Girls Come Together 2 free porn video

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Girls Come Together 2 By DeeAnne This is a continuation of the story "Girls Come Together" It continues on Saturday morning after Cindy's Donna's and Jeff's wild and heavily sexual Friday night. The night was a blur for the three of them and they have yet to fully recall the steamy events. When they recall the evening I imagine it will be quite a story, to be told. Chapter 2 The cookie cutter neighborhood housed a large number of middle class suburbanites, who worked in the city. It was one of those developments where the houses shared the same basic floor plan. They were closely knit together with very little space between them; you could open a window and practically carry on a conversation next door. The Meyers lived in such a house while the Barnes lived next door. Billy Barnes was Jeff Meyer's friend so long it seemed like forever and there was no doubt they would be friends for life. He woke up feeling great knowing it was Saturday and his parents were at a convention they had left for the night before. It also felt great having his morning hard-on sticking straight out from his lean five foot four frame. He got up went into the bathroom and looked at his dick in the full length mirror, he was proud of its size. He liked to think it was a full seven inches long yet it measured out slightly less than that and it was really more like six and three quarters. Its girth was proportionate to its length and when he grasped it, it was nice handful. He jacked it a little bit but his bladder was screaming for relief. Standing in front of the toilet he went through the difficulty of pissing with a hard-on. Once started, it seemed he had to piss forever. When finished, he went to the sink, splashed a little water on his face and raked his fingers back though his long deep red lush hair. He took a brush from the counter and brushed it out until it had a nice shiny sheen. He loved the way it hung on his shoulders. He braided it for better control and to make it look shorter. Even though it was okay for boys to have long hair, it was uncommon for them to have their hair as long as Billy's. It was so long it was considered to be a girly length and occasionally he would be teased for it. His mother and father had given up trying to get him to cut it, but his sister liked it a lot. Since his sister was a cosmetologist she loved playing with it. She enjoyed trying out many different women's styles on it. Billy would put up a mock fuss about being a boy and boys didn't wear women's hair styles but he secretly loved how girlish he would end up looking. Most times all he needed was a little bit of makeup and he could pass as one of the fairer sex. His fair features made him look a lot younger than he was, his face didn't giveaway his age, and people couldn't come close to guessing he was older than eighteen. Still naked he walked over to the bedroom window to look at the house next door where Jeff's window was. Their rooms were right across the yard from each other and Billy saw the blinds were shut in his friend's window. Getting ready to start the day he threw on a t-shirt, a pair of baggy shorts then left his bedroom and went down the stairs to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. He wasn't wearing underwear cause he liked free- balling it. Going down the stairs he felt his balls hanging low, swinging side to side slapping his thighs and his dick was swinging with them enjoying the ride. After grabbing a once frozen waffle from the toaster he headed over to Jeff's. On days off they always got together to hang out and figure out what they wanted to do. They mostly played video games and sometimes they went to the mall with their other friends. On his way over to Jeff's house Billy encountered Jeff's dad, Mr. Meyers, who was in the process of packing one of the cars. Billy noted he was loading enough luggage to last them a week. "Good morning" Billy said "Are you going on vacation for the week" "No, we have to take the weekend and go help one of the kid's aunts" Mr. Meyers replied. "Oh, it's just that it looks like your taking a lot of luggage for just a weekend" Billy remarked Mr. Meyers smiled as he said of his wife "Well, you know girls, they have to pack everything because they never know what outfit will go with what" "Yeah, that's just like my mother and sister, they always need at least two or three bags each, whenever we go anywhere" Billy said Mr. Meyers chuckled not letting on to Billy that the extra bags of clothes were for his use this weekend. "Hey, is Jeff here?" Billy said knowing full and well he was. "He's upstairs sleeping" Mr. Meyers said "Go on up, you can drag him out of bed and tell him we need to speak to him before we leave." After a quick moment of thought he said "If you run into Donna tell her we want to talk to her too" "Okay, I'll go wake him." Billy went through the front door and headed up to Jeff's room. His balls did their dance swinging back and forth as he climbed the stairs. With a quick knock on the door he walked into the dark bedroom where Jeff was still snoozing. He went to each of the bedroom windows, one facing the street and the other facing his house, and opened the blinds letting the early morning sunlight brighten the room. "Wake up you sleepyhead." From under a pillow he had moved to protect his head from the light, Jeff said "Hey, close the blinds, it's too bright in here" "What do you think you are, some kind of vampire that's gonna burn up in the sunlight?" "No, I'm just tired" Jeff said pulling off the covers, getting out of bed and following his raging hard dick toward the bathroom. Billy looked at him with surprise "What are you wearing?" he asked and looking closer he said "Are you wearing makeup?" Jeff stopped in his tracks, suddenly remembering the activities from the night before and realized he was still wearing his cute little baby doll nightie that barely covered his crotch and naked butt. His face was made up in girl mode, and his hair was now mused up from sleeping but it was easy to tell his hair was styled in a girl's fashion. Extremely embarrassed he picked up his pace to the bathroom. Billy grabbed Jeff's arm, stopped him, and took a good look at him. He said "Wow, you are hot! I've never seen you up close when you're made up like this". Billy said Confused and momentarily forgetting himself, Jeff said "What do you mean you've never seen me up close like this before? Tell me what you mean!" "Well you know my bedroom window is right across the yard from yours and you don't always close the blinds" Billy said "I've seen you from my house" he further explained. "What do you mean" Jeff's face had turned red "Well, the first few times I saw you in the window dressed up like this, I thought it was Donna. But one night I saw someone in the window and then I noticed Donna was in the backyard sitting on the deck. That's when I knew it was you strutting around in here" With an astonished look Jeff said "Why haven't you said anything?" A bit embarrassed Billy replied "When I realized it was you in here, I got really turned-on, it gave me a huge boner and I had to whack it off. I couldn't believe how hard I came then looking in his friends eyes with a slight grin he went on "I couldn't tell you because its like; how could I tell my best friend that he turns me on so much that he is the fantasy of my jacking off dreams?" Not believing his ears, all Jeff could do was gaze into Billy's eyes. A sudden well of love swept over him and made him weak in his knees, he started to slump. Billy quickly swept him into his arms and within a bare second the two of them were locked in a kiss of pure bliss. All the years of close friendship had morphed into a deep love, a love they were both unaware of. Now it was exploding in their faces with their hard kiss. Holding each other tight, Jeff had his slender arms wrapped around Billy's neck and Billy was grasping Jeff's plump naked ass. They kissed like there was no tomorrow. Jeff's still hard dick stabbed Billy in his thigh. Being turned on by Jeff's stabbing dick, Billy's dick boned up and was trapped in his shorts tenting them out causing a good deal of discomfort. Billy reached between them unbuttoned his shorts and let them fall to the floor. He was now stabbing Jeff with his dick. Jeff grabbed hold of Billy's t-shirt pulled it over his head and threw it to the floor, now Billy was standing there naked with nothing but the satiny material of Jeff's negligee between them. The slippery sensations of the garment aroused new feelings in Billy, he felt his nipples firm up and rub against Jeff's crumpled stiff and plumped up nipples; it was a sensation that went right to his groin. The nightie felt good between them yet he raised the garment over Jeff's head and threw it to the floor. They were nipple to nipple enjoying the extreme pleasure. Billy reached down and held Jeff's steely hard dick. It was both a familiar and foreign feeling squeezing his best friend's hard dick. Holding the burning hot shaft in his hand felt as if he was holding his own. He recognized the spongy hardness and big bulbous head that was leaking the clear fluid of Jeff's excitement. The dick was a little thinner and longer than his, he liked that and it turned him on even more. He took Jeff's slobbering dick, held it against his own drooling one; he put them to their stomachs, and then grabbed Jeff to pull him in closer while squeezing the two dicks between them. By this time Jeff had ahold of Billy's butt and the two of them were pulling into themselves letting their hot cocks slide against each other in the combined slippery pre-cum flooding onto their stomachs. This whole time they never broke their lips away from the sloppy wet kiss they started moments ago. They were moaning with their tongues dueling inside each other's mouths. Billy was holding Jeff's ass pulling the butt cheeks apart exposing the rosebud of his friend's asshole. Jeff at first felt the cool air on his anus. Curiously Billy's fingers moved into the butt crack and felt a sweaty stickiness as he slid his finger to Jeff's rosebud. Jeff then felt fingers rubbing their way around his ass, instinctively he ground his asshole into the fingers causing his dick to swell and grow bigger. It felt so good he had to do it to Billy and proceeded to do so, Billy reacted in the same lustful way. Their fingers explored each others assholes, which set them simultaneously shooting off white spunk onto their chests. Billy came so hard that one volley shot up and smacked Jeff under his chin. This of course broke up the kiss they had held this whole time. Billy's lips were slightly red from the left over lipstick Jeff was wearing from the night before. The two of them had huge smiles on their faces. Being the first one to speak up, Billy said "Shit man that was so hot" "I agree" Jeff replied and with the back of his hand, wiped the cum off his chin "I never knew you felt this way about me, I thought for sure you would kill me if you ever found out" The two of them looked at the large wad of Billy's cum Jeff had wiped off his chin. He grinned at Billy, sucked it in his mouth and licked his hand clean. He tasted it on his tongue for a minute before he swallowed it. "Hmm, good" he said "Different from mine but good" Billy remembered "Hey we better get cleaned up, you're parents are packing and they're expecting to talk to you and Donna before they leave" Jeff was standing there in Billy's arms still feeling amorous "Do I really turn you on?" he asked "Are you really ok with me being like this?" He was gushing with emotions "I hope I didn't ruin our friendship. Your friendship is more important to me than dressing up." he went on" Are you feeling grossed out and guilty about what we just did? I hope not because I don't want to lose you" Billy raised his hand up to Jeff's cheek, lightly rubbing it with the back of his hand, he smiled looking into his friends eyes "You're damn right you turn me on, that was probably the biggest hard-on I've ever had" he then added "I know it was the most I've cum in my life" He continued in a lower voice "Jeeze man, you are so beautiful ,watching you from the window; I sometimes have wet dreams about you and I getting it on and now that we have, I can't imagine being without you" Then his face softened and sincerely he continued "Looking at you right now, I see you are a very pretty girl and with the glow in your eyes, you are so beautiful" this caused Jeff to blush and Billy continued "You know... I love you... I think I have loved you for a very long time... You will never be able to turn me away" he let that sink in for both of them. With a huge smile he then added "The way you look right now I would never guess you were a guy, well except for that big dick of yours" they both laughed. Breaking their hug and without thinking, each of then rubbed the mixed slimy cum on their chests and headed to the bathroom. Billy followed; Seeing Jeff's naked ass shot a pang of lust through his body. "What do you call your girl self?" Billy asked "Jenny" "So then, to me, you are my sweet Jenny, a girl at heart and a slut in the bedroom" "You better believe it buster" Jeff stopped and Billy bumped his sticky dick right into her butt and she pushed back against it. Billy grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her tighter into his groin. He humped against her lovely ass as if he was inside sliding in and out of her tight orifice. Billy's dick began to thicken and Jeff said "Hey, don't start anything you can't finish, there buster" In defense Billy said "I couldn't help it when your hot slut bitch ass attacked me. You such a damn hot girl, I can't help but spring boners" Jeff loved being referred to as a girl; it tickled him deep inside himself. In the bathroom, Billy went to take a piss and Jeff turned on the shower, he let it warm up then climbed in. He didn't expect Billy to join him but he just moved over and let him in. Facing each other with big happy smiles standing under the shower stream they soaped each other up and enjoyed exploring each other's bodies. Elsewhere in the house..... Shards of light stabbed through the bedroom window, awakening Cindy as they struck her face with their sharp points of brightness. Despite the seeming painfulness of the sun's rays, in her eyes she had a smile and was at peace. She was still feeling the warm glow of her sexual activities from the night before. She was the primary instigator of the things that had occurred, she and her friends did things they never thought they would ever do. Cindy stretched her arms, yawned and rolled over in bed. Donna was still snoozing with a light snore. Cindy moved over and spooned up behind Donna feeling her horny titties and pussy push up against her friend's back and plush ass, her pubic mound touched at the crack of Donna's butt, it was an erotic feeling. Blowing lightly on Donna's ear giving it a kiss and little nibble she whispered "Oh, lover girl... time to wake up" Donna continued to sleep; Cindy repeated herself and still no response. She figured what the hell reached in front of Donna grabbed one of her boobs and squeezed. Instantly Donna's nipple firmed up and poked her in the palm of her hand. Cindy twisted it and pulled on it, she was rewarded with a low moan from her friend. That inspired her to reach downward to Donna's pussy; she located her pleasure button and pressed her fingers up against it. This caused a deeper moan and Donna instinctively opened her legs, pushed her mound up and ground into Cindy's fingers. Cindy removed her hand and brought it to her mouth, smelling the heady scent of pussy. She spit a large amount of saliva on her fingers then returned them to Donna's love nest using the spit to make her pussy slit slippery allowing her fingers to enter without a problem. Cindy quickly moved her slimy fingers to Donna's clit, she rubbed across it and Donna pushed very hard into her hand. As Cindy stroked on the sensitive little nub Donna began humping. "Umm, that feel's so damn good" Donna whispered and continued to grind her pussy into Cindy's hand "Don't you dare stop" It was no surprise that Donna woke up; her body was alive with the sensations caused by Cindy's manipulations, there was no way she could sleep through them. "God this is so hot" Cindy thought while her own pussy leaked copious amounts of girl cum making her pussy lips sopping wet and her cum literally slobbered all over Donna's butt cheeks. "Oh baby just enjoy" Cindy said breathing heavily in Donna's ear. She started kissing and biting Donna's neck and shoulders. Her fingers continued rubbing Donna's clit and she had slipped a couple of fingers in friend's hot cummy twat sliding them in and out while her thumb stroked her clit. This added to her excitement. Donna was now squeezing her tits and pulling hard on her sensitive nipples. The combined manipulations brought waves and waves of sexual pleasure and her body went into uncontrollable spasms while orgasm after orgasm took hold of her. Her moans became loud screams that were so loud they carried out of the room. If Jeff and Billy weren't in the shower and her parents outside packing the car, they would have heard her screams of delight and know she was in the grasp of pure ecstasy. Her parents would obviously investigate the noise to see if she was alright and find her in bed doing lesbian things with her best friend. In the shower, Jeff kind of heard the screams but the noise of the spray masked their intensity. His instinct was to interrupt his activities and go investigate but he was preoccupied, exploring his friend's wet soapy private parts, he had a hand hold on Billy's stiff dick slowly jacking and the fingers of his other hand were between his friends luscious butt cheeks, gently rubbing and pushing in on his soapy asshole. Billy had his head back just enjoying the feelings he was experiencing. Jeff was on automatic and while his hands were busy with Billy's privates, his mouth went to one of Billy's stiff nipples. He sucked and chewed on it. Right at that time, one of his fingers slipped passed Billy's ass ring. It slipped all the way in, the tip of it jammed up against the hard bump of his prostate. It was not Jeff's intention to make it happen but his friend stiffened, groaned loudly; he shot several hard streams of cum on the shower's glass doors, hard enough to hear it splat While Billy was recovering, Jeff was speaking mockingly apologetic with a bit of a southern girl draw "Oh dear... did I cause that?" while he grinned "You know a proper lady like me, wouldn't so such a thing as this to her man" then speaking in a quieter voice she said "But then again I'm a proper lady in the parlor and a down right slut in bed" "Yeah, a damn fine slut you are; that was so amazing!" Billy replied. "What did you do to my ass? I definitely want to feel that again" Jeff or should we say Jeff, was proud of herself for bringing such pleasure to his friend who, despite his friend's slight soft body, she felt him to be her strong and manly man. Jeff was happy With glazed eyes Billy pulled Jeff up into a tight hug, kissed him and said "I love you" Jeff's eyes began tearing up "I love you too, Billy Barnes" then kissing him she said "This has made me realize, I have loved you for a long time" again he gave a kiss then said "Please don't ever leave me" "Oh baby, I told you, you are my sweet Jeff from now on" he himself had teary eyes and said "Just like you, I have loved you for as long as I can remember, I could never leave you" The two lovers stood under the hot shower stream holding each other in a loving embrace. While in Donna's bedroom, she laid on her bed coming down for her extreme orgasmic high, Cindy's hand was idly grazing though Donna's curly soft pubic hairs. Donna pulled Cindy on top of her holding her tight she kissed her hard and heavy, never thinking she would be doing such intimate things, as what she was doing with her best friend now. "I love you" Donna said "I love you so very much" "I love you too, baby" Cindy replied At the same time in the bathroom Billy was washing Jeff's butt checks with his soapy hands; soaping Jeff's crack between his plush full butt cheeks enjoying the tight wrinkly sphincter of her asshole. He was being careful not to let his fingers slip themselves into the delicious rosebud. His soapy hands moved down to Jeff's legs. They felt deliciously smooth then he remembered they had been shaved. "Your legs are so smooth and are very shapely, aren't you afraid someone will see them shaved?" Billy said "Sometimes I worry, but they only have a little bit of hair anyway so most people don't notice. If anyone makes a big deal out of it I can just say I shaved them for swim team" Jeff said adding "It's amazing how sensitive they are. Wearing sheer hose is so delightful; I can almost get a hard-on just thinking about it. See I'm chubbing up right now" Billy looked at Jeff's dick and sure enough it was growing. With apprehension he said "I don't have much hair on mine either" raising one of them he almost whispered "Will you shave mine" Feeling his leg Jeff said "Your right, there's not much hair, shaving them will be easy" Jeff closed the drain to the tub and said "Here let the tub fill a little bit" Jeff switched the shower to the faucet, the tub filled quickly. "Sit down and extend your leg" Jeff said. He grabbed his sister's razor and shaving cream. The hair came off easily and it didn't take long to finish. Mischievously Jeff said "spread your legs I'm going to shave you bikini line" "My what?" "Your bikini line, Just stand up and spread your legs, I'll show you" spreading the cream on his pubes, he shaved away. "See this is it". Jeff also noticed Billy was a true red head. "Oh, a bikini line, I get it" Of course the obvious happened, Billy sprouted a long hard boner. Jeff finished up, rinsed Billy's pubes and started running his hand though the silky pubes, and he loved their texture. Since Billy was standing up and Jeff was at crotch level and the hard-on was looking at his face. Examining it at such close range, Jeff marveled at its size and shape his free hand wrapped around and started stroking. He noticed the ball sack hanging low, he grabbed it, feeling the balls slipping and sliding around in their home, it gave him a jolt of lust and his dick jumped right up into a hard rod. All of the sudden the bathroom door flung open. Quickly Jeff stood up, his hard dick slapped into Billy's. Under different circumstances slapping dicks would have been a rush but instead the two boys grabbed each other and hugging themselves in fright. "Shit, I forgot to lock the door" Jeff whispered holding his finger to his lips. "Sssh, be quiet" Billy said also whispering A few minutes earlier Cindy was laying on top of Donna, Donna looked up at Cindy and said "Oops pee time. Your weight on my bladder says I better go" The two of them vacated the bed; Cindy was behind Donna giving her little stinging slaps on her butt. "Stop that" Donna laughingly said "Oh, but you have been such a naughty girl, you deserve a spanking" the two of them laughed, they opened the door not seeing the boys, huddled in the bathtub behind the shower curtain. The two boys stood there, hearts pounding; relieved the curtain was pulled all the way closed. "Don't move, maybe they won't know we're here" Jeff whispered very quietly. Holding on to each other and even though they were scared; their dicks were so brazen, they were having fun rubbing against each other, slathering pre-cum all over themselves. Donna went to the toilet, sat down and began a whizzing stream of piss in the bowl. Cindy went to the mirror and said "Boy do I look like shit" Wiping herself, Donna walked up behind her, looked in the mirror looking at Cindy and said "Yeah you do" "Hey that's not nice. Besides you look like shit too" Cindy looked at Donna "You didn't think that when you were fingering me a little while ago" "Okay, okay truce, we both look like shit. Besides you are one hell of a finger fuck, I might say" Cindy grinned. The boys in the shower looked at each other with surprise. "Finger fuck, whoa" Billy silently mouthed to Jeff, who was shaking his head. Cindy was bent over the bathroom counter so she could look at her self closely in the mirror. Donna took the opportunity to slap Cindy's butt a few times. "Ouch, I didn't slap you that hard" "Oh, is poor baby's ass stinging? Here let me rub it and make it feel better" Donna started rubbing on Cindy' ass. Her hand didn't leave her butt, instead she got a little more adventurous, moving to Cindy's spread open ass crack. Her plump pussy lips were presenting themselves with a vertical smile. Her tight wrinkly rosebud was also there on display. "What a view I've got here" Donna said, her hand getting more intimate. In the mirror Cindy saw Donna was ogling her with a very serious look. She just stayed there bent over the counter to see what Donna was going to do. Quickly Donna reached, over to the bottle of hand lotion and squirted a large amount of it into her hand. Then she went for Cindy's pussy, she rubbed the slippery stuff first on her hairy lips until they reacted and spread open on their own volition, giving her access to her ultimate target, Cindy's clit. It was engorged with excitement; it was hard, just like a tiny little penis. When the slick slippery finger touched the clit she experienced the extreme pleasurable sensations the nub was meant to create. She expressed a long deep moan from her mouth. She was looking into the mirror, in such a daze the reflections meant nothing; her whole body was lost in her pure arousal. The boys had quietly sat themselves down in the tub still hiding from the girls. Their dicks had not subsided and stuck straight out, just as hard as ever, the two pricks were pointing each other. It got to the point the boys had to give into their curiosity. The tub was located right behind the girls and normally any movement of the shower curtain would be detected in the mirror. But the girls were so far gone that when the curtain opened a slight bit giving the boys a clear view they didn't notice. Never had their faces expressed the amount of amazement as what they did now. The scene the before the boys' was one of total lost lust. In the mirror they saw Cindy's glazed over eyes and Donna right behind her looking down supervising the actions of her hand. Donna herself had her other hand in her pussy frigging it without abandon. Her perfect sized and formed tits were on proud display, providing a luscious taste of eye candy for the boys. A closer look at Donna's ministrations of Cindy's pussy would show her hand all cummy with a finger on her clit, a couple of fingers in the pussy's opening and her thumb massaging her asshole, all of which Cindy had no defense. Shoving against the hand in her pussy and her legs getting all wobbly; Cindy lost control of her body, and it was overcome with orgasms that drove her to another world. Her pussy was gushing thick extremely slimy fluids, drenching Donna's hand. That's when Donna lost it, she shoved what looked like her whole hand into her pussy it about disappeared. Her legs were rubber, if it wasn't for her hand in Cindy's pussy to steady herself she would have lost her balance and fell to the floor. In orgasmic daze Donna removed her hand from the creamy wet pussy she had manipulated to orgasmic highs. She moved behind her and lay on Cindy's back with her luscious tits squeezed between them. The two were panting as if they had just run a marathon. Donna laid little love bites and kisses on Cindy's neck. That was the cue for the boys to quietly close the shower curtain. Staring at each other in awe, with absent minds they grabbed their hard assed dicks and slowly jacked each other's bonner. Within minutes they shot gobs and gobs of cum all over each other. Unfortunately their grunts, groans and moans gave them away. In shock the girls looked at each other, turned around and Donna ripped the curtain aside. There they were, her brother and his best friend sitting all covered in cum, their hard dick's subsiding, looking up at her with sheepish silly grins. "You Bastard! What gives you the right to spy on us invading our privacy; you were gawking at us and jerking each other off like two little gay boys!" Donna spat out. Standing up confronting Donna, with cum running down his chest and stomach, Jeff said "Wait a minute now. You were the one that barged in on us" She thought for a minute "How come the door wasn't locked?" "I forgot" "Why didn't you say you were in here?" "We didn't want to get busted being in the shower together because I knew you would think we were doing something gay." "Well if you're in the shower together you must be doing gay stuff. Besides with that cum running down your stomachs proves you guys were being gay" "No we we're not! It's just that I had to take a shower, and so did Billy and I figured we would save time by sharing the shower" "How come you were jerking off?" "Duh... You guys were so hot doing what you just did; we couldn't help but get boners. I got so hard I had to jerk off" Billy said. Of course he was lying about them jerking off solo, but how would she know. Donna calmed down, she knew there wasn't any need to argue, she was caught being a lesbian with Cindy and the boy's were caught doing gay boy stuff. They were at a stalemate. She'd heard that guys get off on chicks having sex with each other. So she figured it was normal the boys got off watching her and Cindy. "You guy's better not tell anybody about this, especially your friends. And Billy you better not tell your sister." She thought for a minute and continued "Actually you can't tell anybody because if you do I'll tell everyone you were doing gay stuff in the shower" The boys couldn't argue about that. "So do we have a deal, we won't tell on each other?" Donna finalized the discussion "Okay it's a deal" Jeff said and Billy followed with "Okay and I won't tell Mitzy" "Now hurry up and shower that cum off yourselves, we have to shower the cum off us too." Cindy said trying to make light of the situation. "Your right we are all covered with cum but it's not because we were touching each other" Billy said. "Yeah right, you two were in there boy toying each other" Donna said. The boys grinned embarrassedly with red faces knowing they were caught. They all laughed, and the stress of the situation disappeared. "I want to watch you was the cum off of each other" Cindy said with a big grin. Jeff turned the shower on, Billy soaped up and washed Jeff's chest and he did the same The boys looked at each other and leaned in for a light kiss, almost a quick peck but just a little more than that. "Oh, how sweet, two little gay boys showing their love for each other" Donna quipped. That really made every one laugh. The boys dried off and went to Jeff's room. Donna noticed that instead of wrapping his towel around his waist like a normal guy, Jeff had his towel wrapped up around his upper body just like a girl does. The boys also had towels wrapped around on top of their heads so that their extremely long hair could dry. Watching them leave the bathroom seeing from their back sides they looked very much like girls. Cindy noticed too and with an evil eye she thought that she was going get ahold of them and turn them into hot horny little lipstick lesbians. She also thought of getting them together with some boys to show them how real girls take care of their guys. Donna locked the door to his room and for extra protection she locked the other one to her room. The girls looked at each other mischievously, got in the shower and washed each other off. They were gentle; they paid special attention to their private parts taking care not to arouse each other. The whole time they made lovey dovey eyes at each other. They showered until the hot water was all gone. Chapter 3 Leaving the bathroom, after their shower the two boys were still wrapped in towels one around their bodies and one twisted up on their heads. Pulling into a hug they looked dreamily into each other's eyes. Tilting their heads moving in to kiss, soft lips were on soft lips reveling in the tenderness they created. The sweet lips parted and sloppy wet tongues entered their mouths and tasted the desire emanating from their hearts. While still kissing, Billy reached between them unhooked the towels that were wrapped around their bodies and the towels fell to the floor. Now naked he felt his chest against Jeff's, naked chest, the warmth and satiny slippery feeling was nice. He noticed their nipples touched so he moved his chest side to side rubbing his friend's nipples with his own. The rubbing together caused both sets to pop out stiff and wrinkly. The sensation of his friend's nipples touching his was exciting. Jeff's nipples were bigger than Billy's little pointed eraser sized ones. Billy felt how much larger and plumper his friend's nipples were, and that they also extended further with the dark surrounding area widely round and very crinkly. The nipples sat upon small bulges on Jeff's chest making them look the same as those of a developing girl. The stimulation made his dick thicken rubbing against Jeff's dick which was also thickening because he was enjoying the nipple play as Billy excited them. The two dicks touched and Billy's motion made them lightly slap. They started to lose themselves in the moment but Jeff shook herself loose of the fog created by the newly found sexual stimulation. "Hey, we have to stop this and get dressed. My mom and dad want to see me" Jeff said while taking the towel off his head shaking his hair loose "Here help me with my hair; I want you to brush it out and braid it for me." He looked at Billy then said "I'll do yours after you do mine" "Okay, sit down. Where's your brush?" "On the dresser" He took the brush and used it for Jeff's hair, then he began braiding it. He was tempted to start the braid at the middle of his head the way girls do it but figured he should be safe and start the braid at the bottom of his head. As the braid pulled the hair back off Jeff's shoulders, Billy noticed how slight his shoulders were, without thinking he quickly kissed Jeff's left shoulder up to the nape of his neck. The smoothness of Jeff's skin brought a wonder to him, he lingered at the nape delivering small light kisses while he notice the clean honest smell of Jeff, he found himself on cloud nine. "Stop that!" Jeff exclaimed as he laughed and brought his shoulder to his head "You're tickling me" "No I'm not" Billy also laughed "I'm stealing your sugar and what sweet sugar it is" He tried to sniff again but Jeff pulled away. "You know your neck is really sexy. I think that the a girls delicate neck is the most sexy thing about them" "Oh yeah sure, that's not the only thing you think is sexy about a girl" "Okay, you've got me there. But at least it's the most sensual part of them, that and soft delicate hands" "Shush, finish my braid so I can do yours" Jeff was doing Billy's hair and said "You know I love your hair. It's such a beautiful deep red and your natural curls are delightful" While still brushing it out he said "It's a shame to have to braid them away" he went on "Don't think I'm a sissy or anything, but I've always been jealous how naturally girlly your hair is when you have it down" "Well, you are a sissy, you goof" Billy smiled as he turned his head over his shoulder, pursing his lips for a kiss. Jeff saw his move and planted a sweet kiss. "I guess I must be a sissy too, cause I love having my hair down and looking all girly" Billy almost embarrassedly said "It makes me feel all warm inside" Smiling and turning for another kiss. "The secret is that my sister love to play with it and since she's in beauty collage her practices on me. She likes the way I look girly too" Billy gushed "When she does my hair it's more like we're sisters then brother and sister" and on he went "While I sit there we gab just like girls about things like fashion, different women's looks" he twittered "And sometimes we talk about boys and romance" he was really letting loose "She even shares her girl's magazines and some times I read her romance novels, you know the one's that have the dreamy hunk of a man in them" "Wow" with his eyes open wide Jeff replied "Billy!, I never knew you were into all of that" Jeff said incredulously "Now I'm even jealous more than ever" Jeff smiled moved down to Billy's lips and gave him another hot kiss then gave him a little nip with his teeth on the nape of Billy's neck. "I've got your sugar now" "You never act that way around me and the guys. You just seem like us" Jeff then questioned "You do like all the boy things we do don't you? I mean we're rough, we're crass and we talk about girls all the time" he lowered his voice and in Billy's ear he said "You're not gay are you?" Jeff finished Billy's hair "No I'm not gay! I like girls very much, I like all of them and I'm sexually attracted too" He got out of the chair, still naked and moved to sit on the bed, Jeff joined him also naked. The two of them felt completely natural and comfortable in their nakedness. They sat up on the bed with their legs crossed facing each other. "At least I don't think I'm gay. It's just that with the girls, not only am I sexually attracted but I like the way they dress and the things they do to make themselves pretty, you know things like the way they do their make-up, the way they move or act and of course the hair styles they have" he laughed "And you know I like boy things, you know I love video games, especially when I kick your ass, I like hanging out with you and the guys" Billy affirmed "I'm a guy, so of course I like that stuff" tears coming to his eyes "It's just that I get confused sometimes, ya know" Jeff moved and hugged Billy and unexpectedly Billy cried on his shoulder, his tears wetting his chest. "It's okay baby" patting him on the back "It's okay. I'm just like you are, I'm a guy but I also love being a girl. I know it's confusing to me also" He hung on until Billy recovered who then broke the hug sniffling and wearing a slightly embarrassed smile. Jeff hugged him again kissed him deeply and said "You're so cute" adding "I can't wait until I meet your complete girl side. And you know your sister's gonna have to do my hair too" laughing. "She might be surprised but I'm sure she would love to do your hair" Billy smiled widely "I have to tell you though I haven't completely let my girl side out yet. Will you help me?" "Of course I'll help you. Maybe we can even have your sister give us full makeovers. But now we have to get dressed and talk to my parents" "Okay, but we have to sort this out you know. I'm so glad I have you and I won't be alone" They stood quickly hugged, gave each other another steamy kiss and started dressing. "Go commando, I am, that way you can feel your balls slap around" Jeff went over to his dresser, opened the top drawer, pulled out a pair of satin panties" waving them in Billy's face. "Wouldn't you like to wear a pair of these?" Jeff said teasingly "Oh man would I ever" Billy weakly said "Have you ever worn any of these?" "No, but I sure have dreamed about them" "Well come here" In a trance like state Billy walked to Jeff. As he did Jeff held open the panties for him to step into. Steadying himself, he held on to Jeff's shoulder, who Billy now thought of as Jenny, and slipped his foot in, Jenny had to squat down for Billy to put his other foot in and found himself with Billy's straining hard dick in his face. He let Billy step in to the panties with his other foot, and then he pulled the panties up and over Billy's leaking dick. Now in a full trance Billy moaned, his dick created a wet spot on the front of the satiny panties. Without warning Jenny licked the clear fluid seeping from the imprisoned dick through the front of the satin garment. He ran his face up and down the covered shaft, breathing hotly over it, lightly nibbling on it with his teeth and licking wetly up and down, his saliva soaking the front of the panties even more. Reaching up with one hand to the front of the panties he lowered the waistband down tucking it under Billy's drawn taunt balls, and the freed dick dropped straight out looking eye to eye with Jeff. A drop of clear cum oozed out the end of the burning hot cock. It was Jeff's turn to go into trance; all he could think of was this stiff bulbous cock in front of his face. It wasn't Billy's friendly sweet hard-on anymore, it was a burning hot stone hard cock and he had to have it deep in his warm wet mouth. Without knowing it, he was salivating. Moving his mouth close to the glistening drop of dew, lightly touching it with his tongue he drew back slightly causing a ribbon of pure clear cum to extend from the cock head to his tongue. He slurped it up and found himself licking the under side of the cock's head, it was smooth to his tongue, satiny smooth. On auto-pilot his slobbery wet tongue slid down the underside, up and down several times before he found his lips surrounding the tip of the head of the cock. Slowly ever slowly, it slid in over his inviting lips; he tucked his teeth under his lips as he took the shaft up and down until it began to touch the beginning of his throat The slight gagging sensation he was experiencing did not stop him from working more and more of the cock into his mouth. As his throat relaxed it accepted all of it until his face was full of Billy's bushy pubes. It was only the second time the huge cock lodged it's self in his throat that it let loose volley after volley of thick ropey cum down his throat almost directly into his stomach. As the cock's orgasmic spasms subsided Jeff pulled himself off of it and it quickly shrunk back to being just a regular soft dick. Tiny little threads of come trailed behind the head of the softening penis as it slipped itself out of Jeff's mouth. Jeff felt the small amount of cum on his tongue but because most of it shot down his throat, there wasn't enough of it to get a good taste to know if he liked it or not. It was probably just as well, because the thought of Billy's cum in his mouth would have normally grossed him out and it would have ruined the whole thing In a way, Jeff felt gypped because he didn't get to suck the delicious cock for very long before it was over, just as he seemed to get the hang of stuffing the member down his deep throat. Leaning back on his haunches, Jeff was still naked and for the first time he realized his dick was about as hard as it could get. There was a string of clear cum drooling down towards the floor; he reached for his dick stroked it once and it fired off, shooting cum across the floor. He shuddered, relaxed and basked in contentment. He felt so right with what he had just done With wonder Billy looked down at Jeff "Dude, you sucked my dick" "Duh" Jeff smiled, laughed, and stood up "Sorry, I guess you knew that, but how come?" "I don't know, I just couldn't help myself" "Are you okay with it?" Billy asked with concern "I'm okay with it" pausing, Jeff softly said "I think I enjoyed it, besides I'm your girl aren't I, girls suck boys cocks don't they?" "That's right you are, you're my sweet girl Jenny" Feeling completely feminine and girly at the mention of her name, she smiled demurely as she put her arms up around Billy's neck, pulled herself in tight and gave him a deep emotionally passionate kiss that she moaned into. He responded in kind. She broke off the kiss and released Billy; she reached into her dresser drawer and pulled out two fresh pairs of panties. "I think you might need to change into these, seeing how you soiled those" "Hey it's not my fault, I didn't know my dick was going to leak in them" Billy said in mock defense "And besides you were the one that slobbered all over the front of them with your wet tongue" He took the wet panties off and handed them to now who he thought of as Jenny. She grinned, handing him the new one's "You can put these on yourself" grinning even bigger she went on "We know what kind of trouble the dick of yours can start" "Hey, that's not fair, you're the one who started licking on it through my panties" They both laughed and put their clean panties on. Jeff took the soiled pair and wiped the long streaks of his cum off the wooden floor. He hid them in his closet and would wash them later. When she finish Billy pulled her, his Jenny, into him and said "I love being with you, Jenny. I can see we will be doing this many times" he gave her/Jeff nice kiss, He went on "But next time I get to suck your dick" Billy loved his first time in panties and couldn't wait until he got to dress up completely in girl mode. He thought he could name himself Billie but the name was too much like his already, so he decided to call his alter ego Becki. The boy's finished dressing and both in boy mode went over and started playing some video games. Chapter 4 The cold water that replaced the last of the hot water in the shower caused Donna and Cindy to shriek and they jumped out of the shower almost pulling the curtain with them. Looking at each other covered in goose bumps with their nipples jutting out from the instant cold, they grabbed hold of each other shivering. Donna began laughing, so did Cindy but Donna let go abruptly when she realized the boys had used all the towels without replacing them. Several times, without receiving a response, she yelled loudly for Jeff. "I'll get that twerp for not getting some clean ones" she muttered. She opened the bathroom door and still wet she tiptoed to the hall closet and got some fresh dry ones. When she returned Cindy was still covered in large goose bumps and her magnificent nipples were extremely perked up sitting upon her perfect breasts. She was a vision to behold. Donna felt an immediate rush of lust from the site of Cindy's gorgeous body and when she looked into Cindy's eyes her heart melted from her beauty. She quickly unfolded one of the bath towels and wrapped it around the two of them causing the lushness of warm skin on warm skin. She held her close, feeling Cindy's nipples stabbing into her breasts while her own poked Cindy. Within a few minutes their shivers stopped and the goose bumps were gone but they didn't want to let go. They carefully dried each other, toweling them selves and patting each other pussies with extra care. They went into Donna's bedroom in search of some warm clothes. Cindy jumped on the bed bouncing on her back. She lay with her legs spread apart and knees up. Her hands went between her legs and she began fluffing up the curly patch of soft pubic hair covering her mound. Idly one of her hands began sliding up and down the lips of her pussy, as she stroked her hand wandered down to the pucker of her wrinkled butt hole. She never really touched it other that to towel it off. For some reason she was intrigued how it felt on to her fingers as well as how her asshole felt being touched. It didn't occur to her it could be manipulated as an erogenous zone until Donna touched it earlier while she was being fingered. Donna jumped on the bed between Cindy's splayed out legs with her face up close to Cindy's hairy pussy. She moved her nose up close to the tightly closed pussy lips and took a deep whiff. It smelled nice and clean, with a left over scent of the lavender bath soap she used in the shower. "I've never been this close to a girl's pussy before" Donna remarked. She moved her face close enough for her nose to be tickled by the soft pubic hairs. "There's not much to see" "Here let me show you" Cindy used her fingers to spread open her lips displaying the shiny pink inner workings of her genitalia. "Wow" instinctively Donna pulled her head back in surprise. A weird feeling of excitement lustfully shivered through her body. The lavender odor was fainter and a clean smell hit her. She was mesmerized it wasn't what she expected. She of course knew the components of a pussy but to see one up close was a different story. Donna quickly recognized Cindy's vaginal canal but she wasn't prepared for the clit to jump out at her, it looked just like a miniature little dick with a hard-on. The end of it even had the same mushroom shape except there wasn't a slit like a real dick. Somehow it looked pretty. "So, do you like what you see?" Cindy said as breaths of hot air assaulted the sensitive flesh of her inner vagina. I felt soothing "Oh, your breathing feels good" That prompted Donna to exhale the type of breath that would be used to warm up one's hands into her pussy. Cindy giggled Out of sheer reaction Donna licked the clit. "Hey!" Cindy jumped "What are you doing!" Donna went on autopilot licking it again flicking her tongue up and down as if she was turning a light switch on and off, but as far as Cindy was concerned there was only one setting of that switch and that was setting was on. Her hips began grinding into Donna's face; Donna wrapped her arms around Cindy's thighs and hung on while she slathered her tongue all over Cindy's clit. She was playing it like a pro, one minute she was flicking up and down then side to side. She would flatten her tongue against it and she would suck it like the little dick it was, all the time Cindy was moaning deeply. Out of breath Donna came up for air. "Come here. Turn around and get on top of me" Cindy breathed heavily. Donna knew what Cindy wanted, so she swung around got on top and placed her knees on each side of Cindy's head. She could feel the cool air as her pussy was exposed; even her winky asshole felt it and her whole crotch enjoyed the sensation. Right there in front of her face Cindy was confronted with Donna's wide open pussy. The pussy lips were wide open exposing the inner pink of its anatomy. Lifting her head she licked the stiff clit. Donna muffled a moan into Cindy's pussy as she had her nose in it with her tongue licking fiercely on the clit at her mouth. Between the two, it was a frenzy of motion, when one would hit a hot spot in the pussy they were eating; it caused the other to eat that much harder. The two of them built up to extreme pleasure and took them selves to monumental orgasms. Fortunately their screams of ecstasy were muffled by soaking wet pussy in their faces. Donna collapsed on Cindy bearing her full weight on her. Cindy didn't care or even notice as she revealed in her sexual unconsciousness. The two laid there for awhile before Donna lifted her weight off of Cindy, She turned around, snuggled up and placed soft kisses on Cindy's mouth. Cindy opened her eyes and she smelt the intriguing scent of their pussy's combined. The two fell into a deep post orgasmic sleep only to be woken by the sounds of Donna's parents. Her dad said "Hey kids we're fixing to leave. Come down here we need to talk" Startled awake the girls jumped up, headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower to wash off the dried girl come off of them. They threw on some clothes then on weak shaky legs headed downstairs. "We're all packed up and are headed out" mom said "The refrigerator is all stouked up so you won't run out of food. Pulling out his wallet, dad said "Here is some money in case you need it" he added "Now you know we don't want you to have any parties but if you want you can each have a few friends over" Brother, sister, Cindy and Eric looked at each other with some surprise when Jeff and Donna's dad said they could have friends over then the look turned mischievous. Having seen the look between the kids, dad said "I saw that look. Your mother and I trust you to be responsible and not to cause any trouble" Every one walked out of the house to the packed up car. Donna and Jeff's mom and dad got in. Their mom was in the driver's seat and dad was the passenger. As they were pulling out of the driveway Mom said "Oh, I almost forgot we asked Mrs. Jacobs down the street to look in on you guys, so don't give her any trouble" The kids watched the car disappear down the street. Chapter 5 After a bit of a drive into the country the kid's parents, Ted and Monica pulled into a gravel road that was covered with large oaks that had been planted many years ago on either side of the street. The area was heavily wooded with trees everywhere. As they drove along the trees became thicker and the road narrower until it broke out on to a large clearing of well manicured lawn. In front of them stood a beautiful house that could be classified as a manor, it was recognizably built during the age of southern plantations...... And ....... The story continues in the next addition. Let me know what you think of the story. © 2010 DeeAnne Please send your comments to [email protected] I would love to hear from you.

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The Hangman Cometh A Correction

The Hangman Cometh: A correction By Woodmanone Copyright February, 2013 (This is a reposting of the original story. There was a problem when I posted the continuation of the story called The Hangman Cometh: Tyler Rawlings. I’d had problems posting Part 2 and apparently the webmaster misunderstood the email concerning those problems and replaceed the first part with part 2 and then posted part 2 also. Hopefully this will help.) Another Western Adventure from my demented mind. It’s been a...

2 years ago
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Fantasies Do ComeTrue

My name is Caleb and I am twenty-two years old. I work part-time as a stripper at The Dragon’s Lair by night and a full-time student by day. Every year The Dragon’s Lair puts on a charity silent auction for an animal rescue in our city. This year they are auctioning off their strippers instead for a dinner out and I am one of them. How I got talked into it I am not sure but I am standing here ready to go to the auction block. I have no problems taking my clothes off in front of maybe...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Ice Storm Cometh

Maine: 2013 Susan sat in her driveway, hands trembling on the steeringwheel. Her mind was exactly thirteen and a half miles away in a Dodge Ram 4X4 parked at the gym where she worked out. Her affair with Mac, consummated barely an hour ago, left her whole body shaking. She didn’t quite know how she was able to navigate the icy streets to the home and shared with her husband of eleven years, Tom, and their two children. Even with Mac following her to her driveway and then discreetly keep going...

2 years ago
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Letter of Recomendation

“You sure you don’t mind writing the letter?” “Not at all. I’m glad to help out Wendy.” I replied to Laura. We work at the same company in different departments. Our paths cross in the hallways, break room and the other usual places. We got to the same happy hours and other events. She’s really terrific looking for a woman ten years older than me. I’ve tried to initiate a little off-work fun, but it’s been a no-go. She won’t date anyone from the same company, even though we sometimes go to...

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The Meter Man Cometh

I work as a meter reader for one of Britain’s big power supply companies, reading householders’ supply meters. It’s not the most glamorous of jobs I’ll grant you, but it does sometimes have its little perks, and I’ve seen quite a few sights in my years on the job. I recently worked in a reasonably well off area of town, collecting data from electricity meters installed inside the properties. This involves knocking on doors and entering the premises and is usually a two minute job, I say...

4 years ago
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An Unwelcomed Surprise

It was probably about one in the morning and I was on my way out to this old picnic area by the lake where I live. I was a sissy on the prowl, looking for some cock! I was wearing my tight little khaki shorts and a sexy halter top with a thin little jacket. I also had on some cute little sandals that showed off my pretty red toenails. As I pulled up to the spot I was looking for I started to get excited. There was already a big pick up truck parked by the picnic tables just idling with his...

3 years ago
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iWant To Go Further 3 iCome Out

[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]"Carly? Principal Franklin called. He said that if you and Sam wanted to stay home today, he'd understand," Spencer yelled up.So the principal heard about it too. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. For neither the first nor the last time that morning, Sam wished cruel and violent death on Freddie's mother.Once again, Sam knocked on Carly's bathroom door and pleaded for...

3 years ago
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The Meter Man Cometh

I work as a meter reader for one of Britain's big power supply companies, reading householders' supply meters. It's not the most glamorous of jobs I'll grant you, but it does sometimes have its little perks, and I've seen quite a few sights in my years on the job. I recently worked in a reasonably well off area of town, collecting data from electricity meters installed inside the properties. This involves knocking on doors and entering the premises and is usually a two minute job, I say usually...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Ice Queen Cometh Or How Roy And I Got Back On Track

My boyfriend's name was, Roy. We'd been together for almost five years and things had been getting progressively less and less exciting. Both of us knew that we probably weren't really meant to be together, not long term, but we persisted. It was convenient, we had lots of mutual friends and interests, and we were both earning enough money to give us a pretty comfortable lifestyle. We were in with this tight little circle of fairly decent people. We all mostly got together every weekend to...

Group Sex
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Viral Changes Hell Cometh

Legends of the Sky Hurricane Viral Changes Part 2: Hell Cometh "A Soviet pessimist is someone who thinks things can't get any worse than they already are. A Soviet optimist believes that, yes, they can." March 2008 Los Angeles, CA Lights hurt her eyes. A lot of things hurt nowadays. Wires were strapped to her chest, arms, legs and genitals. Her joints hurt from being beaten by two-by-fours. She sat in her own filth; being strapped to a chair for weeks was torture in...

2 years ago
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Cometary Debris

The following is an idea that started buzzing around my head and may spawn other stories. If this inspires anyone... please feel free to use the premise if you like. Feel free post this to any place you like. All I ask is that you keep this header and my name on it. Cometary Debris: The Buzz ? by: Hawkyn Carl and Don walked out the door and waved back at the two young rangers standing on the porch waiving back. "Thanks guys, I'm sure we can find the campsite with these...

1 year ago
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XMen The Ice Queen Cometh

This is an X-Men fan fiction, inspired from the comic book and not the movie. The Ice Queen Cometh By Morpheus It was a calm, peaceful morning, with a layer of fog blanketing the green hills and farmer's fields. There were large clusters of trees in the distance, nearly appearing to sprout straight out of the mist itself. And then there were several farm houses and barns nearby as well, though not a human in sight. Suddenly, a strange whining hum broke the silence,...

2 years ago
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Letter of Recomendation

“You sure you don’t mind writing the letter?” “Not at all. I’m glad to help out Wendy.” I replied to Laura. We work at the same company in different departments. Our paths cross in the hallways, break room and the other usual places. We got to the same happy hours and other events. She’s really terrific looking for a woman ten years older than me. I’ve tried to initiate a little off-work fun, but it’s been a no-go. She won’t date anyone from the same company, even though we sometimes go to the...

2 years ago
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Jerrys Comeupance

Jerry's Comeupance Mr. Morph Jerry Beck has been driving me nuts all semester. We were friends in kindergarden, and our parent's deemed us as "unseperable". We could just play and play for hours and hours on end (until his parents told him it was time to go home, anyway.) But our friendship started to drift apart on what I could only discribe as: "The April Fools Day incident of 1999." It all started on any other day. I said hi to Jerry, and took my place. I knew it was April...

4 years ago
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Malcomes Luck

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2009 Robyn34. All rights reserved. Encountering Luck By Robyn34 Malcome McDowell never believed in luck before. Not until now. Not until that one day when, looking at the indoor flora and fauna at Vegas' newest resort, he spied it. It. The ultimate in good luck charms. The ultimate...four-leaf...

3 years ago
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The Ice Storm Cometh

Maine: 2013Susan sat in her driveway, hands trembling on the steeringwheel. Her mind was exactly thirteen and a half miles away in a Dodge Ram 4X4 parked at the gym where she worked out. Her affair with Mac, consummated barely an hour ago, left her whole body shaking. She didn’t quite know how she was able to navigate the icy streets to the home and shared with her husband of eleven years, Tom, and their two children. Even with Mac following her to her driveway and then discreetly keep going...

Straight Sex
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Letter of Recomendation

“You sure you don’t mind writing the letter?” “Not at all. I’m glad to help out Wendy.” I replied to Laura. We work at the same company in different departments. Our paths cross in the hallways, break room and the other usual places. We got to the same happy hours and other events. She’s really terrific looking for a woman ten years older than me. I’ve tried to initiate a little off-work fun, but it’s been a no-go. She won’t date anyone from the same company, even though we...

2 years ago
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The pool man cometh

As we often do, Cindy and I were lounging topless by the pool at my house. We’ve been close friends for a number of ears, ever since our husbands went into business together. I must admit our topless sunbathing is as much glorifying in the fact our thirty something bodies are still great than in getting a lineless tan. Cindy’s blonde hair frames her face and trails down toward her ample chest. Even after having two children, Cindy’s body is great, especially her breasts, which are to-die-for...

3 years ago
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Fun Before the Comedown

Sandie pokes a long stick into the fire to stoke it. She eyes Nicholas, who’s absentmindedly eyeing her ass, and I can’t tell if that’s the flames reflecting in her glassy eyes or if she’s genuinely upset. Maybe it’s because Nicholas recently transitioned and it grosses her out or simply because they're both stoned, I don’t know. But I do know he's not wrong to be staring - Sandie does have a spectacular ass. Next to Sandie is Melanie. She's got on these short shorts that really show off her...

1 year ago
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Pride Cometh Before the Fuck

Lately, I’ve read a couple of stories about power struggles between spouses where a dare or challenge occurs in the presence of others and the wife is under the gun to have sex with another man. Both the wife and her husband each has can say no to the challenge and end the conflict, but each doggedly insists that they won’t be the one to back down and that the other must. The back-and-forth verbal daring goes on and on until finally, the wife fucks the guy.Reading them brought me back to...

Wife Lovers
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Cometh the Sissy Part 1

Cometh the Sissy (Part 1) Stevie "No. No fucking way." "Ahh, c'mon honey. It'll be so much fun! It's about me not you. I just need you there as, well, sort of a training aid. I promise you that you'll love it." "It's gross, seriously, some fat old man, what the fuck are you thinking about?" "It's about power. Control. Desire. I want to see if I can do it. You'll out all day and I'm doing my online classes and shit, there's only so many dildos and vibrators. I want to...

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Nightmare Cometh

Coffee rippled inside the teacher's mug. Even those who noticed the tremors paid them no mind. Global earthquakes had baffled scientists for two years but always died down eventually without any real damage. “Alright, alright. You know, if you'd let me rest sometimes, I'd have an easier time doing this on cue.” Jade shifted her tight buttocks clenched around the horse's rigid ballsack hidden under her skirt to the edge of her chair. She prayed that Jennifer's report on a book she had...

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The Hangman Cometha Revisit

After I wrote the original story, I received some comments and several emails that asked or suggested that I continue the adventures of Tyler Rawlings, his younger brother John and John's wife Molly. I just reread my tale and have decided that maybe those characters haven't completed their story. Because of the suggestions and because I wanted to write another western, I've decided to add a bit more about the lives of my friends and characters. I recommend that you read the first...

1 year ago
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The Hangman Cometh

Another Western Adventure from my demented mind. It's been a spell since I've posted a story. I've been working and published three books for the Kindle readers on Amazon under the name "Woody Leach; I hope you will take a look at them. Now I want to get back to writing more short stories for posting on this site. As usual your constructive comments, critiques, and emails are appreciated and most welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my work. I hope you enjoy the...

3 years ago
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Banking for BeginnersChapter 10 The Bank Manager Cometh

Henry had become rather annoyed. Lauren had agreed that she would provide a report on their progress before his regular weekly meeting. She hadn't and, as a result, he had had to suffer the embarrassment of trying to explain to Mr. Kerrish why he still didn't have the details on their plans for repayment of the loan. He'd called her several times. Mostly he'd got her voice mail and, on the few occasions that he had actually managed to speak to her, she'd promised to call him back and...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 69 A Heros welcome

"Dear mother and father," Ayeka wrote. Now siting in her side of the divided room she shared with Sasami. "I hope this writing finds you in the best of heath. I must confess I have been remiss in my correspondence with you, but with father's quite verbal abatements as to my 'living in shameful denial of my family duties' Nothing I could offer would have done more than simply aggravate the situation. To that end, I hope this pronouncement will gladden father's heart, as I wish to...

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Alex the Freeballer in the Comet Store

He wore a crisp white, open-neck shirt and a pale grey V-neck pullover. His stylish “Aviator” sunglasses were casually hooked over the “V” of his pullover. But what caused me to nearly walk into the pile of boxes was his tight-fitting grey trousers, in that slightly silky, shiny material; he was a “freeballer”, if ever I saw one – and I saw one alright! As he moved along in front of the PlayStation display, I glimpsed the outline of something down the inside of his right leg. He stood...

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Haleys CometChapter 9

We fell asleep like that until about 3 in the morning when I had to get up to pee. I worked my way up without waking her and I covered her. I went back to sleep in my own bed because I didn't want to get into the habit of sleeping together every night. I wanted that to happen, and not be forced. Better to wake together when we could stay in bed together. Our relationship was at the point where we still needed time to be each other. I hoped she understood. In the morning after my radio went...

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Hark the Comet Passes Again the Wolf BiteChapter 2

The night air was still and quiet. The sun had long ago dipped away to rest and yet the moon was bright and full. Its rays reflecting light and shadows across the greater Wolferton Valley area. It was that time when all manner of insect and bug or even small animal had found a private spot to rest. As Gabe walked home the sound of his sneakers slapping the sidewalk was the only thing breaking the quiet late summer air. Gabriel decided to take his normal shortcut thru the high schools...

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Comedian and the Sexy Actress

Hi raviendran(fake) name as im afraid my image may get spoiled if i say my correct relative of a famous camera now trying to get a movie.i have been in film industry for past 10 years.first i tried direction but cant in going to tell u about a story which i saw 1 year back.i wont say the name of the guy and actress who did this but u can understand. It was end of shooting of a movie song in which comedy man became hero for second time and the actress...

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As a part of the Gamma Films family, Girl Sway (or is it Girl’s Way? I am not entirely sure…I’m going to just go with Girls Way because I like it better) is one of the production company’s most popular sites, and one of the most popular all lesbian porn paysite providers on the web. Gamma Films is also known for its other premium paysites, such as 21st Sextury, Fantasy Massage, and Pure Taboo., however, has attained, arguably, the best reputation when it comes to all lesbian...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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A Farm House Story Part 2 of 4 Welcome and Unwelcome Guests

“Not a bit. I’m interested in finding out what’s going on too.” The weather forecaster said that it was a typical Fort Worth early September evening and sunset would be about 748. It was followed by the local news. The crackle of the radio continued, “This is our top local 630 news story. “Jacksboro prison officials report that some prisoners escaped from the state jail at Jacksboro today. Authorities believe they are on foot and are reminding motorists to not pick up any hitchhikers...

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Girls Night

When Amy, Chloe and Hannah invite Kyle to their girls' night, Kyle was pretty excited. He wasn't like your typical guy and often found himself gravitating towards his female friends in many social situations. This wasn't him attempting to find a girlfriend; it was just that he often preferred their company. In fact Kyle was still getting a grip on what his sexuality was, on one hand he would join in when the girls were eying up a boy walking by, but he nonetheless certainly admired the...

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Thalia the Muse of Comedy

It was Friday evening. The antique grandfather clock in the dining room struck eleven and I was wide awake and much calmer than a few hours before. I finally had forced myself to put my anger into the background so I could think and plan my moves. Stay calm and collected I had said to myself over and over.I had already alerted Thalia to what had happened today and she had agreed to my general plan, the details of which I would have to work out before next midnight. Our future was at stake and I...

First Time
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SRU Catwalk Comeback

SRU: Catwalk comeback By MTG 15th August 2002 Well, a month before heading back to South Bank University to complete my Computing degree, I was in the Bentalls centre in Kingston shopping for bits and pieces so I would be ready when term started in about a month's time. After my quite literally 'out of this world' year I had already been itching to get back to normality after April - post the events of July I couldn't wait for term to start - with Steve having already...

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