Zac's Story 6 (Full Story Revised With New Part) free porn video

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but they were all deleted and just simply have an extra large gap in between paragraphs

like that gap. So, I added the **** near the end of this posting so that all of the new part is correctly spaced. I hope there isn't too much confusion. For those of you who are reading this for the first time, This story is spaced out and when you see the large gaps or **** lines then there is a change of setting or time or even a change in perspective. This story is fiction with personal influence. I recognize that there are tense changes throughout. That is a problem I have. I will make that switch but I hope you can still follow along. Just read it as though it is currently happening or really however you want. The story won't change based on present or past tense.

I thank all of you who have read all along and those of you who have commented and messaged me supporting the story. I truly am only continuing to write because of you. I have the story all done in my head but only write it because you all keep asking for it. I just have so much going on that parts often come out slowly. I know some of you will have varying reactions to the story and the direction it is going, but I have already decided what will happen so you just have to read and see what happens. I do have fun reading your predictions because they are very fun and creative, but I am sorry to say they do not influence the direction of the story. You just have to keep reading. Thank you again and please enjoy! Don't forget to comment and message me if you have a username here! I always respond to messages about my story.

Hey, my name's Zac, I'm 22 years old 5 feet and 10 inches tall 170 pounds athletic build but not ripped or really well defined. I have brown shaggy hair, no facial hair and not much body hair only armpits and a little on my arms and legs but no hair by the time you get up my thighs. No hair on my butt and I keep a clean trimmed 'area' with a little strip of hair going up to my naval but no further. I'm average to small in length, 5 inches cut, but pretty thick. I don’t mean to make this description too sexual because really this story isn’t just about pointless sex. I really just mean to give you my physical attributes and hopefully will learn more as the story progresses.

I act totally straight but I am totally gay and have been out since middle school. Being gay, I got some grief but most people didn't have a problem as I had a lot of friends that were jocks and popularity seems to reduce harassment. It was also hard for people to make fun of me being gay when I am not at all feminine and unless you ask or found out some other way you just wouldn’t have a clue that I'm gay. It's nice that way because I didn't and don't get made fun of or harassed, but I also get a lot of girls flirting with me. I normally think of it as friendly conversation but my friends can tell better than I can when they are flirting and when they are just chatting and they will step in and say "you know he's gay, right?" or "you're barking up the wrong tree." I usually get more embarrassed than the girls just because I never seem to notice when they are interested in me and they just kind of laugh it off and move on.

A few girls have gotten really upset after hitting on me and finding out I am gay. One time in high school a group of friends and I went to the water park and another group of people kind of meshed with ours and one girl started chatting with me. I had two other guy friends, Randy and Chris, close by me. They were chatting with each other sitting on the edge of the pool with the sun deck behind us. This girl was talking to me and I had no idea she was flirting but my friends noticed and instead of telling her they just let it play out. We all continued chatting with each other for the next twenty minutes or so and my friends made little chuckles every so often obviously from what they knew and she didn't and she was apparently pretty focused on me but I had no clue. I was talking with all of them and listening but I wasn't really maintaining eye contact with any of them. Finally she asked what they were giggling about and Chris broke the news. "You really don't get it do you?"

"Get what?"

"Haven't you noticed where he's been looking the entire time we have been talking?"

She looked ahead of us where there was a group of guys playing water volleyball and she looked back "so, what's your point" I suddenly realized what was going on and my face turned bright red.

"Wow, really? You've been flirting with him this whole time and he hasn't been looking at you, he's been checking out other people."

"No he hasn't, there are hardly anyone in the pool right now they are all over there tanning" she snapped back at him really offended that they assumed I would be checking out other girls when she was right there. I felt horrible and buried my face in my hands as they continued.

"Haha, no all the GIRLS are over there tanning" he pointed over behind us "he's looking out in the pool at the GUYS" there was a long pause like she either didn't get it or was in shock about the situation. Then Randy laughed and like a smart ass slowly said "hee's gaaayyy"

"oh my god" she stood up "jerks" and pushed my friends into the pool and stormed away. They just kept laughing and I felt horrible and quick got up and chased her down to apologize.

"I'm sorry Kate, I didn't know you were interested in me, I just thought we were hanging out."

"You're really gay, you were flirting with me and everything?"

"Yeah, I'm really sorry, I had no idea you were flirting. My friends can be assholes sometimes I feel awful."

She grabbed me and started kissing me hard for a few seconds like she would tongue the gay out of me. "How about that?" she said proudly like she was irresistible and that I couldn't possibly turn her down now.

My friends caught up to us and were about 10 feet behind me and saw the whole thing. I stepped back really thrown off and started shaking my head "I'm really sorry"

She got this really angry look and just turned and walked away while my friends began laughing yet again. Randy put his arm around my shoulders and said "nice job Zac, I'm gonna have to try the uninterested thing cuz that kiss looked pretty hot haha"

I laughed a little "shut up Randy, that was really mean"

"Oh come on, it was funny and she'll get over it. It's not like you led her on and broke her heart, everyone saw you staring at those guys. She was just dumb enough not to notice."

Chris then stepped in laughing even harder "holy shit"

"what now?" I asked.

"She's not only dumb enough not to notice you drooling at those guys but she's unlucky as hell"

"what are you talking about?"

"Look at your chain hahaha" he pointed to my chain necklace that has a link in it with a silver gay pride logo. I looked down and Randy looked at it. It was twisted so that the logo was facing my chest and wasn't visible to read. It just looked like any old chain.

Randy straightened it out so it was clearly visible. "Hahaha there we go, maybe we should get you a tattoo or something"

"Or maybe we should like write it on your forehead or get a sign or something" Chris piped in.

We started walking back to the pool "You guys are horrible. Was I really that obvious?"

"Dude, yeah, you like licked your lips twenty times looking at those guys. If we weren't already at the pool I'd have to hose you down haha" Randy snickered.

"So how was that kiss by the way" Chris asked happily.

"She tasted like strawberry lip gloss." I said disgusted.

"Damn it, I love that. How do you not like that?"

"Haha Zac needs to feel a five o’clock shadow rubbin on him when he makes out. Not a pair of Cs grinding on him," Randy chuckled.

"Damn she did have a nice chest. You think I have a chance?" Chris asked.

"After all that, I'm gonna go with no. Maybe I should get a tattoo, that was really embarrassing"

Most girls don't cause that much of a scene but that was the worst.

The school day was over and I went with Chris and Randy and our other friend Brent to the weight room to workout before going home. Randy was on a machine while Chris was just hanging out with us not lifting weights.

"So do you think Kristin likes me?" Chris asked.

"Dude, when are you just gonna ask her out?" Brent asked while spotting me on the bench press.

"I just wanna find out if she'd be into me before I ask cuz if she isn't then it'd be weird. I mean we all hangout all the time so it'd be weird if I ask her out and she shoots me down."

"God, you're such a pussy, just ask her."

"Screw you Randy. Seriously, you think she'd like me? I'm good looking right?"

Neither said anything they just laughed.

"Come on guys. Zac, I'm attractive, right. If you didn't know me you'd like me right?"

I finished my set and sat up "You're not my type but yeah you're good looking you should ask her"

“What do you mean, not your type? That’s such bullshit. What’s your type?”

“First of all, gay is my type. Secondly, a little more tough guy type, like someone who can take charge in the relationship…” I tried to explain my type to Chris.

Brent interrupted, “Ok let’s not get into how you wanna be dominated Zac.”

“Not like that you sicko. I mean a guy that is I guess more rugged or something” my voice got a little quieter, “that would just hold me in his arms” I got back on topic and my voice went back to normal, “anyway, you’re just not my type, but if you must know, you are attractive, and I’m sure Kristin thinks you are cute so ask her.” We finished working out and headed to the locker room.

"Hey, wait up!" Kristin yelled at us before we got to the locker room.

"Hi Kristin" Chris said stupidly. Brent laughed under his breath.

"Hey, guys. Zac, what are you doing tonight?"

"No plans yet, we were just going over to Randy's place to hang out for a while but nothing really, why?"

"I wanna introduce you to my friend Jon. We're going bowling tonight and you should come with us. You guys can come too. I think you two would be cute together."

"Awwwww" Brent joked and laughed. I just stood there for a second.

"We'll be there" Randy answered for me.

"Great, meet us at the alley at 8" Kristin headed out.

"Bye, Kristin" Chris said and Brent proceeded to laugh at him. We all headed into the locker room to change.

"Alright Zac, you got a date tonight" Randy congratulated me.

"Yeah, maybe Chris will get the balls to ask Kristin out tonight too haha" Brent said as he slapped Chris on the back.

"Maybe I will, Ass. I can't let Zac be the only one with a date."

"It's not that big of a deal guys, I'm just gonna meet the guy doesn't mean it's a date."

"Dude, have you seen Jon before?" Chris asked as he pulled out his phone.

"No, have you?" I asked as I pulled up my jeans.

"Yeah, look, he's hot" Chris showed me his phone. He had a picture message saved of Kristin at a party with Jon.

"Wow" I suddenly got nervous for tonight. Then hid my insecurity by teasing Chris, “You sure you don’t want him? You are the one with a pic of him in your phone.”

Brent and Randy chuckled, "Alright, Zac has a hot date tonight. Let's go chill at my place til bowling" Randy said as he tied his shoes and walked to the door.

"Zac you haven't said hardly two words since we left the school" Chris said. We were in Randy's room playin video games.

"Haha that's cuz he's nervous bout his date tonight" Brent laughed.

I just smilled and gave a little laugh.

"Oh wow, you really are" Randy paused the game and turned to me. I was on his bed leaning against the wall, Chris was on the floor in front of the TV, Randy was sitting on the edge of the bed playing the game with Chris and Brent was sitting on a chair on the other side.

"Why'd you stop playing" I asked.

"Cuz we gotta get you ready for tonight. If you're this nervous just from seeing that pic on Chris' phone then we gotta make sure you're ready."

"What you mean ready? We're ready, we just gotta wait til 8" I asked.

"No, we're ready. We're just bowling. You are going on a date, you gotta be date ready" Randy got up and went to his closet. He threw me a towel. "Go shower cuz you stink and I'm gonna give you some clothes to wear tonight."

"It's not that big of a deal"

"Don't be stubborn just get in the shower." Brent said as he pulled me up and pushed me toward the bathroom.

When I got out Randy had clothes for me and I got dressed. "Nice, you look good. Now if you strike out tonight then I need those clothes back but if you get lucky and start grindin on him, I don't want them back haha"

"Whatever let's just go"

We got to the bowling alley in Randy's car and met up with Kristin and a group of friends. She introduced me to Jon as the rest began bowling and talking. He was taller than me around 6 feet tall with short wavy brown hair and green eyes. He looked well built like a wrestler's build and had an amazing smile. We all hung out together, had a really fun time and on the way out Jon asked if I needed a ride home. I obviously didn't because I came with Randy and them but I immediately said yes and waved Brent away and he took the hint and told the guys they were going home without me.

We drove around for awhile talking and then stopped at an empty park and continued talking. I slid closer to him as he put his hand on the back of my head and began kissing me. I melted and let out a soft moan "mmm" and he didn't miss a beat. He put his hand under my shirt and ran his fingers around my body. He grazed my nipples as I continued softly moaning. He then proceeded to pull off his shirt as we continued kissing. I reached down and felt around for his button. I searched for it until he guided my hand to it and helped me undo his pants. He dropped the back of his seat and pulled me with him to the back and in the process his jeans slid down staying in the front seat.

I began kissing his neck as his hands slid into my jeans and his fingers wandered down my crack. I tensed but couldn't wait. I moved down his chest. He was built with broad shoulders and tan defined body. I made my way down and lifted the waistband of his boxers revealing his 8 inch uncut cock. I began sticking my tongue under his skin rolling around the tip and felt his hand on the back of my head push me down onto him. I bobbed my head on him tasting him, heart racing.

The taste of his precum made me suck him harder. He stopped me, pulling me up again. "take off your pants" I got out of my pants faster than ever before and he pulled me up so that I was straddling his chest and he swallowed my cock as he slid his fingers around my tight hole. He poked one finger into me and I almost lost my mind.

I began moaning "ahhhhh" biting my lower lip.

“Can I fuck you” he said as he looked up at me.

“Mhmm” I moaned.

He grabbed his jeans and pulled out a condom and as I slid down his body he put on the condom while licking my stomach and chest. He guided his cock to my boy hole "it's all you, I don't wanna hurt you" he whispered and I lowered myself on him. I slowly took all of him inside me as he moved his hands around my chest rubbing my nipples "ahhhhhhh" I began moving up and down as his hips started to thrust slowly.

He grabbed ahold of my shaft and started pumping. His body glistened with sweat and the combination of seeing his sweaty chest, his strong fist stroking my penis and his massive cock fucking my insides I just couldn't hold it and I began shooting my cum onto him. The first shot landed on his face and he licked it off his lips the next few onto his chest and down his stomach and the last couple onto his hand that he then lifted to his mouth and licked clean. I continued riding him as he ate my cum and he then quickly pulled me up off of him "I'm bout to cum"

I went down and pulled the condom off of him and attacked his dick with my tongue as he blasted my throat with his hot cum, eating every bit I could as he thrust his hips on my face. After his cock started to soften I licked up my cum from his stomach. I licked his abs and his pecs. Licking around his nipples that had a little hair around them and a small patch of hair in the middle of his chest. The taste of his cum still in my mouth mixed with my cum and his sweat was intoxicating and I was floating as I made my way up to his face and kissed him adding the taste of his tongue to the cocktail in my mouth.

We got dressed and he drove me home. When we got there I saw Randy's car in my driveway and got one last kiss before heading inside.

"Hey honey, you're home late. Your friends got here two hours ago. They're waiting in your room."

"Thanks mom." I rolled my eyes and headed up stairs.

I walked into my room and Brent and Chris were playing video games and immediately stopped and looked at me with huge sarcastic smiles. Randy asked "So, two hours huh? What the hell, did you get lost?" I just ignored him and walked in and over to my closet. "So should I even ask for my clothes back?"

I didn't answer his question. Instead I grabbed a towel "I gotta take a shower, I'll be out in a minute"

Chris and Brent started making hooting and hollering noises "oww woo hoo oww wow" and Randy laughed and as I got into the shower I could hear him say to the others "damn and I really liked that shirt haha"

When I got out of the shower I put on some shorts and joined them in my room.

"On the first date? You slut haha." Brent chuckled "Just kidding man, how was the date?"

"It was good" I replied as I climbed onto my bed. Randy was sitting on the bed with me and the other two on my couch next to the bed playing video games.

"I heard it was better than good" Chris said.

"What do you mean you heard? I just got back!"

"Kristin texted me while you were in the shower. Jon just thanked her for introducing you two" I smiled as Chris continued explaining his texting conversation with Kristin "and she was just as shocked as us that you two took two hours to get home and asked him what happened. He told her that you guys made a stop and bowm chicka wow wow hahaha"

"What! I can't believe he told her!"

"Holy shit! I added that part, but you really did have sex with him!!!!" Chris exlaimed. Both Randy and Brent's jaws dropped and my face turned red. "He just told Kristin you guys went to the park for awhile." Chris corrected his previous statement.

"Wow, now you have to fess up Zac, what the hell happened?!?!?!?" Brent asked.

"Oh my god, you guys suck so bad"

"Come on buddy, Chris caught you, now you gotta let us know what happened" Randy said as he moved next to me and rubbed my shoulders to try and get me to relax and take my face out from behind my hands. "What happened? Nothing too graphic just the basics."

"Fine I'll tell you but give me a minute" I was so embarrassed.

"Ok you have until the end of this game." Randy accepted my request and they started playing again. I laid back on my bed trying to get over the embarrassment. Randy was sitting on the bed right next to me and Chris and Brent continued their game. I probably had five minutes.

Randy was my best friend and always stuck up for me and knew me better than anyone. He had medium length dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was about my height and weight with the same build but slightly thinner and had facial hair in a strip that went along his jaw from ear to ear and had hair around his nipples and a strip that goes through his naval down his shorts and above his naval a couple inches as well.

Chris and Brent were also really really close friends. Chris had light brown hair and brown eyes and wore glasses. He’s a little taller than me and is a little chubby but not at all fat and was pretty strong and muscular but no definition . He has no facial hair and none on his chest or stomach either. Brent is shorter than the rest of us but is about the same weight and is well built and fairly well defined. He has dark hair and blue-green eyes no facial hair with hair around his nipples and a line from the middle of his chest all the way down his stomach to his shorts. We all have clean and trimmed 'areas'.

All three of them are really comfortable with me. All of my friends were comfortable with me being gay and they all accepted it but these three were the only one's that were totally comfortable meaning they didn't feel weird in locker rooms or changing with me or staying at my house or me at their houses. I had dated a few guys previously and talked about it with them but this was embarrassing because I had never had sex with a guy after just meeting him.

The four of us were sitting around in shorts at 1 in the morning and their game was over. "Ok Zac, spill it, what happened?" Chris demanded.

"We drove around for a little while talking and then we stopped at the park." They all were looking at me and made me embarrassed again and I dropped back to lay down so I didn't have to look at them while I told them.

Randy was sitting legs crossed on my bed next to me with his back to the TV facing me. Brent and Chris were sitting on the couch both on the edge waiting. "Come on buddy, keep goin" Randy said patting my stomach trying to get me to continue.

"We talked for a little while longer and then he kissed me. We started making out and then ended up in the back seat." I looked at them and they all had stunned looks but weren't going to let me stop there. "Some clothes came off.......and........I had sex with him."

"Nice, way to go Zac haha" Brent laughed and congratulated. Chris did the same.

"So, how was it? You glad you did it? You like him? Are you going to see him again? Randy interrogated.

"Woah, slow down. Yes I like him or wouldn't have had sex with him. I don't regret it even though I've never done that on the first date." I tried to answer all questions but Randy caught me.

"You didn't answer one."

"Yeah" Chris agreed. "How was it? Is he hot? Is he packin haha?"

"Ok, don't get too graphic here Chris. That's enough questions haha" Brent interupted.

"Well Zac?" Randy directed the questions back to me.

"Well Chris, yes he is insanely hot and he's bigger than you haha"

"Well that ain't hard hahaha" Brent joked.

"Shut up prick!" Chris hit Brent "For real, I'm not small am I? Was he really that much bigger?"

"Hahahaha settle down Chris he's just giving you a hard time" Randy said.

"I'm just kidding Chris you're fine he's just bigger than you haha and yes it was good, it was very very good" I said with a huge smile.

"Nice buddy, you got a hot boyfriend. Now I just gotta find a hot girlfriend and catch up haha" Randy congratulated and patted my chest as he turned around back toward the TV and sat next to my head while I stayed laying down.

Brent and Chris continued playing video games "Ok for real, I'm not that small am I? I mean I'm bigger than Zac and he just got a hot guy so I should be able to get a hot girl right?" Chris asked with a worried tone. "Would Kristin like me or am I too small? Seriously guys!"

"Oh my god you fucking spaz" Brent said. "you're not small, you're average. Zac is small but it obviously doesn't matter cuz he's the only one getting laid and by a hotty so you need to stop worrying. Kristin won't care especially if you never get the balls to ask her out."

"Oh Zac, kick his ass he called you small" Chris said.

"Hahaha I don't care he also said I have a hot boyfriend" I replied.

"Oh Brent, kick his ass he called you gay" Chris instigated.

"Haha you're the only one that's gonna get his ass kicked if you don't stop tryin to start shit" Randy ended the bickering.

We played video games for the next hour or so before Kristin texted me “OMG u had sex with Jon?”

“What the hell Chris, why’d you tell Kristin I had sex with Jon?” I asked Chris.

“Sorry I didn’t think it was a big deal to tell her cuz she introduced you two” Chris replied.

“I guess but did you tell her not to tell anyone else?”

“No, but I’m sure she didn’t. What does it matter? He doesn’t even go to our school.”

I texted her back “Yeah, we had a great night and it just happened. I didn’t mean to tell Chris and the guys but they tricked me.”

“So what you guys wanna do tomorrow? Pool? Movie?” Randy asked.

“I don’t wanna do a movie cuz I’m broke so we gotta do something that’s free unless you guys are paying for me.” Brent answered.

“Ok so pool or we gotta pay for Brent or we gotta think up something else. What you wanna do Chris?” Randy continued.

Kristin texted me back “That’s crazy, I mean you two are really cute together it’s just crazy that you had sex. Are you gonna see him again?”

“I hope so. I wouldn’t just have sex with him if I didn’t really like him and wanna see him again. Have you told anyone else?” I texted back.

“I don’t care, we could go to the pool or go hang around the mall or something. Text and see what other people are doing and we can meet up with ‘em” Chris replied.

“We can’t go to the mall cuz Brent is just gonna be stuck with nothing to do there with no money.” I said.

“It’s not like he ever buys anything” Chris replied.

“No but if we eat he can’t afford anything and even if you don’t buy anything you can’t have fun if you know you definitely can’t buy anything.” I said while waiting for a text back.

“What’s wrong Zac?” Randy asked.

“I’m talking to Kristin since Chris told her I had sex with Jon. I’m waiting to see if she told anyone.” She replied as I was explaining the situation to Randy.

“I didn’t tell anyone but Jess saw the text message. She hasn’t told anyone so it’s just between us and u guys.”

I was so relieved. “Ok cool I just wanted to make sure it didn’t spread all over. Thanks for introducing us I had a great time.”

“Only you guys and Kristin and Jess know so it shouldn’t be a big deal. So what are we doing tomorrow?” I asked.

“Cool, I don’t know, see if Kristin and them are doing anything. If we can’t think of anything else we’re goin’ to the pool as a fallback.” Randy replied.

“By the way, are you guys doing anything tomorrow. We can’t think of what to do?” I texted.

I almost immediately got a message back “that’s great u r welcome. U guys r so cute. We haven’t made any plans yet u guys have any ideas”

I texted back “just the pool as a fall back”

“The indoor?”

“yeah the outdoor is closed for winter”

“That’s what I thought, yeah we can go to the pool”

“Ok guys, they haven’t made plans but are game for going to the pool” I announced.

“Sounds good.” Chris said. Randy and Brent both concurred.

“Ok we’ll meet you there at 11. Hey if I tell you something can you keep it absolutely to yourself?” I texted Kristin.

“Of course”

“Ok, I figured since you set me up with Jon I owe you something and I was wondering if you like Chris cuz he has been crushing on you for a long time. You can’t tell him I told you, but would you be interested in him?” I broke the message into two texts.

“Wow, I had no idea but I guess he has acted a little strange. Why hasn’t he said anything?”

“He’s afraid you don’t feel the same way and it’ll get weird when we all hang out. So are you interested?”

“Yeah, he’s a really good guy and he’s cute. If he asked me out I’d say yes.”

“Ok thanks. Don’t tell him I said anything and he will hopefully get the guts to ask soon if not tomorrow. Thanks again for introducing me to Jon.”

“Your welcome, see you tomorrow”

I put my phone away and looked up. They had turned off the TV and video games. It was pretty late so I got under the covers. Chris slept on the floor with a sleeping bag and Brent slept on the couch and Randy slept in the bed with me. They usually rotated who got the couch or bed when they stayed at my place.

“So Chris, you think you are gonna ask Kristin out tomorrow?” I asked.

“I don’t know man, if she said no then we’d spend the rest of the time at the pool feeling weird.” He replied.

“Well I think she’d say yes.” I told him and nudged Randy. He figured out that I had asked Kristin.

“Yeah man, I don’t know for sure but I think I heard she’d be down if you asked her out. Just try it and if it doesn’t work out she’s cool and wouldn’t be weird and we’re here for ya.” Randy said.

“Really, you guys think I should?” Chris asked.

“Yeah man, ask her out right away tomorrow that way if she says yes you two can hang out at the pool.” Brent added.


The next day we met up with Kristin and some other people at the pool. I also invited Jon. We forced Chris to ask Kristin out and she said yes so he spent most of the time hanging out with her while the rest of us played water volleyball and Jon showed up half way through the game. He came out of the locker room and waved to us.

“Damn Zac, he really is hot haha” Brent said quietly to me.

Jon looked amazing last night when it was dark and now in the light he looked even sexier. He was perfectly tan muscular but not so hard and ripped that he looks bad just the perfect amount of muscle, definition, and softness. He had just the slightest bit of hair like I had noticed the night before but now I can see that it makes him look even sexier with the perfect amount of hair in just the right places. And his legs had the same perfect amount of hair with well built calfs and trunks that go down to his knees and a lightly defined v shape from his stomach down his trunks. Again not too defined where he looks too hard but defined enough to see the v. His arms were big and strong and shoulders thick and broad.

“Dude, he’s already your boyfriend. Quit drooling and just go over there.” Brent told me.

We all hung out for a while and then Jon and I went to the hot tub to hang out while the rest stayed in the pool for a while. We chatted about anything and everything. Basically we just picked up from the previous night. Jon was a year older than me and lived about 20 minutes from me. He was an only child like me and had been out for only a couple years. He also acted totally straight. We also discussed sexual interests and he’s mainly a top and though he likes his ass played with he doesn’t like receiving anal that much but is willing. It was cool with me because I am mostly a bottom. We talked some more and realized how perfect we are together because he likes to be more of the dominant role and I like to be more submissive. Neither of us was into pain or hard core bondage but sometimes soft stuff. We also both don’t like PDA so neither of us was going to pressure the other into kissing or anything in public.

He had to go early so I went to the locker room with him to say goodbye. No one else was there so we started making out. I got hard very quickly and Jon slid my trunks down just enough to pull out my hard on which he then proceeded to put in his mouth as I leaned against the locker room wall. With one hand he felt around my stomach and chest and the other wandered to my backside and I felt a finger penetrate me and almost collapsed. Jon used his arm that was on my chest to pin me to the wall so I wouldn’t fall and continued bobbing his head and rolling his tongue and swallowing while he finger fucked me faster and faster and I couldn’t avoid moaning but kept it as quiet as I could while he continued and finally I tightened on his finger and blew my load into his mouth and he sucked harder and harder making sure to swallow all of my cum. My knees buckled and he was holding me up with his arm pinning me to the wall and his hand underneath me. I regained my strength to stand and he pulled my trunks back up.

“You better go back out to your friends and I gotta get dressed and head out.” He said after pulling away from kissing me.

“What about you?” I asked as I put my hand on his groin.

“Later Zac” He smiled “I gotta go you have fun with your friends and I’ll see you later.”

I headed back out to the pool and joined my friends again. “Where’s Jon” Brent asked.

“He had to go.” I said with a huge smile on my face as I sat down and got in the pool with them.

“Why are you so happy about that haha?” Brent face changed to shock and whispered “You didn’t? Did you?....oh my god you did. You just had sex in the locker room!?”

Randy got closer “What?! Did you?”

“No, I didn’t have sex in the locker room. We just said goodbye cuz he had to leave.” I told them quietly.

“Then why do you look so happy?” Randy asked “Don’t lie man I can tell when you’re lying.”

It’s true, Randy could always tell when I was lying so I had to tell him. I quietly told them “We didn’t have sex, he just went down on me”

“Nuh uh” Randy said too loudly.

“Ok, shut up.” I whispered “He went down on me and uh, and he fingered me.”

Their jaws dropped. “Dude, right there in the locker room? That’s crazy. You lucky son of a bitch.” Brent said quietly. He turned to Randy “Why the hell can’t we find anyone while Chris is finally dating Kristin and this fucker is getting screwed in the locker room?”

“Haha I don’t know man but we better start looking for some girls” Randy laughed back.

Chris came over “Hey guys, what’s the plan? Kristin and those guys had to go.”

“Well to bring you up to speed, Jon left but first he nailed Zac in the locker room and now Randy and I are actually jealous of you two”

“What, you had sex in the locker room?!” Chris asked in shock.

“Haha, no he went down on him and gave him a finger” Randy corrected.

“A finger?” Chris asked.

“I was trying to be discrete, he gave him head while he finger fucked him.” Randy continued.

“Holy shit” Chris exclaimed.

“Jesus guys, can we keep it down and not talk about this. It’s bad enough that you guys are suddenly needing to know every detail of my sex life but we’re not gonna discuss this in public.” I told them while I got out of the pool. “Let’s head out we can go back to my place and think of what else to do today.”

They followed my lead and Brent mumbled “I wish I had a sex life to be embarrassed about” We all laughed.

We went back to my place and watched TV while we thought about what to do the rest of the night when I got a call from Jon. He asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with him. I cleared it with the guys and accepted. I got dressed and they headed out to a movie and said they’d be staying at Randy’s place while his parents were gone for the weekend and I could go over there after dinner if I wanted and Jon was welcome to stay over too.


We finished dinner and when we got in the car he asked “You wanna come over to my place for a little bit?”

“I thought you wanted to stay with me over at Randy’s house.”

“I do. I’m wondering if you wanna go to my place for like an hour or so. My house is empty right now and I thought we could be alone for a little bit before going to your friend’s place”

“Oh, yeah that sounds great”

We got to his house and he led me up to his room where he proceeded to throw me on the bed, rip off his shirt and lay on top of me. I undid his pants as he did the same to mine. We began making out naked and rolling on his bed. I moved down and started rolling my tongue around his cock before putting it in my mouth and sliding one finger into his hole. He put his hand on my head and forced me down on him until he was almost fully in my mouth and throat. I kept sucking and moved my finger around inside of him making him breathe harder and harder and grunted “uhhh get up here Zac” I moved back up to kiss him and he rolled me onto my back.

He pinned me down and began kissing my neck and down my chest licking gently on my nipple as I began to moan. “ahhhh ohhhhhh” he kept moving down and stuck his tongue in my naval and licked around my abs before sucking my cock momentarily and then pulled my legs apart and licked my ass getting it full of his saliva. His tongue almost inside me made my cock ooze precum as I continued to softly moan.

Jon got up and grabbed a condom from a drawer and put it on before lifting my ass up a little with my legs spread. He pushed the tip inside me and slowly forced his way all the way in me with my legs spread as he hovered over me. He slowly fucked me as I felt up his chest rubbing his nipples and holding his strong arms as he began moving faster. He kept sliding in and out of me faster and faster while my heart raced and moaned louder and louder “ahhhhh AHH ohh OHHHH Jon OHHH JON UHHHH AHHHH” He pinned my arms to the bed turning me on even more and fucked me even harder as sweat ran down his body and dripped onto me. It was too much I began cumming on my stomach even though it hadn’t been touched. I screamed and tightened up on his cock while cum shot all over my stomach. Jon grunted and thrust hard cumming into the condom inside me.

He pulled out of me and went down to lick my cum off of my stomach while I lay there panting. He finished licking up my cum and grabbed my hand pulling me up. “Let’s go take a shower”

We went into his bathroom and he pulled off the condom and threw it away. I saw his softening penis covered in cum and dropped down to it as he started the shower. I sucked up all the cum I could and we began washing off.

“What’s up guys” Randy said as we went up to his room. “How was dinner?”

“Good” I replied.

“Must’ve been really good. You were there for three hours.” Randy laughed.

We got to his room and Brent had to ask “So did you screw at the restaurant too?!? Every time you guys go out alone you take twice as much time as it should.”

Jon looked at me questioningly. “It’s ok, they are gonna be like that. For some reason they demand to know everything about my sex life.” Jon laughed.

“Yup we gotta know, just not the graphic details” Chris added.

“We went back to my place for a little while” Jon answered.

“Gonna need more than that.” Brent said.

“Ok, I made Zac cum on his stomach just by screwing him then licked him clean.” Jon said with a smile.

“Ok Jon, I like your enthusiasm but that would be the graphic part we don’t need to know. Work on that, just meet us in the middle haha.” Brent said laughing.

“Is it bad that I just got a little turned on by that?” Chris said with a dumb and disgusted look on his face.

“Haha ok guys let’s just let it go. You now are totally up to date with just about every detail of my sex life so let’s just watch a movie or something.” I said trying to end the awkward investigation of my relationship.

We all took a seat. Chris and Brent on the couch, Randy sat on his bed and Jon sat down next to him and I laid on the bed with Jon and laid my head down on his stomach.

“Awww how cute” Brent joked.

“Shut up Brent” I laughed.

“Seriously though, that’s cool but don’t start screwing here haha.” Brent replied. We all laughed and agreed no one was going to screw tonight and started watching the movie.


Jon and I had been going out for a few weeks and I was falling hard. He was gone for the weekend so I was going to spend the weekend with the guys.

“So you gonna survive without your boo?” Brent joked.

“Whatever, he’s just gone the weekend. It’s not the end of the world.” I replied.

“Yeah but he’s been around almost everyday for the past month. I’m not saying I mind, Jon’s cool, but you haven’t gone one day without seeing him.” Chris said.

“Yeah, you’re not gonna like call out his name in your sleep are you?” Randy put his arm around my shoulder “Jon, Jon, oh Jon hahahaha” he teased.

“Screw you guys” I laughed “So what he’s just gone this weekend and I’ll see him again Monday so let’s just drop it.”

“Yeah but you usually have sex on the weekends and now you’re missing out” Chris added.

“Seriously Chris, it’s not a big deal. I’m not dating Jon for the sex so it doesn’t matter.” I said starting to sound irritated.

“Ok guys, let’s drop it.” Randy said.

We were at Brent’s place this weekend. Brent had a nicer room than the rest of us. His room was in the basement and pretty much had the whole place to himself. He has a bunk bed and a couch in his room with a much nicer TV than any of us so we liked staying at Brent’s more than anywhere since none of us had to sleep on the floor.

We had been playing video games and watching TV all night and finally decided to go to bed. Chris took the top bunk and Randy the couch. I was on the bottom bunk with Brent. We talked for a little while before falling asleep.

The next morning I woke up and saw Randy looking right at me.

“Awww how sweet” he teased.

I sat up right away realizing that I had been sleeping with my head on Brent’s chest and my arm around his waist. Brent was still sleeping so I got up and shoved Randy on the way out to the living room.

“Haha so do we need to warn Jon that you’re straying” Randy joked.

“What? What’s goin on” Chris asked. He was sitting in the living room watching TV already.

“You didn’t see Zac cuddling with Brent when you got up?” Randy replied. I just sat on one of the lay-z-boy chairs and ignored them.

“No I just came right out here haha what happened?” Chris laughed.

“Zac had his arm wrapped around Brent’s waist and was cuddling with him with his face on his chest haha” Randy explained.

“Hahahaha, uh oh Zac, you better hope Jon isn’t the jealous type.” Chris joked.

“Whatever guys, it’s no big deal” I mumbled rolling my eyes.

“Good morning guys.” Brent said walking out.

“Good morning, stud” Chris said laughing. Brent looked at him weird and they proceeded to explain what had happened.

“So, you still gonna claim it’s no big deal that Jon isn’t here this weekend?” Brent asked.

“It’s not” I answered.

“Dude, we’ve all slept over a thousand times before and never once have you cuddled up to one of us. Now you are dating a guy for a month never spending a moment without him and when he isn’t here for one night you wake up on top of me. Doesn’t that seem a little odd?” Brent asked.

“Ok so I miss him but it doesn’t mean anything.” I replied still watching the TV.

“Well it means I’ll be guarding my ass next time I sleep with you haha” Brent laughed.

“No, remember Jon’s the dominant one” Chris commented, “you gotta watch out for Zac’s hands goin for your junk.” My friends definitely know too much about my sex life.

They all laughed and I smiled a little trying not to give in to their taunts.


We went to the mall to hang out later that afternoon. We went to the movie theater there and then just bummed around.

“So how are things goin with Kristin?” Randy asked.

“Great, I’m going over to her place next week to have dinner with her parents.” Chris answered.

“Ouch” Brent said grimacing.

“What?” Chris asked.

“You’re going to meet the parents, that sucks.” I joked as I received a text message and frantically replied.

“Why is that bad, it’s not like I’m some punk that her parents are gonna hate.” Chris said worried.

“He’s got a point, Chris is a good kid” Randy said.

“Yeah, parents wouldn’t be afraid of him taking advantage of their daughter” Brent added while I received another text that tore me up inside.

“I can’t tell if you guys are comforting me or making fun of me.” Chris replied confused.

Randy looked over at me “What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing, I’ll be back in a minute” I said quietly with no expression on my face as I walked away.

I walked away from them and turned the corner. I went out the door of the mall to a side entrance that hardly anyone ever uses plus it was almost nine o’clock so the mall was pretty empty anyway. I leaned against the outside wall and slid down and sat on the concrete with my legs bent up and my face buried in my knees with my hands on top of my head as tears filled my eyes. I’m an emotional person but not outwardly emotional. That is one of the ways that I’m more masculine and straight acting because I don’t show my emotions and never cry in public. I hardly ever cry at all to begin with, but when I have a breakdown it’s not pretty. I can hold in my emotion as long as I need to and in this instance it was as long as it took to leave my friends and be alone.

I had been outside in that same position for around ten minutes when I heard Randy say something around the corner and walk over to me. “Zac, what’s wrong” He crouched down next to me.

“Nothing, I just wanna be alone for a minute” I said quietly as I tried to stop crying.

Randy sat down next to me and started rubbing my back “You know I’m not gonna leave you alone like this. What happened?

I didn’t wanna talk about it so I handed him my phone. He opened it and read my text message conversation.

Jon: Hey, I know this is out of the blue but I didn’t want to worry you before I knew for sure. My dad is taking a job down here.

(Jon was in Florida with his family for the weekend visiting relatives)

Me: What are you saying?

Jon: My family is moving here for his job. It wasn’t for sure before but now it is. We’ll be back Monday, but we’ll be moving as soon as the semester is over. I have to go, but I thought you should know and I’ll talk to you more when I get back.

Randy closed my phone “I’m sorry Zac. You wanna talk about it?” I shook my head. Randy pulled me closer to him “I’m here for you buddy, if you wanna talk I’ll always listen but if you don’t I’m still here for you. Come here” I turned and buried my face in his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me.

Brent and Chris came over and crouched down. “Jon’s family is moving to Florida at the end of the semester.” Randy told them.

Brent put his hand on my back “Oh god, I’m sorry man.”

“Me too Zac. But you still have a few weeks before he leaves and we’re here for you” Chris added.

“You want us to take you home buddy?” Brent asked.

“No, we’re not leavin him alone tonight, let’s all head back to your place.” Randy answered for me.

“I’ll go get my car and pull over here.” Brent said and walked away, Chris followed.

“Let’s just go back to Brent’s place and we can just hang out. You can talk if you want or just hang out but we’re not gonna let you just go off by yourself again, ok?” Randy requested.

“Ok” I sniffled.

We got in Brent’s car and I again buried my face in my hands while Randy put his hand on my back to comfort me. When we got to Brent’s place we went straight to his room and turned on the TV and Brent began playing video games with Chris. Randy said he’d take the bottom bunk with me, Brent could take top, and Chris would sleep on the couch.
Randy refused to leave me alone. He knew me better than anyone and had gone through me breaking down before. When my grandpa died I was really emotional and people listened to me and left me alone for a while and things only got worse for me and Randy stepped in and helped me through it.

We had gotten ready for bed and were all just wearing shorts but Randy kept his shirt out, rolled it up and put it on his shoulder to soak up my tears as he laid down and held me with my face buried in his shoulder. I didn’t need to talk about it as we all knew the situation and that I was crying because I had fallen for Jon and now he was leaving in just over three weeks. I just needed to cry out my pain and Randy knew that. Brent and Chris were close friends but hadn’t ever seen me breakdown so they decided to defer the situation to Randy and trust he knew how to help me and they were just going to be there for support.

A couple hours passed and Brent turned off the TV. I had almost cried myself to sleep in Randy’s shoulder and was half awake as Brent pulled a blanket over both of us and whispered to Randy “is he gonna be alright? Do you need anything?”

“He’ll be alright, can you grab me another shirt or something?” Randy whispered back. Brent handed him a shirt and he swapped the shirts and I moved my face back to his shoulder.

“Geez, it’s soaked. You sure he’s ok? I’ve never seen him like this” Brent asked again.

“Yeah, Zac hides his feelings so much that when something like this happens he really falls hard. He just needs to cry it all out. We just gotta be here for him and he’ll bounce back.” Randy whispered as soft as he could hoping I either couldn’t hear or was mostly asleep “I’m just worried how the next few weeks are gonna go. Jon will be here and Zac is either going to be really upset that whole time or he is going to get as close to Jon as possible til he leaves and he’ll break down even worse. That’s what I’m worried about.”

“Damn, he sure puts up a front then.” Brent whispered back.

“Yeah, he’s a tough guy but he gets emotionally invested really easily. That’s what’s great about him and what hurts him the most. He’s always there for anyone who needs him and he really honestly cares about the people he loves but he gets so invested that when something goes wrong it effects him more than anyone else ever would.” Randy said softly.

“You think he loves Jon?” Brent asked

“I know he does. He probably won’t admit it but he loves him. You remember when he dated Jack and Grant before? He dated them way longer than Jon and yeah he fell for them too but he never looked at them the way he looks at Jon.” Randy answered.

“Yeah I suppose you’re right. God I feel so bad, he looks so hurt and it’s not even like it isn’t working out with Jon it’s just his family leaving.” Brent said.

They continued talking as I finally finished crying myself to sleep on Randy’s shoulder.


We were working out in the weight room at the school. It stayed open over break for use of the gym and weight room and other athletic facilities and computer lab.

“Is it weird that we spent all semester complaining about school and wanted to get out, and as soon as it’s out for break we’ve spent like every day here?” Brent asked. He was spotting Randy on the bench press while I was on the mats near them doing sit-ups.

“Sort of, but we always worked out here, it’s just easier. It’s not like we come back to write papers or anything.” I said.

“That’s true.” Brent nodded, “Hey you guys wanna go to a party tonight? “

“Sure, where at?” Randy asked.

“It’s a frat party down by the college.” Brent replied.

“Sounds good to me.” I answered.

“Alright, it’s a frat party so let’s get Chris to drive for us so we can drink then we can stay at Brent’s place tonight?” Randy said as he looked to Brent for confirmation. Brent nodded.

They switched and Randy spotted Brent on the bench while I pulled out my phone and texted Chris if he could drive. “Chris can’t do it tonight, him and Kristin are going out. I can drive, and you guys owe me the next time.”

They agreed and we went to Brent’s to shower and get dressed. The locker room was open, but over break the water heater was really slow to work since it wasn’t used as much.

Brent had already showered and was getting dressed when I got out of the shower and went into his room. Randy went behind me and got in the shower.

“Does this look good?” Brent asked as I dried off and started getting dressed.

“Sure.” I answered.

“Should I wear something else, help me out here. I wanna look good. Maybe I’ll meet someone there.” He whined.

“I don’t know what to tell you, that looks good.” I said.

“Dude, you are the worst gay guy ever. You’re supposed to be good with fashion and stuff. You’re just a straight guy that likes men.” Brent whined again.

“Haha, sorry to disappoint.” I laughed.

A couple minutes later I had already gotten dressed and Brent was still wavering and trying on different shirts. Randy came in. “Dude, you don’t wanna wear that tonight.”

Brent sighed and looked at me as I laughed. “Ok, what do you think I should wear?” Randy grabbed a shirt out of his closet, gave it to him and went over to the bed and got dressed while Brent took of his shirt and changed into the new one. “See Zac, he’s a better gay guy than you” Brent said glaring at me.

“What?” Randy asked with an awkward laugh.

“He’s upset because I’m a gay guy that isn’t into fashion and can’t help him pick out clothes.” I answered.

“Oh, so that makes me a better gay guy?” Randy laughed “Cuz I’m pretty sure I’m not better than Zac at actually gay stuff….unless Zac is really bad in bed haha.”

“Yeah yeah, so how’s this look?” Brent asked.

“Oh yeah that’s hot as hell, I’d totally do you now.” I said as serious as I could.

“You wish. Seriously though, this good?” Brent asked.

“Yeah, you look good.” Randy assured him as he tied his shoes and stood up, “Now are we ready to go?”

We went to the party and met up with some people we knew for a little while as Brent and Randy started drinking some. We eventually started to move around and mingle and were chatting with a group of guys that were in the frat that was hosting. As the crowd got more and more drunk we had more and more people come over to us. All the guys in the group of us talking had been checking out drunk chicks throughout the room.

Brent was clearly attracted to a girl across the party who was with a group of her friends. He kept asking if he should go over there or wait and see if she notices him.

We kept chatting and a few different girls had come over and while some of the guys would make comments and try hitting on them they all came over and talked to me. I didn’t wait long to tell each of them that I was not interested. Drunk girls aren’t as discreet so I could tell when they were hitting on me.

“Dude, what is up with you? Every girl here seems to go straight to you. How do you do it?” One of the guys asked me.

“It’s cuz I’m not interested in them. They see you guys lookin at them all night and get creeped out. They see me and I’m totally ignoring them.” I answered the best reasoning I could think of.

“Damn, I gotta try that but it’ll be hard ignoring all these chicks.”

“Well I’m not ignoring them to get their attention, I’m ignoring them cuz I’m gay and don’t care.” I explained.

“For real, I never woulda guessed. So send some of em our way man.”

We continued talking and a few guys in the group tried their hardest to ignore all the drunk chicks. It was pretty funny how obvious they were, but they were buzzed so they couldn’t help but look dumb. I talked mostly to the guy next to me who had just been dumped by his girlfriend so he wasn’t as awkward as the others. We had something in common having both come out of relationships.

Our group kind of broke apart and moved around everyone mingling. I was still chatting with the same guy, Randy had wandered over to another group and Brent was with another still looking over at the same girl every so often. I had enough. “Hey I’ll be right back, I gotta do something. Save me a seat.” I said to the guy, Reed was his name or Reid, not sure how he spelled it.

I walked over to the group that Brent had been checking out. I introduced myself to the girl. “Hey, how’s it goin?”

“Good, how are you?”

“Good, I’m Zac.”

“I’m Michelle, I guess you’re a designated driver too haha.”

“Yeah, not many people here that aren’t pretty drunk already.”

“So what brought you over here?”

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m not trying to hit on you or anything.”

“Haha, oh I know.” She flipped my necklace, “The drunk girls may not be able to read, but I’m sober”

“Haha, yeah well the reason I came over was cuz my friend Brent over there” I pointed “thinks you are really cute and just hasn’t had the courage to come talk to you because he doesn’t know if you’d be interested in a younger guy. He won’t say that, but he’s not normally this shy so it’s clear he’s just worried about a college girl. He’s 17.”

“Ok, yeah, I’ve noticed him looking over here a little. I’m 19 so it’s no big deal. I hope he’s not too drunk?”

“No, he’s been drinking, but not much. I think he’s afraid to drink to much and look like an idiot in front of you.” I assured. “So would it be ok if I sent him over here to talk to you?”

“Yeah, that’d be fine. Oh, and you’re wasting your time with that guy.”


“The guy you’ve been talking to. He’s straight.”

“I know, I’m just hangin out.”

“Ok, well it was nice meeting you.”

I looked at Brent and motioned him to go talk to her. He tilted his head a bit and I nodded. He then smiled a little and walked over to her. I then went back over to Reid who had been bumped out of where he was sitting.

“You wanna go upstairs? It’s a little less crowded.”

“Sure” I answered.

We went up stairs and into his room. It was small but probably bigger than the campus dorms. We continued to talk about whatever, sports, music, relationships, etc. He was pretty drunk at this point but he wasn’t a dumb drunk. We were just sitting on his bed away from the loud party but could still hear the noise through the wall and floor.

“So, how long til you think you’ll get over that guy” He asked.

“I don’t know. It’s tough. He left a little over a week ago and we broke up three weeks before that so it’s been a month. It still hurts, but I think I’ll be ok eventually.”

“Man that’s rough, I only got dumped a week ago and I feel like shit. I don’t wanna feel like this after a month.”

“It gets better, just gotta try to move on.” I tried comforting him. It made me feel better to help him.

He took a breath and then before I knew it he had moved over and with one hand on the back of my neck he kissed me. He tasted like beer but made up for it with his soft lips and he knew how to use his tongue.

He pulled back and looked away “I’m sorry, I didn’t….I’m sorry”

My eyes were wide open in shock.

“You just made me feel a lot better and it just happened and holy shit, I’m an idiot.” He started mumbling to himself. “I’m straight, I mean I’m not like trying to. Fuck, I’m an idiot.”

“It’s ok man, it’s no big deal. You’re just vulnerable and it happened.” I said trying to collect my own thoughts. “I know you’re straight, you just needed someone to comfort you about your break up and you got caught up. It’s alright, it doesn’t make you gay or anything.”

“Really? I mean I know I’m not gay, but you aren’t mad or anything?”

“No, it’s fine. I mean, I got to kiss a really cute guy haha” I said jokingly trying to break the tension and make light of the situation. “You’re just vulnerable and drunk so you had a little lapse in judgment.”

He lifted his head a bit but didn’t look at me. “Um, I’m not like gay, but that made me feel really good.”

When he said that I was curious as to what he was thinking and I was now looking at him not as a guy I just met at a party, but now I started checking him out. He had dark brown hair, buzzed haircut, brown eyes, around six feet tall and average build. He was wearing jea

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Pamela had already made the picnic and packed it into a wicker basket when the boys arrived. She’d cleaned the kitchen as well, been a thorough little domestic goddess with her mom and dad away for the week. And finally she had changed from jogging pants and T-shirt into her costume. Nothing outlandish, just a simple white-muslin dress and sandals, and then to the garden to pluck daisies and buttercups and ring them into a crown and a necklace. She stood before her bedroom mirror adjusting the...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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The Benefits Of Living A

I shut the laptop with slightly shaky hands. I was wet. Ridiculously so. I could feel my pussy lips smoosh against each other as I scooted back on the couch and replayed his words in my head. He always had this effect on me. It was just words on a screen, but without fail I'd find myself getting wet when he told me what he wanted to do to me. It wasn't everyone I talked to. Just him. He had a way.Most nights after I shut the computer down I'd head to bed and fall asleep after fucking myself...

1 year ago
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Fucking The Wrong

Angela’s no Angel, that’s for sure. The girl’s got a great pair of tits and she’s definitely not shy about showing them off - which is a bit of a problem given that she’s my girlfriend’s younger sister. I’d been going out with Tina for a few weeks when she decided it was time for me to meet her parents but it was Angela who made a real impression on me. “Do you like my T-Shirt?” she asked, unzipping her sports jacket to reveal a thin white top which was stretched obscenely-tight across the...

1 year ago
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Would You Like Ketchup

She had the sweetest voice. Cheerful and friendly; not the kind that’s drilled into you by managers, but sincere sounding. It’s hard to tell by a voice, but I guessed her to be young, probably college age, since the university was just down the street.“Fries, please. And a diet Pepsi.”I smiled as she repeated it back, putting a little pop into the ‘p’s.“Will there be anything else?” she asked, her voice not losing any of its allure despite issuing from the metal box just left of the menu...

2 years ago
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There was something so familiar. This was not the first time she had looked into the intensity of those ice grey eyes, Asia was certain of it. Who could forget such a hauntingly unique color, the distinct clarity, the way they seemed to bore through her and create a rush that could only be compared to actual physical intimacy. The fact that he was a stranger and on the opposite end of the room only left Asia in a confused state of uneasiness. His eyes almost seemed to glow in the low lighting...

2 years ago
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Wife Confessions

My husband was a very dominant man when we first met. It was a trait I appriciatd in a man and one of the things about him I liked the most. He stayed like that for the two years we dated and through the first year of our marriage. That was until he came to me and told me he was sexually unhappy. I was shocked and confused, trying to think and figure out how he could possibly feel this way. He confessed to me that he was having submissive fantasies and that the thought of being dominated by a...

2 years ago
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Baby Oil Bad Boy

Saturday mornings felt like being wrapped up in a warm, snuggly blanket on an icy cold winter’s night. They are the sanctuary for the weekday weary, and for Sarah it meant she could rouse from her ‘slumber of the dead’ a couple of hours later than usual. It was a lovely feeling, being relaxed and totally at peace with the world. She stretched out her tired, weary limbs under the big soft duvet and smiled; it felt like floating on a fluffy white cloud. Five days of the week, the pressures of...

First Time
2 years ago
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Phone Sex

Lying on my bed, with my phone pressed against my ear, I listen to you plea with me. “Baby, please, I need you,” I hear you insist on telling me. I hear the want in your voice, making me tremble with need. My fingers roam over my semi-naked body, caressing myself how I would like you to caress me. All I have on are your favourite pair of pink panties. The ones you love so much on me. They fit my perfect ass, as you always love to tell me. “I need you too, baby,” I whisper lightly. “Tell me...

3 years ago
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Pulling down her p

Lisa was waiting in the early afternoon sunshine. Her body still covered with a little perspiration, initially from her soccer training and then her hot shower. It was quite warm for the early autumn and she had changed back into her regular clothes – beige woollen skirt and grey cardigan. She had her pink bra on underneath and matching panties, which were her boyfriend’s favourites. They had been together a couple of months and he had expressed a liking for them, on more than one occasion. She...

1 year ago
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“I hate to say it but I think I’m done for the night.” I sat back against the leather seat in the booth we were occupying and gazed out at the crowd packed into the club. Shouts and laughter competed with the bass pumping from the speakers, and people were downing shots at the bar. We’d been amongst the chaos on the dance floor earlier, but the heat and crush of bodies had become too much so we’d moved to a quieter corner away from the flashing lights. “Whose idea was it to come here anyway?”...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Playing to Win

“What the hell? You’ve humiliated me again!” Lauren shoved her auburn hair over her shoulder and threw a glance at the Scrabble board, shaking her head in confusion at the trouncing she’d just received. She turned her attention back to Josh who sat across from her at the dining table lounging in his chair. He gave her a smug look that should have annoyed her but all it did was encourage a smile. Every hour that passed by had her appreciating his company more and more. Her housemate Cindy had...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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A Slaves Fate

Hello, little bird. You may not know it, but we have much in common you and I. You were born to fly free on the wind, but fate has betrayed you and now you live in a gilded cage. You are cared for but still a prisoner. I wonder, do you miss flying through the clouds? Or is the golden cage your home? I ask myself this often.I am Asius, a slave to the House of Quintus Lucius Antonius, Legatus Legionis of the Legio Primigenia. As the commander of an entire Legion, General Antonius is a very rich...

2 years ago
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Hard Candy

Pink bubblegum rolls on my tongue as I walk along the black asphalt that’s still steaming from the warm August rain. I can feel it wet along the edges of my toes as they push forward in my white stiletto sandals, the leather damp and just beginning to stretch. The moisture is everywhere and the humidity is high. It’s under my skin. The back of my neck is hot under the weight of my long blonde hair that’s quickly losing its glossy perfection and becoming tousled and wavy. It’s that just-fucked...

4 years ago
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Paris in Flames

The first time I saw her was at a small Parisian bistro, walking distance from the Louvre. Le Petit Flore on Rue Croix des Petits Champs, a favorite of mine. Unpretentious and inexpensive. The day had been moody, despite being the first day of summer. It was, in fact, that moodiness which first drew me to her, the sun suddenly bursting from the clouds, illuminating her, setting her fiery mane ablaze. The sudden image of a moth fluttering too near a candle flame gave me but a moment’s pause as I...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Escort and the

I can still remember the empty echo of my stiletto heels, clicking against the marble floors as I rushed out of the Hazelton Hotel. I felt filthy. I didn’t dare look at the impeccably groomed doorman as he nodded to me while I hurried past him. “Have a good evening Miss,” he said in his well-mannered way. He was oblivious to the debased scene I had just left in Room 2412 as I had successfully turned my first trick as a high-class escort. Yet, why didn’t I feel “high class” at all in that...

3 years ago
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Summer Football Practice

I'm the bad girl who loves the ballers. I love sports, I love hip-hop, and I love the boys that do both. When I got to college last year, the first thing I did was find out how to get student tickets to the football and basketball games. I had to support my team, and if I could meet the boys, even better. Ours is a big school and I never did meet any that first year, but just as final exams were ending, I saw a flyer in the student union that grabbed my attention and didn't let go: the football...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor in th

Six thirty in the morning is a lonely time on a college campus. I was at the student recreation center, going for my morning run around the track. Good thing we could get in with our student IDs early in the morning, since it’s the only time I have when I can get to the gym regularly. As I ran around the track, trying to keep track of my laps and time, I pushed myself. I had already done my lifting this morning, and running felt good, stretching my muscles, pushing myself. I loved coming...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Proposition

Grace Newell tugged at the strap of her black singlet and let out a sigh. She couldn’t believe she was actually going through with this. She rapped her knuckles against the door and took a step back. Her heart thudded so loud the beats pounded in her ears.  She smoothed her hands over her denim skirt and turned to gaze at the quiet street. Sunlight bounced off the windshield of her parked car. A dog barked in the distance and the smell of a barbecue wafted on the wind. The breeze lifted her...

First Time
2 years ago
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Deidres mom

Summer of '78 would be a memorable one. A few months away from turning 18; I had just got my driver’s license. Four months prior I lost my virginity to Deidre’s cousin Donna. Donna would occasionally give me head or let me fuck her it was never quite enough. We lived it up partying and going to the beach, I was the oldest of the group, but not by much, so I started to grow a mustache to try to look older. It was scraggly and itched but I was proud of its growth, I constantly checked the...

3 years ago
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A swapped Life Chapters 1 3 Revised

A SWAPPED LIFE A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his eventual...

3 years ago
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Star Trek The Transporter Incident Episode 1 Revised Version

AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: This story series is a fictional work set in the Star Trek universe. I have made a reasonable effort to make the story's details consistent with known events, situations and hardware configurations established in previous Star Trek productions. I make no claim to be a Star Trek purist. Any errors, in continuity or otherwise, with prior Star Trek productions are unintentional. If such errors offend you, I apologize in advance. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this story...

1 year ago
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Big Cock Revised

"Yeah, I like big cocks, but I'm no queen," I said to the tall daddy, with a squared jaw and buzz cut. He met me leaving County Line's backroom."Well, I'm your man," he said and pulled from his unzipped jeans an impressive cock, despite its flaccid state. His balls sat puffy in his big hand as he held the whole package up to the dim light. "It's bigger when it's angry," he said and wiped away the cum that dangled from my goatee.The gesture not only intrigued me but also caused my drippy cock to...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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CD Teens Hitchhiking Adventures PT 1 Revised

C/D Teens Hitchhiking Adventure: PT 1 Revised[For the sake of clarity and a better representation my of my adventures as a C/D teen to you all, I've revised my first story published here as I was in haste with earlier said post, My apologies as I am not a computer wiz or distinguished writer, hope you enjoy,thanx] It was a 200 mile journey from the city to the outskirts of a small town by the countryside where I live, I have hitchhiked this road many a time but this day proves to be an...

3 years ago
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An Assessment of the GIRL Program Revised

An Assessment of the G.I.R.L Program (Revised) By Seaweed Smells Jenny Boko read the report for the fourth time looking for typos and errors. Finding none she placed the report on her desk and picked up her phone. "Karla, it's me Jenny. I have the revised GIRL Program Report ready for you. ..... Fine, I'll bring it right away." Jenny picked up the report and walked out of her office. As she walked down the corridor towards Karla's office she pondered the paradox that was her...

1 year ago
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Best Summer ever revised

*** Hello Readers, Author Doragon here. In review of my own story, i noticed a major grammatical error, so i have revised the story and corrected the error. I am very sorry for any confusion if any of you had caught on, the revised story is as follows; My name is Michael. I will be a senior in high school this coming fall. Every summer, my cousin, James, and I visit each other's house for 2 weeks. I stay with my aunt, and he stays at my house. We have alot of fun. My aunt Cindy is a blast. We...

1 year ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 34

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 34 Paula and Kelly made their way out of the school for their respective lunches. They had just reached the gates when they were stopped. They noticed Kevin and Linda behind them. "Kevin, what do you want?" asked Paula. "What are you doing for dinner?" he asked. "I'm off home. Why?" said Paula. "I'm heading for town," said Kelly. "Debbie and her friends have good memories," said Linda. "I saw one of her gang pointing at you." "So, what...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 31

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 31 Paula felt bad about putting off Kelly again. She too wanted to make passionate love but felt that it needed to be the right time. She came to think that Kelly's impatience was down to the fact that her father was still against her being gay and would never give them consent. Her mother on the other hand was now likely to give them consent, but until both her parents did so, Kelly believed the only way was behind everyone's back. She was spending...

2 years ago
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Claires Conception Part

I think I fell in love with Claire the first time I saw her, standing with her team mates in her hockey kit in the queue for dinner in the refectory of our University Hall of Residence. Dark haired, athletically built and sporty, she seemed a long way out of my class. Despite being basically tall and good-looking myself – in great shape after many years playing rugby – there was something about her that I found different from other girls and, frankly, intimidating but I couldn’t get her out of...

Wife Lovers
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I Seduced My Dads Law part

So these won’t really be like stories. At least not yet since I don’t really know how to make up stuff like the writers on here. It will be more like a diary or a blog to tell you about the sex things and other things in my life. This first diary entry I’m gonna give you some background so you understand why I picked this guy for my first time. So this happened yesterday and I’m writing quite fast because I’m so excited so if I spell stuff wrong or whatever, hey it’s my first story ok? So...

First Time
4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 7

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 7 Paul was seething after his sister's actions. He remained in his room for the remainder of the night and eventually turned in. He started to dream uneasily, and his female self entered. "You seem troubled?" she asked. "Yes, my sister, that spoilt bitch, has ruined my relationship with the girl I love." "Is the relationship off?" she added. "It's got to be! Her parents will bar her from seeing me now," he replied. "Don't give up just...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 13

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 13 Paul arrived home and explained about his reformed friendship with Mike and how his parents had influenced his decision making. "Not really surprising to be fair." said Laura. "Homosexuality was illegal many years ago and is still shunned by many religions to this day. Despite much support for it since, the world in general still hates it." "But do people have to agree with other people? We have our independence." said Paul. "You do, but...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 14

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 14 Paul spent the remainder of Saturday and all Sunday as Paula. By the time Sunday night came, everyone was having the same thoughts. "He doesn't want to be a boy again," said Laura. "The changes are definitely mental as well as physical." "He still knows who he is, but he sees himself as a girl," said Alex. "But he seems so much happier. It was a wrench to remove the varnish from his nails," said Joanne. Of the three, Joanne had most enjoyed...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 16

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 16 "You don't trust me?!" shouted Kelly. "How could you dad?!" "You've said you like girls, so its only natural you'll be attracted to them," he replied. "Has it escaped you that I only have eyes for Paul?" she replied angrily. "No one else, boy or girl, matters to me!" Kelly had discovered that her father's homophobia was near to paranoia. He seemed convinced that she would still try it with a girl, despite her strong relationship with Paul...

1 year ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 30

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 30 Tuesday came and Paula had arranged a meeting with her mother for Wednesday. Laura was to meet her at school and attend the college event with her. The exams were now playing on her mind again as their beginning was now very close. "Morning beautiful," said Kelly. She was waiting outside the school walls and called Paula into a corner. "If we have to be secret, then so be it. My love for you is no secret though," she added, sharing a kiss...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 5

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 5 Paul awoke next morning having not had a dream with his female self in it. He had just dreamt of Kelly and the thought of having her in bed with him. It was of course Sunday, and due to the day out with Kelly, he had a day of homework to look forward to. He found that Joanne seemed more cheerful than usual. Her hair was chocolate brown now, having dyed it for the umpteenth time. She seemed to be growing it out too. Her roots were showing her...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 6

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 6 Paul arrived home and headed upstairs as usual to put his bag in his room. Whilst he was up there, he headed for the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He noticed that his face was softer, though not enough to look feminine. His eyebrows hadn't been touched since he had found Joanne's tweezers, so they helped keeping him looking masculine. The question that bothered him was how long this state of affairs would remain. How long before the face he...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 15

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 15 Paul arrived home and took his bag upstairs. "Come down here. Need you to try these on," called Laura. Paul quickly came back down and went into the living room. Laura was sitting down and she was holding two pairs of trousers. From first glance, they didn't look like girls trousers. "They're plain enough so that no one will tell unless they stare long enough," said Laura. "Unless girls notice," said Joanne. "Never mind that," said...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 19

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 19 Paul returned home and went upstairs to change. He had a small number of womens clothes to choose from, something he was keen to improve on. Still, he had some clothes to wear. "Thats better," he sighed, as he came downstairs and accepted Laura's offer of a drink. "How was your day at school, Paula?" asked Laura. "Fine, no jokes, and Alicia is ok with the plan," he replied. "Thats good. How're you going to arrange visits?" she...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 24

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 24 Paula awoke next morning ready for her second day at school, and it was going to be an interesting one. First PE lesson as a girl plus seeing exactly what that girl who had spoken to her had meant. "Morning sweetheart," said Laura as she came down to breakfast. "Morning mom. Got my PE kit ready?" she replied. "Yes, I've put you a bottle of shampoo in as you requested," said Laura. "It's gonna feel strange being among loads of naked girls....

1 year ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 29

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 29 Paula and Kelly left their mothers at the cafe and went to explore more clothes shops. "I really like the fact you want a bikini," said Kelly. "I can just picture the two of us, lying on a beach, soaking up the sun enjoying each others company." "Yes, hopefully before our honeymoon too," said Paula. "We can just have a sign nearby saying "Men Fuck Off. Lesbians in Love."" "I like the idea, but I doubt it would work. Men don't like women...

1 year ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 33

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 33 Laura and Miriam had left the salon for a reason. The surprise that Laura had promised for Paula had got to be collected. Miriam came along because it also involved Kelly. Laura led Miriam to a jewellers shop a few hundred yards away. "Do you think they have them ready?" asked Miriam. "They are," said Laura. "I phoned the shop on Friday. Now they are identical in every way but for size." "If what you told me about them is true, Kelly should...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 35

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 35 Travelling into town had it's reasons other than to give Paula and Kelly something to do. Kelly was to meet her mom at around 3:00pm as normal. But in the time that remained, Laura followed the girls and let them decide where to go. "Paula, have you tried tying your hair back yet?" asked Kelly. "Not really. I still think it's too short," she replied. They were taking a break from window shopping and sitting on a bench. Laura was at a...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 36

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 36 Paula went to bed Friday night still reeling from the fact that her parents had had sex in a college classroom. But since that bit of skulduggery, they had obviously cleaned up their act. The following morning, Paula prepared for her day at Alicia's. Without a set of earplugs available, she was trying to think of other ways to worm her way out of listening to hours of pop music. "Oh don't try to worm your way out," said Laura. "You may well...

3 years ago
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L025 Lizzys story Storytime and more

After my spanking, corner time, and sucking on Little Danny, when you asked me what stories I had been reading, rather than working on my resume, I blush and lower my eyes.  In a small voice, I whisper, “Anal play and sex.”You are a little surprised.  I had said that was something I thought I would like, and we had that once lovely afternoon after shopping when we both had the small vibrators up our asses, but you did not realize I was thinking about it more now.“Lizzy, would you want to start...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 3

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 3 Sunday arrived and Paul dressed up as smart as he could, without going overboard. Alex was going to take him round to Kelly's house and would pick him up later. He picked up his school bag and prepared to go. "Just be yourself, and you should be fine," said Laura as he left. "Nervous?" asked Alex as he got in the car. "A bit. Not of Kelly, just her parents," he answered. "Well, don't be. As mom told you, just be yourself. You shouldn't...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 37

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 37 They got off the bus and found themselves on a busy city centre street. "Still busy," said Linda. "Lots of workers, college students and the like," said Laura. "Now, I think it's this way." They walked along a number of long shop filled streets before heading towards the fringes of the city centre. It was a fair walk over all and they were glad when the Sealife Centre came into view. "Bugger, got to ask for 5 adults," said Laura. The...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 49

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 49 Tuesday came and Paula prepared for what would be her first ever visit to Linda's house. After being told to present herself as "girly", she did just that, going for a just above knee height skirt and a sleeveless top. She then put on her "face" and touched up her nails. "You do know where her house is?" asked Laura over breakfast. "I think so, though I've never been there. I think Kelly mentioned where she lived once." replied Paula. "I should have...

4 years ago
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New School New Friends

When I heard the first call of "cocksucking slut" from across the quad I cringed. Quickening my pace I pretended to ignore the group of boys as they laughed uproariously, howling and jeering, adding 'ass-licker' and 'cum whore' to their shouted invectives. I felt my face redden, imagining their pointed fingers as they identified and ridiculed me to the campus. I bristled with anger at myself for giving in, because I'd known what would happen. Just like my senior year at high school! When I'd...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Spanked for Speeding Part

Exiting the highway and dropping down into the trees, she thought of Little Red Riding Hood and smiled. The anticipation throbbed wickedly inside her. Turning right, onto the two-lane, she passed the new gas station. Her tongue flicked across her lips; she was once again headed towards her Grandmother’s house. A naughty Little Red Riding Hood, wanting the big, bad wolf to find her. She was even wearing a red blouse. The road curved away from her, disappearing in the green of the forest. She...

1 year ago
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AS THE TWIG IS BENT Revised story list and themes

Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. AS THETWIG IS BENT Part One Wie der Zweig gebogen wird, so wächst der Baum. As the twig is bent, so grows the tree. “Kurt! Darlin’, wake up! You’re havin’ a nightmare. Kurt!” Logan’s voice rings through my head, disrupting the dream that holds me captive. “I am avake. Stop shaking me. It is all right,” I protest as I gather the pieces of reality...

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