Catteni HeatChapter 1 free porn video

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I awoke to the sound of low rumbling and soft moaning. I could feel the rumbling almost as much as I could hear it. I went to move and found I was stiff. I remembered what happened; I was rounded up by the Catteni that had taken over my planet and was being sent off to who knows where. This was not a new thing for my home world of late. It seemed that every time someone started a fight or got rowdy in some way the Catteni would gas everyone in the area and take them away.

Now I remembered, I was in a ship and things were not good. The first thing that was wrong was, I was awake, and what ever it was, that was used to keep people asleep, was not going to work for long on me. No anesthetic worked for long on me that was just how it was.

I started to get up and realized the ceiling was far lower than it should or needed to be. But then if all of the passengers were lying down there wouldn't be the need for it. Just at that moment, I heard the unmistakable sound of someone talking. I crawled to where I thought I had heard the noise and found the wall. The noise now seemed to come from just above me.

What choice did I have? I started to pound on the wall to see if I could get someone's attention. After what seemed like forever and having banged my hands raw and was now using my feet. The deck began to move; I moved back away from the wall, just to be safe. When the deck stopped moving the lights came on; they were so bright that I had to shield my eyes until they could adjust.

"What goes on here? Why is this one not sleeping?" said someone from inside the light. It was not said in English but Catteni.

"What should we do? Can we give it more to make it sleep?" Replied another that was near.

"We should ask the Captain."

"I think you'll find it will not work on me." I stated in Catteni to the two men standing in the now visible doorway. I had remained in an almost reclined position, but as soon as I spoke, one of the men came forward, grabbed me by the front of my coveralls and had me standing in front of him before I could even blink.

"What did you say?" The Catteni said.

"I said, the stuff you gave to me to make me sleep will not work on me. It is just the way my body is. It might work for a little, depending on how tired I am before I take it. But I will awaken again after 8 or 10 hours." I replied back to him in as calm a voice as I could make. Remembering that Drassi crews are somewhat on the stupid side. The Catteni have three social classes the Emassi, which is the upper class, Drassi which is the working class, and Rassi which never leave the home planet of Cattan and are the unaltered beginning for the current Catteni race.

The Drassi pulled me into the hatchway and told the other one to move the deck back to the cargo level. When that was done, the door opened again and the Drassi shoved me backwards into the area. I fell to the ground. He shouted at me to stay and closed the door.

The lighting was low on that deck but I could see that it held several crates and a few barrels. It also didn't take all that long for the first two Catteni to come back. The lights came up and the door opened. A different man stood in the doorway looking down said. "So why are you not sleeping like the rest?"

"Sleeping Drugs don't work on me for very long." I replied, still sitting on the floor.

"You will take more and then we will see." Turning to someone that was standing near him, he ordered a dose of whatever it was that put the passengers out.

A short time later the Drassi came back with a cup of something and gave it to me. It looked ugly and tasted worse, but I drank it down, anyway. It didn't take long for the drug to take affect. The Catteni left me in the cargo bay.

I woke some time later, to a dark cold room. One of the Catteni had thought to cover me with a blanket, which in itself was different. I sat up carefully, because my head was pounding, which meant I must have slept for some time. There was a crate behind me. It was obvious that I had been moved away from the entrance so I sat there for a few moments to let my head calm back down. That was when I heard a noise. I tried to see were it had come from but as I said it was too dark.

The lights came up but not to the full brightness, and there standing just inside the cargo bay was an average, but not all that bad looking, Catteni. He was looking at me rather strangely. "I believe you have your evidence. The drug won't work. You can tell your Captain." I paused, "Why are you looking at me that way?" I asked using his language.

"I have not seen many human females. At least not many that were awake."

"So, do you like what you see or is it something else?" As if I didn't know.

"I am unsure as to how to answer. I am not used to being near women of any species."

"Can it be that there is a Catteni that is honest? Even kind, most would not have even answered me. They would have just continued to stare until they made up their minds to do something. It is a welcome difference."

"I am not responsible for what others have done!" he replied somewhat annoyed.

"I never said you are. Only that it was nice to talk to with someone instead of having to fight them off as they take there sexual pleasures and frustrations out on me. Though I must admit that sometimes I did like it."

"What? You liked having sex with Catteni?" He sounded very surprised.

"Not all of your race are complete Neanderthals when it comes to mating. Some were quite good. It didn't make me very popular with some of the other humans, until I would convince some Catteni guard or officer not to rape or beat up on a girl or woman and offer myself in their place or was able to get more food for everyone."

"You would do that? Offer yourself. That is a brave thing. Most Catteni are not very gentle." The Catteni now moved and sat down next to me on the floor. He then pulled a small bottle and a small packet of something from out of a pocket and gave it to me. "You need some water and some food. Here, take this. Eat slowly. You will feel better."

How had he known? I was in no shape to argue, so I drank and ate slowly as the Catteni had suggested. He still stared at me, but I didn't mind it. We continued to talk for a time. I think, he was trying to get up his nerve to do something, but he seemed to be battling something inside. I leaned over and took his hand. "It's alright. You can if you want to."

He leaned forward and put his other hand on my face, and moved it down my neck to my shoulder. From there, he got a little more courage as he moved to touch my breast. He moved closer to me and began to open the front of the jumpsuit. Caressing my breasts, then my stomach, then down to my pussy where he played with my clit. This surprised me; most Catteni weren't much into foreplay but it did feel nice. Then before I knew it I was out of my clothing with him standing over me, removing his uniform. It was widely known that Catteni have larger dicks than most human males. And this man was large by that scale and quite ready. Then he was atop me slowly pressing his dick into my pussy. He was going slowly but this was something Catteni did that I knew about. It was maddening but it felt good. His body was warm against mine. He was also caressing my breasts and kissing my neck as he took his time. He was pushing himself in as far as he could and pulling out again. Then he made one hard, fast thrust and he came. Breathing heavily, he fell to the side and lay there for a moment with his eyes closed, a content smile on his face. Moments later he opened his again looking at me in concern and asked how I was. I was touched by this and told him I was fine.

We were both dressed and sitting there talking when we heard someone outside the cargo hold door. The door opened and the Captain walked in. The Catteni with me jumped to attention.

The Captain looked surprised to see someone there. "What are you doing here?"

"I was checking on the female. She was in need of water and food. I thought it would be good for her to have them before I went to get you, sir. So she would be more able to answer any questions you might have for her."

"You did? Good, Nevin. Go! I wish to talk to the female now and you have other jobs to attend to."

Silently, I thanked the Captain for giving me the name of this man. He was a good man. And neither one of us had thought to give the other our names. Nevin bowed and began to leave the cargo area.

"Nevin. Thank you for the food and water. It was much needed." I called to him. As he went out the door he looked at me, nodded his head in my direction and left. That was when I noticed he had a smile on his face.

"So the drug will not work. What then am I to do with you?" stated the Captain. "This is the first time this has happened to me. I have a few friends that have had this happen and they have told me that if it does, I should just get rid of you. But you are different it would seem. You have a command of our language, not like other human females. All the others I have been near are all mice, scared of everything, especially Catteni."

"You would have reason to be scared too if you were ripped from your home planet, sold off as a slave and forced to have sex with a male, who has a dick that is, at the smallest, larger than half of the males of your own planet with no lubricant or foreplay. Then there are some women of my planet that like to have sex a lot and don't care what size is involved as long as the person knows how to use it."

The Captain had been moving ever closer as I was talking and was now standing over me. "So where do you fit?

"I like sex. I like my partners to know what their doing, but I will say that I like them to be on the larger side too. So let me guess you're interested in sex too, and you have some frustration that you need to work out."

"If I do, what would you say to that?"

"I would say you should ask and see what happens, but then I couldn't stop you even if I do say no. You're stronger than I am."

In a blink and a laugh, he was on me; His hands grabbing and touching my breast. He opened the front of my clothing. Then he stopped and just stared at me. "You are right. I do not need to ask."

With that he removed all of my clothes and then his own. He pressed his dick hard and fast into my pussy. He brought my legs up still moving at a good pace, in and out, hitting the back. His balls were slapping my ass as he moved. (Not that he didn't take about the same amount of time as Nevin had.) With a final push he came and collapsed down on me. Not quite crushing me but it was a little hard to breath. I had to push on his shoulder to get him to move. He finally did by rolling over onto his back.

I decided that I needed to get the upper hand in this situation, even if only to save myself. So in a move that was daring, I mounted him, at first only straddling his waist. "I think it's now my turn."

I reached down behind me and began playing with his dick. His surprise was satisfying. It also didn't take very long before he was ready to go again. I moved back, bringing his dick into a vertical position, then slid myself down onto it. It felt harder this time than the last. Up and down I moved, pressing his dick deep inside me. His surprise wore off and he placed both hands on my breasts, playing with then, twisting the nipples between his fingers. I took one of his hands and moved it to my crotch and told him to play there. He did. Lightly rubbing and flicking my clit. I began to move faster as the more he played the more I needed. He took his finger and slid it into me along the side of his dick with his thumb still on my clit. This was all that I could take I cried out as he thrust himself upwards into me and I came down. Then he gave a cry that he could not hold it any longer and came, too. I was immobile as my body shuttered with pleasure.

We must have been very loud because just at that moment half the crew came in with stunners at the ready.

"Captain, what is... oh..."

"Out! All of you OUT!! GET OUT!!!" the Captain yelled.

I rolled off of him with just a little difficulty. He got to his feet still yelling for his men to leave. Most were looking at me and not paying much attention to their Captain like they were supposed to do. Until he hit them up side the head and chased them out of the cargo bay, that is.

I was dressed when he came back. I was also laughing, just a little. He joined me in the laugh and retrieved his uniform.

"I haven't felt this good for a while. This still doesn't answer the question of what to do with you."

"Let me ask you this. When you are on long deliveries, don't you and your crew, get overly frustrated? Now what would happen if you had a way to ease that frustration? So that you and your crew didn't only work better but that the trip would not seem so long? Would you not take that opportunity?"

"What are you saying?"

"Let's put it another way. You keep me on board. I can even help with some of the crew chores like cooking and cleaning. As well, you'd have the chance to have your frustrations, as well as that of your men taken care of."

He began to laugh again. "I see. You stay awake and alive, and my crew and I get to have sex with you. Is that it?"

"That's exactly it." I replied. "There would be a few rules though. No beatings, please. I don't like getting hit, and it would be nice to have a break in between."

"What about more than one? There is only so much time in the day. And I would rather not have my men standing in the hall waiting for their turn."

I had to think for a moment about that one, but part of an idea came to me. "You run a 12 hours on to 12 hours off rotation don't you? Well if the men only need 6 hour to sleep, and two for eating and washing. That would leave 4 hours for whatever. How many men are there?"

"There are 20 of us."

"That would be 10 on and 10 off. You and your first mate would not be counted, of course. You would not have to wait for a turn I would think. So that would mean 9 to 9. Each man would get half hour. No, that won't work. If each man gets one hour that would be 18 hours "

"I will look at the work log and see. You need some rest now? I will send Nevin to see that you are made a little more comfortable. The first man I will send in will be my first mate. He had a fight with his wife and was not given what he needed before we left."

He turned and left the cargo bay. I was left to think about what I just purposed. Was I ready to have sex with 20 men continuously? How long would it continue? Then what? I was deep in thought when Nevin came in.

"Captain told me to bring you more water and food. I thought you might want to wash up before Busch comes in. I think he would already be here if he was not on duty."

"Thank you. Yes, I would love to get cleaned up. I don't suppose that you would have another jumpsuit I could use until I can clean these. They got a little sticky after having been with you and the Captain?"

"I'll see what I can find." He replied. Even though his gray skin did not blush as a human's would, his cheeks were a little pink. "Is it true that you have told the Captain that you will have sex with all of the men to make them easier to work with?"

"Yes. There would be a riot or something with in a week if only the Captain and first mate were allowed and the others not. You don't like the idea, do you?" I looked at him.

"No." He looked straight at me, his eyes full of, could it be jealousy.

"That is very sweet of you. But the Captain had all but said that he was going to have to kill me to keep that kind of trouble from happening. This way he and his men will be less testy and work better together and I live as well as have a little fun doing it. Besides, after a little while, the novelty of me being here will wear off and not all will need to be serviced."

As this conversation was going on I was getting out of the jumpsuit, washing myself off, and wrapping myself up in a blanket. Nevin had opened a crate and brought out more blankets and two new jumpsuits. I stayed wrapped in the blanket thinking that if the first mate was in need of sex that I would not be in the clothing for very long. Nevin didn't say any thing more for a while. Then "By the way... what is your name? I just realized that I didn't ask you earlier."

"Andrea. My friends used to call me Andy, so either will work."

"There's something else I didn't get to tell you earlier..."

At just that moment the cargo bay doors open and another Catteni walked in. "Out!"

"Yes, sir."

Nevin walked out and the man came to stand over me. He looked angry and ready to eat the bulkhead. With a smooth and fast movement he reached down, grabbed me by the blanket and hulled me to my feet. "The Captain told a most interesting story. He said that you were willing to have sex with the whole crew. Is this true?"

"Yes." I said truthfully and with just a touch of fear.

"Why?" he demanded.

"It was the only idea that I could come up with that would keep me alive. As well as have fun while I'm here." I said. Trying not to sound too sarcastic.

"The Captain also said that you were one of the best fucks he's had, even ordering me to take out my frustrations by having sex with you. Now why would I want to have sex with a frail, scared, weak little human like you?" the Catteni spat.

"First off, if you are not interested you don't have to. The Captain said he was worried about you. You came aboard mad and upset. He thought I might be able to help."

He pulled me close to his face. I just looked right back at him. A hand moved to my throat. I froze. The other pulled the blanket away from me. "The Captain told me that you don't want to be hit. What if that is what will make me feel good and to release all of my frustrations, then what?"

In a small voice I said, "Hitting me won't release what you need so desperately to release."

He started swearing, pushed me backwards onto a crate, and turned me around to face away from him. I heard him opening his uniform. Then I felt him press in to me. I raised myself up a little by standing on my toes. He rammed me into the crate as he rammed himself into me. He was longer than the Captain or Neven, rougher as well. Pressing me harder and harder onto the crate and driving his dick harder and harder into me. It hurt, but I was not going to let myself cry, and I would not allow myself to cry out. Finally he came. He withdrew himself from me, but I stayed leaning on the crate.

"Well the Captain was right. You're not half bad."

"You should try it so that we both can get full enjoyment from it." I raised myself up to stand and turned to look at him.

"Really, and what did you have in mine?" He replied with a much more relaxed expression.

I walked over to him. Took his hand and pulled him to me. I turned us around so that my back was to the wall. I reached down and played with his dick to get it hard again. It didn't take long. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulled myself up, wrapped my legs around his waist and slid myself down on to his dick. I used both my legs and arms to move up and down on him. On the down he began thrusting up, driving him in fast and hard, which felt very good, indeed. He had hold of my hips and was helping to move me up and down. By the time he and I were ready to climax, we were bouncing all over the cargo bay. We both cried out as the release came over us. We both fell as his legs gave way but luck was with us and we were over the blankets. Both of us lay there breathless. I didn't want to move as I was still feeling the shudders of passion running through me.

It was obvious within a few moments that Busch might not be leaving for some time. He started snoring in an almost child like way. It was cute. I pulled one of the blankets over us and I too fell asleep.

When I woke, it was much later. Busch was gone. The lights of the cargo bay were low but not out. I also felt that I was not alone. And as I sat up, I found I was right. Nevin was there sitting against the wall. He must have dosed off.

I got up quietly. I needed to take care of personal needs. Nevin must have thought of that too because I found what had been set up for that use. At some point I must have made some noise, for when I was finished and came back to the blankets, Nevin had water and food placed out for me.

"The Captain is quite happy. Busch is actually not trying to kill everyone. Everyone thanks you for that."

"It was nothing. Has the Captain come up with the rotation for the rest of the men?"

"He has. 5 men for the first 2 hours, 4 men for the second 2 hours. I have been assigned to look after you; but I was told that I am not allowed to take a turn because I must watch to make sure no one breaks the rules."

"What! Why would he do that? Unless he guessed you had me before he did and is punishing you for that."

"That would be my guess. But to tell you the truth, I should have waited."

"Don't think that. I was the one that started things, not you. But I'm sure that we'll have other opportunities." He turned away with that adorable blush of his. "So when do the men arrive. I have to assume that it will be in here. I don't think the Captain's quarters would be big enough even if he were willing to let us use it."

"Within a short time. They are even now drawing their numbers. There were some questions that have been thought of. One of the men wanted to know if you would allow items to be used."

"You mean like whip handles or brooms handles. Yes, if they are not that rough and the handles are covered with some kind of plastic so that I don't get splinters."

"What of being tied up? One of the men would like to... I can't think where they are coming up with this stuff."

"It's all right. If this is going to be too much for you, you don't have to be here. And Yes, I would allow myself to be tied up. There are men on earth that are stranger than that. Is there any other questions?"

"There is one. One asks about sex in the back hole."

"No. That is not something that I like. So No, and if I say to stop, I mean it, even if only for a few moments break." I gave him such a look that he blushed again.

"I need to tell the Captain your answers. The men will be coming back with me. If you are ready, that is."

"Yes, I'm ready. I guess. It could be worse. There could be a lot more men and no rules at all. Go on, lets get this started. I think we'll need a few towels, though, maybe some additional blankets."

"I'll bring them when I return." He then stood, turned and walked out of the room.

I decided that if was only to be 2 hours for these men that I didn't want to waste time in undressing. I removed my clothing and wrapped myself in a blanket. I ate the last of the food and moved everything not needed out of the way.

I heard them coming. They entered the room laughing. Nevin was the last to enter. He handed me the towels and blankets, then moved back. "You have all been told the rules. Follow them, or you lose out on this privilege. I will be here to see that you behave." He then waved the men in my direction. They didn't need a second invitation.

The first to move to me knelt down to where I sat and opened the blanket. He then moved my legs apart and began playing with my clit. This was quite a change. He continues for a moment then slides a finger into me as he continued to play with my clit with his thumb.

"Hey, you gonna to take all day? Or just play with her for the whole 2 hours?" said one of the men standing behind him.

"It takes me some time to get ready."

"Then move out of the way so that one of us can start. We only have 2 hours."

"Which should be more than enough time, fellas." Sorry that the first man had to move. The man that had complained moved to cover me. He moved my legs apart, opening a space for him between them. He pressed his dick into me slowly at first. Pressing in all the way, then pulling back until just before coming out, then in again. He finished with a soft moan. Withdrew himself and moved away. The third man then came to me. He made a small motion with his hands. Not sure what he was wanting, I waited. He growled. "Turn over." Ah. I turned over not saying anything as the man pressed himself in. After the first thrust in he began moving faster. He was not as aggressive as the first mate had been, which was fine by me. He had reached around to the front and was holding me by my breasts. As he got closer to coming, he moved his hands to my hips and was pulling me to him as he was thrusting forwards. Then with one final thrust he came.

I could feel his shudders calming and then he withdrew. I took a towel and cleaned myself off before the next man could move in. When I had finished, the fourth man moved in but did not move to cover me. He put his hands out to me. As I put both of mine into his, he pulled me to my feet. Took me by the waist and lifted me to the crate, but only for a moment, as he shoved himself in. I got the idea of what he was doing and wrapped my legs around is waist and put my arms around his neck. He began to move me up and down. We didn't bounce as I did with Busch. It was more like he was doing all the work. He must have worked himself into a frenzy, for he came fairly quickly.

He set me back down on the crate, and moved away. The last man now moved from the side of the crate. With a large shock and serious doubts, that I was going to be able to take this man in. He was huge. He pushed me back on the crate and began to play with my pussy again. Sliding in one finger, then a second, then a third. Then his hand up to his thumb, wriggling his fingers. Then he did something that was totally unexpected. He leaned down and began to lick my clit, flicking it back and forth, up and down, with his tongue. I was in heaven. I held my legs apart, moaning with pleasure, even letting out soft cries, as he would suck on my clit. Then he stood up and brought himself in close and began the slow press of his cock into me. It did not go in easy but within a few moments, it was in. He moved very slowly in, then out. The feelings that were being created within me were driving me to the point of madness. He would reached down and began playing with my clit bringing me near to the point of coming, then stopping to concentrate more on his thrusting. With a cry of pleasure from both of us, we both came. I could do little more than lay there as he with drew himself from me with a groan. Nevin came to me asking if I was in pain and if I needed anything. I told him, when I had my breath back that is, that I was fine if just a little winded and that some water would be wonderful. He gave me some and then helped me off the crate.

I decided that there was just enough time to do the men again. I looked to the man that took me first and signaled him to come to me again. He was only too willing. This time he took me from behind. I was quite loose but it still didn't take that long. He finished and moved out of the way. After a quick wipe down I signaled the next one to come to me. I told this man to lie down on his back. He was surprised but did as I asked. I mounted him when he was ready. After the first few moves, I stopped and signaled the third man. He was confused. So was the one under me. Then I told the third man to but his dick in to my pussy. The man under me started to protest but I told him that it would make me just that much tighter. He shrugged and said go for it. So the third man moved in behind me. He was not sure what to do, but neither was I. I suggested that he use his fingers to make a space and then slid himself in between them. After a couple of tries he did manage to fit it in. I was amazed with myself that I could handle two dicks at once in my pussy. Both men came at the same time. The one behind me moved back and I got off the one below me. I cleaned myself off again and looked to the last man. He had a sad expression on his face. "There is still time. Would you not like to have another turn?" I said.

"It would take me to long to get ready, again. But you are the best I have ever had."

"You can say that again." said the man that had taken me first. The other two men nodded their heads in agreement.

Nevin came forward. "I think if it is alright with all of you. We should end this session for now. It will give Andy a little more time to rest before the others are to have their turn." He was having a very hard time keeping his face from showing his displeasure even anger over the situation. "Andy, you have an hour to rest before the others come in. Is there anything that you would like?"

"I could go for more food and drink. Thank you." I took one of the blankets and wrapped myself up but remained sitting on the floor.

"I'll get the food." One of the men volunteered.

"I'll get her some more water or would she like something else?" replied a second.

"Water will be just fine, thank you." Not knowing or trusting what else might be available.

"That will not be necessary. I have been assigned to take care of her. As soon as you have all left I will get her what she has asked for."

Same as Catteni Heat
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Jeff showed up at my door at 6:30. He wasn't smiling. "Come in." He didn't say anything. He just followed me to my room. "Jeff, why did you come last night when I asked you not to?" I kept any trace of attitude from my voice. It was just a question and I wanted an answer. He took a deep breath. He took several more not quite so deep. I looked him in the eye. He nodded. "I knew there was a good possibility you would be very angry," he said. He fidgeted. He raised his eyebrows....

2 years ago
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TeacherFucksTeens Elsa Jean Katie Morgan Student Teacher Conference

Katie Morgan has come to Elsa Jean’s house to have a parent teacher conference about Elsa’s behavior making out with Rion King between classes. She requests a demonstration of what everyone is complaining about, and soon Elsa and Rion are liplocked. Katie is unimpressed with the display that has generated the complaints, so she offers to show them what a real sloppy makeout session looks like. She has two willing students, and soon their kissing lessons turn into more. Encouraging...

3 years ago
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Camel Toe

Lee and I were in the shower after having spent two solid hours working out. I was soaping myself down and sneaking glances at Lee’s fine pair of breasts. I was jealous, wishing I had some like that. Not very likely without cutting, I knew. My mom was just under six feet tall and flat chested as a board, I managed 5’9′ barely and was blessed with the exact same chest. I even had gone to see a Doctor once about getting something done, all he did was scare me. I sat perched on the edge of an...

3 years ago
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Bikini line trim and fuck

A while ago I was upstairs in the bedroom and shaving my cock and balls. I'm not doing this for the wife, oh no, I'm doing it for myself and for any lucky lady that I wish I could encounter. I am close to finishing it and, of course, I am semi hard when Mrs Tabbycat arrives and stands there in her ski pants and tee shirt smelling great and admiring the view. 'That's a good idea; are you doing it because we're going on holiday soon?' 'Of course' I lied, as I would never admit that I am always on...

4 years ago
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Alone in a cold dark alleway

I was enjoying a fun evening with some girlfriends at a local bar, until it was well past time to head back home. The bar was located just a few blocks from my building, so I decline the offer of a car ride from Camilla, my naughtiest girlfriend. Besides, we all had been taking too many margaritas, then a walk was safer for everybody.The weather had been warmer in the last hours, but now I was feeling cold. Giving a final wave goodbye, the girls got into their car and drove away. The traffic...

2 years ago
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Virgin Cum Swallower

I am a woman in her late 30’s with a husband of almost 15 years who has a fetish for hearing stories of my past lovers. One of my first stories that I ever told him gets him hard every time he hears it. Let me begin.Early in my sexual encounters, I enjoyed only fucking in my pussy. I loved it and needed it so much that I was constantly looking for a good hard dick to satisfy my horniness.I met this guy through my job at the local restaurant that I worked at during that time. When we first met,...

4 years ago
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Sex With The Pharaoh

My tired hands were cramping, pulling the two heavy Armani suitcases across the rough limestone floor. When I finally reached the huge cast iron gate surrounded by the tall stone pillars, two guards came out and looked at me suspiciously. I spoke to them in Arabic, trying to explain to them I knew the pharaoh’s son, Akhanamenoon and was in Egypt only for one night. I was determined to spend the night at the beautiful palace regardless of what I had to do. After repeatedly telling the guards I...

4 years ago
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After A Fashion

AFTER A FASHION by anyport Brian was on an all time high, a month ago he'd landed a job at a fashion house. Not one of the major companies, they designed mostly women's fashion and imported about 60% of their marketable inventory, comprising silk and lace blouses, lingerie and evening wear. However, he was learning a great deal about the industry, and best of all, he had just been promoted to personal assistant to the owner of the company. He had no idea what his job...

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Sarah What Have You Been Doing With Sweetcorn

Sarah, what have you been doing with sweetcorn? Sarah and Matthew Jones lived in a small terraced house somewhere in a small town in the south of England, they lived with their mother Elizabeth, but she was never there. She had attained a high position in her company and her job meant she was travelling a lot of the time. This was unfortunate but necessary and at least this allowed her to pay the mortgage and the bills. Elizabeth always remembered how she got the job and it was never far from...

4 years ago
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My wife is a slut

My wife Karen and I were is this scuzzy adult book store and I had gone into one of the peep show booths, leaving my wife still browsing the porn. When I came out my wife was behind the counter kissing this black guy and rubbing her hand all over the bulge in his pants. I could see everything as well as several other guys that happen to be in the store. This black guy had his hand on her ass while he kept kissing Karen and didn't even notice I was watching them. By this time the other guys in...

3 years ago
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A Night With My Maternal Aunt Mami

My name is Farhaan and I am from Anantnag Kashmir. I am 23 and recently completed my graduation. This happened to me last year when I visited my maternal house. My aunt is around 35 years of age and a typical housewife. She is married to my uncle from 10 years and they did not have any child. My uncle is in police and mostly stays out. He comes home only on the holidays. I went to my maternal house on Sunday. Everybody was there – my maternal grandparents, my maamu and mami. We talked at dinner...

2 years ago
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Sisterly Crush

Chapter 1 Hi my name is Sandra; I am 20 and live in a big city where I work. I originally come from a small town where I used to live with my parents and my younger sister. This story is about what happened when I went to revisit my family back home after two years of not seeing each other. My memory of my sister was really old and I still thought of her as my baby sister who is 15. I went to visit them as a surprise for her birthday. I arrived home and after hugging and chatting with all our...

3 years ago
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Humiliation At Home

Dale Brown and Mary Barton, both sixty-six-year-old grannies, were happily shopping at the mall, having totally forgotten that their meeting with the resident's committee had been brought forward from tomorrow to today. It wasn’t just a meeting, of course, but both were due to be spanked once again by members of the resident's committee as they had still not fully repaid their debt to them.Abigail and Madison were also shopping when they saw the two grannies. They were both in vest tops,...

4 years ago
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The weirdest sex story

Alex looked himself over in the mirror carefully, picking a bit of fluff or lint here and there from his tight, pink, angora sweater dress. The black patent belt around his waist was too wide and tight and the black patent spikes on his feet were too tall for him to ever think of walking very far. Alex combed a little more mousse through his ultra-short champagne pink hair. The punkish single finger of hair, tinted from pink to lavender, hung at his nape down between his shoulder blades. His...

2 years ago
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Latex Succubus Squeeze Night

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, all credits to their creator 渡鸦10492. This is just a translation. This is midnight, wearing a leather object and turning into a latex succubus wandering around late at night. The lights of the city obscured the supposedly brilliant starlight in the night sky, leaving only dim and scattered scattered stars adorning the gloomy night sky half-covered by dark clouds, and the crescent-like crescent moon guarding it in the distance makes the night seem less empty...

2 years ago
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from virgin to slut

Introduction: how my boyfriend cheated on me and made me a slut Hello all. This is my first story so forgive for mistakes. I am swati , 21 year old. Asian girl with 38DD-28-38 figure. This is the story about how i lose my virginity with my boyfriend. I was 13 then. My classmate vishal proposed me. I like him too so i accepted it. Within a week we were smooching and sucking and licking each other… One day he pressed my boobs. I was early bloomer and my boobs were about 34BB that time. I liked it...

2 years ago
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Togetherness MChapter 6 Pretend marriage

Andy had planned to spring a suggestion on Marilyn in church. She came alone, and suggested that they sit with Dad, which fouled up the chances. Dad, though, headed for the exit immediately after the services were over. Usually, he waited for Andy to fetch the car when they were together. “Look,” he said to her in the hearing of people straggling out the aisles, “the season is more-or-less over. I was thinking of heading back to campus and getting a jump on the quarter. What do you think of...

3 years ago
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High TidesChapter 22 SHAME AND SORROW

“Tell your mom, everything you told me, what your sisters told you, the entire story. Let your mom straighten out whose right, what’s true, what’s almost true, what will someday be true, and what isn’t true at all. Trust your Mom.” Tell your mom everything. Good advice for me to follow, too. It’s wrong to feel that way, is a ridiculous statement. That feels wrong, or I have a bad feeling about this, are other bits of nonsense. What’s wrong with the question, What’s wrong with me? Emotional...

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Gallaghers IslandChapter 12

While they were still in international waters, the small ship was stopped by a coast guard patrol boat. They were looking for smugglers or illegal aliens trying to enter the territorial waters of the United States. With the exception of the two headhunters, they all had American passports. The coast guard looked the other way when it was explained that the pregnant one was Gallagher's wife and that the other girl was her sister. They just listed them as undocumented crew members and let it...

4 years ago
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My wifes first time with a Black Bull

This is a re-account of the first time my wife had sex with another man as best as I can recall. Keep in mind I'm not a writer. Just an average guy married to an average MWF, house in the suburbs, career jobs and k**s. You get the picture. Even after begin married more than 15 years my wife can still give me a rise. I think she's still a hottie. Nothing spectacular, just a good looking, well kept woman. Anyway, it happen by complete accident or chance however you want to look at it. We managed...

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The High School Bully Part 1

"Honey, it's just for a little while until his bed arrives. Please, just do this for Mommy, okay? It won't be for long, I promise.""Mom, it's not fair! I'm nearly twenty-one! He just turned eighteen. I'm over that whole teenage bullshit. I'm a goddamn adult! "Her golden eyes darkened to whiskey, hands flying to her hips. "Don't you use that language with me, Todd! I won't have it." Her look softened, her hand reaching up to cup my cheek. "Please, baby. It was his idea! He thought it would give...

3 years ago
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My first 3some

It is a message i wrote to my friend...but somehow think it is interesting (or at least i hope is true one, happened 22.11.2012. in Osijek)Well, u asked me bout my fantasies...would love to have a master who would treat me as a puppy with doggy tail plug in my ass nd take me on a leash. would like to hump his leg nd cum on it nd lick my cum afterwards...but i do have some of my own true experiences...never was involved into bukkake party but guess i am still young LOL.Last week i was in...

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Hunting at the Beach A Morality Tale of Dark Design

Hunting at the Beach, A Morality Tale of Dark Design Randall Wayne Mudge believed in patience. In this need-everything- instantly era when the lack of it had fatally sunk the ambitions of countless talented fools, Randy was no fool. He knew that if you learned to handle the boredom, the patient hunter would always be rewarded. He leaned against a cinderblock wall which shaded his pale skin from the bright summer sun. From this vantage, he could watch passersby as they enjoyed a...

2 years ago
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Almost forgot to share my almost wet dream last night...I had a dream that I had met two hunky, scruffy, daddy type men while I was out running errands. (Not sure where I was because I cannot remember that part of the dream) and invited them both back to my house. They gladly accepted. We got back to my house and the fun immediately began. I started making out with one of them as the other began to undress me so that my now rock hard cock could get released from its holding area in my...

3 years ago
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A Very English Weekend Parts 3

A Very English Weekend Chapter 3 Learning to Walk The Maitre'D shows us to our car, thanking Sir for his custom, and hoping that he would see us back soon. The big black Mercedes is waiting, the driver by the back door, holding it open. He watches as I get in, making no secret of enjoying the sight of my very short dress; he can presumably also see that I am wearing no knickers. He smirks at me and lays the dress in the boot of the car, then gets into the driver's seat; I see that...

4 years ago
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Never Experienced an Orgasm

" No reason to be embarrassed and certainly no reason to cry. Your ability to achieve an orgasm is probably based on your previous poor relationship and your emotional reaction as being inadequate." I called the babysitter and arranged for her to care for the child all night. I went to a near by motel and got us a room. I put a blindfold on Diana after she undressed and laid on the bed. I undressed and she feels me shift myself closer to her. I brought my palm up to rest on her throat, my...

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To Serve and Protect

Detective Pat Gibson signed the case report she was writing and closed up her clipboard. Stretching, she turned off the interior light, put on her seatbelt and started her unmarked patrol car. She shifted into drive and pulled out of the parking lot and back on the road. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was right at 10 PM and decided she could deliver the report in the morning when she went in for court. She would go straight home now. Almost absently she picked up her radio mike and called...

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Aunties Dog Days

Chapter 1 Jimmy Martin was kicking a small rock along in front of him as he slowly walked down the street with his twin sister, Amy. The two kids had gone over to the local playground for the afternoon, but, finding no other children there, they were reluctantly ambling back to their uncle's house. Because their parents had gone on a company-sponsored three-week Caribbean cruise, the children were temporarily staying with Uncle Paul and Aunt Alice, and they were bored...

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F I L FChapter 1

Howard, Richie and I -- Jerry -- were almost interchangeable. For a start, we all worked at the Timber Mill that drove the economy in our small town. I ran Payroll, Howard was in charge of maintaining the equipment and Richie managed the Purchasing and Stores sections. We were all in our mid to late 40's; I was 44 (the baby), Richie was next at 46 and Howard was a revered sage at 48. We had all been married but were now single. My wife had died of cancer five years ago, Richie's of...

3 years ago
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The Two Sisters

"So what did you think of him, sister?" she asks as she takes a towel from a basket and begins to dry herself. Her fine blond hair drips and hangs about her bare shoulders. Her sister who still lies in her sleeping bag stretches. A breast is pulled out into view. Her darkish blond hair spills over the pillow. The sleeping bag is unzipped down the side, a bit of very white leg can be seen. "Oh, maybe a C-. He did try. Did you notice, sister, that he never even took his shoes off? I think...

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Once in a while I review a website so disgusting, so depraved, so utterly fucked up that it changes my life for the better. is one of those sites. 5 seconds into their home page and I fell in love. First of all, I saw that they heavily feature Charlotte Sartre, a whore so talented and ruthless, she deserves her own genre in porn. Secondly, all the girls on the site go above and beyond every perversion that you can think of to satisfy every single one of your secret disgusting...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Like Blue Skies

Sometimes life before was a blur, Friday would come and I would ask myself where the week had gone. Sometimes life before was like eternally riding the moving sidewalk at the airport. You look ahead at the stretch in front of you, and you think to yourself, hey, I’ll never get there. You were always wrong, of course. Before you could let your breath out, the sidewalk dumped you on the other side, two or three years older. You stood around with your friends, laughing, spinning around trying to...

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The Intense And The Passionate Love

Hi, myself Ashish. I am well bodied man of age 24 who has got enough to pleasure any lady. This is a real incident that happened on my 18th birthday, in which I turned to a man (as said by the woman in the story) from a boy. The story starts the night before my birthday, i was partying all night with my friends and returned home late. I informed only my brother that i will come late and to manage the situation at my house. As i reached home and called that asshole, he was asleep and was not...

1 year ago
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The Best Porn Games are arguably one of the only reasons for getting out of bed in the first place, but let’s be real: you don’t even have to drag your ass out from under the sheets to appreciate a fap-worthy RPG or titty-infused adventure game. In another life, before I was ThePornDude, I wasted countless hours of productive company time playing cartoon porn games and X-rated incremental clickers. These days, a bit of one-handed strategy or some adult dating sims are all in a day’s work. Hell,...

Free Sex Games
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Me With My Maid Fucking Her Hard At Home

Hi readers this is Aditya again thank you all for liking my first story and giving me your valuable comments with your inspiration I came forward with my second story how I fucked my maid . Her name is Vasantha she is a good looking woman white in color and her boobs are simply awesome .She always prefer wearing sarees during work once while she was cleaning the house I observed she is a bit careless with her pallu and she used to always wear saree below his round and beautiful plumpy navel.I...

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Ambush at the CampChapter 4

I opened the chests and found an impressive amount of gold. Some of it was in bars and some of it was in coins. I gave each of the women 10 golden Krugerrands. I was not sure of the current value, but I was sure that each one was worth on the order of $1,500 each, at least. That was a drop in the bucket for how much gold was in the two chests. Now my problem was how to deal with that much gold. There was at least 200 pounds of gold, plus the weight of the chests, so I literally had an...

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Opus OneChapter 15 Mit inniger Empfindung

Irina took a deep breath, wondering where to begin. It wasn't that he was doing something wrong, but rather that he wasn't progressing like he should. This was his fourth — no, fifth lesson now, and over the last few weeks he seemed to be less ... prepared. He had gained some expression in certain aspects of his playing, but technically he seemed underpracticed and a little sloppy. She had checked with Eric in financial aid to see that Richard was not somehow being asked to work too much...

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Indian Wife Shifa Turned Out To Be A Slut Part 2

My name is shiraz,28,working in a MNC in Bangalore.My native is Mangalore and i got married 3 years ago to this beautiful angel called “Shifa khan”-a shy muslim girl from a well-to-do family brought up in a conservative atmosphere.Sometimes i feel the restrictions imposed on her during her teenage years is the reason for her becoming a bad girl after marriage.In my previous story i had described how shifa who was all of 23 at the time of our honeymoon had been fondled by Sundar,an ugly cab...

2 years ago
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Bikini Boy

boy in panties – bisexual threesomes - bisexual lust – sisters' panties – boy on boy sexfest – crossdressing pleasure – luscious girl on girl sex – secret lingerie stashI was the boy my father had hoped for after 3 daughters before me. Life in our suburban middle class two-story house was as normal as anyone else's. My dad was a loving father bringing me up and doing the things a father likes to do with his son – baseball, fishing, camping, working the garage. Then came the divorce. The fights,...

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Beautiful StrangerChapter 27

The wind howled in fury, driving ice into the mountainside. Thomas Horbac clutched at the bundled body in front of him atop the pack llama - the silver-haired princess - with frozen hands. His beard was a mass of ice. His face was blue. He could not remember in all his years of mountain living ever feeling so cold, chilled to his very core. The other men behind him on the trail fared no better. They were the same three who made a routine of chiding him at the tavern; they were the closest...

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Training CentreChapter 9

Monday; fourth active week. Megan Sanderson – Zero Nine – seemed inclined to co-operate with the Centre regime. At any rate, she got up when called (if slowly), and presented herself at something approximating the prescribed parade rest. That she was the ninth to show up was not commented on, possibly because Ten – Linda Burgin – didn't appear at all. Linda was treated in the same way as Jesmina Knott, up to and including three consecutive five minute spells on the wooden pony, with an...

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Masters Double Subbing The Conclusion

The slave was so tired and it could not imagine what else that Master could have planned. It was late and it knew that the lady had to be leaving soon. She already had informed Master and slave that she could not stay the whole night because of prior committments. She had one more request of Master before she was fixing to get ready to leave and that was to have the slave eat her pussy one more time. Master ordered the slave to do what the lady asked. The lady laid down on the bed and opened up...

4 years ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 41

By the sound of his name, The Rat, Bern knew she was not coming to meet someone with a models looks. Even so, the figure that was now standing in front of her, sporting a pair of off white, stained y-fronts, was even worse than she could imagine. "What are you screaming about woman?" asked The Rat Not wanting to show any fear or disgust, Bern quickly replied with the first excuse that came to mind. "Sorry, I didn't expect the door to be opened so fiercely, it made me jump" "I gather...

2 years ago
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My First Time

(a dog's initiation) "Ah, I remember it like it was yesterday" The old dog lowered his greying muzzle onto his forepaws, eyes unfocused and milky with cataracts. His ears hung like limp washing, a sigh escaped from relaxed jowls as he recalled the memories. What had been brick-red fur was now faded, but offered warmth and protection to the young pup, who listened and waited for his mentor to relate the tale. "We were a family pack in those days, an Alpha male and Female, a male who had...

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Marnie "You will make an outstanding girl", said the sadistic doctor, while he watched the scalpel with a reverend look. "Ah yes, a very little pussy and some fine looks, your mother will be proud..." Martin didn't utter a single word he was frightened, all the way from his home in California to Mexico, on the road of false pretensions by her mother and her lesbian girlfriend. Yes we are going to see the Aztec pyramids, they said to 14 year old Martin, the only son of Janet and...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 11

“What do we do!? What do we do!?” Charlie asked, panicking. “Mistress, calm down,” Afericus said, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be okay.” “Of course it’s not, they’re going to destroy the universe!” Charlie shouted. “Oh shut the fuck up,” Sarosa said to her. “Well sorry, I just don’t like the idea of not existing!” “Any reality where I don’t have to listen to your whining is a good reality.” “Girls girls, break it up!” Daniel shouted, getting between them. “Honestly, is it me...

3 years ago
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 34

I rang the bell and Tricia’s father answered the door. He saw the car over my shoulder and grunted. “Overdoing it, just a little, aren’t you?” he asked in a growl. “I wanted tonight to be perfect,” I told him. “Having one of our older friends ferry us around wouldn’t have made tonight as special for Tricia as this.” “As special as what?” she asked, coming down the stairs. She took my breath away and I gasped. She was wearing a red dress that looked like it was made for her. “Tricia, if...

2 years ago
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The Future of Miss PowersChapter 12

Val muttered, “I don’t know what is wrong with that guy. Why doesn’t he pay attention to me?” Well aware of what guy Val was talking about, Danny didn’t bother to answer her. It was pretty pathetic the way that she was throwing herself at Steve. Any guy of lesser morals than Steve could have taken advantage of her without working up a sweat. Of course, making it somewhat tragic was the fact that Steve was completely unaware of what she was doing. He only had eyes for Stephanie. Stephanie...

1 year ago
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My elder sister lured me

Note : This story is completely fictional!I am living in india where to get a girl for sex is very very hard. So naturally when we grew we all look around the girls close to us. Thought incest sex is a big taboo in india but it prevails , but under the house roof. After all we all are adam and eve and then afterwards we have relations. We are four members in my family. Me , my elder aged 24, my mom and . Both my mom and dad are working. As i grew up to 18 i started masterbating dreaming of...

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Pioneer VillageChapter 5

Early the next morning Marty and his group of fellow settlers left the little town in which they arrived and received their small amount of onsite training. The trip to the valley they intended to settle was mostly unremarkable, it being the third time in a week that most of them rode on the same route. The only exception to that statement might have been learning how to drive their teams, and moving slower with the wagons than they had previously when they were on horseback. Thankfully,...

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