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It was almost 7:00. I waited nervously in my room for Steveto arrive. Steve was my boyfriend. My very first, real, live, boyfriend. Having a real boyfriend ushered me into the echelons of girls in the school who mattered. Having a boyfriend meant you were somebody, you were linked into the social hierarchy of high school and got to look down on all the virgin wallflowers waiting for someone to pick them out.

I could hardly believe that Steve had picked me out. I was almost a nobody, just a nerdy sophomore girl with a few friends in the math club. I had just turned sixteen a few weeks earlier, and I was about two echelons of popularity below the rich girls with their fancy clothes and the cheerleaders. I didn’t even get invited to the same parties. Steve, on the other hand, was a top dog on the swim team and a senior. Tall, handsome, athletic, popular. Somehow he had decided that he wanted me.

The doorbell rang and I rushed down to the door. My mother was already there answering it.

“You must be Steve” she said, smiling. She shook his hand.

Steve was well presented. Clean cut, affable, nice smile, and those good looks. “Evening, Mrs. Murphy. I hope Jane is ready to go. We’re going out to the drive-in tonight.” Steve offered me his arm.

“Of course. You must be anxious to get going. Well, have a good time,” Mom said, ushering us out as I grinned, gladly taking his arm as we walked out to the car.

We got in. The movie was so-so, but we didn’t spend much time watching it. We were too engrossed in each other. “You’re so great,” he said during a break from making out, “you’re so mature, not like other girls.”

“Really? “ I said. I didn’t think I was more mature than the popular girls on the cheerleading squad. Some of them dressed in really stylish provocative clothing, and wore heels, but I was still in jeans and running shoes. I wished I could afford the money to buy sexier clothes.

“Yeah, like how you’re so free when we have sex. It’s like you’re not all hung up on how it’s dirty or wrong.” Steve and I had had sex three times so far. We’d cut class and drove out to his dad’s cabin the first time. We got caught for being out of class, but we told our parents we’d been at the mall. Since then we had snuck off between classes and done it in an empty classroom and a janitor’s closet. I loved it. It made me feel so good.

“Thanks,” I said, shyly, “I guess I’m glad you feel that way.”

“You know,” he said, “If we ever break up, not that we’re going to, but if we ever break up, I want you to know that we can still be friends. We don’t have to pretend to like hate each other or something because that’s what people think you’re supposed to do with an ex-girlfriend. It’s dumb how people think sex prevents you from having a normal relationship ever again. ”

“You’re so right,” I said, “it’s stupid how hung up Americans are about sex. I wish we could be more like Europe, where they have topless beaches and nudity on television. You know prostitution is even legal there.” I had never been to Europe, but I wanted to sound sophisticated, the way he thought of me.

“Yeah,” he said, “I really think that it’s dumb how if a girl has sex with a lot of guys, they think she’s a slut, but if a guy does he’s a stud. Girls should be able to have just as much sex as guys and not be ashamed of it. Back in the day, the courtesans were some of the most educated women in Europe.”

I was impressed with how forward thinking and even feminist he was. What a great guy to have as a boyfriend. Not only was he handsome and athletic, but he was sophisticated and pro-feminist and not sexist at all. I leaned over and kissed him and started up our make-out session again.

When the movie ended he drove me back home and parked a few block away so he could walk me home. It was a gorgeous night. The air smelled sweet with the moist green of rain and cut grass. We held hands. “You’re so awesome,” he said again, leaning into my hair and kissing me on the neck. I smiled. It was so romantic.

About a block away from my house he stopped and turned to me. “God, you’re so cool, I hardly want to say this.” He looked up and away a little embarrassed. I wondered what it was about.

“Well, see, do you know John, from the swim team?” I nodded. John was one of the skinnier guys. Still handsome and athletic, but a slimmer build than Steve, and he was shyer and more reserved.

“See, uhhhhh,” he looked embarrassed, “well, John is, you know, a virgin,” he grinned anxiously, “and I thought, well, maybe that you could, you know, initiate him, into the ways of the world.” He laughed nervously.

I gasped. “What? That Fuck? Seriously? I can’t believe you would ask me that.” I started walking away confused. How in the world? He grabbed my arm. “Wait Jane, please. I thought….” I stopped, turning back to him. “I thought that you were better than that,” he said, annoyed.

“What do you mean ‘better than that’? Better than being your whore?” I responded angrily, trying to keep my voice down since we were on a public street.

“No, I mean, we just talked about this. How sex isn’t dirty or wrong. How women should be able to sleep with anyone they want without people thinking of them as ‘whores’. How men shouldn’t be possessive. Seriously. I would never think of you as a whore. I’m just saying, you’re such a cool person, you could do this awesome thing as a favor to me just this one time. ”

I was still wierded out by it all, but maybe he was right, maybe I was just being uptight or something. Conventional and American and bourgeois instead of the sophisticated person that I wanted to be and that he thought I was. “I don’t know,” I said, “this just seems really weird. You’re my boyfriend.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to like, own you. Anyway, John’s a good looking guy, right? I just mean, you know, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, but I thought I would suggest it because he told me he really thinks you’re hot, you know?”

I didn’t know that, and John was a pretty good looking guy, but I just had never thought about it before. “Well, he is all right looking, but it just seems weird.”

“It’s not weird,” he jumped in. “Don’t think of it that way. It’s just sex, right? It’s not that big a deal. You’ll have a great time, and John and I will totally owe you for like, forever. You’ll be the coolest girl in school. ”

I couldn’t believe I was actually considering it. Maybe it would be fun. Maybe I would then have the pride of being more sexually experienced than most of the girls in school. I could almost imagine myself wearing spike heels and laying guys waste left and right.

“Besides,” he said “he’d be willing to give you some money.”

I was shocked again. “Oh my God. You did not just suggest … you really do think I’m a whore.”

“No, baby. You just said that prostitution should be legal. Wait, this is coming out wrong. I mean, if you want to do it awesome, or not. It’s your choice. But you’d rather get paid than not, right?” I stared at him like he was insane. “Ok, forget I said that. We’ll leave the money out of it. I’m just saying $500 might be nice if you want it. You don’t have to take it or do anything.” He seemed a bit flustered.

“I think I need to go home now,” I said, uncertainly, easing away from him “I’ll walk the rest of the way myself.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, “just forget the whole thing, forget I said anything. It’s cool. Talk to you tomorrow?”

“I don’t know” I said backing away. “Good night.”

“Good night”, he said, “wait, can I have a little kiss?” He came closer and leaned in. I gave him just a peck. Then I waved bye and turned and started walking for home.

Five hundred dollars did seem like a lot. I had no idea what the normal rate was. That would buy me a nice leather jacket that I wanted and some cool shoes and maybe even a bag. I couldn’t believe I was tempted. I was simultaneously repulsed and a little bit aroused, which made me ashamed of myself in two ways. On the one hand, I couldn’t believe I was getting turned on at the thought of having sex for money. On the other hand, my education told me that all of that was just a repressive, backwards attitude towards sex anyway, so I was ashamed of feeling ashamed. My emotions and hormones were so mixed up I could hardly sleep that night. I tried to masturbate, but the idea of John paying me for sex kept interfering with my fantasies about Steve and I didn’t want to think about that, so I gave up.

The next day, I didn’t hear from Steve at all, which was just as well. On Sunday, he called and we chatted on the phone, avoiding the subject, and sticking to pleasantries. Mom asked, “I didn’t see Steve yesterday, hope everything is ok with you?” sticking her head in the door. “Oh, he’s just going out with his buddies” I lied. I decided I’d just forget the whole thing and take him at his word that I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t want to.

The next day in school I met up with him in the hall. I pretended like nothing happened, and so did he. But he seemed a little more distant, more withdrawn. Later, I saw him chatting with one of the popular girls, Brittany, in the hall. She was wearing a tight blue shirt, reminiscent of a sailor outfit, which showed off her breasts, and a short white leather skirt. She had on boots up to her knees of matching white vinyl, with three inch blocky heels. Her blond hair tumbled down in loose curls over her shoulders. She had on hoop earings and pink lipstick on. Next to her, I looked like a child, in jeans and a v-neck t-shirt.

She noticed me looking and leaned in a whispered something in his ear, then giggled. I was sure she was making fun of me. I turned and walked quickly away down the hall before he saw anything. Damnit, how could I compete with that sex-pot?

After another night of lying half-awake trying not to fantasize about fucking John, I made up my mind. I wasn’t going to be some frumpy loser girl who was too afraid to have a little fun. That morning I put on my sexiest clothes, tight black leather jeans, some gold colored sandals, and a low-cut black blouse. I brushed my hair out and put on makeup, trying not to overdo it.

When I got to school I sought Steve out in the hallways. He turned and saw me, “You look great!” he said surprised. Then I went right up to him and kissed him, and whispered, “I’ll do it,” in his ear. Then I walked away as fast as possible, hoping I left him stunned and speechless.

After school, I got a call on my cell phone, “Meet me out in the back parking lot,” he said. I walked around. He was standing by his car. “Have I told you how awesome you look today?” he said. “Yeah, but I didn’t get to say thank you,” I smiled. He grabbed me and lifted me up and then kissed me, hard and deep until I was out of breath. “God, you’re the greatest girl ever,” he exclaimed.

He opened the door to let me into the passenger side. “So, I rented you guys a motel room,” he said as I got in. I was a little surprised. “What, you mean, right now?” I asked. “Yeah, I hope it’s not too much of a rush. I told John and he didn’t want to wait. Plus,” he added sheepishly, “I figured I would get you before you change your mind.”

I decided that was probably best. I had better do it before I changed my mind too. “Ok,” I said, “Let’s go.”

When we got to the motel, we went straight to the room and knocked. John opened the door. He was better looking than I remembered. Maybe he had filled out a bit. His blond hair was tousled and fell over his eyes, which were blue and dreamy. His arms were muscular without being bulky. But he blushed awkwardly and ushered us in.

“So, um,” he looked a little awkward. Then he pulled a bundle of $20 bills out of his pocket and held them out, not sure who to give them to. Steve took them nodded, then handed them to me with an inquiring eyebrow raised. This was kind of the moment of truth. I thought about that leather jacket and the bag that I wanted, and then took them and quickly shoved it in my backpack.

“Excellent,” Steve said, “So, I’ll be going now,” he backed away towards the door, “you two kids have fun.” He smiled and left.

John and I were now alone in the room together. He swung his arms awkwardly then he went over to the door and locked it and put the chain on just to be safe. I didn’t know what exactly to say.

He said “You’re so pretty.” I blushed. “I don’t think you even know how pretty you are.”

I wasn’t sure what to do, then realized I was still clutching my bag nervously. So I went and put it down on the chair by the dresser.

“So, um, I guess, maybe we should get undressed?” I said, biting my lip.

He came up to me and lifted my chin and then kissed me gently on the lips. “Wow,” he said, “You smell so good.” He leaned in and put his face in my hair, breathing it in. “God. I can’t believe this is happening. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.”

The flattery and his physical proximity was beginning to have an effect on me. “Steve said you really liked me,” I replied. “Let’s not talk about Steve,” he responded swiftly.

His hand brushed my face and moved down to brush my arms and then, slowly, my waist and my sides. He kissed me full on the lips then, which parted slightly to accept his tongue. He was a good kisser. When it ended he smiled a little shyly, and then said “Yeah, I guess, maybe we should take off our clothes.” Then he began to undress.

I undressed as well, stepping out of my sandals, unbuttoning my jeans and pushing them down around my feet, then stepping out. Then I pulled my blouse over my head. I was wearing my lacy black underwear that day, which I had put on to give me confidence. John eyes bugged out. He pulled his boxers off, revealing that he already had a huge erection. Since he was totally nude I felt that I should remover my bra and panties too. So I reached behind and unlatched my bra while he watched. Then I pushed my panties down and stepped out of them too. Now I was totally naked.

John reached up and gently pushed my shoulders back towards the bed, until I lay down with my feet dangling off the edge. He lay down on top of me, and began fondling my breasts. “You have beautiful tits,” he said kissing them. My heart raced. I was really aroused now, but nervous as a virgin. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my leg. “Oh,” I said, remembering, “we forgot the condom.”

“I didn’t forget,” he said, and pulled one out from under the pillow. I suddenly realized that mentioning the condom probably brought the moment when he would actually fuck me closer. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for this. He put it on himself then lay back down on top of me pushing my legs apart with his knees. He buried his face in my hair and neck and rubbed his body against mine. I could feel him searching for the right spot. He was a virgin, I remembered. So I have to reach down and help him find it.

I was incredibly wet and he moaned softly when he found it. He began thrusting slowly, and then, I moaned as he slid inside me. It felt so good. Even better than Steve. I couldn’t believe it, I thought, I was actually being fucked like a whore. I was a whore. This guy had just paid me to let him do this. “Oh god,” he moaned, “god you’re so beautiful,” pumping me, in and out. I could feel how hard he was, and he was going at just the right speed.

Suddenly I could feel that I was going to come and I let out a moan. “Oh god,” I gasped, “Oh my god. Ohhhhh,” Then I came hard around his cock.

He gasped, “Oh god, what is that, what you’re doing, it feels so good.” Then he came himself gasping and moaning inside me. He collapsed on top of me, his cock still twitching and throbbing inside me.

After a few moments, he mumbled “Thank you. That was amazing.” And rolled off of me. I lay there, naked, feeling freshly fucked, the smell of his body covering me. He took off the condom and threw it in the trash bin. Then we got up and dressed. It was suddenly awkward again.

When we were dressed we stood there looking at eachother. Then he unlocked and opened the door. Steve was waiting in the car outside. He came in and John gave him a quick hug, like a buddy and stepped out. “I guess I’ll check out,” he said, “you two won’t be long?”

“No we’ll just be a minute,” Steve said.

When he had gone Steve closed the door and turned to me. He looked me up and down again, taking me in, then walked up to me and put his arms around me and kissed me hard. His hands were all over my body.

“You’re mine,” he said, “I want you, right now.”

Somehow, I was still aroused. He grabbed me roughly by the shoulders and turned me around then walked me over in front of the dresser, with its large mirror. He had his arms around me from behind and was feeling me up under my shirt. He unzipped my jeans, and pushed them down around my knees, then pushed me forward to lean over the dresser.

He took me hard from behind then. I was still wet from before and his cock entered me quickly. He grabbed my hips and thrust hard inside me. Then he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around my chest roughly grabbing my breasts while he fucked me. Then he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back so I could see us in the mirror. “You’re mine,” he said, “you’re my whore. You’re my whore.”

I bought that leather jacket the next day.

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Doctor Von Scouries Case 1 Katherine

One of my second cousins, Andy Von Scouries, a psychiatrist, is the hero of the following tale (they still use the Von in their branch of the family). When Andy and his sister were down visiting in Florida last winter they told me about some of his most interesting cases. He was hoping I'd write some of them up for him so he also left me a copy of his case notes and some of the video of the various sessions to ensure accuracy. Next time I'm up visiting him he's promised to let me sit in on...

3 years ago
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Return To The Nursery chap7

Dear Jeannie, babyswallow, missy, Katie,Amanda, sissy jeannie, Cindy, dickie boy, suejrz, and sissytammyjean - and especially you, Candy Sissiboi - thank you for all those encouraging comments! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave a review. I hope you enjoy the next instalment. Chapter 7. Baby Daphne's First Caning. WHICK! WHICK! The first two blows fell swiftly, fine lines of fire cutting across both buttocks. They were almost bearable. WHICK! The third slash produced...

2 years ago
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First time

Unlike alot of these other stories, I am going to keep it real. My first time happened with a girl i liked alot. We were together for a while and i basically was waiting until she was ready before we did anything because she was also a virgin. Now I must admit I was nervous but I was confident it would come off the the way i wanted it too be. In the beginning it was all about the illusion. Seeing her panties was a big turn on for me. especially as it look like she had a fat pussy. As time...

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OpportunitiesChapter 30

The break between summer sessions afforded us the opportunity to bask in the sun at the country club and at one of the girl’s homes by their swimming pools. I was still wrapped up and couldn’t move my left arm but enjoyed getting some sun on as much of my body as I could. One of the days we went by to sun ourselves at Delta’s pool, we surprised Cecile and Carol sunbathing nude. When we walked out of the back door to see the two ladies spread out, Trish immediately tried to cover my eyes and...

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SRU Bullyproof

For all of his life Lyodd Anderson had been small and weak. He was always behind his peers in development and was completely unathletic. The boy's stature made him an easy target for bullies. Other boys were always teasing him. A few even beat him up. None though were worse than Hector. Hector was twice Lyodd's size and had the meanest disposition of anyone in school. For Hector beating up Lyodd was as natural as breathing. From the third grade on hardly a day passed when the boys...

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Investigating Ravenwood

Investigating Ravenwood. By Pinkman100/madcow4321 Kurt was a young detective in his late twenties when the transfer forms were handed to him Kurt was one of the lead detectives at the Middletown PD but due to downsizing, departments were shifting people everywhere to try and hide numbers and bury peoples payrolls in a paperwork trails. Fortunately being a cop meant knowing the law and a surprising amount about paperwork and red tape. Kurt sighed when he realized that his transfer...

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On My Seventeenth Wedding AnniversaryChapter 6

SATURDAY I awakened with the sun the next day. Blue skies, sunshine, temperatures in the seventies, a lovely breeze wafting through the open windows, my lovely girlfriend in bed with me, my ex bound to the bed in the next room: what was there not to like? I wandered into the kitchen, started some coffee, and visited my guest in the second bedroom. She was awake, and had her own itinerary. "You took your sweet time getting in here! Hurry up and let me loose, so I can pee!" Once again, the...

2 years ago
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Papa Ki Wife 8211 Part II

School main ush din man nahi lag rahi thi. Main kal raat ke bare main hi soch rahi thi aur meri dhadkan barh rahi thi. Meri panty bhi bhig gayi. Meri chut main jalan si ho rahi thi. Kyoki kal raat main pehli kisi mard se sex ki thi. School se ate hi mine darwaja par papa se bhet huyi. Papa ko dekh kar mujhe sarm si aa gayi. Main muskura kar school bag uteri aur apni room main chali gayi. Papa ne pucha “ Jenny beta kya hua… sab thik thak hain na ?” Main boli “ Haan papa….Papa mummy dikh nahi...

3 years ago
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Three Js and an S Go Skiing Day 6 Part 2

By The Technician BDSM FFF/F D/s / Mild / Snow / Cold / Another Interlude with no sex. = = = = = = = Another basically NO REAL SEX INTERLUDE in the story Four young college girls on a skiing vacation have to find other things to do when an excess of new snow traps them in their cabin. This is the ninth in this series and continues the adventures of The Three J's and Sara at Mountain Lodge Resort. This story might make more sense if you have read the previous...

3 years ago
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CommuneChapter 8

Jack woke up Saturday morning with a pounding headache. Although he didn’t bother trying to establish a cause for his headache, the stress of the previous day had worn him down. He sat on the edge of his bed rubbing his eyes to wipe the sleep from them. When he stretched, a muscle spasm in his back nearly brought tears to his eyes. He dressed in a pair of short pants. It was just enough to be presentable. He stumbled to the kitchen for some aspirin and water. He opened a cabinet and looked...

2 years ago
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Right after we moved there, I called the oldest one Wendy and asked her if she could throw a welcome party for me with the other girls. She said she would be happy to do it, so we arranged that the following weekend, which was in the late spring with nice weather we would all meet at her place and stay all day and overnight and maybe the next day, Sunday. Saturday morning at about 10:00 A.M. I went over to her house riding my motorcycle that my parents gave me when I was 16 on my...

1 year ago
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Office sex again

For any that has read my first story about my office antics then this is the progression of this fun. When I first over heard the three guys talking about fucking me it had really turned me on. I went home and told hubby who encouraged me to dress sexy for the office. Sexy not slutty, so nice business skirts blouses etc but with stockings and heals. It was huge turn on when Phil one of the guys gave me a lift to work then after taking me for a drink before him taking some pics of me in the...

2 years ago
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Was It A Dream

I walk around as if searching for something, eying you out of the corner of my eye. I quiver lightly as I see you walking toward me, my voice catching in my throat. I turn a bit, so at first you don’t recognize me. "Can I help you mam," you utter with a voice as smooth as Tennessee whiskey. I turn and bat my green-eyes, blush, and purr, "Depends on when you get off work Michael." I thought for a moment you were going to pass out. "Omg, never in my wildest dreams would I think I'd...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex with neighbour

Harish dreaded opening the door...he instinctively knew it would be his neighbor Hema who would be begging for some sugar , milk , tea , veggies etc...She would never return the stuff that she borrowed .... What Harish really hated was about her was her timing.. She always rang the bell and interrupted his love making. He put on a surly face and opened the door. As expected Hema was at the door. Harish rudely informed her that Sheela was not at home. He did not open the second door nor...

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Werewolves ReturnChapter 11

Linda was up late the next day, now that she didn't have to be up every two hours to feed the pups. She still smiled as she looked in on the wolf taking over as mother, Nare, with her mate and all of River's pups. Rock looked at the human female and growled. Linda raised an eyebrow at him. "Good morning, brother Rock. I hope you are comfortable?" Linda said both in words and with her mind. Rock was surprised by the strength he felt in the mind voice. "My mate and I are well." "I...

3 years ago
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When I was living at my mates place in my caravan

His daughter sneaked into my van while I was asleep and she was looking around and she found my tablet and started to look in it and found the young porn I was watching before and she was smiling and she took off her panties and started to do the same it the videos she pulled off my quilt and cause I was watching her watching the porn and got a really hard boner and she was talking to her self and then she grabbed my cock and held it tight and she was getting a better position and she fell on...

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Journey into Melanies Reality Ch 06

Author’s note: This is the sixth and final part of the story. Just a wee reminder, as it’s so long since I posted the first three chapters: the children are Melanie’s, and Phil is her mother. Thanks as ever to my muse and inspiration, without whom this couldn’t have been written. To raconteuse, for the most painstakingly professional editing. And to all my readers, whose posts and emails encourage me to strive to be a better writer. ***** Sandy had set his clock early. When Phil entered the...

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Friends Forever

This is a story based on true events mixed with a little fantasy and what I wished had happened. The names have been changed to protect privacy and keep a little mystery ,-) After all these years, our timing has never been right, and that pisses me off. Ben and I had known each other for a little over 14 years, and when I was ready he wasn’t. When he was ready I was with someone else. Neither one of us wanted to be the one to cheat, to break the trust our significant others had in us, but...

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First Meeting

I couldn't believe that we were actually going to meet in person. We had chatted on line quite a bit. We had some very erotic chatting sessions. We have shared fantasies and secrets with each other that we dare not tell our spouses.It was a stroke of chance that brought us together. We both had out of town business trips in the same city. Mine was for an uncooperative subcontractor, hers was for a sales meeting. Needless to say it seemed like destiny.I was scanning the denizens of the lounge...

First Time
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BigTitCreamPie Sophia Leone Creampie Massage Therapy

Sophia Leone is ready for her massage. She’s naked and squeaky clean. Peter Green is a professional massage therapist but didn’t expect to be getting his hands on an amazing ass and titties. He’s nervous but continues his job willingly. She enjoys herself so much she wants him to massage her soaking wet pussy. He is surprised to say the least especially when she wants to suck his dick. He face fucks her and then even hops on the table himself so she can ride his hard cock.If...

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Kiras dilema

My parents had left me alone at the house for a week. This was the they had let me go this long unsupervised. They had told me I could have one friend over, and it couldn’t be a guy. I knew that my mom would somehow find out if I tried to sneak a guy into the house, even though she wasn’t there. I agreed with her disappointedly, I had been looking forward to getting laid so much. Later that night I decided who I should invite over. I chose my best friend kira. Kira was a small girl with raven...

4 years ago
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A Dream within a Dream

She loves when he curls into her body, embracing her, followed with his gentle touch upon her face. Tracing her satin lips with soft brushes of his fingertips. Mmmmm, his other hand slowly strokes down her silky long brunette hair. The warmth of wind against her neck from his breath hypnotizes her. She drifts away… She opens her eyes and the light of mornings beauty sparkle them through the bathroom window, peeking through the archway. She turns over slowly so she does not wake him. His arm is...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 2

Sara, Becka, and me. by Teddie S. Chapter II Becka returns. Sara and I had been talking to our mothers about where Becka had come from. And, her mother had asked her to tell the story... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sara started with, "Even before Peter and I were born, you two had been friends. From the time we were babies, you took turns...

3 years ago
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My latest Salem glory hole visit

It had been a few months since my last visit to my favorite place. As a matter of fact it was in November that I last went to an ABS. I was on my way home from Mac and decided to take a detour to Salem. I got to the ABS right around 4 in the afternoon and was hoping that I could catch the “just got off work crowd.” I went in a found my favorite booth and fed a few singles into the machine. As I was scanning through the channels someone came in next door. I saw him look through the hole then he...

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This Crazy Little Thing Called SEX part 1

1: The heart wants what the heart desires.His penis was the first proper penis I ever saw.We stood opposite each other at the bottom of the bed as I watched him slowly remove the last item of his clothing and nervously stand before me as he clasped his hands self-consciously in front of his unfurling manhood. He stared at the floor for what seemed an age then, breathing deeply, he slowly let his hands fall away to reveal his sex to me.My heart was racing and the flushing waves of desire and...

First Time
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AllGirlMassage Bree Daniels Stella Cox The New Formula Part One

Scientist Bree Daniels and her assistant Stella Cox have just revolutionized a new massage oil but before it’s released to the public, Bree will have to test their new formula on Stella. Bree instructs her assistant to remove her top and bottom even though Stella isn’t exactly keen on being smeared with oil completely naked. But these ladies must do what it takes all in the name of science! Bree massages Stella’s filled breasts and savory ass but must experiment her oil on the...

4 years ago
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Cleaning Up

We were on holiday some years ago and having a really sexy time fucking regularly on quiet and not so quiet beaches on the balcony at night and several daytime fucks, one evening prior to going out were having some oral fun when my wife asked me to cum in her then lick her clean, so I said I would prefer it if you went out and fuck and bring back a load to me. You wouldn’t like it if I was fucked by someone else without being there, try me I replied. I wouldn’t know where to pick anyone up or...

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Gloryhole Gabbie 01

“I’m heading out dad, be back sometime after midnight,” I shouted from the front hall.“Where ya headed?” he shouted back. “Going to the movies and probably ice cream after,” I lied.“All right, hon, have fun. Say, can you grab the mail before you go?”I finished tying my boots and opened the front door, poking my head out and lifting the flap on our mail box right under the doorbell. I shut the door behind me and looked through the pile of mostly junk for anything with my name on it. “Anything...

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Sandi and Sherry Go Down

Prologue Her head hurt as she wandered along the rocky shoreline. Oblivious to the waves washing over her feet, she was lulled by the sound of the surf, but the cold breeze seemed to cut right through her. 'What am I doing here?'Sherry stopped walking and gazed out at the ocean. Heavy cloud cover blocked the sun, turning everything black and white. Wisps of her dark, shoulder-length hair danced in the breeze. Looking back at the footprints she'd left in the otherwise undisturbed sand, she saw...

3 years ago
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Vengeance 33

Ellie and I went to go get cleaned off at the main building. Like always, she followed me into the men’s room and into a shower stall. I kissed her, starting the soap at her shoulders and running my hands down her breasts and stomach. She started and ran her hands down by arm and abs, smiling as she reached my happy trail. Her hands found her way to my cock, but just off an orgasm, it barely moved for her. My finger on her clit, on the other hand, elicited a jump and a gasp. We grinned...

2 years ago
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Winter wonderland

The moon in the inky black sky was a full round slivery glow making the snow on the ground glisten like the diamond mines of Russia. The cold air nipped at the skin on my face and hands, the only parts of my body uncovered by the soft clothing adorning me. The trees surrounding me stood tall and soft snow flakes floated down from the heavens above. The park looked like the scene from a Christmas card; so serene and peaceful, the only noise coming from my boots taking slow steps through the...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 20 Couplings

July 1978 I awoke Sunday morning having slept well. That was a good thing, considering what I thought Jennifer had planned. But I did have my own ideas of how we should handle our first lovemaking since we broke up. I swam, showered, and ate breakfast, then did my chores and wrote in my journal. I was still missing Birgit, even though the feelings were not as stark as they had been. It seemed each passing day I was having more positive thoughts about her and less emotional pain. As much as...

3 years ago
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Drugged by Design

Let me get one thing straight, I never actually thought it would work! I'm serious. When mother touched my upper arm and our eyes met, I just knew. Maybe it was that look, wide anxious eyes that made me wonder if I had ever noticed her green pupils before. But it was more than her eyes, it was the whole of her face, a breath away from my own, intimate and awkward at the same time. As if that was not evidence enough, a quick look down I could see that mother had opened her work blouse,...

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