Outwardly BoundChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 33
- 0
The next morning, even Will is dragging around the camp, but the girls all act like nothing happened during the night as they yawned and rubbed their eyes and discovered that there were no showers, only the river, if they wanted to bathe.
“Bathe in the river? Nude?”
Lisa responded to this one, “Well, AT the river. Otherwise, I’ll have to find you a safe spot if you want to go IN the river. And, well, nude if you like. I’m sure Will won’t mind, right Will?”
Will flustered and blushed, “Well, ah, I guess, so. Uh, just WARN me...”
He thought to himself, ‘Does Lisa know about last night?’
The girls all giggled.
Lisa added, “But you could just wear your bathing suits.”
The girls all giggled again.
Will was yet again presented with buckling each of them into their life vests; this time with just their tiny wienie bikini’s on, skipping the shorts and shirts. He tried to act professional, but when it came time to do Palila’s vest, he blushed the entire time, and she kept smiling and making sure he touched her as much as possible, rubbing against him and making little noises mixed with her giggling. “Oh ... touch here ... love you ... honey ... kiss me...” All just to unsettle him.
Kalena and Mele, too, were being rather suggestive with him, wiggling their little butts at him, holding his arm, acting like their foot hurt, smiling, even sliding a hand across their hips under the edge of their bikini bottom, pulling it outwards as if to adjust it while his eyes followed the erotic move.
Breaking the spell, “Well, I’m glad to see everyone is in such a good mood today!” Lisa kidded them as she arrived with gear from the camp.
“You get William to guide you today. There’s a run of class V’s, so you need to listen and obey him completely.”
The girls cheered and laughed, “Oh, we will obey ALL his commands, alright!”
Will blushed again, still wondering if Lisa knew.
The rapids gave them all quite a ride, but the girls, with Will’s help, made it just fine. Lisa had taken the supply raft through first after she and Will had scouted some of the runs.
“Lisa, you ok? Nothing bothering you?” Will offered when they were out of sight of the girls.
“Sure, no problem. I think the question is, are YOU ok? You’ve acted a bit ... funny ... today.”
He suppressed a gulp and tried not to act like the cat that ate the canary.
“Sure. Just a bit ... tired.”
“Yeah, it was kinda noisy last night.”
‘Oh God, she knows!’ he thought, “Ah, I didn’t notice.”
“Oh, yes, just some of the girls were running around last night. I didn’t bother them since I figured they wouldn’t go far. They settled down finally.”
“Oh.” He didn’t want to say more, not knowing what else she had figured out.
By the time they got to their second camp, the girls were worn out. They barely were able to prep their tents, crawl in and fall asleep. It was just mid-afternoon, and Will had initially planned a short hike to some ruins, but he just left them. He and Lisa prepped for dinner and only woke the girls when it was nearly ready. They only got up to eat because they were so hungry and it smelled so good. Afterward, all were back in their tents by early dusk. Even Will turned in early. Though Lisa joined him in his tent this time. They just slept, and none of the girls stirred until early the next morning.
Lisa woke to see two little faces looking into her and Will’s tent.
“Well, hello, girls!” Lisa greeted them. They just tittered and said they felt much better today.
Another day on the river, this time just a couple hours, and they made it to their departure point.
Looking around, Mele asked, “How do we get back?”
“Walk!” Will said.
“WALK?!” Mele and Tiare said together, staring wide-eyed at Will.
“It’s only about a day’s hike. Remember, the river winds around while our trail is straighter. As the crow flies, it’s only about 10 miles.”
“Walk, how far?” Kalena asked, worried.
“A little farther than that.”
They looked stern at him.
“You can do it. You won’t have but a small day pack. And I know all of you are perfectly able.” He said, avoiding the answer.
Mele went back into her pouty mode, “I WON’T DO IT! I CAN’T!”
“You will, and you must! This is part of your preparation. Mele, don’t do that.” He deflected again.
“Preparation for what?” Palila asked, concerned.
“The primary goal for this exercise.”
“Huh?” they all chimed.
“Here, come over here. Look up there.” He pointed towards a mountain top.
“Huh? All I see is a mountain.”
“NO WAY! We can’t climb THAT.”
Lisa cracked up, “WAY! And yes, you can! We will PROVE it to you. This is your biggest goal.”
Tiare looked at the mountain top again, “There’s snow on it.”
“Yep, I get to teach you some ice climbing. Don’t worry; we have all the gear back at camp.”
The girls relented, but their faces reflected their fears.
The next morning, with much consternation, the group all started their hike out. Will was in front, and the girls trailed behind. It was nearly an hour into the hike before Kalena, at the back of the group, noticed that Lisa wasn’t behind them.
“Will! Lisa’s not here!” she called out.
“No worry. She had to stay with the rafts and gear. We’ll have to come back to pick her up.”
The girls froze. “WHAT! You mean we could have stayed there, and you would have come got us?”
He laughed, “Sorry, that’s not how this works. You hike out.”
Mele plopped down; the other girls used that as an excuse to rest as well.
“I WON’T DO IT! I want to go back and wait with Lisa.” Mele pouted.
Will stopped and looked at them all, his stern stance back again.
“Sure, go right ahead. Bye.”
Tears started down Mele’s face, “But, I don’t know the way. I could get lost.”
“True, so I would really prefer it if you all stayed together with me and complete this journey. You can do it.” He went on to tell them why this was required, not optional.
Tiare, who was closest to Will, jumped up and hung onto Will, looking back at Mele. Her little 4’ 10” body pressed tight to Will’s over six-foot height.
“I’m going with Will.” She exclaimed. He accepted her hug.
As he stood there, she looked like a little girl beside him, not a 16-year-old teen. She picked up her day pack and started slowly up the trail. The others moaned and followed suit. Will waited beside the path, encouraging each of them as they passed. Mele gave in, wiped her tears, and started as well. She came to Will and like Tiare, hugged him tightly, her slightly taller five-foot frame pressed against his.
She looked up at him and bashfully whispered, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I ... I...”
“It’s ok. See, you can do it. You are stronger than you think. Stronger willed if nothing else!”
She held her face up, even raised up onto her tiptoes in her shoes, wanting a kiss, but he just patted her and started off again. She determined right then and there, she would do something about that. She wasn’t a virgin, after all.
After several more hours of hiking, with numerous stops, including a few where the river came beside the trail and a scramble down by all the girls while Will stayed discreetly out of sight, they stopped for lunch in a shady area with a large flat rock. Will pulled out the sandwiches and nuts, apples, and honey (the girls had long given up being very picky. Amazing what exercise, outdoors, and hunger does.) The girls pulled off their shoes and socks, leaning against their packs and wiggling their toes.
“Ah, you might not want to do that. Your feet will swell. But, hopefully, you can loosen your shoestrings enough to get back into them.”
After lunch and a short break, they discovered he was right. But it felt so good to have their shoes off, they didn’t care. He had to bandage a few blisters before their boots went back on anyway.
While they ate, Mele came and sat beside Will, “Thank you, and I’m sorry.”
He laughed, “Mele, you’re fine. You already apologized.”
“Do you like me?”
He thought, ‘Uh oh, here it comes. Shit, I’ve seen her ... naked.’ He felt stirring in his shorts.
“Of course, Mele. You are an adorable girl.”
She didn’t like ‘girl.’
“I’m a young woman!” she said forcefully, even if at just at a whisper.
“And you’ve SEEN me! HELD me! ... kissed me.” Her voice petering out at the last few words.
He blushed, “Yes. And yes, you are a wonderful young woman.”
She put her hand into his. He felt her soft little hand and had to look away from her beautiful face. She was nearly aglow. Her blue eyes were entrancing. He rubbed her fingers and palm and then let go, composed himself and pushed away his desire to kiss her, got up, and told everyone to get ready to leave.
“How FAR?” was the first question, of course.
“I’ll tell you when we get there,” he deflected.
After what seemed like forever, but was just several more hours of up and down, left and right, one foot in front of the other, the girls all cranky and complaining, they turned a bend, and there was their cabin. It was late afternoon when they arrived.
“OH MY GAUD! Home! We made it!” they all were re-energized and headed for their cabin, dumping their packs and boots and socks on the steps and crashing into their beds.
Finally, Palila rolled over as Will dumped their stuff just inside the cabin door.
“Ok, BUSTER, how far did we walk?”
“About 18 miles,” he said nonchalantly.
“18 MILES!!!”
He heard nothing but screams and moans and cries until he finally left them.
“See, you guys are better than you thought!”
A sandal was tossed at him as he closed the door.
After a couple hours, they started to stir; nature calls and desires for food urged them on.
“I have BLISTERS!” “I can’t WALK! I’m LAME!” “I HURT ALL OVER!”
“Here’s medicine and band-aids for your feet, aspirin for your pains, and ... IT’S A MIRACLE! You can WALK!”
They all glared at him. “FOOD! Are you starving us now?”
He laughed and started pulling out things for dinner. And, yes, they had to help prepare it.
After gobbling up more food than they had eaten in what seemed like forever, the girls headed off to get a shower, except for Mele, who came around to Will again. She was really buttering him now. Her shirt was tied well up her chest, showing off her dark-skinned well-muscled abdomen, her sport shorts pushed down far below her belly button and tight on her hips. Bare feet, and bare arms, though he had seen more of her, much more, she looked even sexier now, every curve accentuated.
“Aren’t you going to pick up Lisa and the rafts?” she asked timidly as if she already knew the answer.
“Uh, no, too late. Lisa knew it would be tomorrow...” He replied, then realizing ‘Shit! Alone with these four.’
He added, “Aren’t you tired? And going to bed, I mean going to sleep early?”
She didn’t answer but instead leaned against his arm. Her hand moved into his. He stood up quickly.
“Oh! I need to finish up before dark. You should, too, I mean...”
She responded, “I’m going to take a shower. I probably stink!” and she started unbuttoning her shirt.
He quickly averted his eyes, not knowing if she was going to completely disrobe right here. But she stopped, leaving her shirt tied off but buttons all undone, breasts visible and nipples peeking as she moved.
“Will, I COULD use some help.”
“What?” he flustered.
“The pump. Remember the shower pump. You pump me, and I could then pump you.”
“Oh, I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” he asserted, even as his little man stirred at the thought of seeing ... and feeling her sexy cute body.
“Suit yourself, I’ll have to see if Kalena or the others can.”
“Yes, yes, that will be good.”
He busied himself as she left, her perfect little butt swinging her tight shorts as she left. He took a deep breath to calm himself.
As he finished up and was about to head to the cabin, Palila sauntered up wrapped in a towel that only reached to just below her crotch, with another towel being used to dry her hair. He tried not to think that she was totally nude under that little cloth and that they had been lovers just a few days ago.
“Hi, Will! I feel much better now. Thank you for everything. Even as hard as today was, I kinda enjoyed it.”
“I’m glad,” is all he could safely manage.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?”
‘Uh oh,’ he thought.
“Sure.” And he sat down.
She sat beside him. He tried not to stare at her bare thighs and hints of what was between her legs.
“I told you about being adopted out when we were just babies.”
“You know that I wasn’t a virgin.”
“Uh, yeah,” he replied quietly.
“Oh, it’s ok, I’m on the Pill ... but you probably knew that from going through OUR stuff.”
“Uh, sorry ... yes.”
“My mom and dad, our adoptive parents, brought us to America. We moved around quite a lot. My dad was a contractor for the government. So it was kinda hard to make friends, especially as we got older. Some of the places we went, well, the other kids didn’t like us. I think some didn’t like our, well, looks. Beauty, I mean. Girls were kinda jealous, I guess. And boys, they ... well ... liked us too much.”
“Palila, you four are, I hate to say it, but, yes, you guys are stunningly beautiful,” he regretted saying it already. Not to feed their ego, but admitting his own attraction, likely much like the boys she just mentioned.
She blushed and leaned against him, her towel parted at the leg where it was wrapped around her. Her bare hip was now visible to him.
“Thank you, Will, but yeah, I guess that was part of the problem. Can a girl be TOO pretty? I kinda got with the wrong crowd. Wrong guys. I guess I was just lonely.”
“Palila, you don’t have to tell me. And I think you are smart and competent young women.”
“And pretty?”
He smiled at her, “Yes, pretty, very ... and silly too!”
He couldn’t resist. He tickled her side. She giggled and laughed.
“Stop! Stop!” she laughed, losing control of her towel. It parted both at the top and then at the bottom. She grabbed at it to cover her breasts, while her bush and pussy were exposed.
“Now look what you made me do! This is serious. I’m trying to talk to you!”
“Sorry! I relent,”, he couldn’t resist one more quick pinch, “Go on, go on. I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
“You better!” she adjusted herself but ended up pressed against him.
He helped her cover her modesty and then put one arm around her. She wiped a tear out of her eye.
“I hope that was a tear of joy...”
She ignored him and continued, “The boys I was with were bad. They hurt. My first time.”
That stopped him. He hugged her closer, knowing that is really hard on a girl.
She took a breath, “anyway. I, ah, I have a ... request.”
“Uh, oh ... kay...” he worried.
“My sister.”
“Tiare? Oh, I don’t mean to let her, ah ... I mean, I know she likes me...”
“No, no, I think you don’t understand. She is a virgin. I want you to be her first.” she blurted it out.
“Oh! Uh, I uh, I really don’t think that is a good idea at all. I mean, she’s...”
“Young, yes. I was 14 for my first. It was terrible. It made me not care. Not care what I did after.”
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"Now, that's a jolt! Time for a family meeting, right now," Tonto said with urgency. "What's up?" Rob asked. "Should we meet all together or can we do this by sub-vocalization?" "Together, I think," Tonto replied. "You are all in close proximity except Val, her husband Dan and his sister, Maria. They were helping Horace move the last of the livestock into the farm module. They are now headed toward the bridge at my request, as it is a good meeting place for all of us. Make sure...
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Sandra's smile was so broad that she appeared to be beaming from ear to ear. Her pixie face was transformed by the great joy she was experiencing. She clung to Rob with one arm, her dad with the other and was calling for Katie to join them in a group hug. "I feel so wonderful, I cannot believe this can be real. Not only do I have my closest family in my arms, but I can sense Tonto and am able to feel and experience each of the three baby girls developing in my womb. Their little brains...
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"Sara, are you awake yet?" Val asked. The young girl snuggled into Val's shoulder as they lay entwined in the big bed in Val's quarters. They had spent almost four hours in the 'getting to know you' process with Tonto. "Sweetheart, I now know why Jason took to you instantly and why Doctor Sandra had such a special interest in you too," Val said. "You are special, you are tougher than nails, and you are so filled with love. You are a beautiful addition to our family and my only regret...
Tapping her spoon against the coffee cup, Grandmother raised her voice, “Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s bring this meeting to order.” Pausing for a moment, she turned to the burly man at the door. “Provost Marshall, is everybody here?” “Aye Grandmother all present. We’re swept sealed and shielded.” “Thank you, David,” turning back to the assembled group she started. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this meeting of the Seward’s Folly command group is called to order. We’ll start with the...
The room was filled with women. Most were on the edges of the space, but the most important occupants were seated at the u-shaped table that took up the center of the room. The room grew quiet when a door opened to the side of the room next to the chair that occupied the head of the table. Agnes Seward came into the room. She was moving slowly but steadily. She stopped in front of the table and looked around. “Ladies, I call the meeting to order. Mary, do we have a quorum?” she slowly sat...
After the end of the Earth-Mars war, many naval personnel, from both sides, ended up in the Martian system looking for work. Some of these ex-military people ended up mining the asteroid belt. If you listened to the corporate recruiters, everybody working for them had made fortunes in the belt. If you checked around, you would soon find that working for a corporation was a form of slow suicide. Better to take a walk outside without a suit. The corporations also hired their own “Security...
Three days after my meeting with Agnes Seward, I took their shuttle over. I shared the ride with two very hungover contractors and a load of supplies for one of the many departments onboard a mining ship. When I arrived, I met a young lady who told me her name was Mary and she was Grandmother Seward’s secretary. I resolved that I would have to remember the Grandmother title. Mary led me to Grandmother Seward’s office. When I entered, Agnes stood and held her hand out. “Captain Sullivan, I’m...
The Congressional meeting hall was filled. Both the ships Congress and the Mother’s Council were in attendance. While this hadn’t been a required meeting, if you didn’t have duties, you were expected to be there. There was a low rumble of conversation. From the door to the side of the stage, the provost marshal came in. “Ladies and gentlemen Grandmother Seward.” everyone stood and faced the door. Grandmother Seward came into the room. There was quiet applause that quickly ended when she took...
Floyd’s dad Wayne Turner was a longtime member of the security division. His job was to do background checks on prospective new family members and contractors. Currently, he didn’t have much to do. The ship was in a refitting stage, and there were no requests for backgrounds. This meant that Wayne had plenty of free time it gave him time for his second job. Wayne was a respected member of his neighborhood. The folks that lived on his level respected him and his word. And not just because he...
For the next hour, Susan was jumping on and off the express. She would walk around, reversing directions looking at the reflection in store windows. All the time worried that she was being followed. Sure that at any time, there would be a hand grabbing her shoulder. At one point, she considered heading to her quarters. But halfway there, she realized that would be the obvious place to be waiting for her. She felt that he was running out of time and was beginning to panic. She decided that...
Standing in the doorway, the room looked like a disaster had struck. Access panels were open. Workers and technicians were involved in various mysterious jobs. There was a babble of voices, each seeming to be louder than the others. A loud voice, not yelling, but carrying over the chatter of various repairmen and technicians. “Attention on deck Captain on the bridge.” All conversation stopped, while most everyone stood up in at least a semblance of attention. Some, particularly those with...
The first thing the next day, I surprised Lucy Golden in her office. She had just finished meeting her section bosses and assigning the days jobs. I was seated in her outer office, talking to her secretary. A nice young lady, petite and cute. I’m sure that she was a heartbreaker in the wardrooms. “Captain,” Lucy was surprised. “What can I do for you? I thought I was going to have some time for the wish list you wanted.” While she was talking, she waved me into her office. “No, Ms. Golden,...
As we stepped into the electronics bay, I was stunned. The noise, hustle, and bustle were surprising. Given the quiet of the maintenance bay, this was pandemonium. Kids were laughing and singing. Several adults were circulating through the room, supervising what was happening on the work tables. An older, dark-haired man watched what was happening from an elevated desk on the far side of the room. When we came in, he was talking to a pair of kids. Showing them something on a piece of...
David Barth, April, and I were in my ready room discussing the Security resupply wish list and the installation of some new equipment. And the groundside technicians that had to be brought in for it. When alarm klaxons started sounding. And an Intruder alert was announced on the public address system. “Intruder alert, Isolation protocols are going into effect, Airtight doors are being secured.” I looked at David. I could tell that the same thought was going through our minds, an intruder...
I smiled at the kid as I sat in the chair next to the bed. “Hi, I’m Henry Sullivan. I’m the Captain of this ship. What’s your name?” The kid stared at me, a sullen look on his face. “Nunya” was his answer. I knew what was going to come next, so before he could continue, I interrupted. “Nice to meet you Mr. Business. It seems that we need to decide what we are going to do with you. Do you have any ideas?” The kid didn’t say anything, just sat and glared at me. “How about some lunch? Are...
It was just after a thoroughly disgraceful lunch when Emily received the e-mail. It was short, only one word, but it’s meaning was huge. Anyone reading it would be confused as to its meaning. Those that knew it for a coded message couldn’t even guess at the meaning. When Emily read the message, fear came over her. These messages were never to her benefit. Calling Jessica into her office, she ordered that a shuttle be laid on for her. And passage to the surface be booked immediately. Ignoring...
David, April, and I were at the loading dock. David had assembled an assault team. 7 of his finest. They were double-checking their weapons and communications equipment. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be needed, but just in case they would be ready. I had just confirmed that David’s friend was standing by when Paul showed up in his patient gown. “And just what are you doing, Paul? I don’t think Doc Holland will be too happy with you wandering around outside sickbay.” “I’m going with you. I want...
Emily was in a foul mood. Even the treat of shopping wasn’t enough to lighten it. Her mood was further darkened when she was told that the shuttle from Port Lowell to the station would be delayed for an hour. Her demands for consideration of her position on the Seward’s Folly fell on deaf ears. She was informed that a police action as in progress, and all flights were delayed. When she finally arrived on Mars station, she was again informed of another delay. The Seward’s shuttles were tied...
It's 6 Months; 202 Days After Jenny's Disappearance Detective Chief Inspector Grantby stands at lectern at the front of the room. To his right a computer projector displays a slide show, summarising the essentials of the case, the web of personal relationships, photographs of the missing woman and her associates and a map of Central London annotated with the limited number of things that they knew about her whereabouts on the afternoon she disappeared. It's the fourth unsolved missing...
As I browsed through the profiles on xhamster, I cam across a lady from the states, well I say lady, as the story continues, she was far from a lady, she became my dirty anal slut for 3 weeks. We chatted for a few week's, then she invited me over to the states so we could meet in person.A week later I was on a plane & off to meet this beautiful woman in person.Karolina met me at the airport, she was as gorgeous as her photo's suggested,lovely long dark hair, beautiful smile,slim with an...
Full Moon Rising: Part 1 On a dreary, meek night; I found myself alone, walking down Poplar Ave after a rocking party. "REX...What happen to, "I'll be your wing man?"... What a douche, walking off with a blonde bimbo. Knowing him, he's somewhere out in the middle of the Minnesota timbers getting it on like the horny mutt he is," I mumbled. In the distance I could hear a car coming up beside me. "Hey look, if it isn't bawl. What's the matter? Bawling because your...
Juan is your typical stressed out college student. But he has a secret power – his step-aunt Katrina’s magical massage hands. When his Uncle offers Katrina’s services up, Juan welcomes the help. But when she starts rubbing and touching him, something pops up and his step-auntie notices. Embarrassed, Juan runs off to his room. Katrina follows him and assures him there is nothing to worry about. She says she can finish him off with her magical hands to relieve his tension. She...
xmoviesforyouWhen Grandfather had installed the indoor plumbing, he hadn't included a bathtub - he only bathed once a week and then only if he thought it necessary. But having a female back in the house forced him to accommodate certain silliness. So, for her, he had bought a tub that was kept behind a screen in the kitchen. Filling it was easier in the kitchen and it was always warm in there. The screen gave her privacy. James thought that for a man without a woman to guide him, he had done pretty well...
Author’s Note I am deeply indebted to ‘searchingforperfection’ for his editing skills, without which this would have been a lesser story. The story was inspire by ‘The walls’ a short story by Mark Billingham. You wouldn’t call Maidstone a pretty town. It used to be a market town, where local farmers brought their livestock and produce to sell. Little of the old town remains. The markets have long since been replaced by shopping malls and office blocks. The river, which is its most picturesque...
This is raj from kolkata 23 years male. Doing job in Kolkata in an international call center. Please send me your feedbacks on this is my 1st story so friends please comment on the story and give a positive feedback on .. My family lives in kharagpur. Well it started when we all went to village in srikakulam for my brothers marriage, so my dad told me to reserve tickets of all of us, so i did that at the same day.. N it was confirmed. At last the day came, we all packed our stuff and started...
In a scandalous purple G string and gaudy cheetah tights, teen Brooklyn Gray has never looked hotter. She shakes her jiggly ass for the camera, showing off every bit of her incredibly bodacious body with a confidence that comes from years of guys stopping to stare. When our stud shows up, she gets on her hands and knees and crawls towards him seductively. She cannot wait to sit her tight slit on his big cock. First, she lubricates his shaft with her stringy spit. Then, she twerks on his love...
xmoviesforyouThe door creaked open, and I did my best to hide behind the door of the last cubicle in the bathroom. "Hello?" Came a voice that was soft and distinctly feminine. The voice of someone I knew. Someone from my SAC class. Nicki Lore. Nicki Whore. Oh, how I wanted to fuck her. "Jack, are you in here?" She called. "Miss Beckins wants to see you." I stepped out from inside the cubicle and looked at the thin fuckable body of the girl before me. "I bet she does," I said. "But you know...
In a flailing of arms and a loud and painful splash, Brannir, had fallen into the water. His ship had been rammed by a Theocracy war barge. As a rigger, he had been up in the sails, trying to shift them to turn the clumsy Coghlandish vessel from its course to avoid that occurrence. Obviously, they had failed. It had been a tight race, their ship was outmatched by the barge, but as they had started the inevitable struggle to try to outsail the oar-driven vessel of the Theocracy, a sleek black...
Ashley Capistan and Jennifer Fergoski both celebrated their twenty-first birthday. Both girls were five-ten, both weighed the same, they both had strawberry blonde hair that hung straight to mid back. Both girls had 34-23-30 hourglass figures, nice round and firm C-cup breasts, and what many would call beautiful bubble butts. If one would put the two girls side by side, they would pass as twins! They were twins! Unfortunately the two girls were separated at birth, given up for adoption by a...
Aubrey Sinclair takes on the largest cock on the planet, is it going to fit in her tight pussy? Aubrey’s still pretty new to interracial, we had her first interracial scene here at JJV a couple months ago, but that doesn’t stop her from wanting the biggest black cock around. This size queen is looking super sexy in her hot pink lingerie and stockings as she shows off her tight body while she waits for that BBC. Her mouth is watering from just the thought of that cock being all hers...
xmoviesforyouOnce upon a time… silent intruders came out of the frosty night, their greedy eyes upon the horses. Kirnan’s big paint stallion, Cinco, was prize enough to warrant a thief risking his personal well being, and the Catcher’s fast black gelding was not an undesirable commodity. As always, Kirnan moved quickly for a man his size and, before the Catcher could blink fully awake, the gunman was out of his blankets and off into the moonless night, nothing but starlight on the frosty cloud left by his...
Brenda was frantic; she had just received news that the institution that housed her daughter for the last twelve years was closing. The reasons given were either 'financial' or 'the institutions were a violation of the rights of the inhabitants'. It would be more in their interests to be with their families, so the 'good doers' of society said. "Families", Brenda screamed. "The family had almost been destroyed when Belinda was home. From the age of ten she had totally gone off the...
Dear Willow and family, I know that I can't do everything. The question always is: Have I done enough? Have I expended all my effort on something that will help. Or am I just standing in the way? One thing I know is that I don't want to stand in the way. With that in mind I've been looking over the specifications of the armor you described. You or someone sent me a bookmark in the archives so that I didn't have to search for it. That was especially helpful as having to find something is...
Hello ISS Readers, I am Aditya. Fairly new to this website. I am gonna tell you the tale of myself and Charu my personal assistant and how we got sexually involved in the office. I was always busy in work especially after my breakup. Since Charu has been working for me for the last 3 years she normally gets my mood and plans the whole day accordingly. She could sense something was wrong my life. It was then that she asked me one day “Sir, everything fine back home?”. I replied a modest “yes”. A...
When I was growing up in the cotton mill villages of North Carolina almost all the kids had to work in one way or another as there never seemed to be enough money to go around. In most places I lived my job was as the local paperboy. I got to know most of the people in the villages and had many opportunities for sex that other boys didn't have. I remember one time in particular. There was this nice looking young girl about sixteen or seventeen named Hilda Lewis who had felt the call of nature...
As Tina spied on her parents having sex, she could see her dad’s huge cock slamming in and out of her mum’s pussy, her mum moaned and groaned as he rammed his log into her, she could see her mums huge tits swaying as Maureen (Tina’s mum) moaned begging for more Ted (Tina’s dad) spanked Maureen as she begged for a good fucking, Tina could feel her pussy getting wet, as she run her hands over her young tits, Tina was 18 and had just finished college and had the summer to rest before university,...
Last week, Nicole was getting cramps and told me she thought it was close enough to call her dad so he could be here for the delivery of his baby. I contacted him and he drove 1000 miles this weekend to be here. You should have seen the looks on their faces when he arrived. Those two were total bliss. I took care of my own two children by taking them to the zoo and aquarium, leaving Frank and Nicole to be alone for the day. I know they had to have had some wonderful pregnant sex with...
Crystal Today, I get Vicky out of her cage. I think she did get some sleep, particularly since she does not have to wear the leg spreaders anymore. Her rings are healing well, with no sign of infection. I take her to Master Robert's bathroom. Master Robert is still in bed with Yukiko. I slept alone last night. I actually enjoyed it, sleeping by myself for a change. Yukiko's face has a "well fucked look" I try to read Vicky's expression; is there a pang of jealousy? I wonder. Once in...
My Brother, My Sister ? Part II By Michele Nylons From Part I He turned his back to me and started walking away with the rest of his gang slowly following laughing and jeering amongst themselves. Tom, my brother the rapist, who had used me last, suddenly broke away from the gang and ran back to me. 'What now', I thought. My younger brother knelt beside me, lifted my head and gave me a soft passionate kiss. He whispered in my ear, "Thanks most...