Military women dominate the best part 1
- 2 years ago
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When I wake up at about 6 am, I know two things: this couch is not good for sleeping and my dick is painfully hard. I stand up and look at her snoring lightly on the bed. The room smells of her. My dick is comically poking out through the fly in my boxers. I walk over to the bed and look at her. She is on her back and looks like a survivor of a fast and furious fucking. The bra is wrapped around one arm. The panties are as I left them: twisted into a thin thong that disappears into her pussy. The dress is bunched around her waist and looks to be still wet from her juices. The only problem is there was no fucking ... at least not with my dick. She reveled on my tongue and had her ass attended by my fingers. But she passed out and the towel that I used to collect my cum is thrown in a frustrated heap in the corner.
I could fuck her now. She's not drunk and as soon as I touch her she won't be asleep. I think about it, while I slowly stroke my prick. Laying on her back as she is, her breasts are flattened some by gravity, but they're still firm and tight. The nipples, which I hadn't even bothered to look at in last night's fever, are pink and quiet now. As she breathes, they move slightly. My gaze drifts across her abdomen to the patch of tawny hair that covers her mound. This morning it is a tangled, matted jungle. Her pussy, where I had spent so much time with my mouth, is partially exposed as one leg is bent at the knee and over to the side.
God! What a body. I wonder if she is naturally honey colored all over -- there are no tan lines. And it is a body that she knows how to enjoy. Stretching the laws of nature -- and my foreskin -- my prick gets even harder as I remember her promise: "Do me ... You can have anything you want. Just do me." Well I did, all right. It wasn't for the promise though: if she had resisted, I might have tied her down and licked her to abstraction anyway. Her pussy was wonderful. It was alive. It calls to me now: "Fuck me now ... I'll like it ... I promised you."
Hold it. Last night she was so different from her normal self. She certainly was drunk, and though I'm not a "gentleman," I also know that she would have promised anything to get off last night. If we had done it last night ... well, last night was last night. She may feel differently this morning -- and I want to deal with her sober, not in heat. Sigh.
I take a quiet shower and get dressed for the day. I put the cum soaked suit I wore into a plastic bag and leave it outside the door for the cleaner. Dropping the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the knob, I leave for breakfast and a walk. "Do me ... You can have anything." The words haunt me. I walk past the XXXX theater where she grabbed my dick. Her smell comes back to me. At the office building, I head toward the meeting room.
Today is the day for lawyers. I spend the morning with them and don't know if or when she arrives. At 11.30, we break for lunch and I go to her office. She is there, beating on her keyboard. I knock and walk in. Her face freezes and she looks down at the desk. I walk to the desk. "Good morning Annie."
She hisses in an undertone, her voice as hard and flat as her mask-face. "She ... she doesn't come into the office. My name is Catherine, as you know. Annie is never in this place." She meets my confused stare. Her eyes are on fire. She looks away. The wall clock ticks loudly in the silence. With a calm, quiet business voice, she asks, "How did it go with the lawyers?"
My mind is turning inside out. Is she a multiple personality? Is she nuts? Am I nuts? "The lawyers ... uh ... fine. We'll be done by two." I walk around the side of the desk and stand in her line of sight. "But ... last night ... I mean ... uh..."
"Don't worry." The quiet, cold voice is back. "I remember everything, and I remember my promise. Anything." She looks at me, now with pleading in her eyes. "Just not here and not now. That has to be separate from this." She waves at the room. "I am Catherine here ... SHE is never here." She turns back to her PC, all business again. "Please excuse me. I've got too much to do. I won't even be able to break for lunch."
I wander out of the office and down the hall. Now what? Until last night, she hadn't been available for lunch or dinner. It seems that she thought I wanted to have lunch with her. Hell. I wanted her for lunch. And what is this "I am Catherine" business? Yes, her name is Catherine-Anastasia. Last night Annie was an orgasmic dervish, rotating on my tongue. Today, Annie doesn't exist. But she did remember. My prick jumped to attention. What could "anything" mean to her? Anything-anything or just anything? Did I want to push this? How far could I push? It seemed like she could separate what Annie did from what Catherine did. If I took her again - sober this time - what would it mean to the deal? I was sure that "anything" would NEVER be transferable to business ... and I didn't want it to.
Well, "never up, never in" isn't only a golf saying. My mind is in a fever as I walk down the sunny street. I look around and see only beautiful women. I have x-ray eyes today: I can see their breasts under the t-shirts and blouses. I know how hard their nipples get when I will suck them. I can tell the natural blonds from the bottle-blonds. I can see the pubic mounds quiver in anticipation as they feel my hard prick dance between their legs. I find that I am standing in front of the theater where she dragged me last night: "Box Lunch" is still playing. I turn and see the novelty shop next door and go in.
The books are not of interest. Nothing I could read would match what Annie was last night. What can I do to send Catherine to her cave and let Annie come out and what would I have to do to see the creature again? I look at the rubber cocks. No thanks. If she's interested in a cock, the first one I'm going to suggest is mine. I browse around some more ... Pictures ... Other toys ... I make my purchase, avoiding the eyes of the unshaven clerk. It's heavy in my jacket pocket. On the way back to the office, I stop in a jewelry store and get a box.
I stop back in her office. She's not there and I leave a note: "OK for dinner at 6? RSVP, regrets only. I'm with the lawyers." I can hardly think. My prick is hard all afternoon thinking about "anything." Thankfully, my lawyer doesn't need me too much and my mind is with Annie. The nipples no longer quiet as they were when she slept -- now hard and excited. I can feel the power of her thighs clamped around my head as she came and came. "Do me ... Do me." I hear it. Plaintive. Quiet. Exhausted. Orgasmic... "Do me ... Do me." Oh yes, definately orgasmic. The taste of her is easy to recall: sweet, slick, fragrant, hot with her essence.
At 6, I am in the restaurant in my hotel. I write a note and put it in the box. She arrives. She has been home and changed clothes. The muted blue skirt ends just below the knee. She is wearing a very frilly white silk blouse, through which I can see the suggestion of a lacy undergarment. A long loop of pearls hangs between her breasts. She smiles when she sees me. She waves and walks quietly through the dining room. She sits down and begins. "I'm sorry about last night. I ... well, I passed out. I drank too much and champagne does that to me." She's talking fast and low, eyes averted. "I know what you did for me. I really needed that. You see, he didn't ... I mean, with him I didn't ... well at least for a long time. And then he left and I..."
"Wait." I interrupt. "You don't have to apologize. Or explain. It's OK." I am working hard to sound confident -- it's hard to fake confidence. "I just need to know where you want to take it from here. And you have to explain about Annie and Catherine."
"Oh. That's easy." She ignores the first part of my request. "When I was a teenager, everyone called me Catherine. I went to Catholic school. I hated it. Well when I was in college I met a boy and he called me Annie. He was my first. He was wonderful and warm and gentle and very excited. I was in love. Annie is who I really am, and Catherine has that job."
I pick up her hand and turn it over. Looking at her fingertips, I ask, "Who was that incredible creature I was with last night? I already know Catherine. I'm going to get to know Annie, but that creature ... does she come out of a champagne bottle?"
"No, that's me too ... I guess." She smiles quickly at me and lookes away. I can see the red flush into her face. "That's mostly why I'm here ... I promised. Anything. Maybe the creature ... but it was me, too."
"Annie, look at me. I can't hold you to that promise. I know the circumstances, and it wouldn't be fair." I'm trying to be sincere, but my heart is doing about 200. I want her. I want the "anything." But I can't ... won't ... take it. It has to be given.
"Well, sir," a brave smile, she meets my eyes. "I'm sober now. And fair is fair. I said it and I'll do it." I shook my head ... not this way. "Please," a very, very small, quiet voice. I feel her whisper in my manhood. "Please. I want to ... I want you to have this." Testosterone surges in my blood. My dick is so hard, I could cut diamonds with it. My mouth is dry.
I put her hand back down. I remove the box from my pocket. "Please open this and follow the instructions." She looks at the jewelry box, looks up and takes it. The box opens and she reads the note. She stands, takes the box and her purse and goes into the lobby. In five minutes she is back. She is taking small careful steps and sits down.
"I did it," she says. "Is that all?"
"That's all for now. Let's enjoy dinner. Let me see your purse." I open her bag. A pair of red lace panties with black bows is there. "Very pretty." I begin to take them out, on top of the table. She snatches her purse closed and looks around wildly -- no one could have seen. I open the jewelry box. The ben-wa balls are gone. "Well, are you ok?"
"They are distracting."
"Good. I want to distract Annie so the creature can come out and play." I smile and hold her hand, stroking a finger along her palm. I never thought this would happen. SHE DID IT! I know that every little move she makes is sending rumbling waves radiating out from her pussy. Well, it's only fair. I thought about that pussy all day. She can think about it for a while too.
The dinner is fine and we have champagne -- one glass only. No passing out tonight, if you please. After dinner, there is quiet music and I come to her side and ask her to dance. She gives me a look, but agrees. She is walking very carefully. I pull her close and sway gently to the music. She leans her head on my shoulder. I can feel the warmth of her breath on my neck. She breathed exactly on that spot last night "do me ... do me" she had said.
"You're a bastard, you know that?" She's talking in a warm, husky voice. "I feel like they are going to fall out and roll across the floor. I have to keep clenched so the damn balls won't fall out. When I do that, they rub against each other and the walls of my vagina. It's like low intensity electricity ... continuously." As she talks, my prick swells against her. "Ahhh," she coos. "I see I have your attention."
I move my hand down to the small of her back and pull her even closer to me. My leg snakes between hers with each beat of the music. Her legs are pried apart a bit; it makes her a little nervous and unsure. When she clenches her thighs they grip my thigh. I remember the grip of those thighs... "I like this skirt," I tell her. "What are you wearing under it?"
"I had on the red panties ... which are now yours." I smile into her hair. My prick is hard now and rubbing against her with each step. It swells as I realize her words. I had told her to take them off ... it was her idea to give them to me. "And the body suit, which you can probably see through the blouse. It has snaps at the crotch, but I left them open, in keeping with the purpose of your instructions. " The first card had told her to go to the ladies room. The second, to remove her panties and pantyhose if necessary. She was to be exposed under the skirt. It also said that I would check. "And garter belt and stockings, of course."
"Of course? " I whisper.
"Well ... anything might have included a show, and I wanted to be able to show something interesting. Have you thought about what you want ... besides putting the focus of my attention on my sex all night."
"Yes." I am mesmerized. I have no idea what I will say next. It just comes out.
"Yes ... I want to own the creature." She is suddenly quite still.
"What?" A sharp whisper. "I'm not planning on getting married. I hardly know you and..."
"No no no." I break in. "Not married. OWN as in possess. I'm not sure if I can ask that ... it's too much. I'm not sure if you can give it. Hell, I'm not sure that the creature wouldn't consume me if I get it. But I saw that creature last night. She was wonderful. I want all of you -- no matter how many of you there are."
The band clicks into an up-tempo latin number and she breaks away. "Oh no. Nothing that fast." We go back to the table. I guide her to sit next to me, ostensibly so we can watch the dancers. My hand is on her knee and slides up. The transition from silky stockings to golden thigh is a shock. The stocking is smooth, polished. The thigh is hot, moist and electric. My hand glides up to the junction of her legs. I can feel her pubic hair. She opens her knees wider and I slither down to feel the entrance to her vagina. She is wet.
I rub the labia against each other and again with my finger between them. Her knees move again. I reach in and nudge the stainless steel ball. It flips over the other one and I can see the calm leave her face. She's struggling now to keep under control here in the restaurant, the creature close to the surface. I bring my finger out, and I can feel her relax. I can almost hear her think "He's not going to make me cum here. Thank god."
Instead of bringing my hand out, I slide up and strum her clit, just a little. The color rushes to her face, and her hands clutch at the edge of the table. Her knuckles are white. She is close. But not close to a big one. Just one of the little ones -- she had a thousand last night. She can put this one away for now.
I take my hand out, kiss her ear and whisper. "I really want her to come out tonight. Have I gotten the creature's attention?"
She nods and licks her lips. "Now please?" She means to say something else, I'm sure, but this whimpered out.
"No, no, dear creature," I breathe into her ear. "That was last night. Tonight you will serve and wait." Another whimper escapes her. "Let's go." She nods.
I sign the bill and head for the elevators. I know what she is thinking. "Good. We'll go up to his room and we'll fuck." Not yet, dear creature. We head for the penthouse elevator. She's surprised and I remind her of the rotating bar with a view of the city. "Oh ... Right ... It's romantic up there."
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LesbianIn the middle of nowhere, public, outdoors, I got fucked by a total stranger for money. [email protected]
Sex With StrangerChloe was a girl who knew what she wanted. headstrong, beautiful and determined but her one area of weakness, was her boyfriend Alex, who basically treated her like shit. This asshole was a layabout bum, he never supported her, cheated on her continuously yet still she took it. I would have been happy to let this pass but for one thing, I was in love with her I needed to free her from his clutches. I knew she had feelings for me but her sense of loyalty was very strong. She couldn’t see...
"Aren't the movers going to do that?" I asked. "Yes. So get your tree and the two boxes that you have left for your room." I looked at the neighborhood as the autumn breeze caressed through my hair and along my cheek. Such a nice place. It smelled like autumn. Every house was different. There were kids playing across the street in front of a gingerbread house. The mother was out front tending to her flower garden outside their front window. A couple two houses over from them were staring...
"I'm still trying to figure out what just happened," the admiral replied. "It sounds like there was a battle down there." "You might call it that," Yvette replied with a sniff. "Heck, if you want we could provide video of most of it." "That would prove nothing!" Colonel Johanes snapped. "It would be doctored before you sent it." "How?" Tamara asked. "You know, you are frighteningly inconsistent. First you claim we are untrained and have no rank but now we are supposedly...
Continued------ I have seen her face. She was looking beautiful. She asked me, am I ready for spanking? I replied, “Yes.” "OK, then." Alysia pointed to the wall where paddles and straps hung. "Please get me the light paddle at the end" she told me, pointing to the wall. I did as she ordered and went to her right side and handed her the paddle. She ordered me to lie over her lap. I lay over Alysia's lap, my cock against her bare thigh. The erotic feeling of Alysia's bare thigh against my cock...
SpankingHello everyone, I am garry from delhi and working in noida nowadays. Me aap sab readers ka bohat bohat shukar guzar hoon ke aapne meri pichli saari kahaniya padhi aur unhe khoob pasand kiya .Aap mujh se facebook par add ho saktey hai meri id hai garry singh gkc. So ab jyada time na kharab kartey huye aapko story batata hoon jo march ki first week me mere saath incident huya hospital me. Waha par ek nurse ko black mail karke uski hospital ke store room me chudai ki. Log kehte ke fuddi nurse di...
I have not been in town long. I moved out here from the Great Plains… Kansas… A very backwater place where the biggest thing that ever happens is a beer keg and cow-pie bingo. If you don’t know what that is, you are better off not knowing. Any way, I moved here to the big city, and out of the great Midwest… Into sunny California. After being here for a while, I got my job at a collections agency, and made a few friends there. It’s hard to make friends in a collections agency, I’ll tell you, but...
I have known Kairavi since her school days. I had been a friend with her pilot boyfriend too. He asked me to send her some flowers on behalf of him (Shiva). I reached around 11.45 pm below her building. Her boyfriend texted me there is no one at her home. I always had a crush on Kairavi but we were just friends. I had no intention that I might get lucky this night. She was wearing her night shorts when she opened the door. A nice cartoon t-shirt with a 34d boobs hanging around with a tight bra...
Hanging with my friends after school, we are trying to decide what to do tonight. Friday night and nothing to do?? How messe up is that? One of the guys says, "let's go to the football game and pizza after". Sounds good says most of the crowd. I go home to get a shower and dressed for th occasion. What do I wear? I can dress warm and cozy or I can dress to impress the cute waterboy from the team. I get in the shower, brush my teeth, wash my long locks, shave my pits and legs. I reach...
Days after that first, amazing trip to an Adult Book Store, Dominic felt the familiar craving return. He had his first “taste” of being with our men, seeing and satisfying another man’s needs and he loved it. The encounter with the anonymous man on the other side of the video booths wall was incredible. Dominic didn’t know where these urges came from, but he had found a place to satisfy them. No one else had to know.The thoughts of that beautiful, vein covered cock sticking through the hole,...
Hi, this is Raj. 27. Software engineer. Well built body. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories. But this is my first time writing one and it’s about losing virginity. It was the boring lockdown days. I was working from home, watching a lot of porn, and masturbating all day. I was still a virgin back then. But then miracles happen. After a few days, I got bored with porn and wanted something more. I even tried video sex with the Delhi sex chat (provided by this site). After a few more...
I lay on my back, naked, of course. My wrists and ankles crossed and cuffed together and to the table. Rather than being stretched, my elbows and knees are bent, opening me up to her ministrations. The room is slightly cool and absolutely silent which adds to the heightening of those senses not cut off by the soft leather blindfold and thick gag. Every sound is magnified in my ears as if amplified and enhanced. My every breath echoes in my ears. Her steps on the soft carpet are as loud as boots...
BDSMMy neighbor of a few doors down enjoys sharing pics and vids of his wife with me. She is unbelievably hot and has the boobs and pussy of a college girl. A few months ago he even let me have sex with her while he watched. Since then, she and i have hooked up to play around.This morning, after my neighbor went to work, I walked over to her house for a bit of fun. She let me in and made some coffee. it didn't take long for me to walk up behind her and slide my hand down to her pussy. He once told...
What’s up, you phenomenal cum machine!? I’ve got a question for you! If porn was a sport, which country is Michael Jordan? If you said anything other than Japan, you’re fucking clueless, or you must have been recovering from all the fucked up shit you used to watch that you forgot!As a conservative culture with reserved, respectful, and honorable citizens, Japan sits at the top of nations with the most fucking depraved perverts worldwide! I can hardly even think of countries with a more fucked...
Asian Porn SitesPART 3 I followed Kelly timidly through the front door and waited as she locked up. In the cool air, the short skirt offered little protection and I was very conscious that I wasn't wearing any underwear. Thankfully the taxi driver had returned to the car, and I hovered near Kelly like a frightened chick afraid to leave the nest. There were a few steps down from her from door to the path which looked very solid, as I concentrated on maintaining my balance. I had visions of falling...
(Note: I was planning to do this as a “crossover event,” where Troy & Julie, Maria, and Susan would get their own stories about receiving the news and what they do next. I decided instead to combine those stories into this one, so this chapter and the next will focus on that.) “Life’ll kill ya. That’s what I said. Life’ll kill ya. Then you’ll be dead. Life’ll find ya. Wherever you go. Requiescat In Pace, that’s-a all she wrote.” -Warren Zevon, “Life’ll Kill Ya” She ran. He had...
Julie inched down on the mat as she got ready for the first double fucking of her life. She was glad that Byron had spotted her and the coach sneaking into the locker room. Her twat ached for Paul and Byron; her shit-hole twitched for the two studs. Julie couldn't believe how much she wanted two cocks stuffed inside her at the same time! "Hey, Coach, I kind of liked the way Mom was sucking you off. I wonder if she can take both cocks at once," Byron said, kneeling next to Paul and...
Phoenix Marie was incredibly excited to meet her new stepson this thanksgiving. He was an army boy and this would be his first time on american soil in a while. He stood by the door at attention and Phoenix grabbed him inside by the belt and gave him a warm welcoming motorboat hello. He thought he was at the wrong house until his dad stepped into the room and affirmed that he was in the right place. They saluted each other and relocated to the living room where they made it just in time for the...
xmoviesforyouIt had to be in the closet, but it was so packed with junk it’d take a week to just get to the bottom of it. ‘Great,’ he said out loud, ‘I’m never going to find it in time.’ After removing armfuls of junk, he finally found his squash racket, but in the darkness and cold, a sliver of light from the adjoining room shone through. He thought about it for a second, what was on the other side of the wall? Eureka! He realised with a smile creeping along his face, it was the women’s shower room. He...
“Daddy, can we have a quickie?” Heather asked as she casually walked into the bathroom.Caledon, her stepfather, poked his head out from the shower curtains, blinking the water off his eyes as the water poured down behind him.“Baby, a who what? Cookie?”“Quickie,” the nineteen-year-old repeated while checking herself in the mirror. She lifted one foot in a cute pose. She knew he would like her in her black leggings and black bandeau bra and her braided pigtails and her bare feet.“Please, sweetie,...
TabooYou are invited to my birthday party on my private yacht, celebrating my 26th birthday. I hope to see you the 28th of this month at Paradise Haven. We depart at 23.00 and will go back to shore when the sun comes up. I hope to see you then! Sincerely, Carlos The music was loud, but by now the ship was so far off shore it was impossible for anyone to hear you. You were standing on the main deck with a glass of wine you weren't going to finish when Carlos decided to give a toast. He got up onto...
Daddy’s Little Girl Part 14(A Playday with Ashlynn goes Wrong)I was in LowsDepot, and not just to grab some toys. Its fall and I need to take care of some things around the house.I had passed by the display with pesticides, bug traps, and Mousetraps, twice, before something caught my eye. It looked like your everyday mousetrap, but it was much bigger. I pick one up and looked at it, there was a little locking device holding the Hammer, I pried it lose to test the strength of its spring. Wow,...
It is ten in the morning I grabbing my keys and she follows me to the car, I’ve just bought and it is beautiful, a BMW Z4 in white and it really does the job. We hop in, I hit the button and the top retracts and soon it is in the boot. I fire up the engine and head out. It is a beautiful day, the sun is the single piercing object in the sky, and it is completely cloudless. It seems rather common Miami weather. ‘So what are we doing today?’ She asked me. ‘You’ll see,’ I simply said. I’m...
"C'mon we'll go out to the barn, and I'll introduce you to Champion and Brownie." Tracy, her palms sweaty, nervously followed Christine to the stable. Laddie jumped and played beside her. "This is going to be the best two weeks of our lives," Christine promised. They stepped in the barn, out of the summer heat. "No more pretend stories, just real fun." She giggled, tingling all over. "C'mon." Christine stopped at Champion's stall and rubbed her hand soothingly down the...