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Author's notes: If anyone wishes to archive this story, please E-mail me at [email protected] with your request and the address of the site where the story will be located. If you intend to post any of my stories on a dedicated XXX rated Hard-core site, or any site that charges a fee to enter, Don't even bother to ask. I will not permit this. If your looking for a story with strong sexual activity in it, this is not the one for you. Although there will be some sexual expressions made, they will be of an "educational" level. However, I must emphasize that this is an adult story and the reader must be at least 18 years old. This is a story of a mother's love for her child and her unorthodox way of assuring her child learns the lessons of respect for others and how her child unexpectedly responds to her methods. This story is one with a strong transgender and transsexual nature. This is not a sequel to the "Saga of Joe Bates". However, I have use some of that author's characters and references to support this story. My story line will only use these characters as necessary to support this story and it's conclusion. This re-write contains the entire story including the long promised Part 2. Main Character Cast: Shawn O'Malley: Our Hero(ine) Kathleen O'Malley Shawn's Mother Frances O'Malley Shawn's younger sister Susan Carey Kathleen's sister David Carey Susan's Husband Cassie Carey Shawn's Cousin Kevin (Karen) Hargraves Shawn's friend Janet Hargraves Kevin's mother and Kathleen's close friend Tracy Williams Shawn's Transgendered friend and Karen's cousin Matt Williams Tracy's father Lisa Moore Tracy's friend Kelly Hardings Tracy's friend Vince Bolling Shawn's tormentor (More about him in Book 2 Sister Angelica Principal at St. Mary's (Phoenix) Jo-Ellen Nolan Honeybone-Phoenix CEO Kathleen's Boss. Dr. Krell Gender Dysphoria Specialist (Read Joe Bates Saga) Enjoy. Donna-Allyson E-mail [email protected] Shawnlea Book One, The Beginning. By Donna-Allyson (c) Copyright 1998 and 2000 Prologue Spring in New England is a time of renewal. Crocuses start to push their way up thru the warming soil still covered with a patchwork of melting snow. Robins return, skittering to and fro, looking for a mate and a place to build their nests, lilacs and forsythia bloom. Everywhere the signs of new birth and renewal. For the natives of this area it can never be replaced by time or distance. Into this season was born Kathleen O'Conner. The youngest of four children of Sean and Brenda O'Conner, both third generation descendants of Irish immigrants with the strong Irish-Catholic traditions of their forebears. They made their home as did their parents in Lawrence Massachusetts a small city in the northeastern corner of the state, 25 miles north of Boston. There was nothing unusual about her early years. She was raised along with her two older sisters and brother in an environment that revolved around church and family. She attended St. Patrick's Church and Grammar School like her siblings and finally graduated from St. Mary's High School.(for Girls Class of 1980. She started work in the Honeybone Computer Division factory as an assembler and took courses in business and personnel management at night at the local community college. Kathleen used the local bus routes to commute back and forth to work and school and it was on the bus that she met her future husband Frank O'Malley. Frank was a driver for the MVTA. From the very first time that Kathleen had stepped onto Frank's bus He was her 'captive'. Frank knew from that moment that he was in 'love'. He was mesmerized by her simplistic beauty. Her long red hair flowing over her small frame as well as her light complexion, gave no doubt as to her Irish ancestry. Her genuine smile and friendliness was all that it took to capture Frank. In time, Frank and Kathleen dated, became engaged and were finally married at St. Patrick's Church in June of 1984, after a delightful three year courtship. To all that knew them, it was obvious that they devoted to each other. Kathleen loved Frank dearly. She fully expected to fulfill her obligation to Frank by bearing and raising his children. She very much wanted to be a good wife and loving, caring mother. These were the traditions taught to her by her mother and father and she fully intended to carry out these responsibilities to the fullest no matter what it took to accomplish them. Their first child was born in April of 1985. They named their new son Shawn. Frank and Kathleen were so proud of their first born. At every opportunity they would make a show by placing him in a carriage and together take him for a stroll for the neighbors to see. The ritual was carried out in the evenings when Frank and Kathleen got home from work. Kathleen's mother had been terrific doing baby sitting for them so that Kathleen could keep her job at Honeybone. Frank would take care of Shawn while Kathleen went to school three nights a week. And so the days went by, then the months. Life seemed grand to the young couple. They really wanted to have another child. A daughter. It was just a little over a year after Shawn was born that Kathleen was told by her pediatrician that she was pregnant again. The young couple was ecstatic. Maybe this time they would be lucky. Tragedy was about to strike however. Life was not fair sometimes. And so our story begins... Chapter 1 Alone Kathy had just put Shawn in his crib for the night. Frank was late coming home but since it was Friday night and the downtown area was open late it was not unusual for Frank to work overtime. There was always a shortage of drivers and the overtime was always handy so Frank would always volunteer to stay on for a few hours. As Kathleen came down the stairs from Shawn's room, the front doorbell rang. Kathleen opened the door. Standing there on the front porch was Tom Gaven, a local policeman and Frank's close friend. "Hi Tom, what brings you around on a Friday night. I would have thought the department would keep you busy on the weekends?" said Kathleen jokingly. "Hi Kathy, they do. Friday's are always hectic. Kathy, can I come in. I need to talk to you. Kathleen sensed a serious tone to Tom's voice. "Sure Tom, I'm sorry. I should not be so rude." Kathleen led Tom into the living room. "Can I get you some coffee Tom.?" "No, no thank you. Kathy please sit down. I have something serious to talk to you about.?" Kathleen was starting to get worried. Tom was never serious like this before. It was out of character for him. He was always a lot more jovial. "Tom, is something wrong. Has something happened to Frank? He is late coming home." Kathleen asked with an edge of fear in her voice. Frank took Kathleen's hands in his. "Kathy, there has been an accident with the bus. Frank has been hurt and has been taken to the hospital. Right now, I don't know how serious it is. I was there when they put him in the ambulance but I do know it looked serious." Kathleen looked at Tom for a long moment. "Tom can you take me to the hospital? I need to go to him."; she said in near panic. "Of course." Replied Tom. "I will get Shawn and drop him at my mother's if that is all right with you?" asked Kathleen "Do you need some help with him?" Tom asked. "No. I'll only be a minute." Replied Kathleen as she ran up the stairs.. Kathleen got Shawn wrapped up in a blanket and carried him downstairs. Tom took the baby from her while she put on her coat and retrieved her purse. "Thanks.." Kathleen said as she took Shawn back into her arms. "I'm ready. Lets go. The worry obvious on her face Kathleen explain to her mother what was going on and promised to call her as soon as she found out anything. "You go ahead Kathleen, I'll watch the baby, don't worry about a thing. I'll let your father know where you are. I'm sure he will want to come to the hospital as soon as he comes in." said Brenda. The drive to the hospital was a silent one. Tom knew that Kathy was deep in thought and respected her need for silence. When they arrived at the hospital emergency room, Tom went to the desk and after talking to the nurse for a few moments, He came back to where Kathy had taken a seat and told her that the doctor would speak to them in a few minutes. Tom took Kathy by the hand and led her down the corridor to a private waiting room. "Mrs. O'Malley?" said the middle aged man who entered the waiting room after a few minutes. "Yes. Said Kathleen, obviously very worried at this point. "I'm Doctor Michaels. Please sit down." Kathleen sat on the sofa as the doctor took a place beside her. He looked at Tom. "Are you family?" he asked Tom. "He is a close friend of Frank and myself. How is my husband? "asked Kathleen before Tom could reply. The doctor looked at Tom and then turned to Kathleen and took her hand. "I'm sorry." he said sincerely. "We did everything we could." Kathleen said nothing for a few moments. She just stared at the doctor and then at Tom. Tom sat on the sofa next to Kathleen. Kathleen turned to Tom and reaching out to him, Tom took her in his arms as she burst into spasms of grief. After several minutes Kathleen regained enough composure to break away from Tom's embrace so that she faced the doctor again. "Why? How? Please doctor, tell me what happened." Kathleen implored. "Mrs. O'Malley, The injuries that your husband sustained were not in themselves fatal. Without immediate intervention they would have been however. That is why we took him into surgery right away. He had a fractured rib that had punctured a lung and a ruptured spleen. We had most of the damage repaired and was in the final stage of close up when Frank suffered a fatal heart attack. His system was weak from the accident and surgery and we just could not bring him back. I'm sorry. We did everything we could." Kathleen was obviously in severe emotional shock and when Tom mentioned to the doctor that she was three months pregnant he recommended that she stay overnight for observation. The doctor asked her who her pediatrician was and then called a nurse to aid her. When the nurse arrived with the wheelchair to take Kathleen to a room, Tom identified himself to the doctor as a police officer and after Kathleen was take out of the waiting room, Tom remained with the doctor to gather some official information. Tom went to see Kathleen's parents shortly thereafter to let them know what had happened. Kathleen was met at the hospital the following morning by her parents and she was release. The next few days were for Kathleen a total loss. She went through the motions of the wake and funeral without any concept of what she was doing, so deep was her grief. Her parents made all the arrangements. The funeral was held at St. Margaret's Church and Frank was buried in Immaculate Conception Cemetery on a cold blustery late February morning in 1987. Kathleen's sister Susan and her husband David had flown into Logan airport from their home in Phoenix and Tom had gone into Boston to get them. Susan was to stay with Kathleen for a few days to help her recover and to help with Shawn while David was to stay at the elder O'Malley's. Kathleen was a strong Irish girl and after a few days she had recovered emotionally enough to resume some semblance of normalcy so that she could return to work at Honeybone the following week. She would however grieve for Frank for a long, long time. Susan had been a wonderful help to her and as she departed for home she told Kathleen that if she ever need a place to stay, she was always welcome to come to Phoenix and move into the empty three bedroom in-law apartment at her home. Kathleen had said that she would keep it in mind. Tom came by a few times after the funeral to see if Kathleen was all right and offer any help he could provide. Kathleen liked Tom as a friend but not romantically and she did not encourage him in that way. Under different circumstances she may have took an interest in him, but as Frank's best friend, Tom was more like a relative. And her intense sense of loss was still too strong to allow her to get involved with another man so soon. Soon his visits became further and further apart and eventually stopped altogether although he did call occasionally to see if he could be of any help. Of course Kathleen would thank him for his consideration but never took his pro-offered help. Even the phone calls ended after a few months. Tom eventually faded out of the picture. In August 1987, Kathleen gave birth to the daughter that she and Frank had wanted. She named her Frances in honor of Frank. How she wished he could have seen her. And so life went on and eight years passed. Kathleen continued to work and finished her schooling. She graduated from the local college and received her BA degree in Personnel Management. She eventually caught the attention of Honeybone management and secured a position of assistant personnel manager. In time two more funerals were held as both of her parents eventually passed on. It was March 1995. Kathleen's father had died the previous month and now that both her parents were dead, she knew that she had to do something . Susan was in Phoenix, Nancy her oldest sister had moved with her husband to Naples, Florida and Greg, her brother was in Germany with his Army unit. Greg was single and a career soldier. He was rarely home and now that his father had died, he would be probably decide to go off on his own. Her father had left a sizable estate and when divided amongst his four children, each was to received a fairly large settlement. His wish was that each of his grandchildren would receive a good education and had provided each with a trust fund that would cover all the costs for a private secondary school education and college. He had even left sufficient funds to reimburse Kathleen for her costs at the local college. He had been proud of her stamina to work and go to school at the same time. Kathleen being the only one of his children that had gone on to college. Kathleen found herself alone with two young children and no family close by. Then she remembered the offer made so long ago by her sister Susan. She knew that if she was to make a move, now was the time. Shawn was in the fifth grade and Frances was in the third. They would easily make new friends in a new city. She picked up the phone one quite Sunday in May and called Susan. Chapter 2 The Move When Kathleen called Susan and told her that she was thinking of moving to Phoenix, Susan was ecstatic. The only problem was that the apartment had long since been converted into additional living space. Kathleen was not perturbed by this news, explaining that she "had sufficient funds now to buy her own house." "Good for you Sis." said Susan when she heard this news. "We can put you up for awhile when you get here. It should not take too long to find a house out here. There are a lot of decent places for sale for reasonable prices. Finding a job won't be that hard either. There is lots of work out here." "Well I hope to be able to get a transfer to Honeybone's plant there in Phoenix. There are a few openings and I may be able to latch onto one of those." Said Kathleen "Well I don't care if you get one or not Kathy. David and I want you and the kids out here with us and we will cover for you until you find something. Besides what are sisters for anyway? "Thanks Susan. I can't thank you guys enough for your help. And give Cassie a hug from us." "Don't mention it again Kathy. Just get your 'buns' out here. Cassie is going to love to have some cousins to visit and play with anyway." Both girls laughed over the phone at Susan's quip. It was the first time that Kathy had been able to laugh in a long time. The following day Kathleen arrived at Honeybone early. When Helen Jensen, her manager came into the office Kathleen asked if she could discuss a matter with her. "What is on your mind Kathy?" Helen asked as Kathleen entered her office. "Helen, I am very seriously thinking of moving out to Phoenix and live with my sister. I have no family here in this area anymore and I need to do something that will correct this problem. If not for myself, at least for my children. I was wondering if that position at the Phoenix plant is still open and if I could get a transfer there?" Helen Jensen looked at her assistant and saw the stress in her face. She felt a deep need to help this woman who had been such a very effective employee. And confidant. "Kathy not only is the assistant position open but so is the department manager's slot. I will recommend you for the manager's position and I am sure that after I forward my recommendation it will be yours." "I don't know what to say Helen, except, thank you." Replied Kathleen "I sure will miss you Kathy. You have been such an asset to me. I think you better consider packing though. They will probably have you out there by the end of June, especially if what I hear about that new VP, Jo-Ellen Nolan, is true. She is a 'house of fire' from what I have heard, looks only for the best and gets it." Kathleen gave her boss a hug. She could say nothing else. A tear streamed down her face. "Kathy, go into my lavatory and fix your face dear. Your mascara is running. I'll start the paperwork and make some phone call, I'll let you know when everything is arraigned. Said Helen. At the end of June Kathleen was ready to leave. Two weeks earlier she had been advised that the transfer and promotion had been approved. She took three weeks vacation time and made arrangements for the children's school records to be sent to her. Kathleen made one last visit to Frank's grave. As she left the cemetery she was crying. She missed Frank so much. She flew out of Logan Airport in Boston with her children for Phoenix on the first of July. A month later, Kathleen had settled nicely into her new position as Personnel Manager at Honeybone-Phoenix. Her meeting with her new boss Jo-Ellen Nolan had gone extremely well and each had taken a liking to each other. Kathleen had been surprised at how young Ms. Bates looked. Kathleen would have sworn she was only about eighteen years old but when she checked the personnel file and saw that she was thirty she was determined to ask her who her beauty consultant was. Kathleen purchased a new home in a quiet semi-secluded residential area of Phoenix and settled in. It had been a whirlwind month. But thanks to Susan and her husband, the brief stay at their home had bought Kathleen the time to get everything else done. Thanks to her father's trust fund she was able to enroll Shawn and Francis in Briarwood School. One of two exclusive private schools in the area. The schedule was such that she could drop the children off at school in the morning on her way to work and pick them up in the afternoon. The school maintained a very healthy after school program for working parents. Things were definitely getting better. Nearly a year had passed and Kathleen and her children had settled in nicely to their new home and routine. However problems, small ones admittedly, but signs of things to come were developing with Shawn's attitude at school and with the neighbors. Several notes had been sent home by Shawn's teachers about his inattention and attitude. Some of the neighbors had complained about Shawn picking fights with the neighbor's children. Even Frances had complained to Kathleen about her brother being a bully. Shawn being of slight build for his age usually lost the fights with the other boys, yet that did not deter him. Kathleen had punished Shawn on several occasions with the usual " No TV, Early to bed, Grounded, no going out", etc. All to no avail. When asked why he was doing all this, his reply was the usual "I don't know." or "I didn't do it" answers. Kathleen was getting perplexed with Shawn. The crux came in early May when Kathleen received a registered letter from the Dean of Boys at Briarwood. It read: Briarwood School Board of Trustees Office of Dean June 2 Dear Mrs.O'Malley, As you know, several correspondences have been sent to you from your son's teachers regarding his conduct and performance while here at Briarwood. As a rule the Dean's office does not get involved in conduct issues. Deferring to the student's teacher(s), unless, of course, they become a problem for other students. Yesterday Shawn was involved in an incident that resulted in one of our female students getting slightly injured. It seems as though Shawn deliberately lifted up the hem of the dress that this girl was wearing and attempted to pull down her panties. She became startled and tripped falling to the pavement and injuring a knee. When asked by myself why he did this, Shawn's reply was that he "was only playing a joke." As you can understand, we here at Briarwood cannot tolerate this kind of behavior. Especially when it results in an injury to another student or the act has gender connotations and in this case we have both. In and of itself this incident, although serious would normally be handled in conformance with our disciplinary procedures. But since Shawn is Already serving detention for the "Stink bomb incident" of several weeks ago, followed by the subsequent stunt of dumping the waste basket on his science teachers desk, I have come to the conclusion that Shawn needs special attention that we can not provide. If I may, let me recommend a remedy that may work. I would suggest you contact Sister Angelica at St. Mary's School . She has an excellent program for dealing with young boys and girls with behavioral problems. She has taken some of our other students and they usually return to us with new attitudes. A talk with her might be beneficial to you. As we are very close to the end of the school year, we will allow Shawn to complete his academic studies for this year. We do regret to inform you that Shawn will not be allowed to continue here at Briarwood School next year. This notice does not effect Frances' position here. She has an excellent record. Her exceptionally fine performance and conduct is refreshing. She is welcome to remain here if that is your desire. If you decide to have both your children attend the same school as a convenience, I will understand and will transfer all her necessary records to whatever school(s) you select immediately. If Shawn's performance and conduct improves to a satisfactory level in his new school over the next year, he will be welcome to return to Briarwood at that time. Respectfully, James T. Charleton; Dean of Students enclosed: School records. Grades. re: Shawn Lee O'Malley Kathleen read this letter while standing beside the kitchen table. She finished reading and abruptly sat down in a chair. Collapsing more the case. "Shawn. Get your buns in here now." She called. "Okay Mom." Shawn replied from his bedroom at the top of the stairs. After a slight pause adding, "Be right there." "Now young man." Retorted his mom. Shawn came into the kitchen with his baseball glove and bat in hand. "I was just going out to play ball Mom. Terry is waiting for me out front." Said Shawn. Shawn could tell that he was in trouble with his mom again just by the look on her face. Kathleen gave Shawn a stern look and said, "I think that can wait young man. We have some serious talking to do." "Ah Mom, I will be late for the game. Can we talk later?" Shawn appealed. "No! it can not. Sit down now. I want to read you something and then I want an explanation." Kathleen read the letter to Shawn who sat squirming in the chair. As the letter was read, Shawn knew that he could forget the ball game and for that matter his freedom was about to come to an end. He was sure that he would be "grounded" for the "rest of his life". "Well young man. Explain! And I want no lies. Demanded Kathleen. Frances walked in the kitchen door at that moment and at the wave of her mother's hand continued up the stairs to her room. The ten year old knew better than to bother her mother. She had heard the tone of her voice as she came through the door and knew that Shawn was in trouble again. She was not going to get in the middle of that. Shawn sat and looked at his mother and said nothing, He knew that he was in for it now. He knew that he had done a dumb trick on the girl at school but she had asked for it. She had been teasing him for a week and he was only getting even. "Well! Are you going to tell me or not." Demanded Kathleen. "I 'm sorry Mom. That girl Samantha asked for it. She had been teasing me all week about my being so small and everything. She said she was going to tell all the kids at school that I wore panties. I was just fooling around and lifted her dress and told her that she was the one that had panties on not me." Shawn started to talk and it all came out. He started to sniffle and it was obvious he was trying not to cry. "The kids at school are always teasing me. They keep saying I look like a first grade kid and everything. They keep teasing me. One kid said that I looked just like my sister." When the kids say stuff like that I just try to get even." "Kathleen wanted to soften towards Shawn but she knew that this problem was only going to get worse." "Shawn. I know it is hard being a lot smaller that the other kids your age but that does not excuse you from acting like a bully. I want you to go to your room and think about this. You have been suspended from Briarwood and I am going to have to find another school for you to attend. You really pulled a good one this time. I can't cover for you this again Shawn. Your not getting off the hook on this one. I am going to have to decide what to do with you. I will not tolerate this behavior any longer. In the mean time you are grounded young man until school gets out. Have you any idea what kind of a problem you have caused? What am I supposed to do? Pull your sister out of Briarwood just because of you? He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. Gee I'm sorry mom." Was all the Shawn could say. "Sorry! That's it" Not good enough young man. Not good enough at all. You get up to your room right now. I need to think." Kathleen was livid. She knew she had to do something drastic to keep Shawn from getting really out of hand. She just did not know what. Shawn slid out of the chair and walked around the end of the table away from his mother. She had never hit him before but right now he was not going to get close enough to find out. She was mighty mad and he knew he deserved whatever he got. Deep inside he knew he had been a jerk. For the next several weeks Shawn behaved himself. He didn't even tease his sister. He was not going to increase his mother's ire by getting into more trouble. Maybe he thought, if he behaved himself his mom would forget about any punishment. After all she had fixed things up before with the school. Shawn was in for a surprise this time. His life was about to change in a way that he would never have expected. School got out for the summer three weeks later. Chapter 3 Kathleen's Decision Sister Angelica sat in her study reviewing the results of the previous academic year and the progress that had been made with the "girls" in her special program. Five of the special students had completed her program and had gone on to other schools with a much improved demeanor. As it now looked, she would only have three carryovers to the next year. Of those three, one was not yet ready to "graduate" from her program and two had elected to stay voluntarily and had been transferred into the regular girls program. Although her program was in itself unorthodox, it was none the less very effective and a total success. She had not received a single complaint from any of the more than one hundred parents of the boys that she had worked with over that past twelve years of the program. As Sister Angelica sat at her desk reviewing that data, her phone rang. "St. Mary's School, Program Office." Said the nun into the phone. "Mrs. O'Malley?. "Yes I remember you." "Absolutely. I would be happy to talk with you, why don't you come around this evening? Say about 7 PM? "I'll see you then. Goodbye." Kathleen hung up the phone in her office with a sigh. It was not her intent to have her children attend a parochial school. She remembered too well the experience she had had when she went to one and although she had enjoyed going to St. Margaret's School , the demands for extra time on the kids at school, church, catechism, CCD, and other activities had been excessive and she was not sure that she wanted to subject them to this routine. Shawn's behavior had finally set her mind to doing something that would help him in the long run and a parochial school environment might be just "what the doctor ordered." She took Mr. Charleton's recommendation and called Sister Angelica. What harm was there to listen to what she had to say. Her "Special Programs" whatever that was, might have a way of bringing Shawn into line and might just keep him out of trouble in the future. Kathleen was willing to try just about anything that would insure that her children would learn the lessons necessary to grow into respectful and successful adults. Kathleen had no idea just how much of a change would ultimately occur for her little family because of her one phone call to Sister Angelica. At that moment she thought of Frank. and how much she missed him. She buried her head in her arms and started to cry softly. Kathleen finally pulled herself together and called her sister and asked if she could drop the kids off at her house for a couple of hours while she went to keep her appointment with Sister Angelica. That done, she left her office and drove to Janet Hargraves's home. Janet was the mother of Shawn's friend Kevin. Janet had been taking care of Shawn and Frances for that last year during those times when there was no school in session and Kathleen was a work. Janet was also a single mother and did child care for a living. She had been married to Bill Hargraves for a little over four months but the marriage had ended tragically. Janet had met Bill Hargraves while he had been on a leave from his job as an oil rigger. She had been swept off her feet by the burly, handsome man. After only two weeks of courtship they had been married in San Francisco. Two months later, after Bill had purchased the house in Phoenix for his new wife, he left for a three month assignment with USOCO in Malaysia. He never returned. While setting up a new drill tower, a cable hauling up pipe had snapped and the falling steel had struck and killed Bill. Janet was devastated but being a strong willed woman, she soon recovered. She had found out soon after Bill had left that she was pregnant. With the large insurance settlement and a scholarship grant from USOCO for her unborn child, She was determined to make a new life for herself. She just could not seem to find another Bill Hargraves and instead turned to giving her child a better life than that of an oil rigger father. When she had met Kathy O'Malley and that she to had a similar story with her husband, a strong and close friendship had developed. More like surrogate sisters than just friends. As a result Shawn and Kevin had also become like brothers, just living in two different houses. Janet only lived just across the street and one down. It had been a good arraignment for both of them. Kevin attended St. Mary's School for Boys and Kathleen decided that she would talk to Janet about the school before going to see Sister Angelica. Kathleen pulled into Janet's driveway shortly after 4 PM. Janet and Kathleen sat at the kitchen table while the children played in the fenced-in back yard. After a few minutes of small talk over a cup of tea, Kathleen related to Janet her problems with Shawn and the need to find a new school for him. She told her about the recommendation from Mr. Charleton. She mentioned his referral to Sr. Angelica and asked Janet if she knew anything about the "special programs " that the Sister ran. Janet was quiet for a few moments as she looked at her friend. She was not sure if she should talk to Kathleen about the "special programs" or leave it up to Sister Angelica. She was quite familiar with the program as she had put Kevin through it two years earlier and it had been quite successful in his case. He had even pleaded to stay in the program but Janet had insisted that he return to his regular curriculum for at least a year before any further decisions were made. Janet decided to take a chance on her friend's discretion. She usually told Kathy everything. But one thing she had never told her... "Kathleen, how long have you lived in the neighborhood? A year isn't it? Asked Janet. "Yes, about that. Why? Asked Kathleen. "Well, it was last summer that you met Kevin for the first time. Just after school let out I believe. What did you think of him when you first met him? Asked Janet. "I thought he was terrific. A very fine, well mannered youngster." Said Kathleen. "Kathy since Kevin was five, I have had nothing but trouble from him. Defiant, unruly, an absolutely obnoxious kid and I was at my wits end. The previous September I enrolled him in Sister Angelica's "special programs" and by the time you met him you saw the results. Said Janet. "I'm impressed. She must have an exceptional way with kids." Replied Kathleen. "You have no idea Kathy. The program is quite unorthodox but quite effective and does leave a lasting impression on the "students". I would suggest you keep an open mind when you hear her proposal and learn about her methods. I can only tell you this, it works. I may even send Kevin back this fall because I know he wants to go back." Said Janet "The kids actually like the program?" asked Kathleen. "Some do, some hate it. It all depends on the kids prospective. Kevin loves the program. So I may let him try it for another year and if he wants to stay, there is an advanced program for kids who have a need or desire to stay with Sister Angelica permanently. Kathy, go talk to the nun and listen to her intently. Then go home and think about what she tells you. You can even call me and talk it over with me then. Okay? "Okay Janet. Thanks. I'll do that. It all sounds a little mysterious though." Kathleen replied. "I am being a little evasive Kathy. It's just that I want you to be prepared for a very strange and at first what may seem to be an unacceptable proposal. But believe me, it works and does not hurt the child at all, except maybe his pride." Keep an open mind is all I can suggest to you." After several more minutes of small talk, Kathleen went outside and called Frances and Shawn to the car. She glanced over at Kevin who had walked to the driveway with Shawn. Kathleen was impressed at how well behaved he was. He was polite and courteous. Almost like a young girl in his temperament. To bad some of it couldn't rub off on Shawn a little, thought Kathleen. Shawn and Frances got into the car and waved at Janet as Kathleen drove out of the driveway. Kathleen drove straight to her sister's house and after dropping the children off with Susan, she drove over to St. Mary's School and her meeting with Sister Angelica. It was five minutes before seven when Kathleen pulled up in front of the school office. A young nun answered the door and after introducing herself and stating her business, Kathleen was lead down the immaculate corridors of the school to the business office. Kathleen had a sense of deji-vu. The entire place brought back vivid memories of her own pleasant years in a place just like this. Parochial schools seemed to be the same everywhere except that this one was much more exclusive and beautiful. Maybe that was the way it was supposed to be. Thought Kathleen. As she entered the office, a middle age nun of about fifty years old came out of a side room. She was a small "handsome" woman. She carried herself well and the years appeared to have been good to her. She walked briskly over to Kathleen and stretched out her hand. "Mrs. O'Malley? I am pleased to meet you. Welcome." Said the nun as she shook Kathleen's hand. Kathleen had an was immediately and favorably impressed by the nun. Her openness and friendliness were characteristics that Kathleen admired. "Thank you Sister. I appreciate you seeing me on such short notice." Said Kathleen. "Not at all, I am more than happy to talk to any parent of children that I may be able to help. Would you like some tea?" "Yes. Thank you. Black with a touch of sugar." Said Kathleen. After a few minutes of small talk, the conversation turned to the issue at hand. "Tell me, Mrs. O'Malley, about Shawn. Take your time and tell me as much as you can about when and how Shawn started having these behavior problems." Asked Sister Angelica. For the next half hour, Kathleen related the background that had led her to Sister Angelica's door. The nun asked very few questions but listened intently until Kathleen was finished talking. The nun said nothing for a minute or so after Kathleen had finished her summary. "Kathleen... I'm sorry, can I call you Kathleen," asked the nun apologetically. "Certainly Sister. I hate too much formality anyway." Replied Kathleen. "Kathleen, has Shawn completed his First Communion yet?" "No Sister. In all honesty I have been quite negligent in that regards. It's not that I don't want him to, it's just that with all that has happened in my life recently I just did not give that priority." "Well that's not a problem. If you decide to send Shawn here it will be mandatory that he attend catechism classes and take his First Communion by Easter vigil." The nun replied quiet firmly. Kathleen said nothing. She just nodded her head in ascent. "Kathleen, how much do you know of our "special program" here at St. Mary's". asked the nun. "Well only as much as I could glean from Mr. Charleton's recommendation and what I was told By Janet Hargraves. She was kind of vague also but her son Kevin who has attended this program is proof to me that it works. Kevin even wants to return. "Oh." said the nun with a smile, I didn't know that." said the Sister. "Well so Janet told me. He has been asking her to let him return, but Janet was insistent that he spend this past school in his regular program." "Interesting, interesting indeed.." Said the nun. "Anyway, I would like you to give you an overview of this "special program", bear in mind, it is in strictest confidence. The less people know about it, the better it works for everyone involved, especially the students in the program." The nun picked up the phone, "Lets have some coffee and muffins Kathleen." She dialed three numbers. "Sister Gertrude, is Tracy, Kelly and Lisa still there? Would you have them bring some coffee and muffins up to my office before they leave? Thank you." "Tracy, Kelly and Lisa are three of our advanced students. They come to the school in the evenings for an advanced cooking class with Sister Gertrude our school kitchen supervisor." The nun told Kathleen. The nun abruptly changed the subject. "Kathleen, as Mr. Charleton told you, our "Special Program" is designed to teach errant but correctable boys the proper way to relate to others in a respectful, and courteous manner. We instruct them in the proper way to study, interact with their peers and adults, and in all ways to always conduct themselves in a way that will do credit to themselves. In summary we teach them the ways of the gentile society." Said the nun. "Sounds to me like you must have a lot of trouble with some students at first." Said Kathleen. "Well yes at first, but the rebellion usually goes away within a day or so. The students find out quite rapidly that I tolerate very little in that regard and they soon conform nicely. Kathleen, have you ever heard of the British tradition of "Petticoat Discipline"? Asked Sister Angelica. "No I can't say that I have." Replied Kathleen. "Well it used to apply to a tradition in England and other parts of the British Empire, that when a young boy misbehaved on a regular basis and he did not respond to traditional ways of punishment, a boy would be required to dress as a girl, be required to answer to a girl's name and be taught how to act in all ways as a young lady instead of as a boy. This would usually last for about a year. The boy would be required to interact with all is acquaintances as a girl. The humiliation that he would have to endure, in most cases, would serve as a catalyst that would make him want to learn his lessons well so that he could return to being a boy again. If he failed in his instructions he would be required to remain as a "girl" for a second and subsequent number of years up to age sixteen. The young boy usually learned his lessons in the first year. Of course the boys parents must agree to this discipline and require that the boy also continue living as a girl at home. There must be no break in the routine" There was a knock on the door. The nun stopped her description long enough to call out "Come in." Three girls entered the room carrying trays. "Hello girls. Put the trays on the side table." Said the Nun. "Yes Sister." Said the taller of the three girls. The girls complied with the nuns request. After they put down the trays they turned to leave. "Girls, would you come over here please?" Asked Sister Angelica. The girls came over to the desk as requested. "Girls, I would like you to meet Mrs. O'Malley. Her son Shawn may be joining the "special" class in September. Said the Nun. The three girls turned to Kathleen and curtsied. "Nice to meet you Mrs. O'Malley the girls said in unison. The three girls appeared to be around the same age as Shawn. Kathleen observed that the girls were dressed in the traditional school uniform of pink blouse, red plaid pleated skirt, pink knee high stockings and black patent leather Mary-Jane shoes. They wore a white lace trimmed full aprons over their uniform. "Nice to meet you too." Said Kathleen. They seemed like very polite girls. It is refreshing for a change. Thought Kathleen. "Thank you girls." Said the Nun. The girls turned to leave, Tracy turned and looked at the Nun. "Sister?" "Yes Tracy?" "Can I ask Mrs. O'Malley a question?" Sister Angelica looked at Kathleen quizzically. "Certainly Tracy." Replied Kathleen. "How old is Shawn?" The girl asked. "Twelve." Replied Kathleen. "That's great. I'm twelve too. I'd like to meet Shawn. Maybe I can help him." replied the girl. "Maybe we can arrange for all three of you to meet him. We'll see." Replied the Nun. With that the three girls curtsied again and turned and silently left the room. "They are nice sweet young ladies." Commented Kathleen. The Nun looked at Kathleen and smiled. "Boys." Said the Sister. Kathleen looked at the nun with astonishment. "That's right my dear... Boys. Three of my exceptional students in "Petticoat 101". "That is hard to believe Sister. Most girls today don't act the way they do" Replied Kathleen. "Believe me Mrs. O'Malley. They are boys." Said the nun. For the better part of an hour Sister Angelica explained the requirements of the program and the expected results. Kathleen left the school office in a state of mixed emotions and uncertainty. She was now going to have to think long and hard on what she had learned. Her decision was going to have a major effect on Shawn's life as well as her own for the next year at least. She was not yet sure that she wanted to subject Shawn to this drastic a course of action. Kathleen decided to have another talk with Janet first. As Kathleen drove back to Janet Hargraves house, she thought of Shawn in a pretty dress. She smiled to herself. She was thinking of how hard it would be to pick a fight if your wearing a pretty pink dress and a bow in your hair. The conversation with Janet was anti-climactic. It was obvious to Kathleen that the "program" did have it's advantages. The results had been successful with Kevin and the two "girls" at the school could hardly be described as anything but lovely examples of politeness and courtesy. Just the attributes that she would like to see in Shawn. Kathleen had made up her mind. Shawn was going to St. Mary's. He was not going to like it, but she was sure it would be in Shawn's best interest in the long run. Chapter 4 A New "Girl" Arrives Kathleen stopped at the JC Penny store on the way home from work on Friday afternoon. She had left work early so that she would have plenty of time to do what had to be done. She went to the Children's Dept. and after spending several hundred dollars and selecting a modest wardrobe and accessories, she went home, stopping at Janet's house on the way to let her know what she had decided. She carried the packages up to the guest room and after unpacking everything she filled the dresser drawers with numerous items and then hung Shawn's new wardrobe in the walk in closet. Two items she carried into the downstairs bath room. She put the bottle of strawberry scented shampoo on the shelf in the shower stall and hung the other item in the closet. Sister Angelica had instructed Kathleen that if she decided to enroll Shawn in the "special program" at St. Mary's in September, that she should start his "introduction" by getting him started in his new role as soon as possible. She was to start by giving him a feminine name, and change is wardrobe and home environment. "Once you start, there is to be no turning back until the end of the school year." The nun had told Kathleen over the phone. Kathleen had agreed to the conditions. The nun had suggested Shawnlea. A rarely used feminine derivative of Shawn. Kathleen had agreed that that was appropriate since Shawn's middle name was Lee. Sister Angelica had entered that name on the school records and with Kathleen's agreement, the middle name Mary-Elizabeth. Kathleen had called the nun from Janet's house to let the Sister know of her decision. Sister Angelica told Kathleen that she would set up a meeting with her and her new pupil the following Monday evening. She requested that "Shawnlea" come not Shawn. Kathleen told her that Shawnlea would be there, Janet also had decided to let Kevin return to the program with Shawn. Kevin was ecstatic when Janet told him. She had warned Kevin that he was to say nothing about it to Shawn. Kevin had promised he would say nothing about it to Shawn until he was given permission. Kathleen had hurriedly made some changes to the guest bedroom before Shawn got home. After moving a few items from Shawn's bedroom to the guest room, Kathleen pulled down the shades in Shawn's room and as she left, she locked the door. Late in the afternoon Shawn came home from the ball park after playing baseball with some of the neighborhood boys. Kathleen had sent Frances over to Susan's house to have a weekend sleep-over with Cassie. In actuality Kathleen wanted to be alone with Shawn on this "First Weekend as a "girl". It was going to be hard on him at first and Kathleen did not want to subject him to his sister's taunts which she was quite capable of and would surely do when she found out. Kathleen would deal with Frances on Sunday afternoon when she came home. Had she known at the time, her fears on that issue would prove later to be groundless. Kathleen was in the living room watching TV when she heard the back door open then slam shut. "Shawn? Is that you?" called out Kathleen. "Ya Mom. What's for supper?" "Shawn come in here please. I want to talk to you." "Okay. Just going to run up to my room for a second." "No! Come in here now please!" Kathleen commanded. Shawn cam into the living room. As usual he was filthy. Kathleen did not care at this point. "Sit down Shawn. I have something to tell you. Shawn sat on the edge of the sofa and fidgeted. He did not like these one on ones with his Mom. They usually preceded a chewing out. "Shawn, I have talked to Sister Angelica at St. Mary's School and she has agreed to let you enroll there in September." Shawn looked up at his mother. "That's where Kevin goes isn't it?" He replied. "Yes it is but that is not why I selected it. It happens to be the only other place I can send you except to the public schools and that I will not do." "That's okay mom. At least I will have two friends there. I know Tracy Williams goes there too" "Listen young man, I am not sending you there because of your friends. Sister Angelica knows about your getting kicked out of Briarwood. She is not going to tolerate any insolence or any of the stuff you pulled at Briarwood. "She only would allow you to enroll on condition that I have you enroll in the "special program". Should you pull any of your 'cute tricks' with her your going to find yourself in a lot of trouble. And I have given her permission to do anything necessary to straighten out your attitude. Do You Understand Me?" "How is it you know Tracy Williams?" "She is Kevin's cousin. He's mentioned her a few times." "Oh, okay. I met her today at the school. She seems nice. Anyway starting now there is going to be some big changes around here for the rest of the summer. We will start by having you take a bath and get that dirt off you. Use the downstairs bathroom. Put the dirty clothes in the hamper, I will put them in the wash. Don't even think of going upstairs with that dirt on you." "Shawn had never seen his mother so serious except on the day she got the note from school. He decided not to give her any reason to get madder. Okay mom." Shawn got up off the edge of the sofa and went into the downstairs bathroom. Shortly Kathleen heard the water start to run in the tub. "Hey Mom?" She heard Shawn call out. "What is it Shawn?" she replied. "All there is in the cabinet here is that strawberry smelling bubble bath that Frances uses." "That's okay. It won't hurt you. It will at least get you clean. Use it. And use that new bottle of shampoo on the shelf too. I want your hair clean. "Aw Mom. That's the same stuff Frances uses too." Was Shawn's only reply. Kathleen went into the bathroom and removed the hamper of Shawn's dirty clothes. She carried them downstairs into the basement and tossed them into the trash. They were so filthy she decided not to even put them in her washing machine. A few minutes later she heard the water running in the pipes and knew that Shawn was finished with his bath. She hurried back upstairs. She knew that the critical confrontation was about to start. "Hey Mom. I don't have anything to put on." Shawn yelled through the closed door. "In the closet dear. You will find a new bathrobe I bought you." Kathleen said kindly. There was a slight pause and then Shawn called back out through the door. "Mom. This is a Girl's bathrobe." Kathleen opened the bathroom door and Shawn pulled the front of the pink bathrobe around his front to cover his nakedness from his mom. "Mom is this some kind of joke. Look at this thing. It's a girl's bathrobe. I can't wear this. What if Frances sees me" "I know Shawn. I bought it on purpose. Now put it on. And lets get your hair dry and then we will go up to your room and have another talk." Kathleen took out the hairdryer and started to work on Shawn's long hair. Shawn said nothing. He did have a dejected look on his face. Tears started to form in his eyes Kathleen finished drying Shawn's hair and then pulled it back into the nape of his neck and tied it back into a ponytail with a pink scrunchie. "Did I ever tell you that you have hair just like your father. His hair was strawberry blonde and curly just like yours." Kathleen said Shawn did not notice what his mom did with his hair, so wrapped up in his self pity over the bathrobe he was wearing. "Okay dear. Lets go upstairs and talk." Kathleen said. "God," thought Kathleen as she watched him walk towards the stairs, "He already looks like a girl." Shawn stopped at the door to his room and tried the knob. It would not open. He looked at his mother quizzically. "That's not your room anymore Shawn. I have moved you into the larger guest room. You will be needing the larger space now. Especially the walk in closet." As Shawn walked into the room he came to an abrupt stop. He looked around at the feminine appointments. The windows were covered with pink bow drop curtains and trimmed with white ruffled lace. The large French provisional style bed was covered with a bedspread that matched the curtains only it was made with pink satin. The floor was covered with a deep pink and powder blue pile carpet. In one side of the room was a large mirrored vanity with lights all around the edges and had an assortment of makeup items lined up on it. The opposite wall was a large white dresser that matched the bed. Finally he noticed the large walk-in in closet. The doors were open and Shawn could not help but notice the items hanging in it. Line up neatly on hangers was an assortment of dresses, skirts, blouses, and other items. Shawn turned to his mother with his mouth open and a look of panic on his face. He felt a deep feeling of dread about what he knew was about to be said to him. "Mom. This looks like Frances' room." Shawn said pleadingly "I know. It does look like her room. But it isn't. It's your room now. "But Mom, It's a girl's room." Said Shawn now really getting scared. Kathleen took Shawn over to the mirror. She pointed to the image in the mirror. "This room is hers. It is Shawnlea's room." Said Kathleen pointing to the image of the girl in the mirror. Shawn looked at his own refection for the first time since coming upstairs. He saw the image of a girl in a pink bathrobe with a ponytail, a pink scrunchie holding his long blonde hair in place. "But, but... Mom, Wha... what are you doing to me?" Said Shawn now in a definite panic." He started to reach for the thing in his hair. Kathleen at that point did something she had never done before. She slapped his hand away. Shawn looked at Kathleen with a look of impending 'doom"' on his face. He then started to cry in earnest. It was several minutes before he finally started to calm down and the crying turned to just sniffles. Kathleen took Shawn in her arms at that point and tried to comfort him. "It's okay Shawnlea dear. You will be fine. Kathleen had used the feminine name for the first time and Shawn pulled back from his mom. "That's a girl's name. Why are you trying to make me into a girl mom. Why?" He asked pleadingly. Shawnlea, lets get you dressed and we can go down to the kitchen and have a long talk. Frances is not coming home until Sunday so we will be alone almost the whole weekend. I can tell you what is happening and why. Kathleen went into the closet and brought out a white short sleeve blouse and a light pink pleated skirt. She laid them on the bed and got a pair of white cotton panties from the dresser drawer along with a white nylon half slip, and white brocade knee high stockings with pink lace. She also out a pair of white Mary Jane's beside the bed. "Mom, you don't expect me to wear those do you?" Asked Shawn. "Yes I do Shawnlea. For the rest of the summer you will be dressing very much the same." Said Kathleen in a very stern voice. Shawn turned white. "You got to be kidding Mom." "No I am not. Until I say otherwise you are going to become a girl. Now take off the bathrobe. Lets get you dressed and pretty." Said Kathleen. Shawn removed his bathrobe and obviously very humiliated he stepped into the white girl's panties that his mom was holding open for him. He knew now that his mom was intent on making him look like a girl. He just did not know why. "Mom, Why are you doing this to me? Shawn asked pleadingly "Shawnlea, I told you that I would decide how I would handle these problems you kept bringing home. The school thing was the final straw. I had a long talk with Sister Angelica at St. Mary's and they have a program for young boys who are always in trouble. Her program is to accept boys into the girl's school as "girls". There she will teach you how to be more acceptable to the people around you and how to be courteous and respectful to others. She will also teach you manners, which you seem to have forgotten. But, she only teaches girls. So in order for you to attend the program, you have to be a "girl". We have the summer to get you ready so that no one will know your a boy when you start classes in September. So for the next year, you are going to learn how to be a girl better than most girls themselves." "Mom you must be kidding. What if my friends see me like this. I will be laughed at all over the place." "I really don't think so Shawnlea, you won't be playing with any boys for quite some time." "Kevin is sure to find out. Gosh he lives right across the street." Kathleen said nothing. She just smiled at Shawn as she held out the slip for Shawn to step into. Shawn refused to lift his leg and step into the slip. That did him no good as Kathleen simply pulled it over his head. and adjusted it around his waist. Kathleen then picked a white camisole with little pink ribbon decorations out of the dresser and pull that over Shawn's head as well. . Fifteen minutes later a cute, very embarrassed 'girl' in a pretty pink skirt sat in the kitchen with Kathleen. Shawnlea had arrived at the O'Malley home. Reluctantly Chapter 5 Expectations and First Lessons Shawn sat at the kitchen table obviously very self conscious. Dressed as he was in girl's clothes and with his hair brushed back into a long ponytail and tied back with a pink ribbon, he was on the verge of tears as his mother sat across from him studying this very different image of her son. Kathleen felt a little remorse for what she was doing to Shawn but she was not turning back now. She was determined to try this course of discipline in the hopes that she could teach Shawn the lessons of respect, courtesy and humility that most little girls learn automatically. Kathleen would much rather have her son become a "sissy" than a bully. She would rather have a pretty little "daughter" for a year or two than have the police at her door someday. She was sure Shawn would learn some valuable lessons by being a girl for awhile. Shawn sat at the table just as would be expected of a boy. He was slumped forward with his elbows on the table and the palms of both hands under his chin. His legs were spread apart at the knees and he was oblivious to the fact that his panties were noticeable under his skirt. His feet were crossed in such a way that his cute little Mary Jane's were being scuffed by each other. To Kathy, this was a cue to start his lessons in femininity. Shawnlea, I think the first thing you have to learn as a young lady is to keep your legs together. You panties are showing." Said Kathleen. Shawn looked down and instinctively snapped his knees together at the same time taking his elbows off the table and putting his hands in his lap. "That's better dear. Girls do not let other people see their undies. You will have to be careful of that when you are wearing a dress or a skirt." Admonished Kathleen. "I'm not a girl Mom. I shouldn't have to be wearing these things. And my name is not Shawnlea." Replied Shawn with a hint of rebellion "Yes you are a girl Shawnlea. At least for the next year you are. So remember what I tell you. There is a lot of things you are going to have to remember. And also your name is Shawnlea unless I tell you differently. Do you understand me?" Said Kathleen sternly in response to Shawn's remark. "Yes Mom." Was his reply. "Another thing, from now on I want you to call me Mother. That's the girl's way . "Yes Mother." Shawn said meekly this time. "Good. Now lets go upstairs to your room. I want to try something else with your hair." Kathleen said, softening her tone. She took Shawn by the hand and gently led him towards the stairs. Kathleen knew that she was going to have to do something about the way he walked. He certainly did not walk in a very feminine manner. Shawnlea sat at the vanity as he watched his mother fuss with his hair. She took out the pink scrunchie and after much brushing and trimming Kathleen had managed to shape Shawnlea's hair into a very presentable feminine style. A little work with the curling iron and some setting solution, Shawnlea had some pretty bangs on his forehead. His hair flowed gracefully down over his shoulders and ended with cute curls at the tips. Finished with his hair, and satisfied that it had a definite girlish look. Kathleen was ready for the next phase of the introduction of Shawnlea. "That's much better dear. Now you look much more like a little girl. Lets go downstairs and I will make us some supper." Said Kathleen. She looked at Shawnlea and could tell by his expression that he was not very happy with his predicament. He will get over it shortly, She thought to herself. Shawnlea was very quite during supper. Kathleen spent most of the time instructing Shawnlea on how to sit while wearing a skirt or a dress. She told him how to be more dainty in the way he ate. That girls usually ate slower and with smaller morsels and definitely took smaller portions. She instructed him in as many of the normal table manners as she could given the short time for the meal. Shawnlea was not very enthusiastic about all these new rules that he was being told to follow. As best as he could remember, Frances had never had to follow them. As he thought about it, he had never paid much attention to her at the table. Maybe she did. All during the supper he was more concerned about someone coming to the door and seeing him dressed up like a girl. Especially his friend Kevin. Kevin was usually at the door by this time of the day. "What if he came now? How would he be able to take his kidding without punching his best friend. Shawnlea was mortified. All he could think about was going up to his room and getting out of these sissy clothes. At least there he would be away from this humiliation. Then the worse happened. The door bell rang. He could hear Kevin's mom call from the entranceway. "Kathleen? It's me Janet." "Hi Janet. I'm in the kitchen." If ever Shawn felt like running and hiding, it was now. But he had no time. Janet walked into the kitchen immediately. "Hi Kathleen. Hi Shawnlea. My you look lovely dear." Said Janet winking at Kathleen without Shawnlea noticing. "Janet can I talk to you? I have some interesting news to tell you. I brought Karen over with me and told her to stay in the living room and watch some TV. If that's okay with you?" "Sure. Shawnlea why don't you go out and sit with Karen while I talk to Janet. Maybe you can even show her your new room?" "Mom you got to be kidding. I don't know her and I don't want her to see me dressed like a girl." "Don't be silly dear. For one thing, you don't look like a boy and for another I think you would do well to start talking and spending time with other girls your age." "Aw mom, I can't do this. How about if I just go upstairs to my room?" "Shawnlea, I don't think that is polite when you have a guest. Just go out there and meet Karen. I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised." Said Kathleen with a knowing smile. Kathleen took Shawn by the shoulders and marched him unwillingly to the door to the kitchen and with a gentle shove, Shawn found himself standin

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ModernDaySins Jennifer White Mad Fuckers Neglected Housewife8217s Needs

Jennifer White has a busy weekend ahead of her. She is pregnant (but not yet showing), and wants to work on setting up a room for her future bundle of joy while her husband is away on a business trip. Suddenly, she is surprised by a knock at her front door. Her visitor turns out to be her neighbor, Jay Romero, who says he’s here to help with setting up the room. Jennifer looks confused, asking what he’s talking about and how he even knew about that. Jay looks bashful, explaining...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Vanessa Sky Kayley Gunner Where There8217s A Will8230

Vanessa Sky, a lawyer, has summoned Kayley Gunner to claim the inheritance of one of Kayley’s recently deceased family members, Nancy. Kayley is surprised since she hadn’t seen Nancy in a long time, but Vanessa reassures Kayley that this is no mistake, citing how Kayley was the only member of Nancy’s family to accept her lesbianism. Vanessa also says that she and Nancy were close friends, so it means a lot to her that Nancy had a supportive family member. Vanessa reads a...

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Making a Porn Video Fantasy Only

This is purely a story and fantasy, but it has been inspired by the many videos on xhamster where couples are stopped in the street and asked about their sex lives and then asked if they would like to make some money by talking more about it in private, or even be filmed while fucking. I wonder what my wife would do in this position. I know in reality she would run away from them, but what if she didn’t………….My wife and I were shopping in town and as it was a Wednesday it was fairly quiet. We...

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First time at the theater

So we have been talking and fantasizing about going to an adult theater for a long time and this is the story of our first visit. So after talking about it seriously for a week while my wife was at work, we decided to actually go check out the adult theater in town. We decided to go Sunday evening after she got back from working a few days. She wore stretchy yoga type pants with no panties and the tank top with no bra. As you can see in our pics from our gallery she has nice big 38D and with no...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 09Chapter 20

[Charlie writes from the farm] Elena and Henrique were farmers and, with help from our neighbors, were soon established in a farmhouse with power and began farming with our and their neighbors to help them. They and their children already spoke some English and, over the next few years, they became fluent though with a decided accent that was popular with many. They came to love our church having been casual Catholics before coming to America. Monica caught the eye of a number of the older...

4 years ago
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Dumping Sheila on Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day surprise leads to a real eye and mouth opener when cheating girlfriend gets caught giving another man a blowjob. ‘So, Paul, you didn’t tell me. Where are you taking me for Valentine’s Day?’ Sheila looked as hot as a house fire. She always acted so coyly innocent whenever she looked so sexually arousing, especially when she knew she was in for a surprise. Only, in the way she was acting, she didn’t look so innocent wearing that dress. She looked guilty, like someone trying to...

2 years ago
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Maa aur beti ka mazaa liya

Mein ek businessman hoon. Age 65 years, tall, fair aur majboot sharir. Mein 40 saal se business kar raha hoon. 65 saal ki is umra mein bhi dimaag aur body fit hain. 40 saal ke career mein paisa aur power bahot kamaya hai. Saare shahar mein mujhe log ‘Saab’ kehkar bulate hai. Mera sabse bada shouk hai aurat ke jism ka, aur meine apnea shouk khub pura kiya. Jawani se lekar abtak meine bahot aurato ko choda hai. Mere lund ko har roz chut chahiye. Biwi ko chodne mein ab maza nahi aata wo ab budhi...

1 year ago
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The User Ch 06

Ben Sanders asked Cynthia Dumas to stop by his apartment after school. He told her he wanted to see her there so they could talk without fear of being interrupted. The student appeared reluctant at first, but eventually she agreed. Cynthia was a very attractive girl, one of the prettiest female students attending Jamestown High. But, like the other girls Ben was paying special attention to, she was in the midst of a personal crisis. He knew that because several other girls told him she’d...

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Heidimaries New AttitudeChapter 2

The four of them were seated on the carpet in the conversation pit in front of the fireplace. Tony was reading a very dirty story by a French author with a flair for unexpected kinky activities in the strangest of places. His new bride Victoria was face down on her elbows opposite Heidimarie's older brother Peter's friend Werner playing a game of chess with the handsome 20 year old student. Heidimarie was sitting between Tony's legs absentmindedly trailing her fingers over his muscular...

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Deepthroat Girl Interrupted La Matadora Part 3

This is the third chapter in an ongoing story. However, the chapters more or less stand alone. The air conditioner on my old Honda Prelude had died along with the radio, and now I was soaking in the last breaths of the cold air. Just before the temperature in that hot box became unbearable, a pale girl on a bicycle appeared, my salvation. “Jesus Tabitha, you said you'd be home 2 hours ago. I'm gonna need a jump now,” I complained as I slammed my car door. “Well,” the skinny red head started,...

Oral Sex
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Monica part2

I got in late, somewhere in the hazy place between late night and early morning, but the heat had not let up. The inside of the house was just as dark and humid as the outside, and I waded through it as I made my quiet way from the door to the kitchen, fumbling a little until I saw the light peeking from around the corner. As I said, it was hot, so it figures that my sister would be looking for something cool to drink. She was silhouetted in the light of the refrigerator, wreathed in the vapor...

4 years ago
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Divorce Can Be Good for You

CHAPTER 1 Nigel Summers hurt. Finding out your choice of woman doesn’t love you anymore — if she ever did — hurts. Being divorced by her hurts. He fucking hurt all over. He’d lost his job — he’d become too sad-faced and was depressing his team said the boss when firing him. Surprisingly Nigel didn’t have time to brood or run in front of an eighteen-wheeler. The boss of a rival firm Sunrise Management called and said he heard Nigel had been fired. They had become acquainted attending regional...

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The Scarlet Starlet

Tens of thousands of people had gathered in Freedom Square for the event. Newsmen, families, political activists and not so discrete employees of the secret service mingled with the huge crowd in front of the gargantuan stage. The president of the united states would soon make her appearance, but the crowd hadn't gathered for her. As revolutionary as a female president once had been, the crowd had come for the fabled super heroine Stacie Morgan otherwise known as the scarlet starlet. There was...

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Wild Night at Home

What a day at work. I usually have some fire left but not today. Driving home, all I could think about was rest. A long weekend was so needed. I arrived home as Sarah was leaving and we barely had time to chat before she split. It is great to have a hot roommate to look at. She's a little older than I am but oh so fine. You know the type, long legs, hair, and tits that could drive anyone crazy. As I took my shower I tried not to think about my roomie but I couldn't help it. I couldn't get her...

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Mandys Milk

ADULT. Not for selling. By Jay Jay1: Accidental Introduction Mandy could not believe she was falling victim to her own devices. Had she never pushed her father into the 21st century, she would not be in the predicament she is today. Mandy was born and raised on the family farm. She had left to go to college and had returned after gaining dual degrees in Computer Technology and Financial Accounting. But in the five years since she had left the fourth generation dairy farm; it had become...

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Chud Gayee Train Main

Hi.. How are u all people… My name is Roopa Barot.. Main 34 sal ki married lady hoon.. Mera sasural Ahmedeabad main hai.. Aur main Mumbai ki hun.. Mere pati mujse bahut pyaar karte hai..woh ek izzatdar business man hai.. Lekin kam ke sisl sile main unko aksar tour pe jana padta hai.. Woh dino main unko bahut miss karti hun.. Kyonki sex ke bina main ek bhi din rah nahi pati hun… Ek din muje mere mayke se phone aaya ke “tumhari babuji ki tabiyeet kharab hai unko hospital main admit kiya hai”. Woh...

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No Power

“I hate snow!” I muttered to myself as I walked up the steps to my apartment building, placing the key in the door lock and letting myself in. As I walked up the three flights of stairs, the lights began to flicker. “Great, this is all I fuckin need,” I yelled, not caring who heard. I placed my briefcase on the floor in front of my door, and unlocked the door and deadbolt. I walked in, tossed my bag and briefcase on the couch, and headed for the kitchen. I picked up the evening paper off of the...

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A Change of Life Part 10

A Change of Life, Part 10 by LaShaunda As I cudded with James and pressed my head against his chisled chest, I began to think that my recent sexual experience with him may have been crossing yet another threshold next to the "point of no return." It was bad enough that I (naturally a straight white male) had given a tall LeBron James-esque black man the blowjob of his life. Even worse was that my former-sons had...

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Path To GloryChapter 39

It turned out to be easier than that to get Beth to Phoenix. It wasn't an hour after Bailey and I had spoken when Beth called me. "I was hoping I could come down early," she said. "Things have really gone to shit here and I just need to get away." I told her she could come anytime she liked. "I'm glad because I'm already at the airport," she said with a tired laugh. "I didn't think you'd tell me no. I'll explain everything when I get there. Can you pick me up at the airport...

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Miladys Wiles chapters 1722

"Milady's Wiles" by Brandy Dewinter with the invaluable assistance of P.J. Wright Chapter 17 'Tis Better To Give Than To Receive It was so late it was early when we finally retired to bed. After the trial and the discussions afterward that had no doubt included more groupings than our own, no one rose until mid-morning at least. Part of the reason, or excuse, for that was the lack of sunshine. Our good weather had broken and while there was no new snow, dark,...

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Sweaty pleasure with Adam

Nothing can arouse me more than watch my partner ( I'm bi so both girl or boy ) exercising, some hard exercise like exercise bike or running belt because I love to watch him (her) sweating, the best his whole body bathed in sweatI was hiding my fantasies till I was 25 yo and the boy who I confessed about this became my boyfriend for over 2 years. His name was David, was just 19 yo, active in sport with perfect physical shape and his sweaty body gave me hundreds crazy orgasms, he got me also to...

4 years ago
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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 12

Come Tax-time, Eliza unbent enough to accept help from the Devil's Accountant in filing with the IRS. She acknowledged that they both fell under the same umbrella organization anyway, so fighting fire with fire only made sense. Mary Goldfour was incorporated as Lustease, and started trading on the stock market, opening at a prestigious $44. a share. Her classy and seamless customized "live" interactive video encounters, tens of thousands per day, had garnered Name Recognition as well as...

2 years ago
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Morning LightChapter 34

Rhonda was surprised when she picked up the ringing telephone and found Jimmy on the line. She thought something was wrong since he rarely called her. "Hi, Rhonda," Jimmy said. "Hi, Jimmy. Is everything okay?" "Everything is wonderful. Listen, Rhonda, I wanted to ask you to do me a big favor." "Sure, Jimmy. What is it?" "Well, I want you to help me find an engagement ring for my mom," Jimmy said almost breathlessly. "An engagement ring?" Rhonda asked in surprise. "Yes. I...

2 years ago
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Quick Session With Friend8217s Wife

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends ye meri 2nd story hai.. Hope so meri 1st story blackmail sex with neighbour apko pasand ayi hogi.. Time waste na karte huwe main direct story par ata hu.. Ye baat kuch time pehle ki hai jab main aur hamare kuch dost aise hi gatherings kiya karte the kissi na kissi k ghar par.. Ek din mere dost k ghar par ham jama huwe.. Uski wife bohat zayada sexy this gori heroin jaise kissi ka b dekh k lund khara kar de but hum apni nazren sambhalte the q k thi to wo...

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A Genny Story The Tease

Hello Everyone. Again I want to thank all the kind women that have written me and said that they liked or have gotten something out of my stories. I can’t begin to tell you how happy it makes me to get a letter from you. A Genny Story…. The Tease I am Genny 11 years after graduation Melly decided to go back to school to get her masters degree. I am 100% behind her in this and I have to admit that I am very much enjoying being the ‘Bread Winner’ of the family for right now. In our sex life we...

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Spizoo Isabella De Laa Lets Her Man Fuck Her in Tight Latex Dress

Beautiful brunette Isabella De Laa lets her man, Alexander, pick a nice dress for her. After careful consideration, the bearded stud chooses a bright red latex dress with black latex gloves. Alexander can’t help but get horny when he sees the stunning babe in the tight dress. He kisses Isabella on the lips before letting her blow his cock. The horny lad then returns the pleasure by eating out Isabella’s wet pussy. Moans of pleasure fill the room as Alexander bangs the pretty slut in...

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RevengeChapter 20

Two evenings later when she still was living with us the inevitable finally happened. We were having dinner when Ms. Abigail turned to Alexa and looked at sweetly. "Alexa dear, I already know that you are about to finish high school here but certainly you do have some plans after that. Wouldn't you mind sharing those with me?" I knew that Alexa was usually very capable for hiding her fiery temper just unlike Sofia had been. The problem was that once she lost it she totally lost it. I...

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TimeChapter 45

Phones were scarce in East Germany and in Cuba, too, so letters were sent to all people eligible to emigrate. Times and dates were to be set later, stating where and when, voice communications could be made. Part of the agreement allowed a group of communication trucks free access to the families of the East Germans. They would get a chance to see and talk on the satellite phone to the new Cuban immigrants. Those wanting to leave had to stay till all the others arrived. I knew that if I let...

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It Started in the BushesChapter 4

"Holy shit," said Blondie-blond looking at me. "He just showed up out of the blue like that?" she asked. I could tell that something about this situation had struck a chord with her. Perhaps there was some similarity between what I'd just told her and her own life. "I got up and just pushed past him," I told her as I resumed my story. I needed to get out of the house and find Darryl. I actually just left Ed, there in our house. I was so upset that I couldn't think. The one thing...

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The Magic WandChapter 15

He’d barely gotten his whole dream mapped out for Mindy when the door crashed open and Jerry Parker and Susie Beltone rushed in. Neither Bobby nor Mindy knew, at that point, that Mr. Nelson had informed their parents that, if they missed more than two days of a scheduled detention, that an additional week of detention would be “awarded.” If they missed any of that scheduled detention, then suspension would be automatic. Both missing students were seniors. If they were suspended, neither Jerry...

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My Aunt

Hi readers. It was really fantastic i too have some strange experiences to narrate. I don’t know what sex is at my early stage until my aunty came to my house. This is my first part which i have started sex with my aunty after that i become a hunter of some aunties i will tell another story in next part.first let me introduce myself i am jolly from chennai which is the head of tamilnadu . I could remember some incidents which happen between me and my aunty when i was young. Uncle and aunty were...

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Hers To Punish

Lauren woke to a gentle breeze that flowed into the bedroom where the aftermath of marathon sex filled the air. It didn't matter that she was thoroughly satisfied, after hours of sleep her body still showed signs of desire. The essence of her mistress, the one she called Domina, made her body ache and burn with smoldering heat. Her torso grew red, and while she blushed she realized that her mistress slept soundly beside her. She should be asleep too because her body bore the markings of a sated...

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My Sexy Cousin Tina

Hi all ISS readers..this is my second submission and thanks for the response to my first story. I am Akhil from Delhi age 22. I play sports so i am fit and have a lot of stamina. Now coming straight to the story. This is about how i made love to my sexy cousin. For privacy let’s put her name as Tina. My cousin Tina is 1 year younger to me and is very sexy and appealing. She is 36c-30-38. Lovely tits and a round curvy ass. I always used to stare at her and somehow I realize that she doesn’t mind...

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Princess Layla

Princess Layla Princess Layla Clara stared at her book.? What she was reading didn't matter because it was only a pastime activity.? The text seemed like only empty sentences because she was waiting for something.? In 20 minutes she would need to serve Layla, her princess.? Her one and only Princess. The Princess needs to go to bed early because she is still young and needs a lot of sleep.? Oh, how she admires Layla?s soft skin and her pretty sweet face.? There was no doubt that...

2 years ago
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Starting Something New

I know you would never let me fuck anally, but Im sure, given the way you enjoy my fingers in your puckered hole while I fuck your juicy cunt, Im sure you like it when your boyfriend fucks you in the ass, and with Alex my daughter, I'm comfortable that I can teach her to enjoy it before anybody else gets their hands on my little girls body. I really want to feel her mouth wrapped around my cock and teach her how to suck me properly I really want to watch her face as I slide my cock into...

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A Man on an Island Ch 02

***A raging thunderstorm, late at night after a cast-iron bitch of a long work day. All Cale wanted was to get home. But for one friend who needed him, he’d go a long way. Even for a cup of tea. 0_o ————— Cale drove through the sheets of rain with slightly bleary eyes. It had been one, long, cast-iron bitch of a day. The rain had begun in the afternoon, and he’d been working one call after another until things had slowed down just after midnight. He reached behind him to pop open the swing...

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Beth 1Chapter 1 Friday Night

We were all sophomores and juniors from the same high school. None of us on the A-list when it came to the cliques in school—no cheerleaders or football heroes in our group; nope, mostly theater and music people. Just a bunch of kids who'd get together most Friday nights at a local hangout. This particular Friday we were all decompressing from mid-terms and a general bitch session was picking up steam. I was already getting tired of listening to a couple of the guys griping about the amount...

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The Making Of An Amateur Strapon DVD

This trip wasn't all that different so far from other typical business trips. I was stuck at a hotel near the airport for several weeks while I served my client. I was terribly bored, although this time I had rented a car so I wasn't entirely stuck using the hotel shuttle or the public bus line. To ease my boredom, I had rented a couple DVD's from a local store, watched them, and was now returning them.The differences that did occur on this trip were quite a bit different than my usual stay in...

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The Transformation into Belle

The Transformation into BelleAwakeningShe had trouble waking up, reaching for consciousness was so hard, it felt as if she had to drag herself through a thick dark haze to see any light. Finally she managed to open her eyes, her mouth felt so dry, as if she hadn’t anything to drink in a long time. What happened? The last thing she remembered was going home from school. The room she was in was blindingly white. Was this a hospital? NO! No hospital lays its patients on the floor. Her mind...

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banging Bernie

This is a true story about a girl I use to see every so often when she would come up to visit her friend Tammy. Bernadette was her full name but we just call her Bernie. Her father was the principal of our school and she really had a crush on me at the time. She would corner me every chance she could stealing a few kisses before I could get away. Bernie wasn't bad looking but being the principal's daughter was why I didn't try to go farther with her.She was about 5'6 long curly black hair,a...

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Irenes story Chapter 9 I expose myself to my favorite coworker

As you may recall from previous chapters, a few months ago, my husband, Oscar, convinced me to wear a very revealing outfit to a disco which was located on the twentieth floor of the Hotel Vela in our hometown, Barcelona. This was a bar with a dance floor. It was bar frequented by foreign tourists on holiday. It was Oscar's birthday. For his 'present', he wanted me to dance with other men. I was instructed to grind into them on the dance floor and encourage them to touch me while Oscar watched...

1 year ago
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Book store arcade fun

While in Arizona last week for work I went to a book store that I thought had video booths. It turned out it had an arcade with old school movie screens and chairs divided into three different sections. The first section had regular porn, the second had gay porn and the 3rd had regular porn again. I walked around and sat in the first area, there were about 5 guys sitting around the room, one had his cock out the others were rubbing their cocks through their pants. I decided to go see what the...

2 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 10

APO PRIME ISLAND PALACE The palace was locked down tight and had been for two complete days now. The full Mora of Spartans, who called the Island Palace home, was spread out from one end of the island to the other finishing their security sweeps. Torma, Miath and now Doranthe were alternating flying in looping circles above the island, their keen eyes helping the Spartans on the ground. Deia had arrived within an hour of the attack with Gorgo and Riall, Andreus and Kmyla flying out to the...

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Chelsey Chase and her boating party

One of my guy friends invited me to come out to a party he was throwing on his yacht on Friday night. I've been needing some party action so I told him I'd be there by 7 PM. I arrived along with some other guests just after the music started. I saw my friend and made my way over him and my glass of wine he had ready for me. We made some small talk and he introduced me to several of his cute friends I didn't know. We danced, drank wine, I danced with some of his friends, drank some more...till...

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Internet Dating part 3

PLEASE READ PARTS 1 AND 2 FIRSTJen spent the next 3 days at home, never leaving the house, She had a few calls from Ann but dismissed her quickly telling her she wasn't feeling well, She spent a lot of time going over what had transpired over the previous days, trying to make sense of it but none of it did, she had more sex in the last week than the last 18 months, and not normal sex, she had given herself to men, submitted to them and let them use her, take advantage of her, but she liked it,...

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Two for Tennis

Two for Tennis – Episode One – Discovering the unexpected On Wednesday afternoon, I usually take off to play some tennis with friends at the local sports club. It’s a nice group, we usually have lots of fun and its great to get the body in shape and fit again. One of the girls I play tennis with often is Elin. Elin is a beautiful young blonde girl, unfortunately straight. She lives together with a hunk of a boyfriend and they are having plans to get married and have some kids. One Wednesday...

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Lives in the Commonwealth

(This story is inspired by Peter F. Hamilton's Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained. Both are very good books, but also very long, Pandora clocking in at 860 pages and Judas at 904.) Life in the Commonwealth was amazing. You think back to the history texts you had read through your senior years and you couldn't imagine life without being plugged into the unisphere, or not being able to go on vacation to Illuminatus for their parties...if you could afford getting there of course. Or even just...

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My Wife And Her Friend Get A Massage

Kay’s friend Sally suggested that they get a massage at this place that Sally goes to every couple of weeks or so and enjoys her time there.  Kay agreed and asked me to drive her there since she does not like to drive and said that Sally would meet her there.  We got to the place, and it looked inviting from the outside. We walked in and told the girl at the desk that my wife’s friend was meeting us there and paid for the special massage package that Sally recommended.  The woman gave Kay a...


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