Catteni HeatChapter 2 free porn video

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I woke not long after, feeling somewhat better. I decided I needed more food. So I left my room to go to the galley. I found two men sitting at the table. They greeted me and asked if I needed anything.

"I was wondering if you guys had had your meal yet." I was thinking if they hadn't that I could prepare it for them.

"We ate already but there should be some left in the warmer." said one of the men and without even being asked got up and dished up a plate for me. I sat down at the table as he handed it to me. It looked edible. But I was so hungry that looked didn't matter.

"How are you? Will you be able to service the rest of us soon?"

"Gair! You heard what the Captain said. When she's healed and ready, she'll let us now."

"I know, I just thought I'd ask." he said with a guilty look on his face.

"It's all right. It won't be long now, I'm almost fully healed and that's the main reason for waiting." I was a little uncomfortable, but I thought that I needed to get used to these men again so that when the time came I could service them as I had agreed. I finished eating and looked around. The galley was a mess. So without being asked I began to wash all that was in the sink.

"You don't have to do that." said the other man.

"I know but I just thought I'd get a jump on the work so that there won't be as much for me to do tomorrow."

When I had finished with the stuff in the sink I began to gather things from the table. Making sure the two men sitting there were not using or needing them any more.

I was almost done when I heard several men coming from the bridge. Fright was the first reaction but as the first one I saw was Nevin, I relaxed.

"Andy you're up. I hope you slept enough. What are you doing? You shouldn't be cleaning yet."

"It's alright. I feel much better. And yes I have eaten. I was just cleaning up so that I had a head start for tomorrow. Is it time for the watch to change?"

"Yes, most of us will be coming in to have a meal now and then sleep until it is about two hours before our watch." Nevin answered.

"If I had known I would have had a meal ready for you." casting a look at the two men sitting at the table. They both looked like they were trying to be very small.

"Don't worry. The last man that cooked made enough and put it into containers that just has to be heated." Nevin replied with a smile and a chuckle.

He proved this by pulling out several containers and putting one in the heater. The two men at the table got up and left. In a few moments the food was done and he dished up two plates. I tried to tell him that I had eaten before I thought about cleaning some more but I found that I was hungry again. So I sat with him and the others eating and talking about nothing important. Several of the men finished and went off to their bunks. Nevin stayed but I could see he was tired.

"You need sleep. I'll be fine. I'll just clean up what was used, and then go to my room." Shyly and quietly I asked. "Will you be sleeping in there or in your own bunk area?"

"I need to be in my own bunk area. I think, no, I know I couldn't hold back if we where to sleep in the same room." This he said very quietly.

"You might be right, but I don't think it would be you having the difficulty." I looked him straight in the yellow eyes and he could tell that sleep would be the last thing we would get. He smiled, took my hand, turned it over and kissed it. "I'll see you in 8 hours." Then he left the galley. Smiling at myself, I began to cleanup again. And again I was just finishing when the Captain came in. "What are you doing? I thought I said you were to do nothing today."

"You did, Sir. But after I had some rest and had eaten. I found that I was restless and decided to get a jump on the work for tomorrow. "

"Well as long as you are not over doing it. Where is Nevin?"

"I sent him to bed, Sir. He was very tired. I would guess that he was awake worrying over me. It is very kind of him, and kind of you to let him do so, Sir."

"Yes, it is. Now there wouldn't happen to be any of that stew left from earlier, is there?"

"As a matter of fact there is. If you take a seat I'll get it for you." I turned to the warmer, reheated the food inside, dished up a plate and presented it to the Captain. He ate as I did the last of the cleaning. I was just putting away the last when he finished and put his in the sink.

"You can finish the rest tomorrow. I would like to talk to you about how to work out a schedule for later after you have finished with the current rotation."

"As you will." I was thinking that he was going to start things going again whether I was truly ready or not.

He led me to his quarters. Ushered me inside and closed the door. Once in he told me to take one of the two seats available.

"I was thinking that each man would get to have an hour or one time with you. But I can't think how to schedule this."

"Do you have a copy of the duty sheet? We can work from there to start with."

For the next few hours we talked about the schedule. Finally we came up with a system. Since there were currently only 19 on the ship, we came up with 3 men per day for 6 days with the Captain having an hour a day for himself. Then I would get a day off, then the schedule would repeat.

I knew the Captain was hoping I would invite him to take me but I still had a few issues to work out in my head. Just before I was going to leave I asked,. "Sir, if I may ask. Why did you tell Nevin he was not allowed to take part in the group rotations?"

"I thought that was obvious. I figured he was already having you in between, and that it would be safer to have someone standing by just in case. There is one thing I have to say; I didn't know Busch would do what he did. I knew he was angry and frustrated but I never knew he was able to be that way. I have called a friend who knows where Busch lived and have asked him to check on his wife. I don't think he would kill her but she could be hurt. If she is, her family can help her now. If she is fine, she is to be told of his death but not the details of it. The crew could be in a lot of trouble for killing a first mate even with cause."

"I know, sir. And I do appreciate you sparing me."

"If you could have thought of something else, you would have. I tell you now with all truth, you are safe; you will remain on the ship as crew. When we are at a spaceport or other planets other than Cattan, I will even let you leave the ship. It would look bad for a human to walk around by herself, so someone will be with you at all times, so that other will get the right idea and so that I don't get into trouble, you will have to wear a slave collar. But on a better note starting with the new rotation you will also be paid." He named a number. Which was the smallest Catteni denomination of money. "1 chit for every man per trip. This money you can spend on yourself or save it for something bigger. How does that sound to you?"

Three men per day for six days and one day off after and pay on top of that not to bad. "I think I can get by with that, sir."

"Then I think you should go rest for your day tomorrow. And because I am finding it harder and harder to keep myself from grabbing you and... well I know that if you were ready you would have told me or invited me by now."

"Thank you Sir. I'll be ready soon. I promise. When I am ready I will be on your bed waiting for you."

"Go rest. See you tomorrow." And with that he pushed me out the door. I walked to my room, opened the door, stepped inside, locked the door and went to bed.

Nevin woke me the next morning. He took me to the galley for breakfast then to the cargo bay where the laundry was now ready to be washed. We hung the clothing on ropes strung across the bay with the fans for the ventilation system turned up to dry them. I told him what the Captain had said the day before. He was surprised., especially when I told him the Captain already thought he was having sex with me and not wanting to show favoritism, told him, he was out of group rotation. Nevin's gray skin turned a strange color as he blushed all the way down his neck. I thought this was the most adorable thing. I leaned over and kissed him on his cheek. The blush must have gone all the way down to his toes then. After about 2 hours, Nevin had to leave for his watch on the bridge. So I continued on with the laundry. About an hour later, several men came in with more clothing they said they found under one of the bunks. I gave one of the men a look that said he had left it there on purpose. Two of the men I recognized and one I could even put a name to. All however asked if there was anything they could do for me. I told them yes, and asked them to wring out some of the clothing I just washed because I didn't have the strength to do them. I kept washing as they wrang out the items I had indicated. I even handed them a few more as I was done with them.

Not quite an hour later the men had to leave saying they needed to sleep. That was fine I had made a good dent into the pile. I stopped not long after the men left though. I was getting hungry and according to a Catteni timepiece, I found in my room, it was lunchtime. I got to the galley. I was surprised it was not too bad. I found food in the warmer, still warm even. Dished myself up a plate and ate. When I was finished, I cleaned the galley. The table, benches, counters and even the floor was as clean as when the ship was first made. I chose to take a break and went to my room.

I must have fallen asleep. There was a knocking at the door. "I'm coming, I'm coming." I opened the door to find Nevin.

"Are you alright? I was knocking for some time." I let him in the room.

"Yes, I was just sleeping. I didn't realize I would get so tired. I must not be fully recovered."

"As to that, the Captain would like to know how the burn is doing. If you would allow me to check I can give him a report." He said shyly.

I agreed and took off my clothing, lay down on the bed and let him look. He was very gentle. I let slip a small laugh and told he had only tickled. As he made to move away from me, I took hold of his hand and kept it in place.

"Please." I said, "Would you." For a few moments he let his fingers linger on my clit, softly rubbing it. He even slid on finger down to the opening of my pussy. I had closed my eyes. He slowly slid his finger in and out of my pussy. I was in heaven. It was like it was the first time with him. He was even trembling. But he stopped and removed his finger. "I have watch and you need more rest. I will tell the Captain that you need two more days." He moved to the door, turned and looked back at me, smiled and left the room. I just lay there. Had I done something wrong? I thought to myself. Or could it be that he just didn't want to have to stop half way though to go to work. I had some energy back so I dressed and went to check the laundry. It was hard to concentrate, I was so turned on. All I wanted to do was to have Nevin inside of me. I made up my mind that when he got done with bridge watch, and had eaten, we were going to... He was going to be very surprised.

I handed him his plate as soon as he came from the bridge. But to throw Nevin off, I had several plates ready and was handing them out too. As every one finished and made their way to there own bunks, Nevin stayed. "You have done a lot today. You should go to bed early."

"So should you. You were up helping me this morning. So I guess it's off to bed, then."

He got to his feet and began to walk down the hall to the crew quarters. But as he made to turn in to them I stopped him, took his hand and walked him in the other direction. Stopping long enough to open my door and walked us in. The look on his face was priceless; Surprise, anticipation, fear, and happiness all rolled up into one. I turned placing my arms around his neck. "I think we need to finish what was started earlier. Don't you?" Before he had the chance to answer, I pulled him down a little ways and kissed him on the lips. He made his decision in a blink and started to return the kiss with a will. We finally had to stop and come up for air. He did not stop long and he didn't say anything as he picked me up and took me to the bed. By the time he put me down my clothes were gone.

He did indeed start where he left off. As he began with rubbing my clit, he took two fingers and slid them in to my pussy, wriggling them to make me squirm. Finally he could no longer restrain himself. But before he pushed himself in, he stopped to look at me. I looked into his eyes, smiled, and I nodded my head yes. He pushed himself in with slow, even pressure. It felt wonderful. In and out, we continued until I could no longer stand it and told him to go faster. He did as I asked and it had the effect I was after. We both gave soft cries as we both came. He fell to the side, so as not to crush me. We both went to sleep in each other's arms.

In the morning he woke me by kissing my neck. I reached over to play with him and was not at all surprised to find him quite ready. Before he could move to cover me. I mounted him. I moved slowly at first but as he started playing with my clit again, it caused me to move faster. Again we both came at the same time, and I collapsed onto him.

"WOW! You were,... that was,... I have no words." He tried to say as he held me close.

"I know what I would say but it may be too early." I said shyly.

"What would you say?" he looked at me with longing. While stroking my face with his hand.

"I would say; I love you. And hope..." He stopped me with a finger to my lips.

"I love you. I did from the first. That is why I was not happy with you having all the others."

"I still have to. The Captain is going nuts. If I wait to much longer, he may try to force his way or worse."

"I know. You made an agreement. And I'm just going to have to live with it."

We got up, cleaned up, dressed and went to breakfast. Again he helped me with the laundry until he needed to report to watch. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he would be sleeping alone that night. For when he got off bridge duty, I would already be in the Captains quarters, waiting.

Which is just what I did. I ate, and cleaned up. Just before the watch was to change, I slipped into the Captains quarters. Not much had changed from the day before. But as I stood there I heard the men going to the galley from the bridge. I undressed and got under the covers of the bed. I heard someone walk up to the door, stop, and then continue on. The waiting was starting to get to me. Finally I heard what I was waiting for.

The door opened and the Captain walked in. He was thinking so hard he didn't even notice me at first. Then he stopped, turned, and stared at me. I uncovered myself, showing him without words that I was ready. He was in a daze and began undressing, as one in a trance. Moving the blankets completely out of the way. He moved to cover me quickly and pressed himself in. He moved fast but not hard. It was much nicer being on a bed. Then with one final thrust he came and dropped down on to me. Though after a few moments he rosed up to look at me.

"I hope I didn't hurt you?"

"No. It was good. Though a little one sided."

"What?" He said as I pushed him over and mounted him.

He didn't need any help in getting ready. So I slid myself down onto his dick and I began moving up and down, making a circle at the end of some of the down strokes, which made him moan every time. He began to play with my clit, rubbing it, flicking it, then taking two fingers and rubbing the lips of my pussy, as I moved up and down. I was still a little surprised when any of the Catteni did that. Then he slid his fingers in, making it tighter for his dick. Finally, with a soft cry I came. But we were not done yet as he removed his hand and placed both on my hips, began helping me to move faster and a little harder up and down. Then he too came with a groan. I moved off him and down to the side.

"So was it worth the wait."

"Oh yes. Definitely worth the wait. Are you doing all right? I haven't been too rough?"

"Not at all, but I think it could be better." I reached down and began to tease him again.

With a startled surprise he said, "You tease, I'll show you better." and he covered me again. I gave a soft laugh, and pulled the pillow from behind my head as he raised my legs farther than he had before. He plunged his dick into my pussy hard and fast. I moaned with pleasure, as he rammed into me. Faster and harder than he had, before but not as hard as he had in the cargo bay. It took some time and about half way through he dropped one of my legs and turned me on to my side still moving well in and out of me. With a final thrust that was as hard as he could, he came. He fell to the side, pulling out of me as he did. Then just before he fell asleep he pulled me to him in a bear hold and went to sleep. I was just as tired so after pulling the blankets up around us, I fell asleep too.

I was awakened the next morning by the fact that the Captain was fondling a breast and playing with my clit. He had a leg thrown over on of mine and had used it to separate them. This felt very good and I gave a soft moan of pleasure.

"Good morning, you tease. At least it will be." he whispered into my ear. He rolled me onto my stomach and positioned himself between my legs. And before I could say anything, he slid himself in. Slowly he moved, in and out. Reaching around, he started to play with first my breasts and then down to my clit. He took his time, as he brought me to a point just before I would have cum. Then he stopped playing, placing both hands on my hips and started ramming into me. Harder and faster, in and out, driving himself with a will. Finally he came. I tried to collapse forward on to the bed but he still had a hold of me. After a few moments he shoved me to the bed. Flipped me back, raised my legs and rammed his dick in to me again. His hands were holding my legs at the knees as he continued to drive himself in. He was pushing my legs farther and farther apart, almost to the breaking point. He was insatiable; I began to fear that he would never stop. Then with a cry of relief he came, and collapsed next to me on the bed breathless. He began talking before I had my breath back. "That will teach you to tease your Captain." He paused for a moment as if waiting for a reply, which I was not silly enough to give. "Today we have to stop at a space station to resupply. We will be unloading half of the slaves too. You must not be seen. I will have Nevin lock you both in here. No one would dare enter the Captain's quarters without my say so. But you must not be heard either. We will not be there long. After that you will need to finish with the men."

"Why not have them meet me in the cargo bay now?" I asked but really didn't think I had it in me to take them on just yet.

"You have to clean up from doing the laundry. And those that have not had you will be on watch until just before we dock."

"If I may ask. Are you planning on get a new man here?"

"No. We must wait to get back to our home base for that. I know someone who is available for the job. But you don't have to worry about that now. We have 4 weeks yet to go." I let out a small sigh. He laughed. "Get dressed. And finish working in the cargo bay. We will be needing the space soon."

So I did. It didn't take that long to take the laundry down now that it was dry. I folded it and hand it over to the first Catteni I found in the hallway. Nevin came in looking tired. He looked at me with a sad look on his face. "You were with the Captain?"

"Yes. I didn't mean to be all night. He wouldn't let go. I couldn't get his hands to separate even after he was a sleep." I looked at him with sad pleasing eyes hoping he would see that I was very sorry.


I walked over to him kissed him on the mouth. "If I could have been anywhere it would have been in your arms last night. All I could think of was how mad you where going to be with me. Do you forgive me?"

"How can I forgive you, when you were not the one at fault." Then he kissed me again.

"The Captain told me that we'll be stopping at a station today." I said when we broke from the kiss. "You and I are to lock ourselves in the Captain's quarters. Then after we leave, you're to set the times for the others to have their turns. I get one day off when they are done, and then we start the new schedule."

He couldn't say anything to that. He helped me to remove the ropes and put them away. "How long till you need to be on bridge duty?"

"I have just under an hour. Why?"

I took his hand and walked us to the door. Looking out to check if there was anyone in the corridor and pulled him to my room. He wasted no time once we got there and the door to my room closed behind him. I took him on top, it being the easiest way for him to play with me at the same time. Sadly though it didn't take all that long before we both gave moans of pleasure as we came.

We cleaned up quickly and walked to the galley, like nothing had happened. I was hungry, but he had only time enough to take a bite or two from my plate and headed for the bridge. I decided to check the cargo bay one last time to make sure all was cleaned up. Once that was done I went back to the galley to start clean up there. It was a good thing too. The mess had doubled in the short time I had been gone. There were several men at the table and they were both surprised and pleased to see me and that I was cleaning up, which meant they didn't have too. They talked about the station we were going to, and how it was a cesspit. How only the lowest of the low and those in complete disgrace got sent to work this post. They were very glade it wasn't them.

I had plates of food out and ready for the men as they came off the bridge. Nevin wasn't with them but one of the others told me that the Captain had detained him for a moment. When he did arrive he ate quickly. I had eaten just before they had arrived. Then he took me by the arm and led me to the Captains quarters. He opened the door, walked us inside and locked the door.

"How long until we make the station?" I asked in the quiet.

"About an hour. We're not to leave for any reason. And if someone tries to get in." He pulled a stunner out from its holster.

"And what do we do until then?" I had a devious look in my eye that he matched, but...

"The Captain has told me that if we do, he'll personally space me. And I believe him. There is something that can be done while we are waiting, though. Will you teach me en-gl-ish? I would like to learn. And you never told me how you learned Catteni so well, even though I have never asked."

"I'd be happy to teach you English. Lets sit and I'll tell you how I learned your language." We both sat down on the bed.

"It's not a very happy story. I was still on earth after your people took the first of mine off to who knows where. I found myself living near a Catteni base. There were lots of families being ripped apart. And there were a lot of children who needed someone. I had gathered about ten, all very small and under the age of ten, most with the same story. mom or dad dead or taken. After about four months it became obvious that we were running out of food, so I went begging. First from neighbors, they helped if they could, but most didn't. One day there was a group of Catteni teasing and picking on a young girl. She was no more than 13. Somehow, I got the courage to walk right up to them and told them to stop, by then most humans new a few words. They were surprised, but stopped. I told them they didn't want to play with a child. They wanted someone that knew what they were doing. At least that was what I was trying to say. I told them to give me the girl and I would take her place. Eventually they shoved the girl to me. I told her to take what I had and go to my house. She agreed and ran as soon as I let her go. That was when the men grabbed me, pulled me between two buildings, one liked hitting, but the others were happy with just having sex. When they were done I was beaten and sore. All but one left laughing. The one that stayed asked why. I told him I couldn't let them hurt a child. Then he asked why I was out. I told him that I was finding food for babies. Remember all of this was in miming and gestures. He asked where I lived. I told him not far and that I would make it back all right. He gave me a ration bar and told me to eat. Then he asked how many babies I had. I said 10. He was quiet for a few moments, then told me to come to the south corner of the base. He would give me some food for the babies. Then he left. I sat for a while longer then got to my feet. I was half way home when the girl that I had rescued, found and helped me the rest of the way. The children were scared when they saw me.

Two days later found me near the south corner of the base. I was hiding. Most people were killed out of hand just being this closed to the fence. I had no idea what I was doing. Then a truck came up to the fence, stopped, and the man that had told me to be there stepped out. He looked around and walked over to a gate and opened it. He saw me move as I stood for a quick moment. He waved me to him. He took me by the arm and pushed me into the truck. Then he got inside. He asked what I would do for the food. I asked what he wanted. It was sex, of course. And I said yes. We had sex and I came away with a good-sized box of ration bars. He told me to come back in two day and he'd have more for me. The next time was human made, canned goods. The third was blankets. After that it was only once a week. And sometimes he brought a friend. We also taught each other the others language. After a year there were 15 kids and 2 other woman who I had saved from rape gangs. Vili was the Catteni that was helping me. He was like you in a way, as long as I made him happy. I shared as much as I could but the kids always came first. Then one day as I was on my way to make the pick up, some of the humans thought they would attack the base and Vili was killed. Most of the humans were rounded up. I had just about made it home when a ship flew overhead. It didn't gas the area. They bombed it. I don't know when it was hit, but as I got there, I only found the two women and the 13 year old, all three holding babies and running. Four babies were saved. And I knew there were no others; there was no house left. The whole area was practically leveled. The others didn't stop running, and for good reason. Catteni solders were searching the area now. I didn't care. I didn't move. A soldier grabbed me. He was one that Vili would bring. Quietly he asked what happened. I told him. Then I told him that all the children were dead. I think at that point he was more upset about the children than for his friend. Someone came by then and took me from him. I was loaded onto a ship and sent off to your distribution planet. I hardly talked or ate. The only time I would awaken was to keep someone else from being beaten or raped. I think I was hoping that one would go too far and kill me, but then I always made the Catteni happy. Eventually I realized that I wasn't to be killed and that I was doing what I could to keep people from being hurt. It didn't make me many friends but I made a difference. That's why when I woke I was not afraid of what would happen. I knew."

Nevin just stared at me with his mouth hanging open. He looked kind of silly so I kissed him. Then he shook all over. "You must be the bravest woman I have ever known, to place yourself in harms way for so many others."

He took me into his arms. For some reason this touched me. I began to cry and could not stop. He just held me as I cried for the little ones, that until now I had not let go of. Nevin, held me not knowing what else to do, rocking back and forth in the hope that it would help. It was some time later when the tears stopped. Nevin handed me a rag to wipe my face with.

"Are you better now?" he sounded shaken himself.

"I think so. I guess I needed that. This is something that all humans go through when there is a loss like this, both for males and females. It's not always the same but eventually we have to cry the grief out. It helps us to move forward."

"Catteni males don't grieve. We just get angry. Our females will shed tears if something bad happens to a child or a mate, and our young, when they fall and hurt themselves. But that is not very often and we learn very young that small hurts are nothing to cry about."

"How long now until we get to the space station?"

"We're already at the station. We docked just before you finished your story. I think you did not notice because of all the emotions that were running high. You look tired. I want you to sleep for a little."

"I think I will." And with that I crawled to the top of the bed pulled a cover over me and fell asleep.

The room was not dark but the lights were dimmed when I woke some time later. I heard someone snoring. It sounded like it was coming from one of the chairs. I tried to move but was stiff and stuck in the blankets. I finally got myself unwound from them and went to take care of some personal needs but did not flush the unit for fear it would be heard out in the hall. When I came out my hand was grabbed. "Good, you did the right thing. There are many in the hall right now. More than there should be. You should try to sleep some more, the time will pass more quickly." Nevin whispered.

Same as Catteni Heat
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I awoke sometime in the night with a warm mouth on my dick and a hotter pussy on my face. I took immediate advantage of this opportunity and my tongue became a whirling dervish teasing and taunting my sister's open flower of passion. I ran my tongue up to her clit and down to her vaginal opening, and tried to gather her succulent juices into my mouth. I nipped and teased her flower until I was rewarded with a gush of her inner nectar. Suzie was also rewarded with the essence of my testes....

3 years ago
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A Grotesque Display II

Three minutes into the job interview my eyes goggled as she stared fixedly at me. I thought, “What the hell? No! I’d never live it down.” My face blushed in a sudden flush of embarrassment as blood rushed to both my brains. She continued watching me impassively, middle-aged, dominant, and gorgeous, and I thought twice. “Anything for a chance at that,” I thought. “The others won’t even remember me in a month’s time.” Her brown eyes were even more seductive than her wide hips and ample bust and...

1 year ago
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Community TooChapter 27

Kara's turn: Really IS my turn ... me and Bert. A little scared, I guess. I've never seen an adult one closer than across the pool (one of those college pool parties) and no man that didn't have "M.D." behind his name has ever touched me there. We're in a hotel room. It's a nice one, Dad's gift to us. We put the bags aside and I look at my short, brown-haired blue-eyed hillbilly of a husband and I would say that I gave him a kiss, but the actuality is that we collided. This is...

3 years ago
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Emails and Texts Seduction carnal desires uncommitted sexual play

I met Rose about five years ago while training in a local park. She is 5’2” to my 6’4” and sports a constant smile while running. She does like to talk and fills the air with constant conversation. We met a few times to run and enjoyed dinner once. However I was in a relationship at the time. There was chemistry but not enough to cause a chain reaction. Out of the blue I received a text from Rose. Nothing enticing but a pleasant not that she had just tried on a wetsuit used by triathlon...

3 years ago
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Shopping At The Mall

Despite leaving my mansion at noon and not living that far from the mall it was still around 3pm before I finally got there. You know it really is surprising how hard it is to get where you want to go sometimes, especially when you have the gift of mind control like I have and all of these pretty toys around you to play with all of the time and when I say toys I do mean women of course and I do love women oh so much! Women to me are like walking gifts all in pretty little packages just...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 228

This one is compliments of Oz!... Three friends, a Rabbi, a Hindu holy man and a lawyer, had car trouble in the countryside and asked to spend the night with a farmer. The farmer said "There might be a problem; you see, I only have room for two to sleep, so one of you must sleep in the barn." "No problem," chimed the Rabbi, "My people wandered in the desert for forty years, I am humble enough to sleep in the barn for an evening in their memory." With that he departed to the barn and...

1 year ago
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Squirted Vina Sky That8217s Vina8217s Cock Today

Vina Sky liked her first time squirting on Toni’s cock so much, she’s back for more, and today that cock belongs to her. Vina’s all dolled up in a white lace lingerie set for Toni to destroy, and she sucks his thumb and teases him with her pert ass while telling him to use her holes. Vina sucks Toni’s big cock to stake her claim, then rubs her dripping wet pussy against it before riding him cowgirl. Vina’s learned how to squirt on her own, and she proudly shows...

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Exposing Cindy The butterfly vibrator part one

Volume three: Exposing Cindy – The butterfly vibrator   Chapter one – a night on the town Jim and I had been married several years, and we had a reasonable assortment of various experiences in the first years of our marriage. So I was not shocked when he showed up on a Friday evening with a gift for me, a ‘butterfly vibrator’ which had its own harness to hold it in place, however a pair of latex panties had me confused. ‘OK, what’s with the girdle?’ I asked. I knew at 5 ft 4 in. and 105 pounds...

2 years ago
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My profession

Hello story fans. Nikunj is back with new story of my friend shilpa. She is Rom Mumbai, female 22. I know that well almost 95% story in not true. But today I am describing her real true story that happened one year ago. I m really sorry that I m not well in English because our language in gujarati. Now I am describing her story in her words. I am 22 years old female living in Mumbai, chembur. I am 5 and 3, normal figure with medium size boob. I am a member of middle class family. I live with my...

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Mother Knows Best

"I agree with her Norman. It's unacceptable for you to stop eating her other men's cum from her pussy. I know you feel a little slighted, but it makes a woman feel good to be sucked out after a good juicy fuck with a sizeable dick. You can't give her that or fill her, but you're apparently doing a great job of cleaning her out. That makes her happy and that's all you should be concerned about."Norman couldn't believe his ears."Y-You really m-mean that mother?""Yes dear. And since you were...

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03:51Spandex"Knock knock""Ah, that must be her..." he said to himself. He'd been waiting for her to come over for about an hour. He was annoyed that she was late, but figured he would get even with her later."Come in!" he yelled, and she opened the door slowly and peeked in. She looked great. She was wearing a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt and a nice blouse. He knew because he had seen it before. But even dressed casually she looked really good, and what was underneath made his mouth water.She...

1 year ago
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Vadiraj fucks elder sister prathiba

Hi iss readers vadiraj again here people who don’t know me let me tell you about my self-male24 with a good healthy 7 “ long penis living in hyderabad. So the story I am going to tell you it’s the story of one of my best story about me and my elder sister having sex since last 2 years. My sister name is prathiba 26 years old what a girl a beauty that you not only want to fuck but keep here for whole life with you and fuck here whole life what a figure 38 30 38 even in cloths she will give you a...

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Love Bytes A Vampire Love story

knightwriter9: Hi! knightwriter9: r u there? angel_urdestiny: hi knightwriter9: hey angel_urdestiny: now i am knightwriter9: i missed u angel_urdestiny: i was doing laundry knightwriter9: oh angel_urdestiny: i missed u2 angel_urdestiny: how u been? knightwriter9: not 2 good but i’ll survive angel_urdestiny: did i tell you about comazine? why whats wrong? angel_urdestiny: r u ok? knightwriter9: i guess angel_urdestiny: well tell me knightwriter9: just feeling a little blue angel_urdestiny: i’m...

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How it Started Toy Anal

After giving my first blowjob I couldn’t get the thought of it out of my mind. I only saw him a few times before he moved away and he would always make an excuse to leave. Still every night in bed when I started to jerk off I would close my eyes and see his throbbing cock. I would see the purple head of his shaft glistening in the light from the TV screen. I would see the veins of his shaft and the occasional throb. I would image the feel of my fingers rolling his balls and gently squeezing. I...

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Perfect WishesChapter 5 Predator versus Predator

Shortly after the big orgy I flashed on an idea of how to use some of my extra funds to pay bills down faster, without drawing attention. Before finding the lamp I had picked up extra money running concealed wires for folks for things like phones, TV cable and computer networks. This had been entirely under the table before. I went down and registered it as a personal business. This way I could claim I was making a thousand or more dollars a month with which I could pay off things...

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WildOnCam April Aniston Sexy New Teen

Smoking hot and adorable April Aniston is new to the business and ready to get down and dirty with Jay Smooth! She loves hearing you tell her how hot and sexy she is. It makes her so wet and she can not wait to get fucked! Jay gives her a warm welcome and she eagerly takes his cock all down getting sloppy as he fucks her face! April wants it all and Jay is not one to disappoint fucking her from her favorite positions as well as yours to make sure everyone is satisfied and cums together before...

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But the doorbell was insistent, so I tied the sash around my waist and hurried to find out if I had a problem that needed my attention. When I opened the door, I saw my son’s best friend, Troy, almost carrying my son, Dale, who was clearly inebriated. “What the fuck, Troy?” I exclaimed, as I reached under one of my son’s arms to help Troy maneuver his limp body inside. Once we got him in the door, we gently flopped him down on the bottom step of the staircase directly in front of the...

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the dark breed

rios was normal before all this happened. now i will tell you a story about a man and how his life forever changed. it all started as rios was walking back to his village. he had just finished at work he was a black smith. as he walked the path home he ran into a young lady. she looked to be in her twenties. she was the most beautiful girl rios had ever seen. she had green eye's and dark red hair down to her ass. she said please stop i need help i need food. rios said its ok i will help you...

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Salvation Ch 23

Sorry it's taken so long to post. Don't worry, the story is almost complete. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It's totally amazing!" Peter Fuller enthused. "The change in my daughter Beatrice is phenomenal!" he told Doctor Croft as they walked along the corridor towards her private room. "I have to admit, that she does show signs of adapting to the change in her circumstances,"...

1 year ago
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girlfriends mum

Tom had been going out with tanya for just a month, when things started going wrong with his relationship and she started going out with her mates. Sitting at her home with her mum for nights on end, he noticed her mum in a different way as to when he first met her. Her dress code had changed from shabby tops to tight ones, long skirts to shortish ones, and looking more sexy than he ever imagined. She was doing a better job in turning him on than tanya was, but this was her mum he knew nothing...

4 years ago
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Schoolgirl Thighs My DownfallChapter 3 Exposed

Jill plied me with vodka Monster while Year 10’s alpha girl sucked me. I surveyed Sandra’s back and ass as she experimented on me, not getting much more than my cockhead in. Her shoulders are broad, and that gives a taper to her back, down to her waist which is not tiny by any means but definitely feminine. There are neat muscle shapes all over her. Then her shape flares out to her broad ‘fuck me if you dare’ pelvis that looks so strong, with her amazing thighs flowing from her potent...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e10 Louise Jenas 35 horsey housewife

Series 9, Episode 10: Louise Jenas (35), from Livingstone We open with an establishing shot of a featureless, single story white building. An almost empty car park infront of it, and then an empty playing field, the ‘H’ configuration of goal posts at the far end confirming it’s a rugby pitch. We track along the front of the building until we come to a pair of double doors, a simple panel screwed to the door confirms that this is ‘LIVINGSTONE RUGBY CLUB’. The door opens and a familiar figure...

2 years ago
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Rapunzels need

Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair. There were once a man and a woman who had long in vain wished for a child. At length the woman hoped that God was about to grant her desire. These people had a little window at the back of their house from which a splendid garden could be seen, which was full of the most beautiful flowers and herbs. It was, however, surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to go into it because it belonged to an enchantress,...

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Heathrow Ch 01

Thanks so much to BGMISFUN for the editing assistance with this story. This is the first in a series, there will be more to come! * So, there she was. All alone in Heathrow Airport, having just come to London on what was now looking like a really foolish spontaneous decision. Well, now what? She wondered. She thought of all of the people back home who had told her this trip was a really bad idea. She could hear her mother’s voice ringing in her ears… ‘What exactly are you going to do when...

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I was just in the front door of my house after returning from a Sunday drink at my local and had gone into my room to change into lighter clothes when I peered out the window at my sweet little girl Rebecca as she sunbathed on our back lawn, Rebecca was my beautiful 16 year old girl, She had blonde hair, a slim toned body with well developed big breasts and an ass like a peach, She had a pretty face, big blue eyes, pouted lips and was the picture of innocence except for the white two piece...

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Last Dance

My boy friend Joe and I have been going together for almost the entire senior high year. Every body considers us an item. Joe, is the baseball teams captain and the student council president. Like all teenagers our age, Joe wants to have sex and I want to wait. Whenever we are together in school all of Joe's friends look at me and practically drool. I have thought for the longest time that he had bragged to his friends that we were having sex all the time. About three weeks ago on Friday, our...

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Meis Quest

Back again with another Story. This on is loosely based of Mei from Overwatch. As you can see by the image below.Please be sure to leave the dirtiest comments you can think of."Mmmph.", I moaned, my mouth completely filled with the hard, throbbing member as I sucked it, my tongue working along the underside with horny zeal on it's way towards the tip. My head moved rhythmically back and forth as the head of his cock grazed my tonsils, then back out to the tip until my mouth was flooded with his...

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Victorias drunk night out

My wife Victoria and I planned to go to our local night club, (Tiger Tiger) with a few of her friends.Vic got dressed and wore a black see-through top on and a full lacy bra, (I didn't tell her that if you look long enough at her tits, you can clearly see her dark brown nipples) , on her bottom she had on a short flowing red skirt, with a black little thong. I was hopeful after a few drinks and a little wind, her skirt would get blow up and our friends would see her arse. We caught up with our...

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Marys Plea

?Mary?s Plea? ?Mary?s Plea???????????? It was fairly early in the morning when Mary Brown?s mother, Sue, woke her up at around 7:00 AM. Mary didn?t like being woken up on Saturday mornings, but Mrs. Brown did not mind doing so. She stretched her arms and slowly climbed out of her soft bed and stood on her feet. She immediately went to the bathroom for her shower.??????????? Mary, who was only 14, was surprisingly weak for her age. She was only 4?10 and no more than 90lbs and wasn?t...

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30 March 2007Chapter 2

The others, bored of Kelly and Wendy talking out of hearing range joined them. “Now this guy coming through the door may be gorgeous looking, but he sure as hell can’t read. Doesn’t he know this is a private party?” Gabby remarked, looking over Wendy’s left shoulder. The others turned to see who she was referring to. “Holy fuck, he is gorgeous!” Kelly exclaimed in a hoarse whisper. “Excuse me, mister, can’t you read? This is a private party!” Gabby stated loudly, walking towards...

1 year ago
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I am Hilary

I am Hilary My name is Hilary. I live in England and I am now 25 years of age. My parents had me pretty late in life and in fact both of them died just as I was finishing at University. My Father had had a very successful career in banking and was a very wealthy man. As I am an only child, I inherited his not inconsiderable fortune when my Mother died shortly after him. I am not aware of any other family relations as both my parents were, like me, the only children of their parents. I...

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 6 ApprenticeChapter 13

DJ, Amber, Logan, Marilyn, and Jason reached the last city just outside of Lori's home without too much of a problem. They would soon be at her home to start DJ off on his training in magic. The trip was eventful with many men who kept asking after Amber and Marilyn to do everything from sitting with them, asking for a dance, to the blatant request to visit their room. Some didn't even want to wait for nightfall for that to take place. Marilyn often got most men to leave her alone by...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Liza Rowe Braceface Fellatio

Liza Rowe is the cutest braceface around, and loves to suck cock whenever possible. She likes it when you hold her pigtails as she motions back and fourth down your shaft. She likes it even more when you make her gag. If she really likes you, she will use her feet to hold your dick while she slobbers all over it. This is a hell of a sight to see. Looking into those beautiful eyes as she stares into ours with a face full of cum was magical. Liza will stay forever in our dreams, and always on our...

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Fatima and Ahmad

100% fiction! "Well, uh, look, Mom...we're both adults. I think I can talk to you frankly, can't I?" I couldn't believe I was about to tell my mother Fatima I wanted to fuck her. She nodded her head and I went on. "You know, when I was a kid, I used to fantasize a lot about you." "Most 18yo boys do, you know," she interjected. "Well, after awhile, it sort of melted into the background, but it was something I never forgot. When you came here, and I saw how beautiful you look, well, those...

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GangbangCreampie Diamond Banks G304

The pedestal is turned into a Diamond display with this week’s gorgeous Gangbang Queen perched upon it with legs open. Those open legs were too inviting for Chris to resist playing some GREET THE PLEATS and eating her pussy before Will plunged his shaft down the Diamond mine. Scotty P. is back and going at Diamond’s feet full-force before he takes his first turn inside her. All the Cocksmen make their first rounds with Diamond splayed out in missionary while she keeps her hands,...

3 years ago
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I Do you too

The sun was just breaking across the horizon, and Stacey was rushing around her 1 bedroom apartment looking for her car keys. Silently cussing to herself of how it is possible she loses them almost every other day, and today of all days! "Why did I not leave them by the front door?" she thought to herself frantically. Stacey is the sous-chef for Enchanted Bells catering company. She had been with this company since she was 18 and of the eight years spent with Enchanted Bells she hadn't had a...

1 year ago
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Gemma teasing the boys in the supermarket part 2

I had never seen Gemma so horny after her brief tease in the supermarket of the young bloke called Josh that she has a serious thing about. Knowing that she was a bit of a popular local milf at the store for a number of the young lads I said that she should give them the treat of a tease tooShe surprised me when she was really up for that even when I said she might have do something a bit different, or even more, than she had just done with Josh as he was bound to tell them about what you had...

3 years ago
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Getting Caught Masturbating Leads To Hot Sex

I was visiting the Versova (Mumbai) apartment of my cousin sister Kalpana (not expecting to getting caught masturbating). She lived there with her younger sister Kavita and her mother, Tara. Kalpana was a model and an actress, a dancer in Indian films. She was famous for baring a lot of flesh when this was taboo in India. It had always turned me on. I had dreams of fuckling her someday but knew this wasn’t probably going to happen. That afternoon, I was alone at Kalpana’s house. I was watching...

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Fantasy came true

Hi this is Manav again with a new incidence that happened some time back this is in continuation to my old incidence happened I narrated to you all in ISS.  As I have described you about my wife, she is a dam sexy female with a very good appetite for sex her fig is 38d 30 and 40 now she has reduced her back to 38. The narration I am giving you is of a year and half back when we decided to go to Vaishno Devi and Patnitop. We boarded the Rajdhani to Jammu we have left the kids with my parents and...

1 year ago
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Teacher and Student 2

“Is that for me?” I asked innocently. “Yes, but only after I find the lube,” he said as I laughed. He must have found the lube because before I knew it a rubber dildo was being pushed into my soaking wet pussy. His cum and my juices were still dripping out onto the floor. It went in with ease, I almost didn’t feel it. But I certainly felt it after he stopped moving it into my pussy. My largest and widest dildo was now sitting in my pussy, and if I know Brian, he won’t let me off easy. “I’m...

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I’d been in the rain before, gotten wet before, but this was something new. I now understood what people said when they described being soaked. My feet were squishing in my waterproof boots. I carefully sat on the bench in a room full of people exploring the same feelings I was having. The room was quickly becoming a humid sauna as all of us tried to drip dry. My wife and I had come to Glacier National Park to hike and see the glaciers before they were gone. In fact, yesterday, we had met a...

4 years ago
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The Adventures Of Dylan McCoy

…As he entered into the bedroom he was struck by the vision that was right in front of him. She was wearing nothing but a black see through negligee which did little to hide her well formed hips and well rounded buttocks not to mention her long legs which were enclosed inside black fishnet garter stockings and her perfect feet(so he assumed) were clad in black high heels. He could clearly see that she was not wearing a bra and he wondered what else she wasn’t wearing. He hadn’t realised how...

3 years ago
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The Vampire the Wife and the CuckoldChapter 10

"My God, Andre!" shouted Margo with absolute glee as she looked into the mirror the following morning. "Wha... ?" "Look!" she cried, running to the bed to show him. "Your ... your hair!" the stunned son gaped. "White as the driven snow!" she beamed. "Do you realize what this means? You're not sterile after all. We had all simply assumed ... but now ... oh, Andre, I'm carrying your child!" "It would seem so." "Perhaps you have a chance with Justine after all." "I...

1 year ago
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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 6 of 7 The Wedding Night

Author’s Note: This story is hard to categorize. Loving wife, group, threesome with a touch of bi. There’s not a lot of bisexuality, but there is some, so if this offends you please don’t read. On the other hand, if you’d like to see the illustrated version, drop me a line at _______________ ‘How exactly did you end up in bed with Jeff on our wedding night?’ ‘Not just Jeff…’ She flashed a mischievous smile in response to the incredulous look on my face. The idea of Carol sleeping with my...

2 years ago
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In the Shadow of Her Wings

Dravid expected Kali border security to be much tighter than it was. All he got was a body search that was routinely thorough, and a few old-fashioned tests and checks. It reminded him of a visit he had made as a young rightwing Hindu activist to an Indian nuclear weapon testing facility back in 1998, after the Pokhran atomic tests. His briefings had been correct in this respect: Kali did not seem to have much use for 21st century safe-care. The Border guards finished with him in a few minutes...

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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 29 Search

3 September, 1686 Dusk When Dancort had been thrown overboard and hurled into the bay he came up on the top of the small waves, struggling and panting for breath. With the encumbrance of his thick, heavy clothing, and one broken arm he exerted all his strength just trying to remain above water. Just when he felt he was unable to tread water any longer he felt himself being hauled through the sea toward a small boat, and then finally hoisted inside. Looking up Dancort saw Cog. The look on...

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Educating Poppy Part I

The hotel’s dining room is one of its best features. It has big picture windows overlooking the rugged Devon coastline, and during the brief intervals when Poppy isn’t either taking someone’s order or clearing away the plates, she enjoys watching the sun slowly setting behind the rocky headland. There is a spot just beside one of the pot plants where she can keep an eye on the tables while at the same time enjoying the scenery, as well as not getting in the way of the other waitresses as they...

1 year ago
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"This fantasy is all about control, in some ways. It's not what you think though - well, actually, let me just explain the fantasy first, and then you'll understand it better. "I don't have a good lead-in, I realize. I always get so caught up in the "fantasy" part of the fantasy that I don't think about the mundane things, like how we get there. So you're going to have to bear with me, okay? "The place it starts, in my mind, is with us sitting on a bed. It's not my bed - we're in...

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Angela Blade Chronices Chapter 3 Decisions Decisions

Angela Blade Chronicles Chapter 3 They finish as Tom and Jerry cartoons we were watching goes off. We go to the airport and we board the jet. There is a fifteen-minute delay as the crews grade the snow off the runway. We finally get airborne and we are now heading back to Australia I fall asleep in the special car seat built into the jet's seats. I wonder what is in store for me in Australia. Grandpa Blade says to Grandma, "That he has to stop in India for a while on some...

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Six Days on the RoadChapter 24

When we came to the canyon we had blocked off with the remains from our wall building job we took a break and pulled enough stuff out of the way so the horses and other occupants could move in and out safely. I'm sure Jack would have been disappointed if he'd realized what it meant to him, but he didn't. As soon as there was an open path we mounted up and headed on toward the far end. We made it well before noon and ate a light lunch before we got started. This job wasn't going to be...

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Alices caning

Author's note: this is true life shit right here, my teacher had this done to her, i just changed her name and i went on with the story.Alice Woodward ‘s CaningIf a girl is suspected of breaking school rules, there needn’t be a long and careful investigation.By Scarlett BalimannieMy name is Alice Woodward and I attended a mixed Grammar school in 1968 to 1974. Corporal punishment was a regular sight, with boys and girls being spanked and getting the slipper in class. The headmaster also gave the...

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The Slave PrincessPart 5

Waking, I wonder, What raiment does the breeze wear On this first day of spring? A fine spun, fragrant mantle Borrowed from the swaying blooms! – The Canticle of Menkeret. Night. I lie in my pallet and, as is now my custom, I listen closely to the nocturnal sounds of the house of Heshuzius. But, after an hour or so of this, my mind inevitably wanders to former times, to the days before my enslavement, to the house where I grew up and its life of happy, carefree idleness. In those days, my...

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A young girl in the bathroom

Introduction: A dirty old man at a party finds a horny young playing with her self in an upstairs bathroom. A Young girl in the bathroom by LorenLost He walked in on her in the upstairs bathroom, it was one of those pass through types connecting to a bedroom as well as the hallway. He thought he heard some moaning sounds from behind the slightly open door so he opened it slowly and silently and stepped inside to find a young girl in a night shirt stroking her pussy while she looked through the...

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