I Dig Brainy Chicks free porn video

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Derek felt on edge. It was his first day at St. Calvin, one of the larger high schools in Rhode Island, and he had the nagging vibe that he was ill-equipped. "Now remember, Derek," his mother said as she dropped him off on the curve. "First impressions are everything. Be nice to the girls, don't get in trouble with the boys, and pay attention to your teachers." Derek shouldered his backpack. "Uh-huh," he muttered. "Please, Derek, listen to me this time," she called out as he walked across the lawn towards the main entrance. "You gave me enough headaches while you were in elementary." "I can't help if everybody besides me is a jerk!" Derek yelled back. If his mother replied, the shouts and cries of the other students drowned her out. Derek ascended the stairs, taking deep breaths to ease his nerves. A brand new school, a brand new life, a brand new place to fail. Derek wouldn't exactly call himself a moron, but he could never quite get his head around chemicals or mathematics or all that gritty, scientific stuff. English was more his forte, but nobody was interested in stories anymore, not in this day and age where anyone who isn't a lawyer or a real estate broker was singled out for the scrapheap. His Dad wouldn't have it, his Mom wouldn't have it, and that's why they had shipped him off to St. Calvin's to get a proper education. Derek pulled out a crumpled pamphlet that displayed his schedule for the day: Room 105, Introduction to Biology. Room 201, Math and its Applications in Daily Life. Room 304, Introduction to Advanced Physics. It was enough to make him stick a gun in his mouth. This was going to be a long day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Now then," Mrs. Reilly said in her high, bird-like voice. "Can someone give me a summary of gastroesophageal reflux disease and its basic symptoms?" Almost every hand in the room shot up. Derek was among the very small minority, in that it was just him and a guy who looked like he suffered from Down syndrome, which did nothing to boost his self-esteem. He felt like Charlie from "Flowers for Algernon" before an operation turned him into one of the smartest men on earth: A handicapped retard who was condemned to envy the geniuses that constantly surrounded him. Derek brooded, the words of the teacher fading away as his attention wavered. If only he was good at sports, then at least he could compensate for his lack of brains. But he was a wimp on the playing ground. All the other kids hated Derek's guts, as if some creepy Darwinian instinct turned them all against his contemptible physical weakness. So what was left? Exile, obviously. Doomed to be stuck in a dreary grey zone between the worlds, freakish and unwanted. He momentarily looked up, and saw a young girl near the front of the class turning her head to look at him. She had long, brown hair tied into a loose bun, and deep, black eyes hidden behind horn-rimmed spectacles. Upon realizing that Derek was looking back, she immediately spun her head back to the teacher. For the first time since entering St. Calvin's, Derek felt his interest piqued. Who was that girl? Was she attracted to him somehow? Derek couldn't remember any time when a girl seemed to be actually drawn to him. Then again, he only hit puberty a couple of years ago, so maybe he just hadn't given himself a chance yet. Feeling a little excited that someone at this school was actually taking notice of him, Derek spent the rest of the class hurriedly jotting down notes, even though he couldn't hope to understand any of his scribbles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was lunchtime, and the cafeteria was packed to the brim with the hustle and bustle of young minds and loud mouths. All of the major groups had settled into their respective circles, some determined by personality, others by class: Jocks at one table, rich kids at another, jokers and internet trolls hogging the center, outcasts in the corner, and so on. But Derek hadn't even settled in with the outcasts. Instead, he had seated himself at a deserted table, away from the other human hives. All he wanted was peace and quiet after a long, painful morning. Derek felt like a square peg shoved into too many round holes, and now he had a headache the size of Texas. Maybe it was time for him to actively consider suicide. He couldn't see any other way out of this predicament. He took a casual glance at his reflection in his spoon. Derek wasn't a unbearably ugly guy, but he couldn't exactly hope to hold a candle to Brad Pitt either. That, coupled with his already awkward social skills, put his chances with the opposite sex somewhere below zero. Well, so be it. He didn't much like girls anyway. He assumed the bespectacled lady who took notice of him back in the classroom was just some weird fluke. As if summoned by his thoughts, that same girl abruptly sat down adjacent from him at the table with her lunch tray. "Hello there," she said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. It took a moment for Derek to recompose himself, after which he had a chance to get a closer look at this girl. Like Derek, she wasn't profoundly unattractive or a runner-up in the Halle Berry Awards for Unimaginable Hotness. Nor did she appear to be wearing any makeup, at least not anything that was meant to make her stand out. She was, for all intents and purposes, a "Plain Jane". And yet...there was something about her, a kind of...comely homeliness, that Derek felt himself drawn to like a magnet. "Uh, hi," he muttered. "Megan Winifred Parrish," the girl identified herself. "You can call me Meg, if you so desire." Not once had she smiled or given any indication of extending a hand of friendship. "Derek Harrigan," Derek said quietly. "Pleased to meet you Derek," Megan said, not looking pleased at all. "I saw you during biology class. I assume you're new at St. Calvin's?" Derek shrugged. "You could say that." He took a glance at Megan's food; peas, carrots, mashed potato. A strictly all-vegetarian dish, in stark contrast to Derek's meat casserole. "Excellent. I hope you enjoy your stay." Megan looked around the cafeteria, as if she were checking for any possible eavesdroppers. "I am what you might call...ahem...'a nerd'." She said the word while making quotation marks with her fingers, making it clear that she didn't think much of the term. Derek couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "No fooling?" "Oh, it's not meant to be an insult," Megan clarified. "It's my official designation. It is a role I have been forcefully relegated to against my will." Derek smirked. "Yeah, I know that feeling..." Megan shook her head. "No, you misunderstand me. I wasn't always 'a nerd'," again she made quotation marks in the air, "and neither was I always a..." She trailed off when someone walked by. Derek frowned. "Always a what?" "Never mind." Megan waved a hand dismissively. "It's not something I can discuss, at least not freely. I only wanted to...give you a warning." Derek almost had to laugh at her phony attempt to weird him out. "A warning? Come on, this is high school. What do I have to worry about besides the usual bunch of bullies and asshole teachers?" Megan leaned forward, lowering her voice to a whisper. "Stay away from Cindy Myers," she said ominously. "Cindy Myers?" Derek snickered. "The lead cheerleader?" "Don't speak so loudly, idiot!" Megan snapped. She looked around to make sure no one had heard. "She's a dangerous girl for reasons I can't go into here. Just...don't go near her." Derek decided it was a good idea to humor her. "Sure, fine. Whatever you say." Megan sighed with relief. "Good. I'm glad to have that lifted off my conscience." She quickly took her lunch tray and strode back to the 'nerd group' in the cafeteria. Derek stared down at his meat casserole. What the hell had that been all about? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the afternoon's schedule of classes had been cleared, Derek caught up with Megan while she was walking across the schoolyard. He noticed she was wearing a bright pink jacket this time. It seemed to be the only article of her clothing that was the slightest bit feminine. "What's up?" he asked cheerfully. Megan regarded him a cocked eyebrow. "By saying 'what's up,', are you hoping to breach beneath my introverted veneer and establish social relations with me?" Derek felt like the wind had been knocked out from his sails. "Well, uh...yeah. Pretty much." "And are you also hoping that said social relations will lead to sexual relations?" she continued with analytical aplomb. "Look," Derek said, starting to get annoyed, "I just wanted to know how you're doing." Megan stopped walking and gave Derek a cold, steely gaze. "Derek, it's important that you're not seen with me." Derek didn't know what to make of this. "Why, exactly?" "Because..." Megan pushed her glasses up her nose. She seemed nervous about something. "Because there's enough of...my kind...at St. Calvin's already." Derek looked around. The schoolyard was almost completely empty of other students, except for a pair of girls who bore a striking resemblance to Megan. Like her, they had plain, unremarkable looks and a dull selection in clothing, while a pair of prominent glasses were perched on each of their noses. They glanced in Derek's direction with expressions that were almost...furtive. Derek rounded on Megan. "Okay, what the hell do you mean, 'your kind'? Do you mean them?" He pointed in the direction of the other girls. Megan didn't follow the direction of Derek's finger, keeping her attention focused on him. "By 'my kind', I meant intellectually advanced females of the same approximate age. So...yes." Derek narrowed his eyes. Now he was getting confused. "Look, I have no clue what you're talking about, but..." "Wow, Meg! Who's your new friend?" A chirpy, bird-like voice interrupted Derek's sentence. He angrily turned around, only to see a stunningly gorgeous vision of teenage beauty walking towards him. Long, golden locks that descended past her shoulders, bright blue eyes that pierced out of a face from some early Renaissance painting, a voluptuous body that would make Pamela Lee Anderson hang herself out of envy. She wore the familiar red-and-white uniform of the school's cheerleading squad, the letters CALVIN HIGH plastered across her t-shirt. The "V" in Calvin and the "I" in High were stretched abnormally large by her formidable breasts. Megan cursed under her breath. "Too late." Derek ogled this girl as she skipped across the grass. "Uh..." He grunted. "I...I don't think we've...met before..." The girl stuck out her hand. "Cindy. Cindy Myers. Pleased to meet ya." After she and Derek had exchanged shakes, she turned her attention to Megan. "So, Meg! 8pm tonight as usual, k?" Megan nodded, looking mildly irritated. "As usual." Derek frowned, his eyes darting back and forth between the two girls. "Hey ladies, no offense, but...is there something going on here I should know about? Or is it none of my business?" Megan released a long, defeated sigh. "Let me put it this way. It's not your business at the moment, but it will be." "Huh?" Cindy hugged Megan close to her, pressing a finger against her lips. "Shhh. We can't ruin the big surprise, now can we?" Megan slowly but firmly extracted herself from Cindy's cuddle. "I've had enough of this idiocy," she said, and for the first time Derek thought he heard anger creeping into her voice. "I'm not exactly complaining about what you did to me, but these childish escapades have got to stop." "Childish escapades?" Cindy giggled, patronizingly squeezing Megan's cheek as if she were a child. "Is that what you call having a little fun?" Derek, starting to feel a little creeped out, took a step back from Cindy. "Fun?" he echoed. "Meg, what's she going on about?" Megan adjusted her spectacles, looking mysteriously embarrassed. "Well, you see, my friend Cindy here is..." "Don't mind her," Cindy said, stepping in front of Megan. "She's just being a party-pooper. Hey, I've got something I'd like you to wear, if it's cool with you." Derek was getting suspicious, no matter what his hormones told him about Cindy. "Something for me to wear?" Much to Derek's amazement, Cindy casually reached between her cleavage and pulled out a pair of spectacles that were almost identical in design to Megan's. It was if she kept those glasses hidden between her knockers for an occasion like this, as flat-out bizarre as it sounded. She handed it over Derek. "My little present," she snickered. Derek looked at the spectacles with a frown. "But...but I don't need glasses..." "Yes you do," Cindy said with a wry little grin. "I just love a man who's not afraid to wear glasses. Why don't you try them on right now and see how they fit?" "Derek, don't put them on," Megan said from behind Cindy. She almost sounded frightened. Cindy leveled a vaguely malevolent gaze at Megan. She lowered her head and pressed her lips together in silence. Cindy turned back to Derek, all the hostility in her face vanishing in the blink of an eye. "So, what are you waiting for? Give 'em a try!" Derek, put off somewhat by Cindy's insistent attitude and Megan's eerie discomfort, decided to call it a night. "Okay," he said, inserting the spectacles into his coat pocket. "I'll...uh...I'll give them a whirl when I get home." Cindy pouted. "But then I won't get to see - " "No, really, it's fine," Derek blurted, as he briskly hurried down the sidewalk. "I'll let you know how they were." Cindy folded her arms and sulked like a spoiled child. "Whatever's the matter, Cindy?" Megan asked, with a slight trace of venom. "Disappointed to have your needs unfulfilled for a change?" Cindy spun around and slapped Megan across the cheek. "Never say that to me again," she scolded. Megan rubbed her face, regarding Cindy coldly. "Yes, ma'am." Cindy skipped across the yard towards her after-school practices. Megan watched her leave, then turned her gaze to Derek, who was just turning a corner. In another moment, he would disappear from view completely. Taking a deep breath, Megan began to follow him from a safe distance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once again, Derek arrived home to find the house empty. He found a note stuck to the refrigerator: DEREK YOUR FATHER AND I HAVE GONE OUT FOR DINNER I LEFT SOME SPAGHETTI FOR YOU IN THE MICROWAVE BE BACK AT 10PM LOVE, MOM Derek sighed and warmed up the spaghetti. After he was finished nuking it, he took the steaming-hot plate of pasta into the living room, where he nestled down onto the couch. He searched around for the remote control, with no luck. Dad must have lost it again, he thought. Great, I'll just have to operate the TV manually for the seventh night in a row. Then an idea occurred to him. Lifting up one of the couch pillows, he found the remote tucked away with pennies, lint, and other miscellaneous objects that fell out of people's pockets. He took the remote and sat down on the couch with a satisfied grunt. Derek switched on the TV and began flipping through channels. He came across an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie and put the remote aside before digging into his spaghetti. He was halfway through his dinner when he suddenly remembered the spectacles Cindy had given him. He pulled them out of his jacket and took a closer look. Why the hell would somebody like Cindy keep a pair of glasses to herself? He mused. Come to think of it, why would she keep them in such an intensely weird place as her own bosom? Then he caught sight of something reflected inside the lens. He squinted his eyes, first thinking it was some kind of trick of the lights. Upon seeing it more closely, Derek uttered a "What the fuck?!" and bolted upright, almost spilling the plate of spaghetti all over his mother's fine rug. He raised the glasses higher into the air, staring at them in disbelief. Inside the lenses was the transparent image of a dancing naked girl who bore a stunning resemblance to Megan, right down to the pair of spectacles perched on her nose. Or maybe 'dancing' wasn't exactly the right word; her movements were awkward and poorly choreographed, as if she was crudely imitating a seductive samba rather than actually investing her heart into it. Nor was her body overtly spectacular. And yet, Derek felt inexplicably drawn to this girl the same way he had felt inexplicably drawn to Megan; something about her cold, disinterested movements and swaying breasts seduced him, even aroused him. Derek became enthralled, hypnotized, at the sight of this dancing girl. He slowly, surely, began to raise the glasses to his face. All the sounds of explosions and gunfire from the television had completely receded from his ears. Derek slipped on the glasses; they fit him like a glove. Almost instantly, Derek felt a chill run up and down his spine. At the same time, his clothes began to itch. Then the itching got worse; it felt as if his t-shirt and jeans were eating away the skin from his muscles. Derek tore everything away with hands that moved faster than lightning. Very quickly, Derek was left entirely in the nude, with the one possible exception of the spectacles on his face. There was a vague, indefinable tingling on his skin, much like goosebumps. Derek looked down, and watched with a strangely detached expression as the hair follicles on his arms began to recede into the flesh, while his skin tone skewed from a ruddier male complexion to a softer, paler, more feminine white. "My," he said with casual interest. "How unusual." Derek's entire body made a semi-orgasmic shudder as a completely alien sensation gripped his groin. Peering down, he saw his manhood slowly withering up like a grape in the sun. Derek felt an irrational impulse to grab it, stop the shrinkage somehow, but for some bizarre reason he couldn't bring himself to make the effort. He felt, if anything, placidly serene. Soon the wrinkly knob that used to be his genitals were swallowed by a tiny vertical slit that opened up between his legs. A vagina, Derek mulled to himself. I've grown a vagina. That definitely isn't normal. A sound that bore a distant resemblance to tires being filled with air reached Derek's ears. He twisted his head around to catch a glimpse of his rear end, which was swelling approximately one inch every five seconds. He ran a small hand over one buttock, and found himself nodding with satisfied approval. There was a tight, agonizing pressure underneath Derek's chest, as if two vast pillows had been suddenly stuffed beneath the skin. He grabbed a clump of flesh around each nipple and squeezed, as if he were popping a pimple. He felt something give, and Derek gasped with relief. His flat bosom billowed out between his fingers into two medium-sized breasts. There could be no denying they were breasts; when Derek hopped into the air, they bounced and jiggled with the pliancy of a normal pair of mammary glands. "Hmmm," Derek postulated out loud. "It seems I am a victim of some supernatural catalyst, since obviously there is no conceivable scientific possibility for me to undergo such a complete metamorphosis into a female, and certainly not in such a short period of time..." Derek's musings were interrupted when he felt something touch his bare shoulders. Reaching up a hand, Derek became fascinated at the sensation of hair literally growing between his fingers. He pulled a handful in front of his eyes, and saw that his familiar blonde pigmentation had darkened to a nutmeg-brown. And then, for one alarming second, Derek couldn't breathe, as if an invisible fist was clenching around his throat. He grasped his neck and gasped for air. Was it possible he was having some manner of allergic reaction to his own transformation? Derek tried to swallow the spit in his mouth, and it was if some kind of dam inside his esophagus was forced open. He could breathe again. But something was different now. Running a hand down the front of his throat, Derek realized his Adam's Apple was gone. He had also shrunk. Derek noticed he was now eye-level with the TV screen in front of him, while a few moments ago he would have had to lower his head to watch Mr. Schwarzenegger's explosive escapades. There was a long minute of stillness, and Derek assumed the transfiguration was finished. He glanced down at his features; the B-cup sized breasts, the smooth belly, the small tuft of brown pubic hair, the slim and somewhat bony legs. It was clear he didn't have the sort of grotesque, cartoonishly misshapen figure that men always desired in their companions, but he was personally content with the results. Then it hit him; what about his face? Derek hurried into the hallway and found the large mirror his mother had framed on the wall several weeks ago. The plain, mousy physiognomy that looked back at him, with its slightly overextended nose and shy, puckered lips, was perhaps to be expected. In fact, Derek thought as he leaned in for a closer look, I look quite distinguished overall. Derek rubbed the side of his head, and gradually realized that new levels of knowledge had opened inside his brain that had been previously closed: Mathematics, biology, astronomy, geology, psychology, chemistry, medicine...all of a sudden it was all child's play to him. He could earn two PhDs in the space of a single month, if he set his mind to it. The joy of being the owner of such bounteous data almost made him cry. A knock at the door made him jump slightly. Had his parents come home early? If that were the case, how could he possibly extract himself from this unprecedented predicament? Derek nervously approached the front door and timidly called out, "Who's there?" The sound of his own high, nasally voice was something of a shock. "It's Megan," the person on the other side said. "Judging from your higher-pitched intonation, it's safe to assume that you've put on the glasses. I was hoping to stop you, but I see I'm too late." Derek slowly opened the door, to reveal Megan standing on the doorstep, arms folded. She tilted her head slightly upon seeing him. "I told you to stay away from Cindy Myers," Megan remonstrated. She adjusted her spectacles and looked over Derek's body. "Still, I'd be lying if I said I was displeased with the outcome." "I'm glad that you approve," Derek answered with the same cool, academic disinterest that was characteristic of Megan's voice. "But I for one am more than a little perturbed. A simultaneous alteration of one's gender and personality will do that to you." Megan shrugged. "Nevertheless, your male genitalia was an acceptable trade-off for a highly enhanced I.Q., don't you agree?" Derek sighed. "I suppose I can't deny the logic of that." "Of course not." Megan glanced behind her. "Perhaps I'd best come inside so you can close the door. We wouldn't want your rather immediate nudity to raise any eyebrows among the neighbors, now do we?" Derek held the door open long enough for Megan to enter, then shut it quietly behind her. The pair of them walked into the living room. Megan looked around with an aloof air. "I see you have an interest in Van Gogh," she said, indicating a copy of the painter's 'Starry Night over the Rhone' framed above the TV. "No, I'm afraid not," Derek sighed. "To be honest, I didn't have an interest about half an hour ago. It was my mother who selected that painting to decorate the den." "Well, at least you've been considerably enlightened since then." "Is this really what it's like?" Derek asked hesitantly. "What do you mean?" "You know..." Derek pointed downwards at his vagina. "To be on the other side of the great gender barrier." "I'd never given it much thought," Megan said, sitting down on the couch and kicking back her legs. "Before I was changed, I was a football quarterback. By all rightful expectations, I should have been intensely upset to lose my penis, but I wasn't traumatized at all." "Perhaps it's the accelerated intellectual quotient?" Derek offered. "It might serve to dampen or deactivate entirely the natural response one would have to such a...radical transformation." Megan puzzled Derek's suggestion over. "Yes," she said finally. "That could play a part in it." Derek sat beside Megan. "Now, perhaps you can explain to me what's going on." Megan seemed disappointed to hear this from the newly-transformed Derek. "I thought you would have thought it out yourself. Cindy Myers, as close as I can figure it, is some manner of enchantress, or 'witch', if you'd prefer a more obvious reference. She also has a somewhat...er...offbeat fetish for, quote unquote, 'nerdy' girls." Megan nodded towards Derek's naked form. "As you can now see for yourself. There were already a few such females occupying Calvin High, but not enough to satisfy Cindy. So, applying her magical prowess, she began to transform boys she personally selected into bespectacled prodigies." "And how long has she been performing these clandestine activities?" Derek asked, intrigued. "Two and a half years, give or take. In my case, I made the error of having an affair with her. I abandoned Cindy in favor of a more... 'endowed' woman, shall we say. In retaliation, she transmuted me into what you see before you now." Megan leaned back on the couch and stared at the ceiling. "I suppose it's not that bad. I definitely prefer my current state to my previous existence as a monosyllabic jock. There's only one real drawback. At 8pm every Friday..." Something inside Megan's jacket rang. She pulled out a cell phone. "Excuse me a moment." Megan pressed the phone to her ear. "Hello. Yes, don't worry, Cindy. I'll be there. Yes, Derek too. Yes, he's just like me now. Are you satisfied? Good. Goodbye." She snapped the cell shut. "Sorry, what was I saying?" "About something we have to do at 8pm every Friday," Derek said, with a concerned frown. "Oh, right. Every Friday at 8pm, all the boys Cindy has 'inducted' are expected to arrive at her house on the dot. We then proceed to have a 'lesbian slumber party', with much waving of pillows and periodic kissing." Megan coughed. "It really is quite embarrassing." Derek's cheeks flared a bright red. "I can imagine." "Well," Megan said, standing up from the couch, "you needn't imagine for much longer. We have half an hour to get to Megan's before she becomes agitated by our absence." Derek chewed absent-mindedly on his fingernail. "I suppose I can leave a note, just to make sure that suspicion isn't aroused in my parents, at least until I can figure out an explanation as to why a more cerebrally- inclined daughter has replaced their former son." Megan nodded in agreement. "We'll also need to devise another name for you, since 'Derek' has obviously become an inappropriate moniker." Derek mulled it over. "How about Denise?" "Why Denise?" Derek shrugged. "No reason, really. It's just the first name that drifted into my head, so to speak." "Hmmm. Perhaps Freud would have had something to say about that." "I feel that Jung would be more appropriate," Derek corrected Megan. "I find Freud to be a little too obsessed with sex to my liking." Megan cast a withering look at Derek. "Before you put those glasses on, you knew almost nothing about Freud." "That's true too." Megan clapped her hands together. "Right then. The first thing we need to do is find you some clothes..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Whatever you do, don't upset her." "Absolutely not." "If anything, you should be grateful." "I concur." "Nevertheless, don't let Cindy exploit you too much." "I most assuredly won't." The two girls were chatting with one another as they walked up the stairs leading to Cindy's spacious abode. Megan rang the doorbell while Denise adjusted her spectacles. "How do I look?" she asked Megan. Megan looked over Denise with a critical eye. "Acceptable." "Well," Denise sighed, "we did have to improvise somewhat with my mother's wardrobe." Cindy opened the door. She was dressed in bright-pink pajamas with the words I DIG BRAINY CHICKS written out in blazing red font on her chest. "Like, hey guys!" She squeaked. Cindy gave Denise a sly little wink. "Hi, Derek." "Denise." "Right, right." She giggled. "Denise. Well, what are you two waiting for? Come in! We've already got the popcorn ready, and I've got the movie set up to start!" Cindy bounced back into the house as if she were made of jell-o. Denise looked at Megan. "Movie? What movie?" Megan rolled her eyes. "REVENGE OF THE NERDS." THE END

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Right now, I can’t talk because I’ve got my mouth on Farah Al-Rashid’s ear and we’re making out in a movie theater but I’ve got a tale I’d like to share with you. My name is Dwight Hollister. I’m a young Black man living in the City of Ottawa, province of Ontario. I’m originally from the City of Boston, Massachusetts, but got sent here by my parents for school because I was having too much fun at Emerson College down in the Bean. Ever since I came to Canada’s Capital region, I’ve been obsessed...

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A Nice Stroll in the Park with 2 hot chicks

I was so horny lately. I had just broken up with my girlfriend and I had not had sex for weeks. I was constantly jacking off just to get a little bit of relief but it wasn’t enough. I was walking through the local park late one night, just thinking to myself about how lonely and desperate I was, when I spotted this really hot chick. She had tight curls that were coloured red. She had the sexiest walk you could imagine. Her hips swayed from side to side and as she stepped her tiny skirt would...

Group Sex
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I was surprised when I saw the image, but drawn to it. I was on Tumblr scanning sites using the search term 'pantyhose'. I was a secret crossdresser fan and loved to see pretty and sexy images of girls wearing the things I couldn't. It was a fairly harmless way to express and relieve my desires for such things. I had just started using Tumblr, so, I was scrolling down, looking at any site tagged with pantyhose when I saw the image. It was a torso view, from chest to knee, wearing...

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Indigo White Twitter 2900 159000

Indigo White goes by NPCPrincess666 on Twitter, and I think the username matches the girl’s vibe perfectly. Honestly, though, I’d probably get further in certain games if they really did have NPCs that look as hot as Indigo. Maybe I could have handled the intense punishment that is Elden Ring if they’d added some X-rated cutscenes of pretty girls from time to time. If any game devs are reading this, I speak for every horny gamer when I humbly request Indigo White character models in the next...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Dig Two Graves Sequel to Implied consent

Dig Two Graves. (sequel to 'Implied Consent') "Hello?" The recipient of the call gave the usual greeting with the typical hint of tentative questioning. The opening reserved for occasions the caller's identity is unknown. The incoming ID was listed as private. "Hello Amy," a female spoke coolly through the receiver. Amy paused to take stock. There was a vague familiarity about the voice. She rapidly processed to try and identify it. When she felt she had, she found it hard enough...

4 years ago
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Sex In Goa With 4 Hot Chicks

So a little bit about myself. I am from goa 20 years old. Fit body. I’m about 5ft 7″. Loving making new friends . I stay near the coastal area and sex was a craze for me So I always wanted to fuck a girl from bangalore ,pune or mumbai.. I want a nice brown pussy and I wanted a fresh one. I would do anything to get a nice tight vagina. So I set my mind and said I am going to fuck a nice cute chick for sure one day .In goa its common to get international foreigners whom I love fucking but damn...

3 years ago
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Chandigarh Me One Anjan Lady Ko Jamker Choda

Hello friends.. My name is vikas kumar. Meri age 20 hai or dikhne me average sa hu. Mujhe married ladies bahot pasand h.Sex k mamle me meri 1st choice koi bhabhi ya koi auntyh. Agar chandigarh, haryana ya punjab me koi aunty ya koi bhabhi or koi b ladki mujhse contact krna chahe to ye meri id h bilkul privacy rakhi jayegi bs 1 baar moka do sex me satisfy krne ka. Ye meri 1st story hai jo abi december 2013 ki h. Main karnal(haryana) se belong krta hu or mohali me job krta hu as a engineer or...

2 years ago
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Chandigarh Mein Asha Ki Yaadgaar Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mujhe kuch important kaam se achanak Saturday ko Chandigarh jana tha. Maine apni wife Asha ko apne sath chalne ko poocha. Pehle to usne mana kiya. Par kisi friend ne usse bataya ki sector 16-17 mein shopping ke kafi option hai. To woh jane ko kafi excited ho gayi. Usne apne director Rajveer Sir ko chutti ke liye phone kiya, to usne use mana kar diya. Asha ne bola, “Woh bol raha hai ki is Sunday ko mujhe overtime karna hai. Uske friend ke yahan party hai, aur bola, is party mein overtime ke sath...

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Mean Chicks

I started to work for a retail company about 5 years ago and all in all it wasn’t a bad job. Most of the people were positive, good, hard working people. Then I met Patricia and Kristina. Both have worked for the company for twenty plus years and had prima donna attitudes because of it. Patricia is a tall brunette with cropped shoulder length hair and a great body. Her face isn’t the greatest, but her body makes up for it. She can fill a pair of jeans like they were made for her....

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Rock Chicks

Christmas 2011, London :We had a works event with a Rock theme. There was a rock band on, some very clean Harleys placed about, and a rock disco. The account directors had the chance to cram their overly lunched guts into some rather too new lookingbiker jackets. Despite the spend, we were ordered to share rooms if we were staying over. I was paired with 23 year old PASamantha. She normally had her hair up and designer glasses, very executive looking. I had admired her asre on the quiet. I...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 227 Bad Men and Worse Chicks

The adrenaline kicked in. I opened my jacket so that I could reach the pistol hanging upside down under my left arm. The shoulder holster was fairly new and made by the last shoe maker in Tryon. I could clear the small hammerless .38 about as fast as either of them could get to a hip holstered weapon. I was absolutely sure it would be at least a draw, on the draw, I thought with a smile. "You armed?" the man a few years younger than me asked. "Are you?" I asked in return. I wasn't...

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Hot Chicks

The power dynamics of porn have changed much over the years. At its start and for much of its history, all the power in porn was with the studios. They controlled when someone worked, how much someone got paid, how it was advertised and distributed, and where it was sold. The actors and actresses had to take whatever the studio gave them and be happy with it.But almost no one was happy with it. Watching porn brings me so much joy. Masturbating is why I get up in the morning. I want to know that...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Two chubby chicks

My name is Sean and I need to tell someone about the most bizarre thing that as ever happened to me. It all started when we got new neighbours in the form of two plump girls that I thought at first to be sisters but later discovered that they were lovers. Tracey and Stacey were about a size 18 both well over weight and with massive boobs Tracey had long red curly hair and an arse that just begged for a spanking wear as Stacey had long blond hair, they wear both very pretty but just on the...

Erotic Fiction
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Chandigarh Escorts 08054234008 Call Girls Chandiga

Escort services are vast in nowadays everywhere, but our services are the best. We have an exclusive collection of females that you like in your first sight. We have a large collection of delightful beauties in our agency. Those who seek for a love and delightful moments can come to enjoy here and can make their moments memorable. They all open-minded girl and know their job well. Our first and foremost task is to gather the customer needs and work according to them. Then an escort will be...

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berlandbus als Schicksal

Sie schaute aus dem leicht getönten Fenster des alternden Stagecoach-Busses und seufzte schwer, als die scheinbar endlose Landschaft träge vorbeirollte. Die Klimaanlage ließ den heißen Sommertag kühl erscheinen, aber letztendlich auch langweilig. Es war Rebeccas erste Überlandreise, um ihre Tante für den Sommer in Ravensmoor zu besuchen, und ihre Eltern hatten das Gefühl gehabt, dass der Bus nicht nur die sicherste, sondern auch die billigste Route war, da ihnen mehr Geld für sie übrig blieb...

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With a name like One Click Chicks, I certainly did not expect to find an enf forum-based website. But, that is exactly what OneClickChicks.com is—an entirely community-based site of pornophiles from all over the world sharing and discussing their favorite amateur photos and videos. If you’ve read my other reviews on sites like Alohatube and Pornhub Homemade, you already know how much I love amateur porn, so, for me, this was a pleasant surprise.This forum is massive, and, from the looks of it,...

Porn Forums
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Internet Chicks make the world go ‘round, or at the very least, they make the Internet a whole hell of a lot more interesting. While your wife posts on social media all day, trying to sell her MLM diet shakes and show off her meatloaf, there are younger, sexier broads making names for themselves with twerk videos, stripteases, masturbation shows and even kinkier fare. I think you know exactly which web bitches I’m talking about, and chances are you’ve already got a few favorites on your list of...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Baddies Chicks! Do you love beating off to amateur pornography? Of course, you do! Who doesn’t love jacking off to beautiful women that look like someone you may have come across in your mundane, everyday life? It adds another layer to the jerk-off session and even makes you consider the fact that, hey, maybe you’ll get laid someday.Don’t be disappointed if that day never comes. Instead, visit Amateur PornHub and find all of the sexy fucking content that this tube site has to offer a poor sap...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Chandigarh House Owner Satisfied

Indian sex stories parhne vale sabhi sadasyo ko mera yani ki vineet ka pyaar bhra namaskar, mera naam vineet hai or main jalandhar punjab se hun. Meri pichli sex stories pad ke itne ache ache msg bhejne ka or stories se excite hoke mujhe milna ka un sabhi ladkion ka bohot bohot dhanyavaad, har story ki tarh yeh story bhi ek sachi ghatna par aadharit hai, jo ki mere saath 1 august ko chandigarh main hui, jyada bore nakarte hue seedha story pe aata hun, agar kahani pasand aaye ya koi bhi ladki,...

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Chandigarh Main Bhabhi Ki Chut Mari

Hello to all hot and sexy female. ..Myself hrithik chahal from Chandigarh. Ye incident mere or meri padosan bhabhi ke bitch huya.Jiski umar lagbag 35 years hai.Jo ki dekhne main to thodi sawle colour ki hai but very sexy figure.Meri uamr lagbag 30 sal hai.Meri avrrage body hai.Lund ka size 6 inch hai jo kii lady ka pani nikal sakta hai.Wo bhut hi typical housewife hai.Jisme ptane main bhut mehnat karni padi.Waise isse phle maine bas ak hi bar sex kiya hai Wo b bhut jaldi jaldi main.Kyoki gaon...

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Chandigarh Wali8217ye 8211 Part III

Hello friends, i am back with the new story. Aaj ki kahani Chandigarh Wali’ye. This happened when i and my girlfriend were studying in Chandigarh. We were staying in two different PGs. She in the Girl’s PG and i in the Boys’s PG. Then we were in 3rd year of our relationship. Till then we used to have phone sex and i used to touch her body whenever i got a chance. She was responding pretty well to all my actions. We both are from Indore studying in the same college in Chandigarh. My girlfriend...

4 years ago
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Chandigarh Bus Experience

Hello to all the ISS fans! I’ve been an ardent fan of ISS for about 6 years now and this is the first time I’ve decided to share my experience with you all. My name is Sam, 33 yrs from Delhi. This experience is about my travel from Delhi to Chandigarh in a Volvo bus at night. It’s the first of July 2013 and I had to go to Chandigarh on an emergency to pick my fiance from her sister’s place. I booked my ticket in advance in a Volvo so that I can get a good seat. The bus started for Chandigarh at...

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Chandigarh To Delhi In Bus

Hello friends.I am alok from Chandigarh.Baat april,2013 ki hai..muzhe ek kaam se delhi jana tha..To maine takreeban raat 10 bje 17 sector se bus pakadi..muzhe second last seat mili.Meri saath wali seat jo window ki side thi uspe ek hot girl baithi thi..She was so fair, so hot looking like actress..Mai to khush ho gya…fir bus chal padi..thodi der baad humme baate shuru ho gai.Vo delhi office ke kisi kaam se ja rahi thi..maine bhi btaya ki mai computer ke kuch parts purchase krne ja raha hu..Mai...

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Chandigarh Ki Market Me Nidhi Ke Sath

Dosto main Rohan aaj apni life ke ek chhote se par bahot hi mast sex ki kahani aap sab ke liye le kar aaya hoon. Ye sex main apne school me mere sath padhne wali ek ladki Nidhi ke sath kiya tha. Ye sab kese aur kab hua, aaj main aapko is kahani me wo sab batunga. Par usse pehle main aapko apne bare me bta doon. Mera naam Rohan hai, aur ek Punjab jawan gabru ladka hoon. Meri umar 18 saal hai, meri hight 5’6 inch hai. Main lamba chhoda aur hatta katta ek asli mard hoon. Mere school ki sari...

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Chandigarh Ki Bhabhi Ko Bnaya Randi

Mera naam harman hai. Yeh meri pehli story hai indian sex stories pe. Yeh story meri bhabhi k baare me hai. Iss story mein m btaunga k kaise mene apni bhabhi ko apni randi bnaya. Apne baare me btata hoon. Mera lund 7 inch ka hai aur height 6 foot. M chandigarh ka rehne wala hoon. Mujhe ladkiyo ko randiyo ki tarah chodne meh bahut maaza aata hai. Chandigarh ki agar koi ladki, bhabhi ya aunty ko badeh aur motte lund ki talaash hai toh meri email pe msg kre: .Chlo story shuru krte hai. Meri...

3 years ago
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Chandigarh Me Ki Bhabhi Ki Thukai

Hi doston mai sai ap Logo ke samne apni ek aur nayi kahani ke sath aya hu jo pichle hafte ki h,mai dikhne me fair hu,ht 175 cm,wt 68kg and tool size 6.5″. Apne meri pehli chudai story “Mai bana bua ka bday gift” padhi hogi Uske bad humne bahut bar chudai ki,aur is bar kahani chandigarh ki h jab mai office ke kam se chandigarh aya tha. Mere doston se maine suna tha waha pe bahut rich log rehte h,bikes se jyada car hote h bla bla.Jo ki sab sach h.Office ke kam ke bad maine socha chandigarh ke...

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Chandigarh Se Kasauli Ka Sex Trip With Girlfriend

Hi everyone I’m Sam from Chandigarh and I’m posting my second true sex story. I’m muscular and good looking and mujhko bade bade boobs suck karna bohot zyada pasand hai. So if any lady wants to hook up,contact me at () This sex story is about shalza my ex gf and kaise maine use chodda…Shalza was gorgeous,very fair with big breasts and nicely shaped ass,5ft 5in,36-26-38 her figure Itni sundar aur hot thi wo ki kya btaun Kisi ka bhi lund khada ho jaye use dekhte hi Anyways,story pe ate huye Ye...

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Chandigarh Brutal Lovemaking Escapades Erotica

I am Patrick. I am quite an avid reader of ISS. I have been regularly visiting ISS for a couple of years now. I thought it is time I share my story with the world. This incident happened about a week ago in Chadigarh. The lady was a young and lusty punjabi girl (around 22-23 years old) who submitted to the distinctive pleasure of lovemaking and rough sex, closely being watched by my houseowner’s wife hidden from sight, who later confronted me and eventually with whom I extended the same...

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Chandigarh Mein Hua Tution K Sath Sex Ka Kaam

Aaj main pehli bar yeh apni story btane jaa raha hoon mera naam raj hai main chandigarh ka rehne wala hoon, meri height 5’10 hai aur main fair , average body ka hoon..agar apko meri story pasand aye toh mujhe mail karey yeh baat hai meri aur meri classmate ki kaisay mainey ushey choda. 2 saal pehle jab main apni tutions ley raha tha 12th ki non med kit oh..meri chemistry ki tution par meri mulakat ish story ki heroine say huyi Riya, ushki height 5’5 hogi,rang gora..ekdum explain karun toh alia...

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Chandigarh Girl Rocks

Hello friends straightaway coming to the incident that is one of my favourites out of all wild fantasies and reality that happened in Chandigarh for introduction, if you don’t know about this city and let me tell you that this is the place where you will find most beautiful girls, with brain and a lot of attitude. Am a physics tutor and sometimes if money is good, I do take home tuitions apart from my institute classes. Well this story, intact reality is about a sexual encounter with one of the...

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Chandigarh mein bhabhi ko choda

Hello mera nam Sameer (fake) hai. Basically, main Patiala ka rehne vala hu. Par main pichle 7 saal se Chandigarh mein hi shift ho gaya tha study ke leye. Maine DAVmein se graduation complete kari aur main yahi rehne laga Chandigarh mein. Main pehle 3 saal sector 11 mein raha uske baad main Mohali shift ho gaya. Toh yaha maine 1st floor liya tha. Niche makan malik rehta tha. Uski family mein ek uncle the army se retired unka ek ladka (Rahul) tha aur uski wife thi. Uski shadi abhi 4-5 mahine...

2 years ago
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Paradigm ShiftChapter 4

A week later on Saturday night, Steve and Margo Betts held a neighborhood party. The format was the same, only it was at their house rather than someone else’s: BYOB, and bring some kind of hot side dish or hors d’oeuvre. We arrived with wine, an interesting dish KC made with Brussels sprouts, and a plate of cheeses and crackers than I’d carefully crafted. Our appearance together resulted in a lot of happy faces. KC stayed pretty close, but did get trapped in conversations about topics not...

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Prodigal Father

Inspired by the song, “Prodigal Father” by John Flynn. Thanks to Crkcppr for his early read and Todd172 for beta reading. Thanks always to my Sweet Inspiration blackrandl1958 for her encouragement, advice, and of course, her editing. John and Gail were both from broken families, with all the heartache and hardship that implies. Even before the divorces, they were forced to endure the accusations and recriminations their parents threw at each other. It was a rare night to go to bed and not be...

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Chandigarh Ka Mota Lund

Hello kamukta story loving friends mera naam pinky h aur main bahut hi sexy hu aur main delhi me rahti hu aur mera figure 36 30 38 h. Meri chuchi aur gand bahut bade bade h aur mujhe colony ke bahut sare ladke line marte h aur mujhe dekh kar khub comments karte h aur main bhi bahut sare ladko ka lund apni chut me le chuki hu. Mujhe apne se bade logo se chudwane me bahut maja aata h jaise ki koi uncle type log mujhe chodte h to mujhe bahut maja aata h kyu ki wo log bahut acche se chodte h aur...

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Chandigarh Ki Bhabi Ke Mje Liye

Hi friends main deepak punjab se age 27. Main chandigarh main job karta hu.. Ye meri pahli khani hai so agr koi galti ho to sorry.   To ab story pe aata hu bat 2 mahine phle kki hai .. Main roj bus se office jata tha. Ek din main jb bus main chda to mainy ek bhabi ko dekha bhabi ka name renu(name change) tha age 29 wah kya lag rahi thi main to bus dekhta hi rah gaya. Ek dam mst ptaka thi. Jab tak mera office nhi aa gaya main use dekhta raha . Uske agle din wo dubara muje wo roj bus main milne...

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Chandigarh Mei Aunty Ko Choda Part1

So hello everyone, my name is ishan. Phele apne bare mei thoda sa btata hun aur fir kahani pr ata hun. Main chandigarh padhne ke liye aya tha aur ussi saal meri virginity loose hoi thi. Pr long distance ki vajah se needs poori nahi hoi. Fir maine yhn pr patana shuru kara needs poori hoi pr fantasy thi ki aunty ko chodun .. toh issme meko 1.4 saal laga .. main phele saal hostel tha aur ab flat main aya .. maine jaan kar ek society main flat liya ki yhn pr koi aunty ko set karna hn.toh aise...

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Dig a Pony

I was checking my Facebook homepage one evening after dinner when I received a PM from Bill Jackson, a neighbor who lived a few houses down on our street. He asked if I had heard that Tyler Robinson had been shot to death earlier in the day! I live in a quiet gated community where the biggest problem we ever have is someone sneaking through the gate before it closes all the way. Shootings simply don’t happen. I immediately asked Bill if he had heard any particulars to the story. It seems that...

2 years ago
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-Algernon Blackwood, "The Wendigo". *** Four of us went up: Shawna, Eric, Karina, and me. I’m the only one who came back. The trip was Shawna’s idea to begin with. She said, “It’s been years since we all went up to the old house like when we were kids. Why don’t we make a weekend of it?” “We” in this case should have been her, me, and Paul, but of course this time it would be just the two of us. I guess she brought Eric to make up the difference. I didn’t mind: I’d known...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 9 Distance

“Tai I know how you feel but we need to decide our next move.” TK said gently. Tai said nothing and merely nodded. He stood up and joined the group. Joe and Izzy looked completely lost. Matt paced back and forth looking nervous. “We have to go after them.” Matt declared definitively. “I agree with Matt. This is our fault and we need to save them. We need to leave now. Carry the Digimon and when they are rested we evolve them and use them to ride on.” Tai commanded. Izzy shook his...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 8 Bad Reunion

“Hello is anyone out there?” Sora yelled. Tai’s mind went into hyper drive. This couldn’t be could it really be her? Tai forced himself to his feet. He limped towards the sound of her voice. With every word from Sora Tai felt the pain in his body melt away. It was as if she was reviving him from the pit of despair he was feeling. Finally he saw her. She glowed with radiant beauty. It had been years since they had seen each other. Her hair had grown longer and so had the rest of her. Her...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 7 Hate

Sora put down her needle and thread. She picked up the outfit she had been working on all week and smiled. It was the final piece in her collection. It had been a long climb for her but she knew that she had what it takes. She lay on the floor and stared at the ceiling with a big smile on her face. She took a moment to relax and reflect on her accomplishments. A representative from a fashion company would be over in a few minutes to inspect her work for purchase. She looked at a picture of...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 6 Failure

Despite being a fighter and hero he couldn’t stand the idea of possibly hurting another person. He couldn’t even stand the sight of blood. Despite this his father pushed him to the path of a surgeon. He couldn’t let him down so he did as he was told. He graduated medical school and went to work at his father’s hospital. He spent his first few weeks there doing his best to fly under the radar. That was until one fateful day. Joe was sitting in the break room. He was silently enjoying a...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 5 Fear

“Wow you look like you are about to throw up.” Tai opened his eyes. A beautiful woman in her 20’s sat in front of him. He gazed at her lovely face with absolutely perfect rack. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad after all. He smiled at her slyly. “Yeah maybe out of boredom. This is taking forever.” “Well if we do this wrong it would be a bit of a disaster. Is this your first time?” “Well sort of but I’ve done a bunch of stuff like this before.” “Really what kind of stuff?” The...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 4 Ignorance1

Life after the digital world has been mostly good to Izzy. He breezed through high school with minimal effort. He went onto study at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and graduated at the top of his class. He developed an app that could detect the best wifi hot spots in any area. He had all the tools for a successful life and was clearly destined for greatness. So why was he here? Izzy sat at his desk in the tech support department. He was smart enough to run the company and yet he was stuck...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 4 Ignorance0

Life after the digital world has been mostly good to Izzy. He breezed through high school with minimal effort. He went onto study at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and graduated at the top of his class. He developed an app that could detect the best wifi hot spots in any area. He had all the tools for a successful life and was clearly destined for greatness. So why was he here? Izzy sat at his desk in the tech support department. He was smart enough to run the company and yet he was stuck...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 3 Darkness and Despair

“Now Shakespeare’s Macbeth stands as a literally classic for all generations. It’s message of the danger of corruption and the price of power is timeless. Now I know that you all think of Shakespeare as complex, old and boring but his plays have deep meaning. Macbeth’s plot deals with witches, murder, and revenge.” Kari continued her lesson and slowly the students began to become more and more interested. Kari finished her lesson and the students gave her a round of applause. Kari smiled...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 2 Vanity

“2 minutes Mimi” the stage manger told her. “Be right out” she replied. Mimi sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. She stared at her luscious brown hair and her perfectly formed body. She had been truly gifted and blessed in her life and now it was time to give back to the world. She strutted out to the edge of the stage. She peered out and thousands of her biggest fans waited patiently in anticipation. She smiled at them for they were so loyal and sweet. They were not just her...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 1 Solitude

He thought of those who put him there and his blood boiled. The digidestined mere mortals, mere humans, mere children, defeated him and sent him to this hell. Their strengths held him here for eternity. He was left with nothing but the worst emotions a being can feel. Every night he dreamed of total revenge against the digidestined. The thought of wrapping his hands around their necks was the only thing that kept him going. He wanted them to make them suffer until the light of hope leaves...

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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 6 Failure

Introduction: The 6th chapter is possibly the darkest one yet. It is not my kind of thing but I hope you enjoy it. Joe washed his hands slowly but thoroughly. The water was scolding and burning his skin. Joe didnt care for he was miles away. He looked at his life as though he was watching a movie. It was not his own it couldnt his own. Joe would never be in this situation. He had a bright future and spent all his life studying to be a doctor. His father believed in him and provided all the...

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