Minara the Grojan WarChapter 21 Grojan
- 4 years ago
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Arron fingered his high collar and shifted his feet. He stood with his three senior officers, his dress uniform stiff and uncomfortable. They were first in line waiting for the King and Princess to arrive. He looked at the sea of faces beyond the line of officials and dignitaries facing them, the somber gray and blue dress of the males and the vibrant colors of the females' long dresses. It reminded him of films he had seen as a child of a fourteenth century ball on earth. He had become used to how similar these people were to humans. Now that he was resigned to spending the rest of his life as one of them he was eternally grateful. He had been junior and unimportant enough to be posted to this primitive backwater where the intelligent life forms could easily pass as humans on Earth.
The one thing that puzzled him however were the females. Their curves and features matched any human female, and as he had risen in the ranks he came to the attention of the women in the Halcyon Royal Court. Many of the court ladies he considered beautiful, and he had attempted relationships with several of them, but it always left him feeling as though he were having a relationship with his sister. They did nothing for him, yet any human would be more that happy with one of these women. He had wondered if it were another effect of the changes wrought on him by the Intelligence Corps. For that change he cursed them roundly, and he had given up and became celibate. He now avoided functions like this before rumors of his inability to perform undermined his position at court. He shuddered at the thought. He had never had a problem while he was growing up and he had no idea what was wrong with him here when the females, no, women, he reminded himself, were so fundamentally the same. For a while the women at court had vied for his attention so he had deliberately stayed away as much as possible.
Arron felt an elbow in his ribs which caused him to jump. "General sir, wake up, they have arrived!" Arron blinked and turned to Jerros's smiling face on his left. "You were daydreaming, sir, I know you hate functions like this." Jerros laughed under his breath.
Arron sighed and stood straight. Yes, Jerros old friend, you know me too well. He looked at the sweeping steps that led down into the ballroom from the royal apartments. He had agreed to attend the ball as the King had decided it was where Arron should meet the Princess. And where the official handover of the Princess to his safekeeping should take place. But before they could leave there was this official farewell ball where the Princess could mingle and say farewell to all Matheros' court and dignitaries.
There was a fanfare of trumpet-like instruments and the King appeared on the top of the steps with a pretty young woman on his arm. "Wow, the Prince is a lucky bastard; she could have been ugly!" Jerros hissed.
Arron ignored him as just at that moment the King and Princess started to descend the stairs a woman stepped forward from behind them. She took Arron's breath away. She was as tall as the King, and slim, her bare shoulders and arms showing strong muscle tone that was offset by the smooth curve of her breasts bulging above her form fitting laced bodice, her hair was burnished gold, cut in a short bob longer at the front than at the back. She walked down the stairs behind the Princess with cat like grace, her aqua marine eyes taking in the ballroom. She suddenly looked in his direction and for a moment their eyes locked. Arron's heart missed a beat and he had to remember to breathe. A slight frown crossed her brow and she stumbled and for a moment she hesitated before resuming her decent.
As she moved closer his heart rate increased. Dear God, what is happening to me? He closed his eyes for a moment, attempting to bring himself back under control. He heard a cough and opened his eyes focusing on the courtier now standing in front of him.
"General, allow me to present the King, and his daughter the Princess Avia." By concentrating on the King and the Princess he managed to regain a semblance of control.
To his relief the golden haired woman had moved to one side out of his line of sight. He bowed first at the King. "Your Majesty" then at the Princess. "Your Highness, I have been sent to escort you to your new husband Prince Aquilas of Halcyon as detailed in the peace treaty between our two countries."
The Princess held out her hand and Arron took her fingers and pressed them against his forehead then against his lips. "I am honored, General, and look forward to meeting my new husband. I will be ready to leave the day after tomorrow, after I have said my farewells to the court and my family."
Arron found himself admiring the proud young woman, who due to politics was to be up-routed from her home and family and married to a stranger she had never meet. Arron bowed again, and the formal presentation was complete. The King turned and continued down the line, greeting the important guests, a buzz of conversation started and those already greeted by the King started to mingle with the crowd.
The Princess relaxed a little after her father had left her side and she looked into his eyes. "General Arron, I should like you to meet my Chief Lady-in-waiting and personal bodyguard, Minara, she will accompany me."
She stepped into his line of sight and held out a gloved hand. Arron felt his face flush his pulse rate jumped. Oh my God! He fought for control, the same strange alien part of him that he had learnt to control in battle, just wanted to take her there and then. He was grateful he had learnt to control his inner daemon, the beast within, and had not let it have free rein over him. He was fairly certain that ripping the clothes off the Princess's Lady-in-waiting and taking her on the ballroom floor would be a major breach in protocol. But what the hell was happening to him now? He was human after all, not some rabid beast. All the women he had met so far, even the most beautiful ones, had no effect on him at all. This one, dear God this one, the effect she had was far stronger than the berserker battle rage.
With a trembling hand he took hers and bowed, he dare not bring it to his forehead and lips as protocol dictated or he would have lost control and disgraced himself. Thank God she is wearing gloves. He dropped her hand as if it was a hot coal and straightened, taking a shuddering breath. "Madam."
"General." Her voice seemed like music in his ears and it touched his soul. He closed his eyes for a moment forcing his raging emotions to be still.
He dragged his attention back to the Princess, who was regarding him with raised eyebrows. "Are you all right General? You looked ill for a moment there."
"I am fine, thank you, your Highness." He thought quickly of a way to explain his sudden strange behavior. "It is formal functions like these, I much prefer soldiering and battle in the field I'm afraid."
The Princess nodded and smiled. "Yes, General, it is because of that we are where we are, is it not?"
Arron swallowed. "Yes, your Highness."
"Now, sir, I must mingle so I will leave you to the tender mercies of Lady Minara for the evening, you should get on well as she is a hell cat!" The Princess laughed then turned away with one of her other ladies.
Arron found himself left facing Her. "Well, General, you are showing remarkable control. I was convinced for a moment I would have to fight you off me." She smiled, parting her lips. Arron sucked in a breath. Her white teeth were filed to points, blemishing her perfection. He looked back at her eyes, and he sensed she had bared her teeth deliberately in an attempt to get him to calm down.
The queue for drinks at the bar melted away as soon as Minara bared her teeth. Filed teeth marked her out as a failure, but she had learnt that generally, people both male and female, regarded her and others like her with fear. For some it was justified, and the woman she had come to meet had a reputation as a ruthless bounty hunter and pirate. Some of the things she was reported to have done were justified, some, Minara suspected, were meant to enhance her fearsome reputation. Minara...
Arron had used the culvert to gain access to the castle grounds for a second night. He was half expecting to have to use one of the other secret entrances but he was amazed nothing had changed. He envisaged the Grojan's would use the royal quarters, and since he had warned them of his intensions he hoped they would stay close together. Ideal from his point of view, because he knew all the secret passages in the royal residence. He hoped one was sleeping in what had been the Princess's bed...
The final section of the path to his hideaway cottage was treacherous. Arron picked his way with care. He had left it like that on purpose, to dissuade visitors. The little fisherman's cottage he had purchased was originally built with only access by boat. To ensure it remained secure, and just in case he needed to open the door when he didn't have a key, he had adapted part of his defunct radio transmitter case. The case had been secured with a thumb print lock. He had stripped the lock...
The next three days dragged as Arron kicked his heals waiting for a reply from the King of Terfain. He left the Guard building for a safe house on the outskirts of the city in the rundown poor quarter as he wanted to avoid being recognized. The fair-haired General of the Halcyon Western Army was as infamous in Matheros as he was famous in Halcyon. He was relying on the fact he was infamous in Terfain as well for his plan to work. With time on his hands he considered what Minara had told him....
At least the food they had been giving her was good, although the facilities left a lot to be desired. Minara had to put her chamber pot by the cell door hatch at first light or it would not be emptied and she had no washing facilities. By the ninth day she really, really, needed a bath. When they had come for her, whoever they were, she had been woken with a sword at her throat. There was no sign of Arron and she noticed his clothes and weapons had gone. She had sat up slowly then swung her...
Arron had started to pick his way over the bodies when he noticed Minara pause. "Wait, Arron, there is one here, still alive." She kicked a body and it moved. "Stop playing dead, animal!" She stood and pulled up her skirts, revealing long shapely legs. She hitched them up to her thighs. Arron stared at the creamy smoothness of her skin, and he sensed the beast within stir. "Minara stop! It won't take much to tip me over the edge again." She smiled, revealing her filed teeth, and drew...
They ate from the supplies left in the shack to save their own. They were both ravenous after their lovemaking. They hid the bandit's bodies in the trees. Fresh mounts were corralled in a small pen behind the trees out of sight of anyone moving along the road in any direction. Arron noticed Minara wince with pain as she settled sat in the saddle. He allowed her to set the pace and noticed her tendency to press forward had abated somewhat. "I assume that was your marvark I saw dead a few...
The morning of departure was problem-free, for which Arron was grateful. He had ensured the additional wagons for the extra supplies needed for the Princess and had sufficient military escort as well as the wagons for her retinue. With extra military protection to the border and the Halcyon Prince meeting them on the Halcyon border, Arron was confident that baring a full-scale military assault the Princess would be delivered safely. There were some last minute changes with the Matheros...
The journey back proved largely uneventful. The tales of horror and cruelty coming out of Halcyon city had at least abated and things had settled to an uneasy peace. The Grojans, from what he could ascertain, were replacing people from the previous government with lackeys of their own. People with no particular skill, but who had sworn allegiance to them, mostly criminals and dropouts who could feather their own nests by sucking up to the new regime. Of the young King and Queen, other than...
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Arron had been walking for just over a week. He had left his advanced weapons, explosives and uniform under a low-level force field in the back of the cave, close to where he had been dropped. He wore the clothes of a Halcyon, a citizen of the country he had been assigned to. His identity was that of a junior army captain in the Eastern Division of the Halcyon Army. His papers showed that he originated in the north of the country and had joined the Army and purchased his commission as a...
The ship shuddered, waking Arron, and he stretched and yawned. The ship was no longer rocking so he pulled on his boots and, bending low so as not to strike his head, he made his way above decks and found the ship had docked and lines were being tied. The First Mate spied him. "Good morning, sir, we have arrived, the winds were favorable and we made fast passage. We should have the gang plank out shortly." Arron nodded his thanks and stood back while the crew completed the docking...
The next morning Arron woke early, bathed and dressed in his light leather armor. He walked down to the common room for breakfast and was saluted by the desk sergeant. "Good morning, sir." "Good morning, Jerros." There was a noise outside so Arron walked to the main entrance and opened the doors. He was greeted by a loud cheer. A crowd was quickly gathering; people pushed forward, patted him on the back and shook his hands. He was about to step back through the door when Jerina rushed...
Two Intelligence Corp psychology officers strode down the corridor and knocked on the commanding officer's door, one Grojan and one human. "Come in." The base commander, Major James Evans, sounded weary. The doctor sighed, opened the door and stepped into the commander's office. The commander looked up. Yes?" "We have a problem with Captain Fuller, sir." The commander ran his hands through his hair. "Dear God, that's all I need on top of everything else." The human doctor made a...
The night passed off without incident. Varna had insisted they all stay together in the Royal Suite and take turns mounting guard in addition to the palace guards placed outside the suite, none of whom Varna trusted. The following morning at breakfast a palace official hurried in and walked up to Varna, who was helping herself to some chopped fruit from the buffet laid out at the back of the room. "My Lady, may I have a word please?" "Of course." She put down her bowl and turned to...
The ship smelt damp and musty with a hint of oil and stale alien sweat thrown in for good measure. Mark thumped the main console as the nav screen flickered out for the umteenth time. The jump engines were charging, and as the small three berth scout ship drifted in interstellar space it creaked and groaned like an old fashioned wooden sailing ship. Most of their money had been spent on a decent ship for Arron and Minara. They had left the station several days ago to search for their young...
The wig pulled at her hair and Varna resisted the temptation to just pull the ridiculous thing off. As for the gown she was wearing ... Minara had insisted she wear it as it accentuated her figure. Luckily or unluckily for Varna she was practically the same size as Minara so she fitted her gowns without any alteration. She looked down at herself, and with a sigh sat back against the carriage seat. She had a naturally slim figure, but the gown pushed up her breasts so they looked twice their...
Four days had passed since arriving at the ICorp base and Mark busied himself checking the ship's systems. He unconsciously raised his left hand and touched the long tip of his left ear. There was no feeling as it had no nerves, but the surgeons had done a perfect job of bonding synthetic tissue to his own ears. He now looked like a Grojan. Footsteps sounded behind him and he turned just as Arron and Minara walked onboard, followed by Theasa carrying Arron Jr. Minara smiled, showing perfect...
"It's been six hours since we should have heard from Minara, try and contact her again, Catana." After several attempts, the quantum communication system just hissed static with no connection established. Sisanna sat with her boots on the navigation console. "Maybe she has given up and left." "No that's impossible, I don't care whether you like her or not, Sisanna, Minara is nothing if not reliable. She will do exactly what she says she will do and is certainly someone I would want...
Varna slept fitfully, running plans of escape through her mind. For some reason she did not understand she was certain Mark would come for her. But she was no shrinking maiden waiting for her knight to rescue her. She was determined to take matters into her own hands and escape. It niggled at her that they had taken her alive. Of course she didn't object in the slightest, but why? For the bounty all they needed was her ears and her thumb with her personal ID chip. Keeping her alive was a...
There was a knock on the cabin door. Nora rose and walked over and opened it. A junior officer stood to attention. "The Captain requests the pleasure of your company in her cabin for dinner." Nora glanced back over her shoulder as Varna rose and walked over to her. "All right, Lieutenant, please lead on." As the officer turned away, Varna whispered to Nora, "Don't forget, let me do most of the talking." "Okay," Nora replied with a slight dip of her chin. They followed the...
Varna sat in her hotel room, feet on the desk, letting her mind drift. She had over the years grown comfortable with the connection she felt with whatever was shut in the coffin shaped object at the back of her ship's hold. She had asked several of the other captains, in as offhand a way as possible when they happened to meet in a bar on the frontier planets they would visit for supplies, or when they were collecting bounty payments for hunting down humans, if they had ever found anything...
The Slexi Moon orbited a barren planet deep in the Scorpious Sector. They had been on the run now for three months and had at times come close to being captured. Varna sat at the Navigation console moving randomly through the database. She was alone, attempting to forget the pull the casket in the hold had on her. When she was occupied or asleep she forgot about it, but when she had time on her hands, time to think the emotion bubbled to the surface. She hated it because it was how Sisanna...
The inner airlock refused to close. Mark had removed it from its track and dismantled it three times now and it was seriously pissing him off. He had used the door from Varna's cabin to repair the blast damaged airlock. He had ripped the closing mechanism from the cabin wall to escape and it was not worth repairing, especially as the ship needed an airlock to go into space. Cabin doors were a low priority. Mark swung a booted foot at the door and hit it hard in frustration. It groaned and...
With the baby settled, Minara made her way along the hall to the landing. She stood at the top of the stairs then hesitated. She wondered if Mark Fuller had shown any sign of improvement and regained consciousness. The doctor had said there was nothing further he could do and Arron believed he had been revived from cryogenic sleep, whatever that was, too quickly. He was due back from inspecting the condition of the army barracks in the city that had suffered during a riot against Varna's...
The streets were busy, the city bustling, everything had returned to normal after the King and Queen had come out of hiding. The whole country had thought them dead and Minara had suspected the Halcyons would insist she and Arron took the crown. Once it became known they had survived there was rejoicing throughout the kingdom. The fact that she had hidden the royal family from the Usurpers, as Varna and her crew were being called, made her a heroine as far as the people were concerned. As...
"God, I hate fucking computers!" Mark slammed his fist against a bulkhead. He had been working for several days now attempting to get the ship's core to boot. He had traced several faults to the ship's consoles, particularly the navigation control Arron had damaged during his campaign against the pirates. To his frustration the core refused to co-operate with his efforts, a blank screen just stared back at him like a large holographic sightless eye. The Grojan ship's core was a type he...
The carriage rattled along the cobbled street, the leather and wood suspension barely isolating Minara from the uneven surface, the early morning light only just illuminating the still deserted city streets. It would be another hour before the traders would be opening their shops and the market holders advertising their wares, each adding to the noise and bustle common in cities everywhere. She yawned, and her mind wondered to the previous night, and she smiled to herself as warmth suffused...
The old man rose. "Now, my dear, there are pressing matters I have to attend to and there is nothing more I can tell you about your artifact." Varna stood and followed him to the door. He put his hand on the door catch then hesitated and turned towards her. "Are you certain you do not want to sell it to me, I can pay a great deal of money for it?" She frowned for a moment - it did take up space in the hold and while most of her crew accepted her eccentric attachment to it Sisanna would...
"Who are they Nora?" "I don't know, Jim, they look human though." Valenora Fuller lay flat on her stomach looking at the group working on a large military style scout ship. Others milled about round the ship, some setting up a camp. From their vantage point on a small wooded ridge overlooking the ship they could spy on the new arrivals without being seen. "They're not Grojan are they?" Diana asked, an edge to her voice. Nora, as her friends called her, twisted back to look at the...
"Well it would seem we are officially classed as pirates." Four young women sat round a table in a dark corner of a seedy bar located in a rundown city on a lawless rim planet. Theasa looked round the table at her comrades and captain. "I hacked into the planetary security network and we are on the list, a bounty on our heads." She shook her head. "It's not fair we are lumped together with that murdering bitch Sisanna." A tear trailed down her cheek. "I only just failed the mating...
The evening was cold and Varna stood on the palace battlements watching the market close and the stall holders pack up. She shivered and pulled her cloak round her. She heard footsteps and looked round; Petara was making her way along the walkway towards her. Varna turned back to watch the activity in the square below. Petara stopped next to her and they stood together in silence for a while. "I saw Minara walking around the market this morning," Petara broke the silence. "Yes, I think...
On paper the ship looked to be ideal for Varna's purposes - a heavily armed converted freighter that still retained a reasonable size hold. The downside was, being rather old, it needed five crew to run it. A pilot, navigator, engineer and two for weapons control. The navigator, co-pilot and second in command was Sisanna, an older, hard and vicious woman she had befriended after she pushed Minara away and transferred to a different brigade. Varna wanted a reputation as a badass, and the...
"Well, ladies, that proved easier than I thought." The man smiled and glanced at Nora's deecrets. Varna could see out of the corner of her eye the female had sat down next to her. She had known them long enough to realize that the way the deecret was swishing her tail, the end moving from side to side in short flicking movements, that she was not happy. Varna chose her target as Nora spoke. "And you are?" "Oh, a distant cousin, my dear, Motasa Rmaxis at your service." He bowed his...
Catana leant forward and pointed at the star map floating in the center of the control room. "I was told a few human ships were spotted there." Varna walked around the map and tapped the tips of her fingers to her lips in thought. She looked across at the rest of the crew. "That's the Scorpious Sector, it is vast and deserted, if there are humans there then they would be difficult to find." She turned back to the map. "There's something about that sector." She spoke almost to...
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Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on motherless.com likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
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BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesClothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.] Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...