Felicity Ch. 41 free porn video

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Chapter 41. Barbara

As I was leaving the resort parking lot I saw a woman sitting in her car with a look on her face that worried me. I circled around and stopped next to her. I was not surprised she had not noticed.

She had a gun on the car seat next to her.

I tapped the window and startled her but she did roll down her window.

‘Listen, I’m sorry to interrupt what you intend to do but I have a couple of pointers for you to consider. One, if you use that gun while in the car it will get messy enough to be impossible for any one to want it.

Two, have you checked your insurance policy to see if it pays off for suicide? Most don’t. That was what stopped me. I may have been a worthless bum then but I wanted my son to have something from me when I learned my insurance would not pay. So I started hanging around the toughest parts of town hoping some one would kill me but every bad guy could tell I did not have any money.’

She saw my concern with the gun but did not react when I opened her car door. I did not want her to be too worried about me so I leaned back on my car leaving her to choose whether to close her door or leave it open. The woman got out of her car but left her gun still inside, best case scenario so far.

‘What did you do?’ she asked.

‘I got a job as a janitor in a flea bag motel. Men would bring their mistresses in and on the way out they would give me ‘you never saw me here’ money.

I cleaned up and dressed better and got a job at a better hotel and took up room service meals. I got good tips but best of all I had access to a computer.

Listen, I was on my way to eat dinner. Are you hungry?’

Her expression told me she did not need to say yes. I opened my passenger door. She got her purse and locked her car before I helped her into mine. I did notice that she put her gun in her purse.

As I drove to a downtown restaurant I continued my story.

‘Anyway I used the computer to find a better job and I was soon working for the tourist office as a clerk. My job was to set up ads for places that wanted to advertise. Most advertisements were plain vanilla taken from a catalog.

On my own I went to a few places that were not members and convinced them to join.

I designed ads for my new clients specifically for them.

They were happy but the tourist office was not, they fired me.

This place we are going to has an all you can eat fish special tonight and I love fish. They have other stuff too if you don’t like fish.’

She was suddenly worried about her appearance and pulled down the mirror on the visor.

‘Do you have a comb or hair brush?’

I opened my console and handed her a brush and some wet wipes.

She did the best she could but ended up removing all her make-up. She still looked frustrated.

‘I can stay here until you eat your fish and be happy with anything you bring out for me.’

I answered, ‘This is casual place, most people in there are wearing shorts and t-shirts. We may be overdressed,’

She no longer had that look of impending doom in her face and was a beautiful woman. She was going to make me look good.

I told her just that and she giggled.

I went around and opened her door.

That evening’s crowd had every type of human being there scarfing up on the fish. I knew most and decided to introduce her to some people.

‘What’s your name?’


‘I’m Bill. Glad to meet you.’

I introduced her to a playhouse manager and an actress, a Harley riding dentist and her husband, an insurance agent that would not get on a motorcycle. Two friends, a fashion storeowner and her manager/lover, asked us to sit with them.

I asked Barbara if she was offended by the thought of eating with lesbians as I pulled out the chair for her.

My friends gave me the finger.

Barbara sat as she blushed but said nothing. I asked her if she wanted fish and she nodded yes. I rose my arm and spread two fingers and fifty seconds later we each had a basket of fish and a plate of sides.

The couple at the table, Emma the storeowner and Judy the manager, asked Barbara if she had ever met lesbians before in her life. She shook her head no, she had most of a fish in her mouth and could not speak.

‘Are we what you thought lesbians look like?’

Again a vigorous no and after she swallowed she said, ‘I may have met lesbians before but none that were out, so to speak. You two look like women that would run a fashion store. You also look like you are very happy with each other. I am happy when anybody is.’

The ladies smiled then smiled again when they got their second baskets of fish. Barbara had already finished hers and was attacking her sides. I raised my hand and she got another basket of fish.

Two beers were brought to us but the expression on Barbara’s face had me placing one beer in front of Emma and asking the waitress to bring Barbara a sweet ice tea,

‘He is trying to seduce you,’ Judy said to Emma.

Emma answered, ‘He will need to order many more before he would have a chance.’

I wadded a napkin and threw it at her and they broke into giggles before attacking the fish again. I got my second basket of fish and Barbara asked the ladies where their shop was.

The ladies answered and Barbara asked, ‘How long have you had the shop?’

‘We have been there four years, it used to be a feed store.’

‘I would like to visit your store sometime, both of you look adorable in your outfits.’

‘Good, make him bring you over and spend a lot of money.’

Barbara did not know what to say at first until with an innocent looking expression she asked me, ‘You are paying for this dinner aren’t you?’

The ladies cracked up and I had to smile, it was a great line.

Barbara was an intelligent lady

‘Hey, Wederman. You need to give her ten minutes. She is funny,’Judy yelled to the playhouse manager.

‘A funny comedian would ruin you reputation Paul. Don’t do it.’

That had been Gary, manager of a slightly upscale bar in the same neighborhood.

Soon wadded up napkins were flying through the air until the owner/chef Doris yelled, ‘If anyone throws another napkin they will have to pick them all up!’

Her fury was fake as usual as were our claims of innocence.

Everyone pointed to everyone else and resumed devouring fish. Ruthie and Sean came in and kissed their way to a table. I introduced Barbara and Ruthie kissed her lips. Her stunned expression was priceless.

Emma and Judy gave Sean the usual passionate kisses. Ruthie first got pecks on the cheeks then passionate kisses.

Barbara’s expression was exactly what you would expect if you unknowingly wandered into Neverland.

Barbara eventually decided that three baskets were enough fish but I had room for another basket, my third. Emma and Judy had also quit after three but were enjoying their drinks. I had ordered a second beer for Emma. Judy wadded up a napkin to throw at me but received a glare from the waitress and just dabbed her lips with it.

As soon as the waitress turned she threw it at me but missed and it landed by the waitress’ feet. She turned in mock fury but Judy pointed at Ruthie that was now at a table behind her. Ruthie had a mouth full of fish and silently implored her husband Sean to defend her. He pointed at Ruthie and got his shoulder punched in return. The waitress tried to keep her angry face but that is impossible to do when you are giggling.

The ladies decided it was time to go and kissed me on the lips then semi-surprised Barbara with kisses on the lips. Judy whispered to her, ‘Did you like them?’

A wide-eyed Barbara nodded yes.

She watched as my friends picked up the napkins on their side of the table then kiss everyone on the way out. Judy’s kiss to Ruthie incl
uded biting off a piece of fish Ruthie was putting into her mouth. Judy easily got out of the way of a wide right cross.

‘Honestly, I can’t take the child anywhere,’ Emma said.

Judy was almost a year older than Emma.

‘Ready to go?’ I asked Barbara as I picked napkins around our table. Barbara quickly joined me and I kissed my way out as I introduced her to others. All the women kissed her lips. She seemed to enjoy Clara’s kiss a lot, she had closed her eyes. Her kiss to Fiona came with a signs of recognition. Fiona gave her a grateful kiss when Barbara did not make a signs although her smile gave her away.

I took her hand and as I walked us to my car and I asked, ‘Where do you live?’

‘In my car.’

‘Well tonight you will have a bed. I will finish my story later.’

I opened her car door and helped her in. I drove us home and showed her my spare bedroom then went to my room and got her a couple of t-shirts for her to wear.

‘Take a shower. There is shampoo in there and there are new toothbrushes in the top drawer. If you are still awake after that come join me for the news.’

I did not see her again until I was ready to go to work the next morning.

She hurried to me and said, ‘I’m sorry, I meant to join you last night so you could have me but I fell asleep when I laid down for a minute. I can be ready in three moments.’

‘Stay, watch TV and cook anything you want. The office closes at three on Fridays. I will see you then.’

She was stunned until she flew into my arms and kissed me hard then headed to the coffee pot crying.

I worried about her emotional state.

She was a short woman with short black hair. My first impression was that many people would confuse her for a teenager but if you looked closely her face showed the experiences of time. She was gorgeous with an athletic body, a fine ass, and very fine tits.

I had taken her gun out of her purse and took the bullets out the previous night and put it back. I also took her car keys and stopped by her car before going to work. I took everything she might need out including a small suitcase. Her car looked like it needed help so I called the Toyota dealer and had them come get it.

Work that day was intense but that was good, it postponed my decision on what to do with Barbara. I knew she would be staying with me for three days so I had time.

She was very happy to get her make-up bag and suitcase that afternoon. I showed her where the washer and dryer were and she ran a load of clothes.

She told me that last night had been her best and most fun date ever and kissed me repeatedly.

‘Why didn’t just come to the bed and take me last night?’

‘I don’t take advantage of people in tough circumstances. I will not until you have a paycheck and that is if you still want me then.’

‘But I want you now.’

‘How did you end up in this mess?’

‘I fell for a con artist. I bought a house for us and put it in his name He left me two months ago taking all my credit cards. Two days later there was a for sale sign in front of my house.

I finally accepted he was not coming back and called the police and although they were very sympathetic they said it was his house and he had the right to sell it.

I turned him in for stealing my credit cards and was reminded he had his name on them too.

I have tried to find him but he is apparently not even in the country.

I was evicted from my house three weeks ago and have been living in my car since.

I have no job skills and no one will give me a job.

The resort I was parked in turned me down for a job as cleaning lady.

‘Your husband?’ I asked since she wore a wedding band on the ring finger of her right hand.

‘He died fifteen years ago, never wanted me to work.

The bastard came into my life a year ago promising I would be his queen.

I couldn’t even get a job cleaning the thrones in a hotel.

By the way, I doubt I would have been able to pull the trigger last night. When you came to me I was hoping you would be a deranged killer. Instead you were Prince Charming and treated me to a fabulous night. Again thanks.’

She gave me a long soft kiss then said, ‘And I do want you. Borderline need you. I want to feel like someone wants me because of me but I worry that the only thing attractive about me had been my money.’

‘Well you can count me is as wanting you even if you don’t have money. What would you like for dinner?’

‘Anything except fried fish.’

‘I know a Greek place.’


‘Do you like Greek food?’

‘Don’t know, never had it before.’

I smiled and said, ‘Get dressed.’

She was still wearing my t-shirt she had worn last night and as she walked away she lifted the hem and showed me a very fine bare ass.

I audibly moaned for her benefit and she giggled.

She liked just some of her dinner that afternoon but I did stop and got her a couple of empanadillas.

On our way out of town I drove her by my office and told her I worked there but not that I owned the ad agency, I didn’t want her to know that. It had occurred to me she might treat me as her lover had treated her.

I would have a report on her Tuesday morning.

I drove by Emma’s place and stopped to make rude comments as they locked down the shop. Barbara rolled down her window and Judy went to her and gave her a long kiss, long enough for Emma to walk around and swat her butt. Judy came to my side and kissed me as Emma kissed Barbara.

‘We are going to the playhouse tonight. Join us,’ Emma said.

‘I saw it last week. We are headed to the House of Blues to see Blackberry Smoke before their price goes up.’

‘They’re in town? OMG Emma, we have to go!’

‘But we have tickets to the play.’

‘And you got them for free. I will treat you to the show tonight.’

‘Well, OK.’ Suddenly they were in my car and Judy said, ‘Go.’

They called and had tickets waiting for them at the will call window just as I did.

Emma, Judy and Barbara talked all the way into the city. I heard Barbara say she was visiting me and would be staying at my pleasure.

She got all the lascivious ribbing she earned with that remark.

I tuned them out after she also said that she learned we were going to a rock concert at the same time they did. It was me the subject of ribbing then with Neanderthal being the term of choice.

It was a one-hour drive but we were early and went to the bar. I asked Barbara if she felt she could handle a drink and she suggested we share a beer. We did but she drank very little of it.

‘Beer is an acquired taste, let me get you what Judy likes.’

Judy liked Sweet Red Wine and Barbara managed to drink the whole glass although it took her nearly half an hour to do so.

The band gave a spotty performance, some good, some just noise, and a few exceptional numbers. I lowered my expectations for their future, as I had to do with The Fall Out Boys.

However Judy really loved them, Emma appreciated them, and Barbara was confused by them. I guessed she was a country and western fan. I later learned she mostly listened to classical music.

I got each of them a concert t-shirt.

My concert souvenirs were the ticket stubs, I had well over fifty of them in a scrapbook.

After I dropped Emma and Judy at their car Barbara and I were assaulted with passionate kisses then we went home.

We took separate showers and I went to bed. Three minutes later Barbara gets in bed with me and says, ‘No sex. Just cuddling.’

I was fine with that but my cock wasn’t. It wanted Barbara badly.

‘You may need to masturbate.’


I went to the bathroom and managed to ejaculate in just over a minute.

‘You must have really wanted me.’ She said.

I gro
wled as I got in bed and turned away from her very fine body. She turned towards me and put her hand on my ass and said, ‘Good nightzzzzzzzzzzz.’

‘Well fuck, I really like her,’ I thought.

Saturday morning was at times agonizing, at times fun, and at times confusing. Fun was cooking breakfast together. Every time I added anything to the food she added more. In retaliation I slipped a pad of butter in her hand then squeezed it shut. She kissed me as she caressed my face with her buttery hand.

Agonizing was when after we ate breakfast she loaded the dishwasher, every time she bent over I could see her bare ass and pussy. She put everything in the washer one at a time, in slow motion.

Confusing was when she began to cry as she kissed me then ran into her room and closed the door.

I left her to her emotions and went out to water my plants.

When I came back in she was wearing shorts and a blouse with sneakers.

‘Could you take me to my car please?’

‘It’s at the Toyota dealer and will not be ready until Tuesday.’

‘What are they doing to it?’

‘Everything that should have been done ages ago, belts, fuel filter, cabin filter, oil filter and on and on.’

‘Fuck. So I’m stuck here until Tuesday?’

‘Unless you wish to stay in a motel.’

She began to cry and went back to her room.

A voice in my head said, ‘Listen dumb ass. She wanted you to tell her you wanted her to stay with you.’

‘Oh, right,’ I answered the voice.

Just before I opened her door the voice came back and said, ‘Of course it could be her period just started.’


I reached for the knob then thought better and knocked on the door.

‘Come in.’

‘Would you like for me to go to the store for you?’

‘Yes please, Tampons, heavy duty please.’

I began to leave then turned and kissed her softly then left.

I brought back two kinds of tampons and some Midol pills and handed them to her. A few minutes later she came out and loaded the washer then went and got a glass of grapefruit juice and sat on a kitchen chair. She took a pill then stared into space for a while.

I sat next to her but gave her a bit of time.

‘I thought I would have you tonight. Hell I thought you would not even make it through the morning. Being a woman is tough.’

‘Yes, I understand. It’s even harder when they hear things but interpret them wrong. I don’t want you to go to a motel. I don’t want you to leave Tuesday. I was giving you alternatives not suggestions. Get comfortable here. If you are not ready to look for a job next week then fine, another week comes after that one.’

She looked at me with astonished eyes and began to cry again but that time she was kissing me as she cried.

After a few moments we got more coffee and sat at my patio table watching the butterflies and bumblebees work my flowers.

‘Can we stay home tonight?’ she asked.

‘Of course.’

‘Can I sleep on your bed tonight.’

I guess I had a confused look in my face because I had no idea how to answer that question.

She giggled and said, ‘No I don’t want to swap beds. Yes I want to sleep with you. And yes it will only be sleep. Oh, and kisses.

I understand if you are worried about the safety of your mattress but if you want me on my bed I still want you with me.’

‘My bed,’ I said and kissed her.

We sat in silence for a while until I asked her what kind of she job she wished to have.

‘Travel agent but those jobs are disappearing and they seldom get to go on trips anymore. Fashion designer but I can’t draw and can’t sew.’


‘I’m too old and too short for that.’

‘You could do happy housewife or traveler or miserable Mom with the flu. You could also get your wish to travel a bit.’

‘Those jobs are on the other two coasts, not this one.’

‘There are a few around but you would need an agent and a portfolio.’

‘ I don’t need an agent and I don’t have the money for a portfolio anyway.’

‘How do you feel?’

‘Much better, thanks.’

‘I’ll get my camera.’


I got my camera and had her pose amid the flowering esperanzas. Her black hair, black blouse and the abundant yellow flowers provided a fine contrast.

‘Look like you just love being in Cancun.’

‘I have never been to Cancun.’

‘This is exactly like it is there. You are in your private patio in your hotel. Your naked husband is taking your picture.’

Her facial expressions were priceless and I hoped I had captured all of them.

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It was a pretty warm and shiny day. I was pretty glad that my lecture was over to step out of the lecture hall into the open to enjoy the weather. I just wanted to grad a coke and lay down on the lawn and chill out from this hard day of studying.I went just out of the building when I realized a person walking up to me. The person was a really hot girl: Long, blonde hair, blue eyes, slim, fit figure and some rally nice D-cups. "Hey, what's up b*o?" She asked me. "Well, not much. This time the...

2 years ago
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family camping trip2

“Abs you know I want to spend all of my time with you, but I have to run it past the parents first.” Olive said as she pressed herself into Abbys encircling arms as she pulled her head around into a passionate kiss. Olive felt her friends hand slip underneath her shirt and find her bare breasts. As her friends hand encircled her tits she felt her nipples harden and press against Abbys palms. Abigail rolled her friend over onto her back as she ran her hand along Olive’s pale white flesh,...

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Coeds 4 Life Happens

Coeds 4: Life Happens By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Meal By Jenny V (My Sister!) Features characters from The Julieverse Jen Stevens & Morris Pinsky appear...

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First Time With My Brothers Best Friend

This is my first story, hope you like and all feedback will be greatly appreciated. Right I’ll just set the scene…. Tom and I both go to the same college but he’s a couple of years older than me and is best friends with my brother. They’ve been friends for years and he’s watched me grow up. He doesn’t know but I’ve always had a crush on him but he’s never noticed me in that way until this day…….. College had been holding cheerleader try outs and I was hoping to become part of the squad. It...

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BlacksOnBlondes Mandy Muse 05152018

P.A.W.G. stands for “phat ass white girl”, and there’s no sweeter phat ass than the one on Many Muse! She’s over hanging out with “Dingo” and Prince, showing off her beautiful booty! The Bulls can’t get enough of rubbing that ass and playing with it, which, of course, make their BBC’s grow to enormously. Mandy’s never seen anything like it, so she does what almost every white girl does when in the presence of BBC: drop to her knees and open...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 21

“What happened?” I asked as I was rushed into the operating room with little time to prepare myself. “Land mines were discovered only after they detonated in key areas, causing much suffering. Clearly, the Klan left those there as a last laugh over their conquerors, namely us. There was a whole fucking minefield underneath parts of the city. What’s more, several timed explosives destroyed various buildings and killed even more people in downtown Winston-Salem. We’re having to amputate a lot...

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Settling In

I didn’t know why James had asked to meet me at Penny’s. He’d said that it was important for me to show up on time because they needed to talk to me. When I arrived, Penny greeted me at the door, and told me to go get Dawn out of the bathroom. I emerged a few minutes later completely changed into Dawn Summer, and into a mini-surprise party. “Happy Birthday Dawn!” Penny and James sang together. I’d completely forgotten that with my new identity, came a new birthday, and this was my first,...

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Amissum Codex The Book of LossChapter 4 Dito Enrichment 2nd July 1993

What happened next grew out of that night. I'd had fun with Angela and I was feeling full of myself, on top of the world. I know in hindsight that common sense and Martin's training should have warned me, but it didn't. Things would have gone differently if I had thought them through. I didn't though. All I was thinking about was that I'd written a check for a lot of money, and now I needed more. I'll regret it to my dying day. I woke up early and used the cleansing trick that Martin...

1 year ago
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Watch Me

I remember the 1st time I saw him, I was walking in the mall with my two best friends Shantell and Jamieka. I was wearing pink blouse and a pair of Capri pants; my girls were as hoochie as ever both wearing mini skirts so shorts their mother would whoop them with a switch if she saw them. Jamieka was wearing a gold halter that gave anyone a full view of her DD’s and Shantell wore a backless halter that accented her booty. I could feel his eyes watching me as I walked. I knew he was watching so...

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Carlas anal training

About a day ago Carla was at a beach, she was wearing a tight bikini top and bikini bottoms small enough to be a thong. She had 38c boobs, and a bubble butt. her hair is dirty blond and her skin is a lil bit tan. So she was laying on her belly in the sand then a man walked up to her. ''Hey would you like some help putting on suntan oil?'' he asked. Carla replied ''uh, sure why not''. Carla was usually shy but she is very curiouse and usually won't say no. So he then he squirted oil all over her...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part Two

Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 5'9 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 5'2, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 5'7, Asian with 5” cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 6'2 ,white, 8” cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 5'8, white, Red Hair Blue Eyes, 38C breasts Reba, 16. daughter of Randee, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Karen, 36, neighbor of Crystal's, 5'8, white, Blond Hair...

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Lost Virginity To An Older Man

Hi there! My name is Shakthi. I am female from Chennai, Tamil nadu. I am now 25 years old and I am going to narrate a true story of how I lost my virginity to a 52 year old man when I was 18. My e mail id is About me, I am based in Chennai, working in an advertising firm. I am short and appear plump and have full boobs. 36E-31-36. I am just 5 feet tall and so my boobs appear hugely disproportionate for my body. I am interested in older men, bus or train sex and exhibitionism. This happened...

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E063 Thirtysix pearl

After their nap and giving of the most recent pearl, Donald and Emma, now back to that state, get up.   They have a nice dinner together chatting about how both felt about that day’s play.  Now with no plug-in, Emma eats, after the long day with the tail in her. Their conversation then turns to general things.  Emma talks about having painters come in to make her house much more enjoyable after all the old furniture is removed.  Which the auction house is yearning for her to release all of...

Love Stories
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Intriguing Marshall

“The Marshall will take me?” I said. I wasn’t sure about that. He was a tall and grizzly looking man who stood nearby us. I questioned whether or not I wanted him of all people to ride along with me back to my home town. The other man said he would ride along you with me. I wasn’t sure about that either but I knew it would be a “long” and treacherous ride if I didn’t take precautions. I looked at the Marshall. He did look brazen to say the least but I had heard without that heavy and ugly...

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Fractured Images

This story is set in the Master PC universe by J. R. Parz. The story is written from the point of view of someone who is being transformed by the program. Fractured Images by R. C. Conrad I knocked on my friend Bob's door. To say we've been friends for a long time is a bit of an understatement. We've known each other since elementary school. We went to the same college, suffered the same slings and arrows from the jocks there. I'd been on a business track, he was in IT. In the ten...

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Daddys Lessons

"Yes," I answered. "He treats me well." I went into the kitchen to get some ice cream. I stood at the sink licking the spoon, wondering what it would feel like to have my boyfriend lick my nipples. I shivered, feeling longing and I felt a surge of moisture between my legs. I head a noise and turned around. My stepfather was standing in the doorway and his eyes went immediately to my hardened nipples. "What were you two doing out there?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "Tell me the...

3 years ago
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A TS Fantasy 5

(The website mentioned in this story is a fake, or if there is one by that title, I have no knowledge of it. This is entirely a work of fiction.) A TS Fantasy 5 By Paul G Jutras It was almost midnight and although Paul was getting sleepy, he decided to check his E-mail before going to sleep. He had shut the computer down already for the night and had to wait for the system to reboot and bring up the message asking if he wanted to run his anti-virus program. In suntan...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 10 The Cylinder Room

Stephanie proved remarkably easy to control. I felt no need to have guards come along when I took her for her branding and later when I took her to the slave training facility. Partly this was because she was handcuffed, but probably the most important reason was because her defense attorney had given her the standard briefing about how the 'bio-implant' in her neck made successful escape impossible, made non compliance pointless and also provided her masters, including myself, with the...

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The Senior Football Star

At sixteen my looks on the varsity cheer squad caught the attention of Ryan Anderson, the senior football star. My blonde curly hair, blue eyes, and slender body was any guy's dream. I knew Ryan for years, his dad was my dad's best friend. Ryan and I hadn't talked much in the last few years, but we saw each other at school and on the field a lot. I admired his looks from the distance as well, his strong muscular arms, his blue eyes, and his shaggy dirty blonde hair. After the first game of the...

First Time
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Cuckold Tales

I have been married for over 15 years to a very lovely woman. Over the past 10 years she has been breaking me in as a cuckold. She loves to go out with her male lovers and come home to me. I get overwhelmed when her bald pussy is full of her lovers cum and she makes me suck her clean. I just love when I am at work and she calls me and has one or two of her male friends over and she lets me hear her having sex with them over a speaker phone. Sometimes she lets me masturbate while I’m listening,...

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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 19

They were all laughing so hard that Tom had to laugh as he watched them and he didn’t even know all that was said. “Tom, we love your friend, she’s so much fun and such a sweet girl,” Valerie told him. “I agree, we’ve known each other just two weeks and we’ve become good friends.” “Ma’am if you’ll show Sally Mae and I the mares, we’ll get started today and finish tomorrow if need be.” “Yes Tom, we have three mares that have just foaled and last week we purchased two mares from a neighbor...

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Becoming Mamas Good Boy Chapter 1 MindControlled into Loving His Mama

Chapter One: Mind-Controlled into Loving His Mama A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! The Figure held up its next masterpiece. It stares at the slender, black belt adorned with a silver buckle. In the most graceful cursive possible, it had written, “Mama's Boy” on it. The words were beautiful, one letter flowing to the next. Elegant. Fitting. The Figure smiled as it headed to the mist. The portal that...

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Donnas works Christmas Party 1988

December 21st 1988, my wife Donna was going on her works Christmas party at a local restaurant,as she doesn't drive we'd arranged for me to pick her up at 1:00am. As I was bored and tired and it was a beautiful crisp evening I decided to go early and wait for her in the car park. I arrived at 12:30 and there were a lot of activity, cars and taxi's etc.As I sat there around 100 yards from the entrance having a cigarette, I could easily see others coming out, laughing and carrying on in a drunken...

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Shadow of a DoubtChapter 4

I was standing in front of the mirror shifting my weight from one foot to the other and debating whether to lift the hem of my thin, white cotton skirt with my trembling hands. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to check what I looked like. I just knew it would only make me feel worse. My hands froze and I looked up into my face. My sunglasses were perched on my head, holding my hair behind my ears and I was blushing madly. It suddenly struck me that I was so excited I could hardly stand...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 629

Ship’s Training Mission for the Miadax Crew The Crew of the Hunter continue their search for other pirates. ...”Yes, Sir. My boards are all green.” “Very well. Look sharp. You might just get more shooting practice.” “Yes, Captain. I stand ready.” The Captain turned to his First Officer. “You shall be in command of the Bridge until further notice, whether or not I am present.” “I am in command of the Bridge until further notice,” the First Officer repeated with an inquisitive look on his...

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Mistis Adventures Part 157

The room exploded with laughter, as Carl made his declaration. Julia was the loudest as she cried out, "I was wonderin' how long it would take for you to get in her panties. I knew it would be as soon as you could!" Carl smiled back at her. "I would have fucked her LAST night, if I would have cleaned her pussy." Dolly reacted almost as Julia had imagined she would. "I would have let you, too. As soon as WAYNE finished with me. I could tell, when he saw you fucking Julia, that HE wanted to fuck...

3 years ago
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WandererChapter 4

Mustafa was good at his word. He sold several of the stones and traded several of the smaller for silks and men for a caravan. The caravan set out one day. Unknown to all, except Mustafa, Ariston had slipped from the city and rode along the route, half a day ahead of the caravan. On the third day, in the steep canyons, Ariston sensed a trap. He rode on, a lone armed rider would not be worth attacking to betray the presence of the trap. Ariston turned aside and rode up into the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 187 This is the Technology

“You will want to answer that.” What the fuck? Is this some AI controlled mind game after all? “Where the hell did you take Paula? No one knows anything. All I was able to find out is that they poured her body onto a stretcher and then she vanished in a type of helicopter no one had seen before. It never showed up on radar,” Steve yelled frantically into the phone. Where did I get such a commanding voice? I’m sure I could make Mother Superior do what she I told her. I relayed what I saw...

4 years ago
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Making a baby for LindaChapter 2

When Martin arrived in his boss's office the next day, his emotions were pretty raw. It seemed he might have got away with having stolen money from his boss, but in return he had been made to agree to his boss effectively taking ownership of his wife Linda. And Martin was still unsure about his wife's response. He felt she should have been outraged at the idea, but they had been trying for a baby for some time, and they now knew that Martin's sperm was inadequate. Learning of this, his...

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Living With My AuntEpisode 4

"Ok" Aunt Jane replied. "I hope that some day you will be comfortable enough with your own body that you will feel at ease naked. But take your time; don't try to rush into it." "Thanks, Aunt Jane" said I. "You know; you really aren't bad looking." "Thanks, Joe, neither are you" "Thanks. How do you stay in shape? Do you work out a lot? Up to now, I hadn't really paid attention." "I'm a member of the athletic club near my work ... I go there three times a week; I do some...

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Dont Know

‘Honey, I left my phone at Liz’s last night. Please send her a text to tell her I’ll be over to pick it up.’ ‘What’s her number?’ ‘I don’t know. It’s on my phone.’ ‘That doesn’t help much.’ ‘Call my phone and maybe she’ll pick up.’ ‘Sure,’ I said. ‘What do you want for dinner tonight?’ ‘I don’t know. Surprise me.’ I called Stephanie’s phone but Liz didn’t answer. So I sent a text explaining the situation. All I could do was hope Liz would see it. A few minutes later, Liz replied....

3 years ago
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Administrative Assistant for Life

It may seem surprising that I am a secretary. After all, I am a 27 year- old male with a college degree in finance. The advertisement described the position as 'administrative assistant,' but at the first interview I knew that it was to become someone's secretary. Still, I beat out 20 other candidates to get the job. Maybe being raised by a strict step-mother and older sister caused me to become a little effeminate. At 5' 4" and 130 pounds soaking wet, I was never a good athlete or...

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Bukkake plus a little extra

This story was inspired by this image of mandi_xxx:You're on the bed at just the right height, surrounded by a chosen dozen of your Xhamster followers. Eagerly they get their cocks out and start stroking. You look so good in that outfit that it doesn't take them long to get hard. You smile at them.As agreed, you lie back and allow a blindfold to be placed on you. Your heightened senses tune into the environment around you.Hands reach out and play with your tits. Softly at first, almost...

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The hiring manager

Hello. My name is Mr Joe Mellow and I am the hiring manager for an employment agency. We hire part-time and full time staff. The “dream jobs” are the work from home jobs. All the women want them. Let me tell you about a true story, circa 2000. Her name was Sandi. Sandi had lost her job, and her husband had walked out on her and her two k**s. She was doing her best to raise two teenagers and put food on the table with the small unemployment stipend each week. She was behind in her rent and...

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A Womans First Time Encounter Without Her Hu

After a time of suitable correspondence, a middle aged lady from a small town in Ohio decided to actually meet to determine the chemistry we may have for each other. She, a very nice looking 5'4" tall, with a very attractive firm stocky figure, green eyes, flaming red hair, and beautiful full firm breasts at least a 40DD size. During our prior correspondence she had mention that she had never been intimate with anyone else than her husband, and for the past five years or more her husband had...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 25 Flight Into the Woods

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk – Forest of Lhes, Princedom of Kivoneth, Strifelands of Zeutch The pain in my arm grew with every pounding beat of my horse’s hooves on the uneven forest floor. Branches whipped past my head. I sucked in breath after one thwacked into my wounded left arm. Numb agony throbbed up to my shoulder. “Las’s putrid cum and disgusting cock!” I howled out, throat thick and hoarse. My teeth ground together. The waves of agony swept through me,...

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Fucking With My Hot Neighbor

OK coming to the story; I’m doing my B.Tech and I’m in final year so most probably I use to not go to college, so Swetha use to come to my hot home not regularly but alternate days as she was bored in the afternoon time she use to come to my home to chitchat with my mom, I never talked to her but guys she is gorgeous she is from Vizag she got married 4yrs back and they don’t have kids yet, I use to stare at her beauty but she never noticed that she is 5ft height and has perfect body nice boobs...

2 years ago
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The Girls ClubChapter 11 The Truth Comes Out

It was four days later, on the Friday, that the funeral took place for Sarah's Father. The weather was surprisingly good. The sun shone brightly, although the wind that day was bitterly cold. The family was pleasantly pleased at the number of people who had turned up to pay their last respects, Tony noted that it was a direct contrast from the funeral of Anne-Maries husband a few days before. Sarah's brother escorted her Mother to the funeral service and Tony as the only other male escort,...

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