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Horst Wessel considered himself a brave man. He seldom experienced fear, having become adept at avoiding situations likely to put him to the test. Instead, he sought those which guaranteed him power, and exploited them to the utmost.

Tonight though, things had not begun well. Not well at all.

As he left the tenement in which he lived, there had been a black van parked a few doors down. He heard the motor start as he crossed the street. It followed at a discreet distance. All senses alerted, he entered the maze of alleys which led down to the docks, and came out onto the harbourside.

Nothing untoward. A few kids swapping cigarettes in the trash repository which served as a playground. A couple of female motorcyclists standing by their machines beneath a streetlight, chatting and smoking. He took a second look, had always been turned on by the black leather they wore. They ignored him, seemed deep in conversation. Bloody dykes!

He walked through the park and along a laneway at it’s rear, emerging eventually onto the main road close to the pub which was his second home and place of business. It was crowded as usual with the scum of the docks. He bought a beer and spent the next hour trading in crack, and in the local security information which was his main livelihood – few of the dockland businesses realized the burglaries which constantly plagued them were the result of his acute observation, for Horst was an expert in his field.

The two woman motorcyclists entered the far end of the bar and stayed for a time, drinking, but he failed to notice them. They cast him a casual glance and left after finishing their drinks.

At closing time he left, and retraced his steps along the road. Something made him look back, and his heart lurched as he saw the black van parked opposite the pub – dark tinted windows menacing in the street light. He cut rapidly off to the laneway, and along it to the park, where he stopped and listened. No motors. He slipped into the park and was almost halfway through it when a black figure rose to his right. He yelped in panic and began to run, stumbling through the garbage. A second figure rose on his left and a sibilant whistling broke the stillness. His legs were clamped in a vyce and he fell heavily.

The two figures leapt on him and quickly overcame his struggles, twisting his arms to the rear and applying handcuffs. His belated cry for help was cut short by a leather gag. The figures hauled him upright and propelled him to the street and the waiting van, whose door was open. Hands reached out to haul him in.

‘Christ!’ a female voice muttered, ‘I’ll need an antiseptic bath after this!’

Chapter One

The chain rattled with shocking clarity!

Slowly her arms rose in supplication to it’s demand and it drew her upward onto the balls of the feet before it stopped.

The single harsh light from above limned her taut body, throwing every detail of it’s fine musculature into strong relief against the blackness beyond. Her head was free to move back and forth within the soft custody of her arms and she looked down at the proud jut of breasts with their engorged nipples… and further, to the feet barely in contact with the round stone dais set in the floor.

Her ankles were drawn apart almost a metre, tethered by chain to the outer rings set in the dais.

She took deep, slow breaths against the rising panic.

The whip came!

Flickered with black savagery in the halogen glare, her body arching to the white heat of it’s embrace, in a tragic parody of orgasm.

Seconds passed. The vista below had altered. A cord of blue-black now curved over the breasts, growing in relief as she gazed, horrified. She had willed herself to look down, as if the sight of her feet, the stone dais, would help her remain centred in reality. It did so, but she knew the whipfire would triumph and inexorably draw back her head until eyes insane with agony locked on the bar-tight chain climbing above her into the void.

Someone from another cell had been assigned the flogging, it was always done that way. Someone who did not know you. Nothing to soften the experience – nothing.

The dais had dropped.

Just a fraction… but now the toes strained to support her weight. Each movement of her body tripped the mechanism that lowered the stone ring – another flagia refinement.

The muscles and sinews of her arms and torso, seasoned by constant exercise, would hold her – but at a cost. As the flesh tautened, the whipstrokes across it would reveal whole new worlds of pain.

The next stroke came, and the next, tearing coarse moans from deep inside her. They were round body strokes and the fire drove deeply, probing further until no part of her felt inviolate.

She could no longer look down now, as the rhythm imposed by the whip became her new reality. Somewhere she could hear the clicking heels of the flagia who paced about her in the darkness, barely out of the glare of the rooflight as she cut with casual savagery into the body of her prey.

Such were the flagia – relaxed, lethal, supremely competent. Cruelty elevated to a realm of incomparable sophistication, and practiced with mind-shattering sensuality.

The next stroke was horrific! She flung vainly in the harsh light, and the first scream was torn from her. Not shrill, but the deep full-throated primal scream of animal pain and terror. A terminal scream that speaks of the certainty of death – for lash of the bullwhip penetrates far below the flesh and into the very soul.

The hot trickle of urine down her legs.

The dais had left her hanging and soon the motion of the ankle chains would bring it’s weight to bear. The Flagia rack!

…momentary gleam of polished leather from the blackness…lash whisper…

It was the last thing she saw before the chain…OH LILITH! OH KALI! OH WHITE MOTHER!

Now the pitiless monster grasping her ankles drew down and down. Now the ropes of incandescent fire that had been muscle and sinew held discourse with the circling whitefire. Now the both fused in a savage inferno where sanity died and screaming drove up into the void and out into the very stone of the chamber.

And later, too much later…the chain shimmered into red blackness and silence came.

Chapter Two

We see him

Good, keep visual contact – if he tries to leave, you know what to do


David saw the headlights as they swung in from the main road, watched them flicker through the screen of trees that bordered the park. Large car, black.

Despite the warmth of the night, he shivered.

The rendezvous site Laura had sent him by text was well chosen. Here in the long straight before the avenue sloped down to the river, there were few lights – perfect for an assignation. He shivered again, half in anticipation, half in fear. The warning bell that had saved him in Kosovo was clanging full blast, but the answering voice seated comfortably in his genitals shouted ‘chance it.’

How many correspondents had felt the same alarms before calmly walking to disaster – dick suicide, they called it. The countryside alive with menace and yet a pretty face, sultry voice, backward glance – could wipe away years of training in a second.

And a life.

He had been flippant when he spoke with Laura, but her reaction had been like an icy douche. No humour there, but fear that tweaked his journalist buttons. There was a story here! They are no joke, she whispered hoarsely, and was gone.

The car was close. A limousine, tinted windows. Wealth. Anonymity.

He took a deep breath as it sighed to a halt before him.

The rear door swung open and he stooped to enter.

She sat, or rather reclined, in the far corner of the lounge and he could not restrain a sharp intake of breath. Eyes of vivid blue appraised him,
exquisite bone structure – Michelle Pfeiffer lines, he thought – fine, with perfect lips that quirked upward at the corners and were sharply defined, graphite glossed.

She indicated the seat by her with a friendly wave of the hand, ‘Make yourself comfortable David, I hope I’ve passed inspection.’ The voice well modulated, musical, a trace of accent. Finnish? She wore three quarter length fur and her legs were clad in boots of black leather – more startling when reprised in the helmet covering the upper half of her head.

He sat, confused. The vehicle began to move. He tried to look out, found the windows louvred, impenetrable.

‘Not quite what I expected, and…’ he stammered.

She laughed and nestled back into the fur, comfortable with the effect she had created.

‘And what is the ‘and’?’

‘Disturbing.’ He said after a moment’s hesitation.

The graphite lips curved in a smile, eyes twinkling mischievously from the gothic hood.

‘Thanks, though there are some who would accuse you of understatement,’ she extended her hand, ‘I’m Ilse.’ He leaned forward and took it. Long, cool fingers, unexpected strength. Perfume restrained, but with an unusual depth…he felt a lancing shaft of fear, released her hand and drew back, a prickle of perspiration at his temples.

‘You’re very persistent, David. I really felt we had to meet.’

She withdrew a gold case from her coat, ‘You’ll find a lighter in the drawer beside you,’ she said, extracting a cigarette. He fumbled awkwardly for what seemed an age, located it and leaned toward her. She did not lean forward to the flame, but remained as she was, forcing him to lean far over the booted legs and furred body. The cold shaft of fear took him again, as smoke flowed between parted lips. He retreated with some relief and replaced the lighter in the drawer.

‘Thanks,’ she smiled, ‘perhaps a little faster next time.’ An amused observation? A hint of menace? She certainly had an aura about her that generated fear. A most dangerous woman.

He cleared his throat, ‘Laura said you’d be prepared to speak with me.’ More a query than a statement.

‘Yes, where would you like to begin?’


‘Sorry, that’s classified.’

‘Oh,’ he laughed, ‘well…distribution?’

‘Most of the western world.’


She exhaled a broad plume of smoke toward the ceiling, lips quirked in a smile, ‘You heard me.’

‘Growth?’ he asked, dumbfounded.

‘Rapid. We have cells in every major city, and each member is charged with recruiting two initiates a month, as a matter of policy.’

‘That’s incredible, how do you do it?’

‘Oh, usually through self improvement courses – assertiveness training, aerobics. The most promising women are vetted and screened …it’s done very quietly. We’ve a corps devoted solely to recruiting the right women … these have formed the executive base. All in total secrecy.’

‘I know,’ he laughed, ‘all I ever heard was an urban myth about a secret women’s organization, a sort of feminine Masonic Lodge – and I’m in the nosy news business.’


‘What are your aims, then?’

‘Oh, probably something like world domination, ‘ she laughed.

‘Sure. But seriously, how does body like this function?’

‘That’s the catch David, you’ll have to join us to learn.’

‘What, as an honorary member?’ he grinned widely.

‘Something like that.’


She crushed the cigarette in the ashtray at her elbow, then, smiling: ‘Why not now?’

‘God, you’re full of surprises!’

‘That’s a yes then?’


She nodded. Just then the vehicle slowed and turned, dipped down into what he assumed was an underground carpark.

‘You were pretty sure of me,’ he laughed.

‘Oh yes, we’ve been watching you for some time.’

She led the way from the car and through a small doorway. He heard the motor purr off into a subterranean berth as he followed her into a maze of passages, then another door through which she led the way…into a tastefully furnished apartment.

‘This is my home,’ she gestured, ‘Take a seat, I’ll have some champagne brought in.’

She pressed a panel in the wall, and motioned him to a deep leather lounge chair – one of several that were grouped about a low table. She did not remove her fur, and looked like some strange fetishistic cat.

‘Now,’ she settled into a chair opposite him, ‘I can tell you more. We are much, much bigger than you think. Every major city in the country has a cell – and every country in the civilized world is similarly endowed.’ She stroked the leather idly with a graphite-tipped finger. ‘It had to happen, David.’ Her eyes found his earnestly, held them from the depths of the helmet.

‘How do you mean Ilse?’ he had not used her name before this, and it came out like a verbal caress. Her eyes narrowed in pleasure – despite the lethal manner, he found her attractive…and responsive!

‘Women must take over…simple as that.’

He could not hold back a laugh. ‘Now you’re having me on.’

Her fingers flexed a little and the graphite tips scored the leather softly.

‘Not at all,’ she smiled, ‘The agency for which you freelance now has a woman as CEO, right?’

He stared at her – ‘That’s right, but…nobody knows…the appointment’s still an in house secret!’

‘It’s managing director has a wife. Trudy.’

He stared, uncomprehending.

‘That’s the way it’s done – by direct or surrogate control.’

The door opened and a woman entered, bearing a tray on which rested an ice bucket and glasses. His casual sideways glance stopped in it’s tracks. Movements lithe and assured, she wore only a white silk shift and her every motion stroked it into erotic life. She came to him, and as she leaned down to place the tray on the table, he caught her delicate perfume – and what could only be described as an aura of ineffable wonder enveloped him.

Enfolded and caressed him, with a tenderness beyond all experience.

Only the young or easily impressionable are obsessed with physical beauty. The observing mind soon picks it’s way through the maze of human personality, sifting and evaluating as it goes, and finding the truth below all things physical. He knew without a shadow of doubt that he could spend the rest of his life plumbing the depths of this woman, and each step would bring a new wonder.

Ilse’s voice startled him, ‘This is Nadia, David.’

She regarded him with quizzical amusement, fingertips resting on the leather of her hood

…and he blushed, deeply and uncontrollably, a pubescent schoolboy again.

And was proud to let Nadia see it! Staring fully into soft eyes that almost moved him to tears.

She did not share Ilse’s amusement, but regarded him solemnly with parted lips as he rose and did the single most important thing in his life – took her fingers in his, raised them to his lips – and gently kissed them.

A simple gesture of homage to a beautiful woman.

She slowly released her fingers, poured champagne into a glass and handed it to him with a soft smile, then poured for Ilse, and with a lingering backward glance, left the room.

‘She impresses you, David?’ Ilse’s voice was little more than a purr.

What is it – he wondered – that gives an aura of menace to one woman, and a feeling of sensual peace to another?

‘She’s more than impressive, who is she?’

‘Oh, just one of those who serve us.’ Ilse sipped at the wine, ‘You’ll see more of her. Now…’ her voice lost it’s lightness and became businesslike, ‘let’s enjoy the wine, and then I have a little show for you. Meanwhile, some more information: we’re organized in exactly the same way as any other community, with the exception that women control all – men serve in a minor, but essential capacity. We have full a
dministrative arms, a legal and judicial body, accounting, marketing…all directed to the growth of our aims.’

‘And what are they?’ he asked, leaning forward in his chair.

‘Why David! World domination of course.’

He began to laugh, but saw that her expression was devoid of humour.

‘That’s crazy.’

She shook her head solemnly, ‘Not at all. We have women in key positions in every so-called First World country. Those positions we don’t hold are occupied by men under our control. They’re the – second class – members of the largest secret organization in history. The Barbarene.’

She smiled widely at his expression of total astonishment.

‘Surely you know women are natural keepers of secrets, David. When men have secrets, they’re just a little white lie to keep the woman happy. When women have secrets, they’re sly, deceitful. They’ve broken the male-imposed directive.’ She drained her glass and placed it on the low table, looked across at him with a quizzical smile: ‘You know I’m right. It’s the old double standard.’

‘Come. I’ll show you more.’

She rose and crossed the room to a large door, opened and extended her arm to him. They linked arms and he found himself walking down a long, shallow staircase in a tunnel lighted by recessed wall lamps.

He peered about him, ‘What is this place, Ilse?’

She drew him closer and he felt the warmth of her body through the fur.

‘The old wine cellars. They hauled the barrels up here, there were rails but we removed them and put in steps. My apartment is part of what was the surface store.’

They went further down toward a yellow glow that was visible, then she stopped abruptly and turned to him.

‘Do you find me attractive, David?’ Her lips gleamed in the soft light.

He stared at her. She seemed to tremble with some inner urgency.

‘Of course I do.’

Softly she laid an arm about his neck and drew him to her. The graphite lips opened in a full, deep kiss as she drove her body into his. She shuddered with sudden violence and moaned softly, then drew back. The eyes were wide and diamantine in the black leather of the hood.

‘I think the same of you – remember that.’ She turned and stepped down toward the glow in an abstracted motion, ‘There are things that must be done.’

She did not speak again, and moments later they stepped through the open doorway into a surreal cavern.

He gazed about him at a large circular chamber, it’s walls of rough hewn stone. The ceiling was a dome, dimly visible above him. A circle of flaring torches provided the only light. It flashed and played back from the black leather of four seated figures. Like the torches, they were arranged in a wide circle, between the torches and the walls of the chamber.

David halted in astonishment, but the insistent pressure of Ilse’s arm drew him forward, toward the faces which were turned toward them. Four pairs of eyes regarded him with equanimity – from black leather hoods identical to that worn by Ilse. The flaring light from the torches leant a demonic cast to them as Ilse’s voice broke the silence.

‘Let me introduce to you David,’ she told them, then turning to him she smiled, ‘These ladies are part of a new term which you learn now – they are Flagia.’

She led him to the centre, so that he now looked out at the four figures beyond the torches. They sat immobile in their chairs – which more resembled thrones – and gazed back at him without expression.

Ilse faced him, smiling, ‘The Flagia are the discipline corps of the Barbarene. This is one of their chambers – torture chambers, David – they are spaced around the basement of this quite considerable building.’ She turned slowly in the flaring light and indicated the space about her. He became aware of what he had not seen before: chains hung from the darkness above him, and the walls carried an array of instruments – whips, shackles and other unidentifiable horrors that chilled him to the core.

Two women materialized beside him. He had not heard them enter. They could only be described as amazons, and the strappings of leather which covered their bodies in a gleaming latticework accentuated their muscularity. Heavy multi-thonged whips swung from their belted waists.

Ilse extended her hand silently and one of the women loosed her whip and handed it to her. The thing was a horror of gnarled and twisted black leather.

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Wilton Hall had been her family's ancestral seat for over five hundred years and the current incumbent family member Lady Maud Hamilton had no intention of that ending on her watch! Time however was getting on and at 36 she was aware that she did not have many fertile years left to produce an heir. Having accepted that her husband, even though he had tried, was incapable of providing what she needed Maud had reached the conclusion that she had to consider other options. Her marriage to...

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Getting Her Revenge

GETTING HER REVENGE By Tiffany Scott 2003 Denise, my wife of five years, crossed the dark bedroom stopping once she was beside the bed where I had laid since she had bound my arms and ankles to the four corners of the bed frame before she had gone out on her latest date. The moonlight filtering in through the window provided just enough light for the shiny nylon of the full slip I was wearing to be visible. She stood looking down at me as she quietly gathered her short dress...

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Stripping For My Nephew

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here I slid my hands over my skinny toned stomach as I smoothly put my slinky black bra over my round D cup breasts. My nipples were still erect from my performance.I slid on a white wool sweater and tied my silky blond hair into a loose bun. I pulled out the last of the bills that were stuck in the waistline of my thong and organized them in a neat...

2 years ago
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Chudai Ke Liye Ek Lund Kaafi Nahi 8211 Part 11

Hi friends. Mera naam minu hai. Meri age 45 hai. Meri shadi ke 24 yrs ho gaye hain. Kahte hain naughty @ 40, bus wohi haal hai meri. Part 10 main maine bataya ki kaise maine aur neeta ne ek dusre ke bete ko chodne ke liye agree kiya aur phir maine, nisha , neeta aur richa ne lesbian sex enjoy kiya. Aagey ki kahani kuch aise hi. Please apna comment mein bhejen. Aapki comments mujhe aur bhi likhne ke liye majboor karenge. Nisha ke ghar se nikalne ke baad neeta apne ghar chali gayi. Richa mere...

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Sister Mildred and The Halloween Ghost Revised 2017

The cloistered sisters of the Upper Weston on Mersey Abbey were reputed to be seriously dedicated to their vows of silence and humility, but had been a little less circumspect with regard to the demanding vow of chastity. That was the vow that impacted the younger nuns with far more frustration than any of the other affirmations of devotion to the service of God.When Angela Landsborough took the partially binding vow after her first year in the convent, she didn’t expect she would be...

3 years ago
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Magical LabyrinthChapter 4

"Becky dearest, time to wake up." Rebecca opened her eyes from Robert's lap and gazed up into his eyes. "I dozed off. I was having the most delightful of dreams. We had just married, and you were petting my breasts on our wedding night... Anything new?" Robert bent down and kissed her. "No. The water level is now about a foot below the ledge. I thought I'd make another measurement and try the oval with my knife." Robert measured the new level. "Eleven inches to the ledge. Was 71...

4 years ago
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Finally Communication

Finally - - Communication (January 20, 2000 March 30, 2001 This one was hard to finish!) Written by Erica Wright *** This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you are not an adult, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible! *** My wife thought I was having an affair, and she had every reason to believe that. Just a tiny amount of communication could've...

3 years ago
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A Weed in the GardenChapter 22

In these past few weeks, I have been spending many hours at the local pub drinking the British beer and ogling the naked legs of the females with loose morals and little time for prayer to a proper God. My Polly gave me the comfort I needed in my home environment, but I knew my time with her would be limited because there would come a point when she would become dangerous to me because she knew too much about my activities and might possibly betray me to the authorities. Even now, a young...

2 years ago
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Orchard Beach Blues

On the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, Lenore and I went out by bus to Pelham Bay Park and Orchard Beach. We weren’t going to swim that day, just walk around. We had gotten off the bus as it entered the park so we could do just that.It was a ghastly hot day, and the entire scene out there was chaotic. Cars kept pouring into the area and, with the parking lots filled, people parked all over the grassy lawns. One group of guys opened up a hydrant and sprayed water on passing buses.Lenore had a denim...

1 year ago
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Ellen Steve

He pushed her inside with a forceful kiss and she could already feel the expectant boner in his pants pressing up against her. He pulled himself to her and met her tongue with his. Ellen was already quite damp from her anticipation and now, with Steve right in front of her & the pressure of his erection against her as they kissed, she became even wetter with the knowledge of what was soon to cum; that his hard-on would soon be servicing her every need. After closing the front door, kissing &...

2 years ago
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The Caretaker Takes Care Of A young Man

The Caretaker Takes Care of A Young Man My mother and I constantly moved from place to place. I was in my mid-teens when we rented an upstairs flat at the rear of a two-storey block of four flats. The caretaker Vera, a pleasant happy English lady, occupied the front flat downstairs. Soon Mum was able to get a rent reduction of five shillings a week if I did a range of work to help Vera. As I received a shilling of this from Mum I was fairly happy with the arrangements. I pushed a mower around...

4 years ago
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The Crossing part 18

An escaped PoW living as a woman, I had settled into my role as the fiancee of Count Helmut von Rumstahl. But this was Nazi Germany, and in the space of little more than 24 hours my world was turned upside down. THE CROSSING - part 18 by BobH (c) 2016 - 41 - "Wooden peas?" I said, chuckling as I picked up one of them from the floor. "Yes," said Helmut, helping me gather them up, "wooden peas." "How the other half lives!" I said....

2 years ago
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Owned TeacherChapter 8

The sobbing teacher was startled back to reality by the sound of voices as two ladies entered the restroom. She looked at the plug in her hand and thought, 'This will never fit inside me'. She opened the tube of lubricant and applied it gingerly to the plug. Then she reached back and put some lubricant on her ass hole. She attempted to slide her finger inside to get some gel inside. She wanted to wait until no one was in the restroom to try and insert the plug but it seemed as one left...

3 years ago
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Sexy Nights With My Cousin Sister

Hello ISS I am Rahul from Mumbai, India. I am regular reader of ISS and here I am sharing my own experience with my cousin sister. Let me tell about myself. I am Rahul 24 year guy from Mumbai. And I am only son of my mom and dad. I have cousin sister her name is Priyanka age is 23. She is very beautiful looking having great boobs and nice figure. We have been very close right from our childhood. As she is also single daughter in her family. We have been sharing everything from our childhood and...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Siri Dahl Third Wheel The Insemination Of Elizabeth 8211 A Siri Dahl Story

Six months after the events of ‘Third Wheel,’ where Elizabeth (Siri Dahl)’s wife, Terri, convinced her to have sex with a man to get pregnant and then stole the pregnancy herself, Elizabeth remains a broken women. Terri is now expecting ‘their baby’ and has been begging Elizabeth to come home. But, the estranged Elizabeth cannot get past the betrayal. At least not until she can become pregnant as well… Elizabeth books an appointment with an unusual medical...

3 years ago
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Teenage Games With Chubby Cousin Part 8211 1

Hi. I am Abhi from Mumbai. This sex story is from my teens when I had just started to feel the sensation in my Penis. I am the only child and I live with my parents, both working. I had my house empty the entire day and we friends used to watch porn on CDs during the day time. I had started masturbation recently and wanted to explore a girl’s body. But I was very shy so didn’t have a girlfriend. My friend had one and he used to share his experience with me which made me hornier. So, this...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Quinn Wilde Slutty Sister Blackmailed Into More Sin

Quinn Wilde is a busty, impulsive cutie that gets her kicks showing off for men. Recently, the tight-bodied babe had a fling with a guy who often filmed them having sex. But much to Quinn’s chagrin, one of the videos is now circulating the Internet! Crazy Quinn’s sister is quite the opposite — Nickey is a strait-laced, model student deeply in love with her long-term boyfriend, Xander Corvus. On multiple occasions, Quinn has caught Xander checking her out, even taunting with intimate...

1 year ago
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High School Days

Jerry was spending a few days with his old high school buddy, Bill, and his sister, Barbara. Jerry hadn't seen Bill in years, and when he found that he would be in his town on business, he had called to say hello. Bill had insisted that he stay with them, instead of at a motel. That evening, after a good dinner, the three of them were sitting in the den sipping wine and talking."By the way, Barbara, how did your class go today?" Bill asked his sister."Great," she grinned. "Wait until you see...

2 years ago
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Another day at the Office

It was a normal day at the office. I turned up like normal like my other colleagues. I was stood in the printing room waiting for my documents to print when the new boss came into the room. I wasn’t sure what to do because I had never been in her company before. I had heard stories about her and how hard she was on her workers. I had just never realise how hard. I was about to leave the room when she faced me and said.. ‘What’s your name?’  I looked around and realising no one else had...

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My Uncles Ranch

Its late May and school is getting out for summer break finally next year marks the start of college but who cares about that. I’m excited to do the basic summer fun like hangout with my friends go to movies and of course get in touch with my shemale side. When I get home my parents right away tell me how my father’s friend’s wife and daughter are going to Europe for the summer and how he would love to have me up there to keep company. Now I’ve known and grown up to view him like an uncle but...

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A Funeral for Everyone

A Funeral for Everyone All of Geralt Bellegrade's friends and family knew that sooner rather than later he would die a sudden death from a severe epileptic seizure. Even with people being shocked in the fact that the walking dead man was still alive, the news of his death was devastating. His death was an inevitable as the Sun rising from the east, but people took the news like they saw the Sun rise from the west. In some manner it is harder to accept a death of someone in the prime...

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A story about my dog named Rambo and the fun we had with him

My wife and I enjoy a very active sex life. We enjoy sex in every way imaginable. We are independently wealthy and live on a large isolated tract of land away from prying eyes so we can explore indoors or out when and where we want without worrying about anyone seeing. We’ve tried a wide variety of variations indoors and out but there was one more that I wanted to try but was afraid to ask. As open as we were, I was still afraid to ask for this. You see, I wanted to see a dog fuck her....

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Jeremy saw himself as the personification of elegance. He was always attired in a monochromatic fashion, sticking mainly to black and shades of grey with the odd touch of white, here and there. He was slim, very slim, and watched his weight meticulously. Standing five feet eight inches tall, he weighed one hundred and thirty pounds. He wasn’t exactly skeletal, but his weight was twenty pounds under what it should have been. Jeremy was a pretty boy and could afford to be picky, and ‘picky’ he...

Gay Male
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A Surprise Package

I would like to narrate to the readers one of the most exciting events that happened in my life. I had recently broken up with my long term boyfriend and he had moved out of the apartment in which we lived together. I continued to live in the same apartment though the rent was slightly more than I could afford on my own. But I had no intention of moving out mainly because it was a very comfortable and cozy place to live in that was quite close to where I worked and also because of a friend I...

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Slutty Sister And Cute Girlfriend 8211 My Cum Unloaders

Hey guys, I am back. It’s Madassess here again with a new story. This story takes place in my college. My college is situated in the middle of the city. Back there at my home, I was fucking my sister. I went to my college in some years. There I fell in love with girl from a different state. It was really weird, you know, trying to love some other girl even when you know that there is your sister always waiting for your cum. This college girl was a very reserved type. She didn’t mingle with...

1 year ago
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Ghost Of Kareema An Erotic Sex Tale 8211 Part 11

17 June 1985 Monday By the time Kareema hit home, it was dark. Anita was at the doorstep, looking outside.”Kareema, my darling,” she said as she came forth with a smile. “I was about to phone you. What took you so long?” She was about to hug Kareema when she saw her clothing was in pieces. “Oh my god! What happened?” She asked in astonishment. “Long story, Anita,” Kareema said in a tired tone, but with a happy smile. “Before anything else, I need a wash, and some of your ayurvedic stuff.” “Oh...

2 years ago
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Damsel In Distress Part 3

DAMSEL IN DISTRESS - PART THREE by Marcher Watt Rachel pulled up just around the corner from my house. "Okay, good luck," she said. "Are you gonna give me a call later on and let me know what's going on?" "Yeah, I will," I replied. "Right, here goes. I'll talk to you later." "Wait," she said. "Do you think you could get me some clothes? All I have is what I'm wearing." "Uh, I'll see what I can do. I'm not sure I should upset..." I shrugged and trailed off into a mumble. I knew...

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Gay fantasy coming truemy first time

A lot of people on xhamster have asked me about my first sexperience, about my true stories, so I thought I'd start a series on them. These are old stories in my collection from almost 2 years ago, but I hope you'll find them hot. Don't forget to leave a comment if you want more!I discovered that I was attracted to men too a few months back, and my sexual urges have grown stronger as I fantasize about having gay sex. The story is about how my fantasy came true.I shifted to a rented...

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KristinChapter 40

That night the kids let the tigers out so they could have their fun without scaring the other guests half to death with the sounds of their lovemaking, and without risk to the suites’ furnishings. So, the next morning, leaving the guys in bed sleeping, Little Bit, Ann, and Caitie went out looking for the tigers. It was only a bit before 6:30; why they were up and about so early none of the girls knew. Initially, they were a bit surprised. They had expected the four tigers to be waiting for...

2 years ago
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Breaking In Ch 1

“Seven out of ten,” the man behind her said, “Not bad for a virgin,” Carrie wanted to recoil in disgust. What had she just done? Her purity, her salvation, she gave it all away to a handsome stranger that she just met?! Sure his crooked smile made her knees weak and his shining green eyes were mesmerizing... his tousled dark hair and his pale skin was almost god like…and they way his soft hands ran all over her bare skin, allowing her reach achieve pure bliss… “Thank you master,” she...

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Veronica Coleman Chapter 1

Veronica Coleman was sitting in her study, the whole exercise had been completed successfully, the two girls had been rescued and back with their families. She sighed; it was strange the way Cathy had brought George, her father, together with Sandra, Veronica's own daughter. Almost as if it had been ordained by some higher power? She shook her head in amusement, several years ago she wouldn't have even thought of such a thing, but that's what happens when you work for The Organisation....

3 years ago
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Wife punishes me for Jerking Off PT2 Chastity

The first four days with the tube surrounding my dick were weird. I always had to sit when I went tothe bathroom. There were a few occasions when my mind drifted off to sex and I felt the blood movetoward my groin. But the sensation quickly passed.The oddest side effect of the “chastity experiment”, as I called it, was how productive I was. I workedat a company with about forty employees where women outnumbered men three to one. My bosswas an attractive woman in her early fifties. She was a...

2 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 45 The Heart of the Matter

October 13, 1983 It was late afternoon; I was through with classes for the day. I was on my way out of the apartment, bound for practice, when the phone rang. I considered ignoring it and continuing onward, but thought better of it. Upon answering, I was greeted by a most welcome voice. "So, Mr. O'Malley, what's this I hear about you? Someone else is calling you 'Dreamy' now?" "Patti!" I exclaimed. Then I laughed as I told her, "It sure sounds like you've been talking to a...

3 years ago
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Red Part II The Truck Stop

Thirty minutes after videoing the tall blonde bringing herself to orgasm while beside him in traffic, in the middle of I-95, Cliff still had a hard-on. Man, what a show she put on for him, and all unbeknownst to her. AND, he got it ALL on video. He couldn’t wait to get to the truck stop, crawl into his sleeper and watch it. He’d made good time since the accident cleared up and was just a few miles from his resting spot for the evening. Sara cursed under her breath as she noticed her gas hand...

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