Brent’s Experience At Slave College free porn video

Brent’s Experience at Slave College
By Sarah
Brent was not your normal college freshman. At 19, he kept himself occupied by daydreaming and writing stories. His favorite topic was boys forced to live as girls. Brent was a sissy and his parents, while at first shocked, soon came to accept his unusual desires. His mom even helped him out by doing his makeup and hair for him. When the time came to apply for school, his parents registered him for the Slave College, since they felt he would be accepted there for who he was and who he desired to be. The school, of course, had the ability to accept the boys, but they insisted that if they wanted to be treated like girls, they would be subject to both the uniform and failure consequences that all the girls could fall victim to. Brent and his parents discussed it, and Brent signed the forms for his acceptance.
Brent was sitting in the back of the car as the school came into view fussing over his petticoat and dress his mom had dressed him in for the trip. He enjoyed the attention his parents had given him, especially as they took him to get fitted for his uniforms. Yes, it was unusual for colleges to have a dress code, but this was no ordinary college. Slave University was famous for the achievements the graduates put forth, as well as the numbers of slaves that were routinely shipped off for sale from the ranks that failed to measure up. Brent had been told to do his best, but his parents were nervous that his best would not be good enough. As they drove into campus, Brent could smile at the pretty girls who were walking around, some in cheer uniforms, others in their dresses, and some in rubber suits. Brent couldn’t figure out why the girls were in rubber, until they came to the dorms, and a row of cages simply labeled ?pet parking?.
Brent and his family parked at the dorm building, and began the check in process. As Brent was considered by the school to be a special girl, he was assigned to a room with a true girl, to aid in getting him ready each day. Brent was also warned not to try anything with the girl, unless he wanted to suffer severe penalties. Brent initialed the warning, and felt a collar locked around his neck. His parents helped him move his things up to the dorm room, gave him a hug, and then left. Brent began to setup his computer and books, and took a look around the room. It was a rather big room, complete with a kitchen area and a full bathroom, and 2 bedrooms off the living room. It seemed almost as thought the school had bought out a large apartment building for the dorms.
As Brent finished up his inspection and unpacking a girl came into the room. She was standing there like she owned the room, and Brent couldn’t help but smile and say hello to her. She smiled, and then with a quick swipe, smacked his face.
?You must be Brent, or as I am now going to call you, Prissy. My name is Miss to you. From now on, whenever you’re here in my apartment, you’ll be dressed in this maid’s outfit. When you go to class, you’ll be in this cute little girls dress. Make no mistake, the school sees a lot of sissies, and they know how to deal with them if they screw up. Now, let’s see your closet, and see what you get to keep, and what goes.?
With that, she walked into Brent’s closet, and began going thru the clothes. She seemed pleased that Brent had followed the school’s uniform guide, and was equally pleased that Brent was dressed in his maid’s uniform. Brent liked the girl who knew how to take charge. He hoped she would be firm but caring for him.
As the school week began, Prissy soon found himself not only taking care of the apartment, but also struggling to keep up with the class work. Elise, the girl who was acting as his Mistress and Older sister, kept the chores piling up, but Prissy managed to get everything done that was asked, despite the fact Elise didn’t help. However, he kept thinking something was missing from the work load, as he was doing all the cleaning, laundry, cooking, as well as trying to balance the class work that was expected of him. Sometimes at night, he would not be able to even get himself hard enough to jerk off to his collection of sissy art and stories.
One night, after a month of struggling to keep up, Prissy had had enough. He walked into Elise’s room, and began to shout at her to get off her ass and begin to help with the chores. That was a big mistake to make at Slave University. Brent watched Elise pick up a remote, and press a button. Brent felt the collar hum with energy, then a sharp pain, then blackness.
He awoke with his body dangling from a frame, nude as the day he was born, and a giant ball gag shoved in his mouth. The collection crew had the report in their hands, and from the discussions, it sounded like Elise had seen him masturbating almost nightly, and had suggested he might like to spend his life as a locked up chastity dog slave. Brent moaned into the gag as he heard his fate, but a warning look from the guards silenced him.
Brent’s frame was wheeled into the transformation building on the campus, where his arms, legs, torso, cock, balls, and other important areas were measured, prodded, pricked, and shaved smooth. Brent was dumped into a vat of hair remover cream, and then he was fitted into a bright pink puppy suit. The bright pink suit was strictly designed to make everyone pay attention to him, and laugh, since the normal puppy suits were either Dalmatian or black lab patterns.
After the bath, Brent felt his arms and legs folded up to his shoulders and hips, his elbows and knees nestled into firm but supportive pads, and a click as the suits internal locks clicked together, permanently encasing him. He felt a technician grab his cock, and slip a ring around the shaft, and then he felt a rubber and leather pouch pulled up the length of his cock and balls, sealing them inside the sheath. He whimpered as the ring around his cock began to throb and pulse, forcing him to maintain a constant erection. His muzzle and ring gag was fitted over his face, and Prissy the puppy was born.
Prissy was walked out to a cage in the mating shed, where he was locked into position, forced to watch as the other female and male human dog slaves were taken to perform sex acts on each other. The ring around Prissy’s cock kept him whimpering, trying to get someone to relive him, but all that happened was barks and yaps, as the slaves giggled at the bright pink puppy. When Prissy was allowed to be walked outside, the humans walking around the campus stopped sometimes and laughed at the helpless slave.
Elise came by the shed where Prissy was kept almost daily. She would torment the helpless puppy slave endlessly, and the staff noticed, but with her excellent grades and perfect attendance, she wasn’t in danger of being suited herself.
As the end of the College year came, Prissy found herself in a vet style surgery. He was placed on an operating table, and put to sleep. The doctors had orders from the graduating Elise that Prissy was to become a full female dog slave.
The doctors began by numbing Prissy’s cock, and making some insicisons, folding it back into his body, in essence, making his cock into her vagina. After delicate and precision work, they managed to make the new girl’s pussy able to take 15 inches of cock, dildo, or whatever else was going to be shoved down the poor girl’s pussy. They then went to work sculpting out her vaginal lips, and finished it off by placing a ring into her hood, marking her forever as Elsie’s pet. Next, they did some nanorobotic restructuring of her hips, belly, and thighs, to give her a more feminine figure. Their attention then moved to Prissy’s breasts. The doctors had made it clear that EEE breasts for a puppy slave would be impossible, as they would be dragging on the ground, but they had convinced Elise to have them be a well endowed C cup. Elise had also asked that a special remote be implanted into the puppy’s pussy, near the nerve bundle the doctors had made to simulate a clit. Having the unit, the doctors implanted it, and to be sure, ran a check of the device by setting it to maximum. Prissy, despite being asleep, whimpered and shook as her body throbbed with an orgasm. The doctors congratulated themselves, and began to wake the puppy up.
Elise took ownership of her new pet after the week in observation that was standard, and within a year, Prissy found herself offering her slave doggy pussy to the other human dog slaves all around the neighborhood where Elise lived. Elise soon became the head of a micro-robotics lab, and Prissy was usually the offered test subject in many of the projects, but that’s another story.

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