The Transition Dream free porn video

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The Transition Dream Life has a way of throwing you challenges, and such is usually the case with challenges you don't always have time to prepare and find yourself off guard; but for me those challenges are usually the easiest. I think best on my feet. The challenges that get the most are the ones that you know are coming up, looming out there on the horizon. Because you can see this coming and you know you're going to need to deal with it but you're not sure how. There's too many variables! If this happens then should I do this? If I do that then this could happen, then what would I do? Well maybe do this? No, because then that would happen. Then you're finally in the middle of that challenge stuck and at a loss on what to do probably because you?ve already considered and rejected the solution you would have had immediately had the challenge been a surprise. So it's sort of ironic, I guess. Maybe not ironic-ironic but ironic in an Alanis Morrissett kind of way. It seems like irony but it's just a stupid coincidence. Still a good song, though. See, my whole life has pretty much has been filled with those looming challenges so I?ve pretty much been from one stressed out situation to the next; that is up until about 10 years ago when I met my husband and somehow he was able to make all of those challenges vanish; he was probably the first sane thing in my life that just made sense and brought my life finally into focus and brought me down the path I'm now on. But, of course, even when I was first with him I had those pesky challenges. We're you to look at me you'd think nothing of me, there's your perfectly average, middle-class, suburban mom. She works out of the home, she's happily married, has a child and somehow even when she's running to the community mailbox in nothing more than pajama pants and a popular-culture T-Shirt advertised on a Facebook feed she looks great. How does she do it? Well, not to toot my own horn, but it's not that hard but it certainly was to get to this point. You see, I'm a transgendered female. That's right, I was born male and though I genetically still am male I?ve converted my life into a female one both physically and legally and I?ve lived like this for fifteen years now and I never thought my life could be as good as this. I was born to your average family in your average part of America but hardly lived an average life through my childhood, always feeling like something was wrong but was never able to quite put my finger on it. My fist challenge. I suppose it was sometime during grade school where I found myself wondering more and more if I should have been a girl. Naturally my child's mind had never thought of or heard of transgenderism so I never knew it was a thing, I just liked being around girls more; I seemed to relate to them more and found them easier to talk to, grade-school girls are usually fairly easy to get along with and accepting for boys so long as they're not the mean and dirty ones; which I certainly wasn't. While the boys in my class were playing kickball, softball or other boy games during recess I was always with the girls; content to play hopscotch, jump-rope and stuff like that; this got me plenty of ridicule from the boys. There were probably more times I went home crying than not. The usual taunts, sissy, girly-boy, and some strong pejoratives for what they thought I was. I felt like I was girl on the inside but there was always still that part of me saying, "No, you're a boy," so I didn't like to be called a girl or to have my boyhood challenged. Talking with my parents and teachers about this they mostly brushed it off as a phase I was going through and it'd it all change once I started going to middle school and onwards. Well, they were right things did change but not for the better. It's funny what can happen to a kid over a summer vacation from school, particularly when you go from grade school filled with recess, a single classroom and there being virtually no social barriers. But once you start switching classes, have multiple peers during different parts of the day and now a gym class you have to change clothes during also during this time, children begin finding more of their sexuality and the gender divides begin. Those girls who were happy to play with you at recess begin to see you as more and more of an outside as their interest in boys begins to change to a different focus and those boys who teased you on the playground have put away they small guns and now go with the nuclear option. I had some friends during this time in my life there's always girls willing to have an unthreatening boy around and not all boys in their teens are complete jerks but I always felt like an outside and as I began to go through puberty and all of the changes really started coming to my male body I began to feel less and less comfortable in my own skin. I'd look at myself in the mirror and I hated the look of my face, the feeling of my skin, all of my body hair and I especially hated that stuff between my legs. Now, as my sexuality started up I certainly found myself more attracted to boys than girls and by this point I knew what homosexuality was, so maybe I was gay" But that didn't seem to fit. If I was gay that meant I liked boys, right" Then why did I not like being me" Why did I not like the look of my body and why did I hate having boy parts? So, I was probably beyond your average moody teenager as nothing in my life at the time made sense and it seemed nothing could make me happy. My parents took me to doctors and to see therapists and they were able to offer me some help but I was never fully open with them about my true feelings because I couldn't rationalize them to myself, how could I tell other people about them" I never dated in high-school, never went to prom, but I was able to concentrate on my school work and do well enough to get a decent scholarship to a state school and my parents were financially set enough to help with whatever the scholarship couldn't or didn't so off I went to a school a couple hundred miles away from my parents. I'd visit them during long school weekends and during the holidays, of course, but I was largely on my own and in college things really began to change for me, as they do for most young people. I didn't experiment with drugs, but I did experiment with some sex and was always left unsatisfied. Oh, I orgasmed, but it still somehow didn't feel right to me; I probably only had sex on a couple different occasions but between my emotional confusion, my concentrating on my studies and the always present risk of sexually transmitted diseases I didn't do it too much. This was in the late 1990s so right about the time this crazy new thing called "the Internet" started coming around and everyone was blown away by it, at this point having a computer was common and I certainly had one and it had a modem in it but I was never sure what I could use it for. Some boys in my high school talked about dialing into things call "bulletin boards" but I never found them of any real interest and not worth the trouble. But this internet thing seemed to be really the thing was totally new and revolutionary with a world full of information at your fingertips and so I joined the on-line community and it was here I finally found out what I was. Or who I was. Information sites, chat rooms and message boards all about this thing called "transgenderism" and there I found hundreds upon hundreds of people who felt just like me! Always feeling they were in the wrong body. I introduced myself to a chat-room one night and for the first time I felt accepted as everyone was nice to me and didn't question me or insult me as I spoke of my gender and sexuality confusions; one night another member asked to speak with me in a private chat, and I accepted. She was a woman who was born a man and she told me how much of my life to this point had mirrored her own and she saw something of a kinship in me and wanted to help. She didn't have the benefit of the internet growing up and she found herself lost for a large part of her adulthood as she forced herself to live the role of her assigned sex. She married a woman, she had children but none of it made her happy. None of it made her feel like she was who she was supposed to be, a suicide attempt eventually led her to checking herself into a psychiatric ward for treatment. There the psychiatrists she spoke to managed to get her to break down and spill out her feelings every moment of her life feeling wrong, it was that psychiatrist who told her about transgenderism and that they could explore if it applied to her. She told me how it was a rough ride that destroyed virtually every relationship she had, even with her parents and family members, but she felt she needed to do these things in order to finally be happy. And while she couldn't fully transition without changing her name on her relationship, annulling her marriage in her state, her wife while angry at first became supportive and a close friend. She said she's lived life as a woman for nearly 20 years at that point and she was in her late 30s when all of this happened, she wasn't in any relationship now and she wasn't sure she'd ever be; but she didn't want me to suffer the same path she did and felt that the best way to give her life real meaning was to help me out and get me to start changing my path now, when I was young, and I had all of the opportunities in the world to do it. In a couple weeks I had spoken to a psychiatrist and she listened to my stories, and experiences over several sessions, she was always asking me a lot of questions relating to my identity, my sexuality and feelings, my wants, hopes and desires. And she felt like a close friend who I could open up to and spill my heart out. I don't know how long it was, many months certainly over a school year, before she agreed that I suffered from transgenderism and she wanted to help me begin to transition my life to something I'd be more comfortable in. It'd be a very tough ride, and I had legal battles ahead but we could begin small now and have me try and to start living as a woman and begin taking some male hormone blockers and female hormone pills. I'd have to see her very, very regularly as well as another doctor who specialized in gender disorders to monitor my transition. The hardest part of it all, that challenge, was discussing this all with my parents. They ended up being very supportive and always felt that somewhere in me there must have been something that needed to come out to make me happy and be the person I was meant to be. For being a conservative, religious, couple they were accepting and helpful. As parents should be. They said they'd help me in every way they could in order to help me to be happy, they had the money to help with medicines, surgeries and so forth so I needn't concern myself with any of that. They wanted to help. They wanted me happy. As I began living in a female role I finally started feeling happier, and more comfortable in my life. It took me a lot of maintenance, makeup, padding, shaving, to make the look even slightly passable before the hormone manipulators had their changes take a noticeable effect. I had finally felt like I was my real self as I looked in the mirror and saw a woman looking back at me, well, sort of. It did take some time before that look in the mirror became one I was truly satisfied with, some laser hair removal, some plastic surgery on my face; I was somewhat fortunate that I began my transitioning before my bones had fully fused. Hormones only do so much, so I did get implants to make me a cup-size appropriate for my body type and height. It wasn't long after I had healed from the breast surgery that I began really living my life as a woman and started dating again, this time I felt more comfortable with men being around me, having them touch me, and me touching them. The softness of my skin, the weight and feeling of my breasts, it all felt right. Well not everything. Getting the final vaginoplasty is naturally the one surgery that's the hardest to get. Most other surgeries can be reversed or undone, implants can be removed, you can have more facial reconstruction, hormones can be rearranged with medication. But that vaginoplasty? That's permanent. Now, I knew I wanted one because I knew this is who I was meant to be and I did not like having that thing down there, but the expense of the surgery and getting the doctors to sign off on it just takes time and confidence. I had a couple serious relationships with men in my early 20s and the hardest part for me was telling them I was transgender, which I tried to do early in the relationship or when things felt like they were getting serious. I passed, fully, by this point the surgeries, hormones and some dedicated exercise made me look like any other pretty 20-something woman, but I knew I had to be honest because a relationship can only go so far if you can't be fully physical. Or honest. Guys mostly responded with some show of grace and respect, but said that they didn't think they could handle such a relationship because there was always that barrier and I'm sure they felt an "ick factor" in getting kissy and squishy with someone they perceived to be a man especially whenever an unwanted part of me became hard to ignore. There was a guy I was really close to once and I thought we had really hit it off but we got into a huge fight once because it didn't seem to me he was there for me emotionally, 100%. Granted this was when I was starting to go through HRT so there could have been a lot going on in my mind as opposed to reality but it really did seem this guy only wanted a physical relationship with me. During our last big blow up I screamed at him, "You're just dating me because you want to get into my pants!" He sneered at me, looked me up and down, and said, "You have nothing in there I want!" I smacked him really hard, stormed out of his apartment and never went back. Left behind a good deal of personal items, but nothing I couldn't replace. He tried reconnecting with me on social media recently, I didn't accept. But when I met the guy who would become my husband everything just felt different, it was on our second or third date when I told him about myself, what I was, and how I hadn't gotten the "final" surgery yet. He looked at me, smiled, and without much of a break he said, "That's fine, I have the same feelings for you no matter what. We can continue to pursue this relationship, because I don't want to give it up. I feel the connection between us." We dated for quite some time, it seeming to get progressively more passionate with each date and each kiss. Never once did he make me feel like anything less than a pure woman. He made my heart flutter, my mind race and my non-existent ovaries crave for his seed, it's the one thing I wished I could do for him, bring him a child. One night we were making out pretty hot and heavily on the couch in his living room, this was often how we ended our nights but it could only ever go so far for obvious reasons. It was more of a block for me than it was for him, I was still uncomfortable being fully intimate with him and there were only a couple of ways he could penetrate me and I wasn't comfortable with one of those ways, so most nights would end with me giving him a blow job. He'd always said he felt bad because he got his satisfaction, but I wasn't getting mine. I assured him I was fine, I got my satisfaction in other ways, usually just satisfying him was enough but there were times I had to resort to finishing things off for myself in private after he had left. It wasn't something I relished doing, it was too much a reminder of what I wasn't. But he left me so on fire it sometimes couldn't be helped. During one of our little sessions we were going at it on my bed and I began to make my progress to begin my finishing move, he was naked and I only had on my gaffe, underwear and whatever bottoms I was wearing that day (shorts, skirt, jeans, whatever) as I started to make my way down he stopped me. "No, not tonight. We can't keep ignoring your needs." He pulled me back up to his level and began kissing me passionately as he rolled be onto my back and started kissing me deeply, he worked his way down my neck and to my breasts, giving me plenty attention to my nipples which just drove me purely wild. He continued his way down and he slid down the bottoms I had on "What are you doing?" I asked. "Trust me," he said. My heart was pounding and racing, I didn't know what to think. He pulled down my underwear and gaff, the male anatomy between my legs came loose and asserted themselves. The hormones I was on had made things down there fairly small and unimpressive, rarely would I get rock- hard like I would when I was purely male. Best I could manage was a semi. It didn't really bother me, even though it did make it hard for me to fully get mine when I tried for it. He began kissing my penis tenderly, stroking it gently with his hands, its own skin softened by my female hormones, and he began to go down on me. He gave me a blow job. I couldn't believe it. I'd never had one before, it wasn't something I ever even thought I wanted because I figured the only way to get one was to be in a homosexual relationship either as my male self or as female self. What straight guy is going to suck his girlfriend's dick? The perfect guy, is who. He gave me the best blow job ever which, I guess, means little since it was my first one but I couldn't see anyone before him doing anything different, he even swallowed whatever passed for my ineffective seed. I was flabbergasted and didn't know what to make of it, he'd later told me he just thought of it as my clit and treated it as such, even though I'm not sure you can deep-throat a woman's clit. He said he only thought of me as a woman so he didn't mind doing this and he didn't feel this spoke about his own sexuality. He wanted to please the woman he loved. After that night, our sexual activities really opened up and we became progressively more and more wild in bed he made me feel more and more comfortable with the male remains of my body as she showed himself more and more willing to let me use it in our night time sessions. He allowed me to penetrate him on occasion, as I had opened up to him I always wanted to try it and know what it felt like, we did 69s, frottage everything we could think of. We were intimate with each other in ways neither of us imagined we'd be with another person. When it finally came time to have my big surgery he was completely behind me and with me every moment he could be, he was at my side pre-op and post-op, loving and caring for me tenderly as I healed. When I was fully healed we were quick to want to give the new equipment a test-drive and as good as he made me felt when I had male equipment down there, he made me see fireworks when I was a woman down there. I know with the rearrangement of the sensitive areas down there, the loss of my ability to cum, and being penetrated made lots of things work differently, and I was more likely to be able to have multiple orgasms, I never dreamed what it'd all feel like. He continued to treat me like the woman I was meant to be and the woman I was. Going down on me and giving me the full female experience. I did now have to use a strap-on for him, he said that him being penetrated like that give him feelings he liked too given the internal sensitivity men have that cannot be accessed any other way. I thought no less of him. Plenty of heterosexual couples engaged in swapped roles during sex. With my surgeries out of the way I could now fully changed my gender on my birth-certificate to "female" and we could get married. That technically could have all happened before given the laws in our area only required a path/intent of a change in gender to actually change it legally and a Supreme Court decision allowing for same-sex marriages meant we could marry no matter what. But it was something I was firm on. I wanted to be female of the body 100% before I made that change and I only wanted to marry him as a female. My family accepted me and was supportive of me through my transition and were happy when I brought home to them a male fianc? who loved and supported me and knew who and what I was. His family was something else entirely, I met them over a Thanksgiving holiday when I still had my male parts. I stayed with him and his family that week as mine had taken a cruise and they didn't seem entirely accepting of me. He said he'd told them that he was dating someone but hadn't told them everything about me yet, knowing how they'd likely react. I wasn't happy since I wasn't 100% confident they wouldn't see through me and the holiday weekend didn't seem like the ideal time for this stuff to come out, but he told me he'd handle it. His parents were very welcoming to me at first but after spending a few hours with them that first night I sort-of felt them growing a bit colder or seemingly more suspicious of me, asking me more personal questions about my childhood and I swear their pronouns slipped a couple times. Nothing really came out that weekend but when we left after the holiday they felt "colder" towards me. I'd find out a couple days later from him that they'd spoken to him afterwards wanting to know more about me and, specifically, about him and his sexuality. They obviously didn't understand, and weren't too accepting but also sort-of took a "he's an adult, what can we do?" approach. By the time that Christmas came around I went home with him again mostly out of convenience to where his parents lived verses mine, we'd spend the holidays there over New Year's. I wasn't comfortable at all given that they now knew and weren't completely on board with me but he said he'd always have my back and would get them to accept me. I needed to be myself and show them my true self. His parents seemed to be putting on their best fa?ade but it wasn't holding up, I had gone to bed early one night that weekend and he stayed up with his folks, I could over hear them talking down the hall about me, his parents spoke very concerned for him and seemed to almost be making it a point to use male pronouns about me. He was quick to shut them down and insist upon them I was a woman and that's how saw me and how he felt about me he loved me and that wasn't changing. He told them they needed to see past their own prejudices and see the person in me and the person I showed myself to be. But he wasn't ending our relationship because they disapproved so they either needed to be nicer and accepting to me or get used to not seeing him that much anymore. It still took some more time after that, but by the next holiday season I think they'd grown to know me more and hear their son's feelings more and the more they saw me, the more we visited, they eventually did grow to see me for who I am. I love the relationship I have with my in-laws now, they truly do treat me as their daughter now. We got a house together in the suburbs and began our life together, sharing and working for something and wanting to stabilize our lives before pursuing the notion of children. We were in good enough careers that it didn't take long; but we did enjoy a couple years of child-free lives before we sought having children. We wrestled how we wanted to go about it. I had some of my own semen collected and stored before I began the route to not producing it; I don't know why saved it but I felt the need to, so we looked into ways to combine our semen into a surrogate ova and mother, at the time it was scientifically plausible and laws allowed for human experimentation when didn't want to go that route. It didn't feel right. We thought of going with a surrogate, we'd make one child with his sperm and eventually one with mine, but that didn't feel right to us either. Why create another child for the world to support when there's millions of them out there in need" So we adopted. We were lucky to live in a fairly liberal state that was okay with a transsexual being a guardian in an adoption and we both made good enough money, lived in a nice enough area and have a nice enough home that there was little to disqualify us from getting a child for adoption. We were asked for what we were looking for, it didn't feel right to be picking out a child like we were picking out a new car; so we said we were open to a child of any race or gender, we did prefer an infant. We met with a pregnant woman giving birth to a mixed-race girl, the father was almost completely out of the picture and couldn't be reached and she otherwise didn't have the means to support the child. She was personally against abortion so she felt this was the best route to go by. We accepted the agreement and would take her child home shortly after delivery, we told her if she wanted to be part of the child's life she could be as an aunt or other relative. She smiled and said she may consider our offer down the road, should the child ever question who her real parents were. The mother was also fully aware of situation and she thought it was a great thing for the two of us to do. To want to be parents and to be parents to a child in need of some rather than creating one from our own genetic material. We figure somewhere down the road we may still do that, but right now we felt we needed to do the world a favor and care for a child in need. We raised our daughter with all of the love and care in the world, giving her everything we could provide. We both had pretty good jobs and careers, a nice American upper-middle class lifestyle, so we had plenty to offer or child. The world around us wasn't 100% in our favor as it's pretty uncommon to see two Caucasian people with a mixed-race child and my gender identity only made things that much "worse" for want of a better word. I didn't necessarily go around advertising the story of my gender identity, but neither I nor my husband were ashamed of it and felt it was something we should hide from people. I guess there were still some "tells" with me and there were times we'd be asked and were always open and honest about it. By and large most people were understanding and thought it was great what we had, how found each other, and how my husband stood by me. We did have some detractors, however, a handful of neighbors who snubbed us and had their children snub our child. There's still a lot that needs to be done in our world about ignorance. But if you want to ignore me because who I am, fine. I have enough friends. But to take it out on my child is just disgusting. There came a time when our daughter, Alana, was getting old enough to realize and understand the differences in gender just as the other children her age were. It was the summer before she was to start the first-grade and we felt she should know my history, she had yet to hear any rumors or anything from her peers about me but the older she got the meaner kids tended to get, so we felt she should hear it from us instead of her classmates. We went to her bedroom as she was playing quietly by herself, knocked on the door jamb and I said, "Honey, mommy and daddy have something important to tell you, okay?" She smiled and said, "Okay!" and jumped up and trotted after us as we went into the living room. My husband and I had made ourselves some coffee to drink and set out a plate of some cookies and milk for her and told her to sit down with; we sat on the couch, closely, and holding one another she sat in a child's seat we brought out to her, allowing her to sit opposite us. I don't know why I was so nervous, I was just talking to a six-year-old child here, someone who loves me dearly and would never reject me; but I was still jittery. "What is it mommy and daddy?" she asked as she picked up one of the Oreos and began to twist the cookie apart to dunk the pieces in milk. I looked at her and clasped my hands together, looked into her eyes, and said, "Well, honey, daddy and I wanted to tell you something before you go to school next week; because you need to know this before someone else tells you." "I already know you and daddy didn't make me, mommy. You got me from someone who couldn't take care of me." We smiled and looked at her, my husband; "Yes, honey. But this is about something different." "What I wanted to tell you dear, is that mommy was born a boy." My heart was pounding as I awaited a response; I was sure what to expect her to do or say as my mind went all over the place. It felt like several minutes had passed before she responded but I'm sure it was instantaneous. "What do you mean mommy?" she asked with all of the innocence of a child. "Well, honey, mommy was born a boy. And as I grew up I began feeling more like I was a girl inside; so I went to see some doctors and they gave me some medicine that helped me to look more like a girl." "Did daddy know you were a boy?" My husband smiled and responded, "Yes, I did, dear. Your mommy told me on one of our first dates and I didn't care. Because when I saw her I saw a girl, and a girl I really loved. I saw the person she was and that's who I loved." "Do you have boy parts or girl parts, mommy?" We had taught her the basics of human anatomy and differences in sexes; nothing too complex or outside of her years. She didn't know specifically how babies were made, just that it has something to do with the differences between boys and girls between the legs. "Well, mommy was born with boy parts but when I was older I was able to get doctors to give me girl parts, a more girlish face and they gave me special medicine that helped me to look more like a girl. Here look at this?" I took her hand and guided her to feel the skin and hairs on my arm and then had her feel the same on my husband, "See, how daddy's arm sort of feels rough and his hair all prickly, and mommy's skin and hair is smooth and soft?" "Yeah." "Well the special medicine I took helped me to have skin like a girl instead of a boy." "Why did you want to be a girl mommy?" "It wasn't exactly like that, honey. I didn't want to be a girl, I knew I was a girl and I wanted by body to look like a girl's body. When I looked like a boy, I would wake up every day, look in a mirror and see someone who I didn't think was me." "How did you know?" "I just did honey, it's hard to explain. But sometimes when you look in a mirror and you look at your reflection you can just tell if you're looking at you or someone else, and I felt like I was looking at someone else. But when I was changed I started seeing me in the mirror." 'so, is that why you and daddy had to buy me?" I smiled a bit and looked at her. "Honey, we didn't buy you. We brought you home to be ours and to take care of you and love you. Don't think of it as being like when you buy a doll. But, yes, that's why we adopted you. Because they can make me look like a girl, but they can't make my insides work like a girl's, that's why I take special medicine otherwise my body would try turning me back into a boy." Which I knew wasn't strictly true, without my testicles there'd be no good source of testosterone so I'd more become a eunuch than male, but we needn't get that complicated with her. She seemed to be understanding it all. "Mommy, can I be a boy if I want to be?" My husband and I looked at one another and smiled again. "Well, honey, yes. But it's not about wanting to be a boy, you have to really feel like you're a boy. Do you feel like you're a boy?" She seemed to think about it for a moment and said, "Well, I guess not. I like playing with dollies and pretty colors. So I guess I'm a girl." My husband and I tried not to enforce gender stereotypes on her like "boy colors and girl colors, boy toys and girl toys," but I guess some things are just absorbed through the ether of society. "Well, then, you're probably a girl then. But if you felt like you were a boy and you really wanted it, like wanted more than you want anything else in the world. More than you want your favorite toy, or your favorite dinner, more than you want to be with your mommy and daddy. Then you could become a boy, and there are some boys out there who used to be girls." "Did you use to be a girl daddy?" My husband laughed. "No honey. I was born a boy." "Honey, we told you this because we didn't want kids at school telling you this. We wanted you to hear it from us. And not everyone is nice to people when they change themselves; so not everyone is nice to your mommy, so we want you to hear it from people who love you. And if anybody tries to make you feel bad about your mommy you tell them that you love your mommy and then don't talk to them anymore, okay?" She nodded. "And try and not to tell anyone, okay." "Is it a secret?" "No, not really. But we just don't tell people unless they ask or we think it is important for them to know. Okay?" "Okay." A moment passed. Our daughter got up and came over to be and gave me a big hug. "I'm glad you wanted to be a girl mommy, because you make a pretty mommy and I love you." I teared up a bit as I hugged her back. My husband gave her a soft hug to and a kiss on the cheek. After that talk things went along normally and it pretty much never came up again; it was also on that night that my husband and I decided to find a surrogate mother for his seed so he can have a biological child. "If we can arrange it, I want you to impregnate her naturally, I want you to feel a real woman, baby." Yes, I was his first. He shook his head and looked down at me. "You're all the real woman I need, honey. We can let the turkey baster impregnate the mother." I smiled and looked at him, I loved this man. And I'm happy to have found him, and to have such a great life filled with love and being the woman I was born to be.

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My Unwanted Transition

Prologue:My name is Jason, or at least it was. Eighteen months ago I began to have strange pains, and for six months no doctor could tell me what was wrong. The pains grew worse over time, and it felt like my body was going to twist itself apart. That ache was all over, like my bones themselves were breaking apart inside of me. Then, about a year ago, I was referred to a specialized team. They didn’t tell me what kind of team it was, but neither I nor my parents pressed it too much as we were...

2 years ago
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My Unwanted Transition

Prologue:My name is Jason, or at least it was. Eighteen months agoI began to have strange pains, and for sixmonthsno doctor could tell me what was wrong. The pains grew worse over time, and it felt like mybody was going to twist itself apart. That ache was all over, like my bones themselves were breakingapart inside of me. Then, about a year ago, I was referred to a specialized team. They didn’t tell mewhat kind of team it was, but neither Inor my parents pressed it too much as we were willing...

2 years ago
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COVID Transition

A COVID Transition I was working on grading papers when the phone rang. I answered it seeing that it was my wife calling. Following my simple "hello," she let the conversation. "Hello Tricia, how did your class lectures go today? Did you wear the outfit I set out for you today? Did you look good on camera while you were lecturing?" "Yes Ann, I wore the outfit. I was a bit nervous about the black knit top and bralette. The crew neckline concealed the lacy bralette just fine and I could...

4 years ago
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What is my transition about

What is my Transition about? What is my transition about? Well, it might be easier to start with what it isn't. Its not about sex. Let's make something really, really clear. I don't fancy boys. Never had a crush on one as a kid, never had butterflies in my tummy about talking with one, never dreamed of having one kiss me. So put aside any thoughts about me making myself more attractive to men. Its just not the case. As for being a transvestite, well, the simple fact is that...

3 years ago
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Marcus Takes a Spouse Ch 2 Alexs Transition

Marcus Takes A Spouse ------------------------------------ Chapter 2 - Alex's Transition ------------- Marcus heard Marie's moans of pleasure, followed by footsteps. He turned around in his chair and saw Marie, walking down completely naked as if it were something she always did, cum beginning to dry on the inside of her leg. She sat down on the couch and spoke, "you wanted to see me?" "How was it? Is Alex good in bed?" "It was ok, I faked it but he had a good time," she said,...

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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

2 years ago
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My forced transition

not porn just truthTwenty years ago it was suggested that I transition and I said NO! I accepted years ago that I would not transition because of lack of money and that my quality of life would not be good. I did not want to prostitute or become a porn star. So, in my acceptance of my situation, I decided that since I can't find a guy that I would go ahead and start a family. It worked well for quite some time. Two girls and a house in the suburbs.Fast forward a few years.While working as an...

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How I transition

It was June of 2001 I was 21 years old, skinny and horny. But not like most guys my age. I wanted girl cock . The internet was still in its early stages. AOL dial up, remember that shit! I did well in the chat rooms with the ladies. Fucked , black, white and even Asian. A lot of fat black chicks. But I always craved the infamous transgender woman. One day I met Paul, we were chatting about transgender women and how we loved them. Paul came to the conclusion that I didn’t love them I wanted to...

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My Unwanted Transition 9

(Two years transitioned ) With my second anniversary just having passed since I came home, I went out with Andy and Leslie and celebrated. They called it a celebration, but I didn’t see what the big deal was. To me, that part of my life was long over now. I got rid of nearly everything from then, and what I didn’t trash or donate, I packed away. My house resembled my current life, personality, and feelings, and that was all I needed. I understood that Andy and Leslie were happy for me, though,...

Straight Sex
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My Unwanted TransitionChapter 8

(Two years transitioned ) With my second anniversary just having passed since I came home, I went out with Andy and Leslie and celebrated. They called it a celebration, but I didn’t see what the big deal was. To me, that part of my life was long over now. I got rid of nearly everything from then, and what I didn’t trash or donate, I packed away. My house resembled my current life, personality, and feelings, and that was all I needed. I understood that Andy and Leslie were happy for me,...

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The Road To Transition

THE ROAD TO TRANSITION By Lana B. FORWORD This is a sequel to my story "The Syndicate." Had a blast writing it. Enjoy! This story may not be re-posted without the author's permission. PROLOGUE It was Monday morning and Dr. Alan Pendrake was eager to get down to work. He had eagerly anticipated this day's arrival for the entire weekend because he knew that important decisions would be made about the future of The Transgender Institute, which was, more simply, known as...

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CHAPTER 2: THE TRANSITION After my usual long commute home (two subways and a train), I drove my little car the last five miles to my efficiency apartment. I lived in the Western suburbs where we lived when married. After the divorce, he moved away so I stayed put, downsized. It was a relatively safe area and apartments were affordable for a lowly Accounts Specialist. Within the last mile, I stopped to buy two bottles of cheap wine. I was anticipating a long weekend of turmoil. I...

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The Transition Guy Chapters 1 3

Story: The Transition Guy Chapter 1: 1996 - A New Beginning The dreaded moment had arrived at the Lower Merion Country Club. "Happy New Year!" the throng shouted. After two minutes, Alethea's best friend Dale broke lose from husband Keith's embrace long enough to kiss her on both cheeks , hug her "Happy 1996, Thea! Better things arem ahead for you, kiddo!" Alethea tried to hide her wince at the use of her girlhood nickname. Dale was the only one still calling her that as she...

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The Transition

The Transition 1 At last, I see them leaving the house; she is now aloneand no doubt, logging into the computer and; expecting to see me there forour regular chats. Looking around I could see that I am totally free to enter,nobody showing any interest in a delivery guy, I mean, who cares? I go aroundto the back door and finding it unlocked, I quickly slip inside and make nonoise that should alert her to an unexpected visitor. Quietly, I move throughthe house, searching, until I see the...

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My Unwanted Transition 3

( Making a new friend. )Everything seemed to feel normal lately. I didn’t find myself comparing things to my old life as much and discovered that I could still enjoy stuff even though I was a girl now. It had been almost a week since I slept over at Andy’s and it was turning out to be another dull day at work. About halfway through my shift, the supervisor came over and told me to take my break. After finishing with my last customer, I headed for the break room so that I could rest my head in...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part eight reworked

Transition to Vikki part eight (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The story continues. Vikki settles into her new surroundings and with new friends. Plans are made for a visit and the club is seen for the first time.As with the others, this part has been heavily revised since first writing. Typo's, grammar and story plot mistakes have been corrected. Best to read these chapters...

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Transition to Vikki part six reworked

Transition to Vikki, part six (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next chapter of Steven's change into becoming Vikki, initial steps are taken and new friends made.This is the next part of the story, like those before it has been taken back to the laptop and reworked. Additions have been made, some other parts were removed. Typo's were corrected, grammar has been brushed up and...

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Transition to Vikki part five reworked

Transition to Vikki, part five (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Continuing the story of Steve, Gina and Valerie's sexual adventures after his first encounter. This is the next reworked chapter in the story. Altered, edited and amended to remove typos, grammar errors and story cock ups. This follows the previous parts one to four amended editions.As I've seen from other people's...

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Transition to Vikki part four reworked

Transition to Vikki, part four (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of Steven Jennings' tale how he abandons his old life to become Vikki. Valerie and Gina get closer and more life stories are told. This is updated from the original scripts.All original chapters have been rewritten and updated. Typos corrected, grammar put right and plot errors sorted out. Parts have bee...

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Transition to Vikki part three reworked

Transition to Vikki, part three (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of how Steven Jennings became Vikki. A new playmate is encountered and life stories of the main characters begin to be told. Following after the two newer rewrites, this one has also been updated. Typos have been corrected, grammar put straight and plot errors sorted out. Some parts have been added,...

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Transition to Vikki part two reworked

Transition to Vikki, part two (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Continuing the story of Steven Jennings, Gina and his transformation to Vikki. This is part two of the reworked original story. All original scripts have been rewritten to this new format. Changes have been made to streamline the story where I thought it was needed. Typos corrected, grammar put right and story plot...

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Transition to Vikki part one reworked

Transition to Vikki, part one (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The full story of Steven Jennings and how he left his previous life behind for someone new.This story takes numerous chapters to tell. After most of the original drafts were written well over a year ago, I thought it was high time to take them back to the laptop and look at them again. There they were read through,...

2 years ago
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A Step in Transition Part 4 Dreams Fulfilled

A Step in Transition - Dreams Fulfilled Bonnie Lea A few weeks had passed by since Nikki's date with Bryan and she was still thinking about all that transpired that night. Just the thought of touching another man's cock and taking it in her mouth had made her feel so much like a woman that it was all that she cared about now. The pills that Claudia had been getting her to take had obviously done the trick as her breasts were now fully formed and as she looked naked in the mirror all...

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Transition Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The announcement was met with both jeers and cheers. Costume parties in a high school were rare, but they billed it as something else. The school called it the "Who Am I" day. Anyone could dress as any person or character, kind of like cosplay. My mom told me her idea which was crazy, but I was intrigued and nodded my head yes. She had given me three choices. Wonder Woman, Cinderella, or Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Not one...

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My Unwanted TransitionChapter 2

( Making a new friend. ) Everything seemed to feel normal lately. I didn’t find myself comparing things to my old life as much and discovered that I could still enjoy stuff even though I was a girl now. It had been almost a week since I slept over at Andy’s and it was turning out to be another dull day at work. About halfway through my shift, the supervisor came over and told me to take my break. After finishing with my last customer, I headed for the break room so that I could rest my head...

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Transition in Lessor Plumpton

The private bar of the Cock Inn, Lesser Plumpton was a bit more private than most. The residents of the village used it for orgies to which selected paying guests were invited. Currently it was occupied by a couple of country solicitors a doctor. A lab technician and their business people spouses who were fucking as if it was going out of fashion.Di was the Cocks part time cook and had just finished deserts so she went through to the bar to chat to the barmaid. Lisa was filling in as the...

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Transitions Chapters 1

Transitions by Desiree Pleasence Introduction It's hard to believe all that has happened in the past several years. I was a relatively happily married closet cross dresser. My wife, Sherri, was blissfully unaware of my "hobby", though I thought of it as more of a passion. It was a passion that had been with me all my life. Ever since I was a young child, I had admired the beauty of femininity. That admiration manifested itself both as a sexual attraction to glamorous women but...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Transition of My Wife Chapter 4

The Transition of My Wife - Chapter 4 Wearing nothing but women's panties and tied cruelly to a weight-lifting machine with an oversized dildo planted deep in my ass...I suppose this is where I should have been admonishing myself, "Be careful what you wish for." However, no such thoughts were going through my head. I was much too turned-on to be thinking in such a rational manner. Certainly, there were the fleeting questions as to the source of my wife's newly found zest for...

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Transitions Part 1

Transitions By Colleen Shepherd Authors note: The GB (Gender Bimorphism) universe was created by O2bxx the author of "For a Girl". I loved the concept and felt that I had to explore the possibilities from a Canadian perspective. Originally this story was to be called Cross Country Changes, but with the upheaval and adjustments as well as self examination that my main character (named after my self) undergoes the originally planned title didn't fit and was changed to Transitions. This...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The Transition

"The Transition" I was working in the kitchen preparing supper as usual when Joan came in the front door. She hung her coat up then came into the kitchen and set her briefcase on the kitchen table. "Tough day at work today honey?" I asked. She looked tired but still attractive as she approached me, I could hear the click of her high heels as she crossed the floor then felt her arms as she wrapped them around my waist as I stood at the stove. "Just another day at the office" she said...

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The Transition of My Wife Chapter 3

The Transition of My Wife - Chapter 3 Saturday night finally came. My wife and I started out the evening by making a pitcher of golden margaritas. This would help lighten the mood and lower both of our inhibitions. After we had finished a drink apiece, my wife stood up and turned to face me. "I have to get ready for my 'date,'" my wife said, winking at me as she said this. "And, I don't need you in my way." "You need to go downstairs and strip off all of your clothes,"...

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The Transition of My Wife Chapter 2

The Transition of My Wife - Chapter 2 "Is this really happening?" I asked myself. "Is this what I wanted? And, who was in control of the whole thing?" Now that a third party was involved - and given the behavior of my wife - it was feeling less and less like I was the one in charge or was having any say whatsoever, for that matter. But that, after all, is what I wanted: to relinquish control. Correct? My wife and this Jack fellow seemed to be exhibiting a bond between them. It was...

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The Transition of My Wife Chapter 1

The Transition of My Wife - Chapter 1 I pulled against the handcuffs pinning my wrists to the back of the chair that I was sitting in; but, it only sufficed in causing the steel to cut into my wrists. I wondered again to myself where the handcuffs had come from and why my wife had used them to secure me to the chair instead of the more comfortable nylon wrist straps we normally used. I had been cuffed to this chair for over an hour. An hour, during which, I had little choice other...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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My Unwanted Transition 8

( Disappointment )I stepped up to the apartment door, knowing that Andy was inside. I hadn’t responded to his texts, so I was sure he wanted to know how I felt about it. With a deep breath, I opened the door and went in. I went to my room first so I could change into fresh clothes. Next, I went to find something to eat since I skipped breakfast at Skylar’s place.I sat down at the table and ate some cereal while waiting for Andy to come out, which didn’t take long. He came out of his room, sat...

Office Sex
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my transition into manhood

So they told me, not asked that I was going there to do whatever they needed of me to keep the farm going. It was just before puberty and so liking the place I happily agreed. As I arrived there was grandma, she’s young looking for her age, mom says she’ll outlive us all and the way she looked I believe it. Dad and she went into her room for a while to talk and when they came back out she was all smiles and so was dad. Mom smiled saying she was thanking him for letting me stay, I said...

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My Unwanted Transition 6

( Moving up and out )It took two weeks for me to move my stuff over to Andy’s place. The conversation with my parents went about as expected. There was a mix of worry and relief for them. It would be a change for me to be gone, but at the same time, I knew they would be happy to have the house to themselves. This was going to be my first day not going home to them and to my new place instead, to live. I was excited and nervous at the same time, and it was all I could think about at work.“There...

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Transition to Vikki part 10

Transition to Vikki, part tenVikki has her first party night, the weekend continues.This has been rewritten from the original script. Typo's and grammar have been corrected. Story gaps and mistakes put right. Some parts have been added to, others either cut and even some removed. Nothing in the main plot has been affected by these changesChapter lengths have been cut to ensure a more even format. Reading this story,it is better if you keep to this new version, it makes things so much simpler,...

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Transition to Vikki part 10

Transition to Vikki, part tenChapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Vikki has her first party night, the weekend continues.This has been rewritten from the original script. Typo's and grammar have been corrected. Story gaps and mistakes put right. Some parts have been added to, others either cut and even some removed. Nothing in the main plot has been affected by these changesChapter lengths have been cut to ensure a more even format. Reading this...

2 years ago
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Transforming Irene Chapter One The Slow Transition

The Slow Transition:Two years ago, I was a typical wife and mother, living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain with my husband and two daughters. All that changed when, at my husband's urging, I began to explore other aspects of my sexuality. None of my friends, co-workers or family members could ever imagine the things I have done. If you told them about some of my 'adventures', they would never believe it. You see, I have transformed into a woman even I don't recognize at times. A little...

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My Transition

My transition into male sex occurred a number of years ago after my first wife passed away following an extended illness. She had been unable to engage in sex for some time, and so I dealt with my physical needs the best I could, mostly through chronic, habitual masturbation. The months following her passing were very difficult for me emotionally, and I was having a hard time dealing with the grief, and the guilt. I had periodically struggled with bouts of guilt since high school, when I began...

Gay Male
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Transition to Vikki part nine

Transition to Vikki, part nineChapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues here in chapter nineStory continues as Vikki shows them their new country house and prepares for the weekend. This chapter has a lot of narrative. Just think of it all as the necessary groundwork for new settings, characters and story plots to come. So please, bear with it.All the original chapters have been rewritten to remove errors. Typo's, grammar and story plot...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part eight

Transition to Vikki, chapter eight, the tale continuesFirst of all, apologies to all. I know it's been a year since the last episode. What can I say !!, depression's a bitch. Made only worse when you lose interest and belief in your own creation. I'm getting back to myself and the interest in telling the rest of this adventure is returning. Sorry for it taking so long, but..... Vikki is back in business.Bright light filtered in through the open window. Between it, and the slow waving of the...

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Ericas Sexual Transition Part 3

After discovering that I was lesbian, possibly bi-sexual, I had to change my life. I could not stay in Ohio around my friends and family and face them. I grew up being told that being interested in the same sex was one of the worse sins you could commit. I could not be myself in that environment and I would be shunned by family. I made the decision that I would move out of state.I told my family that it was a career opportunity for me. I did land a very nice job as NICU nurse at a world...

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Virtual Transition 1

Virtual Transition--PART I I saw the advertisement on the Internet and it piqued my interest... "A trip to Fantasy Land ...Explore what your imagination conceives without risk. Your dreams made real." The number was called, an appointment made and soon my life was changed forever. Let me explain. Life was good, money no problem and my time was my own due to a large inheritance received on my 21st birthday. All that was missing was adventure. There were many things I yearned to...

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My Transition

This is a story of how I went from a happily married man to a part time servant to my wife and her male lover. It is meant for the reading pleasure of those who are considered adults in their area. Please send your comments and suggestions to [email protected]. I would like to hear from you. My Transition By 4play My wife Pat and I had been married for 15 years when I brought up the idea that we should enter the swinging lifestyle. We had dated each other in high school and...

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Family Transition

This is the story of an Indian managing director who went to Thailand with his family for a vacation. There he met a car accident. The driver was killed & his man organ had been crashed in the accident. The doctors suggested him to go for SRS to live the rest of the life normally. He reluctantly accepted his fate & took the identity of the missing daughter of the dead driver & subsequently married his son. Family Transition: Transformation from a father to...

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A Step in Transition

A Step in Transition Nick had felt really good about himself. Here he was, successful at work, married to a lovely woman who made him feel special and had everything he could ever want. Being the boss of the place had given him a lot of time to enjoy the many hobbies and interests that made him feel happy. There was one in particular that he did not get a lot of time for but he indulged himself whenever he had some moments to himself. Ever since he was an awkward pre-teen he found...

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A Step in Transition Part 2 Enjoying becoming Nikki

A Step In Transition Part 2 - Enjoying becoming Nikki Nick rolled over in bed and opened his eyes. He slowly started to focus on the sunshine creeping through the window and began to remember a dream he had. As the dream began to unfold in his head he drew the covers away and realized that it wasn't a dream at all. Sitting up on the mattress he felt the sudden weight shift on his chest as he looked down to see those mounds resting against the baby doll nightie he is wearing. He...

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Not a Destination The Transition Guy Chapter 8

Chapter 8: ...Not a Destination 9/11 changed everything - especially for Henry and Alethea. Technically speaking since they were in London, you would normally call the 11th of September 2001 as eleven-nine two thousand one. But, there was nothing normal about this day when the planes hit the towers and brought them down. The couple noticed the hubbub brewing about 14:30 as they were having a late lunch. They were aghast. They tried calling Sofia and wanted to talk with the kids...

2 years ago
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Finally Me The Transition Guy Chapters 9 10

Chapter 9: ...Epitaph for Henry On the flight back to Philly, Irene reflected on Henry's past life and usefulness as a prelude to writing his final chapter. She had already resolved that there would be no turning back but the solace of the skies made a fitting backdrop for a final recap. For many years since birth, Henry knew that Irene was his true self in mind and soul. Later, his mother shared with him that because of the horrible periods and roughness she endured, she had...

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