Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 27 free porn video

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"You gave him your vote?! How could you do this to me?!"

Freya did not appear to hear Gronnus at first. Her attention was focused on unwrapping a small parcel she had purchased from the merchants shortly after the Conclave had adjourned for the day. As she removed the wrapping from a small wooden box, she turned her head and gave Gronnus a bored look. "My vote was never yours to begin with. Or anyone's other than mine from the start."

"But you said you would deal with me!"

"No. I said I would consider it. I did. You came up short."

Gronnus fumed, his hands clenched into fists. He watched as Freya opened the wooden box and removed a triangle of glossy black material.

"You know what Roquan thinks of contraband in his Manor, Freya," Gronnus snapped.

Freya simply grinned at him. "And how many Overlords here are paying attention to that? Besides, there is a loophole. He can do nothing about goods purchased here."

"But you cannot use it."

Freya held up the object for a few moments, examining it. It appeared to flow like thick fluid. She carefully placed it back in the box. "Oh, but I can. You see, I have every right to use it on my property."

"Ah. So that is a 'present' for your new slave, is it?"

Freya closed the box. "Let's just say it will help maintain her discipline as best as it can under the circumstances." She stood up. "Now, Gronnus, be a dear, and do stop bothering me about the Conclave."

"But, Freya, I need... !"

"I do not care what you need. I do not care what any else needs at the moment, for that matter. I have what I came here for. That is all that matters to me. I will give my vote to Roquan, regardless of how the rest of it goes. Is that clear?"

Gronnus' face fell, then hardened to stone as he stared at Freya. "Very clear," he said tersely.

"Good. Now get out."

Without another word, Gronnus turned and left Freya's quarters.

Gronnus walked a few steps away from the building and paused. He turned his gaze to the side, where Roquan was leading Amanda towards another Overlord's quarters. He narrowed his eyes, still fuming. Already, Farlor would no longer parlay with him! Roquan had already made him a counteroffer and it appeared the Overlord would accept it! Apparently, word was getting around about Roquan's generosity.

But how was he doing it? How did he know just what to offer the Overlords to turn them to his side?

Another movement caught his attention. In the distance, Berin was walking down the path that wound through the rough center of the collection of Overlord dwellings, heading towards the very end of the row, where his own quarters lay. Gronnus watched as the man disappeared inside of it.

Gronnus believed he now knew what was happening.

The Overlord turned and marched quickly towards Berin's quarters. Once there, he did not announce himself, but instead simply pushed in the door.

A startled Berin whirled around to face him, nearly spilling the brandy he had just poured for himself. "Oh! Gronnus! Heavens! You gave a me such a fright, you did. Would you care to join me in a..."

Gronnus stomped over to Berin and yanked the glass from his hand, splashing brandy over Berin's shirt. Just as Berin was looking at Gronnus in stunned surprise, Gronnus gave the man a hard shove in the chest and sent him stumbling backwards. He hit the edge of the bed and fell down hard onto it, very nearly sliding to the floor before catching himself.

"M-my dear Gronnus, what has gotten into... ?"

"Shut up! You did it, didn't you?"

Berin blinked in fear and confusion. "Did it? Did what? I don't..."

"Don't lie to me!" Gronnus thundered. "You cut a deal with Roquan!"

Berin's eyes were saucers. "With Roquan? Are you mad, Gronnus?"

"How else is he finding out what to counteroffer? How else is he even getting the goods that he is promising them? How, Berin, how?!"

Berin swallowed, panting, looking up in fear at the other Overlord. He held a hand aloft as if expecting to ward off a blow. "Gronnus, g-get a hold of yourself, for the love of the gods! Why would I deal with him? Why? There's no profit in that, Gronnus! Where would he get that kind of platinum?"

Gronnus appeared to consider this for a moment. "He got his information somehow, Berin," he said, his voice a little lower now.

Berin very slowly lowered his arm. "It wasn't me. Honestly, Gronnus, it wasn't me. There's no point in me turning on you. You forget, I'm on your side politically as well. I don't want to move against the Emperor! Not... not one like this."

Gronnus narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

"Emperor Z'haas is too powerful," Berin said in a small, scared voice. "I told you this before. My contacts at the Imperium have never seen anything like it. It's... it's getting worse, Gronnus. Things are changing daily! He's turned the Imperial Palace into a virtual fortress!"

Gronnus frowned deeply at this, if for no other reason than to hide the sense of dread that was coming over him as well. He was beginning to regret ever having consorted with the Emperor in the first place. He had no idea that Z'haas was going to get delusions of greater power. Or that he would acquire the means and influence to carry them out.

But was he really headed towards war, as he had heard Roquan suggest? Surely even Z'haas would not go that far? Yet he contemplated assassinating Roquan. Would a sane Emperor do this?

"Then if you did not do this, who did?" Gronnus demanded.

Berin slowly rose to his feet. "I don't know. And that is the honest truth. There was no one at all with me and the other Overlord whenever I did my deals. Well, no one except that slave girl."

Gronnus paused. "Slave girl? Amanda, you mean?"

"Yes, Amanda. The one being Presented."

Gronnus considered this for a long moment, until Berin began to look at him curiously. "No," Gronnus said softly to himself. "That cannot... even Roquan wouldn't..."

"What is it?" Berin asked.

"Nothing," Gronnus said gruffly. He turned to Berin. "Apologies for my outburst. I am under a great deal of stress."

Berin sighed and nodded. "Aren't we all. I have a bad feeling, Gronnus, that this is only the start. No matter what the outcome of the Conclave."

Gronnus was not listening. He was mulling over the incredible conclusion that he had just formed in his head. He just was not sure what he could do with it yet.

Roquan listened as Amanda recounted what she had heard between Berin and the last of the Overlords with whom Roquan was to deal that day. This time Amanda had been able to recall more detail, as all she had been required to do after servicing the Overlord was lie quietly on the bed as they spoke.

"You have done very well, Amanda," Roquan said. "With this information I should be able to close on another deal."

"Will this give you enough support in the Conclave, master, or will you need me again after today?"

"This will be last deal," he said simply.

Amanda was glad to hear this. Even though she had been settling into her role rather easily, she was becoming increasingly nervous that somehow someone would find out. Despite the fact that it would likely be Roquan that got into trouble over it, she didn't want to see that happen, either.

"Master, may I ask a question?"

"Certainly, Amanda."

"When the Conclave is over, will the merchants be leaving as well?"

"Very shortly afterward, I would imagine." He paused. "I am curious as to why you inquired about this."

Amanda hesitated, and wished she had not asked it in the first place. She could not reveal the real reason, that she wanted her time with Sirinna again in the evenings. Though, admittedly, she would miss Jollis. He was very kind to her, and she felt affection for him.

She decided she could tell at least a partial truth after all.

"The merchant that is housed with Sirinna is interested more in me than her. I pleased him rather well. It was nice to feel that I was doing something right."

"Really? He has been selecting you over Sirinna?"

Amanda nodded. "Yes, master, every night."

"Has he treated you properly?"

"Yes, very much so. I was quite enjoying it."

Yes, it was as it always was with Amanda. If she were doing something because it was enjoyable, or because she had a strong sense of duty behind it, she did well. What was missing was the innate sense of enjoyment that the Draught would have brought her.

He now liked the idea of giving her to Freya even less. She would not know how to handle Amanda. She would be too heavy-handed on the girl, which would only bring more resistance, which would make Freya even heavier in her punishments, and so on. He hated himself for putting the girl through this, even if it wound up being temporary.

And that was a big "if." He still had no idea how to back out of the deal without risking his reputation and possibly his Manor as well.

If this were not enough, he realized that he had an even bigger problem to deal with, and that was Sirinna. He had tried to ignore it, or to convince himself that it was not really there, but this was folly. He had been fooling himself, possibly from the start.

Rennis had been right. Roquan had let his ego get the best of him. Had he been thinking clearly, he would never have allowed Amanda to have any choice at all. He would have sent her home that night.

Roquan reattached the chain to her collar and the cuffs to her wrists. "I will bring you back to Sirinna myself. I will need to speak with her on an important matter."

"Yes, master," Amanda said, nodding, and wondering about the somber look in her Overlord's eyes.

"Well, Gronnus, the deal has been made," Berin said with a merrier tone in his voice as he visited with his cohort. A smile had returned to his face as well. "There is simply no way Roquan can possibly top this. It is quite unusual for an Overlord to wish precious stones, and there are very few suppliers, even in the black market. Now... er... Gronnus, are you listening to me?"

Gronnus blinked and looked at Berin. "What? Yes, Berin, I heard you."

"Is something the matter? Something I need to know?"

"I assume Amanda was there when you spoke with him."

"Well, yes, she was, but what does that have anything to do with it?"

Gronnus had taken the time to observe Roquan when he went to fetch Amanda. Gronnus had followed him back to his quarters from a discreet distance and watched. It took a rather inordinate amount of time for them to leave and proceed with returning Amanda to her Trainer.

The beleaguered Overlord was beginning to dread that what he had suspected was true. Roquan was using Amanda to report back to him what was spoken in confidence between Berin and the Overlords with whom he had been doing business.

But the information was useless to him! He had no definite proof! And now Amanda would be Freya's possession by nightfall, and Freya would refuse any attempt to investigate anything that involved Amanda directly. Now that she had what she wanted, she would not want any further controversy to descend upon her prized new possession.

Gronnus sighed. "Nothing, Berin," he said in a tired voice. "Absolutely nothing."

"Well... Gronnus, I thought you'd be pleased that..."

"Yes, I am, Berin. You did what you were supposed to do. Now... leave me."

"Do you not wish to plan your next... ?"

"There will not be a next one!" Gronnus thundered. "There are no more Overlords we can sway with deals that serpent-tongue Doran has not already spoken to! If you recall, we picked these four specifically because Roquan had little influence with them."

Berin sighed despondently. "Honestly, Gronnus, I wish I knew what had happened as much as you do. This just seems so odd. But then again, nothing seems to be going as it should."

Gronnus sighed again. "Berin... leave..."

Berin paused, then rolled his eyes and left, not bothering with protocol.

Gronnus rubbed his temples. He was back at square one. He had information that, had he acquired it sooner, he could have used against Roquan. He had regretted his association with the Emperor. He now regretted his association with Freya even more.

Gronnus paused to gather his thoughts. He had only one chance now. He had to swing the sympathies of at least two Overlords to his side.

A decision of this magnitude would require a two-thirds vote by the Conclave. There were fifteen Overlords, which meant a vote of ten was needed. Roquan now had eight. There was Roquan, Rennis, Doran, Freya, and the four that Gronnus had intended to secure for himself and now would fall to Roquan. He was not holding out any hope for the one Berin just "concluded." All Roquan needed was two more, and the vote would go in his favor.

Gronnus ran a hand through his hair. He did not want to admit it, but here Doran had him beat. Gronnus may have the deal-making skills, but not the charisma needed to sway people with words alone. Nevertheless, he had to try. He felt like he had a lot more at stake than just the Conclave.

Sirinna was very curious as to what her Overlord wanted of her. Roquan had her secure Amanda in her bedchamber and then step outside with him so that they could speak without Amanda overhearing.

"Yes, master? What can I do for you?" Sirinna asked.

Roquan paused a long moment. "Sirinna, there is something you must know. It is about you and Amanda."

Sirinna simply looked at Roquan expectantly, showing no other reaction other than her normal eagerness to hear her master's bidding.

Roquan hesitated a few moments longer before speaking again. "I know of your feelings for Amanda."

For a brief moment, fear flickered across Sirinna's eyes, and the Overlord had his answer as to whether his assessment had been correct. "Master, I care for Amanda as I would for any other..."

Roquan held up a hand. "Now is not the time for this. I wish honesty from you only. By rights, I could punish you for withholding this from me. I shall not do this. You are free to admit to me the truth. There will be no retribution, now or ever."

Sirinna did not say anything for a long moment. Her eyes shimmered as she looked at Roquan. When she finally spoke, it was in a voice heavy with despair, her eyes dropping, "I'm sorry, master."

Roquan reached over and gently lifted Sirinna's chin. "You have no need to apologize."

Sirinna gave him an odd look.

"This is something that I had started to see a long time before this point. It is I who should have noted it then, and questioned you on it. I did not. There is... fault on both sides."

Sirinna thought it very unusual for Roquan to admit something like this, even after everything else that had happened. "Master, what will you do now?"

Roquan looked at her. "Do?"

"Are... are you going to give Amanda to another Trainer?"

"We have no other Trainer at the moment, Sirinna, even if that were my intent."

Sirinna nodded and appeared to look relieved.

"But, Sirinna... have you never given thought to the day that Amanda would leave the Manor when she is first sent to a contracted client? Did you not realize you two would be separated then?"

Sirinna took a deep breath. She tried to keep the pain out of her voice when she spoke again, but it was nearly impossible. "Yes, master," she said softly. "We both realized this. But... it would always be temporary, master. We would be together again at some point, even if only briefly."

"Unless I had decided to sell her."

Sirinna's breath caught in her throat and her eyes widened, but she said nothing.

Roquan's eyes hardened. "You assumed too much, Sirinna."

Sirinna swallowed. Her heart was pounding. "Master... did you... d-did you sell..."

She could not even herself to say it, as her throat tried to close up, her eyes glistening.

Roquan paused. What was he to tell her? He did not want to see Amanda go with Freya. He wanted to get her back. He wanted to make it temporary. But he could offer no guarantees. Of primary importance to him was the Conclave. He had to keep that in sight. He could not let himself be swayed by sentimentality.

Yet as he looked at Sirinna -- always his favorite from the moment she arrived in the Manor -- he could not see himself offering her no hope.

"I have made a transaction..."

Sirinna blinked and said nothing, but a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Hellfire, Roquan thought defeatedly. He turned to her and lifted a hand, laying it softly against her cheek. "Sirinna... I will try to make this temporary. I needed to gain the upper hand in the Conclave. You cannot imagine how important this is to me."

Sirinna took a deep breath, though she sobbed once in the middle of it. Suddenly, her eyes blazed anger, the first time she felt such a thing in many years. "Wh-why... why did you... ! Y-you can't... !"

She stopped and gave Roquan a stricken look as she shook with the effort to contain her emotions. "S-sorry, master... I..."

Roquan viewed this with mixed feelings. On the one hand, he was very proud of her for managing to contain her near outburst of anger and grief towards her Overlord. On the other hand, he would not have faulted her in the least if she had lost control.

"I m-mean... y-yes, master," Sirinna finally said in a shaky voice, but it was obvious from the conviction she was trying to muster that assuming the role of the good slave, once done with ease, was now a ponderous burden. "Of c-course. I'll do as you say. I'll always do as you say."

"Yes, I know. But that cannot change how you feel, I am afraid."

Sirinna leaned into his hand and shook her head slightly. She closed her eyes tightly and willed herself not to cry. She barely managed it. "If I may ask, master... who is she being given to?"

"Overlord Freya D'yros."

Sirinna shuddered and uttered a small gasp.

"Which is why you can agree that this should be a temporary arrangement."

Sirinna paused. It took her a moment to understand exactly what Roquan had done. Indirectly, he had just put down another Overlord in her presence. It shocked her into realizing that things really had escalated to proportions that she did not understand. Things were happening that made little sense.

For the first time since she became a slave, she was actually starting to worry about events going on beyond the confines of the Manor.

"But... you cannot guarantee that, master, can you?"

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My Wifes First Love

Inspired by “Makes You Think,” written by Misstaken. “Doug ... Doug, I need to go see Sam today,” my wife said, very softly, her voice barely above a whisper. We were lying in bed. I already knew that was coming. For the past few days, Sandy had been very quiet instead of the almost bubbly woman I had grown to love so much. And several times at night I knew she had gotten up in the middle of the night and gone into the living room to cry by herself. “Do you want me to go with you?” I...

4 years ago
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Beautiful Housewife Banged

Beautiful Housewife BangedSimran is 23 years old, married for 6 months, 5"5, 57 kgs weight, 34-28-36, extremely fair complexion, brown hair, in short a truly sexy and voluptuous woman anyone would die to fuck. Simran knew how beautiful she was, sometimes also liked the amount of male attention she got.She is married to a handsome looking man Abhinav. She has a satisfactory sex life. She doesn't have anything to compare with as she came from a conservative family and her knowledge of sex was...

3 years ago
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A Sixty Nine for Bre

I first met Bre in a grocery store. I had stopped in after work to pick up a steak to grill out for my dinner and I was waiting for a filet that was being cut for me. I smelled a hint of her perfume as she approached from behind me, and then she was at my side. She looked back and forth at the various cuts of beef in the display case in front of us. She picked up a package of a long slice of steak, rich and red with color. She held it in front of her like a prized possession and said aloud, “I...

Oral Sex
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Two Little Traveller Girls Watch Me Cum

(A re-post originally from a guy who is no longer on here but I felt was worth sharing again).Two Little Traveller Girls Watch Me CumJust a very short experience, but one I think worth conveying: I was at home one Sunday afternoon, when I heard a lot of noise outside, so going upstairs I looked out of the window and saw two young little girls messing around in the rear car park of some flats which are nearby. I had not seen them before but they were being very naughty, throwing rubbish about...

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Caught out continued

My missus Alison in contrast had gone absolutely bonkers and was set on revenge plain and simple, she had bought herself sexy gear (with my cash) and was getting herself toned up by working out every night, then about 3 weeks later I had come home from work to find a big hairy ginger Irishman shafting the shit out of her and her enjoying every second of it, she had said it was to be the first of many (at least as many as I had visits to the parlour) and then we could see if there was...

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room is available for bachelors

Introduction: this is a true story i heard from a aunt i met at kandy the hill town of sri lanka.may be you might met her before in devon hotel. Born and raised on a farm in a small village in puttalam, I certainly was not prepared for the fantastic things that have happened to me in the last year. I was a virgin when I married nihal right out of high school. We were everybodys perfect couple Nihal worked hard for a lot of years, and, last year, got the big promotion and was transferred to...

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Kaylees hair peeks out

"GINA! You are AWFUL!" Kaylee clapped both her hands over the front of the yellow bikini bottoms. She stood still for a moment, holding back a giggle, chewing her bottom lip. "Ummm ... Can you really?" Kaylee slowly dropped her hands from her swimsuit and peered down at herself. Past her swelling breasts and flat tummy, Kaylee indeed did see a few blond wisps curling out from the top of the bikini bottoms. "Oh yeah, you are so busted!" Gina teased. "You can't buy that suit...

4 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Oru Sexyaana Thevidiya 8211 Part 4

Indru kathaiyil nanbanin manaiviyai nirvana azhagai aval penmaiyai eppadi ellam anuba vaithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. Nanban veetil ilatha pozhuthu ennai iravil veetirku vara vaithu nal iravil iruvarum bed roomil sex seithukondu irunthom. Divya nude azhagai paarthu naan viyanthu poi aval penmaiyai anuba vaika aarambithen. Avalai padukaiyil paduka vaithu iru karupu mulai kaambaiyum urinthu lesaga kadithu sappinen, aval pal padamal sappu da endraal,...

2 years ago
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The Assault

The Assault By Margaret Jeanette Henry and Danielle Phillips were enjoying a movie at the mall. It was their fifth anniversary. They were happily married even though she had a temper that was as hot as a wood stove sometimes. Henry always waited until she got over it which was usually pretty quick. They sat holding hands and really enjoying themselves. The movie over, they were walking to their car. Approaching them was a group of five boys and a girl. They all wore leather...

1 year ago
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The Rounds Ch 01

Bob Randall’s car was a 1989 Oldsmobile. It was a non-descript car, grey with a red interior. If Bob had ever been in a road accident with the car, all the State Troopers would have found on the scene would have been soda cans, pieces of paper, magazines, and cigar butts strewn for a mile and a half of interstate road. Bob Randall’s gray Olds was, at this moment, parked outside of the Archer Arms apartment complex in a space reserved for the elderly and handicapped. The sign was very specific...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 42 Dreams

Introduction: Mark and Mary have cemented their control over America, and Sam is hard at work constructing the Matmown. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Two: Dreams Visit my blog at General Olmoss assassination of Governor Holt, and the subsequent massacre of the Governors supporters, was the first of many atrocities committed by the Tyrants. The fact that they had General Olmos hung does not exculpate the Tyrants...

2 years ago
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The Goodbye Kiss

We stand on the porch as we say a finally goodbye. It had been years since I had last seen you. The accidental meeting the other morning when I stopped for breakfast was like something from a movie. When you walked up to my table to say hi, my heart gave a little flutter. I felt my pulse quicken and body respond just hearing your voice and having you this close to me. We made plans to get together while you were in town. You gave me your number and I looked at it all day before finally caving...

1 year ago
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Yummy 9

DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.Jack Hightower was much like Doug, a little older - married 25 years, in his mid-fifties, 2 boys, grown up (Len and Lon, twins), little or no sex from the wife but still as horny as he was when a teen! He too liked hunting and fishing, but loved his camp even more - it was his 'getaway' for him and his friends of likewise persuasions......

3 years ago
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A Different Way to Spend a Weekend C3

Steve and Kelly Dunn had been divorced for over a year. They were married for seven years before they divorced. Their marriage followed a 3 year courtship that was born in a Manhattan club. From there their relationship would continuously evolve throughout their ten years together. During those years they had two children, who were now seven and five respectively. Steve founded a small real estate firm shortly after he started to date Kelly. He formed the company with the help of a...

2 years ago
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The Affair

Chapter 1 I hardly know where to begin. I'm all shook up inside. I can't think rationally. I don't know what to do. My wife had an affair and I saw it happen and didn't do anything about it. Now I have to live with the consequences. My wife Linda and I, I'm Chuck, have been married for twenty-one years. We have a daughter who is twenty-one and married. She is our only child. She's been out on her own for a year now. For those who like to deal with ages and dates, my wife was pregnant...

3 years ago
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Cousin sister ko choda

Mera naam Rav hai main jalandhar ka rahne wala hun ajj kal UK main rahta hun.meri umer 29haifair rang achi sehat haimeri stori karib 7saal pahle ki hai jab main india main tha.meri (cousin) mousi ki ladki uska naam jassi hai uski umer mere se 2saal choti hai jab mene usko choda tub vo 20 saal ki thi uski figer 34 28 36 thi. Ek din vo hamare ghar ek week ke liye rahne ke liye aa gaye hum sab log tv dekh rahe the jab se vo hamare ghar aai thi mein bar bar uske boobs kok dekh rahatha do teen bar...

3 years ago
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ConradChapter 13

"Not this afternoon, you won't," he replied. "All of the rental places are closed on Saturday and Sunday. Even the truck rental places," he continued. "This is 2044, and they aren't open, not even at the airport!" I asked in surprise. "Not in McAlester, and the airport doesn't have a car rental place," he answered. "I wouldn't be open either except I have a lot of work, and I'm behind on it," he told us. "When are they open?" Laura asked. "Monday thru Friday; 8:00 to...

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My crush fulfilled my erotic desire

Hello all, I am Madhan. I hope you all are doing good. Today I will share how my erotic desire with Simran was fulfilled.  She was my office mate with a waist of 27, a bra size of 34, and a back of 36. Simran and I joined the company on the same day, and it was a special moment for us as we both were freshers. Simran is more intelligent than me and very focused. In short, her performance is better than mine. I accept the fact that she is better than me at work. But it is not a roadblock for me...

4 years ago
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CLASS My wife touched her lips to mine and slipped her slender hand onto the back of my neck. "This is the most romantic thing James," she whispered, "You've excelled yourself. You excel yourself every time." I smiled and pretended to blush. "It's a pleasure for someone as beautiful as you." Theresa's smile broadened and she hugged me even closer, pressing her cheek to mine. I wished for a moment that she were a little more passionate but that thought disappeared very quickly....

1 year ago
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Willow Book III Master CarlChapter 3

Page had put her dressing coat back on, but it hung open in the front, a distracting display in the least with her breasts tenting out the front and her trim stomach and shaved pussy framed by the pale fabric. She was standing a few yards down the hall from the door of Lord Blackmon’s temporary bedroom. “Master Carl, can I have a moment of your time?” “Sure Page.” They began walking back towards the Great room and the fireplace, but Page did not sit down and she seemed somewhat anxious. He...

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Ring of TruthBlog 2 The origin of the ring

13th July 2004 I arrived home at nine o'clock, Dad was watching a big football match on TV and from his thoughts, I knew he was totally engrossed in it so I went to my room and took out the little book that came with the ring. The pages were seer and brown and, apart from the title page, the writing spidery and microscopic in size. Even with a magnifying glass it was difficult to read and it was only when I tried my X10 hand-lens that I could make out the words fairly clearly but with that...

2 years ago
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Sandys Sissy Maid

Sandy's Sissy Maid By maidboy275 Mistress Sandy had given me a simple order, "When you get up Monday morning get dressed into your pink domestic maid uniform." I knew I needed to do it, I even planed on doing it. Sunday night I had added a new coat of polish to my always polished toenails and then used the deep pink nail polish on my fingernails. I had let it dry in order to be ready first thing Monday morning. I had gone over my body with a razor in the shower and made sure I...

2 years ago
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Renee Part Two

Renee took great care to milk every last drop of cum from my cock, gently squeezing and sucking it as it starting going limp. Tammy made her way down to join her, and they began to kiss each other. I spun myself around and started fingering Tammy’s wet pussy. Her body responded to my touch and she flipped onto her back. I slid off the bed and pulled her close to the edge so I could eat her wonderfully wet pussy. Renee stood up and removed her skirt and thong before rejoining Tammy on the bed....

4 years ago
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Virgin to Slut in 2 point ZeroChapter 6 Joyce gets the Girl

Ever since Sharon had to leave, Cindy has been a real bitch, always telling everyone they needed another girl soon before school started. On and on she would go about how they would lose the apartment and the money would dry up. She even hinted that if they did not find a girl soon, that one of us would have to step in and make some movies. I know Cindy, she would not stop there, but Jacky, Joan and I were not going to be put in that position. We all knew that the early pep squad sign-ups...

1 year ago
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My Rape Case reverse rape

It all started with a family vacation. I was 18. Now I am 20. I was a virgin. I was staying at a hotel, and I got a knock on my door. I opened it and got hit on the head with a blunt item. I woke up and I was completely naked and had two women staring at me. One looked about my age, the other looking around 30. They were both staring at my penis. I said, "The fuck are you whores doing!?" and they started arguing. After a few minutes, they said "Whoever makes you cum gets to take your virginity...

First Time
3 years ago
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Weekend Fun at the Beach

Selvam, a bachelor, was working as a sales executive in a huge IT company at Chennai in South India. He was drawing a considerable salary and lived an expensive life. He had a trim and sleek body due to his regular workouts in the gym. Naturally endowed with a very handsome and smiling face, most girls were attracted to him. He mostly partied his weekends with friends at resorts and other fun places. This weekend when he went to his favourite beach resort, he met two lovely young girls, in the...

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Road Trip part 1

"Just three more hours," I said to myself. Three more hours until I got to South Padre Island. I needed a break from work. It had been really stressful with my boss overloading me for the past few months since we lost our office manager. I was surprised I was able to get a few days off. At this point I was exhausted. Driving 6 hours, I really had to stretch my legs and wash my face, maybe get an energy drink for the road. Rest Stop Ahead - 2 Miles I sat up with slight excitement as I approached...

Quickie Sex
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Me fucking my slut wife

Late Friday afternoon our friend Rob stopped by for a drink on his way home from work as he sometimes does. My wife Kerri and Rob have a special relationship for those of you who have not read our other adventures. My wife Kerri is tall and tanned and has the curves in all the right places. Friday when Rob stopped by we had already had a couple of glasses of wine and were feeling pretty good. Kerri was wearing a short negligee with a slit up the thigh that just about revealed her pussy when she...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 502

I was going to have one busy week when I returned to Washington; Tuesday was the first of the many Senate hearings that I needed to testify to. The email had an attachment with prospective questions. That was something I had never been sent before testifying. That was only one of the three Congressional hearings for the week where I needed to appear and testify. There were three more the following week. Balthazar Khamini was still among the missing but the noose was closing. There had been...

1 year ago
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Gym Bob

I had been working a little later than normal at the office the last few weeks and it seemed to be getting later each evening as I tried to complete the project I was working on. Each evening though, I needed to go to the gym to work away the pressures of the day, it was either that or go to a local bar, but I had been putting the hours in at the gym and was reaping the benefits, my body shape was slowly improving, so no point in putting myself back by going to a bar. Anyway, off I went this...

Gay Male
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 29 Parting

The Earl of Bargoed and Princess Zubeydeh left for England the following day, taking the nine year old Crown Prince Mustapha back in time for his Summer Term at school. "Have a safe journey," said the Emir, as they were getting into the Rolls. "I do have one problem," said the Earl of Bargoed, "And that is exactly how to describe these celebrations to Her Majesty. She commanded me to report in detail when I get back." "I'm sure you'll think of something that won't offend the...

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John Henry Bain Bounty Hunter

In January 1869, the flat, featureless plains of Texas were known as the Staked Plains, after the early Spanish explorers who had discovered the desolate area drove stakes into the ground as markers to lead them back to safety. A lonely, desolate area of dirt, grassland, and Indians, it would be easy to lose one’s sense of direction if unaccustomed to such terrain. In the distance the dust rose in the wake of a lone rider as he moved across the desolate grassland. John Henry Bain rode a dark...

4 years ago
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Pahla Sex 8211 Part II

Aap sabhi ka thanks jo apne meri story read ki mai koi bahut achcha writer nahi hoo jo ki writing me mistake na karoo so please aap logo ko agar kuch typing me mistake lage to aap unhe ignore kar de. Agar kisi bhi females ko sex pe bat ya advise leni ho to aap mujhe mail Kijiye aap ki sari bate Gupt rahengi Meri mail id- Ab mai aage story pe aata hu , to Shama ke jane ke bad maine fir usse kabhi Contact nahi kiya aur usne bhi mujhse koi contact nahi kiya so maine bhi ise Life ka ek part...

2 years ago
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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Eight

Driving west on U. S. 50 was a nice diversion for me. This was a historic route. I was taking it because I had taken the western portion from Kansas to California before, but had never driven the eastern portion. I loved to get off the interstates when I could and just see my country a little more slowly. I was heading to new friends but I didn't have to be in any hurry. Time was not important. I had left Long Island and driven down to Maryland to catch the highway where it started in Ocean...

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Me and Nancy in the Garage

It had been some five years since I’d fucked Nancy, I was older and then so was she. We were talking over the fence when I asked her if she’d had anything since the last time we were together, and she replied that she hadn’t. I was feeling quite horny and she was dressed in a lemon blouse and a grey skirt, we made some more small talk.After a while it became obvious to me that she needed to be fucked again. “Where is your husband” I asked “Gone to get the caravan ready he’ll be a couple of...

2 years ago
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Chudakarh family 8211 2

Hello Friends @ Iss Publishar again salman sub sy phely mai Iss ko bhot bhot thanx khta hun jino meri story add ki us k bhad app frinds ko sorry karta hun qu k mai apny mail address mai thorhi ghalti kar di thi mera mail address hai To friends ab mai ap ko apni second story k bary mai batata hun yeh meri story phely wali story sy relaited hi hai pheli story mai mai ny ap ko sana ki story batayi thi jo meri hum umar thi ab us ki choti sis sobia ka batata hun jis Ki umar 18 hai or meri 25 hai...

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