- 2 years ago
- 26
- 0
A week later on Saturday night, Steve and Margo Betts held a neighborhood party. The format was the same, only it was at their house rather than someone else’s: BYOB, and bring some kind of hot side dish or hors d’oeuvre. We arrived with wine, an interesting dish KC made with Brussels sprouts, and a plate of cheeses and crackers than I’d carefully crafted.
Our appearance together resulted in a lot of happy faces. KC stayed pretty close, but did get trapped in conversations about topics not of my interest, so I’d fade away slightly and join another conversation group. We were always in sight of each other. I think she wanted me to know that she wasn’t off in some side room banging someone.
Marcie came up and planted a huge kiss and me, and praised my skills and passion as a lover. She begged me for a repeat performance, even assuring me that she’d clear it with KC. I suggested that she wait a week or two. Later, I saw her talking to KC, but I figured she was teasing me. KC already knew about my evening with Marcie and Doug, but at the stage we were at I didn’t think either of us should entertain sexual time with anyone else.
Kelsey sidled up to me, and also became quite affectionate, putting my arm around her shoulders and giving me a few kisses. I appreciated the gesture and kissed back, but when I could I shot back to KC’s side. She’d seen the little attempt at seduction, and laughed at how shy I seemed.
Kelsey was a hot woman about ten years my senior. I joked with myself that she was my ‘Mrs. Robinson, ‘ but I had to allow her seduction or try one of my own. Until only a couple of weeks earlier, I’d been quite dedicated to KC, but I wasn’t sure some of the time where that relationship would end up.
Darlene was at the party too, and I learned from KC that she was going to stay over in our guest room. That wasn’t a burden, although it did mean, we had to temper our outbursts during our lovemaking. We’d done it many times before. Since the blowjob in the shower, Darlene had remained kind of distant, so I figured that was a one off. I think we were Darlene’s main social life, especially since she showed up for all the neighborhood parties, along with many others, even though she had an apartment on the other side of town.
The party seemed staid, by some standards. I didn’t see anyone go off with anyone who wasn’t his or her partner, and except for a lot of flirting, everything else seemed prim and proper. I thought it was kind of boring compared to a couple of the other parties over the past six months, even the one where I’d caught KC fucking that drummer dude. I was pleased that the dude wasn’t in attendance. There was no telling what I might have done if I’d seen him.
As with many parties where the action is slow, people started to drift away on the early side. I suggested to KC that we head home, and she was all for it. We headed out, and as we left she gave a signal to Darlene that we were leaving. Darlene was in the midst of a discussion with a small group so she just waved us on.
KC and I did a little smooching on the way home, pausing along the short walk to make out. She even pulled up her shirt and had me sucking on her tits, just to vary the routine and to be a little daring since we were standing in the middle of an unlit street.
As we walked in the front door, KC said, “Please come and make love to me. I need you.”
I was all for that idea. We left a couple of lights on for Darlene, and quickly retired to our bedroom. KC came in behind me, and soon we were naked and playing at giving each other orgasms in the middle of our king-size bed.
KC mounted me cowgirl style – ‘save a horse, ride a cowboy, ‘ as she often said – and I alternated with her help by sucking on her breasts and nipples, and kissing her. My God, I loved this woman more than I could even articulate. I pushed all other thoughts from my head.
KC had worked through a half-dozen orgasms, when she decided that I should be eating her to the next orgasm. She continued to straddle my body, but knee-walked about two feet north, and settled her pussy right onto my waiting lips as she held onto the headboard. She tasted like the nectar of the gods, and I went right to work.
I wasn’t paying any attention to my cock that we’d left waving in the cool breeze behind KC. Thus, I jerked to a high state of alert when I felt another person on the bed, and then before I could move or say anything, that person straddled me and sank a warm, moist, snug pussy down my cock, or perhaps I should change the point of view and allow that my cock penetrated deep into said pussy as I drove my hips upward in reflex action.
I looked up at KC with a very uncertain look on my face. My tongue was still lapping at her pussy, and my face was covered in her savory girl juice. She was smiling at me. She whispered, “I love you. I want to bring you all sorts of pleasure and arousal too. Please don’t be upset with us for doing this. We couldn’t think of any other way to make this happen except a little subterfuge.”
KC moved her pussy off of my face and settled into my side for a kiss. In a flash of vision, I could see Darlene happily astride my cock. She smiled at the two of us, and looked deliriously happy.
Darlene leaned forward and kissed me. She whispered, “I love you too. Thank you for not immediately throwing me out.”
I was feeling odd. I certainly didn’t want to ‘throw out’ someone like Darlene – or for that matter KC, but I did have problems with what was going on. Darlene was the fourth female I’d had sexual relations with in the past two weeks, and the whole situation started because I found KC fucking some drummer dude that fit her bad boy fantasy.
I enjoyed the sexual play with the two girls, finishing when I jettisoned my man juice deep inside Darlene. To my surprise, KC was right there as the cleanup squad, going down on her sister with tongue and fingers rapidly sucking and shoveling the cum from deep inside her sister into her mouth. From there, the cum and Darlene’s girl juice made it either back to Darlene’s mouth or to mine. KC was passionate and obviously horny. We were worked up, and this was fun. We ended up covered in each other’s sexual juices.
KC was the beneficiary of the next round of fucking, but when I had my climax, Darlene was perched on KC’s face getting eaten and tongued to orgasm. I collected the two naked girls into my arms and we went to sleep.
I was in the kitchen putting a breakfast together for the three of us when I heard the shower start. It ran a little extra, and I figured that was to accommodate not only KC, but also Darlene. Five minutes later, the two of them appeared.
I poured them each a cup of coffee and orange juice, and then smiled at the two of them. I have to admit that my smile was forced. I wanted some answers. As much as I had enjoyed fucking Darlene, I thought what had happened was a bit of a step backwards for KC and me.
I said, “Anyone care to comment on last night? You know, the whys and wherefores?”
KC suddenly looked worried. “We wanted to do something nice for you because we both love you. I love you heaps, and I invited my sister to be part of what we share. I know you like her, and that she loves you. It wasn’t sex with some other guy ... it was us loving you. I didn’t think you’d be upset. I’m sorry.”
“I’m not ... yeah, I’m upset,” I said. “I didn’t get a say in what happened. Suddenly, I had a very nice pussy surrounding my cock. I liked that a lot, but I didn’t get asked. What would you two have done if I’d come unglued? I would have been within my rights to toss the two of you out last night.”
KC and Darlene looked at each other with anxious expressions.
I turned to KC’s sister, “Darlene, you know that KC is on tenterhooks with me. I’m trying to be a good boyfriend and fiancé to her, and try as I might I keep messing up by being with other women. You happen to be number three after Marcie and Cameron. I’m not doing a good job of my fidelity, and here I am trying to set a good example for KC, so that when she’s at the same party with drummer boy again she doesn’t feel compelled to go off and fuck his brains out. I like you. I even love you. I’m just not sure we should have had sex or that we should keep doing that.”
Darlene nodded. “I’m sorry. I was selfish. I wanted to be with you, and to share and feel what KC has with you. If I upset anything between the two of you, it’s my fault. I pestered KC to let me do what we did until she gave in. The way we did it was even my idea.” She started to tear up, “I love you; I really do. I wanted to be with you – to make love with you. I want to do it again and again. Please don’t shut me out, or shut KC out either. We both want you and need you. I wanted...”
I held my hand up, “All is forgiven. I do have another issue to raise, however.” I looked between the two women with a serious expression, and then turned to KC, “Since WHEN are you incestuously bisexual or sapphic? I guess we haven’t been in a group situation before, but you seemed mighty comfortable going down on your sister last night, and vice versa.”
KC blanched. “We don’t do it often, or haven’t recently. I told you I was a hellion in school. Well, I seduced my sister.”
Darlene quickly interjected as though to correct a major error, “I was more than willing.”
KC went on, “I was about seventeen, and Dar was two years younger. No one else knows.”
I posed, “And you have sexual relations with each other?”
Both girls nodded. KC whispered, “Yes. We love each other. I’d told you earlier that I had sex with some other girls in high school. Well, it ... carried over to Dar. We’ve done everything you can think of together. Some of it was experimental, but most of it was us loving each other. We’ve never stopped since then.”
I roamed around the kitchen, feeling restless from what had happened and what I’d discovered.
KC said in a soft tone, “We love you. I want my entire life with you. Please forgive us for what we’ve done and what our needs are. We’ll try to change ... but you know how hard it is.”
I nodded, “I do know, and I forgive you. Don’t change on my account. I’m surprised and interested, but I’m not angry ... well, except about not being consulted before hand about last night. That said, I am trying to figure out how to live with all of this, if I can.”
KC was smiling up until my last couple of sentences. Suddenly, she turned and ran off into the other part of the house, leaving Darlene and me. We heard a sob just as she exited the room.
Darlene shook her head at me. She nearly screamed at me, “You are the luckiest man in the world to have my sister. Sure she’s got a kink in her armor, but everybody does. Damn, haven’t you learned anything in your life about people. You really can be an asshole at times.” She sounded angry, and on that note she turned and rushed off to coddle KC.
I walked down the street to see Don and hopefully have a second cup of coffee or even an early beer. At this point, I even thought a nice glass of Hemlock might be nice – it would put me out of my misery about whether to stay with KC or not – and now, by association, I figured that Darlene was part of the deal.
Don was changing a taillight on Edie’s Mercedes. The car was just old enough to use bulbs rather than the LEDs that seemed to last forever. Access to the bulb had been made next to impossible by design.
He looked up, “Oh, hello there. You look like the unhappiest guy in the world. I thought things were improving over there.”
I nodded, “Yeah, I said something careless, and put KC in a little crisis. Darlene too, I guess; they’re over there together.” I gestured back at my house.
“About whether to move on with your life with KC ... or without?”
“Pretty much sums it up.” I unfolded a stepstool, and sat on top. “I am so messed in my head whenever I think about it. KC says I’m overly ‘value laden.’”
Don laughed, “A polite term for anal retentive – or an asshole who won’t change his mind, by any other name.”
“Am I?”
“Yeah, from what I see. There’s a bit of hypocrisy in your life too. Do you think of yourself as a progressive and a liberal?”
“Yes, up until now.”
Don said, “When we think about the set of values we have, we tend to treat them all equally. So for instance, someone might treat the importance of an intimate relationship on the same par as being law abiding, independence, taking risks, and inner peace.”
I nodded in understanding.
He went on, “But in our day-to-day lives, those things are NOT on a level with each other. Being friends with someone threatens your relationship; I contend that you can’t have inner peace and live with someone else; feeling independent conflicts with having a relationship; and taking risks might conflict with all of the ones I happened to mention, for instance by failing and becoming dependent on someone else to live.
“Of course, we might have a hundred or more other values. They’re all NOT on a par. We prioritize them in some way. A businessman might prize his reputation and ethical conduct, in contrast to a porn queen who puts being passionate and entirely open to others in first place. We each put some stuff ahead of others.
“So, this is where you are with KC. You have been asked to reprioritize your values. To ease off on fidelity, exclusivity, and adherence to strict moral code, in favor of openness, sharing, going with the flow, and adapting to each situation as it occurs. Oh, yeah, love comes before any of those and don’t you forget it.”
I spoke, “You make it sound so easy.”
Don said, “KC loves you, and you love her. Is love at the top of your list?”
I nodded. “I think so, at least I’ve come to feel that way over the past few weeks after all this shit hit the fan.”
Don asked, “Were you jealous when you saw KC fucking that other guy?”
“Yes, definitely.”
“Did you think she was going to leave you for him?”
“Maybe. I got angry.”
“KC loves you; she’s not going to leave you for some asshole drummer. I know the guy; he’s about as unreliable as they come, but I hear he’s a good fuck. Edie did him one time.”
“My God, what did you think?”
Don laughed, “I wasn’t jealous. I knew she’d be back in my bed that night, and probably be even more loving because I’d given her that freedom without making a big stink about it. Do you know about compersion?”
“Compersion? No.”
Don said, “It’s kind of the opposite of jealousy. Instead of reacting negatively when you see your partner doing something with someone else, you react positively. As a simple example think about watching some boy scout helping an elderly woman across the street with her groceries; how do you feel?”
“Good, I guess. Warm and fuzzy about the aid being given.”
“So, you see KC having a passionate fuck with some dude and popping off orgasms; how do you feel?”
I was silent for a moment, “I guess you’re telling me I should feel good that she found someone who could get her off, excite her, and provide some alternate romance in her life?”
“I am. Think about it. Put her happiness, excitement, joy, passion, and pleasure ahead of your own. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do for someone you love.”
“Do you do that with Edie?”
“I do, and I am the richer for it.”
We were quiet for a while, and then I said, “I made love to Darlene last night. KC was right there, and even helped orchestrate the situation. The two of them turned out to be bisexual, at least with each other.”
Don studied me. “Does all that upset you?”
“Honestly, I’m unsettled because of it.”
“Break it down. Why?”
“I feel I was unfaithful to KC, for one, and right in front of her even though she helped set it up. I feel that way because I was with Marcie and Cameron too. KC and Darlene playing at sex with each other turned me on, and I feel kind of disappointed in myself for getting aroused.”
“Jesus,” Don said, “You really are a tight ass. You fuck three hot women over the span of a few days, and you feel BAD about that? You should be on top of the world. KC gave you an all-time free pass to do that. She is hoping you’ll be happy and find pleasure in those relationships, BUT she wants you to come home to her. She also wants you to see that those other relationships are not scripted by Walt Disney where everybody is like a storybook prince and princess.
“Marcie fucks you and other men, while Doug watches. You said that Cameron got engaged the day after she got back from fucking your brains out for three days, and she wants a replay sometime, and she plans to tell her fiancé and get a lifetime pass to be with you whenever she wants. I could go on, pointing at house after house around the neighborhood – Tyler and Kelsey, for instance. No one, I repeat NO ONE, has a straight, storybook relationship. There’s something strange, odd, kinky, weird, or unusual going on in every one of those households.
“As for the bisexual stuff, just fucking enjoy it. Ninety percent of husbands and boyfriends dream of their wives and girlfriends having sex with another woman and letting them watch. You are one lucky SOB that you even got one night, let alone the rest of your life. The other ten percent of men are gay and wouldn’t care.”
“You’re not helping.”
“I’m not agreeing with you, if that’s what you mean. Take a look around. I’m giving you an alternate viewpoint to being a high moral ground tight ass. We sinners have much more fun. We sinners live in the real world, and aren’t trying to protect an unrealistic paradigm about how the world ‘should’ work. We live in a world that works for us, and is fun to be in most of the time. Sometimes there’s a little pain, but there is in the other world too.”
Don finished his taillight project, and indicated that I should come into the house. We went in and got coffee. I was quite pensive. Edie came and gave me a huge kiss. She also put one of my hands under her t-shirt so I would feel her braless breasts. In the span of ten seconds, I could feel her nipple harden and get excited. She kissed me on the lips again, and I stopped rubbing.
Edie said, “Someday, I hope soon, you and I are going to make love. I think we’re going to rock each other’s worlds when we do.” On that note, she strolled off into the other part of their home. I couldn’t help but notice how well her little ass filled out the cutoffs she was wearing. I also couldn’t help notice, but she’d started me on a hard-on.
I had been sleepwalking through life since my discharge from the army. 12 years in Special Forces was enough for me to have to live with, and I was ready to go back to the world. The problem, it turns out, was that I am not really very good at anything other than killing people. I tried going to college, but it was no better than the high school I barely made it out of. The kids, and they were truly kids, were all at least 10 years younger than me. I felt out of place almost all of the...
I didn't get much sleep, so I got up early and went for a long run. I thought I had a lot to think about. In my inimitable fashion, I formulated the questions whose answers perplexed me. Why was KC making out with some dude – a stranger, no less? Why did she let him feel her intimate parts? Why did she aim her sister at me for sex; didn't she care about us anymore? Was she trying to get me to have an affair with her sister so she could have one with someone else? Why did I get aroused...
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The next serious party in the neighborhood that we got invited to was three weeks later at Jon and Amber Brower's home. They also fit in the category I called 'Money To Burn, ' so it was no surprise to find when we arrived that the party was catered and that sexily dressed waitresses displaying a lot of cleavage and leg were circulating with drinks and hors d'oeuvres. As KC and I circulated, we met many new people. We also observed that this group might be a little wilder than at some of...
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While getting my drink on after a hard week of work I started getting that feeling of kinkiness. So i watched some porn and got myself more worked up for some freakiness. So i head to the gloryhole after i shower and fixed another drink traveling cup. It is about 3:30 am so only freaks and pervs are out like So i pull in to place only a few cars are there as expected . So I go in pay and go to the gloryholes . It seemed pretty empty and only a few boothes were occupied an not anyone...
i was recently divorced, and was chatting with a woman on the net, said she was a divorced mom of 2, did nothing but work and provide for her k**s. i asked her out one friday night for a movie, and she accepted. she met me at the theatre, and we grabbed a quick bite to eat afterwards. she thanked me, quick kiss and she headed for home. this went on for a couple weeks, did some front seat exploring, tit rubbing, cock rubbing, and grinding but she never went any farther, "had to get home to the...
I had just left a horrible living situation and was moving into my new accommodations. I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I had only met Aya two days ago, and I was moving in with her and her four roommates. The house was amazing! It was a large house on a hill, and it had six bedrooms, two full bathrooms, and two large living areas and a large modern kitchen. I was told it was a rooming house in the 1920s, but it was renovated. There was a sprawling treed backyard with a hot tub that has a...
TrueI work at an office complex adjacent to a large shopping mall. After work one day, I had a few things to buy so I walked from my office complex to the shopping mall. This was about 6:00 PM. I went to my favorite clothing store and spent about 30 minutes doing my shopping. I notice this young man walking behind me in the shoe department. I didn't think much of it at first but when I walked into the panty hose section, this man continued to follow me. I felt a little uneasy but because the...
Sen. Ingersoll Coolidge stood in the well and in a booming voice that commanded respect even if remarks didn't, as continued to rail against the "mortal sin" as he put it of homosexuality! Several times he was interrupted by catcalls and boos from the visitors gallery, but unbeknownst to them, that is exactly what the senior senator from Alabama hoped for! There was nothing like seeing a bunch of fairies making asses of themselves on the six o'clock news, and since the people of who elected him...
GayI am mano and this incident happened when I was 18 years old. At that time I completed my 12 standard and enjoying summer holidays. This is the first incident happened in my life that to a very cute incident and a long one. This relationship went on for more than 6 years. Let me introduce you the cause of this story. Her name is lavanya. She was 22 and completed her graduation at that time. She is very cute and has perfect boobs and all the other stuff. We studied in the same college and also...
IncestDARK DESIRES My husband loves to see me performing with other men, but it all started completely by accident, we hadn't planned anything at all. It was about fiveyears ago, not long after we were married. We decided to stay in one Saturday night and have a few drinks at home. We settled down in front of the TV for a lazy night but we got so bored we went out after all. We went to a little pub a few minutes drive away. My husband caught sight of one of his mates from work and brought him over to...
‘This is so cliché.’ Gareth thought as he escorted his mother out of the car. Looking at the cloudy morning sky. ‘Mom? Can you explain to me one more time why we are doing this?’ Ariana Hendricks did not answer right away, she was scanning the parking lot for a woman that would fit the description that was given to her. ‘Gareth, please understand that this is something that I have to do before I die.’ She said softly. ‘Then please explain it to me one more time and make me understand why...
I was coming back home down the highway with my hubby from a not so far town.Victor had invited to come with him, since his business trip would be quick.On our way back, I told my beloved husband I was horny as hell and I needed to stop anyplace to get a nice huge dick.Victor smiled, saying he knew a rest stop for truckers. There I could get satisfied with every kind of service… The evening was windy and I was wearing a short skirt that could ride up in the wind.Victor parked at this gas...
It had been a while since Sarah had a lover. She was aching to slip into something sexy and get a man going. She had been to a few clubs but found nobody that could fix her needs. That was until she arrived at work on Monday. Sarah was a copilot for a major airline. She entered the cockpit and met the Captain John. He was a good looking man. Tall, blonde hair, and a smile that would melt any girls heart. Like on any other flight they talked about things to pass the time. But this was different...
By Miss Irene Clearmont. An adult drama in three parts in which women of strong temperament and passions play a vital part. Act I Reign Of Irene, Empress Of The Byzantine Empire. Byzantium Late 797 AD. The island of Principo, Convent of St. George. Act II Reign Of Catherine The Great Of The Russian Empire The Russian Empire Summer 1750 AD. The palace of the Kremlin. Moscow. Act III In The Midst Of The Russian Revolution. Revolutionary Russia Autumn 1919 AD. Lubyanka...
I have a very beautiful wife so as my friends. I have a great friend circle and all are married too. Giving parties is a weekend plan for us. It all happened just after a fantasy. I and my wife love to do fantasies to make our sexual life more erotic and pleasure and during such a fantasy, one night I asked my wife to create such a fantasy which she ever imagined as the hottest and most exploring to her feminism. She is open to me in all this and so she told me a fantasy of her which she wants...
I continued this clandestine activity of swimming in the buff once the school year started back up. Every day after school I would race home and quickly strip down nude, often leaving a trail of clothes from the front door to the porch, and jump in the pool and do laps for an hour. One day in late September, my mother came home early, right in the middle of my skinny dipping session. When she walked out on the back porch to see her naked son doing laps in her own pool, she could barely muster...
You will want to have just read my first ever story, "My Initiation", before you read the following, my second: I understand the missing 3 ½ hours left some of you ‘wanting’. Sorry, if I left you mid-masturbating with nothing to keep you going or take you over the edge. Well, let no one say I don’t know how to finish. ……………………….. Fortunately, my receptivity level for something kinky was as high as it had ever been because what I was about to experience was more than I think most of us could...
Group SexDear D, do you remember the night we had together?,At first you were reluctant. We met, it was strange after so many messages on Facebook. I was pleased to meet you, I confirmed that I liked you, and I think that you also liked me. You were sweet and smiled a lot. But then you were a bit tired, you were thinking of going home. You said that you were not dressed to go to a nightclub, and it was true, but I explained that this nightclub was diferente, you only needed lingerie. You were timid and...
For a ... For a recap of the story so far read Curious pt1, and yes I know I have bad punctuation and grammar CURIOUS PT2 By Dake9872 8:05! The clock radio read. There we go! After pinching myself and slapping myself for five minutes it looked like I wasn't dreaming. I really was Brooke Morgan; I felt exactly what beautiful women felt like to touch, from the long hair and killer figure, to the boobs and clit. Hopefully Brooke wasn't me. I mean going to bed Esmeralda and waking...
I am 26 yrs old, handsome and average built young man working in a MNC. I am secretary of our housing society consisting of 45 apartments and we recruited a watchman around 23 yrs for the building. That day I woke up at 6.00 am in the morning and came to my balcony. Exactly down to my balcony our watchman quarters backyard is visible clearly. I saw sanjay[watchman] coming out near the pump provided for the watchman to use. He saw around but could not see me as I was sitting on a chair. He...
LesbianGaby was one of those ‘friend of friends’. The kind of friend that you met up with at Christmas parties, Weddings and christenings. She was already married to Ashton and they seemed very much the perfect couple.I had better describe her, she is about 5 foot tall, long curly deep red hair, pretty freckly face with sparkling blue eyes and a delicious gap between her front teeth. She is well stacked, a lovely pair of boobs and a regularly on show cleavage. Her bum was perfect, well rounded and...
Five parts, all finished. Storeys: 1st floor (UK) = 2nd Floor (US), Ground Floor (UK) = 1st Floor (US). Some lifts (elevators?) in Britain are numbered 0 (Ground) upwards, and some according to US numbering. Makes life fun for us! All characters in sexual situations are over eighteen. ***** Chapter One The slim young woman was sitting on the carpet of the lounge in her first floor, one bedroom flat, playing with her three year old daughter when they were both startled by a loud hammering...
First, a little about myself. I am a 5’5″ man who has a great sex appetite. I have a bigger-than-normal dick, not the sort of crazy rods you see in negroes. But big enough to have a great sex life. Being an Indian guy, I did not have sex until I got married. My wife and I used to have hot sex every day and night. We loved each others’ bodies and kept fucking each other. One day, we got carried away and that was how I became a father. I currently live in a 3 BHK with my wife and newborn. In some...
I was 18 at the time, freshly graduated from high school in the top ten percent of my class. I was short for my age with no real hope of growing any taller than my 5 feet even. I weighed 130 pounds, a bit thicker than most girls my height, but I felt comfortable and fit in my own skin. Hell, I was in the best shape of my life. And where my stomach was mostly flat, my ass and thighs had no shortage of lean meat. I had b-cup breasts – something I’d once felt insecure about, but had now accepted...
Patty had ever been a friend of Sam’s family. Her and her husband, Tom, had lived next to the Russell’s since Sam was a young boy. Patty had been a babysitter, big sister, and friend all rolled up in one for a long, long time. Unfortunately, Tom had been killed in an automobile accident just recently. His neighbor had little time to mourn for her husband. Little Timothy had been born a month ago, fatherless, and Patty had her hands full with the duties of a mother and keeping the house in...
EroticNot all just about writing erotica, this story is about car buff stuff for car buffs. Susan discusses her other passion the automobile. Never comfortable with the Camaro Z28, just my personal preference and opinion, I didn’t feel as in control of the car as I felt in the Mustang GT. A heavier car than the 3,500 pound Mustang GT at the time, comparable in weight then to the much heavier 3,900 pound Mustang Cobra GT 500 of today, the Z28 felt too heavy in the turns and too light with the...
TELLING THE STORY OF THE BARN TO PATTI Sorry if this is confusing to some readers. But it is really a story within another story. And one has to be told to get back into the other. I am telling Patti the story of what happened when I lived back on the farm/ranch at home. That’s what...
On the Wednesday night Liza and I had spent the evening making out and performing oral again but the whole time I couldn’t get thoughts of her brother out my head. In my imagination he a big cock and an eager ass… How I wished I could find out if his cock was as big as it seemed inside his shorts. We were in her bedroom this time, after her brother getting home just after we’d finished fucking the night before she was too nervous to do it on the sofa again. If she’d know he’d stood watching us...
Hello dosto yah meri pehli kahani hi jis may may apni kahala ki beti ki chudai kasa karta hoon ya meri real story hi please agher pasand ai to apney tarife may dad zuroor diejeye ga mera name babar hi or age 18 sal or khala ki beti ki age 25 sal or name rajey.. Kahla kay do batey thay jo mulak say bahir dubai reahtey thay or khalo or khala or un ki beti rehtey they humray ghar thori see dori per tha khala kay ghar say or khala mujhey dophar ko mujhey paney ghar balva leti kiyonkey may bee ghar...
I was once told that it can be a dangerous thing to try it on with the boss’s daughter. Mixing work and pleasure can be as troublesome as it can be rewarding. Turth was I always associated that kind of stuff with high flying executives who had a Ferrari in the car park. I’m nowhere near that kind of life. I’m a security guard who works in the gatehouse at a truck depot. I spend twelve hours a day signing trucks and cars in and out. That was where I met Kirsty, the daughter of the site...
Chapter Seven: WednesdayPart 1: Morning - Business UpdateI woke at sunrise, but Patti was still sound asleep, so I snuck out of bed, gathered lingerie, clothing, shoes, wig, and purse going into the bath to shower and shave. My dress for the day was a very simple, short-sleeve tie-waist shirtdress in tartan. After getting dressed and applying my makeup, I tiptoed out of the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Then I put on my two-inch black open-toe heels and went into the kitchen to make...
CrossdressingNovember 3, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “That was fantastic, Mike!” Melody gushed when the debate ended about two hours after it had begun. “He served me up a series of fastballs right over the plate,” I replied. “His mistake was attacking externals at first, because that put him on the wrong foot from the get-go. If he had focused purely on theology, I wouldn’t have been able to score so many points with what amounted to ‘zingers’.” “You had him too tied up in knots trying to explain how he knew...
By the time Wendy came home my batteries were thoroughly recharged and we headed straight upstairs for the usual mindblowing fuck. Later on, when she finally made it to the front room, she looked dismayed at the horrible mark on the carpet. (I had tried to do something about it before she came back, but with only limited success.) I told her I had spilt something. "What on earth was it?" she asked. I decided to try the power of FUCK once more. "Don't worry about it," I said...