- 3 years ago
- 35
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The text pops up on my phone, apparently just a minor distraction in a sea of meetings and presentations and team-building exercises. But when she looks at it, it says, ‘Unit 4U is called into service.’ And then Haley Keene goes away for a while, and I emerge.
I text back, ‘Unit 4U acknowledges service call,’ and sink into stillness to await further instructions. While I do, I access Haley’s memories of the time since I last emerged from the depths of her mind. I see that we are attending a business conference in San Diego, part of an ascending career path that Haley still believes to be entirely her own doing. This is important information that the Masters need to know, so my fingers twitch back to life just long enough to add, ‘Unit 4U is out of normal service territory.’ Then I return to perfect, placid submission once more.
The Masters respond within minutes. ‘We are aware. The diversion of routine was planned. Excuse and depart, further instructions en route.’ An address follows. I memorize it and slip the phone into Haley’s purse. Then I rise from the conference table, allowing my face to go ashen as I describe a sudden stomach upset.
The excuse is accepted without further comment, and I am allowed to leave. This is definitely different from the corporate practice I know from accessing Haley’s memories, but I remain calm and unsurprised. If the Masters were able to arrange for Haley to take this trip, they almost certainly could arrange for her behavior on it to go unremarked. It is even possible that the Masters run the company Haley works for, but it is not my place as a slave to speculate as to the Masters’ identities. Male or female, young or old, black or white, they direct me and my only place is to obey.
I walk out of the conference hall and hail a taxi, providing them with the address I was given. I sink back into the seat cushions, providing perfunctory but polite responses to the small talk the driver offers, and take out my phone to await my next instructions. Time narrows to a meaningless void as I stare at the screen, a slave has endless patience, and I can wait as long as I need to in order to receive further direction from the Masters.
This patience has also served Haley well-she no longer wastes time at work on meaningless distractions, and she finds herself happy to concentrate on tedious projects for as long as she needs to in order to meet her goals. But it is only when I emerge that we find the true reserves of infinite, depthless obedience that allows me to focus fully on service to the ones that own us both.
The taxi has not yet stopped when I see the next text flash across the screen. ‘Entertainment/Service/Return,’ it says. There is a picture following that text, a woman of Middle Eastern descent in her mid-forties, followed by a name, ‘Masuma Zaman’. I understand that entertaining her is my next responsibility, and I can feel my entire center of being shifting to direct itself around the priority to make her happy. It feels inexpressibly wonderful.
‘Message understood, arrival at first stop imminent,’ I text, before sliding the phone into my jacket pocket. The taxi pulls up to the hotel that is my initial destination, and I pay the driver with a modest tip to make sure the journey is entirely unremarkable. I step out and walk into the lobby, and there she is. I immediately understand that her joy is the most important thing in the world to me, and my mind is filled with perfect pleasure both at the understanding and at my unhesitating obedience in coming to that understanding. I am conditioned to obey, and I am also conditioned to accept my conditioning.
I walk up to her. ‘Masuma?’ I ask. She nods, smiling back at me with undisguised desire. ‘It’s very nice to meet you.’ My voice is carefully neutral as I allow her to set the tone of our encounter. I have no information on whether she is an uninhibited sybarite, or indulging in a cautious tryst away from important responsibilities. My duties demand her safety as well as her enjoyment.
‘And you as well, my dear,’ in a thick accent that I place as Bahranian. ‘You must be Martha.’ And instantly, I am. My name becomes a new part of me, fitting seamlessly into the other instructions that I know I am to obey. Haley is Unit 4U. Unit 4U is a slave, and Unit 4U is commanded to be Martha. So I am Martha. It makes perfect sense to me now. ‘I’ve heard so much about you. Shall we go up to the room and discuss the security arrangements for my visit?’
I nod politely, understanding that this is the fiction that we are using to disguise her intentions. And yet, it also is true to me. I feel a quiet pride at my ability to hold all these contradictory ideas and concepts and personalities so perfectly, but I know that it is truly the Masters who must be proud of their work. ‘Of course, Ms. Zaman,’ I say, politely and professionally. ‘Lead the way.’
She takes me to the elevators, and from there to a penthouse on the 22nd floor. It is vast, but I expected nothing less, the Masters have invested a great amount of time and effort into my programming, and they expect a return on that investment. Slaves serve the powerful, my conditioning reminds me, and while I am not allowed to know why or how, it appears that Masuma Zaman is a very powerful woman.
And one with appetites to match. The moment the door closes, she pulls my jacket down around my wrists to bind them behind my back, and rips my blouse open with enough force to send the buttons ricocheting off the walls. She yanks my bra down and grabs my nipples, pinching them tightly and tugging on them to lead me to the bed. I feel the strong sensation, but I am no longer capable of understanding it as pain. I see on her face that it pleases Masuma, and all things that please Masuma are pleasure to me now.
She pushes me to my knees in front of the bed, and looks down at me with fierce arousal on her face. ‘Do you want my pussy, little slut?’ she growls as she pulls her own clothes off with heedless abandon. ‘Do you want to put that tongue to some good use for a change?’
‘Oh, yes, Mistress,’ I whisper, looking up at her in rapt adoration. Years of conditioning and experience have taught me exactly what Masuma is looking for now, and I eagerly give it to her with the devotion only a perfect slave can provide. ‘I want to put my face between your thighs so badly now, please, please let this slutty little girl lick you, please, I can’t wait to taste you-please!’
It’s not merely words. She could have hired an escort for that, one guaranteed to be discreet with a tongue just as talented. (Or at least with a talented tongue-my education on such techniques was incredibly thorough.) But she wants what only I can give her, a true and aching devotion to her pleasure. I feel it coursing through my body, the absolute and naked need to bury my tongue in her slick pussy and lick until she tells me to stop. This is something she can only get from one of us.
The room fills with the scent of sex as her arousal builds rapidly. She smiles, reveling in my pure and helpless desire for her body, and she sits on the bed with her legs spread wide. ‘Now, slut,’ she says, tangling her fingers in my hair and dragging me closer. ‘Fuck me with your pretty tongue.’
I can’t think of anything else. I open my mouth wide and seal my lips over her mound, grunting with lust as I spike my tongue deep between her labia and push it as far as I can go. The taste of her saturates my senses, and it is impossible for me not to squirm with my own sexual heat as I lavish my attentions on her pussy. Haley has never thought about a woman like this, Unit 4U loves only the Masters, but Martha has fantasized about tongue-fucking Masuma for as long as she can remember. And I am Martha now.
I don’t even think about how long I pleasure her. I only notice when I feel her gushing urgently against my face, smearing me with her juices as she grinds herself against my mouth. Then she drags me up by the
hair again. ‘Oh, that’s so good,’ she moans, pulling me close to suckle at my stiff nipples. I have no choice but to allow her to maneuver me, my hands are still knotted behind my back, and I shiver at the delightful helplessness I feel. ‘Mmmm, ymmmf…’ She rubs herself against my thigh as she sucks, and I feel her teeth leaving tiny love bites all over my breasts.
It doesn’t worry me. Nobody will see them but Haley, and Haley never notices anything I don’t want her to.
My leg feels suddenly slick and wet, and Masuma moans loudly into my flesh as she cums again. I can only imagine how long she’s been anticipating this, how hot it’s made her to imagine all this pleasure waiting for her. She rolls us over, pushing me backwards onto the bed, and spreads my legs wide so that she can grind her pussy against mine. ‘Beg me to cum, slut,’ she growls, her voice thick with lust. ‘Tell me just how much you need it from me.’
‘Please,’ I gasp, squirming under the stimulation that I finally allow myself to feel. ‘Please, I need it so bad, need to be your horny little slut, your fucktoy, please let me cum Mistress, I can’t think, oh, you feel so good, I want you so badly, want to cum with you, please fuck me harder, please oh please oh please!’ I can sense myself becoming exactly who Masuma needs me to be as I speak-a perfect submissive, devoted and adoring and molded to her will. It’s all I want to be now. It’s all I can ever remember wanting to be. Martha is a good little slutkitten, shy and uninhibited all at once, and I am Martha.
‘F-f-fuck!’ Masuma gasps out, grinding her clit against mine with passionate intensity. ‘Oh oh oh OH!’ Her eyes roll back in her head as she cums again, and I match my hips to hers to make the orgasm even more intense. ‘Cum cum cum CUM!’ And then everything goes white as I feel my own climax hit.
She doesn’t stop, though. I count a total of five orgasms before she finally gives in to exhaustion and lets her sated body slump onto the bed. Even then, she curls her legs around me so that she can feel me between her thighs, and she presses her pussy absently against me as she drowses. I feel perfectly content within her embrace, happy on a level that I could never have imagined. I want to lay like this forever. I want to be with Masuma forever. I want to belong to Masuma forever.
Then I feel the phone in my jacket pocket buzz.
I shift slightly in order to pull it out without disturbing my lover, my Mistress, my owner. I find myself hoping against hope that this might be a message that the Recruitment and Return stops have been canceled, that Masuma was happy enough with the way I pleasured her body that she decided to buy me outright and make me her love slave for the rest of my life. I can see myself curling up at her feet, a devoted slut kitten with no will but submission to my perfect queen’s perfect pussy, and it’s all I could ever truly want.
‘Per intelligence estimates, we expect Entertainment to be complete. Move to next task, Recruitment.’ There is an address after the text. There is a picture after the address. There is a name after the picture. I examine all three carefully.
Then with savage quickness, I pin my target to the bed. She struggles, but she’s sleepy, unsuspecting, and drugged with too many endorphins to put up a real fight. Within moments, I have her arms pinned underneath her and her legs helplessly entwined with my own. One hand snakes out to cover her mouth, and the other places the phone directly into her field of vision.
‘Initiate Recruitment,’ I say out loud, and the phone’s display springs to life with a swirling vortex of dizzying color. ‘Watch the lights, slave. You cannot look away.’ She tries for a moment to close her eyes, but she’s already so confused and shocked by my sudden assault that her mind is momentarily off guard. She wants something to latch onto, some island of certainty in a bizarre and unpredictable situation, and the spiral gives her that certainty. And that moment is all that I need to begin programming her.
‘You feel great pleasure when you stare and allow the lights to capture your mind,’ I say. I remember the words perfectly from multiple previous recruitments, all the techniques I was programmed with to program others. Ironically, I don’t remember learning them-the one memory locked away from Unit 4U as well as Haley is the day when we were brought into the service of the Masters. I don’t need to remember that, though. I don’t need to remember anything I wasn’t instructed to remember.
‘You feel your will growing weak and helpless as the lights break apart your resistance,’ I continue. She shouts under my hand, digging her teeth into my palm in an effort to force me to pull away, but I’m no longer capable of understanding it as pain. Enduring her struggles helps me to enslave Masuma, and all things that enslave Masuma are pleasure to me now.
‘The less you resist, the better it feels to you,’ I say, punctuating my words with a slow, measured motion of my hips to stimulate her clit. Her struggles are growing weaker now, her shouts dying down to mumbles as she gazes wide-eyed at the spinning spiral in front of her. She’s so beautiful when she gives in like this and her will collapses into obedience. I can’t imagine anything as erotic as enslaving her for the Masters and bringing her under my power. It’s so sexy to turn her into a mindless slut. It’s all I’ve ever wanted.
‘You know that you cannot resist. You know that obedience always feels better than resistance. You know that you are traveling a path toward perfect obedience, and perfect obedience is perfect pleasure.’ She is mouthing the words a beat behind me now, her stare blank as the power of the hypnotic vortex stills her mind and will. All traces of the powerful, dominant woman who controlled me are lost now, just as ‘Martha’ is losing all meaning to me as a name. We are converging on the same point, and that point is perfect slavery.
I release my hand from her mouth, but she does not try to shout. Instead, when I say to her, ‘You can feel your thoughts turn to the pattern of submission,’ she softly repeats my words back to me. She is submitting. She is not a slave, not yet, but her mind is soft and pliable. She is ready to be shaped. I’m so happy that I could give this gift of obedience to her.
I speak again. ‘Recruitment underway, request deep programming team at my location.’ The phone doesn’t display anything other than the spinning lights that are wearing Masuma’s resistance to dust, but I know that my words have been heard. All I need to do now is continue deepening her trance until my replacements arrive to permanently program her. And I have infinite patience for that.
Some time later, they let themselves in under the guise of janitorial staff. They provide me with replacement clothes, which I don after showering to wash the scent of sex off of me. Then they plug Masuma into the deep brainwashing equipment that will install her full slave programming. ‘Recruitment of Unit 6K under way,’ I text. ‘Requesting further instructions.’
‘Return and awaken,’ the reply says. I confirm, and head down to the lobby with not a hair out of place.
I don’t really notice the trip back to my hotel, other than as a chance to establish my cover by texting Haley’s boss with information about my stomach ailment. Haley will, of course, genuinely feel the mild nausea and cramps that I describe. She’s very well-trained, even if she doesn’t realize it. But I am more obedient still.
When I return to my room, I carefully delete all texts relating to my activation. I lay on the bed, allowing the psychosomatic pain to creep into my mind. And then, satisfied with the knowledge that I obeyed perfectly, I go away for a while. And Haley emerges once more.
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As i felt her pussy start to tighten, and her moans grow louder, i once again rip my dick from her pussy re-gagged and stood, tall.“When did I say you can cum?”she muttered in confusion. So I gasp my whip by the handle and the tip, and strike her across her back.“When….did…I…say….you….can cum?”Threw her gag i heard her mutter. “You didn’t…”“That right…I…DIDNT!” striking her across her back again, and again for good measure.i move towords here head and kneeled down, wispering in her ear. “Now,...
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In the first year of your relationship with Emma you were totally happy, but as time went on you found yourself increasingly sexually frustrated. The almost total lack of sex had been taking its toll on you and the relationship. You knew that if things didn’t change your relationship wouldn’t last. Using this logic, buying the Slave4U aphrodisiac off the internet was really in the interest of your relationship. You were basically doing it for your Emma… at least that’s what you told yourself....
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i was in my cage , sleeping, when my master came in and said“ get up little one” then he unlocked my cage. i crawled on my hands and knees to his side the sat on my knees ,head down.he bent down and pated my head.“good slave” then he hooked a leash on the colar that was way to tight around my neck.and that colar was all i was wereing.“how may i serve you my great master?” i asked.“bitch you know how to serve me!” he said suddenly angrey.“now for your stupidity you will be punished!”he...
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They lazed and idly watched as a speed boat burbled past and slowly approached the islands only slipway, "I guess there's a storm coming?" Lynnie surmised as she looked around and out to sea where another of the tourist speedboats was approaching and storm clouds could be seen creeping over the far horizon "I guess," Jo agreed as she looked across at the shore and waited for Pablo and Anton to return with supplies for their voyage. "Why didn't they stock up in Key West," Lynnie...
The warm breeze barely made the flag flutter on classic 36 foot yacht the "Empress." as she swung at anchor fifty yards or so off the quayside of the only town on a tiny Carribean Island while two vacationing university students, blonde haired blue eyed Lynnie and dark haired brown eyed Jo lay sun bathing in their swimsuits on the sun drenched polished pine foredeck. They lazed and idly watched as a speed boat burbled past and slowly approached the islands only slipway, "I guess there's a...
Okay so before you begin on your journey you are going to have to answer a few questions about yourself. A few warnings this story will most likely contain some pretty dark stuff like torture, scat, piss, etc. For anyone who wants to add go right ahead as long as it's spelt properly I'll accept it (and is hot). This story will be set in the fictional city of Averia, a land where slavery and sexual modifications and many perverse things abound. Enjoy!
BDSM© Copyright 1997 - 2003, bookgirl, All rights reserved. Lana and Jack arrived shortly after 7.30am. My heart was racing faster than it ever had; my mouth so dry my tongue kept sticking to the roof of it. Lana said nothing at first. She just stood there smirking at me, eying me up and down. A bearded giant of a man dressed from head to toe in black stood behind Lana. I couldn't see his eyes; they were hidden behind dark glasses, but I could feel his gaze roaming over me. I had no idea...
"Slut!""Yes Master" I said"My wife is away and i want you to satisfy me.""Yes sir. In which way?""Get the shoolgirl outfit. We'll do detention today!" 'I am only 18 now' i thought. It's funny whoever bothers to read this story, how life can change so quickly. One minute i'm a 17 year old schoolgirl, next i'm in a leather dog collar attached to a leash naked told that i will do as this guy who purchased me says. I got into a...
“He’s waking up,” he heard a voice say. Jim started to bring his hand to his face to rub his eyes only to find it chained to a steel pole as was his other arm and legs. “What the fuck?” he said in a whisper. A bright light was switched on as a slim, dark haired woman with shoulder length dark hair. She was naked and he stared dumbly at her exquisite 38C tits with pinks nipples before looking up into her face. “Hello Jim,” she said. Jim blinked his eyes taking in the woman who...
Introduction: Revenge is exacted on a man by two hot smokin babes with wet pussies! Jim stirred from the blackout that had over taken him and opened his eyes slowly. His head felt groggy and his eyes sore. He hadnt remembered having a hangover this bad in a long time. Hes waking up, he heard a voice say. Jim started to bring his hand to his face to rub his eyes only to find it chained to a steel pole as was his other arm and legs. What the fuck? he said in a whisper. A bright light was...
The bar filled quicker than I imagined it would. I try to slide between the tight pack of bodies on my way to the ladies room. Still, some drunken oaf bumps his arm straight into me and a splash of beer splatters my breast and soaks my bright red dress. I look up to reproach the man, but his red cheeks and toothy grin imply that he probably spilt the beer on me by accident as some kind of misguided conversation starter that only makes sense to drunk guys. Around the pool tables, and down the...
BDSMTina-Slave Tina had been having these strange feelings about her sexuality for years. She had always fantasized about things that would be considered "kinky" by most of her friends. Now, here she was in a situation that only a few months ago she could not have imagined. It all started when she and Marge had been talking about each other's fantasies. Tina had gone first and she had shared her innermost feelings. Marge was very intent, listening to Tina describe how she had always wondered what...
Tina had been having these strange feelings about her sexuality for years. She had always fantasized about things that would be considered "kinky" by most of her friends. Now, here she was in a situation that only a few months ago she could not have imagined. It all started when she and Marge had been talking about each other's fantasies. Tina had gone first and she had shared her innermost feelings. Marge was very intent, listening to Tina describe how she had always wondered what it would be...
Note: This story is completely fictional! As Joey walked home from college, he began to think about his girlfriend, and how she was the only girl in his life. He had only fucked her, and no one else. He was totally faithful to her. Or rather, he was totally faithful to her perfect breasts and her sweet pussy. He was looking forward to spending tonight with her. He walked towards the fountain he always passed. Oddly, no one was around, and because of his thoughts of his girlfriend, his cock was...
GayYour bank accounts at 0. $45,000 in debt, plus monthly living expenses. No job, no friends, no family. You realize this is the end. You can't support yourself anymore. You can beg on the streets, live out of homeless shelters, and be miserable. Or you can become a slave. Under government law, any citizen can give up all rights and become a slave. Their debt is forgiven, and they become the property of someone else for 10 years. The only choice you get is picking your new owner. Some people got...
FetishIt took less than thirty seconds. It was a piece of cake, no sweat, easy as pie. After tasting the chicken, cooked so well done it was dry, and the baked potato that wasn't hot enough to melt butter, Carly tried the vegetables. The broccoli medley would have been better raw, it may have been tender if served well done, but it was leathery in between. The dessert chef must have forgotten to add sugar to the whipped cream, but it didn't matter, by the time the meal part of the banquet was over,...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell Chapter 30 - Collaboration I woke up Saturday morning happy. Things in my life seemed to be going well. Paul seemed to be growing again, and hopefully he would find someone who could return his feelings. I had...
By the time I left work it was late; very late. I closed and locked my office; made sure the office was secure and made my way down to the parking garage. I said goodnight to Marc the security guard, the young man asked if I wanted an escort; I smiled politely and told him I didn’t park that far out, but thanked him for the offer. As my heels clicked over the cement I had a moment of panic, I swore I had parked closer. The parking garage was lit, but barely, the lighting was comparable to every...
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Reddit NSFW ListIf you've read any of my previous writings here on Lush, you know by now, my wife has experienced some incredible and, for me, almost unbelievable sexual experiences. To know her as I do and to hear her telling me about the men she was with and then things she did was impossible for me to fathom initially. But, as she told me of these exploits and went into such graphic detail, I came to the realization that, yes, indeed she did these things and, incredibly, she enjoyed them all so very...
TrueRebecca As my dad had advised, we had appointed a Scottish solicitor to deal with the transaction regarding the buying of a house. He said this would be the easiest way to go about it since the Scots law was different from that which prevailed in England. Rory being Rory, he found a young solicitor, Ross Donnochie, who after a few years working for others had now opened his own practice which he was running with the aid of his wife, who was a qualified legal secretary whom he had met in his...
I came home from work today to find my sexy wife laying in bed with wet panties on as I got closer to her I could see white cum all over her thighs. I knew right away that she had been fucking someone right before I got home she knew that I couldn’t resist sucking cum out of her well used pussy. She reached down and removed her panties and offered them to me I stuck them up to my nose and smelled the fresh cum that had leaked out of her pussy and ass and had been trapped in her panties.I took...
The boss's wife, Kelly, was 32 years old, the mother of their two c***dren, and an integral part of their business team. She was also beautiful, blonde, slim, and unbeknownst to me, a sexual dynamo. I was 18 years old at the time. This was my second summer working for the small construction company. I also worked for them between summers after school in a high school vocational program to learn the construction business. I had come to know the entire family very well. The business was run from...
After two years of hard work, I’ve finally come as close to being a woman as possible. The hormones and drugs that I’ve been taking for the past five years have made my body and voice quite feminine. With the help of toning exercises, I now have long slender legs, a soft and juicy ass, very feminine hips and a thin waist. My skin is very soft, smooth, and white thanks to the skin care products that I’ve been using every day. Also, with the help of makeup, I look totally passable as a hot and...
Would you call yourself a Porn Top, or are you more of a smut bottom? However you define your relationship with dirty movies, I bet you’re really into them; otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this here on ThePornDude. Hey, don’t feel bad. It’s a well-known fact that the web consists of 94% pornography and 6% MLM schemes, and I’m not about to try pushing some diet pills or yoga pants on you. You and me, we’re into the same shit, which is why I think you’re going to like this next...
Free Porn Tube SitesMickey was the woman that most men spend their life hoping to find. Great looking in a wholesome girl next door sort of way. A fantastic cook and a baker who won prizes at the county fair each year. She was the adoring mother of three wonderful c***dren, she sang in the church choir, and taught Sunday school classes. She volunteered her services to various local charities, was recording secretary of the PTA and even with all the above going on she still found time to spoil me rotten. But as...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Fourteen Authors note: I commenced writing this story in 2002, so any time line reference or dates in the story are based on 2002. Karen. Chapter Fifty Nine We arrived at Kim's place at two. The butler took our bags from the car and showed us to our room. We freshened up and went downstairs to the party. We scanned the guests for Danielle. Laura had a death grip on my arm, "Don't you dare leave me by...
Hi, this is Charan again. Firstly, thank you for all your response to my email. I appreciate your comments and look forward for more. So, this is the continuation of my previous story “Abroad trip, tripped my undies”. I am naming this story as “The Second Night” since this happened the very next night as described in the previous one. Here we go: After awesome sex experience previous night, we both were exhausted and slept in each other arms. We had good sleep and woke up at 6 AM next morning....
The women around Kate suddenly started behaving in odd ways, seemingly not even noticing anything strange going on. Is Kate the culprit? Or is it all just coincidence?
Mind ControlIt's at times like these that one has to ask, "How did I manage to get myself into this bind?" Let me describe my present predicament. It's difficult for me at the moment but I will try to do my best. I'm kneeling, in the centre of my wife's dressing room, with my knees pressed into the plush pile of the carpet. A thin stainless steel wire is attached to a strong supporting hook in the ceiling and runs vertically down to and a small stainless steel quick release clip which is...
Flashback – Jack – In Moscow one week later One lonely as hell week in Russia and it isn't anything like I thought it would be. Here I am alone again, like I have been every night. I never figured that I'd need to speak Russian since I assumed I would hang out with Banzai. But Banzai is out having a hell of a time with his new Spetsnaz friends and I'm stuck here without even a decent damn TV station to watch. I did venture out once at night and promptly got lost - it was embarrassing as...
“So, have you picked him out yet?” “I’m still weighing my options.” “We all know you’re taking Henry home. He’s your favorite. You practically humped him on the dance floor.” “What can I say? His package is huge.” I sat with my three friends, listening to them decide what poor soul they would be taking home for the evening and using wantonly. I call them ‘poor souls’ because my friends had a tendency to make these men take them to the fanciest hotels, insist on ordering expensive room...
CHAPTER 1It’s All About the PantiesLogan My story starts in the summer. That glorious time of year when there is no school and no responsibilities. Specifically the story starts in the summer when I was f******n. The summer began, as they always do, with that giddy, free, ecstatic feeling knowing that I could do as I pleased. No deadlines. No homework. I could stay up late, or even all night. I could sleep in. I could goof off with my friends all day long. I could even do my chores at...
My name is Evelyn. A rather apt name might I say because Evelyn is one of those bi-gender names that can be either male or female. I am not sure that the term bi-gender actually exists, but I have made it so. My mother had a love affair with the writing of Evelyn Waugh when I was born, a male writer, and decided that I would share his name.In retrospect, she was rather astute, because I am quite effeminate. Standing five-foot-six tall and weighing one hundred and ten pounds, I usually buy my...
Gay Male