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They lazed and idly watched as a speed boat burbled past and slowly approached the islands only slipway, "I guess there's a storm coming?" Lynnie surmised as she looked around and out to sea where another of the tourist speedboats was approaching and storm clouds could be seen creeping over the far horizon

"I guess," Jo agreed as she looked across at the shore and waited for Pablo and Anton to return with supplies for their voyage.

"Why didn't they stock up in Key West," Lynnie sighed, "We could be stuck here if the storm comes in.

Jo wondered if agreeing to act as crew on the yacht was such a good idea, she told her folks she was working at Disney but she they sneaked a weeks vacation to go sailing with two guys they barely knew. But who wouldn't? "Empress," was beautiful, a vision in glossy black with red lead below the waterline and a full set of pure white sails.

"Maybe we should go look for them? Lynnie suggested but they were moored fifty yards off shore and the boys had taken the dinghy.

"Yes, lets go look," Jo agreed, "Swim?" she suggested.

"Yes lets," Lynnie agreed and they dived gracefully into the crystal clear water and swam ashore.

They swam past the speedboat and climbed the narrow iron ladder to the quayside.

The speedboat was tied it up to a stout mooring post and it's 'Captain' spoke into his radio phone and then waved at someone on the quay and almost immediately a team of sleek tanned muscular young women appeared dragging a boat trailer, eight naked young white women barely out of their teens or even younger, naked that is except for a leather collar and a leather hood with holes for their eyes ears, mouth and nostrils as they worked with sweat glistening on their evenly sun -tanned torsos.

"Oh gosh!" Lynnie exclaimed as the girls dragged the trailer along the quay and then reversed it gently down the slipway, while a man in leather jacket and trousers with a Black Sabbath tee shirt shouted instructions, an occasionally cracked a long leather whip.

Lynnie and Jo watched as two of the women dived into the crystal clear water and started to manhandle the speed boat towards the slipway to guide it between the trailer's guides.

"How can they Lynnie?" Jo asked as the girls began to heave the sleek speedboat up the slipway on its trailer, the boat was heavy ,the girls struggled and suddenly the whip cracked,

"Hola!" the man shouted

"I don't know Jo," Lynnie replied, "Maybe they like it?" she added, "Maybe slavery is still legal in the Cuban zone."

"Well just be glad it isn't us," Lynnie sighed as she watched the girls drag the boat up the slip ad along the quayside, "Lets find Anton and Pablo."

Lynnie followed Jo as she walked along the quayside looking for a food store or somewhere Anton and Pablo might be, they retraced their steps after a few minutes and saw another group of naked 'slave' girls were walking back with a boat trailer as another speedboat glided up to the quay.

Lynnie and Jo watched the girls struggling as the Latin American guy with them warned "Silence!" in American if they spoke and cracked his whip menacingly.

"How could anyone let themselves be treated like that?" Lynnie asked.

"Beats me?" Jo agreed, "Shall we try this side street? it looks like a Shipwrights or Chandlers or something down there."

They had barely gone fifty yards before a policeman stopped them, "Papers por favor?" he asked, "Americanos?"

"We are from the "Empress," Jo pointed, "The boat."

"This is Cuban territory," the policeman said, "Americanos need permit, you have permit?"

"Back on the boat," Jo lied.

"Tourist visa?" he asked.

"Yes," Jo lied.

"We not issue them since 1948," he said, "Work permit?"

"Yes," Jo agreed, "That's it, work permit."

"You work on "Empress?" he asked.

"Yes," Jo agreed.

"What as prostitute?" he asked.

"No, deck hand!" Jo said forcibly.

"Sorry I thought you were prostitutes," he said, "You dress like prostitutes."

"It's a swim suit!" Jo protested, "It's wet," she said but she wasn't as she had already dried off in the afternoon sun.

"Not allowed under Cuban Law, you come to the Police Station I think," he insisted.

"We have to get back to the "Empress," Lynnie explained.

"No, you must come with me, it won't take long," he explained and with an eye on his colt 45 revolver tucked into his belt Lynnie and Jo didn't argue.

The police station was down a side street leading from the quayside street, a non descript building which would pass for a book store or drug store in America, and even inside it was not much different to a fast food joint with chrome and plastic chairs and tables and a high wooden counter.

Two police officers sat at tables reading, a sergeant and a female officer, "Dos Americanoes," the first policeman explained as they walked in, "No papers,"

"Prostitutes?" the older policeman asked as he turned showing his sergeant's stripes.

"No boat girls," the first policeman explained.

"Why do they think we are prostitutes?" Lynnie asked.

"You flaunt your bodies in your underwear." the policewoman replied.

"What about the slaves?" Jo asked, "They are naked!"

"Naked is natural," the policewoman explained, "Is beautiful, you dress like prostitutes, like cheap tarts."

"Look, we need to get back to the "Empress," Lynnie explained, "Can't you let us go?"

"No, prostitution is illegal." the policewoman insisted.

"But we are boat girls!" Lynnie protested.

"Ah boat girls," the policewoman said, "Why did you not say?"

"You didn't, like. ask?" Lynnie explained.

"Americano boat girls," the policewoman nodded, "Then we will send word to the "Empress for them to collect you."

"So what do we do?" Lynnie asked.

"You can wait, sit in the sun," the Sergeant said, "By the window, or in the shade."

Jo and Lynnie sat by the counter and were surprised when Pablo and Anton walked in after a few minutes, "What the hell are you doing here?" Anton asked

"We came looking for you." Lynnie explained.

"You fools, you're American citizens, you shouldn't be here!" Anton explained, "I said stay on the boat!"

"We never thought," Jo explained.

"Obviously," Pablo added, "We have dual citizenship you see, Mexican American so we're fine."

"Can you get us out of here?" Jo asked.

"Yes, but you said you're not prostitutes," Anton explained, "American whores can get work permits but have to agree to sex with anyone with $20 American."

"No way!" Jo insisted.

"Or you can be registered as boat girls," Pablo explained, "That's right officer isn't it?"

"Yes, if these gentlemen will sign for you as boat girls then that will be in order," the first policeman explained, "Just as long as you countersign and give your finger prints."

Jo looked at Lynnie, "I guess that's ok?" she said hopefully, "Will you sign for us?"

"Sure," Anton agreed, "Where's the forms?"

"Twenty Dollars American," The sergeant demanded, "Each."

"Gee," Anton complained, "That's steep."

"Pay the man," Pablo insisted and Anton handed over four crisp ten dollar bills.

"Sign here," the policewoman demanded,

"It's in Spanish," Lynnie protested.

"But of course, this is Cuba," the policewoman explained.

"It's just a regular form," Anton said reassuringly, and he signed his name with a flourish.

Pablo took Anton's pen and signed and Jo shrugged and added her signature finally Lynnie signed and then they took Lynnie and Jo's fingerprints and added them to the forms.

"Can we go now?" Lynnie asked.

"Dress code," the policewoman explained, "You still can't dress like a whore."

"But we don't have anything else!" Jo protested.

"No," the policeman agreed, "but you need a haircut."

"Hey, surely you can make an exception!" Pablo exclaimed.

"No, the code says no long hair, American boat girls go swimming and get dragged down by their waterlogged long hair all the time and drown," The sergeant insisted, "It is a health and safety precaution, or are you just pretending to be boat girls,?"

"There is ten years in prison for Americans entering Cuban territory illegally," the policewoman said seriously.

"Haircut?" Jo asked as she looked at Lynnie's beautiful shoulder length blonde hair.

"Yes, just a rough cut, you can tidy it up after, only ten dollars American each" the sergeant suggested.

"Can you get it done now?" Anton asked.

"Oh yes Carla will do it," he said, "Get the clippers Carla."

"Gee," Lynnie said, "Disney corp will go ape!"

"Better than ten years in jail," Jo suggested, "Ok we'll do it."

"I'll do the dark one, " the sergeant suggested, "To speed things up."

Lynnie and Jo sat at individual chairs facing the counter while the policewoman and the sergeant took their scissors and electric hair clippers ready to start work, neither Jo or Lynnie thought it odd that a police station would have electric hair clippers, especially two sets so they sat passively as the officers began to cut.

"That feels very short," Lynnie complained as she tried to look at Jo.

The policewoman held her head down, already there was a bald strip running from Lynnie's forehead to her neck and her remaining hair was cascading down around her even as she tried to look at Jo.

"That must feel much cooler and lighter," the policewoman exclaimed as she carved a second wide swathe of Lynnie's gorgeous blonde hair away to leave a second bald strip, a third and a fourth strip appeared and the hair cascaded to the floor, and then Carla started to trim around Lynnie's ears

"Can I see?" Lynnie said, "When I have finished the policewoman explained and admiring the even quarter inch American Marine corps hair style Lynnie now sported she lathered up Lynnies head with a shaving brush an began to shave the remaining hair away until Lynnie's scalp glistened in the sunlight and she was entirely bald .

"Are you shaving my head?" Lynnie finally asked.

"A very short style," the policewoman suggested, as she polished Lynnie's bald scalp.

"Lynnie, she's shaved your head!" Jo exclaimed, and raising her hands she squealed, "She's shaved mine too!"

"You look like a pixie!" Lynnie cried , "Oh my god!"

"Now don't make a fuss, just your underarms and bushes, hold still!" the policewoman warned and she buzzed at Lynnie's underarm hair.

"No, please!" Lynnie protested, "You can't!"

"And now your bush," the Policewoman ordered. "So strip!"

"Look I'm out of here," Lynnie snapped but the click of a Colt 45 safety catch brought her back to reality.

"It's ok," Anton said gently, "It'll be ok," and the policewoman not so gently pulled the one piece swimsuit from Lynnie's shoulders and ripped it down showing her 36D breasts and on down to show her small triangle of blonde pubic hair and her small pink labia.

"You see, is easy," the policewoman insisted, "I do same for you?" she asked Jo and she dragged Jo's swimsuit down as well.

"No please!" Lynnie pleaded but the policewoman continued and shaved off her blonde pubes as Lynnie cringed in fear that she would cut her as the policewoman set down her clippers and started to use the foam and razor to get a perfect smooth finish.

"Beautiful," the sergeant exclaimed.

"Can we go now?" Lynnie exclaimed.

Anton had a job to stop laughing as Lynnie looked like some strange albino pixie with no hair.

"You need dog tags," the sergeant explained, "Five dollars each,"

"Pay the man Anton," Pablo suggested and the sergeant produced a stamping machine and stamped out two aluminium discs with the girls registered numbers on.

"So where do we put there?" Lynnie asked.

"On a ring," the policewoman explained, "Out of the way."

"Where?" Lynnie asked.

"Through the skin, we have piercing machine it will not take long." the policewoman explained.

"Where?" Lynnie asked.

"Your cunt lip, shut up!" the sergeant insisted, "Carla just do it!"

Carla the Policewoman motioned for Lynnie to spread her legs, she wasn't happy but with a Colt 45 probably pointed at her she didn't refuse, "It won't hurt a bit, "said the policewoman as she spread Lynnie's Labia before freezing the left lip and punching a hole with a device like a pair of pliers and easing a key ring with the dog tag through.

"Aggghh, your right it doesn't hurt a bit it hurts like hell!" Lynnie replied.

Jo just sobbed as Carla froze her sex and fitted the dog tag through her cunt lip and finally Jo asked, "Can we go?"

"They need hoods," the sergeant said "And collars and leashes."

"How much?" Pablo asked.

"Fifty dollars American?" the sergeant tried, "Top quality brand new?"

"Don't you have something cheaper?" Anton asked.

"Worn out second hand ten dollars," he replied.

"The pair?" Anton asked.

"Each," The sergeant tried, "Ok for the pair."

Anton paid the officer and he gently buckled the collar around Lynnie's neck and the hood over her head carefully adjusting the eye holes, before attaching the leash while Pablo did the same for Jo.

"Can we go now?" Lynnie asked.

"Can we?" Anton asked

"Indeed, welcome to Cuba!" the sergeant laughed,"Come again soon!"

Lynnie reached down to pull up her swimsuit

"Sorry," the policewoman ordered, "We have a dress code and you cannot wear ladies underwear in the street"

"But you can't" Jo wailed, "You can't make us walk the streets like this!"

"Then don't wear anything, bare is legal here." the Sergeant leered, "But you cannot wear that underwear, Carla, confiscate it."

The policewoman pulled Lynnie's swimsuit off her feet and threw it over the counter and Jo reluctantly slipped hers off as well and handed it to the sergeant.

"Very nice, very beautiful, natural is just fine," the first policeman explained,

"Can we go?" Lynnie demanded.

"Oh yes, enjoy your stay!" the sergeant agreed, "Adios!"

Lynnie staggered out into the dusty street horribly aware if the people she thought were staring at her, and with Anton and Pablo following they turned towards the quay and the 'Empress,' which they could see swinging at anchor.

They stopped by the slipway as a team of sweating naked girls struggled with another speedboat, "Eh Juan" Anton shouted, "You want more girls?"

Lynnie stared, "Swim for it!" she cried and she ran for the edge of the quay and dived gracefully into the sea and struck out for the Empress, Jo followed.

"Very good," Juan agreed, "Top quality," he added, "Look at them go!" he grinned, "What they fuck like?"

"Don't know, if they're no good you can have them." Anton said.

"Look I need strong swimmers, strong girls like them, ten thousand American the pair!" Juan offered.

"Done!" said Anton, "Ok Pablo?" Pablo nodded.

"As long as they fuck ok." Juan insisted and they watched as Lynie and Jo tried to climb aboard the Empress but couldn't climb the yachts highly polished sides as the ladders and scrambling nets were still stowed and so reluctantly they swam back to the shore.

"A grade pussy man," Pablo lied, as Anton clipped leashes to Lynnie and Jo's collars as they emerged from the water and he tugged the leashes and dragged them back to where Pablo and Juan were waiting with the other girls.

Anton handed Juan the forms from the police station and they shook hands on the deal and Juan laughed and started handing over fifty dollar bills from a roll.

Lynnie looked on and tried desperately to remove the collar and leash, and hood, but the buckles were patent self locking bayonet fixings and need a tool to release them.

"It's hopeless!" Jo protested.

"So you want work for me?" Juan asked.

"Oh no, no way!" Lynnie protested.

"Looks like we got some new workmates girls," one of the naked girls said as they paused to watch,"I'm Louisa from Vermont, this is Harriet, from LA, Monica, she was at Harvard, Millie, Sam, Clara, Mary and Jena, and we all crewed for those bastards!"

Anton and Pablo just grinned and did a high five, "Adios Amigos!" Anton laughed and they walked away still laughing.

"Right, we eat," Juan announced, "Come and he carefully looped all ten leashes to a singe leading rein and as the girls formed up in twos her led them down the quay and down the side street to the police station.

The sign saying Police was gone, the smell of cooking filled the air and Carla stood behind the counter in a waitress outfit while the sergeant cleaned tables in his shirt sleeves and the policeman also in shirt sleeves cooked tortillas on a stove.

"Sit!" Juan ordered he let go of their leashes so they could sit down.

"Jo," Lynnie said quiety, "You know how we couldn't figure how girls let themselves work naked and get treated like slaves."

Jo stared back at Lynnie, "I guess we know now!"

To be continued?


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It was late October last year when I had a work trip planned to Orlando. While I was in Florida I decided to call my old high school buddy TJ who lived in Daytona. I called him up and he said he would love to have me over the weekend I was going to be down. When I finished up in Orlando I drove over to TJ's late Friday. When I arrived we greeted each other he introduced me to his wife Pam and we went out to dinner. The next morning I was up early and had went for a walk around the...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit Part 2

"I'm so glad you were able to get out tonight," my best friend, Leslie, yelled over the roar of the music. "I feel like we haven't seen each other in ages.""Yeah, you're right. Not since James and I passed out after your super bowl party." I yelled back."I need a smoke, come with me?"I followed her out to the deck, grateful that the crowd and the music hadn't reached out here despite it being a sultry August night."I'm so sorry we couldn't make it to James' father's funeral," she continued,...

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The Depths of Truth

This is the third day since we crashed at Toluk Valley. I am Lieutenant Zebadiah Forrester, 53rd Valkyrie Squadron on detachment from 3rd Colonial Battle group to Stratix colony, Thibadault system, Korpulu sector. I am writing this log, this journal, in the aftermath of the Protoss attack on New Fredricksberg. As far as I know, I'm the only surviving member of my squadron. My crewman died in the wreckage of our Valkyrie, and I accept total responsibility for his death. I keep telling myself...

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Experience with Lakshmi

Hi I am Lokesh working as Teacher for Higher Secondary School. This is the first time that happened with my colleague virgin girl, Lakshmi. We are living in the same colony in My sore (Karnataka). I am fair, Jim body person. Lakshmi gorgeous girl white fair white color, she has big boobs and a very nice structure about 38-85-30. Coming to story, I have to say thanks to my colleague. Since my colleague dinesh loved her. He asked me to be a mediator. I always had a lust on her and so I agreed to...

3 years ago
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Mera Juice Nikala Hotel Workers Ne

I love travelling and I would travel a lot those days since I got my new bike.. So one fine day I made a plan to visit nainital and explore the places nearby.. (and the thought of solo travelling makes me horny which makes me create a number of plans.. However this time it materialized) Jaise hi mai nainital pahuncha, maine hotels search karna start kar diya. Mai aisa hotel dhoond raha tha jo cheap ho aur zyada bada na ho, thodi aur upar ja kar, secluded si jagah par ek hotel tha.. Maine vahan...

Gay Male
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Dad helps son8217s fantasy come real

We are a family of four , me(suresh) ,dad, mom and my sister live in a nice residential area and are financially sound. My dad works abroad and comes home every six months for a vacation of one month. I am doing my degree final year and am of age 20, iam about 5 ft 10 inches tall and have a average physique just like my dad. My mom is a school teacher, and my sister studies in plus one class. Ravi is my closest friend in school. One evening after school i went went with ravi to his house to...

2 years ago
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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Emma

This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons...

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Father Moss

“What we did last night…” the boy ventured, compulsively thinking of sex as he watched his older temptress ease the cork out of a bottle of Merlot, “it…it wasn’t the first time for me.”Elisabeth turned and looked at him, eyebrow raised. “Is that so?”The boy nodded quickly, averting her gaze. She poured a glass for herself and one for him. “Anyone I know?” she inquired with a hint of playful suspicion as she handed his drink over, sure to let him get a good look down the front of her dressing...

2 years ago
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It Started in the Steam Room Part V

I got out of bed and headed toward the shower. I would have loved to invite my wife to join me, but it wouldn’t be long before the kids started dragging themselves out of bed and we couldn’t take the risk of getting caught. It’s hard to find any privacy in a house with two teenagers. That afternoon I flaked out in front of the coach with the TV on, but I was barely paying attention. Instead I was daydreaming about the morning encounter with my wife, the several encounters with Matt, and...

1 year ago
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Happy birthday

So it was Tom birthday. Hmm thought Tom, what was Sarah going to give him?. He liked her very much. He was planning to ask Sarah out. He did not when. He knew Sarah liked him too. The way she smiled when she saw him.... 'Tom' she called. He got up swiftly and saw her standing at the door. 'Yes what is it?', he said nervously. 'Nothing I just wanted to see where you were', she replied shrugging. 'Right', he answered. Come on he urged himself, ask her out.... 'I've got you a present but we'll...

First Time
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AddictedChapter 8 Infidelity Flashback 2

And that is how I cheated on my wife; for a third time. There I was sliding in to Elizabeth from the rear and I suddenly remembered a few years ago, when I cheated on Ann for the second time, the first since we had been married. Business was slow and out of the blue I got a call from a Sandy Bergman who was desperate to move to Phoenix, Arizona; an emergency move with everything happening at the last moment; the worst kind of move. My jobs were mostly small local stuff, maybe a really small...

1 year ago
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Hello Porn

Are you ready for some of the most cookie-cutter porn you’ve ever seen in your fucking life? Are you a vanilla ice cream kind of guy, shying away from anything even remotely original or eccentric? Are you tired of enjoying authentic pornography? Would you like to watch generic shit that all looks exactly the fucking same? Welcome to Hello Porn. With an intro like that, they must suck ass, right? Well, nope. This is a great site; I’m just getting tired of stale western pornography. Hello Porn is...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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DarkFyre Chapter Twenty

Silmaria’s heart beat violently, thudding unpleasantly in her breast. As the men stepped into their small camp she swallowed and fought to ignore the rising tide of panic threatening to drown her entirely. There were half a dozen of them, all armed and stepping with the confident, easy swagger of men who were comfortably acquainted with a great many kinds of violence. Dark eyes roved over her. She saw a flare of desire here, a glint of lewd interest there. Mostly, they looked curious, and...

2 years ago
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Der Keller 2

Ich hatte mich in mich selbst zur?ck gezogen und meine Umwelt v?llig ausgeschlossen. Um so erstaunter war ich, als ich eine Ber?hrung an meiner Hand sp?rte. Als ich den Druck leicht erwiderte, klirrte die Kette. Das brachte mich wieder ein wenig in die Wirklichkeit zur?ck. Mein offensichtliches Zur?ckkehren zu der 'normalen' Welt hatte eine weitere Auswirkung: Meine andere Hand wurde ergriffen und gedr?ckt. Wieder kamen Tr?nen in meine Augen, diesmal aber wenigstens teilweise positiv. W...

4 years ago
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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 17 Ted Ullman ndash Warm Springs Spa and Hot Tubs

His BS&O response simply asked, “Do you have an in call? -tedu” I hated to waste $0.50 but I responded, “No. Make me want to see you. You could give me a phone number -Z3” His response gave a phone number but added “Don’t call text ‘Loose 10 kilos fast. Ask me how.’ I will call you back.” That response looked like the guy was cheating on a GF or wife. I sent the text. An hour later I answered the phone. “Hello.” “Are you Z3?” “Call me Z. And who might you be?” “Ted U, Ted...

3 years ago
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Hubby gives me completely to BBC

Finally have sometime to post an update to what happened after my surprise GB.Earlier this year I setup a meeting and ended up being the sex toy of seven guys. I did this for my hubbies B-Day and he was surprised when he got the link with the party pictures and video over a text I sent to him prior to getting back home.Once I got home he was waiting for me in bed, I took off my clothes and got on top of him and rode him like a wild cowgirl. I was so exhausted, that I went to sleep right after...

4 years ago
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My first bbc

This is my first post so be gentle hahaThis just happened earlier today. I get a text last night from an old friend who i know is gay. I told him I had never been with a guy but I was curious, he said he was home from college for the break and I said cool he said do you wanna find out. I told him hell yes but I wanted to see what I was dealing with so he sent me a few picks of his hard cock and holy shit was this thing massive!!! I'm talking 11 inches at least and about 4 inches thick. I was...

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Urban Girl in a Village

The name's Roshni, currently 21 years old, from Northern parts of India. Well... I can't be sure of that. I was born there, but my mom and dad are from the south end of the country, Kerala.My dad's work demands a lot of travel. He had to travel from places to places. Countries to countries, to be exact! Like any other man who loves his family a lot, he took his family too with him to all these places. So from my c***dhood itself, from the moment I started to remember things, I have been a...

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Darkroom Friday

Dieter was at the gym at 7:00 a.m. on Friday working out hard. The week had been a hard one. He wasn't a spectator type and it had been frustrating to sit on the sidelines. The weights he was lifting hurt, but he enjoyed the feeling of the strength in his muscles, the competence of his body when faced with the simple physical challenge.Friday watched him from a stationary bike across the gym. He was truly well built- he had a sense of how to build his body to pleasing proportions. He'd been...

2 years ago
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Introverts Indecent Proposal

“Fire. There is a fire in the kitchen. Please leave,” a timid voice stuttered after she opened the door to our cubicle. I looked at Molly, she looked back at me: we both stared at the embarrassed privacy intruder and waited for the punch line. I looked beyond the member of staff towards the café’s window. There, I saw the reflection of the flames in the kitchen. This was no joke.Molly and I abandoned our drinks and snacks in the cubicle. We made our way towards the usual exit. En route, we...

1 year ago
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Jennifer Wife Slut After 3 Weeks

My wife Jennifer had moved out as we were having some issues. After 3 weeks I called and asked if she wanted to have some lunch at a local pub. I had got there a little early and sat in a booth so I could see her when she got there. She walked in wearing a white spaghetti straped cami with a black shelf bra leaving her nipples in full view. Also a thigh high too tight white skirt, she always dressed conservatively but this was a 180 degree change. This look already at my cock at half mast. Half...

Cheating Wifes
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Almost Damsel Almost in Distress

ALMOST DAMSEL ALMOST IN DISTRESS By: Shawna Summers [email protected] Finally! I had the day off from work and I planned to spend it indulging two of my favorite activities... crossdressing and self-bondage! I've been dressing since I was 10 years old, and about the only thing that was more exciting than getting all femmed up... was locking myself into some strict bondage and struggling to get free! I lived in a small apartment complex on the edge of town. Being on...

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Romance Is for Suckers

‘Romance is for suckers,’ that’s what I’ve always said. I’ve always enjoyed women but just for sex and I’ve been lucky enough not to need to enter into a relationship to get all the sex I’ve wanted. I’d pick up a girl somewhere, like a bar or a grocery store and sometimes-even bookstores. We’d have sex a few times and then I’d stop seeing her. When you operate that way, you avoid all the entanglements and it keeps you free. Then I met Lonnie and my whole life changed. I don’t know what it was...

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True story of when I was paid to go to swingers cl

I was staying in Derby whilst ‘on tour’ of the Midlands when a 45 year old guy called Dave messaged me asking if I would accompany him to a local swingers club which was holding it’s weekly TV and admirers day the following day.Once we had agreed on what was expected of me, and the fee had also been agreed, the booking was set in concrete with him making a deposit payment into my bank; something I insist on for ‘outcalls’.A quick ‘Google’ from my hotel room gave me an idea of the establishment...

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DirtyWivesClub Brandi Love 23701

Ah, the plumber. He’s back and better than ever, ready to lay some pipe. Brandi Love answers the doorbell and is just about ready to devour him, but then she remembers that she’s married. BUT that’s just fine, because she knows her husband will approve of it since, after all, the two of them enjoy it when she fucks other men. Yes, it’s the hotwifing game, where a married man gets off on his wife getting plowed by another dick. And sexy Brandi’s got plenty of time before her husband arrives...

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Wicked Web Stepmoms A Bitch

I focused Dad with all the scorn I could muster and growled, “My Stepmom’s a bitch,” making sure to draw out the words. She was, really. I didn’t know what he saw in her. Well, to be honest, I did know. Lean legs, a perfect bum and those creamy white C-sized orbs on a body that could have belonged to an eighteen-year-old, all of which she flaunted at every opportunity, were hard to overlook. Ever since Clare had strutted into our home on Dad’s hand half a year ago, she had behaved as if she...

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sams diary

Dear Diary, I had the most amazing day at school. I was coming back fromrehearsals and the volleyball practice went out so I decided to take ashortcut through the girls' lockerroom. I was almost out when I heard ashower door close. I went to check out who was left. I thought it wasonly me, but someone wlse had to be there. I peeked around a corner oflockers and there she was. The most beautiful girl on the entirevolleyball team, the goddess named Leah. I'd seen her flip that...

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Corbin Duece James Chapter 3

I hopped in the shower standing there for about five minutes before washing. Before leaving I finished my daily hygiene, then slipped on my usual type apparel then exited the bathroom. I walked into the main room of the clubhouse, were I found some cake. I ate some then walked outside, were it was deserted all except the usual mechanics. I found a seat outside and sat there, turning on my iPhone and started listening to music. I heard the door open an saw that the Chapter was walking out....

2 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XXI 3 The Greatest Tests Are From Within

Joey sensed me twenty miles from the Kenton county boarder. Damn his excitement was contagious. The moment I felt his mind touch mine I instinctively sped up. I was shocked to learn he wasn't linked with anyone. Neil had gone home to visit his family for the holidays, and without Suzi around he just hadn't felt the need to link with anyone else. But he gladly accepted my offer, and after that it was like he was in the car with me from all the talking we did over our two-way link. What we...

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Anal Beth

I had known Beth for only a few months. She was pretty by anyone's standards, with nice legs, a firm behind, and somewhat small breasts (I believe bite-sized is the term they are commonly called) with bigger than average nipples. We didn't make it until our fourth or fifth date, and I can't say that the sex was spectacular. Don't get me wrong, it was good, but until we went to a hunting lodge one weekend with Joan and Bill, two close friends, our sexual adventures were quite ordinary.We all...

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SEX With Nextdoor

Hi guys this is Amit from Kolkata. This my experience when i was doing my degree.Now i am 27 years working in kolkata. We are staying in a building where 7 other families in the same building campus. My college is from 1PM to 5PM so i will be free and at home till 12:30PM and go by then. Very rarely i study.. Remaining times i used to go to neighbors house or take rest in home. There is a family next our door. Only husband and wife will be in that house, they dont have any children. Uncle is a...

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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 02

Mark was dazed when he got home. He'd just been essentially ****d in broad daylight by an older man, and with a witness to boot! This sure was a surreal introduction to sex.Mark pulled off his jogging clothes, and removed the torn shorts that were the cause of his being ravaged.Well, it's your own fault for wearing obscene shorts!He threw them in the garbage can. After taking a long shower, Mark had dinner with his parents – God, what would they think if they knew that a man's cock had been...

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