians. “Attention on deck Captain on the bridge.” All conversation stopped, while most everyone stood up in at least a semblance of attention. Some, particularly those with...

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Outward BoundChapter 10

The first thing the next day, I surprised Lucy Golden in her office. She had just finished meeting her section bosses and assigning the days jobs. I was seated in her outer office, talking to her secretary. A nice young lady, petite and cute. I’m sure that she was a heartbreaker in the wardrooms. “Captain,” Lucy was surprised. “What can I do for you? I thought I was going to have some time for the wish list you wanted.” While she was talking, she waved me into her office. “No, Ms. Golden,...

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Outward BoundChapter 11

As we stepped into the electronics bay, I was stunned. The noise, hustle, and bustle were surprising. Given the quiet of the maintenance bay, this was pandemonium. Kids were laughing and singing. Several adults were circulating through the room, supervising what was happening on the work tables. An older, dark-haired man watched what was happening from an elevated desk on the far side of the room. When we came in, he was talking to a pair of kids. Showing them something on a piece of...

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Outward BoundChapter 12

David Barth, April, and I were in my ready room discussing the Security resupply wish list and the installation of some new equipment. And the groundside technicians that had to be brought in for it. When alarm klaxons started sounding. And an Intruder alert was announced on the public address system. “Intruder alert, Isolation protocols are going into effect, Airtight doors are being secured.” I looked at David. I could tell that the same thought was going through our minds, an intruder...

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Outward BoundChapter 13

I smiled at the kid as I sat in the chair next to the bed. “Hi, I’m Henry Sullivan. I’m the Captain of this ship. What’s your name?” The kid stared at me, a sullen look on his face. “Nunya” was his answer. I knew what was going to come next, so before he could continue, I interrupted. “Nice to meet you Mr. Business. It seems that we need to decide what we are going to do with you. Do you have any ideas?” The kid didn’t say anything, just sat and glared at me. “How about some lunch? Are...

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Outward BoundChapter 14

It was just after a thoroughly disgraceful lunch when Emily received the e-mail. It was short, only one word, but it’s meaning was huge. Anyone reading it would be confused as to its meaning. Those that knew it for a coded message couldn’t even guess at the meaning. When Emily read the message, fear came over her. These messages were never to her benefit. Calling Jessica into her office, she ordered that a shuttle be laid on for her. And passage to the surface be booked immediately. Ignoring...

4 years ago
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Outward BoundChapter 15

David, April, and I were at the loading dock. David had assembled an assault team. 7 of his finest. They were double-checking their weapons and communications equipment. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be needed, but just in case they would be ready. I had just confirmed that David’s friend was standing by when Paul showed up in his patient gown. “And just what are you doing, Paul? I don’t think Doc Holland will be too happy with you wandering around outside sickbay.” “I’m going with you. I want...

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Outward BoundChapter 16

Emily was in a foul mood. Even the treat of shopping wasn’t enough to lighten it. Her mood was further darkened when she was told that the shuttle from Port Lowell to the station would be delayed for an hour. Her demands for consideration of her position on the Seward’s Folly fell on deaf ears. She was informed that a police action as in progress, and all flights were delayed. When she finally arrived on Mars station, she was again informed of another delay. The Seward’s shuttles were tied...

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I Fucked My Girlfriend8217s Best Friend Accidentally

Hi guys my name is arjun 25 years old iam from chennai this is my a story.Read it and if you have any suggestion and comments you cam mail me After that incident priya becomes addicted to sex and from then we both had sex every day and in college everyone thought that priya has become my girlfriend but the truth is she had become as my sex slave even she will not leave college until she sucks me we had sex in college girls restroom regularly after her exams over we had an summer holidays priya...

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Alex to Alina Chapter 4 It Starts

Chapter 4: It Starts I woke up to the sound of a ringing phone. I quickly snapped out of my haze and looked around. Shit. It was dark outside. I fumbled for my phone on my desk in front of me and put it to me ear. "Hello?" I groaned, sounding way worse than I intended. "Oh, you sick dude?" It was the voice of my friend Eric from work, "Because if you are, I probably shouldn't be as pissed as I am." "Huh?" I muttered, realizing my hangover seemed to have finally passed, despite...

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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 29 Finding and loving

Marcus Dolohov had rented a remote farm cottage with several stone outbuildings. It was in a pretty isolated position and one of the outbuildings would make a fine holding place for his prisoners. Once I soundproof it with a muffalato charm, it would not matter if a stranger passed by at the wrong moment. They would never hear a thing, he thought to himself. Now I just have to find out where Lovegood and her detective boyfriend stay and I can start planning my revenge. Luna and Tunie were on...

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Token Honeymoon episode 8

Seeing June weeping on the bed forced Dan to stop for a moment. He was mad - mad at Ray and mad at June, but he'd given June too many ambiguous signals, so was it his fault? She'd fallen asleep, but it was late and he'd gone out. Dan retreated and met Bob coming out of the shower."What was that paper you gave her?""Here, I'll show you. They were her idea, meant to show me she was faithful; always putting me first." He picked another token off the pile and handed it to Bob, staring at another...

Love Stories
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Farm Girl part 11

Riding had always seemed to me to be a very erotic experience. The repeated thumping of the hard saddle against my crotch stimulated my clit and my imagination. With my legs spread wide apart across the thick body of Max, my stallion, I could close my eyes and imagine the hips of a gorgeous blonde adonis crashing into me. I had a small, but really well developed body, which made grown men look twice and get that look on their face, the one that meant `Boy I'd like to Fuck her!' I was...

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Seducing The Gorgeous Mallu Girl Anu 8211 Pt 2 Giving The Best Head

Hi all, my name is Deva and I am a software engineer working in Chennai for the past 4 years. I am a successful software engineer and also a successful stud who fucks almost every day. Please read the first part of the story for continuation. Once again, I hugged this hot Kerala girl cum my team leader Anu tightly and let my tongue dance with her tongue. I caressed her broad back and gently slid my hands to her big round beautiful ass. I clutched those big ass cheeks over her jeans. Anu closed...

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Nothing I Can Do About It NowChapter 9

Jimmy and Sis, got chapter and verse concerning the day’s events, and I informed them exactly whom they’d booked in for a cruise that day when I got back to the bar that evening. Not that I blamed them, they didn’t know my full story anyway and I’d never mentioned the Cartwright’s by name All they’d known was that some Yank had a complete cock-up that cost me my marriage, my job and led to being chased around the World, or harassed by the authorities anyway, everywhere new I ever...

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Gang Bang Wild Bhabhi

Ye kahani hai mere pehle experience ki mere bhabhi ke saath.mere bhabhi ka introduce nahi kiya hai maine.ok ab bolunga mere bhabhi ki age hai 27 aur naam hai sneha latha, colour saawla,sizes 32, 30, 34. Muje pehle mere bhabhi par interest nahi tha magar woh din khi baath hai tab se mere life ko change kardhiya. Jab shaadhi ke 2mahine ke baadh mere bhaiya australia chale gaye.tab se mera kahani shooru hogayi hai.jab mein college ke baadh ghar lautha maine dekha ghar achi tarah decorate tha.mujhe...

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After Thanksgiving and the drive-in, the leaves dropped and it was up to me to give Mommy and Daddy something special. They do so much for me, teaching me how to be a Real Woman, and I want to give something back to them. They deserve it. My family is me, and I am my family. And of course you too, Dear Diary. Miss Evans of my English class gave me lots of ways to “think about” things like this in Creative Writing. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you, Dear Diary, but I certainly...

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A Homecoming Chapter 4

The day after the excursion to Salzburg, nature provided a reason for Ben not going out. It poured with rain.At lunch in the dining room, Erika and a girl-help attended to the fifteen or so guests. He and Erika had briefly greeted each other but were now avoiding eye contact. However, when Erika served him and the Danish couple he shared the table with, she stood close enough for Ben to feel her body’s warmth. When the Danes looked away, her hand stroked over his shoulder and caressed his neck....

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JulesJordan Evelyn Claire Natural Beauty Evelyn Claire Finds Out How Big Manuel Really Is

Statuesque beauty Evelyn Claire is Hot As Fuck in this hardcore scene with Manuel. Evelyn is wearing black fishnets with a black lace bra and matching black corset as she runs her hands across every inch of her body. She unties her top to expose her perky tits then plays with her nipples before sliding her panties to the ground. Standing there in only her fishnets and corset, Evelyn spreads her ass cheeks to give us an amazing view of her beautiful butthole before taking off her remaining...

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Before She Get Married 8211 Part IV

Hi friends. I’m back with 4th part of before she get married. Whose reading me 1st time, I’m 22 male from Hyderabad. Thanks for those readers who giving me response n who just read. Girls aunties who interested in sex or sex chat they can contact me on looking forward for Hyderabad girls n aunties. I felt happy when one reader mail me from US. This site viewed all over the world not only in India. And I think every 1 have sex like mine when they are in colleges. I come to know when reader’s...

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Singing Jasens Song Part 5

To his relief, she gave the smallest hint of a smile. "I was about to, but I thought maybe I should be nice after all the rides you've given me." He chuckled, glad she was playing along. They traveled for two blocks in silence, thick silence that could only come from a break in laughter. Both tried to think of a topic well away from the question he had asked, but it hung too heavily in their minds. "Are you hungry?" The question came quickly. "I didn't eat anything at the show, and...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 2

Mom's Girl Redux Part 2 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 5 I debated the offers all weekend without reaching any decisions. I had talked with Mom on Sunday but told her nothing of the offers nor how I felt about them. I knew in my heart what she would tell me what to do and perhaps deep inside I agreed with her but was afraid to admit that to myself. Yes the thought of being Beth 24/7 was exciting and that was hard to get past. Still was I really ready for it? Could I really do it or...

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My History Teacher 3

I was definitely nervous. Butterflies were flying around my stomach and my leg couldn't keep still as I sit in my car in the alleyway of my History teachers' house. We had sex in her classroom before she offered to take me back to her house and fuck me...for a long, long time. To make me scream and cum for her over and over again. Then she fingered and sucked me off to an amazing orgasm. I shiver at the memory. I had no idea why I was so nervous, but I decide to take a leap of faith. I...

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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 22 Second Thoughts

Stacy was starting to worry about her sister. Ever since Friday night and that so called special “Birthday gift” of hers, Shelly hadn’t been her normal self. Oh, it wasn’t as if she was moody, or surly, or anything like that. She was just being very, very quiet, almost catatonic in a kind of way. Not like the normal Shelly at all. Stacy had been meaning to talk to her about it and see what was up, but had not had a chance to without their parents being around. Fortunately her parents where...

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My Reawakening Part 1

Sally bent from the waist as she opened the fridge door to remove a cold glass. I admired the luscious curve of her bum, treating myself to the outline of her panties through the fabric of her short skirt. Instantly I was transported back to my youth, when my best mate and I used to hang out in he city, playing ‘pants/no pants’, a game where we would check out the passing parade of beautiful women, trying to determine the style of underwear they had on. Sally set my beer down noisily on the...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 53 Lifes Been Good

Medway High Cafeteria 12:10pm, Wednesday, March 14, 1979 “Who said you could snag any of my fries?” I asked in a faux, semi-annoyed tone at Sammy, after she failed at sneaking a couple of Medway’s finest delicacies from my tray. “Nobody,” Sammy replied with a grin as she munched on the two crispy potato strips. “Besides, who in their right mind eats French fries with P-B and J sandwiches?” “My good looking boyfriend, that’s who,” Lynette surprisingly said as she unexpectedly walked...

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How Experienced Are You

1-10: You’re sexually inexperienced. You’re either a virgin, or you have missionary sex with your long-term partner every night at nine o’clock. No exceptions.11-20: Your friends don’t wince when you tell them sex stories, because they can usually relate. Your bedroom habits are pretty average — which isn’t a bad thing. You have a healthy sex life. Good for you!21-30: You get offended whenever people call you vanilla, because you know you’re open-minded. You’ll try MOST things, but not...

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Fucking my 1st Uni student 12

This is something I always wanted to do and happened to me a while ago thus sharing the story with you.I was invited for a 2 month visiting lecture series at a UK institution where I was gonna deliver 12 lectures in 2 topics for undergrads and master students. The first day entering the classroom I saw around 50-60, 20-21yrs old students, 70% female and while my colleague introducing me I was browsing the room to have a look of what is available in there..There were quite some good looking...

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UNLV Sorority Girl Becomes Amateur Las Vegas Entertainer

The first pic is of my sorority Big, Katie, and me in Las Vegas where we attend school at UNLV. We are pictured at one of our hotel room engagements (more on that later). She and I have become good friends but not in any way that I would have predicted. No we are not lesbians. On the contrary we love men and started our own business in Las Vegas performing together for mostly visiting businessmen and convention goers. We are lucky to be going to school here as I know of no other city like it...


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