Captain GoldChapter 5: Planetary Probe free porn video

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They moved furtively from star to star. In each system, unknown worlds seemed to float serenely off Skryben's bow, brought close by the magic of long range scanners. Each time, the image in the central screen gave little or no hint of the world's potentials. Each one was just a planet, some smaller, some larger. Each system was studied with almost exaggerated care, only to be rejected for one fault or another as unsuitable to their purposes.

They jumped, and jumped again, heading for a system some seven light years from the last star they had visited. Rand had to be careful that they didn't come out too close to the heart of a system. Too close to the local sun, and enemy detectors could pick up the flare of energy as they emerged. He plotted a series of ever shorter jumps, setting up a course diagram on his console. He had practiced such maneuvers at the Academy, of course, but this was the real thing. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

With a jump interval of two hours, he had to be sure that each emergence was exactly two light hours closer to the target system than the one before it, and in a different part of the celestial sphere. This was intended to spray Vortigen detectors with a multitude of faint energy bursts, arriving almost at the same time from over a wide expanse of stars. Each jump had to be shorter than the last, so that the energy received by the Vortigen detectors from each emergence would be about the same as every other one. The hope was that such bursts of energy would be dismissed as artifacts of faulty electronics.

Skryben halted at the greatest distance that would allow accurate investigation, circling close to one of the outer planets of the system. The latest world to draw their interest was the second out from its sun. It was nine tenths water, and what little dry land it boasted was broken into strings of islands and minor continents. Its only moon was a jagged chunk of asteroidal rock and metal, whose too regular orbit suggested that it might have been moved into position. A few miles in its longest dimension, it gave forth only an occasional squeal of radio noise. The Vortigen base, if base it was, hardly seemed worthy of the designation.

"Acting Communications Officer Korsun, give your report."

The bridge of Skryben seemed unusually crowded. All three pilots were present, while their console was manned by an assistant. Medic Morss and Quartermaster Jyrd Ta Aweti were there, too.

One more, a man whose craggy features Rand didn't know. He reached out to Skryben's memory banks... , scanning...

'... Strike Left'nt Tran Af'Sword, Imperial Marines... '

Of course. He'd been riding, along with his two squads of Imperial Marines, in the ship's stasis tanks, waiting for the time when they would be needed. Strictly speaking, he wasn't a member of the ship's crew. He came under Captain Jeryth's orders only as long as he was aboard ship. Away from the ship, his was an independent command, answerable only to the Emperor.

Quartermaster Aweti looked uncomfortable in these surroundings, as far as his alien features could be read. He'd given them a brief report on the state of the ship's stores, using as few words as possible. He was from Eewluuim IV, a world of swamps and shallow seas. Few humans lived there, unable to cope with its dank heat and gray skies.

The only non human aboard Skryben, he usually kept to his quarters when off duty, taking his meals in hot and humid solitude. On duty, he was gruff and uncommunicative, his moist gray skin uncomfortable in the ship's dry air. The slender amphibian was from one of the few races sturdy enough to stand the rigors of stellar combat. Almost all of the air breathing races of the Imperial Cluster were some form or other of light gravity insectiles.

A low hum of conversation died as Rand pressed a key on his console. Heads turned as displays of several quite ordinary solar systems appeared on a smaller screen, spreading from left to right across one wall of the bridge. Fat ellipses enclosed reddish to yellow orange suns. A blinking green light showed where Skryben lurked on the outskirts of the right most system.

"We were fortunate to find an inhabited system with a substantial Oort cloud on only our fifth try," he began, and a diffuse shell of pale yellow encircled their view of the leftmost system. "We studied the transmissions from the inner planets of that system for three days, sorting out official from entertainment channels. This gave Skryben and her crew time to recover from jump shock, as well as to refill her storage tanks with essential elements harvested from the ice balls of the Oort cloud. When we had learned all that we could without giving away our presence, we moved among nearby systems until we found one that better suited our needs."

"So, what did you find out from the Vortigen broadcasts?" Captain Jeryth prompted.

"Very little, really." Rand flushed, wishing that the spotlight was on someone else. His head still felt fuzzy from the long series of closely spaced jumps they had undergone, and he wondered whether the rest of Skryben's crew felt any better. "In each inhabited system, there seemed to be only one non military video channel for entertainment and news, beamed to all of the occupied planets. The broadcasts on it were in two languages. Most of them were in Standard Vortigen, the same as the scraps of broadcasts that have been recorded from their ships. The rest were in another language, different in each system. All other channels, from ten to forty three of them, were for military communications, linking together the asteroidal and lunar bases. Most of those broadcasts were in a standard code, one that we've been able to decipher quite easily, now that we've gained some familiarity with Standard Vortigen."

"Sounds like those other systems were all pretty heavily fortified. We were smart to leave them alone." As the diagram changed to enlarge the display of the system they were in, Strike Left'nt Af'Sword studied it carefully. Any action by his men was likely to be on the ground, but they were equally well trained for space combat. "What's so different about this one?"

"It's almost unprotected. The one lunar base is all that we've found. The planet, they call it Ly'Ath, is E type, of course. The others are smaller; rocky and barren, with little or no atmosphere. There's no distinct asteroid belt. The only exception is Seven, the one we're orbiting, which is a minor gas giant with rudimentary rings. Ly'Ath is the second planet from its sun, and has a mean diameter of 6,700 miles, a surface gravity of 0.73 standard, and is 11% dry land. From what we have been able to gather from the entertainment broadcasts, the natives are insectile molluscoid amphibians, with a free swimming larval stage. Their scientific orientation is primarily biological, with a very few high tech in grafts from the Vortigen."

"Very concise," Captain Jeryth approved. "Our mission is to find out how tightly the Vortigen control the Drift, and whether the subject planets have any degree of self rule. We must learn the current political structure of the Drift, and as much as we can of Vortigen history. We've been studying a number of transcribed broadcasts from the planet's surface."

At Captain Jeryth's nod, Rand pressed another key, replacing the system diagram with a brightly colored vista. In the background was an expanse of water, studded with islands. Closer at hand, clusters of multicolored bubble domes nestled among stringy vegetation. The village seemed to have been built partially under water, the buildings becoming larger and closer together as the sandy soil sloped down to a protected beach. The colors were normal for an E type world; splotchy pale green vegetation, greenish blue water, and a blue sky with puffy white clouds. There was nothing in the scene to tell them its true scale, but compared to the beings moving about the domes, the smallest buildings could be no larger than single family dwellings.

Another press of the button brought the scene to life. The beings moved about ponderously, and sound was added to the picture. Musical instruments plonked and faded, to be replaced by a high pitched babble of squeaky voices, chanting in unison. It seemed to be a formal occasion, and the being at the center of the screen was using the Vortigen language.

"Skryben can give us an approximate translation..."

"... Here, this day," the being, somewhat larger than its fellows, was saying, the Terranglo words overlaying the sound of its voice. "A new... (something)... has finally dawned. The words of our Gracious Masters Above have at last come true! No longer must we Kreert labor only for our own... (something). At last, we are to be allowed to contribute to the Commonwealth of the Stars! Our young, as soon as they make the change from free swimmers, are learning to operate the... (something)... of our gracious masters. These schools have been provided at only a nominal cost, and instructors trained by..."

"The usual kind of propaganda, as the local economy is being integrated into to the Empire," Captain Jeryth commented as Rand killed the sound and motion. "What do you think? Can we infiltrate here, learn some of what we need to know?"

"We can give it a try," he assented, somewhat dubiously. "But we'll need to learn more about the planet before we land anyone. When they do go down, one of the smaller towns might be the best place. All of the official channels show only Vortigens. I would guess that very few members of the subject races, if any, are allowed to travel to other worlds, so that they'd be suspicious of us in the towns where ships land."

"All right. As Acting Communications Officer, you will send down a full set of probes to study the planet, before you go down in person."

"Me? But..." Rand bit off the words, knowing that his ears were burning red. He heard Tasca's stifled laugh, and turned even redder, but Captain Jeryth turned away without comment. After all, he was Skryben's Acting Communications Officer, and it was his job.

Rand crouched at the edge of the alien forest, trying to ignore the squad of Imperial marines poised behind him. He peered nervously past tilled fields at the partly submerged village. The brightly colored bubbles reflected orange light from the rising sun. The morning's clinging mists were fast burning off, the villagers beginning to stir.

In Skryben's belly, a swarm of metallo organic constructs had been seeded and rushed to maturity. While they were being readied, Skryben had moved into a powered orbit that had brought her close to Ly'Ath. At the appropriate point, a cloud of objects had been released to scatter across the planet's surface. Skryben had then hung off the planet for ten of its short days, shielded by its bulk from the Vortigen base and protected by her own electronic counter measures. All possible precautions had been taken, until only the rarest of evil chances could have revealed her presence to hostile eyes.

Unpowered, the tiny probes had seared through Ly'Ath's atmosphere, tumbling and slowing as they neared the surface. Most of them, falling into water, transformed themselves into innocuous seeming replicas of local life forms, sessile or free swimming. At intervals, they would break the surface or send up tendrils, beaming up bursts of data for Skryben to interpret.

Others, falling onto land, simulated small rocks, trees, or bushes, changing their golden hues to match their surroundings. They retained limited mobility, but used it as little as possible. None of the probes had been discovered by the natives, though quite a few of the free swimmers had been devoured by the local equivalent of sharks.

Most of the probes relied on solar energy collectors, or else they oxidized organic substances for power, but a few had tiny reactors built in. These, before reaching the surface, spread narrow wings. They took advantage of the heavy air and light gravity, soaring on random currents of air, and needed little power to stay aloft.

Over a period of days, a reasonably complete picture of the planet had come together in Skryben's data banks. She now knew Ly'Ath, from its shallow depths to its unimposing heights. Knew it, that is, as well as she knew any planet and its inhabitants. She'd been born in space, and grown up in the confines of an orbiting shipyard. To her, the touch of a major planet's surface would mean a crushing death.

Rand had studied Skryben's findings, correlating them with what had been revealed by intercepted Vortigen transmissions. Much of what they'd learned had confirmed their suspicions. The Vortigen ruled the Drift with an iron grasp. Now, his job was to find out just what methods they used.

He moved out into the open, waiting to be noticed. The squad of marines followed at a distance, ready to repel any sudden attack. For a moment, everything seemed unreal. The ground felt hollow under his feet, as though it was a bubble to be burst by an incautious footstep. His surroundings seemed like flimsy props in an outdoor drama. If his calculations were right, this was the one approach that was the least likely to trigger violence. If he was wrong, the squad of marines was close by...

One of the Kreert approached slowly, its opalescent shell gleaming in the morning light as it moved about on thick insectile legs. The gentle breeze was cool on Rand's forehead, heavy with the scent of ocean and green plants. The Kreert froze in its tracks as it caught sight of the strange beings, and a discordant squawk issued from the spiracles along the edges of its shell.

"Peace." Rand's words, translated into Vortigen, issued from the golden collar around his neck. "I come from afar. I would speak with the foremost ones of this island."

"It speaks!" The softly spoken exclamation burst from the native, and it paused. The stalked eyes bent to examine this tiny intruder, and its next words were in a much louder voice. "You did speak?"

"I come in peace." The translator uttered the words with a volume to match the native's, resounding in Rand's ears. Could these beings be somewhat deaf? "I would speak with the foremost ones of this island. I bring greetings from my people to yours."

"Are you... (emissaries?)... from the Masters? You speak their tongue... No, tell me not. It is none of my concern. Come, I shall lead you to the Under Master."

Towering over the frail Human, the Kreert moved on chitinous legs toward one of the larger of the nearby domes. Rand followed, keeping well out of reach of the Kreert's writhing tentacles. His mind kept reaching out, seeking the comfort of contact with his fellow crew members through Skryben, but there was nothing. Skryben was far away, and he was here alone...

He shook off the sudden feeling of terror. What was wrong with him? This wasn't the first time he'd been ashore on an unfamiliar planet! He reached out once more for the comfort of contact with Skryben, the warmth of Tasca, and the calm strength of Berniss...

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Chapter 5: Planetary Probe Videos

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Sensibly holding his pace down to a brisk walk, Rand followed the others out into the corridor. He headed for the nearby man hoist, rather than the stairs, keeping in mind Berniss's caution that he wasn't supposed to strain himself this soon. As he waited for those ahead of him to catch the man hoist's moving platforms, he scanned the space around Skryben. It was better than he'd feared, in some ways, but worse in others. Only one Vortigen craft was close by. Much closer, and it might...

2 years ago
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Captain fucks my girlfriend while shes on the phone with me

So this is what happened: one afternoon when I came back from work I saw Claudia looking over a mens underwear magazine which, quite naturally, depicts models with perfect bodies and suggest what appears to be a rather decent bulge inside of the garments. I have never been a jealous man, and although she was a bit red and got redder when I asked her what she was doing, I gave it no second thought. We actually laughed it off the next minute. She then started watching her favorite show...

4 years ago
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Captain Tom 2 The Voyage

Thursday evening my man and I found ourselves at our favorite restaurant for Dollar Oyster Raw Bar night. We sat at the bar and chatted with the locals as we ate. Most of them are snooty assholes, but some are characters we have come to know and like or tolerate. This brings us to Captain Tom, who is always very excited to see us and boasts about his life as a seaman. My man still has no idea that Tom and I have been lovers. Tom played it very cool. Personally I think the man is a pompous ass...

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Captain GoldChapter 10 Journeying

Skryben winced. Rand knew the cause; momentary twinges of intense pain throughout her body as she jumped. "Jump completed." Tasca's voice was calm. So short a jump; she hadn't even felt any shock from it. Their third so far under command of Captain Jeryth, with thousands more to go before they reached their goal. "Jump completed," he gave his report. He hadn't felt the jump, either. What was wrong with Skryben? "Coordinates logged into data banks." "Excellent." Captain Jeryth's...

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Captain Scrotum and the SS thrust chapter 2

“Lilly!" Scrotum shouted while panicking, “How long will it take Anna to clean this mess up?”“I’m sorry, sexy ass.  Anna is not programmed to move dead bodies.”Scrotum rushed over and picked up the dead woman, “Now you get Anna to clean up and I will hide her.”  Scrotum shouted to Lilly.“Whatever you desire, hot stuff,” Lilly replied back.Scrotum staggered down the corridor. He had picked the body up upside down so that her knees were resting on his shoulders and her head resting against his...

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Captain Quentin Stocking

This morning I popped down to Pret a Manger to meet up with my good friend Albert Einstein for a slice of red velvet cake with a vanilla butter-icing topping and a medium cappuccino on the side. "Albert Einstein," I hear you say in a somewhat incredulous tone. Yes, Albert Einstein! THE Albert Einstein. I gave you all a perfect opportunity to invite me out for a yummy little Pret-fest back in Dr Flappyduck, but did any of you offer? Did you fuck, so it's just me and Albie yet again for our...

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Captain Cooks CruisesChapter 5

Five weeks had passed since I first met Ellie DuPont and then her friends. Now on Saturday morning, as I performed my daily cleanup chores I was wondering if I would be able to snag an itinerant party for a day cruise when my cell phone rang. I flipped it opened and said, "Hello. Captain Cooks Cruises. Captain Cook speaking." "Hello, Tom. This is Ellie DuPont." "Good morning, Ellie. It's nice to hear from you. How are you?" "I'm great. I was wondering if you're available...

3 years ago
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Captain GoldChapter 6 Flight

It was a strange sensation, Rand decided. Extremely strange. His old body was very far away, and very, very small, hidden somewhere deep within this larger, stronger body. His mind was quite clear and calm, his recall sharp, but the memory of pain was like someone else's dream. Once again, his thoughts were mingled with the images and data streams of Skryben. He was floating in space, surrounded by skeins of stars, but this time there was no easy awakening. '... that's because you're not...

3 years ago
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Planetary Resort Part II

Jean waited, anxious and trembling, for she did not know what her eccentric boss might be expecting from her in the ‘special room’. "Do not fear, Miss Rene," said Brick, pleasantly. "I really believe that you and I are going to get along splendidly. Do you have much experience in the escort service?" "Humans only," Jean admitted. "This is my first time off world and first time with an alien." "I see," he nodded and grinned. "I do hope that I satisfied you." "Oh you did," Jean...

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Planetary Agents 35 Tentacles of doom

CHAPTER 5 LAST EPISODE: The galaxy?s greatest scientist (and high-school teacher) is the next target of a nasty tentacle monster. Our girl spies are there to save him. So far, there?s been no monster, but other oddities have been occurring. Now, Caitlin gets to find out what it truly means to be a girl? Crystal helped me into the shower while Amber ran out for some quick ?feminine protection.? Since Crystal was feeling everything I felt, you?d think it would be a case of...

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Planetary Alignment Harem

As you slept a once in a millennium event occurred. The planets reached perfect alignment and as astronomers around the world observed it something totally unexpected happened. At the exact moment the planets reached their alignment in the instant it happened, the sun turned blue and yellow light poured out of it encompassing the entirety of the solar system. In an event that would be called the Light Spread by the scientific community for the rest of recorded human history. As quick as it...

1 year ago
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Teleported InterPlanetary Cheerleaders Suck

“One, two... three, four...” Standing at the head of the bus, counting students, Ms. Samantha Sexton was a study in contrasts. In one sense, she was the typical teacher... a stern look... her hair pulled up in a bun... dark-rimmed glasses... a white blouse and black skirt with black heels and light tan pantyhose... very professional. On the other hand, despite known for being strict, her students loved her because she listened to them, and actually WAS understanding and kind when she had to be....

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Teleported InterPlanetary Cheerleaders Suck Part 2

For as long as she lived (and on this planet, where the girls never age at all, this COULD mean forever), pretty blonde Stephanie would NEVER forget her first day on Planet XXX. One minute, she and the rest of her school’s cheerleading squad were on a bus back to school after cheering the boy’s basketball team on to another blow-out loss); and the next she and the others were all on some strange planet, captives to strange, tall and gangly green aliens with huge suckers on their feet, being...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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Cartman Gets an Anal Probe

"Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" What Really Happened That Night Requested by Meg note to readers done quick to the plot of first episode so not quite sure if this story is ok. Just a bit of fun but please let me know The first thing Cartman noticed when he woke up was that he was unable to move anything but his arms. He was lying naked on his back strapped down onto a cold metal surface. He couldn't see what was holding him down as his head was being kept in place by a black...

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Captain Cooks CruisesChapter 4

On Saturday afternoon after my cruise with Claire Davis, I caught an afternoon booking with a family on a two week vacation trip in the area. That evening when I got back, my phone service, which was comprised of two spinster sisters who ran a service for a number of small businesses from their home, informed me that I had received a call for a booking on Sunday from a Getty party. I stayed up until nearly midnight cleaning the interior of the boat and was up at sunup mopping and hosing off...

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Captain GoldChapter 17 Rebirth

Floating... Darkness... Floating... Where was he?... Who was he? '... Rand. You are Rand. Rand Korsun... ' '... I am Rand Korsun. I am Rand Korsun. I am Rand Korsun!... ' Memories came flooding back. He tried to open his eyes, but they were sealed shut. He was floating, and not breathing, and something was holding him in place. Something that felt like webbing. He remembered the fight on Skryben's bridge, and that he'd been hurt fighting against Captain Jeryth, trying to protect......

2 years ago
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Captain Ch 01

It was nearly 9am when Jack walked into the office that Monday morning and he sensed at once that everything was not right. Stella the receptionist was not her usual self and appeared to be extremely flustered. Usually a very calm and organised person, this morning she was nearly in tears. She was one of Jack’s favourite colleagues and he felt he needed to help her if possible. ‘Hi Stella, bad weekend?’ Jack asked. ‘Oh, Jack it’s not the weekend it’s Mr Green, he is in a foul mood and shouted...

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Captain America the American id

In the center of a dark warehouse, five men stood around a table lit by an overhead lamp. Four of the men wore black business suits, the head of an up and coming crime boss in New York with his three bodyguards looking over the goods presented on the table. Across from the table was a man wearing a full body hazmat suit, a representative of Advanced Idea Mechanics. His face was unreadable behind the black tinted face visor in the mask. “Gentlemen, I greet you on behalf of the AIM science and...

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Captain America and the New World

The Year: 2011 The Place: New York Captain America opens his eyes for the first time in 70 years. Next to his hospital bed is a radio broadcasting the baseball game of the Yankees. He immediately realises something is wrong, he was at that game. He rushes out to see what's happening but something is wrong, everything is wrong. He looks around and sees a lot of strange looking vehicles, tall buildings with some sort of short movie playing and everyone is naked, all men at least. Every man he...

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Captain Handsome A Visitor and a Campfire

“When I think of you masturbating alone in your room all those years, I wish we could have been together sooner. All those emails and cyber chat were wonderful. I know we had good orgasms but I also liked sharing our feelings with each other. It made it special.“Six years ago I never imagined I’d be with you tonight…or any night for that matter. I’d read some of your erotica and spent time reading your forum posts but it wasn’t in my head that we would be here together. Not ever.“It’s a...

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Captain Cooks CruisesChapter 3

Friday dawned mostly clear and sunny with light breezes predicted for most of the day. I got to work early cleaning the boat and replenishing the water supply. I was in better than usual spirits this morning. I had opened Trudi's envelope and found the exact same amount that Ellie had given me earlier in the week. My concerns about meeting this month's payments on the boat were gone. It was just after noon when I heard a hail from the pier. "Hello, the Lady A. Can I come...

4 years ago
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Captain of the CheerleadersChapter 7

Brenda was nearly finished with her senior year and she'd actually already finished all of her cheerleading activities. She knew that she and the other members of her cheer squad would be honored at the end of year athletics banquet but Brenda had one other major project in mind before the school year wrapped up and she graduated. She was determined to seduce the high school principal, Ronald Edwards. She wasn't sure how old Mr. Edwards was but she'd always thought he was very sexy in the...

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Captain GoldChapter 2 Promotions

Third officer! Not just Acting Third, either. A full promotion! It had been logged on his record as a 'battle promotion', of course, but a lot of jumps in rank were coming that way, lately. Officially, he was now 'Ship's Officer, Third Class', promoted from 'Ship's Officer, Junior Apprentice'. Fleet ranks were simple things, compared with the 'Admirals', 'Commodores', and so on of the larger civilian fleets, with their gaudy uniforms and stuffy formalities. The great sentient...

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It was warm and humid in your room. You took your shower and then opened the window, to let in the night breeze. The breeze and coolness of the covers felt wonderful on your naked skin. You don't normally sleep naked, but tonight was an exception. The day had been long and hard. You were too tired to get back up and throw something on. As soon as your head hit the pillows, you were fast asleep. You began to hear a slight humming noise in your sleep. What started out faint began to grow in...

2 years ago
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Captain America The Virgin Soldier

Natasha peeled herself out of her clothes. She turns the shower on. While the water is coming to temperature, she pulls a tampon out of her pussy. Pulling it out sends waves of pleasure rippling through her body, her toes curl and her knees shake. She lets out a moan. There came a knock on the door. “You okay Nat? Need any stitches?” Captain Steven Rogers asked, always thoughtful and considerate. “Just a bruise. Get an ice pack ready.” she replied. ‘What I need from you is your super...

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Captain Montagues Mission II

Captain Montague's Mission (continued): By Vivienne Marcus (This is the second "slice" of the story: readers who have not read the first part are advised to do so before proceeding.) Five: There was a long silence. After she was sure the Germans had left, Sylvia jumped to her feet in exasperation. "How did they know? How did they know that there was an agent here?" She walked over to the edge of the arboretum. Through the glass she could see down the long driveway to...

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