Fuckkitty free porn video

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Typical New York City Friday afternoon back in the day: a dark Alphabet City shithole of a bar stinking of stale beer and cigarettes, the requisite old man sitting at the bar watching TV, two coked-out businessmen huddled in a booth in the corner, this goth girl dancing by herself over by the jukebox, some dilettante bridge-and-tunnel poet playing wannabe bad boy.  The poet is currently trying to buy a drink by reciting a spontaneous poem to the hot bartender in payment (good luck with that).  One of the businessmen slinks out the back door into the alley with the resident coke dealer.  The old man argues incoherently with the talking head on the television screen.    

Tobe sat at the far end of the bar from the old man and the TV, spying on the girl by the jukebox.  The music was deafening, but she positioned herself right next to the speakers, rocking out to Concrete Blonde. 

Tobe hated Concrete Blonde.

Much of what she wore was of the standard Lower East Side uniform: clunky black boots, fishnets, short black skirt, black mesh shirt with a black leather bra.  Hot, but kind of a generic hot. 

What set her apart was the choker. 

Sitting at the bar, all he noticed was that she wore a thin leather strip around her neck.  The strip of leather had silver letters embedded into it, and though he could not read them from this distance, he could tell that they were fake chrome, probably plastic.  He could also tell, even from a distance, that the letters were poorly attached and aligned, and haphazardly spaced.  The goal may have been a sleek metallic look, but the result was homemade and sloppy.

Homemade and sloppy was hotter.

He slid down off the barstool, nabbed his bottle of beer by the neck, and strolled over in the general direction of the jukebox, not directly toward the girl.

When he was about five feet away, he could read what the choker said: “BAD KITTY.”

His cock roused.

Only then did he notice that, hiding within her mass of artfully unkempt black hair, was a pair of lace kitty ears attached to a headband of some kind.  They were cheap, with kind of a Halloween look to them, but combined with the choker they gave his cock another punch of blood. He had no idea why.        

He walked closer to her.  He said, “I love this song.”

Without even bothering to look up, she said, “You don’t even know this song.”

“There's a crack in the mirror, and a bloodstain on the bed,” he said. 

She looked up for the first time, and said, “You were a vampire, and baby, I'm the walking dead.”


“Good song.”

She didn’t respond. He knew the lyrics because he had an ex who loved Concrete Blonde.  She was the reason he hated them.  He figured that he’d established enough cred to warrant another attempt at conversation.  He said, “I like your ears.”

Her body slowed, still dancing but her movements now more liquid, her limbs curling into the space around her.

“Mew,” she said, and with feline quickness licked her lips.  Her eyes shot to his face, shot away.

It was very hot.  It really was.  He didn’t know why. 

“You like cats?” he asked, and it sounded incredibly lame the instant the words left his mouth.  She didn’t respond, and he didn’t expect her to.

“I do.  Cats.  I like cats.  I love cats.  I have a cat.”  He forced himself to quit babbling and shut up, before he made things worse.


“Me or the cat?”

“The cat.  Let’s start with the cat.”

“Sophie.”  She nodded, apparently approving of the name, but then retreated back into her own world.

He said, “When I was a kid and Sophie was a kitten, every morning when my alarm would go off she’d jump into bed with me to be petted, and then lick my face until I woke up and petted her.  I’d turn off the alarm and pet her while I, you know, woke up.  After awhile I didn’t need my alarm anymore.  I shut it off for the summer and she just kept jumping into bed with me anyway, licking my face, demanding to be petted.  She never stopped.  I never used an alarm again.  Still don’t.”

He paused, his heart beating a little quicker at the possibility she might respond.

“Is that true?” she asked.

“Of course it is.”  It was.

“You still live with your childhood cat?”

"Yeah.  I moved here from Iowa. Drove to New York with me in the front seat, her in the back.”

“You drove what, a thousand miles with a cat in the car?  Really?”

“Fifteen hundred.  She had a cat box and food and water in the back seat.  She cowered back there the first day, but by the afternoon of the second day she was curled up in the passenger seat pretty much all day.  It was a great road trip.  Me and Sophe.” 

She looked at him.  She said, “That’s very sweet,” and he said, “Well, like I said, I love cats,” and he knew he was in, knew he had her, knew in the way she smiled as she said the word “sweet” that he would be fucking her tonight.  The story about Sophie and the alarm was true.  The one about the roadtrip was bullshit.  

Her dance, while they talked, had gradually softened and morphed into a slinky, sinuous sway, first to one side, then the other, as she listened to him. 

“I’m Toby,” he said.  “People call me Tobe.”

She said, “People call me Kat.”

“What should I call you?”

“Whatever you want.”  She smiled, shot him a sidelong glance.

He decided, fuck it, let’s do this now, see what happens, and leaned in to give her a kiss, slowly enough so that she would not be startled by it, quickly enough so that she would respond instinctively, without sufficient time to consider the act.

He kissed her sweetly, if not exactly chastely, but his lips lingered on hers just a moment longer than necessary, and the kiss momentarily turned deeper.  He leaned back to gauge her reaction, hoping the reaction wouldn’t be a slap, or a beer in the face.

She made a sound.

Not her earlier “mew,” which he had found so arousing, but rather a soft, low vibration in her throat that did not even initially register as a human sound.  The sound registered as extremely erotic, but in a way he could not exactly place.  

Then he recognized the sound for what it was.

She was purring.


The trill in her voice hit him deeper than he imagined possible.  He still didn’t know why.  It sounded so hot.

A kitty fetish.  Huh.

Ears, check.  Collar, check. Mews and purring, check.

Did he have a kitty fetish?

Was that even a thing?

They necked a little in the corner of the bar after that.  Kissing, fondling, whispering secrets and innuendo.  The kissing got a little more intense, the secrets dirtier, the innuendo less veiled.  Jump-cut to the walk home, during which the necking became foreplay, occasionally spilling over so that they had to duck into the temporary confines of an alley or a dimly lit corner to continue.

When they arrived at her apartment building she fumbled for her keys as his hands—already under her black pleated skirt—caressed her ass through the fishnet.  They tripped over the doorframe of the building, careened through the hallway, their ardor rising as they left the public streets behind.    

At her doorway he pushed her roughly against the door; she kicked her leg and hooked her knee over the doorknob with animal dexterity; he slid two fingers deeply into her sodden pussy and took her face with his other hand and kissed her fiercely.  They stayed that way until they heard the unlocking of a door from inside the apartment next door. 

They disengaged and made a half-hearted attempt to compose themselves as the severe young woman exiting the apartment locked both the locks on her door.  She threw them an open stare of disapproval, then turned her back to walk down the hall.  They gave up the façade before she was even out of eyesight. Tobe pinned Kat against the door, fingering her.  Kat haphazardly thrust the key into the lock and turned the knob and the door flew open and deposited them onto the hardwood living room floor.

Lying on his back, still attempting to recover his composure, he opened his eyes to an upside-down room. He looked up to see an improbably yellow cat regarding him warily, as upside down as the rest of the room, from atop a set of bookshelves.  Its eyes glowed at him.    

“You have a cat?” he asked.

She responded, “I have seven.”


“Seven,” she confirmed.

He said, “You have seven cats.”


“Okay,” he said.  “Just making sure I heard you correctly.”

“That one’s Zenith.”

“Hi, Zenith,” he said.  The cat bolted crazily out of the room.

Only then did it occur to him that while the day was bright and sunny, the room around them was nearly pitch dark.  “Why’s it so dark in here?” he asked.

“Black-out curtains.  I don’t like the light.”  He looked to see the upside-down window at the far end of the upside down room, and yes, bright lines of afternoon sunlight peeked from the edges of an imposing thick curtain.  

“Why, are you a vampire?”

Kat rolled him over, until she was on top of him, straddling him, her arms outstretched, holding his wrists down.

“No, silly, I’m a witch.  I turn all the boys I fuck into cats.  Look around.”

He looked to his side.  A sleek gray kitten watched him from under a table, mere feet away.  He laughed uneasily.

“You Iowa boys sure are gullible,” she grinned, then joined him in his laughter.

She licked his face.

She purred. 


It was the same intoxicating low rumble he had heard back in the bar.  He forgot about the curtains, the cats, the witches and vampires; his hard cock pulsed in response. 

She said, “I know you didn’t really drive to Iowa with your cat.” 

“Yes I did. I….”

“Stop it.  No you didn’t.  I bought it at first, but when you said the cat curled up in the passenger seat for the entire second day, well…bullshit.  Bullshit.  Cats don’t do that.”

He started to protest.  She put a finger to his lips.  “Stop it, I said.  I don’t care.  I really don’t.”


She said, “I want you.”  She smiled with hot, loopy radiance.

“I want you.” 

She leaned down to him, kissed him deeply.  She said, “I like that you like my kitty ears and my collar.”

“They really turn me on.”

“I know,” she said.  “I saw how turned on you were in the bar.”

“I don’t know what it is about the ears and the collar and the….”

“I want to be your kitty.”

A hush fell.  Fire shot through his veins in a rush.  His voice grew gravelly.  “You wanna be my kitty?”


“You want me to make you my kitty?”

“Yes. A slutty little kitty.”  She licked his face again. 

He took her gently by the throat, and held her face inches away from his own.  “Pet you?  Train you?”

“Pet me.  Train me.  Please.” 

“And after I have you petted and trained?  What do I do to you then?”

“Fuck me.  Use me.  Take me.” 

His grip on her tightened.  He pulled her face closer.  “Fuck you the way you need to be fucked.”


“Fuck you until I use you up.”

“Yes. Use me up.”

“Make you my kitty.  Fuck you like a slutty little kitty.”

“Make me your Fuckkitty.  I want to be your Fuckkitty.  I need to be your Fuckkitty.”

He reversed the roll so that he straddled her, pinning her wrists with his hands.  The room finally returned to right-side up.  His heart pounded, his cocked throbbed, his mind swam with color and red heat.

His Fuckkitty.  She wanted him to take her and make her his Fuckkitty.

It was hot.  Fuck, it was hot.

Her just-ate-a-canary smile showed she knew what effect she had on him.  “I’ll be right back,” she said, and slipped out of his grasp before he was fully aware she was in motion.  As she walked into the bedroom she turned in the doorway to say, “I want you to get up and come into the bedroom in about five minutes.  Wait five minutes.  Okay?”

He nodded his assent, too lust-stunned to speak.

“You’ll not hear another word from me.”  She walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

Those five minutes felt like an hour.  He fished his phone out of his pocket but there were no messages, nothing of interest.  He stared at the time and counted down with the clock, his hard cock almost painfully sensitive, desperate for release.  He waited at the door for the last full minute, his hand on the doorknob, barely able to contain himself.  Exactly five minutes after she had asked, he turned the knob and opened the door.

The lights were off, the room was dark except for the light spilling from the open door of the bathroom off to the side, painting a bright diagonal stripe across the room and onto the bed.  A blackout curtain identical to the one in the other room hid the window in the corner.

He walked into the room.  He closed the door behind him, hearing the soft click of the lock.

His Fuckkitty crouched in shadow just at the edge of the light.  The light glanced against her flexed thigh as she sat on her knees, bending forward to lap from a bowl of water next to her.  After she had slaked her thirst she rose, met his eyes and licked her lips. Then she bent down to the bowl again, picked up something with her lips, rising then to present it to him as it hung in her wet, ripe mouth.

She held between her lips the thin black leather handle of a leash.  His eyes followed the serpentine of the leash from her lips down to the floor, through a puddle of curls, then back up to her lovely neck, where the leash clipped to her BAD KITTY choker.

In silhouette, he could see the kitty ears, perched on her head like a tiara.  He found himself aroused even more.    

Tucked in the corner, behind her, in the shadows, shone two feline eyes. 

He crossed the room, reached out, gently took the leash from her teeth.  He pulled on the leather and she rose to face him, her body unspooling like thread.   

His cock bulged from his jeans just in front of her face, straining to be let loose.

She leaned her cheek against the bulge in his jeans.

She purred. 


The quiver of her soft cheek against the cloth of his jeans lit every nerve afire, a jolt spreading from his balls out to his fingertips.  His cock pulsed and a small, perfectly round pearl of cum formed at the tip of his cock and soaked into the rough fabric, staining it wet and dark.  

She continued to purr as she turned her face toward his cock and nuzzled it, mouthing and licking and biting at the thick shape beneath the fabric, her lacy ears tickling his skin when they brushed against his stomach.  The vibrations from deep within her throat as she mouthed him were dizzying.   

He pulled on the leash to hold her tightly against his cock.  She kneaded the bulge with her entire face, her cheeks and forehead, her open mouth, her lolling tongue.   

He groaned loudly.  The tone of her purr changed, rising in pitch to a satisfied “mmm” which vibrated even more forcibly against his pants.  He pulled tighter on the leash.  She grabbed his cock with her mouth, and looked up at him with untamed eyes.

“Take it out,” he commanded.  “Take out my cock.  If you are a good kitty I’ll let you suck it.”

He relaxed his grip on the leather strip.  She pawed at his cock with her hands, as if unable to grasp the belt clasp, the button, the zipper.  As if she had no fingers.  As if she were a kitten.

So fucking hot.

She bent to his belt and deftly pulled the tail of it from the loop and clasp with her teeth, as her hands rubbed and padded against him like paws.  She unloosed the belt, popped the button, plucked the tab of the zipper out with warm plump lips and then grasped the tab in her teeth and unzipped him.

His cock plunged from his pants like a thing alive.  The feeling of release was so great that he threw back his neck and wailed.  She joined him with a feral cry, the two of them howling in the dark, their duet echoing in the bright urban streets outside these thin brick walls.   

A shadow of a black cat jumped onto the top of the dresser, then settled down next to a mostly empty wine bottle to watch, eyes shining.

She pressed his cock against her cheek.  She closed her eyes.  Again, she began to purr, and he felt the vibration of it at his core.


She opened her mouth.  She yawned, stretching her back and arms as she presented her mouth.  When she closed it, her tongue peeked out from between her lips, just the tip of it, a cute pink wet oval.  She bent to the base of his cock and licked slowly up his shaft, the wet path of her tongue followed by the gentle brush of her lips.

She reached the tip of his cock, and only then did she open her eyes, looking straight up into his own, innocent and rounded and pleading, not a hint of mischief as her tongue tip traced delirious circles around the head of his cock.  She bathed the head with attention, never taking his eyes off his as her lips and tongue played at the crown, rolling back and forth across the ridge of it.  He loosed his grip on the leash entirely, giving into pure sensation.  He could not stop gazing into her eyes. 

He could swear they glowed in the darkness of the room.

She took him into her mouth so softly, just the head of his cock and no more, her lips stretching over the crown as if her mouth were so small it could barely contain his cock.  Her hands brushed and stroked beneath his balls, pawing at his skin, tickling. 

She took him incrementally deeper into her mouth.  Her mouth felt so tight, the pressure on his glans so extreme, he felt his balls begin to tighten. 

She took him deeper.  Then, deeper again.  The look on her face was so serene, her eyes so comforting and docile.

His cock now fully sheathed between her lips, he put his hand at the back of her head, but did not take control; he felt conflicted at forcing his will on such a gentle creature.  He petted her hair dreamily, watching her suck him.  Such a dirty, pretty, perfect picture before him: the slash of backlight from the half-closed bathroom door rendered her face into a dark mask, her face in shadow, her eyes shining through the darkness, the pointed shapes of her kitty ears visible above the sexy tousle of hair, the outline of his thick pole of cock inside her throat, that cute little slip of tongue beneath it.

The sight engorged him, he felt the tension gather in his balls and reach out to every nerve and muscle. 

Not yet, he thought.

He grasped her hair in his fist and, in a gesture not unlike a mother cat picking up a kitten by the neck, he gently lifted her mouth off his cock.

“I need to fuck you,” he told her.

And she was on the bed. 

Just like that.

He didn’t see it.  He had no idea how it had happened.  She was on her knees before him, he spoke, and suddenly she was no longer in front of him but to his side, spread across the bed, lying on her side, adjusting her kitty ears with exaggerated care.  Her leash looped down from her collar, down the side of the bed, the handle still hanging loosely in his hand.  

A regal Siamese lay near her shoulder, eyes closed.  Purring, of course.  

He followed the short loop of chain to the side of the bed, stood on his knees in front of her.  Her eyes grew huge, studying him.

He jerked on the chain, lifting her head from the sheets.  The Siamese jumped off the bed.

“On your hands and knees,” he said.  “Now.”

In a move nearly as quick as the impossibly fast leap from the floor to the bed, she rolled and sprung up off the surface of the bed.  When she landed her knees and hands hit the mattress simultaneously, perfectly balanced and in position, her tight, muscled ass offered to him like a gift. 

He needed to fuck her, but not just yet.  Her petite ass and shaved wet pussy summoned him, and he obeyed and kneeled and began licking at her wet holes, first her pussy, then her ass.  She responded with a whimpering sigh and a shiver.  As his tongue explored her ass he slid two fingers into her pussy, probing both her holes at once.

“My Fuckkitty needs all her holes filled, doesn’t she?”

His Fuckkitty mewed loudly.

“You are my Fuckkitty and I own all your holes.”

His Fuckkitty howled like a jungle cat.

“It’s time for me to take them,” he said, and without waiting for her wordless response he grabbed her hips, handle of the leash still in hand, and slid his cock deep inside her warm, dripping hole, dizzy at the feel of it.  She arched her back as he entered her.  Her pussy felt as unnaturally tight as her mouth had, and it spurred him to take her hard and fast, one hand still clutching at her hips, the other now wrapped around the leash, pulling her back onto his cock with growing ferocity as the full erotic potential of the leash began to reveal itself to him.

He howled; she mewled.  As he fucked her in the dark room he imagined the sounds of a veldt of animals joining in with them: the roar of lions, the cackling of hyenas, the shriek of falcons.  He could feel the cum building in his balls, his legs quaking, his pulse quickening.  She seemed to feel it too, and so instead of meeting every thrust just planted her hands and feet and knees deep into the deep cushion of the bed to brace herself, and took his pounding, crying out with each hard thrust. 

He pulled hard on her leash, slammed his cock into her pussy one last time and then pulled out.

“Last hole, Fuckkitty,” he snarled, teasing her asshole with the head.  “Are you ready?"

She hissed in response as she pushed her ass toward him.

He slid his cock slowly into her, taking his time as he gave her every thick inch.  Rather than thrusting in and out, he began grinding into her, shuddering and moaning, knowing he was close.  He let go of the leash and grabbed both her hips and continued to grind, filling her utterly. She responded by grinding against him, opening her legs more widely, taking him even deeper than he thought possible. 

She suddenly howled and swiped back with her hand and dug her nails into his leg, clawing at the skin, and that was all it took: he roared and let go, pumping plume after plume of cum deep inside her.  Her howl turned into a high keen, one that might have been mistaken for a cry of pain were it not for the raptured contortions of her body as she arrived at her own orgasm.

Only when the last drop had been drained out of his cock and he fell to the mattress did the jungle sounds disappear, replaced by the normal everyday sounds of crowded city streets.   

He dozed.  He dreamed of panthers crouching behind distant hills, of jaguars leaping from tree to tree.  When he awoke dusk was falling, the light from the edges of the blackout curtains dimming and darkening.

He awoke to find two cats sat staring at him from the floor, eyes aglow.

He was grateful to confirm he hadn’t been turned into a cat. 

Or a vampire.

Kat lay sleeping next to him, in the corner of the bed.  Her kitty ears had fallen off her head, and several of the flimsy metallic letters had broken off her collar, so that it now said “BA KIT Y.”  She slept so soundly she made a soft snoring sound, but as hard as he tried he could not conjure it into purring.  It sounded like mundane, everyday snoring. 

She looked like a regular Lower East Side Girl now, with predictable fashion choices and musical tastes.  No glowing eyes.  No impossible leaps from floor to bed.

No purr.

Just some Lower East Side chick with seven cats.

He was tempted to wake her, so that he could say goodbye, or say something.  But she looked so peaceful, and he didn’t really know what to say.  Plus, he was fairly certain that if her were to say something to her, she would answer back in actual human words, breaking her hypnotic “You’ll not hear another word from me” vow, forever puncturing the bubbled moment, allowing the magic to seep out of the tear until all that was left was ordinary and unremarkable air.

He stepped off the bed, deftly avoiding the orange tabby that lay sleeping on the floor near the bed. He retrieved his clothes, dressed quietly, got ready to leave. 

He looked back.

On impulse, he returned to bed, and ever-so-gently, so as not to wake her, he slid the kitty ears back into her hair.  He then walked to the bathroom door and opened it a few inches more, so that the light from the room reached the girl and she lay slumbering in a rectangle of light, like a kitten asleep in sunlight.  It was how he wanted to remember her. Even if it required a little cheating on his part, by opening the bathroom door to provide the light, the memory seemed worth the artifice.   

A kitten lying in a rectangle of warm sunlight.  His Fuckkitty.  For an afternoon, anyway.

It was how he wanted to remember her.

He left the room, closed the door, and stepped out into the approaching night.


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I was so horny, driving back from the office after a long day. I don't even know what I was thinking when I pulled into the parking lot of that adult bookshop. Maybe I'd find something to take home, a video or maybe a playtoy. Scanning aisle after aisle of naked skin, visualizing the dozens of women want to fuck, it pushed me over the edge. I knew my pants were barely concealing the forming erection underneath my trousers. That's when I caught glimpse of the sign - "Adult Video Arcade". I had...

2 years ago
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SexAndSubmission Skylar Snow The House Girl

Levi owns a swanky house that he rents out for sex parties. One morning, while cleaning up after a wild night, he listens to his voicemails, one of which is from Skylar Snow. She says that she got his number from his friend Donny. Donny told her about how Levi wants a kinky live-in “House Girl”, and that he’s accepting applications. Skylar is more than interested at the opportunity and wants to schedule a meeting, which she does and meets Levi later at his house. She hands her...

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A Gang Bang for Michelle

After my three-way with art clients Paula and Michelle, Michelle and I began a torrid affair.  I would fly out west whenever I could to "shoot reference photos," or "live sessions," all the while grabbing sex with her every chance I could.  Michelle was a fantastic lover, and very attentive to my needs.  She loved my cock and would suck it often before I would pound her pussy with it.  We could fuck for hours on end before I would literally pass out with pleasure, and she could no longer suck...

Group Sex
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StopwatchChapter 6 Winder

As soon as I started to wind I knew why the note said 'Do Not Wind'. Everything slowed, stopped, ran backwards, faster and faster. Only now I was outside looking in. It was like one of those movies that was rewinding on the reel. Instead of rewinding reel to reel the operator ran the film through the projector, but not at normal speed. The three boys walked backwards from the picnic table into the bushes next to the river. Wendy and I read the note on the watch, put the watch in the box,...

4 years ago
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Replacing My Cum Bucket

It was a dark and stormy night (don’t all stories start like this?) Actually, it was a beautiful, moon lit evening and I was naked from the waist down, peering out of my bedroom window and into the bedroom window of the woman that lived in the house next to us. For the past five years or so, since I was just a snotty little teenager, I had jacked off pretty much every night as I stood at my window and watched our beautiful, large breasted neighbour get ready for bed.Her name is Mrs. Smith,...

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Teenage CD Awakening Part I

As a child I lived in a town in the North of England. It was a fairly conservative place, where boys were expected to grow up to be men, and girls to become women. Despite this my mother was a fairly liberal person, and by the time I’d reached the age of 17 the topic of sex had already been raised in our house. Sex between men and women of course, with the aim or perhaps the danger of making babies! This was in 1979. Although my skinny body was still hairless my interest in sex and my desire...

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Climbing a Tree

I was just coming home from football practice. It's about 6 pm and just getting dark. The two kids next door are kicking a football around when they kick it into the only tree in our yard. They're trying to boost each other up to the first branch when I walk up. My name is James. I’m 16 and play football for my high school. It's my first year on varsity and I’m a starting defensive end. I’m about 5’10” and in good shape from constant practice. I’ve never been with a girl yet but I’ve watched...

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Lesbian Fantasy With My Bhabhi

Today im going to tell u about my first lesbo sexperience with my bhabhi mamta.giving her introduction she is red hot beauty.5’8″ height ,figure: 36-25-36,long black hair covering her whole back, red rosy lips.coming to the story it all started in 1998 when she got married to my brother.till then i thought i was the most sexiest woman in our family,but she was sexier than me.during the whole wedding ceremony i kept on looking at her.i was 27 & she was 23.on suhaagraat i took her to the bed & i...

2 years ago
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Chithi Ennum Kaama Thagam 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, En peyar Rajesh, vayathu 22, naan kalluri padithu varugiren. En veetil oru naal chithi vanthu thangi irunthaargal, naan appozhuthu avargal arugil thaan paduthu uranguven. En chithiku kanavan kidaiyaathu, athanaal thanimaiyil thaan avargal irupaargal. Kuzhanthaiyum chithiku kidaiyaathu. Avargal en veetil thaan athiga naatkal thangi irupaargal, avargal kanavan veetil eppozhuthaavathu thaan irupaarrgal. En thanthai chithi thanguvathil ethum sola matar, enaku chithiyai migavum...

2 years ago
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PrettyDirty Nina North Kristen Scott Indirect Relations

WARNING: What you are about to watch is arguably the most shocking and graphic family roleplay scene we have ever filmed. We hope you find it equally arousing and disturbing! Detective Randy Rogers (Derrick Pierce) was known around the vice squad as the quintessential bad cop. His attitude and his underhanded relationship with informants helped him crack more cases than anyone else in the precinct. Perhaps this is why his behavior was tolerated for so long. Because Detective Rogers was a sick...

4 years ago
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Power Versus SubmissionChapter 6 Cost

David sat across our dining room table from me our laptop open in front of him with bank statements spread out neatly either side. He was ashen faced and stony eyed painfully aware by now of my betrayal yet only just learning of the money Tahlia had taken from us. I’d never seen David cry before, maybe at a funeral once of an old Uncle of his, but all our parents are still alive so nothing had ever really moved him to actual tears. Not until the one true love of his life couldn’t control her...

3 years ago
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Randy Andrea Strikes a BargainChapter 3

It was now two weeks since Master Ray visited Andrea's home and there email relationship continued as before with a couple of emails each way every day. Suddenly there were no emails from Master Ray for three whole days; Andrea was confused and a little hurt trying to work out what she had done to offend Master Ray. The whole episode played on her mind, several times she almost sent him an angry email demanding he tell her what she had done that was so wrong, but of course she did not have...

2 years ago
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Pune Me Sincere Classmate Ke Saath Romance

Hi everyone, mera naam jivan hai.Aap sabhi mujhe janate hai.Aaj mai aapako mere classmate ki story batane wala hu.Aapako story kaise lagi ye aap mujhe mail karake yahoo.in Mere class me komal naam ki ek bahut he sundar aur sincere ladaki hai.Wo kabhi bhi kisi ladake se baat nahi karati,unhe dekhati bhi nahi thi.Wo bahut hi shant rahati thi.Sabhi lectures attained karati hai,aur padhai mai bhi top me rahati hai. Sorry maine usake bare me aapako bataya nahi.Usaki height 5″ 6 hai.Colour me savali...

4 years ago
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Becoming a Sissy Part 4

Toms voice"Fuck me daddy, fuck me daddy, use me like the Sissy that I am, FUCK MY BOY CUNT, Give me your cock Daddy" I had my hands around the sissies hips as I fucked her doggy style pulling her pussy onto my hard cock, pounding and pounding. "Please daddy cum on me, paint my Sissy face, I want your cum on me, fuck me harder, I've been a bad boy"I loved the power Sissy submission gave me. I was a fucking sex god getting the respect I deserved. As I looked down at her back I could see the butt...

4 years ago
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The Maple Street Chowder and Interplanetary Rocket SocietyChapter 2

“This meeting of the Maple Street Chowder and Interplanetary Rocket Society will now come to order,” I intoned from my lofty position as High Chief Muckitey-Muck, Lord of All He Surveys. “Yeah, yeah. Get on with it” murmured my worshipful sycophants. “Is there any old business?” As usual, Old Jeb was the one waving his hand. He must redo his nail polish right before each meeting. “Yes, Jeb? Have you redone your nail polish again?” “No, I just don’t know if this is old business or new...

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The Twins are Still Virgins

Julia and Johnathon weren't close siblings. Despite being twins, they kept their lives fairly separate. Different friends, different interests, different classes. They got along very well sometimes, and they fought a lot other times. But for the most part they loved each other. The enjoyed doing things together and spending time together. As long as they didnt fight. Sometimes they enjoyed fighting. But they never just talked about their lives or how they felt. They never had a heart to heart,...

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A family Affair

To say that my sister & I were close is an understatement. Our mother, who never throws anything away showed us the earliest picture she had of us, an ultrasound, which clearly shows me spooning my twin sister, months before we were even born, what can I say, I love doggy style even to this very day.25 years ago I entered this world through a very tight warm 16 year old vagina, mum was a very young mother, probably one of the first yummy mummies. Then 5 minites after I arrived I saw my...

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Palm Beach stacked and heads out

Palm Beach milt stacked .the .. trip to Panama city beach for the mother of three girls who for will be in college maybe visiting spring break places like Panama city beach. a pristine family of the highest moral standings. Inventory allows a more objective view. Money allows many things to be tried and consequences can be unfarily distrubted . I processed the 36 hours and knew she had fucked more than the last 2 years if my intel was on point. It did not seem to be much to conern myself. From...

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Christinas Sex Adventure

Christina Aguilera stood on stage, singing and dancing away to her latest songs. Her heart pounded with each move and her slit grew wet as the audience roared. She heard one guy call out "I love you Chirstina!" That made her put a little more shimmy into her dance. Then she heard a girl cry out "You're my fantasy Christina!" That turned her on even more. Christina licked her lips and slid her hands down her hips and legs. She threw her head back, writhed like a snake, and spun around for a big...

2 years ago
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The Omega Touch Swimsuit Spectacular

Dear Reader, Like you, I too am a huge fan of SpacerX's epic erotic fantasy "Six Times a Day." And like all other fans, I find myself getting just a little impatient about a month or so after a part comes out, wondering when the next part is going to come out. Of course I fully understand that the story does take a lot of time and effort for him to produce, and every moment that passes only increases the quality of the work when it does eventually come out. So I try to be...

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Kinky Sex1

Hi Friends, am a small time contributor to this site with some of the incidents that have happened in my life. Today what I am going to tell you is a story which is not true, but is based on some true sexual incidents that I have had. So it’s a combination of real incidents as well as my fantasy. The main aim to write this story is to connect with like minded ladies who have kinky fantasies, but being in Indian society are unable to fulfill them. If there are any ladies who like my story I...

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Charlie Me

As I lay in bed, I begin to think of you. I imagine your face, so handsome, rugged and manly. I think of the way you might tilt your head as you tease me with that sexy smile. I want to know what an embrace from you would be like, with your strong arms and gentle hands caressing my back and holding me close. I close my eyes and wonder what your lips would feel like upon my own. I begin to fantasize about what it would be like to touch you, your face, your chest, your entire body. I can only...

4 years ago
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Day of DestructionChapter 12

JIM After we finished picking out clothes and vehicles, we went over to my house for supper. Doris, Joan, and Anna made me proud with their cooking. Dinner was excellent with wine and lots of polite conversation. Wendy and Addy had helped with the dishes with Doris. We continued our conversations. When they returned, Doris looked at me with a look I knew. There was something important to be said. Wendy came up to me and said, "Addy and I talked to Doris. We don't have anyone anywhere. We...

2 years ago
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Alicia Ch 06

Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. * Mike awoke, with a groan, holding onto his throbbing forehead. As he rolled over and tried to sit up, a jagged pain shot through his head. ‘Unngh! What hit me?’ he groaned, trying to focus on his surroundings. The room seemed totally unfamiliar. ‘Where the hell am I?’ he wondered, blinking to help clear his vision. Memories came...

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Desert JailEpilogue

"We can't even think about it in this heat!" said Stella as the exhausted women were nearing the prison after another hot day. She rubbed her bare back, where the whip had struck it several times. Megan nodded. She, also, had been hit many times that day. The guards had clearly been given orders to be particularly unpleasant to all in Clarissa's cell. Miranda was still stretched out in the sun all day and had been like this for weeks, along with Wanda whose help to Clarissa had cost her...

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Hollywood Break in

Nathan Johnson a slim black guy had been working as a waiter at a top catering company for over a year now it was the kind that caters all the big events in Hollywood tonight he was at yet another charity event attended by all the big celebs Nathan was carrying a tray of glasses filled with champagne working his way through the room, he then saw Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and Kendall Jenner so he made his way over, upon approaching he accidentally tripped over an untied shoelace spilling the...

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The CatalystChapter 47 Business Matters

[Sarah gave me a randy squeeze, “And Mary said I could have you in me all night my Hero! I just hope I don’t go into a coma.” She giggled cutely.] *** I woke to my bladder demanding attention. My morning wood was still firmly imbedded in my red-haired pixie’s clenched center. She moaned pitifully when I attempted to withdraw to avoid a disaster. “Awww, can’t you stay in there just a little longer? I only had about a hundred orgasms last night!” “The next thing that’s going to come out of...

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A clean start

At 18 years old, I was just starting out in the ‘real’ world. After leaving home for university, I found myself in a vibrant and hectic environment. A place where I could lead the life I had always dreamed of. In previous years, I had squandered many opportunities , leaving my self confidence levels relatively low. Any romantic occasions would lead to disappointment on both sides as I grappled with demons that just wouldn’t budge. I saw university as a chance to break free and to defeat those...

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TV Impersonation 1

TV IMPERSONATION by "C.C" "Im afraid the Will is quite explicit, Mr. VanLow," the Attorney told me. "When you and your Cousin Julia turn Twenty-five next year, she will inherit the bulk of the Estate. Oh, you and the Fubdation will receive some holdings, but Julia will control the major portion of the VanLow Fortune. Unless --" He hesitated, looking uncomfortable behind his expensive desk. "Unless what?" I asked eagerly, leaning forward in one of his comfortable office...

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The Adventures of Abigail Pt 07

This story is based loosely on some real experiences and is mixed with a healthy dose of my kinky and perverse imagination. What is included is a lot of bisexual FF – a little MM, MF. There is punishment, spanking, exhibitionism, wrestling, groups and a little incest. It is primarily a fantasy. Do not try this at home – and always be safe. Also, all of the characters are all over 18 and everything is completely consensual. This story is long and I will post more and more of it as time passes. I...

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A Teen Sluts SagaChapter 19 Murderer

"Things have changed, Georgy-boy," the familiar voice in George Torch's head taunted him. "Your girl don't respect you no more. Probably she never did, but she feared you. And she trusted you in some sick, twisted way. She was yours. But she's not anymore-- she's not scared of you now, she's doesn't love you now, and she definitely don't trust you now! You showed your hand way too early-- way she figures there's nothing worse you can do to her that hasn't already been done, and...

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Rods Rules

ROD'S RULES by Throne "Now Lenny," my wife Claire said, sounding perfectly reasonable, "you know this is how it has to be." "B... but..." I began, upset and losing control of my speech. "It's just... You're not being fair if... I mean..." "Darling," she soothed, "this is the way Rod wants it. You're a complete dud in bed. He's a sex monster, to put it mildly. And I'm not prepared to give up what he has to offer. So if he makes some new rules, well, those are what we're...

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Sexually Free Episode 1 FM

I had always been bi-curious, and while my ex, Ben loved the idea of me being with woman, he also felt that he would need another outside lover as well. That is when we decided to move into his parents old house together. They had passed on and that way we could each have our own space. We still could probably be mistaken for a couple, because we are still really close, and do many things together that a normal couple would do. We are still very affectionate to each other, even having sex,...

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Something More Than Friendship

Hey. This is a story that happened a few weeks ago with my colleague. We both joined the office together. Her name was Neha and she hailed from Jaipur. She had the most amazing figure. We started off at the same level and were often assigned with each other. Slowly we developed a friendship which grew day by day. It grew into something which was more than friendship. We started talking a lot to each other. She was very frank and could talk about literally anything. And I enjoyed that. It became...

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It all Began

Introduction: This is the true events that happened in my childhood and teenage years. Names have been changed for privacy reasons. ENJOY! It was Summer 2003. My family and my cousins family were (still are) neighbors. That Summer was the Summer where I discovered a new me. I discovered that I liked boys. I had just gotten out of the 4th grade. I was 9 years old and I was more happy than ever to have Summer here. That Summer my brother, my sister and I spent most of our time playing outside...

2 years ago
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Sex With Neighborhood Girl In My Childhood

First of all thanks a ton to ISS in providing a platform to introduce different types of sex lovers in India. I am a frequent reader and fan of ISS from my graduation time.An active reader from last 6years.Please forgive me if there were any mistakes as am a fresher in writing a story :p..Myself Vivek(name changed) aged 24 who completed my career in Hyderabad(city changed).As usual landed in silicon valley of India non other than namma Bangalore..Currently am working for an MNC in Bangalore.Any...

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Earths CoreChapter 14 Celebrations Protests Departure And Graduation

Day after day, week after week, Zax invested every free moment of his time in training whether in the Inner Spirit formation or meditation. In the first week he trained only twice, at Sunday and Wednesday, in the Inner Spirit formation. Each training session was like the first one he had after Zetsa modified the formation. He sat on the white mattress cross-legged, chanted the words that activate the formation and after couple of hours woke up with barely enough time and energy to get back...

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In Beautiful Dreams

I always heard that being 18 was fun. All the girls, parties and sex you could imagine, but not for me. My school years were spent cooked up indoors with my nose in a book. I didn’t care for sports or exercise, mainly because I was never good and always got complaints when I tried. I adored reading though, as well as the ladies. I say ladies when in reality there is only one for me: Sarah. Sarah was slim and athletic, as well as clever. She was vibrant and bubbly and was always up for a laugh....

1 year ago
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Turn of the quite lamb

100% fiction! Like all good thing starts off slow so be gentle and be patient. Kelly was a typical 23 year old single lesbian living the dream. She wasn't exactly stunning model material, but at 5'5 size 10 with a good set of boobs, light blue eyes and a warm cheeky smile she still managed to turn heads, and she knew it. She was a cheeky, flirty tease who would flirt with anyone for the challenge and always got her girl. She emitted a natural warmth that drew people to her and always had the...

4 years ago
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Man Of The House

January 2015. I got a text from my wife saying that Robert was going to be at our place after work that evening. They had been seeing each other for a few years. She wanted me to be there because she might be a little late. When he got there I made him a scotch on the rocks and sat down to talk with him while we waited for her. We were kind of just shooting the shit. Almost guy to guy. At some point, he said, "Our girl better hurry up or you're going to have to suck my cock for me.”Although I...

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My Aunt 8211 2 Kamini

Hi, this is umaresh again. I fnger fucked my aunt to reduce her hunger. After the finger fuck, aunt was resting in the bed naked. My cock was still errect. I know pretty well that it will take some more time for my aunt to get ready for the second encounter. I went for bath to cool off myself. When I came out of the bathroom, I could not see my aunt in the bedroom. She was in the kitchen preparing lunch in full attire. She was wearing a saree tightly and the falls in between her boobs. The...

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White Slut Wife PT2

As you remember in the last saga my husband had begged me to turn him into a cuckold. As things turned out I found out that he wanted to see me fucking other men, and not just any men, but black men with big black cocks. It was a torturous decision for me, but as I loved Billy so much I finally made contact with a black man on Billy’s favorite adult web page, and ended up making a date with Jamul M. Washington that lasted the whole weekend. And that weekend my husband, dressed in a sissy French...

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Sex Games Can Be Real Fun

Hi horny people. Handshake for boys and boobs shake for girls. Thanks for your opinions on my previous stories. Your appreciation will be inspiration for my new stories. Also I’m looking for a girl to write stories with. Anyone interested can mail me, even if you are an amateur. This story is more like a teenage adult comedy movie which you guys might have seen, “The American Pie”. Well, as the title suggests, this story is about a group of friends having fun playing different sex games. Yes,...

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Phils Web Cam Mistake

Phil?s Web Cam Mistake by Sirbosk1? 2009 SirBosk1This story is a fantasy that contains scenes of homosexual and heterosexual sex, rimming, dominant males and females, cream pie and other erotic activities involving adults. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now. It was written at the request of a fan, jockobi1.All persons, names, places, events, and descriptions, are purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, names, places,...

1 year ago
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Sex with Facebook Friend

I am prav 28 years old from Bangalore, 5.10 height with an good looking face. Anyone interested in secret relationships in and around Bangalore can reach me at [email protected] and I can assure you full pleasure with utmost secrecy.

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My Little VentrueChapter 67

~~Jack~~ He would have facepalmed, if he wasn’t too busy staring at the catastrophe. If they were Invictus, they’d have been stunned at the sheer audacity of Madam Herrington. To a Carthian, it was an invitation to a fist fight. And Garry looked liked he pissed and shit fist fights. He drew back his fist, and punched his fellow Gangrel in the face. A courtesy punch, maybe, because Jack knew Gangrels didn’t use their fists when trying to hurt, they used claws. He’d never seen a Gangrel...

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Alice Embarrassed in Wonderland

Eighteen year old Alice Liddell was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice “without pictures or conversations?” So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be...

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