Paradigm ShiftChapter 8 free porn video

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There were already about fifty people at the party when we walked in, and more were arriving every minute. We deposited our hors d’oeuvres on the proper table so they’d be eaten, presented the wine to Amber, who plastered her body against mine for an epic hug and kiss that almost felt like raw sex, and then made sure we got to the right bar so we could get our first drinks. Amber went back to repeat the routine on the next arrivals. The waitresses were walking around in their sexy uniforms serving hors d’oeuvres.

Marcie was next to press into me with her whole body, and give me a serious kiss. “Lover. I hope you have something for me tonight.” She ground her pelvis against mine.

I made a pretend gesture of checking my iPhone calendar. “Well, I have a three minute window between ten-twenty-seven and ten-thirty tonight; will that work?”

Marcie punched my shoulder. “Doofus. I want you to fuck me for hours, like you did the last time. You were the best in my life – are the best in my life.”

I teased, “Do you want quantity or quality this time?”

Marcie blurted out, “Both.” KC laughed, and that only led to Marcie kissing her in a sapphic way. “I also want to eat your pussy while Matt fucks me. I am so horny I think I’ll burst.”

I saw KC eagerly nod not only in understanding of the last statement, but also in total agreement. I was feeling that way myself, despite the twist in my gut about how the evening might turn out. In that instant, I couldn’t be sure one-way or the other. I was being an asshole, even to myself. Why couldn’t I just accept things as they were.

I looked around the party, taking in an increasing number of single guys that Jon imported from somewhere, probably from where he worked in radio or football land. I gestured at the men and said to Marcie, “Well, I think you’ll end up not horny by the end of the night. There seem to be a lot to choose from.” I turned to KC, “Both of you,” and then audaciously laughed. KC lightly punched my shoulder.

Doug joined us, and we chatted about a couple mundane things, including his new old car – the 1957 Chevy convertible that sat in his garage most of the time. I kept teasing him about how little he drove it, something about the cost per mile being astronomical.

Don and Edie joined us. Edie did her little welcoming squirming routine all over my body with her lithe body. I already had a partial hard-on thinking about what might happen later in the evening, and Edie just aggravated the situation bringing me up to a more embarrassing state when I stood in profile view.

Tyler and Kelsey Winthrop joined us with much less fanfare, although Kelsey did give me the most beautiful kisses – sultry ones that left me panting for more. She also whispered in my ear about her desire for me to sexually please her later in the evening. I guess I was going to have a busy night.

As far as surprises, Cameron found me next. She kissed me and then gave me a megawatt smile as I took in the outfit she wore. The top was a see-through white camisole. Cam’s unclad breasts shimmied under the gossamer material and invited not only gawking but also fondling. I ran a finger up her tummy and then onto one breast, ending at the nipple that I pinched gently in a loving way through the material. The nip hardened in my fingers and didn’t revert to its relaxed state.

She also wore black hot pants that were also see-through; it took me a moment to realize that there was no shadow of a gusset; there was only Cam’s bare slit and labia on display beneath the gauzy material. She was in five-inch heels that capped off one sexy outfit. Cam ran her hands down her side, “Did I over do it? Are these OK?”

I spoke in a choked up voice, “Oh, no. They’re just fine – perfect for what I think you have in mind.”

I made sure Cam knew everyone: Don, Edie, Kelsey and Tyler, who were standing with me. She already knew KC, of course. About then, a man I didn’t know arrived wearing shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.

Cameron introduced Peter to us. Peter paid me special attention. When he could talk somewhat privately to me because other conversations had started, he said, “You and I share a common interest.”

I smiled, “Yes, I love your fiancée.”

KC stepped into our conversation with a devilish look on her face. I didn’t know she’d been listening. “Matt also loves to fuck Cameron. I’m sure she likes it too. He has a very large cock both in length and girth, and he knows how to extract orgasm after orgasm from her. He’s told me all about it, and I get turned on by her too. I’m hoping that she and I can have a little girl-on-girl time real soon.”

Peter laughed. “I was warned about you KC. Cam said you liked sex and that you also like to tease. I stand in awe of your talents already, and I’ve only heard you speak for ten seconds.”

KC smiled, and then went and planted a polite kiss on the man. KC then let the kiss expand into something more significant when she introduced some tongue to it. Good sport that he was, Peter just rolled with it. KC then turned to Cameron, and the two of them entered a sapphic kiss that didn’t stop for well over a minute. It involved a lot of tongue, writhing, and rubbing together, as well as whispered words about sex and eating cunts that we could hear from each of them. I know I got harder.

Peter just shook his head. He repeated, “Whatever she wants. Whatever she wants.”

I posed, “Whatever?”

He nodded, “I am hopelessly in love with her. I don’t care what she does, so long as she saves a piece of her heart for me. I would rather have her in my life with some imperfections, than not. Of course, none of us are perfect, so she has to take me and my foibles too.”

I nodded at the sage statement. I was rapidly reaching much the same conclusion about KC, although that evening would probably be a huge test of that love and my resolve to just let things happen and to roll with the punches if I felt them.

Don offered, “Well, I have a wife like that and I can attest that life is anything but boring. You never know from moment to moment what will be happening or what you’ll be doing, but you know the ride will be fabulous even when there are some dark sides to it.”

Peter and I both agreed, although I had to resist putting KC’s proclivity for other men on what Don referred to as the ‘dark side.’ I was trying with all my might to not think of that activity as bad, wrong, or dark.

I expected a little more from Peter, perhaps some sarcastic chiding about how I treated his fiancée or that I was fucking her when she should have been with him, but he said none of that. If anything, he obviously idolized Cameron, and paid me the complement of being friendly and welcoming, even more so because I loved his girl. The points didn’t go unnoticed by KC, Cam, Edie, and the others in our circle. The pressure was on.

We got some plates of food, munched down the dinner meal while sitting together at a picnic table, enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to Jon, and then consumed a rich piece of birthday cake with icing an inch thick that left us all with sugar highs.

At that point the party shifted into another gear. Some retro dance music with a strong beat started in the family room, with a crowd of dancers in there and spilling out onto the patio through open French doors along with the loud music. A dozen other semi-nude swimmers went in the pool, and the usual ‘debaters’ started their circle in the living room arguing about subjects with no closure, and laughing a lot at the witty comments that got made. The cute waitresses appeared topless and nearly bottomless, wearing only tiny thongs, thigh high black stockings, and fuck-me heels that left little to the imagination.

KC was with me when I felt her jerk against me and heard her exclaim, “Oh, my God. Holy shit. Oh, fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Her curses sounded in a near panic and even on the verge of hysteria. Since she didn’t normally swear without a really good cause, I looked at her and then followed her line of sight towards the home’s foyer.

There stood Logan, Deke, and Steve, of KC’s DVD fame and the subject of quite a few of her sexy stories she’d shared when revving me up using a little of her past and getting me used to the idea of her with other men. I couldn’t be sure what she was feeling, but I can attest that my stomach lurched and spasmed so hard, I thought I’d barf my dinner right there on the patio without any chance of recovery. I choked down some of the bile that rose to my mouth and burned my esophagus. I sipped my wine to cover the new stench, and tried to look cool, calm, and collected. Inside, I was anything but.

I looked at KC, and her eyes were locked on mine. Near tears, she pleaded, “I swear I didn’t know. I haven’t seen them in six or seven years. I had no idea they were in town. I don’t know what they’re doing here. I didn’t think they knew any of our neighbors; they’d all moved away after college.”

I took a swig of my wine and teased, “Well, darling, why don’t you introduce me to your old friends?” I had to applaud my own bravado. I was trying to act as though their presence made little difference to me, when the situation was miles in the opposite direction. I was about to faint dead away. Not only did this mean KC would have sex at the party, it meant she’d been in a threeway with her old lovers – she’d be screwed eight ways from Sunday.

KC took a huge breath, braced herself, and followed slightly behind me as we walked towards the men. Amber was greeting them like long lost buddies, so she seemed to know knew them from some prior life. I saw Darlene nearby.

“KC!” Logan exclaimed in a loud voice. He was obviously pleased beyond belief.

The other two men turned, and broke into huge smiles. KC was immediately swept up in kisses and hugs from the three men. I stood to the side. Everyone was talking at once, talking about how long it had been, where people lived now, what they were doing, and so on. I took in the body language and tried to determine the chemistry between each of them.

KC finally pulled me forward into their circle in the wide hallway. She introduced me as her fiancé to the three men, and I enjoyed a lot of taunts from the men about having captured the most wonderful and alluring woman on the planet. Of course, I admitted to having done just that, but now I was running to keep up with her. We laughed and politely joked. If there was any undercurrent of their past sexual liaisons, I didn’t sense it at that time.

I noticed KC’s drink was empty, so at a good point I took her glass and went to get a refill. She pulled the men more into the house, as they continued talking. I could tell they had a lot of catching up to do. They might have been great fuck buddies, but they had also been good friends who lost touch. Ten minutes later, I brought KC back a glass of wine and passed it to her. I then left her to her friends. KC didn’t look so worried, and I guess her initial angst at seeing the men had passed in favor of her natural flirty style. As I left her, she did give me longing look – even one that signaled her worry.

Darlene came to me with a kiss and smile. “I see KC is with her old friends. She didn’t know they were going to be here.”

“She said she didn’t,” I said. Even as I replied, I realized something was amiss.

“No, I made sure she didn’t,” Darlene said in an affirmative tone.


“I invited them. I cleared it with Amber; she’d met they once or twice years ago, but I saw a lot of them back when KC was dating them – the three of them together, but mostly Logan and Deke. I even fucked them a few times.”

“What did you do – and I mean about tonight?”

“I searched for them on Facebook, got in touch, and then told them I wanted to surprise KC at this party. None of them live nearby, but they traveled here just for the party – to see KC.”

I squinted my eyes at Darlene. “And you did this just so they’d have a nice conversation?” I think I already knew the answer.

“No. I did it so that they would fuck the daylights out of KC while you watched or were nearby, hopefully fucking me. You need to make a decision. I know the video she made with these guys turns you on, but that’s old news. KC told me how you play the video sometimes while you’re making love.

Darlene sounded peeved, “This is tonight – now, and you have to finally decide before the sun rises in the morning about your future with KC ... and with me indirectly. My sister is a fucking basket case because of you. She cries all the time, afraid that you’ll kick her to the curb when she steps out of line – and she knows she’s going to step out of line. It may as well be tonight. I want this to end for her benefit, and for yours. If you guys split, she’ll get over you, and you’ll get over her. If you’re not going to stay together you both need to move on with your lives. If it goes the other way, we will all be ecstatic and the tension KC, you, and everyone feels will go away.” Darlene gestured around the room at the mention of ‘everyone.’

“God, Darlene. This is like putting the fox in with the hens.”

“I know I’m the she-devil in your life right now. What’d you tell me Chris said to you, ‘There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.’ Well, figure out what your thinking. Make a fucking solid and irreversible decision will you, please.”

She paused and added in an abrupt tone, “I heard another saying at work that sort of fits here too: ‘Lead, follow, or get out of the way.’ Well, you weren’t leading or following any of the advice you got, so get out of the fucking way and let what happens happen, and then see how you feel. Remember, we all need to know your decision before the sun comes up.” Darlene turned and walked away, almost giving me a cold shoulder.

From the rising tone and intensity of her voice, I realized that Darlene was hiding deep anger with me. I thought about what had been happening. Over three months had passed since I’d discovered KC fucking that drummer. Darlene was right, I’d heard KC’s request and had done nothing visible in the way of making a solid decision. I’d talked to some people and gotten advice, but all I’d really done was collect some data. I hadn’t even processed the data completely in my head. I had trends and drifts in how I felt, but I hadn’t made The Decision. I gone one way, and then reversed myself. I’d been like a pendulum going back and forth between the possible answers without ever stopping.

Pensive, I strolled back through the house looking for KC and her friends from years earlier. I didn’t see them. I even strolled back along the bedroom wing of the house, but no one was there – just yet.

As I came back out of that hallway, Marcie accosted me. “Matt. Come with me, please. I’m going in the pool.”

I shrugged. I had to let KC do her thing. If she wanted me to watch, as she’d said, she’d orchestrate that when the time came.

Marcie and I got to the pool’s edge, and I noted that already there were a dozen or more naked swimmers in the pool. Marcie informed me, “The rule for the pool is you have to be cool. No clothes.” She made a happy little rap dance as she sang and peeled her top over her head, exposing her generous breasts.

“Where’s Doug?”

Marcie waved at the house. “Around somewhere. He knows I’m going to be fucking people, and I told him to find somebody too. I think he might actually hit on someone. I had to give him lessons in picking up a girl – what to say, how to act, and all. I want him to feel as sexually liberated as I do. I feel bad sometimes when I’m cuckolding him. I love to fuck you and other guys; he should be able to have the same privilege.”

I understood what she was saying. She was right; Doug needed his own life. He didn’t need to be subjugated to Marcie. As she’d indicated, they could play the cuckold game when they wanted, but she wanted him to be the strong and dominant man she married at least some of the time.

I left my clothes on a chair with Marcie’s, making sure we knew which chair and how we’d fine the stuff later. I wondered if I’d throw them on and run from the party later because of my anger at KC. Time would tell.

We splashed into the pool with some of the others, and floated around for a while. After a while, Crystal Meyers floated up to me, and we made out for a little. I didn’t know her well, but she confessed her desire to be with me sometime during the party. I kind of felt funny with the proposition since I didn’t know her that well. I smiled and said something vague about seeing where the evening led us.

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Hi friends! Mai Sahil, a bachelor from Chandigarh, age 21. Yes, ab mujhe bhi mere sabse pehle sex mei kaafi maza aaya toh mai aage bhi isey continue krna chahta hu, toh koi bhi girl/bhabhi/aunty within tricity can approach me but mujhe apne liye full secrecy chahiye aur han meri taraf se bhi secrecy ki guarantee, So anyone interested can contact on my email-ID Ye Story ek real life ghatna hai aur maine apni life mei bhi kbhi aisa kuch expect nahi kiya tha. Toh baat kuch aisi hai k kuch mahino...

1 year ago
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A Girl Called LenChapter 8 Where are you Len

Len had never been far from my thoughts in all this time. I had left messages for her, and she called me often from Berlin. My news I had related as each step on the way was taken, and she was really enthusiastic about my venture. "Danny, they must think highly of your abilities to do all this for you." I passed it off as a joke. "Hey, Kid (I had spent too much time in the States) I know how to make the tweaks and get things to perform properly." "I know Danny. You made my body...

2 years ago
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Saturday's weather was glorious. My wife was busy so I ventured out for a walk. Not far from home, there is a beautiful park so I headed there. I sat on a park bench for a few minutes, warming myself in the sun. I noticed a car in the parking lot. It appeared to be occupied by a man about my age. I got up and wandered around the perimeter of the park and wound up in the parking lot. The passenger car window lowered and the guy leans towards me and says "Lovely day isn't it?"I replied "yes it's...

3 years ago
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Derry Finds His Way

Derry Finds His Way By Trisha Gilbert CHAPTER 1 Derry was happy to escape the house and his sisters and do the chores at Ann's house. Ann was the nurse who had stayed at his house when his mother had been suffering from some type of internal problems that had not been discussed with him. He liked Ann a lot because she was very reserved and serious, unlike his screamy-mimi sisters, and she dressed in simple clothes (when not in her regulation nursing uniform). Typically at...

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Special Delivery Part Two

It had been several days since Brian met Jamie on his delivery route. He could not stop thinking about her. He kept picturing her eyes locked in a gaze with his… kept imagining her standing in that doorway and kept fantasizing about her taking off her blouse and pulling him inside for the ride of his life. If his friends knew how many times he had masturbated just in the last weekend, they’d stage an intervention – he was hopelessly addicted to the thought of being with Jamie. Every morning he...

2 years ago
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Wild WoodsChapter 6 Runaway

Gee went to the woods Saturday morning seeking both the camaraderie of his team and the peace of the Forest. The long day Thursday, waiting for Ben to die, followed by the long day Friday, dealing with the funeral and family, had been mentally and emotionally draining. The weather was crisp but the sky was clear. He thought it might make it above freezing by mid-afternoon. “We only have two crews today, Gee,” Jessie said. “Jonathan is sick in bed. That means I’ll probably be sick in bed...

1 year ago
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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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under the table

                                                             Under the Table by Tom K The family was gathered in the kitchen around the big island countertop looking at the pictures on their laptop computer of their recent trip to Europe. Randall was perched on a stool with everyone else watching the screen. His sister had invited her best friend, Amber over for the evening and she was interested in seeing the pictures too. She stood only five feet tall and was trying to get into a position...

1 year ago
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Amy and The Lingerie Party

My name is Diana and I live a relatively normal life with my husband Tim on a quiet little cul-de-sac street on the outskirts of Fayetteville, North Carolina. I am a somewhat petite lady in the mid 30s with big breasts, long dark hair and sparkling blue eyes. "The girls" as I affectionately call them are 38D. A couple months ago some new neighbors moved into our little cul-de-sac, in the house that the Johnsons used to own before they moved to Florida to retire. We are a pretty stable group...

4 years ago
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Easy Money more easy cash

The water cascaded down his body, drenching me as I continued to suck his cock. James had texted me late yesterday to tell me he'd be in town, if I fancied meeting up. £200 and the memory of our last encounter prompted me to make an excuse to my boyfriend; and so, less than 24 hours later, he was fucking my mouth, the head of his prick battering the back of my throat. I looked up at him, kneeling before him in the shower. I could tell he was close to coming. He put one hand on the back of my...

Straight Sex
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Becoming A Slut Wife Connie

All I was doing was giving my wife a gift. Giving her something that she would truly enjoy and remember for the rest of her life. But what I did was cause her to become a slut and in the process I most probably destroyed our twenty-five year marriage. Connie and I married right out of college and she has kept me the happiest man in the world for almost twenty-five years. She has been loving, caring, supportive, a fantastic lover and my best friend and I wanted to do something for her to show...

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Mother Nature

They loved going to the cozy bungalow no matter what season it was. However, one of their favorite times was early spring. Often there was still snow covering the ground. Mother Nature’s white blanket gave the area a sense of tranquility. It was the last Friday of March. The two of them were sitting at the kitchen enjoying breakfast wondering what to do for the weekend. That particular week had been hectic and they wanted to do something to relax. While still thinking Deana...

2 years ago
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Wife Dominated at a book store

Submissive Wife at Barns and NobleI am your average 41 year old mom. I used to run a big box store and have had many stressful but important jobs. My husband and I changed course last year, I became a stay at home mom. Granted I get to the gym way more often but I am still ridiculously busy. Our sex life had been stagnant for many years due to a hectic life. However, 3 months ago my sex life was changed by the “Grey” books. After reading a torrid chapter while having a couple of gins I texted...

1 year ago
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Truely Thankful

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was traditional in my wifes family to take the train into the city on the friday after thanksgiving to go christmas shopping. My mother-in-law, my wife, her sisters and nieces all looked forward to it. My brother-in-law and nephew generally went hunting leaving me at home alone. But this year was to be different. Sarah, who had just turned 18, decided she wasnt going this year, which started the uproar. If Sarah didnt go, nobody was going. Sarahs...

2 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 5

It took a full hour for her to lay it all out for me. It had started some two years before, more actually, but in a big way just two years gone. She’d wanted to lose weight; that’s all. She’d tried diets. She’d tried exercise. She’d even tried yoga. Nothing worked. But then she’d heard about the effects of some kinds of drugs. Somebody at the grocery store had heard her talking to Bea. That somebody, a man, had propositioned her. Told her she could lose all the weight she wanted and not need...

1 year ago
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Caught in lingerie

Caught in lingerieIt was in and around early seventies I was working at a large house in the country, the lady of the house was absolutely stunning and her husband well to put it bluntly a real ars, he tried at all times to make his wife look a complete waste of space, I have not a clue as to why she put up with him.well as I was doing the job they had employed me to do, it was a day like any other day I was up stairs working when she came in to the small box room with tea and biscuits I said...

2 years ago
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A Jolly Freedom To Use Whomever He Desires

"Fuck," John cursed, loud enough that the person next to him could hear but low enough that the lecturer didn't. "Yo, you shouldn't curse man," said Todd next to him. Todd was his dormmate, he was nice and was a good roommate. He never cursed, never brought any girls to the apartment, always did the dishes and laundry. His only fault was his inexperience around those of opposite gender, other than that he was a perfect roommate. "Sure, sure," he said nonchalantly, not listening to Todd. The...

Mind Control
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The Visitor Monicas Diary Friday July 7

Monica's Diary: Friday, July 7 After clearing our visits to Amarillo with Nathan last night, we packed our lunches and laid out our clothes. He did point out the need for more prayer on this matter, since we were now placing Timothy into the hands of what he called the "system." I must confess that at first, I did not understand what he meant. "It's not like we're taking Timothy to a physician to diagnose the meaning of physical symptoms," Nathan said as we were getting ready...

3 years ago
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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 7 Becky Teaches and Megan Learns

That afternoon I went out to the lake to inspect the canoes. We didn’t let the kids out on the lake until the third week, when we had them under control, but I wanted to be ready. On the way to the lake I passed the gym, and peaked through the windows. All the girls were packed inside, some of them using free weights, and some of them doing pushups, all under the direction of Becky Finklestein, who strode about the gym in a powder blue shorts and t-shirt that clung to her monstrously muscular...

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What a night

I am a Bi Male, have been all my life. Never thinking I was Gay. More into Women in my younger years, got a lot of pussy with my looks and gift to charm, plus 8” fat cock, they made fun of me in Jr. high in the locker room saying things how fat the head was, embarrassed me at first, things did change, so did I. That age I ran around with a guy 3yrs older than me a k** I went to church with, his mom was single worked most the time good Rob got him some girl mag’s xxx type he had out on his bed...

3 years ago
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Bhauja Saha Full Masti

Mu babun. Mora pura name babun panda. Mo ghara ganjam district ra polasara. Mu sex story mo bhauni ra email id ru post karuchi. Tenu apana jani paruthibe mora and mo bhauni ra relation bisayare. Mora and mora bhauni ra sex relation bahut badhia. Mora and mo bhauni ra sex relation ebe recent 2 years hela arambha heichi tenu mora and mo bhauni bhitare semiti kichhi secret nahin.2 jana jaka sabu personal bisaya nija nija bhitare share karu.Kintu bhauja saha relation only 6 month hela. Se sabu...

1 year ago
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Spying on my girlfriends sister

Spying on my girlfriends sisterSharon was my first girlfriend. We were both 19 and fell for each other straight away. We lost our virginity together and fucked like rabbits as much and as often as we could. The little problem in the mix was Sharon’s hot younger sister Katie. Katie was sixteen and much sexier than my girlfriend and she knew it. She was tiny only about 5”2, small perky tits but a really firm tight arse. The first time I really noticed was one day when I was just sitting on the...

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Amongst friends

Growing up as 3 horny teens was tough on my group of friends. We were so horny we couldn't even figure out how to get laid most the time.One of my friends was the worst. Always talking about it.We'd go over to his house to watch sports or play video games, after a few hours he'd always find a way to pop a porn on. Always. Now watching porn with 2 other guys always felt a little weird to me and my friend Brad. We were normal teens at that point and too worried about what was gay or...

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May I Take Your Order

I was 27 years old. 6'3" in height at 180 lbs. with long brown hair and hazel eyes. I was going to art college and working as a waiter. One Saturday afternoon a woman in her early 40's sat in my section of the restaurant. As I was taking her order, she stopped at one point and slowly looked me over from head to toe. Then our eyes met and I got very hard in my pants. My apron hid this fact from her. Her green eyes were beautiful and as I gazed into them, she smiled and then looked back at her...

3 years ago
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Well. That was interesting, wasn’t it? We’ll play with your little titties again tomorrow. For now, just close your eyes and rest. Did you have a good nappy? Do you need to go potty? Ok. But remember to catch the little dribbles with a tissue. You wouldn’t want to stain those cute little pink panties. Now that you’re back, I think it’s time we did something about that little tiny – it’s too small to call it a cock, don’t you agree? It’s not even a dick. Dicklet. A dicklet. That’s all it is. Not...

1 year ago
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Glory Hole

this one is abit short but I hope you like it I have always liked to go to boookstores and love the gloryhole idea. I have been going to my favorite adult bookstore for years and always get off on sucking off married guys on their way home from to their wives and k**s. It was just a normal day and I was in the booth inserting quarters when I heard the door next to my booth open. I waited for him to get situated and drop his quarters and open his pants....they always do. I rubbed my finger along...

3 years ago
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Reluctant CoupleChapter 3

Roger awoke slowly Saturday morning, as if he were gaining awareness by degrees. His temples throbbed agonizingly, and there was a chalky, almost lacquered taste in his mouth. He groaned slightly, raising one hand to shield his tightly closed eyes against the bright, grayish light of dawn which burned against the lids. He rolled onto his side, facing away from the window, and his hand reached out instinctively to search for the warm, pliant body of his wife. It touched only cool, empty...

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Breathe By Fran Avatar Warning! This ain't your usual type of story here at Fictionmania. Oh sure, there's plenty of femme domme, plenty of forced feminization, plenty of high heels, plenty of super sexy femme outfits, plenty of bondage, plenty of SM, plenty of implants, and plenty of all those other key words about things we all love. But that's not the whole of this tale and there are parts in the telling of it which do get a bit... intense. This is not the tale of some...

4 years ago
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Heraldic Echo Gaming and Anime Emilys Quest Chapter 1

Standard Disclaimer and Warning (SDAW): This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental and should be treated as such. This story contains (some) strong language and adult situations. If you are under 18 or are legally a minor in your place of residence, do not continue. This story also contains a transgender (TG) theme. If such offends you or makes you uncomfortable, I highly recommend that you do not continue. This story...

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Checking Out the Librarian

Checking out the Librarian By, U. Will Lovett I’d had enough. The bitch had taken all my money, my family, and my home, and now she wanted more. She knew I was prone to lose my temper at provocations such as this, but I’m sure that was her intent. Anyway, I’d had enough. I contemplated a local hitman, but realized I didn’t have those kinds of financial resources, or the balls… I decided to move.The question was where would I go? I loved Chicago and it was close to my Indianapolis home, but I...

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Desperate Housewives Part 2

Karen had moved in opposite me about two weeks previously, but I was unaware that I even had a new neighbour until one night at about seven o’clock when she came to my door, asking if she could borrow a screwdriver. She introduced herself as my new neighbour and I lent her the screwdriver. When she returned it about ten minutes later, we chatted briefly. She was a cute dark-haired beauty in her late twenties, but I could not see much more of her, because she was wrapped up against the cold...

3 years ago
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Holding the phone receiver away from her ear, Jess rolled her eyes. Sucking in one side of her cheek, she gently bit into the fleshy skin. Her patience was wearing thin. “… and I want to state that I expect to be reimbursed for the loss of earnings I incurred, having to take a day off…” the irate caller snapped, continuing with his rant. Her perfectly manicured fingertips typed swiftly on the keyboard, noting down the customers complaints. “Yes, Mr. Young. Yes. Yes, of course I understand...

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