Kitty free porn video

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Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. KITTY By Wyrdey It is late at night when you first hear the knock on your door. You were just on your way to bed and are annoyed. Who could it possibly be at this hour? Before the door is even half-open, you feel a powerful push from the other side that almost knocks you over. The bearded giant of a man now standing in your hallway looks you up and down appraisingly as he shuts the door behind himself. Extremely angry and just a little bit afraid, you open your mouth to ask him what the hell he thinks he's doing, but he cuts you off. "Yes" he says, still examining you with narrowed eyes. "You'll do." You begin in an outraged tone, but he raises one of his vast hands and suddenly your voice squeaks and dies in your throat. "No speaking unless spoken to" the man says with a slow smile. "...Kitty." You are terribly confused. You want to ask him what he means, you want to turn and run down the corridor, but you find that you cannot. You stand there completely still, frozen before that immense, gesturing hand. At his slight gesture, you feel all of your clothes torn away. You try to gape, but can't move even your eyes and just stand there, stark naked. You stare at his awful, hypnotic eyes, unable to look away. With a terrible chuckle, he begins to speak, but somehow you can't quite make your mind focus on what he says. You feel his strange words wash over you, and as you do... For a moment something comes clear in your mind. He's describing someone, someone named Kitty. ...somehow everything starts to feel different. Everything seems to be growing bigger, you feel different; smaller, weaker... bouncier? You finally manage to glance away from that terrible gaze for just a second and stare agog down at your chest. Two huge, creamy new breasts are dancing freely down there, their nipples as big and red as cherries. You open your swollen-feeling lips and manage to utter a slight peep of astonishment before... Two huge hands reach out and squeeze roughly at your swaying bosoms. For an instant you are oblivious to everything but the amazing new sensation of the soft, sensitive skin being fondled and embraced. But then suddenly you realise that they are becoming larger and larger in the stranger's hands. He grasps and kneads them like a potter with clay and they respond by swelling and swelling until even his huge hands cannot contain them. You fight to keep your balance, feeling the incredible heaviness and movement of them on your suddenly delicate little chest. They dance and jiggle like a plateful of jelly. You hear the stranger's dark, amused chuckle at your difficulty and once again look up into his gaze. He seems even taller and bigger than before as his deep, mesmerising voice continues. You can feel his words penetrating deep in your being, but somehow you still can't quite make them out. The world seems to be dissolving into a dreamlike mist, everything but those two horrible, commanding eyes. Instructions. You suddenly somehow know that he is giving you instructions. The warm oblivion takes you. You feel hands caressing your body, running through the hair that falls down your back, pressing against the firmness of the cheeks of your ass. You are barely aware of the voice as it drifts away. Your lips move and you distantly hear a soft, high, little-girly moan. The huge face swirling above you smiles in cruel satisfaction, and then everything is black. You wake late the next day, the bedsheets lying crumpled around you. You blink sleepily and shift your head slightly on the pillow. What was that strange dream? As you lick languorously at your lips and try to focus on the ceiling, you struggle to recall it. It seemed so vivid and frightening and important... You finally give an unconscious little shrug and stretch your arms. What time is it? There is a peculiar, but somehow familiar, wobble from your chest. Without thinking, you reach down and find... For a moment you pause, suddenly totally awake, trying to account for the huge, soft thing under your hand. You can feel your hand too, it feels cold in comparison to its big warm perch. You can't help but give a little gasp of pleasure at the tingle of your swelling nipple. You instinctively reach a finger over and brush against it. It feels so surprisingly huge and hard and even more pleasant to touch than the surrounding flesh. You look down, feeling something like fear. Two perfectly formed boobs, each ridiculously overlarge for your chest, bounce before you, blocking your view of the rest of your body. With a little peep of surprise, you convulsively try to sit up. The huge weight of your chest forces you down onto your back, and it takes three tries before you manage to stay upright. Suddenly the myriad differences become obvious. Your breasts bounce energetically and unrestrained, threatening to pull you flat on your face, you feel long, thick hair slither down your back and across your shoulders and face, your bum is huge and firm against the mattress... Gasping down, you run hands across the long, slender, hairless expanse of your body, feeling with disbelief the smooth softness of your flawless, creamy skin. Suddenly a horrifying thought hits you, and, almost before you are aware of its content, one of your delicate little hands flies down and finds... You are embarrassed by how girly your little moans sound as you feel the amazing sensation of fingers brushing the hairless mound now resting between your long, slender legs. You feel shocked and horrified beyond words, but for some reason your finger begins to automatically rub at the super-sensitive lips of your new sex. You can't help it, losing yourself in the unprecedented glow of pleasure, and sit there playing with yourself for long minutes, feeling your tongue sliding hungrily across your lips, your other hand wandering up to your chest and softly squeezing, fingering at those big nipples until... At some point, you regain some kind of control, hop off the bed and stand unsteadily on those long, unfamiliar legs, needing all of your concentration to keep from falling on your big, jiggling boobies. You teeter over, as best you can, to the wardrobe, remembering the full- length mirror inside one of the doors. The handle seems so much bigger and higher than you remember, you pull with all of your might, biting your lip to summon all of the strength in your ridiculous stick-like arms, and eventually the door swings open to reveal... The impossible, naked, wet-dream of a girl gapes at you from her mirror. Her gorgeous, lustful little kitten face has uncomprehending surprise written across it: in her parted, swollen lips, in the wideness of her big, blue bimbo eyes, in the rise of her delicate little eyebrows. She has a finger pressed to her lip, her head cocked at a slight angle on the end of a long, elegant neck. Thick, light-blonde hair clings to her shoulders and face, hanging long enough to brush at her big, rounded ass. Her shoulders and arms are remarkably thin and delicate, making a contrast with the cartoonish breasts thrusting out just beneath them; huge, pert, round things that bounce endlessly. Her delicate chest narrows quickly into a tiny wasp-waist suspended above the smooth curves of her big, shapely hips. Her legs are longer and more shapely than any you have seen. You gasp at the sexy little doll face gasping back at you. You look like a pornographic parody of a Barbie doll. It must be a dream! You watch those little hands - your hands! - caress those soft, impossible, mouth-watering curves - yours! - and feel unable to do anything more than stare in disbelief. You are beyond emotion, beyond comprehension, beyond... Suddenly a pretty little giggle fills the air. You don't know why you're doing it, and you can't stop, but suddenly it feels like the right response. Still giggling breathily, you examine yourself further, and remember... Standing at the door... the huge stranger... his strange words... the odd, wonderful feeling from your chest as he... The girl in the mirror bites down on her pouty lip. She looks so young, the amazing development of her body tells against it, but her face looks like the sweet, innocent face of a girl of sixteen. You should be in high school! And no wonder everything looks so much larger than you remember: you are so thin and petite (in most places anyway...) that despite your lengthy body, you can't be much over five feet tall. You try to fight back the panic - this is a dream, it must be. Glancing down at the cute hand that you are resting sexily on your hip, you pinch at the yielding flesh with your fingers. You give a little squeak as your long nails make the pinch more painful than you had expected. That's supposed to be the test, isn't it? So if this isn't a dream, what is it? You watch your reflection blink its big, vacant, blue eyes as you try to think. One of your hands unconsciously wanders up and begins pinching at a more specific area. You blush prettily and coo as the electric feel from your nipples floods over you once more. It's very hard to think with that going on, but you can't bring yourself to stop. You giggle again. Suddenly you know what you have to do. It seems completely obvious - you need to go and have a shower and pretty yourself up as best as you can - you'll have to before you can go out! Some part of your mind considers the impulse more deeply and is horrified by the idea of going out LIKE THIS, but mostly you feel reassured by your new plan. You turn from the mirror - after one final little peek at yourself - and, still giggling, you run down the suddenly huge corridor to the bathroom. The warm water of the shower feels indescribably good. Not just nice in that normal just-woken-up way - it feels almost sexual as it flows over your soft new skin... little rivulets streaming off the ends of your swollen nipples... tingling warmth slithering down between your legs... your long, gleaming hair clinging softly to your curves... Sensual, that's the word. Pretty much everything that you've done since waking up has felt incredibly sensual, but this most of all. You feel your body relaxing, the tension draining from your muscles, and you find that you can't help but give a little purr. You find that you somehow know exactly the right way to wash your long hair. The shampoo and conditioner mix with the soap drifting down your body, and your purr increases. You're not familiar with this strange, beautiful body, but your hands seem to be, they brush and scrub expertly. Your purr increases to a gasp as they begin to rub vigorously at your bust. You look down at your breasts as they bounce and rise and fall in your grip. You start giggling again - it kinda tickles! Your giggles alternate with soft moans as your fingers begin playing with your nipples. The warm, happy areas between your legs begin to tingle a bit more strongly. Your thighs reflexively push together, but there is enough of a gap between them that the warm, soapy water continues to tickle your pretty little mound. Almost without thinking, one of your hands stops its happy play with your boobs and begins to creep down to more sensitive areas still. You have to bite your lip to stifle the little squeal as your finger brushes the lips of your sex. You hear the feminine gasps and moans, barely aware that they are your own, as you trace its outline with a fingernail. Whimpering at the incredible feeling of petting lightly at the lips of your vagina, you realise that your new body is maybe hundreds of times more sensitive than your old one. The feeling that you get from slightly poking the skin on your arm is about the same as you used to get caressing the most sensitive erogenous zones of your body. Even touching the least sensitive skin of your breasts feels a lot like the best sex used to. And so, the feeling from that hot little fleshy mound... Driven by some ancient, primal instinct, your finger suddenly slips between the lips and buries itself deep, deep into your... This time there is no way to stop the shriek. Head thrown back, face twisted with delight, you collapse back again the shower wall, your breasts bouncing ecstatically with your fall. You moan like an animal, your tongue sliding hungrily along your lips, pumping, pumping away, feeling your finger reaching deeper, deeper. Your full-throated screams come even before you know why. You were vaguely aware that one of your fingers had brushed up against a tiny little fleshy nub. You nearly fainted from the explosion of pleasure, gasping for air, unaware that such sensation could possibly exist. Whimpering, you rub like a wild thing at the bump, eyes bulging, on the verge of blacking out. The word 'clitoris' pops into your mind, but is ignored. As you pump away, squealing like a shameless whore, loudly smacking your lips, an image suddenly appears, unbidden. A huge, throbbing, hairy cock. You smack your lips louder still and give a little whimper between your squeals. Boys, big yummy hairy naked boys that want to play with you. You scream louder. The smell of their muscular flesh as you scream up at their grunting, thrusting faces. The taste of the sweat that trickles down amongst the hairy, wrinkled flesh of their swollen balls. The huge, rock-hard member that they trick and tease you with before finally forcing deep down into you... Something about these delicious images strikes you as somehow wrong, but you are much too lost in the burning, agonising ecstasy to care. You scream your hunger as much as your pleasure and lick your huge, cocksucking lips all the more as the wonderful pictures rush through your pretty little head. Some long time later, you stand before the bathroom mirror. You have somehow automatically wrapped yourself up in towels in the traditional feminine way. Each blink of your wide, blue eyes is still a bit heavy, and you still whimper and coo occasionally, the glow surrounding you. You'd heard about multiple orgasms, but... You finish rubbing down your tresses with the towel, and switch on the blow-dryer. Such an immense amount of hair will take quite a while to dry. In the meantime, you just stand there, vaguely looking at your impossibly beautiful reflection, and remembering the amazing experience that you've just had. You seem to remember fantasising about something in the middle of it. What was it? You blink those intensely blue eyes and try to remember. A slow, sleepy smile creeps across your reflection's face. It doesn't matter, who can really remember the thoughts that come during moments like that? You sigh your satisfaction, even though a burning down below tells you that you could go again right now if you wanted to. Smiling at your reflection, you again wonder if this is some incredible dream. You're beginning to think that maybe it's not. Your reflection tries to take on a more serious face, but only manages to look coy and sexy, rather than smiling and sexy. What can you remember about the man last night? Almost nothing. He called you something, something unexpected... Kitty. He called you Kitty. You examine yourself, smiling. You really do look like a Kitty. It's such a nice, pretty name. Perfect for such a nice, pretty girl. You shake your head in a vain attempt to clear it. What else had the man said? Vague fragments go floating through your mind, but you can't seem to latch onto any of them. You wonder if they were important. You glance down to where your free hand has begun, without your knowledge, squeezing at your boobs. You force it to go back to waving your hair in front of the blow-dryer. Probably not. If he had told you anything important, then you surely would have remembered it. But why would a man suddenly appear at your door, turn you into breathtaking blonde, and then leave? Was he ever going to... Suddenly one tiny scrap of information appears in your mind. You were going to see him again... tonight. You can't remember all of the details - or any of them - but you do remember that you are going to see him again. You try to consider the possibilities. Maybe he'll change you back tonight, maybe this is all a complicated blackmail attempt, maybe... You shrug prettily. This makes things simpler - all will be answered tonight, in the meantime... You are slightly surprised by your attitude. Normally, you would surely be deeply worried about the fearsome possibilities and would lie quivering until tonight, to find out which of them was true. Would you be trapped like this forever? Would you have to fork over your life savings before he'd change you back? You shrug again, and this time the towel wrapped around your slender shoulders comes loose and falls to the floor. You giggle down at your bare, bouncing body. For some reason, you feel okay, that odd, sensual, orgasmic feeling has filled your mind and left no room for worry. On some level, you feel that this should worry you. With your hair finally dry, combed, and bouncing about all fresh and fluffy, you turn to wander back to your room. For just an instant as you turn, you think that you see someone standing in the hall. A very tall man with an unusually long face, he seems to be studying you intently. You blink and the image vanishes. You shake your head for a moment to clear it and then, grinning to yourself, go bouncing down the hall. Your walk seems peculiar to you - your widened hips are swaying impressively with your every dainty little step. You look back at your big round bum and find that it is wiggling seductively. You giggle again. You are just wondering what you should do with the rest of the day. You have a funny feeling like you've already planned out lots of different things but can't quite remember them. Your thoughts are interrupted as you step into your bedroom. Something seems wrong. Some of the things in there suddenly look different - ugly and bad. The bedspread... the computer... the bookshelf... the curtains... You open one of your drawers and can't help but recoil in disgust from all the yucky boy clothes in there. You can't explain it, but you suddenly want to get rid of all of these things as fast as you can. Still naked, you walk around the house. So many things look wrong. So many things will have to go. In a sudden frenzy, you begin pulling pictures off the wall, gathering up piles of books and DVDs, tearing down curtains... They all have to go. You'll have to call some garbage pick-up place to get rid of them, but in the meantime you dump everything in a big pile out the back. Your mad purge lasts for more than an hour, you are surprised at the vehemence with which you dispose of many previously beloved items, shuddering at the touch of them as if your hands might somehow be contaminated by their ickyness. Walking through your gutted house afterwards, surveying the damage, you begin to vaguely dream of all of the pretty things that you will get to replace them. That's why you're going out, after all... You stop in surprise as you realise that you have somehow already made up your mind that you are going shopping. You feel a second of horror at the thought of it. You don't want to go out like THIS... But then suddenly you know that you are going to go shopping, no matter what. It's a strange feeling, almost like a compulsion. You try to fight it for a second, but it is so much stronger than you. Besides, images of all of the prettiness that you can buy come flooding into your mind. Just the thought of your car seems yucky now, and so you pick up the phone to dial for a taxi. As you give your address, pulling the pretty credit cards from your icky wallet, you are stunned into silence for a second by the sound of your voice. It is much higher and breathier than any other voice that you have ever heard - like a cross between a six- year-old and a phone sex worker. You giggle at how cute and silly you sound. With the taxi finally on its way, you suddenly feel an incredible longing for make-up and perfume and various hair products. You glance in the mirror and gasp at just how wrong your face looks without stacks of sexy make-up. Your hair doesn't look much better - all boring and natural. At least your big pretty boobies look... With a surprised little coo you realise that you have forgotten to get dressed. It seems funny until you realise in horror that you have nothing to wear but the yucky boy clothes that you dumped outside. You stamp your foot in annoyance and run out the back. After searching through piles and piles of gross, gross things, you finally find a big, white t-shirt. You run to the nearest full-length mirror and pull it on. It is much too big for you - one of your shoulders peaks through the neck and it falls all the way down to your thighs, but that's okay, it looks a bit like a cute slinky dress. Biting your lip in thought and vaguely admiring the way that your big nipples are outlined through the super-thin material, you suddenly have a thought. You run off to a cupboard and bring back a box of ribbon used to wrap Christmas presents. You take a length of the thick pink ribbon and experimentally tie it around your waist to make a little belt. Delighted with how it pulls the big, formless thing in tight against your curves, you tie the end of the ribbon off into a gorgeous little bow. Bouncing up and down and clapping your hands with joy, you have another idea. Taking some more of the ribbon you tie your hair back into two big, long pigtails. Beaming with satisfaction at just how yummy the little pink bows look in your hair, you do a twirl, admiring yourself from all angles. Your smile dims, though, when a thought occurs to you. Looking at your reflection over your shoulder, you lean forward slightly. The end of the t-shirt quickly rides up and exposes your pretty big bum cheeks. You blush and are just thinking of a way around this when... You give a little moan, your big eyes wide with surprise, and force your thighs tight together. At the mere thought of men peeking at your ass, you've felt a sudden burst of lovely, tingling warmth between your legs. Suddenly you know that you'll never do anything to make it hard for people to look up your skirt. Actually, you'll do whatever you can to encourage it! It's that strange compulsion feeling again. The whole situation bothers you for a second, but all negative feeling is quickly washed away by that incredible orgasmic rush. A horn beeps outside. Turning from staring happily at the little peach ass peeking out from under your skirt, you quickly grab your credit cards and head outside to the waiting cab. The taxi turns out to be driven by a real nice man called Larry. He's in his fifties and rather badly balding and overweight. You find that for some reason you get a nice warm fuzzy feeling whenever you look at him. You can't help but lick your lips whenever your gaze wanders down to his pants, as it seems to a lot. His eyes widened in disbelief when he first saw you. When you bounced up to him and peeped "Hello, my name's Kitty!" he just silently stared at you for long minutes, mouth hanging open. You thought that was real cute and funny and giggled. He talked really nicely to you on the way to the mall, you felt a bit shy and confused what with all that was happening, but he made you feel much better. He did seem surprised though when you asked if he could wait for you. You explained to him that he could keep the meter running if he wanted, but that seemed to surprise him even more. He was still there though, an hour later, when you returned with your first load. There was barely any make-up or hair products left on the shelves. Being in the mall felt very strange and dream-like to you, for all of the obvious reasons, but somehow it also seemed breathlessly exciting. All of the pretty things and big colours everywhere! You wonder how you had never noticed how wonderful it all was before. Just as delightful is all of the different people everywhere. You find yourself staring after all of the boys wandering past. You aren't sure why, it just makes you feel really nice to look at them. One walked past you a while ago who had the tightest jeans on and the bump in his trousers was just so big and... when you looked at you just felt so... and couldn't keep from imagining... Sometimes you seem to come back to yourself amidst the wonderfully warm, fuzzy fog that's filling your mind, keeping you from worrying. In those moments, you seem to find all of the little things that you wonder and imagine about the boys to be somehow disturbing. The boys seem to like you too, staring after you and whistling. Especially when you lean forward. It somehow makes you feel so happy and special and proud. The girls all seem a bit mean, though. Always pouting at you or frowning in disgust. The saleswomen have all looked at you through narrowed eyes. You aren't quite sure why. There are so very many shops. At first you visited the women's wear ones, but soon left in revulsion. Apart from one or two little things, everything in there was always so big and yucky. Lingerie shops are much better - they know what clothes should look like. You discover that shops for little girls are good too - everything in there is so wonderfully tiny and frilly and pretty and pink. Larry is sitting reading a paper and listening to the radio when you return with some more bags of clothes. The back of the taxi is nearly full. His eyes still bulge slightly when he looks at the lacy lingerie spilling from all of your little bags. There are still so many shops that you want to visit and you have already spent nearly seven thousand dollars. You press a finger to your lip for a moment as you help Larry push things into the boot and try to remember if that's a lot. One thing happens while you shop that does seem slightly strange to you for some reason. As you bounce between shops, a man comes up to you. "...Kitty?" he asks. You look up at him - you really do have to look UP because he's incredibly tall, especially compared to you. He's clean-shaven with short brown hair, and looks to be in his late thirties. His unusually long face looks somehow familiar, but you can't quite seem to place him. You wonder how he knew your new name. He looks down at you thoughtfully. "I wonder how much you still understand." he mutters, as if to himself. "You're the first one that we've ever been able to trace this quickly." You blink up at him, wondering what he means. Your eye wanders past him to the store window beyond and you feel a sudden rush of giddy glee at all of the prettiness that you can see inside. He look on the stranger's face suggests that he's made a decision. "Look, Kitty." he says, reaching into a pocket and retrieving a small box. "These are a special present just for you." He clicks open the box to reveal a pair of golden earrings. You gasp in wonderment. They are truly gorgeous - tiny and beautifully crafted into a strange, delicate shape - almost like some kind of symbol. You take the box, staring down in disbelief. They have such a shine that they seem almost to be glowing. You look up to thank the strange man, but when you do, he's gone. You stare around in confusion for an instant before carefully placing the box in one of your bags and happily skipping ahead into the next shop. Later, as you finally leave another place, arms filled with bags, you decide that you want to change. The big T-shirt looks pretty enough and boys seem to like it, but you want to try wearing some of the exciting new clothes that you have just bought. You bet they'll like those even more! You look around with your big, blue eyes, your adorable pigtails swishing behind you with your every little head movement. No one had minded when you put all of that make-up on outside that menswear shop, checking your reflection in their front window. Actually, a lot of the men inside had seemed to like it. But putting on clothes is harder. You bite your lip and briefly wonder how much people will mind if you just change in the hallway, but then you see a female security guard walk past and you pout to yourself. Where is a place where you change without anyone minding? Your glance falls on a little sign and suddenly you know the answer. You almost try to fight it for a second, but that feeling of compulsion is too strong. Giving a little chuckle to yourself for some reason, you wiggle your way over to the toilets. Checking quickly to make sure no meany girl security guards are watching, you push open the door and wander into the men's room. No one in there will mind you getting changed... For a moment as you sway your way in and see all of those big men look up and stare at you, you feel a moment of genuine horror at what you're about to do. But then your gaze moves to the gaping men standing at the urinal, and then drifts down to... You can see their urine stream dry up as their cocks stiffen in their hands. There is a sudden burn between your thighs. An amazing warmth courses through your body and you suddenly KNOW that a penis is truly the most wonderful thing in the whole wide world. How come you never realised how impossibly gorgeous they are before? Just LOOK at them! The world now seems fuzzy and dream-like to you as the warmth down between your legs spreads out and wraps itself around everything that you can see. You give a little moan of pleasure, then look up again at the blank, staring faces. "Hello, boys!" you breathe orgasmically. "My name's Kitty!" One of your hands pulls at the bow wrapped around your waist like a child opening a present. And before anyone can do anything, before even you become fully aware of what you are intending, you reach down and tear the t-shirt off over your head. For a moment you can only giggle at the mouths falling open, the cocks engorging even more, the eyes bulging, as you stand there completely naked before them. You glance down at the soft curves of your body, your huge, perfect, rounded breasts, your voluptuous hips, your long legs and gorgeous ass. Looking back up at them, you suddenly realise what you have just done. You are now standing here, nude, in front of a group of strange men. Men who are even now licking their lips and making strange noises deep in their throats as their gaze roams lustfully across your bare body. Men whose grips on their stiffened members is even now noticeably increasing. You are totally bare, exposed, every inch of your body being memorised for years of intensive masturbation and crazed sex-dreams. And you give a little gasp of surprise and suddenly feel... SO GOOD! You make a catalogue of little whimpering sex noises as you feel explosion after fiery explosion burning deep in your sex. You lift your hands high above your head like a ballerina, your arms brushing sensuously against your long pigtails, and twirl for the men, wanting them to perfectly see every tiny little sexy, flawless piece of you. You feel faint from the pleasure. It is as intense as it was in the shower, only different. You give a little bounce and giggle softly as you watch every pair of eyes dart after the jiggles of your immense breasts. You've never felt so good. After a little while you give a slight sigh and reach down for your bags, remembering what it was that you came here to do. The men watch you leaning and searching, their eyes misting faintly. You pull the little skirt out with the same coo of pleasure that you gave upon first seeing it. It was in a children's wear shop and you knew that you had to have it the second that you saw it. Pretty and baby pink with layer after layer of lacy, flounced material, each hemmed by a gorgeous little frill. It is tiny enough that you have to stretch it hard to wrap around your hips, where it tents out against your incredible curves and fails to cover anywhere near as much as it should. You glance down at your bum again and giggle. Then you reach into another bag and pull out... You can see the look of confusion on the men's otherwise frozen faces. This pink cardigan was obviously designed for six-year-olds, they don't see how you could possibly fit into it. You coo happily down at the impossibly cute little thing, all thin laciness with two big lovehearts carefully stitched across the front, the whole thing lined in delicate white frills. You have to push hard to pop even your stick-like arms through the tiny sleeves. They barely come down to your elbows and end in a big bunch of frills. Even your tiny frame is much too big for it, especially considering that your immense bust is in the way. Laughing prettily, you pull as hard as you can, stretching the bottom of the little cardigan around the ribcage just below your jiggling bosoms. With one final, straining tug, you pull the two ends together and do up the very lowest of the heart-shaped buttons, holding it in place. The men's faces show their reaction to the tiny piece of delicate pink laciness thrusting your bouncing bosoms skywards while leaving them almost uncovered. Looking down, you see the edges of your big, pink areole poking into sight, and giggle. You slip into tight, sheer, white stockings meant for ten-year-olds. They don't reach your thighs, but that's what you wanted. Cooing softly with pleasure, you glance up again at the watching males. You feel another wave of ecstasy upon realising that you still have their attention. In fact, the sight of you cramming yourself into sexy little nothings seems to be turning them on as much as watching you take them off. You reach for your shoes. The kind of shoes that you really want don't seem to be available here, you'll have to get them later, but these are cute enough in the meantime. You pull on a pair of the adorably clunky thick-soled shoes worn by schoolgirls everywhere. Rubbing your hands up and down your body, you are lost for a second in the ecstasy of how sexy you feel. You must look incredible. Those silly boys watching you must really want to... You give a little gasp and glance up. The fire between your legs is still burning as hot as it was when you were naked, but now it feels different somehow. You feel so... Your gaze falls down to where... You can't help but whimper as the blazing need takes you. The man standing closest to you is squeezing and rubbing energetically at the member still held in his sweaty palm. You feel like you will burst at the sight. His eyes follow yours down to his hand, he seems almost surprised and shocked at what it is doing, but doesn't attempt to stop. You can see the thick, tangled bush of his pubic hair, matted and greasy from too long in his hot little pants. With an effort you force your gaze up to his face. He is a hairy, swarthy little creature, probably in his late thirties. Somehow that makes you feel even better. As you start to take a stumbling little step towards him, driven by the firestorm between your legs, you suddenly realise what it is that you intend to do. Horror and revulsion fill your mind. You struggle to fight it, struggle to just turn and walk out the door, but for some reason your disgust with yourself just makes the flames burn hotter. A little whimper escapes your parted lips as, hating yourself every step of the way, you teeter over to where the man is standing. His eyes widen as he looks down at you. You meet his look and whimper again, whimper with all of the fire blazing deep within you. The compulsion is too strong. You reach out and wrap your little hand around his cock, amazed by its heat, feeling little electric sparks fly up from your hand at just the touch of it. Looking up at him with immense, pleading eyes, begin to lead him along. He follows, staring dumbly, his mouth open. The other men gape in disbelief. Finally, as you reach a sink, you turn towards him and look up at his face. Thick beads of sweat are forming across his oily forehead. You extend a finger of the hand that leads him and brush it delicately through his long pubic hair, feeling the greasy dampness already clinging to it. You murmur and run a lazy tongue across your pouting lips. Noticing the gaze lost down your cleavage, you smile softly and reach for his hand, placing it firmly across the swell of your right breast. He gives a little moan and you are about to laugh with pleasure, but your laugh becomes a gasp as he squeezes and rubs at you with ever-increasing vigour. The heat and throbbing in his sex increases almost as quickly as it does in yours. The NEED is incredible. Something deep within you screams, but it is much too late. You step back and hop up onto the edge of the sink, spreading your legs wide, gasping. He understands and presses in, his eyes wandering with a second of slight hesitation to where the others are still watching, but the allure of you is too strong. You wrap your legs tightly around him, your big shoes meeting behind his neck. He looks down at you with a crazed lust that almost matches your own as, hand still wrapped around his rock-hard, pulsating organ, you pull him towards you, bringing him in, guiding him into your... You throw your head back, eyes bulging. You can hear a loud, full- throated scream echoing around the room and, after a moment, realise that it is coming from between your own painted lips. You can't stop screaming, not that you would want to. The feel of him entering you. A big, hot cock, so much thicker, so much more pleasurable than a finger could ever be. His hands pop up under your tiny skirt and push hard against the firm cheeks of your ass, forcing you further along his shaft You writhe in the sink, limbs flailing blindly, as you feel him pushing into you, filling you up. You become mute for a second, eyes rolling back, as he thrusts into you for the first time. Your squeals become louder and shriller still as drives into you again and again. You sit bent back, breasts forced out, shoulders pressed hard against the mirror, head upwards, face contorted, your mouth round and squealing uncontrollably as you are fucked, hard. Your whole body rocks with each new, vigorous thrust. The single button closing your top quickly pops loose and your tits explode into freedom, big nipples fat and cherry red, bouncing massively with each plunge. You feel the wetness cascading down your thighs and across the jiggling buttocks where his hands grab at you. The squelching and popping sounds increase with each thrust. You are dizzy from screaming and the unprecedented ecstasy of being fucked when you finally feel that oozing, squelching explosion happen deep inside you. He must have been nervous and didn't last anywhere near as long as you would have liked, but you aren't about to complain. For just a second after it all stops, as you sit there gasping, you suddenly realise where you are. Sitting, ass in a sink, with rough hands squeezing at your still-dancing buttocks, mountainous titties swaying and bouncing naked in front of you, your stockinged legs wrapped behind an ugly little stranger's neck, beads of his sweat raining down onto your belly and thighs, thick stickiness dribbling off you into the basin... A distant sense of dull horror washes over you. The little troll of a man grunts to himself, eyes closed, clears his nose, and then starts to pull out of you. Your head reels at the unfamiliar sensation. You look across over at the men still standing nearby. They are obviously stunned beyond words by what has happened in the last few minutes. They are looking at you with round eyes filled with disbelief... and disgust. You feel a sudden blush building up on your cute little cheeks. Your erstwhile lover steps back from you, pants around his ankles, thickly furred legs squat and exposed. You can't bear to meet his look; you glance down, biting your lip in mortification, trying to keep the tears from your eyes. What is happening to you? What are you becoming? You suddenly know that you are about to explode into tears, when... Your eye falls on that cock, flaccid and glistening with... You gasp and suddenly all the fire comes rushing back, another irresistible compulsion building within you. You stand unsteadily and take a step, then fall to your knees before him. You can feel the moisture dripping down your legs as you glance hungrily up at his surprised face. The warm glow of sudden happiness is indescribable. With a playful little murmur, you reach out and circle two fingers tightly around the base of his shaft. Smacking your lips, cooing with hunger and pleasure, you lean forward. The wonderful, musty smell of sex lies thick around you, you inhale it deeply, mouth open. Your quick little tongue darts out and licks at the big, dripping, purple head dangling before you. You moan at the yummyness as you feel the thick, salty cum slowly dissolving in the warmth of your mouth. The hunger builds and, whimpering slightly, you lean forward and begin to lap at his penis like a small child licking an ice cream cone. Your little pink tongue darts in and out, licking up and down, your head bobbing with the motion, your little pigtails swaying behind you. You give a little murmur of pleasure. The yummy, oozing warmth fills your mouth, bringing with it just the tiniest delicate tang of sweat and urine. Both sides of your tongue are thickly coated and slide all the better over the soft, wrinkled flesh. A wonderful orgasmic feeling of dream-like peace slowly fills your mind, driving away everything else. You hear a soft little groan from above and smile knowing that your special friend is happy too. The delicious treat is now filling your mouth, mixing with your saliva. You take a moment to stop slurping and just appreciate how scrumptious it is. You run your tongue across the roof of your mouth, loving the cloying texture almost as much as the taste. Occasionally you come across a lump that is more solid that the rest and pause to savour it. When you finally, regretfully, have to swallow the goodness to make room for more, you sigh. You sip it down as slowly as you can, letting it trickle in warm little streams of deliciousness down the back of your throat. When, finally, it is all gone you can still feel its thickness clinging to the sides. You finish the penis off thoroughly, sometimes wondering about the other strange taste there, before eventually realising that it is the lingering taste of you. When there is nothing left you pout in disappointment. Standing up, you run a finger down your leg and under your skirt. It isn't quite as yummy, but is better than nothing. You look up at the big yummy man staring down at you. Still sucking on your finger, you giggle at the funny look on his face. When he turns away, quickly pulls up his pants and leaves, carefully keeping his back to the other men, you feel a moment of sadness. You look back at the others. They don't look as friendly as the yummy one. You pout at them. Noticing the way that their eyes dart, you look down and giggle as you realise that your big, slutty breasts are still jiggling nude in front of you. Doing up the second-last button on your tiny top, you feel pleased to discover that it lifts your boobs up even more and hides them even less. Tossing your hair dismissively, you turn and walk back to your shopping. You are careful to make sure that the big, mean men get a good look at your pretty bum as you bend over to pick it up. After one final little pout back at them, you flounce out the door, wiggling your tight ass sexily with every little step. The rest of your shopping goes well. As well as buying more clothes and jewellery, you order some new furniture, get new things for your house, and visit a beauty salon. You like your big long pigtails, but decide that you want to get your hair styled up really sexily before tonight. Why tonight...? You spend a moment trying to remember what the special thing is that you need to look extra pretty for, but eventually just giggle and go back to reading your magazine. Oooh! You'll have to remember to buy a little skirt just like hers! You have a manicure and get long pink acrylic nails. They're even prettier than your natural ones! And, finally, you get your ears and belly-button pierced. You're so happy that now you'll be able to wear those special, pretty earrings that the funny man gave you. Larry seems to barely recognise you when you finally mince back to the cab, weighed down with bags. He just stares silently at you for the longest time, mouth hanging even lower than before. The cab is so stuffed full of pretty things that you have to stop off back at your house to unload it. Larry does most of the carrying, but those two boys next door turn out to be real nice and offer to help. You can't work out why you never realised how yummy they are before. You giggle up at them and decide to visit them real soon... Larry doesn't seem to like them much. They have such big, hard muscles... You can't seem to quite remember the name of the kind of place that you want to visit next. Larry isn't much help at first, he just keeps staring at the meter and grinning. But after you describe carefully the kind of nice things that they sell, he gets that surprised look again and seems to know exactly where to go. He's so smart too! He goes right there. The shop is real far away, out on the edge of town. It looks all yucky and dirty from the outside, just with three big neon Xs near the door, but once you step inside, you gasp and clap your little hands in delight. It's like a dream shop, full of everything you wanted! You finally find those special, extra pretty shoes that you were looking for, the ones that are fun to walk in because they make you feel all tall. And their clothes...! You fill a lot of the cab up again. There are all kinds of other funny things there too. You buy lots and lots of them. You aren't quite sure what they're for, but you're looking forward to playing with them and finding out. Some of them are shaped almost like... They make a funny buzzing noise sometimes, you like that. You buy lots and lots of them and immediately drop one into your new sexy pink handbag. You think that it'll probably come in handy a real lot. The man who works there seems nice. He tells you that you legally have to be 18 to buy things there, and then winks down at you. You don't know what he means but you giggle and are sure to give him a good look down your top. Larry is real sweet too. He offers to come in and help you. He makes you try lots of different things on and always pats and cuddles you a lot when you come out of the changing room. You are overjoyed when Larry mentions that there are other places like this. You bounce up and down with glee and tell him to take you to all of them. You end up visiting lots and lots and buy heaps and heaps of special things. The manager of one of them is real mean though. He looks at you funny and asks to see your ID. You say that you don't have one and he says that you have to leave. When you get back in the taxi you are fuming, you pout and cross your arms in annoyance. Larry is real nice though and makes you feel better. It's getting late, but you know that you have one last thing that you have to do. Larry drives you to a Tattoo Parlour and you get 'Kitty', surrounded by a big pink loveheart, tattooed down just above your bum. When you show it to Larry he agrees that it looks real pretty. By now it's time to go home. Larry helps you carry all your new things into the house. You ask him if he could help you with a few little things and he agrees happily. He is so much bigger and taller and smarter than you and knows how to do stuff - like hang your pretty new pink curtains. He helps you rearrange the furniture and take all that junk outside to the curb. He looks surprised as he carries it and says that maybe he can call a friend to come and get it, because some of it looks pretty valuable. You just shrug and look down at your nails. You don't care what happens to the bad, ugly things. With Larry's help you rush around and try to make everything prettier. You set up candles and throw lacy pink throw rugs over tables and chairs, Larry tries arrange it so that you can drape all of those translucent pink veils from the ceiling the way that you want. You put up yummy new pictures and calendars and begin the mammoth task of putting all of your make-up and things into the bathroom and sorting out where all of your new clothes will go. There are a huge amount of them - fortunately they don't take up much space - but there are still too many for your current drawers and wardrobe. Thank goodness the huge, extra pretty new ones that you ordered will be arriving tomorrow! After bouncing in delight and excitedly hugging Larry for working out the veils now stretching down from the ceiling, he says that he has to go and check his cab. You wander into your bedroom and admire the translucent pink drapes hanging down around your bed. They look so sexy! You get out your new pink satin sheets and the frilly matching loveheart bedspread. They are much too big for your current bed - you bought them to go with the big four-poster double bed being delivered tomorrow - but you still want to see how they look. They're absolutely gorgeous! You're beaming, on all fours on your bed, thick satin sheets bunched up around you, when Larry walks in. You turn and look over your shoulder at him and smile. He blushes and stares fixedly at what you are pushing up at him. You are suddenly hit by a sense of what a nice man Larry is. Your smile broadens and you coo up at him, wiggling your hips invitingly. He stares disbelievingly at you for the longest time before you finally hear his pants hit the floor. You arch your back as much as you can and bite your lip in breathless anticipation. It's been hours since your hungry little pussy had any company and it was starting to get all lonely. You shriek as much as ever as you feel him force his way into you and thrust hard into you again and again. It feels so good! Larry is much better than that last silly man. As you gasp and moan and squeal with pure girlish delight, big hands tight around your waist, a hairy crotch slapping rhythmically against your jiggling buttocks, you smile to yourself and vaguely wonder why they call it 'Doggy style'. Larry waits a real long time while you very carefully shower and choose your clothes and make yourself perfectly pretty. When you finally mince into the living room, he's lost in a very careful examination of the pile of porn that you bought today for the coffee table. You don't find all of the incredibly explicit pictures of naked girls to be particularly exciting, but you want something to help get visitors in the mood. Larry hears some little sound and looks up to see you standing in the doorway. Even after the picture that he was looking at, his mouth still falls wide open. You giggle proudly and pirouette for him. You're so happy with your outfit! When you first saw the little pink tank-top and the super-low-riding jeans you'd felt unsure. They definitely had potential, but the top was too long and modest, only showing off your belly, and you just don't generally like jeans. Too icky. But then you realised that you could improve them yourself... It was easy to cut the tank top down to a prettier size. You naturally got one a few sizes too small, so it would show off your curves better. Your top is so tight that it makes your lack of a bra even more obvious than usual, the edges of your nipples being carefully outlined. Your cleavage spills from the superlow neckline, and thank to your cutting, the bottom of your boobs are visible as well. The cut is a bit rough but you think that makes it look even sexier. Only the tiniest bit of material, stretched hard against your bulging bust, remains between the end of the neckline and where the top stops halfway down your chest. Written on the top in glitter, practically stamped across your big, bouncing boobies, is the word 'Stripper'. Little girl silhouettes are lounging around the big, flowery letters, doing sexy little things to each other. You find that you can't quite seem to remember what that word means, but along with other pretty little words like 'Slut', 'Bimbo', 'Skank', 'Horny'. 'Whore' and 'Cocksucker', you somehow know that it just describes you perfectly. You're so proud to be a pretty little cocksucking bimbo slut skank whore stripper! You can't wait to tell everyone! The jeans were a bit tougher to cut through, but you finally managed to get rid of those yucky long legs. They make an adorable little pair of short shorts! You were careful to cut them off especially high at the back, and now you can feel most of your big, round buttocks poking out prettily, bouncing behind you. The shorts even show off your yummy new tattoo! - You can see the top of it above the hem. You almost screamed with delight when you first saw your little g-string. It's so tiny and pink and lacy and shaped like a love heart! Its frilly strings pop up high over the top of your little shorts. It felt so good to finally slip into a pair of comfortable shoes. You already don't know how you were ever able to walk around without a six- inch heel. You did your hair up all long and shiny and sexy, and were careful to put on as much make-up as you could. It makes you feel so sexy! Especially the shiny pink lipstick! You put a little diamond stud in your belly button, and couldn't wait to try on those special earrings. "Do I look like a horny little stripper slut?" you coyly ask Larry, but the thunderstruck look on his face has already answered the question. You giggle and prance over to where he's sitting, taking delicate little steps in your new pretty stripper shoes and being careful to wiggle your big bare ass as much as you can. When you get close to him you giggle again, louder, and whip your top up. It feels so good to have them pop out like that! You coo and excitedly bounce them around in front of Larry's nose. When you think that he can't get any redder, you lean forward and rub them against his face. You laugh at how funny and yummy it all feels and drop to your knees. Larry's face is frozen in wonderment as, beaming happily up at him, you start opening his pants. "Tittyfuck," you breathe hungrily, licking at your lips. You press his hard member between the jiggling mountains of your breasts and begin rubbing and squeezing at them erotically. You rock back and forth, dizzy with happiness. You like nothing more than a nice, yummy, sticky Tittyfuck. Gasping, Larry reaches down and begins to squeeze at your hooters as well. You moan at the wonderful feeling. You're so glad that you have enough tit to go around! After you've finished giggling at the warm, squelchy spray and done your best to suck up as much of it as you possibly can, you finally, regretfully, climb back onto your feet. You do your best to slip your top back down for the moment and feel a warm glow at the sticky wetness still clinging to you. You think that it makes you smell even better than all of that perfume that you sprayed all over yourself! "I, like, totally have to go somewhere" you coo to Larry, twiddling a finger through your hair as you try to remember the details. "Oooh! Could you please take me to the sleaziest little rat-hole Strip Bar in town?" you gasp, bouncing and clapping your little hands with joy. Larry stares at you again for a real long time. You are so proud of how smart Larry is! He said that he knows just the place! On your way there, you sit with your window wide open so that you can lean out and whip up your top for all the boys. Some of them just gape, especially the ones with their boring wives and kids, but others whistle and honk their horns. You think that some of them might have started following you. That makes you feel real nice. You're still cheering and giggling and squeezing at your rack when the cab finally pulls up near a pretty neon sign that reads 'Titties Galore!' You gasp in disbelief, it seems so perfect! It's exactly what you wanted! You open the door to dash over to the dirty little storefront entrance, but Larry puts a hand on your arm. His eyes are still locked onto your chest as he tells you that he's going off duty now and you have to pay him. You pay quickly by credit card - they're so cool! - before leaping out and wiggling as fast as you can for the door. As you go, you call back to Larry. He seems incredibly happy for some reason. You ask if he's going to come and watch. He looks up at you again with that weird look, but then smiles broadly and says that he will and he'll even call all his friends. You squeal in excitement (Larry is such a nice guy!) and join the line to get in. The other people in the line stare at you for a second before they begin cheering and poking at you. You giggle and bounce with excitement, this is such a cool place! Just how you'd dreamed it might be. The bouncers look confused for a second, but then say "Performers this way, Miss" and lead you in. You feel like a princess! There seems to be a bit of confusion, and you are eventually taken to see the manager. You think he looks real yummy - all short and greasy with that cute comb-over and a shirt unbuttoned enough to really show off the thickness of his chest hair . His mouth drops open at the sight of you. You sway your way in, nearly jiggling right out of your top, and stand with your hands behind your back and your chest thrust out. "Hello, my name's Kitty!" you purr delightedly. His eyes bulge. So do his pants. You're awfully distracted by this, barely able to shift your gaze from the swell of his crotch. "I'm a real horny bimbo slut and just wanna dance pretty for the boys!" you breathe, unconsciously licking at your lips. For just an instant, his eyes narrow with suspicion. "Are you over 18?" he asks. "Yes!" you pout, not sure why everyone's asking you that all of a sudden. That bump in his trousers justs looks so YUMMY...! He looks unconvinced, and seems to be trying to get his mind back on more business-like matters. "Well, it's a complicated matter, Kitty..." he begins. But you don't hear him. The feeling of burning emptiness inside you has finally gotten just too great. Unable to resist any more, you throw yourself to your knees in front of him, whimpering pleadingly up at him while pawing at his fly. That big, hard bulge that you can feel through the thin fabric of his pants just seems like the most wonderful thing in the world to you. His look of amazement increases - as does his erection - causing you to bite at your lip in a vain attempt to keep back your shriek of mingled desire and delight. "You really want this job bad, don't you?" he says in disbelief. You don't see what that has to do with anything, but answer honestly as you tear at his pants. "Oh yes! I just wanna be a skanky stripper slut more than anything in the whole wide world!" Any further conversation is cut short by your gasp of rapture as his cock pops out of his fly and bobs temptingly before you. He leans hard back against his desk, his face white with surprise and ecstasy as you hungrily slurp away. "First!" he eventually manages to squeak, looking slightly faint. "I'm putting you on first!" You know that it would only be polite to thank him, but are much too lost in the joy of your job. His penis isn't too big, but it's really thick and you just love that greasy tang of congealed sweat. You run your tongue hungrily along his throbbing shaft, reveling in its tastiness. Pungent sweat drips onto your nose from the bush of tangled, oily hair that your nose is half lost in, and you wish that you could lick at that too. Your loud, long moans of ecstatic hunger intermingle with the manager's piggy little grunts until, your eyes half rolling up into your head with orgasmic joy, you feel a warm, sticky splash of goodness in your hot little mouth. He mustn't have come in a while, it's so thick and rich and gooey. Your mouth fills to bursting point before you can even start to swallow. You bounce backstage and giggle at the other girls waiting there. "Hello, my name's Kitty and I'm so gonna dance like the total whore that I am!" you gush excitedly. The other strippers stare at you silently, wondering if you're for real. You can't believe how pretty and wonderful everything is. The dancers here are the first people that you've met who know how to dress properly. As showtime approaches, you begin to get positively giddy with glee. You can hear that the house is absolutely packed with big, yummy men. Snatching little glimpses around the curtain, you can see that they're all as burly as you like them to be, too. When the lights go down and the voice starts to introduce you, you feel one of your fingers slide the miniscule distance between the top of your shorts and your damp little slit. You make little girlish murmurs of excitement as you pump vigorously away, smacking your lips, dizzy with anticipation. You want to get yourself in just the right mood for your show. "Mmmm... Horny!" you giggle to the girl who's standing beside you, gazing in open-mouthed disbelief. You only barely manage to free your finger from your shorts as the music starts and you strut onto stage. The lights are so bright that it's hard to make out much more of your audience than their vaguest outlines. You pout - you want to be able to see all of that yumminess for yourself. But then your stripper reflexes take over and, cooing softly with delight, you find yourself easily swaying and sashaying to the rythm. Your hands reach up to squeeze and caress the soft, bouncy flesh that your meagre outfit fails to conceal. You close your eyes and sigh as you imagine all of the men staring at you, how hard they must be getting as they imagine fucking you. Running a little pink tongue along your swollen lips, you wiggle your way slowly to the pole sitting in the middle of the platform. It feels so good, so natural, for you to bend and flaunt yourself like this. Like it was what you were born for. The fire down in your scanty little panties is building incredibly as you bump and grind and squat and thrust and rub and gyrate and squeeze at your tits and slap at your ass. You hear wolf-whistles and jeers of appreciation echoing from your audience and thrust your thighs together as the damp flames burning between them grow. You perform incredibly athletic feats of self- exhibitionism, your need building constantly. Eventually, you straighten up slowly, expertly rubbing your ass up along the pole, and turn to the audience, dramatically tossing your long hair, a pout of sullen lust on your pretty little face, eyes blazing. You wiggle over to the edge of the stage and give a little gasp of delight as your audience becomes more visible. The room is packed with horny little men, leaning forward, mouths open, just a little thread of drool glinting from their lips. Several of the more visible men in the first row have their hands down their pants, their crotch shaking violently from their rubbing. You give a piercing cry of ecstasy at the sight and quickly yank up your top. The amount of cheers, whistles, and pumping increases massively as you happily and enthusiastically work your mammoth hooters for the crowd, giggling your girlish glee the entire time. You finally tear your top right off and toss it carelessly into the crowd,

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The New Neighbour Chapter 1

Upon arrival home...i was greeted with a beautiful sight..there you were busy cleaning out the garage next door.... i got out of the cab and moved up the came out sweat running down your brow... i greeted you and we smiled and exchanged hand shakes as my hand took yours i could feel the excitement rush through me although you were in your sweats they clung to your body showing all that i needed to conjuror up a picture of your soft excused your appearance but i told...

3 years ago
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Right or Wrong

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

1 year ago
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Mummys true passion book two pregnancy days chapter one

This is the second book of the “mummy’s true passion” series. It took a while until I found the time and the motivation to write the second part. I hope you enjoy this first chapter. To all those who are not into the stuff I’m writing: would you mind to simply not read it then? It’s pretty simple I think. To all those who don’t know what this certain stuff is: This series is about some extreme incest relationship between a boy and his mother. Its includes watersports, male humiliation...

3 years ago
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New Start Lukes StoryChapter 19

She held him for as long as she could. She sat next to him, pulling his head unto her shoulder. Every time he tried to pull away, she would shush him, give him a squeeze and he would just readjust himself settling more snuggly again her. Before long he was asleep. Sleeping without a burden he had carried for such a long time. Jessie woke him as they landed and guided him to the limo. Luke stretched his arms and legs in the back seat of the car. He yawned and rubbed at his eyes. He met...

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Used by son in law and daughter

By this time I was hot and getting wet, as she kissed my neck, she slipped a big rubber cock into my pussy, telling me that Joe was going to fuck me hard and fill me with his cum, she got off the bed and called Joe on the phone saying mama is ready, I told her I can't do this , Jenny looked at me and said '' you you can mama because you are a slut just like those people in the film called you and you will have your fat cunt fucked by my husband'' and you will like it, about then Joe...

2 years ago
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What Happens in Vegas Part 2

The Hot Wife Brian, Katie and Nick enjoyed the great steaks, wine and ambiance of SW Steakhouse at Wynn Casino. It was a classy place with a great bar with an outdoor area showing off the beautiful landscaping but Brian was glad he managed to spend only $750 on the dinner and wine. And Katie hadn’t pulled any sexual stunts with Nick, which he had sat through the entire dinner fearing. Perhaps she had gotten that out of her system earlier with Karl and Wally at the bar? Nick’s phone rang and...

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Butterscotch Part 2

  I hugged her as she wrapped her arms firmly around my shoulders. I then felt her legs clench around me and she rested her head against my chest. I slipped my hands under her thighs and picked her up, fully appreciating what supple, long legs she had. As I took her to the bedroom, my still hard cock bounced joyfully up against her wet pussy. There was something deeply satisfying about that moment, at the command of primordial nature we had somehow left civilization and all its restrictions...

4 years ago
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Two weeks had past since my sisters last slumber party. Tonight she was having just one of her friends sleep over with her. Gina wasn't able to make it to the previous slumber party and I had never seen her before. She was a very pretty girl with reddish brown hair, a slim build with great legs. The thing I really liked most about her were her were her fantastic full round tits that must have been 36C's, they looked like two g****fruits perched under her top.When she first arrived she was...

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The Bunny Hunt

'The Bunny Hunt', it's a mysterious 'game' created from an unknown group, described as the 'Most Dangerous Game' for perverts, but instead of killing your target, you get them as a sex slave. Random women, who are deemed 'desirable', are kidnapped through unknown means and brought to an undisclosed location, where they are dressed in sexy bunny girl outfits. The object of the Bunnies is last 24 hours without getting caught by the horny men and women who pay to play and hoping to get a new sex...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Alina Lopez Emily Willis 08122020

Fan-favored porn star Emily Willis and Latina diva Alina Lopez are both passionate about extreme sex. When they meet legendary XXX stud Rocco Siffredi, both express excitement and anxiety for the upcoming scene. Action starts with a throat-fucking double blowjob. Rocco subjects both girls to intense cunt pounding. He stuffs his massive cock into Emily’s asshole; Alina drools and chokes as she gives ass-to-mouth fellatio. The intense threesome serves up rimming, lesbian pussy eating and...

1 year ago
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FirebrandChapter 3 Queen of Hearts

Moralez marched through the winding service tunnels that made up the guts of the station, feeling the chill of the metal grates beneath his prosthetic foot, protruding pipes and exposed wiring snaking along the walls and ceiling. It was a dingy maze, sparsely lit by the yellow glow of the dirty lightbulbs that were spaced out at irregular intervals, a far cry from the carefully tended habitat that existed just a few meters beyond. It was like walking through the veins of a giant, mechanical...

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I was in my second year of college attending school out of state when word reached me that my father had died. It had been totally unexpected and a major shock to my mother and younger sister along with myself. Busy as I'd been away at school it had been almost an entire year since I'd even seen them. My sister Mandy had just recently graduated from high school and like me had been planning on attending school out of state. All that had changed now with the death of our father. Mandy and mom...

2 years ago
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A married man has the urge to have sex with another man and eventually succeeds while cheating on his wife

This story starts several years back when I first found this web-site and quickly fell for the interesting people and their profiles, this brought some of my fantasies to the surface and my mind just swirled with the possibilities of this lifestyle. It took some time for me to come up with a way to bring it up to my wife Barbara that I was on the site as well as highly interested in joining. To cut to the chase, she was reluctant at first but agreed to put up a profile. After that we saw a...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 44

On that morning, I was awakened because my body was reacting to something very pleasant. I could feel that somebody was giving my body little kisses all over. It was of course Illiana, and she had pulled the bed sheets away from our bodies and was now kissing me all over my naked body, and I could feel how she was slowly moving down to my vertical lips. I let out a little sound of pleasure, to let her know that I was awake, and then she looked up and said, "Good morning, honey." "Hmm," I...

2 years ago
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Shock And Awe On First SwapChapter 2

Su froze feeling surprise, some jealousy, some anger and something else. It was the something else that held her frozen for so long. Suddenly though ecstasy joined the mix in a big way. She didn't know how long she had waited but suddenly she arched her back as pleasure flooded her mind. She had stared so long Allen most have thought she was OK with it now, and had started to move again. He had evidently been slowly pumping in and out of her for at least a minute and she hadn't even noticed...

3 years ago
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My First BBC

He continued to torture me with texts. Dirty, naughty things that might offend some, but did nothing but make me hotter. Finally I responded and said ‘Tomorrow, Noon, You pick the place.’ He picked a new residential development, completely abandoned. There was a tiny part of me that wondered if this was a good idea. In fact, I even realized that something very bad could happen to me and no one knew where I was. I decided I should at least have some security, so I emailed a trusted friend and...

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Mama fucks me and mom

I had enjoyed this so much that I began looking forward to a rerun! As soon as my mom left the next day, I reached mama ji’s room. He welcomed me very warmly. We were naked in no time and mamaji took out some small booklets from his drawer. This booklet had pictures of similar acts by men and women. Of course none of the women had a flat chest like me- and they had some well trimmed hair around their pussies! They were indeed much older than me! He told me the names of all the parts and we...

1 year ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 40

The coming week was going to start with a bang: Monday a meeting with FiberDyne and Major Lancaster. Tuesday, we would be flown to Travis Air Force base where we would hold a press conference where FiberDyne's status as a supplier of strategic materials would be announced. I wondered why the defense department would even bother with something like that, but assumed I would know more after meeting the Major on Monday. I talked to Kelli briefly, asking her if she had thought of bringing...

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Stacy Lancaster Stacys First Swing pt2

Stacy crawled forward, her eyes locked on the dick she called her own. Swooping in low like a stalking cat, she locked her mouth on the pliant member. The taste was exquisite. She had about half his shaft in her mouth, cradling it with her tongue. She could faintly feel the beating of his heart. She stayed that way several minutes, allowing her body to wind down a bit while gently nursing on her favorite toy.Minutes passed in silence. Betty was still flat on her back, breathing deeply but...

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Thunder and LighteningChapter 27

In two different cars, Jerry, Jenny, Henry, Bill and Abe pulled up in front of the auto-detailing shop to pick up the Camaro. It was the first time Jerry was to see it since he had been shot and he could hardly wait to see how it looked. Eddie was waiting for them next to the car, but he didn’t look nearly as happy to show off this car as he had been with the truck. The paint job was amazing. Using the dark on dark technique that Eddie had used for the truck, the scene of a lightning bolt...

4 years ago
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Into The Forest

She didn’t know why but something was calling her into the woods.She stepped carefully, the ground was cold and moist under her bare feet. Sticks and dried leaves littered the forest floor. It would only get thicker and denser the further she went.She didn’t know how far she had to go but she was being pulled by an unknown force, let a rope was gripping her waist tightly and she was being guided where to go, nervous but not afraid.The hairs on her arm stood up as a cool wind blew around her on...

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Fantasy Life of Nigel and Nicole

For the exceptional lady that is my ‘Nicole’ and in the words of Glenn Fry – ‘Here’s how it all started.’ : Hope you like it… Nigel and Nicole had been living together for a few years before they got married, so they thought they knew each other inside out, and they had a satisfactory, normal sex life together and were devoted to each other, but unknown to both… In the deep night, they both dreamt about secret sexy fantasies. Nicole’s were about orgies, outdoor sex, swinging parties, sex...

1 year ago
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Wet Dreams0

I search the place thoroughly, but I can't find anything obviously wrong with it -- no rats, no roaches, no bloodstains, and the plumbing and electricity both work. I go to bed feeling extremely lucky. When I wake up, though, it's a different story. My asshole is sore, like I've been ridden hard, but I broke up with my boyfriend months ago and haven't been laid since. There's also this...slime on my skin, almost like snot, but thicker and slicker. It's on my sheets, too. I take a...

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Eye of Dagon 4

Curse of the Amber Eye Part 4 Silent as a ghost, the deathly pale Vulkos shadowed the party of Ashir's warriors from the rooftops, leaping with preternatural agility amongst the minarets, flues and terraces that comprised the ancient cities ragged skyline. From overheard snippets of conversation the killer understood that the slim slave girl leading them knew the whereabouts of the barbarian and the escaped pleasure slave that were his prey. How such an overindulged creature was...

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What goes through a womans mind before fuck

'Where's Jack'? I looked back at Tommy as I made my way to the stairway, 'Bed, I think, he cant handle the drink and the late nights', Tommy smiled, at my answer, it had just gone past midnight and we were alone, and the realization my husband, his friend, had left us to our own devices, brought an excitement we both felt, suddenly the thought of sex with Tommy, was high on my list of things to do before going to bed myself, I sensed Tommy felt that way too.I continued downstairs, a little...

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My Daughter's Friendbyjpearce21©I returned from the kitchen, set my coffee cup on the table in front of me and settled into the over-stuffed sofa. It was old now, but after adding a heavy canvas slipcover, it was as good as new, as far as I was concerned. It was just so comfortable; one could sink so deeply into it, cradled like a baby, that I couldn't get rid of it. I propped my stocking feet onto the table, adjusting the thin flannel lounge pants I wore as I moved.Reclined in the chair...

3 years ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 16 Gia Accepts Sandra And Petes MotherSon Love

POV Sandra"So, tell me what you think? You'd love to be a grandma, wouldn't you?" she asked, as we walked down the hallway. "Yes, London, but are we ready for that now?" "Maybe, maybe not, but we just have to get them on board, with getting with another woman first, remember? They didn't even want to ask out Keisha and Gia, even though we encouraged them to do it," she mentioned it before we made it to the door, and she took my hands in hers. "Let's hang out with our sons, fuck the...

2 years ago
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A Walk in the Woods

“Um, I really have to go,” she said. “Just a little longer,” he replied. She grimaced a little as her overfull bladder wasn’t happy with his casual answer. She’d had to go back when they were in the parking lot, but he’d told her not to use the porta-potties there. To be fair, she didn’t much like the things anyway, but she was getting desperate. Worse, she could feel her bald pussy was almost bubbling over with excitement. Her panties had given up trying to contain her slippery oils and she...

1 year ago
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A Tribe For Tethys Part 1 Chapter 1

Part 1 – Gesso Chapter 1: A Hot Date I’m a lucky girl. It’s Friday, five o clock in the evening. I shut down the computer, and push away from my desk, my tablet, my pencils and brushes. I didn’t quit early, but I’m not working late either. I have a date tonight. It’s a short commute, I walk from the spare bedroom where I’ve set up my studio into the master bathroom. I’d gotten a little sweaty during my lunchtime run, but nothing serious. My shower will be quick and efficient, my...

4 years ago
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My Awakening

I am in my late forties, I am not ugly but I am no super model either and have only slept with three men in my life. My high school boyfriend, my first husband, and my current husband. Sex is okay with me but I have never understood what all the hubbub is all about. My husband and I bought a small 30 room motel in a small town in Colorado that we thought we would run when we retire. I lost my job and since the k**s are all out of the house I went to run the motel. Karen is the woman that...

2 years ago
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Chastity To Slutness 8211 Part 5

It was Tuesday morning. Vinod watched mother Divya seated nude in presence of waiter who had fondled clit but he did not object. After waiter left Divya scolded son that he will enjoy if someone will fuck her in his presence. Vinod heard & smiled. He was hot and turned mother in doggy pose. Then he fucked in cunt for sometime and then penetrated in ass. She moaned and expressed satisfaction. Afterwards they took bath together and went for breakfast. Thereafter he went straightway to his...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 503

This submission is compliments of KramNetsua The biology master at an Exclusive Girls Boarding School in England walks into the classroom one morning. “Good morning, Ladies.” “Good morning Sir.” came the reply from all the assembled pupils. He turns his attention to a comely lass sitting near the back. “Miss Smith, which part of the human body expands to six times its normal size under excitation?” he asks. “Sir!” she replies, “You cannot possibly ask such a question. My father is on...

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Classroom Demonstration

Classroom Demonstration Wind swirled around the campus grounds. A few leaves crackled, their dry cores rubbing against the brick sidewalk. Greg shivered, having only worn his dress shirt outside. The cooler weather had come out of nowhere. His hands rubbed against his arms in order to try to warm them up. His backpack dug into his shoulders, the books leaning backwards. He'd gone this way to his classes before, but decided to take a turn through one of the outer buildings in order to...

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Brads Bitch

bisexual – gay – reluctant – domination – feminizationThe phone rang. I pulled it from my jeans pocket and saw that it was Brad. Shit! I really didn't want a call from him right now. Maybe I should just ignore it. But somehow he always knew when I'd just ignored his calls. And then that was even worse.I answered it, thinking only fleetingly about "the speech" that I'd composed and honed over the years and knew now that I would never actually give. I don't know why I even thought of it anymore....

2 years ago
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Summer Of Addictive Saturdays Part 4

“You’re quiet tonight,” Daryl said after nailing his ninth consecutive jump shot.“Just tired, I guess,” I shrugged, retrieving the bounce from beneath the backboard and passing it back to him. “Keep going; you’re on a roll.”He cocked his wiry frame and smoothly released the ball in a vaulting arc. The net whooshed without moving and I gave a whoop of approval, hoping that would shut him up about my being quiet.“Let’s quit while I’m ahead, huh?” He wiped his blond brow with the hem of his...

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My First Experience

Hi im Sham from Kerala 26 its first time im going to narrate an experience which is happened in my life in 2003 I was 18. it’s not just a story or fiction its really happened in my life. Well it was a holiday i was playing with some friends’ right before my home. Suddenly an auto came at near to my home and one lady got down from the auto with a teen girl (she is Shameena) she asked for an address it was my address I was embarrassed as I don’t know them and i havent seen them before and where...

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Star slut games

It wasn't long after order 66 had been issued, many Jedi had fallen and been killed across the galaxy, and the temple on Coruscant had become a beacon of death for the order with the slaughter Darth Vader had overseen. Many fled of course and most went in to hiding. Our protagonist and her master had hidden themselves as best they could, but were caught by a rising Imperial admiral. Brought before him he had them stripped of their clothing and their lightsabers, but instead of executing them he...

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BBC Ki Sahafi Ki Hudai2

Madem ki gari men larkana ki taraf rawana ho gae.takreeban 40 minute k safar k baad ham larkana hotel per punhch gae.aur ham dono hi hotel men book kiye hue room men men punhchte he madem mariya pehle to apni books aur camera table per rakhen aur fresh hone k liye bathroom men chalee gaen .aur men chair per bath gaya.aur ye soch raha tha k madem mariya se aj jee bhar k piyar karonga madem ki asi chudai karonga k wo bas is raat ko barson tak yaad karegi.aise he sochon men gum tha to...

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Losing and WinningChapter 2

"I saw a speck of dust," she joked as she kept sweeping it back and forth, over and under while I stood there enjoying every swipe of the feathers. "Oh, I think he likes that. Wanna try it, Deb?" she asked and handed the duster to her friend who took over. She began by running it over my nipples, then down my stomach and abdomen and out along the length of my cock and underneath, making my cock jump and twitch. "Oooh, it's alive, look," she teased as she kept making my dick jump...

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After The KingChapter 26

The return to Dunadd was made in good spirits following the defeat of the Saxons. King Neithon was grateful to Eochaid that he could once more dine in his own hall and Eoric sensed the alliance between Dalriada and Strathclyde had if anything been strengthened further. He had recovered somewhat from his reaction to the death and carnage at Dunbarton, but the feeling of the blood seeping into the earth had not fully left him as yet. Eochaid's mood brightened even further if that was possible...

1 year ago
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Hot Encounter With a Sexy Cougar

Several years ago on a Wednesday evening I was feeling that itch for female companionship. At the time, Houlihans was a popular bar, especially for middle-aged women, cougars, on the prowl. After a few drinks, I noticed a blonde who appeared to be about ten years older than me smiling my way. She was nice looking, not gorgeous by any means, but had a certain sexiness about her. She carried a few extra pounds, but had one feature that was impossible to miss. Her breasts were enormous! Full,...

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A Mothers Sacrifice

This event takes place around 1453 AD in eastern France. The story “Mother, John won’t marry me if the lord fucks me first! You know that is the law – and the lord enforces it on serious penalty. What am I to do?” Madame deLong to her child, “Christine, of course, I know it – that is where your older brother came from – the lord’s father fucked me on my wedding night and nine months later your brother was born. Your father could not do anything about it. It is a terrible rule that...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 129 I Washu

"Ho, Ho, NO!" She finally waved him away. "Don't YOU even think of psychoanalyzing ME buster!" "Is the scientist afraid of what she might find?" Katsuhito asked mildly. "As a priest however I believe I'm equipped to tell you, confession is good for the soul!" "Brrrr!" Washu remarked, wrapping arms around her-self again. "Suddenly seems a little chilly up here!" She nodded emphasizing the stunning Yukatta she presently wore. "Maybe I should go get a coat?" "All have...

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Awkward Cant unsee or undo

I'll admit I was stressed out when my daughter came out of the closet when she was 19, but it relieved me of the stress of having to deal with any more boyfriends. She had one guy, for about 9 months, but they were so awkward together, and when they ended, we were all releived. A few months later, she came out. When she started bringing around girlfriends, we were cool, and fuck!, my daughter has good taste in women. Her current love, Trissa, and her have been dating for a year and a half,...

3 years ago
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Assistant Managers Decision

As usual, he headed out, and down the street so that he could take his morning stroll which for him was at just after 4:30 in the morning. She too, stressed out by a recent financial situation involving her home woke up early, and went down to make some coffee. Once it was brewed, she poured a cup, and went outside on her porch to think it all over. Mary Beth Johnson was the co-owner of her house along with her husband of over 15 years. Sitting there in a long t-shirt but with nothing else on...

4 years ago
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Getting Ready to Visit My Wife

This is a true story. I've been to visit an esthetician several times to deal with the annoying problem of back hair. Not that my wife complains, she likes me the way she found me, back hair and all. Sometimes I just want to surprise her - and this was one of those times. For the past several months, as a result of the bad economy I have had to work out of state because that was the only place I could find a job that didn't require a significant step down in pay or a prolonged round of...

3 years ago
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Church Girls are easy part one

Church sometimes was more of a social outlet for me. Meet people, make friends and have clean people to hang out with and on occasions, maybe even bed down one. This two part story is one such occasion. As I soon found out, guys are not the only ones with similar intentions. I was young, naive, by no means a "Man of the World" at that point in my life. I changed the names. Geographical locations are correct. I guess I made her happy, she made me happy. So it is all good. VAL THE...

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In the Hands of the EnemyChapter 3

Their departure from the Hawaiian Islands was delayed slightly due to reports of a new Japanese armada sneaking in from the North. Heidi thought it might be better to be out on the open sea rather than in the constrained harbor but kept her amateur military opinion to herself. An additional contingent of about two hundred medical personnel who had flown in from San Diego came on board at the last moment and their compartments were bursting at the seams with new faces. About one third of the...

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Bangable Blond Bimbo

Bree sure looked like a bimbo. Blond hair, bounteous boobs, bubble butt, Barbie face. She could act the part too and sometimes had reason to. She thought of the play-acting as kind of a disguise. The real Bree had an IQ of 154 and was well along on her doctorate in astrophysics. It was a matter of money. She came from a financially deprived background and had no luck with scholarships at the graduate level even though she’d scored a few getting through lesser degrees. Having been abused in...

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