Catteni HeatChapter 1
- 2 years ago
- 33
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Days turned into weeks, as we waited for some sign that we could leave. Nevin never made a move at me unless I invited it. Then one day an alarm sounded in the room. Nevin was just about to go to the storage rooms across the hall. We both moved to stand near the door so that we could hear. Then I heard HIM yelling at the top of his lungs. I heard Quillan too, but I couldn't make out what they were saying, until they got closer. Nevin had lowered the lights and retrieved a stunner from a drawer. The Captain was getting closer. "You have them here, I just know it! Where are they? When I find them... You know harboring a thief can get you into trouble!"
"There is no one here, Osric. I don't know what you're even talking about!" Quillan said back as calmly as he could.
"I was told that you had some unseen guests down here. Guests that stayed in the storage area and used up all your goods. You have to have them! You wanted to buy that bitch from me after you fucked her! And don't tell me you didn't help get to her because you'd want her for yourself so you wouldn't have to pay for her."
Nevin and I just stood there. He did move a little closer and placed and arm around my shoulder. We heard doors open and close on the other side of the hall. The Captain was searching the storage rooms. We just stood waiting. Finally, Quillan managed to convince HIM that there was no one in the storage rooms and led his "friend" out of the area. I turned and leaned in to Nevin's shoulder and shook with fear as he just held me. After what seemed like forever Nevin led me to the edge of the bed, had me sit, and then got me a drink to calm my nerves. Quillan finally showed a few days later. "Osric searched the whole estate. He's 100% positive that I helped you escape. I think we may need to get you out of here sooner than we were thinking."
"He'll expect us to run for it now. That's why he came here." I stated with just a hint of fear.
"She's right. He'll be watching to see if anything leaves here or the docks." Nevin added.
"He's lost half his crew and is so obsessed with finding you, that he's turned down any work that comes his way. I was told something else. Our new government has ordered all human slaves to be freed or offered a respectable wage. There are even rumors that this may happen to all slaves. He's not the type to give back anything." Quillan continued. "What now do we do?"
"We wait, see if he either loses interest or gets a cargo he can't refuse." I replied.
"How far is it to the scout?" Nevin asked.
"An hour's run. Why?" Quillan answered.
He looked like he was doing some calculations in his head. "If his ship is cold it would take him over 45 minutes to take off. The scout is faster, but he might be able to get us. We would need at least 3 hours head start. He wouldn't be able to do anything then."
"3 hours. Might as well be three years." Quillan complained.
"Get someone to take him to a bar, get him drunk and when he passes out we make a run for it." I supplied.
"That could work, if he hasn't been kicked out of most of them for fighting already." replied Quillan
"Get Ivar to arrange a party and make sure there are lots of women and lots of booze."
Quillan just looked at Nevin. "Ivar hasn't been happy about the whole thing. But I might be able to get him to do it. I'll try anyway. It may take a lot of time. How are you both holding up in here?"
"A little stir crazy at times, but nothing we can't handle." Nevin answered.
"Good, I'll try to get back to you in a few days." He turned and left.
Several days later found us still waiting but we knew it could take time. I was in the shower and feeling much improved. I was also feeling the need for something else. I knew Nevin was too but he was not going to make a move until I did. I came out of the shower but didn't take up the towel that was on a hock for me to use. I walked straight out of the bathroom and over to Nevin. He had his back to me. I placed a hand on his shoulder and slowly had him turn. He was surprised to say the least. As he started to say something, I put my finger to his mouth and took his hand and led him to the bed. By the time we were on it, we were kissing very passionately. He moved to cover me. Breaking the kiss long enough to ask, "Yes?" my reply of course was "Yes." I spread my legs and he slowly pressed himself in. It had been a long while and he must have guessed that I would be tight again. In and out he move in a slow pace, kissing all the while until finally he could no longer hold back and with one final hard thrust he came and dropped to the side. I didn't give him to much time to recover, for I threw my leg over him and brought myself up to straddle him. I reached down and played with him to get him hard again and then slid him in. He felt so good in me; I never wanted him to stop. He began playing with my clit as I moved up and down on him. I came before I wanted to and he moved his hands to my hips to help me to move faster. To my surprise I came a second time and let out a cry of release just as he came. I lowered myself into his embrace and we just stayed that way for along time.
The two men were watching a monitor. "So she's doing much better I see." said one.
"Yes, indeed. So now what do we do?" replied the other
"We know they have to leave the planet but I want to have her again before she leaves." said the first one again.
"She may not be willing to have anyone but him." the second replied.
"Don't worry about that. When we get everything ready for them to leave, you'll bring her to me for a private farewell and that will be that, though I may try to convince her to stay with me."
"Ya, and what happens if she doesn't want to have you? What then?"
"Don't worry, I told you, I have it all worked out." He had a strange look in his eye and his friend decided not to push the issue.
Quillan came to us, five days later, and told us that Ivar had agreed to hold a party and make sure the Captain was drunk and out cold by midnight. The party was going to take place in three days. So we were told to have everything we needed ready.
On the morning of the third day, we had everything packed and waiting. We spent the rest of the time in each other's arms. Quillan came to get us and took us up to the main house.
"Andy, Ivar would like to say good by to you, I need to talk to Nevin for a few minutes about the papers I have for him." He pointed me to a small room and took Nevin off with him.
I walked in to find Ivar sitting in a chair waiting. "Andy, I'm glad you agreed to meet me." Then before I could do anything he was behind me, trying to open my top.
"Ivar, No. I'm grateful for your help in rescuing me but I can't." I complained and tried to fend him off.
"You owe me, and this is a way for you to pay me back." he was trying to sound sincere. But I could hear something else just under that.
"Please, no." I begged.
"You have to. If you don't, I'll tell Osric where you are. Nevin will, most likely be killed outright. And Quillan will be arrested for harboring a thief and a run-a-way slave. He'll lose everything. You don't want that to happen. Do you?" While he was talking, he had managed to get the jumpsuit top open and was playing with my breast. He had me trapped. I couldn't let any of what he said happen. I turned slowly as if I was going to comply. But as I looked up into his face, he knew something was not right. I didn't give him time to react, either. I struck him hard in the face with my fist, then brought my knee up into his crouch. I was still hitting him in the face when Nevin and Quillan came running back in. Nevin grabbed me and pulled me off of him. Ivar was amazingly out cold.
"He wanted me! He wanted me to... He told me if I didn't he was going to tell the Captain and have Nevin killed and Quillan arrested! He even said he was going to take everything that Quillan owned because he would be ruined and he could get it all cheap." The last I had added just to make it sound better.
Nevin looked to Quillan with knowing eyes. "You knew he was going to do this. Why? You know what she's been through!"
"I... He told me he just wanted to talk to her, ask her for one last... He truly said he was going to turn us in if he didn't get it." Quillan looked ready to be sick.
"Yes." I had calmed down. Then I turned into the arms of Nevin and started to cry.
"When he wakes, he's going to turn us in, all of us. He's your friend; I don't know how you're going to deal with this, but I'll leave it to you. My mate and I are leaving!"
Quillan moved to check his friend, and we began to leave the room and close the door, but just as the door was nearly closed I heard Quillan say, "I'm sorry, Ivar." I knew what happened after the door closed.
We left the house in a flitter that was just at the back door and made all speed to where the scout ship was. When we got there, we went strait to the bridge. Nevin strapped me in one seat, then took the pilots seat. We were well out to space when Nevin got up and helped me back to the little eating area. There wasn't much there to eat but a lot of the ration bars. I hated ration bars. Nevin was talking, but I couldn't hear him, I couldn't move. My brain had just realized that I had almost been raped again, but I had fought back. And I was responsible for getting that man killed, killed to keep him from causing more trouble, but still. I started shaking and couldn't stop.
Nevin picked me up and put me in a bed, not knowing what else to do. He waited until the shaking had calmed and kissed me on the head and went back to the bridge. Poor Nevin didn't know what to do. He was looking through the navigation computer for somewhere to go. That was when he had remembered the impenetrable planet called Botany. He found that Botany was closer than going to Earth or to any of the other human planets now established. He altered course and made as much speed as possible.
That was when I woke screaming again. I was in a dream and I couldn't get out of it. The Captain had found us and I was having to watch as he was having Nevin tortured. Then he would stop and have me tortured and violated in some way while Nevin was forced to watch.
Nevin didn't know what to do and tried everything he could; he even gave me a full dose of the sleepy drink to try to put me out. It helped but only taking my screams down to whimpers.
We got to within a day or two of Botany and Nevin started to call a mayday to see if they would help. Of course, this was done in his best English.
"Catteni scout ship to Planet Botany. Come in Botany. Catteni scout ship to Planet Botany. Come in Botany. We are declaring an emergence! Please respond!" He waited. Was he still too far out for them to get a message. He could hear me in the back. The drug was wearing off. He repeated the hail and again waited.
"This is B.A.S .4 of the Botany space fleet. State you emergence." Someone finally responded.
"B.A.S. 4, Am I glad to hear you. My mate is in trouble and I don't know how I can help her." replied whoever was speaking.
"Our planet is not equipped to help Catteni females. Your best bet would be to turn and head to Cattan."
"My mate isn't Catteni, she's human. Please, I need help! She has had a very traumatic encounter. Then when we were in space, she started shaking, and it took almost an hour before it stopped. Now she will not wake but lies in bed screaming! Please! Can you help her?"
"Catteni ship. Keep this course, we'll be along side you in two hours, I'll call ahead to Botany and have medical personal standing by. B.A.S. 4 out." The man sounded genuinely concerned.
"Thank you. Catteni scout ship out."
Two hours later as promised a cargo ship came along side and led the way in to the planet. Nevin had to slow his ship and that made him just a little upset, but the cargo ship was not as fast, so he had no choice. As he neared the planet, he could tell right away it was beautiful, but that was all he allowed himself for the moment. The planet command had called him to give him landing instruction and told that medical personal would be ready and waiting.
He landed the ship, took the barest of time in shutting it down and ran to the entryway and hit the control to open the door, but he didn't stop as he then ran back to me. He was unbuckling the sleeping straps when I started fighting again, screaming even louder than before. He picked me up and was turning around when he came face to face with a human male and a stunner. The man took one look at Nevin and one look at me put the stunner away and told him to follow. Several others, 1 man and 2 women met us at the bottom of the ramp. The man came and looked me in the face, took my wrist to check my pulse, and took something from around his neck and listened to my chest in several place. "Her heart's racing, how long has she been like this?"
"For 13 days. When she would calm I would give her something to, I hoped, help her to sleep. Her body kicks drugs out of it. So, she wouldn't stay calm. When it first started, it was worse than it is now. I was barely able to hold her then." Nevin answered.
"What happened to start this?" He was asking Nevin all of these questions as he was leading us to a flat-bedded vehicle.
"Please, just help her." He pulled me to him and rocked me gently as my screaming became louder.
The man leaned closer but Nevin could see no malice or condemnation in his eyes. "I need to know what happened to her, and how she got in this condition. I can assure you, we've seen everything here."
So, he started at the beginning and told everything. Nevin gave the man credit. He only turned colors a few times. He came to the end of the story, telling how I had fought off the last attack and we were fine until after take off.
The man said nothing but was taking notes. Just as he was looking like he would have said something, they came to a building. The vehicle stopped and he guided Nevin off of it. The man continued to guide Nevin into a set of rooms and told him to put me on the bed. He was given no chance to stay at my side but was gently moved back so that others could get close to me. The room filled up fast, with people. Someone took Nevin's arm and was moving him to the door. "I won't leave her! She needs me!"
"We would like to have you talk to us but the room is too full. If you would step out into the hall we could talk easier." Nevin let himself be led from the room by the calm voice. "What happened? And how is it that you came to be together?"
"She woke when we were taking a load of slaves to a distant mining planet. Sleep drugs don't work on her for long. She made a deal with the Captain of the ship that as long as she worked, she lived. I was a crewman and ordered to take care of her. We fell in love. I spent all the time I could with her. She taught me English, as you can tell. Then the government changed and we weren't getting the work we needed. The Captain became mad and blamed her because she was human, I think. Things got worse after that. He started selling her services to make money. Sometimes she had to be carried back she was hurt so bad." Nevin couldn't help that his voice was betraying his anger. "I couldn't take it any longer. I got her off the ship and we hid at a friend's. But someone I... we though was a friend turned out to be something else. The day we were to leave that "friend" attacked her, threatening her, but she fought back and kicked his ass." Nevin let a smile cross his face then. "I took her and left. We were in space for several hours, even getting ready to eat. When she started shaking and didn't stop for an hour. She was fine for a few hours, and then the screaming started. Nothing I did made her stop. Not even giving her a full dose of the sleep drug. Can your people help her?" Nevin never took his eyes way from me in the room.
"She is probable suffering from what we call traumatic stress syndrome. If we can get her to wake up, I know we can help her." said a woman standing to his other side. Nevin didn't even know she was there.
Just them I let out a scream to bring the room down. Then started calling for Nevin, who came running in.
"Andy, I'm here. I'm here. It's all right you're safe now, Andy. You're safe."
I could see him but I couldn't do anything, I started crying and couldn't stop. Nevin just held me. No one seemed to know what to do other than a woman who came to the other side of the bed, but chose to sit in a chair next to it. I guess I started mumbling but eventually I could hear myself making sense. "He killed him. He killed him because of what I said... He killed Ivar because of me... I should have just let him have..."
"What is she saying?" The woman asked.
"I don't know. Ivar is the one who attacked her last. She kicked his ass but he was alive, if unconscious, when we left."
"No Quillan went into the room. He stayed in the room after we left. I heard him. He told Ivar he was sorry!!!" I started crying again. It took forever for me to stop. I was exhausted but I didn't want to sleep. Nevin kept telling me that it wasn't my fault. The lady beside me kept saying the same. Nevin told me he loved me and we were safe. The doctor came back and wanted to do a full exam but after taking one look, ordered me to get some rest. I looked to Nevin. "I don't want to sleep. I don't want to see the dream again. I don't want to get stuck in it again. Please! Nevin don't let them make me sleep!" I wailed.
The lady moved in closer. "Why don't you and I talk about this dream and we can have someone take Nevin down to the mess hall and get some food for the two of you. I'll stay right here. I'm Dorothy. Dr. Dorothy Dwardie. I'd like to help if you'll let me."
"Nevin, Please don't leave! Don't leave me alone! Please don't!" my voice rising higher as I became more frightened and grabbing at Nevin.
"I won't leave you. Not till you're better. And then we can go together." He gave a look to Dorothy that was very plain. He wasn't leaving.
"It's all right. He doesn't have to leave. It's all right. Why don't we start with this dream you said you had that wouldn't let you out?"
I looked to Nevin and he nodded his head to tell me it was ok. "HE had found us, the Captain that is. I don't now where we were. All I knew was he had us. I was at one end of a room and you were at the other." I looked up to Nevin at that moment. "He had men, lots of men all taking a turn at me. Then he would take his turn, telling me that I was never going to run away again. I wouldn't be able to. He made sure though that I could see Nevin. He then started ordering the men to do other things to me. They used broom handles, metal pieces, and other things. And of course, this would make Nevin fight back and try to get to me. They would start to beat him, use the nerve whips on him. They brought in a long piece of metal that had an end that was glowing hot and put it to him. All of this the Captain would make me watch. Then he would have his men take me again stopping the torture so that Nevin was made to watch. Then the hot metal was brought to me..." I started crying again and Nevin just held me. Telling me that it never happened, that none of it happened. When I was able to I continued. "But it did happen. HE put another training collar on me. Several of the men liked it when I was being shocked. One even used a nerve whip..."
"If I ever find him, I'll kill him! I swear it! Andy, I will make him pay for what he did to you!!" Nevin's voice shook with rage.
"Is there more in the dream? Does anything else happen." The woman asked calmly.
"Haven't you got enough?! Andy, you don't need to say anything more." Nevin barked.
"She needs to get it out. Or the next time she has this dream she may not be able to get out at all." The woman placed a hand on his arm. "Andy, Is there more to the dream?" She looked me straight in the eyes. I nodded my head yes.
"Nevin was fighting back more and more as the torture be came worse. Then the Captain started having parts of him removed, first a finger, than a hand, then a foot. I was made to watch as Nevin bled..." I buried myself in Nevin's arms. This time I cried myself to sleep.
Dorothy got up but stopped and looked at Nevin. "She does love you very much. She's going to need help to get over this. You both are going to need help getting over this. I'll send someone to the mess hall for food. There is a nurse at the desk at the end of the hall if you need anything. We do have a drug here that will put her out for about 24 hours. Do you think we should give it to her? Sleep right now would be best for her."
Nevin looked up at Dr. Dwardie, then down at me. "I love her more than words can say. But no, if she wakes screaming or has some other troubles then I'll think about it. But for now, we'll just let her rest."
Dorothy nodded once and left the room. Nevin stayed right were he was and held me to him. Food was brought in on a tray and table so that it was right next to him. He did take some meat and some of the drink that was also on the table.
I woke sometime later, feeling better. Nevin was still holding me. "Nevin."
"Right here, Love. How are you? Would you like to eat something? They have some roast meat that's really good. And I know you don't want any ration bars."
I weakly smiled up at him. Just as I was going to say yes, to the food, a man walked in. Fear filled my face as I clung to Nevin. "Hello, how are you feeling? I know your first instinct is going to be to go straight to the meat but we would like you to start with the tea and broth. So your body can get back a bit of strength." As he was talking, he was taking a cup and filling it with something. He turned and began handing it to me. Nevin intercepted it. Took it from the man, smelled it then took a small sip. When he was satisfied, he handed it to me. "Someone gave her tainted ration bars one time. I've been careful ever since."
"I can well understand with all you both have been through. By the way, I don't believe I introduced myself to you the other day. I'm Dr. Leon Dane. I know you have been through a lot but I think it would be a good idea, and so does Dorothy, that you get a full exam; inside and out. Dorothy told me about the dream and we just want to make sure that nothing was done to you like that. But if it was done, we want to make sure that you are healing and that there is no infection. If you think you can handle it, that is. If not, we can wait for a short time, although I don't want to wait too long."
Nevin looked to me to give an answer. "I don't know. Does Nevin have to leave me, can he be with me?"
"He can be right there holding you hand through the whole thing. But I was thinking while we were taking care of the exam, he could go and get some rest. There are extra beds down the hall."
"I can manage. I had a small nap while Andy was sleeping last time."
"I want him to stay, but let's get the medicals over with. Then we can both rest." I managed to say.
Leon left but returned with several people. Nevin moved the chair back a bit but did not let go of my hand. Blood for labs was drawn, and an EKG was done, then a vaginal exam was performed. Nevin could see that Leon did not like what he saw.
"So how bad?" Nevin asked when it was all over.
"There's a lot of scare tissue and what looks like old burns. I don't think you'll be able to conceive. There's just too much damage. I'm sorry. I don't know if anyone has ever told you but Catteni and humans can't procreate." The Doctor looked to me.
"I knew that back on Earth before I was picked up." I said with sadness.
"I need to go look at the EKG and see to the blood work. You," and he turned to Nevin, and then pointed to the bed next to me, "get some rest. You'll do neither of you any good if you don't." And with that he left. Nevin moved to join me on the bed. The bed groaned as he slid himself under me, with my head resting on his chest, and his back to the wall. We both fell asleep.
When I awoke, Nevin was still behind me. I moved to sit up. Oh, did I have to find a bathroom soon. As I turned to wake Nevin, he met my eyes with a smile. "I need to find the bathroom. Did anyone tell you were one was?"
"No, but someone did tell me there is a nurse just down the hall. Are you ok to walk or do you just want to sit here and I'll go find out?"
"Let's both go." I still didn't want to be alone.
By the time we were standing, the nurse was at the door of the room. She said she though that information would eventually be needed and told us both. We returned to find Dr. Dane waiting and talking to the nurse.
"Good morning. I see your up, that's good. Let's just have you get back into the room so I can give you a quick check. Then I think it would be good for you to go up to the mess hall for breakfast. I'll even take you and introduce you to some of the people that might be there." He was leading Nevin and me back into the room. He had me sit on the bed; he listened to my heart and lungs, looked into my eyes and took my pulse. "I had a chance to check some of the blood work and everything looks good, there. When you came in, I was very worried about your heart. It was racing so fast. The first EKG, I took, did show some abnormalities but the second looked fine. Later today, I'd like to repeat it again just to be safe. There now, all done." Just then, the nurse came into the room. "Oh, thank you, Mavis. I thought you two would like to have a change of clothes. They're just jumpsuits, but they serve." He put the clothing on the bed. "Yours will be washed and returned later, of course." He turned and left the room, to give us privacy to change.
"Do you want to go to this mess hall? You don't have to. I can get you the food."
"As long as you're with me, I think, I can. I don't want to be alone at all. Let's get changed."
When we had finished, we went to the door, opened it and stepped out into the hall. I held Nevin's arm all the way to there. The mess hall was big and to my surprise, there were races there other than human. Dr. Dane laughed at our surprise and told us that other races were dropped onto the planet at the same time as the humans and race was only a matter when it came to having kids. It seemed none of the species here could cross breed. That was when several women came up to me and asked me how I was doing? They were glad that I was getting better, but they evidently had work to do and hurried off. Another came over and introduced herself as Sandy and said if I needed anything, all I had to do was ask. Then she turned to Nevin and greeted him with a warm smile and a handshake, then excused herself because she to had work to do. Dr. Dane walked us to a table and told us to sit and he would get us our food. It looked very good, and I was very hungry.
I guess I ate more than I should have because I became very tired after. Dr. Dane said that was normal. As we walked back to the Hospital wing, Nevin had to carry me. I was asleep before he put me down on the bed.
We had a routine of sorts after that; we would get up, and then get checked out by the doc. Go for breakfast. A walk around the settlement, then lunch and a nap in the afternoon. After our nap, we would take a trip to the lake or the library, then dinner, finishing with a visit with Dr. Dorothy Dwardie. I was feeling better every day but I knew there was something up with Nevin. On the night of the third day, after our visit, Nevin was very quiet. We had been moved to a different room in a barracks of some sort, but there was a double bed. I lay down but Nevin just stood looking at me. Finally he spoke. "You are safe here. Your people will protect you." His eyes were dull and his expression sad.
"Nevin. What are you thinking? Why so..." I had no words to describe how he was.
"They have accepted you, but they will not accept me. I think it would be best if I..."
"Nevin! No! You can't leave me here, alone with all these strangers! You can't!!" I jumped up and grabbed at him.
"They will not accept me. They do not accept that you are with me."
"Where did you ever get that idea from?" Dr. Dane was standing in the doorway. Then he continued, "Yes, there are some people that will have trouble accepting, but they are growing to be few. Zainal and Kris get the same looks even though much is owed to them. I know you were hoping he was here. It would make things easier. I think it would be good for people here to get used to other Catteni. Dorothy asked me to look in on you, Nevin, because she said that you looked a little off and wouldn't talk to her." He laughed, "This is her area not normally mine. You don't have to worry about anything. Once Andy is better and you both start working and helping the community, they will change their minds. Some of the people here have had just as hard a time of it as Andy has. There are some here that will never recover. You should talk to Dorothy. Talk to the people here, I think you'll be surprised. Now get some rest, both of you."
Dr. Dane turned and left the room. "Nevin if you think your going to just leave me." I paused, "If my mate thinks he can just leave me, he has another thing coming. I will try with all I have, with all my might, to go with him, if not I will not be able to go on. I would not want to go on. I would go out to the fields at night and just lay down."
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IncestTime for another Miller Light, after all that playing around. All three sat on the couch, the nude girls beside John. They watched more of the film as they recuperated. Finishing her beer, her right hand on John’s thigh, Kelly told the other two, “Okay, now it’s time for you married people to go in the bedroom and lie down. I’ll be in there in a minute with a delicious surprise.” A quizzical look passed between the couple. What has this girl got up her sleeve now? Oops, no...
February 23, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “We’ll talk about it next weekend,” I said. “Not now?” Jessica asked. “Are you sure that you’re OK?” “Yes and no. It really was the only thing that could happen with Bethany. I told you that about a month ago.” “So you were prepared?” Kara asked. “As much as I could be,” I sighed. “I think everyone pretty much expected this to happen. But that doesn’t make it any easier.” “Where will she go?” Kara asked. “I’m hoping she’ll move in with Kathy and...
West greeted Ethan at the door as he made his way into the lobby of the Abbott and Schutzman with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder, walking beside him as he headed for the elevator at the back of the room. Their footsteps echoed in the great, empty space, the amber glow of the lighting strips in the red marble pillars reflecting off the polished floor. “You don’t look very well rested,” the towering security guard commented. Ethan very nearly did a double-take. It was the first time that...
Saturday, 26 October 2019:Staring into the bathroom mirror, the tiny apartment’s lessee remarked aloud. “My life certainly has changed. You’re a long way from Iowa.” A light laugh followed.The statement was a matter of fact. There had been several prominent milestones. A few of them came to mind… ================Thursday, 2 April 1982:“Waaaaaaahhhhhh,” crowed the new set of lungs.“Congratulations, it’s a boy,” the doctor yelled.A drenched, tired, but overjoyed new mother managed a smile. “Can I...
So, here's another thing that happened!My mom has this friend. I'll call her Ms E (not the same Ms E from the other story! This is a different lady!). I think she's in her mid-40s or so? She's from our country, so she doesn't speak English all that well, but she does ok. (I'm gonna write her stuff like she speaks English as good as me). Anyway, she comes to visit us a lot and sometimes she stays for a few days. She's always so nice to me, like telling me I'm pretty and smart and stuff. And I...
You're on a long winding stroll through space and time. You've entered a wondrous land where light is shadow and shadow is light and reality is not expected. You've long ago crossed the rim of the Universe, you've just entered the ..... Transgender Zone. Act One Seth Strafford came from one of those old money families in America. His family was one of the wealthiest and one that could trace it's roots back to the Mayflower and Plymouth Rock. Seth was the oldest son of the part of...
I was not much in talk with my aunty. But, ones my mom and dad went to out of country for sometime for some business work. I had to stay back due to my studies. I had to stay to my aunty house. My aunty is super hot woman. Her boobs are so big and sexy that everyone love to have sex with her. I also want to have sex with her. My dick was always erected seeing her sexy boobs. She wear loose sleeve blouse and also deep neck and almost backless. Due to deep neck blouse, her boobs be visible to...
Incest“You falling asleep on your final?” Mr. Lopez asked, “Nice…” “No Mister, I was just resting my eyes.” “You got three minutes to finish up,” Mr. Lopez pointed at the clock, “then you outta here and you can rest at home.” “Ok.” Julius took the next three minutes to scramble a conclusion to his essay and handed it in, it wasn’t the best he’s done but at least it was cohesive. After handing in his paper, he walked straight towards the door, but before he stepped out, Mr. Lopez called...
As I came back into the bedroom I found Ralph and James both gone, I went into the what was the living room and saw that the door and was standing wide open. I rushed to the door and closed it, went back to the bed room, finished cleaning myself and and found my clothes and dressed quickly. I started to go out the front but heard noise in the stairs, so I went to the kitchen and peered out the window. Seeing no one I hurried down the stairs and off thru the parking lot not looking back. Being...
Happy Christmas? This story is pure fantasy and deals with the problems arising from being discovered by another person. I turned eighteen last August and as I was now considered an adult, was no longer required to accompany my parents on their forthcoming weekend break. They were travelling down to London to attend a Christmas party thrown by the head office of my Dad's company. Mum was especially thrilled to be invited to such a high powered event and had bought a gorgeous ball...
I have already submitted a story to you now i am going to gift another one to all of you. I will you about myself,i am 24 yrs old a very handsome guy having a very sound body and always intrested in erotic stories so inspired me to write an real incident of my life. I live in a very small village of haryana near delhi village was not a moderen one in 90,s.i was in my 10th class in those days.our school was co-ed.a cute girl name mala was in my class.her home was near to mine.we used...
i had a girl friend ,a dark ,sultry, sexy indian christina was her name. we met at a friends place and were in love for quite some time, i was little bit shy at first, but later on it was all fun for me. one day she asked me to drop her at her place ,we went around on motorcycle before reaching her place , near to her home she asked to stop the bike in a small dark lane it was night so no one was around, she got down from bike, i was still sitting she came near to me and suddenly gave lip to...
My cousin Avina, her brother and her family stays at our place whenever they come on vacation. shes 7 years younger than me. when we were young we use to play around and had fun. so this one time when i was sitting with her brother and chatting, Avina came and sat beside me on the couch. Avina was bored as we were not paying any attention to her. she then went to kitchen, got some popcorn and came back to watch tv. she asked me which channel should she watch and sat on my lap. she rarely have...
SEX IN THE CITYI was working in the city, a late finish as usual; dress in work clothes, casual, not that tidy, but still ok.When a good-looking lady came past, hot as, a floral top silky type not quite a micro mini skirt but still short enough to stir the blood. Nice hi heels, smooth waxed legs that shone in the evening sun. Jet black shoulder length hair, hi cheek bones, A smile that outshone the sun, about early 30,s, and little make up. This is a lady of class.She stopped to watch as I...
"Mmmmm" i silently screamed into my pillow as i came for the second time since i laid down to sleep My wet hand falling to my side trembling, it's been so long since I've been able to come i feel like i just unlocked something deep inside of me I can't stop thinking about last night, the way zac fucked that woman, the way he came all over her, and the fact that it was so wrong for me to get turned on by my own brother just makes it even hotter for some reason. I closed my eyes to...
Just for some context, Nirosha was my milf of a neighbour who I used to have sex with. She would let me do anything to her as long as I promised to fuck her. Nirosha's husband called me over one day. Our family always helped each other out or enjoyed each others company. Nirosha and I have been having sex for about a 4 months now and I was scared that he found out. I went over thinking of what I would tell him, when he confronted me. "I know that you are tech-savy. We bought new computers for...
On Thursday, Vivian Hannity eagerly awaited the arrival of her friend Cathy Morrow. Vivian knew they were going to participate in an unofficial tradition: the wearing of “naughty girl” panties under their Catholic school uniforms. Cathy had gone and purchased new underwear for both of them.No one could remember when this practice had started, but it seemed to be a way for many of the girls a way to express their repressed sexuality. They were supposed to all be dressed uniformly. At this time...
LesbianSunday morning is still Saturday night. October 1997. I’m d***k and staggering up Ryde High Street on the way home. I reach the junction with Star Street where the precinct ends and the ‘Old Town’ begins. ‘Oi! You look a bit like Steve Collins… I like him!’ I turn and see two fat slappers dressed in leather jackets and jeans loitering in a shop entrance – they are probably early twenties. They put me in mind, for an instant, of the bloated spiders, you see in autumn, patiently straddling their...
Awhile back, my new wife and I were asked to run a small gun store in a rural community while the owner was out of town for training for his regular job for nearly a month. The shop was less than three weeks old when we stepped in to help, and there was not a lot of stock in the place. I worked my job, getting off around 3pm, Monday through Friday and meeting her at the shop. She was able to open the doors at noon, and worked until 6pm at which time we went home for supper.The first two days no...
ExhibitionismLisa Griffiths was in her one hundred and twentieth week of strict solitary confinement. After so long in this position she was finding it harder to get through the days and the effort of fighting down the horror was getting too much for her. Each day she woke up with a feeling of surprise that she should still be alive and in her right mind. Those first days of sheer horror might be two years in the past, but she continued to feel, each time her eyes opened to face yet another day of hopless...
I awoke late. It was 7:30 by the clocks and I didn’t hear any noise in the family cave. I got up showered and as I was dressing the rest of my harem was struggling out of bed headed for the showers. I stopped by the office to see if Fred was back yet. “Fred you awake yet?” I got no response, so I went into the kitchen to start coffee. I went out into the main cave and only saw a few people moving around. I thought that this was very strange. Most people got up with the sun; it seemed their...
This is a true story that my wife told me two weeks ago when we were having sex. It happened 15 years ago but she never told me anything about it until now. The day it happened she was going to the city to buy some clothes. She wanted to buy a new bra and a summer dress. She went into the store and started to look around. There were almost no customers in the store and the staff were busy talking to each other. It was perfect, she was not so keen on having some staff following her around trying...
'I know I saw an angel, I knew by the feeling inside, The only problem with this was, It meant that I had died' Hi there, and welcome to, well, my story. As you can probably tell by that little bit above, I'm dead. Oh, yes. I'm as dead as a very dead thing- dead as a dodo, dead as a dinosaur, dead as a...well, you get the idea. Anyway, I guess I'd better give you the details you've been waiting for, right? Okay,...
Hi My name is Misha. I Recently started visiting ISS and now have become addicted to them. This is my first attempt to submit a store so please pardon any mistakes. About me – I Am average looking girl, my stats are 36 28 38. I have Wheatish complexion and Little on heavier side. My friend is 6 feet tall, fair and with 8inches cock which I came to know later. It was about when we both were working for same company. Everyone knew that we are best friends as we were always together. He always...
He has no idea what Nathan's mother looks like. Tyler was a tall 6ft one black man who is slightly muscular. Light brown complexion. Brown eyes. Today he was wearing a black T-shirt with blue shorts and Jordan shoes. “Hey, Nate. How come I Never Met Your Mother? If you wanted to meet her you could have just asked me. Come on man. I've known you all these years and you've never once suggested your mother. Or ever talked about her. How come? Because I get shy when people me her. What? Why?”...
Eric was sitting downstairs one day playing an adult video game. He had bought it off a friend, and smuggled it into the house by putting it in a recycling bin. Eric was just sitting there, wondering how to make this adult game more fun, when he thought he heard someone call to him. He knew he was dreaming it though, it was in the middle of summer vacation, and the rest of his family was gone until tomorrow. So he just kept on playing. Then he heard a louder whisper calling his name....
Mind ControlLocation: An all-boys Military Prep School for young men ages 18 to 22. Cast: The Head-Master, Mr. L., is fifty five years old. He is a masculine, six foot, two hundred pound, short haired bisexual who rules the school with an iron hand. Timmy is a slightly built, eighteen year old, 5’8” tall, 145 pound virgin male, who wishes he was really a girl. Timmy hides the fact that he wears panties and sometime crotch less pantyhose. Timmy masturbates four or five times daily thinking about being force...
Gay MaleJean had short blonde hair and coke-bottle glasses, back before those glasses were cool. Jean’s favourite movie was Labyrinth, or at least that’s what she always said – she might have been joking. Jean wanted to be a musician, but could never decide what instrument she wanted to play. Jean wore boxer shorts. Jean’s best friend was a starving artist named Angela, who I actually met only twice. Jean kept a small stack of black metal records under her bed, which she only played after breakups....
My name is Spencer. And I gotta say: I've been quite lucky. I've been quite lucky even when I died. My name is Spencer and I'm lucky because the day I died, was also the day I came to a new life.My name is Spencer and I am a transgender woman.I still remember when in my previous life, I came out to my family: it was on a Saturday when my parents came back home from work and they found all my things packed. As much as I can recall, they've always been involved in church activities.Just that...
TransI was walking by my new neighbor’s apartment and saw that the door to the apartment was open.As I casually glanced into the open doorway, I could see a tall, and very lean-looking girl, standing on a three-step stool, trying to change a light bulb. She had on a thigh-length t-shirt, light gray in color, which rode up high on her extremely long and slender legs, as she reached above her head to try and remove the light cover.“Do you need some help?” I casually asked from the hallway as I looked...
Straight SexHello everyone! I m regular reader of ISS and today I dare to share my personal experience with ISS readers. This happened 4 years ago when I was in 11th standard pursuing non-medical studies. I am Karan, now doing B Tech and I live with my mom and younger sister on rented apartment. I belong to lower middle class family and my father is a Truck Driver and comes home after months. He is illiterate and don’t pay much attention towards our studies but me and my sister were very intelligent in our...
I didn't quite sleep the whole night away, of course. At some time point in the wee hours of the morning, I woke up to hear movement in the kitchen, so I got on my Santa pajamas and found Danielle making herself some warm milk, which often helped her sleep. When she saw me, she tensed up a bit, as if she felt a little guilty, but Lisa had the same habit at times, so I just smiled and pulled my eight-year old daughter to me for a bear hug. Danielle looked up at me and asked me, "Daddy, are...
GOOD NEIGHBORS“Bonzo!”“Bonzo Dog!”“Bonoz Dog where the fuck are you, you pain in the ass son of a bitch”, I grumble to my self as I head out into the backyard.My dog has a propensity of disappearing at the most inopportune times. Today’s escape happens to be right when I’m headed to the airport. He’s quite a handful, one that reluctantly became mine when an older friend could no longer care for him, but I do my best with him and that often means chasing him around the neighborhood.It appears...
Coach J recently had asked me how some of his varsity basketball players were doing in my class as he wanted to keep abreast of their academics and to make sure they kept their grades up to maintain their playing eligibility. Unfortunately I had been preoccupied with other things and I’d been remiss and fallen behind in my grading. So one afternoon I stayed later than usual catching up on the paperwork and grades until I was all caught up, for the time being any way. I surmised if his players...
It was a cold February that year. However, the events of that one weekend were very hot. It was the weekend of the big ice storm. No one knew it was coming until it was too late. If we had of known, the wonderful events of that weekend wouldn’t have happened, and I wouldn’t have had the best time of my life. It was a simple plan we had. We would go to a nice cabin in the woods and spend a weekend partying. Far enough away from everyone else that we could do anything we wanted out there....
It was nearly midnight. Justin had pulled onto the loop, which was packed with screaming teenagers, blasting music, and the sound of car horns. The road was littered with empty beer cans and other trash that had been carelessly tossed from cars. We were going nearly 70 miles an hour and the speed limit was 55. The clock on the dash turned to 11:59. Justin sped past a black and white car and sure enough red and blue lights flashed behind us. I’m sure there was a blasting siren but...
It's been a long week. Two lawyers with wedding bands around their fingers tried to hit on me. One client looked down my blouse while his wife stood beside him. And to top it all off, my 45-year old boss casually hinted that his wife was going to be gone to some sort of symposium next weekend. Like I'm going to fool around with a 45-year old man! Dream on! It's been a long week and I am glad for it to be over. Lucky for me, I have something to look forward to for the weekend: A night on...
So this happened to me, in 2009, I was 19, she was 20. I recently lost my virginity, to my best friend and took her virginity, and was so sexually charged, that was ready to fuck any girl and every girl. This is a strange story, never something like this ever happened in my life till date. I am using this girl’s real name or one can also say, the name she told me and used. So this story goes back to the time of Orkut, I got a very random request by a girl named “Kanu” and I messaged her...
Bang Bros is famous for showing off all of the best asses in the industry. Today, we have Gia Derza, and we’re a little skeptical about whether or not she’s got what it takes to have a Bang Bros Booty. She tells us to follow that ass around, and of course we listen. She shakes her ass and dances all around the pool. showing off that ass. Eventually, we get to see a little deeper into the booty hole. Her asshole is huge and it’s so sexy. Looks real fun to play with. Her asshole...
xmoviesforyouYou wake up to the steady drip of water. For a moment you think you've left the faucet on at home. Slowly you open your eyes, wildly groggy. Your vision is fuzzy. Remnants of a night partying. And then...your here. Here is your face pressed against a cold stone floor. As you come to you can feel something warm and fleshy wrapped around your ankle. It's gentle and soft. You look down and shriek when you see what it is. A pink tentacle that perfectly resembles a cock has begun to twine around...
It was just another school year at Chestnut High for me, Chad Calloway. I’m 5’10, 185, and would like to think that I am pretty well built. Now this year is different than past years because I am a senior. Already being accepted into a local college, I had a pretty easy year ahead of me. The first day of school was like any other, you find out your schedule, see who’s in your classes, and find out who you are going to sit with at lunch. Everything was going fine until I had my last class...
Sasha spread her legs and a deep moan escaped her lips as her fingers began touching her wet pussy. Her roommate Kay was out for the night and this was the only time Sasha could have time to herself and be as loud as possible. Normally she'd have to gag herself in order for Kay to not hear her, but this time she could be as loud as she wanted."Oh Kay!! Please fuck me....please..."Sasha couldn't help but be attracted to her roommate, especially given Kay's tendency to walk around topless as...
Sandra woke up, all sweaty and bothered from the sexual dreams she had been having. While stretching her body, to get all the kinks out of it, she moaned loudly. The sunlight, shining through her curtains, told her that morning had arrived. "Not even eight o'clock," she sighed when she checked the clock. She turned away from her window, pulled the covers over her head, and tried to get back to sleep. It didn't take long before she noticed that she wouldn't be able to. She kicked the...
PRISCILLA'S FIRST CANING (Part VIII)We Meet PriscillaNote:At this point in our publication of the Dr. Stanton files, we have to deal with a very different variety of materials and, consequently, we have chosen a very different mode of presentation. A word of further explanation is therefore in order.Since we began publishing these documents, our picture of them has, in fact, continued to expand and change. The initial discovery of, and concentration on, Dr. Stanton’s own manuscripts included...
Adrian gave up and left the side of capsizing canoe, choosing instead to concentrate on getting them both to shore. Elena swam, feeling silly. Her retro, canvas pants filled with water and she had to kick free of her wellies to save herself from drowning. In a few minutes they'd made it to the safety of the mud on the riverbank, sprawling on the black ground to catch their breath. Adrian wiped his hippie locks out of his eyes, succeeding in dragging silt across his forehead. Elena laughed,...
Quickie SexJade stepped out of the grav-tube then jogged down the ramp into the Combat Bridge in a smooth loping run, greeting the girls with a warm grin. “Welcome back, stranger,” Irillith said to her with a smile. The Nymph trailed her green fingers down the Maliri girl’s arm as she breezed past and took her place at the Pilot’s Station. “Hi!” Faye said with a bright smile. “Do you want to take over as Pilot?” “Yes, please,” Jade replied, taking a firm grip on the Invictus’ flight controls. A...
Thicc MILF Chanel Preston is one of those sexy women who is obsessed with keeping her banging body in tip top shape. But even after an intense workout, she still needs to get some extra cardio in with her favorite fuck buddy. Luckily, our stud provides the dick she desires. She sucks his cock with her tantalizing tongue, gasping as he peels the spandex off her plump MILF booty. He injects her mature cunt with his meaty barbell, and Chanel wraps both hands around it as she slurps up an extra...
xmoviesforyouI’m sorry, what? She wanted me, someone she hasn’t talked to since third grade to take her virginity. Sure! That isn’t the sure sign of a catfish or anything. So we agreed to meet on Wednesday at a park easily accessible by both of us. I only agreed because I knew this was a catfish, but the nudes were too good to deny it. Flash forward to Wednesday, I told my parents I was going over to a friend’s house to work on a group project. I got off the bus and walked to the park we agreed to meet...
Montse Swinger has an extremely unique way of getting guys to pay attention to her. She likes to hang around at the park, hike her dress up, and show off the hidden surprise she has lodged in her asshole. Once our stud sees the nasty MILF has a clear toy stuffed up her sphincter, he can’t resist. He brings her home and shoves his dick inside her sweet MILF pussy, fucking her hard while he slides the toy in and out of her butt. Then, he replaces the toy with his cock, fucking her anally while...
xmoviesforyouGemma is determined to fuck her brother-in-law, if only to spite her cunty sister. After sending him some explicit sexts he shows up at her bedroom door offering a weak rejection as to why the two shouldn’t indulge in one another’s bodies. Gemma, as master at seduction, takes his feeble resistance as an opportunity to move in for the kill. She spreads her legs. Rubs her wet cunt and invites him inside, an invitation he is unable to resist. Before long, he is pounding away at Gemma’s dripping...
xmoviesforyouA young man's choice of what was traditiionally a woman's career, and a very traditional trade school at which to learn it, leads to him taking on a very untraditional role in his quest for success. The first day of class Greg a little nervous. The 20-something college dropout was pinning a lot his hopes for the future on a new vocation. After leaving college mid-way though his freshman year, Greg hopped from one part time job to another. Fed up by the following summer, he visited...
Amy became a domineering, nagging bitch less than a year after we tied the knot. It didn't bother me much in the beginning because of the great sex that we had. Believe me, it was great sex for the first year or two. She was completely uninhibited and was willing to do anything for our mutual pleasure, and we did it all. I certainly had never experienced anyone like her, although my sexual experiences before meeting Amy had been somewhat limited. While she wouldn't talk about her previous...
********************* but they were all deleted and just simply have an extra large gap in between paragraphs like that gap. So, I added the **** near the end of this posting so that all of the new part is correctly spaced. I hope there isn't too much confusion. For those of you who are reading this for the first time, This story is spaced out and when you see the large gaps or **** lines then there is a change of setting or time or even a change in perspective. This story is...