A Love Letter for Jean Martel
- 2 years ago
- 28
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Jean had short blonde hair and coke-bottle glasses, back before those glasses were cool. Jean’s favourite movie was Labyrinth, or at least that’s what she always said – she might have been joking. Jean wanted to be a musician, but could never decide what instrument she wanted to play. Jean wore boxer shorts. Jean’s best friend was a starving artist named Angela, who I actually met only twice. Jean kept a small stack of black metal records under her bed, which she only played after breakups. Jean had had seven boyfriends and two one-night stands before we started dating, which she recounted to me like she was describing what she had for breakfast this morning. Jean still had an old NES she played all the time. Jean liked to be the one on top. Jean’s parents were divorced, and her mother lived in France. Jean’s shower was barren except for a large block of soap and an usually empty shampoo bottle. Jean was frequently mistaken for a lesbian, something we both joked about. Jean would re-arrange price tags at stores when no one else was looking. Jean had this lovely peach-fuzz around her slit, which would massage my face while I went down on her. Jean watched Jeopardy every day she could and yelled the answers at the TV. Jean was a straight-A college dropout.
You see my dilemma? I want to capture all of Jean Martel, but how do you fit a person into a block of text without slicing them to pieces? I can list everything I know about her, but all this gets me is a list of symptoms with no sign of the disease. I could try to describe her personality, but I don’t know how to describe a personality without turning it into a cliché. If I described her as smart, spunky, cynical, with an inscrutable sense of humour, wouldn’t she just become your favourite smart, spunky, cynical and inscrutable TV character?
I’ll try and give Jean to you the same way she was given to me: through life, through experience. I doubt text can truly take you into someone else’s mind, no matter what my English teacher said, but it’s the best I can do.
When Jean and I met we were both working dead-end jobs at a furniture store. She was in retail, I was in shipping. We got off at the same time and took the same subway home, and eventually we got to talking.
‘God, I wish I worked weekend shifts,’ Jean said as the train rattled through the dark and grimy tunnel. ‘Maybe there would be less old people around then. As it is, I feel like I’m in a zombie movie.’
‘Had anyone die in the store yet?’ I said.
Jean grinned. ‘No, but I wouldn’t be too surprised. We ought to start keeping defibrillators under the cash.’
‘Keep an adult diaper dispenser in the change room.’
‘Put large-print tags on all the clothes.’ When we got going like this, riffing on each other’s jokes, nothing could stop us. But we were both too tired today. Jean leaned back, trying to rest her head on something, but there was only the shuddering window behind her. When her blonde hair touched it her neck snapped forward, reflexively taking her away from the shaking glass. She kept talking as though nothing had happened. ‘It’s pretty sad when you think about it, eh? All these people work for forty years, and then when they retire they have nothing to do but go to the goddamn mall every day. I mean, shit, is that what we’re working for?’
‘If I didn’t have to work,’ I said. ‘I certainly wouldn’t go to the mall instead. To me shopping’s always been another kind of work.’
‘So what would you do, Dave?’ Jean said.
‘I’d go bowling.’
Jean laughed. It’s rare to get a genuine laugh out of her, wrapped up as she is in her invincible armour of irony. ‘Bowling? They’d, like, break their wrists.’
‘Bullshit,’ I said. ‘Anyone can go bowling. Plus, bowling is the best sport because it’s impossible to really give a shit who wins.’
‘You sound like you’re a fan.’
‘You can call me Mr. 300.’
‘Surely you don’t weigh quite that much.’ That one got a laugh out of me.
A minute of chugging through the subway tunnel passed before Jean spoke again. ‘You want to go bowling tomorrow night? Show off your skills?’
I was taken aback. ‘Um, sure. I think I’m free.’
The subway pulled up to her stop. ‘Awesome. I hope you still think that it doesn’t matter who wins when you get your butt whooped.’ And with that she darted out of the subway car, leaving me in a daze. Jean tended to have that effect on me.
It wasn’t until that night that I wondered whether she had asked me out. But that wasn’t possible. We were just going bowling, right?
Patrick’s Books & Magazines was a tiny storefront that squeezed in between a drug mart and a dollar store on Dundas Street. Nobody knew who Patrick was, or even whether it was a first or a last name. Jean and I came in after I had soundly defeated her at bowling, her hand fleshy and warm in mine. I was beginning to think that this was a date, and absentmindedly noticing old callouses on her palm.
The bookstore was not fancy. Pulpy paperbacks were stacked in a loose approximation of alphabetical order, with genre written on pieces of duct-tape stuck to the shelves. Some of them were going yellow. Behind the counter – okay, really a table with a cash register on it – a middle-aged woman briefly made eye contact and then returned to her tabloid.
‘What are we doing in here?’ I said quietly.
‘Just check it out,’ Jean said. ‘Isn’t this the greatest place?’
‘I don’t understand.’ It was a pretty cruddy little shop.
Jean shrugged and lead me deeper into the store. At the back we brushed by a teenager and found a rack of porno mags. A small army of scantily-clad woman stared out at me trying their best to look desirous.
‘It’s so sketchy it’s great,’ she said. ‘But you can actually get good books here too.’ Jean turned to the nearest shelf and hunted around in it before pulling out a dusty volume. ‘See, look at this. Death on the Instalment Plan, by Celine. One of the best authors of the twentieth century, though no one’s heard of him, and he’s sitting across from Jugs Magazine. Isn’t that like the greatest thing you’ve ever seen?’
‘I guess so,’ I said. Jean was always more attracted than me to dualities, high and low jammed together and violently mating. Maybe that was why she liked me – half man and half child, half determined and half cowardly.
Jean dropped the Celine book into my hands. ‘Here, I’m getting this for you. You need to read it.’
‘I can pay–‘
‘You most certainly cannot,’ she said. ‘This is a gift.’ She thought for a moment and than plucked a porno magazine off the shelf as well. It was the April issue of a classy publication called Ass Lovers’ Monthly. ‘You have to get some smut as well. It’s the Patrick’s Books experience.’
I mutely followed Jean, caught up in her unstoppable whirlwind. She paid for the book and the magazine and handed the bag to me. The clerk didn’t look up. Jean had the broadest grin on her face as we left the sketchy store. It was the joy of spreading your idiosyncratic happiness.
To this day I haven’t finished Death on the Instalment Plan. I don’t read a lot, and it’s just too cynical for me. The April issue of Ass Lovers’ Monthly is still in its plastic wrap underneath my bed. I’m not much of an ass man.
Jean looked at the cover of that magazine a month later, in between bouts of fucking. ‘You know what I love about this? The punctuation in the title. It’s not Ass Lover’s, like it’s appealing to a singular ass lover. It’s the plural form. It’s like by buying this magazine you’re inducted into a society of ass lovers who promote ass loving everywhere. There’s a community.’
‘I think you’re reading too much into it,’ I said.
Jean crawled back onto the bed and squatted. ‘So why is it still unopened? You’re a man, you guys love porn.’
‘That is sexist stereotyping,’ I said playfully. ‘And for your information, I’ve on
ly jacked off thinking of you for the past month.’
‘Aww, that’s so sweet,’ she said. I had no idea whether she was being sincere or not. She crawled towards me with that coy glimmer in her eyes. I loved that look. ‘Can I see it?’
‘What, the porn? Go right ahead.’
‘No. You masturbating.’ Jean had that coy smile, with her lower lip sticking out begging, that made me a slave to her every desire. So of course I did this.
I sat up and stared at her, caressing my balls almost absentmindedly. Just the sight of Jean sitting on the edge of my bed, naked as the day she was born with that adventurous look in her eyes, was enough to awaken my previously spent cock. My other hand roamed my chest, touching nipples, shoulders stomach — I knew that once I started on my cock every other sensation would be blotted out.
Without any coaxing, my rod straightened and rose like a charmed snake. I stared at Jean, at her raw pink nipples, at the mole under her left breast, at her skinny and pale body. I wrapped a fist around my cock and started pumping. It was slick with the juices from our earlier lovemaking, and my hand glided easily up and down the shaft. Jean stared, transfixed.
She slung a leg over the edge of the bed and lay before me spread-eagle, like a Playboy centrefold. Her lightly thatched pussy was visibly moist. She wrapped one hand around one of her small but pert breasts and massaged it, her thumb tracing her already hard nipples. I stroked faster.
Soon Jean was splayed before me, one hand shamelessly plunging in and out her cunt, the other rubbing furiously at her clit. I was pumping away at my cock, my hand giving pleasure like it never had before, pleasure that outbroke on my face and in my posture.
We never took our eyes off each other’s bodies as they heaved and sweat and humped our hands. We were an erotic circuit, always taking the pleasure we were shown, intensifying it, and returning it to the other. Our gasps and heavy exhalations became synchronized, as we moved in concert, forming an escalating symphony of groans. I could barely see straight.
‘Oh god… coming…’ I grunted.
‘Me… too…’
I shuddered and orgasmed. The first rope of my cum landed on Jean’s thigh, the rest dribbled onto my bedsheets. She shuddered right behind me, letting out a mighty scream and then going limp. She almost fell off the bed, but managed to catch herself in time.
We were red-faced, frantically gasping for air. Jean grinned at me, or maybe I grinned first. ‘You look like you’ve got that down to a science.’
‘It’s really more of an art,’ I said. ‘You don’t look like a novice yourself.’
‘Every day since I was fourteen,’ she said. We embraced spontaneously, despite our shaking and stickiness.
But I digress. Where was I? Oh yeah, the shady bookshop. After that we stopped at a bar and had a couple of drinks. We talked a lot, about seemingly everything in the universe. In what seemed like half an hour at most it had gone from early evening to midnight, so we decided to call it quits.
The subway ride home was silent. We were both thinking, I guess. Eventually we got to her stop again. She pulled herself up by the handrail, a little wobbly. ‘Well, thanks for tonight, Dave. I had a lot of fun hanging out with you.’
‘Thanks. We should do it again sometime.’ There was a pause in the air. Those mundane statements of goodbye weren’t the right way to end this. She turned to go.
If I have one thing to teach you, it’s this: there are moments in your life when you can either kiss someone or not, and if you don’t that moment will never come again, and if you do you can never take it back. On my long nights of self-doubt where I list all my faults and failings, there is one golden decision I can cling to: on that night as Jean Martel turned to step off the subway train, I stood up and kissed her.
She tasted like strawberry ice cream. She didn’t seem surprised or anything, she just wrapped her arms around me and held me tight. The doors slid up behind her and the train moved on, leaving her stop behind, continuing on our way.
When I woke up the first thing I was aware of was a pain in my neck. Then came the headache. Nausea finished a respectable third. I stumbled off my too-small couch and barely reached the washroom in time to vomit into the toilet. The world, and my thoughts, were still blurry and aggravating. I gargled some water to get the taste out of my mouth. I was dimly aware that the floor was wet.
My apartment, charitably called a one-bedroom, was entirely too cramped, but that was the price I paid for not having to put up with a room-mate. The kitchen, bedroom, and living room all kind of spilled out into one another. So I figured out pretty quickly that Jean was collapsed on my bed, topless. Come to think of it, I wasn’t wearing a shirt either. I guessed we drunk more than I thought last night.
I tip-toed to Jean’s side, and heard her lightly snoring. It was kind of adorable. In sleep, her face looked childlike, almost angelic, the blonde bang that crossed it forming a halo. I stood there for just a moment, watching her.
A moment became a minute, and a minute ten, and when Jean eventually awoke (however long that took) we were staring at each other. There’s nothing quite like watching the dreamy film around someone’s eyes disperse and seeing them slowly regain sharp intelligence.
Jean rolled over and waved at me. ‘Hey there Dave. What’s up?’
‘You’re in my bed,’ I said.
‘So I am.’ Jean pointed at my shirtless torso. ‘I can see your nipples.’
‘About that… did we, uh…’
‘I don’t think so,’ she said. ‘We fuck, and then I pass out with my bra and pants on? This isn’t a PG-13 movie.’
I nodded, and moving my head felt like an earthquake. ‘Shit, I’m hung over. I’m gonna make some coffee. You want some.’
Jean sat up. ‘Nah, I’m good. Don’t really get hung over. I feel peachy keen right now.’
I stared at her. ‘You lucky bitch.’
She shrugged. ‘Yeah, but Angela says one day it’ll all catch up to me, so don’t get too jealous.’
I was barely lucid enough to work my coffee machine, and gulped down the bitter sludge it spat out. Jean lightly sipped at her mug. ‘I think it’s starting to come back to me,’ she said. ‘We went back here, and then we started making out, but then you broke away suddenly and puked on both of our shirts. By the time I had gotten them off you were asleep on the couch.’
‘Jesus,’ I muttered. ‘Sorry you had to see that.’
‘No, I should be thanking you,’ said Jean. ‘If you hadn’t passed out you would have been witness to me puking for about three hours straight. Incidentally, I think your toilet’s clogged.’
I laughed, but she wasn’t joking. It would at least explain the thin layer of water that covered the bathroom floor. ‘Not either of our proudest moments, I suppose.’
Jean shrugged, but there was something in her eyes and that surrendering motion of her shoulders that signalled fear. ‘Well, I had a pretty good time last night, but I guess if you…’
I stepped forward, close to her, until our bare torsos were almost touching. ‘I had a great time. Vomit and all.’
She wrapped her hands around my head and shoved my lips onto hers. We kissed hungrily, our lips constantly in motion, and I licked the taste of that bitter coffee off her to get to the sweetness underneath. Her bra fell off and was momentarily pinned between our bodies. I’m not sure who unhooked it.
With more strength than I can usually muster I hoisted up Jean onto my kitchen table and latched onto one of her breasts. She let out a long, sharp breath as my tongue lapped around her hard nipple, my hands yanking insistently at her jeans.
‘Lie back,’ I hissed into her ear. ‘I’m having you for breakfast.’
‘Is that supposed to be dirty talk?’ Jean said with a cavalier look in her eyes.
‘Quit complaining and ge
t your pants off.’
She complied, leaning back and letting me peel off her jeans. Her legs were well-shaped, thick where they were supposed to be thick – a little muscular, in fact. I grabbed the hem of her boxers with my teeth and tugged down, which sounds great but in reality I just ended up tearing her underwear.
‘Hey, I was using tho– ooooooh.’
Like a starving dog I dug into Jean’s pussy. I rubbed my face against her mons and lapped at her clit. She was moist. Her legs were spread wide to let me do my work. With one finger I slowly circled her slit, rubbing at the edge, teasing her while I lightly flicked at her clit with my tongue.
I quit teasing and slid one finger into Jean’s wanting cunt. I sawed my hand in and out as I sucked at her clit, and was rewarded with a long, low moan. But I was insatiable. I licked harder and harder, like I was in the desert and she the last source of water. I finger-fucked her harder, my palm slamming into her ass. Jean responded rhythmically. Her groans and grunts started out low and travelled up the scale, as her golden pussy flexed against me more and more.
Finally, she let out one long cry, and with a fistful of my hair mashed my face into her cunt. After she came she lay on that kitchen table, pants and torn boxer shorts down around her ankles, positively glowing. I looked on with the smile that comes with a job well done. Oh, and with an enormous hard-on.
Jean sat up, rubbing her back. ‘That was fun,’ she giggled.
‘We’re just getting started.’
We began kissing again, without the desperate speed of earlier, taking a bit more time to fully explore the insides of the others’ mouth. Then Jean suddenly stiffened and hopped down off the table. She almost tripped on her scrunched-up pants, but managed to catch herself.
‘Shit,’ she said. ‘I have to be at work twenty minutes ago.’
It was true, I realized. She had an early shift today. Disappointment was the first emotion to break out in my mind, followed by a distant guilt.
Jean hastily pulled up her pants, discarding her ruined underwear. ‘Looks like I’m going commando today. Dave, can I borrow one of your shirts? Mine still has puke on it.’
‘Uh, sure thing.’
Even in an old plaid shirt that was way too big for her Jean looked amazing. ‘Really sorry to leave you hanging like that, but you know…’
‘It’s okay,’ I said. ‘My fault. I distracted you.’
‘You can distract me anytime. Seriously, I’ll make this up to you later.’ She blew me a kiss and was out the door, as always a whirling dervish.
After she left I jacked off to the memory of her pussy. Even by myself I reached a knee-shaking orgasm.
It was pouring rain on the day Jean Martel lost her virginity. (Or so she tells me, this is all hearsay but at least it’s true for one person.) Her younger brother’s friend Lyle had come over to play video games. The only issue was that Jean’s brother wasn’t actually there. He was, it turned out later, stuck behind a traffic accident.
So Jean was shanghaied into keeping him company and making sure he didn’t break anything. To her surprise Lyle was actually, and I quote, ‘an interesting guy’. Somehow they ended up in her room and she reached into his pants and things spiralled out from there.
At that time Jean was eighteen, in her first year at McGill, where she would go through four majors in eighteen months before dropping out. Her brother and Lyle were in tenth grade. She had fooled around with some guys before, but never gone all the way. But as soon as she touched his dick Lyle was a pornographic robot, wordlessly pulling her pants down, constantly pushing forward until he was thrusting through her hymen. Three short strokes later and he came, pulling out to shoot on her tits.
It was painful and disillusioning. The two of them never really talked again, her brother never found out, and she swore off men, dedicating herself to the one-woman cult of masturbation. Obviously (she told me this postcoitally) it didn’t stick, but she still remembered every detail.
Like I said, I don’t know if this is the truth. Maybe Lyle (if that’s even his name) rocked her world and she just didn’t want to threaten my self-esteem. Like I would feel envious of a fifteen-year-old kid anyway.
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Chap 1.As Jean and Ray Howell pulled into the driveway of their Virginia home, they both seem to be deep in thought and looked tired.? They had just dropped their youngest son, Brad, off at his freshman dorm at the University of Pittsburg.? He received a full scholarship and looked to be on the way to becoming an engineer.? Their oldest son, Jake, was already out of school, working in Buffalo and seemed to be in a good relationship with a girl named Beth.? All in all, it looked...
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CHAPTER 5: BBQ & BBC“Jean and Abby … what will it be today, ladies?”“Hi, Wendy.” Jean and Abby called out at the same time as they entered ForePlay, the erotic women’s shop. They had been in enough lately, especially since Jacob had provided them with an account there, that they were on first name basis with the shop owner. “We’re undecided. We’ll look around for a bit.”Ten minutes later Wendy found them, again. “Anything I can maybe help with? Do you think you are interested in intimate,...
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CHAPTER 9: DARK KNIGHTS BANG“Wall of fame? I don’t get it. Doesn’t look very honored.” Jean and Abby had been escorted through the Dark Knights club to the manager’s office behind the bar area. This was the third visit to the club for Jean and Abby. This time with just Caleb and Terrell. Each time they came to the club they felt more comfortable in the environment. They continued to meet other men who had invested like Caleb and Terrell and continued to find themselves on the dance floor with...
I saw the couple back in the dark corner acting like they were out for a quiet evening together, but they were anything but. They had followed us in, taken a seat where they could watch us and hadn't taken their eyes off of us since we sat down. The might as well have been wearing signs that said "Private Detectives at Work." The 'us' they were watching? Me and my secretary Kathy. Actually Kathy was more of a personal assistant than a secretary and she always traveled with me when I went...
Whatever tension there had been the previous day between Jean and me was quickly dissipated in a day of glorious diving on the Wall at Little Cayman. Our group was uncharacteristically small. Margi, of course was our Dive Master. Ian and Jan joined us and that was it, just us five while Gladys' other guests choose to take the day off. Margi said she'd like to dive with us and asked if we might stay well within a safe profile, for she wanted Ian and Jan to stay closer to her. My selfish...
Jean: Total Exhibitionist Slut. The complete story.This is the actual events my wife Jean and I encountered just a few weeks back. We’d stopped off at the Hotel closest to our nearest Airport for a quick drink before we headed off home. What we didn’t expect when we entered the bar, is that the entire bar was full of bored business men waiting for their next connection flight. Some of the guys were in their mid fifties, the majority in their forties and a small amount of very arrogant looking...
CHAPTER 2: THE INTERVIEWJacob Collins sat in the firm’s conference that served as a ‘war room’ for formulating strategy for new clients and major projects but was also a real conference room for the Monday morning update and planning meetings he held with the three salesmen that rounded out the firm. He was blessed with working with three of the best and hardest working people he had ever encountered. Of course, as also being their father, he felt blessed that he could honestly say he had their...
When he entered the kitchen he was met with the sight of his step mother standing on her tiptoes as she reached for something in the cupboard above the sink. She was wearing green yoga pants that showed off the shape of her legs and butt quite nicely. Lou rolled his eyes in annoyance. He and his father were definitely two of a kind. They both liked their women to be shapely. After watching her struggle to reach something for a while, Lou finally spoke up. “Let me help you.” He pushed her out...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * My name is Alexander Blake. As I wind my Cobalt blue Shelby GT 500 KR Mustang through the crowded streets of L.A. I can't help but feel a sense of Déjà Vu. You know that eerie feeling that you've been here before. I guess it only makes sense seeing as how almost exactly one year ago I was doing the exact same thing. I was on my way to a charity dinner honoring me as the top man in the advertising industry. It...
CHAPTER 1: HOW IT STARTEDJean Evans suddenly pulled her white Honda Accord sedan to the curb in front of a dark strip mall on the quiet avenue leaving the downtown area to the eastern suburbs and home. She turned in her seat belt and reached across the center console to a surprised young woman in the passenger seat, her daughter, Abby Evans.Abby looked around outside the car, even checking the car’s dashboard for some sign of trouble. “What’s wrong, mom?”Jean just stared at her daughter. Her...
Justin The weeks passed quickly. Jean had set a pattern to keep everyone satisfied. Herbie liked to fuck her mornings before work during the week. The boys always woke up horny so as Herbie went out the door, they both went in Jean. HS made his usual stop just before lunch and if by chance Herbie came home for a noon-er, she was wet and ready. The boys made their afternoon hits around 2:30 and 4:00. They even managed to slip up behind her and drop a load, with Herbie in the next room. A slow...
Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. My friend Rafael in Brazil suggested I try doing some stories set in the Marvel Comic Universe instead of just DC. Here is the first effort. Usual requests, please enjoy, and please let me know what you think. Thanks Steve Using the X-Men Comic Title Literally - Ex-Men Banshee and Jean Grey by...
Jean: Total Exhibitionist Slut.This is the actual events my wife Jean and I encountered just a few weeks back. We’d stopped off at the Hotel closest to our nearest Airport for a quick drink before we headed off home. What we didn’t expect when we entered the bar, is that entire bar was full of bored business men waiting for their next connection flight. Some of the guys were in their mid fifties, the majority in their forties and a small amount of arrogant guys in their twenties and thirties. I...
Having had a night out with my wife Lisa on Friday and enjoying some good Porn when we got home, yesterday morning I was as usual naked, watching more porn and pleasuring myself. I was keeping an eye out for my neighbour Jean as she has on several occasions watched me wanking. Because of work and other things I haven't seen Jean for a while so I was hoping to see her yesterday. Lisa came down about 8 to get a drink of water. She came into the room and watched me stroking for a minute then...
No wonder I'm a Perv! LOL All I could do was stare at Jean's beautiful ass and walk as fast as I could on my tip toes. Her hips swayed back and forth and I saw that her ass had pink splotches,from where my face had been grinding into it. The tight grip she had on my dick began to turn it purple and there was a tingling sensation pulsing between my hairless balls and asshole. At the foot of the stairs She let go of our dicks. Even holding onto each other,like we were,Billy and I almost...
CHAPTER 7: THE SWANSON AFTER PARTYAfter servicing the Swanson team from under the table while they ate, Jean and Abby stood flushed with unsatisfied arousal. Between the two of them they had taken seven loads of cum and the orgasmic juices of two pussies. They had received applause that added to the awkwardness for them. Jacob came with their coats just before the door of the room was opened to cover their bodies. Their mouths and cheeks glistened with the mixture of cum, pussy juice and...
A sudden knock on the loose-fitting screen door sounded like a gun shot, loud and jarringly unexpected. With a faintly British accent, a young man's voice called out, "There's a phone call for Billy or Jean." And in another moment, "Anyone there?" Jean and I looked at each other. I lifted an eyebrow that asked, 'Do you know?' She shrugged her shoulders as if to say, 'Beat's me.' A naked Margi had slumped to her knees, one hand thrust between her thighs and the other...
All the stories you are about to read are all true the only things that have changed are the names of the participants and the time line which has been compressed as the stories start in the 1980’s and continue into the 2000’s.The stories feature exhibitionism, voyeurism, sex play and group sex.Jean Part 1.I meet Jean who is the love of my life and we have been married for 30+yrs this is the story of our sexual adventures together. Where my first wife Kate was a natural exhibitionist, Jean...
Aunty Jean was really a friend of my Mother, not a real Aunt but someone who visited once a week and her and my Mum used to go shopping together, visit the local Womens Institute meetings and also go out as a foursome at weekends together. Jean was a school secretary at the local college and was a bubbly and vivacious type of woman. She was about 5 7" tall with a very small waist and some would say large round bottom and full thighs. Not fat at all I might add, good shaped calves but her thighs...
It was a warm spring midday in a southwestern desert city. I had been relaxing with a tall glass of iced tea when the phone rang. It was Jean, a married friend of mine. She wanted to know if I would meet her somewhere for a drink. She said she wanted to asked me something very personal.Having nothing pressing at the time, I agreed to meet with her. I suggested a neighborhood bar about halfway between our respective homes.On the way to the bar, I couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to ask...
Ms. Jean grabbed her dildo and sat in a chair with her legs spread as Mr. Rick laid me on the bed. I looked to my left watching Ms. Jean as she worked her flesh colored toy into her smooth shaved pussy. Mr. Rick’s mouth was kissing down my belly to my wet hairy mound making my pussy quiver. I was still in a bit of disbelief that a 50 year old man was licking my 16 year old pussy while his wife watched on as she masturbated. I whimpered as Mr. Rick’s tongue circled my swollen clitoris. I felt...
MatureMy name is Richard Jennings. My friends call me Rick. My family calls me Richie. I'm a sophomore in college majoring in Business Administration. I carry a 3.7 average. I'm also on the wrestling team. I'm six feet three inches tall and weigh around two hundred twenty pounds. My record is 19 wins and 2 losses. I've never been pinned.I say in good shape, because of my wrestling and from helping my Dad. He's a master carpenter. As soon as I could walk I was helping him with all of his home...
First of a series in my attempt to write. There are several segments. It is naughty, explicit, kinky and taboo! Herbert Sheldon Sr. Herbert aka “HS” was making his usual stop at Herbie's home. Jean and her boys were the apple of his eyes. She and Herbie married young after an unexpected pregnancy. They had grown to love each other. HS had been their “rock” supporting them financially and in every way they needed. HS had met Jean when Herbie brought...
John is off to a gardening day out with other inmates from our home and I have a day to myself to relax and pamper myself. After doing my normal cleaning I am just about to sit down for a coffee when there is a knock at the door. I am pleased to see it is our newest resident Rita, a lady of my own age and single. Inviting her in I offer her a coffee and within minutes we are sat chatting. It transpires she is a spinster and former headmistress who had spent most of her life looking after...
Second segment of Jean Comes out Peter and Paul The years passed rapidly. Babies, boys to near young men in a flash. Herbie's twin boys, Peter and Paul were nearly identical. Paul had brown hair, Peter red, Paul was more business like, Peter more the player. Paul was a miniature HS and Peter a mini Herbie. They knew that they were an accidental pregnancy, but they were loved and wanted. They were closer to Jean. She was always there, as Herbie...
Gemma Young paced back and forth in her living room as she furiously scolded her son. Never in her wildest dreams had she expected to come home from work to find him having sex not only with their neighbor Sarah Matthews, but with her cute daughter Ashley too! Fancy that — a mother-daughter combo! Right there in her very own bedroom! The audacity of it! To see them both kneeling before him, covered in spunk. She had been lost for words and had just stood in the doorway eyes-wide aghast. A few...
Gemma Young paced back and forth in her living room as she furiously scolded her son. Never in her wildest dreams had she expected to come home from work to find him having sex not only with their neighbor Sarah Matthews, but with her cute daughter Ashley too! Fancy that -- a mother-daughter combo! Right there in her very own bedroom! The audacity of it! To see them both kneeling before him, covered in spunk. She had been lost for words and had just stood in the doorway eyes-wide aghast. A few...
25 year old Charlotte walked nervously down the stairs holding the letter that her Mum would have to sign, her bottom stinging from the caning she had been given by Mrs. Denver just an hour or so earlier. The letter made it very clear her Mum was expected to give her a spanking before she got back to College tomorrow. Charlotte was worried a spanking today would open the flood gates, that her Mum would insist that spanking her will also be reintroduced for her at home purely for disciplinary...
SpankingI was extremely late for my French tutoring at Ms. Jean’s house. My boyfriend, Rob, had caught me right after soccer practice. I had intended to shower off my sweaty body before heading over to Ms. Jean’s house but Rob was horny and he pulled me into the mat room in the gym. Rob was all over me right away. My body responded to his fondling hands and my pussy juices began to mix with my sweat. Being that both of us were sixteen year olds, we really didn't have any self-control. I tried to push...
MatureMiriam had been having trouble sleeping lately, it had been such a long time since she had shared her bed, and she felt as if she’d never share it again. Her work kept her busy, which was probably why she often used the image of her boss when she masturbated. Her lack of sleep was catching up, she tried many things from meditation to Yoga. Though when her Yoga teacher started hitting on her, she had been shocked at first. He had made it sound like a compliment that with her flexibility and...
312 Selling Jean (3) Time was running out, she was very aware of that there were days not weeks on the ticking bomb of the sharks threats. They were still just under $8000 dollars short, having pawned the last of Robs grandmothers legacy of jewellery. She talked it over with Janice and Rob and very rapidly came to the conclusion that she had to be auctioned, and in this week`s auction too! Janice saying it was a weekly affair, and on Jean`s request making a call to someone she called “tits!”...
My Sister Jean-2 The Sex ClubAfter the great sex with my sister Jean and her friend Debbie I knew we have crossed a line and will never go back. My parents returned home but had no hint of what is now between Jean and me. I think they really wouldn’t mind, but we will not spring it on them. We will gradually show them signs and they will see for themselves.I really like the sex club idea. But you don’t just look in the yellow pages for a sex club. The internet is the place to go, although we...
Incest"The temperature's ninety-seven. It's another scorcher, folks," the radio blared from the back porch. Jean Brown lay face down on the beach towel by the swimming pool in her back yard. She released the bows holding her bikini top in place and pulled her brown hair up to let the sun tan her neck. Because of the rock and roll thumping from the radio, she didn't hear the click of the gate lock as two men entered the yard. They stopped to admire her. Jean was thirty-nine and the mother of...
All names have been changed to protect those involved.This is mine and about my first time. When I was about seven years old my best friend and I did everything together. In fact we were closer than most brothers I knew were. Since my mother worked full time,if he wasn't at my house I was at his and that is where it all began. Bills' mom Jean was in her early thirties,pretty,with dirty blond hair,just over five foot tall and had a slight pot belly. Her tits were big(at least to me)and...
It all started as a joke. A few laughs with some colleagues about the ethics of being blindfolded and bound as part of the sexual act. I couldn’t see the point of it, but some of my work colleagues disagreed with me to the point of getting red in the face.Then letters started arriving at my house. I couldn’t make out who the first one was from or what it was about, so I opened it. It was hand-written in a lovely curly script. It was short and to the point. The content could have been directed...
ReluctanceThe movie had started in the main cabin and the American transcontinental flight from San Francisco to Miami had quieted for the first time since Jean and I had boarded. Quite often when we'd traveled with our parents, and particularly with our status-conscious father, we had flown first class, but this time we were paying for the trip from our own meager savings and we were firmly planted in the main cabin. Had there been a steerage class, we might have been there, so strained was our...