Julia's Transition To Slut free porn video

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Feet pounding on the pavement. She could feel her body vibrate with ever step. Her favorite new running tune beating through her body. She was a little early this morning on account of her jet lag. Still, this was a great morning run and she was already getting pumped for another day in her hometown office in Amsterdam.

She, in this case, referring to Julia, Jules to her friends, and she loved her job as consultant. Just back from a jaunt to the other side of the pond where she'd managed to convince a senior partner with her idea on how to solve the issues a New York based company was having in her home country. That this idea had to supersede the idea of her two colleagues who had worked long hours on the project for the past month was not her problem. She couldn't help it that she was better than them, could she? Besides, this might help her finally make the youngest senior. Something she'd been working towards for quite some time now.

With a satisfied sigh she picked up the pace a little. Slim and satin smooth legs powering her through the bend at the end of 't Vondelpark and ready to start her second lap. Admittedly, this wasn't the best park for her to run as it wasn't the largest. But, it was the place to see and be seen. Julia didn't mind at all being seen. Some people just deserved to be seen, she thought, especially her.

She knew she had a perfectly toned body from her regular workouts, both on the street as well as in the gym. Though at just a tad over 1.70 meters in length she wasn't the tallest woman in the world. Her perfect round bum which was her pride and joy the result of quite a bit of effort. This was complimented by her C-cup breasts. Unfortunately, for the moment flattened and contained by her sports bra which in turn was covered by a sheer yellow cotton tank top. She had a winning smile she could flash at any moment, used recently to convince her senior partner. Blue eyes that sparkled with obvious intelligence and the whole was completed by stark black hair, for the moment pulled up in a ponytail for the morning run.

As she came round the bend she turned her mind to that evening. Being apart from your boyfriend is no fun for a week and she still needed to convince him they should buy the couch she wanted. Sometimes sex can be enjoyable and useful at the same time she grinned to herself. Having decided on her plan of action (mostly what lingerie she would wear) she resumed her attention on her run. On a whim taking off from the main track, which she normally would take all the way around the park. She headed into the smaller secluded gravel paths creating an inner circle. She was early so she could spend a little extra time and perhaps she could even find a suitable new route.

The gravel paths, normally already deserted, were especially quiet this early in the morning. She was therefore all the more surprised when she spotted a couple through the trees a bit further on. Approaching them at her steady pace, they came more clearly into view, within seconds. As she passed the last few tree's and ran into the small open clearing they were in, she was able to have an especially good look. She stumbled.

The girl was absolutely gorgeous. She had stunning platinum blond hair flowing down her shoulders with a beautiful figure and at least double D-cup breasts from what she could see. Julia had to admit the guy didn't seem to be too bad looking either, very muscular type with short scruffy dark hair who unfortunately had his back turned to her. That wasn't the reason she stumbled however.

The blond was sitting on the edge of one of the picnic tables, legs spread with her feet up balanced on the bench a little in front of her ensuring her knees were above her waist ever so slightly and giving the guy a full view. Even Julia could see the tiny red thong slid to the side exposing her pussy. Julia thought she could even see the girls slit glistening as she pounded past. Both the girl and guy were oblivious to her passing and with a few more seconds of astonishment, she was into the next pathway through the trees hiding the adventurous couple from sight. Without ever realizing exactly why, Julia slowed down to a walk and stopped. Contemplating whether she should, in the end her curiosity won the day. Slowly she made her way back to the clearing, this time through the trees and a few bushes and avoiding the path. Almost at the edge of the clearing she stopped, kneeling down behind a bush and a few trees to prevent her from being discovered.


Micheal was late. "Fucking flat tire," he swore to himself as he made his way along the winding paths of 't Vondelpark. He only hoped James and Janneke hadn't gotten too far along yet. He'd been looking forward to this morning for almost a week now!

His younger brother really was a charmer. James thought back on the night they both met Janneke. They'd only been in the country for a week setting up the basis for the expansion of their web shop to European shores when they came across Janneke in a bar. She was everything they imagined a Dutch girl would be when they stepped aboard the plane towards Amsterdam. Freakishly hot, cheeky and extremely adventurous, it hadn't taken long before his younger brother had been hitting it off with her. It was she who had suggested getting Michael involved in their various sexual exploits. This was the first time however it would be in such a public place.

He was only a minute away from the clearing where they'd said they'd meet up and he was already straining his ears to see if he could hear her. With only fifty meters to go and the clearing out of sight, he thought he heard a soft moan. He stopped his anxious pace and slowing down made his way along the last few curves he knew would give him a view of the action. He heard the moan again, but muted which was unlike Janneke. If he hadn't been so eager to double check to see if he could hear Janneke's excited moans he would've missed her. As it was, it only took him moments to spot Julia kneeling down behind a bush with her shoulders moving and it looked like her hand was probably down her pants.


Julia didn't know what had come over her. Maybe it was the fact that her sex life with her boyfriend had become dull and plain. Maybe it was the fact that it had been awhile since she'd actually cum. Perhaps it was the fact that public sex had always been a fantasy of hers but one she had been terrified to try out. Or it could be that this gorgeous couple fooling around in such a public place seemed to unreal and was pushing her buttons. Either way, she couldn't help it. She had to keep watching. And by now she was eagerly fingering herself too as she knelt in the shadows.

The exact moment when she slid her hands down her tight jogging shorts had escaped her. Probably when the girl had seductively slid out of her red thong and handed it over to the guy. He hadn't wasted any time after that and now stood in front of the table. After having pushed the girl onto her back with her legs up in the air was now rubbing her clit slowly to her obvious pleasure. Julia had watched this intense moment and couldn't help a moan escaping her mouth as she was getting more and more turned on.

Now there was nothing slow about his movements as he furiously fingered the girl. Her moans came louder and louder and as the guy stuffed the red thong into her willing mouth another moan escaped Julia's own body.

She was so distracted she hadn't noticed Michael creeping up behind her and was therefore thoroughly shocked when he grabbed her by her pony tail and forced her to her hands and knees.

"Enjoying the show?" he whispered in her ear. She could feel his breath in her neck. This couldn't be true. So embarrassing!

"You enjoy watching other people fuck?" the voice asked crudely in the same barely audible whisper. She opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out. Her mouth was completely dry in a flash. She could feel her body still flush with excitement and it was now aching for her touch which she had enjoyed moments ago. Was her body getting turned on by this? Another rush of embarrassment coursed through her body and her face was radiating heat. She was sure her assailant could see it.

"Would you like me to call my friends over? Let them know they have a naughty little girl watching them?" the voice continued. Julia stiffened. Having one man catch her was bad enough. Still being forced to face the horny couple on her hands and knees she knew she would die from embarassment. To have that gorgeous couple know she was watching and even masturbating to them... she was mortified, how did she end up in this situation. She was always in control!

"No," she breathed with her throat still dry. She watched as the girl slid the straps of her summer dress off her shoulders freeing her grand tits for pleasure by her own hands. Any attempt to avert her eyes was met with a tighter hold on her pony tail forcing her to keep facing the action. It felt like ages before the girl started bucking her hips into the guy's hand and finally shivering with what was clearly an orgasm.

"Do you like what you see?" the voice asked breaking her reverie.

Did she? Julia wondered. Isn't that after all why she stopped and turned back? Yet... it wasn't normal to spy on people while they were as intimate as this couple. Why then had the throb in her lower stomach only increased more and more with each continued act of debauchery? "Yes," she admitted, her shame now complete.

"You're wet aren't you? Turned on like a naughty young girl seeing porn for the first time?"

"Yes," now slightly more huskily. The girl had slid off the table and was now squatting in front of the guy eagerly undoing his belt and fly. Seconds later she had his large cock out and had taken it into her mouth in one smooth motion. Completely! Julia thought that was something that only happened in porn.

"Embarrassed at being caught, aren't we?" the voice teased.

"Yes." Embarrassment and heat now alternately pulsing through her body. She had never felt like this before and now desperately needed to reach her clit. Yet she knew she couldn't. Perched, as she was, precariously on her hands and knees her head forced face forwards by the firm grip of her unknown tease. Perhaps this is why she so eagerly sucked on his two finger as he instructed her to do 'like the girl she so admired'.


Even Michael was surprised by her eagerness as she sucked both his fingers strongly into her mouth. Yes, he'd miss out on Janneke, but maybe that's not so bad. Having stepped slightly around the kneeling body of Julia to present his fingers, he finally had time to admire her well toned body. She was definitely hot he decided as he planned his next few questions to exact as much from her as he could.

She barely managed to nod due to the two fingers deep in her mouth as he asked her if her blood was racing. Not that he really needed the confirmation. He could practically feel her heart pound in her chest.

"Are you normally this freaky?" he asked with a silent grin and was rewarded by a frantic sideways motion of her head. He started sliding his fingers in and out of her mouth quicker and rougher, matching James as he too took more control of 'his' girl. "Start fingering again," Michael commanded as he let off a little on her pony tail giving her a little more stability. Another frantic shaking of her head. 'This won't do at all,' Michael thought, grinning.


"Please no!" She silently begged with two fingers now pumping her mouth. "Hadn't this gone on far enough? To be caught was one thing, but to willingly masturbate... in front of him? A stranger?" But her body betrayed her. When he ordered her again her hand swiftly shot between her legs. She sighed around his fingers as she finally gave her pulsing clit some much needed relief.

Julia rubbed furiously. Waves of pleasure now cascading through her body as she was finally getting what she so desperately needed. She was beyond caring when she felt a rough hand pull down her flimsy cotton top around her shoulders and grope under her sports bra, dislodging it. Practically enjoying the fact that her unknown assailant was helping himself to her body. More moans escaped her mouth, stifled by his fingers. Had she ever even moaned before?

"Are you enjoying this little slut?" His question jolted her out of her train of thought. Wait? Slut? But as he slowly pulled his fingers out of her mouth for the last time all she could bring out in response was a satisfied hum, which she was sure he had taken for assent. God that felt good!

Meanwhile the naughty couple had moved on as well. The girl was bent over the table, her bare tits pressed against its surface, with the guy pounding her like there was no tomorrow. She was facing Julia. Julia could see the thong still in her mouth and the glazed eyes hinting at the ecstasy she was in. Suddenly Julia gasped. In a rush of movement her tease had pulled down her lycra running legging and thong exposing her hot slit to the cool morning air. He pushed her hand away and started rubbing her glistening slit from behind. She could feel his finger rub roughly over her exposed lips and throbbing clit. It felt so good. She was pushing her ass back against his hand to better feel his hand.

"Do you want it just like that girl?" the voice whispered again.

"Yes," she moaned as he was exploring her most intimate parts. "YES," she moaned again desperately as she could feel his moist digits explore her tight virgin asshole. He slowly slid his fingers first digit in. "Ungh..." was the response. As Michael started to slide his finger further in and out Julia's eyes too gloss over.

"Admit it. You love being a slut like that one over there," he insisted. Julia hesitated. She wasn't a slut. She'd always been a 'good' girl. This was not like her. She hadn't ever even had her ass penetrated. "Admit it!" he urged again.

"Ungh..." she moaned as she felt his whole index finger slide all the way in her. She focused briefly on the slut being banged right in front of her. Her whole body now pulsing in time with his finger thrusting in her ass. "Yes, I love being a slut," she whispered.

"What?" the guy teased.

"I love being a slut," Julia growled as she felt her lower stomach tighten up. "I love being a slut," she repeated as her clit exploded in waves of ecstasy. "I love it," she sighed satisfied.

But Michael wasn't quite done with this new found slut yet. He pulled her back so she was sitting on her knees. With quick experienced hands he pulled her cotton running tank top further down.

"Stretch out your arms," continued his demands. Still in a blissful state Julia complied without hesitation. Her ponytail was briefly released and before she knew it her sports bra was lying next to her in the grass and the firm grip on her ponytail was reinstated. Slowly coming back to earth Julia started getting worried. What have I just done? Why did he take my bra off? What's going to happen now? Immediately more shame flooded her thoughts. Oh. My. God. She'd just admitted to being a slut. Been ass fingered and had cummed in front of a stranger whom she didn't even know.

Before she had time to react he had grabbed her cellphone from waterproof band on her upper arm. She was still forced to watch the guy savagely bang the blond now on her back on the table. She heard a phone vibrate in the man's pocket. Moments later it was back in her waterproof band.

"You will stay here enjoying the lovely couple finish. You will not turn around." She shivered at the strength of his commands. She heard the click of a phone camera several times and realized she was kneeling topless, with her jogging leggings at her knees in the middle of a public park. She heard soft footsteps receding in the moist grass, but at the same time the guy in front of her was just about to cum all over the gorgeous big tits of the platinum blond kneeling in front of him. She saw the blond smile as the guy helped her up. She pulled the dress up and seconds later they were walking off as if nothing had ever happened. She turned around but all she saw was the solid form of a man walking away in the distance.

Julia remained behind. Still stunned at what she had just experienced. Once again recollecting her thoughts she realized she had no idea how much time had passed and people were probably starting to crowd the park for their morning run. She pulled up her cotton top defensively looking around for her bra. It was nowhere to be found! And her cotton running top was still semi-see through. Uneasily she got up. Pulling her jogging leggings up as well. Still having to cross the whole park she hesitantly started jogging again.

Her curvaceous C-cup tits now lacking support bouncing with every step. Her nipples clearly visible through the thin semi-see through fabric of her top. Just as she had feared, the first runners had already hit the trail running around the park. She sped up, but this also increased the bounce in her step... and correspondingly her tits as well. She knew she was flushing furiously as she realized each and every guy she met was staring openly at her tits. Even some of the women were staring appreciatively.

She tried to ignore them and it took several agonizing minutes before she had exited the park and was running the few streets to her house. Thankfully here the people were still in the process of getting up and were either still at home or at least not paying attention to another runner. Opening the door she practically jumped inside collapsing on the bottom of the stairs as the door closed behind her.

Still flush with shame, or was it excitement? She calmed her breathing and again went through what had just happened. She still had trouble comprehending when she heard the sleepy voice of her boyfriend.

"Babe, is that you?"

She took another couple of deep breaths. Despite the warmth of her home, her nipples were still rock hard and pronounced through her sheer shirt. Likewise, her pussy had regained the incessant throb barely satisfied earlier in the morning. She needed a cock right now and her boyfriend would suffice. This time however, she would be in control!


Five days later and it was still practically the only thing Julia could think about whenever she was unoccupied. Even her co-workers had noticed her daydreams and were wondering if she had perhaps gotten sick. In the middle of the daily morning meeting her phone vibrated in her suit pocket. She opened the 'whatsapp' message she'd just received from an unknown number. "How is the little slut doing?" Attached was a picture of her, practically undressed and watching. The fornicating couple is clear in the background.

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Transition to Vikki part six reworked

Transition to Vikki, part six (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next chapter of Steven's change into becoming Vikki, initial steps are taken and new friends made.This is the next part of the story, like those before it has been taken back to the laptop and reworked. Additions have been made, some other parts were removed. Typo's were corrected, grammar has been brushed up and...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part five reworked

Transition to Vikki, part five (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Continuing the story of Steve, Gina and Valerie's sexual adventures after his first encounter. This is the next reworked chapter in the story. Altered, edited and amended to remove typos, grammar errors and story cock ups. This follows the previous parts one to four amended editions.As I've seen from other people's...

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Transition to Vikki part four reworked

Transition to Vikki, part four (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of Steven Jennings' tale how he abandons his old life to become Vikki. Valerie and Gina get closer and more life stories are told. This is updated from the original scripts.All original chapters have been rewritten and updated. Typos corrected, grammar put right and plot errors sorted out. Parts have bee...

2 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part three reworked

Transition to Vikki, part three (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of how Steven Jennings became Vikki. A new playmate is encountered and life stories of the main characters begin to be told. Following after the two newer rewrites, this one has also been updated. Typos have been corrected, grammar put straight and plot errors sorted out. Some parts have been added,...

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Transition to Vikki part two reworked

Transition to Vikki, part two (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Continuing the story of Steven Jennings, Gina and his transformation to Vikki. This is part two of the reworked original story. All original scripts have been rewritten to this new format. Changes have been made to streamline the story where I thought it was needed. Typos corrected, grammar put right and story plot...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part one reworked

Transition to Vikki, part one (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The full story of Steven Jennings and how he left his previous life behind for someone new.This story takes numerous chapters to tell. After most of the original drafts were written well over a year ago, I thought it was high time to take them back to the laptop and look at them again. There they were read through,...

3 years ago
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The Road To Transition

THE ROAD TO TRANSITION By Lana B. FORWORD This is a sequel to my story "The Syndicate." Had a blast writing it. Enjoy! This story may not be re-posted without the author's permission. PROLOGUE It was Monday morning and Dr. Alan Pendrake was eager to get down to work. He had eagerly anticipated this day's arrival for the entire weekend because he knew that important decisions would be made about the future of The Transgender Institute, which was, more simply, known as...

1 year ago
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The Transition Guy Chapters 1 3

Story: The Transition Guy Chapter 1: 1996 - A New Beginning The dreaded moment had arrived at the Lower Merion Country Club. "Happy New Year!" the throng shouted. After two minutes, Alethea's best friend Dale broke lose from husband Keith's embrace long enough to kiss her on both cheeks , hug her "Happy 1996, Thea! Better things arem ahead for you, kiddo!" Alethea tried to hide her wince at the use of her girlhood nickname. Dale was the only one still calling her that as she...

1 year ago
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A Step in Transition Part 4 Dreams Fulfilled

A Step in Transition - Dreams Fulfilled Bonnie Lea A few weeks had passed by since Nikki's date with Bryan and she was still thinking about all that transpired that night. Just the thought of touching another man's cock and taking it in her mouth had made her feel so much like a woman that it was all that she cared about now. The pills that Claudia had been getting her to take had obviously done the trick as her breasts were now fully formed and as she looked naked in the mirror all...

2 years ago
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The Transition

The Transition 1 At last, I see them leaving the house; she is now aloneand no doubt, logging into the computer and; expecting to see me there forour regular chats. Looking around I could see that I am totally free to enter,nobody showing any interest in a delivery guy, I mean, who cares? I go aroundto the back door and finding it unlocked, I quickly slip inside and make nonoise that should alert her to an unexpected visitor. Quietly, I move throughthe house, searching, until I see the...

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Transition Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The announcement was met with both jeers and cheers. Costume parties in a high school were rare, but they billed it as something else. The school called it the "Who Am I" day. Anyone could dress as any person or character, kind of like cosplay. My mom told me her idea which was crazy, but I was intrigued and nodded my head yes. She had given me three choices. Wonder Woman, Cinderella, or Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Not one...

3 years ago
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My Unwanted TransitionChapter 2

( Making a new friend. ) Everything seemed to feel normal lately. I didn’t find myself comparing things to my old life as much and discovered that I could still enjoy stuff even though I was a girl now. It had been almost a week since I slept over at Andy’s and it was turning out to be another dull day at work. About halfway through my shift, the supervisor came over and told me to take my break. After finishing with my last customer, I headed for the break room so that I could rest my head...

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Transition in Lessor Plumpton

The private bar of the Cock Inn, Lesser Plumpton was a bit more private than most. The residents of the village used it for orgies to which selected paying guests were invited. Currently it was occupied by a couple of country solicitors a doctor. A lab technician and their business people spouses who were fucking as if it was going out of fashion.Di was the Cocks part time cook and had just finished deserts so she went through to the bar to chat to the barmaid. Lisa was filling in as the...

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Transitions Chapters 1

Transitions by Desiree Pleasence Introduction It's hard to believe all that has happened in the past several years. I was a relatively happily married closet cross dresser. My wife, Sherri, was blissfully unaware of my "hobby", though I thought of it as more of a passion. It was a passion that had been with me all my life. Ever since I was a young child, I had admired the beauty of femininity. That admiration manifested itself both as a sexual attraction to glamorous women but...

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Transitions Part 1

Transitions By Colleen Shepherd Authors note: The GB (Gender Bimorphism) universe was created by O2bxx the author of "For a Girl". I loved the concept and felt that I had to explore the possibilities from a Canadian perspective. Originally this story was to be called Cross Country Changes, but with the upheaval and adjustments as well as self examination that my main character (named after my self) undergoes the originally planned title didn't fit and was changed to Transitions. This...

1 year ago
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The Transition of My Wife Chapter 4

The Transition of My Wife - Chapter 4 Wearing nothing but women's panties and tied cruelly to a weight-lifting machine with an oversized dildo planted deep in my ass...I suppose this is where I should have been admonishing myself, "Be careful what you wish for." However, no such thoughts were going through my head. I was much too turned-on to be thinking in such a rational manner. Certainly, there were the fleeting questions as to the source of my wife's newly found zest for...

2 years ago
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My Unwanted Transition 8

( Disappointment )I stepped up to the apartment door, knowing that Andy was inside. I hadn’t responded to his texts, so I was sure he wanted to know how I felt about it. With a deep breath, I opened the door and went in. I went to my room first so I could change into fresh clothes. Next, I went to find something to eat since I skipped breakfast at Skylar’s place.I sat down at the table and ate some cereal while waiting for Andy to come out, which didn’t take long. He came out of his room, sat...

Office Sex
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my transition into manhood

So they told me, not asked that I was going there to do whatever they needed of me to keep the farm going. It was just before puberty and so liking the place I happily agreed. As I arrived there was grandma, she’s young looking for her age, mom says she’ll outlive us all and the way she looked I believe it. Dad and she went into her room for a while to talk and when they came back out she was all smiles and so was dad. Mom smiled saying she was thanking him for letting me stay, I said...

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My Unwanted Transition 6

( Moving up and out )It took two weeks for me to move my stuff over to Andy’s place. The conversation with my parents went about as expected. There was a mix of worry and relief for them. It would be a change for me to be gone, but at the same time, I knew they would be happy to have the house to themselves. This was going to be my first day not going home to them and to my new place instead, to live. I was excited and nervous at the same time, and it was all I could think about at work.“There...

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Transition to Vikki part 10

Transition to Vikki, part tenVikki has her first party night, the weekend continues.This has been rewritten from the original script. Typo's and grammar have been corrected. Story gaps and mistakes put right. Some parts have been added to, others either cut and even some removed. Nothing in the main plot has been affected by these changesChapter lengths have been cut to ensure a more even format. Reading this story,it is better if you keep to this new version, it makes things so much simpler,...

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Transition to Vikki part 10

Transition to Vikki, part tenChapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Vikki has her first party night, the weekend continues.This has been rewritten from the original script. Typo's and grammar have been corrected. Story gaps and mistakes put right. Some parts have been added to, others either cut and even some removed. Nothing in the main plot has been affected by these changesChapter lengths have been cut to ensure a more even format. Reading this...

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Transforming Irene Chapter One The Slow Transition

The Slow Transition:Two years ago, I was a typical wife and mother, living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain with my husband and two daughters. All that changed when, at my husband's urging, I began to explore other aspects of my sexuality. None of my friends, co-workers or family members could ever imagine the things I have done. If you told them about some of my 'adventures', they would never believe it. You see, I have transformed into a woman even I don't recognize at times. A little...

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My Transition

My transition into male sex occurred a number of years ago after my first wife passed away following an extended illness. She had been unable to engage in sex for some time, and so I dealt with my physical needs the best I could, mostly through chronic, habitual masturbation. The months following her passing were very difficult for me emotionally, and I was having a hard time dealing with the grief, and the guilt. I had periodically struggled with bouts of guilt since high school, when I began...

Gay Male
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Transition to Vikki part nine

Transition to Vikki, part nineChapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues here in chapter nineStory continues as Vikki shows them their new country house and prepares for the weekend. This chapter has a lot of narrative. Just think of it all as the necessary groundwork for new settings, characters and story plots to come. So please, bear with it.All the original chapters have been rewritten to remove errors. Typo's, grammar and story plot...

2 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part eight

Transition to Vikki, chapter eight, the tale continuesFirst of all, apologies to all. I know it's been a year since the last episode. What can I say !!, depression's a bitch. Made only worse when you lose interest and belief in your own creation. I'm getting back to myself and the interest in telling the rest of this adventure is returning. Sorry for it taking so long, but..... Vikki is back in business.Bright light filtered in through the open window. Between it, and the slow waving of the...

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Ericas Sexual Transition Part 3

After discovering that I was lesbian, possibly bi-sexual, I had to change my life. I could not stay in Ohio around my friends and family and face them. I grew up being told that being interested in the same sex was one of the worse sins you could commit. I could not be myself in that environment and I would be shunned by family. I made the decision that I would move out of state.I told my family that it was a career opportunity for me. I did land a very nice job as NICU nurse at a world...

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Virtual Transition 1

Virtual Transition--PART I I saw the advertisement on the Internet and it piqued my interest... "A trip to Fantasy Land ...Explore what your imagination conceives without risk. Your dreams made real." The number was called, an appointment made and soon my life was changed forever. Let me explain. Life was good, money no problem and my time was my own due to a large inheritance received on my 21st birthday. All that was missing was adventure. There were many things I yearned to...

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My Transition

This is a story of how I went from a happily married man to a part time servant to my wife and her male lover. It is meant for the reading pleasure of those who are considered adults in their area. Please send your comments and suggestions to [email protected]. I would like to hear from you. My Transition By 4play My wife Pat and I had been married for 15 years when I brought up the idea that we should enter the swinging lifestyle. We had dated each other in high school and...

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The Transition of My Wife Chapter 1

The Transition of My Wife - Chapter 1 I pulled against the handcuffs pinning my wrists to the back of the chair that I was sitting in; but, it only sufficed in causing the steel to cut into my wrists. I wondered again to myself where the handcuffs had come from and why my wife had used them to secure me to the chair instead of the more comfortable nylon wrist straps we normally used. I had been cuffed to this chair for over an hour. An hour, during which, I had little choice other...

3 years ago
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The Transition of My Wife Chapter 2

The Transition of My Wife - Chapter 2 "Is this really happening?" I asked myself. "Is this what I wanted? And, who was in control of the whole thing?" Now that a third party was involved - and given the behavior of my wife - it was feeling less and less like I was the one in charge or was having any say whatsoever, for that matter. But that, after all, is what I wanted: to relinquish control. Correct? My wife and this Jack fellow seemed to be exhibiting a bond between them. It was...

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The Transition of My Wife Chapter 3

The Transition of My Wife - Chapter 3 Saturday night finally came. My wife and I started out the evening by making a pitcher of golden margaritas. This would help lighten the mood and lower both of our inhibitions. After we had finished a drink apiece, my wife stood up and turned to face me. "I have to get ready for my 'date,'" my wife said, winking at me as she said this. "And, I don't need you in my way." "You need to go downstairs and strip off all of your clothes,"...

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