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BSC: One Girl's Story
By Katie Irwin
CHAPTER 1—Amanda's Interested
All summer long, it was in the back of Amanda's head. Soon, she would beliving a life of total nudity and that nudity was self-imposed.
Back in March, in what she considered to be a rare show of courage and strength,Amanda had registered to attend a school in California named Blanke SchandeCollege. From her research it has one of the top liberal arts programs in thenation and its female graduation rate was nearly 100 percent. Also, alumnifrom the school were in top-notch professions in all types of industry, etc.
It sounded too good to be true and for the shy, reserved Amanda, it almostwas. After she wrote to the school for more information, she was shocked atwhat came back in the plain brown envelope with just the logo of the collegeon the outside. All of the women were naked, walking around the campus, sittingin classrooms, playing sports, and eating in the cafeteria. The girls werenude and the boys loved it, all the while there was not one ounce of male fleshshowing, all were wearing full set of clothes.
What kind of school was this, Amanda thought. Before anyone could see whatshe was looking at, she threw the materials into her school bag and quicklyheaded up to her room. She tried to ignore the material, diving into her homework.But something kept calling her back, intrigued by Blanke Schande College. Finallyshe grabbed the catalog and brochure and, locking her door, took a look.
Amanda was amazed at what she read. The school, citing studies that backedup its claim, had gone to an all-nude female student body several years ago.Since then, both male and female graduates have achieved excellent grades andaccomplished feats unheard of at the small school. Because of these high achievements,the school was earning national recognition and a faculty that was renown forits ability. The great male faculty rarely left, due to the unusual perks,and many women professors enjoyed the liberation of teaching without clothes(it went without saying that the rules applied to female faculty and staffas well).
The more she read, the more excited Amanda became. She wanted to be a partof this special sisterhood…the girls all said how valued they felt atBSC…how they were appreciated for their bodies, minds and spirit. Howthey felt prepared to go and do anything after their college experience. Itwas everything Amanda wanted in a school.
Now, how to get accepted before telling her parents. The brochure said thatan on-campus interview was required. It said that the interview would takeplace under full uniform regulations, meaning that she could wear nothing.She knew that she would excel at Blanke Schande College and would prove itto her parents, but wanted to be sure she could get in before fighting thebattle.
Thinking quickly, Amanda enlisted the help of her older sister Kacy. Perhapsshe could convince Kacy to make the drive to BSC for the interview. That way,she had a way there but could also delay telling her parents.
Kacy was shocked that her little sister was willing to be nude for four yearsbut agreed to help and keep it quiet so Amanda set up an interview for thefollowing Saturday. The drive from their home would take a few hours so theytold their parents they were heading for a day with some friends and left earlyin the morning. Amanda had filled out the application and brought some copiesof her transcripts with her for the interview. She was trembling, nervous forthe interview and having to be compliant with BSC's uniform regulations.
Somehow, Kacy got her sister to calm down and they enjoyed the long ride,armed with several CDs. They chatted about life, something rare since Kacygot a job and was rarely home. She had never gone to college, though her gradesin high school were good, and was happy for Amanda, though she wondered aboutthis weird college they were about to visit.
Finally, they saw the sign off the highway for Blanke Schande College. AsKacy turned, the conversation ceased. Both girls just looked ahead at the beautifulgreen shrubs and small houses tucked behind them.
The first sign that something was different here was the sight of two nudegirls jogging along the side of the road, on the grass. Amanda's eyes grewwide at the sight of, first, their ass cheeks bouncing along, and then, afterthey passed, their full round breasts swaying and bouncing as they ran on barefeet as sneakers and socks would have broken the dress code. Their faces werered, probably from the exertion of their run but it just as easily could havebeen from embarrassment. Amanda felt the burn on her cheeks as she turned backand faced the front of the car.
Kacy quietly turned down the road onto campus. They saw a group of five students,two nude girls and three fully clothed men, chatting with books in their lapsand sitting on a blanket. Up ahead, she saw a group of students sitting ona hill, the girls nude and the men clothed with a nude woman leading the discussion.It was obviously a class in session, but the strangest one either of them hadever seen.
Finally, they pulled into the admission parking lot and into a space. Kacyturned the car off and turned towards her sister.
"Manda, are you sure you want to go through with this," she asked. "Thisall seems too bizarre."
Amanda looked out and saw a naked girl (which is becoming a redundant phrase…allof the girls here are naked) planting flowers, obviously a work study job.She saw the women's lacrosse team on the field next to the building, runningthrough drills while wearing nothing at all. No, she wasn't sure if she wantedto go through with this but felt she had to give it a try.
"Yes Kacy, I'm going to do it," she said. As she said it, she pulled hertop up and over her head, revealing her blue, lacy half bra hugging her breasts.She reached behind her to undo the garment as Kacy said, "What are you doing?"
"I am adhering to the uniform regulations of the college, which state I mustbe nude," she said, her voice shaking. "I have to be nude for the interviewanyway, might as well get it over with."
As she finished speaking, she pulled the bra down her arms and off, showingoff her perky breasts, her nipples pointing out in arousal and some fear.
Kacy was speechless as she watched her shy little sister strip in the car.This was far beyond anything she had expected. She had taken this trip halfthinking that Amanda would chicken out and get it out of her system. She wassurprised at the girl's determination.
Amanda kicked off her slides as she unbuttoned her jeans. She lifted herbutt off the seat and pulled her jeans down her long shapely legs, leavingher in just a pair of baby blue cotton panties. She looked at Kacy with a painful,yet determined look and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her pantiesand slid them off.
Kacy was surprised to see the tuft of reddish-blonde pubic hair was trimmedto a tiny patch just over her sister's slit. Amanda, who had been in gymnasticssince she was four, had shaved just prior to a competition because her suitwas cut high. Once she shaved the sides, the little tuft seemed too bushy andshe had trimmed it down so it was just a bit longer than stubble. Now nude,it had the effect of displaying her slit and clitoris to great effect.
Amanda couldn't help but cross her arms over her breasts and close her legstogether. She felt so exposed, so vulnerable, especially with her sister fullydressed in the car next to her. She felt the air rushing all over her body,touching places that were hardly ever touched. She felt the sun pouring throughthe window and landing on her bare body, the warmth was welcome as she shiveredand noticed her nipples sticking straight out, painfully hard.
"Come on Kacy, before I chicken out," the newly nude girl said, opening thecar door and tentatively stepping out. The older girl could not believe itbut she exited the car until both of them were standing in the busy parkinglot of the admissions office.

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