Inara Serra indian porn

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Inara The Ifrit

Everyone's pretty familiar with genies or jinn - you rub the lamp, you get three wishes. Ifrits are a little different. They both live in lamps and grant wishes but Ifrit specifically take delight in causing harm - either by twisting the owner's wishes around Monkey's Paw style or by forcing someone good and pure to make wishes that are purely sinful in nature. If someone summons an Ifrit, they're stuck with them until they've made 7 evil wishes, one for every deadly sin. They know everything...

3 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 9 Marooned

Minara made her way to a small Inn in the center of the village and she pushed open the door and walked to the bar. Conversation stopped and everyone turned and looked at her, and she noted there were no female customers. The inn keeper looked her up and down, raised his eyebrows, but did not comment; she half expected him to say it was for men only and women were not welcome when she noticed a barmaid standing with a tray of drinks between two tables against a far wall. "Where is this?"...

4 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 21 Grojan

The sun was just setting as Minara stood on the palace walls watching the last of the market stalls being packed away in the square below. Her back ached and she groaned; she wondered if she had walked too far today. One of the palace guards stepped away from his post. "Are you alright, my lady?" "Yes!" Minara snapped, and the guard flinched at her tone. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." "That's no problem, my lady, would you like a hand down the steps?" "Yes...

4 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 8 Bounty Hunters

The queue for drinks at the bar melted away as soon as Minara bared her teeth. Filed teeth marked her out as a failure, but she had learnt that generally, people both male and female, regarded her and others like her with fear. For some it was justified, and the woman she had come to meet had a reputation as a ruthless bounty hunter and pirate. Some of the things she was reported to have done were justified, some, Minara suspected, were meant to enhance her fearsome reputation. Minara...

4 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 20 Further Revelations

At least the food they had been giving her was good, although the facilities left a lot to be desired. Minara had to put her chamber pot by the cell door hatch at first light or it would not be emptied and she had no washing facilities. By the ninth day she really, really, needed a bath. When they had come for her, whoever they were, she had been woken with a sword at her throat. There was no sign of Arron and she noticed his clothes and weapons had gone. She had sat up slowly then swung her...

5 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 15 Allies And More

Arron had started to pick his way over the bodies when he noticed Minara pause. "Wait, Arron, there is one here, still alive." She kicked a body and it moved. "Stop playing dead, animal!" She stood and pulled up her skirts, revealing long shapely legs. She hitched them up to her thighs. Arron stared at the creamy smoothness of her skin, and he sensed the beast within stir. "Minara stop! It won't take much to tip me over the edge again." She smiled, revealing her filed teeth, and drew...

3 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 16 Revelation

They ate from the supplies left in the shack to save their own. They were both ravenous after their lovemaking. They hid the bandit's bodies in the trees. Fresh mounts were corralled in a small pen behind the trees out of sight of anyone moving along the road in any direction. Arron noticed Minara wince with pain as she settled sat in the saddle. He allowed her to set the pace and noticed her tendency to press forward had abated somewhat. "I assume that was your marvark I saw dead a few...

2 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 26 A Mistake

With Minara safely out of the way he could move to the second part of the plan. The Grojan would be gathered in one place tonight so it was time to visit the City Guard and make his presence known. First he changed into his traveling leathers, then he made for a local stream and removed the hair dye he had smothered into his hair. Once it was all removed he walked back to the city. As he reached the outskirts people started to notice him and a crowd started to build behind him. He heard the...

2 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 25 A Murder

Arron had used the culvert to gain access to the castle grounds for a second night. He was half expecting to have to use one of the other secret entrances but he was amazed nothing had changed. He envisaged the Grojan's would use the royal quarters, and since he had warned them of his intensions he hoped they would stay close together. Ideal from his point of view, because he knew all the secret passages in the royal residence. He hoped one was sleeping in what had been the Princess's bed...

4 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 13 Departure

The morning of departure was problem-free, for which Arron was grateful. He had ensured the additional wagons for the extra supplies needed for the Princess and had sufficient military escort as well as the wagons for her retinue. With extra military protection to the border and the Halcyon Prince meeting them on the Halcyon border, Arron was confident that baring a full-scale military assault the Princess would be delivered safely. There were some last minute changes with the Matheros...

3 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 18 Sacrifice

The next three days dragged as Arron kicked his heals waiting for a reply from the King of Terfain. He left the Guard building for a safe house on the outskirts of the city in the rundown poor quarter as he wanted to avoid being recognized. The fair-haired General of the Halcyon Western Army was as infamous in Matheros as he was famous in Halcyon. He was relying on the fact he was infamous in Terfain as well for his plan to work. With time on his hands he considered what Minara had told him....

3 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 23 A Plan

The final section of the path to his hideaway cottage was treacherous. Arron picked his way with care. He had left it like that on purpose, to dissuade visitors. The little fisherman's cottage he had purchased was originally built with only access by boat. To ensure it remained secure, and just in case he needed to open the door when he didn't have a key, he had adapted part of his defunct radio transmitter case. The case had been secured with a thumb print lock. He had stripped the lock...

3 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 11 Meeting

Arron fingered his high collar and shifted his feet. He stood with his three senior officers, his dress uniform stiff and uncomfortable. They were first in line waiting for the King and Princess to arrive. He looked at the sea of faces beyond the line of officials and dignitaries facing them, the somber gray and blue dress of the males and the vibrant colors of the females' long dresses. It reminded him of films he had seen as a child of a fourteenth century ball on earth. He had become used...

4 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 22 Escape

Arron had started counting the days since he had been locked in the dungeon. When the first door was opened he expected to be led away for his execution, but so far all that happened was the hatch lifted and a plate of gruel was pushed through. He ate, then placed the empty plate by the hatch, then an hour later the door would open followed by the hatch and the plate was snatched away. Once he had not placed the plate to be collected and the next day he was not fed so he made sure he always...

3 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 24 Hunted

The journey back proved largely uneventful. The tales of horror and cruelty coming out of Halcyon city had at least abated and things had settled to an uneasy peace. The Grojans, from what he could ascertain, were replacing people from the previous government with lackeys of their own. People with no particular skill, but who had sworn allegiance to them, mostly criminals and dropouts who could feather their own nests by sucking up to the new regime. Of the young King and Queen, other than...

4 years ago
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Kinara Shehr

You are dead. There's no easy way to put it. You lived a full long happy life and died of old age. Sure your family and friends will miss you, mourn for your loss and continue living their lives. But for you this life is over and its time to move to the next one. Right now you find yourself floating in an endless abyss. It's not like you can feel your body in this dark place. You don't have a body right now. All five sense of yours are gone. It's just the sixth one that tells you that you...

3 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 2 Arron

"Stand up straight!" the drill sergeant yelled into Arron Johnston's face and the sergeant's spittle landed on his cheeks. He stood impassively, as to flinch, or heaven forbid, wipe his face, would probably result in fifty press-ups. Arron hated the sergeant with a passion reserved for raw recruits against their drill sergeant, probably since the time of the Romans. For an eighteen-year-old, such treatment seemed pointless. He had joined up to fight the Grojan, not put up with crap like...

2 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 3 Halcyon

Arron had been walking for just over a week. He had left his advanced weapons, explosives and uniform under a low-level force field in the back of the cave, close to where he had been dropped. He wore the clothes of a Halcyon, a citizen of the country he had been assigned to. His identity was that of a junior army captain in the Eastern Division of the Halcyon Army. His papers showed that he originated in the north of the country and had joined the Army and purchased his commission as a...

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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 6 A Hero

The next morning Arron woke early, bathed and dressed in his light leather armor. He walked down to the common room for breakfast and was saluted by the desk sergeant. "Good morning, sir." "Good morning, Jerros." There was a noise outside so Arron walked to the main entrance and opened the doors. He was greeted by a loud cheer. A crowd was quickly gathering; people pushed forward, patted him on the back and shook his hands. He was about to step back through the door when Jerina rushed...

2 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 7 Abandoned

Eight months later, Arron was ready to start the campaign against the Matherosians holding the southern province of Halcyon. He had spent the time bringing what was more or less an undisciplined rabble into a cohesive disciplined fighting unit. A trusted Captain, and troops from Halcyon, had replaced Arron's trained men at Harcross, so he had a core of trained, battle experienced men to help speed up the process. Jerros had remained his second in command. Morale was high and the men were...

3 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 19 Death Sentence

The ship shuddered, waking Arron, and he stretched and yawned. The ship was no longer rocking so he pulled on his boots and, bending low so as not to strike his head, he made his way above decks and found the ship had docked and lines were being tied. The First Mate spied him. "Good morning, sir, we have arrived, the winds were favorable and we made fast passage. We should have the gang plank out shortly." Arron nodded his thanks and stood back while the crew completed the docking...

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Apollo s Children

After the release of the virus and the offensive against the enemy in the Jovian System, the nation and the world struggled to adjust to what happened and what was still happening. It became apparent that the transformations were slowing down. Dr. Lukas Forrester at Project Rampart theorized that the atmospheric nanites were either going dormant or they needed time to reproduce themselves. There were still hundreds of thousands of men and boys with RH negative blood that were...

4 years ago
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Turned into a Sissy Slut

Turned into a Sissy SlutMy name is Mark. I’m 19, and am around 140 lbs, thin, with a kind of girly ass. I began to fully embrace my love of dicks by watching hours of gay porn and at the same time embraced my feminine side by buying and hiding a lot of women’s clothes. Still, by the time I was 18 and going off to college, I had not done anything with a man. It’s not that I didn’t want to or that I was scared, I just didn’t know any gay or bi people around my neighborhood.Luckily I was able to...

2 years ago
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"Quick," he said, "grab the forty miles per hour sign." She bent down and felt around under her seat for the A3-sized placards that he had made up. She pulled them out and flipped through them, looking for the one he wanted. "Good grief, would you look at this idiot?" growled Michael. "Doesn't he know what a de-restricted sign means, for heaven's sake?" He changed down into third gear and cruised up to a few yards behind the bumper of the car in front, edging out towards the...

4 years ago
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Niki s DescentChapter 6 Back to School

It had been a strange morning. Max had woken her early, kissing her neck, and for a moment she had forgotten all that had happened over the long weekend. But as she felt the tug on the choker around her neck, and the way he looked at her sternly as she started walking, she swiftly remembered. Getting down on her hands and knees, crawling, thankful for the carpeting, she followed him as he went to take the dogs out to the backyard. The cool grass tickled her knees as she followed him, blushing...

3 years ago
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Bus Me Mili Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Kiss karte karte main uske boobs dabaye ja raha tha. Fir maine uske bra ka hook bhi khol diya aur boobs ko pura azad kar diya. Fir maine uske nipples choosna shuru kiya. Wo umhhhh umhhh ki awazein nikalne lagi. Fir usne fatafat mere sare kade utar diye aur boli bas bohot ho gaya, ab chod do mujhe. Maine use pakad k fir se diwar pe chipka diya aur kaha sabar karo. To wo boli k bas ab aur nahi bohot sabr ho gaya.Maine fir use choomna shuru kiya aur uski gand pakad k use khud se chipka liya. Fir...

2 years ago
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Italy Sexcapade

i went to Italy for a week. the three places i visited were Rome, Venice, and Florence. There was a lot of first's happening on this trip, but i enjoyed it. It was the last day in rome, i wanted to enjoy the night life. To no end, I didn't find anywhere to go. I had made plans with four different guys this guys this night. Franco was the only one to follow through. Franco was an older gentlemen: 56, 5'10, 175lbs, italian. I admit, i was nervous. First time with a man, in my book, everything...

4 years ago
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Maxine Stone s New LifeChapter 84

The number of boats being loaded into the city lake convinced me that there was something different about that day. There was, it was Saturday. I had not realized that the time had passed so quickly, but it had. Enough mundane chores had occupied my time during the week so that days just slipped by while I tried to find some new directions. Realizing that it was Saturday gave me an idea. It was time for me to finish cleaning out the office. but only if it was empty. I had no desire for...

2 years ago
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My name is Jen. I just graduated high school last month. My Junior year following the August incident in the clearing (Origins) was spent in fear and self-loathing. I went back to school that year in fear of hearing the rumors. Wondering when the shoe was gonna fall. I had nightmares of coming to school and finding those still frames from Corey’s camera phone plastered along the hallways. My cum-drenched face, body bent over on my hands and knees, taking it up the ass. I was so...

4 years ago
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Zelena s Family

"Oh God that's good." Muttered Zelena. She was bending over a sack of potatoes in the store room of her father's green grocer's shop. The shop was closed for the night and he'd gone upstairs to have dinner and Zelena and Mikel were "cleaning up", but the broom and dustpan were leaning against the wall of the store room while Mikel fucked Zelena. Mikel fucked Zelena hard, the way she liked it. She bent over the potato sacks, her skirt pulled up over her bare bottom, and her...

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The Refrigerator

So Steve asked me if I could take him to Lowe’s and pick up the new refrigerator he and his wife bought. So I picked him up and we loaded it in my truck, and drove to his hose. Once there Linda had everything out of the old refrigerator and had pulled it out from the wall.Steve and I, muscled the old one out, while Linda cleaned the floor where the refrigerator goes. Steve and I took the door off the old refrigerator and brought the new one inside and plugged it in. Linda pulled us cold beers...

2 years ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Jessica Marie Aria Banks Concept Trashy Boners 2

What is Trashy Boners? These are girls that are described as ‘hot messes’, typically love to be slutty and exposed in public places, for them, the nastier, the better. In today’s update, Aria Banks and Jessica Marie are out riding their ATVs when they meet Brick Danger who invites them to come back to his hotel room. The girls say the only way they’ll let him fuck them is if he gets dirty with them out there on the roads. Brick accepts the challenge and hops on one of their ATVs, after getting...

5 years ago
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LebenChapter 20

Angelika - Like an angel Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army Finally able to get out of bed Alan started to push everyone harder. They may not be as strong but he was damn sure going to make sure if they went down, they went after inflicting pain. As of yet Alan was still at a loss for a plan to finally end the Doctor, though that was about to change. Alan had been watching everyone closely when there was a disturbance outside the village. Looking he...

1 year ago
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It was late, quiet with nothing special like usual. They were on the couch at her house just watching t.v. while her mom slept. MTV, Vh1, and many other channels were cycled through as time went by. Finally, she spoke up, “It’s been so long since last time we had sex? What does it mean?”. He had thought about this many times too and never truly came up with an answer. “I mean I don’t know why but I don’t get horny like I used to.” “I’ve been thinking about it myself and I believe we just...

2 years ago
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Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife Part 6

Lusty Adventures of a Horny Trophy Wife – 6 Don Abdul ©2010 Working in close proximity with the 20 year old intern Jack was becoming rather too painful for Lynda as his continued presence around her was driving her nuts with desire. Most times she would often fantasize about pouncing on him right there in the office and tearing off his clothes, and then impaling herself on his extremely hard youthful cock. By the time she got to the point of riding him hard and rough, her pussy would be so...

3 years ago
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Behind The BarnChapter 8

Sandra wished the ground would open up and swallow her. Shame and mortification flooded through her, crimsoning her downcast face. She was paralyzed with fear, too terrorized even to pull her skirt down over her still lewdly splayed thighs. She was painfully, desperately aware of her husband standing over her, his eyes traveling over the naked plane of her vagina, over her white nylon panties so casually discarded, over Sam's cowering, abject figure. Unable to stand it any longer, Sandra...

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Samantha s Sex LessonChapter 4 Samantha Learns More

Samantha backed into her bedroom watching Aaron follow her. His eyes were glued to her boobs and hard cock pointed straight at her. When she reached her bed, the teen flopped into it calling out, "Get in here with me, and teach me more about what boys want to do to sexy girls like me!" "Ugh! I don't think that's a good idea, but let me show you something any guy who sees those gorgeous tits of yours is going to want to do." Aaron leaned over Samantha on her bed and took her swelling...

4 years ago
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An afternoon by the pool Part 3

Carl stood at the marble sink in the en-suite bathroom and washed his cum covered tumescent cock. It was still as hard as it had ever been, the veins pulsing with his still un-slaked lust. The sight of the two girls had driven him crazy with desire. He pulled the foreskin back fully, exposing the angry looking purple glans, a drip of cum oozing from his urethra. He closed his eyes, then opened them again. He picked up his iPhone from beside the sink and selected the last video and pressed...

2 years ago
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Loving My Ex

Kerrie was moaning in her inimitable way as she rode my cock. How I loved that sound. None of the other women I fucked made pleasure noises that resonated so well with me. Maybe it was because that sound was forever connected to the first piece of ass I ever got. I was eighteen and she was twenty. She had just broken up with her first lover, a somewhat older guy who was insisting on getting married. She wasn’t ready yet. Too much life to explore first. It was our third date and she asked me to...

3 years ago
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Perspective III Perception

Perspective III: Perceptions Early Morning She was awake long before the alarm clock went off. How had hefound her at the cabin? That thought kept going through herhead. No one had known where she was going, no way could anyone have followedher up the mountain road without her noticing, yet there he had been thenext morning. Automatically she stretched out her arms to relieve someof the tension in her shoulders. At least she could be certain it was nodream this time. That last session on the...

4 years ago
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My teachers shoes

One Friday after school i stayed at school to help set up the spring school dance.After i finished setting up the things that i had to i went back to my teachers room (she organizes all the dances so the supplies are in her room) to get my bag.No one was in the room I looked to the side and saw her shoes, then i went over too her shoes knelled down and smelled. Wow it didnt smell bad it was making me horny. i opened my zippers and got out my cock. then i heard steps so i pulled down my shirt to...

4 years ago
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Girls Come Together 2

Girls Come Together 2 By DeeAnne This is a continuation of the story "Girls Come Together" It continues on Saturday morning after Cindy's Donna's and Jeff's wild and heavily sexual Friday night. The night was a blur for the three of them and they have yet to fully recall the steamy events. When they recall the evening I imagine it will be quite a story, to be told. Chapter 2 The cookie cutter neighborhood housed a large number of middle class suburbanites, who worked in the...

2 years ago
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KittyChapter 21 Trouble in paradise

I was taking an inventory of the few remaining items from the Perryman estate when Berry tracked me down. He apologized for the sudden way he'd told me that there was no job for me, explaining that he'd only recently decided to stay in town. I took that to mean 'recently' was after Phyllis left for college, and when Claire became available. "That was callous of me. I know you'd been planning to take over as soon as the reenactments season came to an end. I should have come to you the...

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The Second Sweetest Gift

“Terry, what is love?”I grinned at her, “What we have. That’s love.” I was sitting on the side of her bed, holding her hand, rubbing my thumb up and down along it’s side. I felt the dry, almost waxy skin through which her bones just about showed, and tried to ignore that IV line dripping into the back of her hand.She smiled, “Yes, it is. But what is the definition of love?”I frowned. She was getting serious, and I didn’t want that.“Well, as you know, I always thought Robert Heinlein had it...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Anniversary Present

Brad knew he had to work quickly to get Jerri into a new phase of life before she got too settled. He had a simple theory. Being the good girl wife that Jerri was, she would never succumb to the fantasy if she were given time to think about it. It would have to be a surprise. Some conniving would have to take place. Brad knew what he had to do.Little did Jerri know that he had searched the net long and hard and handpicked a handful of black men for Jerri. He told them all about his wife in...

4 years ago
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Bella and the Beast

Bella and the BeastA Horror Story of Animal Lust and a Young GirlIntroduction and Disclaimer        This is a story of  a thirteeen-year-old girl who becomes the object of a strange, mythic, humanoid creature.  The Beast has a primordial, imperative drive to mate, but has endured decades without opportunity.  He happens to encounter a rare candidate—lovely, young Bella.  It is a violent story of inter-species sex, and readers who are under eighteen, and those who would be offended by a very...

3 years ago
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The Gothic Tale

[Note: Thumbnail credit to Jayson Kassis] An electronic chime sounded as the door to the shop swung open. In walked a group of six twenty-somethings making enough noise to remind the shopkeeper why that age bracket was generally among the least-welcome customers. They gave the same oo's and aa's that every guest gave when seeing the interior of the shop for the first time, then they broke into three groups to explore. Three went one way, two went...

4 years ago
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Dungeon Duo

I will have harmony in the harem. The girls know this from the day they arrive. I know better than to require perfect pitch. There will always be competition, petty jealousy and idle bitchiness when sex slaves are held in close quarters. Where punishments are plentiful and favours are few, some competition is inevitable. But every girl within these stone walls must cooperate smoothly, whatever her personal relationships, for the pleasure of her master. For the use of their owners, they must...

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Kareen s BBC Prison Cock PT4

ANOTHER SURPRISE A couple days later, we ended up at Dele's where surprise after surprise hit me. The first one happened the minute the front door was opened. The woman looked at me and smiled. A smile as if she knew I was coming. I looked at her and my jaw dropped... I imagine if I were a cartoon it would have literally hit the floor. The woman standing in front of me was the lawyer I'd first watched Kareem fuck. I couldn't recall her name at first, but there was no doubt it was the same...

3 years ago
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Dirty Dirty Teenage Sex Party

So Adarsh and I had finally realized that each other was gay. We had been good friends since Grade 7, now we in Grade 12 and he was 18. We finally had each other to fulfil all our teenage sexual fantasies with. I was his slave and he was mine. This one weekend, there was a party at one of our classmates house in Bangalore. His parents weren’t in town and this party was wild. A lot of people were drinking and dancing and having a good time. Adarsh dragged me upstairs. I willingly followed him...

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Connie and Millie

Connie Eubanks was feeling a little low that morning, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get into her job, and constantly had to remind herself to get back to work! Even while taking phone calls, her mind would wander and she had to ask several clients to repeat what they had just said because she wasn’t paying any attention! At about 11:15 her phone rang and it was her best friend Millie calling to see if they could have lunch together. “Sure Mil,” Connie replied, “why not, I’ll...

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Doctor rsquo s diagnosis lsquo GAY rsquo 3

Doctor’s diagnosis ‘GAY’ 3I’m a man in my mid 50’s standing 5’10” at 210 pounds. I’m on a diet and lost 10 pounds last week. My hair is salt & pepper trimmed neatly. My skin is a little tan as I have been going to the pool for exercise. I am still pink at my places of color; lips, finger & toe nails, nipples, dick head and scrotum. I add this because I can see my balls now past my belly.I have a new insurance policy through work, thank you Obama, and am learning to make the best of it....

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Khaandani Randiyaan ndash Part II

Hey friends, this is Sanjana from Delhi yet again with the second part of the story that you people have so nicely appreciated for the first part, use the ISS search option and type in the story name without the part number and you’ll find that.Continuation,I continued to shoot the action and also was getting hotter and hotter seeing my mom in this kind of action. She was pretty much turned n oand was fucking like a real slut that was longing to have some good hard cocks inside her. She was not...

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Sex with jaya

I would like to share my real experience with you all. This is about my experience I had couple of months back. Jaya is a cute nice girl. Slim and has got the perfect vital stats. She is married and has a kid studying in lkg. But no one would tell that she is married. She is that young looking. We were first talking to each other as friends. Then we became close to each other. I am also married. I have an average body. I am good looking guy. She has issues with her husband who is a drunkard. So...

2 years ago
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Apocalypse BluesChapter 16

Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein und das heißt Erika Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein wird umschwärmt Erika “Not that damn tune again!” Malcolm rolled his eyes, “that’s a fucking Nazi song, written by a fucking Nazi composer, and them being Nazis, they play that damn song a lot!” “Herms Niel ... yeah, he was an actual Nazi. Joined the party in 1934. Still, it’s remarkably stupid of them to announce their arrival like that, wouldn’t you say? I guess that they want us to...

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Spanked at the Dance

I spent all morning trying to call him and I wouldn’t give up until I spoke with him. Relentlessly, I hit the “redial” button on my cell phone until I finally reached him. After 3 full hours of futile attempts, my efforts finally rewarded when I heard the phone ring. “Homicide,” the man answered. “Liu, please reconsider and go to the dance with me,” I begged. “What part of ‘no’ do you not understand? And why the hell are you calling on my desk phone?” He asked angrily. “It’s because I couldn’t...

4 years ago
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Good Hard Fuck

Do I have to get rough and manhandle you and throw you up on the bed and lube up your ass and thrust in a vibe before I shove my cock into your pussy with a vibrating ring. don't deserve that yet - you've been to prim and don't get to get fucked like a wonderful slut just yet I slowly begin kissing you a bit, slowly...opening my mouth just a little...letting you taste my lips more deeply for the first time... and I press my chest further against...

4 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 31 Prisoner

Unlike warmly remembered Boston, we did not find many welcoming women out there in the swamps and hills. Nancy, Melissa and Cecelia were the satisfying exceptions, along with a few others. Much of the frozen countryside was deserted, the animals confiscated or driven off and the farmhouses and barns empty if they still stood. For some reason the Crown sent a new minister into the wilds of New Jersey. The old one had fled during the confusion after the fights at Trenton and Princeton. The new...

4 years ago
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First Day at Camp

I was 13 years old when I went to my first stay away from home camp. I never really thought much about it but going to an all boys camp was certainly going to be different than anything else I'd ever done. I was pretty excited to be getting away from home and to be out to make new friends. As I headed over to my cabin and started unpacking a boy came up beside me sitting on my bed. "Hey what's up," he asked laying down, "I'm Kyle who're you?" Usually I would've told him to get off my...

2 years ago
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PornstarPlatinum Alura Jenson Brandi Mae Melanie Brooks Domination

So this is what happens when we go to the library ha?, we pick up someone who thinks their dominant? See I’m here & handcuffed to this BDSM X-Cross with Brandie Mae & we’re just wondering if Melanie Brooks can really be dominant enough, she really has no idea what I’m looking for. Brandie though, thinks we should give her a chance… let’s see, I’m not impressed very easily & Brandie is hard to please. But I’m going to take Brandie’s...

4 years ago
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Saint LukeChapter 2

If you have never ridden a Greyhound bus across country, then count yourself lucky. Imagine yourself in a long tube filled with other people. There is always at least one crying baby, usually with a dirty diaper and one unruly child who is tormenting another passenger, not always a relative of, or even someone known to, the child. There is always at least one obnoxious drunk, a couple of obese and cranky travelers and that one creepy guy who stares at people until they get so uncomfortable...

4 years ago
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What If Reading EroticaChapter 4

A note from Roger: I want you to know that I have gone through the whole realm of emotions, hate, sadness, pain, even love, to name a few. I have been offered advice from a lot of people. Everything from kill Marsha, to take her back and love her, from throw her cheating ass out, to forgive her. There is no advice that I haven't thought of. She was a wonderful wife and mother for twenty plus years, and a lying cheating bitch for six months. Once I finish this story I will walk away from...

3 years ago
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The Haunted House the School GirlChapter 2

It was Halloween and Gwyn was dressed and serving food. Not happy as a waitress near Mansfield U. Things were not good. Her boss watched Gwyn as she talked to her daughter. In her Majorette uniform, talking to her was no bother. Gwyn could show her heinie and be quite rude, especially if she did not like the dude! She groaned and gave his face a hard slap. His cheek turned red as it landed with a clap. Gwyn, by far had the best bottom of any girl in her class. To give her a good hard...

3 years ago
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The Trick is Turned or Cock tales for two

The Trick is Turned; or Cock-tales for Two. I entered the cocktail party at Lee's house with a bit of an attitude. I had just conceded defeat to her in a recent election. She was now the incoming president of the local accounting association. I had only lost by a handful of votes and decided against asking for a recount. Since the election was overseen by fellow accountants, asking for one would have been a tactless symbol of no-confidence. How that dyke had gotten elected was a...

3 years ago
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Courage RewardedChapter 3

All too soon, our little holiday came to an end. Going back to the house proved a difficult experience; although I didn't suffer actual panic attacks in my bedroom if Brandon was not around, it was no longer a place I felt really safe. Although I was no longer actually scared to sleep by myself, I still made a habit of invading my son's room and joining him in bed. I cursed myself for having bought him a Queen-sized bed; if he only had a single, like the ones at the hotel, I would have been...

3 years ago
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Rest Stop

I was on a cross country trip back in 98. I lived in the Northeast and i thought that sense i was going to Los Angelas that going south and hitting 40 all across the USA. New england is where i am from so 95 was the easy way to 40 so i was on my way .Well construction got me all confused in New York and i ended up going through Pennsylvainia . I then was on 79 which went down through that state and into West Virginia On this trip i was going to see if i could save money and just sleep in my...

4 years ago
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Making Mika Mine Chapter 1

My name is Monique Henderson. A six-foot-three, blonde-haired and green-eyed, sturdy and very voluptuous woman of German-Austrian descent living in upstate New York. The story that I'm about to tell is definitely not one for the timid or faint of heart. It's about a young woman who lives her life on her own terms. I moved to the United States about 10 years ago right after I finished "Fachhochschule" (roughly equivalent to a U.S. High School) so I could pursue higher education here in the...

1 year ago
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The Thornies Book Two A Beryl of Trouble Part One

The Thornies Book Two: A Beryl of Trouble - Part One By: Light Clark Chapter 01 - Jeremy - Off-campus Errr! Errr! Errr! The obnoxious buzz of an alarm sounded out over and over again, ripping apart the quiet dark of my room. I made no move to stop it, though. No, I just lay there, face down in my pillow, groaning at the horror of having to get up and endure another day. "Jeremy! Turn off that damn alarm and get up already!" my mom, clearly having had enough of my shit,...

4 years ago
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The Point Chapter 4

The following day was a game-day. Mark didn’t join Zach for a workout. He suspected that Zach was in the weight room anyway. Instead, he headed to the court in regular gym-clothes and put in some practice time alone. It was about three hours before the game, so he had roughly an hour to practice on his own before the others started showing up.Mark heard a deep voice that could only belong to Coach S., “Look at who is the first one here. You are making a habit of this, Mark.”“Trying to, Coach....

Gay Male
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Where s the Glory in That Ch 1

"Don't be a baby," Jess scolded."We've all done it. It's kinda fun, actually," Annie coaxed."They can't see you,” Taryn added, “and it's a quick way to earn fifty bucks.”I don't know how my friends coerced me into doing it, but there I was inside the women's locker room at a run-down gym, about to offer my services to men on the other side of a wall in exchange for money."Yeah, yeah, yeah… I get it. Now, where is this hole to hell? I wanna get it done and over with already," I huffed."Whoa,...

Oral Sex
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FantasyMassage Rachael Cavalli Your Fathers Medicine

Codey Steele gets home from school after a long hard day. When his mother asks him what’s wrong, he tells her that he just has a headache. Picking up a bottle of pills from the table, he pops 2 before his mother can stop him. Rachael Cavalli laughs seeing that he just took some of his dad’s dick pills. When he realizes he’s gonna be hard for hours his mom suggests he go sleep it off. He agrees and goes upstairs to lie down. When she goes upstairs to check up on him, he’s...

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GirlsWay Aiden Ashley Jezabel Vessir Deserving Of Love

Aiden Ashley and Jezebel Vessir are catching up after not having seen each other in some time. Jezebel is Aiden’s old sponsor and is so pleased to see how Aiden has flourished now that she’s out of recovery. In fact, Aiden is also training to become a sponsor herself. She’s hoping that she can pay Jezebel’s kindness forward to someone who needs it. But when they start talking about their love lives, it’s revealed that Aiden has been avoiding intimacy on purpose....

4 years ago
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Friends Chapter 2

My body is still quivering from the effects of her attentions when she kisses me, the taste of my juices still on her lips. I return her kiss, we hold each other close for a moment and finally breaking apart aware that you have a very large problem and had been quite neglected. I am on my knees freeing your stiff cock as she kisses you. I touch the tip delicately with my tongue and hear you groan as I slowly take your cock in my wet mouth. Her hand slides down and I share your cock with her...

5 years ago
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First time with Diana in the shower

During my years at high school, I had been a very good swimmer.I had some good friends swimming with me; we all girls made a nice team.That afternoon, after a long practice, I was enjoying a nice shower at the locker room. The warm water trickled soothingly down my bare skin as I rubbed soap on my breasts and my shaven labia in this large bathing room. Being naked in front of the rest of my girlfriends always turned me on a little, though none of the team knew that I was thinking of them...

4 years ago
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Chapter 4 More Experience gained

Chapter 4- Di, Sue, Holly, and More, My Sophomore SummerMy sophomore year of college passed. As I had no ear for language, I had to take a summer school semester to recover my grade in French. I decided to take a fine arts course as well- The History of Music. I enrolled at a local university’s night school and managed to take both courses on the same nights, three nights per week.During the day, I occupied my time running a small home improvement business performing various odd jobs in the...

2 years ago
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“Would be wonderful if another very hung man was watching. You know I love having two men pleasure me. Haven’t had that in Australia, yet anyway.” Nina is taller than most women with a very good and sexy athletic body. Long legs, well-formed thighs, 34B tits with long nipples when aroused and stunning good looks. She is the complete, beautifully spoken lady in public, though very articulate and verbose while having sex. “Don’t stop what you are doing. Love the way you lick my cunt, I am to...

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Indian Princess Learns From Couple

Esara was 22 years old at the time and living in the bid city Jhb for 2 years now after moving in with her fiancé Anesh who was 24 and both in love with each other. However, she was introduced to drugs, namely khat, a month back by her white girlfriend Anneline and her husband Jacque who were a 42 and 46 year old married white living in the plush suburb of Sandton after she went home to their flat one evening to stay over from the work function. She remembers in detail how she knelt down on the...

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Private Florane Russell Four Black Studs For Blonde Nympho

Debuting today in, in our Private Specials 5 BBC Gangbangs 2 is Florane Russell, a pretty blonde with a great pair of tits and an incredible sexual appetite. There’s no better way than sex to get over a break up and Florane decides to go all out, watch as she takes on four black studs, first on her knees, gagging and deep throating before offering up her tight pussy and ass for a rough pounding. Relax and enjoy this incredible gangbang as Florane then fucks each stud, with anal, DP,...

3 years ago
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Rebecca and the Gardener

I arrived home from work at around the usual time, six thirty. The gardener’s pick up truck is parked on the driveway, meaning I had to park my Peugeot in the street. The noise coming from upstairs made it obvious that Rick our Aussie gardener was doing a spot of indoor gardening, planting his trowel in my mothers seed box! I slammed the front door as I went in, sidestepped a pair of dungarees on the floor, kicked one of a pair of boots in the doorway and shut myself in the kitchen.My mother is...

Straight Sex
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First anal

I was going to sleep overs at my friend Larry’s house and he taught me to suck his dick. I learned to become good at it and really enjoyed it. One weekend when I was at his house, his parents were going to go out. His older brother, Mike was going to keep an eye on us, but he always just went to his room and we went to Larry’s room. As soon as we closed the door, we began pulling our clothes off. I had been thinking of sucking his dick for several days and it is all I wanted. He sat on his bed...

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Jennifer s Maid

Jennifer's Maid By Susan Day This is a story of a fireside chat between Penelope Primrose, usually known as 'Auntie', and her old schoolfriend, Jennifer. Jennifer asks her husband for domestic help. When she finds how expensive it is, her friend introduces her to a special agency where a special kind of maid can be found. After employing a maid from the agency, her husband takes a greater interest. (number one...

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Sabrina s Education Ch 02

Chapter Two: The Mansion ‘Hello Ms. Pendergrast,’ Mr. Smith smiled politely at the prim child care worker after he walked out to greet us. ‘Hello Sabrina,’ Mr. Smith stretched out a beautifully manicured hand and I shook it shyly. ‘I hope you like our little home here,’ Mr. Smith added warmly. Little home? I would hardly call it little and almost laughed at the man in front of me. We were standing in the large porch of his grey huge mansion. The lawn was perfectly manicured, huge and...

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More uniform

We were in the loft sorting out the mess prior to moving house. There was all the usual stuff, old records, junk that there since the last move years ago and so on. In one of the cases was some of my wifes old clothes including her old school blazer which she took downstaires for a better look. I should say at this stage, that she had lost a bit of weight recently and our sex life had improved because of it. Although, luckily (for me!) she still had nice big titties and a well rounded arse. I...

3 years ago
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Ritual Offerings The Interview

September 22nd, 1:30 p.m. I arrived at the Rosemary Psychiatric Institution, where I’ve been promised an interview with a patient who was admitted over two years ago, and whose mental condition remains unchanged. It’s my hope to learn more about the conditions of her admittance, as the media would only say it was of an ‘occult nature’. Those words were what first got my attention. I was a man with a dream of one day becoming a recognised paranormal investigator, but thus far, had only ever...

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My New House Continued

To understand this story you must have read the previous installment. ‘Are you wet?’ asked Mindy. ‘I’m not dry,’ answered Sally. ‘Ok, let’s end this game and get Matt moved. I think everyone has shared all their fetishes except me right?’ said Mindy. ‘No, I have mine to go yet. It’s bondage, so now Mindy what is your last fetish and then we will get Matt moved in.’ ‘My final fetish is wax. I love to have hot wax poured on me.’ I said, ‘Interesting, all my stuff is in the car, I’ll go...

4 years ago
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Rosa My Love

My name’s Mark Dowd, and until a few months ago I was a corporate lawyer with Crombie, Noble, Hansen and Petrie, one of the giants of American law, with offices in New York and half a dozen other major cities across the country, plus London, Paris and Rome. I’m 31, six-feet-one tall and, if I say so myself, good looking, with typical black Irish features — vigorous hair the colour of jet, flashing dark eyes and high cheekbones that I flatter myself give me a kind of Heathcliff look. I work out...

4 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 15 Time Management

Dexter was pleased with the article he was about to post on the website. The title of the article was, “The Customer is Always Right?” The question mark in the title was the whole point of the article. The past week had been spent interviewing people who worked in a service capacity. Some of the stories they told were very interesting. One waiter had relayed a story about the time a woman yanked on his arm while he was walking past her table, carrying a tray of food for another table. The...

2 years ago
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Our UK turns out better than planned

Hello, my name is Lynn, many years ago, I was on holiday in the UK with Grant, he has a big family, mainly brothers, one I fancied, but never got the chance to fuck, but maybe that was going to change.We were staying with another family member, but seeing as Luke owned a pub and had room we moved in with him for a few days, it turned out to better than I hoped. He was single and no shortage of woman chasing him, but often I found he pushed up against me when we were in his flat above the pub,...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 8 Time

Medway High School 12:45pm, Thursday, February 15, 1979 “Hello everyone!” Mrs. Pierce loudly said after the bell to start our seventh period English class sounded. “Did you miss me or were you enjoying your free time, yesterday?” “A little of both,” Brad MacGee diplomatically said in response to our favorite English teacher’s question. A smattering of ‘yeah’ and ‘yes’ were murmured around me after Brad’s appropriate response. “Ha, you can’t BS, a BSer,” she cackled out then loudly coughed...

3 years ago
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Flashing My Son

I learned that my son's friends fancied me, and when I got home from work they always enjoyed eyeing me up. I usually wore skirts or dresses to work and always wore hosiery. Most often wore tights. My favorite was sheer energy, sheer to waist in American tan or nude. The skirts I wore were not very short, usually just to the top of my knees. When I sat, they would slide up a few inches. I had known for quite a while that men enjoyed seeing sheer covered legs, and I did not mind them looking.I...

3 years ago
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Chapter 32: TRAINING THE OTHER TEAMRiding high on Thorrass I take the opportunity to scan the plains as he makes a sweep toward the other side of the island. This would be a great opportunity to check the status of the new people and their harbor. I lean into his long neck, “Thorrass, can we stay high and distant but swing by close enough to the new people’s harbor to see what they are up to?”“Of course, but there isn’t much now. There are no ships there at present.” He dipped his right wing...

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The Bordunes Chapter 2

Chapter Two Rose O’Toole Part 1 Dark circles shadowed Rose O’Toole’s green eyes. Three worrisome weeks at a boarding house in New York’s notorious Five Points section left Rose with fingernails gnawed down to nubs. On that April morn, she tied her long, auburn hair into a neat bun, bundled her few possessions in a sack and bid farewell to the boarding house, praying never to return. The streets of New York stank of such rot and disease that Rose feared that even if she scrubbed her skin raw...

4 years ago
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Lucky week

     That afternoon I was gonna go down to my girlfriend's house for the first time since we got back together 2 weeks earlier but my friend texted me asking me if I wanted to hangout and she hadn't told me if I could come over or not yet so I was just gonna go down there until she told me I could come over. Well, he decided he was gonna meet me halfway this time because it's about a 30 minute walk from my house to his and I don't have a car just yet so I started walking with my skateboard...

2 years ago
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BurningAngel Joanna Angel As Above So Below Part 3

She hails from a time and place unknown- a ravenous siren with howling primal bloodlust, commanding all who fall prey under her spell to indulge in her darkest desires. Prepare yourself for the spectacle you are about to witness. The most vile, evil, debaucherous sexual acts ever to be captured for your shock and amazement. Through ritual fire and lust, our true demons show- the gangbang of Joanna Angel. As above, so below. But even bad girls go to heaven- and heaven is the beautiful big black...

4 years ago
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Cleaning the house Part 1

Cleaning the house - part 1 By strangefun Today is Saturday, and it's my turn to clean the house, so I am saying goodbye to my wife as she runs off to the health club and then the spa - I will have about four or five hours to make the house spotless, which is, in normal situation, would be more than enough time. This, however, is not a normal situation. "Bye honey, have fun!" she chirps, frenches me on my gagged mouth for a minute making my starved-for-attention penis press...

3 years ago
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Fuck Session With GF In Cafe

Hi Friends, Rinku once again with another new story. This is my 46th story on this site. This story will satisfy you. This story is about two lovers. They love each other very much but they are not getting place for fun. One day they found one cyber café with cabin facility then all things happened. Let us come to the story. Read this story till the end and I promise all my readers can’t stop themselves from masturbating. My name is Sonu, 24 year old. I have one girl friend her name is...

2 years ago
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Dream or Not

Dream or Not----------Many times I had watched my father and his girlfriends make out on the couch in the living room below me late at night, not really understanding what exactly was going on, but knowing that they were enjoying themselves. I was too young to understand and naive to comprehend their activities.I had seen the girls climb atop my father, grunting, groaning and gyrating back and forth on his stomach. I saw their breasts bouncing up and down, his hands reaching up and grabbing...

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