Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 10 free porn video

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Amanda patiently waited for her turn to eat breakfast as she lay stretched out on her stomach on her mistress' bed, her head propped up on her elbows. Her backside was still sore and pink from her paddling the day before, though it was tolerable if she did not put too much weight on it. Sirinna had again offered to take her to the Healer, but she had again refused. It wasn't all that bad now, and she felt it better to tough it out, if only to prove to herself that she could do it.

Besides, Amanda had the sense that Sirinna had another bombshell to drop on her, and she was eager to hear what it was this time.

"I'm going to give you over to Marisa for your morning session," Sirinna announced.

"Yes, mistress," Amanda said dutifully. That was not the bombshell. Ever since Amanda had done well on her test the other day at the Circle, she had won some grudging respect from the older slave. Marisa was still hard on her, but no longer tortuously so. Or at least Amanda could cope with it better.

"I need to meet with Master Roquan as soon as I bring you to the Circle."

"Reporting on me, mistress?" Amanda said with a wry smile.

Sirinna chuckled softly. "Well, some of it will be about you. But I think he wants to talk to me about what's going to be happening at the Manor."

"Oh, the Conclave?" Amanda tried to sound casual about it, even though the mention of it made her heart quicken a touch. She was trying hard to put it out of her head and not worry about it. "That's in a few days, right?"

"Yes, but the merchants arrive tomorrow."

Amanda paused. That was the bombshell. "Merchants?"

"The Manor is visited regularly by the merchant clans. They trade goods to us that Master Roquan cannot get from just the lands he owns around the Manor."

"Uh... how does Master Roquan pay for those goods?"

Sirinna smiled. "Some by platinum, some by services."

"Services? Oh... our services, you mean."

"Indirectly, anyway. You see, he allows the higher members of the clan to be quartered with some of the slaves. The slave is expected to provide for his needs while he's there."

"But Master Roquan picks which slaves they get quartered with, right?"

Sirinna paused to push the platter towards Amanda. "Here, love, I'm done."

Amanda pulled herself up and gingerly sat down before the platter. She looked at her mistress expectantly.

"The Clan Leader is being allowed his own pick this time," Sirinna said.

"And what if he picks you?"

"Then he will be quartered with us here."

Amanda paused to swallow a piece of fruit. It went down a little hard, as her throat felt tight. "Uh... will I... will I have to..."

"Please him? If he wishes it, yes."

Amanda couldn't help but let out a small, nervous sigh.

Sirinna reached over and placed a hand on Amanda's shoulder. "Don't worry too much over it, love. It's likely that he'll want me instead of you, because I'm more experienced. Or if he wants us both, I can take the lead and help guide you."

"But it would mean we wouldn't have our time together in the evenings, wouldn't it?"

"Yes, and I'm sorry about that. It will only be for a quarter moon or so."

Amanda nodded, but was not mollified. Just as she thought she had everything sorted out, something new was sprung on her.

"If it helps any, love, merchants are nowhere near as demanding as clients. Or Overlords for that matter. To put it bluntly, if you make him cum, you're doing well."

"I just don't want to screw up, that's all."

Sirinna smiled. "You won't."

Amanda also did not want to get hurt, but she knew she could not say that. A good slave did not worry about such things. A good slave accepted her treatment, and sought to please her master or mistress anyway.

Unfortunately, it made the prospect of getting sent away to a client all the more distressing. Besides being separated from Sirinna, she would have to deal with sexual advances from a complete stranger. She did realize, however, that he (or she for that matter) would no longer be a stranger after a short while. Was that how the other slaves did it? Suppress any hesitation or misgivings until growing accustomed to the new arrangement?

Despite how far she had come in her training and her battles with her own issues, she still felt like something crucial was missing, yet she still had no idea what.

"Roquan, I do not like what I have been hearing about Freya."

The Overlord looked askance at his friend's somewhat disheveled clothing and the tired look on the man's face. "Are you quite sure you wish to discuss this now, Rennis? You spent the better part of the early morning on the road."

Rennis absently swiped at his hair, managing to get it to some semblance of order, but it did not help his overall image very much. "Time is not a luxury, Roquan. Not with the Conclave so close at hand. I even passed the merchants on the way in. They won't be far behind me."

"Did not Doran travel with you? I was hoping he would arrive early as well."

Rennis was shaking his head halfway through Roquan's comment. "He needed every moment to do as many deals as possible before getting here. He's still doing them in transit even as we speak."

Roquan sighed through his nose. "What of Freya, then? Did not Doran say that she was on our side?"

"Well, leaning towards our side. But I have heard her consulting with other Overlords, some that we know are in Gronnus' camp. She even visited Gronnus' Manor!"

Roquan considered this. "Freya was always of her own mind."

"Oh, that's putting it mildly."

"She is female, after all."

"Ah, good of you to notice that."

Roquan frowned. "I mean, as the only female Overlord, it affords her a certain advantage."

"Certainly her bedmates believe it does, yes."

"Oh, really, Rennis. Do you seriously believe all the stories about her promiscuity with the other Overlords?"

"Yes, because they're true!"

"That would hardly be proper behavior."

Rennis laughed humorlessly. "So you would not bed her if she made the advance?"

Roquan straightened. "I would do nothing improper. To bed her during a Conclave would be a breach of ethics."

"Tell that to her."

"I need do nothing of the sort. She cannot force my hand. Or any other part of me I will add, before you decide to make another crude joke."

Rennis just smirked as he cut off a retort.

"Surely you can see what is going on here, Rennis. She is simply playing both sides against the middle."

Rennis blinked in surprise. "Well, yes, that is indeed a possibility. I was just surprised you thought of it."

Roquan gave him a sour look. "I am not totally bereft of wisdom in this matter. Anyway, she is looking for a better deal. We will simply have to offer that."

"I don't see how you can. No offense intended with that, I..."

"I am aware of my financial shortcomings," Roquan said curtly, though not unkindly. "I may need to use other means to persuade her."

Rennis smirked.

"Other means that do not include the inside of my bedchamber!" Roquan added loudly.

"Relax, Roquan, I was just kidding. If we can't see some humor in this, it will drive us both insane."

Roquan's lips tightened. "I already am feeling quite burdened by all this," he said in a lower voice. "This is proving to be a very daunting task, more so than I had thought."

"Speaking of daunting tasks, how is Amanda doing?"

Roquan let his breath go in an relieved sigh so obvious that it made Rennis' eyebrows rise. "Much better, thankfully."


"If you are willing to stay for a few moments longer, you can hear for yourself. Sirinna will be here shortly, and she will likely give me an update on her progress."

Rennis smiled. "Stick around for Sirinna? I'll muddle through that somehow."

Roquan managed a small smile in return. "At least there is a chance Amanda will not embarrass me."

"I knew we could count on Sirinna. Oh, and you've instructed Amanda about the Draught, right?"

Roquan paused. "No, I have not."

Rennis looked askance at the other Overlord.

"I intend to do so before the Conclave arrives."

Rennis sighed and slapped his forehead in frustration.

Roquan blanched. "What?"

"Roquan, how long has it been since she started training? And you let her go all that time not knowing she should keep that information to herself?"

"Yes, I had thought of that."


"I thought it an acceptable risk, compared to the one of telling her too early."

Rennis frowned in confusion. "Telling her too early? Why would that be a problem?"

"Think for a moment, Rennis!" Roquan said angrily. "Think how she saw through the deception of the Imperial agent before the rest of us. Think how she made her conscious choice to stay. Think how she pushed her defiance just to the limits of what would be tolerated."

There was a long pause before Rennis pieced it together, and then he looked at Roquan in surprise and alarm. "Blazing hellfire. You're afraid she'll figure it out, aren't you? Gods damn it. I don't know why I didn't think of that myself before this."

"Because you are too used to dealing with slaves that were properly pacified and... adjusted... by the Draught."

Rennis looked stricken. "But that means no matter when you tell her, it'll let her figure it out on her own anyway. Surely she must be wondering herself why she's not acclimated to her role as well as the other slaves are. You tell her that she can't reveal she was never Draughted, and..."

"Amanda is occasionally too clever for her own good," Roquan said in a low voice.

Rennis ran a hand through his hair. "Roquan, I knew there was a reason we don't try to train..."

Roquan raised a warning finger. "Do not even go there, Rennis. It is useless to question the wisdom of my actions after the fact. We must learn to deal..."

There was a soft knock at the door.

Roquan quickly calmed himself and let the anger and frustration drain from his face. "Enter."

Sirinna appeared before them. She nodded respectfully, and then beamed at Rennis briefly. "Good morning Master Roquan, Master Rennis. I can return later if I am interrupting."

"No, Sirinna, that is quite all right," said Roquan. "Rennis wishes to hear how Amanda is doing."

Sirinna smiled. "Amanda is doing very well. I've helped her smooth over some of the rough spots in her submissiveness training, and she is doing even better at sexual skills. Her enthusiasm has improved remarkably."

"And her attitude?"

"Much better. I have not had to punish her even once in the last half-moon."

Roquan nodded at this. Rennis folded his arms, looking thoughtful. "Has she had the Traditional Twenty yet?" asked Roquan.

"Indeed she has, master, just yesterday in fact."

"How did she fare?

"I was rather surprised. I had never expected her to grow as wet as she did from it."

Rennis' eyebrows lifted and he looked over to Roquan.

Roquan looked nonplussed. "Are you quite sure of this?"

"Very much so. I was able to make her cum rather strongly afterward."

Roquan was quite astonished at this. Yet again, the girl had managed to surprise him!

"Might be an angle, Roquan," Rennis said thoughtfully. "If you're still worried about her performance."

Roquan frowned slightly. He generally did not care to air his negative feelings such as worry around his slaves. Sometimes Rennis forgot that the openness he tended to show around his own slaves did not translate well in the D'ronstaq Manor. "Are you suggesting that I use this to my advantage?"

"You can't say you haven't been thinking about it. Don't be overt about it. Just suggest to one or two Overlords that they might like to give the girl a playful paddling or spanking."

"Master, if I may?" Sirinna said respectfully, trying to keep the desperation with which she needed to speak out of her voice. She relaxed when Roquan nodded once. "Just so you know, she doesn't crave punishment. It is only the application that arouses her, and she's only now getting used to the idea. It might be too much too soon to subject her to it often."

"I may not be at liberty to consider that, Sirinna. If she is handling herself as well as you suggest in her accelerated training, surely she could handle this."

Sirinna nodded once. She had to hope her Overlord was correct. Despite the lingering doubt in her mind, her voice was confident when she acknowledged his decision. "Yes, master, I will see to it that she understands this."

Roquan's gaze met Rennis' for a moment. After a few moments in silent thought, Roquan turned back to his Trainer. "I wish Amanda brought to me this evening. At twilight."

Sirinna slowly smiled. That was the time of day Roquan usually called on her if he wished her companionship for the evening. "Yes, master! I am sure you will be very pleased with how far she has come."

Roquan nodded. "That is all, Sirinna."

Sirinna nodded once and exited the Overlord's chambers.

"So you will tell her tonight, then?" asked Rennis.

"Yes. After I bed her, of course."

"Ah, so you will be testing her."

"Indeed," Roquan said. What he did not reveal was that he wanted the girl for the sheer pleasure of having her. Before, she was submissive to him largely out of fear. He wished to see how she fared now that she was submissive out of duty. He wished to see if she finally had grasped the concept of what it meant to be a slave.

Amanda had little idea of what to expect from Marisa. Despite the new-found respect the older slave seemed to have for her, she was still not very enamored of Marisa. Yet she carefully kept her opinions to herself, absent from both her words and her face. It helped that Marisa's first words to her after removing the chain and cuffs was a compliment.

Or at least she figured it seemed as such to Marisa, anyway.

"You're doing better than I thought you would, Amanda. I truly believed you'd still be as much of a little brat as you were that first time I met you."

"Thank you, mistress," Amanda said in an even voice.

Marisa smirked. "I can still see a little of it left in you, but you're controlling it rather well. Let's see if you have that same degree of self-control with what I have planned for you. Come."

Amanda dutifully followed Marisa towards the center of the Circle, where the trees still shaded the morning sun from the grass. In a loose circle about the spot were numerous other slaves, obviously waiting for Marisa to guide them in Amanda's training.

Marisa pointed. "Lie on the ground on your back. Spread your legs and your arms apart."

"Yes, mistress," Amanda intoned. Marisa was more strict about her title being used. Temporary title, Amanda reminded herself. No way would she tolerate Marisa ever being made a permanent Trainer over her, even if it were to be a co-Trainer along with Sirinna. There was only so much of Marisa that she was willing to tolerate.

Amanda did as she was ordered. She took a deep breath and let it go to try and focus her mind on what she was doing.

"Close your eyes."

Amanda did so after a moment's pause.

"Now listen carefully. You are not to move at all. You are not to open your eyes. You are not to vocalize anything above a whisper. You do nothing until I tell you to do so. Do you understand me, Amanda?"

Amanda's heart was beating faster. She swallowed. "Yes, mistress," she said with a nervous quaver in her voice.

For the next few moments, there was silence, save for gentle movement around her from among the other slaves. Her breathing grew short in anxious anticipation of what they were going to do to her. Finally, she sensed someone on either side of her, and a hand from each direction grasped her breasts.

Amanda bit her lower lip as her orbs were softly fondled, and then squeezed until her nipples were pointed straight up. There was a pause, and she expected to feel warm lips and tongue against her nipples. Her body even quivered in anticipation of it.

What she actually got was anything but warm. Amanda yelped and her body jerked.

"Do not move, Amanda," Marisa admonished. "And do not make any loud noises."

"Y-yes, mistr..." Her words were cut off by a short gasp as it happened again. When she felt something trickle down the globe of her breast, she realized that all that was happening was someone was dribbling water on her nipple.

Another splash fell on her, and she whimpered. It was only water, yes, but it was ice-cold! By the time they applied it again, the nipple was standing hard and erect, the areola around it puckering. More was dribbled on her other breast, until its nipple was in a similar state.

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The dedicated customer

This one day during summer this young 18 year old boy gets a job at an ice cream parlor it paid good for a summer job and he’d be someplace cold during this unusually hot and sticky summer. After a few days of working he noticed a lot of people getting ice cream but seeing how he was new to town he enjoyed meeting these new people especially all the hot looking tail running around he was excited and found good reason. Number two about working in a cold place don’t have to go far to cure your...

2 years ago
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Diavolo Ch 13

Light flickered against her eyelids and Gabe’s heart thudded loudly beneath her ear. Abby smiled and tightened the arm she had around him, snuggling closer to his comforting heat. His fingers flexed, squeezing her left butt cheek possessively as a lazy sigh made his broad chest rise and fall with its expulsion. She felt wonderfully sore, testimony to her husband’s prowess. How many times had he taken her? And the sun still hadn’t risen. She shifted the thigh she had draped across his groin and...

1 year ago
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Camping Out

It’s a super hot and sticky day. Late Friday afternoon in fact. Humidity hangs like a blanket in the air but the sun is finally sinking to the horizon. There is not a breath of wind anywhere or a cloud in the sky, so even just sitting down doing nothing makes the sweat trickle off us both. I’m sitting on a log surveying our surroundings and waiting for the sun to disappear, when hopefully there will be at least a little relief from the stifling heat. You are opposite me, also sitting on a log....

1 year ago
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The Lottery Winner

The Lottery Winnerby A. P. DamienBackground: Santamos Island1An impoverished Caribbean island nation nears bankruptcy. In order to raise cash income from "tourists", the nation's leaders in desperation pass a law -- consensual executions of sane and un-coerced foreigners by other foreigners will be legal in public execution areas on the island. Santamos now has a thriving tourist industry: those coming to be executed, those wishing to be executioners, and many who simply want to watch the...

3 years ago
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Bade lode ki pyas

Let me introduce myself,Im Jyotika Mishra from kanpur(U.P).This is my first ever post on any of the internet site,i think all of u like desi language so let me told u my real (really real) story of my devlopment towards sex. Apne bare me kuch bata du mai 1 middle class family se hu or mera figure 36-28-36 hai .meri 1 badi sis bhi hai Ritika(36-28-38) jo mujh se 2 saal badi hai wo bahut hi sexy or batooni bhi hai is lie jaldi hi har ladke se baat kar leti hai. Baat tab ki hai jab mai 10 class me...

1 year ago
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Sexy Blonde gives Older Executive a Ride

We were driving to my office, and I decided to try something. So, just before we were about to turn off for the office, I decided to ask her whether she would like to go for a quick drink. She said OK. I was very pleased. We decided to go to a pub just after the turn off, I got her a beer and myself a whiskey and coke. We sat down, pleased to be in a cool place. Amberly looked stunning. She was wearing short shorts, high heels and mid drift top. We finished our drinks and went back towards...

2 years ago
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Bad bad slave

Maggie did her best not to squirm, but the tip of the crop traveling slowly down her spine sent terrified little thrills along her skin. She desperately wanted to move, but… Be still, She had told her, and so Maggie was still. Be silent, She had said, so Maggie made no sound above the nervous panting of her lungs. She flexed her arms and stood a bit higher on tip toe, an attempt to restore blood flow to her hands. She hated being like this, bound by her wrists to the hook on the rafter above,...

1 year ago
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My Wife Sheetal

By :Annasam I was 6 1”’, slender in build, 170 lbs, brown hair and brown eyes, now, have put on an extra 15lbs somewhere along the way. My wife, Sheetal was 5’1″ tall, 107 lbs and also slender but well proportioned very nice legs and smallish breasts, with large protruding nipples. We had just moved to Delhi, Noida. I had just been assigned to Fort Benning and Sheetal was looking for employment but decided to baby sit to supplement our income. Our new friends, Divya and Jai were about our age...

2 years ago
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A Legal Beaver Chapter 4

A Legal Beaver Chapter 4 By Stefanie Flowers The story so far: Brett is a 17 year old desperate to go to college and become a lawyer. He has no money but is offered a fully paid scholarship provided he completes its pre-college work assignments. The assignments are carefully structured to help build social skills, instill personal confidence and offer experience in the chosen field of study. Unfortunately, through his brothers meddling and his own stupidity, his application...

2 years ago
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Vacation In TerrorChapter 2

I felt the first stroking hand high on my leg just a few moments after I was tied up and left in this room. Voices were everywhere, crowds of people talking and laughing, disorienting me because of the blindfold that I was still forced to wear. I jumped and cringed away from the hand that caressed the silky skin of my thigh, bumping into someone else who was standing just behind me. Hands came down to my waist, forcing me to stand still. My head twisted back and forth, the gag in my mouth...

1 year ago
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The Nri Family Part 1

Hey, you. Ever wondered how is it to live an NRI life and have lots of fun doing the same. I am Shruti Agarwal from NYC and was introduced to this site by one of my friend who had asked me to share the story that I have and make a blog out of it. So I am going to write a series of all my life incidence and I have decided to name it as NRI family. Hope you all will like and enjoy the stories. For feedback, you can mail me at Now let me introduce myself to you. My name is Shruti and my friends...

2 years ago
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RebootChapter 3

Jeremy sat on a pile of rock that had been dumped in a back yard. He was waiting for the backhoe to finish digging the drainage ditch for which the rock would provide the bottom level of filtering. Despite the ugly gash across the yard, the garden was beautiful. Someone knowledgeable had lavished a great deal of time and attention on the plants. He remembered an older man with a grey beard and crooked teeth. The man was explaining to him how to cut back a bush to make the plant grow back...

3 years ago
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Old Friends Become Special Friends

Authors note: Readers from the post pill age will find the first part of this story incredible. They will find it hard to believe that the repressed behaviour described was normal for many of us of our generation. The incidents described in that part of the story are all based on actual events in the lives of myself or close acquaintances. In those days too, airfares and international phone calls were many times less affordable than they are now. Of course there was no Skype or anything like...

2 years ago
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Wife Spanked by Old Friend While Husband Watches

Jim, Bob, and Susie were all good friends since college. Bob and Susie were a couple and later got married, but Susie and Jim always liked to flirt and tease Bob. He didn’t mind it since he trusted them both and loved his wife. But one day things got a little out of hand… One afternoon, Bob and Susie had a BBQ at their house and invited some friends. In the evening, after all the other guests left, Jim hung around with the couple in the backyard having a few more drinks as was his habit. “Ok...

2 years ago
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TWINS by Roy Del Frink A worried-looking John Spalding walked down the snow-coated streets of the big city one mid-December evening. He just couldn't stop thinking about his twin sister Joan. They did everything together while growing up. They even looked somewhat alike: long, flowing brown hair with blue eyes, both tall, and both skinny as a rail. John was now an accountant, while Joan was a top-notch real-estate agent. But John became unhappy when puberty brought the...

3 years ago
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One Hell of a Party

As you climb the steps to Victoria's house, you feel a chill run down you as the autumn air howls. You've never seen a home this big, before... it's more than a little bit intimidating; especially as the front porch is cloaked in an impenantrable shadow. You ring the bell, and are shocked when the door immediately springs open. Victoria stands, dressed as a slutty angel with a cup of (presumably) beer in her hand. There is a look of pure joy plastered on her face; something you did not expect....

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Wrestler Part 2 Older Sister

On my drive down to the gym for another practice, my cell phone rang and it was Carlos. "Hey Coach, I wanted to let you know that I am running late so I need you to go to the gym and get things going." This wasn't the first time I had started practice so nothing was abnormal...YET When I pulled up to the gym, there was an eerie quiet. There was only one car in the parking lot and it was Carlos’ wife’s car. I walked into the lobby and to my surprise Cynthia, the mother and Savanna...

2 years ago
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Dream to become reality

This is a dream that we would like to make reality, we had gone on the piss round town all day and was pretty drunk by the evening, the wife was dancing with friends n looking amazing. She wore a shirt skirt heels and a low cut top that only just held her 34H tits in place. I was looking around when I saw her looking at me and when I caught eye contact with her she stuck her tongue out at me and flashed her tits, I was surprised as she is quite shy I kept watching her n boom another titty...

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HandsOnHardcore Honour May Naughty Blonde Rides Her Therapist

Vince Carter, master sex therapist, is helping his client, glamour model Honour May, get her mojo back after facing a dry-spell that has gone on too long. Luckily for her, Mr. Karter is the perfect person to turn to empower her back into her old sex-goddess self. The British babe can’t help but notice that her shrink has become aroused. Watching his bulge grow, the blonde babe goes in to stroke and suck his shaft with zero objections from the stiff and horny man. A wild cowgirl ride is...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Aiden Ashley Dont Fuck The Maid

Aiden Ashley just doesn’t know what to do about her stepson Rico Hernandez. She has a maid coming in to help her keep the house clean and Rico keeps trying to fuck her. After lecturing Rico for another attempt at getting his hands on their pretty maid, Aiden comes up with a plan to see for herself how bad the situation is. Dressing as a maid, Aiden hides her face with her hair and then gets to work feather dusting the living room. Rico spies the woman he thinks is the maid and sees that...

4 years ago
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Getting mom to pose pt4

'OH fuck Gwen, OH fuck... this is so dirty... lick my pussy honey' Then she hungrily returned to sucking her son's cock again.I sat the camera on the TV stand.. facing the couch. It was on automatic for the second time in its kinky life. I stripped naked. Only Sean saw me doing it, and he smiled at me as I walked behind my mother. She was kneeling. Licking Catherine's pussy. I lifted her up to the same stood up bent over position as Mrs. Kelly. The same position I had had her in before. She...

2 years ago
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Not Your Average Girls Night Out

"Thanks again Mum." Kate was hugging her 5 year old son as she spoke to her Mum. "That's ok dear, you go and have a good time. If John can have a week playing golf in Spain, the least you deserve is a night out with friends!""You be a good boy for Grandma" she said to her son."I will" came the reply.At that Kate Stephens headed for her car and the short journey to Lucy's. If her Mum had known the truth about their plans for tonight there was no way she would have volunteered to babysit! Kate...

3 years ago
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Sexy Laurie is HELPLESS

The air inside the coffee shop was rich with the scent of dark Colombian coffee and sweet donuts. Amber glanced from table to table picking up snippets of conversation from the chatter that melded into a constant, nonsensical din. Joy was late, 15 minutes late and Amber was caught between succumbing to disappointment and maintaining her hopeful anticipation. She continued to wait anxiously for her friend to arrive.This was to be their first meeting in the real world after months of building an...

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Courtesan Ch 01

As we become increasingly certain that we have finally discovered the truth, we tend to forget that there is still, almost always an alternate explanation. Jason Mathews, Attorney at law It was 7:30 on a blustery night in late October. The sun had gone down over an hour earlier. A light drizzle and the bitter bite of the frigid north wind made it a miserable time to be outside. Sadly I had no choice. I was waiting for my wife. I stood huddled in the doorway of Smithson's Jewelry Store making a...

2 years ago
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Granite GiantChapter 4 Time Out

Dionne, Rick and Mike returned from their car-hunting expedition on Sunday afternoon. "I've got my car all picked out, Dad," Mike announced. "It's a bright orange Boss 302 Mustang, fully loaded," he grinned. "In your dreams, Michael. How about a lively little Lada ... or maybe a Daewoo?" Rick cracked up immediately while Dionne looked puzzled. "I told you, Mike," Rick laughed. "You set yourself up for that." "What's a Lada?" Dionne asked. "A Russian coffin," Rick...

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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 15 Martha

Kukur Nurop found himself covered with bruises from a severe beating and completely naked in the lizard scat composter. His hands tied to his back, it took him quite some effort to get his head over the lid, only to receive a shovel load of more of the revolting greenish lizard poop into his face. He yelled and cursed on the top of his lungs and his racket alerted an Oghr overseer. “What have we here? Trying to escape by hiding in the shit box? Couldn’t handle the stench eh?” I am Kukur...

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College Virgin

My name is John Doe, and I'm a 18 year old freshman at the American University. I'm a rather shy boy, but certainly a very horny one. After I got in the university, I've only been jacking off non-stop at home to some porn, it's my dream to fuck a girl with big tits, get a threesome, and all of what these slutty pornstars do to these lucky dicks. I've always been protected by my environment, although I know my parents both love sex. My dad regularly fucks his sister and even let me watch...

Group Sex
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Colin and ColleenChapter 2 Colin and Colleen The Twisted Sister Charlie for now

I had married her sister after divorcing her, the cheating bitch. I had killed her husband, my brother, when he tried to kill me, to get to her, to beat her some more. I guess some background would be in order. I inherited my company after working with my dad for 5 years and inventing a new fuel injection module for turbine engines. Three aircraft engine giants jointly bought the invention, the rights, the patent, and a little support for thirty-four million dollars. That was a year after...

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Springtime is for Lovers

When we first met it was entirely by accident. Even now I remember it clearly, although almost four decades have passed by since then. It was one of those lovely bright sunny days that are so typical of Paris in the springtime.I was strolling along the Boulevard Haussmann, just outside the Magasin au Printemps where the pretty girls were selling their bunches of lily of the valley as they traditionally used to do on the first day of May.  I wasn't looking where I was going, daydreaming as...

Love Stories
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Tiny Tits Tight Twat Scheduled Delivery

After work, I dashed home for a quick shower and change. Just before six o’clock, I was on her doorstep with a take-out bag and a six-pack. A thunderstorm had cooled the afternoon, and she was wearing a silky blouse loose over another pair of baggy cotton trousers. The TV was on in a corner of the living room.We looked at each other a little awkwardly, and I leaned down to peck her cheek. This was feeling like a first date.“Star Trek,” I said. “Voyager is my favorite.”She took the bag from my...

Straight Sex
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Sunday driver

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, not unlike most I suppose. It was getting a little late in the day, and I was starting to think about getting ready for the week ahead. Outside the rain had been falling off and on throughout the day, and the air smelled sweet like it does after a good rain. Fall was definitely in the air. I was staring out the window, lost in my own thoughts about what the week would bring, when he said, “let’s go for a drive.” I lept at the chance to have something to do, not...

1 year ago
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Naked Day The Prequel

"Just WHAT are you writing about today Tim?" "Mmm" "Mmm, indeed. By the look of the hardon in your swim trunks, it BETTER be about me." I opened an eye and looked over at Cindy. Now in her 50s, she still excited me. "Of course it's you. It's always you." She sat on the edge of the lounger, her hand soon moving slowly over my hard cock. "So tell me. What escapades have caused this reaction?" She now reached into my shorts, gripping my cock more firmly. "Uh, I um, was...

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