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All the trouble that the girl fell into began with a simple gust of wind. The town that she had moved to was known for its' breezy climate, and this particular wind crawled its way along the side of the building she was in until it found an opening. Most of the windows in the building were open in the late-summer heat, but the wind didn't care for the temperature. It found the window and let itself in, pushing aside the heavy curtain upon it?s' entry.

In the half second the blind was moved out of position a large of sunlight fell upon the sleeping form of the girl, striking her on her face. This stimulus was enough to jerk her awake, and as her eyes opened she became overwhelmed with an uncontrollable feeling of nausea. As the saliva collected in her mouth, as her mind tried to prepare for what was coming, her body acted on instinct and pulled itself out of the well-used bed. The girls' legs moved of their own accord as she stumbled out of the bedroom and into the second of three rooms she lived in.

A few steps later and she was in the paltry bathroom; a tiny room filled with utilities produced in the height of the Cold War. She had stumbled on the mat upon entering, and, neither caring of the age nor of the number of users of the equipment, she grabbed onto the cool porcelain of the toilet and hauled herself into position using the last of her strength. No sooner had she gotten to the correct place that her body let go, expelling anything that may have entered her system in the past day.?Time stood still for the girl. The only sensations she felt were the convulsions of her digestive tract and the coolness of the toilet she held on to. Sounds of her evacuation echoed in the small room, and her ears were filled with her horrible retching. Only one thought filled her head, a small voice endlessly screaming out "oh god make it stop".

Finally, mercifully, it ended. A trembling hand reached for the flush and missed, but the body that controlled it did not care. The girl somehow got on her feet and walked out, using any surface within reach to steady herself as she tried to make her way back to the bedroom. She made back through the middle room, clutching onto the two identical desks like a man clinging to a splinter of wood in the ocean. Her bleary eyes caught sight of her bed; old, saggy, and in disarray from the previous nights' restless sleep. With her goal before her she fell onto the mattress. The girl would have passed out immediately were it not for one thing: Another breeze came through the window, inviting in yet another flash of sunlight. ?Upon feeling the stinging invader the girl uttered a groan of pure misery, and to avoid any further torment she pulled the sheets over her head.?

It was in this fashion that the girl, the young Kimberly Thompson, spent her first weekend as a college freshman; alone, suffering from a massive hangover, and completely unaware that an irrevocable chain of events had been set into motion.

Monday morning?brought a great many things to the small college community. The wind had shifted, bringing cooler temperatures and allowing the infectious feeling of excitement to be carried through the air instead of being stifled by an oppressive heat. It was the first day of classes at the college, and Kimberly, having recovered from the events of the weekend, was getting herself read to meet the challenges that accompanied this day headlong. Her alarm had woke her up at an hour that most college students believe is mythological, and she had practically leapt out of bed in her excitement. Kimberly?s' first step was to go out and run for a mile around campus, allowing her to take in the stillness of the ancient buildings and letting her double check where her classes were at. Upon returning she stripped down at a leisurely pace while the shower in her now-clean bathroom warmed up. Kimberly was an only child and thusly felt no shame about walking around her dorm room naked. Granted, the fact that her roommate had not shown up yet was a bit odd, but she enjoyed not having to explain how the bathroom came to look like a war zone.?

As the bathroom steamed up, Kimberly took a look at herself in the full-length mirror. She was a girl of average height, but had been blessed with long, beautiful legs. Years of dancing had toned her limbs, and that definition extended upwards. Her buttocks were firm, shapely, and perfect. A flat belly was placed above the cleft of her sex, which in itself was a sight to behold. Her nether region was almost hairless, a trait that Kimberly had enforced since the onset of puberty, and the lips of her sex were small, tight, and almost childlike. The only sign of her maturity was her clitoris; it protruded from her lips at the slightest of angles, but it was visible enough to show that her body was ready. Travelling upward along her tanned body her eyes landed upon her breasts. With her cup size at 34 C Kimberly had been the envy of many of the girls in her dance classes, and rightly so. They were firm and round, capped with rosy pink nipples that were still erect from the exertion of the morning and covered with a splash of freckles from the past summers' sunbathing. Despite her womanly charms, Kimberly?s' gaze turned to what truly caught the attention of those she met: her eyes. They were a vivid blue, containing an indescribable energy and a passion that could not be dampened by anything. Surrounding those lovely orbs was a small, tanned face that held a multitude of attractive elements: the spread of freckles across the bridge of her nose, the mouth that always seemed to be kept in a small, coy smile... All of this was topped with long golden brown hair that had a distinctive wave to it despite the fact that sleep had created a number of snarls and twists in it.


As she gazed with approval at the body before her, Kimberly noticed a faint tendril of steam floating above her. It was apparent that her shower was well past ready, and so she walked into the bathroom and stepped into the shower with no hesitation. Her actions in the shower were largely automatic, habits that were enforced through years of practice, leaving her mind free to wander. She started to dwell upon the events of the past few days, quickly dismissing any memories of the hangover she suffered. Kimberly had never felt pain like that before, but that is where the mystery began. She remembered that the plan was to go to a few local hangouts with a few girls from her dorm, and she knew that had happened since her hand still bore the large black "X" that the bouncer marked her with to show her status as a minor. The night had progressed well from that point, with the small group of girls taking the time to know each other while they made fun of the patronage of the club and quickly sipped the drinks that had been discreetly sent over to them. Hours later, with a small buzz working in her head, Kimberly had followed the girls down the road to the fabled parties on Frat Row. Here the scene was the same as the club, if a bit more unrestrained. People were drinking openly on the sidewalk, music was being blasted from every open window, and there was the occasional fight that brought around a large, chanting crowd. After taking in the sights for a time the girls reached their destination. To Kimberly the Greek letters on the side of the house were indecipherable, but her new friends had said that the place was, in their words, "cool", and so she entered. It seemed that the house was twice as crowded as the club had been, but there was a clear path to the main feature of the party. Someone had bought a large number of kegs of beer, and one man stood vigilant over them. Mimicking her friends Kimberly gave him a five dollar bill and got a traditional red plastic cup, which was filled by the guardian of the alcohol. Beer in hand, she wandered around with the girls until she was caught in a conversation with some men she didn't know. They tried to convince her to go upstairs with one of them, using compliments and sweet talk to weaken her resolve, but Kimberly just sipped her drink and politely excused herself after a few minutes of this. She had no intention of having a one-night stand, and disregarded the calls of "prude" and "upright bitch" as she walked away.

Then, for some reason, her recollection of the night ended. Her mind was a complete blank after the time she was propositioned by the two men. She froze for a second, her hand holding the loofah between her soapy breasts, the water pounding down upon her. Kim tried to force the memory to return to her, but no matter what route she took in her mind those hours on Friday night?were locked away. She saw no point in wasting time on something that wouldn't come to fruition, and so she simply shrugged and went back to cleaning herself. With only a few spots to touch up on she began to rationalize why she shouldn't worry about her missing memory. Her first memory after the blackout was waking up in her own bed, meaning that she got home safe and sound. Besides, she said to herself, if anything bad had happened someone would have noticed and stopped it. It was a foolproof piece of logic, and she was smiling as she stepped out of the shower; her thoughts now filled with her expectations for the upcoming day. Although her outlook on the day had improved, the reality of her situation was about to become painfully clear to her.

A couple of hours later Kimberly walked out of the building where her first class where her first class was held. It had been a good lecture, presenting a class that was going to be both informative and challenging, and she was feeling extremely confident in herself. Not only had she been awake, attentive, and excited to be a true college student, but she had dressed up so that her appearance matched the vigor and confidence inside her. Kim knew she had nothing to fear from this class, or any of her other classes for that matter. She had been an excellent student back in high school. In fact she had been the favorite of many of her teachers. This kind of attention did draw some negative comments from the other students, though. A rumor did circulate for a time, one that alleged that she had slept with some of her male teachers in exchange for good marks. Kimberly remembered hearing about the rumors, and how she simply laughed in response. She knew that most of the school was jealous of her looks and talents in the classroom, but tried her best to be humble about it. Humility was a part of her being that she prized, that she protected. The only part of her that she treasured more was her virginity. She was proud of herself for resisting the advances of the legions of boys in high school, though she did have her share of fantasies when it came to a select few. There was one time that she almost succumbed to her urges, though she would never admit it. On one of the last days she was at home she gave a blowjob to her longtime friend. There was no motive behind it, but in her mind she hoped that he wouldn't forget her while she was away.?

It was in this wash of memories that Kimberly walked back to her dorm. Trapped in her nostalgia she was vaguely aware of what was around her, though conscious enough to avoid the passing crush of human bodies on their way to class. Once back in the dorm she stopped to check her mailbox, and much to her surprise there was a large envelope waiting for her. Although there was no name where the return address would go, her excitement was so great that she took it and walked back to her room with a skip in her step. This joy that she was feeling was short-lived, however. Kimberly opened the envelope as she made her way down the halls and, for the second time that day, became paralyzed at the impossibility her mind encountered. The envelope contained two things: a small, folded piece of paper, and a very lacy, very fine black thong. Immediately Kimberly recognized the undergarment as hers. ?It was what she had worn to the club on Friday night, but... Wasn't it the same pair of panties she had come home in? How could this have gotten in her mailbox? Mobility came back to her in an instant, and she quickly ran to her room at the end of the hallway. Her hands were trembling, causing her keys to jingle incessantly, and she felt the anxiety rising in her body. With a quick turn she was in, and once in the safety of her dorm room she locked the door behind her, sliding down in front of it as if though her weight would keep intruders out. Silence held firm in the room, and Kimberly?s' mind went into overdrive trying to figure out how this possibly could have happened. There was no denying that it belonged her, but it seemed impossible that some stranger had gotten their hands on it. Unless... Kimberly got up and walked over to the small clothes hamper that was in her closet. She dug into it, knowing that the clothes she came home in on Friday night were at the bottom. It hardly took any time to get to where they were since she only had two days worth of dirty clothes, and she knew they were what she was looking for not only by the position in the pile but by the scent. A foul mix of tobacco, sweat and alcohol pervaded the fabric, and a part of Kim?s' mind wondered how the entire room didn't stink of that. The more sensible side was still in charge, though, and under it?s' influence she opened up the smelly bundle of clothes. Inside she found the sexy, skinny top she wore, along with the frilly skirt and bra that completed the ensemble. She reached into the skirt, feeling for anything resembling a pair of panties, but much to her surprise she came up empty-handed.

The anxiety returned to her mind, causing her breath to be caught in her throat and spawning a cold sweat all over her body. Hundreds of questions whirled through her head. How did this happen? Was she raped? Why didn't anyone stop it from happening? Who was the sick bastard that did this? Kimberly tried over and over to answer these questions, curled up on the bed and shaking with a nervously energy. Suddenly, she remembered that there was something else in the envelope she had received. She walked to where the envelope lay on the floor in a daze, part of her still insisting that none of this could have happened. She reached in and pulled out the folded paper, opening it and looking desperately at the information written on it. She had been hoping for an explanation, perhaps an apology, but instead there were two lines of text. "Call me by noon. XXX-XXX-XXXX" Despite the lack of information on the page Kimberly read it over and over in the vain hope that some sense could be made. After the twentieth time she balled it up and tossed it aside, feeling disgusted at herself for being so stupid. Then, in the midst of her self-loathing, the confident side of her spoke up. There was no denying that this horrible event had occurred, but why should the memory of this event consume her? Yes, her virginity had been taken away from her, but one night with a passed out woman is all that the sick bastard had gotten. She, for all intents and purposes, was still in control of the situation. This particular thought made Kim smile, and she let her confident half expand on its' wonderful idea. All she needed to do, it said, was to simply ignore the pervert. She would toss the note and carry on with her life after stopping by the campus health department to get checked out. Granted, she'd have to be more cautious when and if she went out again, and she'd probably need to talk about this to someone, but for the most part everything was fine. Now that she had reasoned all of this out, Kimberly was ready to put it into action. She got up, dusted off the few specks of dust on her pants, threw the wadded-up paper and her panties into the small garbage can near the door, and then walked out of her room. It was still a good day, and she was determined to enjoy it.

Kimberly only had one other class that day, so she took a leisurely lunch in the dining hall. She chatted with some of her fellow dorm mates and particularly entertained by the antics of the upperclassmen that were at a nearby table. Finally, when everyone else left for class, she went back to her room and enjoyed part of a movie that was on TV. It was getting close to class time when she reappeared in the hallway, backpack loaded with all the tools necessary for an apt pupil like herself. She had plenty of time to spare and so she took her time, striding down the hallway in confident steps. In the main lobby of the dorm she stopped to check the huge bulletin board that hung on the wall, and she managed to overhear a conversation two girls were having.?

"Did you see those posters all over campus?"

"Yeah! What was up with those?"

"I don't know, but they were pretty disgusting. How someone was able to put those up is beyond me."

The conversation turned to something frivolous, and Kimberly turned away from the board and walked out the door. She was a little curious about the posters those girls were talking about, but the chance of seeing the same things as someone else on a campus this size were slim to none. What happened next could be considered proof of the law of unintended consequences. ?A sudden gust of wind caused a loose sheet of paper to fly right into Kim?s' face, causing her to let out a surprised yelp. She looked at her assailant after clawing it from her face and was momentarily put off by the vibrant neon pink color the paper had. She turned it over after seeing the blank paper she held, and in a dizzying rush of deja vu she stiffened at the sight of the firing on the page. "WILL THIS SLUT FOLLOW DIRECTIONS? IF SHE DOESN'T BY?3 PM EVERYONE WILL KNOW HOW MUCH OF A WHORE SHE IS." was printed in large black print on the top of the page, and on the bottom half was a black and white photograph of a naked woman. The girl was sitting on a bed, her knees up and her hands between her legs, fingers spreading open the lips of her sex. Her breasts dangled down towards in that position, and someone had placed the word "cockwhore" on them using photo editing software. The girls' face was blacked out, but her hair was clearly visible, if hard to make out due to the photo quality. As Kimberly looked at this, a horrible idea started to form in the traitorous part of her mind. All rhyme and reason told her to shut the idea out, but when she looked closer at the hands of the girl in the picture she saw that she had a large black "X" on her hand. Her gaze traveled over to her own right hand, and upon seeing the ghost of the mark she got?on Friday?the impossible idea took hold in her thoughts. Somehow, this was photo of her! Everything else seemed to point towards that conclusion; the mark on the hand, the way her hair was done, even the shape of her breasts... It was all a match. Frantically Kim read the message again. "WILL THIS SLUT FOLLOW DIRECTIONS?" Upon reading it again she made the connection. Whoever made this poster was the same guy who mailed her the envelope. This revelation shook this poor girl to her core. She wasn't dealing with any old pervert like she thought before; this guy was sick, someone who had no morals. Her mind whirled at this revelation. How could she possibly deal with this? Would he actually show the photos? What did this mean for her and her future? She let the paper slip from her grasp, and as she gazed off in the distance she saw one final impossibility. Every tree, every lamp post was covered in pink paper. Unbeknownst to her these posters were found all over campus, ensuring that no matter where Kim agent she would get the message. With all hopes of having a normal day destroyed, Kimberly turned and ran to her dorm as quick as possible.?

She was back in her room, preparing herself to punch the numbers into her phone. Kim had sprinted down the hallway, ignoring the annoyed yells of her dorm mates, only focused on finding a resolution. While she dug through the trash for the bit of paper that was sent to her she was also preparing a tirade against the pervert she was dealing with, a speech, an argument that would truly change his mind and let her off the hook. Once the number was dialed, she thought of what could happen if he kept his promise and released the photos; her reputation would be shattered, her scholarships revoked, her parents eternally ashamed of her.... But these thoughts were all shattered when the line began to ring. Once, twice, three times, four... Now she began to panic, thinking that it was the wrong number and that the whole thing was a colossal joke, but there was the sound of the line being picked up. Kimberly waited with bated breath, and when she couldn't wait any longer, she spoke.?


Silence held for a few seconds longer, and then, a voice.

"Hello, Kimberly. I'm glad you got my message."

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Life Me KhabhiKhabhi Part II

By: Kingkaren Hari lal ji teji se didi ki chudai ker rhe the bhau dhek teri chut me mera lund kintna acha lag rha hai didi kuch nhi boli bas apni anhkho ko band ker liya hnaa siskariya leti rhi aahh hari lal ji ne karib 10 minute baad lund ko didi ki chut se bhaher nikal liya.hari lal ji phir didi se chal meri rani ab dusre tarike se chudai ka samaye hai bol ker didi ke hantho ko paked ker uhne bister se uhta diya mujye kuch samej nhi aye per meri uljhen jaldi dur ho gyi. Hari lal ji ne didi...

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Corona HeightsChapter 10

Really good friends find ways to pull off memorable events. Somehow, Emma found out when Ginny's final decree was to be delivered, and that started the wheels rolling. Shortly after the package was delivered, a limo pulled up and the driver said he was there to take her to a D-Day celebration. "You'll have to give me a few minutes to change, then," she said. The driver held up a new tooth brush in its package and said "I have been told that this is all you will need. The celebration...

2 years ago
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Dusty 2 The Next MissionChapter 18

The Striker landed about two klicks from the other cube and in the next inlet. Aaron and the crew didn’t bother altering the bottom floor of the cube that they left on the island. They simply stripped two rooms on the lower floor and put preservation spells on them before they stocked them. They added some other useful tools and equipment to one of the other rooms. They also put the prisoners to sleep before transporting them to the cube. The seven men who woke inside the cube were quite...

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Die Trainerin

Peggy war eine hübsche junge Frau. Gross, sportlich, mit langen, vollen, kastanienbraunen Haaren gesegnet. Ihre Leidenschaft war Volleyball! Sie war zwar gerad erst volljährig, aber trainierte im örtlichen Sportverein schon seit einiger Zeit Jugendmanschaften. Für heute war sie fertig. Fix und fertig! Erst zwei Stunden lang die Kleinen und jetzt die Jungenmanschafft. Sie bugsierte die letzten Jungen aus der Vorhalle, rief noch einen letzten Scherz zu den Eltern rüber, die gerade einen der...

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There and BackChapter 110 Engagement

It was a miserable afternoon, overall, I had to admit. I hated not having anything resembling control, I hated feeling useless. I wanted to at least be down there swinging my daggers and using my darkspawn invisibility to help the armies. Cailan clearly felt the same, and the two of us silently commiserated every time our gazes met. Messengers kept arriving every few minutes, delivering messages before running off with orders. A second wave of darkspawn joined the first, but two more of our...

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Naruto Lemon Series Part 3

You were sitting in your bedroom reading a book when you heard the front door open and looked up seeing Naruto and Kiba burst through your door."Hey Yami!" Naruto said happily as you smiled back."Are you doing anything?" Kiba said as you looked at your book then him."No.. Not really.."you said as he grabbed your shoulders picking you up."Then let's hang out!" he said carrying you out of your house as you sighed letting him do what he wanted."Where are we going?" you asked looking at Naruto...

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The Wimp and the DebChapter 7

Rebecca For some reason I woke at five am on Christmas morning. I lay for a bit thinking about my thoughts of the night before. I had admitted to myself that I was in love with Rory, now I just had to pluck up the courage to tell him. Then I grinned and thought there would be no better time than the present. There were no children to rouse the house early to see if Santa had been. It would be about half past seven to eight o clock before anyone stirred. So I got out of my bed, put on my...

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Pennys homework assignment

Penny felt her heart thumping excitedly as her mom took her to Miss Parker's house to receive her special training. She never in her wildest dreams ever thought that her parents would have her schooled in the art of sex. In an age old tradition, her mom in Paris had also had been taught to please a man by her mother. Now it was her turn. She sat in the front seat of the car and looked at her mom. She was stunningly beautiful. Leona, was a little French beauty. Her black hair was cut in a boyish...

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Hypermasturbatory Dormitory

Anytown University's move-in was for the most part no different from the vast majority of move-ins for colleges and universities everywhere. There were parents exchanging tearful hugs while secretly planning sexual escapades in newly empty homes. There were students on the other side of those hugs feeling some strange mixture of embarrassment and wistfulness while likewise planning their own sexual escapades. There were logistical concerns found and satisfied as freshmen discovered the...

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punishing RACHAEL

Her name was Rachael,she was 15,blue eyes,blonde hairs,36Cboobs and a nice firm ass. My name is Seth,i am 16 and i have an athletic body thanks to years of tracks. Rachael is a virgin and has never allowed me to do anything beyond kissing.Whenever i asked her to have sex with me she would just say that she has...

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Friends and Lovers

Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She’d been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the pain it caused her. In her mind there was no valid, justifiable reason to date someone who she knew was going to be a liar from the very beginning; she had enough respect for herself to not date someone else’s man. Because she was bisexual, the same theory applied to women as well. Women were...

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smoking weed

Its somewhat legal since evryone know its going to be official on october17I never really was into smoking until the legalization happenedI like to drive at night and stop at a park to smoke one in my subaru outback , just chilling playing some pokemon hitting parcs around my placei was smoking when he kinda make me jump by hitting my windowit was starting to rain around 2am , surprised to see a big chubby black gray hair dude hitting at my window''hey boy im walking home im fucking tired from...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 7 Getting Into the Swing

August 1981, Chicago, Illinois We ended up not getting crazy that night. We made love and fell asleep in each other’s arms. We woke up the next morning and repeated what looked like was going to be the pattern for the school year — I jogged and Elyse showered, I showered, and then we ate breakfast. “Bye, Honey! Have a good day,” she said again. I headed to IIT and after parking I walked into the Stuart Building for Computer Science 200. I’d been permitted to skip CS100 because I already...

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SusanChapter 25

Barbara Sloan was sitting on the floor leaning back against Steve who was kneeling behind her with his arms around her. With his large hands cupping her tits, she just sighed and whispered, "Darling, you're much better than some dumb old bra." Then she closed her eyes and added, "My God! What a day this has already been ... And we haven't even cut the wedding cake!" Whispering in her ear Steve replied, "But we've already lost a lot of the guests. I guess this is just the extended...

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Rewarded Again For Being a Good Neighbor

Last week my new neighbor Michelle a 35 year old divorcee rewarded me for helping make small repairs around her house and loaning her three flashlights after she lost power in an electrical storm. Her two c***dren were terrified in the dark and I had saved the day. Well the next weekend Michelle rewarded me with a barbeque and a nice blowjob for all my help around the house. As she sucked on my 57 year old cock; I thought to myself as I came “how lucky can a guy get to have this blond...

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Night on the WardsChapter 18

As I sat on the edge of the pool with my legs dangling in the water and enjoying the feel of the hot sun on my body, I watched Laura swimming powerfully back and forth, her naked body carving through the crystal clear water and I thought to myself what a difference a month had made to her. True, she was still sullen and withdrawn but, physically, she was a different woman. Her body had fleshed out and her muscles were getting their tone back. Outwardly, at least, she was now as fit and...

1 year ago
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River Ch 05

The problem with using a certain parent as material for my sexual imaginings was obvious a couple of days later when John and Sam showed up in the morning, smiling and hugging each other good bye, as if nothing had happened. Sam started building something in the far corner of the room and John asked to speak to me, just for a couple of minutes. The man really was attractive with his tousled, dark blond hair and his sky blue eyes. The fact that he was a tall man with a strong body no longer...

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Karis DanceChapter 1

The city of Chicago is one of the greatest cities in the world, full of diversity and opportunity. The city and its suburbs extend for fifty miles or more in three directions while the blue waters of Lake Michigan border to the east. Economically, the city and its suburbs are no different. From the far south east suburbs, sweeping clockwise to almost due north, there is a vast array of both wealthy and economically depressed areas. But to the north, along the lake front, it is different....

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 11 Destination

August 4, 1991, New York City, New York “What do I do?” Fawn asked, trembling with a mix of excitement and nervousness. “Just let me lead,” I said, as I turned down the bed. “But I want it to be perfect for you,” she sighed. “It will be,” I soothed, walking back to where she stood and pulling her to me. We exchanged a few soft kisses, our tongues gently touching, before I moved my lips to Fawn’s neck. She shivered at the light touch of my lips as they barely brushed her skin. Fawn’s...

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Seema Chudi Bus Me

By: Lundluck Hello dosto me apka dost sajid vapis ek nai kahani leke ye bhi meri pehli kahani ki tarah sachhi hai meri pehli kahani Bhabhi ko choda ke liye kuch mail aye the or kuch acche suggestion bhi mile ye kahani 15 din pehle ki hai, jab me belgaum se Banglore ka safar kar raha tha ab jyada waqt barbad na karte hue me kahani pe aata hu ye 15 din pehle ki bat hai jab me banglore ja raha tha kuch kam ke silsle me tab muje ek ladki se mulakat hui bus me uska nam seema hai vo shadi Shuda thi...

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Mia Pt 2

Mia - Part Two - Not close enough for comfortI took my wife’s advice to heart, and between the weather turning cloudy and cold limiting the use of the garden as well as business picking up keeping me away from home for days at a time, it was over a month before I saw Mia for more than a few seconds in passing. Her own life as well as my eldest son’s had also got increasingly fraught with the approach of their exams, and although both had more time at home, most of that was used for revision,...

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Forbidden FantasiesChapter 7

As they lay on the bed Karen told Bill Taylor has been sexually active for over a year. When she turned fifteen she asked her mother for birth control. According to Karen, Taylor’s first love was a seventeen-year-old boy and he was demanding more than oral sex. It was a bit of an eye-opener for Bill to find out his daughter had been sucking cock since she was fourteen and started fucking her boyfriend after she turned fifteen. Karen had decided that it was better to agree to get her birth...

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Fridagirls boyfriend with her mother

By nineteen I had a secret stash of girly porn that I watched during masturbation, an act I was very comfortable with doing. While other girls popped pills to sleep, relieved stress, even period pains, I fingered myself and let my endorphins, generated by my orgasm, cure all my ails.Of course a girls does not masturbate and think about sex, without actually getting out there and letting men enjoy you too, masturbation is one way, being fucked, is a whole new ball game and way way better than...

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DriveIn Seduction Chapter 14 Dedication

Two and a half years later, a soldier drove down the empty dirt road alongside the river in an old, familiar pickup truck. It had been cold for days, and the wind had just started whipping around earlier that morning. Now, as he drove alongside the river, the snow was just starting to fall, in bursts of snow squalls. Suddenly, he spotted the large boulder in the middle of the river. He pulled into the open space surrounded by bare trees and climbed out of the pickup. He limped to the water’s...

First Time
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meeting a new friend

Meeting a new friend I’m to try to tell about the first time I met a very good friend, I’m going to call her vikki. We had found each other on a online classified and emailed for awhile. Now it came time to meet. We decided to meet at a mall and go from there. I got there first and waited for her with a coffee. Vikki arrived and we hugged we started talking right away and walked back to her car. We drove across town to an adult video store. She was nervous as she was fairly inexperienced,...

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Drunk Again

He watched as she sleep. His daddy’s new wife was hot, if he had to use one word to describe her that would be the word, she made his young cock stand up to attention many times. And his nights were filled with hot fucking and sucking. As he watches her, she turns over and out pops a tit. She had some of the biggest titties and huge nipples he’s ever seen. They were made for licking and sucking. His mouth was watering thinking about it. He walks closer, she turn’s again and he see that her...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 429

Deep Space – The Alien Ship The First Officer approached the blast doors that had sealed at the entrance to the engine room. Reaching to touch his com to ask for entrance, he instead smiled as the doors ponderously slid open before he could key the instrument. Unlike a few Earth weeks prior, every sub-engineer he passed on the way to the Chief’s office, nodded, spoke, or waved to him. One even stopped him to ask about his wound. “Just a graze. The other guys were not so lucky, however,” he...

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Photographer Ch 13

As this chapter of the Photographer story begins Greg is escorting Ellie Maxwell to New York to meet with the rest of Mrs. Blair’s restructuring team. Ellie’s husband who was the director of one of Mrs. Blair’s companies is headed to prison for most of his life. Attorney Barker is expediting the divorce proceedings so that she will be free of him and his controlling ways forever. It had given her great pleasure to be the one to put the cuffs on him and read him his Miranda Rights. It had been...

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Women Like To Cuddle After Sex

If you want a repeat performance from your lady friend, it might be a good idea to tap into your sensitive side and step your cuddle game up. Psychologist Susan Hughes said:“Females placed an overall great importance than did males on all five items measured: intimate talking, kissing, cuddling and caressing, professing their love for their partner and talking about the relationship after sex. In contrast, men placed more importance on gaining extrinsic rewards after sex.”And these extrinsic...

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KellyChapter 37

From Kelly's personal journal, September 2nd, 2002 Wow. I can't believe how long it's been since I've updated my journal! The last time I had a chance, the time to even look at it was before Todd was in jail! Thank God, Chuck was able to pull some strings and get him out before the picnic. I don't know if I could have handled it without him. He's not big on social events, but sometimes just having him there is enough for me. No, that's not right either. Todd's always been there for...

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Chapter Seventeen

CHAPTER s*******nAs William's session with Julie was drawing to a close, James was considering the next stage of Becca's ordeal, a thin razor strop being belted across the smooth firm flesh of her belly. ~Should he carry out the remainder of her punishment himself, or should he invite another of his fellow diners to assist? ~"Decisions, decisions, life is so full of decisions!!!"After reflecting on the matter for a few short moments, James summoned the maitre-de who attended together with the...

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The TeacherChapter 42 I need a high school

Lisa had taken the day off work (she had told Beth and Joy that she had wanted to go into town to pick up a special Valentine's Day gift for Harold). While that had been a good idea and while she would very likely act on it, it had only been a pretext. Her principal destination had been Brookdale University. After parking in the main visitor's lot (She must definitely have to get her own car and stop borrowing Joy's ... but there were always more urgent things to do, darn it!), she stopped...

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The Bounty HunterChapter 14

Captain's Log: Elite Warrant Officer Sam Miller. I really like that title. It grows on one in time, say three or four cycles. Then there is the realization that your dreams have come true. Getting the title, and the Federation Cross of Valor, too. Somehow I think Bonnie's grandfather went a little overboard with that recommendation. Of course, he would never have gotten that little medal pushed though, if Sue hadn't added her political clout behind it. Bonnie even got one, as well as a...

4 years ago
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The Woman Next Door

Hi. I am 23, from Kolkata. I am still studying and working as a freelancer. I am 6 ft, chubby with a 5.5-inch dick. You can get in touch with me at I am a dedicated reader of ISS and this is my first time writing about one of my accounts. This was the first time that I noticed the family that moved into the ground floor apartment next door. The guy looked busy, his wife seemed like a housewife, and the kid must be in high school. Nothing out of the ordinary at first site. In a week or so,...

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boysrsquo first times 2 out of teen sex party

Ryan knew Owen was gay long time before Julia’s exclusive party. Did he, himself, knew he was attracted to boys prior to making out with Owen in fuzzy light and weed smoke?It started only as silly spin the bottle they arranged mostly for a cheap thrill. But once the luck made them a pair, he just couldn’t get enough of it. Owen was a petite redhead, always well-dressed, a little too serious for his age, liked by almost everyone that knew him. And Ryan… well, he was just some average dude....

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