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Itty Bitty By Cheryl Lynn This is a fem/dom fiction story and not for the sweet/sentimental reader. Copyright held by author and may be downloaded for personal use only. All other use strictly prohibited unless approved by the author and all standard disclaimers apply. Constructive comments may be sent to [email protected]. Itty Bitty Peyton Daniels was an only child and named after his father's favorite football quarterback. He was raised in a typical upper middle class neighborhood and was an average teenaged boy. As he grew up liked sports and participated in some. Never very good, stopped playing but watched them eagerly. Like his dad, football was his favorite. However despite his name sake, liked Clay Mathews, No. 52, of the Green Bay Packers best of all. Peyton even grew his hair long just like his hero. Other than watching sports with his dad enjoyed video games which took most of his free time. At school his grades were average. His worst class was physical education mainly because he hadn't developed as fast as the other boys and always picked last in team games. While not in with the big cliques on campus or oddballs, he did have friends. Like most teenaged boys his hormones were beginning to rage and the confusing world of girls dominated his thoughts. He and his mother, Irene, had been living in a small house some called a starter home, for the past three years. His father, Jack, had died in a tragic car accident. The insurance paid off their old house and car notes leaving enough over for Peyton's college expenses. Irene decided the house was too big and the memories too strong. She sold it and they moved into this smaller one in a different neighborhood. With the major expenses taken care of Irene still had to work. Before she met Jack, Irene worked as a hair stylist. She used the profits from selling the house to buy an existing small salon in a nearby strip mall. The full service salon had an established customer base, mostly older women and two contract employee stylists and one nail/laser technician. The shop turned a profit but nothing to brag about considering all the work that went into it. Irene was in her early thirties, petite with wavy black shoulder length hair. She wasn't either a bad or good mother, Peyton had been an accident. She had never wanted children but took to her responsibilities as a mother. As Peyton got older, with Jack's death and long hours at the salon became indifferent in her attitude toward her son. She would see that he was taken care of but gone were the occasional hugs and words of encouragement. She was simply too exhausted from working long hours and putting food on the table. His father's death resulted in a major shift in Peyton's life as well. Instead of playing video games and watching television, he had to help around the house and salon. Irene having to work, gave him specific housekeeping chores in addition to cutting the grass and taking out the garbage. It also kept him from going on dates or spending much time with his friends. The only thing he had left was watching sports on Sunday. Even that wasn't the same as his father was no longer there. Working long hours Irene didn't want to leave Peyton alone in the house. She required him to come to the shop right after school. There he would be sent back into the office to do homework then help out in the salon. The work wasn't that hard, mostly janitorial clean up. The shop closed at six weekdays but stayed open until eight on Friday's and Saturdays. Peyton wasn't happy spending all day Saturday working in the salon as it prevented him from watching college football. Plus it meant he had to wash all the windows, dust the displays, mop and polish the floors. Working to eight on Fridays and Saturdays prevented him from going out on dates or attending school events. Over time even his closest friends stopped trying to get-together with him. His life had become one colossal boring routine day after another. ## In May, after three years as a widow just before school let out for the summer, his mother surprised him. "Peyton, you know I've been seeing a man most Sundays for a while now. Tyrone has asked me to marry him and I've accepted. We're getting married in two weeks. This might seem sudden to you but I'm sick and tired of living without a man in my life and having to make all the decisions. He asked and I agreed that you could be our ring bearer. He's coming by the salon this Saturday to get you fitted for a tux," she told him. "Mom, I don't even know this man and I'm too old to be a ring bearer," he whined. "Peyton, you'll meet him Saturday and have a chance to get to know him. Tyrone thought you might object to being called a ring bearer. He suggested that you be his Page. I see no reason for you to be embarrassed about that. You know a Page, just like in King Arthur's court. Besides it will be a very small wedding at the Justice of the Peace office. You'll do it because he and I asked you to," she replied sternly. Tyrone picked him up early Saturday and took him to the tailor shop to be fitted for the wedding. He was tall, six foot two and all muscle. His hair was close cropped with a hint of grey. What surprised Peyton was that he was black as the Ace of Spades. Another surprise was Tyrone's commanding presents and demand that he call him Daddy as they were getting out of the car. "You're not my father much less my daddy and I don't want to have anything to do with this wedding," Peyton snapped. Peyton was sitting on the concrete sidewalk, his left cheek burning where Tyrone had slapped him. The blow left his face red and tears streaking down his face. "You best listen to what I tell you without complaint or I'll give you more of that," Tyrone spat back at him. "You're going to show me respect, call me Daddy and do as you're told. Now get your ass up and let's go." Inside the tailor shop Peyton was humiliated even more. He was actually fitted for a classic seventeenth century Page's uniform with bright yellow velvet balloon pants with pink satin vertical stripes. A long sleeved white lace ruffled blouse, white opaque tights and short quilted velvet yellow with pink pen stripping jacket. The sleeves of the jacket ended above the wrists exposing the four tiered floral lace cuffs of the blouse. The shoes were a shiny black patent leather with a two inch block heel and large brass buckle on the vamp. Finishing off the outfit was a bright yellow satin floppy cap with a single pink ostrich feather. Standing in front of the three way mirrors, Peyton couldn't believe his eyes. The image appeared to be more of a pre-pubescent girl than a boy in that uniform. "Plea...please't make me wear this," he stammered tears building up in his eyes. "Sorry kid but you were the one who didn't want to be our ring bearer. Besides I like it. You're going to brighten up the wedding and reception afterwards," he replied. "As a matter of fact, I'm going to have your mother style your hair more in line with your costume. " Alone with his mother, Peyton raised fifty kinds of hell over the pending marriage and having to be Tyrone's Page. He made it very clear that he hated Tyrone, the wedding and her for going through with the marriage. Sunday Tyrone came over to the house for the first time. When Irene told him about her son's behavior and objections, said he would handle it. Seeing his mother's future husband at the door, Peyton rushed to his room and locked the door. He didn't want to have anything to do with him much less hear what Tyrone would say. Shortly after his door boomed and vibrated from the force of Tyrone's knock. "Open this door right now or your punishment will be all the worse," Tyrone growled. Tyrone didn't wait. Putting his shoulder into it, forced the door open easily. Peyton was cowering on his bed. It didn't take him long to pull Peyton from the bed, lower his shorts and boxer and begin spanking his naked butt. When Peyton was a mass of tears and his butt bright pink, Tyrone pushed him off his lap. "Gawd! You're such a pantywaist. Just look at you crying like a little spoiled girl. Hell! How can you call that itty bitty thing of yours a penis anyway? My pit bull has a bigger dick than that. You sure you're not some silly girl? From what your momma says you even whine and complain like one. Now you get this straight. I'm marrying your mommy and you will both accept that and do as you're told or that spanking will seem like nothing. Don't forget to call me Daddy and your mother, Mommy from now on seeing you act like a little spoiled girl," he stated. ## The day before the wedding Tyrone moved his things into the master bedroom and his mother, Hazel, into the guest room. Hazel was a big boned busty woman of sixty with frizzy grey hair. Like her son, her disposition was just like his, demanding and commanding. Peyton hated her almost as much as he hated his soon to be step-father. The morning of the wedding, Peyton found himself sitting in a styling chair in his Mommy's salon. His long hair normally in a low pony tail was shampooed, conditioned and cut into a page boy style with the ends tucked under. If that wasn't bad enough the manicurist had rounded off his fingernails and varnished them a coral pink with white French tips. Then she did his toes in the same color. Before he got out of the chair, Marge, his stylist put coral high sheen gloss on his lips and rose blush on the cheeks. From there he was ushered into the back where he put on the page boy costume. The small addition of a white knit purse attached around his wrist. He complained but was told he had to have it for his lip gloss, compact, blush and some tissues. He came out of the back blushing fifty shades of pink. The wedding and reception afterwards was horrific for Peyton. Most of the guests were friends of Tyrone. Besides himself and Mommy were the salon's staff as the only bride's guests. A lot of Tyrone's friends mistook Peyton for a flat chested girl. When they entered the reception hall, Hazel made sure he sat with the younger girls and danced with whoever asked. Peyton didn't mind dancing with girls but once the music started guys began asking him. The music was mostly hip hop and he didn't get asked to dance the slow ones. A small piece of luck he was happy with. The reception had barely started when one of the girls got up and grabbed her purse. "Anyone else need to go?" she asked. Peyton wasn't surprised to see three other girls grab their purses. From school he knew girls usually went to the bathroom together. What surprised him was Hazel getting hers and telling him to come along. Worse yet she steered him into the lady's room. "Make sure you sit to do your business then make damn sure you freshen your lip gloss," she harshly whispered into his ear taking his elbow. "I...I can't go in there," he tried to protest. "Don't have no choice. You want to use the men's after dancing with them boys?" she whispered back. As he was standing at the sink reapplying his gloss, the girl next to him, Jan-el, said as she juggled her large breasts, "Pity you white girls don't got no real booty or tits." "Jan-el, don't be so cruel. They just develop slower than us," Tanya, Tyrone's niece, reprimanded. Peyton blushing fiercely didn't say anything as Tanya hooked her arm through his and led him out of the room. "Come on girlfriend, don't pay Jan-el any mind. She's just a stuck up bitch that thinks her fat assed booty don't stink," she said loud enough for Jan-el to hear. After that incident, Peyton was totally confused and concerned. He was puzzled over why Tyrone insisted he dress this way and disturbed about being so easily accepted as a girl. He knew that his name could be either a boy or girls' name and had taken some kidding at school. Still that didn't explain why Hazel was not only treating him like one but insinuating that he was one. She had introduced him to the girls at the table as, "My new niece." Conversing with the girls was humiliating as most of the talk centered on the young men that were there. When asked which boy he found to be the most attractive his ever present blush brightened. He was about to say none of them and that he was a boy when Hazel leaned over and whispered in his ear. "Unless you want all these girls to know that you're not a girl but a boy, you better pick one out and tell them. Once those boys you been dancing with find out too no telling what'll happen. Men from the hood don't like being made fools of. You probably can guess what some of them might do." He was much relieved when the reception finally came to an end. The whole affair had been one major embarrassment after another. Having his picture taken for what seemed a hundred times didn't help either. Before his mother left on her two week honeymoon she told him to be good and do what Hazel said. ## Peyton had always helped around the house but now he found himself doing all the housekeeping duties except cooking. Those chores included him hand washing all of Hazel's undergarments. Something no teenaged boy should do. He had balked at doing that but a couple of sharp stinging slaps to his face ended further complaint. She also refused to let him remove the nail polish. What shocked him the most, was going back to the salon. Madge and the other girls weren't there. Instead, shortly before opening, three women of color walked in. When he asked what was going on, Hazel told him that Tyrone had decided the salon would do better if it catered to black women. Irene, after the wedding had let the others go which explained why they weren't at the reception. His first task of the day was to remove all the posters and advertisements catering to white women. He then replaced them with those appropriate for the new clientele. During the day business was slow as most of the old clients decided to go elsewhere. To relieve the boredom, the new stylists and manicurist decided to improve Peyton's look. He was dragged kicking and screaming into the waxing room. There Miss. An, a stout Viet Namese, gave him a Brazilian waxing. When she had finished the only body hair left was a small narrow landing strip above his shriveled penis. As she was doing his privates, Miss. An kept 'accidently on purpose' touching his penis. When due to his humiliation it didn't respond, made very derogatory comments about its small size and uselessness. A fact she made public when she escorted him back into the salon proper. "He have little baby dick," she laughingly told the others. Peyton was then taken by the wrist and put into Tanisha's chair. He was squirming and resisting and had to be secured to the chair. He didn't settle down until Hazel came up and slapped his face hard. "Peyton you sit still and let Miss. Tanisha do what she does best," she ordered. Then as if an afterthought added, "With that little dickette you got, this will suit you more." Tanisha and all the staff had a hearty laugh at his expense, then she got to work. She gave him a spiral perm. When she finished, Peyton had a very African look with tight bouncy shoulder length curls. They looked like tiny and twisted cork screws framing his oval face. If what they had done to him wasn't embarrassing enough, his pull over shirt was replaced by one of the salon's bright pink nylon smocks. His shoes and socks replace by a pair of the pink cotton slippers the customers used. They were open toed and exposed his polished nails. With his permed hair, hairless legs and arms, tan shorts and pink smock he definitely looked like a flat chested girl. A fact the girls did their best to not let him forget as he went about his janitorial duties. To protect his pretty nails, had to wear pink rubber gloves. Every time he broke out in fresh tears, they teased him over acting like a little girl. As they still didn't have any customers to relieve the boredom, began making him walk, bend and hold his arms like a girl. Any resistance was met with either a slap to the face or smack to his bottom. Later Hazel sent him to the coffee shop at the end of the strip mall. "Peyton you get us some pastries and coffee. Here's twenty dollars and be quick about it. I don't give a damn how you feel about it! Just do it or I'll pull those shorts down and give you a good spanking right here in front of the window," she threatened. They had few customers over the first week and everyone at the salon kept putting him through what they called girlie training. Hazel had given him a pair of white strappy two inch slim heeled sandals to wear. They had him mincing with short steps and hip sway, elbows kept tightly to his sides all day and every day. Hazel insisted he continue after they returned home. Towards the end of the week Carita the other stylist decided he needed some lipstick. She produced a rum raisin high gloss plumping lipstick and coated his lips thickly. They all had a good laugh and insisted that every time he passed a mirror would check his lips and reapply it. There were a lot of mirrors in the salon. Whenever he forgot one of the girls would slap his ass. Having to go to the coffee shop being seen by others and accepted as a girl kept a blush on his cheeks. The public exposure and acceptance as a girl was very detrimental to his masculinity. The second week was a bit easier but no less humiliating as they began getting new customers. Tuesday was the slowest day for the salon and again to lessen the boredom, took it out on Peyton. Tanisha had put a run in her hose and sent Peyton to the nearby women's wear shop to get a replacement. As she was giving him the money, had the idea that his legs needed some as well. "Peyton get me four pair of Hanes, silk reflections high waist control top hose in black," she ordered handing him some money. It was embarrassing getting coffee but buying pantyhose in a woman's store worse. Peyton couldn't wait for his mother to get home and stop all this nonsense. When he got back to the salon was puzzled when Tanisha unwrapped a pair and handed them to him. As she took another pair out of its packaging instructed, "Watch what I'm doing and you do the same. You put a run in those and I'll spank that bottom of yours so hard you won't sit for the rest of the day." There being no customers, Tanisha rolled the stocking into donuts and began soothing them up her legs and under her skirt. Peyton was in a different position as he had to remove his shorts and boxers. Wearing pantyhose meant that underwear wasn't necessary according to Tanisha. His whole body flushed pink as he worked the hose up to just below his chest. As he was doing that Hazel told him to tuck his itty bitty back between his legs. His penis and balls were crushed by the tight control top hose and left only a slight bulge showing. They also brought his waist line in some. For most of the day he was teased about how sexy his legs looked and how much the boys would like seeing them. Before they went home for the night, Hazel purchased a dozen more pairs for him. "Why are you doing this to me? I'm not some silly girl. So why are you trying to make me look like one?" he whined when they got home. "Cause Tyrone said you was one. Said no real man or boy would allow anyone to dress him like he done you for the wedding. That and your pathetic itty bitty dick. That's why," she responded. "He made me dress like that. I didn't want to but he hit me an...and my dick isn't small," he shouted back only to receive a resounding slap. "Your new cousin, Trevon, is only ten and his dick is twice as large as yours. If Tyrone tried to get him to wear them girly clothes would have fought back no matter what. You don't believe me. I'll get him over here so you can stand side by side and see just who has a real dick. Now stop that whining. You got chores to do," she sneered. The next day he felt like a damn fool wearing sheer black pantyhose without underwear, white sandals and lipstick. Hazel had taken all his boxers and tossed them into the garbage last night. Wednesday and Thursday were busier but that didn't stop the girls from keeping an eye on him. During slack periods they did more things to humiliate him. They made sure he kept to his girlie lessons and checked his lipstick. With customers present couldn't punish him but spankings when the shop was empty reinforced their demands. Wednesday Miss. An pierced his ears three times in each one and inserted pink keepers. Thursday when there was a slack period, Tanisha put him back into her chair. "I need to practice my hair braiding. I have a customer coming in later so have a seat and keep quiet," she instructed wheeling over a tray filled with colorful plastic beads and metal balls. By the time she had finished Peyton's hair was in very tight corn rows. Spaced evenly on each woven plait was a colorful bead or metal ball. It felt much heavier and whenever he turned his head most distracting. Friday and Saturday Peyton got off pretty easily as there were a lot of customers. That didn't mean he got off scot-free. Hazel purchased several pairs of skin tight mid-calf yoga pants and two packs of full cut nylon panties for him to wear on Friday. He had put runs in six pairs of hose and these pants didn't require hose. Plus it was an excuse for her to both humiliate and increase his feminine wardrobe. Since these pants didn't have any pockets, Hazel gave him one of her old purses. All the girls loved his new look wearing iridescent purple yoga pants clearly showing panty lines, pink smock and carrying a pink purse. After two weeks of his so called girlie training, he didn't have to think about how he moved or remember to check his lipstick. Although the click-clacking of his heels on the linoleum floor still bothered him. So far nothing had been done that was permanent and Irene was due back Sunday. He was sure she would put a stop to this abuse. ## Sunday finally arrived and Peyton could hardly wait for his Mommy's return even dressed the way Hazel demanded. He was wearing a blue tee shirt, gold yoga pants and white heeled sandals. The pink keepers were removed. Large wide pink plastic hoops were inserted in the lower lobe, pearl and gold ball studs in the upper lobe. After two weeks of using the plumping lipstick, his lips were fuller and glistened in the light. With his hair in tight corn rows and sparkling beads, he looked more like a girl than ever. He was in the kitchen finishing up the luncheon dishes and wearing a pink ruffled organza apron when he heard them come in. Peyton quickly discarded the apron and rushed to greet his Mommy. "Now I can stop all this bull shit," he thought rushing into the living room. "Mommy! Look at what they've done to me!" he shouted. He was stunned to see Tanya with two boys standing in the room. "Hey girlfriend. You look hot and I like what ya done. Me and my boyfriend, Leroy and his friend Jerome were going to the movies when I thought of you. Grab your purse and let's go," Tanya said. "Huh? want me to go with you to the movies?" he gasped in shock. "Well, like yeah but you can be Jerome's date," she replied flashing her brilliant white teeth. "What a wonderful idea," exclaimed Hazel before Peyton could react. "Go get your purse Peyton. It will be good for you to get out of the house for a while." Seeing him frozen in place, Hazel grabbed his elbow and led him to his room. "Peyton is just so surprised Tanya. She hasn't done anything but work at the salon and helping me around the house. We'll be right back," she said. Back in his room she gave him a hard swat to the ass making him yelp. "Fix your lipstick and get your purse. You're going out with them and if Tanya comes back with any complaints about your behavior, I'll put you over my knees and turn your backside beet red," she stated. "Bu...but Miss. Hazel I'm a guy and can't go anywhere looking like this," he replied. "You nothing but a prissy girlie with that itty bitty dick of yours. Now do as I say or I won't wait to hear back from Tanya," she spat raising her hand. "But you have a point. Wait here. I'll be right back." Peyton couldn't believe his eyes when Hazel returned and pulled a white satin gel foam padded training bra from its box. "This will give you some shape under that tee. Take it off and let me get this on you. Just don't stand there quivering, get that shirt off," she demanded. Jerome was a good head taller than Peyton. Thin yet muscular with thick lips and very large hands. He was a wide receiver on his high school's football team. Leroy was just plain big, all muscle and a star linebacker on the team. Peyton was very nervous and intimidated by them. Once they left the house, there was nothing he could do but behave like a girl. He was deathly afraid of what would happen if they discovered the truth. Getting into the backseat of Leroy's car Jerome got in and immediately put a long arm around Peyton's shoulders, pulling them close. "I know you white girls are sometimes a bit slow to develop but you aint even a handful," he said laughingly as his hand cupped Peyton left breast. All Peyton could do was blush brightly. He was too scared to even remove that hand from his breast. It didn't calm his racing heart when Jerome giving the breast another squeeze added, "But I don't mind. I like white chicks even flat chested ones." At times Peyton had to bite his tongue to keep from screaming. The only time Jerome's arm left his shoulders or waist was getting out of or into the car. During the movie, some Spike Lee feature, Jerome forced several unwanted tongue twisting kisses. After the movie Tanya went with him into the lady's restroom. "Girlfriend, you're lipstick is smeared all over that face. Jerome can be a handful but he's a nice guy. You treat him right and he'll take good care of you," she said as they stood side by side in the queue. "That's all I friggin need," Peyton thought but replied, "He's alright I guess but I really don't want a boyfriend right now." "You're not one of those lezzies are you?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "Huh? Oh no. My life is just...just complicated right now," he answered with the only explanation he could come up with. He remembered some girl telling him that when he asked her out. "Can't let her discover my secret. Hell, it'd be worse than Jerome finding out," he thought. Finished in the stall Peyton made his way to an open sink to wash his hands and repair his lipstick. Not only was his lipstick smeared but he had a large hickie on his neck. "Oh shit! How am I going to cover that up?" he gasped. The girl standing next to him heard and said, "With lots and lots of concealer honey." Just before they got to the house Leroy pulled over to the curb and parked the car. Then he and Tanya began playing a serious game of tongue tag. Jerome was just too strong and demanding. Peyton was too damn scared not to let him have his way. Soon they were in a passionate embrace as well. It took all of Peyton's will power to keep from throwing up. What Jerome was doing was nothing he hadn't done on some of his dates. Yet this was so totally different being on the receiving end and so perverted in his mind. The best resistance he could put up was keeping Jerome from unclasping his bra. He couldn't stop him from rubbing his large hand in his crotch or having his forced into Jerome's. The only reason he didn't vomit then was because Jerome's big dick was still inside his pants. From the way it felt as Peyton rubbed, it was indeed very much larger than his own. So much so that he began to wonder if all the teasing about his itty bitty dick wasn't true. Finally when he thought he couldn't help but scream, Leroy started the car and moved out into traffic. At the house Jerome walked him to the door and gave Peyton another deep kiss. "Tanya gave me your number. I'll give you a call later," he said smiling from ear to ear. Peyton entered the house, his face flushed, lipstick smeared and another hickie on his neck. Shutting the door he came face to face with his Mommy, a smug looking Tyrone and giggling Hazel. "See I told you he was a sissy faggot even before I met him," Tyrone exclaimed. "No real man would have worn that Page outfit and now he went out on a date with a boy." "He done asked me and the girls at the salon to help him look like that," Hazel hastily added. Irene stood frozen looking at her son. Her eyes slowly turned from shock to a mixture of anger and disappointment. Then only to anger as they focused on the two hickies. "You're certainly no son of mine but you are still mine regardless. Right now I'm so mad I don't know what to say. Get cleaned up and get out of my sight! We'll talk in the morning," she spat she was so mad. As Peyton was crying in his room, the adults were discussing him. "Here baby," Tyrone said handing Irene a vodka martini. "Don't be so hard on yourself. It isn't your fault that Peyton is the way he is. It has nothing to do with you making him spend so much time at the salon or helping with the housework. I don't think it has anything to do with not having a father figure either. I think a person is just born that way." "Irene, I think when he wore that Page outfit, he let his real inner self come out for the first time. Why you should have seen him chatting up a storm with the other girls at the table. You know how young girls are and it didn't take Peyton two seconds to tell them which man he liked. I know you had to see him on the dance floor. What straight male would willingly dance with another one?" Hazel added. "Yes, Hazel I did wonder about that but...but seeing him looking like that, those hickies on his neck and smeared lipstick, I just lost it. I don't like it but he's still my responsibility. Guess I need to find some kind of therapist or doctor now," Irene replied. "Doctors and therapists are very expensive Irene and I don't think the kind you need are covered under your insurance. He trusts me and let me help him blossom. So let's just keep it like that for a while. I need to warn you, especially since he didn't expect for you to see him like that tonight, he may strongly deny everything. Rant, rage or throw a temper tantrum and should be expected. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to blame me and the girls at the salon of forcing him. Here, let me give Tanya a call and you can ask her how Peyton acted on his date tonight and at the reception. That should be more than enough proof that I'm telling you the truth," Hazel said handing her cell to Irene. When Irene handed the phone back to Hazel she was ashen faced. "If I hadn't heard it from her, I would still have some doubts but Tanya was pretty graphic about what went on in the backseat. He's my child but I can't handle this. Hazel could you, would you please take care of this? I don't want anything to do with it," she said with tears brimming. "Sure honey, that what family does," Hazel replied patting Irene's hand sounding totally sympathetic. "Got that small dicked pansy now. I'll have to call my gay nephew Jerome and give him the good news. Peyton is pretty enough to pass and that's just what he needs. If the other gang banger brothers found out he was gay, I just don't want to think of what would happen," she thought. ## Monday morning Hazel entered his room, gave his upturned bottom a swat and said, "Come on pretty boy get up. We have lots to do today. Your Momma has already left, so I'm bringing you to the salon but first we need to do some shopping." Coming out of the bathroom Peyton was surprised to see her waiting. "You're going to need some help with this," she said dangling the training bra in her hand. " can't be serious. I don't want to wear that. I'm a boy no matter how I look with these stupid beads in my hair," he replied with what courage he had left. "Why do you think I'm taking you shopping? Of course you're going to wear a bra and having just one simply won't do. No self-respecting seventeen year old would go out without one. So get your sorry ass over here and let me show you how to properly put this one on," she stated. An hour later Peyton found himself standing in a cubicle while a black woman measured him. His backside was still burning from Hazel's hairbrush. He was in a lingerie store Hazel frequented and being fitted for a bra. "A thirty-four A+++ Hazel any particular style you want?" the woman said trying to suppress her laughter. "No but find us something that will make him look bigger. Been bugging me all week to get him something to fill out his blouses and dresses better," she answered while glaring at him to say something. He was humiliated enough and didn't dare say anything. She had promised him a good over the knee spanking if he didn't cooperate. That white bra had left deep red gouges and if he had to wear a bra at least it should be comfortable. "I have some nice breast prosthesis but nothing for white folks. You might want to consider doing that but I do have some gel/foam bras that'll work," she replied. "Good idea Deana, I'll give that some thought. Why don't you bring us oh let's say three for now. They should last until I decide about the prosthesis. While you're at it, pick out some padded panty girdles for him. If he's going to have boobs might as well have the tush to go with them," Hazel answered. The three demi bras she came back with were underwire, push-ups with gel/foam padding that made him look like he had real breasts. They were all made of a lustrous satin in red rose, black and white. The panty girdles had large gel insert padding at the back and hips, giving him a more girlish figure. They left the shop with him wearing the rose red bra and red panty girdle with satin diamond panel. His black yoga pants barely fit and dug deeply into his ass cheeks and groin. With his new shape Hazel stopped at a nearby thrift store. There she had him try on Capris, short-shorts, skirts, dresses and blouses. She wound up buying him two pairs of stretchy Capris in gold and white with a floral pattern running up the sides. A pair of powder pink short-shorts with a three inch inseam. In addition to the pants two skirts, one a black satin straight mini-skirt the other a pink block pleated skater skirt. Several shell blouses in soft pastels, a black satin three quarter length flare sleeved blouse with a "V" collar and one translucent peach chiffon blouse with a ruffled collar. A yellow with white polka dotted sun dress and a nylon scarlet baby doll nighty with white lace ruffled panties completed his new wardrobe. In addition to the new clothing, she purchased several new shoes most with nothing less than a three inch slender heel. The exception were a pair of black espadrilles with a one and half inch kitten heel for work and pink fluffy bunny slippers. Leaving that shop, Peyton was wearing the white Capris with a red thin cotton shell blouse and the espadrilles. On his right wrist were four white plastic bangles and four cheap rings on both hands. The earrings in his lower lobe were replaced with two five inch white half inch wide plastic hoops. A white leather handbag was in the crook of his left arm. "Now Peyton when we get to the salon, you better have a smile on your face and remember your girlie lessons. Your Mommy is still very upset. She was so distraught last night, she told me she didn't want anything more to do with you. Irene told me I was in charge and if you don't do what I say, we'll have a come to Jesus meeting in the back room. That don't mean we'll be praying but I guarantee the only way you're going to sit is on your knees," she said. "Ple...please don't make me go in there looking like this. It was bad enough when Mommy saw me yesterday. I can't let her see me like this," Peyton begged as the car pulled up into the parking lot. "Well, if you insist, I could drop you off at Jerome's place. Tanya said he really likes you and from those hickies on your neck, you probably like him too," she smugly replied. "What? No! I don't like him an...and he forced me," Peyton gasped in surprise at her suggestion. "Forced you? I doubt that. All you had to do was tell him the truth if you didn't want his attentions. Make up your mind. You going to do like I say and get to work.....or...I take you to see Jerome?" "Some fuckin' choice. I'd rather face my Mommy than be anywhere near that Jerome again. I can just picture myself in a full body cast or worse if I had told him who I really was. Mommy will hate me when she sees me but maybe I'll have a chance to talk to her and explain everything I've been forced to do," he thought before saying he would go to work. Irene's jaw dropped as she watched Peyton enter the salon. His attire and mannerisms so girlie girl, she rubbed her eyes smudging her eyeshadow. "Good grief, that can't be Peyton but it sure in hell is. With that big smile on his face, the way he air kissed and hugged the receptionist, I guess Hazel and Tyrone are right. He's not the son I thought I had. It was hard enough just having to raise a child but this is too much," she thought as he minced up to her. "Hello Mommy, I hope you're not still mad at me," he greeted his smile fixed in place. "Just like I thought. She's still angry over last night. With everyone watching I can't tell her the truth. Maybe later," he thought. "No Peyton I'm not mad. It's close to opening. Put on your smock and get to work. The shelves needs stocking," she tried to say as calmly as she could. "He's even wearing a bra," she mused turning and going back into her office. At lunch Peyton delivered the take out to the staff as he had been doing. Entering his Mommy's office put her order on the desk. This was his chance to explain how he had been forced to dress and act the way he was. "Mom," he started to say but saw the disapproving look in her eyes, said, "Mommy, they...they made me do this. You can't believe I wanted to do any of this but...but they forced me. Really," he blurted. "Enough! I suppose they forced you to go out with that boy Jerome. I guess when he kissed and gave you those hickies I see on your neck, you didn't fight him. From the way you just traipsed in here swinging your ass like a street walker tells me all I need to know. I'm still your Mother but I'm not prepared to deal with this. No, stop, I don't want to hear any more lame excuses you have for me. Until you turn eighteen in six months you can work here and live with me. You'll be an adult then and I expect you to find your own way in life, just not in mine. Until then I told Hazel to take care of you. Now please leave," she said. "But Mommy you have to listen," he began to reply as tears began to fall. "I said out! Report to Miss. An. She is going to teach you to become a nail technician so you can find employment later," she snapped waving her hand towards the door. ## For the rest of the week Peyton spent half the day learning under Miss. An's strict guidance to become a licensed manicurist-pedicurist. His afternoons spent doing his janitorial duties. His mother spent most of her time in her office and doing her best to avoid him at home. Now that she was back Hazel wasn't in the salon but the staff made sure he kept to his girlie lessons when Irene wasn't around. That Tuesday Carita decided Peyton's face needed brightening up. "Peyton you been walking around like a Gloomy Gus and forgetting to smile. I know just the thing to brighten up your mood. Come over here and get into my chair," she ordered. When she finally let him out of her chair, he was wearing full makeup and his brows plucked into feminine arches. His tears didn't bother her as she had used waterproof makeup. When Hazel saw him that evening she was more than pleased. Instead of going to his room to sulk, she took him to the mall. The first stop was Merle Norman for basic face and skin care instruction then to Macy's makeup counter. There he had a makeover and received some more instructions plus an instructional DVD. The final stop was the drug store to get all the paraphernalia necessary to apply, cleans, moisturize and care for his skin. Right after supper that night and every night, until he could do everything himself, Hazel had him in his room practicing. Friday night as he was working on lining his eyelids, Hazel received a call then handed the cell phone to him. "It's Jerome and he's going to ask you out Saturday. I'll see that you get off early from the salon. You will say yes," she stated in a tone he couldn't refuse. "Please no. No matter how you make me dress and look I'm still a guy and I like girls. Besides, if he discovers my secret he'll kill me," he whined. "Like he be able to see that itty bitty thing you call a penis even in your panties. You behave like we taught you and nothing like that will happen. Jerome is basically a nice guy unless you get him riled. Now talk to him and say you'll be happy to go out with him," she stated. Saturday at the salon Miss. An insisted he repaint his nails using a peach gel varnish. Tanisha undid his tight corn rows and brushed it out. The tight braiding made his hair a bit frizzy but the spiral perm was still there. Carita insisted on doing his makeup in a glamour style. She used three blended shades of pink eyeshadow and finished with a wet glistening dark peach lipstick. He was getting out of her chair when Hazel came to get him. "Great job girls. Our Peyton here is surely going to impress his date tonight," she said as they left. After a bubble bath she helped him get dressed in the clothing she had laid out. Peach satin up-lift bra, matching panties, sheer panty hose and girdle for his underwear. For outerwear he wore the peach chiffon blouse which showed he was wearing a bra and box pleated pink skater skirt. A pair of pink patent leather peep toed pumps with a one inch platform and five inch spiked heel completed his dressing. As his hair and makeup were already done all that was left was a liberal application of floral perfume. When Peyton looked into the mirror all he saw was the image of a fairly pretty teenaged girl. "Please, I'm begging you. Don't make me go out on this date," he gasped. "Lift up your skirt and tell me what you see," she demanded. "I...I see my panty girdle," he replied confused. "That right plus you will notice the front is as flat as any girls. That itty bitty thing of yours don't even make a dent in that fabric. When Jerome gets here, I want you to greet him properly with a kiss and I don't mean on the cheek. While you kiss him make damn sure you raise one foot off the floor," she said with a broad smile. "His momma is going to love seeing a picture of him doing that," she thought. ## "Where are we going?" Peyton fearfully asked. They were in a part of town he had never been to before. It was seedy and many store fronts boarded up. "The Blue Moon. The best soul food in town. Tonight they got my favorite, chicken and dumplings. Best damn cornbread I ever tasted too," he replied. The Blue Moon proved to be an old wood framed house right across the railroad tracks. The interior walls had been removed and the open space had four seat tables with red and white checkered vinyl table cloths. The chairs were fold up metal ones. Jerome led Peyton to the entrance to the kitchen where he placed their order then to a table. The place had about a dozen customers and Peyton was the only Caucasian. He was too scared to look around but could feel eyes staring at him. "No need to be scared babe. You be with me," Jerome said. "Sides, dem bros be checking out the merchandise and the sisters just be jealous." The food was delicious but Peyton didn't have an appetite. His nerves were on edge and his stomach doing flip flops. All he could think about was what would happen if his secret was revealed. He was startled when Jerome reached over, grabbed his hand and pulled him close. "Relax babe," he said softly. "No way anybody could guess you be a white boy." Peyton reared back, gasping like a fish out of water at hearing Jerome's revelation. After a few moments, he managed a weak, " know?" "Auntie Hazel done told me," he replied flashing a big smile. "Like I said the last time, I like flat chested white 'gurls.' I'll treat you right as long as you be my loving bitch. You are my bitch, now aint you? Cause if you aint, then I'll just have to out you right here and leave. I'm glad to hear you are, now let's get out of here before you faint." "Oh my gawd! He knows and now he's threating me if I don't say I'm his bitch. If he leaves me here and everyone knows I'm a guy in a dress, I'll probably end up in one of those big cook pots. Crap! I have no choice but to agree. I can't wait to get back home and safety," he thought. His reprieve didn't last as Jerome took him back to his small apartment in the projects. It was a small cluttered one bedroom efficiency with a living room, bath and kitchenette. The living room was sparsely furnished, containing only a sofa, overstuffed chair, coffee table, television and boom box. Jerome led the way in and turned on the boom box filling the air with rap music. "Take a seat. I'll get some Ripple and smoke," he said. He wasn't gone long before Jerome came back with a bottle of wine and a box containing pot and rolling papers. An hour later Peyton's head was spinning from drinking and smoking. This was the first time for him and the effects of alcohol and pot had him high as a kite. Peyton dazed, looked down and thought he saw a thick black snake staring back at him. There was pressure on the back of his neck and the snake head came closer and closer until it touched his lips. From far off he heard, "Come on bitch open up and take it all in." Peyton parted his lips and felt the hard but velvety hot shaft enter. It slid in slowly until it touched the very back of his throat, kicking in his gag reflex. As he choked, it pulled back but was soon pressing back. "Swallow bitch and breathe through your nose," he heard again as if it was coming from far away. As the snake's head pressed once again at the back of his throat, Peyton swallowed allowing it to penetrate further. He didn't stop until his nose was pressed tightly into a bush of wiry coarse hair. The smell of musk, sweat and urine filled his nose as he slowly pulled back. Peyton had no idea of how long he moved up and down that black snake before it spewed its hot slime, time didn't seem to move. Later after drinking and smoking another joint, Peyton was helped up and led back into the bedroom. He was in a fog as he felt his panty girdle and panties pulled down. A hot wet dampness engulfed his itty bitty sending thrills up and down his spine. Peyton moaned loudly when something entered his back passage and began moving in and out. He was standing at the side of the bed, Jerome's head bobbing into his crotch. A long finger was pushing petroleum jelly into his butt. Peyton stood looking, mesmerized by what was happening and the erotic feelings, everything else was a blur. When he squirted, it was like a lightning bolt struck. He had masturbated but never felt this kind of rush which caused him to fall to his knees. Almost in a stupor, hands reached down and lifted him over the edge of the bed. Peyton's mind was spinning until he felt a burning pain in his ass. A pain that cleared his mind and made him scream then pass out. When he awoke the next morning, Peyton wasn't sure what hurt the most, his throbbing head or his bottom. He was in a strange bed, still dressed except for his panties and girdle with Jerome's arm across his chest. There was a sticky dampness between his legs and the back of the skirt stuck to his ass cheeks. Realizing what had been done, his head began spinning, bile rushing up this throat. Staggering out of bed he just made it to the commode as his stomach emptied in a violent rush. A hot shower didn't do anything to cleanse the shame he felt. When Jerome joined him in the shower, Peyton cringed and tried to shrink away. The stall was too small and Jerome's body pressed against him. Jerome pressed his large hands onto his shoulder and pushed Peyton to his knees. "Come on bitch, take care of my morning Woodie," he ordered. ## Over the next six months Hazel made sure Peyton went out with Jerome on a regular basis. Ms. An made sure he would pass his manicurist/pedicurist licensing exam. Irene paid him enough so that he would have a nest egg, though not large, to move out on his own. For an early birthday present, Hazel gave him a pair of realistic C-cup glue-on prosthesis. Irene gave him a job offer at another salon as his present. Jerome didn't give him a choice but moved all of Peyton's things into his tiny apartment. "You're my bitch now Peyton. You move into my place or I will tell everyone your secret. I have all your stuff at my place and all you have now is the clothing on your back. You don't have enough money to start over either. You move in with me and I'll take care of you," Jerome told him. "I don't really have any choice. I didn't go back and get my high school degree. The only jobs I'm qualified for is either a maid or nail technician neither of which pay crap. I look and act just like a girl and everyone thinks I am. I'm not gay either but that hasn't stopped Jerome. He at least treats me nice and doesn't beat me like Hazel or the girls at the salon. I have to move in with him until I can find a way out," he thought as he got into Jerome's car.

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Kitty Girl and the Peppermint Stick A Xmas tale

Twas two weeks before Christmas and out in the manager, Rachel was hatching plans of a sexual nature. Her panties were hung on a hook and forgotten, all the better to show off her bare bottom. Visions of orgasms danced in her head as she eyed all the toys spread out on her bed… Hi again, it’s me. Kitty Girl. It’s been a while since I’ve shared my real life exploits. Yes, there is my ongoing adventure with the girls of KINK but it’s a fantasy. No, I’m talking about sharing another honest to...

3 years ago
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Kitty Kissers Collaboration

This project is a collaboration between many different writers in different roles. I thank everyone who helped bring this story to life. They are Lheriss, Kiama, ShadowKitty252, KesselWessel and me, Sam Moose. The crowd roared wildly as the electric atmosphere practically set sparks about the stadium. America's newest girl band, the Kitty Kissers were soon to ascend onto the stage. Thirty thousand wild fans packed the stands for the imminent performance; young girls and quite a few...

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Kitty Girl Goes to the Beach Part II

IVI could have stayed like that forever, naked, two of the most amazing women I’ve ever known spoiling me with their attention. I was in no hurry to explore what other delights the party held, or even cover myself up. It’s hard to retain even the pretense of modesty once you’ve climaxed in front of an audience. Eventually, however, it became obvious that Kay was growing restless, her touch growing distracted. I withheld my sigh, unable to see her eyes behind her oversized sunglasses, wondering...

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KittyChapter 14 Mr Perryman Mrs Bristow and Claire

Kitty took me into her office and gave me a hard time. "You know I live vicariously through your stories. You've been stringing me along for the past month with tidbits about you and Claire, how she let you play with her boobs, and how you got her wet. Every time I asked about Tina, you would say, 'I've got it under control.' Now I find out that you've been holding out on me." She was either mad as hell, or she was putting on a good show. I became concerned the customers would...

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Kitty Marie

Marie and her Special Mom, Anna, were on a cruise around the Caribbean Sea. Their cabin was sumptuous and large, with wonderful furnishings and the very height of grand luxury.One morning, as the sun was just streaming through the curtains, Marie was awoken by Anna giving her a gentle kiss and saying, “Good morning, little one. I’ve arranged a special surprise for you today, so pack a bag, with enough for overnight, and we’ll head up to the top deck.”Marie blinked her eyes slowly, and looked up...

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Kitty Ko Pehli Baar Chodkar Seal Thodi Choda

Main Ashiq phir ek sachi kaha lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye . Yeh unn logon ke liye hai jo munn hi munn sab sochte hain par samaj ke darr se kuch kar nahi paate aur unki cousins aur aunts padosiyon ya ajnaabiyon se chud jaati hain . Yeh kahani bikul sachi hai , yeh kahani bahut se doston ki hi kshani hogi aur iss kahani ko padne ke baad woh pachtainge ki unhone kya kho diya apni life main . Aurat ka shareer jab jawaan hoge lagta hai toh ussko apne badan ke badlaav samajh nahi aate aur masti...

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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK II

I am wondering if a should admit that I am not wearing pants as I write this, or panties for that matter… or that I have slipped my favorite vibrator in and have it set on low. Or that I spent close to six hours last night making my Mistress, or Officer Laura if you prefer, cum… Perhaps I’ll keep those details to myself and just get on with my story… So… you’d think that would be it, wouldn’t you… two kinky girls dressed as cops come to my door, cuff me, humiliate me in the middle of the street...

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Kitty Girl Goes to the Beach Part I

I"Hey, baby girl, feel like going out Friday?"It was an innocent enough question, and yet something in the tone of her voice alerted me to some sort of sinister design. I shifted in my chair, taking my reading glasses off and putting down my half read copy of Super Girl. Pushing my hair behind one ear, I eyed Kay over the top of her lap top screen, suspicion in my eyes."Dinner?" I asked, watching her mouth, noticing how the hint of a smile teased at the corners of her lips up as she regarded...

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Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. KITTY By Wyrdey It is late at night when you first hear the knock on your door. You were just on your way to bed and are annoyed. Who could it possibly be at this hour? Before the door is even half-open, you feel a powerful push from the other side that almost knocks you over. The bearded giant of a man now standing in your hallway looks you up and down appraisingly as he...

1 year ago
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KittyChapter 23 A turn for the better

The Town Government classes I'd taken at college did little to prepare me for my work in Perryville. It became clear to me that my professors, while well versed in parliamentary procedure, budgets, and public service, lacked practical experience. Actually managing a town was foreign to them. How Berry could cope with the political backstabbing was beyond me. At twenty-six, he'd become an all-knowing, crowd-pleasing, public administrator. He may have benefited from Mr. Perryman's tutelage,...

3 years ago
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Tom heard the courier van’s exhaust as it reversed into the driveway. “That’ll be the new electric hedge trimmer I ordered yesterday on-line,” he called back as he headed for the front door. His wife Kitty was curled up asleep on a rug on the floor under the kitchen table.The cheery young van driver placed the package on the door mat and offered a touch-screen tablet, over which Tom waved an index finger by way of signature. “Mind if I use your toilet, mate?”Tom stepped aside, gesturing to the...

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Kittys Roommate

Let me just start by saying that before my final year in school, I had never even really thought about being girly or sissy shemale. I mean, I might have thought about it but just like something that might have gone through my head, not something I really considered doing. I was doing just fine with chicks (less and less with passing days) and cocks (more and more with passing days).I was about 5'6’’, with head full of jet black hair, deep dark eyes...oh yeah, I'was slim and petite…always. So...

2 years ago
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Kitty Girl

I wasn’t wearing much. A semi-sheer pink top that hugged my upper body and left little doubt of the state of my nipples and a pair of matching panties that smelled of desire. A pair of brown kitten ears attached to a matching head band poked from the top of my blonde tresses and a pink collar, decorated with rhinestones circled my neck, a heart shaped tag engraved with the words "kitty" on one side and "property of Kay" on the other.I felt perfectly content, as I knelt at her feet, my cheek...

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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK IV

I have to say that these are getting easier to write, or atleast that I’m been receiving more than enough inspiration from my Mistress to continue for a good long while. In truth, I can’t claim to be the sole author of this chapter. There’s a scene with a lollipop that needs to be credited to Mistress Laura. I should, in fact, list her as a co-writer for this chapter. Truly, you have no concept of how creative she can be, or how dirty her imagination. I am blessed to have experienced it first...

1 year ago
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Kitty and Lola

Hello once again everyone! It is the continuation of my Revenge on Bullies series. Sit back and enjoy! Wow! I can’t believe myself. I exacted revenge on all my four bullies and then had the biggest desire of my life; marrying my mother and sister. My mom, was already a few weeks pregnant with her own grandchild. I was living a great life with my two wives at home. I have sex every day with both women and am just waiting to impregnate my sister. I went on a second honeymoon with my sister. We...

2 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK IV

I have to say that these are getting easier to write, or atleast that I’m been receiving more than enough inspiration from my Mistress to continue for a good long while. In truth, I can’t claim to be the sole author of this chapter. There’s a scene with a lollipop that needs to be credited to Mistress Laura. I should, in fact, list her as a co-writer for this chapter. Truly, you have no concept of how creative she can be, or how dirty her imagination. I am blessed to have experienced it first...

1 year ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK I

The doorbell rang. I glanced up at the clock in surprise. 10:12 pm. A bit late for trick-or-treaters. Thankfully, I had some left over candy still in the plastic pumpkin and I was still dressed in my costume. Tonight, I’d decided to be a little daring, and had dressed up as Kitty Girl… well, perhaps Kitty Slut would be a more apt description of my ensemble. I had my ears on, and I’d taken the time to blacken my nose with make-up and draw whiskers on my cheeks. Oh, and of course I had my collar...

4 years ago
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KittyChapter 11 The town takes new form

The first two weeks of summer vacation went by without incident. I stopped by the pool every afternoon to help Jane with the closing, but we didn't take advantage of having the key to the house the way I'd planned. Jane was patient with me. She must have known I was having trouble ridding my mind of the image of her with Berry, responding to his touches, urging him to 'put it in.' By the same token, it didn't seem to bother her that I'd been intimate with Janet, the girl that had...

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Kitty A Girl Named Cat Ch 03

I should have locked the door, but did not think to. My neighbor came walking in after taking Utah to the airport right before our Sunday night staple, ‘Iron Chef America.’ I didn’t look at him, I couldn’t. He sat next to me and put his arm around me as if nothing were wrong. After he kissed my cheek I pushed him away. ‘I need some time alone,’ I said to him void of emotion. ‘Why?’ ‘Just go.’ ‘Alright,’ he said sheepishly and stood up. He stood there for what felt like minutes before...

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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK III

“I think she’d look good in that, Laura.” I’d been lost somewhere between sexual bliss and frustration, having just been made to cum in front of a roomful of guys by two girls dressed as sexy cops and yet, somehow, I was left wanting, eager to fulfill their every whim, even if it meant being gang-banged, something Officer Laura, my new owner, had just hinted a after stroking my pussy into a raging fire and leaving me hanging. Despite my taste for pussy rather than cock, if it meant I’d get to...

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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK III

“I think she’d look good in that, Laura.” I’d been lost somewhere between sexual bliss and frustration, having just been made to cum in front of a roomful of guys by two girls dressed as sexy cops and yet, somehow, I was left wanting, eager to fulfill their every whim, even if it meant being gang-banged, something Officer Laura, my new owner, had just hinted a after stroking my pussy into a raging fire and leaving me hanging. Despite my taste for pussy rather than cock, if it meant I’d get to...

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Kitty And Mr Connors Part 2

Part 2 Rick Connors watched Kitty walk out of his office on shaky legs. He sat on the edge of his desk, one leg crossed over the other and this arms folded over his chest. He very nearly caved in, nearly lost his resolve to torture her as she had tortured him all term, nearly called her back into his office. Dear god he wanted her, her tight young body sent his blood racing through his veins, the smell of her, he shivered, the ‘taste’ of her! Sweet Jesus it was enough to send any man crazy. He...

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Kitty A Girl Named Cat Ch 02

So the dish of the day my neighbor blathered endlessly about after he came home from work was that this friend was coming in town for a weekend before leaving to fly into his next destination for business. We’ll call his friend ‘Utah’. Utah is where his friend got transferred to for work and where he was trying to get transferred out of. ‘Utah’ was flying in on a Friday in two weeks. I was asked if I could let Utah in for him to his place, better, could I pick him up at the airport. Sure. I...

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Kitty works for her paycheque

Kitty shut her eyes, she could do this. A bead of sweat slowly trickled down in between her breasts. She was desperate. She needed the money or she would be out on the streets. All her options were now gone, she had tried everything. The music started. It was time. The thumping beat was enticing, it ran through Kitty. The music comforted her and buzzed through her at the same time. The lights were low as she stepped out in front of the crowd. The music pumped up and the lights started as...

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KittyChapter 12 Senior year

To my relief, Janet and Berry didn't come home at the end of the summer. Janet wrote that they were planning to come for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and that they were both looking forward to seeing us again. As we were entering our senior year, a number of changes were taking place. In addition to two new ninth graders needing rides to school, Mr. Perryman had convinced a couple to reopen the only remaining motel in town. But those were minor compared to the biggest change. Ben had hired a...

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by Vincent My girlfriend has an obsession with my past lovers. I lie in bed with Kay and she presses me for details of how I had made love with them. Although she would never use those words “make love,” it was much too flowery sweet for her. It was not at all fitting with the way she enjoyed sex. She preferred the raw, the graphic, she wanted her dirty talk straight up. She used words like “fuck” when she wanted the kind of information that would get her all wet; when she said “fuck” I...

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Tittyhawk The Wrath of Commander Titjob

in The Wrath of Commander Titjob Evolution. Selecting mates based on favorable characteristics. In the not too distant future, Humans have begun to evolve. The favorable characteristics? Sexual prowess. The next evolution of Mankind is here... ...and it wants to fuck your brains out. Willing or no... Book 1 The City. Bustling with activity... and crime. And the HAWK. 5'3” tall with raven black hair, large perky breasts and pale skin like marble, Tittyhawk is the Dark...

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Kittys Reward

Introduction: Hi, Its Kitty. Let me tell you a little about me and my owner. I am 52,brown hair, brown eyes, and a 36C. My Owner is 56, blue eyes, blonde hair, and very muscular. We decided to write this story because we wanted to play around with ideas for the future. We hope you like it. Lets us know what you think. ,-) Kitty I enter the room on all fours. Im wearing a black lace bra and a matching thong, red heels, and as always, my collar. Come here, Kitty, my Owner calls from the bed where...

4 years ago
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TittyGirl at School

One of my classes at art school is life drawing, which means a nude model—very up close and naked. I remember the first day when this woman walked in wearing a blue terrycloth robe, took it off, and hung it on a hook. And there she was—sagging breasts, hairy pussy and all. The guys were riveted, the other two girls and I exchanged appalled glances. She was so cool, though. She was completely at ease in her nakedness and calmly struck the pose the teacher asked for. That night I told my...

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I have rather large titties and what’s annoying is that guys rarely look me in the eye when they talk to me. On the plus side, a guy staring at my tits makes my nipples grow hard and my pussy start to tingle, which is never a bad thing. I reciprocate, though. If I see a large bundle straining against some tight jeans, my eyes are riveted to it and it’s all I can do not to reach out and touch. Size doesn’t matter, but it sure catches my attention. It was Saturday night at the Hexagon and my...

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TittyGirl on Display

It was a couple of weeks after I started modeling for the life drawing class and I was downtown on a Saturday doing a little shopping. I stopped to look in the window of an art supply store and was dumbstruck. There was a framed black and white drawing in the window sitting in a display easel and it was me. It was my long, dark hair, it was my quirky eyebrows and full lips, it was my plump titties with bullet-like nipples, it was even my smooth pussy with a hint of my clit hanging out. Anyone...

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