Outward Bound
- 4 years ago
- 21
- 0
The Congressional meeting hall was filled. Both the ships Congress and the Mother’s Council were in attendance. While this hadn’t been a required meeting, if you didn’t have duties, you were expected to be there. There was a low rumble of conversation.
From the door to the side of the stage, the provost marshal came in. “Ladies and gentlemen Grandmother Seward.” everyone stood and faced the door. Grandmother Seward came into the room. There was quiet applause that quickly ended when she took her place at the podium.
“Good morning, everybody. I called this meeting to introduce our new Captain. As you are all aware, Captain Greene has retired. Before he left, he offered his advice on a replacement. I have talked to that person and found him more than qualified to assume command.” she turned to me and beckoned me forward. “Ladies and Gentleman Captain Henry Sullivan.”
As I stepped up to the podium, there was some polite scattered applause. “Thank you, Madam Grandmother.”
I stood there for a moment and surveyed the crowd smiling. “It has always surprised me on how a new commander is greeted. Sometimes politely, sometimes rudely. But usually, on that first meeting, there is suspicion and fear. Fear of change. A suspicion that the new boss will find them lacking and send them down the road.”
“I have no intention to cause a wholesale clearing of the deck. I will, however, be looking at each and every one of you. If you are doing your job satisfactorily, you’ll have nothing to worry about.”
“Let me assure you that my sole goal is for the safety and welfare of the ship’s crew. And the safe operation of this ship. I’ll have little tolerance for anything that will jeopardize either.”
“I recognize that there are two levels of authority here. There is a social and organizational authority. With Grandmother Seward as its leader. There is also an operational and defensive authority. That authority rests with me. No one else. If you have an objection to an order, I expect you to carry out that order. Immediately and completely. You can complain later, but the order will be carried out.”
A woman in the second row stood up. Everyone in the room immediately recognized who she was. There was an air of anticipation in the room.
She was the lady from the Mother’s Council. I said nothing but looked at her and waited. And waited. Finally I said, “I hadn’t planned on a question and answer session. But you seem to have something to say. Common courtesy would be that you identify yourself. I’m waiting.”
Obviously, she wasn’t used to being spoken to this way. An air of arrogance had replaced her earlier demeanor.
“Captain Sullivan I am Emily Johnson of the Mother’s Council. What are your qualifications to command this ship? It has come to my attention that you were expelled from the Federal Navy for insubordination and other offenses. Why should we allow you to board our ship, let alone command it.?
The room was deathly quiet. When Grandmother started to rise, I motioned for her to stay.
Facing away from Johnson, I addressed the room. “Let’s get something straight right now. I am here for an introduction, not an interview. I am not looking for your approval. I answer to one person and one person only. That is Grandmother Seward. She hired me. Note that I said she hired me, past tense. Not you, not the Mother’s Council. And she’s the only one that can fire me.” I turned to Agnes. “How about it, Ma’am? am I the Captain of this ship?”
She was grinning like the Cheshire cat. “Yes, Captain, I hired you. And as long as I am Grandmother, you’ll stay Captain.”
Turning back, I focused on Johnson. “My biography is on the ship’s network. Everyone can access it, including you lady. I have nothing to hide, nor am I ashamed of anything I have done.” looking up, I addressed the room. “Let me repeat this, the safety and welfare of the ship’s crew. And the safe operation of this ship is my main concern. I’m willing to take suggestions that are politely offered. But the final decision will rest on my shoulders and no others.”
“Now we have wasted too much of the ship’s time as it is. I will be calling in the various department and division heads for one on one meetings. We will discuss your wants and needs as far as the ship goes. Be prepared, people. I ask tough questions and don’t tolerate a lot of BS. Now,” turning to Grandmother, “With your permission Ma’am?” she nodded a smile on her lips. Turning back to the crowd. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this meeting is concluded and you are dismissed.” I turned and unnecessarily helped the old lady stand up and escorted her out of the room.
When the door closed, the room erupted. Some voices were angry, others were amused. But most of the people were quiet and thoughtful as they filed from the room.
Emily Johnson and two of her followers stood off to the side of the room. “I don’t like this, Emily. This guy is too smart. I don’t think we can handle him as we did with Greene.”
“Don’t worry about it, Susan” Emily smiled. “Every man can be handled. You just need the right grip.”
The third member of the group spoke up. “I’d be really careful, Emily. His wife is no fool, either.”
Johnson glared at her. “Jessica, give me some credit I’ve been working on this for years. Now that it’s almost in our hands, I’m not about to foul it up.”
She noticed that one of the cleaning crew seemed to be paying too close of attention to their group. She smiled a blazing smile at him. He looked confused, and shyly returned the smile. Without moving her lips, she murmured, “Let’s take this somewhere else. There are too many ears around.”
She turned to the nearest door and started striding from the room. Her minions close on her heels.
After leaving the room, Emily asked, “Who was that boy listening in on our conversation? what do we know about him?”
Nobody admitted knowing. “Susan,” Emily said, “Found out who he is? his family, everything. Get back to me as quickly as you can.”
“Yes, Aunty Johnson.” she left the group and returned to the conference room.
When Susan found the team leader of the cleaning crew, she started grilling him on the snoop.
Bud Finley was the oldest member of the cleaning crew. Normally he would have been on the serving staff, but a complaint from one of the high and mighty ladies on the Mother’s Council had him demoted to dishwasher. This had been over a year ago. The complaint was that he had deliberately served her cold soup and then was rude to her when she asked for it to be warmed up. What had really happened was that she had scolded him three times about her soup. Bud had not been rude, but the third time he brought it back, he accidentally spilled some. The spill wasn’t deliberate and didn’t even land on the lady. His defense wasn’t enough. She was a member of the Council, after all.
The head steward had taken the easy route and removed Bud from the serving staff and put him on the dishwashing crew. He told Bud, “Don’t worry about it, kid. I’m doing this for your benefit. If you are out of sight, you’ll be out of mind. Keep your nose clean with me, and I’ll move you up when I can. Then when you hit 18, you can test for some other job and then move on with your life.”
My life wasn’t all Seward’s Folly. There were times that April and myself had time for ourselves and each other. This was one of those times. Or at least it started that way. April and I were playing chess and enjoying life. Then my communicator demanded attention. “Captain Sullivan here.” “Captain Sullivan, it’s good to hear your voice again.” “Commander Olivet? It’s good to hear from you. Have you decided to accept our offer? and have you found your second.” “The answer to both is, yes...
As we came into sickbay, it was a picture of organized chaos. Medical staff were scurrying about from one room to the next. You could feel the urgency in the air. And yet it was surprisingly calm and quiet. Doc Holland was standing at the central desk, talking to a formidable-looking nurse. She had a grim look on her face and was nodding her head to what Holland was saying. As he turned from her, he spotted me and started towards us. “Captain, any idea what is going on?” Before I could...
After my enforced medical vacation, life went on. Paul and his sister were doing well in school, and his mother was acclimating with the ship and the rest of the family. She was becoming quite well-liked, particularly with the parents and her students. Preparations for the coming launch were going well. I had just finished lunch with April and was going over some division reports. I wasn’t paying too much attention to the reports. My real purpose was Paul. I was waiting to begin taking him...
As we got closer to the Reclamation area, we could see the Alpha/Omega symbols on the double doors. I could also tell that Paul wasn’t happy about this visit. When we entered, a tall thin man dressed in a black suit stood up from the reception desk. “Captain Sullivan?” “Correct, are you Mr. Garcia?” “No sir, I am Jenkins. I’m a public relations specialist. Which is a fancy label for receptionist. Mr. Garcia is expecting you. Please make yourself comfortable, while I let him know you’re...
I had just come from a meeting with the food services and supply people. We had been discussing dry goods. What we had on hand, what we needed, and what we could make ourselves. It was a long and boring meeting. After all, how much can be said for herbs and spices? I’m sure that the topic is interesting to some folks. I had to struggle to stay awake and interested. Finally, the meeting concluded, and as usual, nothing was decided, and everything was to be discussed at the next meeting,...
As time went by, it seemed that we weren’t making any headway. Morale started to become a problem. That’s when I started the status board. Anybody could access the display, and some of the public monitors displayed it all time. It was very simple, each division, section, and area of the ship was displayed. To the side of them was a color code. Green, yellow, and red. Red obviously meant that serious work needed to be done. Yellow meant that work was progressing but not yet finished. Green...
The Congressional meeting hall was full. All members of the ships Congress that were able to attend were there. There was a muted hum of general conversation. Everyone was aware of today’s purpose. A door at the rear of the room opened, and two men entered. One tall, well-built, and muscular. The other several inches shorter and heavyset. As they were spotted, the hall grew quiet. The shorter man, who was carrying a 6-foot staff, rapped it heavily on the deck. The iron heel of the staff was...
The gangway to the Mars station wasn’t a physical gangway. It was impossible to have a physical connection between a ship as large as the Seward’s Folly and the station. The gangway actually was a series of docking ports where shuttles could connect with the station. It was used to transfer people and small cargo. The trip from the Seward took about 45 minutes. During that time, Clyde Kennedy and his partners enjoyed themselves. Laughing and telling stories. After all, they were being set...
After the mutiny attempt, and Emily Johnson’s exile, there was a somber mood on board. I had to work very hard at stopping any suspicions from running wild. This became more than apparent with Sergeant Jones’ refugees. There was an unspoken undercurrent among the crew and family that thought that they might have been involved in the mutiny. I started meeting with them informally. For the most part, the older members were in no condition to return to work. But they were aware of the animosity...
Finally, we were there. All lights were green. It was time to launch. But first, we needed to celebrate the occasion. The ship’s congressional meeting room had again been converted to a dining room. We couldn’t fit all of the crew and the contractors in there, but most of the division heads and all of the department heads were in attendance. Throughout the ship, parties were being held in housing plazas. The wardrooms and taprooms were also busy with the singles crowd. Paul and I were on the...
The bridge was crowded. Everyone that could come up with an excuse, and some that couldn’t, were standing around. I was in the command chair. April stood to my left, and Agnes stood to my right. There had been some discussion that she be seated in the command chair. Until I pointed out that the bridge was my command, and I should be the person sitting in that chair. I did suggest that another chair be brought in for Agnes. But she laughed and informed everyone that she wasn’t so old or...
The family stood around the tanning bed, watching the timer count down the last few minutes before the process would be complete. There had been some concern that five plus hours under the highest intensity light would be too much but Tonto had assured them that every bit of the light would be converted into internal energy to fuel the organic nanites as they completed the tasks Tonto had given them. Tonto warned that she would not emerge from the bed looking like the image they had all seen...
Jason, Ellie and Val winked into existence aboard the Harvest Moon and were ushered directly into a side alcove. The Marine Captain greeted them warmly but with clear deference showing in his manor. "Jason," he said, "you are to remain here with me while the ladies are boosted up. If you would like I could give you a tour of our ship and operations." Jason was nervous but hid it well, as he understood his part in this program. He was wearing civilian clothing that looked as if it might...
"Listen up folks," Rob shouted to get the attention of the extended family gathered in the hospital mess hall. "Time is short and we've had a small change of plans. The Confederacy AIs have been in touch with our assigned AI and we have more capability than we thought. There will be two ships, the Kedah is a fast Darjee vessel and it will be our transportation and temporary home, including all animal life that we wish to take. The second ship is designed by and crewed by humans and a...
"All right guys, it's time." Rob called the assembled family to attention. "Val, is everyone here?" Val, of course, was acting as Tonto's voice when she accurately reported everyone was in place and all supplies either in hand or properly stored throughout the hospital and the rest of the Naval Air Station. Rob continued, using a megaphone to assure that everyone could hear, "This set up is a little different than any you may have witnessed if you've seen extractions before. We are...
"Now, that's a jolt! Time for a family meeting, right now," Tonto said with urgency. "What's up?" Rob asked. "Should we meet all together or can we do this by sub-vocalization?" "Together, I think," Tonto replied. "You are all in close proximity except Val, her husband Dan and his sister, Maria. They were helping Horace move the last of the livestock into the farm module. They are now headed toward the bridge at my request, as it is a good meeting place for all of us. Make sure...
Even though Sara's hair was matted to her head by perspiration and she wore no make up, the beaming smile on her face made her beautiful. She sprang from the med-tube and gave Jason a huge hug and kiss. "Yes," she said, "Yes, I will be your concubine and will be with you forever. I feel so wonderful and I love you with all my heart. Let me get in the shower then I want to join your family in every possible way. Tonto has been filling my head with a complete history of all that I missed...
"Ladies and Gentlemen," Tonto's voice rolled the 'A' sound in Ladies and the 'N' in Gentlemen, just like an old time circus pitch man. "I am honored to present Doctor Horace Hamilton, veterinary surgeon and the newest member of the extended Tufts Family. He will be out of the med-tube in 20 minutes and we should all be on hand to greet him. He is now fully incorporated in the intelligence you so kindly refer to as Tonto." Sandra asked aloud, "Is he OK?" "Yes, Sandra," Tonto...
Sandra's smile was so broad that she appeared to be beaming from ear to ear. Her pixie face was transformed by the great joy she was experiencing. She clung to Rob with one arm, her dad with the other and was calling for Katie to join them in a group hug. "I feel so wonderful, I cannot believe this can be real. Not only do I have my closest family in my arms, but I can sense Tonto and am able to feel and experience each of the three baby girls developing in my womb. Their little brains...
After a brief lull Rob spoke up as if thinking aloud, "What would be created if the seven human brains that form the base network for a Tonto were the brains and minds of young men attending a terrorist Madras in a radical Islamic state? Or what if he should spring from the brain/minds of an Earth First terrorist cell? I can't even begin to wrap my thoughts around the evil that could result if a Tonto type organization's goals were bent on destruction." Tonto responded, "Now you begin...
"Sara, are you awake yet?" Val asked. The young girl snuggled into Val's shoulder as they lay entwined in the big bed in Val's quarters. They had spent almost four hours in the 'getting to know you' process with Tonto. "Sweetheart, I now know why Jason took to you instantly and why Doctor Sandra had such a special interest in you too," Val said. "You are special, you are tougher than nails, and you are so filled with love. You are a beautiful addition to our family and my only regret...
Tapping her spoon against the coffee cup, Grandmother raised her voice, “Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s bring this meeting to order.” Pausing for a moment, she turned to the burly man at the door. “Provost Marshall, is everybody here?” “Aye Grandmother all present. We’re swept sealed and shielded.” “Thank you, David,” turning back to the assembled group she started. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this meeting of the Seward’s Folly command group is called to order. We’ll start with the...
The room was filled with women. Most were on the edges of the space, but the most important occupants were seated at the u-shaped table that took up the center of the room. The room grew quiet when a door opened to the side of the room next to the chair that occupied the head of the table. Agnes Seward came into the room. She was moving slowly but steadily. She stopped in front of the table and looked around. “Ladies, I call the meeting to order. Mary, do we have a quorum?” she slowly sat...
After the end of the Earth-Mars war, many naval personnel, from both sides, ended up in the Martian system looking for work. Some of these ex-military people ended up mining the asteroid belt. If you listened to the corporate recruiters, everybody working for them had made fortunes in the belt. If you checked around, you would soon find that working for a corporation was a form of slow suicide. Better to take a walk outside without a suit. The corporations also hired their own “Security...
Three days after my meeting with Agnes Seward, I took their shuttle over. I shared the ride with two very hungover contractors and a load of supplies for one of the many departments onboard a mining ship. When I arrived, I met a young lady who told me her name was Mary and she was Grandmother Seward’s secretary. I resolved that I would have to remember the Grandmother title. Mary led me to Grandmother Seward’s office. When I entered, Agnes stood and held her hand out. “Captain Sullivan, I’m...
Floyd’s dad Wayne Turner was a longtime member of the security division. His job was to do background checks on prospective new family members and contractors. Currently, he didn’t have much to do. The ship was in a refitting stage, and there were no requests for backgrounds. This meant that Wayne had plenty of free time it gave him time for his second job. Wayne was a respected member of his neighborhood. The folks that lived on his level respected him and his word. And not just because he...
For the next hour, Susan was jumping on and off the express. She would walk around, reversing directions looking at the reflection in store windows. All the time worried that she was being followed. Sure that at any time, there would be a hand grabbing her shoulder. At one point, she considered heading to her quarters. But halfway there, she realized that would be the obvious place to be waiting for her. She felt that he was running out of time and was beginning to panic. She decided that...
Standing in the doorway, the room looked like a disaster had struck. Access panels were open. Workers and technicians were involved in various mysterious jobs. There was a babble of voices, each seeming to be louder than the others. A loud voice, not yelling, but carrying over the chatter of various repairmen and technicians. “Attention on deck Captain on the bridge.” All conversation stopped, while most everyone stood up in at least a semblance of attention. Some, particularly those with...
The first thing the next day, I surprised Lucy Golden in her office. She had just finished meeting her section bosses and assigning the days jobs. I was seated in her outer office, talking to her secretary. A nice young lady, petite and cute. I’m sure that she was a heartbreaker in the wardrooms. “Captain,” Lucy was surprised. “What can I do for you? I thought I was going to have some time for the wish list you wanted.” While she was talking, she waved me into her office. “No, Ms. Golden,...
As we stepped into the electronics bay, I was stunned. The noise, hustle, and bustle were surprising. Given the quiet of the maintenance bay, this was pandemonium. Kids were laughing and singing. Several adults were circulating through the room, supervising what was happening on the work tables. An older, dark-haired man watched what was happening from an elevated desk on the far side of the room. When we came in, he was talking to a pair of kids. Showing them something on a piece of...
David Barth, April, and I were in my ready room discussing the Security resupply wish list and the installation of some new equipment. And the groundside technicians that had to be brought in for it. When alarm klaxons started sounding. And an Intruder alert was announced on the public address system. “Intruder alert, Isolation protocols are going into effect, Airtight doors are being secured.” I looked at David. I could tell that the same thought was going through our minds, an intruder...
I smiled at the kid as I sat in the chair next to the bed. “Hi, I’m Henry Sullivan. I’m the Captain of this ship. What’s your name?” The kid stared at me, a sullen look on his face. “Nunya” was his answer. I knew what was going to come next, so before he could continue, I interrupted. “Nice to meet you Mr. Business. It seems that we need to decide what we are going to do with you. Do you have any ideas?” The kid didn’t say anything, just sat and glared at me. “How about some lunch? Are...
It was just after a thoroughly disgraceful lunch when Emily received the e-mail. It was short, only one word, but it’s meaning was huge. Anyone reading it would be confused as to its meaning. Those that knew it for a coded message couldn’t even guess at the meaning. When Emily read the message, fear came over her. These messages were never to her benefit. Calling Jessica into her office, she ordered that a shuttle be laid on for her. And passage to the surface be booked immediately. Ignoring...
David, April, and I were at the loading dock. David had assembled an assault team. 7 of his finest. They were double-checking their weapons and communications equipment. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be needed, but just in case they would be ready. I had just confirmed that David’s friend was standing by when Paul showed up in his patient gown. “And just what are you doing, Paul? I don’t think Doc Holland will be too happy with you wandering around outside sickbay.” “I’m going with you. I want...
Emily was in a foul mood. Even the treat of shopping wasn’t enough to lighten it. Her mood was further darkened when she was told that the shuttle from Port Lowell to the station would be delayed for an hour. Her demands for consideration of her position on the Seward’s Folly fell on deaf ears. She was informed that a police action as in progress, and all flights were delayed. When she finally arrived on Mars station, she was again informed of another delay. The Seward’s shuttles were tied...
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BDSMAuthors Note: Hi, welcome to 'Back Home Again'. This has been great fun to write, as always there will be lots more to come. Thanks for Reading. Enjoy. Dansak. (Caitlin) My older sister Laura is taking me in. Laura would say ‘I’m not taking you in, you’re coming back to the family home and for as longs as needs be’. I closed the door to my old apartment for the final time, put the keys behind the plant pot as requested and left. It’s going to take a while to get used to calling Laura’s place...
IncestAl and Stephanie looked like they belonged at the bike week celebration. Both were wearing tank tops; Al's showed off a powerful set of arms and a barrel chest. There was nothing barrel like about Stephanie's chest. She was blessed with an immensely huge set of knockers. Stephanie was a natural blonde wearing sunglasses. Al's arm was thrown around her shoulder. Like many of the men present at bike week, his head was shaved and he had a goatee. He also had an iron cross tattooed on one arm....
A well-off friend of mine held a fancy dress party last summer on his parents' large estate that was themed as 'Warriors and Amazons'. As I am vainly proud of my body and as it was a hot and humid day I turned up in just a loincloth, fluffy barbarian-like boots and a big silver sword. Many of our girl friends are very attractive and thanks to the scorching weather wore very little, many coming as Xena or her cute sidekick. I must have been half-stock under my loincloth most of the evening,...
Quickie SexIt was the spring of 1987. Kelly and I had visited some friends and, on a whim, took a backroads route home. It was dinner time on a Saturday. We spotted a bar in the middle of nowhere with a full parking lot and decided to pull in.We had great service and a great meal. It was more than halfway through our meal when I noticed him. He was working the dining room from table to table and certainly seemed like he was the manager or owner.I nudged Kelly. When she spotted him, her jaw hit the floor....
Office SexSlowly opening the large, iron door, Persephone stood face-to-face with two stunningly beautiful women, one of which she immediately recognized. “Melody ... it seems you’re alive,” she mused quietly. “I’m not so easy to get rid of.” “Apparently.” Turning to the other woman, she condescendingly asked, “And you are?” “Selena. Grand Vizier to King Farzan of the Water Jinn.” “Ah, I see ... the Council is not too happy with me, it seems. Well, I told Melody, and I’m telling you: leave my...
Ich stand vor der T?r der Nachbarin - ich wusste nicht einmal den Vornamen - in Windeln und gekleidet wie ein Baby. Und dazu mit einem Schnuller, der Sprechen unm?glich machte, und dicken Handschuhen, die zwar niedlich aussahen, aber das Benutzen der H?nde unm?glich machten. Ohne Hilfe konnte ich sie nicht ausziehen, und damit war ich so hilflos wie ich aussah, wie ein Baby. Ich konnte nicht einmal in mein Haus zur?ck, denn ich konnte die T?r nicht ?ffnen. Ich stand vor der T?r und ...
We had new neighbors move in next door at very beginning of summer. They seemed like a nice family with a high school aged son. I made an effort to meet them a day after they moved and took them a plate of homemade cookies. I gave them our name and phone numbers on a card in case they needed us for anything. They seemed grateful and thanked me.A couple of days later, I carried a load of laundry upstairs to our bedroom and began folding everything up to put away. I noticed the neighbor’s son...
This chapter starts out in the early spring. Kim has moved away to live with her aunt in another state where she will have her baby that she gives up for adoption. It is spring break for John and me both. John is going away with his dad on a week long fishing trip. He and I stood in the driveway waiting for his dad to come out. “Janet you do know I would rather spend my spring break with you.” “But I could not tell my dad no on going on this fishing trip,” John explained as he stood there...
Mai puja..mere jiju yash ne mujhe kaise choda ..unhi ki prerana pakarkar mai apani aapbiti sunane ke liye utawali ho rahi hoon. Ise aapjaise chahen len, pyar muhabbat se. Apana pyar de kar mujhe nihal karden jisase main aap ko har bar naye-naye tarah se deti rahoo. Meri bahan ki shadi abhi haal hi me hui hai. Jiju multi-national co.me ek achchhi post par hai. Sajeele sunder naw jawan jisaki chahat koibhee laraki kar sakati hai. Meri bahan bari seedhi hai aura paneduniya mein hi magan rahati...
Susan waited until eleven o'clock the following day, the Orioles' first day on the road, to call Zeke Taylor on his cell. She was trying for minimum feasible inconvenience to him. Knowing the club had a night game scheduled, she was trying to catch the ballplayer before he was likely to head out of his hotel room for lunch. "Mr. Taylor?" "Yes?" "This is Susan Munger. I'm the person Arlie Stone talked to you about. The writer looking for an agent to handle my novel." "Yes. What...
I’m bound face down on the bed, waiting to be fucked. Again. The only illumination is the digital blue of the clock, the numbers crawling slowly towards the next hour. Every hour, on the hour, he returns. It’s almost 6 am so this will make the seventh time. I tingle with anticipation, wondering what the coming hour will bring. Each time he surprises me. Each time I cum louder and harder than the time before. I’m sore, my arms and legs stretched out across the mattress, my ass and pussy still...
TabooWelcome to the story, please choose a character. The world building will soon comence tomorrow as I am more interested in where the story goes first. So please be patient with me as this is my first story. For now if you want some of the concept then look to the synopsis. I have returned to the story after several months break and shall be, hopefully, posting more regularly. Other than that I hope you enjoy. If you wish to add anything to the story please do :)
FetishHello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...
PART FOUR: THE PRIVATE DRESSING ROOM 100% fiction! One week later. The next week was great. I fucked my brother and although no uncle Danny, he sure was getting better. The master bedroom is now mine and mom often spends the night here most of the time. The sex was amazing, but we wanted to take my mom to the next level. We did not want to humiliate Carla’s mom in public because she had a high profile job and thought we may be able to use that to our advantage down the road. My mom though was a...
IncestWe sat at the kitchen table, having a quick breakfast before we left for our respective jobs. Patti was checking her make-up and I was trying to finish my coffee, as well as the sports section, before I hit the road. ‘How long is your cock, Matt?’ she asked. I avoided the spray of coffee all over the table like you see in the slapstick comedies, but some caffeine did dribble out my nose as I tried to stifle my reaction. I cleaned my upper lip with a napkin and stared at my wife. ‘What the...
Hello to all iss readers. Yeh meri first story hai jo ek sachi ghatna hai. Mera naam Nupur hai or me Dehradun me parti hoo or mera fig 34-26-30 hai. Jab mere sath ye ghatna hui tab mein bas 18 saal ki thi or tab me college me parti thi or tab bhi mere boobs ache dikhte the or unka size 32 tha. Mein apko bta doo k mera rang gora h or hieght 5’6 hai. Jab ye ghatna hui tab me college apni college van se jaya karti thi or me hmesha van mein driver ki sath vali seat pe betha krti thi. Meri van ka...