Captain GoldChapter 12: Conflict free porn video

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"Thousands of these specks?" Captain Jeryth glared down at Berniss as though he could change her report by the sheer force of his will. "All through Skryben? That can't be possible!"

"It's possible, all right. It's just highly unlikely," she responded. "All through her flesh, in all parts of her body. There are millions of them, but only a very small percentage are of the right size and shape to cause trouble. Those particular metal flecks just happen to be of just the right size to resonate to the pulse of re entry energies. The rest should cause no particular trouble, at least not right away."

"All right, then. I suppose that I have to accept your answer, at least for now. How can we neutralize the effects of these specks?"

"We can't." Her answer was blunt and to the point. "The bits of metal must be eliminated. The pain is only a symptom of what's wrong. Every bit of metallo organic flesh within Skryben is sprinkled with these flecks of metal, acting as antennae for the forces released when we return to normal space at the end of a jump. Each jump causes the discharge of energy from these flecks, and this in turn damages the flesh around them. The damage is cumulative, and will in time cause the death of the organism if it is allowed to continue."

"The death of Skryben? From these... , these insignificant specks of metal? It doesn't seem possible!" Captain Jeryth paced back and forth across the bare cubicle, then turned to face them. It was the first time that Rand had seen him so upset. "And, if they are not eliminated? How much longer can Skryben continue to jump? Can we reach the cluster we're heading for?"

"I would very much doubt it. Long before her body dies, her mind would be destroyed. Remember, the flecks are distributed almost at random throughout her flesh. That includes her brain, as well as the rest of her body. Each jump destroys a part of her computational ability, her mind and her memories." Berniss shook her head. She stood erect before the captain's anger, her face showing lines of age and responsibility. She no longer looked young, but Rand thought that her appearance of greater age gave her a poise and maturity that suited her well. "No, the metal flecks are only the root of our problem. The problem itself is the continued survival of Skryben and all aboard her."

"Well stated, Medic Morss." Captain Jeryth stopped his pacing, and Rand could feel the effort that it took for him to appear calm. "What is the answer to the problem, then? Can the specks be removed individually?"

"No, they can't." Her answer was as direct as his question had been. "Oh, we can remove a few of them, at the cost of adding to the damage. That's how we discovered what they were, thanks to Officer Korsun's perception of the source of Skryben's pains. No, there are too many of them. Removing them would take months, perhaps years. Then, too, there's no way that we could get all of them. We can't go probing about inside of Skryben's brain. Even if we could get all of the particles that are causing the trouble, any stress that would cause the remaining particles to grow or shrink would put us right back where we started from."

"Then what is your recommendation? For the record, just how do you propose to get us to where we are going? Or do you have an answer?"

"I have more than one answer. Most problems in the real world have more than one solution, not like the questions in a textbook. First, of course, is to do nothing about the flecks. If we do not use Skryben's ability to jump, we can reach our goal through normal space. Officer Korsun can tell you how long that would take."

"Officer Korsun? Just how long would that be?"

"We are almost exactly twelve light years from the target cluster, traveling at approximately one eighth of the speed of light through normal space. If we increase our acceleration to a full two standard gravities, we can reach it in four years and nine months, ship time."

"And if we continue at our present acceleration?"

"Six years, and two months. Six years and nine months, if we reduce acceleration to one standard gravity."

"I see. That would be about sixteen years, real time. That's far too long. Medic Morss? You said that there were other solutions?"

"Possibly. The best one would be to find some way to resorb the particles into Skryben's body. This would allow the existing lesions to heal, as well. It could be done with the medical equipment available at any Fleet base, but of course that equipment isn't available here." Berniss shook her head slightly, as though shrugging off an unpleasant thought. "Neither is the raw material to regrow Skryben's flesh. I will have to experiment with what I have, and see what can be done."

"And, in the meantime? What do you recommend that I do? Or you, Officer Korsun?"

"Continue braking down to a more normal velocity," Rand answered when Berniss didn't respond. "There'll be plenty of time to build up speed again if we have to. I would suggest that we reduce the power to our inertial drives to one standard gravity or less, for now. It'll make it a lot easier on the rest of the crew."

"Very well." Captain Jeryth ushered them to the door of his quarters. "I'll give the order to do so. Oh, and since you are so well attuned to Skryben's feelings, you might offer your assistance to Medic Morss with her experiments. There will be little need of your talents on the bridge for some time."

The door closed softly behind them. They looked at each other for a moment, then Berniss shrugged.

"He took it well enough," she commented as they headed for the man hoist.

"I guess so." Rand didn't say any more until they were in the corridor outside sick bay. "He didn't pick up on one thing that you told him, though."

"I wondered if you would catch it." She gave him a twisted smile. "I couldn't think of any easier way to put it, either. 'Every bit of metallo organic flesh is sprinkled with these flecks of metal, acting as antennae for the forces released when we return to normal space at the end of a jump. Each jump causes the discharge of energy from these flecks, and this in turn damages the flesh around them. The damage is cumulative, and will in time cause the death of the organism if it continues.' Not just Skryben's flesh. His body and brain. Your heart and lung."

"That brings it home, all right. If we jump; I die, the Captain dies, Skryben dies. Not necessarily in that order, perhaps, but so what?"

"THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN SPEAKING." The voice resounded throughout Skryben, echoing from strategically placed speakers so that everyone could hear. "ACCELLERATION IS BEING REDUCED TO 0.65 STANDARD GRAVITY. THERE WILL BE NO MORE JUMPS UNTIL FURTHER NOTIFICATION. THAT IS ALL."

His weight decreased smoothly, and through his linkage with Skryben, Rand could feel the wave of relief that washed through the crew's minds at the reprieve from the constant crushing pressure of a gravity that was almost twice what most of them were accustomed to. One standard gravity, ten meters per second, per second, would still have been one and a half times what Skryben normally used, but they could have taken it. It felt even better to go back to their normal weight after more than three months of feeling so heavy. Rand remembered what one of his instructors had said about living on one of the Imperial Cluster's larger planets. 'It's not nearly as much fun, particularly if you're the one on the bottom.'

"What are you going to do about the metal particles," he asked, bringing his attention back to the problems facing them. "And, can I help?"

"I really don't know," she answered, deep in thought. "And, no, you can't. Not yet, anyway. Not unless you can think of some way to come up with a few kilotons of nutrients for Skryben's system. Unless I'm very much mistaken, we're going to have to do an almost complete regrowth of all her flesh."

"Can't we use the old flesh, recycle it?"

"Most of it, of course. That isn't the problem, speed is. Each section will have to be grown separately, then grafted into place. We need enough nutrients to grow each section, while the old section is still in place. We only have enough nutrients in our stores to regrow a very small section of Skryben's flesh at once."

"Yeah, I see what you mean. Well, call me when you need me. For anything, even if it's just for someone to bounce your thoughts off of."

"I'll do that." She smiled at him, and for an instant she was her old, serene self. "Go on, now, and relax for a while. There won't be anything you can do to help me until I've had time to do a little research on our problem."

Rand left, glowing slightly. 'Our problem, ' she'd said. He didn't want to go back to the bridge, not until he had to. Captain Jeryth would be there, and he'd prefer to keep his thoughts and calculations to himself until he had something concrete to show for them.

His own quarters weren't much smaller than the Captain's, and seemed larger. His bunk folded against one wall when he wasn't using it, leaving room for a chair and a table that swung out beneath his visiscreen. He pulled his auxiliary keyboard out of its slot, and flipped on his screen. He wouldn't use mind to mind contact with Skryben for this, either. No telling who could be listening in.

' display scan of nearby space. Radius, one fourth light year, one hundred and eighty degree hemisphere centered on your present course. '

Slowly, the three dimensional picture built up within his screen. At first, there was nothing. Space about them was empty, with an emptiness impossible to attain within the confines of a cluster. There were a few billion stray molecules of hydrogen, of course, sweeping past Skryben's hull every second. She could have spread a kilometers wide fan of energies, sweeping up these bits of matter, but it would have taken her months to accumulate a large enough sample to fill a one liter beaker at atmospheric pressure. There might even have been a few milligrams of other elements included, a trace of dust on the bottom of the container, but nothing that would have been of any help. Scarcely more hydrogen than would have been burned in her one remaining fusion engine to power the energy fan.

No, their only hope was that, somewhere within her extreme reach, Skryben could locate some wandering ice ball, lost from around a sun at an earlier stage in Mother Galaxy's development. Such things did exist, that he knew. Scientists had found them, floating serenely between the stars. Cold, lonely, frozen lumps of gas and dust. He'd seen holos of them, gray with dust, irregular to the point of insanity. Falling too close to a sun, they would become comets. Not a likely fate, considering how much empty space there was in even the densest clusters.

' scan completed. Nothing detected. '

' minimum size of detectable object within scanning range? '

' on radar, one centimeter at 100,000 kilometers, inversely proportional to fourth power of distance. On infra red, distance proportional to temperature. At ambient temperature, no detection possible against background. '

' time to decrease present residual velocity to zero, deceleration at 0.65 standard gravity? '

' sixty seven days, zero minutes, forty seconds from... Mark! '

' distance covered? '

' 109,000,000,000 kilometers. Four light days, four hours, and fifty minutes. '

' probability of finding ice ball of more than 1,000 tons, before coming to rest? '

' computing... '

' computing... '

' computing... '

The moments stretched out as Rand watched the screen. Finally, numbers began to appear, only to wash out into a gray blur.

' computing... '

' computing... '

' one chance in 25,000, plus or minus... '

' re computing. '

' computing... '

' computing... '

' correction, one chance in 250, plus or minus 125. '

' display factors used in computations. '

Rand leaned forward and studied the screen as rows of figures appeared. At last, satisfied, he relaxed.

' recompute, using present velocity, but with alternating deceleration and acceleration toward target cluster, giving present velocity as average. Compute median interval until detection of ice ball of more than 1,000 tons mass. '

' computing... '

' computing... '

' computing... '

' re computing. '

' computing... '

' interval of one hundred and forty seven years, plus or minus seventy four years. '

' display factors used in computations. '

Again, Rand studied the figures presented to him, keying in several sequences to make sure that they were correct.

' well done, Skryben. Store these computations for re display. '

Rand stared morosely at the screen for a long time before shutting it off. A very small chance that they might find a rogue ice ball, out here between the star clusters. Oh well, it could have been worse, and they could get lucky. He was only surprised that their chances were that good. Now, to convince Captain Jeryth that they should keep their present intrinsic velocity...

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Programming Conflict by Trish "So what you're saying is I'm dammed if I do, or we're dammed poor if don't!" "Er, yeah," Sue said, trying not to press me. Sue knew that I was just as aware as she was that if I played along with the plan, we three, or rather our 'hobby' cum burgeoning computer games company would be very handsomely rewarded. We were talking real money as well, not the couple of hundred pounds or so we had occasionally made selling our games at computer fairs in...

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Captain Ch 01

It was nearly 9am when Jack walked into the office that Monday morning and he sensed at once that everything was not right. Stella the receptionist was not her usual self and appeared to be extremely flustered. Usually a very calm and organised person, this morning she was nearly in tears. She was one of Jack’s favourite colleagues and he felt he needed to help her if possible. ‘Hi Stella, bad weekend?’ Jack asked. ‘Oh, Jack it’s not the weekend it’s Mr Green, he is in a foul mood and shouted...

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Captain America the American id

In the center of a dark warehouse, five men stood around a table lit by an overhead lamp. Four of the men wore black business suits, the head of an up and coming crime boss in New York with his three bodyguards looking over the goods presented on the table. Across from the table was a man wearing a full body hazmat suit, a representative of Advanced Idea Mechanics. His face was unreadable behind the black tinted face visor in the mask. “Gentlemen, I greet you on behalf of the AIM science and...

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Captain America and the New World

The Year: 2011 The Place: New York Captain America opens his eyes for the first time in 70 years. Next to his hospital bed is a radio broadcasting the baseball game of the Yankees. He immediately realises something is wrong, he was at that game. He rushes out to see what's happening but something is wrong, everything is wrong. He looks around and sees a lot of strange looking vehicles, tall buildings with some sort of short movie playing and everyone is naked, all men at least. Every man he...

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Captain Handsome A Visitor and a Campfire

“When I think of you masturbating alone in your room all those years, I wish we could have been together sooner. All those emails and cyber chat were wonderful. I know we had good orgasms but I also liked sharing our feelings with each other. It made it special.“Six years ago I never imagined I’d be with you tonight…or any night for that matter. I’d read some of your erotica and spent time reading your forum posts but it wasn’t in my head that we would be here together. Not ever.“It’s a...

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Captain Cooks CruisesChapter 3

Friday dawned mostly clear and sunny with light breezes predicted for most of the day. I got to work early cleaning the boat and replenishing the water supply. I was in better than usual spirits this morning. I had opened Trudi's envelope and found the exact same amount that Ellie had given me earlier in the week. My concerns about meeting this month's payments on the boat were gone. It was just after noon when I heard a hail from the pier. "Hello, the Lady A. Can I come...

4 years ago
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Captain of the CheerleadersChapter 7

Brenda was nearly finished with her senior year and she'd actually already finished all of her cheerleading activities. She knew that she and the other members of her cheer squad would be honored at the end of year athletics banquet but Brenda had one other major project in mind before the school year wrapped up and she graduated. She was determined to seduce the high school principal, Ronald Edwards. She wasn't sure how old Mr. Edwards was but she'd always thought he was very sexy in the...

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Captain GoldChapter 2 Promotions

Third officer! Not just Acting Third, either. A full promotion! It had been logged on his record as a 'battle promotion', of course, but a lot of jumps in rank were coming that way, lately. Officially, he was now 'Ship's Officer, Third Class', promoted from 'Ship's Officer, Junior Apprentice'. Fleet ranks were simple things, compared with the 'Admirals', 'Commodores', and so on of the larger civilian fleets, with their gaudy uniforms and stuffy formalities. The great sentient...

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Captain America The Virgin Soldier

Natasha peeled herself out of her clothes. She turns the shower on. While the water is coming to temperature, she pulls a tampon out of her pussy. Pulling it out sends waves of pleasure rippling through her body, her toes curl and her knees shake. She lets out a moan. There came a knock on the door. “You okay Nat? Need any stitches?” Captain Steven Rogers asked, always thoughtful and considerate. “Just a bruise. Get an ice pack ready.” she replied. ‘What I need from you is your super...

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Captain Montagues Mission II

Captain Montague's Mission (continued): By Vivienne Marcus (This is the second "slice" of the story: readers who have not read the first part are advised to do so before proceeding.) Five: There was a long silence. After she was sure the Germans had left, Sylvia jumped to her feet in exasperation. "How did they know? How did they know that there was an agent here?" She walked over to the edge of the arboretum. Through the glass she could see down the long driveway to...

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Captain Ahab Harpoons Another

This is the first time I have entered a direct competition with other writers. Please be gentle with me. Although I was trying to fight it, I was pretty excited waiting for my sister. Having turned eighteen a few months earlier, I was being treated to an adult experience by Holly. Slightly less than a year older than me, we were Irish twins. My sister was in her first year of college and was going to a Halloween frat party. Holly had even invited me to attend with her and her friends. We were...

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Captain of the CheerleadersChapter 5

Brenda was really getting into the mode of multiple fuck and suck scenarios. But, one of her sexual adventures got her more dick than she'd ever imagined possible. It was after a party one Friday night and Brenda had gotten what she thought was a date with Hank, one of the big tackles on the football team. But, when Brenda got to Hank's house, she didn't sense that things were quite like she'd expected. Instead of it being only Hank, the one who she'd decided to fuck that evening, there...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 37 Conflicts

April, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday night, Bethany came to my bed, but because of her restrictions, all we did was cuddle. Kara had graciously given up her Sunday night to Bethany. On Monday, Bethany went to the UofC library. When I arrived home from class, she told me that she’d talked to Loyola and would be taking a summer class. She’d also talked to her professor in Madison and arranged to go up on May 7th to make her presentation. After dinner, I told her about my call with...

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The Conflict

8/07/2020 Hello, everyone it's me again. Shadowborn or if you follow me on Wattpad then it's Lord Shadowborn. In my first story on this site I talked about leaving. But apparently I did not leave. Well, I did for a bit but I found myself drawn back to this...stuff...these "sex stories" but I call it sin and shit. Because I am a religious person or some of you would say religious bigot, racist, and etc...insults that aren't true. I am not like that. Anyway, I was on a site called "xvideos .com"....

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 48 Hope and Conflict

Thoughts Letting Bill leave the way he did was the greatest act of Faith yet for me. I trusted that somehow he'd find Anna when none of the rest of us had managed. And most of all, I trusted that he wouldn't also become lost forever to me. Apparently it's hard for many non-robots to understand how a mere two weeks with Bill devoted solely to me could be so significant in the fullness span of my existence-span — yet it was. And what does this say about my memories of Samuel? Another...

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Celestial WarsChapter 5 Conflict

~I heard the buzzing. The Flies were everywhere. Fresh corpses were stripped to the bone in seconds ... and in the middle, Beelzebub sat, devouring the flesh of fallen. – Survivor of the Pyrrhic war.~ Daniel Fleeting This wasn't part of the plan. I had been distracted for a moment. This woman with jet black hair and forest green eyes had reminded me of a past love ... and I had dropped my guard. Had I been aware I would have realized that no woman living in the forest has a teacup...

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ShilohChapter 42 Final Conflict

The Shiloh troops are up before dawn and having breakfast. They get ready to do battle; the soldiers of the Second and Third Regiment have ten lances and four hundred arrows for their longbows each. They carry no short bows or arrows for them; they’re on the supply wagons to be safely out of the way since they won’t be needed in this coming battle. They mount up when two companies of the First ride by to head to the side valleys while the Rider Clan workers remove the barricades and load them...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 9 A Capital in Conflict

Elena watched the group of Serratian priests enter the castle’s courtyard and she closed her eyes for a moment. There had been rumors of a rogue sect heading toward the capital but no confirmation. There hadn’t been mass killings or thefts. They had kept to the lightly traveled roads and provided their own stores. The reports had been of areas where a large group had camped – and of telltale signs that it was a group of Serratians who had been there. A small group of men broke away from the...

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Crisis at IshtarChapter 50 Curtained from Conflict

It must have been the fact that we knew the acting governor would hear about our performance. The intensity of Cleo, Mickey and me was palpable as we provided the music for the actors. There were a few sections and songs that had changed, but I barely heard the words as I played. The audience was silent throughout the performance. At one break, I risked a quick glance at them and found that everyone was gazing raptly towards the stage. Alexis noticed that I had turned my head and flashed me...

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Tale of Darth TremarChapter 7 Conflict

Cyprixxia Dantooine System Dantooine Five Days after the Fall of Dantooine Larian watched as the small supply vessel spun in the zero gravity of space, and then rocketed away. It had dropped off several large crates that were now being moved by droids to a separate hangar, far removed from this one. He idly checked his blaster, and followed the droids. One of the crates had holes in the top, to keep the cargo alive, but he wasn’t sure how lively it could be. Meanwhile, Reanne stood beside...

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Captain GoldChapter 7 Hide and Seek

"How are you feeling this morning, sir?" Rand hesitated before opening his eyes. He braced himself as his body remembered pain. It didn't come, and he finally let himself relax. "Pretty good." He smiled up at the wrinkled face of Nurse Third Class Imrud. The little man was incredibly old for a space hand, with a lurid store of even more ancient jokes. Rand hadn't particularly liked him, the few times they'd talked, but right now any human contact was welcome. He wondered idly just...

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Captains Choice Ch 0506

This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. Captain’s Choice Chapter 5 Lost at Sea We were on a four day break in the middle of August. Our next charter would be arriving on a Friday afternoon and our most recent had just left on Monday morning. It was a necessary breather and a way to recharge the batteries as we headed into the home stretch for the busy summer season. It had been nearly six...

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Captains Choice Ch 0708

This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. Captain’s Choice Chapter 7 A Decision to be Made I’d pretty much put the matter of the boat being destroyed out of my conscious mind while Ardele and I used the Internet to search out potential replacements. We had made a mutual list of the things that were must-have, should-have, and would like-to-have on our next craft. The more things we listed, the...

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Captains Choice Ch 0102

This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. It was previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 1 The Resurrection I’d always imagined a life where I could retire early and do only the things I wanted to do. Maybe I would win the lottery, or maybe someone would recognize my special skills and pay me an insane amount of money to work for them. Or maybe the tooth fairy would leave me a few gold bars to tide me over. So much for...

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