Sissyslave free porn video

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Sissyslavenancy By Butchcd I am a totally straight looking guy, not so tall - 173cm - with a somewhat stocky build, but lean and lightly muscled from my years of swimming. I guess you could say I have something of a rugby player's build. I am not so young - 47 - but I keep myself in good shape and although gay there is nothing effeminate about me. I state all this to show that I am in no way what could be considered a suitable candidate for being feminised. And I must say nor did I ever fantasise about this. I was always happy in my male body. If anything I resisted the slightest suggestion of femininity in my mind set. At university I had refused to go to a vicars and tarts party because no way was I going to put on women's clothes, even for a laugh. I knew with my body shape that I would look ridiculous and totally unconvincing. I was mocked for this - the idea was after all about making us look ridiculous but I stubbornly refused, denouncing it as 'stupid'. Some of my friends actually looked pretty good as women - but they tended to be slim in build. Now I must confess that, for all my outwardly straight appearance, I harboured some pretty strange fantasies - of being dominated, forced to serve a man and be his slave. And this is something I explored increasingly throughout my 20s. But in truth I was a pretty bad slave - I was manipulative and controlling, albeit doing it from the bottom. I found myriad excuses and devices and strategies and plans to get my own way so that the poor, so-called Master became my enabler, my facilitator. He ended up dancing to my tune. Occasionally I would find a man who would make use of the fact that I was bound and gagged to push me further than I wanted to go. I would always bad mouth him afterwards and accuse him of having forced me into non- consensual acts - and then I would walk out and 'blacklist' him as someone who had overstepped the mark. So I became more and more of a pushy, controlling bottom. But as I got older it became more and more difficult to find play partners - older guys tend to shift to being dominant, more out of necessity than actual desire - but it does mean that they can get their hands on willing young, attractive slave boys. Those Masters who did not mind older slaves tended to get annoyed with my tightly controlled limits so that, one way and another, I was seeing much less action than in the past. I toyed with the idea of becoming a Top myself -but it was simply not in my nature and I had enjoyed so many years of getting my own way as 'slave' that I was unwilling to give it up. Of course I used the internet for wank relief, lying like mad and depicting myself as years younger than I actually was. And of course in the safety of cyberland I could become a slave to the extent that I had never been able to achieve in life. Whips don't hurt on the internet! Nor do brandings, piercings, nipple torture and all the other painful activities that were so much part of my fantasy life but so glaringly empty from my life experience. Then I met Gabriel online. Well he was different from the outset. He had no time for all the trappings of cyber sex - exaggerated respect for the Master, pitching into sex talk at the drop of a hat, or indeed anything that might titillate and excite. Instead he gently probed me as to my experience and I found myself dropping my usual bragging of unexperienced experiences and, little by little, becoming more truthful. I was discovering one of the dangers of the internet - that it can lead to a feeling of intimacy, encouraged by the fact that one is at home, typing information to a stranger that one has not met and that one, usually, never will meet. Nor was this a one-way 'truth' session as he was open to any questions I might have for him. He controlled the conversation, however, and chose when it ended, leaving me with a strange feeling of exhilaration and frustration. In my mind I began to formulate the idea that this was the man who might really break through all my resistance and lead me to a kind of promised land where my fantasies might be realised more fully than they had been in the past -and yet without damaging me, physically or psychologically. I could barely wait for him to be online so that we could continue the chat. I wanted to know more about him because I sensed that here was someone intelligent, sophisticated, someone possibly worthy of the respect that I had always acted for men I privately considered idiots. And so it continued - he would come online most days, around seven in the evening, and we would chat for thirty minutes or so. I found myself becoming increasingly open with him and began to detail my fears, my hopes, my expectations. Then, finally, after some weeks of this, he asked me if I would be willing to meet him - in a public place, one to one, without fetish gear involved, just two guys getting together for a drink or a coffee. Well, this had never happened to me before! If I did ever get to the stage of arranging a meeting it was always done within the confines of a strictly detailed scenario, involving the clothes I was to wear, the time of arrival; there would be the open door, I would enter, stand in the hall and strip and put on whatever I had been detailed to wear or what he had provided. In this way my first sight of the 'Master' had always been 'in role' - for both of us. On those occasions my heart would be beating wildly and my mind already racing with plans to manipulate and find a way out of any situation I found too dangerous. When I thought about it I realised that I had never ever fully trusted someone and that without that, all my efforts at finding my slave nature were doomed. Now here I had an opportunity for a considered assessment. Of course we had exchanged photographs so I knew what he probably looked like - probably because there had been occasions when the photographs were those of the 'Master' taken some years ago. I had been guilty of that myself. Misrepresentation - often really just wishful thinking, that one still looked like the best photos of five years ago - is another common malpractice in internet connections! But during the period of our chats I had become increasingly honest, slowly bringing my pictures up to date. Somehow I trusted that he had done the same. And he had. The man sitting opposite me in the quiet corner of an ordinary bar was indeed the man I had seen in the photographs. Tall, in his fifties and in reasonable shape, hair slightly thinning, going grey, there was no doubt that this was the man I had seen in the photos. But what really impressed me was his manner - calm where I was nervous, and with the quiet confidence of someone who was used to being in control. The most notable feature was his eyes, which were blue and penetrating. Immediately I knew that this man was dominant in a very natural way - there was nothing theatrical about the way he assumed control - of ordering drinks, of taking charge of the conversation. I talked too much - I guess as a way of masking my nervousness though I suppose if anything it drew attention to that. He let me prattle on until I ran out of steam; then looking me in the eye he said, 'You are afraid of giving up control - you want to hang on to it as a protection. And I think you are afraid of that because you are afraid of what you will find deep down within yourself.' Somehow I felt that this man could read me - that he would know when I was being manipulative, when I wanted things to go my way and only to the extent I allowed. After that, I opened up more, talking of my fear of pain, of releasing the wilder fantasies that were the usual accompaniment for my masturbation sessions. And the upshot of this was that I agreed to go to him - for a weekend and not just a few hours - and soon. Yes, I was still nervous and afraid, more so than with other Masters because I felt that this one could not be fooled, that all my ploys would prove useless with him. This made me vacillate in my decision to meet him. One day I couldn't wait for the appointed day to come, another I would spend time thinking of excuses to postpone. But deep down I knew that I had been given a real opportunity to find out just where fantasy ended for me and reality began. So I presented myself at his house as directed, on time to the second (though he had not insisted on this) and dressed in my usual casual clothes of jeans, t-shirt, trainers. I carried a small bag with basic toiletries - and that was all. He opened the door, also casually dressed and I went in. The next hour was spent putting me at my ease, getting me to relax. I knew he liked fetish gear - I had seen the pictures of him in leather and rubber and, if anything, I was disappointed that he was not wearing something along this line. But I remembered that he had told me that the gear for him was an outer show of inner intentions; that he liked to dominate and control with or without fetish gear. I felt a little cheated all the same, that there were not these outer signs to help prepare me for what lay ahead. Then the time came to start. I removed my clothes, folded them neatly and put them to one side. Always looking deeply into my eyes, he fastened a leather collar around my neck, attached a chain to it and led me out of the living room, down the corridor and into a room that was bare of furniture but which had various restraints and manacles attached to the walls and a number of pulleys and metal bars hanging from the ceiling. He led me to the centre of the room, lowered a pulley and attached my wrists to restraints hanging from a metal bar. Then he pulled it back up again so that my arms were extended above my head; not uncomfortably so - I was still standing flat on the ground. Then he 'inspected' me, running his hands over my body, feeling the muscles. My cock was standing to attention but this he ignored while he felt the rest of me. Moving behind me, he continued his inspection, then placed a hand over my mouth and gently pulled my head back on to his shoulder. Ordinarily I would have resisted at this point but I found myself folding back into him in a wholly trusting way. 'Good,' he said and then left the room. Heart pumping, I waited for him to return. Minutes passed, and my arms began to ache a little. My mind kicked in with all sorts of sudden fears - was this the point at which his hitherto gentle manner would drop and I would find myself at the mercy of a psychopath? I squirmed a little but noticed also that my cock was still hard. But then I remembered the security measures he had forced me to take before coming to him - phoning him on his fixed line at a time of my choice to verify the number, his name, address, and his photograph sealed in an envelope on my desk (he had asked me to give it to a friend with the instructions to open it and contact the police if I had returned home and phoned by midnight on Sunday but even I felt that this was going too far and I had not wanted to take any of my friends into this confidence). These memories had the effect of calming me somewhat and then he entered the room, now dressed in a leather uniform - shirt, breeches, tall boots, Sam Browne belt - and appearing very much the masculine figure of so many of my fantasies. He also carried a bag, which he placed on the floor beside him. Unzipping it, he extracted a bit gag. 'Open your mouth,' he said, quietly. I did so and he placed it in my mouth and fastened it behind my head. Then a padded leather blindfold was placed around my eyes, comfortable but excluding all light. I tried to protest a little, swaying back and forth in my restraints but his hand came up to steady me - 'Easy, easy,' he muttered. I felt his breath close to me, steady and regular, and I calmed again. Now his mouth was at my ear and I heard him almost whisper into it, 'Your real problem is your ego and until I strip you of that you will never be a slave. Isn't that true?' I thought about it for a few seconds, then slowly nodded. 'I am going to strip you of that, little by little, but you must relax. Anything I do to you for the present will hurt you in no way. I am not going to beat you or whip you. But I am going to change you, to transform you. It is what you need, more than anything else. OK?' Again I nodded. I felt reassured, safe. Pain had always been a turn-off for me. I relaxed. Now that I could not see my hearing leapt to my defence. Suddenly it was sharper - my mind was still active, trying to imagine what lay ahead of me. I thought of chains being locked on to me, of wearing leather or rubber, and again my cock rose higher. My other senses were heightened too. I seemed to feel his hands on me in a way I had not felt touch before. I sniffed the air to see if I could anticipate what material I might feel against my body - but I recognised nothing. He had moved behind me and I felt something soft encircling my waist and upper body. I racked my brain as to what this could possibly be - and then I felt a tightening. I could hear the sound of something being pulled tighter and tighter around me. I felt straps dangling from the bottom. And then it hit me - it was a corset. He was putting me in a woman's corset. It was then I rebelled, waving back and forth on my restraints, even kicking out, struggling, resisting, trying to shout out behind my gag. What I was saying was, 'Stop this, you bastard! This is not one of my fantasies. We never spoke about anything like this. We never discussed this. This is a complete turn-off for me,' and more along those lines. But I need not have bothered. He could not hear a word I said, nor did he stop in the slightest. He just went on pulling and pulling the damned thing tighter. Next I felt my arms being pulled higher in the air so that now I was on the tips of my toes. The tightening resumed and I had to stop my inarticulate shouting as I began to gasp for breath. My waist was being pulled in, in and I knew it was smaller, much smaller though I could not see it. Finally he tied it off and I sensed him move away from me. I felt my face redden, not only from the tightness of the corset, but also from the humiliation I felt. I was embarrassed. I was glad I could not see myself. But I did calm down. There was nothing I could do. I tried to rationalise this - maybe it was not what I thought after all but some kind of bondage device - it felt like that - and at the thought of that my cock rose again. I heard him chuckle - but I was soon to be disabused of this notion. Next I felt him in front of me, pushing something on to my feet. Again not leather or rubber, something softer than that - silk! A stocking! A woman's stocking. I felt it being pulled up my leg and then fastened to the straps that dangled down. The same thing was repeated on the other leg. Yet there was something so sensual about the feel of this on my legs. Again my cock hardened further. My mind was in a whirl. I was definitely being feminised and yet it was turning me on. Back at my feet again he raised one foot and squeezed it into a shoe. As I came to rest again I knew that it was a shoe with an impossibly high heel. I was no longer on tiptoe but resting on a high, spiked heel. The same happened to the other foot and then I felt my arms begin to drop until they were at my side. The relief from the strain was wonderful but again rebellion reared its head as I tried to shake the shoes of and my hands felt for the laces on the corset; but they had been tied behind me and I could not get at them. Still I flailed about, trying to shed the shoes - but a strap had been buckled round my ankle and I could not shake them off. I started crying - I felt so humiliated and helpless - but my cock was still hard. And then I felt him removing the blindfold and I could see that I was tightly bound into a black, satin corset, that my waist had been reduced by at least three inches, that my legs were encased in black silk stocking and my feet felt crippled in the patent leather, black spiked heel shoes. I tottered a little on these heels but managed to remain upright. And then he was in front of me holding a full-length mirror so that I could really see the changes he had effected. This was so recognisably ME, Peter Davison, but changed so much too. My physical form was transformed - my waist looked impossibly narrow and the corset had the effect of pushing my pectorals upwards so that they began to look like burgeoning breasts. But my head and face were unchanged, my hair was in the same masculine cut. More than anything else I felt bewildered. What strange kink was this of his? I was angry and glared at him. I felt he had cheated me. He looked at me, a slight smile playing on his lips. 'Have you ever, in your deepest fantasies, ever seen yourself as a French Maid?' he asked. I shook my head vehemently, again trying to shout behind the gag. He laughed. At that moment I felt I hated him. And he had by no means finished 'transforming' me. To be continued.

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The 39 year old, British technician, Mr Robert Taylor, sat alone sipping tea in the lounge of the Sheraton hotel Karachi.He had finished early for the day and sat watching people, especially the women, go by in the hotel lobby.Rob had been surprised at first by how more liberal Pakistan seemed. The women did not walk around in black sheets or veils as he expected. The majority seemed content to be in a loose trouser and shirt suit known as Shalwar Kamiz. It had not taken Rob long to see that...

1 year ago
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The Guard

It has been a long, boring night. In just a little bit the sun will rise.. My squad of men are highly efficient battle tested soldiers. Some might even call us cold and cruel, but I prefer the words deadly efficient. We are on guard duty. It is never a good idea to take duty lightly. We are not going to let people get to our prisoner, and we definitely are not going to sleep on the job. Those who fall asleep on guard duty or let their prisoner escape are never given a second chance. Failure was...

1 year ago
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BTVS Dawns Wish Part 2

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Dawn's Wish Part 2 Closing time was by far Anya's favourite part of the day. She tried not to say that allowed too often as it made Xander all pouty, but as much as she loved spending time with him, especially when they were having sex, closing time only came five times a week. She saw Xander and had sex with him a lot more than that, so Anya didn't understand why she should be frowned upon for savouring this precious time above anything else. After all this was the...

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Maple Heights Ch 1

Valentine’s Day was Millington Chase’s favourite time of year. In the evening, he opened his mansion for a group of people selected through to attend a special party.His business was a small side-line but it gave him an immense amount of pleasure. It was certainly far more fun now than his main company, Maple Heights Investments. That had been causing him quite a few headaches of late.With deals falling through and endless staffing issues, he was more than disgruntled. Although he’d always...

Office Sex
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 12

A week later Eric had called her to arrange another tryst. "With you and Devon?" she asked expectantly. "No someone new and quite different." "Really? How so?" "Let's just say that he'll be introducing you to a side of yourself that you haven't as yet discovered." "Being a bit mysterious aren't we?" "No, not really. It's just time that an adventurous woman like yourself found a purpose in life." "I don't..." "It will all become clear on Friday... that is the night...

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The Employees Sister Who Went Under Me

NOTE: 100% Fiction. I am Tarun of Shimla. I have a store dealing in souvenirs and other such items, which attracts a lot of tourists to my place. I am 27 of age, single, about 5ft 9in and good looking. I have here an incredible story to share with you. One of the employees in my store had his stocks all mixed up and couldn’t account for some shortages in his books. He gave me lame excuses at length and couldn’t convince me to any of his excuses. I had given him a seven days notice to produce...

Erotic Fiction
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Summertime child Part 3 of Reaping of the Benefits

My father and I have been living together and having sex on a regular basis for almost two years now. He is a sexy senior citizen, and I am a single, 30-something woman who never found anyone my age to be appealling. Daddy and I have a wonderful sex life. He's getting on in years, but we still manage to have wild sex, including anal (which is our favorite!) sometimes with the benefit of viagra. While prescribing, Dr. Simmons looked at him, over his hornrimmed glasses, pretty strangely. Daddy...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 50 New Nurse More Therapy

Breakfast was at seven-o-clock. The thirty something lady who delivered it had a grin a mile wide on her face as she looked from my face to my groin and back again. "What?" I asked while managing to keep a straight face. Oh I suspected what was on her mind but I wanted to embarrass the woman into telling me. Fat chance of that it turned out. She laughed as she poured out my black coffee for me. "You know very well what, young man. But, if you have to know, you're the talk of the...

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Little girl tries to wrestle her buff Bossq

Your working hard as usual, but today you finished early.You call me to find out what I'm doing and where I'm at. I'm just leaving the gym and you want nothing more than to see me with my body tight and muslces hard. I hurry over to your place..Very pumped, crazy and full of energy. Stopping to pick a flower and put it behind my ear. I run to your door and knock. Your still wearing your nice blue shirt and tie, loosened a bit around your neck, black suit pants and belt. I have a little cute...

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Loris and MorgChapter 14

"God Damnit, First ... I don't know isn't going to cut it. Find out." "Yes, Sir." First Sgt. Smith, an E-8 with 32 years in, turned away from the Colonel and shouted to his people, "You heard the Colonel ... find out." The E-6's turned to the E-4's and screamed, "Set up a perimeter, Radio ... you're with the First ... move it, move it, move it." "First!" shouted the Colonel. "Sir." "Get those choppers in and send out a squad. Use the Blackhawk. Three men on the military...

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My Friends 43yo kinky Mother Fixed Formatting

My name is Arthur and my best mate, back then, was Mike. We met in the early years of high school and became best friends. Often, we would have sleep-overs at each other's house. Our friendship continued after leaving school at 16, and we got jobs working in the same factory. Every Friday, from age 18 on, we would 'clock off' from the factory and get ready to hit the town's nightlife. (In the UK, back then, you had to be 18 to go to night clubs and bars.) Payday was like...

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Kelsey Dad How could you let that man do THAT to me

Prior: Kelsey – “No Dad Stop.” Prior: Kelsey - “Dad that cannot happen Again” Prior: Kelsey - “Paying The Rent” Patel was at least twice Kelsey’s size. He had her pinned against the table as he rubbed up against her. I was holding her arms from the other side of the table. “Bastards. Let go of me. Get that fat fuck off me. Dad, this is going too far.” “Kelsey, we got to take care of the rent, you need to help out.” “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGG” Kelsey let out a...

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Housekeeper pt1

1.PreludeAfter almost 20 years of legal profession, I was now an accomplished lawyer: I had my own firm, several younger lawyers working for me, big and important clients, a sports car, and a house on the hills overlooking the city.But my personal life was a mess: I had no friends, only coworkers and clients, and most importantly, my wife left me. We met during college, and had a very torrid relationship at the beginning. We were virgins when we met, so we discovered everything together. And we...

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Facebook Chat

Facebook ChatMe: I can tell you are really into this topic. That was the quickest you have ever! Saying no. Seems impossible.I'm feeling wet just picturing that moment...Friend: Calm down with telling me how wet you feel. You have my dick feeling like it's on an overdose of So stiff, my island peeps can use it as a diving board. BTW, not many topics gets replied to as quick as sexual conversations does. And you're right, I LOVE THIS TOPIC! Too bad it can't be offered...

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Ancient Wisdom

Stephanie was completely fed up and had had it with all of this pregnancy shit. It was her first one and had it had been a complete accident. She was already 8-months along and it was a bit late for having regrets and second thoughts now. She just hadn’t realized the physical and mental toll this strange condition would exact. Of course she had expected some changes in her body but not the negative effect on her self-esteem and especially her sexuality. Her husband wasn’t being of any help...

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Sex With A Bangalore Aunty

Hi, my name is Aryan (23) from Bangalore with another sexual encounter. A month ago I had been to an event at Pheonix mall and came across a couple of people. Soon all of us became friends over Facebook and had a separate WhatsApp group. So then I posted the pics of our event. And suddenly I got a message from this wonderful lady. Her name was Kaveri and later I got to know that she was 38 and had two kids as well. Soon we turned to Whatsapp. Then I got to know that she had a lot of affairs as...

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27 Minutes Part 3 of 3 Lhotel

The luggage only just made it through the door ahead of us before it was forgotten. I wriggled out of my sandals and flung them in the doorless wardrobe as Adam hopped on one foot removing his second shoe, then we crushed together and spiralled into the room, kissing and groping as we went. Stopping just short of the bed, he grabbed my butt again and hiked the skirt up to my waist as our tongues duelled wetly. The sexual tension of the day had made us both on the brink of boiling point and...

Quickie Sex
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Attacked by a white man

Introduction: a mother and a daughter consensually submitting to a black man I enjoy getting feedback on my stories good or bad. I try my best to inform my readers as to the content of my stories so that they can decide BEFORE they read it if it is something that they would not like. I do not like stories with scat, heavy pain, or snuff as themes and I do not read them, So if you know you dont like a story before you read it is not fair to the author to rate it as a bad story because of your...

4 years ago
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Maza Mom Ne Amcha Vishwas Todla Marathi

Hello Friends me Abilash 21 yr old , punya madhe rahto with mom ani dad sobat , tse bagayla gele tr me iss cha khup zuna reader ahe jya storya me vachun me anand ghet hoto tech real madhe practical mazi aai mrs madhuri karat hote hey mala recently samjle br ata me maji story start krto maje dad govt officer ahet ani aai maji teacher ahe maza mom dad cha lagnala 23yr zalet , amcha 3bhk bunglow ahe mazi aaie tshi lagna adi pasun te ata paryant khup hot ani sexy ahe tichi fig 36 30 36 asel .. Tr...

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Unloading For Mom

I'd been feeling really good lately, sort-of on cloud 9. There's something about getting laid well and often that really makes a guy feel alive, y'know? Anyhow, I was hanging out in the living room playing some video games and listening to music, having a good old time, when I heard my Mom come in from the Garage and from the sound of it she was carrying some plastic bags. That meant she'd been to the store, and that meant maybe she had some potato chips or something – I'd looked for some...

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One More Chance

Here I am, sitting in business class, on a 727 heading to Portland. This is just a normal business trip, clients to wine and dine, deals to close. Yet, I am nervous. I open the book I brought along, trying to lose myself for a while in a world where others are the focus of indecision and strife. I read the same paragraph three times and still cannot comprehend the words. With a sigh, I set their world aside, picked up my laptop and returned to my own indecision. Billy, Could I come and see...

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Victoria Rodger enemates

Wirepaladin ******************************************************************************************************************** I’m depressed. Sitting here with just my kitty cat for company, I’m in a blue mood. I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Victoria Barnett, a single 26 year old woman. I’m a junior loan officer with a local bank. I’m 5’4” tall and weigh 109 pounds and have strawberry blonde hair. My looks, I suppose, would be rated only a little above average, although...

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The Princess and the Curse of Sodomy

It was becoming known to the staff of the High Palace of Amrose not to investigate the grunts and groans that came from the cellars of the palace. No maid or footman wanted to come across the sight of the Prince Gonlon, naked and rutting against the servant girl. And especially the day before his marriage to a fair beauty from across the sea. Instead, they avoided the part of the cellar where the groaning was coming from and carried on with their business. If they had gone to look after the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Hello friends I(Rahul) am back. Today I will tell you a true story. I have a close friend. One day he said yaar come with me I have to go to school. I laughed and said now at this age you will go to school. He said no I have to pick up my niece who is in 11th class as driver has not come today. I agreed and went with him. When his niece came out of school he introduced her to me. Neha he is uncle. She said a cool hello and entered the car. We left her at his residence. She was dusky and in...

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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 23

Peter enjoyed Thursday’s early morning swim, taking this time alone to plan the day. The air hadn’t warmed yet and the water, though tepid, was refreshing as he floated idly awaiting Jennifer’s arrival. ‘Got cha!’ Peter heard the shriek as two soft hands sent him to the bottom. Spluttering and coughing he surfaced to see Jennifer’s face close to his. ‘Jennifer, I love you so damn much it hurts, but that won’t save you!’ and he dived to catch her. Lifting her high against his chest he growled,...

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"LOOK OUT, JOE! RUN LIKE HELL!" But I was already too late. Cpl. Joe Fredricks had reached toward the little girl to accept the flower she had offered to him. The explosion that followed had smeared his blood and hers, along with two of his buddies, all over the wall of the nearby mud brick building. Bits of body parts were scattered about the dust of the street, and they were slowly covered by the dust that settled from the air. That same dust that had been blown into the air by the...

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Sexy Fun With Veronica and Lisa

I really hate that my wife’s body has changed so much over time. When we first got married, she was very fit and took care of what she ate. She always cooked very healthy meals. I always loved that she liked to take very good care of herself. That was what made me fall in love with her. She had a smoking hot body and knew how to work it. She'd get waxed and had manicures and pedicures regularly. She had her hair cut and colored every few weeks. Now my wife doesn’t go to the gym so much and has...

2 years ago
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No Means NoChapter 7

Katie Dalton, Monday January 10, 2011 By the time I got downstairs, Taylor and Shelby were already eating breakfast. Mom was drinking her coffee and watching the morning news. It was something about a court decision. "Well I'll be," Mom said. I could tell she wasn't happy. "What is it?" I asked. "Have you seen this?" "Seen what?" "They're making every kid in Texas go to school naked," Shelby explained. "What?" "It's that naked in school program," Mom said. "How can...

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