Love session in dermatology 4
- 3 years ago
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Why do we still think airports are places of glamour?
Why not call them the meat-packing factories they are, pushing long sausages of passengers’ flesh through portals and detector gates?
Tourists, businessmen, and all kinds of other travelers milled around the halls and corridors of Washington’s Dulles International Airport, spreading sweat and heat and noise and agitation.
But the tall and slender silver-haired creature at the center of this swirling circus didn’t seem to notice.
Aloof and serene, it split the crowd like a modern-day Moses – chin up, eyes high, one heeled foot sliding in front of the other.
Even the din seemed to quiet down where it went – as did the colors that swirled around, jumping off nylon jackets, red and yellow signs, pink suitcases and towering backpacks. Their shrillness leaked away, seemingly absorbed by the eye of a storm.
Everything about the pale creature looked elongated and vertical – as if contorted by a photographer’s lens. In the small circle it occupied, the creature seemed to magically recreate a long-lost era of quiet elegance.
For simplicity’s sake, let’s call it a she; the alternative would be so much more farfetched.
She was tall for a she, maybe over six feet on her heels. Her skin was way too soft and pale to even hint at maleness – too translucent maybe even for a woman.
The only pink in her face was on her lips. Her eyes were pale, sparkling sapphires, lighting up in a frame of smoky shadow. On top of her head floated a cloud of silver-white curls, pinned up to display the slender length of her neck – and make her look even taller.
All she seemed to wear today was a white, short trench coat, tied at her narrow waist and flaring out until it stopped at mid-thigh where bare legs took over, as pale as her face and plunging down forever – slender calves curving with each step of her towering heels.
Her hands were in her pockets and she walked as if the arrival hall was a catwalk – her eyes fixed on the EXIT sign.
No one would hesitate to call her a woman, and yet there was this little – something that the French call ‘je ne sais quoi’, I don’t know. Something you couldn’t put your finger on.
It was the small, exotic extra that took her face in less than two years to the cover of international magazines, and her body to every exclusive fashion show around the globe.
It was a lingering trace of ‘he’.
From behind his fortress of breathtaking beauty, Lucian Gaines absorbed the everyday insanity around him.
Or did he?
Did he notice the heads turning, the eyes lingering, searching, wondering? And did he care how behind those eyes brains processed his face, comparing it, deducing it until it would click into a slot of recognition – well-known images pouring in from magazines, posters, phone screens and tv-commercials?
Not really, he kept telling himself.
Everything those eyes saw was but a charade – a carefully constructed illusion. They knew him, they thought; or rather they knew her. But all they knew was what he showed them: his eyes, his hair, his skin, his legs, his Smile, his Glide.
All they saw was façade, wasn’t it?
He sighed as his feet found the next tile, and the next – the EXIT sign getting closer over the bobbing heads. His trained ears filtered the din, picking up the clicks of his heels and the slight squeak of the baggage-trolley that followed him.
Three big suitcases were on the cart, a bag and a beauty case, pushed by the small, sweaty man with the sad moustache; one of the many people he was supposed to ignore – servants, assistants, nobodies.
But Lucian knew the face of the man in every detail; the color of his eyes, the shape of his eyebrows, the faded blue of his shirt, the dark spots under his armpits.
He knew without looking; he’d learned to see without watching.
The man would despise him, he knew, thinking him a stuck-up bitch, a rich, spoilt brat – until Honor would hand him the fifty-dollar tip.
Lucian sighed, quickening his footsteps.
It was all about that, wasn’t it? Pre-judging, framing. He was a rich, arrogant bitch the moment the man saw him: he had too many and too big suitcases, he was too famous, too young. But still the man had scooted over in a hurry unless someone else might beat him to this morsel of business.
Money, it was all about money.
After Honor would hand him the tip, he’d still see Lucian as a rich bitch – just a bitch that tipped well.
Ah, Honor...
Sweet tiny beautician Honey Honor. How deep she’d blushed when Lucian asked her that day to leave with him as his assistant – two years ago. A soft-eyed blond little sweetheart she was, but one that turned into a roaring lioness whenever Lucian needed her to be – guarding his diary like a watchdog, scaring people into cooperation, opening doors, finding the best tables in the most famous restaurants.
And fucking like a pro.
Hearing the soft slide of her ballet shoes on the tiles made Lucian imagine the calm grey eyes under thick blond bangs; the pouting lips – the shining top bulging with her generous tits, a present Lucian gave her, knowing it had been the girl’s dream since the day she’d joined the Academy.
Honor was a girl – definitely; she was girlier than most so-called real girls he knew.
One day she’d go all the way.
The EXIT doors sighed open when he reached them. Stepping out into a balmy, kerosene-tainted summer breeze he looked around – and frowned.
Behind a low railing was a slender girl in an open, baby-blue man’s shirt over a creamy silk top and short shorts, leaving her long legs bare until they were wrapped in satin ballet shoes.
The sign in her hand said Ms. Lucia Gaines.
Lucian walked up to her, smiling the Smile.
“Hello, Ellis,” he said.
He remembered the blond boy he’d shown around Norton’s Academy on his first day, together with that beautiful dark boy – what was his name again? Back then he’d been sure Norton’s would turn the shy country boy into a stunner and it did: erasing the chubbiness and letting him grow into this reedy beauty, smiling and moving graciously.
Yes, Lucian thought, the boy wasn’t in Kansas anymore.
“How are you,” he went on. “You look beautiful, sweetheart. You must be close to graduating Second Level by now.”
The girl blushed, red blotches rising from her chest. And she curtsied.
“Welcome, Ms. Gaines,” she murmured, her voice wavering. “Welcome back to Norton’s; we are all so proud to have you this year.”
“Shhh,” Lucian said, pressing a pink nailed finger to the girl’s soft lips. “Now show me that sign, honey.”
He took the piece of board and snapped with the fingers of his free hand over his shoulder, without watching. A pen slid into his hand.
Clucking his tongue, he scratched out the “Ms.” On the sign and added a fat “n” to his first name.
“My name is Lucian, darling. “Don’t forget,” he said and handed the sign back.
The girl blushed even deeper. Then she curtsied low and asked Lucian to follow her.
The white Mercedes hummed as the green countryside flew by.
Lucian sat back in the leather seat, his fingers twisting the flaxen curls of little Honor. Her head lay in his lap, glowing sweetly.
He’d opened the belt of his coat and wriggled out of it, now only wearing a gauzy white top over a very tight white leather pair of short-shorts. They were not an accidental choice of course, although his heels were quite different from the comfortable ballet slippers he used to wear at Norton’s.
In the mirror, he met Ellis’s curious eyes. They shied away when he pouted his lips and winked.
“Who would have thought, lil’ Honey,” he said as his fingers found the girl’s cheek, caressing it. “Me returning to Norton’s?”
The girl’s hand rose and covered his.
“You’ll blow them all away,” she said, softly squeezing his fingers.
Lucian looked outside, just staring blindly as the green blur sped by. His thoughts reluctantly returned to that one evening when he left Parker’s office to meet his date in a thin blue dress and a cloud of certainty.
An involuntary shiver ran down his spine as long subdued memories returned.
He again felt how his fingers squeezed the white clutch as he went down to the pebbled driveway where a car waited – not unlike the Mercedes he was sitting in now.
He remembered how his heart raced in its narrow cage.
“You look so ... young,” the man beside the car said. “They’ll think you’re my teen daughter.”
He wasn’t repulsive, if you don’t mind Latin car salesmen. He also wasn’t tall, but he was dark, and, well yes, handsome in an oily way. His dark hair was sleeked back. And, thank God, he didn’t have a thin moustache on his upper lip.
Chuckling at his own words, he opened the passenger door of the dark Mercedes. She slid in, trying to do it as elegantly as she’d been taught.
The leather felt cool through her thin dress.
He was a gentleman, Parker had said, a gentle man, and maybe he was. He’d smiled and opened the door for her, hadn’t he? He also dressed well. And he didn’t touch her – not in the car, nor in the restaurant he took her to.
But his eyes did – and so did his voice.
His gaze was all over her from the moment she gracefully sent her precarious heels down the school’s stone steps, walking to the waiting car as a breeze molded the dress against her body.
It felt as if his eyes didn’t stop at the surface: they seemed to slip under the flimsy fabric, fondling her skin.
Her face must have been ablaze.
The woman she was supposed to be now should take it all as a compliment, she knew: the eyes, the words, the voice.
But all she felt was rape.
It made her feel naked – her temperature rising to a claustrophobic level. His words seemed to leave a film of grease on her clean satin skin.
Whatever it was, it felt like an oily cloud – clotting her thoughts and slowing down her movements.
It felt wrong.
And it got worse after they sat down at the white-clad table in the posh restaurant, when he said:
“Trust me, baby. No need to be nervous. Let daddy order for you.”
Of course, the words were unfortunate, mildly put, but he certainly aggravated it by the way he said them – his smooth voice, his smile, his chuckling.
He picked a single white rose from a vase and handed it to her.
“White for you,” he said, “a virgin rose.”
He wasn’t old at all. Just old enough to be right about people thinking they were father and daughter. But actually saying that was stupid, wasn’t it – and very poorly informed.
Parker must have told him, surely? Then again: why would she have told a new suitor that his date slaughtered his predecessor’s cock?
Whatsoever, calling himself ‘daddy’ was the most efficient way to undo all the hard work done on Lucian. Sobering thoughts cleared up the mist in his skull, replacing it with a mild headache.
He had no idea when this reassuring mist had exactly entered his mind – you never do with a brainwash, do you? You don’t even know it’s there, making you see things as other people want you to see it, and in a nice laid-back way. Maybe.
He shook his head. Did he think ‘he’ right now?
Lucian rose from his chair, making it screech on the stone floor.
“Please take me back,” he whispered. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”
Standing there in just his flimsy dress and thong made him feel stark naked. His exposed body seemed to dangle from the glowing hook of his blazing head.
One of his pale, pink-nailed hands grasped at the surrounding air as the other reached for his throat. He gagged in panic. Would he faint – sink into darkness; fall to the floor?
Strong hands caught him.
He swallowed hard, trying to gather the floating cloud of particles his body had become. His eyes panned along faces and tables and chairs and things – gradually getting them back into focus.
“Please...” he heard; it must have been his own voice.
The man was gentle.
“Sit down,” he said. “It’ll pass, baby.”
“I ... I can’t. I really should... “ Lucian tried.
“Take a sip,” the man said, handing him a tall glass of water. “It’ll be all right.”
The cold liquid filled his mouth. He could feel it run down to his stomach like a tiny ice-river, making him shiver.
The Smile, he thought, I need to Smile – and he felt the muscles of his face ply into the proper mask he’d learned to hide behind.
Hiding, he thought – mask, training, make-belief.
“She’s ready,” he remembered Parker saying into the phone. She’d been wrong, hadn’t she?
The ‘she’ she’d mentioned was still just a dress and a mask – a painstakingly trained set of manners to be applied when needed.
Had he fooled the headmistress into believing he was ready?
If so, he’d fooled himself as well. When he rose from that chair in her office to meet the ‘gentle man’ he’d swear he was the girl Lucia, excited and giddy about meeting her male date.
No charade there.
But now.
Hidden inside his artful cloak of femininity Lucian watched the man at the other side of the table, talking with the waiter as if nothing had happened.
Between sentences his gaze turned to Lucian, smiling – and Lucian Smiled back.
Then the waiter took a bottle from a cooler, wrapping it in a napkin as he popped the cork. It was champagne, and he poured some into the glass flute in front of the man.
Making a show of it he took a sip and rolled the liquid around in his mouth, eyes closed.
“Aaah,” he then sighed, mentioning a French brandname and a year. “Merveilleux,” he added and he waved the waiter to Lucian.
The man poured champagne in his glass, filling it with hissing foam that subsided into a clear, bubbly liquid.
Lucian knew the taste of champagne. Even as a child he’d sipped it from his mother’s neglected glass – or the glasses of her visiting friends. It was sweet and exhilarating.
Intoxicating too.
“I ... I don’t drink,” Lucian said. “I’m not twenty-one yet, and we’re not allowed at Norton’s.”
The man laughed out loud, sitting back to get his own glass topped up.
“But this is not Norton’s, is it,” he said, picking up his glass and holding it out for a toast. “You’re a big girl now – let’s drink to your health.”
Lucian rose again, more careful now.
“Please take me back home,” he whispered, not realizing the word he used.
“Mine or yours,” the man said, grinning.
“Take me back to Norton’s; I can’t do this.”
“No. And sit down.”
Lucian kept standing, and he stared mutely at the man who ran a blunt fingertip around the rim of his glass, smiling.
“Please?” Lucian’s voice was almost a sigh.
The man slowly shook his grinning head left and right. Then he opened his mouth into a tight O that he filled with the dashing tip of his tongue.
It was unspeakably lewd.
Lucian let his hands sink down to the hem of his short dress, taking it in his fingers and slowly pulling it up.
His eyes never left the man’s.
“I’ll undress,” he said, his voice trembling. “I’ll strip right here and show all these people who I really am, so they’ll know who you really are.”
The hem of the dress rose to his belly now, exposing the sky-blue thong and a lot of white, bare skin. Pushing his hips forward, he hoped his tiny cock would stand out against the tight, translucent satin.
He noticed a hush around him.
Right before his face disappeared behind the pulled-up dress the man moved. A chair fell and feet shuffled. Hands pulled the dress down, causing the delicate fabric to tear.
“Stop this, crazy faggot!” the man hissed, wrapping an arm around Lucian and pushing him down in the chair.
The torn dress sagged open, exposing pale flesh. Lucian gathered the fabric and rose again, but the man grabbed his upper arms and pushed him down.
“You sit!” he hissed, his breath smelling of garlic. His grip hurt.
“You hurt me,” Lucian said, and the man let go.
His arms smarted. He saw purple-and-blue lines on his white skin where fingers had strangled the flesh. Gathering his torn dress, he pressed back into his chair, away from the man and too scared to look up.
“Is everything all right, sir?” a deep voice asked.
He looked up and saw the concerned face of the waiter. Behind him stood a huge ink-black silhouette. Security, he thought, a bouncer.
Lucian let go of his ruined dress and said:
“I feel sick. We just decided to leave.”
He raised a limp wrist towards his date and smiled weakly as the man took hold of it – his face dark with anger. Feeling the other hand grab his waist, he was hurried to the distant exit of the restaurant.
Faces passed by – male and female, gowns and smokings; wide eyes, open mouths. His stiletto heels scratched the floor.
Then he felt the fresh outside air. He heard the man call for the valet and his car. Shivering, Lucian hugged his upper arms, standing alone now.
A waiter came running, holding his clutch and shawl. Cursing, Lucian’s date pushed a few banknotes in his hand.
The car arrived and he was pushed onto the back seat.
“Fucking faggot! Damn fucking faggot,” the man mumbled.
The tires screamed as he tore away.
Staring into the passing landscape, back in the humming car and fondling Honor’s soft round buttock, Lucian frowned as he remembered.
The ride had been anything but comfortable; he’d been pushed left and right on the back seat as the man took curves, braking suddenly or pushing the gas pedal like a madman.
At last he stopped with shrieking brakes in the middle of, well, nowhere – there was darkness all around.
“Get out,” he growled.
“But we’re not there yet,” Lucian objected, peering into the night. “Where are we?”
“Out, you fucking queer!” the man repeated, reaching through the front chairs to push open the back door.
Cold air rushed in, penetrating Lucian’s flimsy rags.
“Please take me to the school,” he asked, his teeth chattering.
“Get out and walk,” the man went on. “You cost me enough as it is.”
Lucian slid across the leather seat, probing the outside world with a stretching right foot.
“But I can’t walk in these shoes,” he objected. “What’s out there? Grass, mud? My heels...”
The man pushed him out, making him stumble and fall on the moist shoulder of the road. Lucian heard the door shut and the car scream away.
The tires threw mud on him.
Rising, he saw where he was in the headlights of passing cars. He stumbled down the soft ramp to the county-road below. With every step his stiletto heels were sucked in by the mud.
It took him half an hour to reach the entrance of the Academy. When he arrived, he was thoroughly cold and wet from the evening damp that rose from the fields.
His finger trembled as he pressed the button.
“Good evening and welcome, who’s there?” a familiar voice said.
Hearing the voice of a friend made him break down and cry as he held his shuddering, ice-cold body in a hug. The shreds of his useless dress moved in the wind. One of his heels was broken.
“It’s me, Taylor,” Lucian stammered through clenched teeth and shivering lips. “Please let me in.”
The room was warm, and so was the blanket wrapped around him. The mug of hot tea glowed in the palms of his hands. Lucian blew on it, watching tiny ripples run away on the surface.
“But why?” Taylor asked.
They sat together in the small gatehouse, their bodies only feet apart.
Lucian watched the boy’s slender, manicured fingers elegantly holding a china cup. He noticed the long dark lashes shutting and opening in a languorous slow motion – exposing and hiding calm gray irises. And he saw how the boy’s bob had grown out into a mass of golden waves. It framed an immaculate face and soft lips that right now curled into a smile.
Not a boy anymore, he thought. Not by a long shot.
“Why?” Lucian echoed the question. “You mean: why did I refuse and run?”
Taylor hesitated. Then he nodded. His voice was a whisper.
“I saw you leave, Lucy,” he said, making Lucian wince at the name. “You wore that lovely dress as you went down to the driveway where he held the door to his car. I was so jealous. And you looked so sweet and ... ready.”
Ready, Lucian thought. How does one look ready?
“He was a pig,” he said, looking up from the mug. “I ... well, I suddenly felt ... disgusted.”
Taylor’s eyes opened wide.
“But ... but he looked so ... well, so...” he stuttered.
“Like a gentleman,” Lucian filled in. “That was what Parker called him.”
He took a sip from the hot tea. Then he put the mug down.
“I’m exhausted,” he said. “I need to sleep.”
Taylor rose, his long, beautiful legs unfolding.
“You shouldn’t sleep alone,” he said, reaching out to help Lucian up.
“I’m fine,” Lucian said, allowing the boy to hold him as they went out to the main building.
He stumbled on his damaged heels, but the arm around his waist and the body he leant into spun a shell of warm safety around them both.
When they arrived at his room, Taylor reached down for Lucian’s mouth and planted a lingering kiss on his lips, soft but insistent, slippery with gloss, tasting sweet ... feeling wonderful.
“I have to be at the gate,” he breathed. “But please know that we are all with you, Luce – all of us.”
When he was alone, Lucian plucked the remains of the once pretty dress off his shivering skin and took a long hot shower. The water cascaded over him as he let his hands wander, touching the blue bruises on his upper arm.
They hurt when he pressed them.
Shaking his head, he brought a finger to his chest, circling his nipples, finding his belly and cupping his tight and lonesome penis.
“Why?” Taylor had asked.
Why indeed?
He shut the shower, dried his body and rubbed it with lotion. Then he slid between the soft sheets of his bed.
He must have been sleeping for a bit – or at least drifting in and out – when he felt a warm body crouching against his back, followed by another sweet, naked body against his knees and arms.
Still an hour to go, Lucian guessed, back in the white Mercedes. The car joined a thinning stream of traffic on yet another interstate highway.
A nervous flutter touched his stomach as he imagined how his arrival would be at Norton’s Academy.
“Please tell me, Ellis,” he asked, making the Barbie-girl at the wheel take her eyes off the road, looking at him via the mirror. “How’s old Parker?”
“She’s fine,” the girl said, smiling, and using the well-trained, breezy Norton-voice. “She told me to take you to her right away.”
The pale, puffy face of Ms. Parker freed itself from the green blur of the passing landscape. It smiled. Of course, it smiled, but there was a tension beneath the tired flesh that made the corners of her mouth tremble – just like it did that morning after his disastrous date.
Knuckles had rapped on his bedroom door while he still floated in that boundless tropical sea we swim in before waking. A young voice informed him he should see the ‘old cow’ – at once.
He’d been alone in the bed; the warm bodies were gone. Had they even been there? They might as well have been dreamlike phantoms.
As the sleepy bubble burst, colder memories rushed in.
Lucian sighed, throwing off the blanket. The ugly purple bruises on his arms had turned even darker. They still hurt under his fingers.
“Fucking bastard,” he mumbled, pulling up a pair of pink shorts and finding a white top. Then he donned a long shirt and a pair of flip-flops.
Passing the mirror, he had to stop, grab a brush and tame his riot of curls. Wetting a finger-tip he straightened his eyebrows. He pouted his lips, fluttering his lashes.
“What are you fucking doing?” he breathed. “It’s only the cow.”
He turned towards the door, but his hand had already grabbed a pink lipstick. Returning to the mirror, he painted his pale lips.
The principal had left her desk and was walking around it when he entered her office. She wore one of her usual panzer-suits, but her face was flushed and her lips trembled.
Stopping very close to him, her hand rose, but she checked it.
“Sit down,” she hissed. Lucian sat down, crossing his legs.
“What happened?” she asked, still standing.
Lucian raised his arms to show his bruises.
“He also tore my dress,” he added.
“That is not what he said,” Parker answered.
Lucian shrugged.
“He said you were aloof and rude and fitful,” the woman went on. “Not at all nice. You made a fool of him in the restaurant, threatening to take off your dress and blackmail him with that...
“Why on earth did you do that?”
Lucian shrugged again.
“He was a pig.”
Parker stared at him, her mouth working like a fish on dry land.
“A ... pig,” she repeated. “I ... I’m afraid you’ll have to elaborate on that.”
Lucian knew her irony was meant to patronize. He just shrugged again, making the silver cloud of his brushed hair dance on his shoulders.
Ms. Parker sat down on a chair next to him, rearranging her traits into what she maybe supposed to be her concerned face.
She took one of his hands in hers; they felt like warm dough.
“Mr. Martinez is a wealthy man who has been extremely good to us,” Parker said, using what he called her motherly voice. It never suited her. “He is generous and defends us in circles that could harm us. Keeping him, well ... pleased is very important. I thought you understood. I thought you were ready.”
She sat straight and let go of his hand.
So, the man was called Martinez; he never cared to introduce himself, Lucian realized; or asked for his name.
“What happened, Lucia?” Parker asked.
He felt nauseous as the air closed in.
“I couldn’t do it,” he said, his voice sounding distant.
“Do what, honey?” the woman asked.
He looked up, meeting the owlish eyes in their dark frames.
“You know what I mean,” he said.
Now she shrugged, making her stuffed shoulders rise.
“Do I?” she asked. “I thought I sent a sweet, beautiful girl on a date with a wealthy gentleman, who took her to a very exclusive restaurant, where she would not just impress his peers as eye-blinding arm candy, but also entertain him with intelligent conversation, being just a wonderful, well-bred companion...”
“He fucked me with his eyes even before we arrived,” Lucian said.
The silence lasted at least ten seconds.
“With his ... eyes?” Parker then asked.
“He was very rude,” Lucian went on, his voice almost a whisper now. “He said I’d be his daughter – he’d be my ... daddy.”
Parker closed her eyes, frowning. Another silence fell.
“I told him I couldn’t do it,” Lucian explained. “I asked him to take me back here. He refused in an awful, humiliating way. That’s when I threatened to show the restaurant my true gender.”
Parker stared down at her perfect manicure.
“He tore up my dress,” Lucian went on. “And he bruised my arms, pushing me back into my seat. That’s when the waiter and the bouncer told us to leave.”
His voice was monotonous as he went on:
“The man was very angry. Everybody in the restaurant looked as he pulled me to the exit while I tried to keep my torn dress closed.”
Lucian shrugged.
“He dumped me at the junction, half an hour’s walk from here, in the middle of the night, barely dressed and on my stiletto heels.”
Looking up to find Parker’s eyes, he concluded:
“He was not a gentleman, Ms. Parker.”
The principal rose from her chair, never looking at the boy.
“You disappoint us all, Lucia,” she said as she walked over to her desk. “Then again, maybe it was our fault as well. Maybe you weren’t ready after all.”
“Can I leave now?” he asked.
Parker nodded, but when he reached the door, she called him back.
“There is the matter of the money, of course,” she said. “Mr. Martinez has retracted his generous donation because of your, well ... let’s call it attitude. I’m afraid it has to be replaced and I’m sure we will find a way, don’t you think so too, Lucia?”
Lucian just stood and stared.
“Ah, and well,” Parker went on. “Before having your breakfast, please see Dr. Kurtz, will you?”
The doctor’s practice was the one room at Norton’s that Lucian hated most – Parker’s office being a close second.
There were so many reasons for that aversion – the cold neon light, the blue latex gloves shining with Vaseline, the shameless violation of every part and entrance of his body – and mind.
And the gratuitous lying, of course.
Staring out of the comfortable Mercedes on his way back to Norton’s, Lucian wondered why Kurtz had always assumed she could do whatever she deemed necessary to him. Was it the alleged suicide of her son that made her feel the ends were more important than the means? Or was she just, well, a mad scientist, like Joseph Mengele experimenting on children that could not escape her?
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We grew up together in the same house untill we were 11 and I moved with my family to Italy. Two of those 11 years Nick was completely in love with me. We kept in touch and Nick flew to Italy every summer untill we were 16. I wasn't popular at my school and everyone made fun of me. They bullied me so much I began to cut. That summer when Nick came to visit he saw my wrists and...
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Chat Night Guest: Thomas Hassan On Saturday August 28, 1999 11AM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Thomas at: [email protected] In a change of pace, the guest is in the room first! (Thomas) Hi! *Looking around the room, waiting for the audience* (*Anne-Mal) Hello! (Thomas) Hmmm soemthing on mz kezboard here is fishz! (*Anne-Mal) For some reason everyone comes late, so don't worry! (Thomas) Arrgh! American keyboard... (*Anne-Mal) I doubt that members of the...
Born: June 3,1991 When i started 2 learn about sex: Age:13-14 Learned by: phone and computer. Daily Life: Middle School, average student, gamer, average scores,7th grader Height: 5ft.'4in. Weight: 247lbs. (I was a bit fat) Ethnicity: Hispanic (im bilingual, mexican bloodline in both parents & theres a bit of genes involved in my story) Penis size: i cant remember my size. This was new to me at the time with no knowledge of size caring till 8th grade. I also learnedd about growt spurts and...
Rosa looked skeptically at the packet, turning it over and over with her fingers. About three hours ago, she was on her way to the market for her monthly supply of fresh fruits and vegetables when she passed a small store with darkened windows. What struck her was that she couldn’t remember whether she had ever passed it before, whether it was new or not. It was the name, etched on the dark glass window, which had gotten her attention. The script and language was unlike any she had seen, and...
After assuring my wife I truly wanted her to be a hot wife so started having sexy with a buddy of mine Keith. She would tell me in detail about how his cock was more than twice the length of mine and a great deal thicker. Over time she became more at ease with telling me details , she told me she always orgasmed while they had sex. I've never been able to make her cum when fucking. She was in love with Keith's thick cock and the fact that he could last a full hour. I told her that Tim had been...
It all started when I and my boyfriend at that time (Andrew) got an invitation to an end-of-term party at a student house not too far from where I was living. It was one of those big old family houses in South London that are too big for most people these days, so they get bought up as investments and rented out to students – which sounds a crazy idea to me, but I guess there’s always a steady stream of them looking for somewhere to live for a few years, and we’re not all complete slobs....
ExhibitionismI noticed her purse was open and had the same vib inside from when I saw earlier. She came out from the bathroom and caught me looking at her purse. "What are you looking at?" she asked. "Nothing.. n-nothing at all." I replied kinda nerviously, hopeing not to get caught while she grabed her purse and looked at it. "Oh..., I know now..." she said softly. "umm..." I didn't say anything. She smiled, and immediatly put the purse down and sat on my leg, facing me. "You wanna see what it...
Cute curly Carla got the hots for me, so she invites me up as soon as we meet next, 'by chance'Tall tasty Tessel is at hers that day and a few more, but Carla hopes she can get her soon in bedCarla and Tessel together will make my day, and night, allthough they have no idea, at that time!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CUTE CARLA & TASTY TEEN TESSEL, CAN I HAVE BOTH OF THEM IN OUR EROTIC...
Tuesday morning, Donna and I followed Dad, Rhonda, and Samantha to the fair. Dad was driving the truck and pulling the horse trailer with Gypsy and Princess contentedly drowsing in the back. Once we got to the fair, we loaded the horses out and got them into their stalls. We had two bales of hay and a bucket of oats for the girls, even though they'd only be there for three nights. The rest of the stuff, though, was like moving an entire barn. Sam and Rhonda had a two-page checklist of what...
CHAPTER 3: Trained to Serve --- The maid learns how to serve Mistress Tate Each day, after Cecilia had finished practising his ladylike walking in the posture bar, Mistress Tate would teach him a new household skill. First she would sit him at the kitchen table and make him write down her detailed instructions in his Maid's Notebook. From then on, he had to perform his duties from memory. At the end of the day, they would review his work against the standard set out in the notebook....
The world is an illusion, with reality mixed in. So I finally got a summer vacation, 9 days off! Only one thing on my mind, visit my daughter! Sent an e-mail to Amelia and Julia about the time I will off. Needed to know which country I will be going to. The next morning I had a reply from them. It read: Drew! How nice to hear from you. That week we will be in Julia country. We will meet you at the airport and have our daughter with us. We both miss you! And I miss little Drew! Let us know...
Hi Mera Naam Vivek hai (Name Changed) Mein Aapko Apni Ek Pehli Sex Ki Kahani Sunane Jaa Raha Hu…Pehle Mein Aapne Baare Mein Kuuch Aapko Batta Deta Hu…. Mein Ranchi Ka rehne wala hu, but last 1 year se mein Rohini (Delhi) Mein Rah Raha Hu…Mein 23 Saal ka launda hu….Dekhne mein bada hi seedha hu aur ek baar ladkiyan dekh mujhe aapne se bhi chota samajh leti hai…bcoz mein bahot hi dubla-patla hu…but aaplog ye mat shaque karna ki mein aapko satisfaction nahi de paunga…Chalo aab mein aapko aapni...
So fellow punks, goths, rejects and shejects Pyro and Ravin Ch.4 One month later Ravin and I were still crazy in love! I was the happiest guy in the world, and to top it off it's my birthday! I am now 17. Ravin said she has a special "treat" for me, if you know what I mean. My dad said I can have friends over just don't trash the place. I called up Ravin. "Hey Baby! Happy Birthday!" she said. "Thanks babe, hey I'm having a party tonight, call everyone you know." I told...
[Leaving a career sometimes unroots a man. Sends him on an undefined search for some where or some cause to root again. Nick finds a surprising road home.] Twenty-eight years of wearing uniforms were over. I was retired. In at eighteen, out at forty-six. I put the uniforms and memory reminders in storage, bought a small RV and a boat and went fishing. The month of July was spent at three different lakes in Missouri. In August I fished in Arkansas. Met some nice folks and they told me about...
I knocked at the door. The door opened against the chain.“Just a second,” she said.The door closed, chain sounds, then opened. She was about five and a half feet tall, fine honey brown hair, styled in a short bob. Had a nice figure. My best guess was she was in her early forties, but I’m not good at guessing ladies’ ages. She was wearing a red shirt-dress that buttoned down the front, tied off with a black patent belt. The dress ended just above her knees. She was wearing hose and black patent...
Cindi and I had worked hard and saved and we jetted off to Kuai for 10 days of sun and doing nothing. The hotel is incredible and we both were in awe. After day two Cindi informed me she wanted to find a remote seciont of beach so we could ‘really relax.’ We talked to one of the cleaners and she tole us how to find a real remote path the lead to a section of beach that was virtually unknown, except to a few locals. It was about a 45 minute drive first. The third day we organized some droinks...
When we left our young heroine, Courtney and her best friend had offered up their bodies to a crowd of randy lesbians. But the two girls would give up a lot more before the night was through. From her position outside, the stout masculine bouncer tried to picture what might be going on in the bar. Maybe the two sexy little girls with the 'FUCK TOY' collars were doing a strip tease for the crowd? God, that would be hot. Maybe, judging from the sounds she heard, they were even putting on a...
Tuesday 8.00pm Nearly a week now. He'd been looking for an escape route, but there hadn't been time, and now the road had closed. The smiling man he'd always been a little frightened of had come to visit him. He'd known everything about the Tzekas, everything about the girl, everything about Thursday; he'd said that the girl could prepare a deposition, that the police could look at the knife again, that the letters were safe for the moment but could be accidentally published at any...
Adomm – Making the Most of It John breathed. And breathed again. And continued to do so. Each one getting faster than the last. He scratched his scalp through his short, dark brown hair and squirmed in his seat. Only five minutes to go, but time was flowing sporadically. He checked his bleached black suit for the thousandth time, but at this point he felt he no longer had time to fix any wrinkles that mysteriously continued to appear. When he checked his watch, the seconds dragged on, but the...
I could not believe I had allowed myself to be talked into this. I could barely stand my own parents, so why should I subject myself to hers? I guess if they could create something as wonderful as their daughter, they were bound to be good people. My girl, Elizabeth or Li as I call her, was one hell of a negotiator, one hell of a woman really. That’s why I love her. So, after sleeping well into the afternoon, I rolled out of my bed and started to get ready for what was sure to be an...
I work in the city as a delivery driver. When I get my deliveries done and have some time to kill I drive to tourist area and check out the ladies. A couple of the alleys go right behind the condos that are full of tourist, they leave the curtains open. The windows are right level with the truck I drive so I can see inside the condos perfectly. Some times a guy can drive by and catch a woman naked or some people fucking, it is all in good fun. So I am puttering down this alley, caught one...
A Good Girl in Vegas By My-bi I am happily married to my high school sweetheart for 20 plus years. She was a virgin when we met, and has never been with anyone else. We have always enjoyed a busy, but conventional sex life. Unknown to my wife, I was bisexual, with a few experiences in which I sucked cock and was fucked by another man, while wearing panties. My professional life requires me to be tough, and competitive, and I wanted my sex life to include me in the role as the woman,...
“To college”, I replied. “Tell me when you are free, I got something we could watch”, he said, with a wink. I understood that means he’s got some porno movie, which he wants to watch at my place. He does manage to get his hands on the some good porn, but he doesn’t get enough privacy to watch it at his place. “How about Wednesday? I am free and nobody’s home at that time.” I said. He nodded and I looked at my watch, told him I was getting late and walked away after waving him a bye. The...
The evening was coming to an end, Karolina asked me to pour a couple of wines, while she changes into something more comfortable. I poured the wine, dimmed the light's slightly, turned the tv off & put some low background music on. I sat on the couch & waited for this gorgeous young nymphomaniac to make her way down the stairs. I didn't have to wait long, her beautifully toned legs came into view first, tightly hugged in dark stocking's. As she descended the stairs, I saw the...
I'm so excited. He's given me permission to be in charge. I have never been in charge before. I'm a little nervous, but very excited at the same time.I'm waiting for him. We have been out drinking and we are both feeling a little flirty and tipsy. I purposely held back tonight on my alcohol consumption. I wanted to relish this night, I wanted to remember this night. I didn't want it clouded with missing pieces and haziness.I am seated on the hotel room couch. I am still dressed in my...
"You said you wanted me to be more unpredictable" she said with a laugh as she stripped him of his clothing and laughed. She pushed him into a study wooden kitchen chair sitting in the middle of the room. She used a long satin sash to bind his hands together and then to the chair. She tied his legs tightly to the chair as well. He studied her with an approving grin, wondering what she would do next. She pulled out a blindfold and tied it around his head, making sure that he couldn't see a...
It was another boring day in the gym. I had taken this new part-time fitness instructors job to see all the BBW's in their lycra, but all there was every day were either really thin girls in their teens or older women in their 60s at least. I'm really turned on by chubby women but none came to my local gym. At least that was until I saw Samantha Clark walk through the doors. She was an old friend who had babysitted me when I was young and must now have been about 35. I was her next door...
I do my best thinking at work. I pulled out my top drawer and saw Nina’s thong. Bernice gave me the idea of a video for her husband to sexually arouse him. A male would not pass up on a lesbian video. I was going to develop some new talents, a producer. The key females would be Nina, Bernice, and I. It would be sexually exciting. I wanted a video that would get Bernice’s husband's dick rock hard so he gets nasty with Bernice and sucks, licks, and fucks her hard.I looked up and Bernice was...
LesbianI was sitting in my office when the new girl walked by, at first i didn’t really notice anything special because i was caught up in my work. When i finally looked at her i saw her long brown hair that reached to the middle of her back, she was muscular and tall she had to be at least 6 feet on her heels. Her body was shaped and toned, but had curves in all the right places she had a round bubble butt and a nice set of tits that i guessed had to be at least D's maybe even DD's. She was settled...
The end was in sight, now. There were fresh sled tracks in front of him, and coming up the coastline of the Bering Sea since dawn, he had occasionally been able to make out another dog team a mile or more ahead of him. Finally, the lines of sled runner tracks bent to the right, and followed an occasional bit of orange surveyor's tape up to a small cluster of tattered buildings. He thought about stopping briefly to put Geep, his best gee-haw command leader back in the lead, but Alco, his best...
A local Texas couple hit me up on my kik app (highly recommended) wanting to try her first BBC. The guy had convinced her to have a threesome and try her first BBC as a birthday ‘gift’. She is MUCH younger than I am (I’m older by more than 15 years), and way smaller than I am – which only added to the hotness factor. Reminded me of the movie Black Snake Moan, Big ‘scary’, older black guy – sexy, young, smaller white chick lol. She sent me a few photos and I was immediately blown away by how...
Earlier tonight I prepared myself for what I thought would be just another lame-ass party, with everyone getting pissed and puking on the tube on their way home. Maybe you'd think a Christmas party where everyone's expected to dress to the theme of Pimps & Hoes would be awesome, but chances are your absolutely wrong. I figured, maybe only a handful of people would dress up that way and end up being made laughingstocks, people would start acting inappropriately and end up getting mad at each...
Monday, she came to his apartment early to wait for the delivery of the bed. She could imagine all sorts of trouble, but she met nobody in the building. It was a six-flat, and everybody seemed to be gone. She spent her time snooping. After all, this would be her home in 12 days, and he had told her to make herself at home. Eric wasn’t Bluebeard. The most incriminating thing she found was a small stash of dirty magazines. They had been addressed to him, though. So they weren’t dirty enough to...
Young Henry, one of my stable boys ran into the Tavern, “MASTER LAN!” I turned from helping Flower with a large tray of dishes, “Henry?” He swallowed, “Peter fell into a hole in the barn.” I straightened, “What hole?” Henry looked a little wide eyed, “The one a horse broke in the floor.” I started moving quickly, “Get me a rope.” I came into the barn to see a small hole in the floor in front of the first stall. I knelt and looked down, “PETER!” “I am okay master Lan!” I could see him...
Sitting at her receptionist desk with a vibrator against her pussy, Akari Asagiri is having trouble concentrating on work. Her boss is not sure what to do so he takes her into the men’s room and has her suck on his dick. Then she has a moment to herself so of course it’s time to rub on her pussy through her panties and pantyhose. Then her cloths come off and it’s a full on masturbation session. Then her boss is back and he wants to play with her pussy before fucking her and leaving a creampie.
xmoviesforyouApril 15, 1985, McKinley, Ohio “How are you feeling, Petrovich?” Clarissa asked when she came to my door on Monday morning after I’d run and prayed. “Fine. I slept like a log last night! What did Abby think?” “She was pretty awestruck by the service and had a good time at the party. Everyone else seemed to have a great time, too.” “I think Clark made some new friends,” I chuckled. “He spent like three hours with the old men smoking and drinking!” “So did Gene. Did Jocelyn have to pour...
It seems that all stories like this begin when we are young. But probably not now you are thinking. I have 2 female cousins on my mom’s side, Tina and Cara. They are 2 and 4 years younger that I am. When I was 9 my parents moved from the Mid-West out to California. I saw my cousins for the last time the year after we moved. So the last time I saw them they were 8 and 6 and I was 10. When I was 13 my folks got a divorce and we lived with my mom. When I turned 18 I joined the...
Harriet was never the most attractive girl. Even as a youngster only her father would ever call her beautiful. She was thin to the point of being skinny, her almost jet black hair was naturally greasy so had to be cut and kept short, and washed daily. Her nose was narrow and pointed, her chin likewise, and her dark eyes looked too large on her already small face. Her bra size never increased beyond an AA, and even her nipples were tiny and dark. Despite looking somewhat unhealthy, she was in...
Steve's fiancee Jessie graduated last Saturday.Jessie is a tiny blonde, small-chested but with an incredibly curvy ass and a nice thigh gap. When swimming at my cousin's apartment last July, she was my horsey partner in the pool and the way she tightly held her shapely beige legs around my neck had my dick as hard as fuck underwater. Jessie had little problem with the ways my hands touched all over her when I steadied her upon my shoulders, so I enjoyed touching her all over in her bright red...
Lillian sat back satisfied on her calves with her feet behind her. She gave me a minute or so to recover, never taking her eyes off of me. I stood up on the first step of the ladder and bent down to pull up my pants. I only buttoned them as I didn’t intend for them to stay on for very long. I held out a hand to her and she took it. I pulled her to her feet and into my arms. I gave her a long, soft kiss. She was a great kisser and I could tell she was going to be a great lover. “It’s your turn,...
Oral SexBy the time Jazzy managed to drag her ass home Wednesday evening, all she could think of was a hot shower and bed. One more day, and then I am off Friday and Saturday. I cannot wait. Today seemed like everyone had to visit the emergency room. As Jazzy walked through the lobby of her apartment building, she stopped to check her mailbox before heading to her apartment. It had been a few days since she checked it, and she figured it would be full of junk mail that needed to go into the recycling...
BDSMHello to all the readers. This is a story about the woman who I fucked hard and fucked good. I knew her for awhile then one day we started having an actual conversation and it led to making love. She was a really thick woman with fats in all the right places. She had a beautiful face. She was always kind of bitchy but she was actually a good person deep down. She was in her late 30s without a husband and was really lonely. Soon after we started talking there was chemistry in the air. One day I...
„Das hätte ich nie im Leben gedacht daß du meinen Kleinen so gut verträgst…es ist schon eine Weile her daß den mal jemand weggesteckt hat und das war kein junger zarter Bursch wie du. Wenn du nicht deine geile Faustfick-Vorführung abgehalten und nicht meinen Dicken so schön eingecremt hättest – ich hätte nie den Versuch unternommen dich aufzubocken.“ David bekam noch einen dicken Schmatz auf den Mund. „Komm gehen wir unter die Dusche wir kleben ja schon förmlich zusammen“ meinte der schwere...
Dan had the body of an athlete, so tight and ripped; Denise couldn’t get enough of her latest PA.Denise lay on her back, admiring his six-pack and grabbing onto his tort bum, as Dan used all his stamina to ride Denise.He was much smoother than her other PAs, well, in terms of his hair. He was hairless, apart from some hairs on his legs.Forty-five minutes, this extra session had already gone for and Denise still wanted more.With a sly nod and smile, Denise indicated, that she wanted to go on top...
Maturefollow up to ; weekend at the beach was great, partying and enjoying the ocean and most of all the hot babes. I hooked up with a couple honeys who were sharing a place and we had fun, drinking and smoking. We watched some porn and started getting horny and soon we were all naked. One girl reminded me of Barbie a little. With the memory of our encounter still fresh in my mind, I relived it as we spent the night having sex. In the morning we...
It started when Dan invited us to join a bible study at his house on Wednesday nights. We did not know him or his family very well so we decided to join them. We all hit it off. I knew early on that we would become close friends. My wife and I began going to their house on the weekends and staying the night in the guest bedroom. We became like part of the family. The girls all adored my wife and I, and we loved spending time with them. One night we were all lounging in the family...
They came in after dinner, and they'd had their own in a cute restaurant, holding their heads close together and whispering exactly like what they were, lovers. Her dad hadn't minded the curious, knowing glances they received; he had been altogether too busy being the nice guy he was. But they had to go back home; she reminded him of that sad fact over a glass of light wine he sneaked her. So they left the candlelight and wine...
IncestHe worked for his dream, and I went kicking and screaming to Baltimore. How do you figure we both get permanent job offers doing just what we wanted? Neither of us could have asked for anything more. Bill got EXACTLY what he aimed for, and I wanted something to teach me about the travel industry, advertising and promotion with a goal of my own agency. I was on my fast track. Whether we would keep the same arrangements of the long commute for Bill depended on what kind of hours he would have...
With Rach’s husband out golfing for a week instead of paying his beautiful wife the attention she needs, Sue, Olivia and I arranged a friendly pity visit. She said she’d leave the front door unlocked for us. How convenient for anyone who wanted an easy mark to rob her! We got there midmorning, as Sol approached its peak. There was no response to our knocking or ringing or calling out, so we entered and called out again - no response. When we got to her living room, we stopped short at the...
It was a day like any other, boring, sticky and hot. I had just finished a project and the rest of the day was mine to do as I pleased. My first thought was to go to the book store. The owner was always cool and picked the best titles for me. I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed out the door. As I stepped off my porch, I could see my neighbor Ms. Spalding across the street unloading what looked to be gardening tools from her SUV. Though she was almost 56, Ms. Spalding was well put together,...
This ambush was different because we had 10 new people along to give us a total of 22 shooters. We had so many because I wanted to be sure of adequate backup in case the new people contracted some new form of "buck fever" and froze when they should have been shooting. We went in with four flying boxes: HAF-1 and HAF-2 in case we needed firepower and HAF-3 and HAF-4 for overnight accommodations. It was a problem hiding that many of the flying boxes, but I thought that we did an acceptable...
DESTINATION JAPAN CHAPTER 4 Nara was founded in 710, it was known back then as Heijo-kyo, Citadel of Peace, and for 74 years it was Japan's first capital. It was one of my favourite places to go and it was there I found myself. The hunt for the third embezzler had been going on for a week and still no luck. Miyoshi and I were staying at his estate on the Ise Penninsula, that overlooked Ago Bay. He had sent me to Nara to collect a packet of information on a potential corporate...
Looking for a place like Hot Board to share your love of good porn with other people? What about a place to discuss kinks, fantasies, favorite videos, or best pornstars? Or maybe you just want somewhere with quality videos, pictures, and a decent community. Whatever it is you’re looking for, porn forums are here to help. Don’t settle for dicking around in the comments on a porn tube site hoping for someone to reply. That shit is as sad as it is a total waste of time. I know a lot of people...
Porn Forums“Hey, Layla, are you busy Saturday night? Rod asked.Rod had called his sister on the phone. The summer was winding down and soon they would both be heading back to their respective colleges for the fall semester. Their parents were divorced. Layla was a year older and entering her senior year, and had spent the summer with their mother and her new husband. Rod had stayed with his father. They were both ready to escape the family drama and get back to school and be on their own.“No plans yet,”...
AnalTonight was not going to be any old Friday night at the club. Me and my best friend Amber were going make sure we got the best fucking of our life tonight. Amber came over my house wearing the most sexiest outfit ever. She was wearing an ultra mini skirt with a white thong on. Amber has a big ass so you could see her thong as she bent over. She had on a pink halter top that stopped right above her belly button (which was pierced of course). She wasn't wearing a bra so her big 34D tits were...
Group Sex