F I L FChapter 1 free porn video

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Howard, Richie and I -- Jerry -- were almost interchangeable.

For a start, we all worked at the Timber Mill that drove the economy in our small town. I ran Payroll, Howard was in charge of maintaining the equipment and Richie managed the Purchasing and Stores sections.

We were all in our mid to late 40's; I was 44 (the baby), Richie was next at 46 and Howard was a revered sage at 48.

We had all been married but were now single. My wife had died of cancer five years ago, Richie's of septicaemia not long after his youngest child's birth and Howard's got fed up with life in what was really a small company town and divorced him once she'd moved to the big smoke. He'd been single for seven years now.

Then came our families.

We each had two daughters, the youngest of which were all graduating high school together and the oldest were employed around town in various businesses that supported the mill and its workers.

My daughters Prue, 17, and Nichole or Nick (never Nicky), 23, were so much like their mother it hurt at times. Nichole was a dental nurse; except they called her a technician since she didn't do much nursing.

Howard's daughter Fiona, 26, looked like him -- though as a girl he was quite stunning. Angela or Ange -- another 17 year old -- had her mother's looks and, while she was a pleasant girl, I kept wondering if her mother's irritating tendency to snide remarks was just waiting underneath the surface. I tried not to let my feelings show; she'd been abandoned too at 10. Fiona ran the office, the subscriptions and the classifieds for our local 20 page newspaper.

Richie's oldest Cassandra or Cass worked in the local fuel depot. At 21 she was old enough that the drivers felt they weren't cradle snatching and young enough that they were all convinced she was naive enough to fall for their charms -- regardless of whether or not they were married. She flirted because it helped make the day go but none of them attracted her, not even the younger ones.

His youngest Michelle, who went by Shelley, was attracted towards a Goth outlook that was literary rather than musical or scene. I suspect it had more to do with romantic poetry and, while she dressed in what I considered costumes, they were not black and she didn't favour darker shades of lipstick or paler shades of face powder.

We three met each Friday after work, drank a beer to end the week (except when we were required on Saturdays which is what we each had subordinate staff for in most circumstances) then went home to our adjacent houses. (There was another couple living in the house between mine and Richie's while Howard's was located on the other side of the road from our joint neighbour forming an equilateral triangle between our front doors.)

Saturday nights we rotated through a four-weekly schedule with us each taking turns hosting a BBQ or similar dinner and then having the fourth week free for other activities or just relaxing. Sunday mornings we were up early (well, after our Saturday nights it often seemed too early) for a 10 am tee off. We played our 18 holes and returned home for a late lunch with our families.

Howard's wife might have been right that we were in a rut but the alternatives were a little scary. I could have picked up a job elsewhere -- payroll is payroll -- but renting a company house didn't give me any equity that I could apply to a new home elsewhere. The savings I had would make up the difference but then I'd be working to pay off a mortgage or I'd be paying city rents for an apartment or else I'd end up having to travel into the city every day rather than strolling down the street and getting enough exercise with Howard and Richie to keep us all fit.

Howard's savings were worse off than mine, having been divided with his ex. I'm not sure how Richie has been managing but I think he feared two big weddings on the horizon.

It was Richie's Saturday and Cass and Shelley had worked together to cook us a good sized roast. My two provided dessert while Howard brought us a selection of nice wine.

When we entered, Nick joined Cass in the kitchen where they hit the cooking wine while Cass released Shelley to play hostess to their younger guests. Prue went with her and when Ange arrived a minute later she followed without needing to ask where they were.

Howard joined Richie and I as we assessed whether to dress the inside table or the outside one. There was enough of a chill for us all to look towards the dining room.

We could have all just grabbed as seat at random or been divided into three aged-based triplets. We lived in each other's pockets though and found it more interesting to spread ourselves around so we actually spoke to the people outside those closer knit circles.

Formal dinner parties with paired guests sit "boy-girl", usually separating the couples. We sat "Papa Bear-Mama Bear-Baby Bear" and never called it that. This week the two sisters each sat approximately facing their own fathers. I had Howard's oldest Fiona on my left and Richie's youngest Shelley on my right.

I complemented Shelley and Cass on the meal as did the others. It was cooked perfectly -- at least by my standards and no-one chose to disagree.

We tried to avoid returning to the same old topics as we ate and this time there was something new to discuss.

Our high school wasn't huge but there were quite a few children that came in from the farming properties and even smaller towns in the district which helped keep the numbers up. Graduation was approaching and the school had its formal dance about three weeks beforehand. This was our little girls' moment to shine yet all three were subdued.

"There is absolutely no-one to go with!" complained my Prue.

"Well there is but I wouldn't want to go with them," Shelley agreed.

"The good ones already have steady girlfriends and those left are so far off the mark it's not funny."

"There is Adam Bishop."

"True. He isn't doing drugs, recycling other people's cars without their approval or banging his sister."


"Sorry Dad but if you saw some of the people at school you'd swear the brothers and sisters had parents and grandparents who were brothers and sisters as well."

"So why hasn't one of you hinted to this Adam Bishop you'd consider an invitation favourably?"

"He's fourteen Dad and short for his age as it is. I don't mind looking at the top of a guy's head if we're dancing but I don't want to rest my tits on top of it!"


I was glad it wasn't just my daughter who was prone to ill-advised remarks.

"There is one girl I know who is going with someone from the lower class and three at least have dragged out cousins. Another has conned her older brother to skip a date to take her. We don't even have those options."

"So you're going stag?"


"By yourselves. No partners."

"I guess, though wouldn't that be doe? I'd rather have someone male to dance with, though I'd rather go without than have to take a brother or cousin."

I couldn't understand one point that had been raised. "Why don't the three that have cousins trade them so they have actual dates for the night rather than relatives?"

"That's a good idea. I might suggest it to them."

Cass grinned. She liked to throw a cat among the pigeons when she got a chance.

"You three should look to the eligible bachelors around you. They don't actually look as old as we know they are and, if you trade your own dad, you won't be going with relatives."

It was only natural we would look at the young lady by our side before looking a couple of seats away at the other one who might be interested.

"Ah, Miss Shelley, would you give me the pleasure of this dance?"

She stood when I pulled her chair back and then I took her in my arms and waltzed her around the music-less room. The room wasn't big enough for all of us to get up at the same time but Richie put some music on and we took turns demonstrating that we old farts could move.

And of course, Cass insisted she not miss out so when Howard returned Prue to her seat she was ready to take him back onto the rug before he could sit down. Richie followed and then it was my turn to ask Fiona.

The track changed before we were in position and the slow ballad naturally led to some slow dancing. Fiona had no objection and moved even closer to me.

It had been far too long since I'd held a woman close and Fiona didn't have many opportunities of her own. She rested her cheek against my chest and I leaned mine against her head. We swayed together until the music ended and the cat calls started.

"Get a room, Dad." And thank you, Prue!

Fiona gave me a final squeeze and stepped back. I followed her back to the table -- conscious of the slight bulge in my pants. I wasn't hard but I was firmer than when I started dancing. Fiona stopped suddenly to turn to thank me and her hand collided with my crotch. It was suspicious but she made no effort to grope me. She did cast her eyes in that direction though when I sat and I noticed both Cass and Nick watching her watching me.

"So?" asked Shelley when I was settled.

I looked at her.

"What was it you said? Oh, right. I would look favourably on an invitation."

I thought she was joking -- until Prue turned to Howard and Ange nudged Richie.

"What? You're not serious are you? You wouldn't want your dads there!"

"We'd have our dates there -- who just happened to be our friend's dad - and we wouldn't tell the girls taking their cousins and brother."

"Hell, those Promise Keeper types go with their fathers."

"Not that there is any need to make promises not to have sex in this town!"

I found I wasn't the only one nodding in agreement with my older daughter's sentiment. I certainly wasn't shocked by it.

I looked at Howard, imagining him as my daughter's date for the evening. He looked sophisticated; much like Sean Connery, he had improved with age and I could see that Prue wouldn't be embarrassed dancing with him. I wouldn't have to worry about some guy taking her parking at least.

Richie and Ange didn't look that odd either; he was a little short and she was taller so they had been face to face while dancing. I considered my own appearance as well. I wasn't embarrassed by it and Shelley didn't seem worried about being seen with an old fart.


"Michelle, though I am concerned I may be out of place there and I will not be offended in the least if you weren't serious, I would be delighted if you permitted me to accompany you to the ball or hop or formal or whatever it is being called. I suggest you hold off giving me an answer now though in case someone more eligible asks you. I won't be offended if that happens either."

"Mr Stevens, there isn't anyone more eligible than you -- don't you realise that?"

My Nick backed Shelley up.

"She's right Dad. If you look around the town all the women your age are already accounted for, not that there are many men left over. Among my age group most of the men are either cutting or driving all day and drinking most of the night. Those that remain sober have women; those that don't aren't worth having and the surrounding towns are much the same. And then there is the situation at the high school where there are four or five girls for every three boys."

All the women folk around the table were nodding their agreement and I doubted any of the menfolk would disagree with Nick's assessment. We all knew how hard it was to find someone our age anywhere close by. There might be plenty of younger women around but we weren't about to make fools of ourselves in a small place where even asking for a date could leave us open to ridicule -- "What on Earth was he thinking!? He's almost twice her age!"

I could imagine that. It wouldn't be a problem if the lady in question said yes since then they would be inclined to awe or envy but even a polite no would raise sniggers from the likes of those the womenfolk at the dinner table had rejected.

"I'll concede defeat then but still treat me as being only on standby if you do get asked, okay?"

"If you insist."

My fellow fathers followed my lead.

"You realise we probably would have had to go anyway," pointed out Howard. Richie and I raised our eyebrows.

"They will be requesting parental assistance for chaperones and we probably top the list for responsible male role models around here too. I certainly feel like the poster boy for chastity."

Even the girls laughed.

What we didn't know at the time was that our older daughters put their heads together about our dinner conversation.

"You and Shelley were right Nick. Our dads are the only guys around here worth looking at unless you feel like stealing someone else's man."

"And if he'll drop them for you, you'll always be wondering if he's about to skip with someone else."

"I have to say I do like your father, Cass."

"Are you just getting in first so I say I like Fiona's dad rather than yours so she isn't left out? It's alright Fee. I actually think Howie is rather sexy. What! Just 'cause he's your father doesn't mean he's not distinguished. If you had your pick would you choose my dad or Nick's?"

"If it was a choice between the two of them I guess I'd say Nick's dad -- not that I think there is anything wrong with yours."

"Doesn't matter -- Nick's already got her claws in him."

"I just said..."

"Doesn't matter, as I said. We know the three of them are the only really eligible men around. We don't have any dispute over which one we prefer and we know that all three of them are going to be receptive to a seduction since they are all horny and that they will likely feel guilty enough about it afterwards that they may feel it is necessary to make honest women of us."

"I don't want to trick anyone into marrying me -- I don't know that I want to get married, not yet."

"I just imagine having one of you as my step-mother and the other as my step-daughter. Hey, that would make you her step-grandmother. Hell! We'd all become step-grandmothers!"

The ensuing laughter did not detract from the important fact that none of the three young women saw anything wrong with the idea in principle.

We men were all duly advised two weeks before the event that not one approach had been made to any of our younger daughters and that our services would be required.

"At least our escorts will be able to drive us. A few of the others have to have their parents drive them."

"We could always drive our own daughters and you could meet your escorts there."

"Daddy! You wouldn't be so mean."

"Well I'm not too sure about letting some strange young man just drive you around the town. I mean, you haven't even brought him around to introduce him to me."

Ange shook her head, got up from her seat next to me, and walked around to Richie's chair where she stood partly behind him with her hand on his shoulder.

"Dad, I'd like you to meet Richard Wainwright. Richie, my father Howard Beck. Richie has asked me to the School Dance and has his own car. He promises he will drive very carefully if you'll allow him to pick me up."

"I don't know. Have you been driving long -- Richie, is it?"

As you might have guessed, we make our own entertainment around here and if the quality of our humour is not always of a high standard, the quantity of our bullshit matches the great plains when the bison still roamed supreme.

Howard reluctantly gave his approval and then I had to consider his request to drive Prue to the High School.

Richie was a bastard and was going to say no, 'since he was going to be there anyway' until I threatened to change my mind which would have a flow on effect. Both his daughter and his date argued in favour of my being permitted to take Shelley myself.

Our regular dinner was abandoned two weeks later as our older daughters greeted their sisters' dates for the evening in our absence. I don't know what our neighbours thought of us playing musical driveways.

In each house, a "young man" waited for his date to descend while the substitute parent warned him to be on his best behaviour and not to keep his date out too late.

"Needless to say, I expect you will refrain from drinking!"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Good. Ah, here she is. Now I'd just like to get a couple of photos of the two of you please."

I dutifully stood beside Shelley while we had our photographs taken then I handed her a box with a small corsage. It was something we three men felt appropriate though we doubted the tradition persisted to the same degree as it had when we were seventeen going on eighteen. We each felt the need to let our dates know they were appreciated, even if we were three old farts.

"Would you pin it on please?"

Ah, I hadn't expected Michelle would be wearing a dress with spaghetti straps.

"It's alright -- just there."

I had to slip two fingers inside the top of her dress to make sure the pin didn't go into flesh -- and Cass was there with the damned camera to get me groping her sister! Okay, it wasn't a grope but I felt the softness behind the dress even if it was because Shelley leaned forward into my hand and her gothic bodice was designed to be braless.

Flower in place, I was told to put my arm behind Shelley while Cass got a few more.

"You're loving this aren't you," I chided.

"Are you saying you don't like having your arm around a beautiful young lady?"

"Of course not..." I began but Shelley turned and looked at me.

"Are you saying you think I'm beautiful?"

"What? Well, yes I do. You look lo..."

"Thank you."

I had no chance to say more. Shelley had her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me forward to kiss me -- presumably in gratitude.

Did I mention the damned camera? I was sure Richie would kill me.

"I think we should go."

It was the first non-fatherly kiss I'd received in ages.

I was somehow volunteered to take another couple -- though none of our daughters thought it reasonable to travel in the car their own father drove. The pickup was on the way so I didn't really mind and I had no reason to want to be alone with Shelley; indeed, after that kiss, I was better off with the company.

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Correspondence to: Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.Jamway Hospital and Jamway Research Firm270 Huntington Avenue, #513Boston, Massachusetts 02115United States of [email protected]@post.harvard.edu617-697-0732An experiment on a sexual partner by Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.The Kenny intimacy experiment of arousal, pleasure and erogeneityObjective: To learn about the erogenous zones of a sexual partner.Partner: Elle. A white caucasian woman who I met on tinder. She lives in the back...

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The Unexpected Client Chapter 4

Part four of Sexy Serena’s seduction of horny Phil. Serena smiled, then reached over and grabbed a pillow propping it behind her head. “Let me make that cock of yours nice and slippery, and you can tell me what you would like to do to me”. Phil eased his hips further forward and felt her moist lips yield as she allowed his head to enter her warm waiting mouth. She sucked and licked, her tongue swirling around the sensitive underside of his shaft. As she looked up at him, seeking his...

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Caribbean VacationChapter 15

When the Count and Raphael greeted the women at breakfast that morning they were shocked. Barbara and Cornelia looked ill at least. Shaky, sunken eyes and generally paler than usual the two had few words to say. Ken and Stephen were also worried. "I'm sorry to say my dear Count that we will not be able to stay any longer. Our wives are ill and we need to get them to a hospital soon. We can't thank you enough for your hospitality. I know you had expected us to stay longer but we have to...

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Uncle Randy and the Angry NieceChapter 15

Summers' fascination with Cheryl became more understandable when I met his wife, Joyce. She said they had lost a daughter at age ten, and Cheryl was practically a reincarnation of their girl, though Cheryl's face was proportionately wider and her cheeks a little fuller. Still, they could have been sisters. "He's never really accepted her death," Joyce said in a quiet conversation at the opposite end of their large living room where the mantel was covered with pictures of Kimberley...

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Buddy Fuck

Andrea worked for an economic development company that traveled with business leaders to different cities to entice companies to move to our city. On one of these trips she was with two fellows who we actually knew pretty well. Andrea and these guys had done these trips before and always had a great time. They were very friendly, but had never had any sexual contact; just friendly flirting as friends will do. This particular night in San Diego, they were in a party mood and went to...

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The 19th Hole

David and I finished our round of golf with me losing the bet. We headed back to my place to settle up. We were sitting, drinking a glass of Macallan 64 Year Old in Lalique scotch in the den. ‘I don’t believe Alberto will give you head,’ said David as he took another sip from his glass. ‘Alberto is the best butler I’ve had working for me, he will.’ Alberto entered with a towel, tray of sandwiches and an ice bucket with bottles of Hacker-Pschorr Weiss, a German beer. ‘Master Dwane, do you...

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King Universitys New Slut Part 11

Chapter 11: A New Star Is BornI wanted to feel nervous and scared to what was about to happen, but my instincts were telling me otherwise. This was my time to shine in front of the camera and for the first time I was able to show the skills I had learned over the past few days.  I stared at all the men surrounding talking about the shots they were trying to set up and what was about to go on. I had no say in how this would turn out but most actors don't in general. Quinn was grinning at me like...

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Mom on vacation

Mom on vacationAfter graduation, my four ex-classmates and I decided to go on a vacation. At the last minute one guy refused to go. When I was looking for a way to not let the money go to waste, my mother said that maybe she might go. She promised to stay out of our fun and not to interfere in anything.I asked the guys, and they said it was fine. My mom was still young, forty one years old, a good, clever woman, so I knew she really wouldn't bother anyone.We arrived early at the airport,...

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There was a time before marriage and becoming parents that my wife and I partied almost every weekend. We would work our fingers to the bone during the week and spend Friday and Saturday nights out with all types of friends. This led to quite a few erotic encounters during those formative years of our relationship that helped lay a solid foundation for a healthy and fun sex life. However, there was one that still stands out in both of our minds.Just shy of fifteen years ago, my then fiance...

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Sweet teacher

Hi I m Rajesh from Chennai. When I was studying in 7th std my class teacher name is Thangam she is 43 yrs old she will teach biology in 7th for us her name is Thangam nice well build body big boobs big belly and big ass when I saw her my dick will erect mostly I help to her to bringing chairs and dusters and chalks I was a weak student I was studying tuition in school up to 5 pm she will be up to 4.30 pm she will call me to keep the chair down to class room when ever she stand she will adjust...

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Spielschulden sind Ehrenschulden

Peter ist ein mittelmäßig erfolgreicher Börsenmakler, der allerdings der spielsüchtig ist. Er versucht sein Glück immer wieder in illegalen Clubs. Mal Roulette, mal Poker, aber meistens versucht er sein Glück beim Black Jack. Immer wieder glaubt er ein System gefunden zu haben, dass es ihm ermöglicht die Summen zurück zu gewinnen, die er in den Wo-chen davor verspielt hat. Peter hat schon mehrere Schuldscheine in Höhe von fast 100.000 € bei Hakim, einem der hiesigen Geld Haie, unterschrieben....

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Sorority GirlChapter 2

"I can't forget about him," I sighed. Susan sat on a kitchen chair in her underwear, cleaning the cleats of her soccer shoes. We were pretty casual by ourselves, especially when we were drinking. She'd had a game the other day and it had been muddy, I guess. At least she put some newspaper down to catch the mud she was prying off the soles with a butter knife. My roommate could be a little messy at times, even by college standards. "God made a lot of boys, Jen," Susan shrugged and...

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Hiding in Plain Sight

Hiding in Plain Sight I have really wanted to go back and redo a story I did on another site about being in hiding. I keep thinking about how bad a story it became, with all the holes. This isn't the first draft of it, since things keep going wrong with the idea. I'll get back to my other stories at some point. As I am intimately familiar with the Albuquerque area, this is based on the show, but not the characters. It also isn't very pretty or cute. It is going to cut across a...

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Rite of Passage

Alana straddled her brother’s face and began to grind her sex against his warm tongue. She bit her lip and purred, pressing his hands into her ample bosoms. A moan of pleasure exploded unbidden from her throat, her eyes closed and mouth wide open. When she opened her eyes, she saw Ari, her younger sister straddle his hips and guide his cock into her pussy.Sweat glistened on her bare chest, long yellow hair cascading over her dainty shoulders. Her perky breasts jiggled as she bounced on his...

3 years ago
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Fucked A Hot Neighbour Bhabhi

Hi everyone, Hope you are doing well. I am rahul from delhi. This sex story is about 3 months old. $ months ago we got new neighbours in house just opposite to us. It was a family from a village consisting of husband, wife and 2 children. Bhabhi name was shilpi and she was in her late 30.When I first saw her I got lost in her beauty. She was looking like a sex goddess. She was wearing saree below her belly button.She has got a dark and deep belly button.Her boobs were large and her ass was...

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My Wife Fucked A BBC

A story my Wife told me last night about something that happened while she was still with her previous husband.She had told me before about John, a black guy she was fucking. He had met her in the course of his work for a telecom company when he visited her flat in London to do some work. I haven't got the details of their first time and how it happened, yet. My understanding of why her first marriage fell apart was because her husband, was always fucking away from home.She told me he had a...

1 year ago
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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 15 Angelic Passion Unlocked

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Fifteen: Angelic Passion Unlocked By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I stared at the army of anime girls rushing at city hall. They were all armed with assault rifles, sleek, deadly weapons. They swept in from the right and the left, their gunshots cracking through the afternoon. The few people who were still lurking around city hall after my inauguration were fleeing into the building....

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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 23 Intrepid 3755 CE

Beatrice wandered contemplatively across the freshly grown lawns on the outermost level of the Intrepid. The space ship's restoration systems had at last made the level habitable although not everything had quite returned to the condition it had been before. New trees had been planted but were modest in comparison to those uprooted by the explosion. New villas had been constructed to replace those that had been destroyed. Animals had been relocated to replace those that had perished. The...

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How I learned my moves at sex

how I learned to be a mix of a gentle lover & hard fucker from a student of porn. The start of my sexual adventures with an experienced woman who taught me how to gradually work up a woman to my level of desire. A story not to miss. [email protected] & whether you would like to know about more of my sex adventures with Dipti Aunty. I am open to chatting & friendship.

First Time
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Erotic Notion 14 The Ice Cube

     Passion is not hot, it is cold. In the languorous summer heat I sit caressing my limbs with lotion as bright bikinis run past and dive into the water. Sunglasses reflect the light but not the heat, I take a sip of iced tea and try holding a book above my head to block the sun’s glare. My arm quickly tires. I put down the book, close my eyes and inhale the chlorinated odors of the swimming pool. My consciousness swims in a bright orange darkness and relaxes to swimming pool sounds: bouncy...

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The Power of Pantyhose

Any man or woman for that matter who has a pantyhose fetish certainly knows that there is a power in pantyhose that is hard to explain. I know this even though, I am a woman of a mere 32 years of age. But I'm married to a man who absolutely adores me and all women in pantyhose. His fetish is so strong that even a man in pantyhose is appealing to him. He's 33 and has been a life long admirer and wearer of pantyhose. Until I met him, pantyhose was just something that women and girls wore, there...

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FamilySinners Harmony Wonder Stepsister Isn8217t Prudish She8217s An Anal Princess

Harmony has been hiding in her room for two days. Her step-brother, Lucas, refuses to leave her alone until she lets him in and tells him what’s wrong. She reluctantly opens the door. He joins her on the bed. Her boyfriend is mad because she won’t let him fuck her without a condom. She doesn’t want to be a teen mom. Her boyfriend says she is prudish even though she is willing to do, EVERYTHING else. The problem is her boyfriend is too weirded out to fuck her ass. Lucas says...

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Bressas Birthday Orgy

The name's Roy. My hot, young wife over there is Bressa. That's right, Bressa. And she's got 'em, too. Bra size 36DDD - big, pear-shaped tits, with long, hard nipples just dying to be sucked. And suck 'em, I do. I suck the hell out of 'em every chance I get.And don't get me started on her pussy! Pink, tight and very wet. Bressa gets a Brazilian every couple-a weeks to keep that pussy bald and slick, just how I like it. It's great how having no pussy hair makes her big clit stick out,...

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Tracy by Pamela [email protected] There are some girls that are born with an indescribably powerful senuality and sexiness that cannot be taught. You have to be born with it to have it. These are girls who move through the world with a rare feminine beauty that creates a chemical reaction in the boys who cross their path. Boys like myself are agog when we encounter such girls. We feel an instant churning attraction in our gut. Often we force ourselves to look the other way...

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The New Neighbour Part 5

Caroline had left for work before I got up. I made breakfast and mulled over the events of the previous day. How had my wife suddenly become so sexually confident, and assertive? I felt sure that her close friendship with ‘Miss Crawford’ had something to do with it. It was all very exciting, but rather troubling at the same time.Whilst I was shaving, the phone rang. Of course – it was Jennifer.“Good morning Miss,” I remembered to say.“Peter, would you be a darling and come over in about twenty...

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Training Cassiopeia Chapter 4

‘Oh, shit!’ was her first thought. I knew the name from my own schedule. I was taking an Anthro class to round out my required electives…I was scheduled to take her class! Oh shit, oh dear… I opened my mouth before engaging my brain, still mulling over my realization – that’s my only excuse. “So this arrangement is just so you can publish a paper on whoring and become respected among your peers?” Okay, it was a cruel thing to say but you have to consider how my mind was playing out the first...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 86 Lactation

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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My Date With Cory chapter one

The price paid was the unexpected questioning of my sexual orientation. The reward however, was wild, and perversely erotic.Days passed since my wrestling match with Cory, yet every other thought took me back to it as if it happened yesterday. My name is Stevie. My life was forever changed after my first encounter with Cory. This is the story of my first date with her and events leading up it.SFW (Sex Fights for Women) is an exclusive, private club where Cory works. They hired me to wrestle...

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Me the Wicked Stepfather

Everyone I've ever known has thought of me as a nice guy. Well, with one exception. That'll take a little background. I've had a terrific life except for one event. Several years ago, my wife and little girl were killed in a car accident when a drunk driver ran his pickup truck directly into them at what the police estimate was over eighty miles an hour. She was traveling at about forty. So, in an instant, my life changed drastically. It was about a year and a half until I met Joanne at a...

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Lisa Is Her NameChapter 3 Susans Story Pov

I knew my daughter was hiding something from me. When my husband David told me, in a moment of passion that he was with Homeland Security, it got me looking at everything in my life, wondering what to believe and what not to believe. He told me that he was hired away from the CIA in mid-2005 after Secretary Chertoff took office. His death a year later was suspicious to me, but was quickly labeled as a heart attack. I had nothing specific to go on, so I just stopped, grieved and welcomed my...

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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 11 Taking Her Anal Virginity

Lovely and warm greetings to all of you. So, what’s going on with all of you? I hope all of your hopes are fulfilled. This is a continuation of my story. Please read the previous parts to enjoy the story. Here I continue about my wife’s anal virginity. With that incident, our whole life took a U-turn. Now I used to kiss her, hold her and do everything that a loving husband must do to their wife without fear of getting caught. Her daughter always smiled, watching me flirt with her mom or kiss...

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