Paradigm ShiftChapter 4 free porn video

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A week later on Saturday night, Steve and Margo Betts held a neighborhood party. The format was the same, only it was at their house rather than someone else’s: BYOB, and bring some kind of hot side dish or hors d’oeuvre. We arrived with wine, an interesting dish KC made with Brussels sprouts, and a plate of cheeses and crackers than I’d carefully crafted.

Our appearance together resulted in a lot of happy faces. KC stayed pretty close, but did get trapped in conversations about topics not of my interest, so I’d fade away slightly and join another conversation group. We were always in sight of each other. I think she wanted me to know that she wasn’t off in some side room banging someone.

Marcie came up and planted a huge kiss and me, and praised my skills and passion as a lover. She begged me for a repeat performance, even assuring me that she’d clear it with KC. I suggested that she wait a week or two. Later, I saw her talking to KC, but I figured she was teasing me. KC already knew about my evening with Marcie and Doug, but at the stage we were at I didn’t think either of us should entertain sexual time with anyone else.

Kelsey sidled up to me, and also became quite affectionate, putting my arm around her shoulders and giving me a few kisses. I appreciated the gesture and kissed back, but when I could I shot back to KC’s side. She’d seen the little attempt at seduction, and laughed at how shy I seemed.

Kelsey was a hot woman about ten years my senior. I joked with myself that she was my ‘Mrs. Robinson, ‘ but I had to allow her seduction or try one of my own. Until only a couple of weeks earlier, I’d been quite dedicated to KC, but I wasn’t sure some of the time where that relationship would end up.

Darlene was at the party too, and I learned from KC that she was going to stay over in our guest room. That wasn’t a burden, although it did mean, we had to temper our outbursts during our lovemaking. We’d done it many times before. Since the blowjob in the shower, Darlene had remained kind of distant, so I figured that was a one off. I think we were Darlene’s main social life, especially since she showed up for all the neighborhood parties, along with many others, even though she had an apartment on the other side of town.

The party seemed staid, by some standards. I didn’t see anyone go off with anyone who wasn’t his or her partner, and except for a lot of flirting, everything else seemed prim and proper. I thought it was kind of boring compared to a couple of the other parties over the past six months, even the one where I’d caught KC fucking that drummer dude. I was pleased that the dude wasn’t in attendance. There was no telling what I might have done if I’d seen him.

As with many parties where the action is slow, people started to drift away on the early side. I suggested to KC that we head home, and she was all for it. We headed out, and as we left she gave a signal to Darlene that we were leaving. Darlene was in the midst of a discussion with a small group so she just waved us on.

KC and I did a little smooching on the way home, pausing along the short walk to make out. She even pulled up her shirt and had me sucking on her tits, just to vary the routine and to be a little daring since we were standing in the middle of an unlit street.

As we walked in the front door, KC said, “Please come and make love to me. I need you.”

I was all for that idea. We left a couple of lights on for Darlene, and quickly retired to our bedroom. KC came in behind me, and soon we were naked and playing at giving each other orgasms in the middle of our king-size bed.

KC mounted me cowgirl style – ‘save a horse, ride a cowboy, ‘ as she often said – and I alternated with her help by sucking on her breasts and nipples, and kissing her. My God, I loved this woman more than I could even articulate. I pushed all other thoughts from my head.

KC had worked through a half-dozen orgasms, when she decided that I should be eating her to the next orgasm. She continued to straddle my body, but knee-walked about two feet north, and settled her pussy right onto my waiting lips as she held onto the headboard. She tasted like the nectar of the gods, and I went right to work.

I wasn’t paying any attention to my cock that we’d left waving in the cool breeze behind KC. Thus, I jerked to a high state of alert when I felt another person on the bed, and then before I could move or say anything, that person straddled me and sank a warm, moist, snug pussy down my cock, or perhaps I should change the point of view and allow that my cock penetrated deep into said pussy as I drove my hips upward in reflex action.

I looked up at KC with a very uncertain look on my face. My tongue was still lapping at her pussy, and my face was covered in her savory girl juice. She was smiling at me. She whispered, “I love you. I want to bring you all sorts of pleasure and arousal too. Please don’t be upset with us for doing this. We couldn’t think of any other way to make this happen except a little subterfuge.”

KC moved her pussy off of my face and settled into my side for a kiss. In a flash of vision, I could see Darlene happily astride my cock. She smiled at the two of us, and looked deliriously happy.

Darlene leaned forward and kissed me. She whispered, “I love you too. Thank you for not immediately throwing me out.”

I was feeling odd. I certainly didn’t want to ‘throw out’ someone like Darlene – or for that matter KC, but I did have problems with what was going on. Darlene was the fourth female I’d had sexual relations with in the past two weeks, and the whole situation started because I found KC fucking some drummer dude that fit her bad boy fantasy.

I enjoyed the sexual play with the two girls, finishing when I jettisoned my man juice deep inside Darlene. To my surprise, KC was right there as the cleanup squad, going down on her sister with tongue and fingers rapidly sucking and shoveling the cum from deep inside her sister into her mouth. From there, the cum and Darlene’s girl juice made it either back to Darlene’s mouth or to mine. KC was passionate and obviously horny. We were worked up, and this was fun. We ended up covered in each other’s sexual juices.

KC was the beneficiary of the next round of fucking, but when I had my climax, Darlene was perched on KC’s face getting eaten and tongued to orgasm. I collected the two naked girls into my arms and we went to sleep.

I was in the kitchen putting a breakfast together for the three of us when I heard the shower start. It ran a little extra, and I figured that was to accommodate not only KC, but also Darlene. Five minutes later, the two of them appeared.

I poured them each a cup of coffee and orange juice, and then smiled at the two of them. I have to admit that my smile was forced. I wanted some answers. As much as I had enjoyed fucking Darlene, I thought what had happened was a bit of a step backwards for KC and me.

I said, “Anyone care to comment on last night? You know, the whys and wherefores?”

KC suddenly looked worried. “We wanted to do something nice for you because we both love you. I love you heaps, and I invited my sister to be part of what we share. I know you like her, and that she loves you. It wasn’t sex with some other guy ... it was us loving you. I didn’t think you’d be upset. I’m sorry.”

“I’m not ... yeah, I’m upset,” I said. “I didn’t get a say in what happened. Suddenly, I had a very nice pussy surrounding my cock. I liked that a lot, but I didn’t get asked. What would you two have done if I’d come unglued? I would have been within my rights to toss the two of you out last night.”

KC and Darlene looked at each other with anxious expressions.

I turned to KC’s sister, “Darlene, you know that KC is on tenterhooks with me. I’m trying to be a good boyfriend and fiancé to her, and try as I might I keep messing up by being with other women. You happen to be number three after Marcie and Cameron. I’m not doing a good job of my fidelity, and here I am trying to set a good example for KC, so that when she’s at the same party with drummer boy again she doesn’t feel compelled to go off and fuck his brains out. I like you. I even love you. I’m just not sure we should have had sex or that we should keep doing that.”

Darlene nodded. “I’m sorry. I was selfish. I wanted to be with you, and to share and feel what KC has with you. If I upset anything between the two of you, it’s my fault. I pestered KC to let me do what we did until she gave in. The way we did it was even my idea.” She started to tear up, “I love you; I really do. I wanted to be with you – to make love with you. I want to do it again and again. Please don’t shut me out, or shut KC out either. We both want you and need you. I wanted...”

I held my hand up, “All is forgiven. I do have another issue to raise, however.” I looked between the two women with a serious expression, and then turned to KC, “Since WHEN are you incestuously bisexual or sapphic? I guess we haven’t been in a group situation before, but you seemed mighty comfortable going down on your sister last night, and vice versa.”

KC blanched. “We don’t do it often, or haven’t recently. I told you I was a hellion in school. Well, I seduced my sister.”

Darlene quickly interjected as though to correct a major error, “I was more than willing.”

KC went on, “I was about seventeen, and Dar was two years younger. No one else knows.”

I posed, “And you have sexual relations with each other?”

Both girls nodded. KC whispered, “Yes. We love each other. I’d told you earlier that I had sex with some other girls in high school. Well, it ... carried over to Dar. We’ve done everything you can think of together. Some of it was experimental, but most of it was us loving each other. We’ve never stopped since then.”

I roamed around the kitchen, feeling restless from what had happened and what I’d discovered.

KC said in a soft tone, “We love you. I want my entire life with you. Please forgive us for what we’ve done and what our needs are. We’ll try to change ... but you know how hard it is.”

I nodded, “I do know, and I forgive you. Don’t change on my account. I’m surprised and interested, but I’m not angry ... well, except about not being consulted before hand about last night. That said, I am trying to figure out how to live with all of this, if I can.”

KC was smiling up until my last couple of sentences. Suddenly, she turned and ran off into the other part of the house, leaving Darlene and me. We heard a sob just as she exited the room.

Darlene shook her head at me. She nearly screamed at me, “You are the luckiest man in the world to have my sister. Sure she’s got a kink in her armor, but everybody does. Damn, haven’t you learned anything in your life about people. You really can be an asshole at times.” She sounded angry, and on that note she turned and rushed off to coddle KC.

I walked down the street to see Don and hopefully have a second cup of coffee or even an early beer. At this point, I even thought a nice glass of Hemlock might be nice – it would put me out of my misery about whether to stay with KC or not – and now, by association, I figured that Darlene was part of the deal.

Don was changing a taillight on Edie’s Mercedes. The car was just old enough to use bulbs rather than the LEDs that seemed to last forever. Access to the bulb had been made next to impossible by design.

He looked up, “Oh, hello there. You look like the unhappiest guy in the world. I thought things were improving over there.”

I nodded, “Yeah, I said something careless, and put KC in a little crisis. Darlene too, I guess; they’re over there together.” I gestured back at my house.

“About whether to move on with your life with KC ... or without?”

“Pretty much sums it up.” I unfolded a stepstool, and sat on top. “I am so messed in my head whenever I think about it. KC says I’m overly ‘value laden.’”

Don laughed, “A polite term for anal retentive – or an asshole who won’t change his mind, by any other name.”

“Am I?”

“Yeah, from what I see. There’s a bit of hypocrisy in your life too. Do you think of yourself as a progressive and a liberal?”

“Yes, up until now.”

Don said, “When we think about the set of values we have, we tend to treat them all equally. So for instance, someone might treat the importance of an intimate relationship on the same par as being law abiding, independence, taking risks, and inner peace.”

I nodded in understanding.

He went on, “But in our day-to-day lives, those things are NOT on a level with each other. Being friends with someone threatens your relationship; I contend that you can’t have inner peace and live with someone else; feeling independent conflicts with having a relationship; and taking risks might conflict with all of the ones I happened to mention, for instance by failing and becoming dependent on someone else to live.

“Of course, we might have a hundred or more other values. They’re all NOT on a par. We prioritize them in some way. A businessman might prize his reputation and ethical conduct, in contrast to a porn queen who puts being passionate and entirely open to others in first place. We each put some stuff ahead of others.

“So, this is where you are with KC. You have been asked to reprioritize your values. To ease off on fidelity, exclusivity, and adherence to strict moral code, in favor of openness, sharing, going with the flow, and adapting to each situation as it occurs. Oh, yeah, love comes before any of those and don’t you forget it.”

I spoke, “You make it sound so easy.”

Don said, “KC loves you, and you love her. Is love at the top of your list?”

I nodded. “I think so, at least I’ve come to feel that way over the past few weeks after all this shit hit the fan.”

Don asked, “Were you jealous when you saw KC fucking that other guy?”

“Yes, definitely.”

“Did you think she was going to leave you for him?”

“Maybe. I got angry.”

“KC loves you; she’s not going to leave you for some asshole drummer. I know the guy; he’s about as unreliable as they come, but I hear he’s a good fuck. Edie did him one time.”

“My God, what did you think?”

Don laughed, “I wasn’t jealous. I knew she’d be back in my bed that night, and probably be even more loving because I’d given her that freedom without making a big stink about it. Do you know about compersion?”

“Compersion? No.”

Don said, “It’s kind of the opposite of jealousy. Instead of reacting negatively when you see your partner doing something with someone else, you react positively. As a simple example think about watching some boy scout helping an elderly woman across the street with her groceries; how do you feel?”

“Good, I guess. Warm and fuzzy about the aid being given.”

“So, you see KC having a passionate fuck with some dude and popping off orgasms; how do you feel?”

I was silent for a moment, “I guess you’re telling me I should feel good that she found someone who could get her off, excite her, and provide some alternate romance in her life?”

“I am. Think about it. Put her happiness, excitement, joy, passion, and pleasure ahead of your own. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do for someone you love.”

“Do you do that with Edie?”

“I do, and I am the richer for it.”

We were quiet for a while, and then I said, “I made love to Darlene last night. KC was right there, and even helped orchestrate the situation. The two of them turned out to be bisexual, at least with each other.”

Don studied me. “Does all that upset you?”

“Honestly, I’m unsettled because of it.”

“Break it down. Why?”

“I feel I was unfaithful to KC, for one, and right in front of her even though she helped set it up. I feel that way because I was with Marcie and Cameron too. KC and Darlene playing at sex with each other turned me on, and I feel kind of disappointed in myself for getting aroused.”

“Jesus,” Don said, “You really are a tight ass. You fuck three hot women over the span of a few days, and you feel BAD about that? You should be on top of the world. KC gave you an all-time free pass to do that. She is hoping you’ll be happy and find pleasure in those relationships, BUT she wants you to come home to her. She also wants you to see that those other relationships are not scripted by Walt Disney where everybody is like a storybook prince and princess.

“Marcie fucks you and other men, while Doug watches. You said that Cameron got engaged the day after she got back from fucking your brains out for three days, and she wants a replay sometime, and she plans to tell her fiancé and get a lifetime pass to be with you whenever she wants. I could go on, pointing at house after house around the neighborhood – Tyler and Kelsey, for instance. No one, I repeat NO ONE, has a straight, storybook relationship. There’s something strange, odd, kinky, weird, or unusual going on in every one of those households.

“As for the bisexual stuff, just fucking enjoy it. Ninety percent of husbands and boyfriends dream of their wives and girlfriends having sex with another woman and letting them watch. You are one lucky SOB that you even got one night, let alone the rest of your life. The other ten percent of men are gay and wouldn’t care.”

“You’re not helping.”

“I’m not agreeing with you, if that’s what you mean. Take a look around. I’m giving you an alternate viewpoint to being a high moral ground tight ass. We sinners have much more fun. We sinners live in the real world, and aren’t trying to protect an unrealistic paradigm about how the world ‘should’ work. We live in a world that works for us, and is fun to be in most of the time. Sometimes there’s a little pain, but there is in the other world too.”

Don finished his taillight project, and indicated that I should come into the house. We went in and got coffee. I was quite pensive. Edie came and gave me a huge kiss. She also put one of my hands under her t-shirt so I would feel her braless breasts. In the span of ten seconds, I could feel her nipple harden and get excited. She kissed me on the lips again, and I stopped rubbing.

Edie said, “Someday, I hope soon, you and I are going to make love. I think we’re going to rock each other’s worlds when we do.” On that note, she strolled off into the other part of their home. I couldn’t help but notice how well her little ass filled out the cutoffs she was wearing. I also couldn’t help notice, but she’d started me on a hard-on.

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I lay on my back beside her and watched her breathe as she slept. So beautiful; she was of mixed origins, quarter black, quarter true Spanish, and half Caucasian. Her skin tone was golden brown that seemed to glow in moonlight, brown eyes and red flaming red hair spread across the pillow and across her breasts showing her Celtic heritage. She stood 5′ 5″ in her stocking feet with wide hips and narrow waist beneath a pair of full firm youthful breasts that were the size of soccer...

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Kidnapped CoupleChapter 2

After spending an hour or more in locating a service station that had a proper set of spark plugs for the truck-camper, followed by yet more wasted time, waiting for the attendant to install them, in between pumping gas and servicing other cars, the afternoon waned, which made Stan and Lois quite late getting to the State Park. Stan had become irritable and grumpy because of the delays, and as they had continued on to the park, he was more snappish with her. He ate the meal she had prepared...

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Dream Becomes Reality Ch 01

High school time is one of the best times in one's life. It was the same for me too. I had some great friends and everything was great. My grades also were good. But the best thing in my high school life wasn't any of those. It was my Math teacher, Mrs. Emily Anderson. She was my Math teacher for the last 2 years in high school and was the secret crush of every boy in my class. She looked around 25 years old, but she had to be older than that. She was married to a dickhead of a husband...

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Summer Job Pt 2

My head was buzzing as I walked out of the shower/toilet block. I was already replaying the scene in my head and this helped distract me from the pain that was making my asshole throb and by the time I had made it back I already had a noticeable bulge in my gym shorts. Luckily my bunk-mates were fast asleep. The tent leader's name was Jan he was a couple of years older than the rest of us and was from Sweden and always slept naked. Jan had the bunk across from me and in his sleep had kicked his...

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Wild Moments With My Reader Meghna

Hi , this is amit once again with another exciting encounter. For first timers, I’m 36, from mumbai, good looking, well-built, passionate, with a high drive. I’m available on This time the story is about a reader of mine who has been in touch for quite some time and reading all my stories. You can say that she became a sort of fan for that matter. An encounter with her was one of the best times I had. One day, while I was busy with my work, I received a message on hangouts. It just read hi. I...

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Arabian Nights Virtual World

THE ARABIAN NIGHTS VIRTUAL WORLD In the not too distant future holiday trips to virtual worlds will become a reality. This story is based on a trip to one such created world. To work the worlds would of course have there own rules and the very good ones would feel just as real as reality itself. Whilst the worlds would all have some emergency escape option, it is probable for realism that these would be difficult to access. The visitor would most likely exit via a certain portal...

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Le 5 sale

Tre amici, Francesco Andrea e Letizia, si trovano all entrata di uno strano edificio di forma cubica. Una donna gli si avvicina e gli chiede se si trovano lì per il gioco. I tre rispondono affermativamente e la donna li fa entrare. All interno si trovano tre porte. Ognuna delle tre porta a una sequenza di cinque sale in cui si dovrà combattere con ragazzi e ragazze. Gli amici che riusciranno a vincere le lotte si scontreranno alla fine. Dopo ogni lotta sono concessi 5 minuti di pausa. Quale...

1 year ago
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The CatalystChapter 68 Where Do We Go from Here

[Greg went back into the locker and pulled a lever, then flashed Dad, “Pops, just finish pulling the lever on the front of the cage and step away. It will all come apart so you can get to the bodies.” “Thanks Son, we’ll be seeing you soon. I believe your family is on their way home.”] We parked the truck and Bob’s van and went in the house to wait for our girls to get home. I was surprised when Bob asked, “So, where did you put our real cargo anyway?” “You weren’t keeping track of our...

1 year ago
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Almost a threesome

After weeks of planning and talking about it we were finally on our way. Just placing the advert on the swinging website had taken long enough to get round to. Then we had to pluck up the nerve to actually contact a few blokes, and finally after a weeding out process involving telephones calls and some webcam chats were going to be meeting Pete in about 20 minutes time. He lived in the next town from ours, so was local enough to be convenient without the risk of bumping into him in Tesco every...

2 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 8 Coming home again

As we walked toward the bedroom Mary and I undressed leaving a trail of clothing behind us. In the bedroom I scooped a completely naked Mary up into my arms, kissed her on mouth once and then gently laid her on bed and stood over her for a moment looking down at her nude form admiring her body. Her skin looked so pale it looked white against the dark bed cover, her hair, though only shoulder length, lay cascading across the deep blue pillow, her red lips slightly parted and moist. Her full...

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My Beautiful Daughter My Beautiful Wife

100% fiction! “Hello, this is the Longacre residence, Cici speaking.” It’s my 18yo year old daughter, Cecelia. “Hi Honey, I’m gonna be a little late, I’ve got a meeting, can you hold dinner until seven?” “Sure, no problem Dad, we’re having salmon, boiled parlseyed potatoes and broccoli, I can fix the veggies and hold them, the fish won’t take anytime at all.” “Thanks Honey, I’ll see you then.” I got home a little before seven; Cici was in the kitchen, mixing a salad. I gave her a quick peck on...

4 years ago
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Full CircleChapter 8

After six months Theresa was ahead of schedule. She had regained the full use of her right arm and with all the exercises there had been no muscle wastage. She could walk on level surfaces without a stick but still used one out of doors. She could shower and dry herself on her own and to her joy she could once again manage the stairs. She could sleep in her own bed again with Bill. In the previous month, when he was ready for bed, he had slipped in beside her and they had cuddled but it was...

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Our Babysitter Julia

“So what time does she get here?” I asked, my wife then checked her watch and then looked up at the clock. “In about an hour.” she replied. “Why check your watch and then the clock?” I asked her, “Didn't know that was the time.” she answered. I continued tapping keys at my laptop while she got dressed. She was a beautiful woman, with short curly black hair and a size 8 figure. Her breasts were natural, which some people didn't believe because they were so pert. Sitting like two half...

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The HummingbirdChapter 3 Back at the Ranch

The next week was a miserable one for Scott. He couldn't get the Hummingbird off his mind. There it was again: "Hummingbird". He didn't even know the girl's name. Every day Scott thought up four or five more things he'd have liked to ask her. Calling her was out of the question first he lived too far out in the boonies to have a phone and even if he had one he still didn't have the girl's number. He guessed he could go into town and call the restaurant, but then what would he say if...

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Well it all started a few years ago. It was spring break and i had just got out of school and i was looking to have fun. I was so excited about going out of town for a week i didn't know what i was going to do so we all packed up and headed to gatlinburg tn. The night we got is when it all happened. The long car ride from Ms made everybody hungry so they all went out to eat leaving only me & my friend out the huge rented cabin. As soon as everybody was gone u made my way to him. He was...

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Seducing My Neighbor Neelima Aunty

Hi, as you all know that I am really attracted to aunties and mature ladies. If you haven’t read my first story please read it before reading how I was seducing my neighbor. So after the first incident, I became bolder. I understood that mature women too want younger boys. I started scanning for mature women near me. I found Neelima aunty, who happened to be my neighbor and my mom’s friend. Neelima aunty was around 38 years in age. Her husband was in an MNC and was mostly out of the station....

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CindyChapter 27

The day after our gumbo and bluegrass blowout, we woke up to another one of those nasty winter days, an occluded front keeping the skies leaden and dripping. I didn't feel like cooking breakfast and cold cereal just wouldn't do on a day like this. I kissed the nose that was peeking out just above the blankets. "I'm going back to bed, wife. Call me when you have breakfast ready." The blanket came down far enough for her to stick her tongue out. "Pancakes and hot coffee sounds awfully...

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Little Montana Lodge

I was working as a manager at this beautiful lodge. I took care of bookings, house holding and meals to guests that had breakfast and dinner.  After a couple of days there, I knew every guest at the lodge and what they needed and where. Those who had meals were all made by me and not the kitchen staff. All and all, I enjoyed my work. Each morning around six am the first thing I did, was take a few laps in the pool. It wasn’t a big pool, but fifteen minutes of work out every day did me good....

2 years ago
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Jamie Gets Help

Jamie My legs ached from the wishbone he had created, pushing them apart with his knees as though to see which side broke off from the body. He pulled out of me with a grunt. His cum was leaking out of my pussy while the last few drops of it dripped slowly from the head of his cock onto my belly. We both stared at the tip, with its cream pooling and dripping; our minds were a million miles away or maybe just a few feet away. At one time, I would be licking those last drops with my educated...

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The Meeting Of Captain Hook Part 1

(This story is linked to the video “Passionate Foreplay.” So much took place before meeting, this story will be broken down into parts. This part of the story is what happened before the meet, or the video.)This isn’t the Captain Hook from c***dren’s stories. This tale is about a bull that received the nickname Captain Hook from Solitaire. It was a meeting that almost didn’t happen. Dark Kent was going through messages on his and Solitaire’s swinger profile. Though they had met a few couples...

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A Night Out

It had been forever since they had the opportunity to venture out on their own. With work, kids, and life itself getting in the way, it had been hard for them to make it happen. It had always sounded like a great idea, but free weekends became few and far between. When there had been a break in the schedule, they found themselves staring at a TV in separate rooms or wrapped up in their phones.For the past week or so, there had been great effort to reignite a spark that had been missing for...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 5 Making New Friends

Introduction: Michael gets two new slaves and Silk has to learn to share Youve been listening to the awesome sounds of KEWL 99.5. Coming at you from Mission University located right on our very own campus. This is Silky Lang and Ill be your host for the next four hours for some good times, great jokes and stories and some KEWL tunes. So just sit back and absorb this rockin tune. Rock on, coeds, the spot told listeners. She then pressed the play button on the CD player and listened as the track...

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Suddenly Daddy

(Three things before I start this twisted tale. First, I started this over on my Patreon page and I wanted to thank my awesome patrons for supporting my stories. Second, I want to give credit to the one and only Incase for the cover art which I swiped from his comic Spicing Things Up. Finally, if the cover art isn't warning enough, take note of the category this is in. I don't want any of you readers to be surprised along the way. If occasional gay stuff freaks you out give this one a...

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Opus OneChapter 5 Sonata

Movement I. Practice was difficult for Richard the next morning. Besides having somewhat of a headache, he had trouble finding a practice room. The piano in the one he finally secured was mediocre. It sounded somewhat muffled no matter how he tried to coax any tone out of it. Usually he could have dealt with the limitations of the instrument, and made progress on some technical passages or finger work. But unfortunately his mind was continuously drifting off. The events of the previous...

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Jens Dream SantaChapter 2

Jennifer’s life wasn’t the same as it was and never would be again. In fact it was nothing at all like it used to be. For a start, that damned internal clock inside her was ticking away furiously. She would be thirty years old next birthday and was still a single woman, living alone, a salient fact that her mother never failed to remind her about at every single opportunity that presented itself. Only her mother could make her marital status, or spinsterhood, appear to be a failure, akin to...

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Lesley part 21

McPeevie was having a cup of tea and a packet of biscuits in the staff canteen, when he saw Syria the staff nurse, strutting in and making herself a brew. He watched her talking to one of the male support workers and got the impression that she was a real flirt. She always wore her uniform with plenty tit on display and he wondered what she would look like in the same gear that his Lesley wore today. He immediately scolded himself for thinking of Lesley in such a

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40SomethingMag Di Devi Di8217s 40th birthday fuck

Di Devi, a wife and mom who lives in the Czech Republic, continues her 40th birthday celebration by sucking and fucking a dude who’s a lot younger than her. She uses her stockinged feet to stroke his cock. He eats her pussy, which is the best birthday present a girl could ever get, and cums on her pretty little tits. 40Something: What would be your dream car? Di: I don’t want a car. I don’t have a driver license. 40Something: What do you want to do that you haven’t...

2 years ago
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No Strings Attached Chapter 6

I work again the next morning, but I am free for the afternoon. We decide to drive to the coast. The sun is glorious and the hour’s drive with the top down is fantastic. Your long brown hair is flowing out behind you as we make our way down the road. You are wearing a short denim skirt and a large floral silk scarf wrapped around you and tied behind your back to form a halter top. The breeze as we drive presses the silk tight against your body, molding it around your chest. I can clearly see...

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The year was 1901; the final year of my music studies at the conservatory. Franz was about ten years older than me and occasionally visited our class to lecture or give instruction as he was too young to acquire the position of a professor at the time, though he was on good terms with all of the teachers and many of the students. A respected young conductor, he was a mentor of sorts to me, having already achieved the status I could only dream of someday nearing.I rather looked up to him but he...

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How my husband became my cuckold Episode 3

This is the story of how I became my husband's Mistress. I've asked him to tell the story too as I thought you might be also interested in the cuckold's perspective. I climbed the stairs as quietly as I could, hoping not to disturb Andy, but as I opened the door to the bedroom I could see him sat up in bed and was a little concerned to find him still awake. I took off my dress and realised that I'd left my bra somewhere. I had no idea where and just hoped that Andy didn't notice as he knew it...

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Auntie Made Me Cum With Her Feet

Introduction: I had wiped all the cum off my mums feet now and they looked as good as new, i kissed them and gave them a little massage and put her shoes back on. We then both walked into the restaurant and found the rest of the family sitting round the table singing me happy birthday. Auntie Made Me Cum….With Her Feet This is the second part to come from Made Me Cum Series Read the first one to understand the background of this story. ...

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Mother in laws pleasure

The other day I posted a story about my mother in law's awakening, this is what happened after. We lay together recovering after our sexual antics and chatted, it transpired that Joan's sex life had been very straight laced him on top and no variation. It was no wonder her orgasm had been so intense. I decided that she needed to be educated and explained what I was going to do. Because of family commitments, work and time constraints we did'nt get together, apart from the odd fumble...

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Recluse and GhostChapter 42

Today had been busy with my seeing Benson, Ames, and Bernie, and I now had one more place to go. It didn’t take that long to get up to the shopping center in Mount Sterling that Raul had began working on. I went to the construction trailer hoping to catch the general contractor. The man was checking items from a notebook and comparing them to his blueprints. “Hey, Coup, how are you doing?” “Mike Grayson, what brings you up here? Your men started and are really buzzing through that build...

4 years ago
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Alex and Beth

Alex hurriedly jumped out of the shower when he heard his cell phone ringing in the other room. Clumsily trying to wrap a towel around his dripping body, he stumbled over casually strewn clothing in his attempt to get to the buzzing phone. Nearly falling over a pair of shoes, he grabbed the phone off of the dresser. "Hello?" he answered, rather breathily. "Hello?" he repeated, after taking a breath. "Alex?" a female voice asked on the other end. "Is that you?" "Yeah, it's me....

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